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"In the Rebirth Era, the Female Supporting Character Was Punished Again" Author: Bo Mi

Face-slapping, period novel, dark, protecting one's shortcomings, high IQ and EQ, self-
Little Shen Yuxiu and her cousin were originally good playmates, but one day her cousin
suddenly changed. Not only did she team up with other friends to isolate and bully her,
she also always said inexplicable things.
Shen Yuxiu also has a bad temper and decisively breaks off her friendship with her
She thought that the two of them had just broken up, but she didn't know that her cousin
was still like a peeping Tom, secretly observing her, tripping her up, and even jumping
in and out of her life behind her back, year after year.
It destroyed her relationship with her childhood sweetheart, ruined her marriage, and
made her distrustful of relationships and men, and even began to doubt life. Until she
discovered her cousin's secret, a secret she should have discovered when she was six
years old...
Shen Yuling was reborn. She was poor and miserable in her previous life, but she swore
that in this life she must live a glorious life like her cousin in her previous life, and
become the wife of a high-ranking official in her place of her cousin.
The prerequisite for getting all this is that my cousin must not appear in front of the
future high-ranking official, and must not be as dazzling as she was in her previous
However, everyone seemed to be against her, and every time she did something bad to her
cousin, she was punished.
Why did God do this to her? This is not fair!!!
A (loyal) childhood sweetheart: Where did this psychopath come from? How dare you harm my
wife? I will never forgive you.

Chapter 1 Breaking Up
"Stop right there, you bastard..."
In a small village at the lowest reaches of the Yellow River, a woman's roar suddenly
resounded over the village. Following the roar, a dark-faced boy in a thick cotton jacket
and trousers rushed out of a fenced yard like a cannonball.
The boy was about seven or eight years old. His legs were tumbling like an arrow, and as
he ran away, a cloud of dust immediately rose up on the village road. Behind him, an
angry middle-aged woman chased after him with a firewood stick.
"Come back here..."
The woman chased and shouted with a fire poker in her hand. The boy turned around and saw
this, and was so scared that he ran even faster.
The woman had been sewing for the whole winter and was not very energetic. How could she
catch up with the boy who ran around the village every day? After a while, she was
exhausted and could not catch up with him. Seeing that the naughty boy had disappeared in
a flash, she had to stop chasing him and raised the fire stick in a rage, shouting
threats in the direction where the boy ran away.
"Don't come back if you dare. If you dare come back, I will break your leg."
Hearing the sound behind him, the boy didn't dare to stop until he ran to the fence of
the Shen family's old courtyard at the east end of the village. When he no longer heard
any movement behind him, he dared to stop and look back.
Seeing that there was no one behind him, the boy immediately lost his strength. His legs
went limp and he sat down on the ground, gasping for breath.
He was so scared that he would not run so desperately if he had known his mother would
not catch up with him. Now his heart was beating so hard as if it was being hammered by
something, and his legs were so weak that they were about to cramp.
The boy sat on the ground, just congratulating himself for escaping danger, and did not
notice at all that there was a little girl squatting by the fence.
The little girl is six years old this year and her name is Shen Yuxiu.
When the boy ran over, Shen Yuxiu was holding a small wooden stick, absentmindedly
digging holes in the ground, and occasionally looking into the yard through the gap in
the fence. Seeing the boy suddenly running over, he sat on the ground with his back to
her, panting like a bellows. She couldn't help but look in the direction he ran from
curiously, and seeing that there was nothing there, she squatted and moved to the boy's
side, reaching out and patting his shoulder.
“Second brother…”
The black-faced boy, Shen Yuxiu's second brother Shen Yulin, was suddenly slapped in the
face. He screamed in fright and almost jumped up. He turned around and saw that it was
his second sister. He rolled his eyes in annoyance.
"You scared me to death."
Shen Yuxiu was also frightened by his sudden shout, and patted her frightened chest in an
unpleasant tone and retorted: "You scared me to death, what's wrong? Did a dog chase you
or something? You're panting like this."
When Shen Yulin heard her say that she was chased by a dog, he grinned with joy and said,
"The dog didn't chase me, but my mother did."
"Ah?" Shen Yuxiu was stunned and asked suspiciously: "Why? What did you do again?"
Her mother is a very reasonable person. How could she chase him away for no reason?
Shen Yulin chuckled at her question and said, "It's nothing. I just took a chicken shit
egg to tease Xiao San, but I didn't expect that boy to be so stupid as to put it in his
mouth. When my mother saw it, she had to beat me up."
The corners of Shen Yuxiu's mouth twitched when she heard this, and seeing that he didn't
think it was a big deal at all, she immediately didn't want to pay any attention to him.
She said "you deserve it" and went back to where she was just now, continuing to dig a
hole in the ground with a small wooden stick.
If she were to say, her second brother was just a nobody.
When she was the youngest in the family, Shen Yulin would tease her. He would never cry
unless he made her angry. Later, she became smarter and was not as easy to tease as
before. Seeing that he was never fooled, he felt bored. It happened that her mother gave
birth to her third brother two years ago, so Shen Yulin changed his target and started
teasing the third brother.
Alas! It was her and her brother's bad luck that they had to have such an unreliable
second brother.
Seeing that Shen Yuxiu no longer paid attention to him, Shen Yulin, Gu Yong, who was
lying on his butt, came to her side and asked for no apparent reason: "Why are you
digging in the nest? Is there a treasure in the nest?"
"Yes, there are so many treasures." Shen Yuxiu stared at the hole in the ground that was
getting bigger and bigger, and said perfunctorily.
When Shen Yulin heard this, he knew that she didn't want to pay attention to him. He felt
a little bored. He looked up and saw several cousins playing happily, so he asked:
"What's fun in Kouwo? Let's go find brothers and sisters to play together?"
"No." Shen Yuxiu refused in a muffled voice, and then muttered softly: "They don't want
to play with me."
Unfortunately, Shen Yulin was not a careful person, and he did not hear the second half
of her muttered words. In addition, he did not have to call Shen Yuxiu, so when he saw
her refuse, he stood up, patted the dirt off his butt, and said, "Then I'll go over!"
After saying that, Shen Yulin strode towards the bustling courtyard.
Seeing that he had really left like that, Shen Yuxiu was so angry that she raised her
hand and threw a small wooden stick at him. But the small wooden stick was too light, and
it didn't make any sound when it hit Shen Yulin's cotton-padded jacket. He walked into
the yard without knowing it, and soon played with his cousins.
Seeing her second brother happily integrating into the circle of cousins, Shen Yuxiu's
eyes turned red with grievance. She looked angrily at Shen Yulin who was laughing
heartlessly, and her gaze once again looked into the yard through the gap in the fence.
From this direction, she could see the whole house with the door curtain lifted. In the
house, there was a girl about her age, lying on the kang, writing something in a notebook
with a pencil.
That was her fourth uncle’s third daughter, her cousin, Shen Yuling, who was only a few
months older than her.
Originally, this cousin got along well with her, but for some reason, Shen Yuling
suddenly changed a few days ago. Not only did she stop playing with her, she also
complained that other cousins didn't play with her either.
Although Shen Yuxiu was a little angry about this matter, she was not too angry.
After all, even if her cousins didn't want to play with her, she still had her own
brothers and sisters, as well as some friends in the village to play with. What really
made her angry was that after Shen Yuling did all that, she joined forces with others to
bully her, give her nicknames, laugh at her, and even let some bad boys in the village
pull her pigtails, tear her clothes, and even once pushed her into a ditch.
When Shen Yuxiu thought about what had happened during this period, her cheeks puffed up
with anger.
She was angry, very angry.
What made her even angrier was that after doing all this, Shen Yulin always advised her
not to care, saying that those people were just playing with her, and if she cared, she
would be narrow-minded and couldn't take a joke.
But go to hell with her!
She is just young, not stupid. She has been fooled by her second brother for all these
years. Don’t she know what to say, good or bad?
Shen Yuxiu understood clearly that her cousin was deliberately targeting her. Although
she didn't understand how she had offended Shen Yulin to the point that Shen Yulin
bullied her like this, she had now decided to break up with Shen Yulin.
The first thing she would do after breaking up with him was to take back the things that
Shen Yulin had taken from her and her home.
She couldn't take back the food that had already been eaten, but she had to take back the
food that couldn't be eaten. For example, the notebook and pencil in Shen Yuling's hand
were hers, and Shen Yuling had taken them from her house at some point in time.
The reason why Shen Yuxiu was so sure that the pen and notebook were hers was because of
the black pencil case and the black spots on the notebook that could not be covered up.
They were stained by the ink that her second brother had used to write couplets years
ago, which was caused by her second brother knocking over the ink that her eldest brother
had used to write couplets. For this, her second brother was severely beaten by her
father. The notebook and paper were on the table at the time, and they were stained like
this. She remembered it very clearly.
Shen Yuling in the room added something that would happen in the future to her notebook,
and then continued to recall what else would happen in the future that she had not yet
written down.
That’s right, Shen Yulin was reborn and came back from 2020.

Chapter 2 Taking Back the Treasure

Shen Yuling was already very old before her rebirth.
At that time, China had just experienced a sudden epidemic. As soon as the people who had
been isolated at home for several months were released, they immediately went to work or
went out to the streets. The old community was full of laughter. Only Shen Yuling sat
alone in the rental house, facing the desolate room, and the only thing that could
accompany her was an old TV.
When she was young, Shen Yuling had been with several men in pursuit of love and the life
she wanted, but none of them ended well. In the end, she became an old woman with a bad
reputation. The children she raised didn't care about her, and her own son didn't want
her either. She was too old to work, so she could only shamelessly go to the government
to make trouble, until the government intervened. Those conscienceless people saw that
they couldn't make a living, so they reluctantly rented this house to her. Otherwise, now
she would not only be unattended, but she would not even have a place to live.
But she had thought about it thousands of times, but still couldn't figure out why she
had ended up in such a situation.
After dark that day, Shen Yulin spent another numb day as usual. When she was about to
turn off the TV and go to bed, she saw a familiar face appear on TV.
She was an old lady whose every move exuded grace and elegance. Although she also had a
head full of silver hair and wrinkles on her face, she was much more energetic and
younger than her.
Shen Yulin stood in front of the TV, staring at the old lady on the screen without
Although they haven't seen each other for many years, she doesn't recognize the person,
but she will recognize the owner of this face.
Shen Yuxiu, the second daughter of her uncle's family, after marrying the son of the ex-
wife of a big leader in Jiang Province, she went to the provincial capital of Jiang
Province with her husband. I heard that the man later became a high official, and Shen Yu
Xiu naturally became the official wife, the envy and yearning object of all the girls in
the Shen family.
It's not fair, it's not fair.
Seeing the noble Shen Yuxiu on TV, Shen Yuling's face twisted.
She and Shen Yuxiu were obviously born in the same year, but why were their destinies so
Although the same surname is Shen, why does Shen Yuxiu have a husband who is an official,
but she is abandoned by men again and again?
Why can Shen Yuxiu live such a dazzling life, but she can't even live as good as a dog?
It was obvious that she was one of the objects of the big leader's son's affection. If
she had not been wholeheartedly pursuing love, if she had not been dazzled by other men,
would she be the one appearing on TV now?
It’s unfair, I’m unwilling, and I regret it so much!
At that time, the more Shen Yulin thought about it, the more regretful she felt, and the
more unwilling she felt. Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain in her heart, and her eyes went
dark and she lost consciousness. When she opened her eyes again, she was back to a few
days ago, in 1958, just a few days after the Spring Festival.
At first Shen Yulin couldn't believe it. After several days of confusion, she finally
confirmed that she was indeed reborn. Then she was filled with ecstasy.
She was only six years old that year, and her unfortunate life had not yet begun. She
knew a lot of things that would happen in the future and was confident that she could
control every step forward.
This time, forget about all the bullshit love and men. She wants to be an official’s
wife, live comfortably, and have everyone’s envious eyes focused on her.
The prerequisite for all this is to marry the son of that big leader.
Of course, Shen Yulin didn't think that she had robbed Shen Yuxiu's husband. After all,
they were still children, and the man was not sold to Shen Yuxiu. There was no reason why
Shen Yuxiu could marry that man in the future but she couldn't.
Of course, to be on the safe side, she couldn't let Shen Yuxiu's reputation and
popularity be as good as in her previous life. You know, in this era, marrying a wife
based on appearance is secondary, a good reputation and good word of mouth are the most
Shen Yulin believed that as long as Shen Yuxiu did not have a good reputation in her
previous life, no matter how much the son of a high-ranking official liked Shen Yuxiu,
his mother would not agree. And if she created a good image for herself, she should be
able to marry the son of a high-ranking official for sure.
Therefore, Shen Yuling confirmed that the first thing she did after her rebirth was to
record the events that would happen in the future. The second thing was to lead people to
isolate and attack Shen Yuxiu. So far, these two things have been going smoothly.
Thinking about what happened in the past few days, Shen Yulin had a comfortable feeling
that everything was under control. After thinking for a while, she couldn't think of any
major events that she had not written down, so she shook her sore wrists, rolled up her
pen and notebook and hid them under the quilt, preparing to go out for some exercise.
She only attended elementary school for a few years, and knew a limited number of words.
She could keep a simple account, but it was very difficult for her to write down such a
serious record. And she was not reborn to suffer, so of course she would not make herself
too tired. Therefore, when it came to recording major events, she would only write when
she remembered, and put it aside to rest when she was tired.
Shen Yulin walked out of the shack, glanced at the children playing happily in the yard,
pouted with disdain, and walked towards the ridge of the field at the entrance of the
The only thing she had trouble adapting to after her rebirth was her current living
There are no high-rise buildings, no bright lights and nightlife. The future urban and
county towns are still a wasteland. The houses in the village are all made of adobe walls
and thatched roofs. They are short and small, not to mention dark. The roads in the
village are bumpy and dusty. When the spring wind blows, the sand can fill your mouth.
Not to mention the sanitary conditions. In the summer, there is at least a bay in the
south of the village where people can go for a bath at night, but in the winter, bathing
is a luxury. Adults and children smell all over in the summer, and in the winter, if you
go out and pat your cotton-padded jacket, the dust that is raised can choke you to death,
not to mention the chapped skin and lice that are all over your head.
Shen Yulin couldn't understand how she had lived this kind of life as a child, but having
enjoyed the convenient life of later generations, she found the current living conditions
extremely unbearable. Only the endless fields could still be a feast for the eyes.
Shen Yuxiu, who had been paying attention to the movements here, saw Shen Yuling walk out
and walk further and further away.
He immediately went into the shack while no one was paying attention, found the pen and
notebook that Shen Yuling had hidden in the quilt and tucked them into his cotton-padded
jacket. He also grabbed a set of stones and fruits and a few colorful candy wrappers
beside the quilt, and then slipped away quietly.
These things are her treasures. When they were in a good relationship, she could give
them to Shen Yuling. But now, she took them back. Humph!!!
After returning home, Shen Yuxiu felt a little angry when she saw the notebook that was
almost full of words. She was even more afraid that Shen Yuling would see her bringing
the things back and cause trouble for her, so she made a hole in the haystack in the
yard, put the pen and notebook, stones, fruits, and candy wrappers in it, and then filled
it with hay.
"What are you doing?"
Shen Yuxiu had just finished her meals when she was startled by a sudden sound behind
her. She turned around and saw her grandmother coming out of her mother's room carrying a
basin filled with yellow cornmeal. She immediately forgot all the unpleasantness and ran
"Grandma, do you want pancakes or steamed buns?" Shen Yuxiu asked with sparkling eyes.
"Steamed steamed bread and some salty sticky porridge in the evening, okay?" Didn't
Grandma Fang know what she was thinking? She didn't like steamed bread or pancakes that
made her throat hurt, but she loved salty sticky porridge.
"Okay, grandma is so nice." When Shen Yuxiu heard that there was salty sticky porridge to
drink, she happily hugged Grandma Fang's legs and started to cling to her.
Grandma Fang staggered in her embrace, poked her forehead with a smile, and said, "Don't
make trouble. Go and look after the third child if you have nothing to do. Let your
eldest sister have a rest."
Shen Yuxiu agreed happily and ran into the house to see her unfortunate third brother.
But when Shen Yulin came back from a walk, she was shocked.
I saw that someone had ripped open the quilt in her shack, and the notebook and pen
hidden inside disappeared.
Shen Yuling's heart skipped a beat and she began beating wildly involuntarily.
You know, this is a special era, and the things she recorded are all things that will
happen in the future. If they are seen by someone with ulterior motives, who knows if she
will be arrested as a spy?

Chapter 3: Hooligans Should Be Punished

Shen Yuling was frightened by the scene she imagined. She turned around and ran out of
the shack, angrily questioning the children outside.
"Who of you entered my shack? Who took my notebook?"
The children were having fun, but when they heard Shen Yulin's question, they all turned
their heads to look at her, then shook their heads in confusion.
They were playing here all the time, who would have the time to go to her shack? Besides,
what were they doing with the notebooks? They weren't eating or drinking.
Seeing that they all shook their heads, Shen Yuling became even more anxious and spoke
again, her voice so sharp that it almost split her legs: "Whoever took my notebook, hand
it over to me immediately. If I catch him personally, I will make him pay for it."
However, Shen Yuling's threats had no deterrent effect on these children. First, they
really didn't have any notebooks. Second, who among them hadn't been beaten by their
parents? They were not afraid of Shen Yuling's verbal threats, which were harmless.
What's more, Shen Yulin's tone, which sounded like she was interrogating a thief, was
really uncomfortable, so no one wanted to pay attention to her and turned around to
continue playing.
Shen Yuling was almost pissed off to death by these kids. The consequences of the
notebook being leaked were too dire, so she had no patience to ask any questions. She
just went over and grabbed a kid and started searching him.
Her action made the children furious. Especially the boys, their faces flushed, they
protected their clothes tightly, and ran around the yard, shouting angrily: "Are you
sick? If you want to be a hooligan, go out and play, why did you pull my pants off?"
But Shen Yuling didn't care what they said. She would lift up the jacket and rip off the
pants of any child she caught. Girls were fine, because they were also girls, and they
would just be embarrassed and angry even if their bodies were seen. But boys were not
like that. They would scurry around and would not let her take off her clothes no matter
what she said.
They are men, and it would be a great shame if their penis were accidentally seen.
But Shen Yulin didn't care about that. She caught whoever she could. If she couldn't
catch a child older than her, she would catch the younger ones first. She didn't target
the older ones until all the younger ones were caught. Then she would target the older
ones. Soon it was Shen Yulin's turn.
When Shen Yulin saw her looking at him, his hair stood on end and he pulled up his pants
and started hiding.
At that time, the clothes worn by the villagers were basically made of old coarse cloth
with no elasticity. In order to make it easier to put on and take off, the waistbands of
the cotton trousers were very wide. When wearing them, the loose and excess part would be
folded around the waist and then tied with a rope.
But also because more cotton fabric was folded on the waistband, the folded part of
almost every child's waistband looked bulging and a little big.
Therefore, when Shen Yulin saw Shen Yulin holding his waistband tightly and there was a
bulge in the front, she thought that he was the one who stole the notebook and hid it in
his pants. She immediately grimaced in disgust and was determined not to let him go. She
grabbed his waistband tightly with both hands and insisted on taking off his cotton
"Let go, or I'll beat you up." Shen Yulin held his trouser waist tightly with one hand
and pulled Shen Yulin with the other.
He was only wearing a pair of cotton trousers today, without even any underwear
underneath. If his trousers were taken off, he would be naked in front of everyone.
But Shen Yulin tried to push Shen Yuling away several times but failed. Instead, his
pants were about to be pulled down by Shen Yuling. Unable to bear it any longer, he
raised his hand and punched her in the face.
But go to hell with her, his dad said that a boy’s penis can only be shown to his future
wife. If his pants are taken off, will he still be able to get married in the future?
The women of the Shen family were sorting grain seeds in another shack when they heard
something was wrong outside. This was what they saw when they came out. When Fourth Aunt
Shen saw her daughter being beaten, she rushed over with a roar and beat Shen Yulin all
over her face. While beating her back, she screamed and cursed: "You damn child, I let
you beat my daughter, I let you You beat my daughter..."
After all, Shen Yulin was only an eight-year-old child. He could beat Shen Yuling, but he
couldn't beat Fourth Aunt Shen, who was an adult in both stature and strength. After a
while, he was punched and kicked several times.
Grandma Shen, who came out with Fourth Aunt Shen, saw this and hurriedly stepped forward
to start a fight. When Fourth Aunt Shen saw Grandma Shen, she didn't dare to do anything
anymore. She angrily pulled Shen Yuling and started to check.
"How's it going, Yu Ling? Where did you get hit? Let mom take a look."
Grandma Shen also quickly helped Shen Yulin up and asked with the same concern: "How are
you doing? There's nothing wrong with it, right?"
Shen Yulin licked his sore cheek and did not answer Grandma Shen. He only looked at
Fourth Aunt Shen angrily.
"What are you looking at? If you look again, I'll beat you up." Seeing him looking at her
like this, Fourth Aunt Shen glared and threatened.
"Okay." Grandma Shen scolded Fourth Aunt Shen angrily: "You have the face to do something
to a child."
"Who asked him to beat my daughter?" Fourth Aunt Shen said, pulling Shen Yuling aside,
pointing at her swollen eyeballs and said angrily: "Look, he beat my daughter."
Shen Yulin was not one to be offended. He would sternly retort, "Whoever lets her take
off my pants should be beaten for being a hooligan."
"I was just looking for my notebook, and I didn't mean to pick off your pants. Why didn't
you let me search if you didn't take my notebook?" Shen Yuling didn't want to be known as
a gangster, so she immediately responded.
Fortunately, she had searched it just now while Fourth Aunt Shen was beating up Shen
Yulin, and Shen Yulin really didn't have her notebook on him.
"Ah, you're just acting like a hooligan, and you still have the nerve to find excuses."
Shen Yulin didn't accept her trick, and said angrily: "There's no one in your family who
can read, so where did you get the notebook?"
Shen Yuling stiffened when she heard this. She really couldn't refute this.
She has two older sisters above her and two younger sisters below her. Nowadays, there
are not many girls in rural areas who go to school. She is not old enough to go to
school. Her two sisters are old enough and are not going to school. Not to mention the
two younger sisters. One is only three years old and the other is only two months old. It
is nonsense to say that they are going to school. Nonsense.
So there really was no such thing as a notebook in her family, not to mention, it turned
out that the notebook didn't belong to her family, but she had secretly taken it from her
uncle's house after she was reborn a few days ago.
In other words, the book originally belonged to Shen Yulin's family. Even if she found it
and Shen Yulin said it belonged to his family, she would not be qualified to get it back.
When Grandma Shen saw that Shen Yuling's little face was turning blue and white without
retorting, she knew that she was in the wrong. She glared at her angrily, turned to Shen
Yulin and said, "Yulin, let's forget about this. We are all our brothers." Sister, she is
ignorant, please give her a break, eh?"
"Grandma..." Shen Yulin looked at Grandma Shen with an unhappy face, feeling that she was
too partial.
"Be obedient, it's getting late. You go home first. Grandma here will teach Xiaoling a
lesson for you, huh?" Grandma Shen said with a gentle face, but her tone was
In fact, she felt that it was normal for children to fight and make noises. Even if they
looked like enemies today, they might be fine again tomorrow, so there was no need to
take it seriously. But the one who really needs to be taught a lesson is Fourth Aunt
Shen, the elder.
When children are fooling around and adults take advantage of it, how shameless are they
to let others know?
Facing Grandma Shen's stern gaze, Shen Yulin's father's many years of stick education
made Shen Yulin know that he could not disobey, so he could only stamp his feet angrily
and leave angrily.
He decided that if he didn't play here anymore, his grandma would favor the children he
looked after. His grandson, who didn't live in the same yard, was nothing! ! !

Chapter 4 Don’t look for trouble

As soon as Shen Yulin left, Grandma Shen immediately breathed a sigh of relief, glared at
Fourth Aunt Shen and her daughter, and turned back towards her house.
Fourth Aunt Shen shrank her neck when she saw this, and quickly followed.
She knew that her mother-in-law had a problem with her, but who cared, she would still
dare to do it next time.
Once these people left, only Shen Yuling and a group of children were left.
Shen Yuling's suspicious eyes swept over the children who had not been searched by her,
which immediately made them shudder all over. They huddled together and whispered for a
long time, and then they all ran to the main street of the village, far away from here,
and out of Shen Yuling's sight.
Shen Yulin wanted to call them back, but she had no reason to ask them to search her, so
she could only watch these naughty kids run away.
who is it?
Who took that notebook?
If it was one of these children, it would be fine even if the book was torn up, burned,
or destroyed. After all, the oldest of these children was only a few years older than
her, had only been to school for a few years, and had limited literacy. Even if he stole
the book, he wouldn't be able to recognize all the words on it. The only thing to worry
about was that the child who stole the book showed it to others, or that the person who
stole the book was not one of these children, but someone else.
If there was someone else, what would they do to her if they saw the information recorded
in the notebook?
The more Shen Yuling thought about it, the more anxious she became. Her heart was beating
wildly and she couldn't calm down.
Shen Yulin had no idea how scared Shen Yuling was. He was now walking towards his own
yard in the village with a righteous look on his face, muttering as he walked that Shen
Yuling and her mother were too bullying and shameless.
He felt that he was extremely unlucky today. First, he was chased by his mother with a
fire poker, then his pants were stripped by that damn girl Shen Yuling, and finally he
was beaten by that shrew Fourth Aunt. He didn't know what had happened to him today.
But when he arrived at the door of his house, Shen Yulin stopped abruptly no matter how
angry he was.
He still remembers the harsh words his own mother had said to him. He doesn't know if his
mother has calmed down now. If she hasn't, what if he gets beaten again when he gets
Shen Yulin hesitated at the gate of the courtyard for a long time, but finally did not
dare to step into the house and turned to walk in another direction.
It’s better to hide for a while. It won’t be too late to come back when mom is no
longer angry.
In the room, Shen Yuxiu and her third brother Shen Yujun were playing under the covers on
the kang, while her eldest sister Shen Yuzhen was learning to make slippers. As for her
mother Fang Yan and grandmother Fang, they each sat on one side of the kang, sewing shoe
soles. This way they could look after the children playing on the kang without delaying
their work.
Shen Yuxiu now has five siblings, the eldest is Shen Yuwen, the second is Shen Yuzhen,
the third is Shen Yulin, Shen Yuxiu is the fourth child in the family, and the second is
Shen Yujun who is just two years old. However, every family has many children now, so the
children in every household are ranked separately by boys and girls. Therefore, Shen
Yulin, who should be the third child, is ranked second because he is the second boy in
the family, and Shen Yuzhen, the second child in the family, has become the eldest among
the girls. As the second girl in the family, Shen Yuxiu is naturally ranked second.
After sewing the soles for a while, Grandma Fang felt that the steamed bread in the pot
was almost done, so she put the soles and needle and awl in the sewing basket, got off
the kang and lifted the lid of the pot.
As the lid of the pot was opened, a sweet and hot steam carrying the smell of corn
immediately filled the room, and yellow corn buns appeared before one's eyes.
"Wo wo. Wo wo..."
Shen Yujun, who just turned two years old, couldn't speak fluently yet, but when he saw
the yellow corn dumplings, he immediately jumped on the kang and stretched out his little
paws towards Grandma Fang, indicating that he wanted to eat them.
"I know, I know, wait a moment." Grandma Fang heard her grandson's voice, washed her
hands with a smile, took out an empty bowl from the cupboard, took a steamed bread from
the pot, broke it into a bowl and handed it to Shen Yuxiu, telling her: "Let it cool
before giving it to your brother, don't burn him."
"Hey." Shen Yuxiu agreed and took the bowl, then immediately shouted exaggeratedly: "It's
so hot, so hot, so hot..."
While shouting, Shen Yuxiu quickly put the bowl on the kang, then looked at her third
brother, whose eyes widened in fear at her shouting, and fearfully grabbed his little
claws and reached into the bowl: "Come on, try it."
Little Shen Yujun looked at her frightened look and felt that this seemed not to be a
good thing, so he quickly pulled his butt back and pulled his hands hard. His little face
turned red and he grunted and said that he would not put his hand into the bowl no matter
"Xiaoxiu, don't bully my third brother." Shen Yuzhen, who was knitting insoles nearby,
saw this and immediately frowned and shouted to stop him.
"How did I bully him?" Shen Yuxiu let go of Shen Yujun's little fleshy hand and explained
unconvincedly: "I just let him know that he can't touch this thing, but it won't really
burn him."
"Then why don't you talk to him nicely? Look how scared your third brother is." Shen
Yuzhen's face was full of disapproval.
"If we don't scare him, how will he know to be afraid?" Shen Yuxiu said confidently. This
was how her second brother scared her third brother. At that time, he knew that there
were some things that could not be touched, but it worked.
"Why haven't you responded to my counterattack? You were wrong but you still don't admit
it. No wonder Yuling said that you have been so ignorant lately, always causing trouble
and bullying others. Who did you learn this from?" Shen Yuzhen's voice got louder and
louder as she spoke, with a look of righteousness on her face.
"What did you say?" Shen Yuxiu was not angry at first when she was scolded by her elder
sister, but when she suddenly heard Shen Yulin's name, she exploded and straightened her
little body to stand up.
"Alright, alright, alright." When Granny Fang saw Shen Yuxiu like this, she knew she was
going to get angry, so she quickly stepped forward to hold her down: "It's not a big
deal, there's nothing to be angry about, don't be angry..."
"Grandma, you are still on her side..." Shen Yuzhen couldn't stand Grandma Fang
protecting Shen Yuxiu. She was about to say something when Grandma Fang turned around and
glared at her.
"Shut up." Grandma Fang said unhappily, "She was fine, don't be so idle and make trouble
for no reason."
Shen Yuzhen felt a little aggrieved by what Grandma Fang said, so she turned around and
pulled Fang Yan: "Mom, look at Grandma."
"What do you mean by mother? Your grandma told you to shut up, so just shut up. Why are
you making so much trouble?" Fang Yan said unhappily, "Don't play with Yu Ling anymore.
She's treating you like a fool, but you're still having fun. Be more careful."
Seeing that her mother was not on her side, Shen Yuzhen wanted to talk back but didn't
dare. She was so angry that she threw away her insoles, turned her back to them and
started sulking.
Seeing her like this, Fang Yan wanted to say something but kept her mouth shut. Finally,
she sighed and simply ignored her, letting her be angry.
Recently, Shen Yuxiu either came back with her hair disheveled or covered in dirt. How
could Fang Yan, as a mother, not feel distressed? But her eldest daughter always said
that the second daughter was bullied because of the trouble. After asking, she found out
that it was all Shen Yuling who said it.
Fang Yan said to Shen Yuzhen: Xiaoxiu is not stupid. She will not do it again after being
bullied once. It must be the kids from outside who are causing trouble for Xiaoxiu.
But her eldest daughter seemed to have a stubborn mind. No matter how she explained, she
was convinced that it was Kosode's fault. It was really a headache.

Chapter 5: The Pants-Stripping Maniac

Shen Yuzhen calmed down, but Shen Yuxiu was still very angry. She turned around and
buried her head in the quilt, sulking.
She just didn't understand. She and Shen Yuzhen were obviously sisters and there was no
conflict between them. Why did this elder sister always think that she was immature? She
even got together with Shen Yulin, who had just arrived not long ago, for no apparent
reason. It was so infuriating.
Grandma Fang was also troubled by seeing the two sisters like this. She frowned and
glanced at Shen Yuzhen who had her back to her, then went out without saying a word and
continued cooking.
The room was extremely quiet for a moment. The little Shen Yujun didn't know what was
going on. He looked at the eldest sister and then the second sister in confusion. Seeing
that no one ignored him, he carefully moved towards the big white bowl containing the
steamed buns.
Shen Yuxiu covered her head and was so angry that she fell asleep like this. When she
woke up, the kerosene lamp had been lit in the room. Her father Shen Jinggui and her
eldest brother Shen Yuwen had returned, and the family was going to the house. Put food
on the table and prepare to eat.
Grandma Fang saw her getting up with a chicken coop on her head, and immediately called
her: "Are you awake? Come down and wash your hands and eat."
Shen Yuxiu rubbed her eyes in confusion, and quickly got off the kang obediently. When
she sat down at the table, she realized that there was one person missing. She couldn't
help but asked in confusion: "Where is my second brother?"
"Maybe he's still playing at someone's house. Don't worry about him. He'll be back when
the time comes." Shen Jinggui said nonchalantly.
Although his son has a lot of money to buy, he never misses a meal. He is probably
rushing home now.
However, Shen Jinggui was refuted by his eldest son as soon as he finished speaking.
"Not necessarily." Shen Yuwen took a sip of the salty sticky porridge and said, "Yulin
was looked at by Yu Ling this afternoon and was beaten by his fourth aunt. I think he
probably felt embarrassed and didn't want to come back."
"What? What did you say?" Shen Jinggui looked up in surprise, and everyone at the table
also looked at Shen Yuwen in surprise.
"Yes, it was Quan Zi who said..." Shen Yuwen had never received such attention from the
whole family before, and he stuttered a little, but still told the whole news that he had
You know, the news spread throughout the village this afternoon. Who doesn't know that
the Yuling of his fourth uncle's family is a trousers-picking maniac?
After hearing this, everyone at the table was dumbfounded except for Shen Yujun, who
didn't understand anything. Shen Yuxiu was not only dumbfounded, but also a little
Oh my god, is Shen Yuling that powerful?
Fortunately, it was the second brother. If it were herself, wouldn't she be stripped
Shen Yuxiu shrank with guilt.
Her second brother and those cousins whose pants were stripped off by Shen Yuling were
all implicated by her! If they knew that he had taken the book, would they be beaten by a
Everyone at the table was dumbfounded after hearing Shen Yuwen's words, and no one paid
attention to Shen Yuxiu's little movements. After a while, it was Grandma Fang who first
spoke to urge her daughter and son-in-law: "You two, hurry up and take a bite and go find
it. It’s winter, it’s dark, don’t let anything happen.”
When Shen Jinggui and Fang Yan heard this, they hurriedly drank a bowl of soup and went
out to look for someone.
But they didn't know where Shen Yulin was hiding. The two of them asked all the children
in the village who were friends with Shen Yulin, but they couldn't find him. The two of
them, who didn't think it was a big deal at first, suddenly felt a little panicked. .
Where did this damn kid go?
Shen Jinggui felt that the matter was a bit serious, so he quickly ran to the Shen Family
Home in the east of the village to mobilize his brothers to help find someone.
When Grandma Shen heard that Shen Yulin hadn't come home yet at such a late hour, she
couldn't help but glared at Fourth Aunt Shen and Shen Yuling fiercely.
It was all the fault of these two mothers. If something happened to Shen Yulin, her
eldest son would not forgive him.
Fourth Aunt Shen was glared at, but she was gloating in her heart.
She deserved it. Who asked that damn boy to beat her daughter? It would be better if she
couldn't find her.
As soon as her parents left, Shen Yuxiu couldn't eat anymore. She drank two mouthfuls of
porridge and ran to the gate of the courtyard, looking around, waiting for someone to
come back.
She was a little scared, worried that her parents wouldn't be able to find her second
brother, and even more scared that something might happen to her second brother.
Upon seeing this, Grandma Fang told her to go back to the house and wait. It was such a
cold day, and she was afraid that she would get frozen before the second boy was found.
But Shen Yuxiu was very worried and refused to go back no matter what.
Grandma Fang called her several times, but seeing that she didn't listen, she scolded her
"stubborn" in annoyance, took off her cotton jacket and put it on her, and told her not
to run out. Then she hurried back to the house to see the child, breathing hard from the
I don’t know if it was because she wore an extra cotton jacket or because she was
anxious, but Shen Yuxiu didn’t feel cold at all while standing at the gate of the
courtyard. She even started sweating on her back.
She didn't just wait at the door, but asked anyone passing by her house, "Have you seen
my second brother?"
Of course, she wouldn't get any results by asking like this, but Shen Yuxiu kept asking.
Fortunately, her efforts paid off. Until her ears were frozen and her feet were cold, she
finally got some news.
The eldest brother of the Yang family, who was carrying grass and coming back in the
dark, heard Shen Yuxiu's question and said, "When I came back, I saw your second brother
slipping on the water bay behind the next village. Ask your uncle and aunt to go there
and see if he is still there."
"Really? Then I'll tell grandma right now." Shen Yuxiu was stunned for a moment, and then
she was filled with surprise. She turned around and was about to rush into the yard, when
she heard her father's voice asking from afar.
"Xiaoxiu, is your second brother back?"
Shen Jinggui searched for a long time but couldn't find his son. He could only turn back
to see if the boy was back. He heard his daughter's voice in the distance and asked her
"No, Dad, Brother Yongzi said he saw my second brother slipping in the inlet behind the
next village." Shen Yuxiu saw her father coming over with a lantern, and she quickly
replied happily.
"Ah?" When Shen Jinggui heard what she said, he quickly took a few steps and asked Yang
Dayong, who was standing with his daughter: "Really?"
"Really, Yulin was still there when I came over, and I was still talking to him." Yang
Dayong told the scene when he saw Shen Yulin with certainty.
"You brat, you are seeking death." After hearing this, Shen Jinggui turned around and
strode towards the next village.
Although it is still cold now, the ice surface is not as thick as it was in the twelfth
lunar month of winter. This is a fool's errand. If the ice surface breaks and a person
falls into an ice hole, will his life be lost?
Shen Yuxiu was originally very happy to hear the news about her second brother, but when
she saw her father's appearance, she felt that something was wrong. She was stunned for a
moment and hurriedly chased after him.
This dad is not good enough. How come he wants to beat someone up? How unjust her second
brother was!
Shen Yuxiu was afraid that Shen Jinggui wouldn't let her follow and her second brother
would suffer another disadvantage, so she quietly chased after her from behind. However,
she was wearing Grandma Fang's big cotton-padded jacket, so she stumbled a bit when she
ran. Shen Jinggui He was running so fast that he didn't notice her catching up with her.
She was walking in small steps and was not well-dressed. As soon as she chased her out of
the village entrance, all she could see was the dim light of the lantern in Shen
Jinggui's hand. He chased her for a while. , she couldn't even see any light.
There was no moon in the sky tonight, and there were not even a few stars. Shen Yuxiu
couldn't tell the direction at all standing in the wilderness. The night wind blew, and
the wild grass on the ground immediately made a rustling sound, which scared her so much
that she trembled with fear, and her heart was beating like a rabbit in her chest.

Chapter 6 Blood Child

It was still freezing cold. Shen Yuxiu stood in the dark wilderness for a while. Her
cheeks were frozen and felt as painful as if they were cut by a knife. She couldn't help
but feel scared.
She wanted to go home, but she didn't know which direction was home, so she could only
walk blindly by feeling. But she hadn't walked far when she was tripped by something soft
and fell on her face.
Shen Yuxiu groaned when she was thrown to the ground. Her mouth instantly smelled of
blood and her face was aching.
Shen Yuxiu finally managed to get up, gasping in pain while carefully looking to see what
had tripped her.
She saw a shadowy human-shaped object lying on the ground beside her, and heard
intermittent voices in her ears.
"Medicine, eh..., eh...medicine."
The voice was hoarse and panting like a bellows, but it was obviously a human voice.
Shen Yuxiu recognized that it was a human voice, and her fear of the unknown immediately
receded. She ignored the pain and boldly took a few steps forward and asked, "What, what
"My left hand, side, on the ground..." the person on the ground said intermittently.
It was pitch black at night, and Shen Yuxiu couldn't see where the medicine he mentioned
was, so she rolled up the sleeves of her cotton jacket, barely exposing her small hands,
and groped on the ground bit by bit. After a while, she found a small bottle, picked it
up and shook it, and there was a rustling sound inside.
"Is this it?" Shen Yuxiu fumbled to stuff the bottle to the person on the ground, but the
person on the ground raised his hand but could not move at all, and could only breathe
Seeing that he didn't move, Shen Yuxiu simply took the bottle and opened it, asking, "How
many do you want?" "Six, six." The man on the ground said with difficulty, his voice
obviously much softer than before.
When Shen Yuxiu heard this, she fumbled to pour the medicine into her palm, and stuffed
one pill into the man's mouth after taking one. She stopped immediately after putting in
six pills and listened quietly to the man's movements.
The man's throat seemed to be strangled by something, and his wheezing was very
uncomfortable to listen to. Fortunately, after a while, his breathing was not so
difficult and gradually became smoother.
The man didn't say anything, and Shen Yuxiu didn't dare to walk alone, so she simply
waited for her father here, hoping that when her father came back to look for her second
brother, he would still leave from here, otherwise, she would not be able to find the way
Over there, Shen Jinggui had already found the edge of the inlet. The horse he was
carrying squinted his eyes and used the light to search for the dark ice. After a while,
he saw a dark figure shaking on the ice.
"Shen Yulin." Shen Jinggui yelled angrily.
His voice was very loud, and it sounded particularly high-pitched at night. The shadow
seemed to be frightened for a moment. It swayed for a while and then stopped motionless.
Shen Jinggui was frightened when he heard the reverberation of the heavy object hitting
the ice. He stared at the black figure and saw that there was no movement at all. He
almost laughed in anger.
If it weren't for the fact that his eyes were so good and he could still see the figure,
he almost suspected that he had fallen into the water.
"You bastard, get over here."
Shen Jinggui's anger sank into his dantian, his voice was like thunder, and the threat in
his words made people tremble.
Shen Yulin lay on the ice like a dead dog, terrified.
But he also knew that his own father was coming, and he couldn't hide even if he wanted
to. He could only accept his fate and slowly get up and walk this way, muttering in his
heart as he walked.
He had obviously escaped the arrests of his uncles, so why was he caught by his own
If I had known earlier, I might as well have gone home with my uncles when they came
looking for me.
The closer Shen Yulin got to Shen Jinggui, the more hesitant his steps became.
But no matter how long it took, the time came. Almost as soon as he arrived at Shen
Jinggui's side, Shen Yulin subconsciously gritted his teeth and tensed up.
Sure enough, as soon as he gritted his teeth, Shen Jinggui's big slap hit him hard on the
"You are seeking death. What time of year do you dare to play here?"
Shen Yulin grinned from the big slap and felt a burning pain in his back through his
cotton-padded jacket.
"Go away, go home."
Following Shen Jinggui's roar, Shen Yulin quickly walked forward, but even so he couldn't
avoid his own father's big foot kicking towards his butt.
Shen Yulin was almost kicked to the ground, but he didn't dare to say a word and stumbled
forward faster.
Here, Shen Yuxiu quietly guarded the stranger beside her, trying hard to endure the pain
in her mouth, face, and palms, waiting for her own father to come back.
As for the man on the ground, his breathing has become much more stable now. Although he
is still unable to get up, the pain in his chest has gradually dissipated, and his mind
has become much clearer.
He lay quietly on the ground, looking at the round and shadowy little figure in front of
him in the night, as if he was seeing the child who had been waiting for him to come home
many years ago.
He smiled bitterly, thinking that he might have some mental problems because he was
looking for someone to find him.
Shen Yulin was almost kicked over by Shen Jinggui step by step. Shen Jinggui was so angry
that he was still angry and scolded him with every kick.
"You have grown up, yet you dare not go home..."
Shen Yuxiu, who was quietly waiting for someone, suddenly heard his father's voice. He
got up in surprise and limped towards that direction, shouting: "Dad, dad..." as he ran.
Shen Yulin was walking quickly when he suddenly saw a little man with blood on his face
appearing in front of him. He thought he had met the legendary imp, so he screamed in
fear and hid behind Shen Jinggui.
Shen Jinggui was also startled by the bloody child who suddenly rushed out, but luckily
he was able to hold his own and took a careful look with the lantern, and immediately
recognized that this was his daughter.
"Xiaoxiu, what's wrong with you?" Shen Jinggui was shocked and hurried forward to check.
He saw that the child's face was covered with blood, especially on his forehead and nose.
There were several pieces of skin broken, and there was blood in his mouth. It was
faintly coming out, and the injury was serious at first glance.
"I fell. I tripped over someone over there." Shen Yuxiu pointed to the place where she
came from and told him what had just happened. She didn't even notice that her words were
different from usual and a little leaky.
Shen Jinggui didn't care what happened to the person she was talking about, and just
asked her nervously: "How are you? Does it hurt? Why do you think you are here? You have
to suffer this for no reason."
Shen Yuxiu didn't feel anything at first, but she felt aggrieved when he asked her this
question. She looked at Shen Yulin with red eyes and reached out for her father to hug
When Shen Jinggui saw her little appearance, he felt extremely distressed. He quickly
bent down to pick her up and softly comforted her. Only when the little person in his
arms finally calmed down did he go to see the person she was talking about.
Shen Jinggui carried his daughter and carried the lantern to the place and took a look.
He saw an old man lying on the ground and a tricycle a few steps away from the old man.

Chapter 7 Picked up a (father) father-in-law

Shen Jinggui was slightly startled when he saw the pedal tricycle, then looked at the old
man on the ground who was looking at him because of his arrival, and asked: "Old man, are
you okay?"
"No, it's not very good." When the old man saw Shen Jinggui coming with his two children,
the old man forced a smile with some embarrassment, and tremblingly took out a few
dollars from his arms and handed them to him: "Eldest nephew, I am here today. I’m
afraid I won’t be able to leave. Do you think you can take me in as an old man for now?
I’ll use this money as my accommodation fee, okay?”
"Let's not talk about it for now." Shen Jinggui did not take the money, but raised the
finger holding the lantern to point to the pedal tricycle and asked him: "Is that
tricycle yours? I'll help you get on the car first. Take you back."
"Hey, thank you first, young man." The old man thanked him gratefully and slowly took the
money back.
When Shen Jinggui saw that he agreed, he put Shen Yuxiu on the ground first. After he
helped the old man onto the carriage and hung the lantern on the handlebar, he picked up
Shen Yuxiu again and came to the old man: "Please hold the child first. She is injured
and may not be able to walk."
"Hey." The old man agreed and quickly opened his hands, letting Shen Jinggui put Shen
Yuxiu in his arms, and then hugged her tightly.
After everything was done, Shen Jinggui saw that his stupid son was still standing there,
and said angrily: "What are you looking at? Go to the back and push the cart."
"Oh." Shen Yulin heard this and hurried to the back to push the cart, while Shen Jinggui
was in front controlling the direction and pushing the tricycle toward home.
On the way, Shen Jinggui happened to meet Shen Laoer who was still looking for someone,
so he asked him to help ask the barefoot doctor from the neighboring village. By the way,
he told the other brothers that the person had been found and there was no need to look
for him anymore.
Therefore, not long after Shen Jinggui arrived home with an old man and two children, the
barefoot doctor came.
After examining the two injuries, the barefoot doctor found that the old man was fine
after taking the medicine, but Shen Yuxiu had knocked out two front teeth, a chipped lip,
and his forehead and nose were all more or less bruised. The skin was scratched a bit,
but because I was wearing two layers of cotton-padded jackets on my hands and feet, I
managed to escape without any injuries.
Fortunately, the two front teeth she lost are deciduous teeth and will grow back in time,
so there is no need to worry about it. Even her cut lip is still bleeding. There is no
bleeding on her forehead and nose, but there is blood on the wound. Mud is a bit
difficult to deal with.
"Ah..., ah..."
When Shen Yuxiu was being sterilized by the doctor in Shen Jinggui's arms, she kept
screaming in pain. Grandma Fang next to her looked at her and kept oozing, as if she was
being sterilized, and it hurt. The same thing happened to her.
Fang Yan came back at this time. Seeing her daughter in such misery, she was both angry
and distressed.
What do you think this kid is causing trouble with? If I lose my appearance, how can I
find my husband's family?
The old man who was brought back by Shen Jinggui felt extremely guilty when he heard Shen
Yuxiu's screams like he was killing a pig.
If he hadn't fallen in the wrong place when he had the attack, the little girl wouldn't
have been hurt like this.
But for some reason, the more he looked at the little girl, the more familiar she looked
to him. He felt that she really looked like his little son who was now unknown where he
Maybe people are similar, or maybe my brain is starting to go crazy?
The old man sighed softly, and waited for the barefoot doctor to disinfect and apply
medicine to the little girl. When he withdrew his gaze, he accidentally glanced at
Grandma Fang's face. He was stunned, and then he wiped his eyes hard in disbelief and
looked again, and his whole body trembled suddenly.
"Child, child's mother..."
The old man stumbled towards Grandma Fang, which frightened her. Just as she was about to
push him away, she heard him crying, "I, I am Fang Youshun."
Grandma Fang couldn't help but be startled when she heard the name. She looked carefully
at the old man in front of her, and sure enough she saw the shadow of her own man back
then. She asked in disbelief: "The head of the family?"
"Yes, yes, I am your head, Fang Youshun." Because he was so excited, Fang Youshun even
forgot that there were people in the room. He hugged her and burst into tears: "I have
found you."
As soon as she heard his cry, Grandma Fang's nose felt sore and her tears fell down:
"Didn't you die long ago? Where did this come from?"
Everyone in the room looked at this sudden change, stunned.
The children didn't understand anything, but Shen Jinggui and Fang Yan understood the
meaning of their words. They looked at each other involuntarily as if they had been
struck by lightning.
Why, together with my daughter, I picked up a father-in-law for them?
The barefoot doctor knew something was wrong when he saw the situation. Shen Yuxiu's
wound had just been treated, so he packed up his medical box and said goodbye.
After sending the doctor away, Fang Yan looked at the old man who was still talking to
her mother in confusion.
When she and Grandma Fang fled, she was only eleven or twelve years old. Now twenty years
have passed, and her memory of her father's appearance has long been vague. What's more,
this old man's face is full of wrinkles, his hair is a little long, and he has an untidy
beard. He doesn't match the biological father in her memory at all.
But her mother could still recognize him, so maybe he is really her father?
Grandma Fang had calmed down by then. Seeing her daughter and son-in-law staring at the
two men, she immediately wiped the tears from her face and pulled Fang Youshun to
introduce them to him.
"Come here, old man, this is our daughter, this is our son-in-law, and these are the
children of our daughter and son-in-law in the room."
"Dad." Although Fang Yan was a little hesitant, she still called out obediently. When
Shen Jinggui saw his wife calling, he quickly followed suit and called her dad.
"Hey, hey, okay, okay." At this time, Fang Youshun could only nod, but was so excited
that he couldn't say a word.
He really didn't expect that after looking for a wife and children for so many years, he
would meet her by such a strange combination of circumstances. Should it be said that God
is wise?
Seeing this, Grandma Fang also knew that it was not a good time to talk, so she asked
Shen Jinggui and Fang Yan to take the children back to the house to sleep first, and they
would talk about the rest tomorrow.
"Xiaoxiu, just sleep in this room. This child's face is covered with wounds. Your room is
crowded, so don't let the child touch you anymore." When the others left, Grandma Fang
left Shen Yuxiu behind.
When Fang Yan and Shen Jinggui brought the children back to their room, Grandma Fang
immediately began to mix water to wash the faces and feet of the old man and the child
who were covered in dirt. After everything was cleaned up and the three of them lay in
the warm bed, Fang Youshun had time to ask Grandma Fang about their life over the years.
"Why are you living with our daughter? What about our sons?"
"The second oldest is dead, as are the eldest and youngest... I hope they are still
alive." Talking about the past, Grandma Fang choked up as she opened her mouth: "At that
time, the dam in our area burst, and our parents, the eldest and the youngest were all
washed away by the flood. The second oldest, my daughter and I were lucky enough to be
rescued. After we were rescued, I searched for them for a long time but couldn't find
them. They were neither alive nor dead. Later, I couldn't find them, so I took the
children to look for you. But the city was in chaos at that time. Some people said that
you were killed by the Japanese. I could only take the two children and follow the
refugees north. On the way, we encountered a war, and the second oldest was blown to
As she spoke, Grandma Fang became overwhelmed with grief and couldn't hold back her
Thinking back on that time, it was really chaotic. The Japanese were killing people
everywhere, and the Nanjing government at the time didn't care about the lives of
ordinary people. She could only take her children and run with the refugees. If she
hadn't met her son-in-law and the current government who were relocating the distressed
immigrants here, she didn't know whether she and her daughter would still be alive now.
It hurts, it hurts! Her home was destroyed, her family was separated, and her second son
died so unjustly!

Chapter 8: Ugly Crying

Fang Youshun couldn't help but shed tears as he listened to Grandma Fang's sobbing. He
gently patted her shoulder to comfort her.
Who says it’s not true? How did they end up in such a world?
"What about you? You are obviously alive, so why don't you come to find us? What have you
been doing all these years?" Grandma Fang looked at her husband's wrinkled face, crying
and blaming him non-stop.
"Why haven't I found you? I have been looking for you for twenty years. I have been
looking for you for a full twenty years, but I just can't find you. I can't find you
anywhere! Huh, huh..."
Fang Youshun felt uncomfortable when he thought of all the years when he had searched
with hope but was disappointed time and time again. As soon as he got excited, he
couldn't help but wheezing again, which frightened Grandma Fang so much that she didn't
even bother to complain and quickly sat up and stroked his chest to help him breathe
Fang Youshun finally caught his breath and didn't dare to get too excited.
After twenty years of living in the open air, he finally found his family, but he didn't
want them to die all of a sudden.
"Have you been looking for us for the past twenty years?" Seeing that he had calmed down,
Grandma Fang dared to continue asking him.
"Yes and no." Fang Youshun spoke calmly about his experiences over the years: "There was
unrest in the city that year, and I was just injured. When I got better and went to look
for you, my house had been washed away by the water, and you were gone. Later, I met
someone I knew who said he had seen you in the north, so I went north again. But you also
know that the world was in chaos at that time, and there were devils everywhere. Not to
mention finding people, even my life was not guaranteed. I had no choice but to follow
others and become a militiaman. Later, I joined our army. While fighting the devils, I
inquired about your news. It was not until the establishment of our New China that I
retired and began to concentrate on looking for you."
What he didn't say was that when he was discharged from the army, he only asked for a
means of transportation. If he had to rely on his own two feet to find someone, he was
afraid that he would not know how many places he could find even if he walked to his
Fortunately, his leader at that time was very kind to him. After hearing about this, he
not only gave him a tricycle for purchasing groceries, but also gave him his retirement
allowance in full.
Shen Yuxiu lay in the warm bed, quietly listening to the two old people talking about the
past. She didn't know when she fell asleep in a daze. When she woke up again, it was
already dawn.
As soon as Shen Yuxiu woke up, she felt her lips were numb and swollen, and her forehead
and nose were also throbbing with pain. Most importantly, her front teeth were gone. She
took a look in the mirror and was so embarrassed by how ugly she looked.
Shen Yuxiu was very sad about her own image, and before Shen Yuling found out who stole
the notebook, she heard that Shen Yuxiu picked up a grandfather last night, which
instantly stunned her.
How could it be possible? Almost all the villages around here were formed by people who
fled or immigrated from various places before the founding of the People's Republic of
China. She remembered that there was no such person as Grandpa Fang at that time.
Is it because her memory is wrong? Or is it because she was reborn and the butterfly
effect mentioned on TV appeared?
However, no matter what, Shen Yulin planned to go and see it in person.
She didn't like the feeling of being out of control at all.
Do it as soon as you think of it. Shen Yuling didn't even think of an excuse and went
straight to the Shen family.
Before entering the Shen family's yard, Shen Yuling saw an energetic old man practicing
boxing in the yard. He looked a little younger than her grandfather, about fifty or sixty
years old, but his short and thin hair was completely white.
Fang Youshun had already noticed a little girl standing outside the yard looking at him,
but the girl didn't move, so he didn't say anything. It was not until he finished a set
of military boxing and saw that she was still there that he walked over and asked, "Why
are you standing here? Are you here to play with my child?"
Shen Yuling didn't expect him to come over so suddenly, so she nodded and said quickly,
"Ah, I'm looking for Xiaoxiu."
She heard that Shen Yuxiu was badly injured, so she wanted to see what the injury was
"Looking for Xiaoxiu, she's in the house, go ahead." Fang Youshun didn't know that Shen
Yuxiu and the girl in front of him didn't get along at all, and he was very happy to hear
that she came to look for someone.
Shen Yuling looked at Fang Youshun, who had a kind face, with mixed feelings. She smiled
unnaturally and walked towards the house he pointed to.
Just now, when she was watching the old man boxing outside, she also saw the tricycle in
the yard. This suddenly reminded her of something. In her previous life, an old man died
at the entrance of the next village. At that time, transportation and information were
not convenient, so the body was buried in a wasteland.
The reason why Shen Yulin remembered this incident was because the dead old man had a
pedal tricycle next to him. Later, several villages were merged into a commune, and the
tricycle became the commune's means of transportation. In that era when bicycles were
rare, their commune became quite famous because of this pedal tricycle.
Shen Yuling really didn't expect that the old man who was buried in the wasteland in the
previous life was actually Shen Yuxiu's grandfather. Now that the old man is alive, I
guess the tricycle will not be confiscated and become a public use of the commune, right?
Shen Yuxiu was lying on the kang with her arms and legs spread out, looking at the
ceiling and sighing worriedly.
Now there is not a single good spot on her face. She is so ugly that she dares not even
look in the mirror. Also because of concerns about her image, Shen Yuxiu is now unwilling
to leave the house, for fear that the children in the village will see her and laugh at
But she didn't know what to do in the house. Her grandmother also asked her to keep her
third brother in her mother's room and not let him come to play with her. She said she
was afraid that her third brother might not know the severity of the injury and might
hurt the wound, which would make it impossible for the wound to heal.
But it's really boring without anyone to play with her!
Shen Yuling almost laughed out loud when she saw her miserable state. Fortunately, she
held back and quickly pretended to be concerned and asked, "Xiaoxiu, I heard that you got
hurt. How is it? Is it serious? Does it hurt?"
While asking, Shen Yuling also carefully observed Shen Yuxiu's face.
There were gauze on his forehead and nose, and only one side of his cheek was intact,
while the other side was smeared with purple medicine. His lips were not only covered
with blood scabs, but were also swollen like sausages. Shen Yuling was in a very happy
mood seeing this.
It turned out that the bump was quite serious, but I don't know if it will leave a scar.
If it does, it would be even better, and I don't have to think of other ways to ruin my
cousin's reputation.
Hearing Shen Yulin's words, Shen Yuxiu rolled her eyes in annoyance, turned her head and
ignored her.
It was like this again. If she hadn't seen Shen Yulin almost unable to hold back her
laughter when she came in, she would have almost believed that this cousin really cared
about her.
Seeing that she ignored her, Grandma Fang immediately smiled and explained to Shen Yuling
in a gentle voice: "Yuling, Xiaoxiu's mouth is injured, and it's not easy for her to talk
now. Don't mind it, she didn't ignore you on purpose."
"I don't mind. I know Xiaoxiu is injured and in a bad mood. Grandma, did the doctor say
when Xiaoxiu will be better?" Shen Yulin asked with concern, as if she really cared about
Shen Yuxiu's injury.
Of course, she was indeed concerned. If Shen Yuxiu could get a scar on her face, she
would no longer have any worries.

Chapter 9 I am still young, I can’t live without my grandma

Shen Yuling's eyes were so sincere that Grandma Fang couldn't tell whether she was truly
concerned or just pretending to be. But based on the suffering her granddaughter had gone
through these days, Grandma Fang didn't have a good impression of this girl, so she gave
her a perfunctory answer.
"The doctor didn't say anything, but if you want to play with Xiaoxiu, I'm afraid it
won't be possible for a while. Why don't you go play with other sisters first, and then
Xiaoxiu will play with you when she gets better."
Shen Yulin sneered inwardly when she heard this. This old woman treated her like a child
who only knew how to play.
But she is still a child at her current age, so she pretended to be disappointed and
said, "Okay, I'll come play with Xiaoxiu when she gets better."
When Shen Yuxiu heard her words, she could only roll her eyes as she didn't dare to look
at him because of the wound on her face.
Who wants to play with her? If you always get bullied but still want to play with her,
isn't that crazy?
Seeing that she didn't move at all, Shen Yuling seemed very disappointed. She said
something to Grandma Fang and walked out of the house.
Seeing that she was finally leaving, Granny Fang followed her out as if to see her off.
She didn't turn around until she saw her walk out of the yard and into the distance until
she said to Fang Youshun, "Next time that girl comes to look for Xiaoxiu, just say that
Xiaoxiu isn't here and that she doesn't get along with our Xiaoxiu."
"Ah?" Fang Youshun was slightly stunned, then asked with a smile: "What's wrong? Are
these kids still making enemies?"
"It's not that we have a feud, it's just that the kid always bullies our Xiaoxiu." Granny
Fang talked about what happened to Shen Yuxiu recently, and said, "I just think that kid
is too cunning, she's so mature and steady that she doesn't act like a kid at all. With
her cunning, let alone our Xiaoxiu, I guess adults can be fooled by her if they're not
"Really?" Fang Youshun was a little surprised. Could that little girl of five or six
years old have so many tricks?
"How could it be false?" Grandma Fang recalled the miserable look of her granddaughter
these days and sighed, "You don't know, in the past half month, our Xiaoxiu has almost
become the naughty child in the village, but it's not our Xiaoxiu who bullies others
every time, but others who bully our Xiaoxiu so much that she comes back crying every
day. You know, last year our Xiaoxiu was the most popular among the children, but now all
those children have gone to play with that girl just now. Do you believe that there is no
After listening to his wife's words, Fang Youshun thought carefully about the moment he
noticed Shen Yuling's presence until she left. Her every move was really not like that of
a child. He immediately became much more cautious.
After years of wandering, he had seen mature children at a young age, but he had never
seen anyone so cunning at this age.
When Grandma Fang saw that he believed it, she breathed a sigh of relief.
If she hadn't secretly followed Shen Yuxiu and witnessed it with her own eyes, she
wouldn't have believed that Shen Yuling would be so cunning. With a child like that, let
alone her six-year-old granddaughter, even if it was an adult, if they weren't careful,
they would definitely suffer.
But she didn't tell anyone about this except her own daughter.
After all, that was the son-in-law's brother's child. Those people had never seen him
with their own eyes, so how could they believe her? Who knows, the Shen family could even
turn the tables!
Thinking of Shen Laosi's family, Grandma Fang suddenly remembered something. She came up
to Fang Youshun and asked in a low voice, "How much money do you have now? How about...
we build two houses and move out in the spring?"
"Ah?" Fang Youshun was stunned by the question and asked cautiously: "Is it our son-in-
"No, no." Granny Fang knew he had misunderstood and waved her hands quickly, "Our son-in-
law is a good person. It's just that over the years, our daughter and son-in-law have
been bullied by the Shen family because of me. Otherwise, if the Shen family hadn't split
up, our son-in-law wouldn't have brought me, our daughter and the children out to live
alone. I had no choice before. I was an old woman with nowhere to go, so I had to follow
our daughter and son-in-law shamelessly. Now that you're here, I thought that the
children have grown up and the house is not big enough for them to live in. We can eat by
planting some crops, so it's better to build a house and move out. Then our daughter will
be able to speak more firmly in the old Shen family and won't have to be bullied by the
Shen family like before."
Fang Youshun was relieved when he heard this and said, "If that's the case, then let's
build a house. Don't worry, I made meritorious service when I was in the army, and now I
get a monthly allowance. Not only will building a house not be a problem, but even if we
don't farm, we won't starve."
"Really?" Grandma Fang's eyes lit up when she heard this. She clasped her hands together
and prayed to the heavens: "Thank God, thank the troops, thank the leaders..."
Grandma Fang was so happy that she didn't know what to say and just kept thanking me.
Although her son-in-law has been very good to her over the years, she didn't dare to say
a word in order not to cause trouble for her daughter, and her waist felt bent. Now it's
better, she can finally straighten her back.
Fang Youshun felt a little sad when he saw her like that.
This old woman used to speak and act in a hurry, but now it seems that she must not have
had a very comfortable life these years, right?
After the matter was settled, Grandma Fang couldn't wait to tell her daughter and son-in-
law about the matter. The two of them were stunned for a while, but she thought that the
children were indeed getting older, and it was true that they always lived in the same
house. It is inconvenient. Now that the two old people have the ability to build a house
and want to move out, they can only follow the two old people.
After the matter of building a house was cleared, Shen Jinggui immediately went to the
village chief in the name of Grandma Fang to ask for a homestead, and then used the
method of exchanging food for work to find someone to take his place in the unfinished
dam protection project. After getting these two things done, he immediately got busy.
Find someone to get the adobe bricks and various materials needed to build the house, and
find good friends and brothers who can't help with the project to cut reeds and thatch in
the wasteland. It's really busy all day long without touching the ground.
While Shen Jinggui was busy, Fang Youshun was not idle either.
He had to transfer his household registration and relations here. After all, his wife,
daughter and the whole family were here. It was impossible for him to go back alone to
the small county town where he was resettled when he retired from the army. If his
household registration and relations were not transferred here, it would be very
troublesome for him to travel between the two places to receive his allowances in the
While everyone was busy, Shen Yuxiu was a little unhappy.
Fang Youshun had just returned from his hometown in the small county town to get his
household registration and organizational relationship registered when he saw this little
girl pouting and digging a hole in the yard by herself. He couldn't help but smile and
walked up to her and squatted down beside her.
"Who has offended you? Why are you pouting like you're about to tie up a donkey?"
Shen Yuxiu looked up and saw the grandpa she had picked up. She opened her mouth several
times before she mustered up the courage to ask, "Grandpa, the new house is ready. Can
you move in by yourself? Can I still live in my house?"
"Ah?" Fang Youshun was stunned, then he understood something and asked her, "Why? Are you
reluctant to leave your grandma?"
"Yeah." Shen Yuxiu nodded, her little eyebrows wrinkled into a small pimple, and she
looked pitiful and asked him for sympathy: "I have slept with my grandma since I was a
child. I would be scared when my grandma is not around. I am still young and can't live
without my grandma. You are an adult, and adults are very powerful. You won't be afraid
even if you sleep alone, right?"
In fact, at the beginning, Shen Yuxiu was quite happy when she knew that her grandparents
were going to build a new house. But later, when she heard that her grandma would move
out after the new house was built, she felt more and more uncomfortable, and always
wanted to cry when she thought of that scene.
Fang Youshun almost burst out laughing when he heard her childish words, so he tutted his
lips in embarrassment and said, "But grandma is grandpa's daughter-in-law, just like your
mother is your father's daughter-in-law. Have you ever seen a family whose parents don't
live together?"
Shen Yuxiu was stunned by the question, and after thinking about it carefully, it seemed
that there was really no family in the village whose parents did not live in the same
house. She immediately pursed her lips in grievance, and crystal tears welled up in her
But she really didn't want to be separated from her grandma. If she had known that her
grandpa would come to snatch her grandma away, she would not have picked up this grandpa
and brought him back.

Chapter 10 It's really cruel

When Fang Youshun saw that she was about to cry, he felt distressed and didn't dare to
tease her anymore. He quickly lowered his head and began to coax her softly.
"How about you move in with me and your grandma after the new house is built? That way, I
won't have to be separated from your grandma, and you won't have to be separated from
your grandma, okay?"
"Ah?" Shen Yuxiu's tears were about to reach her eyes, but she stopped halfway when she
heard this. She looked at Fang Youshun in surprise: "Can I, can I move to the new house
"Of course." Fang Youshun nodded seriously: "As long as you are willing, you can live in
the new house as long as you want after it is built."
"Aren't you kidding me?" Although what the grandfather said didn't sound like a lie, Shen
Yuxiu still couldn't believe that such a good thing could happen to her.
A new house, who wouldn’t want to live in it?
"Whoever lies to a child is a dog. If you don't believe me, let's make a pinky promise."
Fang Youshun said as he stretched out his little finger to her.
Shen Yuxiu looked at his rough big hand stretched out in front of her, and carefully
stretched out her thin little finger to hold his.
"We'll make a promise and stick to it for a hundred years." After Fang Youshun made a
hundred-year promise with her, he asked her jokingly, "Do you believe it now?"
"Are you really not lying to children?" Shen Yuxiu blinked. Although she had already made
the promise, it still felt a little unreal.
Such a good thing fell into her hands?
"Of course, we made a promise." As if he was a little angry that she didn't believe him,
Fang Youshun promised loudly with a serious face: "I have been a soldier. If I lie, I
will be scolded by my superiors."
Shen Yuxiu was frightened by his serious expression.
She doesn't know anything else, but she knows her leader. He is a very powerful person
who can take care of anyone who makes a mistake.
Inexplicably, the doubt and sadness in Shen Yuxiu's heart were immediately wiped out by
Fang Youshun's words. She smiled happily, hugged his old face and kissed him: "Thank you,
Grandpa. I love you the most."
Fang Youshun hadn't been so close to a child in many years. His heart softened instantly.
He smiled and got up to take a large glass bottle from the tricycle. He shook it at her
and said, "Look, what is this?"
"Ah, canned food, canned syrup." Shen Yuxiu cried out in surprise when she saw the
crystal clear orange petals in the glass bottle.
"That's right." Fang Youshun handed her the canned food with a smile, saying, "Take it
and share it with your brother, sister, and little Sanzi."
"Yes, I promise to complete the task." Shen Yuxiu happily promised loudly, took the can,
and ran to find Shen Yuwen.
Her eldest brother was the most fair in distributing things. Whoever had something was
theirs, and he would not give more or less to anyone. Unlike her eldest sister, she
always said that the eldest and second brothers were boys, so they had to give in. The
third brother was still young, so they had to give in even more.
But she didn't understand why she had to give it up. Her grandma clearly told her that it
was hers and she could give it up if she wanted to, and not give it up if she didn't want
Sure enough, as the eldest son in the family, Shen Yuwen distributed things fairly as
always. After getting the cans and opening them, he first went to find five bowls, then
used a small spoon to scoop syrup and fruit into each bowl little by little. He divided
them very carefully, making sure that each bowl had the same amount of canned syrup.
Shen Yuxiu stared at him without blinking as he divided the cans, her saliva almost
dripping. After finally finishing the division, she couldn't wait to pick up one of the
bowls and sip a mouthful. A sweet and refreshing taste immediately spread from her mouth
to her throat, and then went down to nourish her internal organs.
Wow! This taste is so comfortable!
"Xiaoxiu, just take a sip to taste it, and give the rest to my third brother. He is
young, so this little bit is not enough for him."
As soon as Shen Yuxiu tasted the food, she heard Shen Yuzhen's instructions. She turned
around and saw Shen Yuzhen pouring her own portion into another bowl. After pouring it,
she looked at her, as if waiting for her to take the bowl.
Shen Yuxiu looked at the small amount of canned sugar water in her bowl. Not only did she
not hand over her bowl, she also turned around and left.
No way, it’s not like her third brother doesn’t have one, why should she give it to
Shen Yuxiu walked to the door angrily, and suddenly remembered something. She turned
around and went back to pick up the empty cans and continued to walk out.
If she adds some water to the can, it will still have some flavor. If she drinks it
slowly, she can drink it all day long.
Seeing that she was so disobedient, Shen Yuzhen frowned in disapproval and then picked up
the spoon to feed her third brother. But seeing her third brother slurping the sugar
water, she couldn't help but drooling.
Shen Yuxiu returned to the house where she lived with her grandmother, found a small
stool to sit on, and began to slowly savor the sweet taste of the canned food.
You know, this thing can't be eaten unless you are sick or have a fever. She just likes
it too much.
But no matter how small the bites, one would eventually finish it. Looking at the empty
bottom of the bowl, Shen Yuxiu added some water, shook it, and poured it into the can,
then drank it with great care throughout the day.
After a day, the water had no taste when poured into the can. She wanted to use the can
to hold some of her treasures, but what treasures could she have?
Shen Yuxiu suddenly remembered the notebook, stone fruit, and candy wrappers that were
still hidden in the haystack, but she didn't dare to take those things out to play with
them openly, for she was afraid that Shen Yuling would find out and take off her pants.
But if she continued to leave them in the haystack, if an adult found them while smoking
hay, she would inevitably be stripped of her pants.
Finally, Shen Yuxiu decided to put those things into cans and bury them in the ground.
She didn't believe that they would be discovered like this. When her grandparents' new
house was built, she would hide them there and they would be even less likely to be
Shen Yuxiu did it as soon as she thought of it. After checking that there was no one in
the yard, she immediately found a small shovel and tiptoed to the haystack. She took out
the treasure and put it into a can. Then she used the small shovel to dig a hole and
buried the can in it.
After everything was done, Shen Yuxiu breathed a sigh of relief. As soon as she turned
out of the haystack, she ran into a person head-on and was frightened.
Shen Yulin just went to the toilet and was almost hit when he came back. He was also
"What are you doing? Digging a hole again?" Shen Yulin looked at the small shovel in her
hand without giving it a second thought.
Shen Yuxiu didn't know how to answer this question, so she just pretended to be stupid.
Shen Yulin didn't want to get to the bottom of it. Seeing her laughing like a fool, he
snorted and turned to walk into the house.
He just didn't understand what was so fun about digging holes, and this girl actually
enjoyed doing it.
Seeing him leave, Shen Yuxiu patted her chest as if she had survived a disaster, then
cautiously caught up with him and asked meaningfully, "Second brother, have you found
Yuling's book?"
"How would I know?" Shen Yulin got angry when she asked this question. He gritted his
teeth and said angrily, "If I knew who stole the book and made me take the blame, I would
skin him alive."
Ever since Shen Yulin stripped his pants, he hasn't gone out to play with his friends for
a long time, for fear of being laughed at.
Shen Yuxiu was so frightened when she saw his ferocious look that she dared not say a
This second brother is really cruel. He actually wants to skin her alive.
Originally, she wanted to share the matter of hiding the notebook with her second
brother. After all, it was really suffocating to keep a secret by yourself, but now she
dared not do it anymore.

Chapter 11: Taking the blame

Shen Yuxiu was frightened by her second brother like a quail. She shrunk her neck and
quickly slipped back into the house.
I just felt like I was all alone, without anyone with whom I could share secrets.
Time passed quickly, and when spring came and flowers bloomed, Fang Youshun's new house
was ready. When the permafrost in the ground melted, construction of the new house began.
The new house was located on a vacant lot to the west of the Shen family's home. There
were only three houses in total.
The foundation walls are made of blue bricks and lime, and the roofs are made of real red
tiles. In this village where most houses have mud foundations and thatched roofs, these
three houses are simply unique in the village.
Just as the construction of the new house started, the village suddenly issued a notice
saying that the country wanted to make steel and that each household should donate all
their unused iron equipment. A few months later, news came that a commune was going to be
established and the villagers would have to eat in the canteen like the workers in the
A few days after the news spread, some villages took the initiative to set up communes
and started eating in canteens, but the village where Shen Yuxiu lived was just watching.
Until Fang Youshun's house was built and dried, and he moved in a few days after the
summer, a notice suddenly came from above that Shen Yuxiu's village and the four
surrounding villages that were about to become one were to be merged into one brigade.
After the four villages were merged into one brigade, they were divided into eleven teams
according to the living location of the members of each household. The old Shen family at
the east end of the village was in the seventh team, and Shen Jinggui's family and Fang
Youshun were both in the third team. The eighth team, and a good friend of Shen Jinggui
became the captain of the eighth team. At the same time, all the food from each household
was taken away, and the pots, pans, and farm tools were all put under the management of
each team's warehouse. From then on, they started eating from a big pot. Apart from
boiling water, each household no longer had to do anything. Fire allowed.
In fact, it is already very difficult for their village to wait until now to join the
commune. Some people were jealous when they saw that the villages that joined the commune
were able to eat without having to work. If it weren't for those hard-working people,
Yes, it is impossible to say that their village has already joined the commune.
Those families who were unwilling to join the collective also had their reasons. After
all, if they cultivated their own land well, they could not only have enough food and
clothing but also have some surplus. If they joined the commune, they might not be better
off than they are now, but some lazy and second-rate people could get the same treatment
as them, which made them feel unbalanced.
Now that the village has been merged, they can no longer even wait and see.
At this time, Shen Yuxiu's face had almost healed. After a summer, there was almost
nothing left on her face except some faint marks. There was a light white scar on her
lip, but it was not visible unless people looked closely.
And just as grandpa said, after moving into the new yard, grandma and grandpa lived in
two rooms, and she had a separate room. Of course, grandpa also said that if she really
wanted to sleep with grandma, she could, just as grandpa promised, she could sleep
wherever she wanted.
To the west of these three rooms, there were two low warehouses built with adobe bricks.
My grandfather originally said that they were used to store grain, after all, the two of
them were planning to farm. But because they suddenly started eating from a big pot, the
warehouses were left idle.
As soon as Shen Yuxiu moved into the new house, she secretly brought her precious bottle
with her.
But she didn't dare tell anyone about this. She secretly dug a small hole in the corner
of her room and continued to bury the bottles underground.
But Shen Yuxiu had not been happy in her new house for a few days before something
happened that almost caused her to fall out with Shen Yulin.
That is, Shen Yulin should go to school this year, but he didn't want to go to school, so
he used Shen Yuxiu's banner to rebel against his family.
"Why can't I go to school by myself at home? Why don't my eldest brother go, why don't my
eldest sister go, why don't Xiao Xiu and Xiao San'er go?" When Shen Yulin heard that his
biological father told him to go to school when school starts again, Shen Yulin was so
angry at home.
He saw his eldest brother when he was at school. After eating, he went to school and did
his homework when he came home. When he and his eldest and second sisters were having
fun, the eldest brother was mumbling and memorizing the text. He couldn't finish his
homework and couldn't memorize the text. The teacher would whip him with a willow stick,
and if he dared to skip school, he would be kicked by his father and scolded by his
mother. It would be as miserable as possible. My eldest brother finally graduated from
elementary school this year, so why do we let him suffer like this again?
Why, why should the child at home have enough food to play and make trouble as much as he
wants, so why should he go to such a shabby school?
"Your eldest brother has graduated from elementary school, and your eldest sister has
also gone to school. He just couldn't learn well. How old are Xiaoxiu and Xiaosan, and
you have the nerve to talk to them?" Shen Jinggui suppressed his anger and tried to
follow calmly. Shen Yulin was reasonable.
"Okay, even if the older brother and sister have already gone to school and don't need to
go again, and the third child is still young and doesn't need to go, what about Xiaoxiu?
Don't fool me, I've asked around. People can go to school at the age of six, so Xiaoxiu
is old enough." Shen Yulin retorted with a glare.
Ever since he knew his father was going to send him to school this year, Shen Yulin had
gone to inquire about it. Anyway, he couldn't go to school alone, and he couldn't get
beaten alone, so he had to have someone to accompany him.
"You kid, how old is Xiaoxiu? How can anyone in our village go to school so young?" Fang
Yan couldn't help feeling annoyed when she saw him clinging to Shen Yuxiu.
In her opinion, it doesn't matter if a girl goes to school or not. After all, she will be
married to someone else's family when she grows up. It is enough for her to learn how to
wash clothes, cook and take care of the family's food and clothing. Going to school is
not necessary. Unlike boys, who are at a disadvantage if they can't read, how can they
support the family? Do they have to rely on women? Whose man relies on women to support
Besides, most of the children in the village don't go to school until they are eight or
nine years old, and some even go to school in their teens. How old is Xiaoxiu? What if he
is bullied?
But Shen Yulin didn't care about that. He just said: "Anyway, if Xiao Xiu doesn't go to
school, I won't go to school. You can't even tell me to go. Even if you force me to go, I
can still run away."
Shen Yulin frowned and ran away, fearing that he would make his parents angry and get
Shen Jinggui looked at the back of his son who had disappeared in a flash. He was almost
He really wanted to have an educated person in his family, whether it was a boy or a
girl. He suffered a lot because he didn't understand the culture and didn't want his
children to follow his own path. But the old man didn't know what he was doing. He barely
graduated from elementary school and didn't even get into middle school. Not to mention
his eldest daughter, who had been in school for half a year because of writing. If I
don't write well, I will be beaten to death by the teacher.
Originally, Shen Jinggui thought that the second son's brain was more flexible than the
eldest son, and he should be a good candidate for school, so he had high expectations.
But looking at it now, this second child has a very flexible mind, but when it comes to
going to school, it's as difficult as his life.
After thinking for a long time, Shen Jinggui turned back to discuss with Fang Yan: "How
about letting Xiao Xiu go to school together? If Xiao Xiu is older and goes to school,
the dick will be too big and it will delay a lot of things."
"She is still young. What if she is bullied by older children at school?" Fang Yan was a
little worried.
"Isn't there a second child? Is the second child the one who lets people bully his
sisters? Besides, this is the second child who insists on dragging Xiao Xiu. If Xiao Xiu
is bullied, I will beat him and drag him to his side. You have to protect him. If you
can't protect him, he deserves to be beaten." Shen Jinggui said through gritted teeth.
After hearing this, Fang Yan rolled her eyes at him angrily, why should her daughter be
bullied and her son be beaten?
But there is no better way now, so I can only nod and agree.
The two thought it was just a small matter and they just needed to inform Shen Yuxiu.
However, when Fang Yan mentioned it, Shen Yuxiu also exploded, and what she said was
almost the same as Shen Yulin's.
"Why? People my age don't go to school, so why should I?"
Shen Yuxiu stood in the middle of the yard, her hands on her waist, her eyes wide open as
if they could spit fire at the next second.

Chapter 12 Why
Growing up watching her elder brother being beaten for going to school, Shen Yuxiu had
the same impression of going to school as Shen Yulin. At school, she would be spanked by
the teacher, and when she got home, she would be beaten by her parents, so why would she
go to suffer this when she was fine at home?
Fang Yan had never seen her daughter like this before. In her impression, although her
daughter was sometimes naughty, she was basically very obedient. So, after being stunned
for a moment, she frowned.
"I'm not discussing this with you. I'm telling you that you have to go to school. Why? No
reason. I'm your mother. If I tell you to go, you have to go."
"I won't." Shen Yuxiu's face turned red with anger. She didn't have as many tricks as
Shen Yulin, and she hadn't learned to drag others down with her. She could only say, "I
won't, I won't, I won't."
The way she stuck her neck out and refused to obey was even more irritating than Shen
Yulin's unreasonable behavior. Fang Yan couldn't help herself, so she went forward,
grabbed her, and spanked her on the butt.
"What are you doing?" Grandma Fang saw that things were not going well, so she tiptoed
over and pulled Shen Yuxiu behind her to protect her, glaring at Fang Yan: "Can't you
talk nicely? Why are you hitting the child?"
Shen Yuxiu was frightened by her mother's sudden rage and hid obediently behind Grandma
Fang, not daring to move.
"Why didn't I say anything nice? It's just these two who are so irritating." Fang Yan was
also very angry and said angrily, "I don't understand. Girls from other families can't go
to school even if they want to, but I took the initiative to let her go to school, and
she's still excited about it."
"One or two?" Grandma Fang ignored Fang Yan's other words and got to the point directly:
"Who else made you angry?"
"Who else could it be? That damned Yulin, you don't know..." Fang Yan angrily told all
the things Shen Yulin did to avoid going to school, and finally pointed at Shen Yuxiu and
said with gritted teeth: "That boy made me angry, but she also made me angry."
Shen Yuxiu listened to her words and gnashed her teeth in anger behind Grandma Fang's
No wonder her mother, who was usually a good person, suddenly became angry and wanted to
beat her up today. It turned out that the culprit was here.
Her second brother is the same. If he doesn’t want to go to school, then don’t go. Why
drag her into this?
Grandma Fang was speechless after hearing what Fang Yan said. She waved her hand and
asked her to leave: "Okay, you go back first."
"Mom~~." Fang Yan was unwilling to leave like this, and said angrily: "If Xiaoxiu doesn't
go to school, that damn boy will always find a way to make trouble. School is about to
"Alright, alright, let's talk about this later." Grandma Fang pushed Fang Yan out in a
bad mood. When she couldn't push her anymore, she hit her shoulder in anger.
Although her daughter is usually smart, when she gets anxious her mind becomes muddled
and she dares to say anything. If she continues like this, the two children will get
angry in the future.
Fang Yan was driven back to the house unwillingly. Shen Yuxiu stood in the yard, thinking
that Grandma Fang would turn around and talk about her. She had a tense face and stiff
neck, ready to refute at any time.
But in the end, Grandma Fang just looked at her unhappily, clicked her tongue, and went
on doing what she was doing, without any intention of persuading her at all.
This instantly left Shen Yuxiu with no outlet for all the words she had prepared.
Throughout the entire afternoon, she glanced at Grandma Fang from time to time, but
Grandma Fang acted as if nothing had happened. She didn't ask or say anything.
Could it be that grandma is not planning to let her go to school?
Thinking of this, Shen Yuxiu finally let go of the worry in her throat and went to the
side to continue playing.
It wasn't until the evening when Fang Youshun came back from work and they had dinner in
the team's cafeteria. As they were walking home, Grandma Fang asked her casually,
"Xiaoxiu, can you tell me why you don't want to go to school?"
"I will be beaten if I go to school, and I don't want to be beaten." It was getting dark.
Shen Yuxiu held Grandma Fang's hand tightly and walked very attentively. She didn't
notice the deep meaning in Grandma Fang's words and said what was in her heart without
any precautions.
"Who told you that you will be beaten if you go to school? How come I didn't know that?"
Grandma Fang asked in confusion.
"Do I need to hear about it? Wasn't my eldest brother often beaten when he was in
school?" Shen Yuxiu raised her eyebrows and answered with certainty.
This was her personal experience and it was absolutely true.
Grandma Fang was startled when she heard this, and then she coughed speechlessly.
She had almost forgotten about it.
But in fact, her eldest grandson was not at all submissive when he was beaten. He would
not do the homework assigned by the teacher until he was extremely anxious. His brain was
slow to memorize things, and he would not recite the text assigned by the teacher before
he came to the school. The most important thing was that it was time to go to school, and
the school was only a few steps away, but he would drag his feet as much as possible.
Didn't he deserve a beating?
"Xiao Xiu..." Grandma Fang wanted to explain this to her, but she was afraid that the
more she explained, the worse it would get, so she asked tentatively: "If grandma doesn't
let the teacher beat you, and doesn't let your parents beat you, would you be willing to
go to school?"
When Shen Yuxiu heard her words, she suddenly became alert and turned her head to look at
Grandma Fang beside her, but unfortunately, it was already dark and she could not see
Grandma Fang noticed that the little hand she was holding tightened, and pretended to be
calm and continued: "Look, no one plays with you at home, right? If you go to school, you
will be able to read. Then I will ask your grandfather to buy you a picture book. When no
one plays with you, you can also read the picture book, right?"
Shen Yuxiu hesitated when she heard this. To be honest, the picture book was very
attractive to her. The former village chief had one at home. When she was popular among
the children, she had read it several times. The characters in the picture book were so
Seeing that she was already tempted, Grandma Fang continued to persuade her: "How about
this? As long as you go to school, I will make you a new cotton-padded jacket this year,
made of new fabric and new cotton, the kind of small printed fabric you like. How about
After hearing what Grandma Fang said, Shen Yuxiu, who had already hesitated because of
the comic book, became even more excited.
Shen Yuxiu thought about it again and again, and finally asked for assurance: "Grandma,
if I go to school, can you really make the teacher not beat me? And also not let my
parents beat me?"
"Yes, of course." When Grandma Fang saw that she was beginning to waver, she immediately
and firmly promised loudly: "Grandma promises that as long as you can complete the
homework assigned by the teacher and don't make trouble in school, I will never let
anyone beat you. I will beat anyone who dares to beat you. If I can't beat him, I will
let your grandpa go. Your grandpa has beaten the Japanese before. He is very powerful,
right? Her grandpa?"
As Grandma Fang spoke, she pulled Fang Youshun, who was walking beside her in the night.
Fang Youshun got the hint and immediately understood and made promises repeatedly.
"Yes, your grandma is right. I will beat anyone who dares to beat my obedient
granddaughter. I have practiced this before."
Seeing that both of them had made promises, Shen Yuxiu hesitated for a while, and finally
nodded like a hero cutting off his arm: "Okay, then I'll go to school."
Grandma Fang couldn't help but quietly breathe a sigh of relief when she heard this. She
picked her up with a smile on her face and strode towards home. "Let's go. From now on,
Xiaoxiu will become an educated person."
Since she had already agreed, Shen Yuxiu didn't think about regretting it. She couldn't
help but giggle in her grandma's arms. The clear laughter echoed far away in the night
The cafeterias of Team 7 and Team 8 were not far from each other. Shen Yulin had just
finished dinner and was walking home with her family. She heard Shen Yuxiu's clear and
hearty laughter brought by the night breeze. In addition, she heard today that Shen Yulin
had done the same thing as in his previous life in order to avoid going to school. She
felt an inexplicable surge of emotions in her heart.
Why is God always so unfair?
It was obvious that he was the one who was reborn, and he had already made Shen Yuxiu's
reputation not so good, so why did God give Shen Yuxiu a rich grandfather?
Was it to compensate for the change in Shen Yuxiu's circumstances?
But why does God treat Shen Yuxiu like this?
Both are named Shen, and they are also worthless girls. Why do Shen Yuxiu's grandma and
grandpa love her so much, while his own grandma and grandpa can't see her existence at
Why did Shen Yuxiu's family drag, drag, beat and coax her to school when she reached
school age? But her parents asked her to work hard and work hard to get a chance to go to

Chapter 13 Listen to his deception

Yes, Shen Yuling is going to school this year, three years earlier than she was in her
previous life.
But this opportunity was obtained by her own efforts, while Shen Yuxiu's opportunity to
go to school was forced upon her by others.
Faced with such different treatment, it was difficult for Shen Yuling not to be upset and
If it weren't for the fact that the pants-pulling incident had happened, all the children
in the village had been warned by their parents not to play with her, and if it weren't
for the fact that the notebook hadn't been found yet, causing her to not dare to do
anything and reveal her tracks, there was no way she could have allowed Shen Yuxiu to go
to school so smoothly.
You know, Shen Yuxiu was the only girl in the team who was admitted to high school. If it
weren't for this, Shen Yuxiu would not have been able to stand out from all the sisters
in the blind date and be chosen as the daughter-in-law of that high-ranking official.
Shen Yuling tried hard to suppress her annoyance at not being able to control the
direction of things, and walked home step by step in silence.
Until late at night, when her parents and sisters had all fallen asleep, she could only
listen to the breathing sounds coming and going in the room and still couldn't fall
asleep at all.
After thinking for half the night, Shen Yulin still couldn't think of a good solution,
and in the end she could only comfort herself.
It doesn't matter. Even if no one will fight for her anymore because of the pants-pulling
incident, Shen Yuxiu's ruined reputation has not been restored. Besides, who stipulates
that only Shen Yuxiu can be admitted to high school among the girls in the team? Since
she has been reborn, isn't it enough for her to try not to let Shen Yuxiu be the only
Could it be that she, a person with adult thinking and memory from several years of
education, could not learn more than a six-year-old child?
As long as she maintains a good image from now on and works hard to get into high school,
won't she have a chance to catch the man who will become a high-ranking official in the
future? Otherwise, even if she can't get into high school, she can save some money in
advance and buy a place, right?
She just didn't believe that Shen Yuxiu was not a special existence in the village. After
that, the son of the high-ranking official would choose Shen Yuxiu even though she had
the same academic qualifications and was equally outstanding as Shen Yuxiu, and was even
more beautiful than Shen Yuxiu.
Shen Yuxiu had no idea why Shen Yuling was tossing and turning, and she just happily
accepted the fact that she was going to school.
Shen Yulin never expected that after all his troubles he still had to go to school. He
felt that his second sister was really useless as she compromised without even making a
But God seemed unaware of how miserable he was. After giving him this bad news, he
received a warning from his own father.
"I'm telling you, since you insist on asking Xiaoxiu to go to school with you, then you
have to protect her well. Whether in the school or on the way to and from school, you
have to keep an eye on her. If Xiaoxiu gets hurt, I don't care what the matter is, just
come back and get beaten."
At this time, the school in the village was not called a school, but a school house. On
the way to the school house with his two children to register, Shen Jinggui warned Shen
Yulin word by word. After warning him, he turned back and said warmly to Shen Yuxiu.
Instruction: "If anything happens in the school from now on, you should go to your second
brother. If he ignores you, go home and tell dad. Dad will teach him a lesson, do you
"Oh." Shen Yuxiu nodded obediently and followed Shen Jinggui to the primary school in the
brigade, with curiosity in his eyes.
Shen Yulin looked at Shen Yuxiu angrily, feeling aggrieved. While Shen Jinggui went to
find a teacher to sign up, he turned around and complained quietly to Shen Yuxiu: "Why
are you so useless? If the adults tell you to go to school, just do it." Come on? You
won’t cheat, or you can just cry, make trouble, and hang yourself.”
Shen Yuxiu looked at this deceitful second brother and curled her lips.
She won't get beaten when she goes to school, and she has a little book to read and a new
cotton-padded jacket to wear, so why does she have to fight with the adults?
Besides, since he said it so easily, why didn't he just go and cry, make a scene, or even
hang himself? Why was he here complaining to her? He just wanted her to charge in the
front, and he would pick up the slack in the back.
How stupid must she be to listen to his nonsense after being cheated so many times?
Shen Yulin looked at her eyes that seemed to see through his thoughts, and he felt a
little uneasy. Just as he was about to say something, he saw his own father coming out of
the registration office with a smile on his face. He immediately grimaced miserably.
It’s over. The name has been reported. There’s no point in him gossiping about the
second sister anymore.
Shen Yuxiu didn't know how bitter Shen Yulin was. On the first day of school, she happily
went to school with the new schoolbag that Grandma Fang had made for her. Shen Yulin, who
followed behind her, was carrying his older brother's old schoolbag, looking droopy-
headed like a defeated rooster.
The so-called school house in the brigade is actually just an ordinary farmyard with
earthen walls, earthen houses and thatched roofs. The only difference is that the yard is
bigger than that of ordinary families, and there are a few more rooms than that of
ordinary families.
There were no real desks and benches in the school. The so-called desks and benches were
just large and small earthen platforms built by the villagers with adobe bricks, and then
the surface was smoothed with mud. After drying in the sun, they became a set of desks
and benches for children to study.
Shen Yulin came to the classroom carrying a schoolbag she had made of old cloth, and
frowned as she looked at the desks and benches that were so familiar to her memory.
With these mud tables and mud benches, after a day's class, wouldn't you be covered in
But this is the condition now, and Shen Yuling has to accept it no matter how
dissatisfied she is. She took a deep breath, found a relatively clean place, put her
schoolbag on the mud stool, and slowly sat down waiting for the teacher to come.
When Shen Yuxiu entered the classroom and saw Shen Yuling, who had just sat down with a
look of disgust on her face, she immediately walked to the seat as far away from her as
possible, as if she was avoiding the plague god.
Shen Yulin didn't care where he sat and followed like a follower.
Of course Shen Yuling also saw the two siblings. She glanced at Shen Yuxiu's face, which
had been hit badly but now only had faint marks left, and felt extremely sorry.
If I continue like this, there should be no trace of it on my face by the summer, right?
How come there is no scar left? Even one scar would be fine, so she wouldn't have to
worry every day about how good this cousin would be in the future and whether she would
steal that man again.
Due to the merger of villages and the fact that people now eat from a big pot, almost all
families in the brigade who are doing well and have children old enough to go to school
have sent their children to school. As a result, there are a lot of children entering the
first grade this year.
The teachers in the school did not expect this situation this year. Moreover, because the
registration time and the school start time were too close, there was no time to add more
chairs and desks, resulting in three or even four children being squeezed into each
Shen Yuxiu was small and petite, and it was really uncomfortable to be squeezed in the
middle, so she simply climbed onto the big platform that served as a desk and sat there
without moving.
Sitting at the same table with the brother and sister were two friends of Shen Yulin. The
two kids had no objection to her sitting directly at the table and just chatted

Chapter 14 Why are you sitting on the table?

As soon as Liu Zixin entered the classroom with his textbook, he felt like he had entered
a bird's nest.
The chattering sounds were endless and one after another. When the children saw him
coming, they acted as if they were blind. Those who should talk still talked, those who
should push and shove still made noises. No one was afraid, let alone say hello.
Facing such a room full of children, Liu Zixin was a little nervous. He was a teacher
newly selected by the brigade after the merger of the villages this year. Because the
curriculum had changed this year, he was sent to the county to study for ten days. After
returning, he became the teacher of this grade.
Liu Zixin stood in front of the blackboard for a long time, but the children didn't quiet
down. Finally, he took a deep breath and clapped his hands: "Okay, okay, stop talking.
Find a seat and sit down. Class is about to start."
As soon as the new word "class" came out, the children immediately ran around like
headless flies. After a while, they sat down in a crowded place and looked at Liu Zixin
with wide eyes.
Seeing that they were relatively obedient, Liu Zixin looked around with a slightly
satisfied smile, and saw that among the little kids sitting on the stools, there was
actually a little girl sitting on the desk, standing out from the crowd.
"Why are you sitting on the table? Go down and sit properly." Liu Zixin said with a
"I don't want to. They're squeezing me so hard that I feel uncomfortable." Shen Yuxiu sat
on the desk, frowning and not wanting to go down at all.
Liu Zixin choked. He didn't expect that this girl was not only not afraid of him, but
also so tough. But when he looked at the boy who was obviously a few years older than her
and sat at the same table with her, he felt that what the girl said was not wrong at all.
Those kids were all taller than her, so wouldn't she just have to squeeze in? Even if she
was forced to sit down, the kid in front of her was taller than her, so she couldn't see
the blackboard at all during class.
Liu Zixin hesitated for a moment and waved at her: "Come down and sit in the front." Then
he pointed to a taller child in the front row and said: "Sit in the back."
Upon hearing this, the child who was pointed at immediately picked up his empty schoolbag
and walked to the back. Shen Yuxiu also climbed down from the table with the help of Shen
Yulin using her hands and feet and walked to the front.
As she left, Shen Yulin quickly followed with his schoolbag.
"What are you doing here? Go back and sit still." Liu Zixin stopped him immediately when
he saw him following him.
"She's my sister." Shen Yulin pointed at Shen Yuxiu and said as if it was a matter of
course, "My father told me to take good care of her. If I don't, I'll get beaten when I
get home."
Liu Zixin choked again.
However, this phenomenon is very common in the village. Some parents even let brothers
and sisters in the same class share a set of textbooks in order to save money. So no one
said anything. They pointed to the tall child sitting in the middle to move to Shen
Yulin's original seat, and asked a child in the front row to sit in the tall child's
seat. Only then did the two siblings sit together in the front row.
However, since he had already arranged for the two siblings, he simply asked if there
were any other brothers and sisters who wanted to sit together, and then rearranged the
seats according to their height.
After everything was arranged and the textbooks were distributed to the children
according to their names, Liu Zixin finally started his first class for this group of
"Okay, let's start the class now. First of all, our textbooks this year are different
from previous years, and the pinyin we learn is also different from before. It's called
Hanyu Pinyin, which is our country's..."
Liu Zixin spoke passionately above. He felt that he was very lucky to live in a year when
the country officially popularized the teaching of Chinese Pinyin nationwide, and it was
also the right time for him to start this new chapter.
But the children below did not understand how excited he was, nor could they understand
his profound words. They only roughly understood that what they were going to learn now
was called Pinyin, which was different from what their older brothers and sisters in the
village had learned before.
Liu Zixin was spitting for a long time, but he found that these children either had
confused faces or ignored him and started talking. His high spirits suddenly fell to the
Looking around at the children who had no interest in his topic, Liu Zixin lowered his
head awkwardly and coughed lightly before officially starting the class: "Come on, take
out your textbooks and turn to the first page..."
When Shen Jinggui signed up his two children, he only paid for one set of books and told
them that they would use a set of books, so the books were handed out.
Shen Yuxiu saw that the teacher was babbling and didn't know what he was talking about,
so he curiously took the book and opened it. Now when he heard the teacher say that he
wanted to open the book, he immediately opened it to the corresponding place and put it
on the Between himself and Shen Yulin, they were waiting obediently to listen to the
However, children's determination is limited after all. In addition, the mud stool is a
bit high for Shen Yuxiu, his feet cannot touch the ground, and he is squeezed by two
people. Shen Yuxiu was exhausted after a while, and his little body went limp. He leaned
against Shen Yulin shapelessly.
When Shen Yulin saw her approaching, he subconsciously stretched out his arms to hug her,
fearing that she would accidentally fall off the clay stool and be beaten again when she
returned home.
Liu Zixin simply drew four lines and three grids on the blackboard. When he turned
around, he saw the little girl he had called to the front row leaning limply on her
He wanted to ask the little girl to sit properly, but when he looked at the children in
the room who were sitting in all kinds of positions, he swallowed his words.
Forget it, it’s only the first day, as long as you are willing to listen to the class
carefully, it will be fine.
However, after a ten-minute class and a five-minute break, when he started the next
class, he found that the little girl was sitting quietly, but her brother sat on the
ground again.
"What are you doing sitting on the ground?" Liu Zixin asked curiously.
"It's too tiring to sit on the stool. I'll take a rest. You just need to continue the
class, teacher. I'm listening." Shen Yulin stretched his legs forward, supported himself
with his hands, and leaned back, speaking weakly.
Liu Zixin opened his mouth, looked at Shen Yuxiu who was sitting on the edge of the
stool, then looked at Shen Yulin on the ground, and finally took a deep breath and
continued speaking. But after he had spoken a few words, he looked up and saw a few more
children on the ground.
Their reason was the same as Shen Yulin's: they were tired and wanted to take a break.
Liu Zixin's forehead was throbbing with veins. He closed his eyes, and suddenly shouted,
unable to bear it any longer: "Everyone go back to your seats. If anyone sits on the
floor again, I'll go back and get the willow branches."
When the children sitting on the ground heard that the teacher was going to call on the
whip god, they got up from the ground one by one and hurried back to their seats,
including Shen Yulin.
In this way, Liu Zixin taught for a day, and all kinds of situations happened frequently.
Some students had to urinate during class, some said they were hungry and wanted to go
home to eat, and some suddenly started fighting during break and cried for their parents.
At the end of the day, the situation of the Shen brothers and sisters was actually
relatively good.
After finally finishing a day's classes and sending the group of children out of the
school, Liu Zixin's voice was hoarse, and his legs, which had been standing all day, were
more sore than noodles. The passion he had when he first came in the morning had long
since shattered to pieces.
Why on earth did he come to be a teacher? How could these be students? They were clearly
a bunch of devils!!
The new teacher felt hopeless, but Shen Yuxiu felt that going to school was actually
quite good except that it was a bit tiring due to the crowded conditions.
After all, there are so many children in this school, there is always one who is not good
friends with Shen Yulin and comes to play with her. The teacher is not like the eldest
brother's teacher who always hits people with willow branches. He also praised her for
learning well today.
Chapter 15 Shen Yuling's Plan
On the way home from school, Shen Yulin followed Shen Yuxiu closely, looking at her happy
face, feeling completely puzzled.
He was not allowed to move around in class, and the get out of class was over in just a
few minutes. He had to rush to go to the toilet, which was just like being in prison. He
wanted to skip school at the end of the day. How could this girl be so happy?
Shen Yuling and the two siblings were taking the same route home, but she kept a distance
from them and walked slowly behind them, with no intention of getting closer.
Shen Yulin was a bad boy. After I stripped him of his pants, he disappeared for a long
time. When I saw him again, he brought a group of boys from the village to shout that she
was a pants stripping demon. Every time they saw her, they would yell that she was a
hooligan and wanted to strip people's pants. Because of this, the people with children in
the village would not let their children get close to her.
Shen Yuling walked at a distance from the two people, neither too far nor too close,
until she saw them enter Grandpa Fang's yard. Only then did she quietly breathe a sigh of
relief, and at the same time looked at the three new houses with some envy.
Although these three houses may not even be lived in by poor households in later
generations, in this era when every household rarely built a house without a foundation
and the roof was covered with thatch, such a house with blue bricks, lime and red tiles
was definitely the only one in the village. .
What's more, this house also has glass windows, which is completely different from the
dark and dark house her family lives in now.
"What are you looking at? You can't live in it even if you lose your eyes." When Fourth
Aunt Shen came back from work, she saw her daughter staring at the house, so she picked
her up angrily and walked in. Go home.
Who doesn’t want to live in a good house? But you have to have that ability, right?
Shen Yuling was unexpectedly dragged and staggered. She was startled. She finally managed
to steady her steps and saw that it was her own mother. She couldn't help but feel a
little angry.
"Mom, what are you doing?"
"What are you talking about? My eyes are about to pop out when I look at other people's
houses, and I'm not afraid of people laughing at me." Fourth Aunt Shen said angrily, her
face a little unclear.
Who would have thought that her eldest brother, whom she had laughed at before for
marrying a daughter-in-law with a slutty mother-in-law, would live such a good life after
moving out, and now he would find a capable father-in-law halfway through and build a new
There's really no way to tell about this man's fate.
Shen Yuling saw that Fourth Aunt Shen's face was not very good, and she was afraid that
she would get angry, so she did not dare to refute anything. She only asked tentatively
in a low voice: "Mom, when will we separate and build a new house?"
After hearing this, Fourth Aunt Shen looked at her daughter and snorted, not knowing
whether it was ridicule or annoyance.
Separate families to build new houses? Who wouldn't?
Who doesn’t want to live a life where they make their own decisions?
But in today's world, if the elders don't talk about family separation, and the children
take the initiative to do so, that would be unfilial, and they will be cast aside by the
What's more, even though the old man and the old woman in her family are easy-going on
the surface and treat their son, daughter-in-law and children equally, they are not
simple masters. I think back then, they were in and out of bandits' dens, and when the
Japanese were raiding I've even seen blood.
So it's okay to say that everything is fine in this family. If something happens, it's
the parents-in-law's responsibility. Not to mention her and the sisters-in-law, not even
the brothers of the Shen family dared to have a word.
Separate the family? Who dares to say this?
When Shen Yuling saw that Fourth Aunt Shen didn't look back at her, she rolled her eyes
and said with pretense of yearning: "Mom, I also want to be like my uncle's family. We
don't have to live with so many people. When my parents buy things, I can live openly
with my sister. Sister, you don’t need to hide it, mother, why don’t we move out of the
house like uncle?”
In Shen Yuling's memory, she was already very old when the Shen family was separated. In
her previous life, she had no idea whether to separate families or not, but now she
doesn't want the whole family to crowd on the same kang and sleep in the same room. .
She no longer has the patience to wait step by step for the day when her uncles split up.
She wants to move out as soon as possible and improve her current living conditions
immediately. Even if it is still a mud house, as long as it can be more spacious.
Originally, Fourth Aunt Shen felt a little sad when she heard Shen Yuling's words,
feeling that her daughter had been wronged at home because of her incompetence. But when
she heard her daughter say that she wanted to move out like Shen Jinggui, she suddenly
You know, when Shen Jinggui moved out of the old home, she was forced to do so. Except
for his wife, children and his mother-in-law, Shen Jinggui really didn't take away a
grain of grain, a field, or a dime. Because of this, Old Shen got so angry that he almost
beat Old Fourth Shen to death. As a result, her family's status is still at the bottom
among the brothers in the Shen family.
What's more, she doesn't dare to go out as a bachelor like Shen Jinggui. Shen Jinggui is
a smart person and is not afraid to bring his wife and children out without paying a
penny. However, Shen Laosi has nothing to do except work honestly. nothing.
What's more, she hasn't given birth to a baby yet, and she is already a dwarf in the
family. If she takes the initiative to separate the family again and goes out without
anything, then her whole family can sleep directly in a straw nest. go.
"Take care of your mouth, don't go out and talk nonsense." The more Aunt Shen thought
about it, her face became uglier. She scolded Shen Yuling in a low voice and walked
quickly home.
You can divide the family, but like Shen Jinggui's family and bring nothing with you,
that's absolutely not possible.
Shen Yuling was dumbfounded as she watched Fourth Aunt Shen leave in a hurry. She didn't
know the details of why Shen Jinggui left her hometown and came here, let alone what Aunt
Shen had in mind. She just wanted to separate the family as soon as possible.
But now it seems that her mother is not too serious about separating the family, so she
will just find a way on her own.
When Shen Yuxiu and Shen Yulin arrived home, Shen Yujun was playing with clay in the yard
alone. When he saw the two coming back, he immediately ran over happily.
"Second brother, second sister."
"Hey." Shen Yuxiu agreed with a smile. Seeing Grandma Fang twisting twine in the yard,
she took the little Shen Yujun and walked over with her. However, Shen Yulin had been
thirsty for a day at school, so he was holding his hand The schoolbag went inside to look
for water.
"It's time to go home from school. What did you learn in the study room today?" When
Grandma Fang saw her come back, she didn't put down the work in her hands. She bit a
piece of thread in her mouth and kept rubbing the hemp thread with both hands while
asking her.
"Pinyin and arithmetic. The teacher praised me today for learning them quickly and well."
Shen Yuxiu raised her chin with a little pride.
The teacher didn't praise many people at school today, and she was one of them.
"Really? That's amazing." Grandma Fang's face was wrinkled with laughter. She asked with
a smile: "Do you have homework? If you have, hurry up and do it. It will be dark soon and
you won't be able to see clearly."
"Yes, the teacher asked us to write down what we learned today five times." Shen Yuxiu
said seriously, and went into the house carrying her schoolbag.
Shen Yulin, who was drinking water in the house, also heard what Grandma Fang said. He
saw Shen Yuxiu return to the house, find a small stool and sit down in front of the
dining table. He began to take out a notebook and pencil to prepare to do his homework,
and frowned slightly.
To be honest, he wanted to go out and play and didn't really want to do his homework.
But thinking of the consequences of his older brother not completing his homework in the
past, Shen Yulin felt a little scared again. He could only reluctantly put the empty bowl
of water on the stove, found a stool to sit down, and began to rummage through his
schoolbag to get a notebook to do his homework.
Little Shen Yujun followed into the room and saw that his brother and sister were doing
their homework seriously. He also took a small stool and moved to the table, imitating
their sitting posture and sitting upright. He opened his big round eyes and looked at his
brother and sister curiously.
Having been tormented by Shen Yulin since he was a child, he was always particularly
obedient in front of Shen Yulin, especially when Shen Yulin was doing something
seriously, he didn't dare to make trouble at all.
You know, other brothers and sisters would give in to him when they were bullied, but he,
the second brother, would never give in. Not only would he not give in, he would also
beat them. The slaps on his butt would always hurt him for several days, and it was not a
pleasant feeling.

Chapter 16 Food Storage

In fact, Shen Yulin and Shen Yuxiu didn't have much homework. They could finish it in a
short while as long as they calmed down. When they went out to play, Shen Yulin suddenly
felt a little puzzled.
This homework doesn’t seem that difficult to do. Why did my brother always get beaten
for not finishing his homework in the past?
No one answered Shen Yulin's doubts. When Grandma Fang saw that the two of them were
going out to play, she hurriedly reminded them not to go too far. After all, they were
eating in the cafeteria now, and the cafeteria would open for dinner when people got off
work later. If they missed the meal, no one would leave any food for them.
But the two children were obedient and did not run far. The three adults who went to work
and the other two children were nowhere to be seen until the team got off work and the
canteen was about to open for dinner.
Grandma Fang and her three children waited and waited, until it was almost dark and each
family started to walk to the cafeteria. Only then did they finally see the three adults
coming back with the two children, and the three adults were still wearing their own
clothes. Carrying a bundle of things.
"What are they carrying? Why did you come back?" It was already dark, and Grandma Fang
couldn't see clearly what they were carrying, but she still hurried forward to help them.
"Cotton locust strips." Fang Youshun asked her to put the things on her back aside, and
then hurried to help her daughter and son-in-law. After they put down all the cotton
locust strips, she immediately urged several people: "Wash your hands quickly. Go eat
first, there won’t be anything to eat if it’s late.”
"Hey." Shen Jinggui agreed, and he and Fang Yan hurriedly washed their hands with the two
children, and then headed to the cafeteria with the whole family.
It wasn't until she returned home after dinner and lit the kerosene lamp that Grandma
Fang bothered to ask Fang Youshun: "Are you tired from a day's work? Why go get so many
cotton locust slivers back?"
"I just want to weave some baskets and sell them when I have some free time." Fang
Youshun said tiredly as he put on his slippers and got on the kang.
In fact, the commune stipulated that people over 45 years old were considered elderly and
did not have to go to work, but he always felt that it was not a good thing to sit idle
at home, so he went to work every day. At least he could earn some work points to
supplement the family expenses.
"We all eat in the cafeteria now, you have an allowance, and our family doesn't lack
anything. Why are you working so hard?" Grandma Fang looked disapproving.
"We may not be able to eat in this cafeteria for many days." Fang Youshun sneered, with a
hint of sarcasm in his voice.
"What do you mean?" Grandma Fang was stunned.
"You don't know, our brigade is better off. Some brigades have almost harvested their
crops, but they haven't even started to harvest them yet." Fang Youshun sighed. Seeing
that Grandma Fang looked puzzled, he continued, "Don't you think about it? If they don't
harvest the crops, what will they eat and drink after they finish eating their current
"Then... why don't they collect the grain?" Grandma Fang was a little confused.
"Why? Because you don't want to work. Don't we all eat in the cafeteria now? If there is
no food in your own cafeteria, just go to the cafeteria of other teams or other brigades
to eat. Otherwise, the higher-ups can't just watch them starve to death, right?" Fang
Youshun was a little angry when he talked about this.
In fact, it's not just other teams, even in our team, some teams don't want to work
anymore. Who would be willing to work hard to harvest food and give it to those who do
nothing? We are not stupid.
Grandma Fang was stunned when she heard this. She had been taking care of the children at
home since they started eating from the same big pot. She had no idea what had happened
outside recently.
But having worked in the fields all her life, Grandma Fang believed in one truth: if you
have food in your hands, you won't be worried. How can you do nothing and just rely on
Seeing that Grandma Fang was a little dumbfounded, Fang Youshun explained, "In fact, not
all the people in those brigades don't want to do it. Some people want to collect the
grain because they feel sorry for it, but the team leaders and the team leaders don't
give the order. If they go to collect it privately, it will be considered stealing
collective property, and they will be arrested and beaten by everyone. Who would dare to
collect it when it's like this?"
Grandma Fang was even more dumbfounded after hearing this: "What's wrong with them? They
don't collect the grain themselves, and they don't allow others to collect it?"
"That's right." Fang Youshun was also very angry when he talked about this: "Don't think
that our team is still working to collect food. It's because our son-in-law and our team
leader, together with a few good friends, are forcing us to do it. Even here, there are
still people who are slacking off. They don't think about it. In the past, they worked
very hard and might not have enough to eat all year round. Now that everyone is not
working, they will starve to death."
Grandma Fang sighed after hearing this and didn't know what to say.
"So, I want to go back to my old business and get some cotton and locust tree stalks, and
some sorghum stalks after the autumn harvest. When I have nothing to do in the winter, I
can weave some baskets and mats and sell them at the market. Then I can secretly buy some
food to supplement it and store it at home. In case we really have nothing to eat one
day, we won't be caught off guard." Fang Youshun said his plan slowly.
"But...but doesn't the team forbid us to open fire at home?" Grandma Fang was a little
"I'm not afraid of not being allowed to start a fire, I'm afraid of having nothing to eat
when I'm allowed to start a fire. It's not like we haven't escaped hardship before. Who
would care about that when we're starving? It's always better to have more plans than no
plans at all." Fang Youshun looked helpless.
Grandma Fang also nodded in agreement.
Yes, there is nothing to eat, what's the point of just not letting people start cooking?
After all, it's better to be prepared than not to be prepared.
"Okay, go to sleep first. I was just saying that. It's all nonsense. Maybe it won't get
to that point." Fang Youshun said as he was about to lie down when he saw Shen Yuxiu
looking at the two of them curiously with her round eyes. It was obvious that she had
been listening to their conversation.
Fang Youshun's heart skipped a beat. What he was about to do must not be known to anyone.
He quickly tried to scare Shen Yuxiu, "Xiaoxiu, you must not tell anyone what I said to
your grandma tonight. If you tell anyone, grandpa will be arrested."
Shen Yuxiu's eyes widened when she heard this, and she covered her mouth with her two
small hands: "No, I won't tell anyone, not even my parents."
Although she only had a vague understanding of the conversation between the two old
people, she could tell that grandpa didn't want to go hungry. She naturally knew that
being hungry was not a good thing, and she didn't want to go hungry, and she didn't want
her grandpa to be caught.
"Good child, just remember it. Go to sleep quickly, you have to go to school tomorrow."
Seeing her like this, Grandma Fang was afraid that she would be frightened to death, so
she coaxed her gently and told her to go to sleep quickly.
Shen Yuxiu lay down obediently, but in her heart she felt a little resentful towards
those who wanted to eat without working.
Why didn't they work? Why did they have to eat other people's food? Why did they let her
Fang Youshun wanted to save food, so he was naturally familiar with Shen Jinggui. After
all, he had just arrived this year and didn't know much about the place. However, Shen
Jinggui had lived here for decades, almost dozens of miles around, and in what way? He
knew exactly where there was a bird's nest, and he knew where to buy food.
Of course, it was impossible to store grain openly. The two of them still went to work
during the day. In the middle of the night, the two men dug a pit in the unused warehouse
of Fang Youshun's family. After digging, the two of them took the now-idle rice vat at
home. Put it in the pit, and when the purchased rice arrives, put it all into the rice
vat, then seal the mouth with oil paper, then sprinkle the leftover lime from building
the house on the mouth of the rice vat, then sprinkle soil on the lime and stamp it
firmly with your feet.
After everything was completed, the warehouse looked idle no matter who came in. No one
would have thought that there was still food buried under the ground.

Chapter 17 If you do something wrong, you should be punished

Not long after Weng and his son-in-law finished hiding the food, a commotion suddenly
broke out in the Shen family home.
The reason was that Shen Yuling said that the eldest daughter of Mr. Shen's family had
stolen Fourth Aunt Shen's gold pendant and wanted to call the police to arrest her. Mr.
Shen refused to let her go, so Shen Yuling cried and said that the whole family was
bullying her family, saying that they were so They are feudal dregs, harboring criminals.
She does not want to join these people and wants to separate the family.
In the old courtyard of the Shen family, two groups of people stood facing each other. On
one side were the fourth Shen family and on the other side were all the other members of
the Shen family. The people on both sides looked bad now and glared at each other.
"Family separation?" Mr. Shen looked at Shen Yuling who said these two words, raised his
eyebrows and looked at Shen Laosi: "Fourth, is this your idea?"
"I..." Facing his father's question, Shen Laosi felt a little weak.
"Grandpa, don't think my dad is honest and always bully him." Seeing her own father like
this, Shen Yuling knew that she couldn't count on him, so she stepped forward and said
loudly to Grandpa Shen: "I said, either let my eldest sister bring my mother's gold
pendant, or we will split the family."
Upon hearing this, Mr. Shen lowered his head to look at Shen Yuling, who was not even as
tall as his waist, and raised his eyebrows and asked quietly, "Girl, your family..., are
you the one who makes the decisions now?"
Shen Yuling choked when she heard this. This was really hard to answer.
If she didn't make the decision, her father was useless, and the plan to divide the
family today would be ruined. If she made the decision, who in this village has ever seen
a six-year-old child make the decision while the parents are still alive?
When Mr. Shen saw that she couldn't answer, he looked up at Mr. Shen and said, "Mr. Shen,
say something."
"I, I..." Shen Laosi murmured, not knowing what to say. Fourth Aunt Shen, who was
standing next to him, quietly stretched out her hand and pinched his back hard. Shen
Laosi felt a pain in his lower back and immediately said : "Dad, let the children of my
second brother's family return the gold pendant to me. It's always bad to steal things.
If the things are not returned, then, then we will separate our families. I don't want to
live in the same yard with a thief."
"Oh." Mr. Shen seemed to understand his decision, nodded slightly, looked directly into
his eyes, and asked: "In other words, I will ask you to slow down, if you don't want to
talk about this matter another day, You believe your daughter and agree with your
daughter’s decision just now. You must reach a conclusion between dealing with your
second brother’s children and dividing the family today, right?”
"Then, if you do something wrong, you can't just learn a lesson." Shen Laosi didn't dare
to look at his father, but he still whispered his thoughts.
"Okay, since you think that people who do something wrong should be punished, then I'll
listen to you and divide the family." Mr. Shen emphasized the word "do something wrong"
meaningfully, then turned around and told his youngest son, "Sixth Brother, go ask our
team leader to come home, and don't forget to ask him to bring a few people to be
witnesses. Today we're dividing the family, completely and thoroughly."
Upon hearing this, Shen Laoliu immediately agreed and ran to the brigade headquarters to
look for someone.
After instructing Old Six Shen, Old Master Shen smiled and said to all the sons and
daughters-in-law present: "Come with me, you can divide the family property today, thanks
to Old Four, you must thank him someday."
After saying that, Mr. Shen strode towards his house. It took a while for the sons and
daughters-in-law of the Shen family to realize what the old man meant. Some were shocked,
some were happy, some were unsure, and of course some were quick to express their
"Dad, it's the fourth child who wants to separate the family. I don't want to separate
the family." Shen Laowu hurriedly chased after him.
However, Mr. Shen's spitting is like a nail, and not everyone can change it.
What's more, he originally planned to separate the family when his youngest son got
married. Now, although the sixth son is not married yet, he is engaged. Although this
early separation is somewhat different from his original plan, it is still within
control. No big deal.
Shen Yuling didn't know Mr. Shen's original plan, but was secretly happy that he had
achieved his goal now.
But the family is about to be separated, and her calculations these days are not in vain.
Although the eldest cousin of the second uncle's family is a little unjust, there is
nothing that can be done. When she is better off in the future, she can just make up for
this eldest cousin.
By the time the captain arrived with several witnesses, Mr. Shen had already asked
Grandma Shen to take out all her savings over the years and count the money in front of
her sons.
When the captain arrived with the witness, Mr. Shen asked the men to take a seat and put
a bowl of water in it. Then he sat on the edge of the kang with a big sword and a golden
horse, and talked about how to divide the family.
"We all eat in the canteen now, and the food and belongings in the house have all been
handed in. There's nothing to share, just the money we've saved over the years and a few
bowls. As for the bowls, you can take them according to the number of people in your
family after the family division. As for the money, you saw it when I counted it just
now. It's a total of 186.32 yuan. I want to divide this money into six parts. Your mother
and I won't take a penny. The eldest son left home a few years ago and hasn't done much
work for the family over the years, so we won't give him anything. Each of you will get
one share of the money, and the remaining two shares will be given to the sixth son.
After all, I have helped you all get married, but the sixth son hasn't yet found a wife.
The extra share that your sixth brother takes can be considered as money for him to get
married. Do you have any objection?" After Grandpa Shen finished speaking, he looked
around at his sons and daughters-in-law.
"No objection." Several brothers and sisters-in-law immediately shook their heads.
To be honest, Shen Laoliu would still be at a loss even if he took an extra amount of
money. After all, excluding the betrothal gift, the money could not buy much, at least
not the things the brothers would get when they got married.
Although Fourth Aunt Shen was a little dissatisfied with Shen Laoliu for getting an extra
portion, she also understood that she still took advantage of it, so she didn't say
"Okay, let's divide the money like this." Seeing that everyone had no objections, Mr.
Shen continued: "The next step is the pension issue for your mother and I. We are all
eating in the canteen now. You don't have to worry about the food issue for the time
being. You brothers Five, each family should give me or your mother summer clothes or
winter clothes every year. If there is a change in the canteen one day, you should still
give food every year. As for how much, we will decide at that time. As for other sick
people As for money, I won’t ask you for money. You can share it equally. Do you have
any questions?”
As soon as Mr. Shen finished speaking, before anyone else said anything, Fourth Aunt Shen
became anxious: "What about eldest brother? Doesn't eldest brother need to take care of
himself in old age?"
Mr. Shen suddenly laughed when he heard this and said: "Back then, the boss married me
without spending a penny, and I didn't take a grain of food with me when he left home.
Now that we are separated, I haven't given him anything. In the future, he will be
willing I will take care of him in his old age, and if he doesn’t want to take care of
him in his old age, I won’t go to him.”
"But..." Fourth Aunt Shen was about to say something, but Mr. Shen interrupted her again.
"If you have any objections, you can also take your natal mother-in-law into your home.
Instead of taking the money from the current family separation, you can also take the
bride price and various expenses from when the fourth child married you. You can also use
the food, clothing and clothing in this home these years. If you spend all the New Year's
gifts for your parents during the New Year and the holidays, I don't need you to support
me in old age." Mr. Shen's words were sonorous and powerful, and his eyes were full of
sarcasm, which made Fourth Aunt Shen speechless and unable to say a word. come out.

Chapter 18 Exposed
After Mr. Shen finished quarreling with Aunt Shen, he ignored her and turned to look at
Mr. Shen coldly.
"How about it? Fourth child, are you willing to leave the house like your elder brother?"
Old Shen's back was cold when he was asked by Mr. Shen, and he quickly shook his head
like a rattle.
He is stupid to go out naked like Shen Jinggui!
Fourth Aunt Shen was so angry that her heart ached after being manipulated by Mr. Shen,
and her face turned blue and white in turns, which made her look particularly ugly.
This damn old man is so cruel. Not only does he not want to share her money, he also
wants her to be in debt.
When Mr. Shen saw that neither of these two people answered, he sneered softly and turned
to ask his other sons: "Which of you...has any opinions on the matter of old age care?"
"No, no, no." The sons shook their heads like rattles. The daughters-in-law did not dare
to say a word. They stood obediently beside their men and did not dare to say a word.
Who dares to have a problem with this? Not only is he kicked out of this house naked, but
he also has to starve. How stupid does one have to be to have a problem with this?
Old Master Shen glanced around and saw that none of them said a word. He nodded with
satisfaction, slowly took out a few pieces of paper from the side, and solemnly handed
them to the captains and others who came to serve as witnesses.
"I'd like to ask the captain to write a few more documents for the division of the family
property, so that my sons and I can each have one. If someone refuses to provide for my
parents, I will have evidence."
"Don't worry, old man. I promise to write it down for you word for word." The captain
took the paper and pen with a smile and began to write seriously. After finishing, he
took out the ink pad he carried with him and pressed his fingerprint on it. He then
handed the paper to the other two witnesses. After everyone pressed their fingerprints,
the family was considered divided.
Old Master Shen asked each of his sons to take the money and the documents for the
division of the family property. Then he took out a gold pendant from his pocket and
handed it to Shen Yuling: "Nizi, when your grandfather was playing tricks on you, you
didn't even have a ball. It's useless to try to frame me. Remember, next time you do
something so rude, don't make a scene in front of me, otherwise, I won't let you relax
like today, understand?"
The moment Shen Yuling took out the gold pendant, she knew she was doomed. It was the
middle of summer, but she felt like her whole body was freezing.
She had clearly buried the gold pendant in the ground outside the village, so how did it
end up in the hands of this old man?
And all the Shen family members in the room, after seeing the gold pendant and listening
to Mr. Shen's words, they still didn't understand anything, and they were all shocked and
kept thinking.
Was the conscience of the fourth daughter’s daughter eaten by a dog? She actually framed
her cousin like this. Did she know that once the reputation of this thief was stained, it
would last a lifetime? She wants people to die!
Shen Laosi looked at this scene, his mind was buzzing, and he couldn't react at all.
Fourth Aunt Shen came to her senses and stepped forward with a smile: "Oh dad, look at
what you just said. How could Yu Ling be so thoughtful? Look, you didn't tell me earlier
that you found this golden pendant. It's Where did you find it?"
The intention of exonerating Shen Yuling was obvious.
"I found this gold pendant from the place where your daughter buried it. Do you want a
witness? I can find it for you." Mr. Shen did not show any respect to Fourth Aunt Shen.
After speaking, he did not even look at her because of his words. With a blue and white
face, he handed the gold pendant to Shen Yuling again: "Don't you want your mother's gold
pendant? Take it!"
Shen Yuling raised her head and met Mr. Shen's sharp eyes. She shuddered involuntarily,
grabbed the golden pendant and ran out.
She knew that she was finished, and no one in the family would believe her anymore. Even
if this matter spread, the entire brigade might look at her strangely.
What about her reputation? Is her reputation finished?
Shen Yuling regretted that he hadn't been more careful when doing this and let that damn
old man expose him.
What a shame, how did the old man find out? Why was she unaware of any of this?
She should plan more carefully and work more carefully.
Fortunately, the family was divided as she wished, but her reputation was ruined!
Shen Yuling returned to the house in panic, feeling anxious and unsure whether to cry or
Over there, Fourth Aunt Shen saw that her daughter had run away, and she knew that she
could no longer argue, so she could only leave with a dark face.
Fortunately, the family has been separated today and the money has been obtained. In the
future, the worst case scenario is that I will move out and live behind closed doors and
not interact with them. What else?
The captain and others did not expect that there would be such a thing, and everyone was
dumbfounded. Seeing Fourth Aunt Shen and her daughter walking away in dejection, they
also knew that they could not stay here any longer, so they hurriedly said goodbye and
"Dad, you knew it was my daughter who threw away the pendant, why didn't you say it
behind people's back? Why did you say it directly in front of the captain and the
others?" Shen Lao Si also reacted at this time, and blamed Grandpa Shen with a grim look.
"Don't I want to do this behind people's backs? How many times did I tell you to take it
easy at the beginning? Let's talk about this another day. Do you listen?" Old Master Shen
said coldly, "It was you who insisted on getting a result between punishing your second
brother's daughter and dividing the family. What? I did what you wanted, but you're still
not happy and you blame me instead?"
"Well, you can't say it directly in front of the captain and the others. If this gets
out, how will my daughter live in the future?" Shen Laosi stammered in rebuttal. Although
he spoke very softly, anyone in the room could hear it.
Old Master Shen was almost so angry that he laughed. He scolded him mercilessly: "Your
daughter can't behave herself? Then your second brother's daughter can behave herself?
Didn't you say that people who do something wrong should be taught a lesson? So your
second brother's daughter was accused of being a thief, and your daughter insisted on
calling the police. It's only natural that you must teach her a lesson, but your
daughter, who really did something wrong, can't even say anything? What's the matter?
Your daughter is the daughter of the Seven Fairies in heaven, so she is extra precious?"
"Don't give me all this nonsense." Shen Lao Si wanted to say something, but was
interrupted by Old Man Shen with a wave of his hand: "With your cunning mind, I know
whether you are going to poop or fart as soon as you stick out your butt. If you still
want to argue with me, then swear first and say that you didn't know anything about what
your daughter did today. If it's false, you will never give birth to a son in your life,
and if you do, your son will have no butthole."
After these words were spoken, Shen Laosi fell silent.
He has six brothers, and each of them has a son to some extent, but he has five daughters
and no sign of a son. Maybe because he has no sons, he is particularly concerned about
the topic of sons and will not tolerate any mistakes.
Swear? That's absolutely impossible. Moreover, he did know a little bit about what his
daughter was up to.
When the Shen family brothers saw this, they knew there was nothing they couldn't
understand. Their minds were in a mess and they were all extremely angry.

Chapter 19: Loud Bang

The brothers of the Shen family never imagined that their fourth brother (fourth elder
brother), who was honest and could not even fart, would do such a thing against his
How can this be called honesty? This is a ruthless and evil person!
How could he know clearly that all these things were caused by his daughter, yet he
turned a blind eye and let his daughter put the blame on the second son's daughter? How
cruel must he be?
What did he think of his brothers? And what did he think of his nephews and nieces who
called him "fourth uncle" every day?
"Fourth brother, as your father, I will give you one last piece of advice." Mr. Shen
looked a little tired at this time, and he said slowly and earnestly: "It doesn't matter
if you raise a troublemaker. Take care of her when she is young. If you really can't
control her, just keep a close eye on her and don't let her cause any big trouble. You
are not me, you can't stop her!"
Shen Lao Si lowered his head and said nothing, making it hard to tell what his expression
was. Seeing him like this, Mr. Shen didn't want to say anything more, so he waved his
hand and said, "Go back. Since we've separated, don't come near me if you have nothing to
When Shen Laosi heard this, he froze for a moment, remained silent for a long time, and
then walked out without saying a word.
As soon as Fourth Shen left, Mr. Shen waved his other sons back to their respective
houses. Until he and Grandma Shen were the only ones left in the house, he sighed long
and long: "From now on, we will be the only ones left in this house. "
"Wouldn't it be nice if we are the only two left? It's light." Grandma Shen said,
lighting a cigarette pot and gently handing it to his hand.
Although the family was divided, she knew that the old man felt uncomfortable.
"Yes, brisk. From today on, I won't go to work. I will have a good brisk time at home."
Mr. Shen smiled, took the pipe and pot from Grandma Shen's hand, took a sip, exhaled a
long puff of smoke, and said: " From now on, they are just domestic sparrows. The sky is
high and the sea is vast. What they can do is up to them. "
He originally thought that he would wait until the sixth child got married before
splitting up the family. After all, starting a family for his other sons was like this.
Only when money and people's hearts are concentrated can things be done easily. But who
would have thought that when the child gets older, his heart will also grow bigger? The
fourth child actually allowed his daughter to do such a thing in order to separate the
Since he wants to separate the family so much, let's do it. After all, we are in the
cafeteria now and there is no need for him to control the general direction. He is happy
enough not to worry!
At the beginning, he didn't let the fourth child marry Aunt Shen because he felt that the
woman was unscrupulous and too impetuous, but at that time, his son insisted on marrying
her as if he was obsessed with her.
It's good now, the fourth child is getting worse and worse. He has such a wife, and gave
birth to such a daughter. His ears are still soft without limit. Now he has offended all
his brothers. I don't know what he can do in the future. What a mess.
This is how the separation of the Shen brothers ended. Shen Jinggui heard the news when
he was eating in the cafeteria at noon. When he learned that Mr. Shen not only separated
the family but excluded him, he even provided for his retirement. They were all ruled
out. At that time, he ran to the cafeteria of Team 7 and said to Mr. Shen who was eating:
"Dad, I will support you and your mother in your old age."
Shen Jinggui felt a little aggrieved. Although he had moved out early and had no
complaints about the old man dividing the family and not giving him anything, he was also
the son of the old Shen family. Since he was the son of the old Shen family, he could
provide for his retirement. Why leave him out for this matter? Does this mean that he
doesn't want his son at all or something?
Mr. Shen looked at the eldest son who suddenly ran towards him with red eyes. His heart,
which was chilled by Mr. Shen, finally warmed up a little. He smiled and nodded: "Okay,
then just like your brothers, you will give the gift every year." I will make clothes for
your mother.”
The cafeteria was full of people. After Mr. Shen said this, he stopped talking. Shen
Jinggui felt a little aggrieved because the old man stopped talking. Seeing that he
stopped talking, everyone in the cafeteria of Team 7 was also looking at him. , turned
around and walked back somewhat. When he passed by the Shen brothers, they all greeted
him warmly. Only Shen Laosi was sulking and chewing on the steamed bun while eating
without even raising his head.
The separation of families has no impact on the Shen Yuxiu brothers and sisters. After
all, they have never lived with the old Shen family from the beginning. Whether those
people separate or not does not mean anything to them.
These days, the two siblings have adapted to school, especially Shen Yulin. He found that
as long as he completed the homework assigned by the teacher, not only would the teacher
not spank him, but even his parents would never beat him. This made him feel repulsed by
school. It disappeared long ago, but I still fell in love with the days of playing with
my friends at school.
The autumn wind was getting colder, and the two siblings went to and from school like
conjoined twins, and neither of them left the other. Mainly because Shen Yulin didn't
dare let Shen Yuxiu out of his sight, but Shen Yuxiu didn't care.
One day, the two siblings were walking home one after the other after school when
suddenly there was a loud bang, and then the ground under their feet began to shake. They
were so scared that they stood there for a long time without daring to move.
After a long while, until there was no more sound or movement around them and the ground
beneath their feet stopped shaking, the two dared to move. They both turned their heads
and looked around.
What's going on? It's so scary.
Shen Yuxiu and Shen Yulin looked for a long time before they finally saw a tall rack that
had been erected at some point in the wasteland far to the south. Next to the rack was a
large green thing that no one knew what it was. Next to the thing, there were some
shadowy figures walking around.
"What are they doing?" Shen Yulin looked into the distance curiously, his eyes full of
Shen Yuxiu looked over there, her eyes also filled with curiosity.
Yeah, what do those people do? And what are those weird racks and big things?
"How about we go and take a look?" Shen Yulin suggested to Shen Yuxiu with a strange
light in his eyes.
"Okay." Shen Yuxiu nodded without any objection.
Seeing that she agreed, Shen Yulin immediately pulled her up and ran towards the distant
The place looked just a little far away, but it was actually farther away when walking.
Shen Yuxiu felt like she had been walking for a very long time before she reached where
the big shelf was.
When they got there, they realized that the shelf was really high, and the big green
thing was really big. The people there were all busy. Some were looking at a strange big
box, some were writing something on a notebook, and some were saying words they couldn't
As the two listened, they moved closer and closer. When those people noticed that there
were two children among them, listening to them curiously with two pairs of round black
eyes, they were all stunned.
Whose child is this and when did he come?
Chapter 20 Lost
With the appearance of the two children, the scene became exceptionally quiet for a
moment, until a dark-skinned man with a huge scar on his face that slanted from the end
of his left eyebrow to his temple came back to his senses first.
He waved his hand to let others continue with their work, then he picked up Shen Yuxiu
and Shen Yulin out from among the crowd one by one, walked to the big green guy and put
them down.
"Which village are you two from? Why are you here?" The man squatted on the ground and
looked at them at eye level, asking them with an accent that sounded very strange to Shen
Yulin and his sister.
Originally, when this man didn't smile, Shen Yuxiu didn't think anything of it. But when
he smiled, the scar on his face looked a little hideous, which frightened her so much
that her heart skipped a beat. She quickly hid behind Shen Yulin, leaving only her two
eyes exposed as she quietly looked at the man.
Shen Yulin was actually a little scared, but inexplicably, he felt that this man was not
a bad person. He puffed out his chest and gestured, "When we were walking home from
school, we heard a loud bang and got startled. Then we saw someone over here, so we came
The man nodded in realization. It turned out that he was attracted by their noise. He
touched Shen Yulin's head and said, "You two are really brave. Aren't you afraid that we
are bad guys and will arrest you?"
Shen Yulin froze when he heard this, and subconsciously put his hands behind him to
protect Shen Yushou, his eyes becoming alert.
Could this person really be a bad guy?
The man couldn't help but chuckle when he saw his protective behavior. He stood up, waved
his hand and said to him, "You two should go home quickly. The adults at home will be
worried if they can't find you."
When Shen Yulin heard him asking him to go home, his vigilance immediately disappeared.
After all, which bad guy would ask someone to go home so quickly?
"Uncle, what are you doing?" Seeing the man was about to walk back after he finished
speaking, Shen Yulin couldn't help but ask the question he wanted to ask.
The man turned around and met two pairs of curious eyes. His heart softened for some
reason, so he walked back and said with a smile, "We are exploring for oil."
Upon hearing this, Shen Yulin looked at Shen Yuxiu, who was also full of questions, and
asked, "What is oil exploration?"
"Hmm..." The man pursed his lips and thought for a moment, then said, "There are many
things under our ground, one of which is called oil. We are looking for oil."
"Oh." Shen Yulin nodded in sudden realization. Isn't this just looking for something
"What is oil used for?" Shen Yuxiu quietly poked her head out from behind him and asked
her own question.
"Do you know cars and airplanes? There is something in the oil that can make cars run
everywhere and airplanes fly into the sky." The man answered with a smile.
"Wow..." Shen Yuxiu and Shen Yulin opened their mouths in surprise.
Although they had never seen a real car or airplane, they had heard from adults that oil
was a really powerful thing that could allow things they had never seen before to fly
into the sky and run around.
"Then, then what is this?" After his doubts were resolved, Shen Yulin pointed to the big
guy beside him.
"This is a type of car, a big truck." The man looked at the military truck next to him
and asked the two men, "Do you want to go up and take a look?"
When Shen Yulin and Shen Yuxiu heard this, they nodded in surprise.
Seeing how happy they were, the man reached out to open the car door and carried them
both in.
As soon as Shen Yulin got in the car, he kept screaming with joy and touching everything
here and there. Shen Yuxiu was still a little reserved. Seeing the man looking at them,
she sat obediently on the seat and just looked around with her eyes. But after a while,
she couldn't help it anymore and started touching everywhere like Shen Yulin, exclaiming
from time to time.
The man looked at them with a smile on his face. He allowed them to touch anything except
the places they were not allowed to touch, and generously satisfied their curiosity. He
didn't do that until someone called him from below. He then carried the two children out
of the car and told them, "Go home quickly. It will be dark if you don't go back."
Actually, Shen Yulin hadn't had enough fun, but he also knew that the other person had
something to do and it was indeed time for him to go home, so he asked Shen Yuxiu to wave
to the man with him.
"Thank you uncle, goodbye uncle." The two said the polite words they learned in school.
The man smiled and waved to the two of them, then turned and walked directly towards the
person who called him.
When Shen Yulin saw him leaving, he looked at the big truck reluctantly, then he took
Shen Yuxiu and ran quickly towards the village.
What the man said was right. It was almost dark now and if I didn't go back I would get
But even though they thought so, Shen Yulin and Shen Yuxiu were still so excited after
seeing the big bus that they kept gesticulating and talking to each other along the way.
Sometimes they even forgot to walk and stopped to talk for a while. So when they found it
was dark, they couldn't even find the shadow of the village.
Grandma Fang was looking after Shen Yujun at home as usual, and waited in the yard for
the two children to come back after school. But today, she waited and waited, and the two
children still didn't come back until it was almost dark.
At first, Grandma Fang thought that the two children might have gone off to play, so she
carried Shen Yujun all over the village and asked about the children who went to school
with them. In the end, she couldn't find them even after dark, and those children shook
their heads like rattles. He said that he was not with them, and Grandma Fang panicked
all of a sudden.
The two children went back to play, but they would definitely go home before dark. There
was still no one around at this time. Could something have happened?
Grandma Fang felt weak under her feet. She returned home with the child in her arms. When
she saw Shen Jinggui and others coming back, her panicked voice changed her tune:
"Quickly, go look for those two naughty kids. They are still missing." I don’t know
where the figure went. I’ve been to school and asked people in the village, but I
haven’t seen them.”
When Fang Youshun and Shen Jinggui heard this, they didn't even bother to drink, and
turned around to find someone.
At this time, Shen Yuxiu and Shen Yulin were still walking. They felt that they had been
walking for a long time, but for some reason they had not returned to the village. They
didn't know whether there were weeds or crops around them, but they were over their
heads, making it impossible for them to tell the direction.
Mosquitoes are particularly aggressive after autumn. After walking for an unknown amount
of time, Shen Yuxiu began to feel that her face, arms, and all exposed parts were itchy.
The more she scratched, the more itchy it became. The more itchy she scratched, the more
she scratched until her skin was broken and it was burning with pain. Only then did the
itchiness ease a little.
"Second brother, when will we get home?" Shen Yuxiu asked Shen Yulin beside her while
scratching herself.
"It should be soon." Shen Yulin said a little weakly, because no matter how he walked, it
seemed as if there was no village around, but he didn't dare to say it, for fear of
scaring Shen Yuxiu.
"Second brother, I'm so hungry." After walking for a while, Shen Yuxiu said again.
"Be patient for a while, there'll be food when we get home." Shen Yulin held her little
hand tightly and comforted her, but as soon as he finished speaking, his own stomach
Shen Yuxiu touched her empty belly and pursed her lips. She felt a little aggrieved and
tired. She didn't want to leave, but she had to. She could only hold Shen Yulin's hand
tightly and walk forward with him.

Chapter 21 Can't Find

But it seemed like the road was endless. Shen Yuxiu's legs were sore from walking, but
she still didn't see any sign of home. Just when she was extremely tired, she tripped
over something and fell forward before she could even react.
Fortunately, Shen Yulin had been holding her hand, and he quickly pulled it hard when he
noticed something was wrong. But even so, Shen Yuxiu couldn't avoid kneeling on the
ground. She didn't know what was on the ground, and the moment she knelt down, she felt a
sharp pain in her knees.
Shen Yuxiu, who was already tired and hungry, couldn't help but burst into tears.
Shen Yulin's hair stood on end at her crying. He quickly squatted down and kept feeling
around her with his hands: "What's wrong? Where did you get hurt?"
"My legs hurt so much... wah wah wah..." Shen Yuxiu cried heartbreakingly.
It was so dark that even if Shen Yulin knew she had hit her leg he couldn't see it. He
was so anxious he didn't know what to do.
"Well, then, can second brother carry you on his back?" Shen Yulin coaxed her carefully.
"Yeah, wuwuwu..." Shen Yuxiu nodded and cried, and Shen Yulin's eyes were sore that he
wanted to cry too.
"Come, lie on my back." Shen Yulin turned around with his back to Shen Yuxiu in a crying
voice and let her climb up.
Shen Yuxiu wiped her tears and climbed onto his back sobbing. Shen Yulin exerted great
effort to lift her up on his back and then continued walking forward.
"Second brother, I want to go home." Shen Yuxiu sobbed on his back.
"Okay, brother will carry you home." Shen Yulin replied to her with some difficulty as he
"Brother, I miss grandma."
"I want, too."
“Second brother…”
“Second brother…”
Shen Yuxiu felt too wronged and too tired. She cried on his back until she fell asleep
without realizing it.
Shen Yulin kept walking forward with her on his back. He didn't know how long he had
walked. He felt as if he had walked up a dirt slope, then down a dirt slope, until he
could no longer walk. He could only hear Shen Yuxiu's gentle breathing as she fell
asleep. He stopped his extremely tired feet, tilted his head and whispered to her,
"Xiaoxiu? Xiaoxiu?"
At this time, Shen Yuxiu was so tired that she fell asleep. How could she hear his voice?
Shen Yulin called out a few times but got no response, so he carefully bent his knees and
knelt on the ground, then slowly lay down with his hands on the ground until his whole
body was completely in contact with the ground. He slightly turned sideways and lifted
Shen Yuxiu's small body to the ground, then he let out a long breath.
Rest for a while, rest for a while before going on, he is really too tired.
Shen Yulin thought this while lying down at the dark night sky, but after lying down for
a while, he felt his eyelids getting heavy and he fell asleep unknowingly.
The sun began to rise and the mist dissipated.
Suddenly there was a rustling sound in the cornfield, and Shen Yulin was awakened. When
he opened his eyes, he saw a dark-skinned boy emerging from the cornfield.
The two looked at each other, Shen Yulin's eyes were full of confusion and the boy's eyes
were full of panic.
The boy looked at Shen Yuxiu who was still sleeping, then looked at Shen Yulin who was
looking at him, and asked hesitantly: "Are you here to steal corn too?"
"Ah?" Shen Yulin was stunned by the question, but when he saw the corn cob in the boy's
hand, he immediately understood something and shook his head: "No, I'm not here to steal
"Oh, I was wrong." The boy realized that he was wrong when he heard his words, and
quickly said, "I know, I understand, of course you are not here to steal corn, you just
walked here without knowing why, right?"
"Yeah?" Shen Yulin nodded and asked in confusion, "How did you know?"
"Of course I know." The boy looked around nervously, backing away and saying, "I just
walked here in a daze. We don't owe each other anything. If someone asks about me, just
say you haven't seen me, and I'll say I haven't seen you."
After saying this, the boy turned around and went back into the cornfield, and soon
Shen Yuxiu was woken up in a daze. When she opened her eyes, she saw the boy's back as he
entered the cornfield. She rubbed her eyes and asked Shen Yulin, "Second brother, who is
"I don't know." Shen Yulin shook his head, got up from the ground and was about to check
his surroundings when he looked towards the north and couldn't help but exclaimed in
shock. His eyes widened as if he had seen a monster.
Shen Yuxiu didn't know what he was screaming about, so she quickly got up and looked in
the direction he was looking. She couldn't help but open her mouth in shock.
I saw a wide river not far ahead, and the muddy yellow water in the river was rolling and
flowing towards the place where the sun was rising.
Shen Yuxiu didn't know how to describe the grandeur of what she saw. She just felt as if
her chest had suddenly become broader, and she was so shocked that she couldn't say
"I know where this is." Shen Yulin suddenly said excitedly, "This is the Yellow River.
Every winter when my father went to work on the dam project, he would leave home and head
north. The Yellow River is on the north side of our village, which means our home is on
the south side of the river. We can go home now." Shen Yulin said excitedly.
Shen Yuxiu was puzzled when she heard this. Couldn't they have gone home?
Shen Yulin didn't know what Shen Yuxiu was thinking, he just happily took Shen Yuxiu's
hand and walked in the opposite direction of the Yellow River.
In the cornfield, the boy who had just run away crawled back quietly, listened to the
conversation between the two, and breathed a sigh of relief.
It seems that they really came here by accident and they really didn't come here to steal
Shen Yuxiu followed Shen Yulin for a distance and saw a not very high earthen slope. The
slope was not wide but very long, winding like a dragon or snake into the distance.
From childhood to adulthood, the farthest place Shen Yuxiu had been to was the fields at
the entrance of the village. This was the first time she had seen such a scene, and she
couldn't help but open her mouth slightly in surprise.
Shen Yuxiu looked to the west, then to the east, and saw that there was no end in sight.
She asked Shen Yulin curiously, "Second brother, is this a mountain? Aren't mountains
very high? Why are our mountains so short and so long?"
"We don't have any mountains here, so this should be a dam, right? It's the dam that my
father has to work on every winter." Shen Yulin said uncertainly.
Although he had never seen the dam, his father would occasionally talk about what it
looked like when he came back from construction work in the winter, so he knew a little
about it. What's more, this slope was so close to the Yellow River.
With a direction in mind and since it was already daybreak, the two walked faster.
However, they did not see many people working in the fields along the way. Fortunately,
they were not completely alone. Occasionally, when they met someone, Shen Yulin would ask
for the direction of Minfeng Commune.
At this time, the Fang family was in a gloomy mood. When Grandma Fang saw her husband,
daughter, and son-in-law coming back with tired steps, she immediately looked behind them
with hope. Seeing that there was no one behind them, her nose felt sore and tears fell.
When Fang Yan came back and saw her mother like this, she couldn't help crying, she
squatted on the ground and started sobbing. When Fang Youshun saw the mother and daughter
like this, he couldn't help wiping his face with red eyes, not daring to let tears fall.
Shen Zhigui, who was walking at the back, seemed to have lost his soul. He ignored the
grieving people and stared at the clumps of weeds at the foot of the wall without saying
a word.
He searched all night last night and all morning today, but there was no trace of the two
children. He knew that the two children would probably never be found again.
But he didn't dare to cry, let alone show his panic and despair. Now his wife and father-
in-law and mother-in-law were already very sad. If he added fuel to the fire, how would
those people live?
Shen Yuwen and Shen Yuzhen, the brother and sister in the yard, saw that the adults did
not bring their younger brother and sister back, and they probably realized that they had
not found them. Tears immediately fell from their eyes, and they hugged Shen Yujun, who
knew nothing, tightly, not daring to let him go out to disturb the adults.

Chapter 22: Getting Beaten

Shen Yulin and Shen Yuxiu asked along the way, and finally saw the familiar shadow of the
village at noon.
"Ah..., ah..., we're home." Shen Yuxiu pointed in the direction of her home in the
village and shouted happily.
Finally seeing the familiar village, Shen Yulin jumped up happily, pulled Shen Yuxiu and
ran home.
His stomach ached from hunger, and he felt like he would die soon if he didn't eat.
At the door of Fang's house, Shen Jinggui looked at his daughter-in-law who was about to
cry. He knew that she couldn't keep crying like this. He was about to step forward and
pull her up when suddenly he seemed to hear the voices of his daughter and son.
"Grandma, grandma..."
Shen Jinggui's eyes filled with grief suddenly shrank, and he turned his head stiffly,
and saw his two children running over from the corner of the path, covered with bags.
Shen Jinggui wiped his eyes hard in disbelief, and found that it was his children who had
disappeared all night and all morning. He couldn't help but choke with joy, and then
became furious.
"Damn boy, you dare to come back." Shen Jinggui roared angrily, took off one of his shoes
neatly, strode over and grabbed Shen Yulin, rounded his arms, and slapped his buttocks
with the sole of the shoe.
"Ah, ah..."
Shen Yulin was beaten so hard that he kept screaming. Everyone in and outside the
courtyard heard the sound and ran over in a hurry. They saw Shen Jinggui grabbing Shen
Yulin and beating him, while Shen Yuxiu was crying in horror and stretched out his claws
to pull him. Shen Jinggui.
"Don't hit my second brother, don't hit my second brother, wow wow wow..."
Fang Yan cried and laughed when she saw this scene, and then became furious. Shen Yulin
was caught by Shen Jinggui. She wiped the tears on her face and rushed towards Shen
"Damn kid, where did you go?" Fang Yan didn't take off her shoes, but she grabbed Shen
Yuxiu and slapped her hard on Shen Yuxiu's ass.
Shen Yuxiu was rescuing her second brother when she was unexpectedly grabbed and spanked.
As the burning pain came from her butt, she also screamed: "Ah, mother..., ah, I don't
dare anymore." ,ah……"
Shen Yuxiu was beaten so hard that she screamed and begged for mercy, with snot and tears
flying from her nose.
Fang Youshun and Grandma Fang, who followed later, felt both distressed and resentful
when they saw this scene.
They deserve it. Who let them run around blindly? Why not teach them a lesson?
But after a while, Grandma Fang felt something was wrong. The two children were beaten
and screamed more and more miserably, but the two adults seemed to be getting more and
more angry.
Grandma Fang grabbed Fang Youshun and stood on tiptoes to pull her daughter. Fang Youshun
also like-minded and hurried to pull Shen Jinggui.
"Okay, okay, if you continue to beat me up, it will be time for dinner, so hurry up and
get ready to go to the cafeteria. If you go late, you won't have anything to eat."
Shen Jinggui didn't know what was wrong with him, but he felt that the more miserable the
child screamed, the stronger the anger in his chest became. It wasn't until Fang Youshun
pulled him back that he came to his senses and looked at the man with a bump on his face
under his hand. , the son who was crying with tears and runny nose suddenly trembled in
his hands holding his shoes.
"Next time, I'll beat you to death." Shen Jinggui was a little annoyed that he had struck
too hard, but he still bluffed and said harsh words before throwing his shoes on the
ground and starting to put them on.
But he didn't know whether it was because he beat the child hard enough or something
else, but the shoe was thrown to the ground. He stretched out his big feet and put it on
several times before he managed to put it on.
As for Shen Yuxiu, Fang Yan also let go of her, and said harshly with fear: "If you run
away again, I will let the monkey girl drag you away, and you will never come back."
The Skin Monkey Girl is a weapon used by the adults in the village to scare the children.
All the children don’t know what the Skin Monkey Girl is like, but they are all
extremely afraid, fearing that the Skin Monkey Girl will take them away and eat them.
Shen Yuxiu shrank her neck in fright, choked and hugged Grandma Fang's legs tightly. The
snot bubbles all over her face immediately smeared on her pants.
Grandma Fang didn't care either. She poked her forehead with her hand in annoyance and
warned her in the same way: "Remember this, don't run around anymore in the future."
Shen Yuxiu nodded quickly and looked at Shen Yulin while hiccuping. Shen Yulin also
looked at her with snot and tears on his face. Seeing that she was as miserable as
himself, he felt a sense of sympathy.
Really, they are so pitiful. They finally get home and then get beaten.
The child is back, and the whole family is in the mood to eat. You know, in this family,
except for Grandma Fang who went to the cafeteria with the child because she was taking
care of the child at home, the other three people have not eaten a drop of water since
yesterday, just like Shen Yuxiu and her brother and sister.
Because the cafeteria was about to open for dinner, and also because they had not eaten
for almost a day and a night, several adults washed their faces and ran to the cafeteria
with their children.
You know, if you miss the meal in the cafeteria at this time, you will have nothing to
After returning home from dinner, Grandma Fang finally had time to look at the rashes on
the two children's bodies. They were so densely packed with rashes that it was scary. She
didn't know how many mosquitoes they had fed last night.
Grandma Fang sighed, picked some mint leaves from the gate, mashed them in a garlic
mortar and applied them on the two people.
As the mint juice spread, the place where Shen Yuxiu was scratched last night was
immediately irritated and painful. She couldn't help but want to run away: "It hurts, it
Seeing that she was not behaving, Grandma Fang was so angry that she slapped her and
said, "Behave yourself. Do you want to be beaten?"
Shen Yuxiu immediately became obedient when she heard this. She held her mouth and hissed
in pain, and didn't dare to jump around anymore.
Who wants to be beaten? Her butt hurts so much that she doesn't even dare to touch the
After applying the paste to her, Grandma Fang called Shen Yulin over again. Shen Yulin
was better than her. Even though it hurt, he just grimaced and didn't say a word.
After applying the ointment to both of them, Grandma Fang sent them to school. The two of
them didn't want to go. They were too tired after walking so much.
But Grandma Fang said, "Who told you two to run around? You deserve it! Even if you two
run to the ends of the earth, you can't miss a day of study."
The two of them could only go to school with their bodies and faces covered with green
mint juice.
There was no other way. Both of them had blisters on their faces, which were almost
swollen like pig heads. Grandma Fang said that they had to apply the medicine.
As soon as the two of them entered the school with this look on their faces, they
immediately attracted laughter. Shen Yuxiu's face turned red and her neck became thick.
Of course, under the cover of mint juice, others couldn't see any changes, but she was
laughed at so hard that she almost couldn't walk.
But Shen Yulin didn't care at all. When he saw the children looking at him and smiling,
he puffed out his chest with pride.
Look at this appeal, right? Everyone's attention was drawn to him.
Not only did he not feel embarrassed, but when the two children who were watching the fun
asked him about it, he told him about his experience last night as if it were an
adventure story.
He stood with one foot on a dirt stool and described his experience from the loud noise
he encountered after school yesterday to his journey home. It was so dangerous and
tortuous that the children were stunned. But after listening to his story, what
interested them most was the car and the oil under the ground.
"Have you ever really ridden in a car? What's it like inside?"
"What does oil look like? Have you ever seen it?"
The children were too busy laughing at him to care about him. They looked at Shen Yulin
with admiration and asked him questions. Shen Yulin proudly exaggerated what he saw and
Because of his remarks, even Shen Yuxiu was stared at with envious eyes again and again,
as if she was some rare thing, and she couldn't help but raise her chin with pride.
Yes, she and her second brother are so awesome!!!

Chapter 23 Why can’t you be more generous?

Shen Yuling looked at Shen Yulin, who was spitting heavily among the children, and then
looked at Shen Yuxiu, who had an equally proud look on her face, and curled her lips in
Hey, it's just that I met some oil prospectors, what's the big deal? It's just that I
took a truck, why should I be so proud? Is it necessary to be so exaggerated?
In fact, when she learned today that Shen Yulin and his sister were missing, she felt a
little excited and secretly hoped that the two siblings were really abducted.
But now, hearing Shen Yulin's words, she suddenly remembered that the same thing had
happened in her previous life.
Because of this experience, Shen Yulin boasted about it for several years. Also because
of this, Shen Yulin became a god-like existence in the hearts of the children during
those years.
However, Shen Yuling was not interested in exposing his exaggerated words. After all, it
was meaningless, not to mention that she was upset now.
It was not for any other reason, but she was trying to get her parents to build a new
house and move out of the old house as soon as possible. When her father went to borrow
money from several uncles, none of them were willing to lend money. They said that they
also wanted to build a house and their own money was not enough, so they wanted to borrow
from her father.
But it was obviously not like this in her previous life. In her previous life, several
uncles lived in the same courtyard with Old Man Shen, each of them living in a mud house
until she was a teenager and then built a house. When her family built the new house,
except for the eldest uncle's family and the sixth uncle who did not lend money because
of the strong opposition from the sixth aunt, all other uncles lent money to her family.
Otherwise, her family would not have been able to build the mud house with a blue brick
and lime foundation in her previous life, which was envied by people in the village for
some time.
But why do people who borrowed money in their previous life not borrow money in this
Could it be that the family was divided naturally in the previous life, and she was the
one who caused the division in this life? But that was too inexplicable, wasn't it?
Wouldn't it be better if I let these people separate their property in advance and let
them live their own lives a few years earlier? Shouldn't they be grateful to me? How did
it become like this?
In fact, what Shen Yulin didn't know was that the Shen brothers were not unwilling to
lend, nor had they changed. Instead, they were hurt by the attitude of the fourth brother
Shen towards Shen Yulin's false accusation against the second brother's child when they
separated that day.
Who can have no grudges against such brothers? They treat Shen Lao Si as their own
brother and Shen Lao Si's children as their own children, but what is the result?
It's not enough that Shen Lao Si allowed his daughter to frame the second son's child,
but after the truth was revealed, he didn't feel guilty at all and blamed his own father
for exposing it. Even when he saw Shen Lao Er, he didn't even say a word of apology, and
he had the nerve to ask for money to build a house. Who wouldn't feel chilled when seeing
that, he looked so self-righteous?
So the children of Mr. Shen are precious and cannot stand any grievance, while the
children of his brothers are just a piece of shit and should be stepped on by his
daughter. The brothers should just pretend nothing happened and happily lend him money to
build a house, right?
Who would dare to associate with him after all this? Who would be willing to lend him
money? Isn't that too cheap?
But they didn't want to borrow money. They had the money from the division of the family
in their hands, and Shen Laosi would always mention it from time to time. It was not a
pleasant feeling to be remembered. Finally, they discussed it and decided to build a new
Although they originally planned to save money for another two years and build a better
house before moving out, they didn't want to be missed now, so they could build whatever
house they wanted. After all, their children were grown up, and it was inconvenient to
always squeeze together. Although they couldn't build a good new house with the money
they had, it was not impossible to live in a worse one. It was more convenient than
having adults and children squeezed on the same kang, wasn't it?
So the brothers discussed and decided that after the autumn harvest and the planting of
winter wheat, they would work together to make adobe bricks, and then apply for homestead
land in the spring of next year to build as many houses as they could.
Among them, Shen Laoliu, because he was not married yet and most of the people here lived
in the same yard with young sons and elderly people, discussed with several people
whether they could sell their current houses to him after they built new houses.
Although his money may not be enough to buy all the houses of the families, he can take
on the entire dam protection project this year by himself. Next year when they build new
houses, he will also go to help until all the new houses are built.
When the brothers heard this, everyone agreed. Their parents were still their parents,
and the fact that the sixth brother thought of staying to take care of the elderly was a
benefit to them. Besides, the dam protection project would begin after the autumn harvest
and winter planting, and the regulations required that every family provide one worker.
In previous years, the brothers took turns to go to the dam protection project, but when
the family was divided this year, the fourth brother Shen immediately registered his
household registration and moved out. The brothers didn't want to spend the entire winter
by the Yellow River, so they decided not to register for the separation for the time
being. They wanted to take turns going to the project as in previous years. Now that the
sixth brother Shen said this, they were naturally happy to agree.
After all, the dam protection project in the winter is much more painful than working at
home. Not only can they suffer less at home, but they can also have more time to make
adobe bricks. Why not do it?
After the brothers had discussed it, they decided to do what they were supposed to do.
Shen Lao Si knew nothing about it. He always thought that if he kept grinding, he could
get money out of his brothers, so he just did what he was supposed to do.
It was not until the weather was getting colder and all the work in the fields was
completed that the team sent out a notice for a meeting announcing the positions assigned
for this year's dam protection project. They also mentioned the names of the heads of
each household who would be participating in the project. He was a little dumbfounded.
"Why are there only my and my father's names? Where are my second and third brothers?"
Shen Lao Si asked the team leader who notified him suspiciously.
"They haven't separated their households yet. The list is allocated based on household
registration books. There are no separate homesteads. If all the names are in one
household registration book, they are considered one family." The team leader explained
Everyone in the village knows about the incident in which the daughter of Mr. Shen was
trying to divide the family property. A grown man was actually led by his daughter. How
No, no separation of households?
Shen Laosi's mind was buzzing. Why didn't his brothers separate their households yet?
However, no one answered his question, and Mr. Shen glanced at his silly look and saw
that there was nothing to do in the team, so he didn't even pay attention to him and just
strode away.
After a while, Shen Laosi went home in a daze. The next day, when he and Shen Laoliu and
other members of the team left for the project, they saw his brothers and their wives
borrowed shovels from the team, took the molds for making adobe bricks, and chatted and
laughed, carrying buckets of water and wheat straw on their backs, and went to the
wasteland on the other side of the bay.
Are they going to make adobe bricks? Are they really going to build a house? They don't
even need to work on the dam protection project?
However, no one responded to him, and no one gave him an answer. Even Shen Laoliu, who
was going to work on the project with him, had gone to look for a partner. They didn't
even ask him from beginning to end, and had no intention of working on the project with
For a moment, Shen Laosi was a little angry. He felt that he had been betrayed by all his
But why? Is it because his daughter framed the second son's child? But didn't the thing
happen? Didn't the second son's daughter also not suffer any harm?
Do they really have to make their daughter admit her mistakes? What does such a young
child know? Why can't uncles and aunts be more magnanimous?

Chapter 24 She Likes It Very Much

There was a fire burning in Shen Laosi's chest, and his face looked so ugly that those
who wanted to join him immediately moved away from him.
At the same time, the people from Team 8 who were going to work on the project had also
gathered. They were carrying baskets of earth, pushing carts, and carrying shovels and
were walking towards the bank of the Yellow River, which was about 10 to 20 miles north.
On the way to school, Shen Yuxiu and Shen Yulin looked at the people going to the
construction site in groups and found it very interesting.
"Is the dam protection project they are going to undertake the same long earth slope that
we passed when we came back that time?" Shen Yuxiu asked Shen Yulin beside her curiously.
Shen Yulin was so frightened when he heard her words that he slapped her mouth. He
carefully looked around and saw that no one was paying attention. Then he whispered,
"Don't tell anyone that we've been there."
When they got lost and came back, he only dared to say that he didn't know where he was
and he came back after asking for directions the next day. He didn't dare to mention at
all that he had been to the Yellow River.
You know, if he hadn't stopped because of exhaustion that night, he would have walked
directly into the Yellow River soon.
If the adults knew about this, it wouldn't be as simple as spanking him with the soles of
shoes. They would probably beat him to death.
Shen Yuxiu didn't understand why she couldn't say it, so she tried to pry open his hand
that was covering her mouth and asked, "Why can't I say it?"
"Because if you tell me you'll get beaten." Shen Yulin threatened her without any guilt.
When Shen Yuxiu heard this, she was so scared that she quickly shut her mouth. But after
a while, she couldn't help it. She looked around and saw that there was no one around.
She leaned close to Shen Yulin's ear like a thief and asked in a low voice, "So, are they
going there?"
"That should be the case." Shen Yulin couldn't explain it clearly. After all, he had
never actually seen adults working on a project.
Fang Youshun loaded some cottonwood twigs onto the pedal tricycle, and took a shovel to
dig a pit by the bay to soak the twigs in water. The cottonwood twigs would be soaked for
ten days or half a month before they could be woven into baskets or baskets. But as soon
as he went out, he saw two children standing on the street, chattering, and they started
"What are you two doing there? Why don't you go to school?"
The brother and sister, who were whispering to each other, were startled by the shout.
They turned around and saw their grandfather riding a tricycle and looking at them, so
they ran away immediately.
When Fang Youshun saw the two children running away as if they had seen ghosts after
being shouted at by him, he was stunned for a moment, then chuckled.
These two naughty kids must be planning how to cause trouble again, otherwise they
wouldn’t be so scared.
Thinking about the trouble the two kids had caused since he arrived, Fang Youshun
couldn't help laughing. He pedaled the tricycle hard and headed towards the bay.
He likes naughty children. Generally, naughty children will not be bullied, and people
can feel at ease wherever they go. Unlike honest children like Shen Yuwen, who can't even
make a sound even if they are beaten, people will worry about whether they will be
bullied or suffer losses wherever they go.
Now that there is no work in the fields, the villagers can finally take a break. Some
families who have skills will also prepare to weave something to supplement their family
income like him, but not everyone has this skill. It's just that nowadays, the time is
not as tight as when going to work, so you can see some people chatting on the street on
the village road.
Occasionally when he met these people on the road, Fang Youshun would greet them with a
smile, completely unaware that after he left, these people began to talk in low voices
about the tricycle he was riding, and they were all extremely envious.
In fact, when they first joined the commune, some members of the team wanted to
confiscate the tricycle. After all, having more tricycles in the team would save a lot of
trouble. But everyone knew that this was given to the old man by the army when he
retired. It was private property and not a necessary agricultural tool for production or
farming. They had no reason to confiscate the tricycle, but this did not stop some people
from making sour remarks.
As soon as Fang Youshun arrived at the bay, he saw the busy brothers of the Shen family.
They greeted him warmly. When they saw that he was about to drag out the cottonwood
branches that had been soaked in the water for the past few days, the third brother Shen
immediately came over to help.
"Uncle, do you want to get these cottonwood branches out and then soak the ones in the
car in the water?" Shen Laosan pointed at the cottonwood branches in the water and then
at those in the car.
"Yes, it's almost soaked in water and can be used." Fang Youshun said with a smile as he
was about to drag the cottonwood branches out of the water.
"Uncle, wait a minute. I'll pull them up for you. The water is very cold now. Don't let
you get frozen." After saying this, Shen Laosan went straight into the water and began to
pull up the cottonwood branches that had absorbed enough water. He also unloaded the
cottonwood branches from the car and soaked them in the water.
"That's true. Thank you so much, nephew. You see, this has delayed your work." Fang
Youshun didn't expect that he would do it as soon as he said it. For a moment, he could
only thank him quickly.
"What's the big deal? We are all family." Shen Laosan smiled cheerfully and loaded the
cottonwood strips that had been dragged ashore onto the tricycle with Fang Youshun, and
was about to go back to work: "Uncle, I'll go get busy first."
"Hey." Fang Youshun smiled as he walked towards the busy Shen brothers, and suddenly
said, "Wait until your adobe bricks are dried. If you want to use the tricycle, go to my
uncle's house and ride it."
Shen Laosan was stunned when he heard his words. When he realized what he meant, he was
so happy that he almost jumped up and quickly agreed: "Hey, thank you, uncle, you are
really helping us a lot."
"Hey, we're all family." Fang Youshun waved to him with a smile, then pedaled his
tricycle home again.
Since he arrived here, he has basically not dealt with the Shen brothers because they are
not in the same team, but he still knows something about the relationship between these
families and his son-in-law. These brothers now seem to be good people, and their wives
seem to get along well with his daughter. Naturally, he is willing to help if he can.
After Fang Youshun walked away, Shen Lao San couldn't hold back the smile on his face.
The Shen brothers and sisters-in-law were also extremely happy and they worked even
They really didn't expect that the third brother just helped out and actually led to such
a pleasant surprise.
You know, these adobe bricks are not light even after they are dried. Carrying them on
their shoulders and hands is not only tiring, but they can't bring back many at a time.
But with a tricycle, it is different. It not only saves labor, but also saves their time
in transportation. It is simply the best thing.
When Fang Youshun returned home, he started busy weaving baskets. He had not knitted
anything for many years. He had to weave something to make cocoons out of his hands
before he could use sorghum straw to weave mats. Otherwise, he had to peel off the tough
layer of sorghum stalks. When using leather, it can easily cut your hands.
While Fang Youshun was tinkering with knitting, Fang Yan brought the children over to do
needlework because Shen Jinggui was not at home.
Firstly, she can keep company with her parents by doing needlework here. Secondly, it’s
because the firewood allocated to the team is not enough for anything. The weather is not
too cold now, so we can stay here together during the day. By only burning one kang, she
could save some firewood and burn it for a few more days.
This year the team didn't have much cotton, so Grandma Fang wanted to make a new flower
jacket for Shen Yuxiu first, and then use the remaining cotton to refill Fang Youshun's
old cotton jacket. Fang Yan had the same plan. The cotton she distributed would be used
to make coats for Shen Jinggui and Shen Yulin first, and the remaining cotton would be
used for other children.
After all, the women basically stay at home doing needlework in winter, and the children
who have nothing to do have no need to go out, but their men have to work, and Shen Yuxiu
and Shen Yulin also have to go to school, so any of them has to dress warmly.
Little Shen Yujun is still kept on the kang. Now the two older children go to school
every day, and Shen Yuwen has grown up and can no longer stay at home. When the two
adults are doing needlework, the task of taking care of the children basically falls on
Shen Yuzhen.
While watching her brother play, Shen Yuzhen would occasionally glance at Grandma Fang
who was sewing a new flowered jacket.
The fabric was very large and seemed to be her size, with a rosy base and small pink
flowers. She liked it very much.

Chapter 25 Being Sprayed

Shen Yuzhen looked at the floral cloth and felt happy.
From childhood to adulthood, no matter winter or summer, the clothes she wore were made
of old coarse cloth that her mother rubbed into strips and spun into thread every year,
and then had her grandmother help her weave on the loom in her grandmother's house. The
colors were basically a single navy blue or black.
Moreover, when Grandma Fang was spreading cotton on the cloth just now, she touched it
quietly. The cloth was fine, soft and extremely comfortable, completely different from
what she usually wore. And the bright color was rare, not only in her home, but also in
the village.
She liked it very much, whether it was the soft fabric, the bright color, or the pink
flowers, she loved them all.
Shen Yuzhen was extra careful when looking after her third brother today, and really
protected him all the time. Until she saw Grandma Fang finishing sewing the jacket and
preparing to sew it, she was stunned.
I saw Grandma Fang folding the cloth into a large piece, and the cloth that originally
looked quite large suddenly became much smaller.
"Grandma, if you sew so many pieces on the jacket, it will be too small." Shen Yuzhen
reminded her anxiously.
"No, I measured it according to Xiaoxiu's clothes. This coat will only be bigger, not
smaller." Grandma Fang smiled and rubbed the needle on her hair. Just as she was about to
continue sewing, she suddenly realized something. She looked up and saw Shen Yuzhen's
expression was stiff and her face looked a little bad.
"Yuzhen, this jacket was made by Yulin because she refused to go to school and insisted
on taking Xiaoxiu with her. I promised her when I persuaded Xiaoxiu to go to school with
Yulin. Otherwise, I would not have made it for her. Next year, when there is enough
cotton and we have extra money, grandma will make it for you, okay?" Grandma Fang
hurriedly comforted Shen Yuzhen, fearing that she would feel uncomfortable.
It was true that the food in the cafeteria was not enough to fill one's stomach. Fang
Youshun used the monthly allowance almost immediately to buy food, allowing her to
secretly cook for the adults and children at home at night to fill their stomachs.
Otherwise, if she had any extra money, she would not have used it just to make new
clothes for Shen Yuxiu.
"Isn't Yulin already in school now? It doesn't matter if I don't make it for Xiaoxiu,
right?" Shen Yuzhen still wanted to fight for it: "Grandma, you see, it's a waste to sew
such a large piece of cloth. Just sew it according to the original size. When it's too
small for me, Xiaoxiu can wear it the same size. Isn't it like this in previous years?"
Grandma Fang was feeling a little uncomfortable at first because she hadn't expected Shen
Yuzhen to say this, but she never expected Shen Yuzhen to say this. She suddenly became a
little unhappy and didn't agree with what Shen Yuzhen said at all.
"This is what I promised Xiaoxiu. I must do what I promised. Otherwise, Xiaoxiu will not
trust me as her grandmother in the future." Grandma Fang said in a light tone as she
sewed a cotton jacket.
"What if she doesn't believe it? She's still so young, she'll forget about it after a
while." Shen Yuzhen retorted nonchalantly, "This piece of cloth is so big, it would be
such a waste to sew so much for her to wear."
"It won't be wasted. I sewed so many of these clothes so that I can wear them next year.
If I use a little more fabric every year, I can wear them for many years." Grandma Fang
was annoyed by Shen Yuzhen's words. She looked up and asked her directly, "Besides, why
do you have to wear clothes that are too small for Xiaoxiu to wear? Why can't she wear
new clothes? Does it have to be the same every year as in previous years?"
Shen Yuzhen was stunned by the question, and after a while she said, "But isn't it the
same for all the children in the village? When the older children have finished wearing
them, the younger ones put them on."
"Everyone in the village is like this, do you have to be like this? Does Xiaoxiu have to
be like this? Are those people your family?" Grandma Fang was a little impatient with her
nagging, and her eyes looking at her became sharper.
Grandma Fang was a little angry. She was angry that this child, for the sake of a piece
of clothing, could ignore the fact that Xiaoxiu might have lost trust in her as a
grandmother, and ignore how sad Xiaoxiu might be because she didn't fulfill her promise.
If Shen Yuzhen was only a three-year-old today, she would not be so angry. But Shen
Yuzhen is already twelve years old this year, and will soon be thirteen. In two years,
she will be able to get engaged, but she is still so ignorant.
Shen Yuzhen had never seen Grandma Fang like this before. She was frightened for a moment
and sat there in a daze, not daring to say a word.
"Mom, Yuzhen is still young..." Seeing that Shen Yuzhen was a little frightened, Fang Yan
quickly spoke to try to ease the atmosphere, but was mercilessly scolded by Grandma Fang.
"What do you mean by small? Have you forgotten what you were doing when you were her age?
Have I ever taught you that clothes in our family can only be worn by the younger ones
after the older ones have worn them?" Granny Fang was not polite at all when she
criticized Fang Yan: "No matter how difficult our family was in the past, did I let you
brothers and sisters wear old clothes all the time and never made new clothes for you?
You haven't made any new clothes for Xiaoxiu in all these years. Don't you feel guilty at
Fang Yan was speechless after being criticized. She didn't dare to refute a word, and she
couldn't refute it.
Yes, her family used to be in a difficult situation, but when Grandma Fang made clothes
for her and her brother and younger brother, she would do the same as she does now, she
would simply cut the cloth bigger and sew a lot for them to wear at the beginning, and
then put a little bit more away every year until they became too small for them and the
clothes would be too torn to mend. That’s why she and her brother and younger brother
always wore their own clothes and never wore anyone else’s old clothes.
But when it was her turn to be a mother, she disliked the trouble of taking it apart and
sewing it all the time, so she simply made it into a big one that could be worn, and then
the small one would wear it after the big one. In this regard, she was not as good as
Grandma Fang, the mother.
"I've told you before that you can't only make new clothes for the older ones and not the
younger ones. It's easy for the children to become selfish. Look at them now..." Fang Yan
didn't dare to say anything back. Grandma Fang was still angry in her heart, but when she
saw her daughter lowering her head lower because of what she said, she forced herself to
hold it back.
In front of the children, she always had to save some face for her daughter as a mother,
otherwise Fang Yan would lose all her dignity in front of the children.
Grandma Fang took a deep breath, suppressed her anger, picked up the needle and thread
and started sewing the cotton-padded jacket again.
Seeing that Grandma Fang finally stopped talking, Fang Yan breathed a sigh of relief and
continued to make the cotton-padded jacket in her hands without saying a word.
She felt that her mother's temper had been getting worse and worse since she found her
biological father.
Seeing that even her own mother was being scolded, Shen Yuzhen did not dare to say
anything either, but she felt very aggrieved in her heart.
After the new house was built, she also wanted to move in. After all, the house had glass
windows and white lime on the walls, so the room was spacious and bright.
But her parents didn't ask her to move in, and her grandparents didn't invite her either,
so she couldn't find an excuse to move in. When she saw the flowered jacket today, the
grievance in her heart had dissipated a little, but who would have thought that it wasn't
made for her at all.
Yes, her family had always given Xiaoxiu clothes when they were too small for hers, but
the clothes they wore before were all made of coarse cloth, not as delicate and beautiful
as the one in Grandma Fang's hand.
Why should we give this kind of fine fabric to Kosode the first time the family has it?
Why does Xiaoxiu have to wear a new jacket even though she lives in a new house?

Chapter 26 That Should Have Been Mine

In the middle of the room, Fang Youshun sat on a stool and slowly weaved a basket. He
never participated in the dispute between the mother and her two children on the kang.
To be honest, he still admires the way Grandma Fang teaches children. At least she is
better than him as a father. He used to have several brothers, but none of their children
were as sensible and harmonious as his own. Grandma Fang has a lot of say in this regard.
Thinking of the past, Grandpa Fang smiled slightly, but then his eyes dimmed again.
It’s a pity that his good children are no longer around. It would be great if they were
still around.
Fang Youshun sighed as he thought about it, and looked towards the mother and her two
daughters on the kang. Unexpectedly, he saw Shen Yuzhen glaring at Grandma Fang with
grievance and indignation.
Fang Youshun's eyes narrowed upon seeing this, then he frowned and looked away, lowered
his head and continued to weave his basket.
Sure enough, the child's personality was just as her husband said, she was a little
selfish. Just because she didn't give the child new clothes just once, she actually felt
This doesn't make sense. After all, he paid for the fabric, not his daughter or son-in-
law. Judging from the child's thoughts, she thinks his things belong to her too, right?
No one spoke in the room, and it seemed as if things had just passed. When Shen Yuxiu
came home from school in the evening, she saw the new flowered jacket and, regardless of
the fact that it was too early to put it on, she happily put it on and ran to the street
to show off. Whenever someone looked at her flowered cotton jacket, she could not wait to
lift it up for people to take a closer look.
"My grandma made this for me. It's so warm."
That proud and arrogant little look really made the villagers laugh and made the girls in
the village extremely envious.
This was the first time Shen Yuxiu had new clothes to wear since she could remember, and
it was her favorite flowery cotton-padded jacket. She had to tell people the good news.
After Shen Yuxiu ran almost all over the village and showed off enough, she jumped and
rushed home because it was almost time for dinner in the canteen.
"Little Swallow, wearing a flowery dress..."
When Shen Yuzhen came out of the toilet, she saw Shen Yuxiu coming back wearing a new
cotton-padded jacket and humming a song. She felt an inexplicable surge of emotion in her
"That should have been mine." Shen Yuzhen shouted at her aggrieved and angry.
"Ah?" Shen Yuxiu stopped in her tracks when she shouted at him. She turned around and saw
her elder sister looking at her angrily with red eyes. For a moment, she didn't
understand what she was saying, nor did she know what she had done wrong.
Shen Yuzhen had been holding back her resentment for the whole day, and it suddenly
exploded when she saw Shen Yuxiu's happy look.
"You just went to school with Yulin, didn't you? How dare you ask for a new cotton-padded
jacket? Did you do anything meritorious?"
Shen Yuxiu was stunned by the yelling. When she reacted, her eyes turned red. She pouted
and was about to retort when she was stopped by Fang Youshun who walked out quickly.
"Of course she deserves credit. If she hadn't accompanied Yulin to school, Yulin might
still be running around the streets now. If she didn't deserve credit, then who did?"
Fang Youshun said loudly as he walked a few steps to Shen Yuxiu, bent down to pick her
up, patted her back to comfort her, "Don't listen to your sister's nonsense. This new
coat is made for you. It's a reward for you promising to go to school with your second
When Shen Yuxiu heard this, she suddenly felt less aggrieved. She glanced at Shen Yuzhen,
turned her face away, leaned on her grandfather's shoulder, and pouted unhappily.
Yes, it was not she who asked grandma for this coat. It was grandma who said she made it
for her when she and her second brother went to school. Why was the eldest sister angry
with her?
Shen Yuzhen's eyes were hurt by this scene. She angrily said "biased" and ran away
Fang Youshun frowned deeply as he watched Shen Yuzhen running away.
Why is this child like this?
He had originally planned to save some money from the allowance he received next month to
go to town to buy some cloth and cotton and make a new cotton-padded jacket for Shen
Yuzhen, but now that he saw that she was so jealous, he decided to give up and teach her
a lesson first.
Fang Youshun is such a person. If you don't make a fuss and talk to him nicely, he might
give you what you deserve. But if you lose your temper and make a scene, then sorry, he
won't give you what he wants, so what can you do about it?
Grandma Fang also heard the noise in the yard. She looked up and glared at Fang Yan
fiercely, which made Fang Yan's face look unhappy. She also had some dissatisfaction with
Shen Yuzhen in her heart.
This child is the same, because she is a girl, I never let her wear my eldest son's
clothes, I always cut the fabric to make clothes that fit her, and when she is too small,
I give it to Xiaoxiu. Now, she is used to wearing new clothes, and she gets angry when
Xiaoxiu makes new clothes for her. What kind of temper is this?
At the same time, she also felt a little resentful towards Shen Yuxiu. Didn't she just
ask her to go to school with the second child? Why did she want new clothes? If this girl
didn't want a new cotton-padded jacket, how could these things happen?
Grandma Fang didn’t know what Fang Yan was thinking. If she knew, she would probably
scold her again.
Grandma Fang thought that the matter was over, but who would have thought that after
Xiaoxiu fell asleep at night, Fang Youshun suddenly told her that he wanted to keep
Xiaoxiu and wanted her to break the pot and guide the old couple after a hundred years.
Grandma Fang felt uncomfortable after hearing this. She was silent for a long time before
she asked with a choked voice, "Are you...blaming me? Blaming me for not being able to
save any of your three sons."
"No." Fang Youshun knew she had misunderstood, and quickly explained, "How can it be so
easy to survive in this world? I am already very satisfied that you and your mother are
still alive. If you were all gone, leaving me, an old man, alone in this world, I would
blame you."
"But I feel resentful. Why am I so useless that I can't even protect my own child?" As
Grandma Fang spoke, she couldn't help but suppress her sobs softly. Her trembling voice
made people feel heartbroken.
"You can't think like that." Fang Youfu took a deep breath and said in a gentle voice
pretending to be relaxed: "You have to think that our sons are anxious to reincarnate and
live a good life. Look at how good our country is now. There are no devils, no need to
flee famine, and the people can farm, raise children, and start a family in peace. Maybe
our sons have already been reincarnated and become big men in our New China, right?"
Listening to Fang Youshun's description, Grandma Fang's body, which had been trembling
with guilt and pain, slowly calmed down. She also imagined the scene he described and her
eyes gradually became longing.
"If that's the case, it seems pretty good. If those children were reincarnated well, they
should be twenty-year-old boys now, right?"
"Yeah." Fang Youshun looked at the dark roof at night and said softly, "It should be that
big now."
Night. Silent and quiet, the two of them were immersed in the beauty of their imagination
for a while, until a long time later, Grandma Fang suddenly asked about what Fang Youshun
said at the beginning.
"Then why did you think of raising Xiaoxiu? Even if the day comes when we both die,
wouldn't it be better to break the pot and point the way to the boy?"
"This is just an excuse. What's the point of breaking the pot? We'll be closed-minded by
then, so why would we care about those things?" Fang Youshun came to his senses and told
Grandma Fang his thoughts. "I mainly think that Yuzhen likes to compare. It's just a new
dress, but she can ignore the sisterly relationship and scold Xiaoxiu. If we give Xiaoxiu
some other rare things in the future, won't she be in trouble? Xiaoxiu is so wronged. But
if we raise Xiaoxiu, it will be different. No matter how expensive the things we give her
are, she will have no reason to compare, and no position to compare."

Chapter 27 I Don't Want You Anymore

Grandma Fang was stunned when she heard this. She didn't think it was a big deal, but she
still thought about it seriously and whispered a suggestion to Fang Youshun.
"If that's the reason, then why don't we try to be fairer in the future? Give Yuzhen the
same thing as Xiaoxiu. Why do you have to bear the responsibility of supporting Xiaoxiu?"
"Heh..." Fang Youshun chuckled and said, "To be honest, among my daughter's children, I
like Xiaoxiu the most, followed by Yulin. The rest are just like that. I am always
reminding myself to be fair, but subconsciously I will still favor Xiaoxiu. This
subconsciousness will make me ignore many things. It is difficult to be fair to the
slightest degree."
"Then you should be more careful." Grandma Fang frowned.
"How can I be so nervous and pay attention to so many things every day?" Fang Youshun
shook his head and sighed and said to Grandma Fang: "Don't you find that Xiaoxiu looks a
lot like our youngest son? Whether it's the eyebrows or the temperament, they are very
similar. I am very happy to see Xiaoxiu. I am so happy from the bottom of my heart that I
want to give her the best things I can give. I don't want to share it with others. If I
close my eyes one day, I will feel comfortable and walk with peace of mind when I think
that it was she who showed me the way."
Grandma Fang watched Xiaoxiu being born, so how could she not know that she looked like
her youngest son? Now, listening to the old man's words, she slowly recalled the past.
Yes, because her youngest son has older brothers and sisters, he likes to act like a
spoiled child. Not only is he wild, but he is also very stubborn. He is bold and
fearless, and whenever he is bullied, he seeks comfort from his older brothers and
Xiaoxiu's features and personality are indeed like her uncle.
"Okay, tomorrow my daughter and I will have some time to talk. If our son-in-law doesn't
want to, don't be disappointed." Grandma Fang finally agreed to Fang Youshun's proposal.
The next day, when Grandma Fang saw the two of them alone, she told Fang Yan about this.
Fang Yan couldn't react.
"Isn't it a man's job to break the pot and guide the way? Isn't it appropriate for Xiao
Xiu to do it?" Fang Yan asked in a daze.
"What's appropriate or inappropriate? In the past, didn't the daughters of those poor
families always throw pots into the water?" Grandma Fang said nonchalantly.
Fang Yan felt a little uncomfortable when she heard the word "extreme household".
Yes, her elder brother and younger brother are gone, what is the difference between the
Fang family and the extinct family now? If it weren't for the fact that she didn't have
her own brother to support her, Fourth Aunt Shen wouldn't have dared to push herself so
blatantly back then.
"Your father said that if you and your son-in-law agree, we will support Xiaoxiu's
schooling in the future. Even when she grows up and wants to get married, if we are still
alive, we will provide her with her dowry. Even when we are old, if Xiaoxiu is willing,
we will take care of her in her old age. Of course, we will give her all our things. Do
you think this is okay?" Grandma Fang said what she had discussed with Fang Youshun last
She knew that her daughter had always felt ashamed among her sisters-in-law over the
years because of her. If she was no longer needed for support in her old age, would her
daughter be more confident?
Fang Yan felt a little sad after hearing what Grandma Fang said. She also knew that
Grandma Fang always felt guilty towards her because of this reason, but there was really
no need to be like this. But since her parents asked this, were they afraid that there
would be no one to guide them when they passed away?
"Why not let Yulin do it? Yulin is a boy, so it's natural for him to do these things."
Fang Yan thought about the suggestion.
"No need. This is not about adopting a child to leave an heir to the Fang family. It
doesn't have to be a boy. Besides, your father likes Xiaoxiu and wants her." Grandma Fang
rejected Fang Yan's proposal and insisted on Shen Yuxiu.
She and Fang Youshun didn't intend to leave a descendant for the Fang family. If the
family line was cut off, it would be cut off. They were both people who almost lost their
lives and didn't care about that. They also didn't want to cause trouble for her only
"Well... I'll discuss it with the child's father when he comes back." Seeing that Grandma
Fang insisted, Fang Yan said nothing more.
"Okay, you two can discuss it." Seeing that she agreed, Grandma Fang breathed a sigh of
relief, but she also warned her: "If your son-in-law doesn't want to, don't force him.
Your father just wants to have a thought because Xiaoxiu looks like your younger brother.
It doesn't mean he has to do anything."
"Okay, I understand." Fang Yan agreed with a smile.
In fact, she also knew that now that she was the only one left in the family, her parents
must have regrets in their hearts. If this could relieve her parents' regrets, she would
be willing to do so.
It's just that her daughter-in-law is about to take on the role of providing for the two
elderly people, but she still has to provide for them. She won't let her go just because
her daughter takes on the responsibility.
Grandma Fang has almost the same idea. Shen Yuxiu is just a name. Now that Fang Youshun
has a subsidy, they don't need Shen Yuxiu to support them in old age. What's more, people
nowadays are considered longevity if they can live to seventy. , and she and Fang Youshun
are both in their early fifties now. Even if they can live to seventy, Shen Yuxiu will
only be in his twenties at that time. Even if he is a pensioner, he will not be able to
support him for a few years, and he will soon be free and light. .
When Shen Jinggui came back from the project in the evening, Fang Yan mentioned the
matter to him.
Shen Jinggui didn't feel offended. After all, he and Fang Yan had agreed before they got
married that the old man would be taken care of by the two of them. Now it's just their
daughter who takes over the title. There's nothing to be reluctant about. . It's just
that he and Fang Yan have the same idea. If they want to choose a pot-breaker, wouldn't a
boy be more suitable?
Fang Yan told Shen Jinggui what Grandma Fang told her. Shen Jinggui suddenly understood
and agreed without saying a word.
As an old man, it is reasonable to want to think about him since his children are gone.
But he doesn't think that since his daughter has taken the responsibility, he can just
ignore it. He will still fulfill his previous promises.
Fang Yan didn't expect that Shen Jinggui agreed so readily. She was so moved at the
moment that after the children fell asleep, she gave Shen Jinggui a warm kiss, which made
Shen Jinggui cry in her heart.
The matter was settled, Fang Youshun was very happy, but Shen Yuxiu knew nothing about it
until one day when she went to school and someone suddenly came up to her and asked her
if her parents didn't want her anymore. She was stunned.
"Nonsense, even if your parents don't want you, my parents will never abandon me." Shen
Yuxiu glared at the child in front of her, her face flushed with anger.
"You are talking nonsense. Your sister has already said that you will take care of your
grandma and grandpa in their old age. Your parents don't want you anymore." When the
child saw that Shen Yuxiu actually said that her parents didn't want her, she also became
angry and her face turned red.
"You're talking nonsense." Shen Yuxiu pinched her waist and yelled.
"You're talking nonsense. Now the whole village knows that your parents don't want you
anymore. They just don't want you anymore." The child yelled even louder than her. As if
afraid of losing out, he kept repeating, "They don't want you anymore, they don't want
you anymore, they don't want you anymore..."
Shen Yuxiu stared at the child in front of her, her eyes red with anger. The child was
also very angry. Shen Yulin was playing with his friends when he suddenly heard the noise
here. He turned around and saw his second sister and a child staring at each other like
fighting cocks.

Chapter 28 Black Heart

When Shen Yulin saw this, he was shocked and quickly ran over, pulled Shen Yuxiu behind
him, and faced the child opposite.
"What are you doing? Bullying my sister?"
"Who, who bullied her? I'm telling the truth. Your parents just don't want her anymore.
Yuling said it was your sister Yuzhen who said it herself." The child felt a little weak
when he saw Shen Yulin, and blurted out everything he knew in a flash.
When Shen Yuxiu heard that it was her sister who said it herself, she ran home holding
back her tears.
How is that possible? Why would her parents not want her?
Seeing this, Shen Yulin hurriedly chased after her and glared at Shen Yulin fiercely
before leaving.
The meaning is obvious, just wait.
Shen Yulin was not afraid at all. This was originally what Shen Yuzhen said. She just
promoted it. It could not be blamed on her.
Shen Yuxiu ran all the way back to the Shen family, and found the door closed, so she ran
all the way to Fang Youshun. As soon as she entered the yard, she saw her mother's shadow
on the glass window. She immediately cried in grievance, slammed the door open, rushed in
and shouted at Fang Yan on the kang.
"Why don't you want me anymore?"
After Shen Yuxiu finished yelling, she stood there and cried loudly, tears streaming down
her face like the sky was falling.
Everyone in the room was dumbfounded when they saw Shen Yuxiu suddenly barging in. Their
eyes involuntarily turned to Fang Yan who was spinning on the kang.
Fang Yan was also confused. Seeing that everyone was looking at her, she quickly got off
the bed and walked over to her in her slippers. While wiping the tears from her face, she
asked, "Who said I don't want you anymore? Who are you listening to?"
"It was my elder sister who said that. Mu Tou said it was my elder sister who told Yuling
herself." Shen Yulin, who was chasing closely behind, heard Fang Yan's question as soon
as he entered the room and hurriedly told her what happened in the school.
When Fang Yan heard this, she suddenly turned her head to look at Shen Yuzhen, and at the
same time, everyone's eyes also turned to her.
Shen Yuzhen's heart was pounding when everyone was looking at her. She was so guilty that
she stammered, "Mom said that Xiaoxiu would take care of grandma and grandpa in their old
age. Doesn't this mean that she is no longer wanted?"
"What nonsense are you talking about?" Grandma Fang's face darkened immediately after
hearing this. She hurriedly got off the kang and came to Shen Yuxiu's side, assuring her:
"Don't listen to your sister's nonsense. You are providing for your grandparents in their
old age, but your parents are still your parents. They will not abandon you."
Shen Yuxiu was full of suspicion when she heard this, tears welled up in her eyes. She
looked at Fang Yan and then at Grandma Fang: "Dad and Mom really won't abandon me?"
"Really not. Grandma promises you that if they dare to leave you, I will beat them."
Grandma Fang promised her solemnly.
Shen Yuxiu was finally relieved after seeing this, and only then did she have time to ask
another question: "What does it mean to provide for grandma and grandpa in their old
"That is, you will live with grandma and grandpa until the day they die of old age."
Grandma Fang tried her best to explain to her in words that she could understand.
"Grandma and grandpa won't die." Upon hearing that her beloved grandma was going to die,
Shen Yuxiu suddenly became anxious.
"Okay, okay, okay, no one will die." Grandma Fang kept assuring her, feeling so sour and
soft in her heart that she couldn't describe the feeling.
How could she not feel sorry for this child?
Shen Yuxiu looked at Grandma Fang, whose eyes were full of love, and confirmed again with
concern: "My parents really won't abandon me?"
"Absolutely not." Grandma Fang assured again and turned back to wink at Fang Yan.
Fang Yan understood and quickly assured him, "No, no, how could your parents bear to give
you up?"
"Then let's pinky promise." Shen Yuxiu stretched out her little finger to her mother
anxiously. Seeing this, Fang Yan could only stretch out her hand helplessly to pinky
promise with her.
After getting affirmative answers again and again, and with the blessing of pinky
promises, Shen Yuxiu finally put her mind at ease. Fang Youshun, who was standing beside
her, saw that nothing was wrong, so he asked Shen Yulin to take her back to school
quickly, as it would be unacceptable if her studies were delayed.
After the two left, Fang Youshun looked at Shen Yuzhen, who was lying on the kang at a
loss, and then looked deeply at Grandma Fang.
This is what you mean by fairness. With a temper like that, how can he be fair?
Grandma Fang felt helpless after being looked at, and turned around to ask Shen Yuzhen:
"Yuzhen, are you happy that your parents don't want your second sister? It's worth it for
you and Yuling to go around the village and make trouble."
"I didn't tell Yuling to tell the whole village." Shen Yuzhen felt a little aggrieved: "I
just told Yumei, but she said she wouldn't tell anyone. How do I know how Yuling knew
Fang Yan was speechless.
How else to know this? Shen Yumei is the eldest daughter of the fourth Shen family. If
Shen Yumei knows that they live in the same house, doesn't it mean that Shen Yuling also
Fang Yan closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and said, "Don't you ever play with your
fourth uncle's children again? Even if you do, be careful and don't be so loud and make
people laugh."
It was also her fault that she was careless. The children were still young when she had a
conflict with Fourth Aunt Shen. Later, Shen Jinggui took her and the children to move
out, and the two families were in a state of harmony.
To be honest, when she saw Shen Yuzhen playing with the fourth child of Shen Lao's
family, she also reacted with embarrassment, but she thought that adults' matters should
not affect the children, so she didn't care too much. Now it seems that she is still the
one wrong.
"Oh." Shen Yuzhen responded in a low voice, her aggrieved eyes misted.
In fact, she went to see her second uncle's cousin that time. Because Yumei came over to
talk to her, she said a few more words. She didn't know why her second uncle's cousin
suddenly ignored her and left.
At that time, she was unhappy about the new flowered jacket, and when she saw her cousin
giving her the cold shoulder, she complained to Shen Yumei a lot, including Grandma
Fang's partiality and recent events at home. How could she have known that Shen Yulin
knew about what she just said casually, and even spread it to the school. She felt very
wronged, right?
Seeing that she was very aggrieved, Fang Yan couldn't bear to scold her any further, so
she went back to the kang and continued with her work.
Shen Yuxiu knew that her parents would not want her, so she straightened her back
immediately. When she returned to school, she was particularly tough when she spoke. If
anyone said that her parents did not want her, she would retort: "Your parents don't want
you. My parents like me very much, humph!"
She looked so tough that everyone turned around to look at Shen Yulin.
He came back so confidently, so what he said must be true. Could it be that Shen Yulin
was lying?
It's okay if it happens once, but every time it happens, Shen Yuling's face becomes a
little dark.
What's wrong with these people? Even if the news is not true, it was Shen Yuzhen who
lied. What does it have to do with her? Why are they all looking at her?
However, this was not the most upsetting thing for her. What upset her the most was that
after just one class, almost all the boys and girls in the class suddenly avoided her and
no one approached her anymore. Not only that, they whispered to each other when they saw
her, and then ran away when she approached.
Shen Yuling felt a little suffocated. Her popularity had improved a lot in the past few
months, and she had a good relationship with some boys and girls in the class. How could
it change all of a sudden?
Suddenly, Shen Yuling was startled and subconsciously looked for Shen Yulin, only to see
him surrounded by a group of children, talking and laughing. Noticing her gaze, a pair of
eyes immediately swept towards her, and when he saw that she was looking at him, he
immediately grinned at her.
Shen Yulin's heart sank when she was stared at. She turned back abruptly and didn't dare
to look at Shen Yulin.
Yes, it must have been done by this evil-hearted person.
In his previous life, he always loved to smile like this. You thought he was sunny and
amiable, but only those who have really come into contact with him know how vindictive he
If you don't offend him, he is your best friend. If you offend him, he can make you
miserable with a smile.
This is also the reason why after being reborn, Shen Yuling, no matter how afraid she was
of Shen Yuxiu, could only destroy her reputation behind her back at most, but did not
dare to take ruthless action to kill anyone.
She was very afraid of this man.
He was afraid that if he killed Shen Yuxiu and accidentally revealed the clues, and
failed to kill Shen Yulin, who was protecting his son, he would be made to suffer a fate
worse than death one day in the future.

Chapter 29 Pros and Cons

Shen Yulin's legs began to tremble, and she suddenly felt a little regretful.
She was too careless. She didn't expect that Shen Yulin would be so treacherous at this
time. If she had known, she wouldn't have said anything more.
Fortunately, she just said a few words and didn't do anything else.
Shen Yuling took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down.
Forget it, as long as Shen Yuxiu doesn't get in her way in the future, she'll just stop
causing trouble. She can't afford to offend such an evil star.
Besides, her notebook is still missing and she doesn’t know if someone is watching her
from behind. If she is attacked from both sides, she won’t be able to cope with it.
Shen Yulin still has some self-awareness. She doesn't think that just because she has
been reborn and has many years of memory, she can kill anyone who stands in her way.
This is a society ruled by law. Although she was determined to take away Shen Yuxiu's
good life as soon as she came back, to be fair, she also knew her own weight. She dared
to play some tricks on Shen Yuxiu secretly, but she didn't dare to confront Shen Yulin
What's more, if she had a chance to do it again, she just wanted to enjoy a wonderful
life. As long as she was sure that Shen Yuxiu couldn't stand in her way, why would she
have to confront such a person? And if she could avoid offending someone like Shen Yulin,
she didn't want to offend him at all. If possible, she was willing to maintain an open
harmony with Shen Yulin.
Although Shen Yulin didn't want to admit it, but in her previous life, none of the men
she followed dared to really hit her, no matter how much they hated her in the end. A big
part of the reason was because of Shen Yulin.
With such a person existing, she thought, as long as she didn't offend him too much in
the future, she could still make some money out of him.
As for why she didn't hug Shen Yulin's thigh directly, it was because she had done it in
her previous life, but Shen Yulin was always indifferent to her, no, probably to her
room. If it weren't for the fact that they both had the same surname, Shen Yulin would
probably Yulin wouldn't even let her borrow her name.
Shen Yuling didn't know why at first, until she found out the reason why her uncle moved
out before the family was separated. This was the cause and effect planted by her mother
before she was born, and it was not something she could change if she wanted to. .
Moreover, Shen Yuling no longer wants to be shameless in trying to please others. In this
life, she wants to be an official's wife, like a pug trying to please Shen Yulin. There
is no need!
But if she marries that man as she wishes in the future, she must have a useful person in
her family to support her. Otherwise, there will be so many little devils in the future,
and she may have an unstable position. It would be a joke to expect the younger brother
who will be born more than ten years later to support her. It is better not to provoke
Shen Yulin as much as possible. Maybe she can use his name as a shield in the future.
After thinking it over for a long time, Shen Yulin's nervous mood slowly calmed down.
It doesn't matter. People always forget things. As long as she keeps calm and doesn't
cause trouble, in a few years, no one will remember what's happening now. By then, she
will always be able to restore her reputation and build some good relationships.
But she also didn't want to be in the same class with Shen Yulin and Shen Yuxiu anymore.
Watching Shen Yuxiu every day, it was hard for her to guarantee that she wouldn't be able
to control herself and do something else one day. If she offended Shen Yulin again, it
would be a loss for her.
Now, the only way to avoid being in a different class from my two siblings is to skip a
Originally, Shen Yulin didn't want to use this method. After all, she knew what she was
thinking. If she had the talent to go to school, she wouldn't have stopped after two
years in her previous life.
Therefore, creating an image of a genius to skip grades was not a good thing for Shen
Yulin. All she could do was study hard and try her best to be admitted to high school. As
for college, classes were suspended at that time, so she could not take the exam even if
she wanted to.
But if she didn't create the illusion of being a genius, what excuse could she use to
skip a grade?
Shen Yulin began to rack her brains to find an excuse to skip a grade. Shen Yulin was a
little confused when he saw that she didn't make any move.
This shouldn't be the case. Why hasn't there been any movement yet? He has made this
girl's reputation as a pants-stripping maniac known to everyone, so why isn't she angry?
Shen Yulin scratched his head, but couldn't figure it out.
But he wasn't too entangled. Shen Yuling had publicized that his parents didn't want
their second sister, and he had also publicized Shen Yuling's reputation as a trousers-
picking maniac, so they didn't owe anything to each other.
Now that Shen Yuling is honest, he can't hold on to him. After all, he has a reputation
for looking for trouble. If he continues to look for trouble, his father's two kickers
are not just for free.
A minor disturbance was eliminated because of Shen Yuling's initiative to retreat. From
beginning to end, the other children had no idea about the turbulent undercurrent between
the two.
A few days later, Shen Yuxiu heard about Shen Yuling's skipping a grade. It was said that
an eldest sister named Yang from a family in the village once taught Shen Yuling some
first-grade things, because she now knew all the first-grade knowledge and didn't want to
do it again. When she entered the first grade, she asked Fourth Aunt Shen to find a
teacher to prepare a paper and skip a grade.
Because she had saved a year's tuition and fees by skipping a grade, Fourth Aunt Shen was
very happy to boast about how smart her third daughter was. She was able to enter the
second grade without the help of a teacher.
People in the village would not think about how the silent daughter of the fourth Shen
family suddenly became so smart. Fourth Aunt Shen didn't know that her daughter had
stolen two cents from the family, and the sister of the Yang family who secretly bribed
her said something for her. They didn't lie, they just thought that Shen Yuling saved a
year's tuition and miscellaneous fees, which was really impressive.
Of course, this news had no impact on Shen Yuxiu and Shen Yulin. They were tired of
optical pinyin and homework, but they didn't have much time to care about how smart and
powerful others were.
Shen Yuling suddenly went to the second grade room, ending her class life with her two
brothers and sisters Shen Yuxiu.
As the days passed, winter came and the north wind began to blow frequently. The
temperature dropped day by day until a sudden cold wave came. The temperature dropped
from 7 or 8 degrees Celsius above zero to minus 10 degrees Celsius in an instant. In just
one night, people went from being able to sweat while working after taking off their
cotton-padded jackets yesterday to being shivering while working after putting on thick
cotton-padded jackets today.
But even though the weather was so bad, the men and women who had to work on the dam
protection project still got up early and headed north in the biting cold wind. The
children who still had to go to school also began to live a difficult life where they
were forced to get out of bed by their adults but were unwilling to do so.
"Grandma, it's so cold at school. I don't want to go." Shen Yuxiu was dragged out of the
bed by Grandma Fang. She was shivering from the cold and cried and acted like a spoiled
"No, I said you have to go to school, and you can't miss a day. I made you a new flowered
jacket, and you've worn it. What? Do you still want to go back on your word?" Grandma
Fang didn't give her any leeway. While putting on a thick cotton jacket and trousers for
her, she urged Shen Yulin, who was also lying in bed and refusing to come out, "Hurry up
and get up. If you don't get up, I'll lift the quilt."
Because they both used the same set of textbooks and needed to do their homework
together, as soon as winter came, Grandma Fang let Shen Yulin live here as well, so that
he wouldn't have to run home in the dark after finishing his homework.
When Shen Yulin heard Grandma Fang's urging, he shrank his body and buried his head in
the quilt.
It's so cold outside now and there's not even a brazier in the school. People are frozen
to the point of bone aching after a day's work, so he doesn't want to get up.
Seeing him like that, Grandma Fang didn't urge him until she had dressed Shen Yuxiu
completely. Then she reached out and pulled away the quilt from Shen Yulin's body. She
didn't care that he was shivering with cold, and she grabbed the quilt mercilessly to
shake out the heat. She folded it up in a few seconds and put it aside.
The warm quilt was gone, and the cold air suddenly hit his whole body. Shen Yulin cried
out in pain from the cold. He crawled up like a monkey, found his cotton jacket and
trousers, and put them on with a grimace.
This is really his grandmother, she is so cruel!

Chapter 30 Again
Shen Yuxiu watched him shivering while putting on his cotton jacket and laughed out loud
with joy, which made Shen Yulin so angry that he rolled his eyes.
"Laugh, laugh, laugh. Be careful or you'll lose your teeth." Shen Yulin shivered as he
quickly put on his cotton trousers and cotton jacket while laughing at his heartless
Upon hearing this, Shen Yuxiu immediately shut her mouth, snorted in annoyance, turned
around and got off the kang to put on her cotton shoes.
The two upper front teeth that she knocked out in the spring had not yet grown out, and
the two lower teeth fell out again. Now the two new lower teeth are quietly emerging, but
the two upper teeth are still nowhere to be seen. As a result, she now speaks with a lisp
and drinks soup with a leak. She dares not speak at school for fear that others will
laugh at her for being a toothless woman, but her second brother just knows how to find
her sore spot and poke her.
Although the winter here is not as cold as that in Northeast China, it is still
suffocating at the coldest time, not to mention freezing cold. That's why the cotton-
padded jackets and trousers that Grandma Fang and Fang Yan made for the two of them were
very thick, so thick that they could hardly bend their arms and legs after putting them
on, and they didn't feel any pain if they fell down unexpectedly.
After dinner at home, Grandma Fang took out two cotton hats she made herself and put one
on each of their heads. She also took out a pair of cotton covers and hung them around
each of their necks, and then urged the two to hurry to school.
Shen Yuxiu put on her hat with a pout, then put her hands under her cotton blanket. Then,
reluctantly, she and Shen Yulin stretched out their arms and legs, staggering towards the
school like two penguins.
"Second brother, why didn't you go to school by yourself at that time? You made me suffer
the cold with you." Shen Yuxiu complained to Shen Yulin as she walked. The breath she
exhaled while speaking turned into wisps of white mist of varying lengths in the cold
"You can't blame me for this. If you didn't want the flowered jacket, I wouldn't have to
go to school." Shen Yulin rolled his eyes in annoyance.
Who would want to be dragged out of their warm bed to go to school on such a cold day?
But when he saw that there was someone around to suffer with him, he was happy.
Shen Yuxiu was so angry that she groaned. If she had known that going to school would be
so painful, she would not have wanted the flowery jacket. It would have been so nice to
curl up in the quilt in the middle of winter. But it was too late to regret now.
As the days of being pulled out of bed early in the morning passed, the two of them
actually made it to the winter vacation in the cold winter.
As soon as Shen Yuxiu returned home from winter vacation, she took out two papers from
her schoolbag, with scores of 89 and 92 respectively, and showed them proudly to Grandma
Fang and Grandpa Fang.
"I got 92 in math and 89 in Chinese, which puts me third in the class." Shen Yuxiu
boasted happily, then took out a colorfully wrapped pencil and showed it to the two of
them with a beaming face: "The teacher also rewarded me with a pencil."
"Wow, that's amazing!" Grandma Fang praised very appropriately.
"The teacher has given out rewards? That won't do. Grandpa has to give one too." Fang
Youshun's smiling face was full of wrinkles. He asked her, "How about... orange candy?"
"Okay, thank you grandpa, I love you the most." Shen Yuxiu happily kissed him twice on
the face, which made Grandma Fang's eyes and eyebrows smile.
"What about grandma? Since you like grandpa the most, does that mean you don't like
grandma anymore?" Grandma Fang deliberately frowned and looked jealous.
"I like grandma the most, too. I like grandma and grandpa the most." Shen Yuxiu said as
she pulled grandma's neck and kissed her on the face twice, making Shen Yulin, who was
standing at the door, stare at her with envy.
Of course, what he was coveting was the orange candy that Shen Yuxiu hadn't gotten yet.
Fang Youshun looked up and saw him standing at the door looking at Shen Yuxiu with envy.
He walked up to him and asked with a smile, "Your sister got third place in the exam.
What about you? How much did you get?"
"Eighth place." Shen Yulin said this with some guilt. In fact, if he had been more
serious, he could have ranked higher. However, he didn't know there was a reward at that
time, so he wrote it casually.
There are about twenty children in the class, and his eighth place is really not a good
"Eighth place." Fang Youshun pretended to be serious and repeated the ranking he
mentioned, as if he had made a big decision, and said to him: "Since you are five places
behind your sister, you will get five less orange candies than her."
Shen Yulin's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he said in disbelief, "I, I also get a
"Yes, as long as you can get into the top ten, you will get it." Grandpa Fang nodded
"Oh, oh, I have orange candies too." Shen Yulin jumped up happily, not caring that he
hadn't got the orange candies yet, and ran out happily to show off the good news to
You know, no matter adults or children, they may not be able to eat orange candies even
during the Chinese New Year. He actually got orange candies just because he ranked eighth
in the exam.
Fang Youshun looked at Shen Yulin running away happily and couldn't help laughing and
shaking his head.
This kid is just a greedy person.
The first thing Shen Yuxiu did during the winter vacation was to stay in bed in the
morning. She was clearly awake in the morning but just didn't want to get up. She and
Shen Yulin lay in the bed, chattering and laughing. At this time, Grandma Fang no longer
lifted the quilt, letting the two of them get up and eat whenever they wanted.
There was originally a market in the neighboring village. Now that several villages have
merged, it has become the market for the entire brigade. The second and seventh days of
every month are the days when the brigade holds the market. At that time, people from
some surrounding villages come in groups of three or four.
After having breakfast, Fang Youshun loaded the baskets and crates he had woven onto the
tricycle. When the sun came up, he rode the tricycle towards the market.
Because the merged communes all ate in the canteen, the market was much more deserted
than before, and there were no snacks at all. There were only a few stalls, all of which
sold handmade items like him. But now that everything was collectivized, even the things
that each family needed on a daily basis were purchased by small or large teams, so it
was not easy to sell them at the market.
In addition to these people, there were also some people who wanted to exchange some food
for things they didn't need at home. Most of these people were from the brigade or team
that didn't collect food this year. Their canteens were out of food, so they simply
closed the canteens and let people figure out what to do. But in this situation, even if
some people hid food, who would dare to take it out so blatantly?
Fang Youshun sighed and spent the whole morning at the market. Seeing that no one came to
ask about the goods, he took the baskets and cartons directly to the supply and marketing
cooperative in the commune. Although the price there was cheap, at least he could sell
them, right?
Fang Youshun sold baskets and baskets at the supply and marketing cooperative, bought
some orange candies, and went home to share the candies with his children.
Shen Yuxiu got eight, Shen Yulin got three, and the other children got two each. After
all, Shen Yuwen and Shen Yuzhen had done a lot of work this year, and Shen Yujun was the
youngest, so he would give them the sweet treats they deserved.
Shen Yuzhen took an orange candy and put it in her mouth to suck. Her eyes narrowed
because of the sweetness. She turned around and saw Shen Yuxiu throwing an orange candy
into her mouth and chewing it. She couldn't help but twitch with heartache and said
quickly: "It's such a waste for you to eat like this."
"Ah?" Shen Yuxiu was confused by what she said. Isn't candy just for eating? Is there any
other meaning for eating candy?
"You have to suck slowly, so that you can eat a piece of candy for a long time." Shen
Yuzhen taught her earnestly, then sighed and said: "Forget it, it's useless if you eat it
anyway, so you should share the rest with our eldest brother, Yulin and Yujun. They
haven't eaten many pieces of candy in these years."
After Fang Youshun distributed candies to the children, he was smiling as he watched the
children happily eating the candies. However, when he heard Shen Yuzhen's words, the
smile on his face slowly disappeared.
Is this girl crazy? This is the reward he gave to Xiaoxiu. Can she divide it up as she
Grandma Fang saw that Fang Youshun was in a bad mood, and she felt a little annoyed that
Shen Yuzhen always spoke without thinking.
Shen Yuxiu's eyes widened when she heard this. She looked at Shen Yuzhen with a strange
expression, then looked at her brothers and sisters in the room who were looking at her
because of a word, and tightened her hand holding the orange candy.
Coming again?
This is the reward she got for her own exam. Why should her elder sister ask her to share
it with her just by asking?
Shen Yuxiu was very angry and felt aggrieved.
If she shared the candy, she would be reluctant to do so. If she didn't share it,
everyone would be looking at her and she would appear stingy. But then again, the elder
brother and his younger brothers hadn't eaten many candies in these years, so did she eat
"I, I don't want it." Shen Yuxiu puffed up her cheeks and said with a little weakness:
"Why can you divide my candy just because you say so? Even if I wanted to share it with
them, I won't share it after you said so. I won't share it."
Shen Yuxiu finished her words quickly, turned around and ran outside.
She didn't know why she felt guilty, but her elder sister shared the candy with her and
she didn't want to share, so she just felt guilty.
So she decided that if she couldn’t finish the candy today, she would never come back!!!

Chapter 31: Upset

"Kosode, Kosode..."
Shen Yuzhen followed her closely for a few steps, and when she saw her disappear in an
instant, she turned around and complained to Grandma Fang: "Grandma, look at her. She has
eight pieces of candy. Even if she gives two pieces to each of my eldest brother and the
others, she still has two pieces left. How can she be so ignorant?"
Granny Fang was originally a little unhappy because of her actions. Now that Shen Yuxiu
had already run away, she still refused to give in. Her face suddenly became a little
bad. But just as she was about to open her mouth, Fang Youshun beside her spoke first:
"She can do whatever she wants with Xiaoxiu's things. Do you have any objections? If you
have any objections, just hold them in."
Shen Yuzhen's face turned red and her neck became thick as Fang Youshun blocked her. She
wanted to say something, but she saw him suddenly look at the three Shen brothers in the
room: "What? Do you also think that Xiaoxiu's candy should be shared with you?"
Shen Yulin was the one who reacted the fastest. As soon as Fang Youshun finished
speaking, he immediately shook his head like a rattle.
How could he have such an idea? If he nodded, would it mean that he would have to give
away his own things at the word of his elder sister?
Shen Yuwen was a beat slower, but also shook his head.
His father once said that the eldest brother is like a father, and as the eldest in the
family, he should love and care for his younger siblings. How could he ask for his
younger sister's things? That would be too immature.
Besides, the two pieces of candy in his hand were probably obtained thanks to Xiaoxiu and
Yulin. How could he have the nerve to think that Xiaoxiu's things should be shared with
Shen Yujun was still young and didn't quite understand what Fang Youshun said, but when
he saw his two brothers shaking their heads, he also shook his head.
Shen Yuzhen, who was still indignant in her heart, froze when she saw this. Why were they
like this? She did it all for them.
Fang Youshun looked at them with great satisfaction. He smiled and waved at them, saying,
"Okay, you are all good kids. Go out and play!"
Upon hearing this, several children breathed a sigh of relief and immediately rushed out
of the house like little cannonballs. Only Shen Yuzhen stood there with an extremely ugly
Fang Youshun ignored her and continued to fiddle with his cottonwood branches. Grandma
Fang sighed and didn't want to say anything, so she turned back and continued to do her
What? It's not like she hasn't talked about Shen Yuzhen before. When has this kid ever
Just a few days after the school's winter break, it was already approaching the end of
the year. The people working on the project had completed this year's work and would
continue working after the first month of next year. At the same time, each team began to
settle work points.
When the work points were calculated, everyone found out that apart from the little bit
of cotton distributed after the autumn harvest, they would get nothing this year, because
the food they had now was enough to last until the summer harvest next year. In this
case, what was there to share in the team?
But even so, their team and even their brigade were still relatively good. Some teams,
and even some brigades that did not harvest grain in the fall, now had no grain left in
their granaries. When the brigade leaders saw that they had no way out, they quickly
reported to their superiors.
After understanding the situation, Fang Youshun fell silent. When he got home, he told
Grandma Fang, "I won't go to work next year. I've worked hard for half a year, but I
don't have enough to eat and I don't get anything to share. I also have to take care of
the food for the relatives of the team members. I might as well make a few more baskets
and sell them to make some money."
"Okay, then I won't go." Grandma Fang had no objection to this. Some people in the
village who were of the right age and younger than Fang Youshun didn't go to work anyway.
Why should he, who was older than those people, go and suffer the hardship?
At the same time that Fang Youshun decided not to go to work, conflicts arose in the
canteen of Team 8 because they were running low on food.
The captain of Team 8 was so worried that he almost pulled his hair out. The members were
becoming more and more agitated, so he could only organize the team members to go to the
wasteland to catch some pheasants and rabbits, which at least could provide some food.
Perhaps it was because many brigades did not collect grain this year, the rabbits and
pheasants they hunted this year were actually much fatter than in previous years. Because
they had some meat to eat, the members' anger, which was about to explode, was finally
calmed down a little, but the conflicts within the group still existed.
The children in the village only had a vague understanding of these things. Apart from
knowing that the meals in the cafeteria were starting to become smaller and smaller, they
didn't take anything else to heart. They still played and made noises as usual. After
all, these things were the adults' concern, and they couldn't worry about them even if
they tried.
At the same time, Shen Yuling was extremely upset about the current situation.
Not only did their own team not have enough to eat, but some of the team members'
relatives even came to beg for money. She didn't understand how these people could come
to eat with such a shameless face?
But Shen Yuling didn't know that when people are about to starve to death, who cares
about face? As long as they are given food to survive, they are willing to work like
At this time, Shen Yulin regretted making a fuss about splitting up the family.
Although she had a late memory, she had heard many people say that they had been hungry
at this time in her previous life. But she had only heard it, and she did not remember
ever being hungry. After all, their team was famous for having a good life back then, but
the result was just like this?
If life in their team was also so difficult back then, then why doesn't she remember ever
being hungry?
But when she thought of Mr. Shen, she suddenly had some vague guesses.
Was it because Mr. Shen used the money from their family division to buy food that the
Shen family didn't have to worry about starvation? Was it because of this that the Shen
family was separated several years later?
Shen Yulin looked at the piles of adobe bricks that the uncles and aunts had brought back
to the yard, and felt a little confused.
No matter what the truth was back then, they have now separated, and her uncles have
brought back so many adobe bricks, so they should be able to build a house and move out
as soon as spring comes, right?
Although Shen Yuling is not interested in this kind of adobe brick house, it might be
good to live in a more spacious one!
What on earth was going on with the heavens? She was the one who was reborn, and she had
changed things as she wished, so why was it that her uncles were the first to build a new
house and move out instead of her own family?
Is God deliberately going against her?
When Shen Yulin was doubting her life, the conflicts within the teams became more and
more intense. When school started after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Shen
Yuxiu found that many children were missing from her class, including a few with whom she
had been getting along well recently.
By the end of the first month and the beginning of February, each team had basically run
out of food. The brigade realized that this was not a solution, so they called a meeting
of the captains of each team. Ultimately, they decided to temporarily disband the canteen
and distribute the remaining food to each household. Although there was not much food
left, when the food was in the hands of each individual, they would naturally know how to
use the least amount of food to feed their family for the longest time, instead of having
no self-control like in the canteen, where they would eat as much food as they could.
Just like that, within a few days, Fang Youshun got the distributed food. He and Grandma
Fang got a total of about 20 kilograms.
Fang Youshun began to doubt his life as he carried the food back home.
Why is this so little? Is this enough for a few days?

Chapter 32 Worry
Grandma Fang almost popped her eyes out when she saw the little bit of food Fang Youshun
carried back.
"Is this all the food?" Grandma Fang couldn't believe it.
"Well, that's all." Fang Youshun nodded helplessly.
Fortunately, he has an allowance. His family can now cook for themselves and he can buy
food openly. Although his allowance is not much, it is enough to prevent the whole family
from starving.
And even if his allowance is not enough, the weather is getting warmer now. When the
temperature goes up, the wild vegetables in the fields will sprout out. If he digs some
wild vegetables and mixes them with the food, the whole family should not starve.
However, Fang Youshun had just felt at ease for less than half a month when people began
to come to his door to borrow money and food. Some even started cleaning the yard and
doing work as soon as they entered the door, just to get something to eat.
It’s not that these people have no food at home, but they also want to eat more, and
they want to save some food so that their families can eat more. Fang Youshun is
obviously the best way out. After all, it is well known that he has an allowance.
It was only a few days, but Fang Youshun was already overwhelmed. He tried to make an
excuse that there was no food at home, but those people didn't believe him and still came
to his house.
Grandma Fang realized that this was not a good thing. As the weather was getting warmer
and wild vegetables were beginning to sprout in the fields, she called Fang Youshun and
the children to go to the fields to dig wild vegetables.
Whenever someone came to borrow money, food, or a meal, Grandma Fang would just take out
wild vegetables: "My husband and I and my son-in-law's family are a big family. Even my
old man's allowance is not enough for me to buy food for my family. If you don't mind,
just take some wild vegetables. My family is eating this now."
Those who borrowed money looked at the wild vegetables and thought that Fang Youshun and
Shen Jinggui's family had indeed eaten a lot of food in one day, so they could only turn
around and leave. Those who borrowed food or wanted to eat, looked at Fang Youshun and
Shen Jinggui. Grandma took the wild vegetables and looked at the dried wild vegetables
that had been boiled and hung to dry in the yard. She was too embarrassed to really take
them, so she left.
After all, they can dig this wild vegetable themselves, there is really no need to take
it from the old lady's hand, as that would make them look too shameless.
After several times like this, no one from the Fang family came to the door again, and
Fang Youshun and Grandma Fang breathed a sigh of relief.
At the same time, the construction of the houses of the Shen brothers also started, and
the homestead was not far to the south of the Shen family's old home.
In fact, the brothers were still debating whether to build a house this year. After all,
hiring a bricklayer costs a lot of money, but they were not given much food, so they had
to use the money to buy some food.
Unexpectedly, just when a few people were hesitating, a bricklayer suddenly came to the
door and said that he could build a house for them for free. All he needed was two
kilograms of grain. No matter what kind of grain, he and his gang would definitely build
the house for them. The solid board is straight.
The brothers got together and discussed it. If they only paid for food, it would be much
cheaper than hiring a bricklayer. In this way, they could save a lot of money. Although
after building the house, they might not have much money left in their hands, and they
might not even have any money left. Money buys food to eat, but aren't there wild
vegetables everywhere in the fields now? At worst, they will just eat wild vegetables for
a while.
As a result, the houses of the Shen brothers were built in a hurry. When Shen Jinggui saw
this, he immediately went to help as long as he didn't work.
Shen Yuling saw the number of soil bricks in the yard decreasing day by day, feeling a
little uncomfortable, while Shen Laosi and Aunt Shen were worried but could do nothing.
Last winter, when Mr. Shen saw his brothers making clay bricks, he discussed with them to
see if they could help him make his clay bricks. After all, he had to work on the dam
protection project and didn't have time. And Fourth Aunt Shen can't be a woman. Although
the brothers didn't look very good at that time, they also said that if they had enough
adobe bricks, they would help him make them.
As a result, they were going to build a house this year. When Shen Laosi asked which
adobe bricks belonged to his family, the brothers actually said that if there were any
adobe bricks left after building the house, they would be his. If there were no adobe
bricks left, they would not be his. .
Shen Laosi's face turned dark at that time, and he felt that these brothers were playing
tricks on him.
After all, who knows how many adobe bricks they will have left? What if there is not even
one piece left? Isn’t this just a joke?
Fourth Shen was very angry, and the Shen brothers were actually very upset too.
After all, when the brothers, their wives and children were making adobe bricks by the
bay in the cold wind, not a single person was seen in Shen's family. Shen Lao San also
once told Shen Lao Si that he could let Fourth Aunt Shen take his older daughters to help
with digging work, but Shen Lao Si said, "It's so cold, my wife Shen Laosan was so angry
that he sent him away because he was not in good health and would freeze.
The wife and children of Shen Laosi who co-authored the book are afraid of the cold, but
the wives and children of their brothers are made of steel?
So the frustrated brothers made enough adobe bricks to make three houses for each family,
and then took their wives and children to the wasteland to cut reeds and make grass and
felt. They were not idle for a day all winter, while they were making At this time, Shen
Laosi's family had never reached out, and it was like this. They promised to give Shen
Laosi the remaining soil bricks. What else do they want?
Shen Yulin knew nothing about all this. After all, even though she was known to be quite
smart, she was still a child after all, and no one would take the initiative to tell her
that these were things that adults should worry about.
As the days passed, the houses of the Shen brothers were soon built. Two months later, it
was the wheat harvest season. Some teams opened their canteens immediately after
harvesting the first handful of wheat, while Team 8 continued to eat their own food as
usual. After the grain was harvested and the public grain tax was paid, the remaining
grain was immediately distributed.
In this way, people can plan their meals and no household will go hungry.
However, no one knows what happened, but it hasn't rained much since the wheat harvest.
When it rains a little, the rain stops before the ground is even wet. Even if the seeds
in the ground have finally managed to emerge from the soil, they don't seem to be very
active. The same goes for the wild vegetables in the field. Without rain to water them,
they don't seem to be able to grow out.
Fang Youshun looked at the crops in the field whose leaves had curled up due to dryness,
and felt a little worried.
If it doesn't rain, how can crops grow? If crops don't grow, how can we harvest food? If
we don't harvest food, what will people eat?
But as if God wanted to confirm Fang Youshun's guess, as the days passed, the weather
became drier and drier.
In spring, people could still dig some wild vegetables, but now it is difficult to even
dig wild vegetables.
Fang Youshun saw that the situation was not good and was afraid that the situation that
happened in the first half of the year would happen again, where people kept coming to
borrow money and food. So when Shen Yulin and Shen Yuxiu just started their summer
vacation, he discussed with Grandma Fang whether they should learn from those people who
went out to eat or beg for food in order to save some food for their families and pretend
to go out begging.
After all, with his allowance, he was lucky enough to keep his parents, daughter, and
son-in-law from starving. How could he have so much extra money and food to keep
borrowing? He might as well hide away under the guise of begging.
Grandma Fang was very conflicted when she heard his proposal.
To be honest, since she came here, although there have been bad years, she has never
faced such a situation. However, her previous experience made her somewhat resistant to
the days of wandering around.
But just as Fang Youshun said, in the current situation, it is a difficult question
whether they should lend money or grain to others.
After all, she and her daughter would not have survived if they hadn't had good people to
help them when they were fleeing, so she was willing to help others from the bottom of
her heart. But if people kept coming to their door, they really couldn't afford it.
Chapter 33 No Vision
Seeing that his wife remained silent for a long time, Fang Youshun probably understood
her concerns and slowly began to talk about his plans.
"Don't worry. It's not in vain that I've been looking for you all these years. I know
which places have good life and which places have bad life. After receiving this month's
allowance, take half with you and leave the other half for your daughter and son-in-law.
Even if there is really nothing to eat, I can find a place to buy food and won't starve.
Besides, this is not the time to flee. At that time, there were wars everywhere and no
place was safe. Now is a peaceful and prosperous time. It's just that begging for food is
not that dangerous. What's more, there are many people begging in our area, and I haven't
heard of anyone encountering danger, right?"
"But our daughter and son-in-law still have to go to work, and Yujun is still so young.
If we are not around, who will take care of the child?" Grandma Fang expressed her
She has been looking after the children at home all these years. My daughter and son-in-
law just need to work without worrying about anything at home. If she leaves, who will
take care of the children? How tired will my daughter be to work and look after the
children at the same time?
"Then... take him with you?" Fang Youshun suggested hesitantly: "Let's take the child
with us, maybe it will be less noticeable. Hmm... Let's take Xiaoxiu with us, too. Yulin
is too wild. If we leave without anyone to look after him, that kid might easily lead
Xiaoxiu astray."
"Let's wait for our daughter and son-in-law to come back and discuss it with them. They
might be worried if we take the children with us, two at a time." Grandma Fang thought
what he said made sense, but she didn't agree directly.
"Okay, let's wait until they come back. If my daughter and son-in-law really don't agree,
then we won't go. After all, it's not like we have no other choice. The most we can do is
cause some trouble, and the adults and children at home will eat less, but it's not a big
deal." Fang Youshun could only make this decision temporarily.
During the war before, he had received help from many strangers. If someone came to visit
him in real trouble, he would not be so hard-hearted and not help.
When Shen Jinggui and his wife came back in the evening, they knew what Fang Youshun
meant and probably understood the old man's difficulties, so they nodded.
"Otherwise, just bring Yuxiu with you. Yujun is still young and it's hard to take care of
him if he makes a lot of noise on the road. I can send him to my mother first. Otherwise,
Yuwen and Yuzhen are also older. Let them watch. That's okay." Shen Jinggui said his
thoughts while thinking.
"That's okay. Yu Wen and Yu Zhen are both good at taking care of their younger siblings,
and my in-laws are also good at taking care of their children. Then we can just bring
Xiao Xiu with us to avoid being led away by Yu Lin." Grandma Fang saw him like this He
said, putting some snacks on Weiwei.
Although Yuzhen, a child, sometimes takes things for granted when speaking and doing
things, she is very dedicated in taking care of her younger siblings. Even Yuwen, the
eldest brother, is not as careful as her.
As for Grandma Shen, although her son-in-law took her and her daughter and children to
move out because of her presence, the relationship between the two families is actually
quite good.
Moreover, Grandma Shen has more tricks to take care of children than she does. No matter
what the child's temperament is, every one of them will be very obedient in Grandma
Shen's hands. In this aspect, she is convinced.
The matter was settled like this, but Shen Jinggui did not ask for the money that Fang
Youshun wanted to keep. After all, the old couple had a child, so if anything happened,
they would have money to take care of them, and the couple had the food hidden in the
warehouse. , as long as you are not hungry, nothing will happen.
Because there was some food hidden in the yard, Shen Jinggui and his wife were afraid
that the children would find something when they brought other children over to play, so
they locked the door after Fang Youshun and others left. Shen Jinggui came here alone at
night. Housekeeping.
Shen Yuxiu and Shen Yulin knew nothing about these adults' decisions. So early in the
morning, Shen Yulin got up and saw that Shen Yuxiu was still sleeping in. After eating
something, he ran out to play and waited until he came back at noon. When I was having
dinner at home and found that the door was locked, I was still a little confused.
He was dumbfounded until Shen Jinggui and his wife came back at noon and told him that
Shen Yuxiu had followed his grandma and grandpa to beg for food.
"Why didn't you take me?" Shen Yulin's eyes widened in disbelief, and then he became
Such a good thing, why not take him with you?
But unfortunately, Shen Jinggui and his wife didn't care what he thought at all. After
telling this fact, they just let him jump around in the yard angrily, and no one paid
attention to him.
Anyway, it was useless for him to jump around. It had been most of the day, and no one
knew where he had gone, and there was nowhere to look for him.
Shen Yulin was so angry that he ignored Shen Jinggui and his wife for several days. After
eating, he ran away without a trace, and he found it boring to play with his friends.
He couldn't understand why grandma and grandpa didn't take him with them? He is much more
useful than Xiaoxiu. That girl in Xiaoxiu is very shameless sometimes, and it is not
certain whether she can open her mouth when begging for food. He is different, he is
thick-skinned, and he can get food when he opens his mouth. He is definitely a good
The more Shen Yulin thought about it, the angrier he became. In order to put his thoughts
into practice, he carefully recalled how a certain wild child who had no one wanted him
begged for food. The next day, he went to his poorest friend's house and asked for the
little friend's clothes. He put on his old tattered clothes, rolled around in the yard a
few times, smeared a few handfuls of dirt on his face, took his friends and went to beg
for food.
Shen Yulin was well-informed. He knew which brigade was doing better and which was not.
He led his friends to a brigade where life was better. When he saw people, he plopped to
his knees and cried with great emotion: "Auntie, please give us something to eat. We
haven't eaten for three days. My mother has tuberculosis, my father is a cripple, and my
little sister, who is only three months old, is almost dying of hunger. Please be kind
and give us some steamed bread. My brother and I will remember your kindness forever..."
The little friend stared at Shen Yulin in shock, then his eyes turned red and tears
welled up in his eyes. He knelt on the ground and cried, his face covered with snot
bubbles and tears, and he cried miserably.
What Shen Yulin was talking about was the situation of his family. Originally, he just
felt weak after drinking soup every day and didn't think how miserable his family was.
But now, after hearing Shen Yulin crying like this, he suddenly felt that he was the most
miserable person in the world.
The woman who was begged by Shen Yulin looked at the two ragged children in front of her
with a sour heart and swollen eyes. She didn't care that her family was also not well-
off. She went back to the house to get two vegetable dumplings and stuffed them into
their arms: "Good children, stop crying. Take these two dumplings and go home quickly to
make some for your sister. Don't starve yourself. Remember to give them to your sister,
not to adults. It won't do much for adults, but your sister can save her life if she eats
them, okay."
"Thank you, Auntie. Thank you, Auntie. Good deeds will be rewarded." Shen Yulin took the
vegetable steamed bread, pulled his little friend and kowtowed to the woman twice, then
quickly got up and walked back. During the walk, he almost fell down on purpose, as if he
was too hungry to walk. The other people who came out after hearing the noise felt very
sad. Those who had money left at home immediately went back to get a steamed bread and
quickly caught up with the two and stuffed it into their hands.
In this way, when Shen Yulin walked out of the village, everyone already had five or six
vegetable dumplings in their arms.
"Yulin, thank you, we will be good friends from now on. If you have any problems, just
let me know and I promise to help you no matter what I have to do." The little friend
looked at the vegetable nest in his arms and movedly assured Shen Yulin as they walked
He felt that Shen Yulin must be helping him because he saw that his family was in
trouble. After all, it was common knowledge in the village that Shen Yulin's grandfather
had an allowance, so it was definitely not the case that he had to beg for food.
Shen Yulin was not uncomfortable after being misunderstood. He said with emotion, "I
didn't do this all for you. You don't know, in order to keep us from starving, my
grandparents also took Xiaoxiu out to beg for food. Alas! My grandparents were so short-
sighted. What's the point of taking Xiaoxiu out? If they were going to take someone with
them, they would have taken me. I'm such a good beggar."
After field experiments, Shen Yulin is now very sure of his talent for begging. If his
grandparents take him with them, he will definitely be able to beg for a lot of money,
but Xiaoxiu may not be so lucky.
Alas, what a pity!!

Chapter 34 Gone, all gone

The friends were shocked when they heard Shen Yulin say that Fang Youshun and his father
took Shen Yuxiu to beg for food. But Shen Yulin didn't look like he was faking it, so
their faces suddenly felt hot and they lowered their heads in embarrassment.
It turns out that the Shen family is not having a good time now. He originally wanted to
be like those people in the village and shamelessly go to the Shen family to get some
food. Fortunately, he hasn't gone yet, otherwise it would be so embarrassing.
The little friend felt guilty and grateful to Shen Yulin, so he gave the vegetable wowo
to his parents when he got home. When his parents asked about the origin of the vegetable
wowo, he told them about begging with Shen Yulin. The couple was stunned and couldn't
help but sigh.
I really didn't expect that people with subsidies would also go begging. But Yulin is a
child with a conscience. Even when begging, he did not forget to help his own children.
In this way, Shen Yulin took his friend out to ask for a meal, and by some strange
combination of circumstances, the fact that Fang Youshun and his wife went out with their
children was publicized to everyone.
Shen Jinggui was stunned when he heard the news, but looking at his good brother and
squad leader who came to ask him, he still nodded with a heavy face.
"Yes, the old man can't help it. There are nine adults and children at home. How can we
survive with just that little allowance?" Shen Jinggui didn't say how much the old man's
allowance was, but anyone who heard it knew that it shouldn't be enough. A few dollars,
otherwise, the old couple would not have gone out to beg for food.
The squad leader sighed, patted him on the shoulder and went to work.
He thought that Shen Jinggui would be better off than him with the help of his father-in-
law, but he didn't expect that it wouldn't be any better.
But it makes sense when you think about it. My family's life is better because the family
has not been separated yet. There are more adults in the family making money and fewer
children who can eat. When working on the project in the winter, several of his brothers
can take turns, and the remaining brothers can do other jobs to support the family. But
Shen Jinggui separated his family early. He was the only male laborer in the family. He
had to rely on the dam all winter, and he couldn't even find a job to supplement the
family income.
However, Shen Jinggui also gave birth to a good daughter. When he went out, he picked up
a father-in-law who had a stipend and could weave baskets and mats. Otherwise, what would
happen to his good brother now?
Shen Jinggui looked at the squad leader's leaving figure and couldn't help but wipe his
sweat quietly. For the first time, he felt that his naughty son had done something good.
But at the same time, he was also a little ashamed of his father-in-law. If it weren't
for his father-in-law's allowance, his family would probably not be much better than
other families in the village.
In the wilderness, the breeze rustled the weeds. Shen Yuxiu sat quietly on the ground,
watching her grandparents catching fish in the river that was about to dry up with a
serious look on her face.
In front of her was a wooden basin half full of water, and behind her was a tricycle with
a shed and a tarpaulin. She was sitting in the shade of the shed, not exposed to the sun
at all. Whenever grandma and grandpa caught a fish in the ditch and threw it on the
shore, she would quickly pick it up and put it in the wooden basin, never getting tired
of it.
Yesterday morning, her grandma carried her onto a tricycle while she was still asleep,
and when she woke up, the tricycle was already on the road.
Shen Yuxiu was a person who loved novelty. When she woke up and heard her grandmother
tell her that her grandfather was going to take them out to play, she accepted the offer
easily. She sat obediently in the tricycle with her grandmother all the way, letting her
grandfather take them forward and looking at the unfamiliar scenery along the way.
Along the way, grandma would point at the flowers, plants and trees they encountered from
time to time and kept telling her what these flowers, plants and trees were called, what
they could be used for, whether they were edible, and what they tasted like. This
broadened her horizons and made her learn many things she didn't know before.
Whenever grandpa saw some beautiful wild flowers, he would stop, pick some and make a
wreath for her to wear on her head.
So, up to now, Shen Yuxiu didn't feel bored at all, and even felt very happy. Especially
today, her grandfather took her to catch fish again. She felt that going out to play was
really a very good and happy thing.
By mid-afternoon, half of the basin was already full of fish. Seeing that there were only
a few small fish left in the ditch, Fang Youshun asked Grandma Fang to go ashore first,
and at the same time raised his voice to Shen Yuxiu, "Xiaoxiu, throw the other basin down
from the car."
"Hey." Shen Yuxiu agreed crisply, turned around, grabbed a smaller basin from the
tricycle and threw it down with force.
Fang Youshun took the basin that Shen Yuxiu threw down, went to another puddle nearby to
wash his hands, then filled the basin with water and slowly walked ashore through the
After getting ashore, Fang Youshun and Grandma Fang used the water in the basin to wash
off the mud on their hands and feet, and then looked at the basin of fish that Shen Yuxiu
was guarding.
"Wow, that's still a lot." Fang Youshun said with a smile as he carried the basin of
water onto the tricycle, asked the mother and daughter to get on and sit down, then
pedaled the tricycle again to take the mother and daughter towards a small town.
It was already evening when the three of them arrived at the town. People had already
started preparing to light a fire and cook. Fang Youshun, along with an old man and a
child, rode a tricycle and started selling fish from street to street, shouting.
Supplies are in short supply everywhere now, especially food. Some people who are still
well-off, when they hear that someone is selling fish, even forget to put down their
cooking spatulas and rush out. When they see the fish in their basins jumping around,
they immediately ask about the price. After a short while, there are only a dozen small
fish left in the basin.
Fang Youshun did not sell the remaining fish. He used the money from selling the fish to
buy a few pounds of coarse grains from the supply and marketing cooperative. He then took
his mother and daughter to find a family to stay overnight. The remaining half of the
fish became their accommodation fee, and the other half was made into fish soup.
Maybe it was because she also participated in the labor, Shen Yuxiu was so satisfied when
she drank the delicious fish soup. She felt that there was no better fish soup in the
Maybe because she was a little tired from getting up and sitting down to pick fish all
afternoon, Shen Yuxiu fell asleep in a daze not long after Grandma Fang finished washing
her in the evening.
In the dark night, when Fang Youshun was about to fall asleep on the kang of the hostel
he was staying at, he suddenly heard his wife's voice: "Old man, what do you say, let's
go look for the second son's body? If we can find it, I want to take him back to his
hometown for burial. In case the second son hasn't been reincarnated yet and has returned
to his hometown, the ancestors there can help us take care of him."
Fang Youshun was slightly stunned when he heard this, and then asked her: "Do you still
remember the exact location where it was buried? If you don't remember, it might be hard
to find."
"It's in the land north of Minquan. I remember there was a trench from the war and there
was a locust tree next to the trench. It was too chaotic at the time, so my daughter and
I hurriedly buried him next to the locust tree and left. As long as the trench and the
locust tree are still there, we can almost find it." Grandma Fang tried hard to recall
the past, but now more than 20 years have passed and she doesn't know if there has been
any changes there.
In fact, she also wanted to go and look for her son's body, but the sky was high and the
road was long. She was fleeing in a panic and had no idea which way to go. She didn't
even know which direction Minquan County was. In addition, those years were very chaotic,
so naturally she never made the trip.
By the time she and her daughter finally settled down, more than ten years had passed.
She knew that it would be hopeless to find him again, so she gave up the idea. But Fang
Youshun went wherever he wanted these past two days, and she suddenly remembered this
matter again.
I'm just walking around anyway, so I might as well go there and take a look. What if the
place hasn't changed and I can find my son's body, then I can put my worries to rest,
"Okay, then let's go that way tomorrow." Fang Youshun agreed readily. After all, begging
means running around everywhere, and it doesn't matter where you go. If he can find his
son's body and return home, it will be a good thing.
So the next day Fang Youshun went to his hometown with a clear goal. Shen Yuxiu
discovered from that day on that her grandfather took her and her grandmother to pedal
the tricycle non-stop. Her butt was sore from riding the tricycle, but her grandfather
was unwilling to stop and let her get off to move around.
Five days later, Shen Yuxiu was brought to a field by her grandfather, and she heard her
grandmother mutter in disappointment, "It's gone, all gone."

Chapter 35 Hometown
Shen Yuxiu didn't know what was missing, but she could feel that Grandma Fang was
different from usual. Looking up, she saw that the old lady, who always had a kind face,
now had red eyes and looked like she was about to cry.
"Grandma, what's wrong with you?" Shen Yuxiu didn't understand what was going on. She
gently grabbed the corner of the old woman's clothes with her little hands and looked up
to ask her.
Grandma Fang looked at the land in her memory, feeling indescribably sad, but she didn't
want to scare the child, so she forced a smile and comforted Shen Yuxiu: "It's okay,
Grandma is fine."
After saying this, Grandma Fang once again looked at the land that was completely
different from her memory, with unspeakable disappointment in her eyes.
Not only was the locust tree gone, but even the trench in her memory had long been
leveled, turned into a few dirt roads and a piece of farmland. How could she possibly
find her son in this situation?
"Don't despair, why don't we go ask in the surrounding villages? Maybe we can find it!"
Fang Youshun comforted her softly.
In twenty years, this place has changed a lot, which is normal. If you really can't find
it, there's nothing you can do about it.
"Grandpa, what are you looking for?" Shen Yuxiu asked Fang Youshun suspiciously.
"Looking for your second uncle, back then..." Grandma Fang slowly told her about the
Although she knew that even if she told it, this little girl might not understand, she
still wanted to tell her, to let her know that she once had a second uncle who was buried
in this land.
Shen Yuxiu just listened quietly to the old man talking about the past, her eyes slowly
filled with crystal tears, and she felt very uncomfortable.
She felt that her second uncle who had died was so pitiful, her grandmother and mother
who had fled that year were also so pitiful, and her grandparents, eldest uncle and
younger uncle who were washed away to unknown places by the flood, they all felt so
Knowing this, Shen Yuxiu became extra well-behaved. She no longer complained about the
pain in her butt from sitting on the tricycle every day. She allowed Fang Youshun to take
her and Grandma Fang to wander around the surrounding villages, asking if anyone had seen
the child's body when the trench was leveled.
But unfortunately, no one knows about this, and no one has ever found a child-sized
corpse there.
For eight or nine days, the two old men wandered around the surrounding villages but
didn't get any useful information, so they finally gave up hope.
"It's almost June 6th. Let's go back to our hometown to visit the graves and tell our
ancestors to help our parents and son if they see them there. Even though we are not in
the same area, what if they can see us?" Fang Youshun comforted Grandma Fang in a gentle
Grandma Fang nodded sadly. This was all that could be done.
She had also heard from Fang Youshun a long time ago that after the founding of the
People's Republic of China, people settled in the flooded area of her hometown and formed
a village. There was also a cousin of Fang Youshun who was several generations apart from
her and was guarding the ancestral tomb in the village.
The two of them also agreed that while they were alive, he and Grandma Fang would take
good care of their only daughter, and when they passed away one day, they would return to
their hometown and be buried.
Their ancestors and their sons who died early or are still alive are probably all on this
land. After they die, they have to come and take care of their sons and parents.
In this way, Fang Youshun took his mother and daughter towards their hometown again.
However, the closer they got to their hometown, the worse their faces looked.
The situation here doesn't seem to be very good either. The crops in the fields have
their leaves curled up and are huddled together, not to mention wild vegetables. There is
not even a trace of them to be seen.
Shen Yuxiu, who was sitting on the tricycle, didn't understand what this meant, but she
felt the wind in the air was dry and hot, and it made her lips chapped.
Grandma Fang saw that her little face was red from the heat, and was afraid that the
scorching sun would burn her skin off, so she covered her face with a cloth and fanned
her with a palm-leaf fan.
At this time, Grandma Fang felt a little regretful. She regretted that she shouldn't have
brought Shen Yuxiu out and let her suffer at such a young age. Fortunately, she was not
far from her hometown now. It should be better when she got there, right?
However, Grandma Fang was still thinking too well. When Fang Youshun and the other two
finally arrived at the place, they found that this place was not much better than the
places they had passed along the way.
Shen Yuxiu looked at this strange village curiously. There seemed to be figures swaying
in every household, but no one came out. She finally saw a child older than her, but he
looked like those wilted crops, extremely listless and thin, with no luster in his eyes.
Shen Yuxiu looked at the child curiously, and the child also looked at her in a daze,
until they turned a corner and interrupted their gaze.
As soon as Shen Yuxiu retracted her gaze, she felt the tricycle stopped, and then she
heard her grandfather's voice asking: "Is Youcheng home?"
Shen Yuxiu looked back at where Fang Youshun stopped, and saw that it was a very ordinary
yard with sparse fences and a few earthen houses, and a dry smell blowing in the air.
As Fang Youshun finished his question, a skinny old man with wrinkled face came out of a
When the old man saw Fang Youshun, his eyes suddenly lit up and he walked over excitedly:
"Brother, why are you here?"
"Life is hard at home, so I came here with dinner and to visit our ancestors' graves."
Fang Youshun replied with a smile, while letting Grandma Fang get out of the car and at
the same time carrying Shen Yushou down.
When the old man, Fang Youcheng, heard that Fang Youshun came to beg for food, the light
in his eyes immediately dimmed and his mouth tasted bitter.
"Brother, it's very dry here, I'm afraid you won't be able to get anything." Fang
Youcheng said with a bitter taste in his mouth.
As soon as Fang Youshun heard what he said, he knew he had misunderstood, but it was hard
to explain in public, so he turned to ask him: "Do you have anything to eat? I asked for
something along the way, so I'll leave some for you."
Fang Youcheng didn't expect him to say that. After a moment's pause, he was about to
refuse when he saw the adults and children from his home who had heard the noise and came
out. His lips trembled, and in the end he could only bite the bullet and say, "Brother,
it's my brother who is useless. He has no shame to leave the things you want."
"What are you talking about? We are brothers, why are you being so polite to me?" Fang
Youshun said as he began to unload things from the car: "Here are some wild vegetables I
dug and dried along the way, as well as some coarse grains and dried steamed bread that I
wanted. I'll leave them all for you."
Fang Youshun waited until all the things were unloaded. Seeing that no one moved, he
glared and called out to the several adult men in the yard: "What are you looking at?
Move inside quickly."
Upon hearing this, the adult men subconsciously looked at Fang Youcheng, and when they
saw him nod, they hurriedly moved things into the house. At the same time, Fang Youcheng
also hurriedly pulled Fang Youshun into the house.
"Come on, come sit inside."
Seeing this, Grandma Fang also pulled Shen Yuxiu and followed her into the house. She
didn't notice at all that the boy who had looked at Shen Yuxiu before was standing by the
fence outside the yard. His dark eyes slowly brightened up as he watched everything that
happened in the yard.
Chapter 36: My stomach is not obedient
The boy's eyes became hot, he was eager to know where he could dig wild vegetables, but
just as he raised his foot he stopped suddenly.
Food is so precious nowadays, will he be beaten out if he asks so rashly?
Inside the house, Fang Youshun walked in and told Fang Youcheng about what happened along
the way. Fang Youcheng also talked about the situation in his hometown.
My hometown has been experiencing a drought since the spring of this year. There has not
been a drop of rain in several months since the beginning of spring, and the well water
level has also dropped sharply. This is a natural disaster and cannot be solved by human
power at all.
Fang Youshun was silent for a long time, then said to him, "If you have any problems,
remember to come to me. Although I don't have much ability, I can still take care of the
Among the men of his generation in the Fang family, there are only two cousins left. He
doesn't want anything to happen to Fang Youcheng. What if something happens to Fang
Youcheng? Wouldn't he be the only one left?
"Yeah." Fang Youcheng agreed repeatedly.
He is not such a spineless person. He has experienced some troubles in the past. Such a
small matter will not make him lose his composure.
What's more, the world today is different from before. The village cadres have been
working hard to solve the difficulties, otherwise he would not have been able to persist
until now.
"Okay, that's good." Fang Youshun felt relieved after hearing his promise.
But just in case, he still told about some of the better places he had passed along the
way, as a way to give Fang Youcheng and the children a way out.
After telling him about all the places he had passed by where life was better, Fang
Youshun still reminded him a little worriedly: "If the things I left are eaten up and the
situation here has not improved, you can take the children to beg for food in the places
I mentioned. If one way doesn't work, try another one. Don't be so stubborn and only go
to one way. If those places don't work either, you can take the children to find me,
Fang Youcheng nodded continuously as he listened. Now, apart from nodding, he didn't know
what to say.
Seeing that he agreed, Fang Youshun finally felt relieved. He explained to him the route
from here to his son-in-law's village in detail several times and asked him to repeat it
twice before he was done.
Fang Youcheng couldn't help but burst into tears as he listened to Fang Youshun's
repeated instructions.
Ever since his wife's parents passed away in the flood that year, he has been both a
father and a mother to the children. Now, at home, he is always the one who makes the
decisions and no one has warned him as if they were worried about the children for many
Fang Youshun also looked at his old brother with sore eyes, feeling indescribable
emotions in his heart.
Who doesn’t want to be a child with a mother? Who doesn’t want to be a hands-off boss
who doesn’t have to worry about anything? But when you don’t have elders above you,
even if you are useless, you still have to shoulder the responsibility and work hard to
give your children a home.
Shen Yuxiu couldn't fully understand the two people's fear of losing their loved ones.
She just felt that they had red eyes looking at the two adults and were not afraid of
being embarrassed.
In fact, she was already a little thirsty when she just got off the tricycle, but now
everyone in the room was talking, so she was embarrassed to open her mouth to ask for
water, so she consciously struggled out of Grandma Fang's arms and went to the tricycle
to find water.
Grandma Fang didn't know what she was going to do, so she followed her to the door and
saw her climb onto the tricycle nimbly, take a bowl of water and drink from the pitcher.
Only then did she turn around and continue listening to Fang Youshun and his brother
talking with relief.
After drinking the water, Shen Yuxiu let out a small "ah" feeling refreshed, and quickly
covered the water jar and put the water bowl away.
Grandpa said that if the lid of the water jar was not properly opened, the water inside
would leak out and she would then have no water to drink, and she didn't want to be
without water.
After doing all this carefully, Shen Yuxiu lifted up a cotton cloth in the corner of the
car. Under it was the roots of thatch that grandpa dug up when he passed by a thatch
field the day before yesterday. This thing was white and sweet and delicious. Every time
she ate it, she felt her mouth was full of saliva and she was not so thirsty. She liked
it very much.
Shen Yuxiu was sitting on the tricycle and chewing reed roots happily when she suddenly
heard a gurgling sound. She turned her head suspiciously and saw a child standing by the
fence. It was the boy who had looked at her when she entered the village just now.
The boy was holding his stomach at the moment. When he saw her suddenly looking at him,
his sallow face suddenly turned red.
He knew that he was very embarrassed, but he couldn't help looking at the white thatch
roots in the girl's hand.
He had eaten this thing before. It was sweet and delicious. Unfortunately, it was no
longer possible to dig up reed roots around the village, otherwise he would have gone to
dig them long ago.
Seeing that he was staring at the Imperata root in her hand, Shen Yuxiu raised her hand
in confusion and asked him, "Do you want to eat it?"
When the boy saw her asking him, he wanted to shake his head, but he swallowed
subconsciously, which made him lower his head guiltily.
He felt that his reaction was extremely embarrassing, as he actually wanted something
from a little girl.
Seeing that he didn't say anything, Shen Yuxiu bit her lip in confusion, then quickly
grabbed a handful of reed roots, climbed down the tricycle, ran out of the yard, ran to
the boy, and generously handed it to him with her palm raised.
"For you to eat."
The boy looked at the reed root she handed to him, then looked into her eyes. Seeing that
her eyes were full of sincerity and she didn't seem to be lying to him, he carefully
picked up a white reed root from her palm, put it in his mouth and chewed it gently.
It was a refreshing, sweet taste that quickly spread to his mouth and throat, carrying
the moisture that his body desperately needed.
The boy chewed very slowly, as if he was eating some delicious delicacy. He chewed it
carefully, savoring it slowly, and only swallowed it after it was chewed till it was
Shen Yuxiu was shocked to see that he had actually swallowed the Imperata root, and she
widened her eyes and asked anxiously: "Can you spit it out?"
"Ah?" The boy was stunned for a moment, then felt a little at a loss.
He thought the girl in front of him was regretting and didn't want to give him the food,
but the food was already in his stomach, how could he spit it out?
What's more, he didn't want to vomit it out. His stomach was empty now, and it felt like
he hadn't eaten anything after swallowing this little bit of food.
Seeing that he didn't say anything, Shen Yuxiu began to explain to him somewhat
"Grandma said that you only need to chew the sweet water, and you can't swallow the
impatiens, otherwise you won't be able to poop." Shen Yuxiu said what her grandma had
warned her, but then she waved her hand and said, "But it should be okay. I swallowed it
when I ate it just now. Grandma said that a little bit is okay, and I just need to not
swallow it in the future."
The boy felt relieved when he heard her explanation.
How could he not know that the roots of the grass could not be swallowed? However, the
relief food distributed by the village was all with my father. My father said that my
sister was a money-loser and wanted to give her to a cripple as a wife to save some food
for the family. My mother refused to do so, so my father stopped giving her and my sister
He was afraid that his mother and sister would starve to death, so he secretly gave his
food to them. Now he was so hungry that he subconsciously swallowed the food he saw to
fill his empty stomach, forgetting that he could not swallow it.
The boy was a little embarrassed and was about to explain to Shen Yuxiu when his stomach
suddenly growled without warning, which startled him for some reason. He then lowered his
head in embarrassment.
He didn't want to be so embarrassed, but his stomach just wouldn't listen.

Chapter 37 The little girl is a little silly

"Are you hungry?" Shen Yuxiu heard his stomach growling and asked curiously with her head
tilted. Then, without waiting for him to say anything, she suddenly ran back.
The boy didn't know what she was going to do. He just watched her run into the yard,
climb onto the tricycle, pick up a small bag from the tricycle and throw it on the
ground. Then he climbed off the tricycle, picked up the small bag and ran towards him.
"Look, I dug this myself. I'm giving it to you." Shen Yuxiu ran up to him with a small
bag and held it up to him with a happy face.
The boy stared at the little girl in front of him, and felt his eyes getting hot and his
nose getting sore.
"Don't you want wild vegetables?" Shen Yuxiu saw that he didn't take it, and wrinkled her
nose in embarrassment: "But this is all I have."
There were a few steamed buns in the car, but they were made by grandma and she had no
say in the matter.
"Don't you need to tell the adults when you give these to me?" the boy asked softly, his
voice a little cautious.
"No need." Shen Yuxiu shook her head and said, "My grandma said that I can decide for
myself if I want to eat the wild vegetables I dig myself, or give them to others."
The boy listened to her words with complicated expressions in his eyes.
How could this little girl be so stupid? If it were him, he would definitely hide it from
anyone and only feed it to his family.
"Then... do you want it?" Seeing that he didn't take it for a long time, Shen Yuxiu held
her small cloth bag, a little hesitant.
My grandma said that when people are extremely hungry they will eat anything. If they
don’t even want to eat wild vegetables, they are probably not really hungry and you
don’t need to feed them.
She wasn't sure if this person disliked the wild vegetables she dug, but on the way here,
everyone she saw liked these things very much. Her grandparents also asked her to dig
wild vegetables with them when they saw them. Along the way, she and her grandparents ate
a lot of wild vegetables.
The wild vegetables in her hands now are some of the best food she has ever eaten.
Grandma said that if someone even dislikes these wild vegetables, then this person
probably has enough food and does not need to be given.
The boy didn't know what she was thinking, but when he saw her holding the bag as if to
take it back, he hurriedly said, "I want it."
When Shen Yuxiu heard him say he wanted it, she stopped thinking about taking it back,
but she still said with some worry: "Well, if you want it, you can't throw it away. Also,
remember to return the bag. I still need it to dig wild vegetables."
"Okay, I'll take the wild vegetables home and return the bag to you." The boy nodded
quickly in response.
Seeing that he looked serious and didn't seem to be lying, Shen Yuxiu handed him the bag
in her arms. The boy quickly took the bag, smiled at her gratefully, turned around and
ran home quickly.
Shen Yuxiu watched the boy's back disappear around the corner of the street, then she
skipped back to the yard.
She felt that she was still very useful and the wild vegetables she dug could help
The boy, holding a small cloth bag, rushed into the west room as soon as he got home.
There was a woman lying on the kang in the room. Her forehead was bruised and swollen,
her face was sallow, and her lips were dry and slightly bleeding. Next to her was a girl
who was not much older than the boy, but who was breathing weakly and was very skinny.
"Sister, sister, I have food, please eat quickly."
The first thing the boy did when he entered the house was to take out a handful of dried
wild vegetables from his cloth bag and stuff them into the girl's mouth, his face full of
The girl felt something stuffed in her mouth. She opened her eyes with difficulty and
began to chew subconsciously. However, this simple action seemed to take up all her
strength. She began to pant slightly after only a few chews.
The woman next to her heard the noise, opened her eyes in a daze, and saw this scene, her
face full of surprise.
"Mom, you eat too." Without waiting for the woman to ask, the boy came to her with a
happy face, grabbed a handful of wild vegetables from his unbuttoned pocket and handed it
to the woman's mouth.
However, the woman looked at the clean and bright color of the wild vegetables, but
tilted her head and didn't eat them. When she looked at the boy again with a dazed look,
she said with a sharp tone: "Where did you get it from?"
It's obvious that these wild vegetables were blanched in hot water and then dried. Water
is extremely scarce here nowadays, so no one would be willing to blanch wild vegetables
in water.
"A few people came to Grandpa Fang's place today. This is something a little girl gave
me." The boy said as he passed the wild vegetable in his hand to the woman's mouth again:
"Mom, eat it quickly, don't let Dad find out."
The woman once again avoided the wild vegetables he fed to her and asked him, "That
little you wild vegetables, does her family...keep them?"
“No.” The boy shook his head. Seeing his mother was so angry that she wanted to hit
him, but she raised her hand but didn’t raise it. He quickly explained to her: “She
said that she dug it herself. She said that her parents let her decide to give it away by
The woman closed her eyes and shook her head, then she stood up tremblingly and tried to
get off the kang: "No, a little girl can't make such a decision. I'll go back with you.
Without the permission of the master, we can't take this wild vegetable."
When the boy heard this, his eyes suddenly turned red. He subconsciously looked at his
sister who had stopped chewing, then turned back to look at the woman with pleading eyes.
He knew his mother was afraid that the adults wouldn't know and would be angry and come
to the door. But he also wanted his mother and sister to live.
My father was so cruel. Even though the family had clearly distributed relief food, he
insisted that my sister was a money-loser and didn't deserve to eat the family's food. He
wanted to give my sister to a cripple as a wife. Because my mother refused to agree, my
father beat her like this. He also threatened that as long as my eldest sister didn't get
married, my mother and sister would not be able to eat at home and would starve to death.
But he was afraid that if time went on for a long time, his mother and sister would
really starve to death. What would he do then? He didn't want to be a child without a
"Mom, please have a bite, just one bite. I will give it back immediately after you
finish. They won't be able to tell if you take a few bites less." The boy said with tears
in his eyes.
But the woman still shook her head. She no longer had the strength to speak, but she
still got off the kang tremblingly.
"Dani'er, you stay at home. Your second brother and I will be back soon." The woman
warned her skinny daughter while trying to get up and get off the kang.
Although the girl was somewhat disappointed with her mother's decision, she still nodded
When the boy saw his mother like this, he hung his head in frustration and watched in
silence as the woman slowly put on her shoes and began to walk out tremblingly.
At the moment when the woman left, he quickly grabbed a handful of wild vegetables and
stuffed them under the girl's pillow while she was not paying attention. Then he chased
after the woman. Before leaving the door, the boy turned back and silently mouthed to his
sister: "Eat quickly."
The girl understood what the boy meant, and her eyes became red involuntarily. She picked
up a little with trembling hands and put it into her mouth.
The woman and the boy walked out of the yard one after the other, without noticing that
there was a boy who was taller and stronger than this boy, quietly watching them at the
windowsill of the main room. After they walked out of the yard, the boy immediately
turned around and complained to his father who was lying on the kang.
"Dad, Mom and my brother went out with a bag."
The man on the kang had a deep bite wound on his ankle, which was purple and swollen.
When he heard the boy's words, he just said "hmm" perfunctorily without any reaction at
He guessed that the child was trying to deceive the mother and daughter again. In that
room, there was a torn mat on the kang, and a bag? Where did the woman get the bag?
Besides, all the edible food in the house is with him. Even if the mother and daughter
take a bag out, what can they get?

Chapter 38 Too Cruel

Here, the woman, supported by the boy, finally reached Fang's yard, but she could no
longer walk. She sat down on the ground with shaking legs, and motioned for the boy to go
back into the house to return the things.
The two brothers Fang Youshun were still talking in the room when they saw a boy suddenly
come in with Shen Yuxiu's cloth bag of wild vegetables in his arms. They were stunned.
Shen Yuxiu was sitting next to her grandma. When she saw him bringing the bag back again,
her little brows furrowed into a pimple.
Doesn't he want it anymore?
"My mother said that I can't take things that don't belong to adults. I need your
parents' consent." Seeing that she was unhappy, the boy hurriedly explained.
When Shen Yuxiu heard this, her unhappiness disappeared all of a sudden, and she turned
around and told Grandma Fang what had just happened.
After hearing her explanation, Grandma Fang immediately smiled and said to the boy,
"Since my Xiaoxiu said it's for you, then it's for you. Don't worry and take it."
"My mother is outside. Grandma, can you talk to my mother?" The boy pointed to the yard
outside the door with a weak look, his eyes full of requests to his grandmother.
No one would be happy if someone gave him something and asked him to explain it to them
personally, right?
But his mother was very stubborn, so he had no choice but to do this.
When Grandma Fang heard what he meant, she looked into the yard and saw a woman with a
sallow face sitting on the ground. She was breathing unevenly and looked like she was
going to die at any moment. She immediately understood what he meant.
"Okay, I'll talk to your mother." Grandma Fang said as she stood up and walked out,
squatting next to the boy's mother and explaining about the wild vegetables.
Seeing this, Shen Yuxiu followed out curiously. The boy walked faster than Shen Yuxiu and
ran to his mother with the cloth bag in his arms. He heard Grandma Fang explaining to his
mother, "These wild vegetables were really dug by my child. I let her decide who to give
them to. You and your child can eat them without worry."
"Thank you, thank you, auntie." The woman wanted to kowtow to Grandma Fang with
gratitude, but she had no strength left and almost fell to the ground as soon as she
"No, don't do this." Upon seeing this, Grandma Fang quickly grabbed her and stopped her
from knocking her head down.
The woman had no strength, and when Granny Fang grabbed her head, she couldn't knock down
any more, but she didn't get up either. She took two hard breaths, grabbed Granny Fang's
hand with pleading eyes, and said, "Aunt, I have another... shameless thing to ask you."
Grandma Fang was startled when she heard this, and subconsciously loosened her hand. She
did not agree to her immediately, but said, "Tell me first, I'll see if I can help you."
"Aunt, I, I want... please, can you tell me... where I can dig up wild vegetables?" The
woman said as she slowly lowered her head guiltily.
She knew that her request was shameless. It was so difficult to dig wild vegetables
nowadays. Who would be willing to tell others?
When Grandma Fang heard about this, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief and turned
around to ask Shen Yuxiu to call Fang Youshun.
After all, she seldom goes out and is not very good at remembering routes and place
names. But Fang Youshun is different. He knows those place names like the back of his
Fang Youshun was called out, and Grandma Fang explained the situation to him. Fang
Youshun immediately started talking to her generously, but the woman's memory was
limited. Fang Youshun listed a series of place names and directions, but the woman could
only remember a few of them. On the contrary, the boy listened very seriously, mumbling
to himself.
But no matter how much she remembered, after Fang Youshun finished speaking, the woman
still thanked him repeatedly with gratitude, and pulled the boy beside her, "Hurry up and
kowtow to your grandparents, thank you for telling us these places."
When the boy heard this, he knelt on the ground with a plop and kowtowed to them without
waiting for Fang Youshun and Grandma Fang to react.
"Thank you, Grandpa. Thank you, Grandma."
"Hurry up, hurry up, this is not acceptable."
Grandma Fang quickly pulled the boy up. Just at that moment, the woman from the Fang
family had prepared the meal and brought it out. When the woman saw it, she quickly took
the boy up and said goodbye.
Nowadays, food is as important as life in every household. It is really not appropriate
for her and her mother to stay here.
Grandma Fang watched the mother and daughter leave and sighed, but she didn't take the
matter too seriously. After all, she had seen worse things in the past, and these two
mother and daughter were still better off than those people back then.
The boy supported the woman and walked slowly home. When they were about to enter the
house, he suddenly asked her, "Mom, are these wild vegetables for Dad and brother to
The woman froze when she heard that. Thinking of her daughter lying on the kang at home,
starving like a skeleton, she said with some difficulty: "They have food. Let's wait
until they have eaten all the food."
"Oh." The boy responded with some relief.
To be honest, his father was better. Even if he didn't give the vegetables to his mother
and sister, he would still give them to his son. That was why he could quietly share his
portion with his mother and sister. But he didn't want to give any wild vegetables to his
eldest brother.
It was not for anything else, but because today when he saw that his mother and elder
sister were almost unable to wake up, and went to beg his father to come and take a look,
his eldest brother yelled and refused to let his father come, and even said that his
mother and sister were pretending and nothing happened at all.
When his father heard what his eldest brother said, he actually didn't even bother to
look at him. The feeling of helplessness and fear of losing his own mother at that time
still scares him to this day.
Fortunately, her mother woke up later, otherwise he wouldn’t know what to do.
Fortunately, the little girl gave him wild vegetables. As long as they have food to eat,
his mother and sister should get better slowly, right?
When the woman returned home, she dumped the wild vegetables on the kang and asked the
boy to go back and return the cloth bag. After the boy left, she looked at her dying
daughter on the kang, then looked at the wild vegetables on the kang. Finally, she
gritted her teeth, quickly found a piece of rags, wrapped up half of the wild vegetables
on the kang, hid them in the stove, and buried them with grass ash.
After finishing everything, the woman said to her eldest daughter who was watching her do
all this with a somewhat unstable breath: "If you want to live, just keep your mouth
shut. Don't let your father and eldest brother know how many wild vegetables we have,
The girl on the kang nodded repeatedly when she heard this, and her eyes were full of
trust and determination as she looked at the woman.
She knew, she knew that apart from her mother and brother, she could not count on anyone
else in the world, especially her father and older brother in the other room.
She understands.
When the woman saw that she agreed, she finally breathed a sigh of relief, turned around,
grabbed a handful of wild vegetables and went to cook.
The boy ran back to the Fang family's yard and saw Shen Yuxiu playing with several other
children from the Fang family. He immediately ran to her and handed her the cloth bag.
Suddenly there was a cloth bag in front of her. Shen Yuxiu was startled. When she looked
up and saw it was him, she immediately smiled brightly, took the cloth bag and walked
towards the tricycle. Seeing this, the boy followed closely.
"May I have your name?"
Shen Yuxiu had just thrown the cloth bag into the car when she heard these words. She
turned back to look at him in confusion, and saw him grinning shyly at her.
"What's your name? Can you tell me?" The boy repeated the question awkwardly, his eyes
looking cautious.
"My name is Shen Yuxiu." Shen Yuxiu also gave her name generously. Seeing that the boy
smiled gently because she said his name, she was in a good mood. Just as she was about to
ask him what his name was, a girl from the Fang family who ran over quickly grabbed her
"Xiaoxiu, come and play." The skinny little girl walked forward and pulled Shen Yuxiu
back, while looking at the boy with some vigilance.
My parents said that Xiaoxiu was their cousin and savior, so they had to play with her
well and not let bad kids bully her.
This boy is what people call a bad boy, because his biological mother is a stepmother,
and he also fights with his older brother, who was born to his father's previous wife.
His older brother says that he is a bad boy.
Shen Yuxiu didn't know what the girl was thinking. She was pulled back and asked the boy,
"Do you want to play with us?"
The boy could see the way the girl looked at him. In addition, the children in the yard
suddenly stopped playing because of her words and looked over here. They smiled less and
subconsciously refused: "I want to go back. I can't play with you."
"Oh." Seeing that he refused, Shen Yuxiu did not feel disappointed. She waved her hand at
him with a smile and said, "Goodbye then. If you want to play with me in the future, we
can play again."
Shen Yuxiu said this nonchalantly, then went back with the skinny girl to continue
playing with the Fang brothers and sisters.
After what happened to Shen Yulin last year, she has already gotten used to being
rejected by others.
If someone is willing to play with her, she will play. If someone doesn't want to play
with her, she won't play. She won't be sad or upset at all if she is rejected.

Chapter 39 Beautiful Stones

When the boy saw her turn around and start playing with the Fang family’s children, he
opened his mouth to say something, but in the end, nothing came out.
This was the first time in his life that someone invited him to play, and he himself
declined the invitation, but for some reason he felt empty inside.
The boy slowly clenched his palms, watched Shen Yuxiu and the Fang family's children
playing happily, without even glancing at him, and then walked out, looking back every
step of the way.
He felt that the little girl was laughing so happily and her laughter was so sweet that
the corners of his lips unconsciously curled up, and he felt an unprecedented joy in his
Fang Youshun did not stay here for long. He went to the ancestral grave that afternoon
and left here early the next morning with Grandma Fang and Shen Yuxiu.
After all, food is in short supply nowadays, and if they stay here for half a day longer
they will have to eat one more meal, so of course they will try to save as much as
On the way back, Shen Yuxiu felt that the weather was so hot that it seemed like she was
having a fire. Even when Grandma Fang kept fanning her with a cattail leaf fan, she still
felt that the wind was hot. She wiped the dense beads of sweat on her face with her
sleeves, and they dried up in a short while, forming streaks of salt and alkali marks on
the sleeves of her clothes.
Shen Yuxiu lay listlessly in the truck bed, looking up at the roof of the truck, letting
Grandma Fang fan her slowly, without any energy at all.
There was no water in their water pitcher today, and her mouth was dry and sticky, and
she just wanted to drink some water urgently.
But thinking about the beggars she met along the way, she felt that she was really
ungrateful for what she had, and in the end she just lay there listlessly without saying
a word.
Fortunately, this situation did not last long. Fang Youshun quickly took the mother and
daughter into the mountains, found a small river, and replenished their water.
Shen Yuxiu gulped down enough water, then stood barefoot by the stream, letting the clear
water flow through her little feet. She immediately felt alive again.
Fang Youshun saw her satisfied look standing in the water and didn't urge her. He let her
play here to her heart's content before leaving.
However, looking at the surrounding environment, Fang Youshun felt heavy in his heart.
Although the scenery here is much better than in the south, with green mountains and
green grass, it is completely different from what I remember.
You know, the water volume of the stream in front of him was less than a quarter of what
he remembered. And although the vegetation on the mountain looked lush and green from a
distance, in fact, they were all withered and lifeless.
Obviously, although it looks okay here, it is dry.
After replenishing their water supply, the three generations of grandparents and
grandchildren dug wild vegetables along the way to a small town, where they replenished
some coarse grains and continued on their way.
Of course, they were not simply on the road, whenever they came across a lush wild
vegetable field, they would not let it go. In this way, Shen Yuxiu went from only knowing
a few kinds of wild vegetables to knowing them all, and her skills in digging wild
vegetables became more sophisticated.
Because they were not in a hurry, the journey of the three of them became leisurely
again. Whenever they encountered wild ditches and small rivers on the way, they would
start fishing again. Shen Yuxiu finally felt the joy of going out again.
So when they passed by a small village that day and Fang Youshun went to the village well
to replenish water, Shen Yuxiu saw a black boy playing with stone fruits on the street,
and she went down to talk to him with great interest.
"Your fruit is so beautiful, what is it made of?" Shen Yuxiu looked at the black but
shiny fruit in the child's hand with envy in her eyes.
This is much more beautiful than the stone fruit she had hidden. Moreover, she hadn’t
played with any fruit since she hid the fruit for fear that Shen Yulin would find it.
It was not known whether the black boy did not understand what she said or what, but when
he saw Shen Yuxiu looking at the fruit in his hand with envy, and then glanced at Grandma
Fang who was guarding the tricycle, he did not speak for a long time.
Seeing that he had been silent, Shen Yuxiu thought that he didn't want to pay attention
to her. She was about to leave when she suddenly heard the child ask in a dialect that
she could barely understand: "Do you want some fruit? Two, no, I'll give you one steamed
Shen Yuxiu was slightly stunned, she was just bored waiting in the car, and seeing that
the fruit in his hand looked good, she came to talk to him, but she didn't mean to want
his fruit.
Seeing that she didn't say anything, the black boy thought that he had asked for too
much, so he hurriedly said, "If you don't want mine, I can take you to buy some. There
are many beautiful stones in our mountains, green, black, and blue. You can buy stones to
make any kind of fruit you want. We sell them in our team."
He said anxiously, then carefully stretched out two fingers to Shen Yuxiu and said, "Two
steamed buns, as long as two steamed buns, I will lead the way for you."
Shen Yuxiu was confused. The customs vary from place to place. Although they are from the
same province, the dialects are very different. If the black boy spoke slowly, she could
understand a little. But the boy spoke too fast. She could only hear gibberish and could
not understand a word.
Seeing her frowning in confusion, the black boy thought she was unwilling, so he
anxiously pressed down another finger and said, "One, no, I'll take you there for half a
steamed bun. Those stones are really beautiful. Not only can they be made into fruits,
but also buttons and pendants. They are very useful. Really, I'm not lying."
Afraid that Shen Yuxiu would leave, the child spoke faster and faster. Shen Yuxiu became
more and more confused as she listened and had no idea what he was saying.
Fang Youshun came back from fetching water and just happened to hear the last words of
Heihai. He was immediately happy and asked Shen Yuxiu with a smile: "Xiaoxiu, do you want
"No." Shen Yuxiu waved her hands repeatedly when asked: "I just think the fruit in his
hand looks good, I don't want any."
She is a good girl, she wouldn't want something that belongs to someone else.
After saying that, she glared at the black child unhappily.
After all this fuss, he thought he wanted his black fruit? How could she be so shameless?
Fang Youshun knew she had misunderstood when he saw her expression, and he explained to
her with some amusement: "This kid said that their team has beautiful stones for sale. If
you like them, just give him a steamed bread, and he will take us to buy stones. Then you
can make as many fruits as you want."
"Ah?" Shen Yuxiu was stunned, and then felt a little embarrassed for misunderstanding the
black boy.
"I'm sorry, I misunderstood you." Shen Yuxiu readily admitted her mistake to the black
kid, and then asked him curiously, "Do you really have a lot of beautiful stones in your
"Yeah." The black boy barely understood what she said. Afraid that she didn't believe
him, he nodded his head vigorously like a chick pecking at rice.
"Grandpa, I want it." Upon hearing this, Shen Yuxiu immediately turned to look at Fang
Youshun, her eyes full of hope.
But then, she felt something was wrong. After all, the stone had to be bought with money.
These days, she followed her grandparents around and knew how difficult life was now.
Suddenly, she felt that it was a bit immature for her to buy stones to make fruit.

Chapter 40 Hiding the Treasure

"Okay, let's go check it out."
Fang Youshun didn't think too much about it. Seeing that Shen Yuxiu wanted it, he made
the decision with a wave of his hand.
Along the way, the child was so obedient and sensible that it made people feel
distressed. No matter what suffering he and his parents endured, he never cried or made a
fuss. Now that the child rarely gets what he wants, how can he not respond?
Besides, they had been digging wild vegetables and catching and selling fish along the
way, and had hardly spent any of the money they brought with them. How much could they
spend just to buy a stone?
"But it costs money. That can't buy a lot of food." Fang Youshun didn't care, but Shen
Yuxiu cared a lot.
But having said that, everyone could see clearly the expectant look in her eyes.
"That's nothing. Xiaoxiu is such a good kid, grandpa is willing to buy it for you." Fang
Youshun looked at her expression, which was obviously refusing but full of desire, and
picked her up and put her on the tricycle with a smile, and said to the black child,
"Come on, lead the way, we're going to buy stones."
"Hey." When the black child heard this, he happily agreed and ran in front to lead the
Under the guidance of Heihaizi, Fang Youshun quickly found the team leader's home. When
the team leader heard that he wanted to buy stones, he immediately took him to the team
headquarters happily.
There are a lot of such stones on a mountain here. People in the village usually make
beads, buttons or pendants from them and sell them. But people's lives are not very good
nowadays, so no one buys those things. Now they are piled up in the yard of the team
headquarters, gathering dust.
When Shen Yuxiu was brought to the team headquarters and saw the stones in the yard, she
was a little disappointed.
The black child said there were black and green stones here. She thought they would be as
smooth and beautiful as the fruits in his hand, but it turned out that these stones were
gray and white. Occasionally there were some colors on the stones, but the black ones
were not so beautiful, and the green ones were not particularly beautiful either. It was
completely different from what she had originally imagined.
"This grayish white is a layer of skin. The beautiful stones are all under the skin. Use
tools to grind off the skin and you can see it. Pick the color you like and grind off the
skin. They will all be very beautiful." The boy saw her disappointed face and was afraid
that Fang Youshun would not give her the promised steamed bread, so he quickly said,
"Really, my stone fruit is made this way, I'm not lying to you."
Seeing that Shen Yuxiu looked confused, Fang Youshun roughly translated what the child
meant. Shen Yuxiu looked surprised and hesitantly started looking for the stone color she
liked with Grandma Fang.
Finally, she found two black stones as big as bowls and a green stone as big as a cabbage
for people to grind their skin.
Sure enough, just as the black boy said, after the outer layer of the grayish-white stone
was worn off, the color inside became moist, smooth and extremely beautiful.
Because Shen Yuxiu had been out for nearly a month and had to go back home to go to
school, Fang Youshun and Grandma Fang did not dare to waste too much time here. They had
the skins of the fruits peeled off and only processed the fruits that Shen Yuxiu wanted.
Then they paid the money, loaded the three stones, one large and two small, onto the
tricycle and left the village.
Of course, he did not forget to give the black kid some steamed bread before leaving. The
black kid was so happy to see the two extra steamed breads that he grinned and happily
ate them while watching the backs of the people leaving.
When she set out on the road again, Shen Yuxiu had new toys. She couldn't let go of those
stones every day, especially the green one. The more she looked at it, the more she liked
Looking at her like that, Grandma Fang couldn't help but shake her head in amusement.
This thing is not worth much. It looks good and can be made into buttons and pendants as
decorations. It has no other use. It's just that the old man at home spoils the child. If
she were asked, she could just buy a small stone for the child to make fruit. Why spend
money to buy such a big stone? Just put it there for show? Wouldn't it be better to buy
some food with that money?
However, Fang Youshun didn't think so.
Maybe it's just like what his wife said. Ever since this child was bullied, he rarely
goes out to play with others. Of course, no one comes to play with this child. Usually
when Shen Yulin is not around, this child stays at home alone. Occasionally, he hears the
sound of children playing outside. Although the child doesn't say anything, he can see
that the child is yearning to play.
But every time he asked the child why she didn't go out to play, she said she didn't want
to. But every time this happened, he could always see the loss and loneliness in the
child's eyes.
So, when the child said that he liked Guoguo and wanted a good-looking Guoguo, he agreed
without hesitation.
It's just a few dollars, but he is willing to spend the money as long as it can make the
child happy. He wants the child to have something he likes, so that at least he won't be
so bored when he is alone.
In this way, Fang Youshun took his wife and granddaughter to travel around and finally
returned to the village after being away for more than a month in the afternoon two days
before school started.
There was no wind or rain, and the sun was hanging obliquely in the western sky. Although
the fields along the road were still dry, the corn seedlings had grown to more than one
meter tall. Each stalk had a small corn cob, and the tops of the corn cobs had small
whiskers that were either tender green or light purple, telling people that they were
working hard to bear fruit.
Fang Youshun and Grandma Fang looked at the appearance of the crops in the fields and the
people who were busy in the fields, and their tense moods finally eased a little.
It seems that it rained here after they left, otherwise the crops would not have grown so
tall and produced corn cobs. As long as there is a harvest in autumn, people will have
food to eat and hope in life.
When the three arrived at the house, they found the door was locked. No one was home, and
the children were nowhere to be seen.
Fang Youshun parked the tricycle against the courtyard wall, climbed up the wall in a few
steps and entered the yard, then took out a key from the broken shoes on the windowsill
to open the door.
After the door was opened, the first thing Shen Yuxiu did was to ask her grandmother to
carry her three stones into the house. Then she found a shovel, closed the door, and
started digging a hole in the corner of her room where she had buried the treasure.
Shen Yuxiu discovered that as she kept rubbing it along the way, the black stone really
became more shiny and beautiful.
The same goes for the green stone. The places that were often rubbed became even greener
and more beautiful under the sunlight, making Shen Yuxiu more and more pleased the more
she looked at it.
She decided that she could use the black stone to allow her grandfather to make a few
more sets of fruits and share them with her brothers, sisters and third brother, but the
green one would be her treasure, even more precious than the treasures she had hidden
There was no way she would let her elder sister and brothers see such a wonderful
treasure. Otherwise, if her brothers liked it, her elder sister would definitely ask her
to give it up. Even though the stone was big and could be used to make a lot of fruits,
she just didn't want to do that.
So, she had to hide this treasure, hide it very well, and not let her brothers and
sisters and younger brother know anything about it.

Chapter 41: What I Saw

Grandma Fang helped Shen Yuxiu move the stones down, and then let her close the door and
dig holes in the house. They lived under the same roof every day. This child had a little
secret that others didn't know, so how could she not know it?
But children are like this. They always think that no one knows their little secrets. In
fact, how can they hide it from adults? Adults just see through it but don't tell anyone.
Grandma Fang and Fang Youshun moved the wild vegetables they dug along the way to the
barn and put them away. They were busy taking out all the quilts that had not been slept
in for a long time and drying them in the yard, and then scrubbing the kang mats. Fang
Youshun took a shovel and started turning the soil in the yard, preparing to plant the
sweet potato seedlings in pots in the yard.
A few days ago, when he passed by a village to replenish water, he saw a lot of sweet
potatoes planted in the fields there. He asked out of curiosity and found out that the
sweet potato vines came from Weixian.
It is said that a leader in that place said that although eating too much sweet potato
will cause heartburn, it has a high yield and can relieve hunger. In years with poor
harvests, people will not starve to death as long as they have sweet potato. The same is
true for other foods such as pumpkins.
Fang Youshun was immediately excited when he heard this, and immediately found the
village team leader and bought a dozen sweet potato vines that were already growing well.
He also asked for some precautions in planting sweet potatoes and planned to come back
and plant them in the yard. If they were successful, at least they could give the
children something to eat, right?
In the Fang family's yard, the three of them were busy with their own things until it was
late, and the villagers who went to work started to go home. Grandma Fang cleaned the
house and started to cook. When she thought it was almost time, she asked Shen Yushou,
who had just taken a bath, to go to the Shen family's yard to call people for dinner.
These days, Shen Yulin has long been accustomed to running to his parents' yard at meal
time. Suddenly when he saw Shen Yuxiu, who had not seen him for more than a month,
appearing with wet hair, he was startled for a moment, and then his face was full of
curiosity. He ran up to her.
"Hey, when did you come back?" Shen Yulin circled around Shen Yuxiu, clicking his tongue
and shaking his head like a dog: "Why did you go out and become like a black iron egg?
You Are you lying on the stove and rubbing the ashes from the bottom of the pot?"
Shen Yuxiu never expected that after she finally came back, this second brother would not
say that he missed her, but he would actually make fun of her. He snorted in anger and
turned around to leave.
Yes, she admitted that she was dark, but it was definitely not as dark as the ashes at
the bottom of the pot, right?
When Shen Yulin saw her turning away, he chuckled and quickly caught up with her. Shen
Jinggui, who was behind them, laughed angrily when he saw this and called Fang Yan and
the children to walk to Fang's yard.
"Hey, hey, why are you still angry?" Shen Yulin caught up with Shen Yuxiu in a few steps,
and asked in a chattering manner while backing up in front of her: "Tell me how much food
you ordered and what interesting things happened to you."
"Fun things?" Shen Yuxiu rolled her eyes at him in annoyance, then thought for a moment
and said with a smug look on her face, "There are so many fun things. I went fishing with
my grandma and grandpa, and my grandpa made a wreath for me. I also saw the mountains
written in the textbooks and climbed them. There were also small rivers, big rivers,
mountain flowers, and woods. There are so many."
Although she had to dig wild vegetables with her grandparents along the way, which was a
bit boring, and although she saw high mountains, climbing them was very tiring, she only
said good things and never said bad things, and she envied her second brother to death.
Sure enough, Shen Yulin's face was full of surprise, his eyes were filled with envy,
jealousy and hatred, and his heart was full of regret.
He regretted it so much. Why did he run out to play when his grandparents passed away?
Otherwise, he could have seen these beautiful scenery.
Imagining the scenes that Shen Yuxiu described, Shen Yulin's pace slowed down
unconsciously, and he was overtaken by Shen Yuxiu inadvertently.
But Shen Yulin was only stunned for a moment, and after coming to his senses, he
immediately chased after him again, curiously asking, "Is it really that good? Are you
lying to me?"
"If I lied to you, I would be a puppy." Shen Yuxiu said this without feeling guilty at
She didn't lie, what she said was all true, she just didn't say it because the process
was a bit tiring.
Seeing her speak so confidently, Shen Yulin believed her immediately. However, he felt
annoyed when he saw Shen Yuxiu's proud look. He said, "You only know how to play. Have
you forgotten what you are doing? Have you only cared about eating, drinking and having
fun on the way and even forgot to beg for food? Grandma and grandpa must be exhausted,
right? Oh, they are so ignorant that they took you but not me. If they took me, I would
ensure that grandma and grandpa would not be tired and could get a lot of food. You don't
know how good I am at begging for food."
Shen Yulin followed closely beside her, bragging about his experience of begging for
food, but Shen Yuxiu just looked at him in surprise and sneered with disdain.
"You're just bragging, right? If I take you with me, I'll put you in the pot if you don't
run away. It's all because you're obedient. You're so arrogant that you want more food!"
Shen Yuxiu was not merciful at all when she criticized him.
Along the way, her grandparents told her a lot of stories about their previous escape,
and they told her countless times not to run around and not to leave adults.
My grandma said that some non-human creatures specifically target children. If one of
them gets lost and can’t find his grandma and grandpa, it’s a small matter. But if he
is taken away and cooked by those non-human creatures, that would be fatal.
Although grandma said that those were what they saw when they were fleeing, and there
shouldn't be such people now, but they had to be prepared, so she was very obedient
during the trip, and never left grandma and grandpa's sight. Grandpa praised her for
being obedient and sensible. Even grandma and grandpa kept a close eye on her. If she
brought my second brother with her, grandma and grandpa would be exhausted to death.
Still want more food? Go to the side!
"Hey, why do you talk back to me? Am I your brother or are you my brother? You have to
listen to me." Shen Yulin was a little annoyed by Shen Yuxiu's disdainful look. He put
his hands on his hips and glared at her, pretending to be an adult and teaching her a
"Ah, yes, yes, you are my brother, you are great, and I can't afford to offend you, okay?
It's simply..." Shen Yuxiu was not afraid of him at all. She rolled her eyes impatiently,
turned around and strode forward, ignoring him.
If he wants to act like a brother to her, he should have a brother like him, right? He
plays with the cat or walks the dog every day. Whose brother is like this?
Besides, she has always been soft-hearted and has been particularly obedient along the
way because her grandma and grandpa have been explaining facts and reason to her. If it
were Shen Yulin, who would listen to his nonsense?
Shen Yuxiu's look of not taking him seriously at all made Shen Yulin very angry, and he
chased after her yelling.
"Stop, little guy. You'll learn a lot after going out, won't you?"
Shen Yuxiu turned her head and saw him catching up, and ran away. Her freshly washed
hair, which had not been tied up, was immediately thrown behind her head and flew around.
Shen Jinggui and Fang Yan couldn't help but laugh softly as they watched the two children
running away in front of them, playing and making noise.
It seems that this girl didn't suffer much along the way, otherwise she wouldn't have
been so energetic and bothered to quarrel with her second brother.

Chapter 42 Past Events of the Shen Family

But when Shen Jinggui and his wife arrived at Fang's house, they realized that what their
daughter said was just what she, a little person, saw, and life was not just about the
beautiful scenery.
Fang Youshun gave an overview of what he saw and heard along the way, and made a very
emotional conclusion to his daughter and son-in-law.
"So, when God allows us to plant and harvest crops, let's farm the land well. At least we
can harvest some food so that we can have something to eat. Don't let us have nothing to
eat by then. God will also let people It’s difficult to not even be able to plant or
harvest crops.”
Shen Jinggui nodded repeatedly after hearing this.
He couldn't agree more with this matter, but it's a pity that there are always some
people who are sneaky and dishonest, otherwise they could plant more land and harvest
more food.
After dinner, Shen Jinggui and his wife took the children back. Shen Yulin stayed because
he still had a lot to ask.
At night, two old men and two young children were lying on the same kang. Shen Yulin kept
chattering and asking questions. The two old men and Shen Yuxiu took turns answering his
questions. At the same time, they also asked about the recent events in the village. .
In this way, Shen Yulin learned more about what was happening outside, and Shen Yuxiu and
the two old people also learned that the sixth son of the Shen family was actually
According to Shen Yulin, it was the woman's side who took the initiative to ask for no
dowry or a big wedding, but only 100 kilograms of food. Once the food arrived, the woman
was willing to marry him immediately.
The child didn't understand anything and only knew that his sixth uncle was getting
married, but the two old people heard something fishy.
In rural areas, people generally get married after the autumn harvest. The girl suddenly
brings up marriage at this time, and in such a time of year, everyone knows that the
girl's family wants their daughter to get married quickly so that the family can have one
less person to support and earn some food for the whole family.
But this is the Shen family's business after all. It's enough for the two old people to
know what's going on. But there is another thing that doesn't make people happy.
That is, during the days when Shen Yuxiu and her grandparents were away, Mr. Shen's
biological father, stepmother, and half-brother and his family from his hometown suddenly
came to visit.
The Shen family originally had a large population. In addition to the Shen brothers in
this village, Grandpa Shen had three other brothers who brought their families to other
villages. Some were close to the river, and some were far away on the other side of the
In previous years, when the old men of the Shen family came over with their children and
grandchildren during the Chinese New Year, Shen Yuxiu felt as if her brain had turned
into a mess and she couldn't tell who was who. Now, with the addition of an old
grandfather and a large family for no apparent reason, Shen Yuxiu's little brain was even
more confused.
According to information obtained by Shen Yulin, this old grandfather and his family were
relocated here because of the expansion of the lake area upstream of their hometown last
year, and now live 50 miles east of here.
Although it is not too far away, because most of the people here are immigrants from
various places, even though her grandfather and his family started looking for the Shen
family since they arrived here, they finally found the Shen family until a few days ago
when Shen Laoliu was about to get married.
But they did not come to recognize their relatives, but to discuss with Mr. Shen the
retirement issues of their father who is over 80 years old and stepmother who is in her
Shen Yulin talked about the situation at that time. At first, Mr. Shen was calm and said
that the old man could be taken care of in turns. Although he and his brothers were not
in the same village, they were all in the local area, so it was easy to handle. But
regarding the stepmother, Mr. Shen said that he and his brothers were separated a few
days after the woman came into the family. The stepmother never took care of them for a
day, so naturally it was not the turn of them, the stepchildren, to take care of him in
his old age, so they just didn't care about her.
But Mr. Shen's half-brother refused to agree. After some time, seeing that Mr. Shen
refused to give in, he revealed a piece of news. That was when Mr. Shen immigrated here,
he had a daughter who married a local. That family was classified as landlords because
they had a lot of land and were reluctant to give up their land.
What Mr. Shen's half-brother meant was that now that the whole family was implicated by
Mr. Shen's daughter, Mr. Shen naturally had to compensate, and providing for the little
stepmother in her old age would be considered as compensation for the losses suffered by
his family as a result of being implicated.
When Mr. Shen, who had been calm at the time, heard this, he suddenly flew into a rage
and drove them all away, and warned that family that if they knew what was right, he and
his brothers would still support the old man in his old age, but if they didn't, he
wouldn't even support the old man. If they had the guts, they could sue him, and then
don't blame him for spreading the dirty things that the stepmother did back then, and see
how they can live here.
"Grandpa, you don't know, but at that time my grandfather suddenly picked up the big
machete at home and chopped at that family, scaring them away in an instant." Shen Yulin
talked about the scene at that time, his eyes full of admiration.
"Later, I secretly heard my father and mother say..." Shen Yulin lowered his voice like a
thief, and approached Shen Yuxiu and Fang Youshun, who were listening with surprise, and
whispered in a low voice.
It turned out that when Mr. Shen was young, just a few days after he got married, his
father brought back a girl who was about the same age as Mr. Shen. He said that the girl
was a refugee and was very pitiful, so he wanted to take her as a concubine.
At that time, Mr. Shen's biological mother was still pregnant. Because of this, she was
so angry that two people died. Later, the girl not only did not become a concubine, but
directly became the stepmother of Mr. Shen's brothers.
That little stepmother was very troublesome. Right after getting married, she made a fuss
about dividing the family property. She drove out Mr. Shen and his unmarried brothers.
More than ten years later, there was a sudden flood there. There happened to be a lot of
wasteland with no one cultivating it, so people were encouraged to immigrate here. So Mr.
Shen brought his brothers here. But at that time, his eldest daughter was already engaged
and had reached marriageable age, so they hurriedly got married in their hometown and
stayed there.
No one expected that Mr. Shen married his daughter to that family because they were well
off, but he never expected it to turn out like this.
After telling the overheard news, Shen Yulin sighed with melancholy: "My father said that
because my aunt's family is a landlord, the children of our Shen family can't join the
army and become cadres."
To be honest, because of Fang Youshun, he naturally felt close to the army and longed to
be a leader, but unfortunately, because of that aunt, he didn't have that chance.
Fang Youshun looked at Shen Yulin's disappointed expression, feeling a bit sympathetic
and a bit amused.
It's just that he can't be a soldier or an official. Look how worried he is. There are
thousands of ways in the world. As long as you can learn knowledge well, what can't you
However, looking at the behavior of Mr. Shen’s biological father and his stepmother’s
son, that family seems to be a bit of a nobody! !
Fortunately, Mr. Shen is a ruthless man. He will use a machete to chop people if he
disagrees with them. In this way, the two families probably won't have any involvement in
the future, which can save some trouble.
Shen Yuxiu didn't understand how big a deal it was to not be able to be an official, so
she didn't take it too seriously. Seeing that Shen Yulin had nothing new to say, she fell
asleep in a daze while listening.
It was not until the next day at noon when the family gathered together for lunch that
Shen Yuxiu finally discovered something big.
That is: her mother’s belly is getting bigger again.
Oh My God……
Shen Yuxiu stared at Fang Yan's bulging belly for a long time, and finally blinked back
to her senses and asked Fang Yan: "Mom, is this a boy or a girl?"
"So do you want a younger brother or a younger sister?" Fang Yan looked at her with
amusement and asked instead of answering.
"Hmm..." Shen Yuxiu frowned and thought for a long time, then said, "I want a brother, so
a boy will do."
What’s good about having a younger brother or sister?
The third child, a younger brother, was enough for her to watch. If she could coax him,
he would laugh loudly, and if she couldn't coax him, he would cry loudly. It was very
As for why she wants a brother instead of a sister, it’s because of her eldest sister.
One sister like her is enough, and she will go crazy if there is another one, so a
brother is better.
Chapter 43 No Ambition
Fang Yan was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing and poked her forehead
unhappily: "No matter how many generations I have, I will be younger than you. I am
either your younger brother or your younger sister. How can there be a brother?"
"Ah?" Shen Yuxiu didn't expect it to be like this. She blinked in surprise and looked at
Fang Yan's belly. She immediately lost interest in the child who was still in her
mother's belly. She turned around, picked up her schoolbag, and began to flip out her
textbooks and homework.
I can only give birth to a younger brother or sister. It really doesn't make me happy at
Fang Yan looked at her disappointed little expression and was speechless and didn't know
what to say.
What do you know, little girl? She is really small but has a lot to do.
Shen Yuxiu just let it go as her mother was going to give her a younger brother or
sister. After all, school was going to start in a few days and she hadn't finished her
summer homework yet.
What brothers and sisters, comic books, playing with stone fruits? She has summer
homework now, so no one should bother her.
With a pen, she wrote with great vigor and vitality. In one day, all the homework was
finished. Shen Yuxiu put down her pen and laughed out loud towards the sky.
When it comes to finishing homework, who can compare to her?
When Shen Yuxiu hurriedly finished her homework and happily walked into the second grade
classroom carrying her schoolbag, she found that there were actually fewer children in
the class than in the spring.
Firstly, some children failed to pass the entrance exam to the second grade, and
secondly, some children simply dropped out of school. As a result, the seats this year
are much more spacious than last year, and some people can even occupy a seat alone.
At the same time, Shen Yuling, who was also admitted to the third grade, was stunned for
a moment when she saw Shen Yuxiu becoming darker from afar, and then her eyes were full
of emotion.
So, is this what it means? Clothes make the man, saddles make the horse?
If Shen Yuxiu hadn't been so lucky, with nice clothes and good cream, she wouldn't have
grown up to be so beautiful, right?
Because of Shen Yuxiu's sudden change in appearance, Shen Yuling's confidence in marrying
a high-ranking official in the future increased by another 10%.
She believed that as long as she could get into high school and as long as she worked
hard to maintain her looks, it would not be difficult for her to marry that man in the
Now her troubles have nothing to do with Shen Yuxiu. What troubles her now is that her
powerful Sixth Aunt has married into the family, and her uncles have all moved out. Now
she is the only family left in the Shen family's old compound, and she has to face the
powerful Sixth Aunt's contempt every day, which is really unbearable.
The most important thing is that her father wanted to follow the example of several other
uncles and sell his house to his sixth uncle, and move out after building a new house.
However, her sixth aunt refused to let her sixth uncle buy the house, and said that they
could talk about buying a house after they built the new house. As long as they did not
move in, her sixth uncle would not buy a house.
This made her parents very angry, and also made Shen Yuling very angry.
What does this mean? Do you look down on the fourth room? Are you afraid that they will
not move out after receiving the money?
Just wait, until her family builds a new house and moves out, she will tear down the
house and never sell it to Sixth Uncle's family.
Fortunately, their team had a canteen, so even if they didn't go to work, they would
still eat. So when several uncles started building the new house, her parents stopped
working and instead took her sisters to make adobe bricks every day. Because other uncles
had to go to work and couldn't help, the adobe bricks for her house were not completed
until the summer vacation.
After the adobe bricks were dried, her family began to build their new house, and she, a
primary school student, was asked to help every day. She was unable to do heavy work, so
her parents asked her to boil water for the workers.
Therefore, this summer vacation, Shen Yuling was actually not much better than Shen
But all these were nothing to Shen Yulin. The most important thing was that her parents
thought that transporting adobe bricks to the village was too far and too tiring, so they
directly asked for a residential plot at the entrance of the village not far from the bay
and built a house there.
She also tried to get the couple to change their minds. Even though it would be tiring,
she insisted on applying for a residential plot at the east end of the village, not far
from the Shen family's old house. After all, the brigade would set up many sideline
groups in the future, and those workshops would be built around there. If their new house
was built there, it would be very convenient for their family to go in and out and buy
and sell things.
But the couple thought that the new housing site was close to the bay, which would make
washing clothes very convenient in the future, so no one listened to Shen Yulin.
Because of the lost notebook, Shen Yulin did not dare to speak too explicitly about what
would happen in the future, so the matter was eventually left unresolved. Her new house
began to be built not far from the bay.
However, Shen Yuling later figured it out. In fact, she didn't need to worry about where
to build the house. After all, her parents didn't know how to do business, and she was
going to be a government official's wife in the future. So what did it matter where the
house was built or whether it was convenient for access? She wasn't going to live here
Time passed day by day as Shen Yuling was peaceful and not causing trouble, and Shen
Yuxiu was studying hard.
During the autumn harvest, the harvests of each team were just barely acceptable, but
even with the food, because of the experience of the previous year, each team made
different choices. Some continued to eat in the cafeteria, while others distributed the
food to each family according to the method of 70% labor and 30% work. As for the school,
there was also a cafeteria, but every child had to dig wild vegetables and bring them to
school, otherwise they would not be able to eat the vegetable dumplings in the school.
In the past, Shen Yuxiu was not good at digging wild vegetables, and Shen Yulin usually
helped her dig most of them and took them away. But now, she no longer needs Shen Yulin's
help, and can dig her own wild vegetables quickly and well.
After being slightly surprised, Shen Yulin felt that his sister was just like what his
father said, and she didn’t just play outside, otherwise it would be impossible for her
to dig wild vegetables better than him in just two months.
However, when Shen Yulin moved into her new home in the autumn, she was unable to tear
down and demolish the old house in the Shen family's old courtyard as she wished. In the
end, it was sold by Shen Laosi to Shen Laoliu.
Shen Laosi's original words were: If you have a house but don't want to sell it but
instead tear it down or destroy it, that's something only a spendthrift would do.
Shen Yulin strongly disagreed with this statement.
It's just a few bucks, why are you so unambitious?
In her previous life, Shen Yulin felt that her father was not a manly person. He could
not stand up to others, and no one looked up to him. As a result, when the Shen brothers
spoke or did things, they never asked for her father's opinion. They always came to
inform her family what to do after they had discussed it.
Today, she realized even more how unreliable her father was, and she couldn't understand
what he was thinking.
How much can a shabby house like that be worth? Can this be considered a waste of money?
Not spending money to vent your anger, but buying a good reputation as an ambitious
person, isn't that more important than those few dollars?

Chapter 44 Envy
But unfortunately, Shen Yuling's ideas were completely different from those of Shen Laosi
and his wife. She could not convince her father or her mother, and the matter eventually
came to nothing.
The days passed one by one, and it seemed like in the blink of an eye, it was the end of
the year again. Because the harvest was not very good this year, Fang Youshun spent
almost all of his allowance on food, and was unable to buy new clothes for any of the
Shen brothers and sisters. He just bought some candies to reward Shen Yuxiu and Shen
Yulin for being in the top five in the exam. After sharing the candies between the two,
he divided the rest equally among Shen Yuwen and his brothers and sisters like last year,
and these pieces of candies became the only sweetness for these brothers and sisters this
After the Chinese New Year, everyone grew one year older. At the beginning of February, a
baby's crying sound was heard in the Shen family's yard. From then on, Shen Yuxiu had a
younger sister.
Her father named his sister Shen Yusui, which means "sui" in Chinese, because there was
not much snow last year. Her father hoped that the wheat would be able to perform better
and produce good ears of wheat this year.
Shen Yuxiu was stunned when she heard that.
Is the name so casual? Just to have a good harvest?
Shen Yuxiu looked at her little sister who looked like a red monkey in the cradle with
difficulty, and couldn't help asking Grandma Fang: "What about me? Why am I called Shen
Yuxiu? What does the word "sleeve" mean?"
"What does that mean? When you were just born, you were so small that you could be
covered by one sleeve of your mother's clothes. Your father thought you were so small, so
he named you Xiaoxiu." Grandma Fang smiled and talked about the origin of her name.
Shen Yuxiu grinned when she heard this. She couldn't believe that her name was chosen so
Fortunately, when she was in school, she was very proud of her name. After all, her name
was very eye-catching among the eldest and second nies, Zhaodi, Laidi, and flowers in the
village. But it turned out that it was just because When you were born, you were small
enough to be covered with one sleeve?
Isn't this too casual?
Shen Yuxiu was a little unhappy, but children are forgetful, so she forgot all about it
within a few days. At the same time, another shocking news came from the village.
One night, her father Shen Jinggui and her grandparents suddenly started talking at the
dinner table.
It is said that the farms in the east have been mechanized this year, with the
introduction of several tractors and water pumps. Now the farms in the east are being
diverted from the Yellow River for irrigation.
It is said that with these machines, even if there is another drought in the future, as
long as there is water in the Yellow River, the crops will no longer lack water or even
die from drought.
Although Shen Yuxiu was confused and didn't know what these things called machines looked
like, she could see how excited and envious her father was.
Of course, Shen Jinggui is not the only one who envies the farm on the east side, but
almost everyone. Who doesn't envy the good thing of being able to water crops without
waiting for rain? .
Although the tractors and water pumps were from other people's farms and had nothing to
do with the villagers like them, people still couldn't help but talk about them for a
long time. Some people were even secretly calculating how much harvest their team would
get. , How many days of frugality can I afford to buy such a machine.
If their own team also has these two things, will they no longer have to look at God's
face to eat?
This news not only stirred the hearts of adults, but even the school-going children were
chattering excitedly every day.
They imagined what the so-called tractor looked like and what the water pump looked like,
but even after exhausting their imagination, they still couldn't come up with any
specific ideas about those things.
As the days passed, when people were tired of talking about this big news, the weather
became dry again. The seepage pit behind the village could no longer provide water for
the entire village, and even the Yellow River had dried up. Fortunately, even if it did
dry up, the water in the riverbed was enough for people to use, otherwise, the people
here would probably have no water to drink.
When it came to wheat harvest, the summer grain production of each team and brigade was
severely reduced because God did not supply enough water when the wheat ears were
forming. On the contrary, the farms in the east had a bumper harvest of summer grain.
Those strong and plump wheat ears provided a large amount of patriotic grain at a time
when drought was everywhere.
Not long after the summer grain harvest, the commune issued a notice to disband the
After this notice was given, each team quickly distributed the food to each household
according to the method of seven people doing three times the work. From then on, people
no longer had to use a spoon to dig into the big pot.
At the same time, each team also allocated some private plots to its members. The commune
strongly encouraged and supported people to reclaim those idle wastelands, so that each
team could plant more land and harvest more food.
In this way, Shen Yuxiu stopped digging wild vegetables and bringing them to school every
day, and instead went home to eat lunch after school.
Fang Youshun, who had originally planned to take his children away for the summer
vacation because of the poor harvest this year, also concentrated on tinkering with his
private plot.
The pot of sweet potato vines he brought back from the yard last year produced dozens of
kilograms of sweet potatoes in the fall. The yield was much higher than that of wheat and
other grains. But at that time, because they had to eat in the canteen and had no private
plots, they did not dare to plant too many in the yard. They only left a few sweet
potatoes for seeds and gave the rest to the children.
Now that the canteen has been disbanded and he has his own private plot, he would plant
as much as he could. Of course, in order not to delay the planting season, he did not
wait for the sweet potato vines to grow slowly and branch out before picking them off and
planting them in the ground. Instead, he rode his three-wheeled tricycle to the place
where he had bought sweet potato vines before and bought a three-wheeled tricycle of
sweet potato vines, which he brought back and planted in the private plots of his home
and his daughter and son-in-law's home.
Fearing that the sweet potato vines would die of drought, Fang Youshun would get up early
every morning and bring pots and pans from home to the Yellow River to fetch water for
irrigating the fields, hoping that the sweet potato vines would perform better and
produce more sweet potatoes.
Early that morning, after breakfast, Fang Youshun rode his tricycle to the Yellow River
to fetch water as usual. After dinner, Grandma Fang told Shen Yuxiu and her siblings to
lock the door when they went to school, and went to her daughter to pick up five-month-
old Shen Yusui and called Shen Yujun with her so that the couple could take the two older
children to work.
Now Shen Yuwen and Shen Yuzhen can earn five work points. Today's work points are no
longer as useless as when they ate in the cafeteria. Now one more work point means one
more portion of food. Why not go?
Now Fang Yan, her husband and their children no longer eat breakfast in the Fang family's
yard, mainly because Shen Yushui still needs to be breastfed, and Fang Yan is very tired
after taking care of the child all night, so she is not willing to rush here early in the
Moreover, Shen Jinggui knew how to cook, and Shen Yuzhen was pretty good at cooking, so
they could just eat at home in the morning. When they are full, they will send the two
little ones to Grandma Fang, or Grandma Fang will come here to pick up the two children,
and they can go directly to work.
Shen Yulin didn't know what was going on today. After the two adults left, he wolfed down
a few mouthfuls. Seeing that Shen Yuxiu was still eating leisurely, he asked her to
finish eating later and go to school. He walked away in a hurry.
This kind of thing has happened more than once, and Shen Yuxiu has long been accustomed
to it. She looked at his back in a hurry and continued to eat her meal slowly.

Chapter 45 Zhao Hui

In the past six months, Shen Yulin has always found various reasons to leave Shen Yuxiu
behind, and has always had various excuses not to go to and from school with her.
Whenever Shen Yuxiu wanted to follow her, Shen Yulin would say that it was In a
competition between men, it is not good for girls to participate.
Once, Shen Yuxiu couldn't help but follow them out of curiosity, wanting to know what the
competition between men was like. As a result, she saw her second brother and several
boys competing to see who could pee farther.
Shen Yuxiu was so confused at that time.
Although she was not old enough, she roughly understood that some things could easily
cause stye, so from then on, as long as Shen Yulin said he would not take her with him,
she would never follow him.
Besides, who likes to see them being stupid? It’s not shameful.
Just like that, Shen Yulin left for a long time before Shen Yuxiu slowly ate her meal,
washed the dishes and put them in the cupboard, then picked up her schoolbag and walked
She walked out of the yard, just as she closed the gate and picked up the padlock to lock
it, she suddenly heard a muffled thud at the corner of the wall.
Shen Yuxiu paused as she was locking the door, and curiously poked her head towards the
corner with the padlock in her hand, and saw a boy in tattered clothes lying on the
ground there.
The boy was sprawled on the ground with his hands and knees spread out. The tearing pain
in his stomach made him curl up and unable to get up. His teeth were chattering as he
tried to endure the pain. He felt that he might die soon. But just when he resigned
himself to his fate and wanted to faint, he felt as if someone was looking at him. He
raised his head despite feeling dizzy, and met a pair of clear and curious eyes.
But when Shen Yuxiu saw his face, she took a deep breath, not for any other reason, but
because two streams of blood were flowing from his nose at this moment, and when the
blood flowed to the child's lips, he licked the blood back in.
So cruel.
Shen Yuxiu widened her eyes in shock, and it took her a long time to come back to her
senses. She was so impressed with this child.
This is a ruthless person who even drinks his own blood.
Shen Yuxiu didn't want to bother with him at first, after all, she still had to go to
school, but when she saw the two tubes of blood under his nose, she kindly asked three
times: "You are not from our village, right? Who are you looking for? Do you want me to
help you find an adult?"
The boy shook his head when he heard this, and asked her weakly with pleading eyes: "Can
you give me something to eat? I, I'm really hungry."
Upon hearing this, Shen Yuxiu looked at him as if he had realized something. She said
"Wait a moment" and went back to the yard. When she came out again, she was holding a
bowl of rice porridge and a vegetable steamed bun.
"This is all the porridge left from the morning. Drink it first and then eat the steamed
bread later." Shen Yuxiu handed him the bowl of porridge. After he wolfed it down, she
handed him the steamed bread.
While the boy was sitting in the corner wolfing down his food, Shen Yuxiu took the bowl
back to the yard, went to the vegetable patch in the yard to pluck a handful of grown
sweet potato vines, and then returned.
"This is a sweet potato vine. Go home and plant it in your own plot of land, then water
it and it will produce lots of sweet potatoes in the fall. My grandfather said that it
has a high yield. Although you will get heartburn if you eat it all the time, it can keep
you hungry." Shen Yuxiu said as she handed the sweet potato vine in her hand to the boy
on the ground.
The boy was still chewing a steamed bread in his mouth. When he saw the sweet potato
vines she handed over, he was stunned for a long time before hesitantly taking it.
When Shen Yuxiu saw him take the sweet potato vines, she didn't say anything else. She
turned around, locked the door, and went to school.
Usually when someone came to her house to help with food or borrow food, she saw her
grandma and grandpa doing this. If there was any leftover porridge, they would get a wild
vegetable steamed bun for the leftover porridge. If there was no leftover porridge, there
would be only one steamed bun. When the sweet potato seedlings grow at home, people will
pinch a handful of sweet potato seedlings and tell them to go home and plant them in
their own plots. They will eventually receive sweet potatoes in the fall.
The boy looked at her retreating figure, his eyes filled with warmth, and the tearing
cramping pain in his stomach was slowly lessening as he had food to satisfy his hunger.
His name is Zhao Hui. Their village has a small population and little land. It has always
been a famous lazy village, but it is so poor. These lazy men are not so diligent in
tending the fields, and the harvest is naturally not as good as other brigades.
Naturally, the amount of food distributed is less. Those who can eat and drink enough
every day are capable and good people.
And his father was one of those lazy guys. Because he had an unreliable father, Zhao Hui
could no longer remember what it felt like not to be hungry.
It was uncomfortable to be hungry, so Zhao Hui would always dig wild vegetables when
there was room for them in the wasteland, or he would sneak into the fields to steal some
food when no one was paying attention.
But now the weather is extremely dry and there are no wild vegetables in the fields. In
addition, the summer grain has just been harvested and the crops in the fields have not
yet grown, so he has nowhere to get food.
When his parents saw that he never brought back food, they told him to pretend to be a
beggar and go out begging for food. They also said that he was the older brother and
older, so he could go out by himself, while his younger brother was younger, so they
would take his younger brother out.
In fact, he also wanted to be with his parents. After all, he had never asked for food
without any reason, so he was a little hesitant. But his parents said that it was not
necessarily a bad thing for the whole family to be together. If they separated, they
might not be able to get food, but he could still get it, and he would not be hungry at
all, so it was better to separate.
Zhao Hui had no experience in these matters, but he thought his parents' words made a lot
of sense, so he obediently wandered around the villages begging for food.
But now it is not easy for every household. At the beginning, he could still get a little
bit, but later people saw that he kept asking for more, and they were unwilling to give
him anything. It seems that his parents are not as good as him. Every time he goes home,
they always sigh and say that they can't get food. He can only eat a little bit of food
every time he gets it, and then save it to bring back for his parents and brother.
But the less he ate, the weaker he felt. His legs felt like soft noodles and he couldn't
even move them a short distance. He was always out of breath after walking a few steps.
He felt so dizzy that he wanted to just lie on the ground and not move. But if he just
lay there and did nothing, he would have no food, so he had no choice but to force
himself out.
The bowl of sticky porridge and steamed bread that the little girl gave him today were
the only food he had eaten in recent days, but after eating it, he felt a little
He was really hungry, and he ate all the food he saw without caring about anything else.
He should have eaten less steamed bread and brought it back for his parents and younger
Zhao Hui sat on the ground and closed his eyes to rest for a while. When he slowly
regained some strength, he looked at the sweet potato vines in his hand, thought about
the planting method the girl had told him, then he struggled to get up and walked back.
Since this thing is so good, he has to go home quickly and plant it in the fields. This
way, when sweet potatoes are harvested, he will have something to eat. He won't have to
go out begging every day like a beggar, nor will he have to think about where to dig up
wild vegetables or where to get some food.

Chapter 46 Be a Human Being

Zhao Hui held the light handful of sweet potato vines as if he was holding hope, and
hurried home. Even though he almost fell several times on the way, he still protected the
sweet potato vines well.
But when he finally got home, before he even entered the house, he saw his parents and
younger brother sitting in the yard eating. While eating, he heard his mother Wang Dahua
urging his father and brother.
"Eat quickly, it would be bad if the boss comes back and sees it."
"What's wrong with that? Even if we don't give him food, what else can he say?" This was
the voice of his father, Zhao Laowu. His tone was so casual as if he was talking about a
kitten or a puppy. There was no sign of concern for his son.
"How can that be? Don't you see that he can't even dig up wild vegetables now, and he
can't bring back much food? What if these things are eaten up and we have nothing to eat?
Will you beg for food or should I? Is begging still a good reputation?" Zhang Dachun gave
her husband a cold look in the yard.
"Since it doesn't have a good reputation, why do you ask the boss to ask for it?" Zhao
Laowu retorted indifferently.
"It's fine if the boss has a bad reputation. He's like that anyway. It just means it will
be harder for him to get married in the future. Everyone has their own destiny. Besides,
if he doesn't go begging, would you go? You're too lazy to grow some vegetables on our
little piece of land. Aren't you tired of running around begging every day?" Zhang Dachun
looked at his man with sarcasm.
How could a man from her family, who was known as a lazy man in the surrounding villages,
go to different villages to beg for food in the scorching sun? No one would believe it,
"What are you asking me to do? It seems like you are so hardworking. If you are so
hardworking, why don't you plant some crops in your private plot?" Zhao Laowu felt that
his dignity was insulted. He threw down his chopsticks and walked into the house.
"Why are you angry with me? Aren't you going to go?" Zhang Dachun rolled his eyes at his
back, turned around and saw his youngest son breaking off a cracked piece of steamed
bread and throwing it on the ground, and said unhappily, "Why are you throwing away a
good piece of steamed bread?"
"It's dry and peeling, I don't want to eat it." Zhao Hui's younger brother Zhao Baocai
said nonchalantly.
"Why can't we eat it if the skin is peeling? Your brother wants to eat the ones with the
skin peeling, but he can't even eat them." Zhang Dachun said as he picked up the steamed
bread that was thrown on the ground, pinched off the part that was covered with dirt and
put it next to his hand again.
Zhao Baocai frowned unhappily when he saw this, and pushed the cracked thing towards her.
"Then wait for me to come back and give it to me. I don't want to eat this."
After saying that, he took the steamed bread in his hand and went straight back to the
house. Zhang Dachun looked at his youngest son's back with displeasure, then looked at
the half-broken steamed bread thrown on the table. He picked it up and stuffed a bite
into his mouth. It was indeed too dry to chew, so he simply took it and threw it directly
into the toilet.
This thing cannot be thrown where people can see it, especially the eldest son.
Otherwise, when the eldest son knows there is food at home, he may not be so diligent in
bringing food home.
Zhao Hui squatted in the corner of the fence, watching everything that happened in the
yard, his head buzzing with shock.
It turns out that there was no food at home, but that they didn’t give him any food to
It turns out that he was the only one begging for food at home from the beginning to the
end. His parents and younger brother had never been out?
So begging for food would give you a bad reputation and make it hard to find a wife? Then
why didn't his parents remind him?
Oh, by the way, they were afraid that if they reminded him, he would not go out to ask
for food, and then his parents and younger brother would have nothing to eat.
But how could they do this to him?
Other people's parents are afraid that their children will go hungry, so they would feed
their children even if they don't eat themselves. They would also try to get food
everywhere to feed the adults and children at home. How could his parents let him do
these things so naturally?
Also, if they don’t want to eat the cracked steamed bread, you can leave it for him.
He doesn't mind it, he doesn't mind it at all, so why did he just throw it into the
toilet and not keep any for himself?
The yard had returned to peace. Zhang Dachun cleaned up the table and went back to his
room to lie down.
Zhao Hui squatted in the corner, feeling as if his mind was filled with paste and he
couldn't remember anything.
After a long time, Zhao Hui suddenly stood up slowly, walked into the yard with an
expressionless face, walked into the toilet, and looked at a small piece of steamed bread
sticking out of the toilet.
If we take out this cracked steamed bread and wash it, it should be edible, right?
Zhao Hui thought so, but in the end, he did not put it into action. Instead, he looked at
the tip of the steamed bread, then found a stick and poked the steamed bread into the
He was very glad that the little girl gave him food today, which allowed him to suppress
the urge to fish food out of the toilet. Otherwise, he would not know how he would get
along with his friends in the village in the future.
Think about it, who would want to associate with someone who has eaten steamed bread from
a pit toilet? They don't mind the smell, but they find it disgusting.
He is a human being, he has to behave like a human being, and he absolutely cannot eat
things from the toilet like a dog.
At this moment, Zhao Hui's mind was exceptionally clear and determined.
After coming out of the toilet, he did not go back to the house, but quietly took a small
shovel from the corner and went out.
He still has to plant the sweet potato seedlings quickly, he can't just sit there and do
nothing for such a small thing.
But when he arrived at his own private plot, Zhao Hui discovered that the other fields
adjacent to his own had been planted with crops to varying degrees, and there were signs
of watering, but his own field had nothing on it and was dry and hard.
Zhao Hui still remembered that the girl said that the sweet potato seedlings needed to be
watered after being planted, but the seepage pits where people usually used to drink
water had long dried up, and people had to carry water from the Yellow River to drink,
let alone carry water to irrigate the fields.
Zhao Hui didn't think that he could carry much water back from the Yellow River with his
body, so he simply went back home, picked up a broken basin thrown in the corner, and
went to the Yellow River.
There are many wastelands along the Yellow River. He can find an inconspicuous reed marsh
to plant the sweet potato vines. This way, they will be closer to the Yellow River and
more convenient for watering. The sweet potato vines will not be easily discovered when
they grow up because of the reed marsh.
Zhao Hui took the sweet potato vines to the Yellow River and found a place where few
people went. After turning the soil, he carefully planted the sweet potato vines. Then he
took a broken basin to the Yellow River to scoop water to water the sweet potato vines.
There were already several holes in the broken basin, so he blocked them with weeds and
mud, and tirelessly made trips back and forth between the Yellow River and the wasteland
where sweet potato vines were planted.
He decided that since begging for food was not a good reputation, he would not ask for
food. He also wanted to be an upright person and not be criticized by others.
As for him not wanting food, what would happen if his parents and younger brother had
nothing to eat? That was not his concern.
In fact, Zhao Hui knew before that his parents were not reliable parents and they let
their son do whatever he wanted. They didn't care whether he was too hot in the summer or
too cold in the winter. When times were the hardest, they would only ask him how many
wild vegetables and food he brought back, but they never cared whether he was discovered
outside, whether he was beaten, or whether he was thirsty or hungry.
Originally Zhao Hui's heart was numb, but the scene he saw today made him feel cold all
He didn't expect that he had taken so much effort to dig so many wild vegetables and
bring so much food home, fearing that they would starve, but his parents would be so
cruel to him.
Since his parents threw away the steamed bread and refused to give him any food, he
didn't want to make food for them. He just wanted to live a good life and not go hungry.

Chapter 47 Exchange
Zhao Hui spent an entire afternoon planting the sweet potato vines and watering them
thoroughly. Then he looked at the vines with burning eyes, as if he saw a pile of food
placed in front of him.
But as he looked at them, he felt that there seemed to be too few sweet potato vines. If
he could plant more, wouldn't he be able to harvest more sweet potatoes in the fall, and
he wouldn't be short of food anymore?
Thinking of this, Zhao Hui wanted to go to the girl's house again to ask for some sweet
potato vines, but he didn't know if the girl would be willing to give them.
But he wanted to give it a try. If the other person was willing to give it to him, he
would naturally be grateful. If not, he would never force it.
He has been wandering around since the drought began in the spring, and he knows the
situation here almost clearly. Anyone who is willing to give him some food and sweet
potato vines is his benefactor. He is not so shameless as to feel resentful if someone
does not give him anything.
He had heard of the term "repay a favor".
So, when Shen Yuxiu opened the gate early the next morning, she was suddenly startled by
Zhao Hui who was squatting at her door.
Zhao Huitian came here just after daybreak. Not long after arriving, he saw the little
girl from yesterday opening the door. He immediately grinned and handed a handful of wild
vegetables in his hand to her.
"Can I exchange these wild vegetables for some sweet potato vines?" Zhao Hui said in a
low voice, feeling a little guilty.
He had finally found this yesterday by the river after planting sweet potato seedlings.
He couldn't bear to eat any of it, so he washed it clean in the river and brought it
here. He thought that exchanging the wild vegetables for sweet potato seedlings was
better than asking for it directly without bringing anything, right?
Shen Yuxiu looked at the few wild vegetables in his hand in surprise, blinked, and was
about to say something when she heard Fang Youshun ask her: "Who is it?"
"Ah? It's the little brother I met yesterday." Shen Yuxiu turned around and looked at
Fang Youshun who had stopped sweeping the floor in the yard and looked over here, and
then turned back to Zhao Hui and said, "Come with me."
Having said that, Shen Yuxiu turned around and walked towards the yard. She came to Fang
Youshun who was still holding the broom and told him about what happened yesterday, and
then repeated what Zhao Hui had just said.
When Fang Youshun heard that the person came to ask for sweet potato seedlings, he
immediately became interested.
To be honest, when he meets someone who comes to his door, he always gives them a handful
of sweet potato vines, but not many people really show interest in the sweet potato
vines, let alone take the initiative to come to his door to ask for more.
"You still want sweet potato vines? How many do you want? Are you going to grow them only
for your family, or ask for some from others as well?" Fang Youshun asked kindly, looking
at the boy in front of him who was obviously a few years older than Shen Yuxiu.
Zhao Hui hadn't been spoken to in such a nice manner for a long time. He stuttered for a
while, then smiled stiffly and replied: "I grow it, only I grow it, no one else's."
"You know how?" Fang Youshun looked him up and down in surprise: "Can you do it?"
"Yesterday this sister told me how to plant it." Zhao Hui was afraid that he would not
believe it, so he quickly pointed at Shen Yuxiu who was still standing aside, and assured
him: "I have planted all the crops I brought back yesterday. If you don't believe me, I
can take you to see it.
"Yes, I told him how to plant it yesterday. I remember everything grandpa said." Shen
Yuxiu nodded, indicating that this man was not lying.
Sometimes she would watch her grandfather planting sweet potato seedlings and she
remembered a lot of things.
"What's the use of what you remember?" Fang Youshun said with a smile, and then took Zhao
Huichao to the ridge in the yard where sweet potatoes were planted. He bent down and
neatly pinched off a piece of sweet potato vines, while explaining to him in detail the
precautions for planting.
Fang Youshun never suspected that Zhao Hui was lying. After all, the child looked to be
about eleven or twelve years old and did not seem like an ignorant child. Moreover, he
could say that he was taking him to see the sweet potato seedlings he had planted, so he
must have been planting them sincerely. There was nothing he could not teach him.
Zhao Hui did not say anything. He just quietly observed how Fang Youshun pinched the
sweet potato vines, while carefully taking note of the precautions in his mind.
Seeing that she had nothing to do here, Shen Yuxiu turned around and walked into the
Shen Yulin was washing his face in the room. When he saw her come in and asked what was
going on, Shen Yuxiu told him what happened yesterday morning, which made Shen Yulin feel
Fortunately, my grandparents didn't know that he had left early yesterday, and Shen Yuxiu
met the boy alone. If they knew, I would definitely get scolded again.
In the yard, Fang Youshun spoke carefully and Zhao Hui listened attentively. By the time
Fang Youshun had picked all the vines that could be picked in the yard, there was already
a large bundle.
"I don't know how much private land you have, but this is enough to plant a few ridges.
If you take good care of it, you should be able to harvest a lot of sweet potatoes in the
fall." Fang Youshun took a straw rope and tied him up while talking.
Zhao Hui couldn't help smiling when he heard his words. He immediately knelt on the
ground and kowtowed to him: "Thank you, Grandpa, for teaching me these."
These farming knowledge were not taught to him by his parents. He was very grateful to
Fang Youshun for telling him these things without getting tired of it.
"Hey, what are you doing?" Fang Youshun pulled him up and saw that Grandma Fang had
already started to set up the meal, so he asked him, "Have you eaten yet?"
Of course, Zhao Hui also saw the dinner scene over there, and subconsciously quickly
retracted his gaze, lowered his head and whispered: "I, I'm not hungry."
"Everyone is hungry. Come over here, wash your hands and eat something together. I don't
have anything delicious at home, just sticky porridge and steamed bread. I hope you don't
mind." Fang Youshun said as he pulled him to wash his hands.
He also saw that the child had a sense of shame and knew how to be self-reliant, so he
was very willing to help the child.
How could Zhao Hui possibly dislike it? He hadn't eaten anything since he had eaten the
food given by the little girl yesterday. He didn't even dare to eat the few wild
vegetables he had finally found because he was worried about whether he could exchange
them for some sweet potato vines. His stomach had already started to ache.
But even so, when he followed Fang Youshun to the table, he did not dare to eat
voraciously. He just stared at the bowl of porridge in front of him and the steamed bread
in his hand, eating quietly, for fear of making any noise and being disliked.
Seeing him like this, Grandma Fang felt a little sorry for him, so she picked up a
pickled vegetable with chopsticks and told him: "Don't just drink porridge and eat
steamed bread, eat some pickled vegetables too. How can you have the strength without
pickled vegetables?"
Zhao Hui looked at the extra pickles in the bowl, his eyes couldn't help but warm up, and
he quickly whispered, "Thank you, grandma."
Ever since he could remember, his parents never really cared whether he had enough to
eat, especially in the past two years. He would often find food for himself when he was
extremely hungry. At the dinner table, everyone in the family would always eat their own
food. Sometimes, his younger brother would even snatch his share in order to have an
extra bite. This was the first time in his life that he had been taken care of like this.
Zhao Hui felt as if something was blocking his chest, and he had an indescribable feeling
of swelling and bloating. He wanted to cry, but he was afraid of being laughed at, so he
could only lower his head even more.
When Grandma Fang saw him like this, she thought he was embarrassed to eat because of
what she said, so she didn't say anything and just started eating her meal.
Shen Yulin looked at Zhao Hui, whose head was almost hanging under the table, and clicked
his tongue speechlessly.
How can you eat like this? Don't eat from your nose, okay?
Shen Yuxiu didn't think much about this and didn't even look at Zhao Hui a few times
while eating.
In her opinion, this was just a stranger and had nothing to do with her, so there was no
need to pay special attention to him.
However, she didn't know that it was this person who would add a significant stroke to
her life and almost cost her her life.

Chapter 48 Tacit Understanding

After dinner, Shen Yuxiu and Shen Yulin went to school with their schoolbags on their
backs. Grandma Fang also went to her daughters' homes to pick up the children as usual.
Only Fang Youshun fell behind because of the birth of Zhao Hui today.
Fang Youshun tied up the picked sweet potato vines with straw ropes and asked Zhao Hui to
carry them on his back. He walked out with him and asked where Zhao Hui's village was.
Knowing that they took a different route, he said cheerfully that he could not take him
any further. Then he locked the door, waved to Zhao Hui, and pedaled his tricycle to
continue to fetch water from the Yellow River.
He didn't realize that Zhao Hui didn't actually return to the village, but followed his
tricycle to the Yellow River.
An hour later, Zhao Hui carried the small bundle of sweet potato vines to the place where
he had been yesterday and immediately began to work. This time, he followed Fang
Youshun's instructions and planted them more carefully and attentively than yesterday.
There were not too many sweet potato vines, but he still spent nearly half a day planting
them. By the time he finished planting and watering them, it was already dark and he was
so tired that he lay on the ground unable to move.
The moon was at its zenith, the stars were sparse and bright, crickets were chirping not
far away and mosquitoes were buzzing in my ears.
Zhao Huiyang lay beside the sweet potato vines he had planted, gazing at the clear night
sky. His heart was calmer than ever before, and he did not even have the slightest
thought of going home.
That home is no more important to him than the sweet potato vines beside him now.
At the very least, as long as he can take good care of the sweet potato vines, they will
produce sweet potatoes for him to eat.
As for the people at home, no matter how good he was to them or how much food he brought
back for them, they would still watch him starve to death without giving him a single
bite to eat.
When it was just dawn, Zhao Hui opened his eyes and felt the itchiness on his face and
body. He knew that it was mosquito bites, but he didn't care at all. He looked at the
sweet potato vines beside him, picked up the broken basin, climbed up and went to the
river to continue fetching water to water the plants.
He kept in mind what Fang Youshun said, that the seedlings must not lack water in the
first three days after being planted, otherwise it would be difficult for them to
In this way, he seemed tireless, going back and forth between the river and the wasteland
again and again. When the sun rose, he had watered his sweet potato vines. Just as he was
sitting on the river bank wiping the sweat from his forehead to take a rest, he saw from
afar a man on a tricycle wobbling to the river to fetch water from the east.
In his limited life, he had only seen Fang Youshun riding a bike like that yesterday.
Squinting his eyes and looking carefully, Zhao Hui felt that he had not recognized the
wrong person, so he immediately strode over. When he got up and saw that it was really
Fang Youshun, he picked up the water container on the bike without saying a word and
started to help him fetch water.
Fang Youshun didn't know where he came from. After being stunned for a moment, he let him
After fetching the water, Fang Youshun turned around and asked him, "Have you had
breakfast this morning?"
Zhao Hui was a little embarrassed by his question, but he still shook his head honestly.
"Then you just wait here today and help me fetch water. If you fetch water for me for a
day, I will provide you with a meal for a day, okay?" Fang Youshun asked him with a smile
while standing beside the tricycle.
"Okay, I'll wait here." Zhao Hui agreed almost immediately, and the words came out of his
mouth so quickly that he was afraid that Fang Youshun would regret it.
"Okay, then you find a cool place to wait. I have to run several times in the morning."
After saying that, Fang Youshun got on the tricycle and walked forward. The tricycle was
crooked on this small path in the field, so it didn't move fast, but it soon went far
Zhao Hui just waited quietly by the river. He did not find a cool place as Fang Youshun
said, but waited obediently at the place where Fang Youshun left. After a long time, he
finally waited for Fang Youshun to come back with steamed bread as he wished.
Zhao Hui took the steamed bread handed to him somewhat embarrassedly, and started to
fetch water again with great effort. At the end of the day, he actually felt more
satisfied than ever before.
Zhao Hui liked this method of exchanging physical strength for food very much, but in
fact he also knew that other people did not really need his help, but just felt sorry for
him and found an excuse to give him food.
However, the fields are very dry now, and even by the Yellow River, it is hard to find
wild vegetables. He can only find a few wild vegetables in a whole day. He can only
shamelessly use this method to exchange for some food.
From that day on, the old and the young seemed to have a tacit understanding. When Fang
Youshun came to the Yellow River to fetch water early in the morning, he always brought
some steamed bread and sometimes some pickles. Zhao Hui would wait quietly by the Yellow
River every morning, waiting to fetch water for Fang Youshun and earn some food at the
same time.
In this way, these two people who were obviously incompatible gradually became familiar
with each other.
Gradually, Fang Youshun understood why he was by the Yellow River so early in the
morning. He also followed him to see the sweet potato vines he planted. He also learned
that he had a pair of unreliable parents. He felt more sympathy for this child who had
not been treated well by his parents.
Zhao Hui also learned that the little girl who pulled him back from death that day was
called Shen Yuxiu. She and the girl named Shen Yulin were siblings, and both were
children of Fang Youshun's son-in-law. He also knew that this was a very harmonious
But, maybe it was because the little girl gave him the food he needed most when he needed
it most. Even though the little girl hadn't spoken a few words to him since that day,
every time he went to Fang's house, his eyes would unconsciously look for the little
girl. That was a feeling of wanting to get close to Fang Youshun that he could not
surpass even if he had been with her for a long time.
As summer approaches, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, but there is no sign of
rain, which makes people very scared.
Fortunately, God did not give up on their livelihood. Since the middle of July, this land
would occasionally see a light rain. Although these light rains would only wet the ground
at most, they at least gave the crops a chance to grow.
As weeds and wild vegetables began to emerge in the fields, people finally breathed a
sigh of relief and became more hopeful.
With sporadic drizzles, the fields were no longer so dry, and Fang Youshun no longer came
to the Yellow River to fetch water every day. Instead, Zhao Hui got up early every
morning to pick the freshest wild vegetables, washed them in the river, and brought them
to Fang's house early.
Although he knew that this little bit of food was definitely not as good as the steamed
bread that others gave him, he felt better by doing this.
As Zhao Hui delivered wild vegetables for a long time, he met Shen Yuxiu more often. Shen
Yuxiu gradually became accustomed to this person who often appeared at her doorstep. Just
like today, when she opened the door and saw Zhao Hui carrying a pot of wild vegetables,
she immediately smiled.
"You're here, come in, we'll be able to eat soon." Shen Yuxiu let him in as usual. After
all, sometimes this man brought wild vegetables just in time for breakfast, and grandpa
would always let him stay for dinner at home.
Zhao Hui looked at her bright smiling face, scratched his head embarrassedly, and
followed her in with the vegetable basin.
The longer they spent together, the more he liked this family, and the less he wanted to
go back to his own home.

Chapter 49: Longing

Zhao Hui looked at the back of the girl walking in front of him with a smile on his face,
his eyes full of soft light.
His family is running out of food now. The last few times he went home, his parents
always sighed and said that there was no food at home and they were so hungry that they
didn't even have the strength to eat.
But Zhao Hui had been hungry before, and he knew what it was like to speak when he was
really too hungry to have the strength to do so. Although his parents looked weak when
they spoke to him, they were very confident and it was obvious that they were lying to
At that moment, somehow, he didn't feel the slightest bit of anger at being cheated, but
instead felt strangely calm.
He could even hear himself saying to them in a calmer tone than ever before: "If you are
hungry, go dig some wild vegetables. There are plenty of wild vegetables in the fields
now. Dig some and you won't be hungry anymore."
Zhao Hui didn't know what was wrong with him. He was like a bystander. He clearly saw
through his parents' hypocritical performance, but he seemed no longer able to be aroused
by any emotions.
On the contrary, he was willing to approach and get close to each and every one of the
people in the Fang family, especially the little girl who always smiled brightly every
time she saw him.
After dinner, Zhao Hui rushed to clean up and wash the dishes as usual, and then happily
waited for the family to go out.
Shen Yuxiu and Shen Yulin went into the house, put on their backpacks and went to school.
Grandma Fang went to pick up the children as usual, while Fang Youshun went to his
private plot to look after the sweet potato vines. When he followed the family out, he
felt as if he was a member of this family.
But in fact, he is very busy every day. He has to take care of the sweet potato vines he
planted and dig wild vegetables every day. He then dries them and puts them in a simple
cave he built in the reed marsh.
He was really afraid of being hungry. Even though there was no shortage of wild
vegetables in the fields, he would feel uneasy if he didn't save some food for a day.
But today, he did not rush to the river to work as never before, but followed Shen Yulin
and his sister slowly, until he saw Shen Yulin see a child running away, leaving Shen
Yuxiu alone behind, and immediately took a few steps forward and walked side by side with
Shen Yuxiu looked at Zhao Hui who was suddenly walking with her, and asked him
unexpectedly: "Aren't you busy today?"
"I don't have anything to do." Zhao Hui smiled shyly, and then asked her curiously, "How
about going to school?"
"That's great. I can learn a lot of words and a lot of knowledge." Shen Yuxiu no longer
had the initial aversion to going to school. She turned around and asked Zhao Hui who was
walking beside her, "Do you want to go to school?"
Zhao Hui shook his head and whispered, "I don't have any money."
Shen Yuxiu was not too surprised by his answer and nodded in understanding.
Several students dropped out of her class this year, so it is normal for this young man
in front of her, who may not even have enough to eat, to have no money.
"Our teacher said that it's okay to go to school once you save enough money. In the past,
there were children who started first grade at the age of thirteen or fourteen. You are
not even as old as those kids now, so there's no rush." Shen Yuxiu spoke softly, as if it
was no big deal.
Zhao Hui was originally very worried because he had no money, fearing that the girl would
look down on him, but in the end she made the matter sound so nonchalant.
"Do you think... I can save money to go to school?" Zhao Hui pretended to be indifferent
and glanced at Shen Yuxiu.
"Why not?" Shen Yuxiu smiled, showing her white teeth, and said confidently: "My grandpa
said that you are very capable and can support yourself, so you can save money to go to
school, right?"
The sun was rising. Zhao Hui looked at the little girl in front of him with her red lips
and white teeth smiling in the sun, and suddenly he felt that she seemed to be glowing.
Her eyes were clear and bright, without a trace of ridicule or hypocrisy. She looked at
herself so seriously, as if to say: Yes, you are very good, you can do it.
For some reason, Zhao Hui felt his chest swelling and his eyes getting hot. He
subconsciously lowered his head and didn't dare to look her in the eye.
In fact, he was not really that powerful. If it weren't for the sticky porridge and
steamed bread that the little girl gave him that morning, he would have died in some
"What's wrong with you?" Shen Yuxiu was puzzled when she saw him suddenly lower his head
as if he had made a mistake.
"No, nothing." Zhao Hui quickly calmed down his chaotic emotions, smiled stiffly, and
asked: "Then can I go with you to the school to see what it's like?"
"What's wrong with that? If you want to see it, just go ahead. Come on, I'll take you
there." Shen Yuxiu said as she took his hand and strode forward.
Zhao Hui was suddenly grabbed by her hand, and he felt his whole body stiffen, but he
hurriedly followed her. He followed Shen Yuxiu into the school, listening to her
chattering about the school classes and classmates, until the teacher rang the bell, she
waved goodbye to him and rushed to a classroom with a group of children.
The study room, which was originally full of noise, suddenly became extremely quiet.
After a while, the sound of children reading could be heard from several rooms. They read
so neatly and loudly, with a vitality that made people yearn for it.
Zhao Hui walked out of the yard slowly, looking back every step of the way, and suddenly
an idea came to his mind.
He wants to go to school, he must go to school. Although he has no money now and no one
can support him, he can find ways to make money and work hard to save money. Since this
girl believes in herself so much, why not give it a try?
Maybe, if he works hard, he will succeed.
But as he thought about it, Zhao Hui felt that he was being too reckless.
From a few months ago to now, he has only just stopped being hungry, so how dare he think
about going to school?
But now that the thought has come to me, I can't get rid of it.
Zhao Hui was determined to go to school, no matter how difficult it was.
He thought, no matter how difficult this task was, it couldn't be harder than filling his
stomach, right?
Shen Yuxiu never thought that her words were important to anyone, so naturally she didn't
know that someone would have a goal to strive for because of her words.
Now she goes to school and comes home from school every day, plays with classmates at
school, and then goes home to do homework. Her days are so monotonous that she can't
notice any changes.
Ever since she had Hei Guoguo last year, Shen Yuxiu has become quite popular in school.
Even if she doesn't take the initiative to look for people to play with her, some people
have started to come and play with her.
The only thing that made Shen Yuxiu unhappy was that none of her elder brother, second
brother, or even her elder sister liked her dark fruits. Even if she reluctantly shared
the black stone with them so that each of them could make a pair of stone fruits, they
still refused to take it.
The second brother thought it was a girl's toy and shouldn't be played with. The eldest
brother and eldest sister thought it was a child's toy and shouldn't be played with
either. On the contrary, the third brother, who was already older, liked to play with it,
but grandma wouldn't let him play with it because the boy didn't play with the Guoguo
peacefully, but chased and hit the chickens in the yard, always making the chickens
cackle and fly around, causing the chickens to rarely lay eggs.
Therefore, Shen Yuxiu's extremely rare stone fruit has now become her exclusive one. The
black stone that she was going to share with her brothers and sisters has also been
placed alone on the windowsill. She will only take it in her hands and pamper it when she
occasionally remembers it.

Chapter 50: Believe in Science

After finishing his homework, Shen Yulin hurried out again, followed by Shen Yujun's
voice: "Brother, brother, where are you going? I want to go too..."
Shen Yuxiu listened to Shen Yujun's voice getting farther and farther away as usual.
After packing her schoolbag, she climbed onto the kang with some boredom and went to
favor the stone on the windowsill. However, halfway through, she found that there was
nothing on the windowsill.
Shen Yuxiu was stunned for a moment, then retreated with a puzzled look on her face and
went to the yard to look for Grandma Fang.
"Grandma, where are the stones on my windowsill?"
The weather was hot now, and Granny Fang thought the room was too stuffy, so she laid a
cattail mat in the shade of the barn in the yard and looked after the child there. When
she heard Shen Yuxiu ask this, she smiled and pointed at Shen Yusui, who was only a few
months old, lying on the small mattress: "Your mother said that your sister has been
sleeping restlessly these past two nights, so I took the stones to your mother's place to
calm her down."
"Ah?" Shen Yuxiu didn't quite understand: "What does Xiaosui's insomnia have to do with
the stone?"
"Didn't we buy that stone from Daishan?" Granny Fang told Shen Yuxiu a story about the
stone talisman and assured her, "Don't worry, the stone is just for your mother to
protect the house. I'll take it back when your sister is older."
"Okay." Shen Yuxiu didn't ask any more questions when she heard this. She casually lay
down on the cattail mat, cupped her hands to make a telescope, put them over her eyes,
and looked at the blue sky boredly.
Although she didn't quite understand why a stone could protect a house from harm, since
it could help her sister sleep well at night, she wouldn't be stingy and insist on taking
it back.
What's more, she originally intended to share the stone with her brothers and sisters.
She kept it because they didn't want it. Since her sister can use the stone, then let her
use it. It's not like she only has that one stone.
"Have you finished your homework?" Seeing that she was so free, Grandma Fang lowered her
head and said, "If you have finished, just look after your sister first. I'll go make
"Okay, I want to drink salty soup." Shen Yuxiu looked up at Grandma Fang's face through
the telescope made of her fingers and blinked mischievously.
"You're just greedy." Grandma Fang poked her forehead unhappily and got up to cook.
Shen Yuxiu giggled when she was poked. She turned around and saw her sister, who was
already several months old, chewing her toes with relish. She slowly walked over and
poked her chubby face, teasing her: "Are your toes delicious? Are they salty or sweet?"
"Ah..." The baby's little chubby face was suddenly poked. He tilted his head and saw the
familiar face of his second sister. He immediately started to scream and drool, as if he
was saying hello to her, or chatting with her.
Although Shen Yuxiu didn't care much about the stone that her grandmother took to her
mother, from that day on, she inexplicably began to cherish her stone. She kept it in her
pocket almost every day. When no one was at home, she would occasionally dig up the soil
in the corner of the inner room and touch the precious green stone that she had buried.
This is a good stone. It can drive away evil spirits and protect the house. If she
touches it every day, that scary monkey woman should not dare to eat her, right?
It was also from this time that Shen Yuxiu suddenly discovered that after Zhao Hui came
to deliver wild vegetables every morning, he would accompany her all the way to school.
At first Shen Yuxiu was a little uncomfortable with it, but as time went by, she
gradually got used to it. Sometimes she even felt like something was missing when Zhao
didn't come back.
As this happened more and more times, someone would definitely see this scene. Shen Yulin
naturally saw it as well and gradually began to pay attention to it.
The child doesn't understand anything, but she does.
Even though Shen Yuxiu is still young, who says she can't have a childhood sweetheart?
As she thought about it, Shen Yulin unconsciously revealed a meaningful smile at the
corner of her lips.
This is the good thing about this village. If something happens in someone's house, it
will spread throughout the village without waiting for the next night. Shen Yuling knew
that Fang Youshun's family had a beggar child coming over frequently recently, but she
didn't expect that Shen Yuxiu would be so close to this beggar child.
This was something that had never happened in her previous life, and it was also the most
satisfying change for her since her rebirth.
Since Shen Yuxiu is so close to this beggar, if I put in a little more effort, maybe they
can become childhood sweethearts, or even get married after puberty. Then, wouldn't she
no longer have to study so hard every day, or waste her time trying to sabotage anything,
and she could marry the man she wishes, right?
The more Shen Yulin thought about it, the more she felt that this was a good idea, and
the look in her eyes when she looked at Shen Yuxiu became more and more meaningful.
Shen Yuxiu and Zhao Hui separated and were about to enter the school when she suddenly
saw Shen Yulin staring at her with a weird smile. She was so frightened that her hair
stood on end. She subconsciously reached into her pocket and grabbed Shi Ziguoguo
Fool, could it be that her cousin was possessed by evil spirits like her grandma said?
Otherwise, why would she laugh so strangely?
Seeing Shen Yuxiu's frightened expression, Shen Yuling sneered with disdain, turned
around and walked towards the school.
You little brat, you're so timid, it's only because you have a good second brother to
protect you, otherwise, ten Shen Yuxiu can't beat her.
Shen Yuxiu covered her heart which was beating so fast with fear, and felt that this
cousin was really possessed by an evil spirit. Otherwise, why would she sneer at her when
she hadn't provoked her?
Thinking of this, Shen Yuxiu felt a chill on her back. She stood quietly at the door of
the school until she saw Shen Yulin walk into a classroom. She immediately ran to find
Shen Yulin.
Shen Yulin was pulled into a corner and forced to listen to Shen Yuxiu's thief-like
muttering, and his face was filled with surprise.
"Possessed?" Shen Yulin didn't quite believe what she said.
"Well, of course, otherwise why would she look at me like that?" Seeing that he didn't
believe her, Shen Yuxiu immediately imitated Shen Yulin's malicious smile and disdainful
Shen Yuxiu was not very good at imitating, but she was eager to imitate Shen Yulin's
smile at that time. For a moment, her whole face was distorted, and Shen Yulin's brows
were wrinkled into lumps.
"No way? How could anyone laugh like that?" Shen Yulin turned away, his eyes full of
"When have I ever lied?" Shen Yuxiu was a little angry because he still didn't believe
her even after she imitated him so well.
"No, it's not that I don't believe you." Seeing her glaring with anger, Shen Yulin
quickly explained: "Didn't the teacher tell us that we have to believe in science and not
be superstitious. Those things like being possessed by evil spirits and losing souls are
all superstitions, they are fake."
Shen Yuxiu was speechless and didn't know how to refute. Just then the teacher called the
class to start, so she snorted angrily and turned away.
"believe or not."
Shen Yulin didn't know what to say after she snorted at him, so he could only decide to
discuss the matter with her after class.
That's right. The teacher says every day that everything around us can be explained by
science, and we will learn about it in future books and textbooks. The village is also
full of slogans to break feudal superstitions. Why is his sister so stubborn and still
going towards superstition?
However, he also had to go and check on Shen Yuling. She suddenly smiled so twistedly at
her sister for no reason. What if she scared her into becoming insane?

Chapter 51 Rumors
After Shen Yulin had an idea in her mind, she immediately put it into action.
As soon as she entered the class, she pulled a classmate who was on good terms with her
and started to spread rumors secretly, saying that Shen Yuxiu was in love with a beggar
boy, and that the boy came to send his young wife to school every day, and the two of
them were talking and laughing very affectionately, and it was estimated that they would
get engaged in two years.
At that time, any family that could make ends meet would have their children engaged by
the age of fifteen or sixteen at the latest. There were many cases of child engagement in
the village. Moreover, Shen Yulin spoke in a very serious manner, so the children
believed her immediately and told their good friends.
Therefore, the news that Shen Yuxiu was going to get engaged to a beggar boy soon reached
Shen Yulin's ears.
Before Shen Yulin could talk to Shen Yuxiu after class, he heard the news and was
Who? Who spread rumors about his sister?
Shen Yulin was furious, and took his friends to look for the source of the rumor. As the
news had only been spreading for a short time, they found the source of the rumor on Shen
Yulin before they found a few people.
"Really? Didn't you see that guy giving her Yu Xiu every day? If they had nothing to do
with each other, why would he give her Yu Xiu? They must be getting engaged!"
Shen Yulin stood behind Shen Yuling, listening to her talking nonsense seriously, his
mouth was crooked with anger.
Well, he hadn't even figured out why this girl wanted to scare his sister, but this girl
started to make fun of Kaiyao first.
This is simply too much.
“Ding ding ding…”
Shen Yulin rolled up his sleeves and was about to step forward to teach Shen Yuling a
lesson when the class bell suddenly rang. Shen Yuling and her classmates immediately ran
into the classroom. Shen Yulin wanted to chase them unwillingly, but was stopped by Liu
Zixin who was coming towards them.
"What are you doing? Go back to class."
With two years of teaching experience, Liu Zixin now has a sense of majesty that he can
control at will, and his stern face is still very intimidating.
Shen Yulin glanced at Liu Zixin who was holding a textbook and a willow branch in his
hand, turned around with a sullen face and walked away, which made Liu Zixin's mouth
Who pissed off this naughty kid? Can't he just calm down?
Seeing that Shen Yulin had obediently returned to the study, Liu Zixin couldn't help but
breathe a sigh of relief.
He followed the class and had some understanding of the child he had taught for nearly
two years.
He is the leader of the children and is loyal. He usually doesn't cause trouble, but he
is not afraid of it. Once he gets angry, he doesn't care whether the other party is older
or younger than him, and even more so, doesn't care if the other party is the captain's
child or the squad leader's child. He will rush up and swing his fists, and if he can't
beat the person, he will bite him. This always gives him, the class teacher, a headache.
His only request to Shen Yulin now is that he should not cause trouble in school,
otherwise the parents from other families would come to him and annoy him to death.
When Shen Yuxiu saw him return to his seat, she snorted with a cold face and ignored him.
She actually didn't believe her and called her superstitious, which made her angry.
Seeing her like this, Shen Yulin didn't say anything, but just sat down beside her with a
sullen face.
No wonder this girl said that Shen Yulin was possessed by evil spirits. Looking at the
expression on Shen Yulin's face when she lied to others, if he had not firmly believed in
materialism, he would have almost thought that she was possessed by a ghost.
But it was impossible for him to surrender and apologize to his sister. After all, he was
the older brother and he had to have some authority. The most he could do was to help
teach that mean-spirited girl a lesson.
But maybe his anger was suddenly interrupted. After a class, Shen Yulin gave up the idea
of putting a sack on Shen Yulin and decided to fight back with the same method.
It seems everyone is capable of spreading rumors.
So, during class, he didn't listen to anything Teacher Shen Yulin said, but focused on
organizing his language. After class, he took his little followers with him to spread the
word everywhere.
What? Shen Yuling is dating a wild kid, and she even hugged and kissed that wild kid.
She’s expected to give birth to a baby in a few days, and so on and so forth…
Shen Yuling was secretly spreading rumors, but Shen Yulin was spreading them openly.
Soon, all the children in the school knew about the news. Some people even ran up to Shen
Yuling and asked her, "Hey, what does it feel like to kiss a wild kid? Tell me."
Shen Yuling was so angry that she fell backwards. She found Shen Yulin, who was
surrounded by a group of children, and angrily asked: "Which eye of yours saw me dating
someone? I'm telling you, this is slander, I'm going to call the police to arrest you."
"Oh, oh, oh, I'm so scared." Shen Yulin saw her coming up, not afraid at all, patting his
chest in a strange voice and asking: "What is defamation? What did I defam? At most, I
just imitated you, so what? Is it illegal to imitate others?"
As soon as Shen Yulin heard it, she knew that this boy knew what she had said about Shen
Yuxiu. She was choked and her face turned red. She wanted to refute but couldn't say
Seeing that she was speechless and her face was red, Shen Yulin pushed her away and
walked away carelessly, with his neck raised proudly like a rooster that had won a fight.
You little brat, you dare to gossip with such little ability. I will choke you to death.
But what does defamation mean? Why hasn't he heard of this word before?
Shen Yulin left, but the children who were surrounding her did not leave. Those children
were either pointing at Shen Yulin or looking at her with strange expressions, which made
Shen Yulin very angry.
"What are you looking at? If you keep looking, I'll dig your eyeballs out."
Shen Yuling roared loudly, and the children who were watching the excitement immediately
dispersed, and Shen Yuling was the only one left here.
She was so mad, she was almost mad to death.
Shen Yuling stood there alone, gasping for breath in anger.
But like Shen Yulin said, even if she called the police, she would be in the wrong and
she wouldn't gain any advantage anyway.
It’s so abominable. Does Shen Yulin have ears behind his back? How did he know what she
Just like that, Shen Yuxiu, who was still angry, was suppressed by Shen Yulin as soon as
she heard rumors about her, which made her look confused and she didn't know how to
In her eyes, Zhao Hui was just like his elder brother, second brother, or an ordinary
male classmate in the school. She didn't have any twists and turns in her mind at all.
How could this be related to engagement?
It was also because Shen Yulin suppressed this matter in time that Shen Yuxiu was only
slightly confused and angry for a moment, but it did not cause her any great
psychological harm. After a few days, the matter was over for her. On the contrary, Shen
Yulin was very upset about it.
He felt that it was all Zhao Hui's fault. It's not like Xiaoxiu couldn't go to school by
herself. Why did that kid have nothing better to do than to send her there? Wasn't he
going to cause trouble?
So, from that day on, Shen Yulin took up the job of taking care of his sister again.
Yesterday, when he went to school, he took Shen Yuxiu with him and left, not giving Zhao
Hui any chance to take advantage of the situation.
Zhao Hui didn't understand why Shen Yulin suddenly turned sour towards him and looked at
him like a thief every day, but having been hanging out outside since he was a child,
Zhao Hui had long been accustomed to being given the cold shoulder. Apart from feeling a
little regretful that he couldn't send Shen Yuxiu to school, he didn't take the matter
too seriously.

Chapter 52 Autumn Harvest

It seemed like just a blink of an eye, and the leaves of the crops in the fields turned
yellow. The brigades and teams began to sharpen their sickles in preparation for the
autumn harvest, and the school had just started after the summer vacation, and the autumn
harvest holiday came again within a few days.
Shen Yulin and Shen Yuxiu were not old enough, so they couldn't do anything in the fields
even if they went there. The team wouldn't give them any work points, so Fang Youshun and
Grandma Fang took them to their private plots. They helped harvest sweet potatoes while
watching Shen Yushui, who was already able to crawl around, and Shen Yujun, who was
running around all day.
Although they were both small, they were born and raised in farming families and were
accustomed to working in the fields. Even if they could not do heavy work, they could
still pull the cut sweet potato vines aside and dig the sweet potatoes out of the soil.
In this way, Fang Youshun and Grandma Fang, with four children, two adults and two
children, managed to bring home all the sweet potatoes from their nine-tenths private
plot in just two days.
Shen Yuxiu looked at the pile of sweet potatoes of varying sizes in the warehouse and was
so happy that she could hardly stop smiling.
She didn't know if the family had such a lot of food before, but since her grandfather
built a new house, the family had never had so much food in stock.
They shouldn't have enough food now, right?
Fang Youshun and his wife were equally happy as her. Although the family did not have a
scale, they did not know exactly how many kilograms of sweet potatoes were harvested from
the Jiufen land. But just looking at the size of the sweet potato pile, they could
roughly estimate that it was about two thousand kilograms. .
Fang Yan and Shen Jinggui, who came back from work in the evening, couldn't believe what
they heard when they heard the figures estimated by Fang Youshun.
They heard from their biological father (father-in-law) that the output of this product
was high, but they did not expect it to be as high as this.
My heaven, nine points of earth, about two thousand catties? If this was wheat or
something, it would be enough to feed their family for a year.
After the shock came the surprise, Shen Jinggui was so happy that he couldn't close his
mouth from ear to ear.
With these sweet potatoes, he no longer had any worries. When Shen Jinggui went to work
the next day, he happily told his good brother and team leader about the production.
"Brother, we have to be more trustworthy in what we say, right? It's about two thousand,
what are you making a fuss about?" The team leader thought he was joking and didn't take
his words to heart at all.
"Forget it if you don't believe me. I can't take you with me even if I want to." Seeing
that he didn't believe it, Shen Jinggui wanted to explain but found it meaningless. He
picked up the sickle and went to the fields to cut grain without wasting any effort.
The reason why he told the team leader the news was that he wanted his good brothers to
grow some sweet potatoes next year. Although this thing is not as good as food, it can at
least fill his stomach, right?
But he is a good brother, but he has one problem: he is too cautious.
If you tell him nicely, he won't believe you. If you ignore him, he will become
suspicious and come up to ask questions.
Sure enough, not long after Shen Jinggui left, the team leader began to murmur in his
Having been brothers for many years, he still knows Shen Jinggui well. If this person
really wants to fool people, he must try his best to make people believe it. Now he
doesn't even want to explain. Is this true?
"Hey, it really weighs more than two thousand pounds?" The team leader thought for a
while, then ran up behind Shen Jinggui's butt and asked.
"False, go ahead and do what you're supposed to do, don't delay my work." Shen Jinggui
didn't even look back, he bent over and continued to cut the grains.
He is a person who earns full work points. If he works less, he will get less food, so he
will not waste time talking to him about established facts.
"Hey, you..." The team leader saw that he was waving the sickle so hard that it was
almost an afterimage. He couldn't step forward at all. He frowned angrily and clicked his
tongue, then turned around and headed towards the village.
Forget it, he just went to see for himself.
In this way, the team leader rarely supervised the team members working in the fields
during the autumn harvest, and ran directly back to the village.
Fang family yard.
Fang Youshun was picking sweet potatoes one by one in the warehouse. The big ones without
any damage were put aside to be used for seedling cultivation next year, and the others
were put aside to be eaten later.
Grandma Fang sat in front of a small board at the door of the warehouse, waving a kitchen
knife to cut the badly bruised sweet potatoes into slices, and from time to time she
directed Shen Yuxiu and her two siblings to place the sliced sweet potatoes on a mat in
the middle of the yard to dry.
Shen Yushui, the only one who did not have to do anything, sat on the cattail mat,
watching her grandmother cutting sweet potatoes, and then watching her three brothers and
sisters going back and forth between her grandmother and the mat, their little heads and
big eyes turning around non-stop, they were busier than anyone else.
This busy scene was the first thing the team leader saw as he entered the yard. The white
sweet potato slices drying on the mat in the middle of the yard were so dazzling under
the sunlight that it hurt his eyes.
When Granny Fang saw him coming, she immediately stopped using the kitchen knife and
asked with a smile, "Hey, nephew? How come you have time to come here? What's up?"
"Ah." The team leader laughed awkwardly, pretending not to care as he walked in, saying,
"I heard from Jinggui that Auntie's family has harvested a lot of sweet potatoes, so I
came to take a look."
"What's so good about this? It's not something rare. It's worth making a special trip."
Grandma Fang still likes her son-in-law as a good friend. She turned around and pointed
to the warehouse behind her and said, "They are all in the warehouse. Your uncle is
inside. Go over."
"Okay." The team leader agreed readily and ran forward immediately. When he saw the sweet
potatoes that filled half of the warehouse, he couldn't help but gasp.
Holy shit, he actually collected so much?
The team leader swallowed his saliva when he saw it. He had been working in the fields
for many years, so he could roughly estimate the weight of the pile. These sweet potatoes
must be no less than 2,000 kilograms.
His good brother really didn't lie. It's a pity that eating too much of this thing will
cause heartburn. Otherwise, with such a high yield, if everyone in the team planted sweet
potatoes, how could they go hungry?
"Uncle, uncle, can you leave some of these sweet potatoes for my family to grow
seedlings? After the grain is distributed in autumn, I will exchange them for the grain."
The team leader said to Fang Youshun in the warehouse with some stammering.
It is not realistic to grow this in the team's fields, but it is possible to plant it in
the private plots at home to ensure that we have enough to eat.
"Okay, there's nothing wrong with that. I'll save as much as you want." Fang Youshun
responded with a smile.
He was originally worried that there were too many of these things and it would be
difficult to preserve them. By the time the children got tired of them, he would be happy
if someone was willing to exchange them.
"Oh, thank you uncle. You go ahead and be busy. I also have things to do in the team.
I'll leave first!" The team leader said this and ran away happily. Even Grandma Fang, who
wanted him to take some sweet potatoes home for the children, couldn't catch up with him.
The team leader is not an ignorant person. Food is very expensive nowadays. It is already
very good that others are willing to give him some sweet potato seedlings. Why should he
take more of their things?
One cannot just keep all the good things to oneself. After leaving Fang's house, the team
leader told the news to several good brothers. Upon hearing this, they stopped working
and ran back to Fang's house to reserve some sweet potatoes, preparing to plant them in
their own private plots next year.
Naturally, the actions of several people also attracted the attention of others. After
secretly finding out what was going on, the whole village was in an uproar. After work,
people all swarmed to Fang Youshun's house to see the wonder. When they actually saw the
real thing, their eyes almost popped out of their heads in shock.
Oh my God, about 2,000 kilograms. In that year, each person only gets about 200 kilograms
of food per year. This is the food for more than ten people, right?
Don’t worry about whether it’s good to eat too much of this stuff, the important thing
is that people won’t be hungry if they have these sweet potatoes!!
At this time, those people who had been asked by Fang Youshun or Grandma Fang whether
they wanted to pinch some sweet potato vines to plant but refused were now regretting
their decision.
How could they be so blind to reject such a good opportunity? The harvest this year was
not so good. If they had planted sweet potatoes, why would they still be afraid of going

Chapter 53 I Like It So Much

But that’s how it is when growing crops. If you don’t plant seeds in the ground, there
will be no harvest. Even if you regret it, there is no cure and you can only wait until
next year to plant again.
But even so, it did not hinder people's enthusiasm to come to Fang's house. The people
who came kept asking Fang Youshun how to grow seedlings of this thing and whether he
could leave some seedlings for them next year.
Fang Youshun readily agreed to those who directly asked to exchange for food, but as for
those who asked for this and that without mentioning exchange or purchase, he just smiled
and did not agree to anything.
There are so many people here, and he is not idle. How can he work himself to death just
because they talk nonsense? He understands that every family is short of food and wants
rice seedlings, but this does not mean that he has to give away the sweet potatoes he has
worked so hard to grow.
What's more, not to mention that he had been fetching water from the Yellow River for
irrigation for the past six months and had taken great pains to take care of them every
day, even though these sweet potato seedlings were bought with money, it is impossible
for him to give them away for free.
Of course, most people knew without being told that they couldn’t take the sweet
potatoes for free, and they wouldn’t force anything. And those who wanted to take
advantage, seeing that Fang Youshun was perfunctory, gradually stopped coming and stopped
After a few days of excitement, things finally calmed down and the old couple Fang
Youshun breathed a sigh of relief.
Even at his age, he has never been treated as a rare object by so many people. His face
has become stiff from smiling these past two days.
After the excitement, Fang Youshun began to think about how to preserve and grow the
sweet potatoes. Finally, he decided to wait until the autumn harvest was completed and
then go to the place where he bought the sweet potato seedlings to ask the old farmers
for advice. After all, so many people wanted sweet potato seedlings, and he was afraid
that he would not be able to do it well with just the little experience he had in growing
seedlings this year.
Apart from leaving some for daily consumption, Grandma Fang had cut all the sweet
potatoes that were not suitable for planting into slices and dried them on the mat in the
Sweet potatoes are high in water content, and she was afraid that they would rot if they
were not dried in the sun.
When Zhao Hui learned that the sweet potatoes were ready to be harvested, he happily went
to the reed marsh to dig them. When he dug out the first sweet potato and put it in his
mouth, tears of excitement welled up in his eyes.
He had food to eat and finally didn't have to go hungry anymore.
But when he dug out all the sweet potatoes, he started to worry again.
Where should he store so many sweet potatoes?
Take it home? That's impossible.
He couldn't guarantee that he would be able to see the shadow of the sweet potatoes or
eat much of them after he brought them back. But if he didn't bring them back home, there
would be many wild animals in the wild grass in winter, and he couldn't guarantee that
these things wouldn't be destroyed by wild animals, or discovered by people who wandered
around the wilds to hunt wild animals during the winter.
But if I can’t take it home, and I can’t leave it in this reed marsh, where should I
put it?
At this moment, Zhao Hui felt unprecedentedly confused.
For the first time, I clearly realized how important it is to have a home or house where
one can feel at ease.
But he has nothing, no family that loves him, and no place where he can feel at ease.
Zhao Hui sat next to the pile of harvested sweet potatoes for a long time. Finally, he
gritted his teeth and went to Fang's house.
In the yard, Fang Youshun and Grandma Fang were turning over the dried sweet potatoes
that were drying on mats. They saw Zhao Hui, who had not been seen for several days,
suddenly came and greeted him as usual.
"Are you here? How are your sweet potatoes? Are they all turned out?"
"It's turned out." Zhao Hui said and hurried forward to help Fang Youshun turn over the
dried sweet potatoes.
Over the past six months, Fang Youshun has gotten used to this kid's tendency to start
working as soon as he sees a job, and he is no longer surprised by it.
"How is it? You collected a lot, right? It should be enough for you to eat, right?" Fang
Youshun chatted with him while busy with his hands.
"Yes, there is enough to eat." Zhao Hui nodded in agreement. His heart began to beat
loudly because of what he wanted to ask. But no matter how difficult it was to ask, he
still wanted to ask. He mustered up his courage and carefully asked Fang Youshun:
"Grandpa, can I bring my sweet potatoes and wild vegetables to your house first? Those
things are yours when they are brought to your house. I don't want more. Just give me
some food. I'm afraid I won't even have anything to eat when I bring them back home."
Fang Youshun looked at him in surprise when he heard this. He roughly understood Zhao
Hui's difficulties and couldn't help but teasing him with a smile: "Aren't you afraid
that I will take your things and not give you food?"
Zhao Hui was stunned for a moment when asked, then quickly shook his head.
"Don't be afraid, you are not that kind of person."
How could this old man be that kind of person? He must have eaten quite a lot of food at
this restaurant this year, so how could he be interested in this little thing?
Besides, even if the old man really wanted his things, he would not lose anything. After
all, the sweet potato seedlings were given to him by the old man, and he also taught him
how to plant them. If the old man really wanted all the sweet potatoes and didn't give
them back, he would just think of it as working for him for half a year and eating for
free. What's the big deal?
Seeing that he shook his head without hesitation, Fang Youshun suddenly felt
indescribably warm in his heart. He reached out his hand and rubbed his head lovingly,
saying, "Okay, since you trust me so much, then give it to me. I don't want yours either.
I'll give you some to dry into sweet potato chips, and some to grow seedlings for you to
plant next year. I'll keep them all well for you, and you can come and get them whenever
you need them."
"Oh, thank you, Grandpa." Zhao Hui smiled in surprise, turned around and ran out of the
yard. After a while, he brought in a basin of sweet potatoes. It was obvious that he came
Fang Youshun looked at the sweet potatoes in his basin and shook his head in amusement.
He let him pour the basin of sweet potatoes on the ground and asked, "How many are left?
Do you want my help?"
"Yes, I do." Zhao Hui nodded his head happily like a rattle.
In addition to the dug sweet potatoes, there were also many dried wild vegetables in the
reed marsh. He wanted to bring them all to the Fang family, so that he wouldn't have to
worry about those things being discovered by people or being destroyed by wild animals.
Upon hearing this, Fang Youshun immediately rode his tricycle and went to the reed marsh
with him. Only then did he realize that this kid was really good at saving things. Not to
mention the four or five hundred kilograms of sweet potatoes, the wild vegetables that
filled the small shed would probably be enough for the kid to eat until next year.
In this way, Fang Youshun pulled all of Zhao Hui's things back to Fang's house, and then
helped pick out the sweet potatoes for seeds, and directed Zhao Hui to cut the rest into
sweet potato slices so that they could be dried into sweet potato chips.
Now the autumn vacation has not ended yet, and after finishing the work in the private
plot, Shen Yulin was called to the team's field to pick up ears of grain and beans, while
Shen Yuxiu was left at home to look after his younger brothers and sisters.
Shen Yujun was a person who couldn't sit still. Seeing that the adults were busy, he
followed them around and made trouble. Shen Yuxiu was lying on the cattail mat in the
yard out of boredom. Whenever she saw Shen Yusui, who was a few months old, about to
crawl off the cattail mat, she would reach out and grab her calf to pull the child back,
so that she wouldn't crawl to the ground and get covered in dirt.
Zhao Hui was slicing sweet potato slices on the chopping board. Occasionally he looked up
and saw Shen Yuxiu, who was sitting leisurely over there, with a smile on her face.
He likes the atmosphere of this home, and also likes the leisurely and comfortable look
of this little girl. He likes it so much!

Chapter 54 Don't Go After My Sister

But no matter how much he liked it, Zhao Hui understood that this was not his home. After
the Fang family stored all the sweet potatoes, he saw that there was nothing to do, so he
seldom came here except to eat his own sweet potatoes and wild vegetables.
He knew himself well. He should be extremely grateful that the Fang family did not covet
his things and helped him preserve food. If they came to his house every day for no
reason, it would be a bit annoying.
But as time went by, Zhao Hui found that he seemed unable to finish eating so much food,
and the Fang family obviously would not touch his food at all, so he came up with an
He wanted to sell these dried sweet potatoes, although he didn't know if it would work.
The grain harvest was not good this year and most families were short of food.
He thought, there will always be people who have money but have nothing to eat, right?
In this way, Zhao Hui, relying on the fact that he was a half-grown kid and no one was
watching him, wandered around and asked around. After a long time, he really happened to
find a black market in the town.
After wandering around the black market for a few days and gaining a general
understanding of the situation, Zhao Hui wanted to take action.
But he had never been to school, didn't know how to read a scale, and couldn't do too
many calculations. The only literate people around him were the two siblings of the Fang
family, so he set his sights on Shen Yulin.
Although he didn't know why Shen Yulin suddenly treated him so coldly in the first half
of the year, their relationship had recovered a lot in the second half of the year.
He also heard that Shen Yulin always ranked top in the class in arithmetic, and was very
smart and had many good friends. He thought that if he went to Shen Yulin, he would be
able to find a solution.
Just like that, Shen Yulin, who had finally been living peacefully with his sister for
half a year, couldn't help but leave Shen Yuxiu behind and run away alone again, but was
stopped by Zhao Hui who suddenly came up to him.
"You want me to teach you arithmetic? And how to read a scale?" After hearing Zhao Hui's
request, Shen Yulin pointed at his nose in disbelief.
"Yes." Zhao Hui nodded solemnly and said, "You are the best person at arithmetic I know."
Shen Yulin was quite happy to be so highly regarded.
Although he is only in the third grade and has just come into contact with numbers within
a thousand, Zhao Hui now only needs arithmetic within a hundred or even tens, which he
can really teach. As for the problem of reading the scale, he has a friend whose family
used to do small business. It shouldn't be too difficult for him to take Zhao back to
"Don't worry, I will pay your tuition after I sell the dried sweet potatoes." Seeing that
he did not respond for a long time, Zhao Hui quickly promised.
"That's not necessary." Shen Yulin waved his hand nonchalantly: "It's just these things,
there's no need to pay tuition."
Although he had not had much contact with Zhao Hui in the past six months, he knew a
little about Zhao Hui's affairs. He would not be so stingy to a poor kid who was not
loved by his father and mother.
Even Zhao Hui didn't go to other people for advice. Shen Yulin felt that his image was a
little bit higher-level. Since others thought so highly of him, why should he ask for
Shen Yulin puffed out his chest with a little pride, pretending to be an adult thinking
and said, "Leave the arithmetic to me, but I need someone to help me with the scale. Come
find me tomorrow and I'll get back to you tomorrow."
"Hey, thank you, second brother." When Zhao Hui saw that he agreed, he immediately called
him second brother without caring that Shen Yulin was actually younger than him.
Shen Yulin was very happy when he was called. He waved his hand, put on his schoolbag and
walked to school. Of course, he kept his word and wrote a letter to Zhao Hui the next
day: Come on, let's start learning.
But the matter was decided. Shen Yulin had a very erratic personality. How could he have
the patience to teach Zhao Hui arithmetic step by step from the beginning?
He just talked about whatever came to his mind. He didn't teach step by step. He just
talked a lot at the beginning, making Zhao Hui struggle to understand a little bit of
what he said. In the end, he changed the algorithm and confused Zhao Hui again.
In this way, Shen Yulin wasted an entire evening playing after school, and didn't even
teach Zhao Hui anything.
Shen Yulin wanted to back out at that time.
But Shen Yulin couldn't bring himself to ask Zhao Hui to look for someone else after he
had boasted so much. Finally, he remembered how Shen Yuxiu had been patient when someone
in the class asked her questions, so he decided to go to her.
"Please, please, if I really can't teach you, I wouldn't ask you." The next afternoon
after school, Shen Yulin followed Shen Yuxiu like a little tail, clasped his hands
together and prayed to her like praying to God: "Good sister, just look at Zhao Hui for
such a pitiful person, can you help him?"
Shen Yuxiu dodged left and right but couldn't escape Shen Yulin's entanglement. She
finally reached the school gate and saw Zhao Hui standing at the school gate with a
helpless look on his face. Finally, she compromised helplessly, but she also had
conditions: "Okay, but if our grandfather returns the orange candies during the New Year,
you have to give me all your share."
Speaking of this, Shen Yulin suddenly hesitated.
All year round, he was just looking forward to the sweet treats of the New Year, but he
really couldn't teach Zhao Hui, and it was hard to go back on his promise to Zhao Hui.
"Okay." Shen Yulin finally nodded reluctantly, and pulled her to Zhao Hui who was waiting
at the door of the schoolhouse, and said, "From today on, Xiaoxiu will teach you. I have
shed a lot of blood for you. Remember my kindness in the future."
Zhao Hui was a little confused when his teacher suddenly changed.
Why did you change people?
Seeing his bewildered face, Shen Yuxiu coughed to keep calm, tightened the bag strap on
her shoulder, and asked him, "What did my brother teach you yesterday?"
"Well, from one to ten." Zhao Hui said with some guilt.
In fact, Shen Yulin taught him a lot yesterday, including addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division, but he remembered nothing except ten numbers. He was afraid
of forgetting these ten numbers, so he stayed up all night and kept repeating them to
himself before he could remember them.
"Oh, okay, then come with me." As soon as Shen Yuxiu heard him, she knew that he knew
almost nothing. After saying hello, she took him home.
Upon hearing this, Zhao Hui hurriedly followed. Although he didn't understand why his
teacher suddenly changed, he was happy as long as someone was willing to teach him.
"Hey." Seeing that the two of them left without hesitation, Shen Yulin quickly reminded
Zhao Hui: "You can talk and teach, but don't set your sights on my sister!"
Shen Yuxiu and Zhao Hui looked back in confusion.
What does he mean by this?
Shen Yulin felt a little nervous when the two of them looked at him, and he quickly
coughed to cover it up: "Forget it, I'll go with you guys."
After saying that, Shen Yulin walked forward past the two of them with his head held high
in a bluffing manner, but his heart was actually very nervous under his held high head.
Damn it, he just said that because he had nothing better to do. If there was nothing
going on between the two of them, and they had other ideas after I brought it up,
wouldn’t that be a sin?

Chapter 55 How can it be so good?

Over the past six months, Grandma Fang had already gotten used to Zhao coming back. When
she saw the three children coming back together, she greeted him with a smile and let
them do what they were supposed to do.
When Shen Yuxiu returned home, she went to her room and found the first-grade textbook.
After teaching Zhao Hui how to write numbers from one to ten, she let him write them
first and do his homework. After he finished his homework, she began to teach him little
by little according to the contents of the textbook.
Although Shen Yuxiu has only been in school for two years, because she has good grades,
the teacher always likes to call her up in class to answer questions. If she is happy,
she will ask her to explain why she solves the problems in a certain way. In addition,
there are many children in the class who come to her for help with homework. Over time,
she has learned how to explain so that others can understand more easily.
Zhao Hui listened carefully to Shen Yuxiu's slow and steady voice, and felt that what he
learned today and yesterday were completely different things.
When Shen Yulin was teaching him yesterday, he spoke fluently, but he was confused. He
felt that there might be something wrong with his brain. He could not understand anything
and could not learn anything.
But today, Shen Yuxiu seemed to have just casually explained it, and he actually
understood it. He then realized that the number only needed to be split into several
parts, and it would become very easy to calculate.
As soon as he felt he could understand, Zhao Hui's learning speed began to improve
rapidly. In just five or six days, he had already mastered addition and subtraction
within twenty.
After learning arithmetic, Zhao Hui planned to sell dried sweet potatoes. But when the
course was about to end, he hesitated for a long time and asked Shen Yuxiu nervously in a
low voice: "Can you... teach me pinyin? I can buy you candy with the dried sweet potatoes
I sell."
These days, when he was learning arithmetic, he often saw Shen Yuxiu singing the words
she didn't know when reading the text, and then she would know how to read the word.
She said this is called pinyin, and students learn it in the first grade. She also said
that as long as people have learned pinyin, they don't have to be afraid even if they
encounter unfamiliar characters. They can just spell and read them and they will know
what to read.
If Zhao Hui had never been exposed to books, he might not have had any yearning for these
things. But after learning arithmetic seriously from Shen Yuxiu and listening to the
contents of the texts that Shen Yuxiu read, it was like opening a window to the world for
He wanted to know what else was written in those textbooks, what else was there in the
world, he wanted to know a lot.
He wants to read and know more words, so he wants to learn pinyin.
"Okay, come over when you want to learn." Shen Yuxiu imitated the teacher and ticked the
questions he had finished, while saying absentmindedly: "You don't have to give me candy.
If my family has any problems in the future, you can come and help me with the chores."
Although some of the children who had been instigated by Shen Yuling to bully Shen Yuxiu
in the past two years have started to play with her again, perhaps because they had been
bullied before, Shen Yuxiu is still unable to return to her previous defenseless state
towards those children.
In the past, she would always forget herself and act like a crazy girl when playing with
her friends, but now, as soon as others give her the wrong look, she will go home
immediately and has no attachment to any fun or any playmates.
Therefore, now she usually does not go out to play with others, but waits for others to
come and play with her. If no one asks her to play, she stays at home with her
grandparents, brothers and sisters, and she never feels bored.
During these two days, while teaching Zhao Hui arithmetic, she suddenly realized that
teaching people was also a very interesting thing, so if Zhao Hui was willing to learn,
she was actually quite willing to teach.
What's more, his grandparents also said that Zhao Hui was a child who was not loved by
his father and mother. At such a young age, he didn't even dare to bring home the sweet
potatoes he grew, for fear that his parents would confiscate them and let him starve.
Zhao Hui was so pitiful. He finally asked her for a favor, so of course she had to agree.
When Zhao Hui saw that she agreed so easily, an unknown emotion surged in his heart and
his chest felt full and swollen.
How could she be so nice? How could she agree to teach him without asking for anything?
Inexplicably, Zhao Hui's eyes became hot, and he said quickly with a trembling voice:
"Thank you."
"What are you doing? Don't be like this." Shen Yuxiu felt a little helpless when she saw
that he looked like he was about to cry.
From childhood to adulthood, she had cried a lot, because she was provoked by her second
brother, because she was angry with her eldest sister, because she got into trouble and
was beaten by her parents, and because she was beaten up by a group of friends. Every
time, she cried loudly and tears streamed down her face, fearing that others would not
know that she was wronged. She had never seen Zhao Hui cry suddenly while talking like
this, and she had never seen anyone like this.
Moreover, in the past, no matter how sadly she cried, she would feel relieved afterwards.
But now, seeing Zhao Hui like this, she obviously didn't want to cry, but her heart felt
more aching and uncomfortable than any time she was bullied.
Seeing that she was at a loss, Zhao Hui wiped his eyes in embarrassment and said, "I'm
fine. I'm just too happy. Well, well, I'll leave first. I'll come to learn pinyin from
you later."
After saying that, Zhao Hui tried hard to force a smile at her, then quickly turned
around and left.
No one had ever cared about his emotions, and he was afraid that he would really cry if
Shen Yuxiu asked him more questions.
Shen Yuxiu opened her mouth to call him, but she didn't know what to say, so she finally
let him go.
She wasn't very good at comforting people anyway, so if he wanted to leave, let him go.
After this incident, Zhao Hui felt uncomfortable for several days before he stepped into
Fang's house again and started selling dried sweet potatoes. Of course, he didn't have a
scale, but borrowed one from the kid who used to be a small businessman, and weighed it
in advance, dividing it into two catties and one catty. Of course, every time he used the
scale, he would give the kid two pieces of dried sweet potatoes as a fee.
Just like that, Zhao Hui started selling his dried sweet potatoes on the black market
slowly, just like a mouse moving house.
He doesn't exchange things with others, he just sells them for money.
He would sell to whoever paid him, sometimes at a high price, sometimes at a low price.
Not to mention, these dried sweet potatoes were quite popular in the black market, and
whenever he went there, someone would buy them immediately.
But people were so short of food at that time, and after a few times, Zhao Hui was
targeted by someone with ulterior motives. One day, he had just turned to the black
market, and before he reached the alley, a man behind him suddenly snatched the dried
sweet potato from his hand and ran away.
Zhao Hui was stunned for a moment when he was robbed, and then he chased after him,
shouting, "Give it back to me, give me back the dried sweet potatoes."
Zhao Hui screamed heartbreakingly. This was something he had worked hard for over half a
year to get, so how dare that person snatch it away?
The place where he was robbed was not far from the black market. At this moment, several
men were talking at the entrance of the alley of the black market. Among them, a man
wearing an old cotton-padded jacket heard the noise here, looked back, exclaimed in
disbelief, waved his hand, and immediately chased out with several men around him.

Chapter 56 Nowhere to Go
Zhao Hui was chasing when he suddenly saw several men around him whizzing past him and
chasing after him. He was a little confused. When he chased after him again, the man who
had snatched the dried sweet potatoes from his body had been pinned to the ground by
several men. The man in the old cotton-padded jacket saw him running over, picked up the
dried sweet potatoes on the ground and waited for him with a stern face.
“Kid, you can’t do this. You might as well sell all the dried sweet potatoes you have
to me. You’re moving like a mouse moving house. If someone robs you again, you may not
be lucky enough to get them back.” When he came up to him, the man in the old cotton-
padded jacket stuffed the bag of dried sweet potatoes into his arms with a light tone,
without even a smile on his face.
Zhao Hui looked at the man with some fear, but did not respond.
He knew this man. He heard others call him the boss in the black market.
The old man in the cotton-padded jacket, who was also the black market boss here, Wu
Laohei, saw that the boy in front of him was looking at him with some fear in his eyes.
He couldn't help but let out a toothache and waved at him.
"Let's go."
Zhao Hui was a little stunned to see that he was actually allowed to leave. He hesitated
and moved his feet twice. Seeing that this man really didn't care about him and had even
turned around and started to walk towards the person who had stolen his things, he was
sure that this man actually returned his things to him.
Zhao Hui walked on the street for a long time in a daze, holding the dried sweet
potatoes. Somehow, the words of the black market boss suddenly rang in his ears: "Boy,
you can't do this..."
Yes, Zhao Hui also knew that this wouldn’t work.
In fact, when he came to sell dried sweet potatoes for the second time, he vaguely sensed
that someone was following him from behind, but he was smart enough to dodge. Because he
dodged, he had been holding on to a lucky mentality, thinking that maybe the person
following him just happened to pass by, or maybe he would not attack him because he was a
child, but after what happened just now, the little bit of luck in Zhao Hui's heart was
completely gone.
Those people want to steal things and don’t care whether you are a child or not.
Otherwise, he could just sell the dried sweet potatoes to the black market boss? That man
didn't look like someone who would be greedy for such a small amount of his goods.
As Zhao Hui thought about this, he unconsciously tightened his grip around the dried
sweet potatoes.
In fact, if he had not met Wu Laohei today, Zhao Hui was thinking that if something
happened, he would not sell the dried sweet potatoes, but would just leave them at Fang's
house and give away all the ones that could not be eaten.
But now that he had met and heard what Wu Laohei said, he wanted to exchange the dried
sweet potatoes for money, because he wanted to go to school, and going to school required
money, and he needed money.
In this way, Zhao Hui wandered on the street for a long time. Finally, he gritted his
teeth, turned around and went back to the black market to find Wu Laohei.
Wu Laohei originally thought that Zhao Hui had been scared away long ago, but he didn't
expect that he would come back. He immediately fulfilled his promise and accepted the
dried sweet potatoes at the black market price.
Zhao Hui was still shaking until he took the money out of the black market.
Before he went to see Wu Laohei, he thought about what would happen if this person didn't
keep his word. But in the end, he kept his word and didn't intend to fool him by relying
on his status as an adult.
Seeing that Wu Laohei really gave him the money, Zhao Hui only kept a few dozen kilograms
of dried sweet potatoes for himself, and gave the rest to Wu Laohei bit by bit. He didn't
even weigh them again, thinking that it would be enough for this man to give some money.
It would be easier than selling them himself.
And Wu Laohei is indeed very reliable. He always asks people to weigh the goods before
paying, and he never takes advantage of others.
In this way, Zhao Hui sold all his dried sweet potatoes for a total of twelve yuan and
thirty-three cents.
It was the first time that Zhao Hui had so much money in his hands. He felt a little
dizzy when he walked every day and was always worried about losing it.
But this was money, not food, and he was not comfortable handing it over to anyone.
In the end, Zhao Hui found an iron box in the scrap collection place in the town,
carefully put all his belongings in it, and when no one was at home, he hid the iron box
in a hole in the eaves of his house, and then blocked it with soil.
He knew that his parents and younger brother were too lazy to repair the leaking house
with thatch, so they didn't pay any attention to this place at all.
After hiding the money, Zhao Hui began to review the arithmetic that Shen Yuxiu had
taught him before. After all, Shen Yuxiu had to go to school every day and didn't have
that much time to teach him pinyin every day. He took advantage of Shen Yuxiu's time at
school to review what he had learned every day until he knew it by heart. The next time,
he would take advantage of Shen Yuxiu's Sunday rest time to ask for new knowledge.
As time went by, the weather gradually became colder. Zhao Hui didn't feel anything when
it was warm, but when it got colder, he couldn't stand it anymore.
The cotton-padded jacket he had been wearing had been there for several years. It was
good for keeping out the wind, but it was completely useless for keeping out the cold.
Unfortunately, his parents did not earn enough work points and did not get much firewood,
so the family could only have one kang.
And because he didn't bring back any food this year, his parents were even more unhappy
with him. When they saw him getting close to the kang, they chased him away to find food
and drink.
Zhao Hui really couldn't stand his parents, so he simply went out during the day and
didn't come back until bedtime.
But he couldn't stay at home, and he didn't know where to find to keep warm. The Fang
family was the place he wanted to go the most, but he also knew that it was someone
else's home. He could go there occasionally, but he couldn't stay there every day.
With no other choice, Zhao Hui started to stay one day at one house and the next day at
another. But now every household has a hard time. He ran to other people's houses every
day, and they thought he was just trying to get a free meal. After a long time, they all
looked at him in a bad mood. Even his grandfather and uncles were the same.
Gradually, Zhao Hui stopped going to those people's homes, but the streets were too cold,
and finally he walked to Fang's house unknowingly.
Walking into the yard, Zhao Hui looked through the glass window at Fang Youshun who was
weaving baskets in the house. He wanted to go in, but didn't know what to say. In the
end, he tucked his sleeves into his hands and squatted quietly at the door.
Fang Youshun finished weaving a basket and was about to put it in the warehouse. He was
also about to get some cottonwood branches into the house to continue weaving, but when
he opened the door, he was nearly tripped by Zhao Hui who was squatting at the door.
"When did you come? Why don't you come into the house?" Fang Youshun was very surprised
when he saw Zhao Hui, whose face was frozen purple at the door.
Zhao Hui didn't expect him to come out so suddenly. He was so embarrassed that he didn't
know what to say. He just glanced at the basket in his hand, quickly took it and asked,
"Grandpa, where do you want to put it? I'll put it there for you."
"In the warehouse." Seeing him so proactive, Fang Youshun smiled and pointed in the
direction of the warehouse.
All the baskets and other things he made this winter are there.
Upon hearing this, Zhao Hui hurriedly took the basket and walked over there. Fang Youshun
looked at his thin back and smiled helplessly, then followed him over and picked up a
bundle of cotton locust branches that he had just gotten today. Zhao Hui put down the
basket, and upon seeing this, he hurriedly grabbed the cotton locust branches and walked
into the house with them.
After entering the house, he placed the cottonwood branches on the ground in the middle
of the room without anyone's instructions, squatted down and began to sort them into
thick and thin pieces.
These days, when he came here, he often saw Fang Youshun doing these jobs and knew how to
do them.

Chapter 57 Shut Your Mouth

After getting along for more than half a year, Fang Youshun had long been accustomed to
Zhao Hui's initiative to help with the work every time he came up. He did not find it
surprising that he did this. He walked straight to the stool on the ground, sat down, and
started to divide the coarse and fine with him.
The weather is very cold now. Because Shen Yuxiu is still too young, Fang Yan is afraid
that the child will get cold by running back and forth every day, so she seldom brings
the child to the Fang family to do housework. Therefore, when Shen Yuxiu and her brother
and sister went to school this year, only Fang Youshun and Grandma Fang were left at
home, and the house seemed particularly deserted.
"Grandpa, I... can I come to your house during the day?" While working, Zhao Hui suddenly
lowered his head and asked softly.
Fang Youshun was stunned when he heard this. He raised his eyes slightly and looked at
him. He saw tears in his eyes. He explained helplessly: "I eat my own wild vegetables and
dried sweet potatoes, not your food. I, I will stay here during the day and go home at
night. If you have work, you can let me do it, okay?"
Just staying during the day?
Fang Youshun looked surprised, but after a while he seemed to understand something. After
a moment's hesitation, he asked him, "If you don't mind the hard work, why don't you work
for me? Although I can't pay you, I can provide you with food and teach you how to weave
baskets. I can also make sweeping brooms, cooking brooms, and big pot covers for steaming
buns. I can teach you all these. How about it?"
Zhao Hui never thought that he would encounter such a good thing just because he wanted a
place to avoid the cold wind during the day. He was stunned at the time.
You know, nowadays a skill can support a family. If you want to learn a skill without
spending some money and asking someone to intercede, it is impossible. And the old man in
front of him actually said that he would teach him the skill as long as he helped with
some work. How could he not be surprised?
Seeing that Zhao Hui remained silent for a long time, Fang Youshun asked in confusion:
"Why? Don't you want to?"
"No, no, I, I am willing, I am willing," Zhao Hui came back to his senses after being
asked, and waved his hands repeatedly, bent his knees and fell to the ground with a plop
and began to kowtow: "Thank you, Grandpa, I, I, I will definitely work hard for you, I
will definitely do my best."
Fang Youshun didn't expect him to kneel down suddenly. He sighed and pulled him up: "What
are you doing? Get up, get up quickly, and just work hard from now on."
"Hey, hey, I will." Zhao Hui was pulled up. He excitedly wiped the crystal tears from his
eyes, and quickly lowered his head to help Fang Youshun continue to pick out the cotton
locust branches.
He knew that he was taking advantage of others, but he was really, really happy.
Fang Youshun saw this and smiled without saying anything. He just lowered his head and
began to tell him the uses of these cottonwood tree branches of different thicknesses.
Grandma Fang was sitting on the kang, sewing the soles of shoes. She glanced at Fang
Youshun who was smiling and teaching Zhao Hui, and sighed softly.
Actually, the old man originally wanted to teach his grandchildren the craft, but Yuwen
was not very smart and his hands were clumsy. After two days of learning, he blushed and
didn't want to learn anymore. Yulin was smart, but he couldn't sit still. Besides, he had
to go to school, so he wasn't interested in it and didn't want to learn. Yuxiu wanted to
learn, but the old man thought it was too cold in winter and was afraid she would get
cold, so he only told her the general method and didn't let her try it no matter what.
Although it was the old man who took the initiative to prevent Yuxiu from learning, she
could actually see that the old man was a little disappointed. He was disappointed that
no one was learning his craft. Now that Zhao Hui wanted to learn, it just happened to
fulfill the old man's wish.
Zhao Hui finally found a place to live and learn a trade. He was very happy every day. He
left home at dawn every day and didn't come home until dark, which made the Zhao couple
extremely frustrated.
I feel that this son was raised in vain.
While Zhao Hui was busy, people started to live in a cat winter, and the Fang family
became lively again.
For no other reason than because every household does not have much food, but the Fang
family has a bumper harvest of sweet potatoes.
Everyone knew that the Fang family had no shortage of food this year, so they all came up
with the idea of borrowing sweet potatoes. Anyway, they would just wait until the sweet
potatoes are planted next year before returning them.
From the time Shen Jinggui leaked the sweet potato yield, Fang Youshun knew that such a
day would come, so when these people came to borrow sweet potatoes, he happily borrowed
them, but not much, just two or three per family. Jin, and let Shen Yuxiu or Shen Yulin
write it down. When the time comes, these people can pay back food or other things.
Of course, some people said that he was stingy, and he was only willing to borrow this
small amount. Fang Youshun was just smiling at this.
We are all fellow villagers. You come to borrow it and I will give it to you. This is a
favor. If you can still make irresponsible remarks about this, it means that the person
doesn't need this thing very much, so he doesn't want to borrow it.
What's more, with so many families, two or three kilograms per family adds up to a lot.
If it were more, wouldn't his own family not have enough to eat? He didn't have such
noble feelings, so he let his own children starve in order to lend it to other people's
Unlike the Fang family, Shen Yuling's family also began to fall into a situation of not
having enough to eat at this time.
It's not that her family has no food, but that there are only a few hundred kilograms of
food. Fourth Aunt Shen has to plan to feed the whole family for a year. This is a very
important thing, so this winter in addition to working on the dam protection project
every day Fourth Shen, Aunt Shen and the children only had soup to fill their stomachs.
But this soup will be gone as soon as you urinate. It won't take long before your stomach
growls with hunger.
Shen Yuling went home again in the evening, clutching her hungry and aching stomach. She
couldn't help but weakly said to Aunt Shen who was cooking: "Mom, can we make the
porridge thicker? I'm hungry every time I go home. I can’t walk anymore.”
"Then don't move around when you are at school. Save your energy and you won't be
hungry." Fourth Aunt Shen said matter-of-factly while lighting the fire.
She and her children endured the same kind of hardship at home. When they were full, they
would stay on the kang and not allowed to move around. They didn't feel too hungry all
Shen Yuling was speechless after hearing this. After thinking for a while, she said, "If
it doesn't work out, let's go to my uncle's house and borrow some sweet potatoes to eat.
That stuff will at least fill our stomachs."
However, she never expected that Fourth Aunt Shen, who was still calmly cooking the fire,
raised her head and glared at her fiercely when she heard these words, and gritted her
teeth and warned: "Shut your mouth, and let me hear it again in the future." When you say
this, I will sew your mouth shut."
Shen Yuling was speechless, but seeing the fierce look on Fourth Aunt Shen's face, she
didn't dare to say anything. She turned her head and lay down on the kang in frustration
and stopped moving.
She didn't understand why her own mother had such a big opinion against her uncle's
What kind of year is it now? The whole family is so hungry every day that they can't
walk. Why can't her mother put aside her grudges and lower her head?
However, Fourth Aunt Shen was also very aggrieved.
Thinking back then, when she married into the Shen family, her mother's family was the
most useful among the sisters-in-law. Because of this, she naturally felt that her status
was higher than that of the other sisters-in-law, and she looked down upon her with a
slut. Grandma’s Fang Yan.
It was also Fang Yan and her daughter who didn't know what was going on. If the two of
them had looked at each other a little bit and had given her a little permission, the two
families would not have become so tense later.
Chapter 58: Seeking death
Thinking back to those days, Fourth Aunt Shen was very angry.
In fact, she didn't understand. The old woman Fang was eating the food of the Shen
family. Couldn't she, the daughter-in-law of the Shen family, say a few words and let the
old woman help with some work?
Don’t the mother and daughter understand what it means to live under someone else’s
roof, what it means to serve someone else’s plate and be managed by someone else?
The results of it? Just because when the old lady brought her hot water, she mumbled a
few words because she thought it was too late, so Fang Yan stopped.
If Fang Yan hadn't been so stubborn at the time, would she have pushed Fang Yan, who was
pregnant at the time, backwards and aborted the child? It was obvious that she did not do
it unintentionally and it was caused by a small thing, but in the end, everyone blamed
her. Shen Jinggui even moved his family out of the Shen family because of this, making
himself a sinner.
Fourth Aunt Shen really couldn't figure out what she had done wrong. To be honest, she
was wrong, that is, she shouldn't have pushed Fang Yan in a hurry. But wasn't she
provoked by the aggressive Fang Yan? Why did it all happen? What's her fault?
So to say it all, it was Fang Yan's mother and daughter who did it themselves, but in the
end she became the scapegoat.
It is because of this that even after so many years, Fourth Aunt Shen is still feeling
But if Fang Yan and her daughter were not doing well now, maybe the anger in her heart
would have dissipated long ago and she would have forgotten about the incident. But this
was not the case, and the tone she had buried in her heart for many years gradually
turned into a prejudice.
Let alone asking her to borrow sweet potatoes from Shen Jinggui now, even if she were to
take the initiative to meet and talk to Shen Jinggui's family, she would still vomit
herself to death.
Fourth Aunt Shen sat by the stove and lit the fire. She glanced at Shen Yuling who was
lying motionless on the kang. She suppressed the anger in her heart and spoke slowly,
seemingly unintentionally.
"Yu Ling, look at this school where you don't have enough to eat or drink, and running
around every day makes you hungry. If you don't finish this semester, you won't go to
school next year? This way you don't have to get up every day in the cold weather. When
you go to school, you can stay warm in bed without going hungry, right?"
Shen Yuling, who was originally sulking because Fourth Aunt Shen refused to borrow sweet
potatoes to fuck, was agitated when she heard this and opened her eyes suddenly.
She knew what Fourth Aunt Shen meant by what she said. She just felt that it was useless
for girls to go to school and wanted to persuade her not to go to school.
But there was no way she could compromise on this matter.
"No, I want to go to school." Shen Yuling climbed up from the kang and reiterated to
Fourth Aunt Shen firmly: "Even if I am hungry and cold every day, I still want to go to
Seeing her determined look, Fourth Aunt Shen wanted to get angry but couldn't, so she
could only vent her anger by stuffing a handful of grass into the stove.
She also knew that her daughter was a good candidate for school. After all, the child's
grades had been very good since she went to school. However, with the current composition
of the Shen family, even if she went to high school, she would not be able to be an
official or find a job in the future, so she was unwilling to continue to support Shen
Yuling. It's useless to study here.
What's more, the food distributed this year is not enough to eat, so she is even more
unwilling to support Shen Yuling in school. However, this daughter can't eat or drink.
She jumps as soon as she says she is not allowed to go to school, which is a headache.
Shen Yuling saw that although Fourth Aunt Shen didn't say anything, her face remained
dark, and the vigilance in her mind immediately tightened.
Counting just now, this is the fifth time this winter that her mother has told her not to
go to school next year.
"Mom, what do you think we fry fried dough sticks and candy cakes and sell them in the
town during the winter vacation? Then we won't have to worry about hunger after making
money." Shen Yuling tentatively suggested to Fourth Aunt Shen.
She knew that if she continued like this, she would probably fail to go to school sooner
or later, so she might as well find a way to change her living situation. When she had
money, her mother would probably not be complaining about her dropping out of school
every day.
Fortunately, she no longer eats in the canteen, otherwise she wouldn't be able to sell
such snacks.
"Tsk, you said it's easy, but you can also fry fried dough sticks and candy cakes? You
know how?" Fourth Aunt Shen snorted lightly, thinking that she was being whimsical.
"I can." Shen Yuling nodded seriously.
The second man she was with in her previous life was a deep-fried fried dough stick at
home. That man also sincerely taught her how to fry things. As long as you master the
proportion of the water surface, it's not difficult.
Shen Yuling said it very seriously, but Fourth Aunt Shen didn't take it seriously. This
daughter grew up under her nose. She didn't like to cook on the stove since she was a
child. Suddenly she said she knew how to fry fried dough sticks and sugar cakes. She
would believe her. Strange.
However, Shen Yuling is a person of action. She knows that nothing she says is in vain
until she has done something. But I really wanted to do it, but I was afraid that Fourth
Aunt Shen would not be able to part with the oil-sugar noodles at home, so I wanted to
take advantage of the time when Fourth Aunt Shen was not at home to secretly make it
first and let her see the results.
So, at noon on a Sunday, when Fourth Aunt Shen went back to her parents' house and came
back, she was stunned when she saw the pot of fried dough sticks and sugar cakes placed
by Shen Yuling on the pot table.
When she saw that half of the white flour she had saved for the New Year to prepare
steamed buns was half eaten, and only the bottom of the oil pot was left to last for a
year, it exploded as if she had lit a firecracker, and she picked up the one next to it.
The rolling pin was drawn towards Shen Yuling.
"You're seeking death, you're such a mess..."
Shen Yuling, who was waiting to be praised, never expected that her mother would not
praise her when she saw the fried dough sticks and candy cake, but instead hit her with a
rolling pin like crazy. She was so frightened that she immediately jumped up and down
like a rabbit to dodge.
"Mom, listen to me..." Shen Yuling tried to explain the reason while hiding.
But Fourth Aunt Shen couldn't listen to her explanation. Her rationality disappeared long
ago when she saw that the white noodles she had saved for the New Year steamed buns and
the family's annual meal were all gone.
She never expected that this girl would be so courageous. She would do whatever she said
without giving anyone a chance to make amends.
Seeking death! This is seeking death! ! !
Fourth Aunt Shen was slapping her and scolding her angrily. Shen Yuling originally wanted
to argue, but after being slapped a few times with the bread stick, she couldn't bear the
pain and had no choice but to run out.
This is so unlucky. Why can't her mother listen to her plan? Why is she so unreasonable?
Fourth Aunt Shen is not being unreasonable, she feels distressed!
Looking at the fried brown sugar cakes and fried dough sticks in the basin on the pot
table, she almost cried without tears.
How could these precious things be eaten by ordinary people like them?
But the candy cakes had exploded, and she had no ability to restore them to their
original state, let alone throw them away. She could only endure her heartache and pick
one up to taste.
Charred on the outside and tender on the inside, the fried dough sticks are salty and
fragrant, and the sugar cake is crispy and sweet. It's delicious, but it's such a waste.
Fourth Aunt Shen was not willing to eat much. She took a bite and tasted it before
putting all the things away.
She planned to let Shen Laosi take these fried dough sticks and candy cakes through the
back door to see if he could get a lighter position when working on the dam protection
project. No matter how incompetent the man was, he was still the backbone of the family.
It was too cruel, and she was afraid that she would have no hope in the future.
As for Shen Yuling's suggestion of selling fried dough sticks, Fourth Aunt Shen had never
thought about it.
Yes, she admitted that the fried sugar cakes should be able to be sold for money, but the
food shortage is extremely serious now. It is easy to sell food, but it is difficult to
buy food. What if all the food in the family is sold out? Are the whole family going to
drink the northwest wind?
Shen Yuling hid outside until dark before returning home in fear. When she found out that
all the fried dough sticks and candy cakes she had fried were gone, she carefully ignored
Aunt Shen several times. She saw that her own mother had a cold face and ignored her at
all. It has no intention of selling fried dough sticks at all, so it can only stop.
She never expected that after finally trying to do some business, she was beaten, but it
was not carried out.

Chapter 59 Chinese New Year

Shen Yuling was so angry that she secretly wanted to do it herself during the winter
vacation. But as a result, on the first day of winter vacation, she was mercilessly
ridiculed by her living conditions.
Sugar cakes have to be freshly fried to be delicious. If she wants to sell fried dough
sticks and sugar cakes, she must at least have a small stove, a small iron pot, and some
odds and ends such as oil and sugar. But now her family only has one. The big iron pot
for cooking was out of oil, and there was nothing else.
If you want to buy these things, you have to spend money, but the family has spent all
the money on building a house. This situation of having nothing put Shen Yulin's ambition
to do business into a dead end.
Shen Yulin was somewhat unwilling, but the conditions were there and there was nothing
she could do. In the end, her plan to improve her living conditions came to nothing
But even though it was really difficult to improve her life, Shen Yulin was determined
not to compromise on the issue of going to school, no matter how hard she tried.
Because there was an extra sweet potato harvest this year, Fang Youshun did not use his
winter allowance to buy food. So during the winter vacation this year, Shen Yuxiu
received a red hairband in addition to the candy she received for still being among the
best students in the class.
Fang Youshun picked these for the two girls. It was Chinese New Year, so the children
could feel more festive. He picked the hairbands because he was afraid that if he bought
something that could be used by all the children, Shen Yuzhen would ask Shen Yuxiu to
give them up.
He thought, this hairband is something for girls, there is no reason for Shen Yuzhen to
let the child give it up, right?
But in the end, Fang Youshun still underestimated Shen Yuzhen's dedication. Just as he
gave the red hairbands to the two girls, he heard Shen Yuzhen say, "Xiaoxiu, our eldest
brother will get married soon. Let's save our hairband for him to use when he goes on a
blind date. When the time comes, give it to your new sister-in-law, she will definitely
be happy."
Fang Youshun was almost speechless, fearing that he would anger Shen Yuxiu again, he
quickly tied a red hairband on her head and sent her out to play.
After driving Shen Yuxiu away, Fang Youshun turned around and said to Shen Yuzhen with a
smile: "Even if your elder brother is going on a blind date, there is no need to give two
hairbands to others. Just keep yours for your future sister-in-law, and don't use the one
for Yuxiu. Well, there is nothing to do here, go home."
After saying that, Fang Youshun turned his head away from looking at Shen Yuzhen, whose
expression had changed because of what he said. He washed his hands, moved the panel to
the kang, and prepared to knead steamed buns with Grandma Fang.
The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and his family is not short of food now. His wife
said she wanted to steam a pot of white flour buns for their daughter to give as gifts
when she goes out to visit relatives during the New Year, so of course he has to help.
When Shen Yuzhen saw Fang Youshun turned around and got busy after he finished speaking,
without any intention of paying any attention to her, she turned around and went home
with a bad look on her face.
This grandpa is too partial to the second sister. They both have red hair strings, so why
did he let her give it up? She also likes this red hair string very much.
Grandma Fang looked back at Shen Yuzhen who was leaving with her mouth pursed, and
couldn't help but sigh.
By now, she has finally realized that her eldest granddaughter just likes to be a good
person, and when she does that she has to drag Xiaoxiu along with her. If she fails to
drag anyone along, she will be the only one who loses out, and she will be unhappy.
What kind of personality is this person?
No, she would have to find a way to talk to this child later, as he had a bad temper.
Grandma Fang sighed and took the basin out of the pot, and started kneading dough with
Fang Youshun. At the same time, she decided that even if she bought food in the future,
she would not buy it for anyone in particular. Whoever came diligently would eat more,
and whoever didn't come diligently and didn't get to eat could not be blamed. There was
no need for this eldest granddaughter to always want to take food from Xiaoxiu's hands to
be a good person.
Nowadays, every family is not well-off. Those who can put up Spring Festival couplets and
eat dumplings during the New Year in the village this year are all very wealthy families.
If the dumplings are stuffed with meat, it is even more amazing. As for wearing new
clothes and hats, basically no one in the village can do that this year, including Shen
It’s not that Fang Youshun didn’t want to buy it for her, but the spring was so dry
that not much cotton could be harvested. However, the children were all growing up, so he
had to use all his allowance to buy cotton for the children and make thick cotton-padded
clothes. To be alive, one must first have enough food and clothes, right?
Of course, when Grandma Fang was making cotton-padded jackets and trousers, she did not
leave out Zhao Hui. After all, the child had done a lot of work for the family this
winter. It would be fine if she didn't pay him, but it would be a bit unreasonable if she
didn't even make a cotton-padded jacket for him.
What's more, the child's cotton-padded jacket is very thin, and he is sniffling from the
cold every day, which is really pitiful to see.
Of course, cotton is very expensive now, and the cotton-padded clothes of the adults and
children in his family are not all made of new cotton. Of course, the ones Grandma Fang
made for Zhao Hui could not be brand new.
She just picked a fine day and asked Zhao Hui to take off his cotton-padded clothes and
lie on the kang under the quilt. Then she took apart his cotton-padded clothes and took
the old cotton to the bow room to re-stuff it. She added some new cotton and used the old
clothes that Grandpa Fang had washed before to change the size and made a new suit for
Although this outfit is not that great, it is definitely better than what Zhao Hui was
wearing before, and it is also much thicker and warmer.
When Zhao Hui put on the cotton-padded jacket and trousers that Grandma Fang made for
him, his eyes were filled with tears of emotion.
After so many years, his cotton-padded clothes no longer fit him and were too thin to
keep him warm. Every winter, he would feel so cold that his bones would ache all over,
and his teeth would chatter when he slept at night.
But now that he is wearing these clothes, all the bones in his body no longer hurt, and
his body that has been curled up all day can slowly stretch out. Whether it is his body
or his heart, he feels warm and comfortable every day.
Zhao Hui took great care of this cotton-padded coat. He became very cautious when working
every day, for fear that he might accidentally stain or tear the clothes.
The Zhao couple noticed the changes in Zhao Hui's clothes, but because the fabric of his
cotton-padded clothes was old and had a lot of patches, they thought they were clothes
picked up by someone who didn't wear them, so they didn't notice. Too concerned.
The twenty-seventh day of the twelfth lunar month is the last market day in the village.
Because the Shen brothers now have new homes, they have to write extra many couplets this
year. Seeing that the workload is a bit heavy, Shen Jinggui is afraid that Shen Yuwen's
slow writing style will not be finished by the end of the year, so Shen Yulin Stay at
home and help Shen Yuwen write.
After all, Shen Yulin is already in the third grade and has learned quite a few
characters. Even if he doesn't know how to write some characters, he can still copy them.
No matter whether the characters are well written or not, it is always less troublesome
than going out to ask others to write couplets.
Shen Yulin was locked up in his parents' house and wrote couplets every day, but Shen
Yuxiu was a big idler. She was not needed to steam buns at home or write couplets, so she
ran around the market with her friends, laughing and joking.
Although people's living conditions are not very good nowadays, they attach great
importance to the Chinese New Year. Therefore, there are still many people from the
surrounding villages coming to the market.
There were vendors selling chickens, ducks, and geese; vendors selling Kitchen God New
Year pictures and perpetual calendars; and vendors selling all kinds of daily necessities
and small items. Shen Yuxiu and her friends looked at each stall one by one amid the
various shouts. She was dazzled by the sight and her face was flushed from running.
I don’t know if it’s because so many families came to borrow sweet potatoes from her
this year, but now she is quite popular among the children in the village. It’s not that
those children have suddenly become nice to her, but at least those children will no
longer deliberately pick on her and can talk to her properly.
In fact, children only think about two things when celebrating the Chinese New Year:
eating and playing.
As long as they have food to eat and people to play with, they won't have any worries.
Also because her friends could get along peacefully with her again, Shen Yuxiu had a lot
of fun this year. She almost never came home from the moment she woke up. She was nowhere
to be seen at home until it was time to eat and go to bed at night.
So when Shen Yuxiu returned home that day and saw two strangers talking to Fang Youshun,
she was stunned for a moment.

Chapter 60: The Visitor

Fang Youshun saw Shen Yuxiu, who was running around outside every day, coming back. He
immediately smiled and called her over. He pointed at the two people opposite and said,
"Do you remember your third grandfather and uncle? Call them grandfather and uncle."
Upon hearing this, Shen Yuxiu obediently walked up to Fang Youshun, and politely called
them "Third Grandpa" and "Uncle" respectively, and then quietly observed the two of them.
In her memory, the only family she could call her third uncle was the one she met when
she went to her hometown to beg for food with her grandparents. However, the family in
her memory was skinny and lifeless, while the two people in front of her were still very
thin, but still energetic, and she was a little afraid to recognize them.
When Fang Youcheng heard her crisp Third Grandfather, he smiled with wrinkles all over
his face. He looked her up and down and kept sighing: "This child is growing up so fast.
She is taller and more beautiful."
"It's true that she's grown taller, but she's far from being pretty. At best, she's just
barely good-looking." Fang Youshun laughed, but his eyes were full of pride.
Shen Yuxiu, who was listening nearby, pursed her lips.
Whether in the school or in the village, everyone who sees her would say she is
beautiful. How come her grandfather says she is just barely pretty?
Fang Youcheng looked at her pouting lips and laughed. He said to Fang Youshun with a look
of disapproval, "You just talk nonsense. If this child doesn't look good, how can other
girls survive?"
The two brothers started chatting with Shen Yuxiu again, and Shen Yuxiu nodded repeatedly
as she listened.
Yes, she is really good-looking. Not only is she good-looking, she is also a very
obedient child.
So, Shen Yuxiu, who was beautiful and obedient, did not talk back, but leaned softly
against Fang Youshun's legs and listened to their conversation.
It turned out that the reason why the third uncle suddenly came at this time was because
the drought in his hometown this year was more severe than last year. The crops in the
fields were completely destroyed, and more and more people began to come out to beg for
It was also because of this that, as the number of people increased, it became
increasingly difficult to get food. Fang Youcheng thought of what Fang Youshun did last
year, so he left all the food to his family and brought his youngest son here to find
Fang Youshun. He wanted to see how things were going here this year, and if it wasn't
working, they would go somewhere else.
Shen Yuxiu listened quietly to the conversation between the two, and the scenes she saw
last year suddenly appeared in her mind, and a small wrinkle immediately appeared between
her small eyebrows.
Doesn’t that mean that people in my hometown are living worse this year than last year?
Likewise, Fang Youshun couldn't help but raise his eyebrows while listening to Fang
Youcheng's narration, but he had no good way to deal with natural and man-made disasters.
All he could do was to leave the two of them here to celebrate the New Year first, and
then wait for them to leave. Give some dried sweet potatoes and grain when feeding.
He actually proposed that Fang Youcheng directly move his family here, but the weather
here this year is not very good, and there is no guarantee that there will still be some
harvest here next year. After all, growing crops depends on the sky, and God can't do it.
It is not up to him to decide whether it will rain or not.
What he can guarantee is that if his hometown is still the same next year and there is
still some food produced here, he will let them come back to get more food to ensure that
the adults and children in his hometown will not starve out.
Relatives came from his hometown, so Fang Youshun asked Shen Yuxiu to call someone at
Shen Jinggui's place and ask them to come here for dinner tonight and meet their
relatives from his hometown.
You know, transportation is inconvenient now, and the distance is thousands of miles, so
it is really not easy for people from my hometown to come. If I come this year, I don’t
know when we can meet again. Of course, I have to let the adults and children in my
family come over to get to know each other.
When Shen Yulin heard that someone was coming from his hometown, he threw down his brush
and ran to Fang's house without waiting for his parents' consent.
Finally he had a reason to take a break. He had been folding and cutting red paper and
writing calligraphy all day. Not only was he bored, he was almost exhausted.
So, when Shen Yuxiu came back and saw Shen Yulin serving tea and water to her grandfather
like a lackey, she almost didn't recognize him.
What's wrong with this second brother? When did he become so diligent?
But no matter what, Shen Yulin left a deep impression on Fang Youcheng because of this
action. Even many years later, he still remembered the child who once called him "third
uncle" affectionately and kept pouring water for him.
When you are about to leave, three, six, nine.
In this way, Fang Youcheng spent a good year here and was about to leave on the third day
of the New Year.
Before leaving, Fang Youshun loaded their cart with two sacks of dried sweet potatoes and
a sack of a mixture of various coarse grains.
It’s not that Fang Youshun was stingy and didn’t want to give more, but a cart could
only carry this much. If there were more, the tires would be crushed. Moreover, the
mountains were high and the roads were long, making it difficult to travel. Even if the
two of them took turns pushing the cart, it would be very difficult to push all this food
In addition to these foods, Fang Youshun also gave Fang Youcheng ten dollars, asking him
to send a telegram if there was an emergency at home, or to keep it for emergency use.
Fang Youcheng held the money that Fang Youshun forced into his hands, not knowing how to
express his gratitude. Finally, with tears in his eyes, he waved to Fang Youshun's family
who had sent them to the entrance of his village, and turned around to go back to his
For Shen Yuxiu, this third grandfather who suddenly arrived and stayed for a few days and
then suddenly left suddenly added a little memory to her and let her know some things
outside, but nothing else.
She was still playing and running around carelessly in the streets with her friends in
the village, enjoying herself every day without any trace of sadness.
The same cannot be said for Shen Yuling. Not only did she not feel the joy of the New
Year, she was also worried about how to not go hungry every day.
Because she drank a lot of white flour and oil, Fourth Aunt Shen had a dark face all day
this year. Except for a meal of cabbage dumplings with no oil or water on the first day
of the New Year, Fourth Aunt Shen took her and her sisters with her on the second day of
the Lunar New Year. After returning to my parents' house and eating a full steamed bun at
my grandma's house, my family continued to live a life of eating soup every day.
Now she no longer expects to eat well, she just wants to be full.
But because of the division of the family, the adults and children from her uncles' and
aunts' families all had a bad face when they saw her. Her other sisters could still
shamelessly go to some houses to get a meal, but she was the only one who was ignored no
matter where she went.
However, now she has learned to be smart. After eating, she just lies down on the kang
and does not go anywhere or move. This way she gets hungry more slowly.
And it seemed as if God knew that if people continued like this, they would probably die,
so at the beginning of spring, he sent down a heavy rain that made people cry with joy.
After nearly three years of worrying about food every day, people have now settled down.
As long as they can farm and as long as God gives the crops a chance to grow, they seem
to be tireless and work almost for their lives.
Of course, for some people who love to be lazy like Zhao Hui's parents, even if they are
starved to death, they will not change their bad habit of not wanting to work.
Zhao Hui knew that every household would visit relatives during the Chinese New Year, so
in the days before and after the New Year, he was tactful enough to bring home a few
handfuls of dried wild vegetables. He stayed at home quietly until the fifteenth day of
the first lunar month before he set foot in the Fang family's door again.
As time passed, when spring came and flowers bloomed, he took the sweet potato vines that
Fang Youshun had grown himself and planted them in the reed marsh again.
At the same time, he also went to some wastelands to find some cottonwood strips suitable
for weaving baskets, and began to try to weave things to sell.
He thought, even if the baskets he made were not as straight as Fang Youshun's, as long
as they were strong and he sold them at a lower price, there would probably be people who
would buy them, right?
And the fact turned out to be just as he expected. Although the baskets he wove did not
look so good, they were sturdy and durable, so when he sold them some people who wanted
to get a bargain were still willing to buy them.
In this way, Zhao Hui gradually saved up some money, and when the new semester started in
the fall, he happily went to his father Zhao Laowu to ask for his household registration
book to register for school. But before he got the household registration book, Zhao Hui
was attacked from both sides by his parents.

Chapter 61 Back
"You are really capable, and you still want to go to school? Your father works so hard
every day, and doesn't have enough to eat or drink. You have money but you don't know how
to honor your father first. You still want to go to school? What a bullshit education."
This is his father, Zhao Laowu.
"It's not like that. Going to school is still good, but..., come on, you're already
thirteen years old, and in a few years you should be getting married. It's a little late
for you to go to school at this age. Why don't you let your younger brother go? He's just
the right age, it's neither too early nor too late for him to go to school, okay?" This
is his mother, Zhang Dachun.
Zhao Hui looked at the two of them quietly, finding it both ridiculous and pathetic.
These are his parents!
One of them only wanted to take the money to eat and drink, and the other only cared
about her beloved little son. Didn't they ask where their money came from? Aren't they
afraid that the money was stolen, kidnapped, cheated, or defrauded?
Or do they not care how he got the money as long as he has it?
When he was a child, Zhao Hui once doubted whether he was the son of these two people.
Otherwise, why did other people's parents at least know how to care about their children,
while his parents only criticized him and made him work?
But the older he got, the more he heard people in the village say that he looked like a
member of the Zhao family. His eyebrows and eyes were like his father's, and his nose was
like his mother's. He was the kind of person who could be recognized even if he ran to
the ends of the earth. He was definitely a member of the Zhao family.
No one knows how disappointed and desperate Zhao Hui felt when he heard those words.
He thought, even if he was really abandoned, it was good to be picked up. This way, when
he faced this couple of parents, he would at least feel more balanced and less resentful.
But he is a member of the Zhao family. Why did God make him the son of this couple?
Zhao Laowu and Zhang Dachun saw that Zhao Hui stood there motionless, without saying a
word, and refused to take the money or agree to support his brother's schooling. They all
looked unhappy.
Zhang Dachun was more reserved and just kept persuading him with kind words, while Zhao
Laowu was more direct. He took two steps forward and started searching him.
Of course, he couldn't find anything after searching. He had long known that his parents
were unreliable, so how could Zhao Hui carry money with him?
"You damned child, why don't you give me the money?"
Zhao Laowu didn't find any money and kicked Zhao Hui in anger.
Zhao Hui did not dodge and let him kick him. After being kicked, he still stood there
quietly, looking at the couple quietly.
He wanted to see what else these unreliable parents would do for money.
It was really boring to see Zhao Hui not saying a word even when being beaten. After Zhao
Laowu kicked him a few times and punched him twice, he saw that his face didn't change at
all. He was so angry that he pointed at his nose and cursed him for being a heartless
person, then turned around and went back to the house and ignored him.
As soon as Zhao Laowu left, Zhang Dachun immediately came over, raised his hand and
touched the place on his face where he was hit, and said in a gentle voice: "Look at you,
your father beat you, but you didn't hide. It makes your mother feel so sad."
"Why didn't you stop my dad if you felt bad for him?" Zhao looked back into her eyes,
full of curiosity.
Zhang Dachun was choked by the question, and was afraid to look him in the eye. He
lowered his head and said helplessly, "How can I stop him?"
"If you can't stop it, you won't stop it? What if I get beaten to death?" Zhao Hui asked
"How is that possible?" Zhang Dachun subconsciously raised her head to refute, but
unexpectedly bumped into Zhao Hui's eyes which were quietly looking at her, and the rest
of the words disappeared in her throat.
What kind of eyes are these?
It’s cold and chilly, as if it can see through people’s hearts in an instant.
Zhang Dachun opened his mouth, but somehow he couldn't come up with any words to coax
him. In the end, he just said, "I'll take you to register tomorrow," and left in a hurry.
Zhao Hui looked at her fleeing back, licked the corner of his lips that were broken by
Zhao Laowu, and felt slightly relieved.
Forget it, as long as I can go to school.
As for the rest, what's the point of getting to the bottom of it? There's only one answer
Zhang Dachun kept his word. The next day after dinner, without waiting for Zhao Hui to
ask, he took out his household registration book and asked Zhao Hui to go to the
brigade's school to register.
Zhao Hui carefully watched the teacher write his name, confirming that these were the two
words Shen Yuxiu had taught him. Then he took out fifty cents from his pocket and paid
the tuition.
Even though the tuition and miscellaneous fees were only 50 cents at that time, not every
household could afford it.
Zhang Dachun looked at the fifty cents he handed to the teacher, his eyes flickered, but
he said nothing. When he finished signing up and walked out of the school door, he said
perfunctorily: "You go back first, I'll go to your uncle's house."
Zhao Hui did not doubt what he heard. He responded softly and walked towards home. But
after walking for a while, he felt something was wrong.
Because of his parents' laziness over the years, his aunt didn't like his mother who
always went out to beg for money. So every time his mother went there, she said she was
going to her grandmother's house. This time she suddenly said she wanted to go to her
uncle's house. Why did it seem wrong?
The more Zhao Hui thought about it, the more he felt that something was fishy. He turned
around and saw his mother walking forward while looking at him.
Zhao Hui's heart trembled when he saw this, and subconsciously took advantage of the
moment when Zhang Dachun looked around again and turned back to walk forward, and he
dodged and lay down in the weeds beside the road.
Zhang Dachun looked back again and didn't see Zhao Hui's shadow. He was startled. He
slowed down and looked around for a while, but still didn't see Zhao Hui's shadow. He
thought he had gone somewhere, so he breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and walked
quickly towards the school.
In the bushes, Zhao Hui quietly watched her back as she hurried back to the school. He
immediately guessed something and felt a great blockage in his heart. But in the end, he
suppressed the pain, got up, and hurried back to the school.
"Yes, change it to Zhao Baocai."
As soon as Zhao Hui, who was chasing closely, arrived at the registration office, he
heard Zhang Dachun asking the teacher to change his name.
The teacher in the study was about to pick up his pen when he heard this, but suddenly
saw Zhao Hui who had also returned, and subconsciously stopped writing.
Zhang Dachun noticed that the teacher's expression was not right. She turned her head and
followed his gaze. She froze involuntarily, but she reacted quickly. She quickly put on a
smile and began to explain hurriedly: "Go back, I..."
"I understand. I won't go to school anymore." Zhao Hui interrupted her before she could
give her reason. At the same time, he walked up to the teacher in charge of registration
and said, "Refund my tuition. I won't register anymore."
After Zhao Hui finished speaking, he didn't wait for the teacher to return the money. He
took out fifty cents from the box in front of him, threw it at the teacher, then turned
around and ran out.
Originally, Zhang Dachun felt secretly happy when she heard that he would not go to
school, but Zhao Hui suddenly did this, which confused her. When she came to her senses,
Zhao Hui had already run away.
"Come back, come back, listen to what mother says..." Zhang Dachun hurriedly chased after
However, when she chased him out of the school, she only saw Zhao Hui's shadow
disappearing far away in the fields, and she could not catch up with him even if she
wanted to.

Chapter 62: Retreat

Zhao Hui ran in the fields, crossing one field after another, until the only sound in his
ears was the whistling of the wind and no other sound. He stopped running, bent down,
supported his knees, and gasped for breath.
Perhaps because he had been deceived too many times, Zhao Hui was not too surprised at
what had just happened. He even felt sad and ridiculous for himself because he had been
warm-hearted all night because Zhang Dachun promised to let him go to school.
He thought that no matter what, he still had a place in his mother's heart. But the
result... turned out to be like this.
As he thought about it, Zhao Hui couldn't help but laugh softly. As he laughed, his eyes
involuntarily filled with mist, which gathered into tears. Without warning, they fell
from his eye sockets, hit the dry ground, and quickly seeped into the soil.
As parents, how could they be so biased?
We are both sons, so why do you have to treat him like this?
An unknown amount of time had passed, but Zhao Hui's head ached from thinking about it,
and he still couldn't figure out the reason. In the end, he simply stopped thinking about
it, wiped the tears from his face, raised his eyes to determine the direction, and walked
towards the east with firm strides.
Forget it, since they don't like me so much, I won't care about them anymore.
It’s just going to school, what’s the big deal?
This isn't the only school in the whole commune. Since you can't go to school here, just
go somewhere else.
It's not like he has no way out.
Yes, Zhao Hui still has a way out.
After he had the idea of going to school, he kept an eye out for information about how to
register for school. Although household registration is very strict in various places
now, it is very lenient about school registration. As long as you are from the commune
and spend money to find someone, you can also register for school in other brigades.
The place Zhao Hui wanted to go most was the brigade where the Fang family was.
Not for any other reason, but because there were people there whom he wanted to see every
day, and people who could teach him a skill so that he could be self-sufficient.
At this moment, Zhao Hui was extremely glad that he had not placed too high hopes on his
parents from the beginning. He was even more glad that he had some self-knowledge. He was
afraid that there might be some accidents regarding schooling, so he had already inquired
in advance about how to go to school in other villages. Otherwise, he would be in a blind
spot this time.
But thinking about the fact that the Fang family’s team was going to school was one
thing, Zhao Hui never thought of bothering Fang Youshun again, but went directly to find
the black market boss Wu Laohei.
Since he was young, he had learned a lot from many people, such as that as long as money
can be spent, it is not a big deal. If he asked Fang Youshun for help, the old man would
probably help him, but he was afraid that it would leave a bad impression on people and
make the family think that he was greedy.
What's more, although the boss of the black market looks a bit dark, he is not a bad
person. Therefore, he doesn't want to cause trouble to others if the problem can be
solved with money.
In fact, Wu Laohei was just an ordinary man, but he had more connections and some face
from all sides. Because the past two years had been bad, and he had a blind wife and a
frail daughter, he couldn't escape famine like others, so he teamed up with others to do
this business.
Over the past six months, Zhao Hui had appeared in the black market from time to time. Wu
Laohei naturally knew a little about this child who was not loved by his parents. When he
saw that Zhao Hui had specially taken money to ask him for a favor in order to go to
school, he laughed.
"Okay, since you trust me so much, just wait and see." Wu Laohei smiled and took the
money from his hand which was not enough to do his job, and turned around to find someone
to do the job.
Wu Laohei was very efficient. Within a few days, he not only arranged for his schooling,
but also provided him with a household registration booklet.
"Take the household registration booklet and take it to register when school starts.
Also, you will need this thing for everything in the future, so keep it well. I won't
bother you anymore if you lose it." Wu Laohei said, casually stuffing the thing into his
arms, as if it was just a trivial matter.
"How much does this cost?" Zhao Hui looked at the extra household registration booklet,
feeling a little helpless.
The cost of getting a new hukou should be more than the cost of finding someone to go to
school, right? I wonder if the money he earned this year is enough?
"Forget it, it's not worth the money." Wu Laohei waved his hand casually. Seeing that his
face became a little serious because of what he said, he frowned and thought for a while,
then said, "If you have anything to eat in the future, just remember to give me some as a
"Oh, thank you, thank you, I will definitely do it." Zhao Hui breathed a sigh of relief
when he heard it and agreed readily.
Zhao Hui was not afraid of Wu Laohei asking for things, but he was afraid that he would
ask for something that he could not do.
He had heard that it was easy to repay a loan but difficult to repay a favor.
He just wanted some food, which he couldn't do or make the decision for in the past. But
this year he planted a lot of sweet potatoes in the wasteland by the river. Even if Wu
Laohei wanted them all, he would be willing to give them to him.
Seeing that he was quietly relieved, Wu Laohei waved his hand in amusement and said, "Go
away, do what you need to do, don't be an eyesore here."
"Oh." Zhao Hui agreed obediently and left, but after taking a few steps, he remembered
something, turned back and bowed deeply to him, then turned around and left again.
Wu Laohei couldn't help but chuckle as he watched Zhao Hui hurriedly leave.
This little bastard, although he is small, he does a lot of things.
Just like that, when the new semester started, Zhao Hui, carrying a schoolbag he had sewn
with rags, stood at the gate of the school building that he had seen with Shen Yuxiu
before. He could hardly believe that he was actually going to school.
On the first day of school, before Shen Yuxiu and Shen Yulin reached the school gate with
their schoolbags on their backs, they saw from afar a young boy with a schoolbag on his
back, standing at the school gate and not going in.
She looked at the figure curiously and walked slowly towards him. When she got closer,
she recognized it was Zhao Hui and immediately trotted over to him.
"Hey, what are you doing here?"
The clear and pleasant voice and the smiling face suddenly entered Zhao Hui's sight and
ears. He was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but smile and show his
He scratched his head a little embarrassedly and said, "I, this is my first time to go to
school. I don't know where the first grade is?"
"Ah? Are you coming to our brigade to go to school?" Shen Yulin, who followed, was
surprised when he heard this: "Don't you have a school building in your brigade?"
Zhao Hui felt a little embarrassed when asked this question and didn't know how to answer
so as to appear less disliked by his parents.
Fortunately, Shen Yuxiu was not so curious about the reason why he went to school here.
Seeing that he was hesitating and unable to answer, she directly took his hand and walked
into the school yard.
"Come on, I'll take you to find the class." Shen Yuxiu said as she pulled him along, her
eyes full of excitement.
For her, Zhao Hui's arrival meant she had one more friend. As long as he got along well
with her, she didn't care why he went to school here.
Zhao Hui followed behind her, his eyes involuntarily falling on Shen Yuxiu's little hand
holding his, the corners of his lips couldn't help but curl up, and a warm feeling was
swelling in his chest.

Chapter 63: Jealousy

Shen Yulin was quietly waiting for Zhao Hui's explanation, but he saw the two men just
left him and walked away, as if they didn't see him. He suddenly widened his eyes in
disbelief, and just as he was about to open his mouth to call for help, he was suddenly
patted on the shoulder.
Shen Yulin was frightened and turned around suddenly to see the third son of the team
leader, one of his good friends, coming behind him at some point.
"What are you doing? Do you want to scare me to death out of the blue?" Seeing that it
was his friend, Shen Yulin said unhappily:
The friend was a little embarrassed by what he said, and then he put his arm around his
shoulders in a friendly manner, looked at Zhao Hui who was led away by Shen Yuxiu, and
asked: "What is that kid doing here?"
"Go to school? What else can you do in the study room?" Shen Yulin looked at him as if he
was a fool, pushed him with his shoulder, shook off the paw on his shoulder, and walked
slowly towards the yard.
go to school?
The child who was left behind by Shen Yulin was confused after hearing this.
Zhao Hui is not from their team, so why is he studying here?
But the people who knew the answer had already left, so he could only hurry up and catch
In fact, it is very simple to find a class. The room vacated by the fifth grade
graduation of the previous semester will be the first grade classroom in the new
semester. Generally, from the beginning of school, as long as the student enters this
class and does not repeat a grade, he or she will stay in this room until graduation.
Shen Yuxiu helped Zhao Hui find the first grade room and, based on her experience, found
him a seat in the last row of the classroom. Then, after giving him a few instructions on
things to pay attention to in class, she returned to her own class.
After Shen Yuxiu left, Zhao Hui looked at the little kids in the room who were much
younger than him, feeling both embarrassed and excited.
What made him excited was that he could finally sit in the classroom and go to school.
What made him embarrassed was that most of the first graders were eight or nine years
old, with a few around eleven or twelve years old. He was the only one who was thirteen
years old. Not only was he old, he was also tall. Among this group of short little guys,
he looked like a big fool.
But being older also has its advantages. No child in the class dares to provoke or bully
him. Moreover, because he is older, the teacher specially makes him the class monitor and
gives him the responsibility of helping to manage the children.
Shen Yuxiu, the youngest and shortest child in the fourth grade, still sat in the front
row. Shen Yulin took up the opportunity to use the same book as her and still sat under
the teacher's nose without reservation. The other children slightly changed their seats
because of a few tall repeaters in the previous grade.
What is the first thing to do when the new semester starts? Of course, weeding.
Moreover, this task has to be done by the "big" kids in the upper grades. The "little"
kids in the first grade only need to get familiar with the class, classmates, and
teachers. They are not needed for tasks like weeding and cleaning.
After several years of schooling, Shen Yulin had experience in this. After the teacher
assigned each group the areas to be cleaned, he immediately took out a small shovel from
his schoolbag and told the members of his group to go and shovel the grass. While
shoveling the grass, he told Shen Yuxiu with a little resentment: "Don't pull it out.
Just carry the grass I shovel out later, so that you don't fall down and get a cut on
your hand. I'll get a beating when I get home."
When Shen Yuxiu heard his words, her face couldn't help but darken, but she still
obediently stood aside, waiting for him to shovel the grass and carry her out.
But in fact, it is not Shen Yulin's fault to complain. When the second grade started the
year before last, Shen Yuxiu was young and did not have much strength in her hands. When
she was pulling out a cowgrass, she failed to pull the grass and fell heavily on her
butt. That would have been fine, but coincidentally there was a clod of earth next to
her, and she fell on her butt. It hurt her for two days, and her skin turned blue that
night. Her father found out about it, and he beat her with a broom.
At the beginning of last year's school, she didn't fall down, but when she was pulling
reeds, she accidentally got her hand pricked because the leaves were too sharp. It was
her right hand that was pricked, and several fingers were pricked, which made it
difficult for her to do her homework. My second brother was scolded by my father again.
These two incidents made her second brother very angry and he ignored her for several
days. It was only after she humbled herself and tried to please him for several days that
he stopped being angry.
Thinking about the results of her hard work over the past two years, Shen Yuxiu suddenly
felt that it was not easy for her second brother either. In addition, her second brother
always protected her at school, so naturally, she became more obedient to him.
Zhao Hui, who had five minutes in class and ten minutes off, saw Shen Yuxiu holding the
grass newspaper so tightly that she was about to bury her face in it during the break, so
he quickly ran over and snatched the grass from her hand.
"Let me do it. Where should we take this grass?" Zhao Hui grabbed the grass and asked
The grass in her arms was suddenly snatched away by someone. Shen Yuxiu was stunned for a
moment, then looked up and saw that it was Zhao Hui, and immediately smiled.
"There is a place outside the yard for storing grass. I'll go with you." Shen Yuxiu said
as she took him outside the yard.
In this way, under her guidance, Zhao Hui put the grass in a place outside the yard where
garbage and weeds were placed. After coming back, he quickly helped Shen Yulin to pull
out the weeds. When the pulled grass was piled into a small pile, he immediately rushed
to carry it out of the yard before Shen Yuxiu.
But he was in the first grade after all, and he would go to class soon. Before leaving,
he told Shen Yuxiu: "Put the grass you picked there, and I will pick it up after class."
"Well, you should go to class quickly." Shen Yuxiu waved her hand perfunctorily, telling
him to go to class quickly.
But although she agreed, Shen Yuxiu couldn't really just pile up the grass and wait for
Zhao to come back and hug her. She wasn't without hands or feet, so how could she just
sit there and do nothing and wait for someone to help her?
Wouldn't that make it waste?
So when Zhao Hui came over after class again, he felt a little disappointed when he
didn't see any grass on the ground waiting for him to pick, but then he continued to help
Shen Yulin pull out the weeds without saying a word.
With Zhao Hui's occasional help and Shen Yulin's sharp weapon, a shovel, their group's
assigned area was cleaned up quickly. Then the few people who had nothing to do started
laughing and playing in the yard.
The weather is still very hot. Although Shen Yuxiu didn't do much work, she was sweating
a lot. She had finished her work and didn't want to play with the children like Shen
Yulin did, so she went back to the classroom, sat in her seat, took out a notebook and
fanned herself to cool down.
Shen Yuling, who was pulling weeds on the other side, saw Shen Yuxiu, who had not done
any work, go back to the house to rest. She couldn't help but look jealous and hold her
breath. She grabbed the weeds on the ground, pulled them up and threw them to the ground.
As a girl, Shen Yuxiu has such a good life. Not only does she have her brother and a
beggar to help her pull weeds, but she can also go back to the house early to rest and
cool off.
And the same goes for this crappy school. She is here to study, not to work, so why is
she pulling weeds?

Chapter 64 Killing Three Birds with One Stone

But no matter how much she complained, this was something she could never get no matter
how much she envied it.
Shen Yuling looked at the team members who were laughing and playing for ten minutes just
by pulling out a piece of grass. She endured it and said weakly, "I feel a little
uncomfortable. You guys pull it first. I'll rest for a while before coming back."
The laughing children were stunned when they heard this. Although they were a little
dissatisfied, they said nothing.
It’s not that they listen to Shen Yuling, but Shen Yuling relies on her good grades in
the class and has some face in front of the teacher. If anyone doesn’t listen to her,
Shen Yuling will turn around and tell the teacher, and then they will be punished by the
teacher to stand and be scolded.
Now that it has come to this, who dares to refute her?
After Shen Yulin finished speaking, she pretended to be weak and stood up. She didn't
care what the children thought, dropped the grass in her hand and went back to the
Whoever wants to pull out the grass can do so, but she won’t pull it out anyway.
As for when these children would finish pulling out the weeds or whether they would
complain, she didn't care at all.
Anyway, if she complained that she was not feeling well, the teacher couldn't do anything
to her.
When the members of Shen Yulin's group saw that she had really left like that, they
pursed their lips, huddled together, and whispered to each other.
"Why is she like this? Every time she has to work, she finds an excuse not to do it."
"Who said it wasn't true? We don't owe her anything. She just orders people around every
"What can we do? She has good grades, and the teachers are on her side, not on our side."
Shen Yulin, who had already left, had no idea what they were whispering behind her back.
Even if she knew, she would only sneer.
Shen Yuxiu is the youngest child in the class, and almost all the children in the class
give in to her. However, as the youngest child in the class, these older children in the
class have no heart to care for the weak. They always complain that she is too young and
never take her with them when doing anything. What the hell!
However, Shen Yuling didn't know that Shen Yuxiu's good popularity in the class was
earned by Shen Yuxiu patiently teaching every child when they asked questions.
Shen Yuling is unpopular because when she is in a good mood and wants to maintain a good
image, she is nice to everyone and can answer questions in a friendly manner. But when
she is in a bad mood, she will just shirk responsibility and ignore everyone.
As time went by, the children thought she was capricious, and whenever someone did not do
what she wanted, she would tell the teacher about someone not doing their homework or
cleaning up. When the children who were called by the teacher to be reprimanded came back
and asked her why she told the teacher about it, she would say with a wronged look that
it was for the good of others, and she would even use this excuse to apologize directly
to the adults, saying that she was meddling in other people's business and would not do
it again.
As a result, the child was not only scolded by the teacher at school, but also scolded
again by adults when she returned home. As this happened more and more often, the
children naturally liked her less and were less willing to get close to her.
Of course, Shen Yuling did this on purpose.
Although her body is that of a child, her soul is not, and she herself is not a person
who likes children very much. Faced with such a group of little kids, she certainly does
not have the patience to teach them this and that every day. But she does not want to
offend anyone too much, so she had to come up with this solution.
In this way, she is not only a child with good grades in school, but also in the eyes of
adults she is a good child who is sensible and can urge her children to study hard. At
the same time, the children are not very willing to ask her questions. It is simply
killing three birds with one stone.
Therefore, although she is not so popular among children now, she is very good in the
eyes of adults.
What she wants is the image she will have in the eyes of adults or villagers. As for what
the children think, who cares!
After all, she will get married after graduating from high school at most, and the people
who act as matchmakers are all adults, which has nothing to do with these children.
What's more, even if she wanted to make friends, she would only want to make friends with
those who would be able to hold an official position in the county or city in the future.
But now those people were either several years older than her and already attending
middle school in the county, or they were not born yet, or were infants who were only a
few months or a few years old. It was unrealistic for her to have dealings with them.
The children in her class now will all be ordinary people working in the fields for a
living in the future. Only a few of them will do business, and none of them will make a
name for themselves.
Since these people will all be ordinary people in the future and will neither bring her
any benefits nor help her, she naturally doesn't want to get along with these useless
children, let alone take them seriously.
Just like that, Shen Yulin never went out to pull weeds after returning to the classroom.
She stayed there leisurely until school was over in the afternoon. Apart from attending
classes, she basically did no other work.
It was not until she walked out of the schoolyard after school that she suddenly saw Shen
Yuxiu and others walking in front of her, and her mood became bad again.
It wasn't anything else, but the fact that the beggar now had two schoolbags hanging on
his body, one was his own, and the other was obviously Shen Yuxiu's.
Shen Yulin and the beggar were walking on the left and right of Shen Yuxiu, just like two
bodyguards. Shen Yuxiu, who was walking in the middle, had nothing on her body, just like
an innocent young lady, smiling like a flower while talking to the two of them.
Inexplicably, Shen Yuling felt that this scene was very dazzling.
Since God allowed her to be reborn, why couldn't he have let her and Shen Yuxiu switch
wombs and be reborn a few years earlier?
If she were reincarnated as Shen Yuxiu, or was directly reborn into Shen Yuxiu's body,
wouldn't she just need to grow up peacefully under the care of Shen Yulin and wait to
marry that man? Why would she need to go to such great lengths to be on guard against
anything like she does now?
No, let Shen Yuxiu decide it in advance.
Shen Yulin quietly looked at Shen Yuxiu, who was walking home happily like a rabbit in
the sunset, and then looked at Zhao Hui, who was walking on the left side of Shen Yuxiu
and glancing at her with doting eyes from time to time. Gradually, an idea came into her
Judging from the clothes this beggar is wearing, his family should not be well off,
right? If I tell him that there is a good place to go, where he can live better than he
does now, and even have no worries about food and drink, he would be more than happy to
do so, right?
Thinking of this, Shen Yulin's eyes turned and she soon came up with an idea.
However, after being exposed and counterattacked by Shen Yulin twice, she no longer dared
to underestimate Shen Yulin, who was still a child.
This time she absolutely could not do it openly, let alone expose herself in front of
others. As for how to be absolutely sure, she had to think carefully about it.
Shen Yulin looked at the people in front of her, her eyes flickering constantly, but they
were completely unaware of this.
Especially Zhao Hui, he would never have thought that he would be targeted after just one
day of school.
So, when Zhao Hui finished his homework at Fang's house one night and walked home in the
dark, he was almost scared to death by a voice that suddenly sounded behind him.
"Do you like Kosode? Do you want her to be your wife?"

Chapter 65: Playing tricks

The voice had a kind of hoarseness that was deliberately suppressed. Although it sounded
like an adult, it also had a bit of a strange childish voice. Even though Zhao Hui was
already accustomed to walking at night, he was suddenly frightened and shivered all over
when he heard this strange voice.
Zhao Hui suddenly stopped and turned back slowly with his whole body tense. However,
apart from the buzzing of mosquitoes and the chirping of crickets in his ears, all he
could see were the crops and weeds swaying in the darkness.
In front of him, behind him, and in all directions, he didn't see any people, not even a
Zhao Hui stood there quietly, his breathing gradually becoming heavier. He wanted to wait
for the sound to appear again. However, after one second, two seconds, and a long time,
the sound never sounded again, and there was no movement around him.
This made Zhao Hui doubt whether he was hallucinating.
Yes, he must have heard it wrong. There is clearly nothing here.
Zhao Hui took a deep breath, patted his chest which had been beating fast from fear,
lifted his foot, turned around, and continued walking forward.
Shen Yuling was squatting in the bean field, waiting for him to ask her, but she didn't
expect that after waiting for a long time, no one responded. She immediately poked her
head out and looked outside. She saw Zhao Huiying's shadowy figure still walking forward.
She couldn't help but quickly repeat what she had just said.
"Do you like Kosode? Do you want her to be your wife?"
Shen Yuling asked this time quickly and urgently, forgetting even to lower her voice to
cover her original tone. When the crisp voice came out, she scared herself and quickly
shrank her head, squatted on the ground and covered her mouth.
God, what did she just do?
Fortunately, it was already dark now, and the bean stalks around her were half a person's
height, enough to completely cover her small figure, otherwise she would have wanted to
run away.
The sudden sound made Zhao Hui's scalp numb. He stopped again abruptly and looked around
He was very sure that he had not heard it wrong this time, and that what he had just
heard was not hallucination.
But why do the exact same words sound like two completely different things?
In the dark night, Zhao Hui tried hard to identify what was different about the fields he
had walked through countless times, and spoke as calmly as possible.
"Who are you? What do you want to do?"
"I am the Wong Tai Sin in your family. Seeing that you have suffered for many years, I
feel pity for you, so I come to show you a bright future and find you a wife so that you
will never have to worry about food and drink and live a good life." Shen Yulin lowered
her voice and slowly spoke the lies she had made up.
There were no televisions or mobile phones at that time, and the children in the village
had little knowledge. The legendary creature Wong Tai Sin now has a very important status
in people's hearts and is very revered.
Thinking back to the time when she was a child, she had fantasized about Wong Tai Sin
coming home to give her a martial arts secret book so that she could go to heaven and
earth. She thought that if she made up a lie like Wong Tai Sin to fool Zhao Hui, she
would definitely be able to do it.
Wong Tai Sin?
When Zhao Hui heard these three words, his tense nerves quickly relaxed.
He had been wandering around the fields and wastelands of various villages since he was a
child, and this kind of creature was not uncommon. In addition, feudal superstitions were
being eliminated everywhere in recent years. When he was extremely hungry, he caught a
few weasels to eat, and he no longer had any fear of this creature.
He thought that if there really was a Wong Tai Sin in the world, he would come here to
seek revenge on him instead of finding him a wife and letting him live a good life.
After Shen Yulin finished speaking, she waited quietly for his response, waiting for him
to ask her how she could marry Shen Yuxiu and how she could have enough food and drink.
However, she waited for a long time but still did not hear the response she wanted. She
could not help but quietly pop her head out of the bean field again and looked towards
where Zhao Hui had just been. She saw him standing there like a wooden stake, motionless
and not saying a word.
Is this person a fool? Why doesn't he even give a response?
Shen Yuling frowned, carefully retracted her head, thought for a moment, and said
mysteriously in a low voice: "Opportunities are rare, and they will never come back.
Since you have been silent, I will assume that you don't want to live a good life. Even
if you regret it in the future, I will not help you again."
Since he had doubts in his heart, Zhao Hui had been waiting for that sound to appear
again. Therefore, when he heard the slight sound of leaves rubbing against each other in
the fields, and then the sound came from there, he immediately looked over and locked the
Although it was so dark tonight that he couldn't see what was there, he was sure that
there was definitely something there, or someone.
"Since you are helping me, why not give me some money, or some food. Otherwise, I can't
even eat enough now, and I'm afraid I won't be able to support a wife." Zhao Hui spoke
slowly as he silently approached the direction where the sound came from.
Shen Yuling, who was squatting on the ground, choked when she heard this. She couldn't
help but roll her eyes in annoyance, took a deep breath and continued to make up stories.
"You are wrong. After you get married, you will naturally have everything, including
money and food. If you don't marry, even if I give these things to you, you can't keep
them..." Shen Yulin was making up the words she had prepared long ago, but suddenly she
heard a rustling sound approaching, and then she saw the bean stalks in front of her
suddenly moved. The sound was stuck in her throat.
Oh shit, what is this?
Shen Yuling was so frightened that her heart was pounding. She stared straight ahead with
rapid breathing, trying to see what was there, but it was pitch black in front of her and
she could not see anything.
Zhao Hui walked slowly towards the sound, and when he heard the sound suddenly disappear,
he immediately stopped moving forward.
But one second, two seconds, half a minute passed, and the sound still did not appear. He
could only roughly estimate the location and pounce.
Shen Yuling was so frightened that she didn't dare to move. Suddenly, she saw a dark
shadow rushing towards her head. She screamed in fear and ran away.
“Ah…, ghost…”
Zhao Hui originally thought that he would definitely be able to catch the person if he
pounced like this, but he miscalculated and pounced a little off. When Shen Yuling jumped
up and ran away, he only had time to grab her ankle, and she still escaped.
Zhao Hui quickly stood up after failing to catch the person, but he only heard the voice
getting farther and farther away. It was already difficult to chase after it.
But even so, Zhao Hui was certain of one thing.
That is, this is not Wong Tai Sin at all, but a person. Not only a person, but also a
young child.
Unfortunately, it was dark at night and he couldn't see what the child looked like.
Otherwise, he would have taught this child a lesson no matter what.
You deserve it for daring to act like a ghost and scare him!
But who is this?
Why did he ask Xiaoxiu to be his wife?
Also, this kid knows both him and Kosode, so he should be from Kosode village, right?
No, he has to find out tomorrow who Xiaoxiu offended. This time it was him. What if that
person finds another second-rate guy and Xiaoxiu is caught off guard and suffers a loss?

Chapter 66 Investigation
Zhao Hui frowned and walked out of the bean field. As he walked home, he kept thinking
about who that man was and what he wanted to do.
On the other side, Shen Yuling was so frightened that she ran in front with her soul
floating behind.
She kept screaming as she ran, until she tripped over something and fell face first into
the mud. Her scream of fear suddenly turned into a scream and disappeared into the dark
Shen Yuling fell very hard, and the weather was still very hot, and she was wearing thin
clothes. After falling down, she felt as if all the bones in her body were broken into
pieces, and then a bloody smell spread from her mouth.
Shen Yuling lay on the ground, gasping in pain. It took a long time for her to get up
tremblingly, and she spat out a mouthful of blood.
She didn't know what state she was in after the fall. She just felt severe pain all over
her body, face and mouth. Most importantly, she ran in such a panic that she couldn't
tell the directions at all.
Now she finally realized that the dark ghost figure just now should be the beggar.
That person is also sick. If he has something to say, he should just say it. Why did he
keep silent and suddenly do this? Was he really trying to scare her to death or
Shen Yulin kept cursing Zhao Hui in her heart. She got up and looked around, but found
that she couldn't tell which area she was in. She could only lie on her back on the
ground again.
Forget it, let’s go home tomorrow.
It's pitch black here. If I take the wrong road, I won't be able to get home for a while,
which would be very painful.
You know, in those days of food and drink shortage, no one cared about children. If she
got lost and went far away, no one would be willing to take her in, especially since she
was a worthless girl.
In this way, Shen Yuling fell asleep in the wilderness in a daze, and woke up
uncomfortably in the wet dew in the morning.
Wiping her hair that had been wet by dew at some point, Shen Yuling stood up, identified
where she was, and strode towards the southwest.
As the sun was rising, Shen Yumei had just scooped water into the pot when she suddenly
saw Shen Yuling coming back with a bruised face and nose. She was so frightened that her
hands trembled and the scoop almost fell to the ground.
"Where did you come from? How did you become like this?" Shen Yumei hurried forward in
"What do you care?" Shen Yuling felt so much pain all over her body and was completely
impatient with the elder sister's questioning. She avoided her touch and went straight to
lie on the kang in the house.
Her eldest sister always loves to worry about things. When she wanted to divorce the
honest man she had to marry, her eldest sister joined forces with her parents, sisters
and brothers to put pressure on her, and refused to let her divorce and live a good life
no matter what.
If it weren't for her eldest sister's meddling and suppressing her too much, she wouldn't
have developed a rebellious mentality at that time. Not only did she divorce, she also
ignored the child she had with the honest man, which led to the child turning against
her. When she got old, she refused to acknowledge him as her biological mother.
Shen Yumei was so angry that she wanted to ignore Shen Yuling, but when she saw the
bruises all over her body and face, she couldn't bear it. Finally, she gritted her teeth
and went back to find someone to inform Shen Yuling's parents who had been out looking
for her all night.
Because Shen Yuling didn't come back yesterday, her family was scared, especially her
mother. Regardless of the fact that she was seven months pregnant, she still insisted on
going out with her father to look for someone. But this girl who disappeared for a whole
night came back without any guilt, and she even had such an attitude, which was really
After receiving the news that Shen Yuling had returned, Fourth Aunt Shen immediately ran
home. When she came back and saw Shen Yuling lying on the kang, she kept screaming in
"What's wrong with you? How did you do it?" Fourth Aunt Shen asked her anxiously what was
going on, and shouted to Fourth Shen who was following next to her: "Go to the doctor
quickly, I don't know how badly your daughter is injured. ?"
When Shen Laosi, who had just come in, heard this, he didn't care to see how Shen Yuling
was doing, and he hurriedly agreed to go find the doctor.
As soon as Fourth Shen left, Fourth Aunt Shen turned around and continued to ask Shen
Yuling: "Who bullied you? Tell me, mother will avenge you."
"No one bullied me. I just stepped in the air and fell into a ditch when I came back last
night and fainted. I just woke up this morning." Shen Yuling didn't dare to say what he
was doing, so he made up a random excuse to get rid of it, and then Shen Si If my aunt
asked anything, she would just pretend to have a headache and hum, saying nothing.
This made Fourth Aunt Shen extremely anxious. It wasn't until the doctor arrived and
confirmed that she had really been thrown and that there was nothing serious that he
breathed a sigh of relief and let her lie quietly at home to recuperate.
It was also because Shen Yuling was left at home to recuperate, and by chance she escaped
Zhao Hui's one-week inspection starting from the next day.
Zhao thought about it all night, and always felt that this person should be in school.
After all, he had basically had no contact with anyone other than the Fang family and the
Shen family for more than a year. There might be people in the village who knew him, but
people who had seen him really Not many, and of those who had met him, he never
remembered a child with a voice like that.
So, when Zhao went back to school the next day, he deliberately approached the children
after class and listened attentively to some of the children's voices.
He didn't know whether the child who played tricks last night was a boy or a girl. After
all, the child was not tall. If he was not as old as him, it was possible that his voice
had not yet changed. At that age, some boys would speak as clearly as girls. He could
only move closer to the children of similar height and listen.
But unfortunately, until the completion of this week, he did not hear the same sound as
that night.
Doesn't the child go to school?
Zhao Hui's tangled brows were wrinkled into pimples.
If the child is not in school, it will be difficult to find him.
You have to know that this large team is divided into more than ten teams, and there are
dozens or even hundreds of children. Moreover, he is not sure whether the child is a boy
or a girl. It is simply unrealistic for him to find one among so many children.
This week, Shen Yulin saw Zhao Hui approaching some children and then leaving more than
once, and he thought his behavior was very strange.
He wants to play with others, but is embarrassed?
Thinking of this, Shen Yulin generously extended an olive branch of friendship to him
when school was over that evening.
"If there's no one to play with you, you can come find me. I have a lot of friends and I
can introduce them to you."
Zhao Hui was stunned when he heard this, and then realized that Shen Yulin might have
misunderstood something, but he still smiled and nodded.
"Okay, thank you."
In fact, Zhao Hui had originally thought about whether or not to tell Shen Yulin about
this matter, but when he thought about how this guy suddenly and inexplicably didn't
allow him to get close to Shen Yuxiu for a period of time last year, he subconsciously
concealed the matter.
Although Shen Yulin did not tell him the reason for not letting him get close to Shen
Yuxiu at that time, he still heard some of it later. He was afraid that if he told Shen
Yulin about this, this man would not let him get close to Shen Yuxiu again.
Chapter 67 Five Years
In this way, under Zhao Hui's deliberate concealment, Shen Yulin had no idea that someone
had tried to plot against his sister.
Although Zhao Hui didn't say anything, he never gave up looking for that person. Whenever
he passed by a child shorter than himself, he would listen carefully to the child's
voice, hoping to find that person by this needle-in-a-haystack method.
A week later, when Shen Yulin returned to the school with her face not so swollen
anymore, she saw Zhao Hui, who turned back to look at every child he passed by with an
inquiring look.
Perhaps because she felt guilty, when Shen Yulin saw Zhao Hui's expression, she
subconsciously hid by the wall at the entrance of the school building. She did not run
into the fifth grade classroom until Zhao Hui entered the first grade classroom.
For some reason, she felt that Zhao Hui was looking for her.
What the hell, how did he know I was a student here?
Running into the classroom, Shen Yulin covered her chest which was pounding with fear.
For some reason she felt that Zhao Hui was more difficult to deal with than Shen Yulin.
Otherwise, how could a thirteen or fourteen-year-old be so calm when meeting Wong Tai
Sin? Not only did he not act according to her expectations, he also scared her so much
that she fell and was unable to go to school for a week.
Shen Yulin just felt a headache and lay on the desk, feeling a little depressed.
What kind of people are around Shen Yuxiu? Why are they all smarter than monkeys?
Otherwise, she should just be honest.
Zhao Hui alone made her terrified. If Shen Yulin knew about this, she would be in trouble
Just like that, Shen Yuling suppressed her desire to make Shen Yuxiu settle down early.
Whether going to school or coming home from school, she deliberately stayed away from
Zhao Hui and Shen Yuxiu. Especially when Zhao Hui was around, she didn't even dare to say
a word, for fear that he would recognize her voice.
Fortunately, she is now in the fifth grade and will leave the village to attend middle
school in the next school year, otherwise, she doesn’t know how she would survive.
After a week, two weeks, a month, and two months, after still failing to find the person
who played tricks that night, Zhao Hui gradually let go of the matter.
However, he did not dare to be too reassured. He always sent Shen Yuxiu home after
school, and did his homework at Fang's house until dark. Then he came back early the next
morning and went to school with Shen Yuxiu and her siblings.
While doing all this, Zhao Hui was also very busy.
From Monday to Saturday, while he was learning what the teacher taught in the study room,
he was also trying to learn the later knowledge in advance. When he encountered problems
he didn't know how to solve, he would ask the teacher in the study room and ask Shen
Yuxiu at the Fang family.
On Sundays, when Shen Yulin and Shen Yuxiu were at home looking after their younger
siblings or playing around, he would run to the reed marsh where he planted sweet
potatoes, reviewing the knowledge in his textbooks while weeding the sweet potatoes.
Just like that, two months later, he not only brought all the sweet potatoes from the
bumper harvest to the Fang family, but also completed all the contents of the first
volume of the first grade by himself.
But that was not all. After self-studying the contents of the first volume, Zhao Hui
borrowed the second volume from Shen Yuxiu and continued to study at full speed. At the
same time, he did not forget to look for cottonwood branches everywhere on Sundays, and
then cut them and carried them to Fang's house, so that he could weave baskets and sell
them during the winter and summer vacations.
He studies very hard and lives very hard.
How hard do you work? You work so hard that as long as you are awake, you are either
studying or working, without stopping for a moment.
Just like that, when school started in the spring of the following year, Zhao Hui skipped
a grade and became a second-grade student, and the cycle continued.
He was like a wound-up spring, not daring to stop working or studying for a moment. In
just five years, he caught up with Shen Yulin and Shen Yuxiu from the first grade,
entered middle school with them, and then was admitted to high school.
In five years, Zhao Hui has grown into an eighteen-year-old young man, with a lean and
strong figure and neat and short hair. When he is not smiling, his eyes and brows will
unconsciously become serious, making people afraid to approach him.
At this moment, he was looking outside the house with a serious expression, and he saw
that there seemed to be a hole in the sky, and the rain was pouring down to the ground.
The rain curtain under the eaves was like a rapidly flowing waterfall, completely
blocking his view outside. At such a short distance, he couldn't even see the scene in
the yard.
Zhao Hui looked at the heavy rain outside with an expressionless face. Listening to the
deafening sound like thousands of horses galloping, he couldn't help feeling a little
With such heavy rain, the sweet potatoes in his reed marsh should be okay, right?
But then, Zhao Hui had no time to think about those things, because he heard a loud bang
coming from the next room, followed by his parents' frightened screams.
“Ah, ah…”
Zhao Hui suddenly turned his head to glance at the next room, not caring that he didn't
even have a straw raincoat, and rushed to the next room in the rain. He saw that a large
area of the roof of his parents' house was exposed, and the rain was pouring into the
house from there. There was a fallen beam and wet thatch on the ground, and his parents
were standing on the kang, leaning against the wall, looking at the fallen beam with fear
on their faces, their faces pale.
"Come out quickly, this room is in trouble." Zhao Hui frowned and called Zhao Laowu and
Zhang Dachun.
Even though this couple didn't care much about him over the years, they are still his
parents. It's obvious that the house can't hold on any longer, so why aren't they just
coming out quickly?
Zhao Hui's voice was so loud that it immediately brought the couple back to their senses.
They quickly got off the kang, trembling.
Zhao Laowu was so frightened that he didn't even bother to put on his shoes. He jumped
off the kang and ran out. Although Zhang Dachun was also very frightened, he still had
time to put on his straw raincoat and get the oilcloth.
However, after she put on the raincoat, she hurriedly stuffed the oilcloth into Zhao
Hui's arms and ran out while shouting at him: "Hurry up and cover the food, don't let it
get wet in the rain."
As soon as she finished speaking, she ran out.
Zhao Hui glanced at the oilcloth in his hand, then looked at the bags of grain that had
fallen on the corner of the beam, and couldn't help but find it funny.
His mother is also interesting. In the past, no matter how hungry he was, she was
reluctant to give him a grain of food, and would not let him get close to the sacks of
food. Now that the house is about to collapse, she is willing to let him get close to the
food. Isn't she afraid that the house will collapse and crush him underneath?
But he was speechless. Having been hungry before, he couldn't bear to watch the food
being ruined by the heavy rain, so he quickly spread out the oilcloth at the door, ran to
the corner as fast as he could to cover the food, and then turned around and rushed out
of the house.
However, just as he ran out of the house, he heard a muffled sound suddenly coming from
the next room, followed by the figures of her parents and younger brother rushing out.
"Oh my God, are you going to let me live?" Zhang Dachun ran out of the house and started
crying. His shrill cry sounded like someone was about to die.
"Why are you howling? Go to eldest brother's house first to take shelter. You won't get
wet to death." Zhao Laowu said impatiently, and rushed into the rainstorm barefoot.
Zhang Dachun was choked by the yelling and his crying stopped abruptly. Then he sobbed,
wiped his face, pulled his youngest son and ran away without even saying hello to Zhao
In an instant, Zhao Hui was the only one left in the yard. Although he had long been
accustomed to being ignored, he still couldn't help feeling a little chilled when he saw
his parents running away without even saying hello to him.

Chapter 68 Collapse
Zhao Hui closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then silently walked to his and his
brother's room and took a look. Seeing that a part of the wall in the northwest corner
had collapsed, he frowned, turned back to the next room and moved a table to the place
next to the two rooms. He stepped on the table, took out an iron box from under the
eaves, put it in his arms, and then rushed into the heavy rain.
This house is indeed uninhabitable. It will have to be repaired when the weather gets
better, and he will have to find another place to store his money.
The sky looked like someone had poked a big hole in it, and rain poured down from the sky
like it was free.
Zhao Hui had only taken a few steps when the heavy rain obscured his figure.
Shen Yuxiu is now a fifteen-year-old girl, with two short pigtails hanging on her
shoulders and clear bangs on her forehead lightly covering her curved eyebrows. Her big
eyes, with distinct black and white, are looking in amazement at the rain outside the
window, which gathers into streams on the glass, separating the inside and outside of the
house into two worlds.
Shen Yuxiu had never seen such heavy rain since she could remember, especially in the
past few years when the rainfall was not abundant and the crops could barely grow. Such
heavy rain was almost something she had never heard of or seen before.
She felt that the torrential rain described in the books was not even one-tenth as severe
as this rain.
Just as Shen Yuxiu was looking at the glass window and thinking about something, the door
was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and then her parents and brothers and sisters
appeared at the door.
Fang Youshun, who was sitting on the bench weaving baskets, saw Shen Jinggui coming in
with Fang Yan holding a heavy belly. He quickly put down the things in his hands and got
up to find a face cloth for them. Grandma Fang, who was doing needlework on the kang, was
also so frightened that she hurriedly called to Shen Yuwen, who was holding Shen Yusui,
and carried the soaked child to the kang.
"It's raining so hard, why are you coming here with a big belly? Aren't you afraid of
falling?" Grandma Fang knelt on the kang and neatly picked off Shen Yusui's soaked
clothes, while turning back to her daughter angrily.
When Shen Yuxiu saw Grandma Fang's actions, she quickly turned around and went to the
cabinet at the foot of the kang to find clothes for Shen Yusui and Shen Yujun without
anyone's instructions.
Because when their parents were working, Shen Yusui and Shen Yujun would be watched by
Grandma Fang here, so there was always a change of clothes for them here.
"The house is leaking, and it's making a lot of noise. The child's father was afraid that
the house would collapse and hit someone, so he came here." Fang Yan, with her big belly,
wiped the rain off her body while telling her grandmother Fang about the situation at
home. Because she ran here in such a hurry, her breath was particularly heavy when she
It was raining so hard and she was a double. She would never take the risk unless she had
no other choice.
Grandma Fang cried out in shock and said quickly, "That's for sure."
As Grandma Fang spoke, she used her body to wipe Shen Yusui clean, and quickly took the
clothes that Shen Yuxiu had just found and put them on Shen Yusui. At the same time, she
instructed Shen Yuxiu: "Find some of my clothes for your mother and your sister to change
into, so they don't catch a cold."
"Hey." Shen Yuxiu agreed crisply, turned around and continued to look for Grandma Fang's
clothes. After finding two sets of clothes and throwing them on the edge of the kang, she
continued to look for Fang Youshun's clothes to change for her father and brother.
Fang Yan and Shen Yuzhen took their clothes to the inner room and had just changed into
clothes. Before they could say anything, the door was suddenly pushed open again and Shen
Yulin came running with the captain and his family of the eighth team.
"Ah, why did you come here in the rain? What's the matter?" Shen Jinggui asked similar to
what Grandma Fang just said.
"The house at home has collapsed. I can't help but come!" After the team leader told his
good brother, he wiped the water from his face and said to Fang Youshun, "Uncle, I really
have no choice but to cause trouble to you."
The roof suddenly became visible. He was startled and ran out with his whole family. As
soon as he ran out, the roof of the house fell off, which frightened him to death.
Originally, he wanted to take shelter from the rain at his good brother Shen Jinggui's
house, but when he arrived there, he found that there was no one at home. It was also
raining heavily outside and lightly raining inside, so he brought his whole family here.
"Hey, what's the matter? Come on, wipe your heads quickly." Fang Youshun waved his hands
after hearing this, calling for everyone to wipe their bodies quickly.
But the squad leader's family were all wet, and the Fang family couldn't find so many
clothes for them to change, so they asked Shen Jinggui's family to get on the kang, while
the squad leader's family found benches and cattail mats and sat down on the spot. .
"Ah, I was playing with the wood, and the thatch fell down with a splat. If I hadn't
dodged quickly, it would have hit me on the head." After Shen Yulin went to the back room
to change his clothes, he told Grandma Fang with a scared look on his face. I told my
family about the situation when the house collapsed.
Now he is seventeen years old, and his voice has just passed the period of voice change.
When he speaks, it sounds like a duck is quacking, but this does not affect the scene he
describes at all, and Shen Yuxiu and everyone in the room can't hear it. Stop pumping
Oops, it's a good thing that he can dodge quickly and the person can run fast. If he
didn't dodge, the injury would be minor. If he was hit, it wouldn't be a joke.
"No, I have to go to the old hospital to have a look."
After hearing his son's description, Shen Jinggui felt a little worried about his parents
who were in Shen's old home. He went to the back room to change his soaked clothes,
opened the door and rushed into the heavy rain again.
At the same time, another family whose house collapsed brought their whole family to take
shelter from the rain. The three rooms of Fang Youshun's house were immediately filled
with villagers from each family.
When Zhao Hui finally arrived at Fang's house through the rain and water, he opened the
door and saw people jostling each other.
"Your house collapsed too?" Shen Yulin straightened up and asked as soon as he saw him
"Ah?" Zhao Hui was a little surprised when he asked this, but he still nodded
subconsciously: "Yes, it collapsed."
As soon as Zhao Hui finished speaking, there were sighs and discussions in the room.
"Really, what on earth is God trying to do?"
"Who says it's not? This is like poking a hole in the sky, and there's no telling when it
will stop."
Listening to the sighs coming from the room, Zhao Hui understood something. Just as he
was listening to these people talking, he heard Shen Yuxiu's clear voice.
"There's a face cloth over there," Shen Yuxiu sat on the kang cabinet, pointed to where
the face cloth was placed across the crowd, and said to him, "Hurry up and wipe your
head, don't catch a cold."
"Hey." Zhao Hui agreed and looked where she pointed. He saw two wet but washed face
cloths hanging there. He walked over, picked them up and started wiping his face and
After he finished wiping his head and face, he realized that the room was so crowded with
people that there was no place to stand. He looked around and didn't go over there. He
just stood there quietly against the wall, looking at the kang.
There, except for Shen Yuxiu who was sitting on the kang cabinet in a unique way, Fang
Youshun and his wife, Fang Yan, and several Shen brothers and sisters were all sitting on
the kang. Sitting or standing on the edge of the kang and on the floor in the house were
all men, women, old and young from the village.
Shen Yuxiu was sitting on the kang cabinet with her legs hanging neatly without moving.
Seeing him looking at her across the crowd, she subconsciously smiled at him, then her
eyes fell on the people talking in the room again, listening carefully to their
For some reason, Zhao Hui's heart suddenly skipped a beat. He felt that she was so
beautiful at that moment.
The curved eyebrows, the smooth and delicate little face, and the way she listened
attentively were all very beautiful.

Chapter 69 Heavy Rain

The rain lasted for more than five hours. After the rain finally subsided, the village
was immediately filled with sighs and cries. The brigade cadres and team cadres wore
straw raincoats and went from house to house to check on the situation. They were so busy
that they had no time to rest.
It was not because of anything else, but because most of people's houses at that time had
thatched roofs. After such a heavy rain that lasted for five hours, few houses in the
village could withstand the destruction. Every household's house was seriously damaged.
After the rain, the accumulated water spread to the streets, fields and crops, and there
were ditches and trenches everywhere.
The villagers looked at their destroyed houses and the crops in the fields that had just
begun to bear ears of grain but were submerged in the vast ocean. They were so sad that
they could not even shed tears.
If the house is destroyed, they can just put some effort into repairing it, but if the
crops are drowned, what will they eat next season?
Who could have thought that after several years of drought, on July 7 this year, which
should have been a good day for the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl to meet, God would give
them such a disaster?
This is not as good as the drought in previous years. During droughts, at least a few
crops could grow in the fields. But after this rain, the crops were soaked in water. How
can they produce any food?
The villagers felt as sad as if their parents had died, and they hurriedly cleaned up the
damaged houses with sad faces.
In fact, the Fang family was only slightly better off than most families in the village.
Apart from the fact that their house was fine, there was a lot of water accumulated in
the yard.
At this moment, Fang Youshun was extremely grateful that he had listened to his son-in-
law's advice and raised the roof platform when building the house. Otherwise, not only
would his yard be flooded, but his sleeping room would also be flooded.
Children do not understand the worries of adults so well, especially the younger ones.
When they see water on the street, they want to jump in and splash around. This scares
the adults so much that they keep their eyes fixed on the younger children, fearing that
they might accidentally step into the water and be unable to climb out.
In contrast, the older children, especially the boys, would splash around in the water on
the street wearing only shorts, competing to see who could hold their breath longer and
who could swim faster, laughing and giggling without any worries at all.
Of course, the adults also sternly warned them not to go to places like Shuiwan.
You know, the water there is very deep now, and the adults in the families don’t have
the time to watch them every day. If one of them accidentally gets a leg cramp in the
water, he may not be able to float out, and he may not be able to wait for an adult to
rescue him.
Now that the crops are hopeless, their most important task now is to repair the house
quickly. It is the rainy season. If they don't repair the house quickly, where will they
live when it rains again?
While the villagers were busy, the team leader and team leaders quickly collected
information on the damage to each household and reported it. Within a few days, the
county distributed relief supplies.
Maybe because he was a soldier, Fang Youshun was particularly kind to the soldiers who
were wading over carrying relief supplies. He hurried forward to help carry and
distribute them. At the same time, he also heard about the heavy rain, ah no, it was a
heavy rain. for more news.
It turned out that not only their village was affected by the heavy rain, but the entire
It is said that the rain fell more than 460 millimeters, causing severe flooding in the
entire county. In comparison, their villages were fine as no one was hurt. In some
villages, villagers were hit because they failed to escape in time when their houses
collapsed. There were many people who suffered severe head injuries, bloody injuries,
broken arms and legs.
Fang Youshun felt the veins on his forehead twitching when he heard that. He turned back
to look at the roof of his daughter's house, which had several holes, and slapped Shen
Jinggui on the shoulder.
"Just replace the roof. When the water recedes, you can buy tiles. The roof will be
replaced directly with tiles. If you don't have enough money, I will add more."
After listening to Fang Youshun's words, Shen Jinggui opened his mouth and wanted to say
no, but he couldn't say no. In the end, he only said: "Okay, daddy, please give me the
money first, and I will pay it back later." ”
"Let's not talk about that. Don't you plan to build two houses for Yu Wen this year to
marry him? They just happen to be built with tile roofs, so you won't be afraid of heavy
rain in the future." Fang Youshun said with emotion.
The house should be built more solidly.
Fortunately, the past two years have been good. The grain produced in the private plot
and the grain earned by his daughter and son-in-law every year are enough to eat. He has
saved up his monthly allowance and money from selling baskets. Otherwise, even if he
wanted to replace the roof of his son-in-law's house, he would not be able to do it now.
Fang Youshun didn't think there was any point in paying for his son-in-law to replace the
roof. Anyway, he and Grandma Fang were already at this age, and they could just keep the
money in their hands. Xiao Xiu hadn't spent money yet, so he had to let the children live
first. Safety is the most important thing.
Seeing that his father-in-law had thought so carefully, Shen Jinggui was so moved that he
didn't know what to say, and in the end he just kept nodding.
First, the rain was really scary. Although his house only leaked and did not collapse, he
was really afraid that if he encountered such heavy rain again in the future, the roof
would collapse and hit the adults and children in the house. Good or bad.
Secondly, he also knew that Fang Youshun didn't like him saying thank you all the time.
After getting along with each other for several years, Shen Jinggui got to know the other
party Youshun to some extent. This old man did not value money that much, but was happy
to spend money on his family and children. Because of this, the children in the family
benefited a lot, especially the two middle-aged ones. They were responsible for food,
clothing, and annual tuition fees.
These two old men really cared about their children as their own, and they really treated
their son-in-law as if they were half a son. If he always said thank you in front of
others, the old man might think too much.
All he can do is to do his best to support the two old people and provide them with care
until they die.
After the roof replacement was finalized, Shen Jinggui no longer thought about repairing
the house quickly. Instead, he packed up his belongings and moved to Fang's house. He
temporarily lived in Fang's house with his children, because the fields were now full of
There was too much water to work on, so I usually took Shen Yuwen and Shen Yulin to help
other families in the village repair their houses.
After all, there is only water and mud on the road now. Even if he could afford to buy
bricks and tiles, he would not be able to transport them back. He might as well take
advantage of this moment to help others repair their houses first, and then others can
come and help him when he repairs his own house.
Don't let anyone tell you that he is realistic. This is just the way it is. If you don't
help others when they are in trouble, when you are in trouble, do you want to just open
your mouth and let others come to help you?
No one is a fool, this is how people do things, you help me, I help you, there must be a
coming and going. If you want to catch a white wolf with nothing, just once or twice is
fine. Who will be fooled after a long time?

Chapter 70: What's going on again?

After the rainstorm, every family immediately fell into a bustle of busyness. Except for
Fang Yan who stayed at home to give birth because she was about to give birth, and Shen
Yuxiu who stayed at home to look after Shen Yusuei and prepare for Fang Yan to go and
call for help, everyone else in the family went out to help.
Men like Fang Youshun were mainly helping to repair the house, while Grandma Fang and
Shen Yuzhen went to help the owner of the house who was repairing the house to cook some
meals for the men who were working, and then came back after helping them finish cooking.
Zhao Hui took advantage of the time when Shen Yuxiu and Shen Yushui were playing in the
mud in the yard to find her.
"Can you keep the money for me temporarily?" Zhao Hui asked her nervously as he took out
the iron box he had been carrying with him for several days.
The Fang family has been coming and going these days, and he hasn't found a chance to
talk to Fang Youshun about this, so he can only come to Shen Yuxiu who is free.
Shen Yuxiu was stunned for a moment when she heard this, and then she looked at the iron
box in his hand and suddenly understood something. She couldn't help but asked with a
smile: "This is money, are you sure you want me to keep it? Aren't you afraid that I will
secretly spend it all for you?"
"Spend it if you want." Zhao Hui said without hesitation. Then, fearing that his words
might cause unnecessary misunderstandings, he quickly added, "If you hadn't taught me the
problems I didn't know, I wouldn't have been able to catch up with you and Yulin, let
alone graduate from high school with you. If you want to spend this money, I'll give it
to you. Just think of it as tuition fees for your lessons."
"You're quite good at talking." Shen Yuxiu was very pleased with what he said, and she
stretched out her hand to him generously: "Give me the box. Since you trust me so much, I
won't spend your money, and I will definitely keep it well for you."
Zhao Hui grinned when he heard this and quickly put the iron box in her hand.
"Please help me look after Xiaosui first, I'll put it down." Shen Yuxiu took the box,
gave him some instructions and walked into the house.
"Okay." Zhao Hui agreed readily, then squatted down and looked at Shen Yushui seriously.
Seeing this familiar older brother squatting beside her, Shen Yusui thought he also liked
playing in the mud, so she generously scooped up a small iron shovel of mud and handed it
to him: "Brother, this is for you."
"Xiaosui is so good. Brother, don't do that. Just play." Zhao Hui smiled and touched her
little head, with soft light in his eyes.
This little girl looks a bit like Kosode, and she is pleasing to the eye.
Shen Yuxiu now has a special small kang cabinet in her own room in the inner room.
This was made last year when grandma saw that her little breasts were starting to swell
and thought she should prepare some things for girls during that special period, so she
asked grandpa to have someone make it for her. It is a cabinet specifically for her
clothes and it is her own.
Shen Yuxiu went into the room and got on the kang. She pulled out the key tied with a red
rope from around her neck, clicked open the lock of the kang cabinet, and placed Zhao
Hui's iron box in a small corner of the cabinet.
There were some beautiful candy wrappers she had collected over the years, and some stone
fruits that she rarely played with. As for the green stone and treasure that she had
cherished so much before, it was still buried in the ground in a corner of the house
because it was too big and could not stand the light. She had not dug up the soil to look
at the stone for a long time, and she had almost forgotten its existence.
After Shen Yuxiu put the things away, she locked the cabinet again and got off the kang
to see Fang Yan who was still doing needlework.
"Mom, do you have a stomachache now?"
"It doesn't hurt. If it hurts, I will tell you. Just don't go too far." Fang Yan said
It's true. Ever since her mother handed over the task of taking care of her as a pregnant
woman to her daughter, she has asked the same question countless times a day, and she
never gets annoyed.
"Okay, then call me when you're in pain." Shen Yuxiu agreed and gave another instruction,
then went to the yard to see Shen Yusui.
Now the water in the yard has receded a little and the ground is covered with mud. The
girl loves to play with it and shovels mud with a small shovel every day.
As soon as Zhao Hui saw her come back, he immediately said goodbye and left in a hurry.
His family is currently renovating their house, and if he doesn't go back to work, his
parents might not even give him a place to live.
In this way, several people were busy doing their own things. Until more than half a
month later, the water on the streets had gradually come out of the ground. Most of the
houses in the village had been repaired. Shen Yuxiu was about to start school. Fang Yan
hadn't yet born.
Since Shen Jinggui brought the adults and children to live here temporarily, Grandma Fang
asked the men to live on the kang in the outer room, while she took Fang Yan and the
girls to live in the back room, which was Shen Yuxiu's exclusive room. room.
Suddenly, the kang where Shen Yuxiu usually slept alone and played games suddenly became
At night, Shen Yuxiu used the light of the kerosene lamp to sit at the foot of the kang
and pack the clothes and schoolbags she would need to bring for school tomorrow. While
looking at Fang Yan's huge belly lying on the side, she felt a little disappointed.
It was a waste of her greeting more than ten times a day in the past half month. The
little thing didn't even come out to meet her sister earlier. You know, she will go to
high school when school starts again, and she will live in the school dormitory for a
month or even two months, so she may not be able to see the ugly appearance of this
little thing when it is just born.
While Shen Yuxiu was busy, Shen Yuzhen was lying on the side watching her packing up,
with indescribable envy and jealousy in her eyes.
Over the years, her grandparents have spoiled their younger sister more and more, no
matter whether it is delicious food or drinks, except for her second brother who also
lives here, her eldest brother, third brother, she and her third sister do not eat and
use as much as her second sister. Moreover, during every summer and winter vacation, her
second sister does not have to do any work except taking care of the children, unlike
her, who, in addition to working, has to learn needlework and kitchen chores, and is
exhausted every day.
"Xiaoxiu, why don't we just not go to school? It's pointless to go anyway, and it costs
so much money." As Shen Yuzhen watched, she suddenly said this unconsciously.
Shen Yuxiu was busy packing clothes. She was stunned when she heard this. Then she looked
suspiciously at Shen Yuzhen, who subconsciously looked at Grandma Fang after saying this.
"What's wrong with you again?" Shen Yuxiu stopped packing her clothes and looked at her
elder sister with a sharp gaze.
In the past, she was young and inexperienced, and didn't understand the big principles.
She was always upset by the behavior of this elder sister. But now, she understands the
principles she should understand, and her words are sharper than before. She is not
someone who can be annoyed by Shen Yuzhen's casual words.
When Shen Yuzhen blurted out her inner thoughts unconsciously, she was shocked and
regretted what she said. She was afraid that Grandma Fang would teach her a lesson again.
But Shen Yuxiu's words were really irritating, and Shen Yuzhen couldn't help but raise
her voice: "How can you talk like that? I'm your sister."
"I know you are my sister." Shen Yuxiu nodded as a matter of course, and then asked:
"What? Just because you are my sister, you can act crazy?"
This one sentence made Shen Yuzhen's face turn red and her neck thick. Seeing this, Fang
Yan, who was lying on her side next to her, kicked Shen Yuxiu's leg in annoyance.
"Don't be angry with your sister, speak nicely."

Chapter 71: Annoying

"Where did I fail to speak properly?"
After being kicked again, Shen Yuxiu was a little unhappy. She pouted and quickly put her
clothes away, then lay down next to Shen Yuzhen's wall.
She wanted to sleep like this, but she was a little unwilling to be kicked by her mother
and then by her grandmother. Finally, she turned over and turned her head to Shen Yuzhen,
who was also snorting, and suggested: "Sister, really, why don't you ask our mother to
find a doctor for you? There must be something wrong with you if you have convulsions
from time to time. What if my brother-in-law finds out that you have this problem and
sends you back after you get married in the fall and go to your husband's house?"
It would have been better if Shen Yuxiu hadn't said this. As soon as she said this, Shen
Yuzhen immediately refused to do it.
"You are the one who has a problem. Do you know how to speak?" Shen Yuzhen said as she
raised her hand to pat Shen Yuxiu. However, as soon as she moved, Shen Yuxiu, who had
been prepared, raised her hand and slapped her back.
The force of her slap was so strong that it immediately caused Shen Yuzhen's wrist to
"Xiaoxiu, you'd better be careful and don't be unreasonable." Grandma Fang on the other
end saw that things were not good, and immediately glared at Shen Yuxiu sternly, her eyes
full of warnings.
Shen Yuxiu curled her lips when she heard that, but she didn't object. She rolled her
eyes at Shen Yuzhen in annoyance and turned to face the wall.
You only know how to blame her, even though it was the eldest sister who started this
When Grandma Fang saw that she didn't cause trouble again, she couldn't help but breathe
a sigh of relief.
She was not acting, but was sincerely warning Shen Yuxiu not to be too arrogant.
She didn't know how this girl had grown up in the past few years. Before, she only
suffered verbal abuse but never suffered any loss. But now, she would poke people's lungs
with her mouth. Her lethality was much stronger than Shen Yuzhen.
In addition, two years ago, this girl and Yulin's boy were going to the county to attend
boarding school. The old man was afraid that the two children would be bullied outside,
so he specially taught the two children some techniques of beating. This girl's temper
escalated sharply. If she was unhappy, she could choke people to death with a word. If
she was irritated, she would fight like a desperate woman, which made her very upset.
If Shen Yuzhen made her angry again in the middle of the night and the two sisters
started fighting, Shen Yuzhen would be the one to get beaten.
Besides, they are sisters in the same family. How can they quarrel with each other every
However, Shen Yuzhen's wrist was slapped so hard that it hurt. She was about to fight
back when she was stopped by Granny Fang. She thought that Granny Fang was standing up
for Shen Yuxiu again, so she was so angry that she gasped and glared at Shen Yuxiu who
had her back to her.
Shen Yuxiu glanced at her and saw that she was still glaring at her. Instead of getting
angry, she smiled. It would have been fine if she had just smiled, she also sang a song
while shaking her head.
"The commune is an evergreen ivy, and the members are the melons on the vine, and the
melons are connected to the vine..."
Shen Yuzhen was just having trouble venting her anger, but when she saw her singing
happily, she immediately screamed "Ah" like she was mad, jumped off the kang and ran out.
Grandma Fang, Fang Yan, and Shen Yusui who was half asleep were all frightened,
especially Shen Yusui, who had a messy hair and eyes full of fear.
"Yuwen, call your eldest sister back and don't let her run away."
Grandma Fang shouted to the outer room, and as she heard Shen Yuwen's response from
outside, she finally paid attention to Shen Yusui who was awakened by the shock. She put
one hand on Shen Yusui's head and seemed to be grabbing something to cover her, while she
kept muttering: "Give it to the cat, to protect herself, don't be scared..."
He recited it three times in a row, then patted Shen Yusui lovingly to let her go to
sleep. At the same time, he turned around and glared at Shen Yushou with suppressed
anger: "Go ahead and scare Xiaosui into a state of insanity. I'll show you how I'll deal
with you."
"Why are you blaming me? I didn't scare you." Shen Yuxiu retorted unconvinced, but when
she saw Granny Fang looking at her coldly, her momentum immediately weakened a lot, but
she still muttered in a low voice: "Who told her to have nothing to do and recruit me? If
she didn't recruit me, how could I be angry with her? In the end, she asked for it
"Your elder sister is right. What's the point of going to high school? You can't be
employed or enter a factory. After finishing your studies, you'll still have to farm.
Isn't that just wasting money?" Fang Yan frowned and lectured her.
She really thought that what her eldest daughter said was not wrong. For a girl, it is
enough to recognize her own name. There are not many people in the whole team who have
finished junior high school like Shen Yuxiu. And now all the children of the Shen family
may not be able to get into university because of the background of her eldest sister-in-
law whom she has never met. Even if they are admitted, they cannot become officials or
work in the government. It is better not to go to school and save money.
"Even if that's the case, why doesn't the eldest sister talk to the second brother? Why
is she only talking to me?" Shen Yuxiu was still unconvinced and asked back with her neck
In her opinion, there is something wrong with her elder sister. She always comes after
her for no reason. Is she easy to bully or what?
"Then isn't your second brother a man?" Fang Yan saw that she still didn't know she was
wrong, so she suppressed her anger and tried to persuade her patiently: "Men will have to
support the family in the future. It's better to learn more so that you won't be fooled
by others. Why do you study so much? When you get married, you will be busy with your
husband and children."
"We're both in high school, so why do I have to revolve around men and children? Why
can't I set up my own household?" Shen Yuxiu became angry and her voice gradually got
"You are a woman." Fang Yan was so angry that she glared at him: "How can a woman set up
a household?"
"Why can't women set up their own household?" Shen Yuxiu refuted with a glare, pointing
to the outer room where the leader's portrait was hung on the wall: "The leader said that
women can hold up half the sky. What? You look down on women? You are also a woman."
"You dead child..." After being pushed back again and again, Fang Yan couldn't help but
have the best temper. She was so angry that she even forgot that she was pregnant. She
sat up and was about to teach her a lesson. However, her action was too sudden and
startled Shen Yushui who had just fallen asleep, causing her to open her eyes hazily.
"That's enough." Grandma Fang patted Shen Yusui on the back to comfort her, and said to
Fang Yan unhappily, "How old are you? Why are you getting angry with a child?"
"Mom, don't you see how annoying she is?" Fang Yan panted, pointing at Shen Yuxiu with
trembling hands, feeling a burning sensation in her chest.
"Who do you blame? Who told you to be so idle and get angry?" Grandma Fang said angrily,
"Don't you know what her temper is like? She's just a stubborn person. What's wrong with
her going to school? Did she spend your money? What's wrong with you?"
After hearing this, Fang Yan became even angrier.
It's the same again. Ever since her biological father came back, her mother has become
more and more unreasonable. Sometimes, even though the two children are obviously
disobedient, her mother just takes the children's side. As a result, the children
increasingly ignore her as their mother. For every word she says, the child will say
three more in reply. It's really infuriating.
As she was getting angry, Fang Yan suddenly felt a pain in her stomach. She covered her
stomach with both hands and her face changed.
Grandma Fang saw something was wrong and asked quickly, "What's wrong? Is she going to
give birth?"
"I don't know, it just hurts. It's different from before." Fang Yan said while enduring
the pain and taking a deep breath.
"Hey, Jinggui, hurry up and find your Aunt Cao." Grandma Fang saw that something was not
going well, and while shouting at Shen Jinggui outside, she quickly picked up Shen Yusui,
kicked her and looked on dumbly. Shen Yuxiu in this scene: "Hurry up and take your sister
to the outer room."
"Oh." Shen Yuxiu came to her senses and quickly took Shen Yusui in her arms, got off the
kang and walked toward the outside. As she walked, she looked back at Fang Yan anxiously.
At this time, Shen Yuxiu was no longer as arrogant as before, and her heart was beating
like a drum.
Should her mother be fine? If he got angry, why would he be beaten to death by his

Chapter 72 False Alarm

Shen Jinggui had already heard the commotion outside. As soon as his mother-in-law called
him, he quickly jumped off the bed, pulled on his shoes and ran outside.
Aunt Cao in the village is a well-known midwife in several nearby villages. She is very
skilled. All women who are delivered by her have a smooth delivery and recover quickly.
She has delivered all the children of the Fang family. , including Shen Yuxiu.
As soon as Shen Yuxiu walked out of the inner room with Shen Yusui in her arms, she saw
Shen Yulin on the kang in the outer room giving her a secret thumbs up.
You really have the guts to talk back to your own mother, is something wrong?
Shen Yuxiu's face turned dark when she saw it, and she climbed onto the kang with Shen
Yusui in her arms. She saw that grandma had also come out and called to Fang Youshun to
heat hot water and get brown sugar. She curled her neck like a quail and listened quietly
to the goings on in the back room.
She shouldn't be quick to talk for a while. If something happens to her mother, she won't
get any good results.
At this time, Shen Yuzhen had also been called back by Shen Yuwen. When she saw Shen
Yuxiu who was huddled on the kang and holding Shen Yusui motionless, she glared at her
and hurriedly started to help Fang Youshun light the fire.
The midwife was quickly called over by Shen Jinggui. She took the midwife bag she carried
with her and began to check on Fang Yan's condition when she got to the back room.
But after checking Fang Yan's fetal position and asking her how she felt now, she
couldn't help but feel a little suspicious. She checked again carefully. After three
times, she frowned and asked Fang Yan: "How do you feel now? Where does it hurt?" How
does it hurt?"
"This is it." Fang Yan lay on the kang, touched the area next to her ribs, and said, "It
almost hurts when I don't talk or breathe, and it hurts a lot when I talk or breathe."
"Were you angry just now?" the midwife asked, reaching out and touching the spot she
pointed at casually.
"Yes, the children at home are disobedient." Fang Yan breathed softly, without saying
"That's it." Hearing her words, the midwife breathed a sigh of relief, slowly withdrew
her hand and said with a smile: "You are just out of breath, not about to give birth."
"Ah?" Fang Yan was stunned.
Grandma Fang was also full of suspicion. How could this happen if she was so angry?
But then he was relieved and slapped Fang Yan's arm in annoyance: "You scared me to
death. This is not your first time giving birth. You can't tell the difference between a
stitch in the side and the upcoming birth."
The Cao family has delivered dozens of babies, if not hundreds. If she said she is not
going to give birth, then she is probably not going to give birth.
"I just can't tell the difference. Normally, my stomach doesn't hurt when I get a stitch
in the side." Fang Yan said with some grievance.
"That's because Cha Qi was taken away too hard. You have a big belly now, so it's normal
that you can't tell the difference clearly." The midwife said with a smile and packed up
her delivery baggage. Before leaving, she also told Grandma Fang and Fang Yan: "Look The
baby should be born in the next few days. If you pay close attention, you might give
birth soon."
"Okay, this kid is so reckless that he asked you to make this trip so late at night."
Grandma Fang hurriedly followed to see someone off.
"What's the matter? We're all from our hospital. Even if you don't call me, I have to
come if the child has something to do." The midwife said, picking up her baggage and
walking out with a smile: "Call me if you have something to do. , giving birth to a child
is no small matter and cannot be delayed.”
"Hey, girl, walk slowly. Jinggui, send your aunt back. The road is difficult, so watch
the road carefully." Grandma Fang agreed and asked Shen Jinggui to pick up the lantern
and send it off.
It wasn't until she saw Shen Jinggui and the midwife walking away that Grandma Fang took
a breath and walked back.
The false alarm almost broke her old heart, and she lost her temper with Shen Yuxiu when
she returned to the house.
"What are you still doing sitting here? Why don't you go back to the house and sleep? You
won't go to school tomorrow?" Grandma Fang went to the kang, picked up Shen Yusui, and
yelled at Shen Yuxiu.
Shen Yuxiu shrank her head when she was sprayed, and immediately followed Grandma Fang to
the back room to sleep peacefully.
When Shen Yuzhen saw her like that, the anger in her heart disappeared inexplicably, and
she followed her back to the back room without anyone calling her.
As soon as Shen Yuxiu returned to the back room, she immediately moved the pillow next to
Shen Yuzhen, placed it next to Shen Yusui who was leaning against the wall on the other
side, and began to climb on the kang.
"What are you doing here? What should you do if you kick your sister when she goes to bed
at night?" Grandma Fang frowned at her actions.
"Then I sleep on the floor?" Shen Yuxiu had one leg on the kang and one on the ground,
showing no intention of compromising.
"What a bad habit." When Grandma Fang heard it, she knew that she was being stubborn
again and refused to sleep next to Shen Yuzhen. She muttered something in annoyance and
asked Fang Yan to move towards Shen Yuzhen. After she moved, she dragged Shen Yuxiu to
move towards Fang Yan to make some room for Shen Yuxiu.
Shen Yuxiu didn't care about Grandma Fang's complaints at all. When she saw that there
was an empty seat, she immediately climbed up with a smile and poked Shen Yusui who was
sitting next to Grandma Fang: "Xiaosui, can I hold you in my arms while you sleep?"
Shen Yushui had just been coaxed into falling asleep, and when she opened her eyes and
saw her second sister smiling at her kindly with her white teeth bared, her little body
immediately rolled over.
"You're so good. I love you the most." Seeing that she was so self-aware, Shen Yuxiu
immediately kissed her on the forehead happily, hugged the little girl in her arms and
closed her eyes.
Shen Yuzhen, who came back later, saw this scene and curled her lips, but said nothing
more. She climbed onto the kang and lay down at Shen Yuxiu's original position.
She really didn't expect that just one word from her would cause so much trouble.
But Shen Yuzhen only regretted causing trouble, and she didn't think there was anything
wrong with what she had just said.
Really, girls in the village who can graduate from elementary school are considered
highly educated intellectuals, and there are even fewer who can graduate from high school
like Shen Yuxiu.
If you know you're wasting money, why do it? Your home needs a new roof, so why not save
that money and build a better house?
But Shen Yuxiu just started making personal attacks as soon as she opened her mouth,
which was so infuriating.
The more Shen Yuzhen thought about it, the angrier she became, and the angrier she
became, the more she couldn't sleep. She stayed awake all night, and when she woke up the
next day, there was black and blue under her eyes.
She was really thinking about the family, and she really felt that there was no need for
Shen Yuxiu to continue studying. But it was obvious that Shen Yuxiu didn't understand the
reason at all. If grandma refused to let Shen Yuxiu continue studying, she would become
the one who was working hard but getting no thanks.
When Shen Yuxiu woke up in the morning and saw her dark eyes, she couldn't help but open
her mouth in surprise, but she knew how to read her expression and didn't dare to cause
trouble. She washed Shen Yusui and herself and ate quickly. Then, under the leadership of
Shen Jinggui, she and Shen Yulin carried large and small packages and walked towards the
Chapter 73: Pitfalls
It has not been many years since the county was reestablished in this wasteland.
Originally, the county seat was in a town twenty miles away to the east. For some reason,
it was moved to a town twenty miles away to the west last year. Even her newly graduated
The high school department of the middle school also moved there, so she and Shen Yulin
had to change places with the high school when they wanted to go to high school.
"The splendid rivers and mountains are as beautiful as picturesque, and the construction
of the motherland is riding high..."
Shen Yuxiu was walking forward with Shen Jinggui and Shen Yulin when she suddenly heard a
burst of loud singing coming from a distance. She unconsciously stopped and looked
around. There was a military green truck in the distance. Pulling a car of people away
from a distant place.
The singing voice also gradually disappeared in the flying dust.
Shen Yulin walked some distance and found that she had not followed him. She was looking
at the military card in the distance in a daze, so he immediately called her.
"Why are you dazed? Let's go quickly."
"oh oh."
Shen Yuxiu, who was called back to his soul, quickly turned around to chase Shen Jinggui
and Shen Yulin in front of him.
Although she had never really come into contact with the people on the truck, she knew
what those people did.
They are all oil workers, educated young people from all over the country.
Since oil was discovered two years ago around a small village dozens of miles away in the
south, these educated young people from all over the country have begun to come to this
wilderness in a steady stream, because this place was originally full of oil. The plains
of salt-alkali flats and barren grasslands are infused with more color and enthusiasm.
From the time Shen Yuxiu first saw these various types of trucks running in the
wilderness, the people's passionate singing, the occasional roar, and the trembling of
the earth, she has now become accustomed to it, and it has only been a short two or three
years. .
Along with these changes, the supply and marketing cooperatives began to have more new
items, which she had never seen before. Although most of the items were things she
couldn't afford or use now, it didn't prevent her from gaining some knowledge.
Shen Yuxiu yearns for the outside world, and her only channel to the outside world now is
Therefore, when Shen Yuzhen said that she should not go to school anymore, she would not
give Shen Yuzhen any chance to continue, and even did not hesitate to annoy Shen Yuzhen.
She was not such an ignorant person. If her family was so poor that they could not even
afford to eat, she would have dropped out of school on her own initiative without Shen
Yuzhen saying anything. After all, because of her aunt whom she had never met, she did
not have the opportunities that ordinary people were born with.
But her grandfather told her that the family was doing okay now and that his monthly
allowance was enough for her and Shen Yulin to study, so she could go ahead and study
with peace of mind. Even if she could not get into university in the future, she could at
least gain some experience. Only then did she become determined to continue her studies.
Grandpa said that having many skills is never an advantage. It is always good to know
more about outside things and learn more things. Even if she can only stay in the village
all her life, she has seen what she should see, so that she will not regret it in the
Just when Shen Yuxiu and her friends left the village and headed for the town, Shen
Laosi's family was in chaos.
"Shen Yuling, give me the cloth back. This is my betrothal gift." Shen Yumei chased after
Shen Yuling who was circling in the yard, her face full of anger.
"Sister, good sister." Shen Yuling held the red cloth in her hands tightly, and while
circling to avoid Shen Yumei, she kept praying: "It doesn't mean that you can't get
married if you don't wear red clothes, I'm missing this piece Hongbu can't pay the
tuition and can't go to school. Can you just watch me get into high school but not be
able to go to high school? "
"Bah, you're not ashamed to say that." Shen Yumei was not moved at all and said angrily:
"Don't look at me, I don't know that you didn't get into high school at all. You bought
your place. You want to go to high school." I won’t stop you, but you can’t use my
things as stepping stones.”
Fourth Aunt Shen, who had been indifferent to the quarrel between the two sisters in the
room, suddenly rushed out of the room after hearing this.
"What? She didn't get into high school, did she buy her place?" Fourth Aunt Shen rushed
to Shen Yumei and asked angrily.
Shen Yuling didn't expect that Shen Yumei actually knew about this. When she saw Fourth
Aunt Shen's face turned dark, she immediately looked at Shen Yumei with a begging
expression and kept shaking her head slightly.
But don't say it, she will be beaten if you do.
However, Shen Yumei was so angry that she revealed everything Shen Yuling had done
recently without leaving any room.
"Yes, she didn't pass the exam this year. She found someone to buy the place herself.
Haven't you been looking for the gold pendant recently? She had already used it in
exchange for money to buy the place."
When Fourth Aunt Shen heard this, she looked at Shen Yuling with sharp eyes: "It's really
you? How dare you?"
Shen Yuling did not dare to meet Fourth Aunt Shen's eyes. Seeing that the two of them
were standing there without moving, just waiting for her answer, she immediately quietly
moved her steps, then suddenly ran out of the courtyard.
No matter what they are, the most important thing is to settle the tuition fee first. She
will just bear with it as long as her future mother and sister beat and scold them as
much as they like.
"Come back here." Fourth Aunt Shen didn't expect that she would suddenly run away, so she
was so angry that she quickly chased after her. When Shen Yumei saw this, she also
hurriedly chased after her.
However, now that the houses in the village are located in a confusing maze, Shen Yuling
ran away after a while and disappeared, making Shen Yumei so angry that she started
crying on the street.
Fourth Aunt Shen was also very angry. Seeing Shen Yumei's cries gradually attracting the
villagers, her face was burning, and she quickly dragged Shen Yumei home.
Fourth Aunt Shen looked at the eldest daughter who lay down on the kang and cried when
she got home. She had a headache and didn't know what to say.
She really didn't expect that her daughter, who used to study well when she was young,
would have worse grades since she entered middle school, and she never thought that she
would not be able to get into high school.
Of course, if he failed the exam, it would be fine. In the Shen family's situation, it
would be useless for him to pass the exam, and it would be difficult for her to support
the child in school. But the child immediately said he wanted to repeat the year when he
saw that he failed the exam. No matter how she tried to persuade him, it was useless. He
even took the oil noodles from home and went out to do small business when she was not
paying attention, which almost made her angry to death.
But the noodles had been sold, and the child had paid for repeating her studies herself,
so she had no choice but to let things take their course. She had breathed a sigh of
relief when her daughter said she had passed the exam this year, but the result turned
out to be just like this.
Buy a place? He actually stole her gold pendant from her dowry and sold it to buy the
place. That would have been fine, but he even snatched the red cloth sent by her eldest
daughter's in-laws as a betrothal gift to pay for the tuition.
Listening to Shen Yumei's cries, Fourth Aunt Shen took a deep breath with a headache and
spit it out again.
At this moment, she felt a little powerless.
She didn't know if there was something wrong with her education. Over the years, she
hadn't taught that child to be friendly to sisters and to be sensible and obedient, but
he still grew up like this. Even if he cheated his parents, he even cheated his sisters.
It was simply It makes people want to cry without tears.
She couldn't do this anymore, she had to be more careful with Na Nizi, otherwise if Na
Nizi vacated the house one day, she wouldn't even have a place to cry.

Chapter 74 Damn it
Shen Yuling didn't know that Fourth Aunt Shen had already thought of guarding against
her. She only knew that it was too difficult for her to go to school.
It wasn't her fault that she didn't get into high school, and it wasn't that she didn't
work hard, but since she entered the fifth grade, she felt that her studies were starting
to become increasingly difficult. At least it was far from the time when she could easily
get first place in the first grade. .
It’s not that she didn’t listen to the lectures carefully, nor did she not want to
learn. It’s just that as she got older, the courses became more and more difficult. In
addition, the lectures nowadays were very general. She listened carefully to some of the
questions, but just couldn’t understand them. She also did the questions carefully, but
the answers she got based on her own understanding were wrong.
Therefore, in her last year of elementary school, she had to work very hard to barely
stay in the top five in the class, but when she reached junior high school, her grades
began to get worse day by day.
Shen Yuling was well aware that the advantages she had gained after her rebirth were
gradually diminishing. She also clearly realized that her talent in learning was really
limited. She could not draw inferences from one example and could not fully understand
what the teacher said all at once.
In this case, if her parents were educated, she could ask them to teach her. If this were
in the future, she could find a better cram school to attend, but the reality was that
her parents were illiterate and could not teach her at all, and there was no such thing
as a cram school in this era.
Nowadays, when children go to school, what they compete with is not whether they listen
carefully in class or work hard on exercises, but their own learning and comprehension
If you can understand what the teacher said, you will understand it naturally. If you
cannot understand it, there is no shortcut at all.
For the first time, Shen Yulin realized how useless she was. Her parents were also
useless. Not only could they not give her a good life, but they couldn't even afford the
tuition for her schooling.
Shen Yuling took a deep breath, tightly clenched the red cloth in her hand, and walked
towards the town with a determined look.
This time, she could just consider herself as someone who owed her elder sister. When she
married that man and went to Jiang Province and had money, she could just buy her elder
sister a few more clothes.
Shen Yulin quickly arrived at a place with the red cloth. After waiting for about half an
hour, a woman hurriedly appeared here, gave her a few dollars, and left with the red
After Shen Yulin got the money, she immediately strode towards the high school.
She is different from Shen Yuxiu. Shen Yuxiu went to middle school following the county
government. After all, where the county government is, there is the high school. She knew
that this was the final destination of the county government, so she had been attending
middle school in this town. Sure enough, the high school moved to this town along with
the county government last year. She studied here for several years and was much more
familiar with the surrounding environment than Shen Yuxiu and her siblings.
After picking up the clothes package she had prepared long ago from the home of a junior
high school classmate in town, Shen Yulin hurried to the high school to register, found
her dormitory, put her luggage away, and went to class.
Nowadays, very few people can get into high school and can afford to go to high school.
There is only one class in the first year of high school, with only a dozen or twenty
people in the class, and among them are Shen Yuxiu and Shen Yulin.
As soon as she entered the classroom, Shen Yuling saw Shen Yulin and Shen Yuxiu sitting
in the front without any surprise, and behind them was the stinky beggar.
Shen Yuling felt inexplicably depressed when she saw that several people were upset. She
subconsciously avoided where they were and sat down in a place farthest away from them,
waiting for the teacher to arrive.
In the past few years, she has been avoiding a few people, being very honest, and not
doing anything weird.
But at this moment, seeing the three people sitting together, she couldn't help but feel
Why am I unable to get into high school despite studying so hard over the years, while
these people, who don’t seem to work very hard, are able to pass easily?
God is really unfair. Why did he give her the chance to be reborn but not give her a new
brain or IQ?
Now the class hasn't started yet and the books haven't been distributed yet, so Shen
Yuxiu is lying on the table, somewhat bored, playing with a pen and spinning around in
Shen Yulin next to her was chatting animatedly with another classmate behind him, while
Zhao Hui sat there upright, staring casually at the table in front of him. He seemed to
be in a daze, but in fact he would look up at Shen Yuxiu in front of him from time to
Over the past few years, he has become familiar with Shen Yuxiu's various little actions.
For example, when Shen Yulin arrived just now, the slight curl of her lips meant that she
didn't seem to like the girl who had just come in.
As soon as Shen Yuxiu saw Shen Yuling coming, she immediately changed direction and lay
on the table. She didn't like to see that figure very much.
Although her childhood memories were a little fuzzy, she still remembered some important
events. For example, she remembered clearly from the beginning to the end when Shen
Yuling led other friends to bully her, and she never forgot it for a moment. Therefore,
even after so many years, she would not be so naive as to take the initiative to approach
this cousin.
If you are not the same kind of people, there is no need to force yourself to be
"Yuxiu, you guys came so early?"
Just when Shen Yuxiu was feeling bored, she suddenly heard someone calling her. She
turned around and saw her junior high school classmate Zhou Qingyuan walking towards her
with a schoolbag on her back. She was wearing a floral dress with the hem of her skirt
swaying as she walked, and she looked extremely youthful and beautiful.
"Zhou Qingyuan? You go to school here too? Come over here and sit down." Shen Yuxiu was
surprised to see her, then quickly called her over, and at the same time, she
unceremoniously pushed Shen Yulin aside: "Make way, let's go up and talk."
Shen Yulin was accustomed to this kind of thing. After being pushed by Shen Yuxiu, he
left his seat, randomly chose a seat and started chatting with people again.
Seeing this, Zhou Qingyuan sat down and started chatting with Shen Yuxiu.
When Shen Yuling saw the two people quickly chatting together, her face instantly became
a little embarrassed.
Zhou Qingyuan's father is an official in the county. Because the county government moved
to the town last year, he arranged for Zhou Qingyuan, who was still in junior high
school, to transfer to the town. The class Zhou Qingyuan was in was exactly the same
class she was in when she repeated a grade last year.
After learning about Zhou Qingyuan's family background, Shen Yuling immediately wanted to
make friends with her, but for some reason, no matter how she tried to please him, Zhou
Qingyuan remained cold and indifferent to her, as if she was out of her reach.
Originally, Shen Yulin thought that Zhou Qingyuan looked down on her because she came
from a poor family. After all, this girl was not enthusiastic towards anyone in school.
But in the end, she could actually chat enthusiastically with Shen Yuxiu.
Could it be that Shen Yuxiu said something to Zhou Qingyuan that caused Zhou Qingyuan to
dislike me so much?
Shen Yuling's mind was in a state of confusion and her expression looked extremely ugly.
Isn’t Shen Yuxiu too abominable?
I haven't been targeting her for all these years, how could she be so shameless?

Chapter 75 Disgusting
Shen Yuxiu didn't know what Shen Yulin was thinking. If she knew, she would just think
she was sick.
Apart from the little grudges in their childhood, the two of them have kept to themselves
over the years. Besides, they didn't go to the same high school. How idle would she be to
mention this cousin whom they didn't even know to her classmates for no reason?
If Zhou Qingyuan knew about this, she would simply say that it had nothing to do with
Shen Yuxiu.
The reason why she was cold towards Shen Yuling was only because of her family
environment. When she was very young, she could already tell who was really making
friends with her and who was just trying to curry favor with her because of her status.
Every time Shen Yulin came into contact with her, there was such a strong purpose in her
eyes. How stupid must she be to be good friends with such a person?
But Shen Yuxiu was different. When she was in middle school, even though she knew that
her father was a clerk in the county, she never took the initiative to talk to her. The
two of them became familiar with each other only when the teacher changed their seats and
they sat at the tables in front and behind each other. That's when they gradually started
to interact with each other.
But the interactions between the two of them are just a little more familiar than
ordinary classmates. To say that they are very intimate, that’s not the case. At most,
they are just ordinary classmates who can chat and talk to each other.
Looking at the two people chatting happily, Shen Yuling could hardly suppress the anger
in her heart, but she didn't dare to show that there was anything wrong. She could only
suppress her anger, close her eyes and lower her head.
Stay calm, stay calm, don't get angry, don't cause trouble.
Her most important task now was to get her high school diploma, and she couldn't lose her
composure because of that disgusting girl.
Shen Yuling persuaded herself for a long time. When she finally felt her anger had
subsided a lot and opened her eyes, she saw a small thing on a strand of hair hanging
beside her cheek - crawling?
Shen Yu's eyes froze for a moment, then slowly widened in horror, and finally burst into
a loud scream.
Shen Yuling screamed and flapped her hands on her head. Soon her hair looked like a
chicken coop and she looked like a madman.
Her action was so sudden that it scared everyone in the class. They all turned their
heads to look at her at the same time. When they saw her like that, they thought there
was something scary on her head. The girls immediately jumped away and hid far away, and
the boys were also stunned and couldn't react for a while.
It was the two boys who usually had a good impression of Shen Yulin who came to their
senses first and hurried forward to check.
"What's wrong? What's wrong? Is there something on your head? Let me help you." One of
the boys in a blue shirt was faster than the other and ran to her first to save her.
"Lice, I have lice on my head." Shen Yulin shouted loudly while scratching her head with
both hands.
Got lice?
The boy froze when he heard the words, and stopped walking, seeming to want to say
something but stopped himself.
Who doesn't have a few lice these days? Even he himself has quite a few.
But he didn't dare to tell the truth. After all, Shen Yulin seemed to be a little afraid
of this thing. What if he told it and Shen Yulin disliked him?
The other boy who ran over was obviously a straightforward person. When he heard that she
was scared by lice, in order to show his masculinity, he casually scratched his head with
his hand. When he opened his palm, there were a few cute little things crawling on it.
The boy looked at the lice on his palm with a satisfied smile, then reached out and
pulled the still crazy Shen Yuling. When Shen Yuling subconsciously looked at him, he
waved his palm in front of her eyes. After making sure that she could see those little
cuties clearly, he slapped Shen Yuling's desk with his backhand. When he moved his palm
away, those little cuties were already dead.
"Look, this thing can be killed with just one slap. It's nothing to be afraid of."
Shen Yuling stared in amazement at the corpses of several lice on the desk. There were
spots of blood on them. It was obvious that they must have just sucked human blood.
Shen Yulin's pupils dilated unconsciously. She looked at the louse for a while, and
suddenly let out a scream even louder than before.
Shen Yulin pushed the boy away and rushed out of the classroom like a madman.
It's disgusting, this person is absolutely disgusting.
The boy staggered when he was pushed. Seeing her running as if there was a ghost chasing
her, he could not help scratching his head and asked the boy next to him: "Isn't she too
The boy next to him looked at him strangely, then turned around and went back to his
original seat.
Stupid X, knowing that girls are afraid of this thing, yet still doing this, it's so
After Shen Yuling ran out of the classroom, she went straight to the dormitory to find a
No, she had to get some water and wash her hair, oh, take a shower, and change her
Fortunately, there is water in this school, otherwise, she would be crazy now.
But how come she had lice?
Since her rebirth, she has paid special attention to hygiene and asked her sisters at
home to wash their hair and take a bath every few days. How come she suddenly had lice?
As she was thinking about it, Shen Yuling suddenly shuddered.
Yes, it must have been because of the rain half a month ago. The roof of her house
leaked, so she and her family moved to the old courtyard to live for a few days. At that
time, the houses of several uncles and aunts were also somewhat damaged, so the adults
and children were all crowded together. The lice on her body must have been transmitted
by those children.
Disgusting, so disgusting.
Shen Yuling only felt her back go hairy and her whole body itchy. She took a washbasin,
filled it with water and soaked her head in it, wishing she could soak all the lice to
But at that time, there were no various kinds of shampoo and shampoo that are available
later. All she could use were alkaline noodles and pig pancreas. Alkaline noodles were
too burnt to use and burned her hands and hair. Usually, she used pig pancreas, but it
was easy to use but very sticky and had a fishy smell. After washing, the smell was very
But even so, lice are not so easy to kill by soaking and washing away. Once they are
spread, it is impossible to eliminate them all at once.
But now, apart from washing your hair, taking a shower and changing clothes, is there any
other quick way to get rid of it? Should I shave my head?
Thinking about the past when people's lives became better and they began to care about
cleanliness, and how they shaved children's heads to get rid of lice, Shen Yuling felt a
chill again.
That won’t work. Absolutely not.
What would it mean for her, a young girl, to shave her head bald?
It's better to take it slow. She washes her hair and changes her clothes every day.
Sooner or later, this thing will disappear from her body.
In the classroom, Shen Yuxiu watched Shen Yuling running out like crazy and felt
Although she lived with her grandmother and the old lady changed her clothes frequently,
so she didn't have lice on her body, but there were almost no people around her who
didn't have lice, right?
Even her classmates who shared the same dormitory with her in middle school had lice on
their bodies. In the past half month, she couldn't guarantee that her mother and sisters
who slept on the same kang with her didn't have any lice on their bodies, right?
How come in the eyes of this cousin, this louse has become a monster?
I don’t understand. I don’t understand.

Chapter 76 Being Disliked

Shen Yuxiu felt that Shen Yulin's attitude towards this matter was a bit exaggerated, but
that was just her feeling. Apart from that, she did nothing else.
After all, they were all village kids. Wasn't it normal to have fleas, lice, bugs
crawling on the soles of shoes, etc.? Was it really necessary to make such a fuss?
Besides, she and Shen Yuling had not gotten along since they were young, and the adults
from the two families had never had much contact with each other. How free did she have
to be to care about this?
Shen Yuxiu was now only thankful that she had arrived at school early and had arranged
her dormitory early on, and that she was not sharing a dormitory with Shen Yuling.
Otherwise, with Shen Yuling's habit of being startled all the time, she was afraid that
she would get scared to the point of having a mental breakdown sooner or later.
In this way, although she and Shen Yulin were in the same class, they had almost no
contact. Later, she found that the teacher did not seem to be as dedicated in teaching as
when she was in junior high school.
In class, when students were whispering to each other, the teacher pretended not to
notice and did not remind them at all. He continued to teach. After finishing his
lecture, he turned around and left as soon as the bell rang without any communication
with the students.
It was not until some time later that Shen Yulin told her that this teacher was rebelled
against and scolded by several students last year because of his strict teaching style.
Since then, this teacher has only focused on teaching his own classes and is no longer as
strict as before.
Shen Yuxiu was speechless. Although some children did not like to study much, she could
never have imagined that something like this would happen.
Are students nowadays so courageous?
You know, in elementary school, if you didn't write a word correctly, the teacher would
hit you with a willow stick? Although they are now high school students and won't be hit
with willow sticks, their identities haven't been changed, right?
How dare they?
However, there is no such thing as the most surprising thing.
Soon after, Shen Yuxiu discovered that her classmates were taking classes less and less
seriously, and they didn't even behave like students. Even Shen Yulin gradually became
wild and disappeared every day, just meddling in other people's affairs.
Therefore, when Shen Yuxiu found one day that there were only a few students in the class
besides herself and Zhao Hui, and even Shen Yuling had disappeared, she was not so
Where did Shen Yuling go?
Of course she was sleeping in the dormitory.
Anyway, there are only two years in high school, and Shen Yulin does not have to pass the
exam to continue, so naturally she is unwilling to work hard.
Now she just wants to graduate and get her diploma.
As for what’s going on outside now, as long as it doesn’t affect her getting her
diploma and getting married in the future, who cares!
"Teacher, I don't quite understand what you are talking about here. Can you explain it
more clearly?"
Seeing the teacher finished his lecture and silently packed up his things and wanted to
leave, Shen Yuxiu rarely stopped him.
She said it so suddenly that not only did it startle the teacher Li Qinggong who was
about to leave, but it also made the other two students who were dozing off wake up a
Li Qinggong looked at the girl in the classroom who was looking at him quietly with her
two big black eyes. His lips moved and he finally turned around and walked to her side.
"What don't you understand?" Li Qinggong asked calmly, with a nervousness in his voice
that he himself was not aware of.
He was a little afraid that the child did not not understand, but was just making
trouble. But he was also afraid that if he did not answer the question, the child would
have more reason to make trouble. After all, the child's brother was making a lot of
noise with some other children, and the tall boy behind her had a cold look that made
people's scalps numb.
"Here..." Shen Yuxiu pointed to the part she didn't understand, picked up a pen and
prepared to listen to him carefully.
Li Qinggong looked at the place she was pointing at, and saw that the girl had picked up
a pen and was quietly waiting for him to speak. Finally, he took a deep breath and began
to explain in detail.
He spoke slowly and in detail, fearing that she might not understand.
Shen Yuxiu listened very carefully. After his detailed explanation, she quickly
understood the solution to the problem. He then asked a few more questions that she had
not been able to answer before. After all the questions that she did not understand very
well were answered, she immediately looked up and gave him a polite smile.
"Thank you, teacher. I understand now."
Li Qinggong's heart tightened when he heard her smile. Seeing that she said nothing more
after thanking him, he smiled stiffly and walked out awkwardly.
This kid is actually just asking questions and not doing anything weird. That’s good.
In this way, when her classmates were studying half-heartedly, Shen Yuxiu was still
studying hard.
After all, universities are not recruiting students now, and she can only study for two
years at most. If she misses these two years and wants to study again, it will be
difficult. It is better to study hard while she can, so that she will not regret it when
she can no longer study in the future.
Li Qinggong had never expected that in such an environment, this girl could still study
without distraction. He gradually developed a liking for her and began to ask casually
after she finished speaking, "Does anyone have any questions?"
Although he was asking all the students still in the class, his eyes would habitually
fall on Shen Yuxiu every time. Then he would wait for Shen Yuxiu to raise her hand, and
then he would go over and talk. When Shen Yuxiu didn't ask and no one else asked, he
would stride away.
Time passed quickly, and two months had passed in the blink of an eye. As the weather
began to get cooler, it was time for Shen Yuxiu to go home to get food and thick clothes.
On this day, Shen Yulin rarely ran around. He packed his clothes quietly and ran to Shen
Yuxiu's dormitory, waiting for her to go home together.
"Are you stupid? Now that you don't have to take the college entrance examination, it's
enough for you to just get a diploma. What's the point of you struggling with those
questions like a fool every day? People all laugh at me when they know that the nerd in
the class is my sister." Shen Yulin leaned against the door frame, looking at Shen Yuxiu
who was packing clothes in the dormitory, full of complaints.
To be honest, after so many years of schooling, this was the first time he felt that
going to school was a happy thing. He didn't have to work, and he had food to eat, drinks
to drink, and fun to play with. It couldn't be happier.
The only downside is that everyone laughs at his sister for being a nerd.
"What's the matter? Did I embarrass you?" Shen Yuxiu said as she packed up her summer
clothes that she couldn't wear for the time being and came up to him in a bad mood.
"Of course not." Shen Yulin pursed her lips and said, "Now people in the city don't study
anymore, and they are beginning to encourage educated youth to go to the countryside to
support rural construction. Why are you, a girl from the village, so pretentious?"
"If we don't study, then why do we spend money to come to school?" Shen Yuxiu asked him
coldly, with a flame burning in her eyes, "Since you think studying is useless, why don't
you just go home and work? Why waste money here?"
Hearing that she was despised and embarrassed even though she studied hard, and
remembering what Shen Yuzhen said before the school started, Shen Yuxiu felt inexplicably
In order to go to school, she would talk back to her elder sister. But he, not only did
not study hard in school, but he also had the nerve to despise himself and bring shame
upon himself.
She studies hard, so how can she be embarrassed?
Although Shen Yulin may not be good at other things, he is still good at reading people's
faces and listening to their voices. When he heard something wrong in Shen Yuxiu's voice,
he looked up and saw her staring at him with a cold face. He was startled and quickly
straightened up as if nothing had happened.
"Are you all packed? Let's go!" After saying that, Shen Yulin took the lead and walked
This girl is getting harder and harder to deal with as she grows older. If you don't
handle her well, you won't even know how you got into trouble.

Chapter 77 Why don't you file a complaint?

Shen Yuxiu snorted softly when she saw him running away.
You little brat, you come and criticize her for no reason, do you think you can get away
with it by just running away?
Zhao Hui, who was standing in the yard waiting for the brother and sister, was stunned
when he saw one of them running very fast in front and the other glaring at the person
running away with a bad face at the back. Then he curled his lips with a slight smile.
He had seen such scenes quite often in the past few years. Usually, Shen Yulin would
annoy Shen Yuxiu with his bad words, and then Shen Yuxiu would fight back at any time.
In this way, Zhao Hui followed the two people all the way to the school gate. When he saw
Shen Yulin saw Fang Youshun who had been waiting at the school gate to pick him up, he
strode over, threw the bag into the tricycle, and then asked Fang Youshun to sit in the
back, and sat in the front of the tricycle. After Shen Yushou came forward and sat on the
tricycle, he immediately pedaled the tricycle and rode forward shakily.
Zhao Hui waited until the tricycle disappeared before turning back and walking towards
his village.
Shen Yulin, who had been waiting for the tricycle to return home for a long time, threw
his clothes on the kang and ran away without a trace, regardless of the sweat he was
sweating from pedaling all the way.
Really, it’s not that he can’t beat Shen Yuxiu, but once the two of them get angry, he
will definitely be the one who gets beaten in the end.
It was not for any other reason, but because his father said that only the most useless
men would beat women, and people like him who had nothing better to do than bully his
sister simply deserved a beating.
When Shen Yuxiu saw him jump up and run away like a rabbit when he got home, she could
only look up at the sky in silence.
With such little ability, he still slanders her at school. I don’t know what he is
The culprit ran away, and Shen Yuxiu was in no mood to think about it anymore. She
immediately began to pack the clothes she had brought back and the clothes she would take
back to school.
She had to finish washing and drying them today, otherwise the weather would be so cold
and she would have to wash and dry them tomorrow.
After washing and scrubbing all afternoon, by the time she finished washing all the
clothes, Grandma Fang had already made dinner and was just waiting for everyone to come
back for dinner.
Shen Yuxiu lay tiredly on the kang, watching the nearly two-month-old baby next to her
sleeping soundly, and couldn't help but wrinkle her nose.
This is a girl born to her mother on the morning of the third day after she started
school. She is called Shen Yuhong. My grandma said that she was named this because the
sun was so bright and beautiful on the morning when the girl was born.
Just...very casual!
For two months, because of the heavy rain and the fields had no harvest, Shen Jinggui
concentrated on replacing the roof and building a new house for his eldest son to get
married. Now that the roof has been replaced and the house has been built, the whole
family has moved After going back, these three rooms became spacious again.
Also because many households need to repair their houses this year, the brigade directly
established an infrastructure team. After repairing the houses for each household, they
plan to build an aqueduct, three culverts, and three bridges from the Yellow River to the
brigade to use them for water diversion and irrigation of farmland in the future.
In this way, they can’t be sure if there is a flood, but if there is a sudden drought
again in a certain year, they will not be afraid that the crops will die of drought.
As expected, Shen Yulin returned home on time for dinner. Shen Yuxiu looked at her
parents who had lost a lot of weight due to work and rarely wanted to cause any more
She is grown up now, not like when she was little and could not bear any loss. But
unexpectedly, Shen Yulin thought that she was silent because she was planning some big
move. Although she was eating, she was nervous inside.
This is not right. Whenever she suffered a loss, this girl would go home and complain. At
that time, he would usually run far away. By the time he got home, the adults in the
family would have almost calmed down. At most, they would just scold her and that would
be it.
But now, no one in the family scolded him. Could it be that this girl didn't complain?
Shen Yulin felt a little unsure, as this girl was often holding back her ultimate move
when she didn't complain on the spot. He was afraid that the ultimate move she was
holding back would make people unable to guard against her, so he secretly kicked her
feet under the table.
Didn't you complain when you came back? If I didn't file a complaint, you should file a
complaint. You haven't spoken a word, which makes people feel flustered.
Shen Yuxiu didn't want to pay attention to him at first, but felt that he was kicking
her, so she moved her feet back.
As a result, Shen Yulin didn't know it was good to give up, and kicked him again and
again. After five times, Shen Yuxiu was really annoyed by being kicked. She glanced at
him fiercely and spoke to Shen Jinggui on the opposite side.
"Dad, my second brother hasn't studied at all in the past two months. He follows the
students in the school all day long. He leaves school in the morning and returns to
school in the evening. I don't know what he is doing."
Shen Yulin's scalp tightened when he heard this, and he looked at Shen Yuxiu with a
horrified expression.
That's not how a complaint is made. I wonder if my father is easy to say anything, but he
just has to learn from it? Do you want his life?
"Not studying? Still running around? Still not in school?" Shen Jinggui asked three times
in a row, with shock in his eyes.
Isn’t this just not learning? Still running around, isn't this a second-rate person?
"Well, I can't see his shadow at school all day long." Shen Yuxiu nodded solemnly.
Everything she said was true, not a single lie.
After getting the exact answer, Shen Jinggui became angry and slammed his chopsticks on
the table.
When Shen Yulin saw that this posture was wrong, he took the time to pick up a wotou and
ran away.
When Shen Jinggui saw it, he thought it was not bad, so he raised his feet and chased
He was a ****, and he paid for his education, but he didn't study well and deserved to be
People at the dinner table had seen this kind of scene more than once. They watched the
two men running away one after another. After being still for a while, they calmly picked
up their chopsticks and continued eating.
"Have a good meal. Why are you complaining when you have nothing to do? Is it going to
kill you if you are full?" Shen Yuzhen frowned and said to Shen Yuxiu while eating.
"Yes." Shen Yuxiu took a sip of porridge slowly without even looking at her.
One word made Shen Yuzhen choke up. She looked up at Shen Yuxiu who was eating her meal
expressionlessly, her eyes full of annoyance.
"I am your eldest sister after all, why do you always contradict me?" Shen Yuzhen
suppressed her anger and asked the question she had wanted to ask for so many years.
She didn't understand, she really didn't understand.
Why does this second sister always like to argue with her? Even if other sisters don't
have much status in front of their parents and brothers, they still have a lot of say
among sisters. Why does this second sister always argue with her every word?
She was going to get married in a month, and she wanted an answer before leaving home.
"Why? Because you always make me angry." Shen Yuxiu slowly raised her eyes and looked at
her quietly: "If you didn't always use me as a scapegoat, I wouldn't even bother to pay
attention to you."
"When did I ever make fun of you?" Shen Yuzhen never expected to get such an answer and
was a little bit incredulous for a moment.
When has she not set an example by her own words? When has she done something without
Why did it come out of this sister's mouth as if she was playing tricks?

Chapter 78: Heresy

Seeing Shen Yuzhen's face full of disbelief, Shen Yuxiu also felt it was unbelievable.
She took a deep breath and began to present facts and reason with her.
"You're always making fun of me, just like just now, it was obviously my second brother
who kept kicking me because he had nothing better to do, so I told Dad about him, but you
were like a blind man, unable to see that he was the one who started it first, and you
just kept talking about me. Isn't that making fun of me?"
"He just kicked you a few times, the force wasn't strong and it didn't hurt you much, so
why are you so petty?" Shen Yuzhen argued, not thinking there was anything wrong with it.
Just now she saw what Shen Yulin did first, but she could also sense that Shen Yulin did
not use much force. With that kind of neither light nor heavy force, it would not
necessarily hurt even if he kicked her ten times, let alone twice. What could she do?
"Look, you said you didn't take me for granted." Shen Yuxiu was speechless. "Look at what
you said. You didn't talk about the facts at all. You just said it was my fault and you
were right. But I tell you, your reasoning doesn't work on me. I don't like to hear it,
and I don't want to hear it. You have your ideas, and I have mine. I never force you to
do anything, and don't drag me into everything and disgust me."
After saying that, Shen Yuxiu didn't even want to eat, and didn't want to continue
arguing with the confused Shen Yuzhen. She got up, went into the inner room, slammed the
door, and went to the kang to rest.
It's really inexplicable. From childhood to adulthood, she has been restless day by day.
Does she want to have trouble eating? Does she want to complain during meals?
She is already fifteen years old, how could she not see the right timing?
If she wasn't annoyed, how could she have the leisure to think about causing trouble and
complaining every day?
But in Shen Yuzhen's eyes, everything she did was wrong and wrong. She didn't even know
where Shen Yuzhen came from.
In the outer room, because Shen Yuxiu suddenly left, the dinner table was quiet for a
moment. Fang Youshun glanced at Shen Yuzhen who was speechless after being talked about.
He also felt a little unable to eat. He put down his chopsticks and stood up to light a
dry cigarette and started smoking.
Grandma Fang wanted to say something when she saw this, but she was afraid that someone
would not be able to eat after she said it, so she kept her mouth shut until everyone was
full. Shen Jinggui had not left before and the whole family started to clear away the
dishes. Shen Yuzhen spoke.
"Yuzhen, you are going to get married next month. Once you get married, you are an adult.
You should understand the truth. You can't always talk to others like you do. They may
not be as reasonable as our family."
"Where do I not understand the truth?" Shen Yuzhen muttered with some dissatisfaction.
"How can you understand reason?" Granny Fang said seriously, "Just like just now, it was
Yulin who started the trouble first, so what did you think Yuxiu was doing?"
"Yulin is a man, and he doesn't kick well..." Shen Yuzhen was still arguing her point,
but Grandma Fang seemed a little impatient and interrupted her.
"There's something that I've always found strange." Grandma Fang frowned and asked in
confusion, "Your parents don't favor boys over girls, and they never treat you and Yulin
Yuwen the same way. Where do you get the idea that women should give in to men? Or is it
that your parents didn't do something well, which made you think this way?"
When Grandma Fang said this, Fang Yan shuddered immediately and tried to recall carefully
what she had not done well.
It seems that there isn’t any…right?
"No, my parents are very good to me and Yuwen." Shen Yuzhen gave the answer without even
thinking: "But grandma, there are not many families like ours in the whole village. Which
girl doesn't give way to the boys in the family? Even the daughter of the team leader's
family gives way to the boys in the family, doesn't she? Isn't this as it should be?"
"You also say that they are other people's families, but you grew up in our family. Why
do you look at other people's families instead of ours?" Grandma Fang couldn't understand
her train of thought at all.
"Then I will marry into someone else's family, not ours." Shen Yuzhen argued loudly,
"It's obviously our family that is different from others. Why do you always ask me to
look at our family? Which girl eats the same food and wears the same good clothes as the
boys in our family? It's obviously our family that is wrong."
Grandma Fang couldn't believe what she heard.
After all this fuss, it turns out that in the eyes of this eldest granddaughter, it is
wrong for me to treat my own children in the same way?
Since this girl enjoys equal treatment at home every day and still thinks it is wrong,
then how can she have the nerve to fuss about it when the old man buys something for
Fang Yan was stunned as she listened, her head buzzing.
This was the first time she knew her daughter actually thought this way, she didn’t
teach her this way!!!
Fang Youshun, who was smoking a pipe, saw that Grandma Fang looked a little unhappy, so
he tapped the pipe bowl and spoke softly to Shen Yuzhen.
"Just finish washing the dishes and come back. I'm tired and want to rest."
As soon as Fang Youshun spoke, the room fell silent. Fang Yan quickly cleaned up the
dishes, but Shen Yuzhen felt that Fang Youshun was trying to chase her away because he
didn't like her. She turned around and left without even touching the bowl.
Fang Youshun looked at her back as she left angrily and snorted coldly.
She also said that her family was wrong and other families were right. Since other
families were right, how dare she show such disdain in front of her, her mother and her
brothers? If this happened in other families, she would be beaten, right?
Originally, he saw that his son-in-law was unable to buy more dowry for the girl after
replacing the roof, so he asked someone to buy a kang cabinet for the girl. He also
wanted to go to the commune in a few days to buy her a washbasin or something, so that he
could give her more dowry and the girl could stand up straight in her husband's family.
Now it seems, let it go.
This girl thinks so lowly of herself, and if he comes so far to support her, he will
probably be looked down upon for meddling in her affairs.
When Grandma Fang saw her leave, she sat down on the kang in silence, not saying a word.
She didn't understand why the child she had raised had so many fallacies and heresies.
She was born in a family that favors boys over girls and was fed up with that kind of
life. So after marrying Fang Youshun, she kept reminding herself not to do that and not
to be that kind of elder. But in the end, it was still the same. Was it because she
didn't set a good example enough?
Fang Youshun didn't know what Grandma Fang was thinking, but he could tell from her
expression that the old woman was in a bad mood. After Fang Yan finished washing the
dishes and left with the children, he put down his pipe and began to comfort the old
woman who was badly hit.
"Don't think about it. Yuzhen is just talking without any pain. She has never suffered
that kind of hardship. She sees other people doing it and thinks it is right. When she
experiences it herself, she will naturally understand how ridiculous what she said today
"But how much suffering will that require?" Although Grandma Fang was angry at Shen
Yuzhen for saying that, she also couldn't bear to see the child she had raised suffer.

Chapter 79 I Won't Go to School If It Starts Again

Fang Youshun, however, has a completely different opinion on this.
"People always have to bump their heads and get hurt before they can understand things.
Think about it, have you tried to reason with her overtly or covertly over the years? Has
it worked?" Fang Youshun kept asking her, "You waste so much time talking every day, but
has she ever listened to a word? The child is grown up and has her own ideas. You can't
just change her mind if you want to."
"Then just don't care?" Grandma Fang frowned, her eyes full of disapproval.
"How else do you want to control her?" Fang Youshun said, spreading his hands, "She's
getting married next month. Once she's married, she's someone else's. How can you control
her in-laws?"
Grandma Fang was choked by what she said, and rolled her eyes at Fang Youshun in
annoyance. She got off the kang and went into the inner room to look for Shen Yuxiu.
I can’t control that, but I can at least control this, right?
While this girl is still in a normal state of mind, we must not let her go astray again
no matter what.
After a busy afternoon, Shen Yuxiu was already exhausted. She went back to her room, lay
on the kang, closed her eyes and ignored what was happening outside.
Over the years, she had heard enough of Shen Yuzhen's twisted theories and heresies, and
she knew that once Shen Yuzhen had determined a certain truth, she would not listen to
anyone else. Therefore, when she returned to the room, she just wanted to have a quiet
rest, and as for the outside world, she didn't care what happened.
Just as she was about to fall asleep, she suddenly heard the door open. She opened her
eyes and saw that it was Grandma Fang coming in. She lazily called out, "Grandma."
"Hey, are you asleep?" Grandma Fang heard her confused little voice and knew that she had
disturbed her. She immediately lowered her voice and asked her, "Can Grandma sleep with
you tonight?"
"Yeah." Shen Yuxiu responded tenderly. After Grandma Fang got on the kang and took off
her outer clothes, she lifted her quilt. After Grandma Fang got into the quilt, she
rubbed against her arms like a cat, put her arms around her waist, closed her eyes and
fell asleep quietly.
Granny Fang originally came in to talk to Shen Yuxiu about some principles so that she
wouldn't follow the same path as Shen Yuzhen.
But now, seeing her sleepy and dependent little look, he immediately couldn't bear to
disturb her. He gently held her in his arms like when she was a child, tucked the quilt
in, and patted her back gently with one hand to coax her to sleep.
Feeling the rhythmic pats on her back, Shen Yuxiu closed her eyes, and the corners of her
lips curled up slightly in pleasure.
As she grew older and got used to sleeping alone at school, it had been a long time since
she had been hugged by her grandma to sleep.
The old man's breath was still so reassuring, and the big hand patting her back could
still make her fall asleep quickly.
Shen Yulin ran across half the village last night, but was still caught and beaten by his
father. He was also sternly warned that he must study hard, or he would be beaten with a
Shen Yulin, who was beaten and warned, was so miserable that he came to Fang's yard early
in the morning and lay down in front of Shen Yushou who was still sleeping.
Shen Yuxiu woke up naturally. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw a face with dark
eyes. She was immediately frightened and turned over and sat up.
After seeing clearly who the person in front of him was, he covered his heart which was
beating fast with fear and scolded him angrily.
"Are you sick? Do you want to scare me to death so early in the morning?"
"Tsk, who told you to have nothing better to do than complain?" Shen Yulin sneered
disdainfully, and seeing her frightened expression, he suddenly felt much more balanced.
"You forced me to do that. I didn't want to complain in the first place. It's your fault
that you kept kicking me. If you hadn't kicked me hard enough, I would have complained to
you." Shen Yuxiu said unhappily as she started to put on her coat.
"Hey, don't take advantage of me. If you didn't lose your temper yesterday, you would
have lost your temper sooner or later. I would have been beaten up long ago and I would
have given in." Shen Yulin said as his body tilted and he lay down on the place where
Shen Yuxiu had just stood up. Shen Yuxiu's temples throbbed at the sight of him.
"Get out of here, get out of here. Look at the dirt on your body. I have to wash it even
if it gets dirty." Shen Yuxiu said as she began to pull the quilt that was pressed under
him and pushed him onto the kang on the side.
This time, Shen Yulin didn't say anything. He rolled to the side and closed his eyes and
fell asleep.
He was beaten badly last night. He was kicked until his butt was black. He was also
punished by his own father to kneel down until midnight. He was really old.
Shen Yuxiu saw that he started snoring soon, looked at the quilt that had just been
folded, stretched it out, and covered him with it.
After all, it was because of the beating she received, so she should treat it as
compensation for him.
Just like that, after finally returning home, Shen Yulin received a beating, slept for
another day, and then was woken up and sent to school.
Only this time, because Shen Yuxiu was assigned by his own father to supervise him, he no
longer dared to run around. He went to and from get out of class with Shen Yuxiu
obediently every day, and his impetuous heart slowly calmed down again.
Because of his interest in their studies, whether it was Shen Yuzhen getting married or
Shen Yuwen getting married, Shen Jinggui didn't even come over to call them.
After staying in school for another two months, during the winter vacation, Zhao Hui was
almost at the school gate with two people carrying large and small bags when he suddenly
"I won't come to school if school starts again."
Shen Yulin and Shen Yuxiu were stunned when they heard this, and then they turned around
and looked at him at the same time.
"I've found a job and I work in the supply and marketing cooperative in town. If you need
anything in the future, you can come to me. I can reserve it for you in advance if it can
be reserved." Zhao Huiluo smiled generously, but his hands, which were holding his
bedding, tightened unconsciously.
"Wow, you've actually found a job?" Shen Yuxiu was surprised, but also a little confused:
"But if you just don't go to school, what a pity it would be? High school is so difficult
to get into, you finally got in."
"What's a pity? We can't go to college now. Even if we finish high school, we still have
to work. My father forced me to go, otherwise I wouldn't want to go. It would be great to
find a job. We can save money and earn money at the same time." Shen Yulin was extremely
envious of Zhao Hui. At the same time, he sneered at Shen Yuxiu for not being able to see
the reality in front of her.
What else does this girl know besides studying? She just knows how to go to school.
Shen Yuxiu's mouth twitched when she heard that, and she said to Zhao Hui in a somewhat
embarrassed tone: "Congratulations."
"Thank you." Zhao Hui smiled tenderly, "You know where the supply and marketing
cooperative is, right? Remember to come find me if you have any problems in the future."
"Okay, I will." Shen Yuxiu agreed readily.
"What about me? She can come to you when she has something to do, but I can't come to you
when I have something to do?" Shen Yulin's face was full of displeasure.
"How could that be? Of course you can come to me if you have any problems." Zhao Hui
responded quickly with a smile.
"That's pretty good." Shen Yulin was immediately relieved and gave him his
congratulations: "Work hard and strive to become an official so that you can protect us
in the future."
"Okay, I will try my best." Zhao Hui nodded solemnly.
Seeing that he was so understanding, Shen Yulin said goodbye to him with a laugh, then
walked forward with Shen Yuxiu.
Zhao Hui looked at the two people's backs as they left, and his eyes gradually became
Yes, he will definitely work hard and try to protect them in the future.

Chapter 80 Market Cancelled

In fact, if possible, Zhao Hui would like to continue going to school, but because it had
never rained so heavily in previous years, he was used to storing food for only one year,
which resulted in nothing to eat now. And because of the heavy rain, the cottonwood trees
in the wasteland did not grow, so it became a luxury for him to weave something to sell
for money.
A few years ago, he didn't understand the social relations and could rely on his thick
skin to get a meal from Fang's family. But now he is a 19-year-old boy who understands a
lot of things and has other ways out. He just can't do such a shameless thing.
So he used the remaining money to buy the job through Wu Laohei.
Originally, Zhao Hui just wanted to find a job to support himself, but Shen Yulin's
unintentional words suddenly reminded him that in addition to supporting himself, he
could do more.
The only pity is that from now on, he will no longer be able to often see the girl
sitting in front of him studying hard.
After leaving the school, Shen Yulin immediately strode towards Fang Youshun who was
waiting at the school gate, put the luggage on the tricycle, and exchanged seats with
Fang Youshun as usual. After waiting for Shen Yuxiu who arrived later to get on the
tricycle and sit down, he immediately pedaled the tricycle and slowly headed home.
As the tricycle left the school gate, Shen Yuxiu saw Zhao Hui still standing there
looking at her, and waved to him with a smile.
To be honest, she envied Zhao Hui a little. After all, his family had been poor farmers
for three generations, and there were no restrictions on recruitment or employment.
Unlike her and Shen Yulin, because of their aunt, no matter how well they studied, they
still had to go home to farm after high school.
When they arrived at the village, Shen Yuxiu looked at the empty streets along the way
and couldn't help but look puzzled.
"Grandpa, isn't it market day today? Why is there no one on the street?"
"Hey, don't mention it." Fang Youshun whispered to Shen Yuxiu when she asked about this:
"On the seventh day of the first lunar month, a group of young people and young people
grabbed your school teachers and our work group comrades to make trouble at the market.
The comrades in the work group were good comrades who helped us build the aqueduct and
the bridge. When the villagers saw the situation, no one would do anything. As a result,
the commotion got out of hand and the market was cancelled."
Shen Yuxiu's eyes widened slightly when she heard this.
Is this actually happening?
But now they were on the street, and she couldn't ask too clearly, so she immediately
shut up and waited until she got home to ask. Shen Yulin, who was riding his bike in
front, heard the two people whispering behind him, and his scalp unconsciously tightened.
He knew about this. Before the trouble, those people wanted to drag him along, but he
didn't know they were going to come to his village. Plus, Shen Yuxiu was staring at him
closely, so he refused.
It was not until later when an injured friend came to see him that he realized these
people had come to his village to cause trouble. He was so frightened that he broke out
in a cold sweat and was grateful that Shen Yuxiu had been keeping a close eye on him.
If I get involved in this on impulse, won’t his father break my legs when I get back?
So, Shen Yulin was almost too nice to Shen Yuxiu these days, until Shen Yuxiu began to
suspect that he had done something wrong behind her back, and then he restrained himself
a little, for fear that she would notice something wrong.
The next day after returning home, Shen Yuxiu was chased by Grandma Fang to her parents'
yard and asked to meet her new sister-in-law.
The new sister-in-law is called Song Huilai. She is not tall and doesn’t have much flesh
on her body. At most, she looks pretty.
But after Song Huilai was called sister-in-law by Shen Yuxiu, she immediately became
embarrassed and could not speak clearly. Shen Yuxiu looked at her suspiciously and
touched her face.
Does she look that scary? She just called me sister-in-law and didn't say anything out of
line, so why are you so scared?
Shen Yuxiu originally wanted to stay with her parents for a while longer, but when she
saw Song Huilai was fidgeting, she tried to find a topic to talk to her about. However,
after she brought up the topic, she seemed to be scolded and fell silent after answering
a few words.
This happened several times before Shen Yuxiu felt it was boring, so she said a few
polite words and went home.
However, she didn't know that after Shen Yuxiu left, Song Huilai also breathed a sigh of
She was almost scared to death.
Because the harvest was bad this year, she was unable to bring back any of the betrothal
gifts sent by the Shen family, and had to exchange them all for food for her family.
Because of this, she was afraid that the Shen family would have a problem with her, so
she rushed to work as soon as she entered the door, always feeling as if she owed this
family something.
In addition, on the day of her wedding, she heard her eldest sister-in-law say that her
second aunt was very good at talking, and because she had the support of her
grandparents, no one in the family could afford to offend her. Even in this situation,
how could she dare to say anything to Shen Yuxiu? She was afraid that she would say
something wrong and anger her second sister-in-law, and she would suffer the
Shen Yuxiu had no idea what Song Huilai was thinking. When she got home, she started
packing the laundry she brought back from school and cleaning the house where she hadn't
slept in for more than two months.
Because the harvest in the past few years was bad, Fang Youshun had been subconsciously
hoarding food, so even if there was no harvest this autumn, it did not affect the
family's foundation.
In addition, because the kang cabinet and other items originally ordered for Shen Yuzhen
were cancelled, Fang Youshun generously bought a large piece of floral cloth this year,
and also made new clothes for Shen Yuxiu, Shen Yusuei and the little Shen Yuhong.
The three sisters put on three clothes with the same patterns. When they walked out,
anyone who saw them would know that they were definitely children from the same family.
The second day of the Chinese New Year is the day when the new bride returns to her
parents' home. Song Huilai is a new bride, and Shen Yuzhen is also a new bride. Fang Yan
asked them to return to their respective parents' homes, and no one had to accommodate
the other.
After all, Shen Yulin is not a child anymore, and his mouth is much better than Shen
Yuwen's, so it is no problem for him to greet the new son-in-law.
Besides, even if Shen Yuwen is not capable, there are still other cousins of the Shen
family. A lot of them can come if they are called, so there is no need to worry about not
being able to greet the new son-in-law well.
On this day, Shen Jinggui also called Mr. Shen and Mr. Fang Youshun over. The children
were young and energetic. He was afraid that these children would cause trouble for the
new son-in-law. The two old men were here and could suppress them. Gotta live somewhere.
It's the Chinese New Year, plus there's a new son-in-law to greet, the Shen family is a
full house, and even adults and children can't move around.
Because Shen Yuzhen is married and is a guest today, she will not be allowed to do the
work in the kitchen. Grandma Fang and Grandma Shen are too old to take care of the
children. Today, the kitchen becomes Fang Yan and Shen. The home of Yuxiu and Shen Yujun,
who is already eleven years old.
Of course, in a formal occasion like this, Shen Yuxiu's barely capable cooking skills
would not be on the table. She was responsible for lighting the fire, while Shen Yujun
was responsible for serving the dishes, and Fang Yan was responsible for all other
At this time, people didn't have much good food. Even if they wanted to entertain their
new son-in-law, the only dishes they could cook were fried peanuts, cabbage stewed with
tofu, pork vermicelli, and a pot of hare stewed with white radish.
Although there are not many dishes, in this era, these four dishes are already a high
standard for entertaining a son-in-law.
Because she didn't have to cook when she went home this year, Shen Yuzhen felt
particularly comfortable when she sat on the kang, listening to Grandma Fang and Grandma
Shen chatting while looking at Shen Yuhong.
Finally, Shen Yuxiu, who had never cooked all year round, started to work in the kitchen.
Women, no matter how knowledgeable they are, they still don’t have to revolve around the
pot in the end.

Chapter 81 Good friend

Because there were too many adults and children, after Fang Yan finished cooking, she
moved the men's table to Shen Yuwen's room, while the woman and the children stayed in
the main room.
It was not until she sat down at the table that Shen Yuzhen realized that Shen Yuxiu,
Shen Yushui and little Shen Yuhong were actually wearing new clothes of the same pattern.
Her face immediately looked a little unhappy.
When she got married, she just wore a dress made of red cloth sent by her husband's
family. Her parents gave her two quilts, two thermoses, two tea trays, two mirrors as a
dowry, and the rest was some small candies and the like.
Because the roof of the house had just been replaced, and her eldest brother was getting
married this year, she felt a little regretful that if it hadn't been for the heavy rain,
her dowry would have been larger. Later, she saw that the dowries of girls who got
married at the same time as her were not as good as hers, and her sister-in-law only wore
a big red flower on her chest when she got married, and she felt balanced immediately.
But now, seeing that her three younger sisters were all wearing new clothes, she felt
Since the family still had money, why didn't her parents give her some cloth as a dowry
when she got married?
Thinking of this, Shen Yuzhen unconsciously expressed her dissatisfaction.
"Why did my sisters all make new clothes this year, but I didn't get any? Does that mean
I'm no longer the daughter of this family after I get married?"
As soon as Shen Yuzhen said this, Grandma Fang, who was chatting and eating with Grandma
Shen, froze in her smile. Shen Yushui was still young and didn't understand anything, but
Shen Yuxiu raised her eyes immediately.
Are you looking for trouble again?
When Fang Yan saw the look Shen Yuxiu gave Shen Yuzhen, she knew something was wrong
again, and quickly brought Shen Yuxiu a millet rice cake. "Here, don't you like rice
cakes? Try the rice cakes that mother steamed. There are a lot of dates in them."
The implication is: Shut your mouth quickly, it's New Year's Day and it's the first year
that the new son-in-law comes to your house, so be quiet.
When Shen Yuxiu saw the rice cake suddenly appear in front of her, she saw that her
mother's eyes were full of warnings, so she could only purse her lips, took the sticky
cake and started eating.
You know, when there are old people around, these things usually belong to the old
people, and she doesn't get this kind of treatment during normal meals.
However, she didn't say anything. Grandma Shen next to her couldn't stand Shen Yuzhen's
eccentric appearance. There were either elders or juniors in the room. Who should listen
to her eccentric words?
"A good girl doesn't wear her mother's clothes. The married girl throws water away. Which
family have you seen that would make new clothes for the married girl during the Chinese
New Year?" Grandma Shen lowered her eyelids and said calmly: " Since ancient times, men
have inherited the family business and will take on the responsibility of providing for
their parents in their old age. Women are just guests when they return to their parents'
home after they get married. When their parents are not in good health, they come back to
wait on them, which is considered as having fulfilled their nurturing kindness. The
divorced daughter is still worried about her parents' things. Is she trying to take over
the man's affairs and bring her son-in-law back to interfere with her? "
What nonsense are you talking about?
Shen Yuzhen's scalp tightened when she heard this, and she suddenly raised her eyes to
look at Grandma Shen.
She never thought that she just expressed her dissatisfaction, and this old woman would
actually say such harsh words.
However, when she raised her eyes, she happened to look into Grandma Shen's dark eyes.
Inexplicably, Shen Yuzhen felt frightened and subconsciously tried to save herself:
"Grandma, what are you talking about? Why did your grandson-in-law cut in the door upside
down when he was doing well? How can I behave if your grandson-in-law hears this?"
Is this old woman sick? Can she say such things freely?
"Oh, you don't want to barge in with your grandson-in-law?" Grandma Shen asked again.
"Of course, there is no shortage of men in our family. Why would my man barge in on the
door for no reason?" Shen Yuzhen said with a trembling voice and glanced subconsciously
towards the door of the house, for fear that her man would suddenly come over and hear
what she said.
"If you don't want to barge in, why are you worrying about your parents' things?" Grandma
Shen's voice became stern.
The implication is, do you want to be embarrassed?
Shen Yuzhen was speechless when she was asked. She didn't know how to answer for a while.
She couldn't say that her family didn't give away a piece of cloth when she got married.
Now that she sees her sisters wearing new clothes, she feels unbalanced, right?
But after saying this, isn’t it still the same topic as before? She was a married
daughter who was thinking about her parents' things.
Shen Yuzhen's mind was racing, but she couldn't think of a good reason. She finally bit
the bullet and changed her explanation: "I, I just think that the sisters have all put on
new clothes, but my mother doesn't even have one. Shouldn’t the good cloth be given to
the elders first?”
As soon as Shen Yuzhen's words fell, Shen Yuxiu's eyes widened, and he immediately fired
like a machine gun, "Grandpa bought the fabric. Our mother is not like you who always
cares about her mother's things. It's not that we don't let them go." "Give it to me,
because my mother couldn't bear to part with the fabric, so she had to make it for us."
What's wrong, you dare to bring the topic to yourself and your sisters.
Her words were so fast that when Fang Yan saw that she was about to speak, she couldn't
stop her even if she wanted to.
"Your mother is a good girl." Grandma Shen heard this and gave her a piece of rabbit meat
with a smile. She turned around and asked Shen Yuzhen: "You are so filial and know that
you have to give good things to your parents, so why don't you give them to them during
the Chinese New Year?" What?"
What did Shen Yuzhen give?
She just gave me two whole-grain steamed buns!
There is no elderly person in her husband's family who receives allowances. Although her
husband earns a few dollars working at the machine repair station in the commune, her
husband's family has not yet divided the family. Her uncle, her brother-in-law, and the
whole family depend on her husband's little money for the New Year. In addition, not a
single grain of autumn grain was harvested last year, so it is already very good to have
enough food to eat. How can she have money to buy things for her parents?
Shen Yuxiu, who was standing by and saw Shen Yuzhen's face turning pale and blue but she
didn't answer, immediately answered for her kindly, "Grandma, my sister gave my mother
two coarse flour buns, and before she left, my mother gave her half a bag of sorghum
Fang Yan didn't expect that she would blurt out this matter. Her face turned pale and she
felt very guilty.
Who doesn't need food and drink now? Her family only gave Mr. Shen a bag of food for the
New Year, but her daughter took away half a bag. How would her mother-in-law look at her
in the future?
Shen Yuzhen didn't expect Shen Yuxiu to take off the fig leaf like this, and couldn't
help but glared at her fiercely.
"Oh, no wonder." Grandma Fang seemed to understand something, and said with a look of
surprise: "Your sister is used to taking things from her parents' house, so she is even
jealous of you wearing new clothes. Xiaoxiu, please don't do that in the future. Just
like your sister, it’s not a good habit to worry about other people’s things.”
"I don't care about other people's things." Shen Yuxiu nodded immediately. After
speaking, he looked at Shen Yuzhen and said, "I am very shameless."
Shen Yuzhen's face darkened after hearing her words.
What does she mean? Are you saying that you are shameless?
However, Grandma Shen was satisfied with her answer and told her with a pleased look on
her face: "Yes, you are a good child, but you have to take good care of your own things
and don't let others take them away casually."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Shen Yuxiu nodded repeatedly after hearing this, immediately turned
on the dog leg mode, and picked up vegetables for Grandma Shen, "Come on, grandma, I'll
give you whatever you like to eat. Rabbit meat is hard to chew. "Is the tofu okay? I just
took one bite of this rice cake. If you don't mind, I'll give it to you."
Oops, this grandma cares about her so much. Isn't this what she has done these years?
Don't worry about other people's things. Don't worry about your own things. Don't let
others take them away.
Wuhu, my close friend! !

Chapter 82 Stay away from me, disgusting

Shen Yuzhen looked at Shen Yuxiu's naughty appearance and almost became angry. She wanted
to explode but couldn't find a reason. In the end, she could only angrily poke the food
in the bowl with her chopsticks.
It was so infuriating, everyone knew how to bully her.
The same goes for Xiaoxiu, he grew up with her, and this old woman hadn't seen them for a
few days. She didn't understand the concept of closeness and distance, so he actually
joined forces with this old woman to embarrass her.
Grandma Fang felt very disappointed when she saw Shen Yuzhen's indignant look.
She thought that this granddaughter just looked at the treatment of other girls and
thought that was right, but now that she saw it, it seemed that was not the case.
But after all, he was quite sensible. He knew that there would be no good results if he
made a fuss, so he controlled his temper.
But Grandma Shen didn't care that much about hurting Shen Yuzhen's face.
She gave birth to six sons alone, and her grandchildren now totaled about thirty or forty
people. As the old lord of the family, if she was worried about this and that, she would
be exhausted to death.
Therefore, at home, Grandma Shen still has some respect for her son and daughter-in-law.
For her grandchildren, if there is a fight, she will make it a big deal and make it a
trivial matter. No matter how bad the meal is, it will rot in her own pot. If you see
someone doing something wrong, as long as you are at home, point it out directly without
As for whether these grandchildren can bear it and whether they are happy or not.
Never mind them!
As long as these children don't do bad things, don't bring disgrace on the old Shen
family's face, and just do whatever they like, is it possible that they can still make a
big fuss?
Because he was worried about the eldest daughter-in-law returning to his parents' house,
Song Huilai was afraid of being picked on, so he and Shen Yuwen hurried back after having
dinner at their parents' house.
Although she didn't catch up with the two sisters, she could still tell that they seemed
to be a bit awkward, but Song Huilai knew that she was a low-key person, so after
everyone finished eating, she put away the dishes and chopsticks in silence. Fang Yan and
Shen Yuxiu were stunned but didn't let them interfere anymore.
The atmosphere between Shen Yuxiu and the sisters here is not very good, and the fourth
Shen's family over there is not much better either.
Shen Laosi knew that he was not welcomed by Mr. Shen, so he didn't ask Mr. Shen to come
over. He only asked Shen Laosan's eldest son to come and accompany his new son-in-law.
After all, he had no son, so he, the father-in-law, couldn't accompany his son-in-law by
himself, right? That seniority is wrong.
After dinner, Shen Yuling saw Shen Yumei and her second sister coming back smiling after
washing the dishes. Thinking of the cabinet that Fourth Aunt Shen had locked after
returning from the winter vacation, she came close to Shen Yumei and seemed to be asking
"Sister, I heard from my mother that your mother-in-law divided your family just after
you got married?"
This was something that never happened in her previous life. In her previous life, her
sister separated from her family only after all of her brother-in-law's brothers and
sisters had started their own families.
Shen Yumei didn't know why she was asking this, but her nerves suddenly tensed up. She
said "hmm" lightly and didn't intend to pay attention to her.
In the morning, when her newly married daughter, mother and sister were busy in the
kitchen, there was no sign of this third sister. Just now, when they were clearing up and
washing dishes after dinner, this third sister was not there either. Now that she
suddenly came over, it felt like something bad was happening.
"Then..., how is your brother-in-law treating you? Is he good to you?" Shen Yulin seemed
not to notice her alienation and moved forward again.
Shen Yumei didn't like her approaching like this, so she immediately took a step back and
asked directly: "You don't have to pretend to be intimate with me, just tell me what's
going on."
Shen Yuling's face froze when she heard what Shen Yumei said, but she immediately hid the
guilt in her heart and said with a smile: "Sister, what are you talking about? I just
want to chat with you. Why do you make me sound like I have some purpose?"
"No purpose?" Shen Yumei raised her eyebrows and asked back, then smiled coldly, "Since
you have no purpose, stay away from me. I feel sick when I see you."
Shen Yuling never expected that she would say that, and her smile froze on her face.
Before she could react and say anything else, she saw Shen Yumei loudly called her
husband and left.
The sisters have been living together for many years, and Shen Yumei knows Shen Yuling
very well. She is always ready to help others and never ignores them. She usually ignores
people, but suddenly becomes enthusiastic towards someone. That must be a purpose.
Now that things have come to this, of course she has to leave quickly, otherwise, she
might get cheated.
You know, the red cloth that her in-laws gave her as a betrothal gift was made of very
expensive woolen material that was specially bought from the city by someone else. Her
mother-in-law asked her to use it to make a show on her wedding day, but the cloth was
snatched away by Shen Yulin, so she had to borrow someone else's old wedding dress when
she got married.
On her wedding day, her mother-in-law didn't show any anger on the surface, but her face
was dark when she looked at her behind her back, thinking that she didn't take the
reputation of her husband's family seriously at all. Three days after she returned home,
she separated her from her husband.
Perhaps in the eyes of others, being able to separate and live one's own life after
marriage is a good thing, but in her husband's family, this means being expelled from the
circle of interests. Because of this, her husband still has a bad attitude towards her.
Some people may think that she is a little too fussy, but you have to know that her
eldest uncle is the team leader and her younger brother-in-law went to work in the county
last year. One of them can decide what work you do at work, and the other has connections
in the county and can get things done. In the eyes of the villagers, these two are
heavyweights. Which one is easy to mess with?
But in the end, she was separated and lived alone before she even got involved. Who in
the village didn't laugh at her behind her back?
She has been tricked like this. If she still has the mood to act out some sisterly love
with Shen Yulin, how stupid must she be?
Moreover, Shen Yumei can be said to have seen through this sister.
This is a heartless person who only cares about herself and doesn't care about the lives
of others. If you don't know how to guard against this girl, you will be killed without
knowing how.
Shen Yulin never expected that as soon as she opened her mouth, her elder sister took her
brother-in-law away. She was so angry that her face turned blue.
nausea? She actually said she was disgusting?
Shen Yuling was so angry that she kept taking deep breaths in the room. It wasn't until
Fourth Aunt Shen sent her son-in-law back that she barely suppressed the evil fire, and
then a weakness spread throughout her body.
If Fourth Aunt Shen hadn't been wary of her during the winter vacation, how would she
have put her thoughts on Shen Yumei, how would she have had the idea of letting Shen
Yumei support her in school first, and how would she have warmly kissed this eldest
sister's cold ass.
But in the end, when she was talking to Shen Yumei in a nice voice, she was even called
disgusting. Who is she?
Shen Yuling knew that it would be difficult to get Shen Yumei to support her in school
first. If that was the case, then she would think of other ways.
As for what solution?
Of course they are selling food!
Now that we are not even allowed to do business, what else can we do besides selling
Shen Yuling was very lucky that when she was wandering around the town last year, she
accidentally walked into a black market. Otherwise, she would not know where to sell
In this way, on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, Shen Yuling took advantage of the
fourth aunt Shen and her sisters to return to her parents' home. She held back her
strength and pushed down the door of the house where the food was stored, and then
carried it to the black market several times. Finished two sacks of grain.
When Fourth Aunt Shen came home, she saw the door of the house being pushed open and two
missing grain bags. She was so angry that she was trembling all over and clenching her
hands loudly.
Damn girl, how dare she! ! !

Chapter 83 You support me

The reason why Fourth Aunt Shen saw at a glance that this was Shen Yuling's handiwork was
not because she was a thief, but because no thief would just steal two bags of grain and
leave the rest alone.
Seeing her dark face, Shen Laosi knew that Fourth Aunt Shen was really angry. He was so
frightened that he did not dare to say anything. After reinstalling the door panel, he
told his daughters to stay away from Fourth Aunt Shen.
After being married for many years, he knew Fourth Aunt Shen's temper very well. Whoever
goes up at this time will be unlucky.
Shen Yuling sold the grain and hid the money before returning.
Maybe it was because of her guilty conscience that when she was about to get home, she
started to beat the drum in her heart for no reason.
So before entering the door, Shen Yuling first poked his head into the courtyard at the
entrance and observed for a while. He found that there were voices talking from time to
time in the room where he and his sisters lived, but there was no sound at all in the
room where his parents lived.
This situation seems too quiet. Could it be that the sisters came back first and the
parents haven't come back yet?
Shen Yuling kept murmuring in her heart, but in the end she tiptoed into the yard like a
thief and walked towards her and her sisters' house.
She had to check with her sisters first.
After Aunt Shen came back and found that the food was gone, she took a broomstick and sat
by the wall at the entrance of the courtyard to wait for someone. Now she saw Shen Yuling
sneaking into the courtyard like a thief, but she didn't move until Shen Yuling walked
out for a while. She stood up silently when she was about to enter the house.
Fourth Aunt Shen first moved her legs and feet, which were somewhat stiff from sitting,
then closed and locked the courtyard door, and then strode towards Sister Shen Yuling's
"Xiao Liu, where are our parents?" Shen Yuling tiptoed into the house and asked in a low
voice to Liu Mei, who was squatting on the ground playing.
However, after the child was asked, he did not answer her, but looked behind her.
Shen Yuling turned around and saw her own mother standing at the door without knowing it,
with a broomstick in her hand.
"Mom, you, are you back?" Shen Yuling looked at the weapon in her hand and felt a little
"You all get out." Fourth Aunt Shen ignored her and issued an expulsion order to all the
other daughters in the house.
Hearing this, Shen Yuling's sisters immediately got up and walked out obediently one by
one. Shen Yuling saw something bad and wanted to hold one of them back, but the sisters
were very smart and avoided her immediately, even the one-year-old little one. The old
man was all taken away.
When Shen Yuling was the only one left in the room, Fourth Aunt Shen immediately kicked
the door shut, picked up the broomstick in her hand, and whipped Shen Yuling head and
"Ah, ah..., mother, mother, it hurts..., I was wrong..."
Shen Yuling was beaten until she kept screaming, but Fourth Aunt Shen was really angry
this time and her attacks were ruthless. No matter how much Shen Yuling cried, she just
beat her without saying a word.
When Shen Yuling was severely beaten, she also wanted to snatch the broomstick from
Fourth Aunt Shen's hand, but she had never done any work in these years. How could she
possibly snatch it away from Fourth Aunt Shen, who worked in the fields all year round?
She didn't grab her for a moment, but Fourth Aunt Shen hit her even harder.
Shen Yuling saw that it was useless to cry and beg, and that she could not resist, so she
could only cover her head and endure the broomstick bumps that fell on her body.
Fourth Aunt Shen didn't know how long she had beaten Shen Yuling, until her arms were
sore and weak, and Shen Yuling could only let out a muffled groan and no longer yell, and
then she stopped panting.
"There are ten people in our family. On average, each person gets about 160 kilograms of
grain every year. Last year, we only got one season, and each person got less than 100
kilograms. I won't say much, just one. Over the past year, you have taken away two sacks
of grain, each of which weighs about 150 kilograms. In other words, you have taken away
the grain that you will need for two years. If you get that grain back to me, I won’t do
it. What are you talking about? You can eat whatever you want at home. If you can’t get
it back, just go find food on your own in the past two years. You don’t have a grain of
food in this family.”
After saying this coldly, Fourth Aunt Shen turned around and walked out without looking
at how Shen Yuling was beaten.
On the ground, Shen Yuling felt pain everywhere in her body. She quietly watched Fourth
Aunt Shen gradually walk out of the house, her eyes full of resentment.
It's too cruel, and her mother is too cruel.
It’s true that she sold the grain, and she didn’t refuse to pay it back after she
could. As for beating her like this?
She wants to go to school, what's wrong?
Days passed one by one, and soon it was the eighth day of the New Year. This was the day
when the old men of the Shen family gathered together every year. It was also the day
when Shen Yuxiu's brain turned into a paste, her face twitched with laughter, and her
mouth ordered people around until she didn't obey her commands.
Fortunately, in terms of the old man's generation, Grandpa Shen is the oldest, and in
terms of the uncles and aunts, her father is the oldest. When Shen Yuxiu sees people who
are about the same age as Grandpa Shen, she calls them grandpa or grandma. When she sees
people who are about the same age as her father, she calls them uncle or aunt. When she
sees boys and girls who are older than her, she calls them brothers or sisters, and when
she sees those who are younger than her, she calls them brothers or sisters.
As for who they are from and what their ranking is, I'm sorry, I don't know and can't
tell them apart.
After Shen Yuxiu and her brothers and sisters met all the elders in the main house, they
stayed there for a while with smiling faces, and then came out rubbing their cheeks that
were stiff from laughing.
There were too many people in the room, so she had to go home to rest her face and quiet
her ears before coming back.
In fact, Shen Yuxiu didn't really want to come over on this day every year. After all,
she didn't know these adults and children very well, and it was quite comfortable to
enjoy leisurely time at home.
But Mr. Shen has no choice but to stipulate that it can be done at other times. On this
day, everyone in the Shen family, whether adults or children, unless it is a wedding or
wedding or important matters related to the future, must make time to show their faces
here, including Shen Laosi's family, whom he didn't like to see very much.
"Xiao Xiu." Shen Yuxiu had just walked out of the house a few steps when she heard
someone calling from behind. She turned around to follow the sound and saw Fourth Aunt
Shen, who was washing dishes in the yard, getting up and wiping her hands and walking
towards her.
Shen Yuxiu looked at Fourth Aunt Shen, who was getting closer and closer to her, with
doubts in her eyes.
Her fourth aunt never looked at me when she saw her. What happened today?
Fourth Aunt Shen had never taken the initiative to talk to the children of Shen Jinggui's
family. Suddenly she took the initiative to stop Shen Yuxiu, and she felt uncomfortable
all over.
But there was one thing that she still had to say.
"Xiao Xiu? I'm not going to college now. Have you ever thought about not going to
school?" Aunt Shen said and subconsciously glanced at the kitchen, for fear that Fang
Yan, who was busy in the kitchen, would notice her.
"What?" Shen Yuxiu frowned and tilted his ears, wondering if he heard wrongly.
"It's just..., look." Fourth Aunt Shen took a deep breath, organized her words, and tried
to persuade her as gently as possible: "You go to school all day long, and your sister
Yuling is also insisting on you going to school. No, but you don’t want to go to college
now. Wouldn’t it be a waste of money to go to high school? Besides, even if you don’t
go to college now, you still have a high school diploma, so you don’t have to go to
school and waste that money, right?”
Shen Yuxiu was speechless after hearing this. She looked at Fourth Aunt Shen up and down
several times and only said four words lightly: "Are you raising me?"

Chapter 84 It’s uncomfortable

"Ah?" Fourth Aunt Shen was stunned when she heard this, not quite understanding what she
"I go to school so that I don't have to work. If I don't go to school, will you support
me, Aunt Four?" Shen Yuxiu looked at Aunt Shen quietly, and spoke in more detail. She
felt that Aunt Shen was extremely ridiculous. .
Whether her Shen Yuling goes to school or not is none of her business! Whether she goes
to school or not is none of her business! ! !
The two families were not in contact with each other, so she and Shen Yuling still
refused to deal with each other, so she decided not to go to school because of Shen
Yuling. What did she think?
"What are you talking about, kid? What kind of attitude is this?" After understanding
what Shen Yuxiu meant, Fourth Aunt Shen was a little annoyed, "I'm just your aunt, not
your father and mother, so why should I raise you?"
"That's right, you are just my aunt, not my parents. I haven't eaten a grain of food or
spent a penny from your family. It's none of your business whether I go to school or
not." Shen Yuxiu finished angrily, Turn around and leave.
There is something wrong with one or two of them.
What rule did she break when she went to school? One after another came over and pointed
fingers at her.
Fourth Aunt Shen never expected that this little girl would speak so rudely. She wanted
to stop her and teach her a lesson. In the end, she was concerned about Fang Yan who was
busy in the kitchen and could only watch her walk away.
How could there be such a shameless child in this world? I'm so lazy but I dare to speak
so loudly, and I'm not afraid of people laughing at me.
Fourth Aunt Shen returned to her original position angrily, and continued to wash the
dishes while thrashing about.
She regretted that she didn't stand up to Shen Yuling's troubles and let her go to
school, which made the child more and more arrogant and irritable. She even locked up all
the valuables in the house after the winter vacation to prevent her daughter from making
trouble again, but it still didn't work.
Ever since she beat Shen Yulin that day, she really followed what she said at that time
and did not give her a bite of steamed bread or a bowl of rice or soup. But seeing that
the girl was too hungry to get up from the kang, she began to feel sorry for her.
She thought, if she couldn't get the food back, the child could just hand over the money,
so she could at least buy some more food. She couldn't let her family go hungry.
But in the end, the girl would rather not eat or drink, and was so hungry that she
couldn't get up from the kang, but she still refused to give in and refused to pay the
Fourth Aunt Shen was really at her wits end. When she saw Shen Yuxiu just now, she
thought of what Shen Yuling, who was lying dead at home, had said: They were all girls.
Why could Shen Yuxiu go to school but she couldn't? So she took the initiative to find
her. Go up to Shen Yuxiu.
She thought that if this girl stopped going to school, the one in her family would also
Unexpectedly, this girl turned out to be shameless. When she came up, she told her to
feed her, which was simply sick.
At this moment, Shen Yuling was lying on the kang, dizzy with hunger, and it was
difficult to even take a breath.
Really, not eating or drinking is really not the fault of humans.
But she had no choice but to use this method to force her parents to submit.
It’s true that if a person lacks anything, he cannot lack money.
In fact, she knew that her family was in a difficult situation and she had thought about
how to make money to improve her family. However, her parents always thought that doing
business was not a serious matter and were reluctant to let her use the family food to do
small business, so her family's situation did not change at all over the years.
It’s even better now. The market has been cancelled and she can’t do anything even if
her parents allow her to.
Sometimes she couldn't understand what was going on in her parents' minds. Even though
their family conditions were not good, they still insisted on living on the land and had
no intention of changing their ways to make their lives better.
As another sound came from her stomach, Shen Yuling curled up slightly.
It’s so painful, it’s really painful!!
Shen Yuling closed her eyes and endured it for a while, but finally she couldn't hold it
in any longer. She climbed down the platform with weak hands and feet, scooped a ladle of
water from the water jar and drank it up in one gulp.
After finishing the drink, she went to her parents' house again without any hope, only to
find that there was a steamed bun on the pot table that had been empty for the past two
When Shen Yuling saw the steamed bun, he didn't care much about it. He stumbled over,
picked it up and ate it, and started laughing as he gnawed it.
She knew, she knew that no matter how hard her mother beat her, she would not really
ignore her. Sure enough, she was right.
That girl of hers is so hard-spoken and soft-hearted.
Shen Yuxiu returned home angrily. Although she was angry with Fourth Aunt Shen, Shen
Yuzhen told her not to go to school before school started. Zhao Hui dropped out of school
halfway. Fourth Aunt Shen inexplicably persuaded her to quit this time. In addition, this
She suddenly became a little suspicious of the changes in the school atmosphere in the
past six months and the continuous flow of educated youths from fifty miles away who were
going to the countryside.
Students in the city have begun to go to the countryside, so does she, a student in the
countryside, still need to study? Is it really like what Shen Yuzhen said, what Fourth
Aunt Shen said, that she was wasting time and money?
Nowadays, people have an old rule, that is, they do not stop sewing until the fifteenth
day of the first lunar month.
Shen Yuxiu was noisily sent home to find some leisure time in the Shen Family Home.
However, Fang Youshun and Grandma Fang, who were used to being busy every day, felt that
this time was particularly deserted.
Unlike other people in the village, they have some relatives in the local area. Before
the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, they visit every day without being able to
open the formation. At this time, they just stare at home, not knowing what to do, they
can only watch. Other people's homes are busy, but my own is deserted.
Grandma Fang, who was leaning on the kang and didn't know what she was doing, saw Shen
Yuxiu turning over and over like a pancake, so she couldn't help but tease her in a funny
"What's wrong with you? Do you have lice?"
"No, I didn't." Shen Yuxiu quickly stated after hearing this.
She is a clean little girl. Although she will inevitably get lice on her body
occasionally when she interacts with her friends, her grandma will give her a thorough
bath when she gets home, especially before the Chinese New Year. She would really want to
rub off a layer of her skin. How could she still have lice in such a condition?
"If you don't have lice, what are you worrying about?" Grandma Fang looked at her little
face with eyes glaring and retorting, and smiled gently.
When Shen Yuxiu heard Grandma Fang ask this, she stopped being hesitant and just sat up,
looked at Grandma Fang, then looked at Fang Youshun who was sorting cotton locust
branches by the stove, and expressed her inner confusion with a serious face.
"Grandma, Grandpa, is it really useless to go to school now?"
"Ah? How can it be useless to go to school? Of course it is." Grandma Fang answered
"What's wrong? Who told you what?" Fang Youshun wondered if someone was gossiping again,
or why did this girl suddenly bring up this for no reason.
"Actually, I don't mean to say anything, it's just..., you know that in the past six
months..." Shen Yuxiu told the two old people what happened in the past six months
intermittently, but in detail, and then said something about Shen Yuxiu What the fourth
aunt said to her finally concluded: "Although I think there is something wrong with what
they said, I also feel that what they said makes sense."
Grandma Fang listened to her words and didn't know how to answer for a while.
She had also seen with her own eyes what happened at the market the previous year. Such a
battle, those passionate children, talking about great principles and criticizing every
word, made her tremble with fear.

Chapter 85 You Can Go

Grandma Fang thought about it for a long time, but still didn't know how to answer her
child's question, so she just expressed her opinion according to her own ideas.
"Xiaoxiu, grandma doesn't understand any great principles, but she knows one thing, that
is, it's good to have many skills. Whether it's learning or crafts, you can learn it and
not use it, but you can't use it when you can't use it. Grandma thinks that it's always
good to learn more things. Besides, you are still young, what are you going to do if you
don't go to school?"
"Yes." Fang Youshun had a similar opinion: "When my grandfather was fighting in the war,
our instructor always said that we should not fight a battle without preparation, and
opportunities always come to those who are prepared. I think the same is true for school.
Although there is no college entrance examination now, no one can guarantee that there
will never be an examination in the future. If you don't study now, what if there is
another day when you can take the examination, then you can also take the examination,
wouldn't you become unprepared? So you still have to go to school, not only have to go,
but also have to go well, so that you can be the prepared person."
That seems to be the case.
As Shen Yuxiu listened to the two old men's explanations, the fog in her heart suddenly
It is true that we cannot fight a battle without preparation. Just like grandpa said,
what if she can take the college entrance examination again in the future? What if she
still wants to take the college entrance examination at that time and can take the
college entrance examination? If she drops out of school now, won't she be at a loss when
the time comes?
No, she still has to go to school. Just like her grandfather said, she has to fight a
prepared battle.
Just like that, as soon as Shen Yuxiu's hesitation about whether to go to school came to
her mind, it was suppressed by Fang Youshun and Grandma Fang.
Grandma Fang saw that she had taken her words to heart, and seeing that it was getting
late, she urged her, "Hurry up and eat. If you don't hurry to your grandfather's house,
all the delicious food will be snatched away."
Now that she was no longer confused, Shen Yuxiu became energetic again. When she heard
what Grandma Fang said, she said "oh" twice, got off the kang and walked out.
Throughout the year, the food at my grandfather's house today is the most abundant and
delicious. If you go too late, it will be just like what my grandma said, the delicious
food will be snatched away.
Shen Yuling ate a steamed bun at home and rested on the kang for a while. When she
finally had some strength, she immediately began to comb her hair, wash her face and
change her clothes.
If she hadn't been so hungry that she had no strength left, she should have been in the
Shen family's old compound at this time every year.
Of course, she went to the Shen family compound not just out of courtesy, but to show her
face and give a good impression to everyone, including the second grandfather. It was not
for anything else, but because the man who would become a high-ranking official in the
future was from the village of the fourth daughter of the second grandfather's family on
the other side of the river. Shen Yuxiu was able to marry that man because he was the
matchmaker of the fourth daughter of the second grandfather's family.
After washing her face and combing her hair, Shen Yuling changed her clothes and tidied
herself in front of the small mirror on the washbasin stand. Seeing that nothing was
wrong, she walked towards the Shen family's old courtyard.
Shen Yuling walked very fast.
It was already time for dinner, so she had to hurry over to show her face in front of the
elders and get more food. The steamed bun she had just eaten had already been digested,
and if she didn't eat anything else, she was afraid she wouldn't be able to make it
through the evening.
Shen Yulin walked too fast and didn't pay much attention to the surrounding environment.
Just as she walked out of the path, she suddenly bumped into someone walking from another
Shen Yuling had been hungry for several days and had no strength left. She was already
out of breath from walking so fast all the way. When she bumped into that person, she
staggered backwards uncontrollably.
"Hey, hey, hey?" Shen Yuxiu didn't expect that someone would suddenly jump out from the
corner. When she saw the person being knocked away by her, she was so scared that she
quickly reached out to grab the person. After she stabilized the person, she saw clearly
that the person who collided with her was Shen Yuling.
Oh no?
Shen Yuxiu immediately pulled her hands back and wiped them on her body twice.
It is true that enemies always meet each other.
Shen Yulin had never expected that, not only did her mother almost starve her to death
this year, but after finally eating something and walking here, she was almost knocked
away by Shen Yuxiu.
After Shen Yuling stabilized herself, she quickly straightened her clothes and angrily
said, "Are you sick? Why don't you look at the road when you walk?"
The two of them didn't get along well to begin with, and when Shen Yuling got angry, Shen
Yuxiu immediately became unhappy: "I didn't see it, but you did, and you bumped into me
This was originally a fork in the road. No one could see each other from the directions
they came from, and her speed was not very fast. The two of them could have just bumped
into each other by chance. Although Shen Yulin almost fell, I also held her. No matter
who is responsible for this, it cannot be just one person's fault. But Shen Yulin, she
just opened her mouth and came at me. What's the matter? Do I owe her something?
"You almost knocked me down and instead of apologizing, you are so arrogant. What? Do you
think it's so great that you have a grandfather?" Shen Yuling didn't expect that Shen
Yuxiu would dare to confront her. All the resentment that she had accumulated over the
past few days was suddenly directed at Shen Yuxiu.
When the Shen family was around, she didn't dare to do anything to Shen Yuxiu, but now
there were not many people around. Could it be that she was still afraid of her?
"If you have something to say, just say it. Let's not talk about who hit who. This has
nothing to do with my grandpa. Don't bite people like a mad dog." Shen Yuxiu was furious
when she heard that Shen Yulin actually brought her grandpa into the matter.
"Who are you calling a mad dog? You are the mad dog, you are." Shen Yulin got angry
immediately when she heard her calling her a mad dog, and she grabbed Shen Yuxiu's hair
with her claws and fangs.
Shen Yuxiu didn't expect Shen Yuling to come up and scratch her without saying anything.
She raised her hands to the left and right and slapped away her scratching claws. Then
she grabbed the ponytail on the back of her head with her right hand, controlled her head
and turned her half a circle. At the moment when Shen Yuling turned her back, she kicked
her butt.
Go ahead and do your thing.
Shen Yuling never expected that after she started to move and before she could react, she
was spun around and then kicked and stumbled forward. Fortunately, her feet were nimble,
otherwise she would have fallen flat on her face if she hadn't taken a wrong step.
"Problem." Seeing that she ran forward seven or eight steps without falling, Shen Yuxiu
snorted angrily and turned to walk towards the Shen family's old courtyard.
It's not that she was afraid of Shen Yulin, but her grandfather had warned her not to
bully others just because she had learned some martial arts. She was afraid to stay with
Shen Yulin, who seemed to have some mental problems. What if she said something even more
unpleasant, and she would get angry and beat her up.
Shen Yuling managed to steady herself with great difficulty, and when she turned around,
she found that Shen Yuxiu had left. She was so angry that she screamed "Ah", which
startled the two young men walking on the next street.
They each had a red armband on their arms. When they heard the shrill screams, they
thought a murder had occurred here, so they ran over here at full speed. But when they
got there, they saw only a girl of about fifteen or sixteen years old lying on the two or
three meter long path.
"What's wrong? What happened?" asked one of the guys with red armbands.
"It's none of your business." Shen Yulin was angry and didn't see clearly what the person
in front of her looked like, so her tone was not very good.
The red armband was choked by the spray, glared at Shen Yuling unhappily, and turned
If this hadn't been in broad daylight, if this hadn't been on the street, he would have
definitely given this girl a big beating for not knowing how to live or die.
It's a bad thing for a good person to do good things, but still make mistakes.

Chapter 86 It Was Him

However, they didn't want to argue with a little girl and turned around and left. But
when Shen Yuling saw the red on their arms, she was stunned.
Oh shit, he is the one causing trouble everywhere in the past two years.
Shen Yulin looked at the red on the two men's arms, blinked again and again, and then
slowly narrowed her eyes.
"Hey, there's an old man in our village who's still making baskets to sell. He's damaging
the collective interest. Do you care?"
Just as the two figures were about to disappear around the corner, Shen Yuling suddenly
spoke up.
Now everything is collective. Since the market has been cancelled and individuals cannot
do business, then Fang Youshun's basket making and selling should not be allowed, right?
Should Fang Youshun be arrested for such behavior?
If Fang Youshun can't weave baskets and loses this income, wouldn't Shen Yuxiu lose an
The two people in front were planning to leave, but when they heard this, they turned
back at the same time.
When the two men turned around, Shen Yuling's heart suddenly skipped a beat. Looking at
the face of one of the men, her pupils trembled uncontrollably, and she subconsciously
closed her mouth with a smack, so fast that she almost bit her tongue.
Damn, it’s actually him?
It turned out to be the man she fell in love with at first sight, Chen Guangzhi.
Chen Guangzhi turned around immediately when he heard the voice, only to see that the
girl who had just called them was so scared that she dared not look at anyone when she
saw him and his companions turning around.
Just now when he came over to ask kindly, this girl was like a rage and started scolding
him. Now she is acting scared. What is going on?
Chen Guangzhi sucked his teeth and thought for a while, and finally understood something
when he saw the color on his companion's arm.
Maybe he was frightened by this? He is really timid.
Chen Guangzhi smiled brightly and returned to her side. Fearing that he might scare her
into having a mental disorder, he tried to soften his voice and asked her, "Little
sister, is what you just said true? What's the old man's name? Which team is he from?
Where is his home?"
Shen Yuling was nervous when she was asked this question, but she thought that since they
didn't know each other at all, if she overreacted, it would easily arouse suspicion, so
she gritted her teeth and said, "The old man's name is Fang Youshun, he's from Team 8,
and his home is in the west, in a three-room tiled house, so it's easy to find."
"Okay, thank you for the clue." Chen Guangzhi said, and then he looked her up and down
and asked, "What's your name? If what you said is true, I will give you a credit later."
Chen Guangzhi leaned too close, making Shen Yulin unconsciously nervous. The memories of
this man many years ago seemed to slowly return to her at this moment.
But now is not the time to think about those things. Shen Yuling tried to calm herself
down, smiled stiffly and said, "No, doing good things should not ask for rewards. I don't
need to take any credit. Goodbye."
After saying that, Shen Yuling turned around and trotted away from the two of them.
However, the moment she turned back, the smile on her face quickly disappeared.
She never wants to see this man again in her life.
Chen Guangzhi was stunned when he saw her running away, then he couldn't help shaking his
head and laughing.
You know, he has been popular with women since he was a child. Usually, as long as he
smiles and speaks gently, almost all women, young and old will let down their guard
towards him. But now, this fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl is the first of its kind.
"Brother, should we go see this guy named Fang Youshun?" his companion asked him.
"No hurry, let's first see where this girl comes from." Chen Guangzhi said as he began to
take off his coat, and his companions followed suit.
There are skills to following people, he can't just follow them rashly.
Chen Guangzhi took off his coat and put it back on, and also put his pants on inside out.
When he and his companion were dressed in the same way except for their shoes, they
walked out of the path and followed Shen Yulin from a distance.
After Shen Yulin ran for a distance, she found that the man did not appear again. Then
she let out a long sigh and walked towards the Shen family's old courtyard.
Chen Guangzhi followed her all the way, watched her enter the Shen family's old
courtyard, and heard someone inside greet her, then he turned around and left with his
"Brother, do we still want to go and see this guy named Fang Youshun?" Chen Guangzhi's
companion asked him on the way back.
"Of course." Chen Guangzhi nodded affirmatively.
Ever since he and the gang he led suffered a loss in this village last year, he has been
looking for revenge, but he is not stupid and he will not believe anything that anyone
says and immediately make a big deal out of it.
Because of the heavy rain last year, although many families in the village rebuilt their
houses, there were still not many houses with three tiled roofs. The two quickly found
Fang Youshun's house.
Chen Guangzhi checked his and his companion's clothes again at the door, making sure that
there was nothing worthy of attention on them before walking into the yard.
"Is anyone home?"
Fang Youshun was lighting a fire in the room. When he heard someone calling, he
immediately added some fire to the stove and got up and walked out.
When he walked out of the door, he saw two young men he didn't know standing in the yard
in a very orderly manner. He couldn't help but ask suspiciously, "Who are you looking
"Ah, we are visiting relatives. We are a little thirsty when we get here, so we want to
ask for some water." Chen Guangzhi said the reason he had prepared long ago.
"Oh, then come in, I'll pour you some water." Fang Youshun said as he let the two of them
go in. As soon as he turned around, he saw the shoes on their feet.
Fang Youshun narrowed his pupils slightly, then looked at the clothes of the two men
calmly, and saw that there was a green spot on the inside of their collars, and he
immediately became alert.
Since last year, Fang Youshun has seen many young people wearing this color, especially
the farce at last year's market, which is still fresh in people's memory.
As soon as Chen Guangzhi entered the room, he saw a table against the west wall. On the
table was a white tea tray. In addition to a set of teapots and teacups, there was also
an aluminum kettle that looked very old. Although the paint on the kettle was almost
peeling off and it was full of dents from bumps and dents, he could recognize at a glance
that this kettle was definitely from the army.
"Come, drink some water. The water is warm, drink it quickly."
While Chen Guangzhi was observing the kettle, Fang Youshun had already poured two bowls
of water over.
"Thank you, uncle." Chen Guangzhi quickly took the bowl of water and drank it even though
he was not thirsty. After drinking it, he took a long breath and returned the bowl to
Fang Youshun. At the same time, he pointed at the kettle and asked Fang Youshun with a
longing look on his face: "Uncle, have you ever been in the war? We can't usually buy
this kettle."
"You have good vision, young man. I have indeed been beaten with a stick many times
before, but I retired a long time ago." Fang Youshun took the bowl with a smile and
answered truthfully.
Everyone who should understand what it means when someone retires knows what it means.
After all, he will receive an allowance after retiring from the army. But it is something
that everyone in the village knows about, so there is nothing to hide.

Chapter 87 His knife is not easy to borrow

"Wow, you are really awesome. You must have fought in many battles back then, right?"
Chen Guangzhi asked in a worshipful manner.
"That's not the case. At that time, there were wars everywhere. We couldn't avoid
fighting. Even when we were eating or sleeping, if there was an enemy, we would just grab
our weapons and go. It's not like now, in such a peaceful and prosperous time, we can
stay at home peacefully and eat and sleep whenever we want. It's like a god's life." When
Fang Youshun mentioned grabbing weapons, he made a gesture of holding a weapon, as if he
was recreating the scene of killing the enemy in the battlefield. Even his eyes were a
little cold.
Chen Guangzhi looked at his quick movements and felt his heart tremble for some reason.
Then he quickly said with great admiration: "Then you are a hero."
"No, no, no, I'm not a hero." Fang Youshun waved his hands repeatedly and solemnly
declared to him: "As long as they are alive, they are human beings, ordinary people. The
real heroes are now buried in the ground. Those who are lucky can still be buried with
their bodies intact. Those who are unlucky will be shattered to pieces without even a
piece of flesh and blood. They are the real heroes."
"Yes, yes, yes." Chen Guangzhi became inexplicably solemn after listening to his
description. At the same time, he also felt guilty about the purpose of his visit today.
Although he is now influenced by new ideas, he admires those people who have taken to the
stage from the bottom of his heart. Without these people, they might not be living the
life they have today.
However, his companions did not seem to feel anything about it. Seeing that the two of
them were not talking about the main topic, they pointed at the cottonwood branches that
Fang Youshun had picked and placed next to the stove, and asked, "Grandpa, this should be
used to weave baskets, right? Are you making baskets to sell?"
His question was so simple that Chen Guangzhi felt a little uneasy.
Fang Youshun's nerves tightened when he heard this, and his smile faded a little. He
pointed to the stove chamber which was still emitting sparks with a look of regret and
said, "I used to weave them to sell, but now people are not allowed to sell things, so I
won't weave them anymore. Now I'm burning them as firewood."
Chen Guangzhi looked in the direction where his finger pointed and saw that although the
fire in the stove had been extinguished, there were still a few unburned cottonwood
branches next to it.
Of course, the things Fang Youshun burned were all those he picked out that could not be
used. The ones that could be used were still kept, but the two people in front of him
were too suspicious, so he could only say this.
"Whether you are still compiling it or not, you are throwing in the towel..." Chen
Guangzhi's companion looked at the stove, but still had a stern face and wanted to
question, but Chen Guangzhi hurried forward and interrupted him.
"Uncle, are you almost ready for dinner? We won't disturb you anymore. Bye, bye." Chen
Guangzhi smiled and nodded politely to Fang Youshun, then pulled his companions and
walked out.
The companion who was pulled away by Chen Guangzhi still had some brains. Although he
didn't know what Chen Guangzhi was doing, he still followed him out obediently.
It was not until they walked far away from the Fang family yard that his companion broke
free from Chen Guangzhi's restraints and turned back to ask him.
"Why did you pull me out? The old man said he would not make it up anymore, so who knows
if it's true or not? We should search his house again to see if he has a basket. If we
find it, we can arrest him."
"What do you know?" Chen Guangzhi glared, "He really fought against the Japanese and saw
blood. How dare you mess with him?"
"So what if you've seen blood?" the companion asked a little unconvinced.
"What's wrong? Can these people just make trouble? Have you forgotten the person who made
trouble last year? Where is he now? He is doing forced labor in a farm." Chen Guangzhi
poked his head hard, with a look of disappointment on his face: "Grow your brains!"
After hearing what Chen Guangzhi said, his companion immediately remembered that incident
and became a little scared.
He forgot about that. He was so focused on catching the man that he forgot about that
Seeing that he finally understood, Chen Guangzhi sighed deeply and walked forward.
He needs to investigate the girl who reported the clue and ask why she didn't explain the
Fang Youshun stood at the door, and only after watching the two people walk away did he
let out a long sigh and slowly sat down on the chair next to the table.
"What's wrong with you? Why are you sighing?" Grandma Fang asked in confusion when she
saw that he looked heavy-hearted.
"I'm afraid weaving baskets is no longer an option." Fang Youshun said quietly.
"Ah? Why?"
"Those two guys just now are probably the same group that caused trouble at the market
last year. I wonder who is behind this?"
"Think about what happened just now. It's not a hot day now. It's impossible for
relatives to not even provide a bowl of water when visiting. Why would you be thirsty
halfway through the journey and need to come out to ask for water? And the last words
that the shorter guy said just now were interrupted by the tall guy, but think carefully
about what he was going to say sounded like." Fang Youshun slowly analyzed the words of
the two people with Grandma Fang.
Grandma Fang carefully recalled what the two had just said, and one sentence suddenly
became particularly clear in her mind.
"Whether you are still writing or not, you are investing..."
Invest? Invest in what?
Thinking that nowadays any business done by an individual is called speculation, Grandma
Fang immediately understood and looked at Fang Youshun in surprise.
Seeing that she understood, Fang Youshun told her what he had just observed: "They were
wearing yellow rubber shoes, which most people can't afford. And the green on their
collars, I think the clothes must be worn inside out."
After hearing this, Grandma Fang thought about it carefully again. But just now she
thought that the two people came to ask for water, so she didn't pay much attention to
the details at all, and didn't see these things at all.
"Then, we really can't weave baskets anymore?" This is what Grandma Fang is most
concerned about now.
You know, the money Fang Youshun earns from selling baskets in a year is almost as much
as his allowance. This is why his family has been supporting two students all these years
and still lives better than other families.
"Let's not make it up for now. Let's see if we can find someone to quietly sell the
baskets in the warehouse. As for the others, we'll see how the situation develops when
the time comes." Fang Youshun said what he was thinking.
Grandma Fang sighed and asked in confusion, "Who is behind this?"
"Who knows?" Fang Youshun was very open-minded about this: "You can only know a person's
face but not his heart. There will always be people who can't stand others."
"That's right." Grandma Fang also sighed.
Although she has always been kind to others, she is not so foolish as to think that
everyone in the world is a good person.
Shen Yuxiu had no idea. She just happened to bump into Shen Yuling and almost got her
grandfather into trouble. If she had known, she would have beaten Shen Yuling to a pulp.
Fang Youshun realized something was wrong, so he just piled the cottonwood branches there
and left them there, but Chen Guangzhi was not so easy to deal with either.
Especially when he found out about the relationship between Shen Yuling and Fang
Youshun's family, he couldn't help but laugh out loud.
Well, the two families have never had any contact with each other, and the conflict can
be traced back to more than 20 years ago. Is it because she can't stand the fact that
others are living better than her, so she wants to kill them with a borrowed knife?
It's a pity that his knife is not so easy to borrow.

Chapter 88 Robbery
Chen Guangzhi was tricked for no reason, but he was not so tolerant as to take it
lightly. He turned around and targeted Shen Yulin.
But Shen Yuling rarely went out after she went to the old courtyard of the Shen family
that day. But Chen Guangzhi also had a job, so Shen Yuling could stay at home all the
time, but he couldn't watch Shen Yuling every day without doing anything, so he found a
few idle young men in society to take turns to watch her.
Fortunately, Shen Yulin's home was by the bay at the entrance of the village. The ice in
the bay was still very thick at this time, and there were many children of all ages
sliding around here every day. The few people he sent to keep an eye on them mixed in
with the older children and did not attract anyone's attention.
In this way, these people kept following her for seven or eight days, until the morning
of the seventeenth day of the first lunar month, when they found Shen Yulin starting to
dry her bedding in the yard. They faintly heard her family say that high school would
start the next day, so the people who were following her immediately ran off to inform
Chen Guangzhi.
After receiving the notice, Chen Guangzhi went to find a few friends after work and
ambushed Shen Yulin on the road she had to take to leave the village for school early the
next morning.
Shen Yuling carried bedding on her back, a bag of clothes hanging in front of her, and
several kilograms of food in her hands, looking like someone fleeing famine.
When she went to school before, although her family did not agree, Shen Laosi would still
send her there personally, and these things were basically on Shen Laosi's person. But
now, her mother refused to let her father take care of it, saying that since she was very
capable, she would probably be able to get these things to school by herself, so she just
left her alone.
Shen Yulin had only walked a few miles when she felt pain in her shoulders and neck, and
the few pounds of food in her hands began to become heavier.
Shen Yuling was so upset that she wanted to cry. Ever since she was reborn, she basically
avoided doing any housework unless necessary. When had she ever carried so many heavy
She felt a little regretful. She regretted not preparing a few backup plans in order to
maintain a good image. Otherwise, she wouldn't have to bear all these things by herself
Just as Shen Yuling was walking forward exhaustedly, she suddenly heard a rustle in the
bushes by the roadside. Just as she was about to turn around, her head was covered by a
sack that fell down.
Shen Yuling was so frightened that she kept screaming. She dropped the food in her hand
and tried to pull the sack, but as soon as she moved, her hands were controlled by
Chen Guangzhi covered his face and silently controlled Shen Yulin's hands, signaling his
companions with his eyes to quickly implement the plan.
Upon seeing this, the people he brought immediately rushed out from the bushes silently,
some pulled the bedding that Shen Yuling was carrying, some stripped off her cotton-
padded jacket, some grabbed food, until Shen Yuling was stripped of everything except her
autumn clothes, and then they ran into the wasteland again with their things.
At the same time, Chen Guangzhi quickly pulled the sack off Shen Yulin's head and turned
around and ran away.
The sacks were also bought with money, and he would not give them to the woman for
Shen Yuling was dizzy and only felt a fleeting fragrance in her nose. When she finally
steadied herself, there was no one around her, but there was a group of men who had run
far away in the wasteland. She didn't even see the face of any of them.
The weather in the first month of the lunar year was still very cold. Shen Yuling stood
in the cold wind, shivering as she looked at the group of people who had already run
away, gasping for breath in fear.
Who are they and why are they here to steal her things?
Shen Yulin wanted to snatch back the things that were stolen, but the men who had already
walked away looked strong, so she didn't dare.
She was now only wearing her long underwear and long trousers, and she was afraid that if
she rushed up, those people would be tempted by her beauty and do something to her.
Another gust of cold wind blew by, and Shen Yuling shivered and huddled up, hugging her
thin body, wanting to cry but having no tears.
Her tuition fees were all sewn into her quilt. Now all her things have been taken away.
How can she still go to school?
Just when she was panicking, she saw someone riding a tricycle appearing on a small road
in the distance. Shen Yuling was so shocked that she immediately ran into the wasteland
next to her.
Among the surrounding villages, only the Fang family had a tricycle. She knew who it
belonged to without asking, but she didn't want to be seen in such an embarrassing state
by this family, especially after she reported Fang Youshun.
Just like that, Shen Yulin took Shen Yuxiu and Fang Youshun unconsciously, and just
passed by Shen Yuling and walked away with a squeak.
Shen Yulin lay in the grass, watching Shen Yuxiu sitting comfortably on the tricycle,
listening to her talking and laughing with Shen Yulin and Fang Youshun as they walked
farther and farther away, and angrily pulled a handful of grass.
Why does God always treat Shen Yuxiu so kindly? Why can she smile so carefree, but she is
about to be robbed by bandits.
However, just after she had been angry for a while, a gust of cold wind blew, immediately
freezing her to the point of shivering. She could only get up quickly and run back
Although Fourth Aunt Shen was a little angry that Shen Yuling was disobedient and was
angry that Shen Laosi was not allowed to see her off, she never expected that she would
come back wearing only autumn clothes just after leaving.
"What's wrong with you?" Fourth Aunt Shen forgot to be angry and stepped forward
"It's a robbery." Shen Yuling said angrily and climbed onto the kang and got into bed.
But she was freezing to death.
Did you encounter someone who was in danger?
Fourth Aunt Shen was shocked, thinking that she was only wearing thin autumn clothes, and
asked tentatively: "Then, are you okay?"
"No." Shen Yuling knew what she meant and said quickly: "My cotton-padded jacket and
trousers were taken off and taken away. Those people didn't do anything to me."
If something had happened to her, she would never be what she is now.
When Fourth Aunt Shen heard this, she quickly put her hands together and bowed throughout
the room: "Thank God, Bodhisattva for blessings."
Shen Yuling looked at her nagging look, curled her lips, and then cautiously probed:
"Mom, all my money has been robbed, look at the tuition..."
"There is no door." Aunt Shen knew what she meant as soon as she heard it, and raised her
hand to interrupt: "Our whole family only has one bag of food left. If you still pay
attention to the food, don't you recognize me as your mother again?"
After saying that, Fourth Aunt Shen turned around and left, directly asking Fourth Shen
to move the grain to her house, for fear that if she was not careful, this girl would
steal the grain again.
Isn't she worried about Shen Yuling being kidnapped? Of course I'm worried.
But no matter how worried he was, it couldn't be as scary as Shen Yuling's probing words.
Now there are ten people in the family, but they don't have a penny and they have to live
on this bag of grain. If Shen Yuling is allowed to use it to sell it for money, her whole
family will be hanged. How can they live?
When Shen Yuling saw Fourth Aunt Shen like this, she knew that asking for tuition fees
would probably be impossible.
But she is not willing to give in!
Why did she run into those bandits? Could it be that if she went out later, it would not
be her who would be robbed, but Shen Yuxiu and the others?
But now that things have come to this, she has no choice but to accept the reality.
But, is she destined not to finish high school?

Chapter 89 Awakening
Shen Yuling buried her head in the quilt in frustration, and finally accepted the fact.
If she can't go to school, then she can't go. Anyway, she has already entered high
school. Anyone can see that she has attended high school, and her high school diploma can
still be written on her household registration book.
As for the diploma, many people now go home directly and just wait to get their diploma
when they graduate. Since others can do this, she can do it too. It's no big deal.
What's more, she said she was going to school last year, but she didn't go to the
classroom for a few days. She either stayed in the dormitory every day or wandered around
the town. It really doesn't make any sense whether she goes to school or not.
After thinking it through, Shen Yuling no longer worried about not having tuition fees.
Now she was just angry that the robbers even took away her cotton jacket and trousers.
Fortunately, it was the first month of the lunar year and there were not many people
around early in the morning. If someone saw her running back like this, her reputation
would be gone.
As Shen Yulin was thinking, she fell asleep in the quilt and began to dream in a daze.
In her dream, she met the first man she fell in love with, Chen Guangzhi, when she was
young and ignorant.
He was tall and slender, with a handsome face, and he spoke in a humorous way. He had a
natural charm that made her fall in love with him at first sight.
At that time, she didn't want to live a life of hard work like her parents.
She yearned for the freedom of love and the wonderful world outside, and was dazzled by
his sweet words and beautiful clothes. Even though she knew that the man already had a
family, she couldn't help but fall into it. Like a moth to a flame, she gave herself to
him without hesitation.
After the two of them had close contact, Chen Guangzhi always responded to her requests.
In that era of material scarcity, whether it was food or clothing, he would always find a
way to give her.
At the beginning, she thought that as long as the two of them loved each other, she had
Chen Guangzhi and Chen Guangzhi also had her, it was enough.
But gradually, she became greedy.
She wanted Chen Guangzhi to belong to her completely, wanted to marry him, build a family
of two, and then give birth to the fruit of their love.
So, she secretly revealed her existence to the man's wife. She felt that she and Chen
Guangzhi were true love, and that the arranged marriage between Chen Guangzhi and his
wife was a feudal dregs. Marriage without love should not exist, and the woman should
withdraw tactfully.
Who would have thought that the woman was a shrew. Relying on her own father, after
knowing her existence, she went crazy and gathered a group of people who almost beat her
to death. They also called her a slut and shameless.
In that era, if a woman was labeled a slut, not only would her reputation be ruined, but
she would also be pelted with rotten eggs and rotten vegetable leaves, and anyone could
beat and scold her, making her crawl on the ground like a dog.
Only then did she realize how scared she was, and Chen Guangzhi was also scared, so the
two could only reluctantly separate. At his suggestion, she found an honest man in the
village and married him.
The honest man was really honest. He obeyed her in everything and worked in the fields
silently. He didn't even say a word to coax her. So much so that after ten years, she
gave birth to two sons for the honest man, but she still couldn't fall in love with him,
and couldn't comfort her suppressed heart.
Fortunately, after the reform and opening up, the market was reopened. She didn't want to
work in the fields, so she bought some small sundries and set up stalls in various
markets. It was at that time that she met Chen Guangzhi again.
At this time, Chen Guangzhi was already a small boss, exuding the charm of a mature man.
Maybe it was because they were forced to separate back then, and when they met again,
they got together again as if by chance.
The situation now is no longer the same as it was in the past. Even if someone has an
extramarital affair, the worst that can happen is divorce, and they will not be
persecuted in any way.
After the old love was rekindled, she divorced without hesitation, regardless of the
honest man's pleas, and even did not fight for the custody of the child. And Chen
Guangzhi finally divorced after two more years of tormenting with his wife.
At that time, Taiwanese romance dramas were everywhere in the streets and alleys. She
felt that she and Chen Guangzhi were the lovers on TV who had gone through all the
hardships and finally got married.
However, life is not a romance drama, there are also all kinds of trivial matters such as
oil, salt, sauce and vinegar.
Chen Guangzhi is divorced and has no feelings for his wife, but he cares very much about
his children.
When the children were sick, he paid for it; when the children got engaged and married,
he contributed money and effort; when the children's children were born, he not only
contributed money and effort but also personally helped to take care of the arrangements.
Shen Yulin often quarreled with Chen Guangzhi over these things. She felt that the money
was earned by both of them and should be used for their lives.
But Chen Guangzhi thought she was selfish and believed that since they were together, she
should treat his child as her own.
Shen Yulin almost vomited blood at that time.
Which of Chen Guangzhi's children didn't look at her as if she were an enemy? She would
be stupid to treat those children as her own.
Chen Guangzhi could not persuade her, and she could not persuade Chen Guangzhi either,
and gradually there was a gap between the two. Later, Chen Guangzhi stopped giving her
the money he earned, and she also kept her own money and did not give it to Chen
The two lived like this for five or six years, during which time they had constant
conflicts. Finally, she couldn't stand this kind of life anymore, so she became close
with a small vendor who set up a stall with her.
The small vendor was very talkative. Shen Yulin's heart, which had been repeatedly
ignored by Chen Guangzhi, was rekindled and she gradually began to have unfaithful
thoughts about him.
However, when she asked for a divorce, Chen Guangzhi suddenly went crazy, picked up the
tea tray on the table and smashed it on her head.
Shen Yulin was so frightened by the scene in her dream that she suddenly opened her eyes,
only to find that she had just dreamed about her past life.
She was scared to death.
Shen Yuling covered her pounding chest and felt sweat all over.
Apart from Shen Yulin, the person she fears most in this world is Chen Guangzhi.
Back then, when the man found out that she had an affair, he not only refused to divorce
her, but also abused her for several years. In the end, her eldest sister couldn't bear
to see her living like that and went to beg Shen Yulin for help. With Shen Yulin's
mediation, the man reluctantly parted ways with her, and they have been strangers since
But, it was inexplicable, why did she suddenly dream about that man?
Shen Yuling was puzzled, but then her whole body froze.
That aroma...
When she was put in the sack, the man removed the sack before leaving. The fleeting
fragrance that wafted past her seemed to be the smell of balm that Chen Guangzhi used to
She remembered that although Chen Guangzhi was a man, he always paid attention to his
appearance. He was always neat and tidy, and his face and hands were never rough like
people of that era. There was no vanishing cream at that time, so Chen Guangzhi liked to
use a kind of balm with a particularly strong fragrance.
Damn, could the person who put the sack on her be Chen Guangzhi?
But why?
Apart from the fact that he reported Fang Youshun, they didn't seem to have much in
common, and he had never offended him, right?
Also, she didn’t say who she was at that time, so how did Chen Guangzhi know her?

Chapter 90 Become handsome

While Shen Yulin was puzzled, Shen Yulin had already arrived at the high school gate on
his tricycle. From afar, he saw a tall young man standing there quietly. It took him a
long time to recognize that it was Zhao Hui.
"Why are you here?" Shen Yulin squeaked and stopped the tricycle in front of Zhao Hui. He
looked him up and down with surprise in his eyes: "I haven't seen you for a month. You
look much more energetic."
Zhao Hui has been wearing patched clothes all these years, and his hair has grown so long
that it is a hindrance, so he asked Grandma Fang to trim it with scissors. You can't even
tell how healthy his hair is.
But now he was wearing a neat new set of clothes, his hair was cut neatly, and even his
face was much whiter. He looked energetic and handsome.
"No way." Zhao Hui was a little embarrassed by Shen Yulin's teasing, and turned to look
at Fang Youshun: "Happy New Year, Grandpa. I'm really busy this year and haven't had time
to visit you."
He went to the supply and marketing cooperative as soon as the winter vacation started.
It was the busiest time before and after the New Year. As a newcomer, he could be ordered
around by anyone. He was so busy that he had no time to rest. He sold things at the
counter during the day and cleared and restocked the warehouse at night. He didn't even
have time to pay New Year's greetings to Fang Youshun.
Until today, the supply and marketing cooperative was not so busy, and knowing that high
school would start today, I quickly took a leave and came to take a look.
"Happy New Year, Happy New Year. If you have work to do, just focus on it. That's serious
business. I don't have anything to do here, so you don't have to come over to see me."
Fang Youshun said with a smile and was about to get out of the car. Seeing this, Zhao Hui
hurried to help him.
"Oh, you've become more handsome." It was rare to see him so energetic, and Shen Yuxiu's
eyes lit up.
With thick eyebrows, big eyes, a straight nose, angular face, and the neat new clothes,
he looks like a completely different person.
If she met him by chance on the street, she might not even recognize him.
"You look better too." Zhao Hui blushed when she looked at him. He felt like there was a
rabbit in his heart, beating wildly.
When Shen Yuxiu heard him praising her, she smiled happily. Just as she was about to say
something, Shen Yulin interrupted her.
"Oh, the supply and marketing cooperative is a training ground for people. You've only
worked there for a month and you're already telling lies. What's so good about a yellow-
haired girl like her?" Shen Yulin said as he looked Shen Yuxiu up and down, shaking his
head in dissatisfaction, as if she was very ugly.
Shen Yuxiu couldn't take it anymore: "You're still a young boy, jumping up and down like
a monkey all day long, and you have the nerve to criticize me."
As soon as Shen Yuxiu finished speaking, she heard a laugh coming from the side. Looking
back, she saw Zhou Qingyuan and a girl looking at her and laughing. She immediately waved
her paw to greet them.
“You guys are here.”
"Well, do you need our help?" Zhou Qingyuan said as he walked over with the girl.
"Of course." Shen Yuxiu was not polite at all. She turned around and pulled down her bag
of clothes and the bag of daily necessities from the car, and handed one to each of them.
"I was worried that there were too many of these things and I couldn't carry them all.
Please, please."
Shen Yulin just watched Shen Yuxiu carry the bedding, and the two girls each helped her
carry a bag as they walked towards the school. He couldn't help but curl his lips.
Really, I don’t even know how to help him carry his bag.
When Zhao Hui saw Shen Yuxiu left after saying a word to him, he subconsciously touched
the left pocket of his shirt, then turned around and immediately took Shen Yulin's
"Come, I'll help you get to the dormitory."
"That's better." Seeing that he was so sensible, Shen Yulin immediately smiled and moved
his bedding, and of course the food for him and Shen Yuxiu.
While moving his luggage, Shen Yulin told Fang Youshun, "Grandpa, please ride slowly on
the way back."
"Hey." Fang Youshun agreed with a smile, and also instructed Shen Yulin: "Don't forget to
give him the dried sweet potatoes and peanuts your grandma made for Zhao Hui."
"Got it." Shen Yulin agreed, picked up his bedding and strode towards the school.
Seeing this, Zhao Hui took out a transparent facial oil from his pocket and stuffed it
into Fang Youshun's hand: "This is for grandma. Applying it on your hands is very
effective for chapped hands."
After saying that, Zhao Hui picked up Shen Yulin's remaining two bags and hurriedly
chased after him.
Fang Youshun watched his back as he ran away, then looked at the facial oil in his hand,
put the thing into his shirt pocket, and then pedaled the tricycle back home.
This kid, he finally got a job, but he doesn't know how to save the money he earns. I
have to talk to him in a good way when I see him next time.
He needs to save money to get married, he can't spend it like this.
Zhao Hui helped Shen Yulin move his things to the dormitory, and then he took out a
bottle of clam oil and two pens from his pocket and handed them to him: "I didn't have
time to buy you any gifts for the New Year, so you take one of the pens, and the
remaining one and the clam oil are for Xiaoxiu."
Shen Yulin was not polite when he saw it. He took the two pens and the big shell he
handed over, and said with disdain: "You are too partial. You only gave me a pen, but
Xiaoxiu also has clam oil?"
"Ah?" Zhao Hui was stunned, then quickly said: "Do you want to use clam oil too? I
thought it was something for girls, so I didn't buy it for you. If you want to use it,
I'll buy you another one when I get back."
"Tsk, forget it. I'm not a girl. I'm not that pretentious." Shen Yulin said as he opened
a bundle he brought with him, took out a large cloth bag from it and handed it to him:
"These are all things grandma prepared for you. There are fried peanuts, beans, and
cooked dried sweet potatoes. You can put some in your pocket at all times. Eat some
whenever you're hungry. Don't starve."
"Hey." Zhao Hui smiled and quickly held the cloth bag in his arms, as if he was holding a
Over the years, only the old couple of the Fang family and Shen Yulin's siblings could
make him feel that he was still cared for. Unlike his parents and brothers at home,
during the Chinese New Year, let alone doing anything special for him, if he didn't bring
back his own rations, they probably wouldn't even give him food.
Zhao Hui carried the cloth bag and walked out of the boys' dormitory yard. When he passed
the girls' dormitory yard, he looked through the door into one of the rooms and vaguely
saw Shen Yuxiu busy chatting and laughing with two girls. The smile on his face
unconsciously grew bigger.
Even though Fang Youshun received an allowance and his living conditions were better than
other families, Grandma Fang, Shen Yuxiu's hands would still get frostbitten and cracked
every winter.
He didn't understand before. He thought that everyone was like that. Men had thicker skin
and could withstand the cold better, but women and children would get frostbite if they
were not careful. There was nothing that could be done about it.
It was not until he entered middle school and saw some well-off girls using clam oil to
wipe their hands and faces that he realized there was such a thing in the world.
But at that time, the money he earned in a year was barely enough for him to live and
study, so he was never able to buy it.
It was not until two days ago when this month's salary was issued that Zhao Hui repaid
the money he borrowed from his colleague to buy clothes, and then he immediately bought
two pens, and also bought facial oil and clam oil for Grandma Fang and Shen Yuxiu.
He didn’t have the ability before, but now that he has the ability, he wants to make
sure that those who care about him don’t suffer so much in the winter.
Chapter 91 Engagement
When school starts again, the students are still very impetuous, and Shen Yuxiu and Shen
Yulin are still studying seriously. However, without Zhao Hui around them, Shen Yuxiu
always feels that a lot of things are missing.
Time flew by, and more than a month passed in the blink of an eye. When Shen Yuxiu and
Shen Yulin were taken home with a change of clothes, they washed and bathed all
afternoon, and when they had dinner in the evening, Shen Yuxiu heard a big news. news.
"Your parents have arranged a daughter-in-law for your second brother, and they are
engaged." Grandma Fang said to Shen Yuxiu calmly at the dinner table.
Ever since Shen Yuwen got married, Shen Jinggui and his whole family have stopped coming
here to eat when the farm is not busy. So now the only people at the dinner table are Mr.
Fang Youshun and Shen Yuxiu.
Shen Yuxiu was stunned by the news. She held the bowl of porridge for a long time without
eating it. When she finally reacted, she didn't even bother to eat. She asked hurriedly:
"When did it happen? Which village is the girl from? Did my second brother know about it
"It happened just a few days after you two started school. The girl's home is not far
away, about five or six miles from our village. Your parents said that they took your
second brother to the girl's home during the Chinese New Year, so they should know about
it." Fang Youshun spoke slowly while eating.
"Wow..." Shen Yuxiu's mouth opened wide when she heard this, and she kept making click of
tongue sounds in her heart.
Her second brother is really unkind. He didn't even tell her that he had been on a blind
However, what Fang Youshun knew was completely different from the truth. In the Shen
family's yard, Shen Yulin was furious at this time.
"Why are you getting engaged to me just because you said you were engaged? This is an
arranged marriage." Shen Yulin slammed the table and stopped eating. He pinched his waist
and glared at Shen Jinggui angrily, his eyes almost like spitting fire.
"What are you talking about? What is an arranged marriage? Didn't I take you to someone
else's house? I also asked you about your impression of that girl. Didn't you say it was
pretty good?" Shen Jinggui said with a frown.
He also didn't expect that after he finally settled on a wife for his son, his son
actually had objections.
"I didn't know that you were taking me on a blind date that day. You said you wanted me
to meet some uncles with you, and you didn't say you were looking for a wife for me. When
we met for the first time, I didn't tell anyone I didn't recognize. She's a nice person,
so why should I say she looks like a toad?" Shen Yulin retorted with a glare.
"Are you arrogant? I told you about a wife and you made a mistake?" Shen Jinggui also got
angry because of Shen Yulin's barb. He stood up after a while and shocked Song who had
never seen such a scene. Huilai shrank in fright, then quickly put down his eating
chopsticks and stood aside.
It's almost more like Shen Yulin who is being scolded than the one who is being scolded.
"I don't care. Anyway, I didn't decide on this marriage. I just don't agree with it, so
you should retreat immediately." When Shen Yulin saw Shen Jinggui standing up, he
subconsciously moved toward the door.
"You fart, can this engagement be canceled casually? There is nothing wrong with me. If
you cancel the engagement just because you said so, what do you think of this girl?" Shen
Jinggui was also angry.
Marriage is not a child's play, so how can we retreat as soon as it is decided?
"You can do whatever you want. This marriage is decided by you. If I don't agree with
you, you have to retreat." Shen Yulin was so angry that he jumped three feet high. The
veins on Shen Jinggui's forehead jumped. He held back his foot and kicked him.
"I am your father, and whatever I say will be yours. How dare you jump at me after being
so rebellious?"
Shen Yulin didn't expect that he would just kick people when he said he was going to kick
them. One of them didn't dodge in time and was staggered. Seeing that there was nothing
good to eat here, he quickly ran out of the house with quick eyes and feet, not to be
outdone. He stood up and shouted: "Even if you kick me to death, I won't recognize this
marriage. Please break off this marriage as soon as possible."
"You want to eat shit." Seeing that he was still yelling and screaming, Shen Jinggui
picked up a bench from the ground and chased him out to beat him.
Seeing that the situation was not good, Shen Yulin jumped up with a roar and ran out.
I'm in a trough. Is this old man crazy? In the past, I mostly kicked him with my feet and
slapped him, but now I used a stool.
Shen Jinggui chased him out of the yard and saw him running towards Fang's house, so he
stopped chasing him and returned home with a stool in his hand with a stinking face.
This naughty boy, whose child in the village is not yet engaged when he turns 18? Whose
child's engagement can't be decided by both parents together? Well, when it comes to him,
is it wrong for me to get engaged to my son?
Shen Yulin looked back while running, and when he saw that Shen Jinggui was not chasing
him, he panted and slowed down, and walked toward Fang's house angrily.
This stinky old man, an old feudal man, still thinks that this is the old society, an era
where everything I say is whatever he says. He is hindering the freedom of marriage.
But Shen Yulin dared to murmur this in his heart alone. If he really said it in front of
others, Shen Jinggui would probably be the only one who wanted to beat him.
He is already so old and his father beats him like a child. How embarrassing it would be
if he really got beaten up!
Knowing that Shen Yuxiu would be back today, Grandma Fang had already heated the kang in
her room and dried the quilt.
After eating and drinking, Shen Yuxiu got into bed early. The warm temperature was so
You know, although there is a dormitory in the school, the kang can only be used to heat
people without freezing. She sleeps in the same quilt with another girl in the same
dormitory. Although it is more crowded, the two layers of quilts fall over each other.
It's still warm, but no matter how warm it is, it's not as warm as the temperature on the
kang at home.
When Shen Yuxiu was about to fall asleep, she suddenly heard a knock on the door of the
outer room, followed by Shen Yulin's call: "Grandma, grandpa, open the door, I want to
sleep here tonight."
Shen Yuxiu was soundly asleep. She opened the door when she heard her grandfather agree
outside. Then Shen Yulin's incessant complaints came from the outer room. He basically
complained that his parents had arranged a marriage for him without his consent.
Shen Yuxiu, who had already heard about this matter from her grandparents, had no
interest in his complaints and soon fell into a deep sleep. When she woke up the next
day, Shen Yulin was gone. He did not come back until she was about to fall asleep at
night, but by that time, she was already lying in the warm bed, unwilling to move.
Just like that, after returning home, the two siblings didn't even say a word to each
other until school started again on Monday, when Fang Youshun sent them to school again.
Only then did she get the chance to ask Shen Yulin.
"Second brother, what did you do yesterday and come back so late at night?"
"Going to compete with dad in a battle of wits and courage." Shen Yulin snorted angrily
as he spoke.
All day yesterday, he did nothing but harassed Shen Jinggui all day long.
He didn't say anything else. He just asked Shen Jinggui to cancel the engagement as if he
were chanting sutras. He kept chanting when Shen Jinggui didn't move. As soon as Shen
Jinggui moved, he ran away and told Fang Youshun to him like a story. The tactics of war:
when the enemy advances, we retreat, when the enemy is stationed, we harass, when the
enemy is tired, we attack, when the enemy retreats, we pursue them, and they are
implemented thoroughly.
Although he was very tired at the end of the day, he also harassed his father until he
was almost bald.
He felt that if he spent the whole day like this every time he had a holiday from now on,
sooner or later his father would be unable to bear it and break off the engagement.

Chapter 92 Is he a man?
Shen Yuxiu's eyes widened in surprise after listening to his words.
He is quite determined to break off the engagement, but he doesn't know if he can win
over his own father this time.
You know, although Shen Yulin has been rebellious since childhood, he has never succeeded
in his resistance since childhood.
"Come on." Shen Yuxiu watched the fun without minding the trouble, her eyes and heart
full of admiration for him.
"Hey, you're talking about dad too. He has nothing better to do than to arrange a
marriage for me? I don't even have any impression of what the woman looks like." Shen
Yulin couldn't help but complain to her when he saw that she rarely said anything
"Then what kind of person are you looking for?" Shen Yuxiu asked curiously.
Even though she was younger than her classmates, she knew that most of her classmates
were engaged. I couldn't say all of them, but at least nine out of ten of them had their
engagements arranged by their parents. Only a very small number of them had their parents
propose to them after they had chosen someone they liked.
Therefore, she was quite accepting of the fact that her biological parents arranged a
marriage for Shen Yulin.
"At least she has to be like Zhou Qingyuan, right? High school diploma, good looking..."
Shen Yulin was thinking about his criteria for choosing a partner, but he didn't expect
that he had just said a few words when he heard an angry shout from a girl behind him.
"Shen Yulin..."
Shen Yulin turned around suddenly and saw Zhou Qingyuan standing a few steps away from
them. Her face was flushed red and she was walking towards him with big momentum, holding
her schoolbag.
Oh shit, something’s wrong.
As soon as Shen Yulin saw her expression, he knew that Zhou Qingyuan had heard what he
had just said. He was startled and quickly put on a smile: "Well, don't be angry. I, I
was just making an analogy. I don't have any feelings for you..."
However, it would have been fine if Shen Yulin hadn't said anything. As soon as he
started talking, Zhou Qingyuan seemed even more annoyed and swung her schoolbag at him.
"Do you have any shame? You're still not interested in me? Do I f*cking have any interest
in you? How dare you use me as an example? What gives you the right to use me as an
example?" Zhou Qingyuan cursed while swinging her heavy schoolbag at him, scaring Shen
Yulin so much that he jumped out of the way. Seeing that Zhou Qingyuan didn't hit anyone,
he seemed even angrier and quickly ran behind Shen Yushou.
"I was wrong, I was wrong. I won't dare to do it again." Shen Yulin knew he was in the
wrong, so he dodged left and right behind Shen Yuxiu and kept admitting his mistakes.
But Zhou Qingyuan was not so easy to get rid of. He circled around Shen Yuxiu and hit her
several times, but was dodged by Shen Yulin. He pointed at Shen Yuxiu angrily and said,
"Get out of my way, or don't blame me for being blind."
Oh no?
Shen Yuxiu took a breath when she was pointed at, but she also knew that Shen Yulin
really shouldn't have casually compared Zhou Qingyuan just now, and Zhou Qingyuan was
right to be angry, so she walked away quickly.
However, as soon as she took a step to the left, Shen Yulin behind her immediately
followed her and moved a step to the left. She moved to the right again, and Shen Yulin
followed her and moved to the right as well. He had been hiding behind her from beginning
to end, determined to use her as a shield.
Zhou Qingyuan was so angry that she gritted her teeth: "Are you a man? You only know how
to hide behind your sister, do you have any shame?"
Shen Yulin gave Shen Yuxiu a guilt-ridden smile from behind her.
Not a man, not a man, shameless, shameless. Facing such a she-devil with money and
connections, you have to do whatever she says.
Zhou Qingyuan saw that he could still laugh even after she scolded him like that, so she
glared at Shen Yuxiu angrily and said, "Get down right there."
When Shen Yuxiu heard this, she immediately squatted on the ground obediently, exposing
Shen Yulin behind her.
Seeing this, Zhou Qingyuan jumped over Shen Yuxiu and rushed towards Shen Yulin, scaring
Shen Yulin so much that his eyes almost popped out. He turned around and ran towards the
"Stop right there." Seeing that he was still running, Zhou Qingyuan picked up his
schoolbag on the ground and chased after him.
Shen Yuxiu looked at the scene in front of her, slowly stood up, and breathed a sigh of
relief after feeling scared.
She was so scared that she thought Zhou Qingyuan was going to beat her up too.
You have to know that Zhou Qingyuan's father works in the Finance Bureau. Although his
position is not high, even the county magistrate has to see if there is money in the
account before paying her salary. What's more, she has an uncle who works in the Public
Security Bureau. Therefore, it can be said that no one in this town dares to mess with
Zhou Qingyuan.
Besides, although Zhou Qingyuan didn't like to socialize with others, she had a good
relationship with her and was a nice person. In this matter, Shen Yulin was in the wrong
first. It was estimated that Zhou Qingyuan would just beat him up and vent her anger,
which was no big deal.
At this time, Shen Yuxiu had long forgotten that she was the one who brought up the topic
first and that was why Shen Yulin used Zhou Qingyuan as an example. Of course, even if
she still remembered, she would never admit that it was her fault.
After all, she only asked Shen Yulin what kind of wife he wanted, but did not let Shen
Yulin use Zhou Qingyuan as an example. In the final analysis, it was Shen Yulin's own
"What happened to them?"
Just as Shen Yuxiu breathed a sigh of relief, she heard a voice behind her. She turned
around and saw Zhao Hui coming over at some point.
"I asked my second brother what kind of wife he wanted, and he said he wanted someone
like Zhou Qingyuan. Zhou Qingyuan heard it and beat him up." Shen Yuxiu said without any
guilt, and asked him curiously, "What about you? Why are you here? Aren't you going to
"I'm at work. I'm taking some time off." Zhao Hui took out a piece of unwrapped soap from
his pocket and handed it to her. "This is the defective soap left over from the supply
and marketing cooperative when it bought soap. I bought two pieces specially and brought
one for you. Try it and see if it works. If it does, I'll buy you another one later."
"No, this thing is not cheap even if it is defective, right? Your work is not easy, you
should save your money and don't buy this expensive thing. I can use anything." Shen
Yuxiu said as she wanted to push the soap back.
Zhao Hui spent the New Year's Day these days. Others didn't know, but she didn't know? He
was reluctant to eat and drink every day, so how could she have the nerve to ask for his
"Then I won't buy it in the future. You can keep this soap. It's hard to return it now
that I've bought it. Otherwise, it's useless to keep it." Zhao Hui put the soap in her
hand and continued to ask about Shen Yulin. "Why did Yulin suddenly talk about a wife for
no reason? Are my uncle and aunt going to find a wife for him?"
Speaking of this, Shen Yuxiu became excited and immediately whispered to him that Shen
Yulin was now engaged, with a look of gloating in her eyes.
Zhao Hui looked at her overjoyed expression and couldn't help but curl the corners of his
lips in pleasure. After a while, he asked her casually, "What about you? Did your uncle
and aunt tell you about your in-laws?"
"How old am I?" Shen Yuxiu's face tensed up when she heard this, and she subconsciously
avoided the topic: "I don't want to find a husband so early."

Chapter 93 Delusion
Although Shen Yuxiu pretended to be calm, her face turned red unconsciously. She looked
at Zhao Hui with a soft gaze and felt soft in her heart.
"Yes, you are still young, how can you find a husband so early?" Zhao Hui said in a
gentle voice.
"That's right." Shen Yuxiu raised her chin in a bluffing manner and waved at him
casually, "I'm going back to school first, you should go to work as well."
After Shen Yuxiu finished speaking, without waiting for him to say anything else, she
turned around and walked quickly towards the school.
In fact, she also knew that she had reached the age to get married, and it would probably
be her turn after Shen Yulin's matter was completed. But for some reason, she didn't want
to talk about this topic, especially in front of Zhao Hui, she always felt awkward.
Zhao Hui looked at her fleeing figure, smiled softly and turned away, his eyes filled
with tenderness that could not be melted away.
Is she shy?
But after a while, Zhao Hui couldn't laugh anymore.
For some reason, he felt a little depressed when he thought about the topic they had just
discussed. He just couldn't be happy when he thought about her getting married in the
future and how she would smile at any man other than himself and the Shen family.
Zhao Hui knew that his emotions were wrong and he shouldn't have such emotions.
But he just couldn't control it.
Zhao Hui is already nineteen years old. Unlike Shen Yuxiu, he is still at a stage of not
quite understanding marriage and his future partner. At a time when one can get married
at the age of eighteen, there are very few people like him who are not married or
Especially recently at work, his colleagues knew that he was still single, and they were
all very enthusiastic and wanted to find him a wife.
But for some reason, Zhao Hui was inexplicably disgusted by this topic. When he thought
about starting a family with a strange woman in the future and giving birth to a child,
he felt extremely disgusted.
And just when he was extremely disgusted by this matter, he dreamed of Shen Yushou.
The girl in the dream had a smile as beautiful as a flower, like a ray of light, and
walked towards him happily, making him unable to help but smile. Then he hugged her in
his arms. She was so warm and beautiful, and then he woke up with unprecedented
After waking up, Zhao Hui realized that he must have had delusions about Shen Yuxiu. He
wanted her and wanted to be with her.
But this girl is only fifteen, she is just entering the teenage years, does she know what
love is? And will she like him?
After all, he is not tall, at least not as tall as Shen Yulin, his family is poor, and
his parents don't like him. Is he qualified for her to like him?
After Shen Yuxiu ran for some distance, she suddenly realized that she had not returned
the soap to Zhao Hui. She stopped abruptly and looked back, only to find that Zhao Hui
was no longer at the school gate. She looked at the beige soap in her hand with
hesitation, and finally decided to accept it.
Zhao Hui had already said that, and if she still insisted on returning the soap, it would
seem as if she really disliked it. Besides, Zhao Hui had eaten and drunk a lot at her
house over the years, and it was just a piece of soap. It didn't matter that she couldn't
take it. At most, she could talk to her grandparents and ask them to get more food for
Zhao Hui.
Shen Yuxiu put the soap to her nose and smelled it, feeling an indescribable fragrance
immediately filling her nose, and she smiled.
Zhao Hui is quite good at choosing, she likes this taste very much.
Shen Yuxiu thought that this was the only time Zhao Hui would send her something, but she
didn't expect that every Sunday Zhao Hui would bring her some small gifts, sometimes ink,
sometimes notebooks, and sometimes some snacks or candies.
Shen Yuxiu felt bad every time she received these things, and people started talking
about her behind her back. So when Zhao Hui sent her something again, she said she didn't
want anything else.
"Don't send me any more gifts. It's not easy for you to earn money. You should save it."
"I'm saving it. These things don't cost much." Zhao Hui explained quickly, "Don't think
it's a big deal. I just want to buy you something to pay you back for your tuition. If
you hadn't taught me tirelessly, I wouldn't have been able to skip grades in elementary
school and catch up with you and Yulin, and I wouldn't have been able to find my current
job. I didn't have the ability before, but now that I have the ability, I want to make up
for it. If you don't want the things, I can pay for it."
"No, no, no, please don't." Shen Yuxiu waved her hands and said, "I'm just teaching you
by the way, you don't have to pay me. Besides, you keep giving me things, and people are
talking about me."
"Ah?" Zhao Hui didn't expect her to say that, and his face suddenly sank. "Who said
anything about you? I bought things for you openly, why would they say anything about
"Anyway, I don't want the things you bought." Shen Yuxiu said as she stuffed the things
he brought back to her, turned around and ran away.
Originally, she didn't think it was a big deal when Zhao Hui bought things for her. After
all, Zhao Hui had eaten at her house most of the time over the years and had never
distinguished between them. But they had no relationship after all. As Zhao Hui bought
more and more things for her, her classmates in the dormitory saw more and more of them
and began to gossip about her behind her back.
Shen Yuxiu is now a little girl. She would feel very embarrassed if others said that she
was close to boys, so she didn't want anything from Zhao Hui anymore.
Zhao Hui never thought that he just wanted to buy something for her, but someone actually
gossiped about her. He suddenly felt angry.
He bought it with his own money, not by stealing it, so what right do those people have
to gossip about it?
But he also knew that the mouth was on other people's bodies and he had no control over
what others said.
It was a very powerless feeling, and he didn't like it, not at all.
Just like that, Zhao Hui slowly returned to the supply and marketing cooperative with the
snacks that had not been delivered, but unexpectedly saw two people who should not have
been here.
"Where is Zhao Hui? Let him out. This bastard found a job here quietly and doesn't know
how to respect his parents. He deserves to be struck by lightning." This is his father,
Zhao Laowu.
He seemed very angry, and when he started cursing, spit was flying everywhere, just like
a scoundrel.
His mother, Zhang Dachun, was right beside Zhao Laowu. She didn't curse him, but she was
also busy. She complained with a bitter face, "This kid has been a worry since he was
young. He has hardly been home in recent years. I don't know what he does outside. I just
heard a few days ago that he actually found a job here. How is he doing? Is he doing well
in the supply and marketing cooperative? Is he bullying others?"
Somehow, Zhao Hui felt even more disheartened by Zhang Dachun's words than by Zhao
Laowu's cursing.
Although Zhang Dachun never said anything bad about his son, anyone could tell how bad he
really was.
No matter whether it was people who worked with Zhao Hui in the supply and marketing
cooperative or people who came here to buy things and already knew Zhao Hui, they all had
strange looks on their faces when they heard what the couple said.
Zhao Hui has been working here for several months. Although they don't know much about
him, they can still tell a little about Zhao Hui's character.
This young man is lively, hardworking and has a good temper. No matter what kind of
customers he faces, he never looks down on them. Not only among his colleagues, but even
among the customers, no one has anything bad to say about Zhao Hui.
But how come such a good boy in everyone's eyes has such an image in the mouths of his

Chapter 94 Where is yours?

Just when everyone was becoming suspicious, someone saw Zhao Hui standing outside and
quickly pushed Zhao Laowu and pointed at Zhao Hui.
"Your son is back, let's go quickly and don't delay our normal business here."
Zhao Laowu, who was cursing loudly, turned his head and saw Zhao Hui standing outside the
crowd, and rushed towards him. Zhang Dachun saw this and didn't bother to say anything
else and hurriedly followed.
"You evil creature, you didn't say anything when you got a job that could make money,
what do you want to do?" Zhao Laowu rushed to Zhao Hui and started to curse: "If no one
in the village saw you working here, you were going to hide it from me forever, huh? How
can you have the nerve to spend the money and eat and drink when you see us eating coarse
food at home every day?"
Zhao Laowu was furious. Not only was he angry that his son was able to make money, but
he, as his father, was not the first to know about it. This dead child did not even give
a penny of the money he made to his father. It was simply outrageous.
"Let's talk over there. The supply and marketing cooperative is about to open for
business. You're delaying my colleague's work here." Zhao Hui said calmly, and was about
to lead the two of them to the yard behind the supply and marketing cooperative.
"Don't talk so nicely, and why are you delaying other people's work? I think you are just
afraid of losing face. I won't go away. I'll stay here. What can you do about it?" Zhao
Laowu didn't listen to him at all and stood there motionless.
Seeing this, Zhao Hui, who was inexplicably irritated by Shen Yuxiu's rejection of his
things, became even worse. Seeing that Zhao Laowu did not move, he looked at Zhang
Dachun: "Mom, persuade Dad to find a quiet place and have a good talk. This is not the
place to talk."
"Why isn't this the place to talk? Let's talk here. Go back. Your parents are just happy
to hear that you have a job. Your parents don't ask for much. We just want you to help
the family a little so that we can have some ease. Your mother believes that you are a
good child. You won't eat meat and drink wine by yourself and watch your parents eat
coarse vegetables, right?" Zhang Dachun had the same idea as Zhao Laowu. They didn't want
to find a quiet place to talk, so they wanted to force Zhao Da to agree to their
conditions in public.
She knew her son too well. Zhao Hui had not brought anything home in all these years. No
matter whether she said it explicitly or hinted at it, the child was like a deaf and
blind man. Apart from going home to sleep, he ignored everything at home.
In the past, she didn't know what Zhao Hui was doing and couldn't catch any evidence
against him. But now, she knows where the kid works, and she doesn't believe that she
can't do anything to him in front of everyone.
When Zhao Hui heard this, he could no longer understand the couple's thoughts, and he did
not even give them the slightest bit of face.
"Why can't I eat and drink to my heart's content but have to watch you guys eat coarse
food? How many meals have you provided for me since I can remember? You watched me almost
starve to death and threw the steamed bread into the toilet and refused to give me a
bite. How can I not watch you eat coarse food when I make money?" Zhao Hui spoke these
words in a sonorous and powerful voice, with deep hatred in every word. Anyone could hear
how angry he was at the moment.
Zhao Laowu and Zhang Dachun never expected him to say this. Their minds went blank for a
moment and they didn't know how to answer.
"I can give you my food if I want..." Zhao Laowu, who was the first to react, wanted to
curse, but was stopped by Zhang Dachun.
"Come back, who told you that? How could my parents do such a thing?" Zhang Dachun tried
to force a smile to explain.
Zhao Hui pointed to his eyes and then to his ears: "I saw it with my own eyes and heard
it with my own ears. How do you want to defend yourself? Do you want to say that I saw it
wrongly or heard it wrongly?"
Zhang Dachun never expected this to happen. He was so shocked that he didn't know how to
refute it.
Is it really like this?
No wonder he didn't bring food home in recent years. When did he see it? Why didn't he
notice it at all?
Zhao Laowu standing nearby couldn't stand it any more, so he stepped forward, pointed at
his nose and started to curse: "So what? Fuck you, I gave you my food if I wanted to, and
I didn't if I didn't want to, and you're rebelling."
"Wrong, that's not yours. I dug those wild vegetables and I got those grains. You are the
ones who ate the grains I got and left me starving without giving me any food." Zhao Hui
stated the facts calmly.
"What is yours? How can anything be yours? Even you are my child, so what's yours is
mine, and I can do whatever I want with it." Zhao Laowu stuck his neck out and refused to
listen to any reason, spitting straight into Zhao Hui's face.
Zhao Hui did not refute after hearing this, but just looked at the two of them quietly
without saying anything.
Trying to reason with such an unreasonable scoundrel is like talking to a cow. Just let
him do whatever he wants.
After hearing this, the people gathered here understood what was going on. Seeing that
Zhao Hui remained calm and did not utter a single bad word, while Zhao Laowu kept cursing
one thing after another, the balance in their hearts immediately tilted towards Zhao Hui.
This is a poor kid, isn't it? His parents have ignored him since he was a child, and now
he finally has a job, but his parents come to the workplace to make trouble. It's really
Zhang Dachun listened to the people around him pointing and talking, and suddenly felt
embarrassed. He quickly explained to the people around him: "Don't listen to this kid's
nonsense. How could I be that kind of person? How can a mother not love her child?"
However, the performance of these two people just now was really terrible. No one was a
fool, so how could they not tell who was real and who was fake? They still pointed at her
and talked about her.
Zhang Dachun felt that no matter how she explained, the people around her looked at her
in a strange way. She turned around and said to Zhao Hui with a begging look: "Hui, can
we find a place to talk? This is not the place to talk."
"No need, just tell me here what you want to do." Zhao Hui said expressionlessly.
Now I realize it’s inconvenient to talk here, but it’s too late.
"What are you doing? What else can you do? Where is the money you earned? Hand it over to
me." Zhao Laowu said as a matter of course.
"No, I have paid off my monthly salary." Zhao Hui said calmly.
In fact, except for the first month's salary used to repay the money borrowed from his
colleagues, the rest was in his hands. But why should he give it?
"Pay back the debt? Where did the debt come from? What debt do you owe?" Zhao Laowu
couldn't believe it.
"What debt? For food? You don't think I've been living on nothing these years? Don't I
have to pay back for eating someone's food?"
"That doesn't require that much, does it?"
"Do you know how much?"
"You can't just not give us a penny, right? You're still sleeping at home. Even if you're
staying with us, you have to pay for accommodation, right?"
Zhao Hui's eyes turned even colder after hearing this. He stared at Zhao Laowu for a long
time and uttered two words: "Five dollars, five dollars at most."
Zhao Laowu thought Zhao Hui was still holding back, but he didn't expect him to suddenly
say a number. He was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately became dissatisfied:
"Five dollars is too little."
"Four dollars." Upon hearing this, Zhao Hui immediately reduced the price by one dollar.
Zhao Laowu choked when he heard this.
Holy shit, this damn kid is actually lowering the price?

Chapter 95 Panic
"You... you are sending away beggars."
Zhao Laowu was so angry that his eyes widened, but after Zhao Hui heard it, he gently
uttered two words.
There's another piece missing?
Zhao Laowu was so angry that he swung his fist and was about to go forward to beat the
man up. This bastard was simply rebellious. However, as soon as he moved, he was stopped
by Zhang Dachun again.
"Okay, three dollars is three dollars, give it to me." Zhang Dachun said as he stretched
out his hand to Zhao Hui.
Seeing Zhao Hui like this, Zhang Dachun felt very unsure and decided to take as much as
he could first and worry about the rest later.
Zhao Hui glanced at the hand she stretched out and lied without changing his expression,
"I don't have it now. You guys go back first. I'll borrow money from someone after work
and bring it home. If you don't want to, you can continue to quarrel with my dad. If you
make me lose my job, you will lose everything."
Zhang Dachun choked when he heard this and looked at Zhao Laowu.
The purpose of their coming here is to make a fuss for money, and it would be best if
they could make this guy hand over all his wages. But looking at Zhao Hui's expression,
it seems that he is not that afraid of their making a fuss, nor is he that afraid of
losing his job. This is a difficult situation.
"Okay, I'll give it to you after you borrow it." Finally, Zhao Laowu made the final
He discovered that his son never listened to him, ever since he was young. For example,
when the boy wanted to go to school, he couldn't find the money no matter how hard he
tried. In the end, he didn't even know whether the boy went to school or not.
As for the debt Zhao Hui mentioned, he had no doubts about it.
You know, it's not easy to find a job nowadays, especially for peasants like them. If
they want to find a job and eat rations, it's basically impossible without connections
and background. Although he didn't know how Zhao Hui got the job in the supply and
marketing cooperative, he probably spent a lot of money, so it was reasonable for him to
be in debt.
In this way, Zhao Laowu came to the supply and marketing cooperative and made a scene.
Apart from being promised three dollars, he didn't take anything away. Instead, everyone
in the supply and marketing cooperative knew about his family's situation.
For a while, those who wanted to introduce Zhao Hui to a partner disappeared in the blink
of an eye, and no one mentioned the topic again.
After all, even if Zhao Hui is good-looking and has a good job, his parents are
unreliable at first glance. Although girls in families may not have such a high status at
home nowadays, few parents are willing to let their daughters marry into such a family.
With such parents-in-law, they will not live a good life but suffer torture instead.
Of course, Zhao Hui also noticed the change in attitude of his colleagues. He felt
relieved but also bitter.
Some of those people's families are not as well off as the Shen family, and they are not
as favored as Shen Yuxiu at home. They all look down on him. How can a good girl like
Shen Yuxiu, or her family, look down on him?
Zhao Hui felt an unprecedented panic.
Shen Yuxiu doesn't want his things anymore. Does that mean she should gradually distance
herself from him in the future? Will they become strangers after a while?
He didn't like this, it made him feel empty as if he was about to lose something.
If Shen Yuxiu ignored him, would the two elders of the Fang family and everyone in the
Shen family also gradually distance themselves from him?
What else does he have? Is there anyone in this world who would care about him?
Zhao Hui was a little afraid. He was afraid of the days when no one cared about him. The
feeling of having no one to care about his life and death and no one to share his joy was
very bad and he didn't like it at all.
When Zhao Hui returned to his post, he was always absent-minded. He would not come to his
senses until someone called him twice. Fortunately, the requirements for salesmen in the
supply and marketing cooperative were not so high now, otherwise, he would have been
complained about for his repeated absent-mindedness.
After these two times, Zhao Hui realized that his condition was not suitable for staying
at the sales counter, so he asked for leave from the person in charge and prepared to go
Before leaving, he deliberately bought corresponding things according to the amount of
three yuan, such as some wine for his father Zhao Laowu, a piece of meat for his mother
Zhang Dachun, and some rice, flour, grain and oil for the family.
Although he had just promised to give his parents three yuan, he actually didn't want to
give it. If he bought some things with the three yuan and brought them back, the
villagers would know that he bought things for his family. If he gave the money to the
couple, he guaranteed that they would still not say a good word about him, and would cry
poor all the time, saying how unfilial he was.
In that case, he might as well spend the same amount of money to shut the couple up and
let the villagers know that he is not that bad.
In the Zhao family yard, after Zhang Dachun came back, he went to work in the fields,
leaving Zhao Laowu alone at home, lying lazily on the kang.
When Zhao Laowu saw Zhao Hui suddenly come back, he sat up quickly as if he was seeing a
"Hey, my dear son, why did you come back so early today?" Zhao Laowu said, and when he
saw what he was holding in his hand, his eyes suddenly lit up: "What's the matter? Did
you buy some wine?"
"Well, you want three dollars, so I bought you three dollars worth of stuff." Zhao Hui
said calmly. He was not impressed by the three words "good son" he said. After putting
away other things, he raised the wine bottle and a small bag in his hand to Zhao Laowu
and said, "I bought some peanuts. Can we have a drink together?"
Actually, Zhao Hui didn't know how to drink, but he bought it because he had heard people
say that getting drunk can relieve all worries.
He wanted to try whether this wine could relieve the sorrow in his heart.
"Ah?" Zhao Laowu was stunned when he heard that. Then he looked at the oil paper bag in
Zhao Hui's hand and blinked. He immediately agreed happily: "Then let's have a drink. We
have never had a drink together in all these years."
As Zhao Laowu said this, he got off the kang swiftly and began to clean the dining table
which was covered with many dirty bowls.
He was particularly happy at this moment. Over the years, the family had almost no extra
money for him to drink. In the past, when he was craving for wine, he would shamelessly
go to his brothers' homes for a meal. Now, not only did his son buy him wine on his own
initiative, he even bought peanuts to go with the wine and wanted to have a drink with
him. This was such a blessing from heaven.
Zhao Hui looked at Zhao Laowu's rare quick movements, said nothing, and turned back to
the cupboard in silence to find a wine glass.
Even though this family was extremely poor and everyone's clothes were patched over and
over again, they still had plenty of food and drink.
After Zhao Hui found a wine glass that had not been used for who knows how long and
washed it, he took a small stool and sat down in front of the dining table that Zhao
Laowu had prepared. He slowly placed peanuts on the table, opened the white wine he had
brought back, and filled a glass for himself and Zhao Laowu respectively.
"Dad, I toast you." After pouring the wine, Zhao Hui raised the glass and toasted Zhao
Laowu, then tilted his head back and gulped the glass of wine down his throat.
As soon as the liquor went down his throat, Zhao Hui felt a burning sensation in his
throat, followed by a burning sensation in his esophagus, followed by a stream of gas
attacking his forehead.
"Cough, cough, cough..." Zhao Hui started coughing due to choking, and soon tears came
out of his eyes.

Chapter 96 Why should I plan for you?

Zhao Laowu didn't expect that he could drink so much. He was just about to teach him how
to drink it funny, but he saw Zhao Hui, who had finally stopped coughing, poured another
glass into his mouth.
Zhao Laowu was a little dumbfounded, and quickly picked up his own wine glass and drank
it in one gulp. Then he poured another glass and drank it again, fearing that he would be
a step slower and drink less than Zhao Hui.
After two glasses of wine, Zhao Hui couldn't drink any more.
This tastes unpleasant, and I don't know why those people who say that wine is a good
thing like this kind of thing.
Zhao Laowu was afraid that he had not drunk enough, so he did not even bother to eat
peanuts and just drank one cup after another. After a while, he felt his tongue starting
to disobey him and his head was dizzy from the alcohol.
"Dad, am I your son?"
Zhao Laowu was dazed when he heard Zhao Hui's question. He grinned and said with a big
tongue: "Of course you are my son. I saw your mother give birth to you with my own eyes.
If you are not my son, whose son can you be?"
After getting a definite answer again, Zhao Hui felt as if he had swallowed coptis
chinensis, bitter and uncomfortable.
"Then why do you treat me like this? Other fathers will plan for their sons, why don't
you plan anything for me?" Zhao Hui said as he poured another glass of wine for Zhao
Laowu, his question full of confusion.
However, Zhao Laowu seemed to have heard a joke when he heard this. He laughed and
slapped the table: "What should I plan for you? Raising a son hiccup... to prepare for
old age, you know? I gave birth to you and raised you so that you can take care of me in
my old age. Why should I... hiccup... plan for you? Are you the father or am I the
father? You let me spend so much time and effort to plan for you, what do you think? Just
do whatever you can with your ability."
Zhao Hui looked at him with a matter-of-fact look and laughed at himself: "Yeah, are you
the boss, or am I the boss?"
You haven't done what a father should do, so why should I do what a son should do?
However, Zhao Hui did not say the latter sentence, so Zhao Laowu naturally had no idea
what he was thinking.
Zhao Laowu just listened to the first half of Zhao Hui's words, and laughed with
satisfaction: "That's right, remember, I am your father, and I will be your father for
life. No matter how I treat you, you have to respect me well, understand?"
Seeing that he had the nerve to say that, Zhao Hui sneered and continued to ask as if he
didn't care, "Then why do you treat Baocai differently? We are both sons, why don't you
care about me but control everything about Baocai?"
"Hey? Don't blame me for that." Zhao Laowu immediately got angry when he heard that. He
stared with his wandering eyes and solemnly declared: "I treated you and your brother the
same. I didn't care about either of you. If anyone treated you differently, it was your
mother who treated you differently. I did my best to be impartial. I won't take the blame
for this."
I don’t know if it was because he was drunk, but when Zhao Hui listened to what Zhao
Laowu said, his brain was confused for a while. It took him a long time to understand
what Zhao Laowu was saying.
Zhao Hui carefully recalled the past and found that it seemed to be true.
In his memory, his father, Zhao Laowu, always ate enough for the whole family. As long as
he was full, he didn't care who was hungry, whether it was his wife or his son, Zhao
Laowu didn't care at all. If there was anyone who treated his two brothers differently,
it was really only his mother Zhang Dachun.
As he thought about it, Zhao Hui suddenly laughed. He laughed at himself for feeling that
it was unfair for so long but not seeing the truth clearly.
"Then Dad, I really want to thank you for treating me and my brother the same. Come, let
me toast you with another glass of wine." Zhao Hui said as he poured another glass of
wine for Zhao Laowu. He didn't know whether he was really thanking him or mocking him.
In this way, Zhao Hui and Zhao Laowu drank a plate of peanuts, one sentence at a time and
one cup at a time, until they were drunk.
Zhang Dachun worked for half a day, and when he returned home he saw two drunkards
sleeping soundly on the dining table. There was only an empty wine bottle tilted over and
a few peanuts left on the table.
"Fuck it, I really owe you guys." Zhang Dachun cursed, picked up the meat and rice
noodles bought by Zhao Hui and went to cook, not paying any attention to the father and
son who were sleeping crookedly.
Just when the meal was about to be served, Zhao Baocai, who had been playing all morning,
came back just in time. He saw Zhang Dachun frying the noodles in the wok with meat. He
also ignored the drunken father and son, picked up the bowl, filled it with noodles, went
back to the room, sat on the kang, and started eating with a slurp.
Zhao Hui opened his eyes at the sound of him slurping noodles, and saw Zhao Baocai
slurping the noodles with a relish. Without being told anything, he took a bowl and went
to the pot in the kitchen, picked up two chopsticks of noodles, and started eating too.
He drank too quickly just now and vomited it all out in a short while. His stomach felt
empty and uncomfortable at this moment, and he couldn't bear it without eating something.
Seeing him scoop up two large chopsticks of noodles without any hesitation, Zhang Dachun
felt distressed and couldn't help but complain to him: "You only know how to eat after
coming home. I worked all morning and I have to go home to cook for you. How can you
"Why can't I eat?" Zhao Hui took a sip of the soup and said calmly, "Your husband can
still eat even when he's drinking and sleeping at home. Your little son runs around the
streets, doesn't work, and doesn't come home to cook for you, but he still eats delicious
food. How can I, a person who brought back rice and flour, not be able to eat?"
"What are you talking about? Your brother is still a child, why are you getting involved
with him?" Zhang Dachun immediately became angry when he heard him talking about his
younger son.
"Yeah, an eighteen-year-old is really young." Zhao Hui sneered and said indifferently,
"When I was seven or eight years old, you didn't treat me like a child, and you didn't
protect me like this, not to mention you worked hard to make food for me. You said I was
making excuses, but you didn't say anything about the two of you who did nothing at home
every day, but you took advantage of me to accuse me of going home to rest. Why can't I
make excuses?"
Zhang Dachun was speechless. Just when he was about to say something, Zhao Hui had
already finished his noodles, put down his bowl and left.
This was not the first time that Zhao Hui had been merciless with her, but her words of
defense had no effect on Zhao Hui at all. Zhang Dachun now had no idea how to get along
with this stubborn son.
Zhao Hui returned to his room and closed his eyes, ignoring what was happening outside.
In fact, he was not asleep just now. He heard clearly what Zhang Dachun complained when
he came back. It was just that his stomach felt uncomfortable at that time and he didn't
want to move.
Reincarnation is a technical job. He didn't know how much sin he had committed in his
previous life to have such a pair of parents.
He didn't like the parents.
Really, he didn't like it at all.
Of course, they didn't like him either.

Chapter 97 A demon moved in

Zhao Hui placed his hand on his forehead, which was aching slightly from the alcohol, and
gently exhaled.
He wanted to have a home, a home of his own, where there would be family members who
would nag and blame him for drinking, but would also care about whether he was feeling
Suddenly, the shadow of Shen Yuxiu appeared in Zhao Hui's mind, the Shen Yuxiu who
brought him steamed bread when he was a child, the Shen Yuxiu who smiled brightly because
of his appearance, the Shen Yuxiu who didn't care that his father and mother didn't love
him, who held his hand and gave him a goal in life.
But, she, such a good girl, doesn't want his things now, and even wants to gradually
distance herself from him.
No, how can this be possible?
As Zhao Hui thought about it, tears started to form in the corners of his eyes.
If she wanted to stay away from him, how could he live? If there was no trace of that
girl in his future life, what was the meaning of his life?
Thinking of what might happen, Zhao Hui's heart felt like a hole had been torn apart. It
hurt so much that he slowly curled up in pain, and his whole body began to tremble.
He doesn't want to live like that. She must be in his life and future. How can that girl
just stay away from him?
Yes, he must have her in his life, he must have her...
Slowly, slowly, Zhao Hui's trembling body calmed down bit by bit. When he opened his eyes
again, his pupils were filled with a blood-thirsty light.
That girl must be his, no matter what, no matter what method, she - Shen Yuxiu, must be
At this moment, Zhao Hui felt as if a demon had taken over his body, gnawing at the
little bit of conscience he had, and he didn't feel the slightest bit of remorse.
The next day, when Zhao Hui woke up, he seemed to be back to normal.
At work, facing any customer, he would serve the shoppers with the best attitude as
usual, but only he himself knew that, fundamentally, he was no longer the same as before.
On Sunday, Zhao Hui did not listen to Shen Yuxiu for the first time. He not only bought
things, but also bought more and better things than usual and took them to school.
When Shen Yuxiu heard her classmates say that someone was looking for her, she came out
and saw the familiar figure of Zhao Hui. Of course, she also saw that he had more things
in his hands than usual.
"Didn't I tell you not to buy it?" Shen Yuxiu frowned, looking very unhappy.
"Xiao Xiu, you... can you please not be like this?" Zhao Hui looked at her awkwardly, his
eyes unconsciously turned red, as if he had suffered a great injustice.
"You, you, what are you doing?" Shen Yuxiu was confused by his appearance.
Seeing the old man guarding the door starting to look over here, she felt so embarrassed
that she reached out and pulled Zhao Hui to a secluded corner.
"Why are you like this? I didn't do anything to you, did I?" As soon as they reached the
corner, Shen Yuxiu asked angrily.
How would people feel when they see him looking like he's being bullied?
"Xiaoxiu, can you... can you... not ignore me?" Zhao Hui said with a trembling voice and
tears in his eyes.
He was nearly 1.80 meters tall, but at this moment, he hunched his shoulders and looked
at her infatuatedly, looking as aggrieved as a child who was about to be abandoned.
Shen Yuxiu looked at his aggrieved look and wanted to say no, but she opened her mouth
several times but couldn't say it.
Seeing that she didn't say anything, Zhao Hui took another step closer to Shen Yuxiu, as
if he was afraid of being avoided. He slowly and gently pulled her sleeve and said in a
low voice: "Promise me, okay? I will treat you well. I will buy you whatever you want,
and I will accompany you to do whatever you want, okay?"
He looked like a little daughter-in-law who was afraid of being abandoned.
Shen Yuxiu felt that her mind was in a mess and she didn't know how to answer. She just
felt that Zhao Hui in front of her was so strange.
Is he probably possessed by something dirty?
Shen Yuxiu was thinking wildly, wondering if he should go find Grandma Shen to show him.
You know, before the superstition was broken, Grandma Shen was famous for being
frightened by her children.
However, as soon as this thought came to her mind, she was shocked by Zhao Hui's next
"How about I be your child adoptive husband? Or a live-in son-in-law, Xiao Xiu, don't let
me go." Zhao Hui saw that she had been silent and hurriedly said another sentence.
This was the result of a week of hard thinking.
He thought that only by making Shen Yuxiu his own, or making himself Shen Yuxiu's, could
he not lose her, and she would not drift further and further away from him.
However, he didn't know how damaging this sentence would be to Shen Yuxiu.
"You, you, what nonsense are you talking about?" Shen Yuxiu was almost speechless after
hearing his words. She only felt her head buzzing: "You are crazy."
"No, I'm not crazy, really." Zhao Hui hurriedly explained, and even directly pulled her
little hand and pressed it on his chest: "Feel it, my heart is beating normally."
However, Shen Yuxiu was so frightened by his action that her hair stood on end. She
pulled her hand back hard: "You, you, you...what are you doing..."
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Zhao Hui was afraid that he would scare her to death, so he let
go of her hand in a panic, allowing Shen Yuxiu to pull her hand back smoothly. At the
same time, he mustered up the courage to say, "I like you, really, I like you very much.
Can you be my wife?"
Zhao Hui spoke very carefully, even bending his tall body down to a point where she could
look into his eyes easily and see the sincerity in his eyes.
Shen Yuxiu looked at Zhao Hui in dumbfounded. His tall body almost covered her
completely, and his face was so close to her that she could even see his long eyelashes
To be honest, Zhao Hui looks quite good, with thick eyebrows, bright eyes, and a straight
nose. His skin has become much whiter as he has not been exposed to the wind and sun
recently. Coupled with his angular facial contours, he looks extremely handsome.
Inexplicably, Shen Yuxiu's heart suddenly jumped, and then her chest began to beat like a
"You like me too, right?" Zhao Hui asked cautiously, his voice becoming low and full of
magnetism due to restraint and repression.
He was a little afraid that Shen Yuxiu would say no.
Shen Yuxiu didn't know how to answer. She had no idea what love between a man and a woman
was like. She had never met any boys other than Shen Yulin and Zhao Hui.
But she knew that no matter what, her heart would not beat like this when facing Shen
"I, I, I don't know." Shen Yuxiu stuttered.
She didn't know whether her heart was beating fast because she liked the boy, but she
seemed to have heard girls older than her say that when they saw a boy they liked, their
hearts would beat fast. She was a little confused.

Chapter 98 Premeditated
Of course, Zhao Hui also knew that the girl in front of him might not understand what
love between men and women was.
After all, he watched this girl grow up. She was too young and had never even come into
contact with any boys. Of course, he and Shen Yulin had never let her come into contact
with other boys.
"Then can you try to like me a little more?" Zhao Hui asked cautiously, his voice low and
pleasant, with a subtle temptation: "I will treat you very well, really, whatever you say
is what I will listen to you, okay?" seems that it is not impossible.
There was a flash of hesitation in Shen Yuxiu's eyes.
But she didn’t know whether her grandparents would agree, and what her parents would
"If you think you are still young, why don't we try to get along with each other first?"
Zhao Hui saw that she didn't respond. He suppressed the urge in his mind to pull her into
his arms and whispered a suggestion: "Look, you will get married in the future anyway, at
least you know me, right? If it is a stranger, you can only see his appearance, how can
you know what kind of person he is inside? What if that person likes to beat people? What
if he treats you badly? Instead of taking that risk, wouldn't it be better to find
someone familiar?"
It seems to make some sense.
Shen Yuxiu seemed to understand something after hearing this.
Just like her second brother, who was suddenly arranged to be married by her father, but
no one knew what the man looked like or what his personality was like. It was a bit
Although she knew a little bit of fighting skills, and her father and brothers would not
stand by and watch her being bullied, she could not count on her parents' support every
day after getting married. There was a natural difference in physical strength between
men and women, and she could not guarantee that she could win all the time. Moreover, she
could not survive such a chaotic life.
Of course, the man her father found might not be so unreliable, but who can guarantee it?
Even if that man is better, looking around, how many men in the village are as good to
their wives and children as her father and her grandfather?
Thinking that in the future she would have to serve a man like her ancestors, offer him
food with both hands, obey him and swallow her blood if he treated her badly, Shen Yuxiu
felt like she was almost suffocating.
No, she couldn't accept that kind of life.
"Then, can you promise that you will always be good to me?" Shen Yuxiu asked hesitantly.
Compared to those strangers she had never met before, she suddenly felt that Zhao Hui in
front of her was really a very good choice. At least Zhao Hui had never behaved like
"Of course. When have you ever seen me treat you badly?" Seeing Shen Yuxiu's attitude
soften, Zhao Hui felt a surge of ecstasy in his heart. He quickly continued his efforts
and assured her with a firm look: "If I treat you badly one day, I will be struck by
lightning and die a miserable death. I won't be able to reincarnate after I die..."
"Alright, alright, stop talking." Shen Yuxiu's hair stood on end at his series of oaths:
"What you said is too scary."
Zhao Hui immediately stopped swearing and asked cautiously, "Then... do you agree?
Let's... try to get along?"
"Alright..." Shen Yuxiu agreed hesitantly, but then she said firmly, "But if you treat me
badly, we will break up immediately. Also, I'm still young, and I don't know what my
grandparents and parents are planning. If something happens one day, you have to protect
Thinking of Shen Yulin's fuss about resisting his parents' engagement, she felt guilty
from the bottom of her heart.
Although she was often beaten for being disobedient since she was a child, it doesn't
mean that she likes being beaten. After all, she is not as tough as Shen Yulin, and it
hurts when she is beaten.
"Okay, I'll do whatever you say when the time comes." As soon as Shen Yuxiu finished
speaking, Zhao Hui immediately agreed.
"Don't you even think about it?" Shen Yuxiu looked at him puzzled.
Doesn’t this person make any demands on himself?
"No need, I just need you." Zhao Hui said softly, his eyes deep and focused.
Really, he doesn't need fairness, nor does he need the girl in front of him to make any
promises to him. It's enough for him as long as she can accept him and not stay away from
As long as the girl in front of him gives him a chance, he will do everything he can to
make sure she can't leave him anymore and won't have the chance to leave him.
However, Shen Yuxiu had no idea of the little thoughts in his mind. She felt her face
turn red and her heart beat fast for some reason when he looked at her like that.
"Then, then you can take these things back." Shen Yuxiu said with some bluffing: "You
bought too much. I want to live in a good house, eat well and dress well in the future.
If you don't know how to save money for the future, I may not be good to you."
"Okay, I'll listen to you." When Zhao Hui heard that she didn't have to be friends with
him, he nodded quickly and discussed with her in a gentle voice: "But these things have
already been bought, it's not easy to return them. How about you keep them this time, and
I'll start saving money in the future, and I'll definitely build a brick house to marry
you in the future, okay?"
"Who wants to marry you?" Shen Yuxiu's face suddenly turned red when he said that. She
snatched the thing from his hand and ran back to school.
As for whether people in school would still gossip about her, she had figured it out two
days ago. Let them say whatever they want. After all, she has nothing to fear.
Don't think that she can't see the jealousy in the eyes of those classmates who gossip
about her behind her back. Zhao Hui is good-looking and has a job now. Those people are
just sour grapes because they can't eat them.
Now that Zhao Hui is the one she has chosen, what is there to be afraid of?
Zhao Hui quietly watched her back as she ran away, then he slowly straightened his tall
body, and a smile of success and relaxation slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth.
He knew that his actions just now were to deceive the ignorant girl.
He also knew that the girl didn't understand at all. The heartbeat just now was just an
instinctive reaction of the oppressed human body due to excessive pressure he had put on
her. But he didn't regret it at all.
But this was an idea that he had been planning for several days before coming up with. In
order to prevent the girl from being fooled, he also prepared several other backup plans
in case of rejection, but they were not used now.
She is still too naive and too gullible.
How could he bear to let such an ignorant girl belong to someone else?
Zhao Hui knew that what he was doing might not be right, or even a little despicable.
But he didn't regret it at all. If being mean could make this girl belong to him and make
her fall in love with him, then he would be willing to be mean no matter how mean it was.
Shen Yuxiu had no idea what Zhao Hui was really thinking. She only knew that she already
had the person with whom she would spend the rest of her life. Moreover, she discovered
another thing, which was that Shen Yulin began to listen to Zhou Qingyuan more carefully.
When Zhou Qingyuan was hot from running exercises, he brought her water; when Zhou
Qingyuan cleaned the house, he helped; when Zhou Qingyuan's desks and chairs were dirty,
he wiped them, and so on. Shen Yuxiu was dumbfounded. Occasionally, when she finally
managed to talk to Zhou Qingyuan, Shen Yulin always sided with Zhou Qingyuan, complained
about her younger sister, and almost told her all the embarrassing things that happened
when she was a child, which made Shen Yuxiu's eyes almost pop out.
What's wrong with this second brother?

Chapter 99 Do you have any ideas?

Shen Yuxiu was confused and very angry.
But there was no way out. Shen Yulin was like a man possessed, running after Zhou
Qingyuan every day. As the days passed, it was time to go home for the holiday.
Usually at this time, Shen Yulin should have come to the girls' dormitory to wait for
Shen Yuxiu after packing his things. But today, after Shen Yuxiu had packed her clothes
and left the girls' dormitory, Shen Yulin was still talking to Zhou Qingyuan in front of
the boys' dormitory. His obedient and servile appearance was simply unbearable to watch.
"Okay, then you guys pack up. I'm leaving first." When Zhou Qingyuan saw Shen Yuxiu
coming out, she immediately stopped talking to Shen Yulin, waved to Shen Yuxiu, and left
After Zhou Qingyuan left, Shen Yuxiu slowly walked up to Shen Yulin, pointed at Zhou
Qingyuan's back as she walked away, and asked tentatively, "You, you two..."
"Don't think too much." Shen Yulin had been talked about a lot recently. When he saw Shen
Yuxiu open her mouth, he almost knew what she was going to say. He quickly glared and
explained: "I just agreed to serve Zhou Qingyuan for half a semester. Don't think too
Shen Yuxiu's mouth twitched when she heard this. Serving for half a semester?
With his meticulous service attitude, isn't his service a bit too comprehensive?
"However, you really can't judge a person by his appearance. I used to think Zhou
Qingyuan was very aloof, but I didn't expect that she is quite easy to get along with."
As Shen Yulin spoke, he couldn't help laughing. The look in his eyes didn't seem like he
was looking at an ordinary classmate.
"Second brother, don't forget that you are engaged." Shen Yuxiu reminded him dutifully.
Don't think she can't see the little sparks between the two of them recently, but his
current status doesn't make it suitable for him to have any thoughts about other girls.
"I know, I don't need you to remind me." When talking about this, Shen Yulin was not so
happy, "I will cancel the marriage sooner or later, it's simply too late."
When this was mentioned, Shen Yulin's mood became worse. He turned around and strode
towards the yard of the boys' dormitory.
At this time, there were only a few people left in the boys' dormitory, and there was
nothing to hide, so Shen Yuxiu followed him in, wanting to help Shen Yulin pack up his
things and go home quickly.
But as soon as she entered the room, the peculiar smell of boys' feet made her retreat
Shen Yuxiu let out a cry, turned around and rushed out of the boys' dormitory, breathing
in big gulps of fresh air. She felt dizzy as if she had drunk her father's particularly
strong-flavored white wine.
This taste is simply too good to be true.
Shen Yulin was stunned by her sudden movement. When he came to his senses, he couldn't
help but laugh so hard that he bent over.
But his sister was so amused that she died. Normally, people in the dormitory always
joked that the smell in their room was like biological weapons. Now seeing Shen Yuxiu's
appearance, it seemed possible that it was true.
Shen Yuxiu's face turned black because of Shen Yulin's smile. She wanted to go over and
beat up her second brother who was gloating over her misfortune, but when she thought
about the situation in the room, she couldn't muster up the courage.
These boys are simply...
How did the house smell like this?
But there is nothing we can do about it. The conditions are like this now. Most people
only have one pair of shoes and don’t even have a replacement pair. Those who are better
off have a pair of socks, but those who are not so well off don’t even have a pair of
socks. Boys sweat more than girls and are not as clean as girls, so naturally the smell
can’t be that good.
After waiting for a long time for Shen Yulin to pack his things, he took the tricycle
that Fang Youshun had been waiting for at the school gate and returned home. When Shen
Yuxiu got off the tricycle and started to wash up, Shen Yulin put his luggage on the
kang, shook his arms and legs, shouted "Go!" and disappeared.
As for where he was going to rush to, Shen Yuxiu knew it roughly even without asking. It
was nothing more than her parents' place. But whether Shen Yulin could defeat her parents
if he rushed over was an unknown.
Sure enough, when it was time to go to bed at night, Shen Yulin came back covered in
dust. He said that the battle was not very successful, but he would try again.
When lying on the kang at night, thinking about the big footprints on Shen Yulin's pants
and his messy hair when he came back, and thinking about her promise to get along with
Zhao Hui, Shen Yuxiu couldn't help but ask in a low voice tentatively about Grandma Fang
who was sleeping next to her.
"Grandma, when I get old enough, will my parents arrange a marriage for me without even
telling me, just like they did for my second brother?"
In the darkness of the night, Shen Yuxiu's voice was filled with nervousness.
Grandma Fang, who was lying on the side, was stunned for a moment, then slowly turned
around and asked tentatively: "What's wrong? Do you have any ideas?"
"Yeah." Shen Yuxiu responded softly, and said a little nervously: "I don't like this.
After all, it's my marriage. How can it be settled without even telling me? What if I
don't like him and he doesn't like me? What if I don't like him and he doesn't like me?"
After hearing this, Grandma Fang fell silent.
That's how it was for her generation, marriages were decided by their parents and
What kind of man your parents tell you to be, that is what kind of man you will be. Man
and woman have no idea what the other person looks like before they get married. After
marriage, no matter whether the other person is ugly or handsome, lame or stupid, you
have to accept him whether you like or not.
Fortunately, although her parents favored boys over girls, they still had a conscience
and did not find her a jerk. Fortunately, Fang Youshun was a reliable man, and the two of
them gradually developed feelings for each other after living together for a long time.
But that was then, and children nowadays don't seem to think that way anymore, and they
are not so obedient.
Just like Shen Yulin, he is in such a mess now, I guess this marriage won’t be easy to
Grandma Fang thought for a long time and didn't know how to answer the child she raised.
After all, her experience at that time could not keep up with the thinking of children
"Well..., what do you want to do?" Finally, Grandma Fang asked hesitantly.
"Me?" Shen Yuxiu was confused by the question.
What does she want? She really hasn't thought about it.
Shen Yuxiu just felt that things shouldn't be like this, but she had never thought about
or known how it should be done specifically.
"Well, at least you can't just casually arrange a marriage for me, right?" Shen Yuxiu
frowned, thinking about what Zhao Hui had said to her, and said with some trepidation:
"At the very least, I have to know what that person looks like and what kind of
personality he has. I can't be engaged to someone I haven't even met or paid attention
to, right?"
"Okay, then I'll talk to your mother and ask her to tell you first when she introduces
someone to you next time." Grandma Fang agreed readily.
It's just a matter of meeting each other to get to know each other. Nowadays, children's
marriages are no longer entirely decided by their parents. When people go on blind dates,
they will let the young couple who really like each other meet each other. It's not a big
When Shen Yuxiu heard this, she was immediately happy. She lifted her quilt and crawled
into Grandma Fang's quilt, rubbing into her arms, and whispered affectionately: "Grandma,
why are you so good?"
Grandma Fang gently stroked the hair on her head, feeling very soft in her heart.
This little girl is really stubborn when she gets angry, and she can make people angry to
death. She is also really coquettish when she acts coquettishly, which makes this old
woman lose her principles unconsciously and agree to whatever she wants.

Chapter 100 Life is bound

After a good sleep, Shen Yulin disappeared again the next day after eating and drinking,
which made Shen Yuxiu feel very emotional.
Since she was a child, she has never admired her second brother for anything, except for
his spirit of never giving up until the goal is achieved, which she admires extremely.
After Shen Yulin left, Shen Yuxiu saw that Fang Youshun had eaten his fill and
disappeared, so she couldn't help but ask Grandma Fang in confusion: "Grandma, where did
my grandpa go?"
"Oh, our team has set up a sideline business group. Your grandpa is now in charge of the
car dealership, so he has gone to work." Grandma Fang explained with a smile.
"Sideline Group?" This was the first time Shen Yuxiu had heard of this name, and she
immediately became interested. "Where is it? I'll go take a look too."
"Then you take Xiaosui with you, and I will go with you." Grandma Fang said as she picked
up the little Shen Yuhong. Upon hearing this, Shen Yuxiu also took Shen Yusui's hand, and
together they walked out of the yard towards the central street of the village.
Shen Yuxiu followed Grandma Fang and walked eastward along the central street until they
were almost at the entrance of the village. She discovered that more than twenty houses
had been added there at some point, and there was a sign hanging on every one or two, or
two or three houses.
There were signs saying woodworking group, tin processing, car shop, barber shop, sewing
shop, red stove, clinic, mill processing, etc., almost every industry was there, and
every house was filled with people coming and going, adding a lot of popularity to the
street that had been deserted for a long time.
Shen Yuxiu looked at these houses and for a moment she didn't know what day it was.
She had only not been here for a few months, how come the streets had changed so much
that she almost didn't recognize them?
According to Grandma Fang, this was because the market was cancelled and it was
inconvenient for people to go out and buy things, so the brigade called a meeting of all
members and finally decided unanimously that the infrastructure team would build houses,
and each team would set up various sideline groups according to their own situations. In
this way, people's lives would not be affected by the inconvenience caused by the
cancellation of the market, and each team could also increase its income, killing two
birds with one stone.
I heard that in addition to the sideline group, the brigade will also build a middle
school, so that the children in the village will not have to go to the town ten or twenty
miles away to attend middle school, which will be convenient for both adults and
children. However, this matter has to be done during the slack season. After all,
people’s primary task is to farm and fill their stomachs.
Shen Yuxiu took Shen Yushui around every house as if she was visiting a new continent,
and finally stopped at the car dealership that Fang Youshun was in charge of.
This so-called car shop was very simple, with only some simple replacement tires, valve
threads, chains and some repair tools. The place was not big, only the size of a room. No
one came to repair the car temporarily, so Fang Youshun was alone here and had a lot of
free time.
"Hey, Xiaoxiu, is this week you're back home?" When Shen Yuxiu was looking at things in
the house curiously, she suddenly heard a familiar voice behind her. She turned around
and saw Grandpa Shen coming over with a small stool and a baby of two or three years old.
"Yeah, it's been a week." Shen Yuxiu agreed, looking at the little baby in his arms, and
walked up to tease him: "I haven't seen you for a few months, Dalan has grown so big?"
This is the second child in Shen Laoliu's family, and also Shen Laoliu's first girl. Aunt
Shen Liu simply and roughly named the child Dalan, planning to continue naming her Erlan
or Sanlan if she gives birth to a girl in the future. It is simple and convenient, and
people can tell which child in the family she is at a glance.
"Hahaha, this girl is just greedy, but she doesn't grow fast?" Old Master Shen said,
putting the baby in his arms down and pointing at Shen Yuxiu: "Go play with your second
Shen Yuxiu goes to school all year round and doesn't like to go to Grandpa Shen's house
during summer and winter vacations. Therefore, the little baby is not very familiar with
Shen Yuxiu, the second sister. Therefore, even though Grandpa Shen was pointing at Shen
Yuxiu and talking to the child, the child ran to Shen Yusui instead.
Shen Yuxiu didn't care that the baby didn't like her. When she saw her going to find Shen
Yushui, she immediately followed and watched.
When people are carefree, they always feel that time passes very quickly, as if a year
has passed in just a moment.
In the blink of an eye, Shen Yuxiu and Shen Yulin graduated from high school. They
returned home with their diplomas and the bags they had used for school over the years,
becoming useless high school graduates with no arms or shoulders to carry.
Shen Yuxiu returned home and put her diploma in her locker. She rested for the whole
afternoon and started washing things the next day. After she had finally finished washing
everything, she lay on the kang and started to daze.
At this moment, she felt unprecedentedly confused.
When she was in school, she could be busy every day, but now that she has finished her
school, what can she do?
Is it really going to work in the fields like my parents did?
Although she grew up on this land and was used to working in the fields during the autumn
and summer harvests, Shen Yuxiu couldn't help shivering when she thought about having to
face the earth and work hard every day, bending over so hard that it hurt.
Did she really want to live a life that she could foresee the end of? Did she really want
to be like her parents, working hard all her life?
But if she doesn't do these, what should she do?
She couldn't just stay at home and eat and drink for free, right? Then she would be a
useless scholar.
One advantage of earthen houses is that they are warm in winter and cool in summer.
It is now past the summer solstice and the temperature outside is already very hot, but
Shen Yuxiu, lying on the kang in the room, can't feel any warmth at all. She stares
blankly at the roof, her mind slowly filled with countless question marks.
Other people's lives may have unlimited possibilities, but her life has restrictions. For
example, she cannot recruit workers, be a soldier, or enter a work unit. She has learned
so much knowledge, but it seems that she has only learned so much knowledge, and it
doesn't mean anything. Useful place.
It was almost noon. When Grandma Fang came back with Shen Yuhong, who was only a few
months old, she first saw the clothes and sheets of Shen Yuxiu and Shen Yulin hanging out
in the yard.
She knew that these things were washed by Shen Yuxiu. After all, Shen Yulin was asked by
Shen Jinggui to work in the fields early in the morning, but Shen Yuxiu was not in the
yard now. Where was he?
Confused, Grandma Fang took Shen Yuhong back to the house and took a look. Seeing Shen
Yuxiu lying there quietly in a daze, she immediately stepped forward and patted her
"Xiao Xiu, get up and look at your sister. Your parents are about to get off work. I'm
going to cook."
"Oh." Upon hearing this, Shen Yuxiu immediately turned over and sat up with a guilty
conscience. She reached out to take the little Shen Yuhong and put her on the kang to
look at her.
She was so tired from washing clothes and sheets just now that she forgot how late it
Grandma Fang worked very efficiently. In just one stick of incense, she had finished both
lighting the fire and cooking. When she looked back and saw that the people who had gone
to work had not returned yet, she packed up the lunch boxes and asked Shen Yuxiu to take
the meal to Fang Youshun first.
When Shen Yuxiu heard the instructions, she immediately handed Shen Yuhong back to
Grandma Fang, picked up a steamed bun with some pickles, and ate while carrying the lunch
box prepared specially for Fang Youshun and slowly walked towards the carriage.

Chapter 101 An unexpected surprise

When people who work go home for lunch at noon, it is Fang Youshun's busiest time. After
all, people usually have to work to earn work points, and if something breaks, they come
to repair it during their break.
Of course, there are not so many bicycles in the village now. What Fang Youshun repairs
most often are the tires of wooden carts and some ordinary things that people use on a
daily basis.
When Shen Yuxiu arrived at the bike shop, Fang Youshun was still busy inside. At the
door, a familiar figure was pumping air into a bicycle.
"Hello, Teacher Liu." Shen Yuxiu greeted the man politely when she saw him cheering.
That’s right, this person is Liu Zixin, the homeroom teacher who accompanied Shen Yuxiu
and Shen Yulin throughout their elementary school years.
At this time, he is no longer the young man who was almost driven crazy by the children
on his first day as a teacher. He is now in his thirties, married with children, and a
real teacher with ten years of teaching experience.
"Hey, Xiaoxiu, are you here to bring food to your grandpa?" Liu Zixin was cheering, and
when he saw Shen Yuxiu coming over, his eyes were full of smiles: "How is it? Should I
graduate this year?"
Liu Zixin still remembers this student very clearly. When she first started primary
school, this child was so spoiled and stubborn that he was a real headache. Plus, her
older brother who always seemed to want to make trouble made him want to bang his head
against the wall every day.
But after getting to know her for a long time, he discovered that this child had one
advantage, which was that she liked to be praised. As long as you didn't ask her to do
something in a commanding manner, but instead praised her in a roundabout way, she would
immediately become obedient and could do what you asked her to do perfectly. It was also
because he understood her temperament well that this child became his indispensable all-
purpose little helper in the last few years of elementary school.
"Well, I've graduated." Shen Yuxiu said a little embarrassedly.
After graduation, she didn't know what to do. She always felt ashamed in front of Liu
Zixin, her former teacher.
"What do you want to do after graduation? Do you have a goal?" Liu Zixin had already
pumped up the air pump at this time. He asked her with a smile and went into the house to
put away the air pump.
"No, I just came back yesterday." Shen Yuxiu said with a guilty conscience.
What goal? Given her aunt's family background, even if she had a goal, it would be
hopeless. She would probably just be destined to work in the fields like her parents.
"Hey, you know the background of this child's aunt's family. How can this child achieve
something just by having a goal?" Fang Youshun couldn't bear to see her weak look, so he
immediately answered for her.
There is nothing wrong with this matter. The situation of the Shen family is under
everyone's eyes. Facts are facts. It is not your own child who made the mistake. There is
no need to feel guilty.
"Oh, is that so?" Liu Zixin nodded slightly, thought for a moment and asked Shen Yuxiu,
"Do you want to be a teacher? Our brigade just built a junior high school this year and
will start recruiting students in the fall. We haven't found all the teachers yet, so we
are in need of teachers right now."
Before Shen Yuxiu could react after hearing what she heard, Fang Youshun asked for her
"Given the background of this kid's aunt, will it be okay?" Fang Youshun stared at Liu
Zixin with a warm look in his eyes. He suddenly became energetic and even stopped
working. He walked over with a wrench in his hand.
"Hey, her aunt's house is her aunt's house, not her home. The junior high school in our
brigade is not in the county. It's hard to find a teacher now. As long as the knowledge
is sufficient, the requirements are not that strict." Liu Zixin explained to Fang Youshun
with a smile, "Besides, this child has been a good student since he was young, and he
graduated from high school, so it's completely possible."
"Okay, then, then, how do you become a teacher?" Fang Youshun once again asked Shen Yuxiu
directly without waiting for her to speak.
This is truly a pleasant surprise. He has long been wondering what his weak and helpless
child can do after graduation. Isn't this a good opportunity?
Although Shen Yuxiu had never thought about becoming a teacher, she was not opposed to
it. What's more, she was a little scared of working under the scorching sun every day.
When she heard that the requirements of the team were not so strict, she immediately
became energetic and looked at Liu Zixin with curiosity.
"As long as the child is willing, I will just tell the team leader. The team leader is
now worried about where to find a teacher. Most of the children graduating from high
school now want to be workers or join units. We are a private school, and people are
unwilling to come to the village to be teachers." Liu Zixin slowly talked about the
current situation of the school.
In the past two years, each brigade has been building schools to promote literacy. As
more and more children are enrolled in schools, junior high school buildings have also
been built. However, there are not many educated people in the village, so finding
teachers has become a problem.
"Yes, of course the child is willing." Fang Youshun agreed immediately, turned around and
winked at Shen Yuxiu: "Right, Xiaoxiu?"
When Shen Yuxiu saw this, she quickly nodded and said, "Yes, I would like to be a
teacher, but I'm afraid I can't do it."
If she refuses to take up such a good opportunity, wouldn't she be a fool?
Although she doesn't quite understand what being a teacher entails, it's definitely
easier than working in the fields, right?
"Okay, then I'll go back and talk to the old principal. I'll get back to you when I have
definite news." Liu Zixin said as he pushed his inflated bicycle and prepared to leave.
"Okay, thank you for your concern, Teacher Liu." Fang Youshun stood at the door happily
and watched Liu Zixin ride his bicycle away. Then he didn't even bother to eat. He washed
his hands casually in the basin in the corner and hurried out.
As he walked out, he told Shen Yuxiu: "You stay here and watch the door first. If someone
comes to repair something, ask them what they want to repair first. I'll go to your
grandfather's house and will be back soon."
Shen Yuxiu looked at Fang Youshun who suddenly left, and was a little confused as to why
he went to see Mr. Shen, so she quickly raised her voice and asked, "Aren't you going to
eat first?"
"Come back and eat." Fang Youshun didn't even turn his head. He turned his back to Shen
Yuxiu, waved, and walked away in the blink of an eye.
He wanted to talk to Grandpa Shen as soon as possible. After these days of contact with
Grandpa Shen, Fang Youshun felt that the old man was a wise man. He had to discuss this
matter with the old man and try to get Shen Yuxiu as a teacher without any accidents, and
it would be best if Shen Yulin was brought in as well.
The old house of Shen family.
Aunt Shen Liu had just put the bowls on the table and was about to call people to eat.
When she saw Fang Youshun coming over, she hurriedly asked, "Uncle, how come you have
time to come here? Have you eaten yet? Let's eat together?"
"No, no, where's your father? I have something to talk to him about." Fang Youshun asked
with a smile, full of joy.
Aunt Shen Liu didn't know what he was going to do, but this was probably a good thing, so
she immediately pointed to Mr. Shen's room and said, "My parents are in the room."
"Okay, then I'll go over there." Fang Youshun said as he strode towards the room she
mentioned, leaving Aunt Shen Liu with a confused look on her face.
What good news is this? Why are you so happy?

Chapter 102: Can't Do It

"Brother, I have something good to tell you." Fang Youshun walked into the room and saw
Mr. Shen. He walked over happily and told him the news he got from Liu Zixin. He then
said, "Do you think we should do something about this? It has to be foolproof."
After hearing what he said, Mr. Shen looked at Fang Youshun with strange eyes and didn't
say anything for a long time.
"Why are you looking at me like that? Speak." Fang Youshun didn't know what was wrong
with him and stared at him anxiously.
"For such a good thing, you are only thinking about your good granddaughter instead of
your grandson?" asked Mr. Shen with a frown.
Fang Youshun was stunned for a moment, then immediately realized that he was referring to
Shen Yulin, and couldn't help but tutted his tongue in amusement: "What are you saying?
If I didn't think about him, why would I come to you? Of course I want both of them to go
if possible!"
"Tsk, that's more like it." Upon hearing this, Mr. Shen immediately laughed: "Don't
worry, I've been keeping an eye on this matter for a long time, just take care of it, and
then tell the eldest brother about this matter and find a job for his son and daughter.
As a father, he can't help, but he should at least give some gift money."
"Hey, why bother? Just tell me what you need and I'll take care of it." Fang Youshun
patted his chest as he took the responsibility.
"No, that won't work. If you have to do everything, what else do you need him as the
father to do? You have to tell him that we can talk when the time comes, and he as the
father has to go and deliver the gifts." Old Master Shen didn't give in at all.
"Okay, okay, whatever you say is what it is, okay?" Fang Youshun was speechless, and
stood up with a smile: "Since you know everything about this, then I will leave."
"Why don't you eat something here before leaving?" Mr. Shen called him hurriedly when he
saw this.
"No, Xiaoxiu brought me food. I'll go back to the car dealership to eat." Fang Youshun
waved to him with a smile and left the Shen Family Home without looking back.
"Tch, look at how arrogant he is, it's amazing to have a granddaughter delivering food!"
Mr. Shen muttered angrily from behind, making Grandma Shen next to him laugh so hard.
"His granddaughter is not your granddaughter? Why are you jealous? Besides, you are not
in the car dealership."
"Did I mean that?" Mr. Shen turned around and glared at Grandma Shen, then sighed and
said with some regret, "It's a pity that these two good children were born. The in-laws
spent so much money to give them away, but our daughter was I’m so tired that I can’t
even enter a factory, otherwise I should have a bright future.”
It's such a pity that such two good children have such good knowledge.
"There is nothing we can do about it, so who would have expected it now?" Grandma Shen
did not refute this time, but began to comfort him.
It is true that the two children were implicated by her own daughter, which is also the
reason why the old man has been unable to sleep since he knew that the two children were
admitted to high school.
The old man always felt that he owed these two children and always wanted to make up for
something, so when the news of building a junior high school came out in the village, he
began to inquire about the news and use his connections everywhere. Now, as long as the
two children are willing to work hard, there will be almost no problem.
Feeling relieved, Fang Youshun happily returned to the car dealership and was in a very
good mood the whole afternoon.
After Fang Youshun had finished his meal, Shen Yuxiu took the lunch box home and told
Grandma Fang the good news, which made Grandma Fang very happy.
"Oh my god, this must work, it must work." Grandma Fang happily clasped her hands
together and started muttering in the house.
She also didn't want the child she raised to live in the wind and sun every day, so of
course it would be better to have an office job.
In the evening, when all the members of the Shen family came back from work, Grandma Fang
announced the good news at the dinner table.
"Of course, this matter has not been finalized yet. You just need to have an idea in your
mind, but you can't go out and talk nonsense, okay?" After Grandma Fang finished
speaking, Fang Youshun quickly added.
"Oh, I see."
“I don’t want to be a teacher.”
As everyone nodded in agreement, a voice that was different from the others was
particularly harsh.
Everyone was stunned, and then they all looked at the owner of the voice - Shen Yulin.
"Why are you looking at me?" Shen Yulin drank his porridge casually, not caring at all
about becoming the focus of everyone's attention.
"Why don't you want to be a teacher? You've been working in the fields all day today.
Aren't you tired? Isn't being a teacher easier than working in the fields?" Shen Jinggui
said and frowned.
"Still brisk? Oh my gosh, do you know what it feels like to face a group of children? Do
you know how difficult it is to teach children? I can't do it. Even if you kill me, I
won't be a teacher." Shen Yulin stared with resistance on his face. .
I think back then, it was enough for him to teach Zhao Hui once. This was because Zhao
Hui was smart and was not delayed by him. If he was allowed to be a teacher to teach
children, wouldn't it be a waste of time?
Besides, he finally escaped from the devil's cave of the school, so he would never go
back again, even if he became a teacher.
For him, being a teacher is not as comfortable as working in the fields. At least if he
works hard enough in the fields, he can lie down and rest anytime, anywhere. But if he is
in school, he has to act like an old mother. He has to take care of this and that. He
can't do it, absolutely can't do it.
"If you can't do it as a teacher, what else can you do?" Shen Jinggui glared at Shen
Yulin, his eyes almost bursting with fire.
In his opinion, being a teacher is a very simple job. You don’t have to be exposed to
wind and sun, and you don’t have to shoulder or shoulder any resistance. You only need
to teach a group of children to read and read, and you can get wages and work points.
What a simple thing, how can you do it? Can't do it?
"I can go to the fields." Shen Yulin didn't care what he thought. He blinked his sincere
eyes and analyzed with Shen Jinggui: "Look, working in the fields takes no brainer. I'll
finish what I should do. You can rest when you want and do whatever you want. Being a
teacher is different. You have to take care of a bunch of naughty children, teach them to
read, and grade their homework. How can I bear that temper? "
Shen Jinggui choked up after hearing this and took a deep breath. He was about to reason
with him, but was interrupted by Shen Yulin with a grin.
"Why don't you call off the engagement? As long as you call off the engagement, even if
you ask me to go up the mountain of swords and into the sea of fire, I will go
immediately." Shen Yulin promised swornly.
Yes, Shen Yulin has graduated from high school, and the marriage arranged by Shen Jinggui
has not been withdrawn yet, and he is still resisting.
When Shen Jinggui heard this, he raised his eyelids and looked at him angrily, snorted
coldly, and slowly said three words, "You're dreaming."
"Then there's nothing we can do." Shen Yulin spread his hands ruthlessly when he heard
this, and said with regret, "I don't want to be this teacher anyway. If you want me to be
a teacher, you have to give something, right? Always?" I can’t let you take advantage of
everything, I’m the only one who’s working hard, right?”
"Hurry up and save your face. Whether it's marrying a wife or becoming a teacher, which
one is not your benefit? And I've got all the benefits? What benefits have I taken from
you? Am I the one to marry the wife? Am I the teacher?" Shen Jinggui was so angry that
the corners of his mouth twitched.

Chapter 103 The second brother is so brave

Shen Jinggui discovered that this son did not do anything he asked him to do. He just
resisted simply for the sake of resistance. He did not care whether what he asked him to
do was beneficial or not, but he still beat him. , scolded and scolded, but it just
didn’t work, it was a headache.
"Why don't you take advantage of me?" Shen Yulin argued back, "Look, you arranged the
marriage, didn't I? I didn't ask you to arrange it, did I? You wanted me to be a teacher,
not me, right? I didn't ask you to do either of these things, did I? But Dad, I'm a human
being, not a puppet. I can't just do what you want me to do, right? Then what's the
meaning of my life? Is it just to live according to your ideas? Then you can just do what
you want, why did you give birth to me?"
Shen Yuxiu listened to Shen Yulin's words and her mouth unconsciously opened wide.
Wow, her second brother is so brave, he dares to say anything.
But what he said seems to make sense.
At the same time, there were two other little ones who had the same idea as Shen Yuxiu,
namely Shen Yujun who was already in the fourth grade and Shen Yusui who was going to
elementary school in the autumn.
Shen Yulin's words seemed to open another door for them. It turned out that they were
also independent people. Could they live without listening to their parents?
Shen Jinggui looked at Shen Yuxiu and the two little ones with their taught expressions,
and felt like shit. He glared at Shen Yulin fiercely, gritted his teeth and said, "You
came here just to argue with me." Can you eat? If you can’t eat, get off the table.”
This one is not good. The three little ones followed his example and became bad. Does he
still have any dignity as a father?
When Shen Yulin heard Shen Jinggui bite the word "Go" very hard, he knew that his father
would get angry if he continued to speak, so he immediately shut up and picked up his
rice bowl and started eating.
The world is huge, and food is the biggest thing. His father now only uses force when he
can't deal with people, and he doesn't talk about martial ethics at all.
Seeing Shen Yulin grunting while eating, Shen Jinggui closed his eyes with a headache,
took a deep breath and started eating.
Sometimes he wonders if he made a mistake in letting this child go to so many schools.
Look at his eldest son Shen Yuwen. Although he is not good at studying and has a not very
flexible mind, he is obedient. If he says something, his eldest son will immediately do
it. Unlike a brat like Shen Yulin, if you say one thing, he will have ten. He's waiting
to refute you later, but he can't refute those fallacies.
At this moment, Shen Jinggui suddenly realized that he seemed to have no other way to
make his son listen to him except threatening his son to shut up by beating him.
Regarding this, Shen Jinggui simply didn't know whether to regret or be relieved.
Be happy, this son's nonsense can make him mad to death. Regret it, what this son says is
often very clear and logical. Not only him, but also the people in the village can be
confused by this boy's big principles.
Because of Shen Jinggui's words, the dinner table suddenly fell into silence.
Shen Yuxiu looked at Shen Jinggui quietly, then at Shen Yulin, and began to secretly
ponder what Shen Yulin had just said.
Yes, if she was born to live just to listen to her parents, what was the meaning of her
After dinner, Fang Yan and Shen Jinggui took their whole family home. After all the
children were put to bed, they couldn't help but ask about Shen Jinggui.
"Is that all about Yulin becoming a teacher?"
"What can we do if we forget about it? Don't you see? The older the boy gets, the more
lies he makes and he won't listen to us at all. If we force him to become a teacher, what
if we teach other children bad things? Why do we still have the honor to be in this
village?" Shen Jinggui said with a melancholy look on his face.
"But that's a teacher. Even though he's in our brigade, he still has a decent job. It
would be a pity not to go." Fang Yan murmured in a low voice, and then asked Shen Jinggui
tentatively: "Tell me, If we really call off the kiss, will Yulin really be willing to
become a teacher?"
"Come on." Shen Jinggui sneered at this and directly broke her fantasy: "Haven't you seen
it yet? What that kid said was just an excuse. He just doesn't want to be a teacher. If
he wants to be a teacher, he can still use us. Said? He has already rushed us to find
someone, and he is just trying to fool us. What conditions are there?"
Fang Yan was heartbroken by Shen Jinggui's words and glanced at him angrily. She lay on
the kang and looked at the dark roof and thought seriously for a long time, and finally
sighed deeply.
She found that it was just like what Shen Jinggui said. Shen Yulin had been very
thoughtful since he was a child. He would always find ways to get what he wanted, just
like when he was a child, he worked hard to pass the exam for a few pieces of candy.
score. If he doesn't want it, he will try his best to destroy it. Just like the
engagement, he has not given up the idea of breaking off the engagement.
In this way, the matter of Shen Yulin becoming a teacher was dropped in the Shen family.
A few days later, Shen Yuxiu received an official notification from Liu Zixin that she...
could become a teacher. I started working as a first grade Chinese teacher when school
started in the fall.
When Shen Yuxiu received this notice, she became nervous before she was happy.
Is she really going to be a teacher?
She was only seventeen years old. Those children who went to school late, or who kept
repeating grades until they finally got into junior high school, were almost as old as
her. Will they listen to her?
Grandma Fang found it funny when she saw Shen Yuxiu started fidgeting and pacing around
the room after receiving the news.
Isn't it too early to be nervous? Class hasn't even started yet.
Fang Youshun, who returned home in the evening, was speechless when he saw this and
suggested, "Why don't you go to Teacher Liu tomorrow to learn from him and see what you
should prepare for teaching. Make some preparations early."
"Ah?" Shen Yuxiu was stunned, then her eyes lit up, and she turned and walked towards Liu
Zixin's house.
The teachers in the village can go to work with the team and earn work points every week
and during holidays if they want. Now is the time to get off work, so it is just the
right time for her to go there.
Liu Zixin had just returned home when he heard Shen Yuxiu coming to ask him what to
prepare, and he immediately smiled.
"You don't need to prepare anything. The school will have books ready. Just prepare what
you are going to talk about in advance, and then prepare a kettle or a cup. It would be
best if you dig up some motherwort and fry it dry so you can soak it in water anytime and
anywhere. You should know that being a teacher is the most tiring for your throat. You
just started, so your throat will definitely be uncomfortable in the first few days. If
you prepare these, basically you will be fine."
After listening to Liu Zixin's advice, Shen Yuxiu returned home in a daze, always feeling
that it was not so real.
Do I just need to drink water anytime and anywhere? Is being a teacher so simple?
After hearing the news that Shen Yuxiu had found out, Fang Youshun and Grandma Fang
looked at each other for a while with confusion in their eyes.
Is being a teacher really that easy?
Chapter 104: Failure of deception
"I'll take a day off tomorrow and take you to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy
some cloth, and then go to the tailor shop in our brigade to make you some formal
clothes. As a teacher, you have to act like a teacher. Don't let the children look down
on you." No matter how Fang Youshun looked at Shen Yuxiu, he felt uneasy.
Shen Yuxiu is still young and has a tender face. Anyone can see that she is just a young
girl. She needs to be dressed more modestly so that the children will not ignore her as a
young teacher.
So, early the next morning, when Shen Yulin went to the fields with a hoe in his aching
back, Shen Yuxiu was dragged by Fang Youshun to the supply and marketing cooperative in
the town.
When Zhao Hui saw the two people coming, his eyes lit up and he immediately walked over
"Grandpa, Xiaoxiu, what are you here to buy?" Because Shen Yuxiu had graduated this year,
Zhao Hui thought it would be less convenient to see her in the future. Unexpectedly, he
saw her again after just a few days.
In the past two years, his relationship with Shen Yuxiu has been very stable. Shen Yuxiu
would no longer refuse to accept his things, and he had already saved up a lot of money,
always ready for when she reached marriageable age so that he could propose marriage.
"I'm here to buy some cloth for Xiaoxiu to make some clothes. She's going to be a teacher
in the fall, and I want to dress her up to look more mature. Can you tell me what kind of
cloth would be suitable?" Fang Youshun said to Zhao Hui without any politeness.
Ever since Zhao Hui started working at the supply and marketing cooperative, his family
has been able to take advantage of the situation and buy some defective products in the
past two years. Even though those things have defects, the quality is top-notch and the
price is reasonable. They are much more popular than genuine products. If Zhao Hui didn't
work here, he wouldn't be able to buy them even if he wanted to.
"Really?" Zhao Hui also became happy after hearing this. He turned around and looked at
Shen Yuxiu with eyes full of soft light: "Congratulations, Xiaoxiu, take a look at what
kind of fabric you like, and I will buy it for you. Just consider it my gift to you."
"That's not necessary. Just pick out a good piece of cloth for Xiaoxiu. It's best if it's
stain-resistant, wear-resistant and suitable for dressing. I have the money here, so you
don't have to spend it." Fang Youshun quickly refused when he heard it.
Zhao Hui has provided a lot of conveniences to his family in the past two years, and he
said that he would never let this kid spend money on Xiaoxiu again.
"Well, if that's the case..." Zhao Hui didn't insist after hearing that. He looked at
Shen Yuxiu with joy and thought seriously: "Now there is a saying that people prefer
military uniforms to red ones. Xiaoxiu can make a pair of military green pants, and then
a Dacron shirt. People in big cities wear this now. I think it looks good and it looks
good on me. But the Dacron fabric is sold out now. The next batch will arrive in half a
month. If Xiaoxiu likes it, I can reserve it in advance when the goods arrive."
"Okay, you just keep the cloth and I'll get it when the time comes." Fang Youshun
immediately agreed with a smile, and then pulled Zhao Hui to buy other things for Shen
For example, Fang Youshun bought all the toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, and enamel mug for
Shen Yuxiu. He heard that being a teacher is very tiring for the voice and one needs to
drink more water. He also bought a thermos for Shen Yuxiu so that she would not lack hot
water in the winter.
Fang Youshun always felt that the child he raised would become a teacher, and it would
not taste good to wash clothes with the old pig pancreas alkaline flour. Although
teachers are not so popular nowadays, it is still a serious job after all. He did not
want his child to be looked down upon by other teachers because of what he wore.
Of course, Fang Youshun had no idea that Shen Yuxiu only used pig pancreas to wash
clothes when she was at home. When she was at school, she had already used the soap that
Zhao Hui bought for her.
Shen Yuxiu followed behind Fang Youshun and looked at what he bought. She was flattered.
This is a good thing that no one in the family has used in these years, and grandpa
actually bought it all for her just like that?
For the first time, Shen Yuxiu felt some pressure on her shoulders. She suddenly felt
that the job of a teacher was no longer just a job, but contained the expectations of her
She felt that if she didn't do the job well, she would be unworthy of the money her
grandfather spent on her today.
Although Fang Youshun didn't let Zhao Hui buy anything for Shen Yuxiu, Zhao Hui still
forced two bars of soap and a towel on Fang Youshun when they were leaving.
"Grandpa, if it weren't for you and Xiaoxiu all these years, I wouldn't be where I am
today. It's only right that I give everything to you and Xiaoxiu. If you don't accept it,
do you despise me?" Zhao Hui said, looking aggrieved.
In the past two years, although he and Shen Yuxiu had been getting along openly, they had
never had a formal status.
Shen Yuxiu had never revealed their relationship in front of her family. Whenever Fang
Youshun bought defective items, he always paid full price and never took advantage of
This made Zhao Hui feel a little aggrieved, and he was always unsure.
When I bought this job, besides wanting to be able to survive independently, I also
wanted them to live a good life and to be able to buy them the things they wanted.
But Fang Youshun always made things so clear with him, which always made him feel that
his efforts were hopeless.
Fang Youshun didn't quite understand what Zhao Hui was thinking, but seeing how aggrieved
he looked, he felt a little bit sorry for him and quickly accepted the soap and towel.
"What are you thinking about, kid? Is it okay for me to accept it? Don't be like this,
okay?" Fang Youshun was not very good at comforting people. He could only take the things
dryly and pat him on the shoulder.
Shen Yuxiu watched the interaction between the father and son and couldn't help but find
it funny.
It was the first time she discovered that this person could actually act, and his acting
was quite realistic.
Since they confirmed their relationship, this man always behaved maturely and steadily in
front of her, planning everything for her, whether it was food or daily necessities, she
would never lack anything. She had never seen him look so aggrieved, except when he
confessed his love to her that day.
Zhao Hui was talking to Fang Youshun when he noticed her gaze from the corner of his eye.
He turned his head slightly and immediately looked into Shen Yushou's eyes, which stunned
Shen Yushou. Then she smiled and blinked at him, her eyes full of tiny starlight.
Zhao looked back at her sparkling eyes, was slightly stunned, and then the corners of his
lips curled up unconsciously, and his heart was filled with sweetness.
How come she is so beautiful?
She was so pretty that he wanted to hide her from others.
Fang Youshun didn't notice the subtle interaction between the two. Seeing that Zhao Hui
didn't say anything, he thought he was still sad, so he patted his arm again.
"Good boy, I've accepted the things. Go back to work and don't delay your work."
"Okay." Zhao Hui was brought back to his senses by the pat, and quickly agreed with a
smile: "Then you and Xiaoxiu should go back slowly, and I will come to see you when I am
"Okay, go ahead and do your work, we're leaving now." Fang Youshun said with a smile,
turned around, called Shen Yuxiu and walked out.
Seeing this, Shen Yuxiu politely raised her eyes, smiled and nodded to Zhao Hui, then
obediently picked up the things she had bought and followed Fang Youshun.
Zhao Hui watched the two of them walk to the door of the supply and marketing cooperative
with some reluctance, watched them get on the tricycle, and then watched their backs
gradually disappear into the distance of the street. Only then did he return to his
original work position in a good mood.

Chapter 105: Those who subscribed to Chapter 105 yesterday, please do not subscribe. The
wrong chapter was uploaded yesterday and the content has been replaced
In fact, Zhao Hui's current job is no longer at the sales counter. Ever since he
established a relationship with Shen Yuxiu, in order to earn more money, he gave some
gifts to the head of the supply and marketing cooperative. Then his job became to go to
various places to purchase goods with the head of the supply and marketing cooperative.
In this way, he could also smuggle some private goods when purchasing and make some extra
Therefore, in the past year, Zhao Hui had to go out almost every once in a while. Only
when he had free time would he help out at the sales counter or go to the school to see
Shen Yuxiu.
It was a coincidence that Fang Youshun and Shen Yuxiu came here today, and he happened to
be here before going out. Otherwise, the chance of them meeting here would be very small.
Over the past year or so, in order to prevent Zhao Laowu and Zhang Dachun from causing
trouble and delaying his making money, he has been buying rice, flour, grain and oil for
the family, and occasionally buys some wine for Zhao Laowu. Of course, all these things
are spent at three yuan, not a penny more.
At first, Zhao Laowu didn't say anything when he saw what he bought. Anyway, as long as
he had food and drink, it didn't matter whether he was paid or not. But Zhang Dachun was
very dissatisfied with this. If three yuan was handed over to her, she could buy things
according to her own preferences. Maybe the things were not as good as what Zhao Hui
bought, but definitely more than Zhao Hui bought.
But Zhao Hui had only one thing to say: either take these things or take nothing. He
would not give them a penny. If they were not satisfied, they could make a fuss. He
didn't care.
Zhao Laowu compromised immediately upon hearing this, fearing that Zhao Hui would get
angry. He had even lost his rice, flour, grain, oil and the occasional wine, so he
sternly stopped Zhang Dachun.
Therefore, now he has almost everything and everyone under control.
As for Shen Yuxiu, the first thing she did when she returned to the village was to put
down all her things and take the cloth to the tailor shop to have her measurements taken
to make clothes.
Although Grandma Fang also knew how to make pants, she only made the old-fashioned wide-
waisted pants, and she didn't know how to make the new style pants. In addition, she was
old now and her eyesight was not very good, so she asked Shen Yuxiu to take the cloth to
the tailor shop.
After all, the tailor shop uses sewing machines to make clothes. Although it costs some
money, the clothes made by the machine are both straight and less likely to unravel,
which is much more economical than sewing fabrics by hand.
After Shen Yuxiu took the measurements, the pants were made in a few days. The army green
color and straight lines made Shen Yulin jealous.
It’s a pity that he doesn’t want to be a teacher, otherwise, he should have a pair of
such nice pants.
When Shen Yuxiu saw Shen Yulin groping for the new pants she had just brought back, her
eyes were full of love. She couldn't help but move closer to him with a smile.
"Want it? As long as you become a teacher, you can have it." Shen Yuxiu's tone was soft
and tender, with a hint of coquettishness.
Shen Yulin felt that at this moment, she was like a little goblin who wanted to tempt
people to make mistakes. Her sparkling eyes and her soft voice with purpose made him want
to resist the urge to just do as she wished.
However, Shen Yulin was not so easily bewitched. He quietly looked at her smiling eyes
like crescent moons for a while, and suddenly raised his hand and hit her on the head
with a chestnut.
"You're dreaming."
"Ah..." Shen Yuxiu closed her eyes and cried softly in pain, then she reached out and
slapped him on the shoulder in annoyance: "Why did you hit me?"
Shen Yuxiu didn't really hit him, but the slap landed on Shen Yulin's shoulder, not too
heavy or too light. Shen Yulin symbolically dodged and asked with a grin, "Tell me, why
are you trying to fool me like this? What do you want to do?"
"My mother thinks it's a waste of your talent for a young man with a high degree to work
in the fields every day. It would be more respectable for you to be a teacher." Shen
Yuxiu betrayed Fang Yan without any hesitation.
The night before yesterday, after the family had finished their meal, her mother came to
her when her second brother was away and asked her to think of a way to persuade Shen
Yulin. However, Shen Yulin was as cunning as a sieve, and her advice would be exposed
after just a few words. So she took advantage of Shen Yulin's envy to do this, but in the
end, his true colors were exposed.
"Oh, really, I've already said I don't want to be a teacher, why don't you give up?" Shen
Yulin muttered speechlessly.
Ever since Shen Yuxiu decided to become a teacher, his ears have been almost callused by
the persuasion of people around him. Unexpectedly, now even Shen Yuxiu has joined this
"Why don't you want to be a teacher? Isn't being a teacher easier than working in the
fields every day?" Shen Yuxiu was puzzled when she saw him like this.
"Alas, what do you know?" Shen Yulin said as he lay down on the kang, resting his hands
on the back of his head. He felt a kind of sadness of not being understood. "What is
honey to you is poison to me. I just don't like being a teacher. I don't like being in
that yard every day, facing a group of chattering children. I like the vast world. Even
if it's windy and sunny every day, I'm willing. At least the people and scenery I can see
every day are different, which is better than being in school anyway."
"Why don't you just say that you don't want to be bound by constraints? And the people
and scenery you see every day are different. Does being a teacher prevent you from seeing
people and scenery?" Shen Yuxiu listened to his words and exposed him without any
"Hey, you..." Shen Yulin was caught off guard by the revelation. He glanced at her
sideways and said, "You are a high school student, how can you speak so poorly? Artistic
conception, pay attention to the artistic conception, okay?"
"Tsk." Shen Yuxiu sneered: "Oh my god, artistic conception, why don't you even eat
because of this? Are you going to live on artistic conception every day when you are with
Zhou Qingyuan in the future, and don't need to eat?"
"What are you talking about?" Upon hearing Zhou Qingyuan's name, Shen Yulin sat up in
shock. Seeing that there was no one outside the courtyard, he patted her arm and warned
her in a low voice: "If you let our father know about this, I will not forgive you."
Shen Yuxiu curled her lips and said unhappily, "You can't just drag this out, can you?
Zhou Qingyuan is already 18 years old, and she is of marriageable age. Let's not talk
about whether you can cancel the marriage. Let's just say that you are a farmer. Can Zhou
Qingyuan's parents let their beautiful daughter marry you? Her father and uncle are all
state officials. You are a commoner who doesn't even have a job. Why should you marry
"Why? Because I'm good-looking." Shen Yulin pointed at his face and raised his chin
proudly: "Because I treat her well, and because I will have a bright future."
"Do you still have some shame?" Shen Yuxiu looked at his arrogant look, frowned and
advised him seriously: "You should be more practical. What you said is all empty talk. It
may work for Zhou Qingyuan, but it may not work for her family."

Chapter 106 What are you laughing at?

Seeing that she was serious, Shen Yulin finally became serious and began to tell Shen
Yuxiu about his plans.
"Actually, I'm asking around. I heard that the county is going to build an agricultural
machinery station. I want to try to get a job as a tractor driver or maintenance
apprentice. You know my background is not good, so it's not realistic for me to work in a
state-owned factory or a government unit. I can't bear to be a teacher, so this is the
only chance I have now."
"That's more like it." Shen Yuxiu heaved a sigh of relief after hearing him say this:
"Since you have decided not to accept the marriage arranged by our father, you should
withdraw as soon as possible. Now that you are nominally taken, it is not right for you
to still be with Zhou Qingyuan."
Now that she has secured a job, she has to hurry up with the marriage. You know, Shen
Yulin will be twenty this year, and her father might want Shen Yulin to get married in
the fall. If she doesn't handle it well, something bad could happen.
"I know, I know, so nagging." Shen Yulin became unhappy again when he heard this. He
turned over and lay back on the kang, not wanting to pay attention to anyone.
How could he not want to break up with the marriage? He had been trying to get his father
to do it for two years, but it still didn't work out? If it really didn't work out, why
didn't he go and break up the engagement with the woman himself?
Shen Yulin was lost in thought.
But he didn't even remember what that woman looked like? He had been busy trying to break
off the engagement for all these years, and he hadn't even asked her name. How could he
find her?
Seeing that he was full of resentment, Shen Yuxiu didn't know what to say anymore. She
took the new pants and went back to her room.
She didn't want to get involved in the affairs of these two people. After all, she
couldn't control them.
When she first discovered that their relationship had changed, she reminded Zhou Qingyuan
that Shen Yulin was engaged, but Zhou Qingyuan didn't care and said, "It was an arranged
marriage by their parents and it's not legal." Now that she had reminded him and he
didn't care, she didn't say anything more, and things have developed to this point.
It is July now, and the weeds in the fields are growing rapidly. Often after a rain, the
weeds in the fields will grow very tall within a few days.
Although Shen Yuxiu had already decided to become a teacher, Fang Youshun and Grandma
Fang did not let her go to the fields to earn work points, but Shen Yuxiu still had to do
the work on the private plot.
Under the scorching sun, Shen Yuxiu, wearing a straw hat, and Shen Yujun, each holding a
small hoe, were working hard in their private plots.
To be honest, bending over and hoeing the ground is not an easy job, especially in this
hot weather just a few days after it rained.
Let’s not talk about whether you are tired or have a backache. With the scorching sun in
the sky and the water vapor on the ground evaporating, it is stuffy and hot, and it
won’t take long to make you tired and sweaty.
Just when Shen Yuxiu was about to give up from the pain in her waist from hoeing the
ground, she suddenly heard a tinkling sound behind her.
Shen Yuxiu straightened up subconsciously, lifted up the straw hat on her head and looked
in the direction of the sound. She saw Zhao Hui standing on the top of the private plot
at some point, with a half-new 28-inch truck next to him.
"Hey? Why are you here?" Shen Yuxiu took a breath while leaning on the hoe, then casually
put the hoe on the ground and walked towards him.
It just so happened that her waist pain was unbearable, so she took this opportunity to
When Shen Yujun, who was standing behind her, saw that she was quitting, he also threw
down his hoe, collapsed on the ground powerlessly, and straightened his back.
His waist is almost broken.
"Did you buy a bicycle?" Shen Yuxiu came up to Zhao Hui and looked at the bicycle next to
him with curiosity.
"The car is old and didn't cost much." Zhao Hui saw her red face from exhaustion and her
hair wet with sweat, and felt a little distressed. "Aren't you going to be a teacher? Why
are you hoeing the land?"
He wanted to wipe the sweat off her face, but when he touched his pocket he remembered
that he didn't have a handkerchief. Seeing a towel tied around her wrist, he untied it
and wiped the sweat off her cheek.
Shen Yuxiu didn't expect that he would suddenly wipe the sweat off her face. She was
startled and subconsciously looked around. Seeing that no one was paying attention to
her, she quickly took the towel and wiped her face.
"You better be careful, it's not good if someone sees you." Shen Yuxiu muttered softly,
then wiped her sweat and said to him in a normal voice: "Grandma and Xiaosui have to look
after my younger sister and my older brother's children. Grandpa is in the car
dealership, and all the adults in the family have to work to earn work points. Only Yujun
and I are idle, so the work in the private plot will become ours."
Zhao Hui felt helpless when he saw how cautious she was, but there was nothing he could
He understood what Shen Yuxiu was worried about. Nowadays, even couples would not be too
intimate in public, not to mention that he had no official status yet.
Oh, really.
When will his girl reach marriageable age? Then he can come to propose marriage, and then
get married without her having to endure this hardship. He can also wipe her sweat
however he wants.
"You haven't told me why you have time to come here?" Seeing that he had been silent for
a long time, Shen Yuxiu wiped the sweat off his face, put on his straw hat, and asked
"Oh." When Zhao Hui heard her ask this, he quickly turned around and took out a piece of
white cloth from the cloth bag on the front handlebar of his bicycle and handed it to
her: "The Dacron has arrived. I came to deliver the cloth to you. I went home and saw no
one was there. I heard from the neighbors that you came from the reserve, so I came
"Oh, this cloth is really white." Shen Yuxiu looked at the cloth with surprise in her
eyes. She stretched out her hand to take the white cloth, but suddenly found that there
was still dirt on her hand from pulling weeds. She quickly retracted it and said, "My
hands are dirty and it's not easy to take it. Why don't you send it to my grandpa's car
shop first? My grandma usually stays there when she coaxes the children. You can put it
"How much land do you still have to hoe?" Zhao Hui did not agree, but looked at the
private plot behind her.
"Not much left." Shen Yuxiu followed his gaze and looked back. She and Shen Yujun had
already hoed more than half of the nine-mu private plot. There were only a few acres of
land left. It shouldn't take much time to finish hoing it.
"Let me do the hoeing, and we'll go back together after I'm done." Zhao Hui said as he
stuffed the cloth back into the cloth bag on the front bar, and strode directly towards
the hoe that Shen Yuxiu had thrown on the ground.
"Oh, no need. Don't you still have to go to work? Don't delay your work." Shen Yuxiu
chased after him and said hurriedly.
"I'm off duty today. You go over and take a rest. I'll finish hoeing in a while." Zhao
Hui said as he picked up the hoe and started working. His speed and strength were much
greater than Shen Yuxiu's.
When Shen Yuxiu heard that he was off duty today, she said nothing. She just followed
Zhao Hui, watching him hoeing the ground, and her smile was brighter than today's
Zhao Hui happened to turn around and saw her smiling at him. The corners of his lips
couldn't help but curl up, and he swung the hoe with more strength.
Shen Yujun, who was still sitting on the ground at the back, looked at his sister and
Brother Zhao, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, with confusion in his eyes.
What are they laughing at? What's so funny?

Chapter 107 Hesitation

Shen Yuxiu had a problem, which was that she was very meticulous in everything she did.
When she hoeed the ground, she had to clear all the weeds. When she cleaned, she had to
sweep every corner. When she steamed cornbread or made dumplings, she had to make them
small and delicate. Otherwise, she would feel uncomfortable all over.
But this would slow down her work speed, which resulted in her grandmother curling her
lips in disgust every time she saw her working. She also said that if she wasn't afraid
that she would be rejected by her husband after getting married, she wouldn't want to
teach her to do these things, and it was painful to her eyes to see her working.
But Zhao Hui was different. He did everything neatly and efficiently, and he did it
quickly and well, which always made her envious.
Shen Yuxiu had only been with Zhao Hui for a while when she saw him hoeing more than ten
meters away. She couldn't help but feel envious, "How can you do it so quickly and well?
When I do some work, grandma always thinks I'm just embroidering."
Her voice was soft and tender, and she was clearly expressing envy, but to Zhao Hui's
ears, it sounded like coquettishness and praise.
Zhao Hui turned around and saw her envious look. He felt his heart soften. He said gently
and casually, "What does it matter if you work fast or slow? I work in the supply and
marketing cooperative, and you will be a teacher in the future. Neither of us will rely
on this for our future. It's good enough if you can do it. Even if you can't, don't you
still have me?"
As for why he worked so quickly and well, it was because he used to have a lot of things
to do every day.
He has to work hard to support himself, to earn money, and to study all the time. With so
many things to do every day, if he doesn't work quickly, he won't be able to finish what
he has to do every day. As long as one thing is not completed, all other things will be
postponed. He may go hungry, lack money, and be unable to study.
Therefore, Zhao Hui was very glad that he had never been lazy and had worked hard to get
to where he is today. Otherwise, he would not even have the chance to be with the girl he
"Hey? Don't you think I'm useless?" Shen Yuxiu tilted her head and looked at him
curiously, with confusion in her eyes.
My grandma said that if someone who works like her doesn't know how to coax others, she
will easily get beaten if she gets married.
"No, as long as you are my wife, I won't mind you no matter what you are like." Zhao Hui
said without any hesitation, looking at her quietly, his pupils full of soft light.
It was not the first day that he knew Shen Yuxiu, so he certainly knew what she looked
like when she was working. However, he never expected that the girl in front of him would
be good at work in the future.
"Who is your wife?" Shen Yuxiu said with a smile. In the blink of an eye, she
accidentally noticed the look in Shen Yujun's eyes when he was looking at them, as if he
saw a monster. She quickly put away her smile, turned around and strode towards Shen
What are you looking at, little brat? You just sit there and don't even bother to get up
and hoe the ground.
Of course Zhao Hui also saw Shen Yujun with a silly look on his face. Seeing Shen Yuxiu
walking towards him, he couldn't help but chuckle, picked up the hoe and started digging
the ground again.
In fact, sometimes, he selfishly hoped that Shen Yuxiu would not be able to do anything,
so that it would be difficult for her to find a husband and she would have to rely on
herself for support, and she would not be able to leave him for a moment.
In this way, he won't always worry that such a good girl will be snatched away by someone
Unfortunately, Shen Yuxiu is not like that. Although she works slowly, she is not lazy at
all and learns everything. When she cleans the house, she always cleans it cleaner than
others. When she makes something, she always makes it better and more exquisitely than
others, and no one can find any fault with her.
Shen Yuxiu walked straight up to Shen Yujun, picked up his hoe, and said, "You go home
and take a rest. Your brother Zhao and I will hoe the rest of the land."
When Shen Yujun heard that he could stop working and his legs and waist were no longer
sore, he got up from the ground and was about to go home. But as soon as he took a step,
he turned back and approached Shen Yuxiu like a thief, and asked in a low voice: "Sister,
I heard everything, are you two dating?"
Shen Yuxiu didn't expect that he already knew this at such a young age. She felt a little
nervous and glared at him with a stern face, "Don't talk nonsense. What does a child
"Tsk, who is talking nonsense? When you two smile, you look like sunflowers, except that
you can't glow. If you could, you would probably blind my eyes." Shen Yujun pouted, his
face full of disbelief.
He has no other advantages, except that he is very good at reading people's expressions
because of his training from his second brother and second sister. Moreover, he is
already twelve years old, and he has seen what boys and girls who like each other are
like, so how can he not understand the secrets between this second sister and Brother
His voice was quite loud when he said this, which was because there were not many people
in the private plot today, otherwise it would have been tantamount to making a big
"What are you saying? What are you saying? What are you talking about?" Shen Yuxiu was
frightened and slapped him several times.
Nowadays, men and women have to be in a formal relationship. Her parents and family
members don’t know about her relationship with Zhao Hui yet. How would people feel when
they hear about this?
"That's right." Shen Yujun dodged left and right when he was slapped, but he didn't
accept it at all.
"You are stupid." Shen Yuxiu stared at him, speechless. Then she thought of the
straightforward nature of this child, took a deep breath in distress, and said, "Don't
tell anyone about what happened between me and your elder brother Zhao. I'll ask your
elder brother Zhao to buy you some peach cakes later."
"Okay." Upon hearing that there were peach cakes to eat, Shen Yujun nodded without saying
a word. After that, he made a gesture to Shen Yuxiu to shut up, and then quickly left the
private plot.
He was afraid that if he stayed here any longer, he would say something unpleasant and
the peach cake would be gone.
Shen Yuxiu watched his back as he ran away and breathed a sigh of relief.
She knew that this trick would work. This brat is a stubborn person. He will not give in
to anything as long as he believes in the truth. But he has one flaw, which is that he is
greedy. As long as there is food, he will do whatever you ask him to do.
Another advantage of him is that as long as he promised to keep a secret, he would keep
it absolutely secret and he was very tight-lipped.
Therefore, as long as Shen Yujun promised not to tell anyone, Shen Yuxiu would feel at
ease and not be afraid that he would let it slip again.
After sending Shen Yujun away, Shen Yuxiu did not go back to talk to Zhao Hui, but picked
up the hoe and continued to work on the ridge that Shen Yujun was hoeing.
Zhao Hui turned around and saw her hoeing the field behind him, feeling a little
Why not just come over to him so he can talk to her more.
In fact, there wasn't much private plot left to begin with, and with the two of them
working hard, they finished it in no time.
Zhao Hui checked to make sure there was nothing missing, then he came to Shen Yuxiu,
picked up her hoe, and put it on the bicycle together with his own. Then he stepped onto
the bicycle with his long legs, supported himself with one foot, turned around and said
to Shen Yuxiu: "Come on, I'll take you home."
Zhao Hui said it straightforwardly, but Shen Yuxiu was a little hesitant.
She is no longer a child and does not understand the fear of what others say. She also
does not know that Zhao Hui is actually different from her brothers and needs to keep a
Although they both knew about their relationship, they were not engaged yet and their
parents didn't know about it. No matter what, they were still a single man and a single
woman in the eyes of others. Wouldn't it be inappropriate for her to sit in his back seat
and be seen by others?

Chapter 108 Envy and emotion

Zhao Hui waited for a long time, but when she still didn't come up, he couldn't help but
ask suspiciously, "What's wrong?"
Shen Yuxiu felt a little nervous when she was asked this question. Finally, she made up
her mind not to care about anything else and sat on the back seat of the bicycle on
"Ride steadily, don't let me fall." After sitting down, Shen Yuxiu still reminded him
with concern.
As for what others say, she has decided on him. They will be together sooner or later, so
she doesn't care what others think.
"Don't worry, I ride very steadily." Zhao Hui didn't know what she was thinking. After
hearing her instructions, he smiled and gently pedaled the bicycle, and the bicycle
carrying the two of them moved forward.
Shen Yuxiu was very nervous at first when she sat behind him, always feeling that this
bicycle was not as stable as her grandfather's tricycle. But after the bicycle moved
forward steadily for a while, she gradually felt relieved and was in the mood to look
The surrounding fields were green and lush, with many people working in the fields. As
the bicycle moved forward quickly, the breeze became cooler, and the man in front of her,
with his back to her, seemed to become particularly tall.
Shen Yuxiu sat in the back seat, looking at Zhao Hui's clothes that were blown up. The
corners of her lips unconsciously curled up, and her heart was filled with sweetness.
To be honest, Zhao Hui was really nice. He was good-looking and treated her well.
Whenever he talked to her, he was always so focused, as if she was the only one in his
heart and eyes, which made her unconsciously put her heart on him.
Now is a good time to work. Many people in the fields saw this scene, and their eyes were
filled with envy and emotion.
Ever since Zhao Hui started working at the supply and marketing cooperative, he would
only come to the Fang family during the New Year holidays. Therefore, not many people
have seen him in the past two years, and not many times. But none of them did not know
that Zhao Hui now worked at the supply and marketing cooperative.
Now, when she suddenly saw Zhao Hui, who was tall and had long legs and a handsome
appearance, she simply wished he was her own child.
Who could have thought that this child who almost starved to death would grow up to be so
handsome and have such a successful future as he has today?
It’s a pity that my family’s situation was not good back then. Unlike Fang Youshun, we
didn’t have the ability to support this child. Otherwise, I think my family would have
been able to benefit as much as the Fang family, right?
But even if they can't benefit from it, it doesn't matter, don't they have daughters in
every family? As long as this child can become their son-in-law, won't they still benefit
from it?
But the second girl in the Shen family is both beautiful and well-educated. This child
grew up with that girl since childhood, and it is not known whether he can fall in love
with his own native daughter.
Shen Yuling also saw the same scene as those people.
Shen Yuling was also working at this time. She wore a straw hat and a square scarf on her
head, and made a homemade mask on her face. She covered her face tightly, leaving only a
pair of eyes exposed, for fear of being exposed to the sun.
Shen Yuling's current outfit is weird in people's eyes, but there is nothing that can be
done about it.
Her skin color was not as fair as before. In addition, there were no skin care products
like those in later generations, and she had no money to buy them. As a result, even
though she covered her face so tightly, the skin on her face was only a little better and
a little whiter than that of other women in the village.
Shen Yuling straightened up and looked at the two people who quickly disappeared at the
entrance of the village. She couldn't tell whether she was envious or relieved.
Speaking of relief, although Shen Yuxiu's face is darker than hers, her skin is really
good, and it looks smooth and moist. Moreover, the things Shen Yuxiu wears and uses are
much better than hers. Most importantly, Shen Yuxiu will be a teacher when school starts
again, just like in her previous life. She doesn't have to work hard in the fields in the
wind and sun like herself. She is not relieved at all.
She was envious, Shen Yuxiu was so close to the beggar now. She had been in the male and
female world for so long in her previous life, and she could tell at a glance if there
was something fishy going on between the two. Now it seemed that the two were in a
relationship, but she was relieved instead of envious.
She thought that as long as nothing went wrong between the two of them, Shen Yuxiu would
never have any contact with that high-ranking official again, and this would save her a
lot of worry.
Shen Yulin secretly told herself that as long as Shen Yuxiu and this beggar could be
locked together, even if Shen Yuxiu lived better than herself now, she would definitely
not be as good as herself in the future.
After all, the supply and marketing cooperative will disappear sooner or later. Teacher
Shen Yuxiu is just a privately-run one. It may look glamorous in the eyes of these
ordinary people, but it is destined to have no future. No matter what, she will not be
able to achieve much.
She is different. The man who will become a high-ranking official in the future lives in
a city that is a famous water town in the south of the Yangtze River, which will be a
famous first-tier city in the future. This plain may not be able to compare with it even
after years of development.
As Shen Yulin thought about it, her mind, which had been disturbed by Shen Yuxiu and Zhao
Hui, slowly calmed down.
Don't be anxious, stay calm, all she needs to do now is wait, just wait another two
years, just another two years, and Shen Yuxiu will not be able to catch up with her even
if she tries her best.
Shen Yulin told herself this.
She is really not suitable to do anything now.
Over the past year, her mother has really kept her word. If she wants to eat, she has to
work. If she doesn't work, she doesn't want to eat. At first, she didn't take it too
seriously, thinking that her mother was just being hard-hearted and wouldn't really
ignore her food. But she didn't expect that her mother could be so cruel. Seeing that she
was starving again, she still refused to give her a bite of food. In the end, she
couldn't stand it anymore and compromised.
If it weren't for this, she wouldn't have been able to work under the scorching sun in
such hot weather today.
Thinking of this, Shen Yuling took a deep breath, resignedly picked up the hoe and
continued weeding.
Now she really wishes she could reach the age and get married right away. She really
doesn't want to live this life even for a day longer.
The private plot was not far from the village. When Shen Yuxiu and Zhao returned home, no
one was at home. Shen Yujun, who had returned early, was nowhere to be found.
After opening the gate, Shen Yuxiu walked into the house and said to Zhao Hui, "If you
are thirsty, pour yourself some water. I'll go wash my hands first."
"Okay, go ahead and do your thing." Zhao Hui said as he went into the house to get some
water as if he knew the place well.
Although he came less frequently in the past two years, the positions of things in the
house remained basically unchanged, and he easily found the kettle and bowl.
Zhao Hui drank the water quickly, but Shen Yuxiu, who was washing her hands, couldn't
find the soap she usually used.
Weird? Why is it gone?
Shen Yuxiu frowned in confusion, and finally took the pig pancreas that Grandma Fang
usually used to wash clothes to wash her hands, and then went to get the cloth that Zhao
Hui brought back.
"It's so long." Shen Yuxiu unfolded the cloth and took a look. She found it was a little
too big, so she turned around and asked Zhao Hui: "How many meters is it?"
"Three and a half meters, can make two clothes, you can't just make one, right? Can't you
make more to replace?" Zhao Hui said as if it was a matter of course, but he also knew
that it was inappropriate for him to buy an extra piece of cloth, so he said: "The extra
cloth is my gift to you, you don't have to pay, or you can count all of it as a gift from
"No need. My grandfather has already said that he would make me an extra replacement.
This fabric is just right." Shen Yuxiu said with a smile, holding the fabric.
Her grandfather said that you should dress accordingly to your job so that others will
think you are reliable.
Hearing this, Zhao Hui felt a little disappointed that he had once again lost the
opportunity to spend money on him.
He didn't know what was going on. It looked like his parents wanted to take all his
money, which made him feel heartbroken. But he also felt that the Fang family was being
distant and not taking advantage of him at all, and that they didn't treat him as a
family member.
After a long silence, Zhao Hui suddenly took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to
say what he had wanted to say for a long time.
"Kosode, how about we get engaged?"
Chapter 109 What are you two doing?
Shen Yuxiu was stunned when she heard this, and looked up at Zhao Hui in surprise.
Why did he suddenly think of this?
But it was true, she was already seventeen years old this year, and almost all the girls
her age in the village were already engaged. It seemed like she should get engaged too,
but until now, neither her grandparents nor her parents had told her about it, and she
didn't know how to bring it up.
Zhao Hui's heart tightened when she looked at him, but he still continued to say, "I want
to get engaged to you, and I want to be with you openly, not to be evasive."
Although his voice was firm, it inexplicably carried a hint of grievance, which made Shen
Yuxiu's heart soften. She took two steps forward, walked up to him, and looked up into
his eyes.
"Then it's settled." Shen Yuxiu said softly, and smiled maliciously, "How are you going
to tell my grandparents and my parents?"
Zhao Hui didn't expect that she agreed so readily. For a moment, he felt a little dazed
as he looked at the girl's bright eyes.
She agreed? Just agreed so easily?
"Why aren't you talking? Are you kidding me?" Seeing that Zhao Hui hadn't spoken, the
smile on Shen Yuxiu's face slowly disappeared, and she looked at him with some suspicion.
He was the one who said he wanted to get engaged, I agreed, and he was the one who kept
silent. What did he want to do?
“No, no, no.” Seeing that she was unhappy, Zhao Hui hurriedly explained: “I, I was
just too surprised.”
"Surprise? Why should you be surprised that I agreed to get engaged? Don't you trust me?"
Shen Yuxiu frowned, looking suspicious.
She had been with him for more than a year, so wasn't it normal for them to get engaged?
Why was he surprised? Was he thinking something, testing her?
"No, no, I don't. I don't distrust you." Zhao Hui shook his head repeatedly, but only he
knew how insecure he felt at the moment.
When he said that, he was indeed not so sure in his heart, but does this uncertainty mean
that he doesn't trust her?
This, this is hard to explain.
Zhao Hui suddenly felt like he had shot himself in the foot. Why did he hesitate just
now? He should have nodded without hesitation.
How to explain it now?
"You don't distrust me. Why are you hesitating? What surprised you just now?" His eyes
were too vague. Shen Yuxiu got angry immediately and couldn't help but raise her voice.
Zhao Hui had never seen her so angry before, but he didn't know how to explain it. He
felt as if no matter how he explained it, it was wrong. He was so anxious that sweat
broke out on his forehead, and his mouth was knotted and he couldn't explain anything.
"Why are you stuttering? Are you feeling guilty?" Shen Yuxiu looked at him and took
another step forward angrily, almost touching his face: "Tell me the truth, don't you
trust me? We have been together for more than a year, and you still don't trust me. Who
do you think I am?"
Zhao Hui was frightened by the distance between her and his face, and subconsciously took
a step back. But after taking a step back, he realized that his reaction was wrong. He
quickly looked at Shen Yushou, and saw that her eyes were red with anger.
"You're hiding from me? You're actually hiding from me?" His subconscious steps back were
somewhat hurtful. Shen Yuxiu was so angry that tears suddenly appeared in her eyes. "Am I
a female demon? You're hiding from me?"
"No, no, no, don't be angry." Zhao Hui felt that he was so wronged. He was at a loss as
to how to touch her, but Shen Yushou refused. She raised her hand and slapped away his
outstretched hand. She retreated to the kang in the room, half leaned on the kang and
began to cry in grievance.
It's just so hurtful.
He has been good to her over the years, and she has also been good to him. She has never
been unreasonable, and she never loses her temper easily or asks for this and that, but
he is actually afraid of her.
What exactly am I like in his eyes? Otherwise, what is he afraid of?
Zhao Hui never thought that he would actually make someone cry. He became even more
anxious for a moment. He felt dizzy and sweaty all over.
But usually Shen Yuxiu was quiet and well-behaved, and he had never had any experience in
coaxing people. Now that he was suddenly faced with such a situation, he didn't know what
to do.
But he couldn't just ignore it. Zhao Hui dared to bet that if he let Shen Yuxiu cry this
time, it would be difficult to comfort her in the future. In the end, he had no choice
but to bite the bullet and hug her in his arms.
Shen Yuxiu didn't expect him to hug her suddenly. After a moment of surprise, she
immediately struggled, put her hands on his waist, and tried to push him away.
What are you hugging?
It's bad enough that he made her angry, but he even acted like a hooligan.
"Xiaoxiu, Xiaoxiu, please don't be angry or cry, okay? I don't know what to do if you
start crying." Zhao Hui held her between his arms and the kang, his chin pressed tightly
against her hair, and explained hurriedly, "It's not that I don't trust you, really not,
I just like you too much, you agreed too quickly, I was too surprised, and I didn't
react. Don't be angry, really don't be angry."
He didn't dare to say anything like "it was too unexpected" anymore. If he said that, he
might not be able to explain it clearly.
Shen Yuxiu's head was pressed against his chest. After hearing his words, she stopped
struggling, but still felt a little aggrieved.
"Then what were you hiding from?"
"Well, we've only held hands over the years, and you've never been so close to me. I
didn't react. It really wasn't intentional." Zhao Hui didn't dare to say that he felt
guilty at the time and was frightened.
Once this is said, it becomes even more difficult to explain.
When Shen Yuxiu heard this, she thought that this was a normal human reaction, and her
anger subsided immediately. After a moment of silence, she said in his arms, "Let me go."
"You're not angry anymore, are you?" Zhao Hui didn't dare let her go, for fear that she
was still angry. If she ran away as soon as he let go, he would not be able to chase her
into the street.
"I'm not angry anymore." Shen Yuxiu said sullenly, then raised her hand and pushed his
waist: "If you don't let me go, you'll suffocate me to death."
Zhao Hui was stunned and subconsciously looked down, only to find that he had pressed her
face in his arms. Wouldn't this be a bad thing?
"I didn't mean it." Zhao Hui quickly let go of her. Seeing her little face turn red, he
hurriedly explained, "I, I really didn't mean it. Don't be angry."
"Got it." Shen Yuxiu glared at him unhappily and quickly took a few breaths of fresh air.
It's really terrible. Other people try to coax others with sweet words, but this person
is so different that his coaxing almost turned into murder.
When Zhao Hui saw her glaring at him, he was not angry. Instead, he moved his face closer
to her and looked into her eyes seriously, trying to see her clearly.
"Are you really not angry anymore?" Zhao Hui asked cautiously.
"I'm not angry anymore." Shen Yuxiu reiterated. Just as she was about to say something
else, someone suddenly rushed into the room.
As soon as Shen Yujun entered the room, he saw the two of them standing so close to each
other, with Zhao Hui bending down and almost touching Shen Yuxiu's face, as if he was
going to get close to her. He was so shocked that his eyes widened.
"W-what are you two doing?"

Chapter 110 Disgusting

Shen Yuxiu looked at Shen Yujun's stunned expression, said "fool" in her heart, and
rubbed her eyes quickly.
"A small fly got into my eye and he was blowing it out for me." Shen Yuxiu said this
while blinking her eyes pretending to feel uncomfortable.
Shen Yujun looked at her with suspicion in his eyes.
Is this true? Why does he feel that his second sister is fooling people?
But when he saw Shen Yuxiu's red eyes, Shen Yujun could no longer hold back his
Maybe it's true?
Otherwise, why would his sister’s eyes be so red?
Just as Shen Yujun was struggling, there was suddenly a noise in the yard. There was the
squeaking sound of a tricycle and the voice of Shen Yusui calling her two children.
Shen Yuxiu was shocked when she heard the noise. She didn't care whether Shen Yujun
believed it or not. She left him with a head full of questions and walked out with a
smile on her face.
Shen Yuxiu had left, but Zhao Hui was still there. Shen Yujun frowned and looked at Zhao
Hui slowly, but Zhao Hui just let him look at him openly and even grinned.
Facing Shen Yuxiu, he couldn't control his emotions, but facing this kid, he didn't have
any psychological burden at all.
Besides, even if this kid can see something, what can he do? I will still have to call
him brother-in-law in the future.
Shen Yujun looked at him and saw that he did not seem to feel guilty at all, and suddenly
became uncertain.
Did I really misunderstand just now? Are these two people really blowing their eyes?
In the yard, Grandma Fang stopped her tricycle and was carrying two-year-old Shen Yuhong
off the vehicle, while Shen Yusui, who was already a big sister, was climbing down nimbly
by herself.
"Grandma, why are you back so early?" Shen Yuxiu said as she walked over and picked up
the baby who was over six months old in the car.
This is Shen Yuwen’s eldest son, who was born last winter. He is now dark, plump and
very strong.
"It's this kid. He must be hungry and crying on the street. I brought him back to eat
something." Grandma Fang poked the little black fat boy's forehead with a smile. Suddenly
she saw Shen Yuxiu's eyes were red. She came up to him in surprise and asked, "What's
wrong with your eyes?"
"Ah, it's okay. I just had a small fly in my eye, but it's healed now." Shen Yuxiu
repeated what she had said to Shen Yujun. Afraid that Grandma Fang would ask again, she
quickly changed the subject, "I couldn't find the soap when I washed my hands just now.
Did you put it away, Grandma?"
"No." Grandma Fang was stunned by the question, "Why would I put away something you use
every day?"
"Then why is it gone?" Shen Yuxiu became even more confused when she heard it?
Could it be that there was a thief in the house? But who would steal just a bar of soap?
"Wait a minute, I'll go look for it." Grandma Fang said as she turned around and went to
the house to find the soap. However, after she took two steps, she heard Shen Yusui speak
beside her.
"Yuhong took the soap to my house."
"What?" Shen Yuxiu was stunned, thinking that Shen Yuhong was just playing with it. She
lowered her head and asked the little Shen Yuhong with some amusement: "Don't we have
soap at home? Why are you taking your sister's soap? Bring it back to me some other day,
As soon as she came back, she gave one of the two bars of soap that Zhao Hui gave her to
Fang Yan, and kept one for herself and her grandparents. She didn't expect that this girl
was such a money-grubber and even knew to take things home from here.
"No, I want the fragrance." Shen Yuhong shook her head, with a look of rejection on her
Shen Yuxiu was about to say something when she heard Shen Yusui explain to her, "A few
days ago, my eldest sister came over and saw the soap at home and liked it very much, so
our mother gave it to her. Now we don't have any soap at home, but Yuhong liked the smell
of the soap very much and didn't let my eldest sister take it. So my eldest sister told
Yuhong that she could come and get it, so Yuhong took it home. I don't even know when she
took it home."
"My eldest sister said that what belongs to my second sister is mine, so I just take it."
Shen Yuhong added innocently.
When Shen Yuxiu heard this, her face turned dark.
She originally thought that the child was just playing with the toy, but she didn't
expect that this would happen. She suddenly felt angry and stuffed the little black fat
boy in her arms into Grandma Fang's arms, then turned around and walked out.
"Where are you going?" Grandma Fang saw that her face looked not right and chased after
her with the child in her arms.
"Go find my eldest sister. Not only did she take the things I gave to my mother, but she
also instigated my younger sister to take my things at will. Does she have any shame?"
Shen Yuxiu said angrily as she walked away without turning her head.
When Grandma Fang heard this, she was so angry that she quickly trotted after her and
grabbed her.
"Don't go. It's just a bar of soap. Grandma can buy you another one. If you go there like
this, how will your elder sister live in her husband's family?"
"She can behave however she wants. She has no shame. Why should I save face for her?"
Shen Yuxiu was so angry that her chest kept rising and falling: "Before she got married,
she was always looking down on me. Now that she's married, she's still thinking about my
things. She's just deliberately humiliating me."
"Okay, okay, she is ignorant and it's all her fault. We'll talk to her when your elder
sister comes back, okay? Don't look for her anymore, or people will see her as a fool."
Grandma Fang kept comforting him. The fat black boy in her arms stared at Grandma Fang
with big eyes, then at Shen Yuxiu, without understanding what the two were doing.
"She is not afraid of being laughed at, so why should I be afraid of being laughed at?"
Shen Yuxiu didn't want to let the matter go like this. She took a wrong step and walked
around Grandma Fang and continued to walk out, looking like she didn't want to give up.
After all, Granny Fang was still holding the child. She chased after him for a few steps
but failed to catch up. She turned around and saw Zhao Hui coming out after hearing the
noise. She immediately called out to him, "Zhao Hui, quickly call that damn girl back to
me and stop her from making trouble."
"Oh." Zhao Hui ran after him as soon as he heard it.
Although he also felt that Shen Yuzhen's behavior was a bit irritating, this matter was
really not suitable to be made a big deal. If people knew that the sisters were having a
conflict, it would not just be one person who would be laughed at.
It was Shen Yuzhen who did something wrong, so why should his girl be talked about? He
didn't want Shen Yuxiu to suffer this loss.
Zhao Hui was tall and had long legs. He caught up with Shen Yuxiu in a short while and
quickly pulled her back. "Xiaoxiu, don't be angry. Let's go back, okay?"
"Let go." Shen Yuxiu's face became even worse when she saw that he was trying to stop
"Don't be like this." Zhao Hui didn't dare to let her go, and quickly coaxed her in a
gentle voice: "If you want soap, I'll buy it for you."
"It turns out that the soap was also bought for me by you. What she took was originally
my thing, but she still had the face to urge me to take it again. How could she have the
face?" Shen Yuxiu's voice was trembling, "I'm not impulsive. You don't know how annoying
she is. If I don't give her a shame, she won't know how to restrain herself. I don't know
when she will make trouble in the future."
"Then put away all your things from now on." Zhao Hui said quickly: "I am like this. My
parents are always thinking about my things, so I just put them away myself and don't let
them see them. If they can't see them, they won't think about them anymore."
"I put away my important things." Shen Yuxiu frowned, very annoyed: "But those things
that are always used, grandma and grandpa also need to use them when I'm not around, I
can't just put them away after I use them up, right? It would be so troublesome for
grandma and grandpa to use them. And I'm not angry that she took the soap I gave to my
mother, but she still thought about my things after taking it, which is really
Zhao Hui was at a loss for words. Although he was also wary of his parents, he would not
be so stingy as to not allow his family members to use his daily necessities. This issue
was really difficult to resolve.

Chapter 111 No More Good Feelings

The problem was difficult to solve, and Zhao Hui didn't know how else to persuade her. He
turned around and saw the grandmother still standing at the door holding the child,
looking over here anxiously. He could only bite the bullet and continue to persuade her.
"But grandma is very anxious. What if you go and make her anxious to death?"
Upon hearing this, Shen Yuxiu looked towards her own yard and saw Grandma Fang's anxious
face. She couldn't help but become even more annoyed.
She knew that her grandmother didn't want the family scandal to be made public, fearing
that if it got out of hand, her eldest sister would lose face in front of her husband's
family. But she was unwilling to swallow her anger.
"It's so annoying." After a long silence, Shen Yuxiu stomped her feet in annoyance,
turned around and went home.
In the end, between venting her anger on herself and Grandma Fang, she chose the old lady
who watched her grow up.
She didn't want to make the old man worry over a bar of soap. It wasn't worth it. But
Shen Yuzhen shouldn't think of getting any advantage from her again. It was simply
When Grandma Fang saw her finally come back, she finally felt relieved.
In fact, she was not biased towards Shen Yuzhen, but once this matter became a matter of
fuss, Shen Yuzhen's child was already married, and no matter what, she would at most be
disliked by her in-laws. But Shen Yuxiu was not married yet, and when others saw that
this child was unreasonable, it would be difficult to say anything to her in-laws.
Shen Yuxiu returned to the yard angrily, and saw Shen Yuhong still playing there without
knowing anything. She didn't want to say anything, but she felt that she couldn't let
this child be brainwashed by Shen Yuzhen. When she passed by her, she suppressed her
anger and squatted down in front of her.
"Yuhong, you can't take my things from now on, okay? If you like something of mine, you
can ask me. You can only take it if I agree, okay?" Shen Yuxiu explained the truth to her
She didn't know whether the child would understand what she said, but no matter whether
she understood or not, she didn't want the child to think that he could just take his
things at will, so she couldn't let this precedent happen.
"But my elder sister said it's okay." Shen Yuhong frowned and pouted, looking a little
"What my elder sister said may not be right. My elder sister can only be her own master,
not my master. Do you understand?" Shen Yuxiu solemnly declared again: "No matter what my
elder sister says, you just need to remember that my things are mine. If they are not
yours, they are not my elder sister's. You can't touch them."
"No, I like Xiangxiang too." Shen Yuhong stared with wide eyes and pouted her lips, not
accepting at all: "Sister clearly said I can take it."
"You like Xiangxiang, so I gave it to mom. You originally had it to use, but you didn't
keep a close eye on it and let your elder sister take it. Now you can't take mine again."
Shen Yuxiu looked at her stubborn little appearance, tried hard to suppress the anger
that was about to come out, and continued to state the facts to her.
She didn't care what the girl would do after hearing it, she just wanted to let the girl
know that what her elder sister said didn't work on her. She also wanted to make it clear
to the little girl that she should take care of the things she likes, and if she doesn't
like them, don't think of coming to her to get things to make up for the lack, because
she won't indulge them.
"You are my sister, why don't you give in to me? My eldest sister said you have to give
in to me." However, Shen Yuhong completely ignored her and complained loudly.
"But my elder sister never gives in to me. She can't even do what she says, so why should
I listen to her?" Shen Yuxiu saw that the little girl still couldn't make sense, and she
lost her patience: "Since you listen to my elder sister so much, just ask my elder sister
for whatever you want. Anyway, you can't touch me."
But even if Shen Yuxiu said this, it still didn't work.
Shen Yuhong still stiffened her neck and even glared at her, which made Shen Yuxiu so
angry that she wanted to pick up the little girl and beat her into submission.
But looking at the girl's expression and considering that she was only two years old
after all, Shen Yuxiu held back her anger again.
Forget it. Why bother with such a stubborn little girl? It will only make you angry for
Shen Yuxiu took a deep breath, and suddenly turned around and said to Zhao Hui who
followed her: "Please make me a small box, this big will do, I will use it to put some of
my small things."
Shen Yuxiu said this while using her hand to show Zhao Hui a size of about twenty
"Okay, I'll weave it for you right away." Zhao Hui looked at the size she gestured and
immediately agreed and went to the yard where the cotton locust branches were kept to
pick out the cotton locust branches suitable for weaving a small box.
Seeing that Zhao Hui was already busy, Shen Yuxiu asked Grandma Fang again: "Grandma,
where is the key to my mother's yard? I'll go get the soap back."
Since this girl always asks the eldest sister what to say, she will let the girl see
whether what the eldest sister says is effective.
Seeing that she was still angry, Grandma Fang was afraid that if she didn't give her the
key, the girl would go to Shen Yuzhen to make trouble again, so she carried the child
into the house to get the key.
Forget it, just take it back. It’s not like the child didn’t give the soap to her
mother. It was her mother who gave the soap away, and gave it to her eldest granddaughter
who was particularly annoying. You can’t blame the child for being angry.
Shen Yuxiu took the key to the Shen family's courtyard and went directly to the Fang
family to take back the soap that Shen Yuhong had taken away.
In order to prevent Shen Yuhong from taking things away again, Shen Yuxiu cut the soap
into many small pieces with a knife, then left one of the small pieces outside and
wrapped the others in paper. She also packed up some of her daily necessities and locked
them all in her kang cabinet.
After everything was done, she glanced at Shen Yuhong indifferently and went to watch
Zhao Hui weaving the box.
What’s wrong with you? What you return to me is yours. If you have the ability, you can
take it back.
The cotton locust branches had dried out after being left for a long time. Even though
Zhao Hui had soaked them in a basin full of water, they still broke when they were bent.
Shen Yuxiu looked at the broken cottonwood twigs beside him and said, "Forget it. These
cottonwood twigs are completely dry. If you want to use them, you probably need to soak
them for a few days."
"How about I go to the field and cut some fresh cottonwood branches for you to weave some
other day? That way you don't need to soak them." Zhao Hui suggested in a gentle voice
when he saw that she had given up.
"Forget it." Shen Yuxiu shook her head. "I was just too angry just now. It's not
"Are you not angry now?" Zhao Hui asked her with the same smile.
"I'm not angry anymore. If I get angry with her every day, I'll be angry to death." Shen
Yuxiu said helplessly.
As for who the 'she' she was talking about was, both of them knew it.
Shen Yuxiu really couldn't understand Shen Yuzhen. It was fine if she was annoying every
day when she was at home, but why was she still so persistent even after they got
When Shen Yuxiu thought of Shen Yuzhen, anger immediately burned in her chest again. She
quickly shook her head and put the matter behind her.
I can't think about it, I can't think about it, why do I think about this person every
day? I'm so angry for no reason, but he's fine at home and I don't know anything about
him, isn't it a loss?
"Come on, accompany me to make clothes, and by the way, visit the car dealership that
grandpa is in charge of." Shen Yuxiu shook off the unpleasant emotions and changed the
"Okay, it happens that I haven't seen the shops of those sideline groups yet, so I might
as well go and broaden my horizons." Seeing her look like this, Zhao Hui knew that she
still minded, so he stood up obediently.
Seeing that he agreed, Shen Yuxiu smiled slightly, went back to the house to get the
cloth, said something to Grandma Fang, and then walked towards the central street of the
village with Zhao Hui.
The soap incident seemed to have passed, but only Shen Yuxiu knew that she no longer had
any good feelings towards her elder sister Shen Yuzhen.
From now on, she can only maintain superficial relationships with Shen Yuzhen. Behind
other people’s backs, it’s better for them to ignore each other!

Chapter 112 Heart Leans to the Sky

Zhao Hui just felt that Shen Yuxiu was so pitiful.
It's clearly someone else's fault, but I can't even get back at them. It's so
Although Zhao Hui had never met Shen Yuzhen before and didn't know what kind of person
she was, but based on what little Shen Yuhong said today, he could tell that she should
not be a very likable person.
But now as an outsider, he really has no right to say anything.
He thought that he should get engaged soon, otherwise, if his girl was wronged, he
wouldn't be able to say even a word of comfort.
In this way, after Zhao Hui accompanied Shen Yuxiu to measure the size in the sewing
shop, he went to the car shop to have a chat with Fang Youshun, and left when he saw that
it was getting late.
After all, it’s not easy to ride a bicycle on the dirt roads in the countryside when
it’s dark.
Just as Zhao Hui got home in the dark and had just parked his bicycle and was about to go
to the kitchen to cook, he saw Zhang Dachun walking out of the main house with a smile on
his face and waving to him.
"Are you back? Come to this room. I left some food for you."
Zhao Hui looked at her, who was rarely smiling at him, and frowned in confusion.
You know, his mother usually either cries for money or complains when she sees him, so
suddenly she becomes so enthusiastic and even offers to leave some food for him. Why does
it feel like something is wrong?
However, thinking that it would be a waste if he didn't eat the food, Zhao Hui turned
around and walked away.
"Hurry up, the steamed bun is still soft, eat it quickly," Zhang Dachun saw Zhao Hui come
into the house, and with rare tact, he placed a stool in front of him. He pointed at a
steamed bun with a bite taken from it and a bowl of pickles with only the bottom left on
the table, and told him to eat quickly.
Zhao Hui didn't sit down, nor did he complain about the small amount of steamed bread and
pickles. He directly picked up the steamed bread, broke it open, put the few pickles left
in the bowl into it, and went back to the house while biting the steamed bread.
"Hey, come back, don't go." Zhang Dachun didn't expect him to pick up the steamed bread
and leave, so he quickly stepped forward to stop him: "I still have something to tell
"You say." Zhao Hui didn't go back. He just stood in front of her, chewing the steamed
bread in his mouth, looking at her quietly, waiting for her to speak.
Zhang Dachun choked. Seeing that he had no intention of going back to the house, he
cleared his throat awkwardly and said, "Um...your aunt Yang has arranged a marriage for
you, it's..."
"No need, I decide my own marriage." Zhao Hui refused without even listening to her
Zhang Dachun didn't expect Zhao Hui to reject him so straightforwardly. He was stunned
for a moment and then frowned at him: "I haven't even told you who the girl is. She's the
eldest daughter of our team leader..."
"That cripple?" Zhao Hui frowned. "Then I disagree even more. After all, I have hands and
feet, a healthy body, and a normal mind. There is no way I can marry a cripple."
Zhang Dachun was speechless. Of course, she knew that there was some mismatch, but the
interests behind it were attractive.
"There is nothing we can do about it." Zhang Dachun pretended to sigh sadly, "You also
know the conditions of our family. Even if there is a good girl from some family who is
willing to marry us, we can't afford the gift. The captain's daughter is different.
Although she is a little lame, her family is well-off. Moreover, the captain has promised
that as long as you marry her daughter, the gift will be waived and you will also be
given three roubles and one ring."
"Don't worry about the bride price if you can't do anything about it." Zhao Hui listened
to Zhang Dachun quietly and said to her calmly: "As for what kind of girl I want to
marry, I'll tell you after I think about it. When the time comes, you just need to come
to propose marriage. Anyway, I won't marry the girl from the captain's family."
"How can that be possible?" Zhang Dachun was anxious when he heard this: "If you don't
marry the captain's daughter, how can your brother marry a wife?"
However, as soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Dachun suddenly realized that he had let
the cat out of the bag, and he immediately shut up in regret.
Zhao Hui was not stupid, so how could he not understand her plan? He was so angry that he
So he was planning to use his marriage as a gift to Zhao Baocai to marry a wife?
"Why go to all that trouble?" Zhao Hui said sarcastically, "Why don't you just let Baocai
marry the captain's daughter? He doesn't have to pay a bride price, and he can get a
dowry, how great is that."
"How can that be? How can a younger brother propose marriage before his elder brother?"
Zhang Dachun made up an excuse: "Besides, the captain is attracted to you, not Baocai."
Her family's Baocai wants to marry a wife. Even if he can't marry a good-looking woman
with a good family background, at least she has to be strong and capable and can take
care of the family. As for the lame girl in the captain's family, she can't do much farm
work, and can only take care of some housework. If she marries her, Baocai will probably
have to work hard to support her. How can that work?
Zhao Hui didn't know what Zhang Dachun was thinking, he just sneered.
"Then I'll find someone to look for him some other day, and try to settle the marriage as
early as possible, so as not to delay Baocai from getting married."
In order to prevent Zhang Dachun from causing any more trouble, Zhao Hui did not say that
he already had a lover, but instead said it in a different way.
He thought, in this way, Zhang Dachun should stop making trouble, right?
However, he still underestimated Zhang Dachun.
"No, if you want to marry, you have to marry the captain's daughter. I won't recognize
any other girl except her." Zhang Dachun stopped him angrily.
How could Zhao Hui say that about other girls? Whose daughter could have as much dowry as
the daughter of the captain? What if Zhao Hui married a black-hearted she-devil who had
the same mind as him? Wouldn't she be so angry that she would die?
"I don't need your recognition. I just need to recognize the wife I married. If you
really can't stand it, I can move out with my wife." Zhao Hui said without hesitation.
He had long seen through Zhang Dachun's character and had made plans. After he and Shen
Yuxiu got married, they would just buy a house in town. This way, they would not have to
live in the same house and would be able to save a lot of trouble.
"No." Zhang Dachun was furious when he heard this: "If you dare to marry anyone else, I
will tear him to pieces."
Zhao Hui's face turned dark when he heard this. His deep black eyes narrowed dangerously
and he looked at Zhang Dachun silently.
What the hell is he trying to do?
Zhang Dachun had never seen Zhao Hui like this before, and his heart was beating fast,
but he still threatened: "Anyway, I'm saying this, if you dare to marry another woman, I
will ruin your marriage. Let's see who dares to marry you."
This is too cold-blooded.
When Zhao Hui heard this, he felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured down upon
him, chilling him from head to toe.
He thought that his marriage should not be a big problem as long as he saved enough money
for the bride price, but now it seems that this is not the case.
Zhao Hui suddenly realized that he was a little too impulsive when he proposed engagement
to Shen Yuxiu during the day.
He thought that as long as Shen Yuxiu agreed, he would get what he wanted in the end even
if he was beaten up by the old couple of the Fang family and the Shen couple. But now it
seems that the real problem is his own family and his mother who is so biased.

Chapter 113
Zhao Hui walked back to the house with heavy steps. It was dark inside. He didn't know
where Zhao Baocai had gone. There was no sign of him.
He slowly walked to the kang and sat down, looking at the faint light of setting sun
coming in through the door, feeling more confused than ever before.
He originally felt that he was not worthy of his girl, and now that his mother was making
a fuss, he felt even less worthy.
How come he has such a family?
Zhao Hui closed his eyes deeply, and finally walked to the captain's house in the dim
There were some things that he had to make clear to others in advance, to prevent his
mother from making mistakes due to lack of patience, which would have been a difficult
Zhao Hui was very frank and told Zhang Dachun about his plan without reservation, and
then explained why he did not marry the other person's daughter.
"It's not that your daughter is bad, it's that I already have someone in my heart." Zhao
Hui didn't say who his lover was, but anyone who saw the expression on his face knew that
he was telling the truth. "So even if my mother secretly arranged a marriage with you, I
won't acknowledge it. No matter what my mother promised you, you must not be fooled by
Zhao Hui spoke very humbly and sincerely, which made the captain feel uneasy.
Having lived in the same village for many years, they certainly knew the temper of Zhao
Laowu and his wife. Others were afraid of them, but his family was not. Moreover, this
matter was not planned by Zhao Laowu and his wife, but they were the ones who planned
against Zhao Laowu and his wife.
He thought that even if Zhao Laowu and his wife were unreliable, as long as Zhao Hui
liked his daughter, it would not matter if they gave him some money. When Zhao Hui
married his daughter, she would be half his daughter. His family had many boys, so he
could help Zhao Hui more and would not have to be afraid of Zhao Hui's parents. However,
they never thought that the child already had someone in his heart.
In this case, this marriage might not be possible. After all, although his daughter is
lame, she is pretty and her family conditions are also good. She doesn't have to marry
someone who already has someone in his heart.
Although the captain felt regretful, he also made it clear that he should just pretend
that his family had never mentioned this marriage, so that he could rest assured.
Zhao Hui immediately breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, bowed to the captain
with great gratitude, and then left his house.
The captain escorted the man out of the house and watched Zhao Hui's back disappear into
the dim street from afar, sighing with some regret.
I really didn't expect that Mr. and Mrs. Zhao could raise such a good child who knows how
to act properly. But it's a pity that such a good child has such parents.
After resolving the issue here, Zhao Hui began to think about how to deal with Zhang
Dachun's interference in his marriage.
He was a little afraid. He was afraid that even if he got engaged, Zhang Dachun would
really ruin it by any means necessary. He was even more afraid that Shen Yuxiu would not
be able to accept that he had such parents, and he would never have the chance to get
close to his beloved girl again.
No, this matter needs to be considered carefully.
Otherwise, what if he finally gets engaged, and Shen Yuxiu doesn't want to be with him
anymore because of her mother's interference?
After all, she is so stubborn and won't suffer any loss. What if she doesn't want me
anymore once I make her angry?
The more Zhao Hui thought about it, the more nervous he became, and slowly, even his
breathing became unstable.
He had to wait until Shen Yuxiu reached the age and got engaged so that she could get the
marriage certificate. Only after getting the marriage certificate could she not just say
she didn't want him.
But he had just mentioned the engagement today. How could he explain this to Shen Yuxiu?
Zhao Hui lay on the kang, feeling a sharp pain in his head.
Shen Yuxiu had no idea what had happened to the Zhao family. After Zhao Hui left, she
lived a fulfilling and busy life every day without any worries.
When people have no worries, they will feel that time passes very quickly, and it seems
that the day of school starting is just a blink of an eye.
A few days before school started, Liu Zixin came to her house with a notice, asking her
to go to school in advance to prepare things for the children.
After receiving the notice, Shen Yuxiu took a deep breath, took her kettle and enamel
pot, and went to school nervously.
Now that the school has not started yet, she mainly went there to check the list of
students who were admitted to middle school last year and familiarize herself with the
classroom. She also went to the Education Bureau with several teachers to pick up the
books that had been ordered in advance.
Shen Yuxiu blinked at the rickshaw prepared by the school, then went home and
requisitioned her grandfather's tricycle.
She had never pulled a rickshaw before, and if she let other teachers pull the rickshaw
along the way, she was afraid that some people would object.
Things are different with a tricycle. At least she can pull back the books for her class,
and if there is extra space she can help those teachers bring some. This way she helps
others and others can't find fault with her, killing two birds with one stone.
Several teachers who were preparing to go to the county with Shen Yuxiu immediately
smiled when they saw the tricycle she was riding.
This thing is great. Not only is it fast to ride, but it also saves effort when pulling
things. It is much better than the bicycle they temporarily borrowed from the brigade.
Just like that, because of some contribution, and Shen Yuxiu's sweet talk and diligence,
while being busy she also did not forget to humbly ask for teaching experience from
several people, and slowly the few people became familiar with each other.
As he was busy like this, Shen Yuxiu's initial nervousness disappeared. Even when school
started and he was facing students who were only two or three years younger than him, he
was able to adapt well.
Her only worry was that her throat was suffering, especially in the first few days. She
had a dry mouth and a burning throat from giving lectures every day. If she hadn't
prepared some motherwort soaked in water in advance, she would have suspected that her
throat would be ruined.
Fortunately, this situation didn't last long. After a few days of hoarseness, swelling
and pain in my throat, it slowly returned to normal and my voice was as clear and crisp
as before.
She was so busy that she didn't even notice that Zhao Hui no longer mentioned the
engagement, nor did she notice the guilty look in his eyes every time he came over.
Just as Zhao Hui was worrying about how to tell Shen Yuxiu to postpone the engagement
temporarily, and Shen Yuxiu was busy teaching in a daze, Shen Yulin also had his own
This Sunday, before going to work, Shen Yulin suddenly and quietly found Shen Yuxiu who
was correcting homework at home.
"Xiaoxiu, how much is your monthly salary?" Shen Yulin leaned against the table where
Shen Yuxiu was correcting homework, smiling, and seemed to ask casually.
After the two entered junior high school, Fang Youshun saw that they had difficulty doing
their homework while lying on the dining table, so he asked someone to make a desk and
placed it against the west wall of Shen Yuxiu's room. Although the desk was simple with
only a table top and four legs, it had been with the two for several years. Shen Yulin
had already moved back to the Shen family, so the desk became Shen Yuxiu's desk for
correcting homework.
When Shen Yuxiu heard Shen Yulin's words, she didn't even raise her head. She quickly put
a big cross on the student's homework book and replied to him slowly, "Fifteen yuan."
"Ah? Why is it so little?" Shen Yulin was stunned, his face full of surprise.
He thought being a teacher would earn a lot of money!
"It's not a small amount. Fifteen yuan is half of the salary, and the other half is work
points." Shen Yuxiu said, and suddenly realized something. She leaned back on the chair
with a pen in her hand, and looked suspiciously at Shen Yulin who was standing by the
desk, "Why are you suddenly concerned about this? Is there something wrong?"

Chapter 114 No One Is Here

"Why are you so clever?"
Shen Yulin was a little embarrassed when his purpose was exposed, but then he asked her
with a thick face and a grin, "Now that you have received your salary, can you lend it to
me first? I have an apprentice job at the machine repair station, but they want fifty
"Ah? So much?" Shen Yuxiu frowned in surprise and said, "That's not enough for my monthly
salary. Besides, I haven't worked for a month yet, so it's not time to get paid yet."
"That's not too much of a few days, right? They said they can wait for me for ten days."
Shen Yulin said, scratching his head a little embarrassedly, "It's just... well... I've
already borrowed twenty yuan from someone, can you see if you can help me get thirty
more? Don't worry, I will definitely pay you back in the future."
"Why are you wasting your energy? Why don't you just ask our dad for it directly? If that
doesn't work, talk to our grandpa. It should be able to help our family, right?" Shen
Yuxiu's mind was full of question marks.
There is money at home but it is not being used, why is he borrowing money everywhere?
This is a serious matter, not a joke, won’t his parents and grandparents give him money?
"Alas!" Shen Yulin began to sigh when he was mentioned. "How could I not ask for it? But
Dad said he could pay, but after the New Year, when I reach the age, I must marry the
woman I was engaged to, otherwise I can forget about getting the money."
Shen Yuxiu heard a slight hiss and asked in a low voice: "What about grandpa?"
"Grandpa asked me to discuss it with my dad. As long as my dad says yes, he will give the
money." Shen Yulin became even more helpless when he talked about this.
Shen Yuxiu had a toothache.
Isn't this a difficult matter? If she lends money to Shen Yulin, will she also suffer the
"Good Xiaoxiu, please help my second brother, okay?" Shen Yulin saw her hesitation and
quickly put his hands together to pray to Shen Yuxiu, "Zhou Qingyuan is working in the
unit now, and I still work in the fields every day. How can I be worthy of her?"
"You think of this now, what were you doing before? If you were a teacher, would it be so
hard?" Shen Yuxiu glared at him unhappily.
"Yes, yes, it's all my fault, good Xiaoxiu, please help second brother this time,
please." Shen Yulin needed help, and no matter what Shen Yuxiu said, he begged in a nice
voice, without any backbone in front of Shen Jinggui.
When had Shen Yuxiu ever seen him like this? Her heart softened immediately, and she took
a deep breath and said, "Okay, I'll give it to you after I get my salary. If it's not
enough, I'll lend it to you. Don't blame me if I can't lend it to you."
"How could I be that ignorant and ungrateful person? Don't worry, as long as you are
willing to help me, no matter whether this thing succeeds or not, I will only be grateful
and will never have a single word of complaint." Shen Yulin clapped his hands and put his
hands together to thank Shen Yuxiu, "I'll leave this matter to you, and wait for your
good news."
After saying that, Shen Yulin turned around and walked out. Everyone in the family had
gone to work, and if he didn't go quickly, he would be in trouble if his father caught
Shen Yuxiu was sitting at the table, looking through the window at Shen Yulin's back as
he ran out of the yard, and sighed slightly.
This second brother has a hard time too. His marriage was arranged by his father at will.
He finally got a job, but he is still under control. If she doesn't help him, how pitiful
will he be?
It's a pity that I've been working for these days and I've already found a job before I
even got my salary. I just hope that this matter doesn't get out of hand and that my
parents won't hold me accountable.
It was very easy for Shen Yuxiu to borrow money. First, she had a good relationship with
several teachers. Second, both the Shen family and the Fang family had good lives. In
addition, Shen Yuxiu was a teacher and received a salary every month. They were not
afraid that Shen Yuxiu would not be able to pay back the money she borrowed.
In this way, Shen Yulin took the money borrowed from Shen Yuxiu and quickly got a job as
an apprentice at the county machine repair station.
After getting the job, Shen Yulin's first thing was to look for Zhou Qingyuan who worked
at the county grain station. However, he didn't find anyone there when he got there.
When a middle-aged man who was guarding the grain station heard that he was looking for
Zhou Qingyuan, he immediately smiled and said, "Zhou Qingyuan, she no longer works here.
I heard that she got a recommendation to go to the Workers and Peasants University."
"Ah?" Shen Yulin was stunned, then asked: "Then do you know where she went to college?"
"I don't know. I'm just a gatekeeper. I'm not familiar with the girl, so how would I know
that?" There was a hint of sarcasm in the middle-aged man's words.
Although the girl was not very old, she was very proud. She worked at the grain station
to record accounts for a few days, and she saw the people transporting and unloading
grain with their brows furrowed every day.
Although the girl didn't say anything, her attitude showed that she disdained these
people. In a situation like this, who would want to get close to her?
Therefore, although the girl had worked there for nearly two months, she was actually not
familiar with anyone, and naturally no one in the grain station knew where Zhou Qingyuan
went to attend college.
Shen Yulin could never have imagined that he had worked so hard to get a job in the
county, but Zhou Qingyuan was no longer there. In fact, Zhou Qingyuan had never told him
about this.
After leaving here, Shen Yulin rushed to the county government yard, but when he got
there, he suddenly realized that he only knew that Zhou Qingyuan's father worked here,
but he didn't know his name, and he didn't even know where Zhou Qingyuan lived.
At this moment, Shen Yulin suddenly realized that he knew very little about Zhou
Qingyuan. Once Zhou Qingyuan stopped contacting him, he didn't know where to find her.
Shen Yulin hesitated in the county government for a long time, and finally left feeling
After all, Zhou Qingyuan's home is here, and he now has a job at a machine repair
station. Sooner or later he will be able to find out about Zhou Qingyuan.
It was almost noon when Shen Yulin got home. After waiting at home for a while, Shen
Jinggui came back in a hurry. When he saw him lying on the kang, he raised his hand and
slapped him on the thigh.
"You damn kid, you didn't go to work and you ended up lying dead at home."
His force was not light. Shen Yulin almost felt that his leg was broken when he slapped
her. He curled up his legs and rolled into the kang with a groan.
"Daddy, daddy, I didn't lift my body." Shen Yulin rolled into the kang and immediately
stood up, saying repeatedly: "I have something serious to do. I'm looking for a job."
"Looking for a job? There are so many jobs, so easy to find? Why the hell do you keep
asking me..." Shen Jinggui said as he picked up a broom stick on the kang, and was about
to climb onto the kang to pull him.
When Shen Yulin saw that the situation was not good, he searched for the feet of the kang
and hurriedly explained, "I'm not kidding. I really went to look for a job, and I found
it. It's at the county machine repair station. I'll start work tomorrow."
Shen Jinggui was stunned when he heard this, then narrowed his eyes dangerously and asked
three times in a deep voice.
"The job requires money, doesn't it? Did you pay me? Where did the money come from?"
Chapter 115 The Road to Being Beaten
As soon as Shen Jinggui finished speaking, Shen Yulin immediately realized that something
was wrong and refused to say where the money came from.
"Anyway, I got the money and got the job done."
Shen Jinggui frowned even more when he heard this, and looked doubtfully at Grandma Fang,
who was attracted by the silence.
Could it be these two old men? Fifty yuan is not a small amount of money. If it weren't
for these two old men, where would this kid get so much money?
Grandma Fang saw him looking at her and waved her hands quickly.
"This boy told me about this, but your father also said that this boy must get your
consent. We didn't give him any money."
When Shen Yuxiu came back from get off work, she brought Shen Yujun and Shen Yusui, who
were still in elementary school, and saw her elder brother and sister-in-law standing at
the door holding a child and looking into the room. She couldn't help but look into the
room in confusion, and at the same time she didn't forget to ask.
"What's wrong? What are you looking at?"
Shen Jinggui saw Grandma Fang shaking her head at this time and was about to continue
questioning Shen Yulin. Suddenly he heard Shen Yuxiu's voice and thought of another
possibility. He turned around and saw Shen Yuxiu poking his head into the room and
immediately waved.
"Xiao Xiu, come in."
Shen Yuxiu was stunned for a moment, then entered the room full of suspicion, and
immediately found that something was wrong with the anger in the room.
Shen Yulin was standing at the foot of the kang, looking at her in surprise. Her father
was half-kneeling on the kang with a broomstick in his hand, as if he wanted to beat
someone, while her grandmother and mother were standing by the kang. Look at her at the
same time.
"What are you looking at me doing?" Being watched by all the elders in the family at the
same time, Shen Yuxiu couldn't help but touch her face suspiciously, thinking carefully
about whether she had done anything.
"Tell me honestly, did you give your second brother the money?" Shen Jinggui narrowed his
eyes and asked in a deep voice.
When Shen Yuxiu heard this, he immediately looked at Shen Yulin, and Shen Yulin quickly
shook his head. However, the moment he shook his head, Shen Jinggui looked like there
were eyes on the back of his head, and turned around, just in time to catch Shen Yulin.
His little moves were caught.
Shen Yuxiu looked at this scene and smiled awkwardly at Shen Yulin.
This time, you don't even have to lie. With this action, a person can understand what's
going on.
Of course Shen Jinggui also understood, his eyes sharpened, and he asked Shen Yuxiu
straight to the point, "Where did you get so much money for him?"
"Just, I borrowed it from the teachers." Shen Yuxiu answered with a guilty conscience.
The matter has been exposed, and even if she wants to hide it, she may not be able to
hide it.
"You are quite righteous." Shen Jinggui's voice rose in anger, he jumped off the kang,
took a broomstick and tapped her forehead, "Who gave you the courage to borrow so much
money from others?"
Shen Yuxiu looked at the broom knot that was about to hit her forehead, and was so
frightened that she quickly stepped back, fearing that the thing would accidentally fall
on her.
"Then, then, I've borrowed everything, what can I do?" Shen Yuxiu replied in a low voice.
"You..." Shen Jinggui glared angrily, raised the broomstick in his hand, and pretended to
hit her.
Shen Yulin watched this scene on the kang and was so frightened that he jumped down. He
rushed to Shen Jinggui and grabbed his hand to beat him.
"Why are you beating her? If anything happens, come to me." Shen Yulin was so angry that
his face turned green.
Why is his father so unreasonable? There's nothing wrong with Xiao Xiu, so why hit her?
Shen Jinggui didn't really want to hit Shen Yuxiu, but when Shen Yulin showed up to the
door, he immediately fulfilled his wish. As soon as he turned his wrist, the broomstick
kept falling on him as if it had eyes.
"I'll come at you if I come at you. I don't dare." Shen Jinggui hit him with a broomstick
while scolding him angrily: "You are so capable, and you dare to instigate your sister to
borrow money. , who will be responsible if something happens..."
The weather was still warm, and Shen Yulin was only wearing a single piece of clothing.
The broom bangs fell down one after another, hitting him and making him run around the
Shen Yuxiu felt really sorry for him and wanted to go forward to pull the cane, but was
stopped by Grandma Fang.
"Go take the meal to your grandpa." After saying that, Grandma Fang pulled Shen Yuxiu
with a cold face and walked out.
This time, she did not stand on Shen Yulin's side. At such a young age, he knew how to
trick his sister into borrowing money, which almost caused her granddaughter to get
beaten. She had to teach him a lesson.
Shen Yuxiu was pulled out of the house. Grandma Fang quickly packed Fang Youshun's lunch
box, stuffed it into her hands, and pushed her out: "I brought an extra steamed bread.
After you give it to your grandpa, eat it directly there and go to school. Don't come
back at noon."
"Oh." Shen Yuxiu agreed, picked up the lunch box and walked out, looking back every step
of the way, until she saw Grandma Fang go back into the house again. She immediately
slipped back quietly, quickly took out two steamed buns from the pot and ran out.
After running out of the yard, he quietly peeked into the yard and saw Shen Yusui looking
at him with curiosity, so he immediately waved to her quietly.
Shen Yushui didn't know what she was going to do. She looked at the house where screams
were constantly coming from and walked over with confusion in her mind.
When Shen Yusui came up to her, Shen Yuxiu immediately whispered to her: "After our
second brother gets beaten, if the family doesn't give him food, you can let him go to
our grandfather's car dealership to eat. When you say this to him, be careful not to let
our parents know."
"Oh." Shen Yusui nodded obediently.
"Be good and go back." Seeing how well behaved she was, Shen Yuxiu touched her head with
relief and left quickly.
Shen Yusui looked at Shen Yuxiu's back running as if someone was chasing him, and was
confused for a moment before turning back.
Shen Jinggui, who was in the room, beat Shen Yulin for a while, and then stopped when he
felt it was about the same.
"When you get your job, pay back your sister's money first. If you let me know that you
won't pay back, I'll beat you to death." After Shen Jinggui said that, he threw the
broomstick on the kang, then turned around and said bitterly. Said: "I see that you are
full, so don't eat this meal."
After saying the cruel words, Shen Jinggui turned around and washed his hands and went to
After eating, I have to go to work in the afternoon, so I can't let this kid delay my
Seeing this, everyone inside and outside the house immediately rushed out to eat. Shen
Yusui saw that only Shen Yulin in the room was grinning in pain, so he quickly ran over
and whispered to Shen Yulin quietly, and then hurried to eat like a thief.
Shen Yulin watched Shen Yuhui running away and no longer felt any pain in his body, which
was incredible.
Is his second sister a fortune teller? She even predicted that his own father wouldn't
let him eat, so did she predict that he would be beaten today?
His father is the same. He is already 18 years old this year, but he just comes up and
beats him up without even giving him any face.
However, thinking that the engagement had not been cancelled, Shen Yulin felt that he
still had a long way to go before he would be beaten.
The job was decided after Shen Yulin was beaten. From then on, Shen Yulin stopped working
in the fields every day and started riding Fang Youshun's tricycle to work at the county
machine repair station.
Shen Yuxiu here was also busy. Although she had gradually gotten the hang of the teaching
content, the children did not have much respect for her as a young teacher and did not
really listen to her, which was quite a headache.

Chapter 116 Partiality

Time flies, and the New Year has arrived in the blink of an eye.
At this time, Shen Yulin had already paid back all the money he owed Shen Yuxiu and the
money she borrowed. At the same time, he bought her two extra clams. Of course, he also
bought some for Fang Yan. He also bought an extra pack of cigarettes for his father and
Fang Youshun.
Seeing that Fang Yan already had clam oil, Shen Yuxiu kept one for Grandma Fang to use,
and gave the other to Shen Yushui. She also gave her a tube of hand oil and told her that
she could give it to her mother, sister-in-law and younger sister, but not to let her
eldest sister take it away, otherwise she would not buy her any more.
After the incident of Shen Yuhong taking the soap, Shen Yushui remembered her words
deeply in her mind. She never kept the clam oil at home and carried it with her every
day, for fear that it would be taken away by her elder sister again and she would really
have no use for it.
You know, this thing is really useful. With this clam oil and hand balm, her face is no
longer chapped this year, and her hands are not cracked. If these two things are taken
away by the eldest sister again, her face will be damaged. Heshou will suffer again.
Because Shen Yuxiu was nominally going to provide for Fang Youshun and his wife in their
old age, based on her salary, Shen Jinggui and Fang Yan didn't interfere, and Fang
Youshun and his wife didn't need her money, so they just let her keep it themselves. .
Also because she had money, Shen Yuxiu thought that Shen Yulin had bought cigarettes, so
she bought some wine for Fang Youshun and Shen Jinggui, and bought a piece of cloth for
Fang Yan and Grandma Fang, so that they could make new clothes this year.
Grandma Fang was really happy when she saw the fabric she bought for herself. But
although Fang Yan was also happy when she saw the fabric, what she said made Shen Yuxiu
"I'm so old that I wear the same thing. Your elder sister hasn't had new clothes made
since she got married. I'll give this cloth to you." Fang Yan said reluctantly as she
touched the cloth with curiosity.
Shen Yuxiu was smiling, but when she heard this, her smile disappeared in an instant.
"Mom, this fabric is dark in color and is not suitable for my elder sister. If you want
to give fabric to my elder sister, you can buy it for her with your own money. This is
what I bought for you." Shen Yuxiu said with a frown.
"What's yours and mine? If you give it to me, it's mine." Fang Yan flipped through the
fabric without paying attention, not noticing that Shen Yuxiu's mood was off, and she
kept chattering. "Besides, the color of this fabric is pretty good. Your sister has a
child now, she's not a little girl anymore. It's just right for coaxing a child to wear
it, and it won't get dirty easily."
Shen Yuxiu's face turned dark when she heard this. Just as she was about to say
something, she was grabbed by Grandma Fang. Turning around, she saw Grandma Fang's eyes
full of disapproval, so she could only suppress her anger.
"Okay, what I gave you is yours, you can give it to whoever you want, but mother, I have
something to tell you in advance, as long as you don't give it to my eldest sister, I
will never buy it for you again in the future." After saying that, Shen Yuxiu went back
to the inner room angrily, feeling that her head hurt from anger.
Is her mother mentally ill? Doesn't she see how the elder sister treats her younger
sister every day? She actually said in front of her that she would give the fabric to the
elder sister. Is she trying to annoy her or to annoy her?
Fang Yan was puzzled when she saw her suddenly leave in anger. She asked Grandma Fang
suspiciously, "What's wrong with this girl? Why is she still angry?"
Grandma Fang simply didn't listen to her. She rolled her eyes at her and whispered, "Are
you mentally ill? Don't you know that this girl and Yuzhen don't get along? Didn't you
just say something to provoke her?"
Fang Yan was stunned when she heard this, and looked at the cloth in her hand with some
amusement: "What's the big deal? She and Yuzhen are sisters, how can they still hold a
grudge after such a long time?"
Seeing that she didn't take it to heart at all, Grandma Fang told her about the soap
during the summer vacation, and then sternly warned her, "Use your brain. If you take
this cloth back, you can use it to make clothes for yourself. Even if you give it to the
eldest daughter and make clothes for Yusui and Yuhong, you must never give it to Yuzhen.
If you give it to Yuzhen, then the problem of the sisters not getting along will not just
be a matter of getting along."
"How can it be so serious?" Fang Yan didn't believe what Grandma Fang said.
They were all born from her womb. They are blood relatives connected by bones and
tendons. Even if there are conflicts, they will probably be forgotten after some time.
How can it be so serious?
Seeing that she still didn't realize the seriousness of the problem, Grandma Fang was so
angry that her chest hurt. She warned her more sternly: "Anyway, you have to listen to
me. If you don't want this cloth, you can return it to someone else, even throw it on the
street, but you can't give it to Yuzhen. Remember?"
"Okay, okay, I get it." Fang Yan was a little annoyed by what she said, so she picked up
the cloth and walked out.
Her mother is so naive, and she threw it on the street? Is she stupid to throw such good
fabric on the street?
Fang Yan didn't take Grandma Fang's words to heart, always feeling that Grandma Fang was
a little too cautious.
Are there no conflicts between brothers and sisters? Aren't there children fighting each
other everywhere? But after the fight, aren't brothers still brothers? Aren't sisters
still sisters? Why do we need to be so careful?
Seeing that although she didn't take her words too seriously, she still nodded, Grandma
Fang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.
It's good that she listened to it. If she didn't, she would be worried!
Shen Yuxiu sat at the desk in the inner room, listening to the conversations in the outer
room, and became more and more irritated.
It doesn’t matter. Even if her mother is partial to her, she has a grandmother who is
partial to her too. It doesn’t matter!
Shen Yuxiu said this softly to herself in her heart, trying not to be so angry, but
somehow, even after saying that, she couldn't help but let a tear fall.
Why can't you care about her feelings? Can't her mother see that Shen Yuzhen is always
making trouble? Why can't you say something fair? Why do you always ignore her feelings?
Realizing that she was crying, Shen Yuxiu quickly wiped away her tears with her sleeves.
She couldn't let her grandma see her crying, otherwise her grandma would be upset.
But even though she was thinking this, after a while, her thoughts unconsciously returned
to the original place. She thought about Fang Yan's attitude every time she had a
conflict with Shen Yuzhen, and her mood became bad again.
Shen Yulin got off work early today, which was a rare occasion. Zhao Hui had bought some
things and asked him to bring them back to Grandma Fang and Shen Yuxiu, so he rode his
tricycle directly here.
"Grandma, this is the New Year gift Zhao Hui bought for you." Shen Yulin took out the
things Zhao Hui gave to Grandma Fang, but didn't see Shen Yuxiu. He asked in confusion,
"Where's Xiaoxiu?"
"Inside the house." Grandma Fang raised her chin towards the inner room.
Seeing this, Shen Yulin walked over, pushed the door open and saw Shen Yuxiu with red
eyes and tears. He was slightly startled. Just as he was about to tease her, Shen Yuxiu
frowned and warned him in a low voice.
"Shut up."
Shen Yulin looked at her serious face, curled his lips slightly, and put a small cloth
bag in his hand on the table: "Zhao Hui gave it to you."
Shen Yuxiu sniffed lightly, opened the cloth bag and saw a piece of thick tweed cloth and
some small pieces of candy inside. She picked up a candy at random, peeled off the candy
wrapper and put the candy into her mouth.
So sweet.
Somehow, feeling the sweet taste spreading in her mouth, Shen Yuxiu's mood improved a

Chapter 117 I Want to Break Off the Engagement with You

"Come with me to make clothes." Shen Yuxiu sniffed lightly and tilted her head to ask
Shen Yulin beside her.
She felt that she couldn't stay here any longer and had to go out for a walk. Otherwise,
if she stayed stuck in the house, she would always think of bad things.
It was really rare to look at his sister with red eyes like this. Shen Yulin's heart
softened and he nodded happily.
Anyway, he has nothing to do now, so he might as well accompany her.
Seeing that he agreed, Shen Yuxiu took a deep breath and quickly put the candies in the
cloth bag into the kang cabinet. Then she picked up the cloth and pulled Shen Yulin out.
Before leaving, she was afraid that Grandma Fang would see her and become suspicious, so
she hid beside Shen Yulin and said something to Grandma Fang who was cutting cloth.
"Grandma, my second brother and I are going to make clothes."
"Okay." Grandma Fang agreed and looked up. Seeing that her figure was completely blocked
by Shen Yulin, she didn't care too much and lowered her head to continue cutting the
cloth in her hands.
Shen Yulin looked down at her sneaky appearance and was completely speechless. He started
asking as soon as he left the yard.
"Tell me, why is this?"
"It's still our mother." Shen Yuxiu sighed, and indignantly told Fang Yan how she had
bought cloth with good intentions, but Fang Yan almost got her heart attack out of anger.
Shen Yulin was completely speechless after hearing this. Seeing that she was still very
angry, he touched her head with some sympathy.
"Let's go. I'll reimburse you for the money you spent on making the clothes."
Shen Yuxiu was still angry, but she looked up when she heard that.
The second brother’s salary is almost gone, and he has been very stingy recently. Why is
he so generous today?
"What? You don't want to use me? Forget it." Shen Yulin looked at her suspicious eyes and
covered his pockets with pretended distress: "It just so happens that I don't have much
money left."
"Use it, use it. If I don't use it, wouldn't that be looking down on you? Let's go, let's
go." Shen Yuxiu said as she pulled him up and walked quickly forward.
Shen Yulin staggered when he was pulled, and hurriedly followed a few steps before he
could steady his steps. He couldn't help but feel funny when he saw Shen Yuxiu who was
pulling him in front of him.
Oh, she is so easy to coax. His second sister is much easier to coax than Zhou Qingyuan.
Thinking of Zhou Qingyuan, Shen Yulin couldn't help but look lonely.
Schools are on holiday now, but Zhou Qingyuan hasn't come back yet, and no one knows when
her school will be on holiday.
When Shen Yuxiu took Shen Yulin to the tailor shop, there were two young girls inside.
When they saw the two of them come in, the two girls subconsciously glanced at her and
Shen Yulin.
"Oh, Xiaoxiu and Yulin are here." The aunt in the tailor shop saw them and immediately
smiled at the two young girls: "What a coincidence, you two, the engaged couple, didn't
make an appointment to come here?"
What does it mean?
Shen Yuxiu was filled with question marks. She looked at the young girl opposite her,
then turned back to look at Shen Yulin.
Except for Shen Yulin, everyone else in this room is a woman. If we really talk about an
engaged couple, it can only be Shen Yulin. In other words, one of the two girls opposite
is Shen Yulin's engaged wife?
Shen Yuxiu thought of this and looked at the two people opposite her with surprise.
Both girls looked older than her and were dressed very casually. One was slightly plump,
while the other was slim. They looked slightly similar and should be sisters, but she
didn't know which one was the real one.
Shen Yulin was also stunned at this time, staring blankly at the two girls opposite him,
and for a moment he didn't know which one was his fiancée.
He had only met the girl once that year and didn't even pay attention to her, so how
could he know who was who?
While the two siblings were observing the two girls, the two girls were also looking at
them. After watching for a while, one of the slightly plump girls stepped forward and
spoke openly.
"Are you Shen Yulin?" The girl smiled slightly and introduced herself: "I'm Lin Zhiwei,
your fiancée."
Oh no…
Upon hearing this, Shen Yuxiu quietly opened her mouth and looked up and down at the girl
named Lin Zhiwei.
Although she was a little plump, she was well-proportioned, with healthy wheat-colored
skin, curved eyebrows and almond-shaped eyes. Except for her inferior dress to Zhou
Qingyuan, she was not inferior to Zhou Qingyuan in appearance.
"Hello, I'm Shen Yulin." Shen Yulin didn't expect her to talk to him suddenly, and his
heart suddenly started beating fast.
Of course, he didn't fall in love with the girl at first sight, but was excited because
he finally met the real person.
"You..." Lin Zhiwei saw that he was quite polite and was about to say something when he
was interrupted by Shen Yulin loudly.
"I want to break off the engagement with you." Shen Yulin spoke the six words extremely
loudly as if he was making a declaration, which made Shen Yuxiu's ears buzz and the two
girls opposite were stunned.
The room fell into silence instantly. After a long while, Lin Zhiwei on the opposite side
came back to her senses first. Her face was obviously not very good, but she still
clenched her palms tightly, controlling her complicated emotions and asking Shen Yulin as
calmly as possible.
"Excuse me, is there something wrong with me?"
"No, there's nothing wrong with you. I just think this marriage is inappropriate." The
person opposite was not hysterical or aggressive, which made Shen Yulin a little angry.
"Then how can I know what's wrong?" Lin Zhiwei asked again.
"This..." Shen Yulin didn't know how to answer and subconsciously looked at Shen Yuxiu.
What should I say? I can't say that he has a girl he likes. The work style issues are
being dealt with very strictly now. If I say this, he will probably be caught as an
example right away.
Shen Yuxiu looked innocent.
Why are you looking at me? You want to cancel the engagement, just tell me!!!
Shen Yulin felt a headache when he saw that she couldn't receive his signal at all.
Finally, he said to Lin Zhiwei, "I don't like this kind of marriage arranged by the
elders. They didn't tell me before the engagement. We didn't know each other before this
and didn't understand each other at all. This kind of marriage is meaningless."
Lin Zhiwei heaved a sigh of relief when she heard that. Thinking of her current
situation, she mustered up her courage and sincerely suggested, "If it's just because of
this, I think we can try to get along. If after getting along, you still feel that we are
not suitable, then we can cancel the engagement. Is that ok?"
"No, I don't want to get along with you." Shen Yulin refused immediately without
He already has someone he likes, how could he still be with her?
Lin Zhiwei didn't expect him to refuse so straightforwardly. She stood there in a daze
for a moment, and then her eyes suddenly turned red with grievance.
She thought she looked pretty good, and even if this man's eyes didn't light up when he
saw her, he should be able to change his mind after getting to know her. But she didn't
expect that he would refuse so bluntly.
Is she... really that unbearable?
"What are you talking about?" The girl next to Lin Zhiwei saw that her eyes were red, and
immediately refused to do anything. She stepped forward and punched Shen Yulin in the
chest: "You can cancel this marriage just like that? What do you think of an engagement?"
After all, Shen Yulin was in the wrong, and the one who attacked him was a girl, so he
couldn't fight back and could only dodge and retreat.
Seeing that the situation was not good, Shen Yuxiu hurriedly stepped forward to block
Shen Yulin and said to the girl with a serious face: "Just talk, don't do it."
"Hey, I hit your family, didn't I?" The girl snorted in anger, looking up and down at
Shen Yuxiu's aggressive accusations, "You still think you're right, don't you? What do
you think engagement is? Ah? You can decide if you want to, and cancel if you want to?"
Shen Yuxiu was speechless after being confronted by her, and she just felt her face
Damn it, she wasn’t the one who got engaged, and she wasn’t the one who broke off the
engagement, right?

Chapter 118 Please Beg for Mercy

It’s so unfair!
Shen Yuxiu felt that she was totally wronged.
But now she was the one in the wrong, and it was difficult for her to refute. She could
only bite the bullet and keep apologizing.
"Yes, yes, it's our fault. It's all our fault."
Shen Yuxiu's apology not only failed to calm the girl, but made her even angrier.
"It's your fault? Just say 'it's your fault' and that's it?" The girl glared at Shen
Yuxiu, spitting directly on Shen Yuxiu's face.
Shen Yulin had never seen Shen Yuxiu being so humble to others before, and it was all
because of him. He felt extremely guilty and was about to go forward to pull Shen Yuxiu
behind him, but Lin Zhiwei on the opposite side stopped him first.
"Okay, Taoer, stop talking." Lin Zhiwei said as he stepped forward and grabbed the girl
named Taoer, apologized to Shen Yuxiu, took a deep breath and looked at Shen Yulin.
"This marriage was arranged by the elders of both families. It's impossible for you to
cancel the engagement and I to agree to it. If you really want to cancel the engagement,
ask your uncle and aunt to cancel it. I will go back and explain it to the elders at
home. I won't force you to do it."
The girl's eyes were very red at the moment, probably because she felt wronged. There was
a mist in her eyes and her voice was choked as if she was about to cry. Shen Yulin felt
even more guilty and he couldn't say no.
Seeing that he didn't say anything else, Lin Zhiwei assumed that he agreed, reached out
and took the girl named Taoer and left.
Shen Yulin was standing at the door at this time. When he saw her coming, he
subconsciously took a step back and made way for her.
Lin Zhiwei watched him take a step back, lowered her head, and walked faster, tears
already filling her eyes.
Shen Yuxiu looked at her fleeing back and felt a tightness in her chest. She could not
help but glare at Shen Yulin with gritted teeth.
It's all your fault. You made a good girl like this.
Shen Yulin's scalp tingled when he was stared at. He tried to force a smile, but he
couldn't move any muscles on his face.
Damn, I feel so guilty.
At this moment, he felt like a bully who had bullied a decent girl. His crime was
The auntie in the tailor shop watched the two little girls run away in grievance, while
the two stood there staring at each other, so embarrassed that they didn't know what to
She never thought that she just wanted to tease the engaged couple, but the marriage
would be called off soon. Was she doing something good with ulterior motives?
After a long while, the tailor swallowed hard and asked them carefully, "Are you two
going to make clothes?"
Shen Yuxiu was called back to her senses. She silently cursed Shen Yulin as "bastard" and
walked towards the aunt with the cloth in her hand.
"Well, please make it a little looser this time. I want to wear a cotton jacket."
"Okay..." the auntie in the tailor shop agreed, picked up a ruler and started measuring
her size.
When Shen Yuxiu took the measurements and asked Shen Yulin to pay, he didn't even blink.
After looking for a job and what happened just now, he realized that although this sister
was sometimes a little sharp-tongued and unforgiving, she would really help him when he
had something to do.
Just for this reason, he was willing to spend any amount of money on her.
Shen Yuxiu didn't know what was going on in Shen Yulin's heart at this moment. She was
just thinking about how to explain this matter when she went back today.
If his second brother goes back, he will be beaten again, right?
Of course, Shen Yulin also thought about this problem. When he got home, he took out all
his cotton-padded jackets and trousers and put them on. Then after dinner, he took a deep
breath, plucked up the courage, and walked up to Shen Jinggui.
"Dad, I met the girl you engaged me to today. I have already told her to break off the
engagement. She said that you and mother can just break off the engagement. She will not
rely on our family to let her go."
Shen Jinggui had just finished eating and was about to take a rest. Suddenly he was
stunned when he heard these words. When he finally realized what he was talking about,
his face suddenly sank and he stared at Shen Yulin quietly. He was so motionless that he
looked like he was about to kill someone.
Over the years, Shen Yulin had not been beaten before, but he had never seen him like
this. He originally wanted to run away when the situation was bad, but he couldn't lift
it up.
He had expected that this incident would definitely not be avoided by running away.
"Take off your cotton-padded jacket and trousers for me, and kneel down." After a long
time, Shen Jinggui finally spoke, but the way he gritted his teeth made Shen Yulin's hair
stand on end.
He put on these cotton-padded jackets and trousers specifically to resist beatings. If he
took them off, they wouldn't be in vain.
"His father, you, don't..." Fang Yan was a little frightened when she saw him like this,
and stepped forward to stop him, but Shen Jinggui raised his hand to stop him.
"This kid has made up his mind to break off the engagement. We have to give him an
explanation." Shen Jinggui said expressionlessly and pointed to the door, "Go out and
close the door."
Fang Yan had been with Shen Jinggui for many years, so how could she not know that he was
really angry and that she could not persuade him at all? She could only turn to Shen
Yulin and said, "Yulin, please apologize to your father. Just say you won’t break off
the engagement, good boy, don’t be stubborn with your father.”
However, when Shen Yulin heard Shen Jinggui's words, he felt that he finally had hope of
breaking off the engagement, and Fang Yan could not persuade her with just one sentence.
She immediately comforted Fang Yan and smiled, "Mom, please go out. fine. "
After saying that, Shen Yulin took off his cotton-padded jacket and trousers without
saying a word. He threw himself on the ground and knelt down in his autumn clothes and
Seeing him like this, Fang Yan almost couldn't hold back her breath.
This kid doesn't know what his father is like when he's ruthless. Isn't this stubborn
look looking for trouble?
Seeing that she couldn't persuade him, Fang Yan turned to look at Shen Jinggui and said,
"Please spare him, okay? I'll go and make amends with you."
But Shen Jinggui seemed not to hear her words. Seeing Shen Yulin kneeling there
obediently, he turned around and went to the stove to pick up a handful of thin cotton
locust slivers.
When Fang Yan saw it, she immediately wanted to grab it, but Shen Jinggui raised her hand
and dodged it.
"I'm teaching you a lesson, you'd better keep quiet." Shen Jinggui finished speaking in a
deep voice. He swung the cotton locust sliver in his hand and immediately landed on Shen
Yulin's back with the sound of wind.
With a crisp sound, Fang Yan was immediately startled and trembled, and Shen Yulin also
groaned from the pain. She instantly felt a heartbreaking pain in her back, and cold
sweat broke out all of a sudden, but the pain had not yet waited. As they receded, the
successive cotton locust slivers fell again like raindrops.
Fang Yan was so distressed that she burst into tears. She wanted to pull Shen Jinggui but
didn't dare, so she could only half-crouch in front of Shen Yulin and anxiously persuaded
him: "Good boy, please beg for mercy. Don't beg for mercy." Your father will beat you to
However, Shen Yulin didn't listen to her at all. He just gritted his teeth and endured
the cotton locust slivers falling continuously from his back without making a sound.
beg for mercy? impossible.
He finally had hope of breaking off the engagement, and he said he would not ask for
mercy at all.
Fang Yan looked at him, and then at Shen Jinggui, who had a fierce look on his face. She
simply didn't know what to do. Shen Yulin didn't know how many times she was slapped by
Shen Jinggui, and finally couldn't bear it anymore and fell down. When she reached the
ground, she saw blood on Shen Yulin's back.
Fang Yan was stunned for a moment, her distressed eyes suddenly turned red. She gritted
her teeth for the last time, closed her eyes, and threw herself at Shen Yulin, trying to
block the cotton locust sliver from him.

Chapter 119 Is this a strange kid?

Shen Jinggui didn't expect that she would be like this, and the cotton locust sliver in
his hand almost hit her.
"Get out of the way."
Shen Jinggui quickly put away the Mianhuai note, feeling a little irritated.
How could Fang Yan dare to move away? She shook her head and cried, "His father, please
spare him. If you beat him again, he will be killed."
"Without the Lin family, he would have died when he was three years old." Shen Jinggui
stared at Shen Yulin's back and said with a heavy gaze.
Fang Yan burst into tears when she heard this.
Of course she knew this, but the child was still young at that time and didn't understand
anything. She didn't explain it clearly to the child when they got engaged. I really
can't blame the child!
Shen Jinggui felt a little soft because of her crying. Looking at the blood seeping from
Shen Yulin's back, he tightened and loosened the cotton strips in his hands, and finally
gave Shen Yulin another chance.
"I ask again, do you still want to break off the engagement?"
Shen Yulin, who was lying on the ground, was listening to the conversation between the
two and felt that there was something else going on behind the scenes. But before he
could continue to think about it, he heard Shen Jinggui's words and immediately shouted
out a word in response.
If he didn't retreat, wouldn't the beating just now be in vain?
After Shen Yulin finished speaking, Shen Jinggui looked at Fang Yan: "Did you hear that?"
After saying that, the cotton locust sliver in his hand fell towards Shen Yulin again,
Fang Yan bravely rushed to protect Shen Yulin, but she protected Shen Yulin's back, Shen
Jinggui slapped Shen Yulin's legs, she protected Shen Yulin's legs, Shen Jinggui slapped
Shen Yulin's back, and so on alternately , Shen Yulin, who originally only had an injury
on his back, suddenly started to feel pain all over his body, and was in excruciating
Fang Yan saw that the more she protected, the more injured Shen Yulin was. She didn't
know what to do and didn't dare to stop, for fear of making Shen Yulin's troubles worse.
In another room, Song Huilai was holding the child in his arms, not even daring to say a
word. Shen Yuwen heard the noise in the room at the door, but was too anxious to go
forward and start a fight.
You know, he has been beaten since he was a child. As for Shen Jinggui's explosive
temper, he has no way to deal with it.
But no matter what, he really couldn't bear it, so he could only quietly leave the yard
and go straight to Fang's house.
Fang Youshun and his wife had already eaten and gone to bed to rest when they suddenly
heard someone calling at the gate. Puzzled, they lit the light again, put on their
clothes and walked out.
Shen Yuxiu, who was in the inner room, vaguely heard that it was Shen Yuwen knocking on
the door outside. She immediately thought of what happened in the tailor shop today and
hurriedly started to put on her clothes.
I hope something didn’t happen to his second brother?
When she got dressed and followed him out of the house, she heard Shen Yuwen anxiously
saying to Fang Youshun, "Grandpa, please go and take a look. If you don't go, Yulin will
be beaten to death by my father."
When Shen Yuxiu heard this from behind, she immediately ran towards the Shen family's
Fang Youshun, who was watching from behind, cried out in surprise, and hurried back to
the house to tell Grandma Fang, then picked up the glass oil lamp and chased after him.
The house was suddenly plunged into darkness.
Fortunately, Grandma Fang had already put on her clothes, and upon hearing this, she
hurriedly followed behind.
Shen Yuxiu ran to Shen's house with one foot deep and one foot shallow. When she saw the
blood streaks on Shen Yulin's back, her eyes widened in shock. Seeing Shen Jinggui
shaking the cotton locust sliver in his hand to slap him, Without saying a word, he
jumped onto Shen Jinggui's back.
Shen Yuxiu grabbed Shen Jinggui's back with both hands and begged Shen Yulin for mercy
again and again: "Dad, Dad, we have to talk to each other carefully. Stop fighting. My
brother is bleeding."
She knew she couldn't stop Shen Jinggui, so she just started cheating.
Shen Jinggui didn't expect that she would suddenly jump on his back. He accidentally
stumbled forward a few steps and almost fell. When he heard that it was Shen Yuxiu's
voice, his old face suddenly became stern. stand up.
"Get off here, what are you talking about?" Shen Jinggui's old face turned red, and he
slapped her legs around his waist with his big hands while scolding her mercilessly.
He is a man, and he has a deep-rooted concept in his heart that boys are in charge of
their fathers, and girls are in charge of their mothers.
Therefore, when the girls in the family were young, he would hug and talk to them, but
when they got older, they would not be in close contact or close to each other, and he
would only act like a strict father every day. Now that his daughter was suddenly
climbing on his back, besides scolding her, he didn't know what to do with her for a
"Dad, daddy, calm down, let's talk nicely?" Shen Yuxiu did not come down, but because it
was very difficult to lie on his back, she even went online, which only made Shen Jinggui
extremely angry.
"Come down, you damn girl, are you going to go crazy?" Shen Jinggui said and went to pull
her hand that was hanging on his neck. However, Shen Yuxiu was afraid of being pulled
down, so she used more force. As a result, she accidentally used too much force. She
pressed down on his throat, choking Shen Jinggui until he almost couldn't breathe.
This was what Fang Youshun saw as soon as he entered the room, and he quickly stepped
forward to rescue Shen Jinggui.
"Come down, come down, what are you talking about?"
As soon as Shen Yuxiu saw Fang Youshun coming in, she immediately breathed a sigh of
relief and quickly slipped off Shen Jinggui's back to see Shen Yulin. However, as soon as
she walked in front of Shen Yulin, she gasped.
At this time, I saw that the clothes on Shen Yulin's back were torn, and blood was
faintly seeping through the fabric.
Digging grass is so miserable.
Of course Fang Youshun also saw Shen Yulin's miserable state. Even though he had been on
the battlefield and seen blood, he shuddered.
Seeing the child he almost raised being beaten like this, Fang Youshun became a little
angry. Da Ma Jin Dao pinched his waist with both hands and looked at Shen Jinggui, "Tell
me, why are you beating him?"
This is his son, not an enemy. Although this child has a wild temper, he will never do
anything harmful to the world. He wants to see why this son-in-law is so cruel.
Ever since Fang Youshun was picked up, Shen Jinggui had never seen his cold face. He felt
a little guilty when he was asked, but he still told the story exactly as it was.
It turns out that before the founding of the People's Republic of China, there used to be
many bandits on this land who robbed homes and made a living. Although those people
disappeared after the founding of the People's Republic of China, there are still a few
who secretly do the same things as before. At that time, they were only three years old.
Shen Yulin suddenly disappeared one day. It wasn't until someone sent a letter that they
knew he had been kidnapped.
At that time, he was young and energetic, and of course he did not submit to those
bandits. He immediately called the police and took people to destroy the bandit's lair.
However, those bandits were also ruthless. When they saw him bringing people, they
immediately wanted to kill him. Fortunately, there was a policeman at that time who was
quick-eyed and quick-handed and risked his life to rescue Shen Yulin from the bandits.
Otherwise, Shen Yulin would have died long ago. The person who saved Shen Yulin was the
father of the girl who is now engaged to Shen Yulin.
Back then, in order to thank the man for saving his life, he brought a valuable gift, but
the man refused to accept it. He had no choice but to see that the man had a cute girl in
the family, so he proposed that they could become relatives, but the girl's father still
It turned out that many years had passed since this incident, and the girl's father had
been promoted and transferred away from here long ago because of his heroic deeds.
Unexpectedly, someone from the Lin family suddenly came two years ago, talking about what
happened back then, and asking questions. He still wants to get married. If he is still
willing, he can let the two children meet and decide if it is suitable.
At that time, Shen Jinggui wanted to repay his kindness, so he nodded without saying a
word, and took Shen Yulin directly to the door to recognize the bride. However, at that
time, he also had selfish motives, fearing that Shen Yulin would reject the matter, so he
did not After making it clear to Shen Yulin and getting engaged, Shen Yulin was jumping
up and down to break off the engagement. Until today, Shen Yulin met this girl and told
her to break off the engagement.
After hearing the whole story, Fang Youshun simply didn't know what to say to Shen
Is this a strange child? Is this a strange child? Is this a strange child?

Chapter 120 Showing Weakness

Shen Yulin was listening with a lot of questions in his mind.
Did that happen when we were kids? How come he doesn't know?
Thinking of this, Shen Yulin asked curiously: "Why didn't I know I was kidnapped?"
"After you came back, you kept having a high fever." Fang Yan explained to him
distressedly, "Later, after you had injections and medication, and asked your grandmother
to scare you several times, you barely got better. Your grandmother said you were too
frightened, and she was afraid that mentioning this would scare you again, so she didn't
let us talk about it in front of you again. Later, when you woke up, you seemed to have
forgotten that you had been kidnapped, so we never mentioned it again."
Shen Yulin was confused when he heard this.
Digging grass, there is actually such a thing?
After hearing this, Fang Youshun rubbed his forehead and turned to ask Shen Yulin.
"What about now? Now that you know about this, do you still want to cancel the
Shen Yulin was stunned for a moment when he was asked, and after thinking seriously for a
long time, he still looked up with a firm look on his face.
"Retreat." Shen Yulin saw that as soon as he said this word, Shen Jinggui's expression
changed again, and he quickly added: "There are many ways to repay your kindness. I can
repay this kindness in other ways, but marriage is not an option."
The cotton locust sliver in Shen Jinggui's hand was about to rise again, but Fang Youshun
quickly stopped him.
"You can't blame the child for this." Fang Youshun frowned and said with a look of
disapproval: "When you first got engaged, you should have asked the child if he had any
other ideas. Now, you are half responsible for this. You know how to beat him when you
come up, is he unjust?"
Shen Yulin kept nodding his head.
Yes, yes, he was really wronged.
When Shen Jinggui looked at Shen Yulin like that, he felt the veins on his forehead
throbbing and his brain hurting.
He was also thinking about the child at the beginning. He was afraid that the two of them
could see eye to eye, but because of a life-saving grace, the child would feel rebellious
again, so he didn't say anything. How could he have imagined that it would become like
"Dad, what do you think we should do?" Shen Jinggui had no choice but to ask Fang
"Didn't the girl say she's fine? Then just back off." Fang Youshun frowned and said,
"Yulin has been making trouble since we got engaged. It's been a few years. Look at him
like this now, even if you force him to He got married, but he had a grudge in his heart.
How can he live happily with other girls? Are you repaying your kindness? "
Shen Jinggui choked when he heard this.
He was a man who wanted to repay his kindness, so he thought that as long as he let Yulin
marry the girl, Yulin would treat her well, but he never thought about whether the two
couples would be together in the future.
Suddenly, he realized that he seemed to have done something wrong.
"Okay, I'll take him back first, and you should think carefully about whether this is the
case." Fang Youshun said, picking up Shen Yulin and leaving.
Of course, Shen Yulin didn't want to stay here and get whipped anymore. When Fang Youshun
pulled him, he immediately stood up with a grin on his face.
Upon seeing this, Grandma Fang quickly picked up the cotton-padded jacket and trousers
and put it on for him. Shen Yuxiu also hurriedly helped him with a wink.
After a few people left, Shen Jinggui slowly walked back to the kang and sat down, his
face full of frustration.
Is this really his fault?
Returning to Fang's house, Grandma Fang asked Shen Yulin to take off his cotton-padded
jacket and autumn clothes as soon as he entered the house. When she saw the injury on his
back, she couldn't help but tremble with distress: "Damn it, he really did it. Go ahead!"
After hearing this, Shen Yuxiu immediately stepped forward and took a look, and couldn't
help but take a breath.
Originally, through the autumn clothes, she could only see blood oozing from Shen Yulin's
back. But now, it was unbearable to look at. Not to mention the broken skin and bleeding,
there were deep and shallow scratches all over his back, which were so dense that his
entire back was swollen.
"How about I go call a barefoot doctor?" Shen Yuxiu suggested with a hissing breath, as
if she was the one who was injured.
"Don't do it yet. Let's see what your father says tomorrow." Fang Youshun refused
directly. "If your father plans to take him to break off the engagement, he can win some
sympathy by looking miserable. Maybe he won't be too angry."
When Shen Yulin heard this, he agreed and quickly shook his head to reject Shen Yuxiu's
"No need to call a doctor, I can hold on."
In order to successfully break off the engagement, he took the risk.
Shen Yuxiu looked at his determined look and didn't know what to say. She sighed and went
back to the house to sleep.
In the dead of night, Shen Yuxiu suddenly had a dream. In the dream, Shen Jinggui found
out about her and Zhao Hui's affairs, and was so angry that he swung the cotton locust
stick at her, and suddenly woke up with a fright.
After waking up, Shen Yuxiu felt her heart pounding and about to jump out of her throat,
and her whole body became energetic.
If her father knew about her affair with Zhao Hui, would he really whip her like in the
dream? Can her small body hold up?
Thinking of Shen Yulin's oozing, red and swollen back, Shen Yuxiu shuddered
Damn, it’s so scary.
Shen Yuxiu was so afraid that she covered her head with the quilt, but maybe it was not
her turn. After thinking about it for a while, she fell asleep carelessly.
Shen Jinggui couldn't sleep all night, but finally agreed with Fang Youshun's words.
Shen Yulin resisted this marriage so much. It is estimated that even if he married
someone into the family, it would not be repayment of gratitude, but revenge. Then the
marriage would have to be cancelled. He could not treat his benefactor's children like
So, the next day, Shen Jinggui had a boring breakfast, went to the consignment department
of the brigade, picked up valuable things and bought some gifts, called Shen Yulin and
went to the Lin family.
When the Lin family saw Shen Jinggui and his son coming over carrying things, they
thought it was Shen Jinggui and his son who came to greet them as a New Year gift. They
were all very happy. However, when Shen Jinggui told them his intention, the Shen family
The men were stunned for a moment, and then became furious.
"Shen Jinggui, are you kidding me?"
When Shen Yulin saw that he was angry, he quickly took off his cotton-padded jacket and
autumn clothes without waiting for Shen Jinggui to speak, and then knelt on the ground.
"Uncle, it's all my fault. My father didn't let me break off the engagement in the first
place. He beat me all night because of this. If you are angry, please beat me too, or you
can beat me to death. I have no complaints, as long as you don't blame my father." This
was the idea and rhetoric that Shen Yulin came up with after thinking about it all night.
Showing weakness, now he can only show weakness.
He had no choice but to worry that Shen Jinggui would lose face and not want to break off
the engagement after being persuaded by others. This was absolutely not possible. He
couldn't receive this beating in vain, even if he received another beating, he was not
afraid of being bitten by lice anyway.
Shen Jinggui felt an indescribable feeling in his heart when he looked at his son, who
never bowed his head in front of him or said a soft word, being so humble to an outsider.
Uncle Lin, who was about to get angry, was stunned when Shen Yulin knelt down, but when
he saw his back, he was speechless for a moment.
After a night, Shen Yulin's back was no longer red and swollen, but bruised. The criss-
crossing marks and the blood scabs that were still oozing with blood were simply
Lin Zhiwei, who heard the noise in the next room and came over, happened to hear what he
said and saw the wound on his back. There was indescribable shock and loss in his eyes.
Would he rather die than break off the engagement?

Chapter 121 Have you found a husband?

Uncle Lin saw Lin Zhiwei coming and wanted to talk to her about this, but he didn't know
how to say it.
After all, the other party is determined to cancel the engagement, so where can the girl
put her face?
However, Lin Zhiwei only glanced at Shen Yulin's frightening back, and said directly to
Uncle Lin: "Uncle, cancel the marriage. I told him yesterday that I don't rely on him."
"Ah?" Uncle Lin was shocked. "Yesterday? You saw him?"
Why didn't anyone tell him about this?
"Yeah." Lin Zhiwei nodded, "He said he wanted to cancel the engagement, so I asked him to
bring Uncle Shen here. Uncle, cancel it."
"No, what will you do if the marriage is cancelled?" Uncle Lin suddenly became anxious,
"What about the Yang family..."
"Uncle, that's our family's business. It has nothing to do with them." Lin Zhiwei didn't
want Shen Yulin to know about her family's affairs, so she just said to Uncle Lin,
"Cancel the engagement. I agree."
Her current situation is indeed not very good, but she also has her self-esteem. This man
obviously looks down on her, so no matter what the reason, she will not rely on him
She is not that shameless.
Uncle Lin just felt a huge headache. Now his younger brother and his wife were both on
the farm, and his two married nephews were not doing well in the city. That's why he sent
his niece to her, one to avoid disaster and the other to let her take care of her. Who
would have thought that the niece would be favored by the fifth son of the Yang family as
soon as she arrived.
You have to know that the fifth son of the Yang family is not a good guy. Ever since he
knew that his third brother and his wife were demoted to the farm, he threatened to marry
Lin Zhiwei. You have to know that the Yang family is a wealthy family in this village,
but his Lin family now has only two brothers. The family is not big, so it is naturally
easy to be bullied. That's why he found the Shen family, which has many brothers, and
decided on this marriage.
But who would have thought that the kid from the Shen family would cause such a scene at
this critical moment. Isn't this pushing his niece into the fire pit?
However, just when he was still thinking about how to refuse the cancellation of the
engagement, he saw Lin Zhiwei had already brought out the engagement gift from the Shen
family and directly handed it to Shen Yulin who was kneeling on the ground.
"Okay, I'm canceling this engagement, and we will have nothing to do with each other from
now on."
After Lin Zhiwei said that, she went back to the house directly. Even Uncle Lin didn't
have time to stop her, and he was so angry that he lost his good looks towards Shen
"The marriage has been called off, why are you still standing in my house? Let's go,
let's go." Uncle Lin said and started to chase Shen Jinggui away.
Seeing this, Shen Jinggui couldn't stay here any longer, so he kicked Shen Yulin on the
ground to signal that it was time for him to leave.
Shen Yulin was also very clever. After being kicked, he quickly put on his cotton-padded
jacket, hugged his things, and followed Shen Jinggui.
But for some reason, before leaving, he glanced at Lin Zhiwei's room subconsciously,
feeling a little sorry for her.
But there is no way, he already has someone he likes, and there is no way he will marry
her against his will.
After breaking off the engagement, Shen Yulin felt more relaxed than ever before.
However, it was a pity that Shen Jinggui kicked him off to work as soon as he returned
home, without even giving him any time to recover from his injuries.
Fortunately, the machine repair station, which was closed in recent years, was not very
busy. The injuries on his back were basically not a problem as long as he did not use a
lot of force. He just went to the infirmary of the brigade to be disinfected and given
some medicine, and went directly to work.
And for more than half a year, he has already found out where Zhou Qingyuan's home is.
Now that the university is on vacation, he can't wait to see Zhou Qingyuan as soon as
possible and tell her the good news.
Shen Yulin went to work energetically every day, and walked to Zhou Qingyuan's house
every day. It wasn't until the twenty-sixth that he finally saw the shadow of Zhou
As soon as Shen Yulin saw Zhou Qingyuan appearing in the Zhou family's yard, he whistled
at the door. Seeing Zhou Qingyuan look over at the sound, he immediately waved happily.
Zhou Qingyuan was also very happy to see him. She looked around and saw that no one was
paying attention to this side, so she immediately ran out of the yard and pulled Shen
Yulin away.
Only when they reached a corner where no one was around did Zhou Qingyuan let go of his
hand and asked him with a smile, "How did you know I was back?"
"I didn't know you were back. I just passed by here today and took a look. I didn't
expect to see you." Shen Yulin didn't dare to say that he came here every day, and
quickly changed the subject. "Where are you studying in college? I don't even know."
"I'm in J Province. You know how many trains I have to change to get back. It's simply
amazing." Zhou Qingyuan became excited and lively as soon as she talked about going to
Shen Yulin just looked at her quietly, and felt that she had become more beautiful after
not seeing her for half a year.
Zhou Qingyuan talked a lot, starting with her dissatisfaction with her father for getting
her a university recommendation without telling her, and went on to talk about her weird
roommates and classmates at school, the difficulties she encountered in her studies, and
so on.
Shen Yulin just listened quietly. This was a world he had never seen before. If he had
the opportunity at home, he would also like to go out and see it.
The outside world described by Zhou Qingyuan was so novel that Shen Yulin forgot to talk
about his own affairs. He did not come to his senses until he heard someone calling Zhou
Qingyuan's name.
"My brother called me. Let's talk later." Zhou Qingyuan said, waved to him, and hurried
Shen Yulin didn't expect that she would leave just after they met, so he quickly said
loudly: "I'm working at the machine repair station now."
Upon hearing this, Zhou Qingyuan turned around, smiled and waved to him, indicating that
she understood.
Shen Yulin smiled even brighter when he saw this. It was not until her shadow disappeared
that he suddenly realized that he had not told Zhou Qingyuan that he had broken off the
However, it doesn't matter, now that Zhou Qingyuan is back, it will be the same if we see
him again in the future.
However, what Shen Yulin didn't expect was that it was the New Year's Eve and Zhou
Qingyuan had no time to help his parents clean and prepare New Year's goods at home every
day. It was hard to celebrate the New Year, either Shen Yulin was visiting with Shen
Jinggui every day to entertain relatives, or Zhou Qingyuan was visiting with her parents
to entertain relatives, and they still barely got to spend time alone together.
And while people were busy celebrating the New Year, on the eighth day of the Lunar New
Year, the old men of the Shen family came again with their children.
When there were more men and women, they had to queue up to go to the latrine. Just when
Shen Jinggui and several cousins from the other side were lining up to go to the latrine,
they suddenly heard a cousin next to him asking about Shen Yuxiu's marriage.
"Hey? Jinggui, I heard that your second daughter is a high school student. Has she found
her husband's family now?"
"Not yet, that girl is only eighteen years old this year, so there's no rush." Shen
Jinggui said with a smile.
In the past two years, Shen Yulin had been making trouble every day, and he didn't even
care about Shen Yuxiu.
"Hey, that's not what I said. Of course it's better to settle down if you have a good
young man." The man continued, "I have a good family here. He is from the fourth sister's
in-laws' village. That boy is also a high school student. There are three brothers in the
family. He is the eldest, and his father is an official in Jiang Province. The boy's
mother has made a rumor, saying that his daughter-in-law needs a high school diploma and
will go to Jiang Province as soon as she gets married. His father will find jobs for his
son and daughter-in-law there. The only bad thing is that the boy's biological father and
his mother are divorced. When he comes to Jiang Province, he will face his stepmother.
What do you think? If you think it's ok, I'll ask my fourth sister to lead the way. ?”

Chapter 122 Never marry far away

Um? Is there such a good thing?
Shen Jinggui suddenly became energetic after hearing this, but thinking about Shen Yuxiu
and Shen Yulin's similar temperaments, and thinking about the brat's troubles in the past
few years after he made his own decision to engage Shen Yulin, he didn't dare to agree
all of a sudden, and even more Besides, Shen Yuxiu was still responsible for providing
for Fang Youshun and his wife in their old age, so she laughed and patted the man on the
"Good brother, please wait for me for a while. I will go back to discuss it with my
family and give you the answer later."
After saying that, Shen Jinggui turned around and called Fang Yan and Shen Yuxiu and went
straight to Fang's house.
Although this was a good opportunity and he wanted to seize it quickly, he still had to
look at the opinions of Shen Yuxiu and the two old men.
You know, his father-in-law and mother-in-law doted on Shen Yuxiu very much. They always
asked that girl for her opinion on everything. So even though he was Shen Yuxiu's father,
in fact he really couldn't be the master of this daughter. .
"Dad, Mom, there is something great..."
Shen Yuxiu was dragged home in confusion, and heard Shen Jinggui chatting endlessly with
Fang Youshun, leaving her dumbfounded.
What? Want to kiss her?
That man's father is still an official in Jiang Province?
Can she still be given a job in the past?
This is not okay, this is absolutely not okay?
Shen Yuxiu's head immediately shook like a rattle.
After Fang Youshun and Grandma Fang listened, before they could be happy, they saw Shen
Yuxiu's movements and couldn't help but asked in confusion: "What? You don't want to?"
"I don't want to." Shen Yuxiu refused almost immediately, "Jiang Province is too far away
from us. I don't want to go. Why do I have to support my grandma and grandpa in old age?"
"What's the point? Just leave it to your parents." Before Shen Jinggui could say
anything, Fang Yan took care of the matter.
The daughter's future is more important, it's just about providing for her old age, and
it's not like she can't do it.
"That's not okay. I don't like people who are officials. In a family like ours, why
should I be looked down upon even if I get married?" Shen Yuxiu still shook her head.
Of course, none of the reasons she gave were real reasons.
The real reason is that if she has Zhao back, no matter how good the conditions of that
person are, she will not consider him.
"Then you have to think too much. As long as that young man falls in love with you, you
two will go to Jiang Province to get married. His mother will not follow you here, and
your stepmother over there can't control you and can't stand the bullying." Shen Jinggui
continued to persuade.
Really, he hopes that his daughter will marry a good family and enjoy happiness.
"That won't work. Anyway, I won't go to such a far place. It would be great if I married
a local. Then I want to go back to my parents' home. Jiang Province is so far away. How
long will it take for me to come back? I don't want to, but I can't do it anyway. ." Shen
Yuxiu still shook his head, wishing he could say three things in one sentence.
Shen Jinggui was stunned when he heard this, and then began to think about it seriously.
The child's concerns are also a problem. Jiang Province is too far away from here, and it
takes several days to go back and forth. Once the child goes to Jiang Province, it will
not be so convenient to go home. Furthermore, if the child was really being bullied over
there, he would have no time to go over and support the child.
Otherwise... forget it?
Fang Yan also fell silent after hearing this.
She had experienced Shen Yuxiu's concerns firsthand.
Although this man has indeed treated her well since she married Shen Jinggui, if her
natal family were from the local area and had one or two brothers to support her, Fourth
Aunt Shen would not have dared to bully her so blatantly, so she said , although this
marriage is good, but from this aspect, there are still some disadvantages.
Fang Youshun saw that Shen Jinggui and his wife were both silent, and turned to look at
Shen Yuxiu seriously, "You have to think about this clearly. It's easy to get married to
someone with such conditions. Once you miss it, you can't. There is no regret pill to
"I think very clearly, grandpa, I will not marry far away, and I will never marry far
away." Shen Yuxiu refused firmly.
Not to mention that she already has Zhao Hui, even without Zhao Hui, she still has to
provide for two old people. If she marries a man with such good conditions, who knows
whether he will be willing to provide for her grandma and grandpa? She didn't want to
leave her grandma and grandpa behind.
In this way, under Shen Yuxiu's repeated rejection, Shen Jinggui was finally overjoyed.
When he went back to talk to his cousin, anyone could see the regret on the man's face.
Although the young man's conditions were good, it was true that he would move away after
getting married. It was understandable that Shen Jinggui was reluctant to let his
daughter marry so far away.
So, except for a few cousins who were talking to Shen Jinggui at the time, the incident
passed quietly without even making a sound.
At this time, Shen Yuling was secretly observing the aunts of the second grandfather's
family on the other side, while elegantly knocking the sunflower seeds grown by Grandma
Shen herself.
She remembered very clearly that it was this year that the aunt from the second
grandfather's house on the other side told Shen Yuxiu how to marry her. However, she had
already fallen into Chen Guangzhi's sweet words at that time. Except that she generally
remembered that it was at the beginning of spring, she didn't remember anything else at
all. Know.
But considering the time, it should be soon.
Shen Yulin listened to everyone talking and laughing from time to time, her heart full of
anticipation for what was about to happen, and she didn't notice the strange looks the
women in the room gave her occasionally.
I saw that when Shen Yuling cracked sunflower seeds, she would slowly pick up a sunflower
seed with two fingers, then put it between her slightly opened lips and teeth and gently
bite it, then take out the cracked sunflower seed, peel off the shell, take out the
sunflower seed from inside, put it in her mouth, chew it slowly, and then move on to the
next one.
The people in the room were all ordinary people. Especially after eating from the same
big pot in previous years, when they ate, they would gobble up everything in sight, but
their speed would definitely not be this slow.
Shen Yuling might think that her action was elegant, but to these women it was just
pretentious. They even felt uncomfortable and wished they could help her crack the
sunflower seeds in her hand.
But they were guests after all, so they couldn't say anything no matter how uncomfortable
they felt. Moreover, whenever someone accidentally dropped sunflower seeds or cooked
peanuts on the ground and picked them up to continue eating, Shen Yuling would frown in
disdain, just like the young ladies of the past who looked down on their poor relatives
from the countryside.
It's already like this, who would have the time to say anything to her?
They didn't know what was wrong with Shen Yulin, they just felt that everything she did
was weird and she was completely different from them.
Shen Yuling had a clear idea of what these people were thinking. She only knew that the
man's father was an official, so she naturally could not marry a woman who was not
presentable and had rude manners. She had to demonstrate her good manners so that these
people would remember her kindness when they returned, and they would also say a few good
words for her when they acted as matchmakers.
At the very least, she had to let these people know that her diploma was up to standard
and her words and actions were worthy of that man.

Chapter 123 The development is wrong

This year's gathering of the old men of the Shen family passed quickly and lively.
Because Shen Yuling has expectations in her heart, Shen Yuling has become less concerned
about Fourth Aunt Shen asking her to work every day this year. She lives happily every
day. Although she is still procrastinating at work, she finally no longer has to work
with her. They were fighting against each other at home, which made Shen Laosi, his wife
and the children at home look puzzled.
But as time went by, the first month passed, and the fourth aunt who was the matchmaker
at the second grandfather’s house did not come.
February has passed, and the fourth aunt still hasn't come.
March, April, May and June passed, but the fourth aunt still didn't come.
Shen Yuling's originally calm mentality became anxious again.
impossible! !
She remembered it very clearly. Shen Yuxiu got engaged before the wheat harvest this
year. On her 18th birthday the following year, she got married and followed the man away.
How come the wheat harvest was over, but the fourth aunt hadn't come to propose marriage
No, this development is wrong!!
Shen Yuling was so irritable that she couldn't even eat peacefully. Her heart was
pounding and she always felt that something was wrong.
Don't wait quietly for so many years, only to wait in vain?
No, there must not be any accidents. She can't just sit there and wait for death. She has
to check whether Shen Yuxiu has been engaged without her knowing.
As she thought about it, Shen Yulin's eyes became cold. After dinner that day, she and
her family walked out of the yard and disappeared after a while.
Fourth Aunt Shen has long been accustomed to Shen Yuling's occasional laziness and
disappearance in the past two years, so it was not too surprising that she did not see
her when picking up the tools. After picking up the tools, she took the older daughters
of the family to the ground together.
That girl can go wherever she likes. Anyway, if you don't work, you won't even think
about eating.
When Shen Yuxiu walked out of school to go home at noon that day, she always felt
something furry on her back. But she looked back several times and didn't see anything
wrong behind her, so she couldn't help but touch her head in confusion.
You don't feel any discomfort today? Why does it feel like something is wrong?
Until Shen Yuxiu walked to a quiet path with full of doubts, she suddenly heard someone
calling her from behind.
"Shen Yuxiu."
Shen Yuxiu's scalp exploded when she was called. She turned around suddenly and saw Shen
Yuling appearing behind her.
"Have you been following me?" Shen Yuxiu asked with a frown.
Of course she followed, otherwise it could have been a ghost?
Shen Yuling curled her lips and did not answer her question. Seeing that there was no one
around, she hurried towards Shen Yuxiu.
She had been asking around in the village for the whole morning, but no one in the
village had ever heard of anyone proposing to Shen Yuxiu, let alone Shen Yuxiu being
engaged. This made her even more confused, so she hid at the school gate and waited for
her when school was about to end.
Of course, Shen Yulin didn't dare to ask Shen Yuxiu questions in front of too many
people, so she followed her all the way here.
But having remembered the experience of Shen Yuxiu kicking her away easily two years ago,
Shen Yuling did not dare to get too close to Shen Yuxiu, so she walked and stopped five
or six steps away from her.
"Has anyone proposed to you recently?" Shen Yulin stopped and immediately asked with a
serious face.
Shen Yuxiu couldn't stand her accusatory tone, so she frowned, looked at her, and turned
She's sick. Not to mention that no one has found a partner for her recently, even if
there is, what does it have to do with Shen Yulin?
"Stop." Shen Yuling didn't expect that she would ignore her. She immediately ran to Shen
Yuxiu and blocked her way with both hands. "Why are you leaving? You haven't answered my
question yet."
Shen Yuxiu had been a teacher for a year and had seen children who acted unruly, but she
had never seen a child as unruly as Shen Yulin's age.
However, she also knew what attitude could quickly end such entanglement, so she
suppressed her impatience and shook her head.
"No, no one proposed to me."
"Impossible." Shen Yulin subconsciously refuted with her eyes wide open when she heard
"So there is?" Shen Yuxiu did not refute, but asked perfunctorily following her words.
"Who was it?" Shen Yuling was startled when she heard it, and immediately asked: "Did
your fourth aunt from your second grandfather's family in Hebei tell you?"
"How should I know? It was you who said that someone was proposing marriage to me, not me
who was proposing marriage to me. How should I know who it is?" Shen Yuxiu shrugged
"You..." Shen Yuling was stunned, then realized that she was just trying to fool him, and
immediately got annoyed: "Are you kidding me?"
"No." Shen Yuxiu said sincerely: "You stopped me and asked if anyone had proposed to me.
I said no, but you didn't believe me. So whatever you said is what it is. Anyway, I don't
know what kind of answer you want to hear."
Shen Yuling never expected her to say that. She was choked and her teeth chattered in
anger. "Will you speak properly?"
"Yes." Shen Yuxiu nodded seriously, "If I can't speak, what kind of teacher would I be?"
She just said what she wanted to say to whoever she wanted to talk to. For someone like
Shen Yuling who came to pick a fight, she wanted to talk to her in a nice way and hope
that person would listen.
Shen Yuling was choked again, but she couldn't do anything about Shen Yuxiu in front of
her, so she could only suppress her anger and asked again in a gentle voice: "I'm telling
the truth, has anyone proposed marriage to you recently, especially the fourth aunt of
the second grandfather on the other side of the strait?"
"No." It was rare to see Shen Yuling talking to her normally, so Shen Yuxiu answered very
straightforwardly. Then she looked at the path she was blocking and said, "Can you make
way now? I should go home for dinner."
However, even though Shen Yuxiu answered very seriously, Shen Yuling still didn't believe
it and didn't give way, but still looked doubtful.
Shen Yuxiu was really annoyed by her appearance of not understanding what others said, so
she didn't say a word this time. She suddenly raised her leg and strode towards Shen
Shen Yuling looked at her aggressive look and thought she was going to do something to
her, so she subconsciously took a step back.
And just as she stepped back, Shen Yuxiu didn't even look at her and just passed by her.
Go, go?
She actually left?
Shen Yuling stood there in a daze, looking at Shen Yuxiu's walking away with a look of
surprise on her face. It was not until Shen Yuxiu had walked some distance away that she
suddenly came to her senses and hurriedly raised her voice to warn.
"Hey, you said no one asked you to marry me, I believe you for now, but if someone else
asks you to marry me, I don't care. If it's your fourth aunt from your second
grandfather's family on the other side of the strait who asks you to marry me, you must
not agree. That man is mine. If you dare to snatch him away, don't blame me for being
Shen Yuxiu, who had already walked far away, listened to Shen Yulin's warning behind her
and felt that this person was simply crazy.
Not to mention that the fourth aunt from my second grandfather's family didn't arrange a
marriage for me. Even if she did, it would be my business whether the marriage was
successful or not. What right did Shen Yulin have to warn me?
And that man belongs to her, Shen Yulin.
Isn’t it ridiculous?
She doesn't even know if there is that man. Even if there is, first of all, he is an
independent person, right? He has the right to make his own choice, right?
Why does Shen Yuling say that something is hers and it is hers? Have you asked her

Chapter 124: A Mistake

Shen Yuxiu didn't know what was wrong with Shen Yuling, nor did she know what the man
Shen Yuling was talking about and the fourth aunt were. She just felt that she was
completely confused.
Although recently Grandma Fang always said that some of the cousins in the family had
good-looking boys and asked her if she wanted to take a look, she never mentioned the
fourth aunt in the family of the second grandfather! !
Shen Yuxiu's mind was full of questions, so she went home and asked about Grandma Fang
who was at home.
"I don't know. I've never met your aunt, nor have I heard your parents talk about her."
Grandma Fang also had a lot of question marks in her mind.
The child grew up gradually, looked good and had good conditions in all aspects, so
naturally many people came to visit her. It was a bit exaggerated to say that a hundred
families wanted her, but there were still seven or eight families. However, her fourth
aunt from her second grandfather's family had never come to visit her.
Shen Yuxiu's mind was full of question marks after hearing this.
Her grandmother and parents have never met this person, so why is Shen Yuling talking
nonsense in front of her?
However, Shen Yuxiu didn't know that at this time in her previous life, she was already
engaged to that man.
At that time, Fang Youshun had long been buried in a lonely grave in a deserted
grassland. Grandma Fang did not have the confidence to protect her as tightly as she does
now, nor did she have the Zhao Hui who now made her secretly determined for the rest of
her life.
At that time, Shen Yuxiu was severely kidnapped by Shen Yuzhen's morals every day, and
her parents always made big things into trivial matters, constantly asking her to endure
it. After a long time, she was so depressed in this home that she was about to collapse.
Therefore, when the old men of the Shen family gathered together on the eighth day of the
Lunar New Year, Shen Yuxiu heard what Shen Jinggui said about that man, and knew that she
could leave the family after marrying that man. She nodded without saying anything. The
fourth aunt of the second grandfather's family brought the man on a blind date, so a few
aunts had ulterior motives to get girls from various families to participate in the blind
And now, because of Shen Yulin's rebirth, Shen Yuxiu has grandparents who love and
protect her unconditionally, and with Zhao Hui, she no longer has the urge to escape from
this home. On the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, she simply rejected the good
marriage. None of the aunts on the other side of the strait were interested in Shen
Yulin's style, so naturally there was no matter of the fourth aunt from the second
grandfather's family coming to propose marriage.
But Shen Yuxiu didn't know all this. Shen Yuling, who had not personally participated in
the blind date that year, naturally didn't know the inside story, which led to the
current situation.
Shen Yulin was relieved when she found out that Shen Yuxiu was not engaged and there was
no so-called aunt from her second grandfather's family to propose marriage.
She just thought that this should be the butterfly effect brought about by her rebirth,
but such a change made her feel a little unsure.
If the fourth aunt never comes to propose marriage, will the man get engaged to someone
No, she had to go and see.
Although she had long forgotten what the man looked like or which village he was from,
she could still find out. The man's family was so well-off. As long as she found out the
village, it would not be a problem to find the man.
As long as she could find out about that man, she would always find a way to get to know
him and then become familiar with him. As long as the two of them could get to know each
other, everything else would be easy.
Shen Yuling thought everything was simple and natural. But she didn't expect that she
would spend a lot of time just to find out about her second grandfather's and fourth
aunt's in-laws on the other side of the river.
It was not for any other reason, but because the children of her second grandfather's
family on the other side of the river were just ordinary farmers like hers, so her
parents never cared about it at all. Apart from knowing which village her second
grandfather's family lived in, they knew nothing else.
Shen Yuling was speechless. She had no choice but to go to Mr. Shen to inquire again.
But unfortunately, the two old people already knew what kind of person she was. It was
obvious that there was something fishy going on when she suddenly came to inquire about
what was happening on the other side of the strait because she was older than them and
would never come here. The two old people did not let her know a single word, fearing
that she would cause trouble for them.
Shen Yulin didn't get a good response from the two elders of the Shen family, so she
could only ask other uncles, aunts and uncles. As a result, needless to say, no one
wanted to pay attention to her, so she naturally didn't find out anything.
Once she hit a wall, Shen Yuling was so angry that she couldn't help but want to curse
their ancestors.
I didn't dig up their ancestral graves, so why did you treat her like this?
But no matter how angry you are, you still have to do what you have to do.
Shen Yuling took a deep breath, her eyes becoming more determined.
If he didn't want to help, then he wouldn't help. She went directly to her second
grandfather's village on the other side of the river to ask. However, she had to take a
ferry to get to the other side, and the ferry cost money. She was afraid that she would
have to use up the food in her home again.
It's not that the family hasn't saved a penny in the past two years, but that there is a
lot of money, and she is afraid that Fourth Aunt Shen will find out if she moves. She has
no good fruit to eat. Anyway, she can't use a few cents to make a ferry, so she might as
well do that. Even if a little grain is sold, nothing should be found at home.
So Shen Yuling quietly took some grain and went to the black market to exchange it for a
few cents, and then took a boat to the other side.
It's just that she had no contact with the second grandfather's family in her previous
life, so it was impossible to know the location of the village. Therefore, if she wanted
to find the village of the second grandfather's family, she had to ask around.
In this way, Shen Yuling inquired all the way and finally arrived at Mr. Shen Er's
village. It was already mid-afternoon.
When she got here, she didn't ask about Mr. Shen Er's home at all, but directly asked
about the village where her fourth aunt lived.
Fortunately, people nowadays are not on guard, so she easily found out the location of
the village and immediately set off for the village again.
But even if she walked without stopping, it was already evening when she reached the
It was time to get off work, and there was a constant stream of people leaving the
village. Shen Yuling, without any guilt, used the name of her fourth aunt to start asking
about the man.
"Oh, you mean the eldest son of the Zheng family. He has married and moved to Jiang
Province." The auntie who was asked by Shen Yulin about the news said with a smile.
"What?" Shen Yuling couldn't believe her ears.
This news was like a bolt from the blue to her, and it made her ears buzz.
"The eldest son of the Zheng family has already married and moved to Jiang Province.
What's wrong?" The aunt looked at her suspiciously.
"How is it possible?" Shen Yulin murmured in a low voice.
The fourth aunt hasn't even gone to the Shen family to propose matchmaking yet, so how
come the man has already gotten married?
The aunt looked at Shen Yuling, who seemed to have lost her soul, and slowly withdrew her
arm that was held by Shen Yuling.
This girl seems to be about the same age as the eldest son of the Zheng family. Could it
be that she is the eldest son of the Zheng family’s romantic debt?
Shen Yuling noticed the aunt's action and immediately came back to her senses. She
suppressed her pounding heart and continued to ask, "Then, then do you know his address
in Jiang Province?"
"I don't know. How would I know someone's address?" The aunt said and turned away.
You have to know that the biological mother of the young man from the Zheng family
divorced but did not leave home, so everyone in the Zheng family respects her very much.
And the biological father of the eldest son of the Zheng family is doing very well in
Jiang Province now. Although that person has remarried in Jiang Province, he is still
loyal to his ex-wife and children, otherwise he would not have promised that the eldest
son of the Zheng family would have a job there. Because of this, the village has always
treated the Zheng family very well, and no one dares to mess with them.
It was obvious that this girl was in trouble, and it was not easy to fool the old woman
from the Zheng family, so she could not get involved in this matter.
Chapter 125 Unfair
Shen Yulin looked at the aunt's back as she ran away. She wanted to call her, but was
afraid of attracting other people's attention, so she had to keep silent in the end.
Just like that, Shen Yulin asked a few people and confirmed that the man had married and
left. No one knew the man's address in Jiang Province. She felt cold from head to toe.
Why did he get married and leave? The fourth aunt from the second grandfather's family
hadn't gone to the Shen family to propose marriage yet, so why did the man get married
and leave in advance? Could it be that just because she wanted to be an official's wife
after her reincarnation, God saw that Shen Yuxiu couldn't marry that man, so he made
herself unable to marry either?
But why? This heaven is so unfair.
"Who are you? Why are you asking about my boss?"
Just when Shen Yuling's mind was in a mess, she suddenly heard a cold question.
It was already dark. Shen Yuling looked up and saw a middle-aged woman with neat clothes
and neat hair staring at her quietly.
This person said that he was asking about her family's eldest brother? Could she be that
man's biological mother?
"I, I'm her classmate..." This person appeared too suddenly. Shen Yulin tried hard to
organize her words, trying not to be impolite and not to let others notice anything. But
in the end, she was interrupted by this woman just after she said a few words.
"So what's your last name and name, how old are you, where do you live, and are you my
eldest son's junior high school or high school classmate?" The middle-aged woman asked
one question after another, leaving Shen Yulin speechless. She simply couldn't come up
with so many answers at once.
The woman's gaze was so sharp that it seemed as if she could see through people's hearts.
Shen Yulin's scalp tightened, and she finally turned around and ran away with a guilty
In her previous life, she had heard that this man's mother was not a good person.
Although she divorced the man who was a high-ranking official, she forced her ex-husband
to support her for the rest of her life. Moreover, she sent all her children to high
school and finally sent them all to Jiang Province. Although only the man Shen Yuxiu
married had some achievements among those children, the fact that this woman sent all her
children to the provincial capital showed that she was definitely not someone who could
be easily fooled.
The middle-aged woman quietly watched Shen Yulin's running back, raised the corners of
her lips meaningfully, then turned around and walked home.
You little brat, you have such little courage and yet you dare to go into the village and
talk nonsense.
Her own son knew that he was definitely a successful man. If he had a lover, he would
never agree to a blind date, let alone flirt with other girls casually. It made no sense
for this man to come to her suddenly.
Now looking at her fleeing back, it is indeed so.
There are a lot of mosquitoes on summer nights.
Shen Yuling didn't know how far she had run, and finally stopped in a vast field.
She was not familiar with the place and didn't know which way to go home. At this time,
she suddenly realized that it was already dark. Even if she knew the way home, the ferry
had stopped and she couldn't go back.
But if she couldn't go back, where should she go? She couldn't just lie in the field and
feed mosquitoes all night, could she?
Thinking about how that felt, Shen Yuling shuddered for no apparent reason, but
eventually she gritted her teeth and walked into the village again.
She wanted to go look for her fourth aunt, after all she was a family member, and even if
she couldn't find out any information, she could at least take her in for a night.
So, the fourth aunt of the Shen family was completely confused when she saw this niece
who suddenly came to her house.
Since she got married, she has not participated in the annual gatherings of the Shen
family elders. Although she has some impressions of this niece who is several levels
apart, she is definitely not very impressed.
"Why did you come here?" Fourth Aunt Shen looked confused.
"I miss my fourth aunt, so I came here to see you." Facing her family, Shen Yuling lied
without drafting the lie.
Fourth Aunt Shen frowned when she heard this.
This kid makes up lies without thinking, and he still thinks about himself? I have seen
her several times. Didn't I see the strange look in her eyes when she came in? Only a
devil would believe her lies! !
But when someone came to her door, Fourth Aunt Shen couldn't ignore it, so she arranged
her room in her daughter's room. The next day, she heard from her children that Shen
Yuling had been asking about the boss of the Zheng family all night, and she immediately
understood what she wanted to do. I don’t even know what to say at this time.
How shameless is it for a little girl to go to such trouble to inquire about a married
But when I think about what my brother and sister-in-law said about the child after
returning from the other side this year, it becomes a little clearer.
Are you looking down on the young men in the village and want to find a father-in-law who
is an official? How could she dare to think so? She didn't even look at her own virtues
to see if others could like her.
After thinking about this, Fourth Aunt Shen immediately ordered Shen Yuling to be kicked
out after having a full meal, then closed the door and locked it, and went to work with
all the children at home.
She didn't dare to have too much contact with such a child who had high ambitions but low
abilities and acted boldly. If he was a bad person, she might also get into trouble.
Shen Yuling looked at Aunt Shen Fourth in surprise as she locked the door and left. She
was speechless.
What's this guy's attitude? After all, they all have the surname Shen. Even if they
haven’t had much contact with each other before, they won’t be expelled, right?
But no matter how speechless Shen Yuling was, she was chased away.
She wanted to find out more about the man with the surname Zheng, but for some reason,
when the people in the village heard that she was asking about the Zheng family, they
immediately looked away from her with strange eyes. Not to mention finding out
information, she couldn't even say a few words to anyone.
Shen Yuling was stunned.
Are these people crazy? She was just trying to find out the man's address in Jiang
Province. Is it necessary to make such a fuss?
But there was nothing she could do, the people here just ignored her.
With no other options, Shen Yulin, who had gained nothing, could only turn around and
leave the village.
What she didn't know was that all of this was done by the middle-aged woman last night.
Although the woman was divorced, she did not leave home for the sake of her children. The
Zheng family was a big family in the village. When she went back yesterday and told her
ex-mother-in-law about this, the old lady immediately became alert and notified everyone
in the Zheng family overnight, asking them to be vigilant about anyone asking about their
sons and grandsons to prevent anything bad from happening.
You know, the outside world is very chaotic now. Although her son is now an official
outside, who knows if someone will cause trouble in her hometown? That's why Shen Yulin
couldn't find out the address of Zheng's father and son.
Just like that, when Shen Yulin returned home again, she felt that life was hopeless.
How did it become like this?
Doesn’t she have the same fate as that official’s wife?
I am so unwilling, but what else can I do?
The man is married now, and she doesn't know his address in Jiang Province, let alone
what position his father holds now. Jiang Province is so big that it would be difficult
for her to find him even if she wanted to.
What's more, now the inspections are strict everywhere. Without a legitimate reason, the
team would never give her a letter of introduction. Without a letter of introduction, she
couldn't go to Jiang Province at all.

Chapter 126: Not High, Not Low

No matter how Shen Yulin thought about it, she couldn't figure out why things turned out
like this.
But now that things have developed to this point, she can't figure it out and there is
nothing she can do.
She really regretted it now. She regretted that she should not have just waited quietly
for things to happen. She should have started planning in advance and got to know the man
in advance. If she had known the man earlier, she would have married him and moved to
Jiang Province by now, right?
In this way, the days passed one by one, and in the blink of an eye, it went from
midsummer to late autumn, and then to cold winter.
This winter, people were extremely busy. Not to mention those who went to work on the dam
project as in previous years, the commune also organized its members to build a pumping
station at the No. 1 Dam of the Yellow River, and to dig the first, second and third main
canals and water storage reservoirs, in an effort to bring in Yellow River water to
irrigate the fields in the early spring of next year. In this way, they would no longer
have to worry about drought.
While all the strong laborers were busy digging ditches and repairing canals, most of the
young girls and boys in the village began to get married or get engaged.
Because Shen Yuling and Shen Yuxiu were about to reach marriageable age and both had high
school diplomas, more and more people came to their house every day to propose marriage,
including distant relatives, aunts and uncles, and even neighbors. They were so numerous
that they almost broke down the door.
Although she had no hope of finding the man she wanted to marry, Shen Yuling still didn't
want to lower her standards. She turned down all the village peasants without saying a
word, and only reluctantly met those who were salaried and worked in government units.
However, she didn't even meet those ordinary workers who didn't work in government units.
What? They were all ordinary workers. After many years, most of the factories closed
down. All they could get was a few pensions. They didn't even have a chance to make a
living. How could those people marry a high school student like her?
As for the few people Shen Yuling had barely met, she was not satisfied with any of them.
Either their family was not up to standard or their figure was not up to standard. At the
same time, she had never heard of these people's names in the future. What does this
mean? It means that none of these people will have a promising future.
Now that it has come to this, what else is there to say? Of course I won’t get married!
This one is not acceptable, and that one is not acceptable either. Seeing Shen Yulin's
picky look, those matchmakers gradually stopped coming.
What else? Good conditions, good character, good work, good looks, they have mentioned
almost all types, but she doesn't look down on any of them. What does this mean? It means
that this girl has high standards. Even in this case, what else can they say?
Seeing that there were fewer and fewer people coming to propose marriage, Shen Yuling not
only didn't think there was anything wrong, but was actually very happy that these people
were considerate.
That's how it is. None of those people have a promising future. Why would they bring
those ordinary people in front of her to say that?
Shen Yuxiu's situation was similar to Shen Yulin's. She was asked countless times every
day what kind of man she wanted to find, and whether she wanted to meet the guys
introduced by her aunts and uncles.
Shen Yuxiu was almost tired of being rejected every day. Finally, she couldn't bear it
anymore. She took advantage of the Sunday to go to the supply and marketing cooperative
to buy things and went directly to Zhao Hui.
"Zhao Hui, I can't hold on any longer." In an empty corner next to the supply and
marketing cooperative, Shen Yuxiu leaned against the wall and said weakly.
"How about I find someone to propose marriage now?" Zhao Hui asked with some heartache.
"No need." Shen Yuxiu quickly shook her head, "Just follow the original plan, it's just a
few months, I can wait."
When more and more people came to propose marriage after the autumn, she talked to Zhao
Hui about it, but Zhao Hui said that he wanted to save money to buy a house in the county
so that she would not have to go back to the village to meet her parents-in-law face to
face, and they would be able to live freely in the future. Moreover, with a house, he
would have the confidence to propose marriage, at least he would not be penniless.
Now he has almost saved enough money, and he only needs to save for a few more months to
buy a house. At the same time, Zhao Hui confessed his family situation to her. He
definitely dared not let the money pass through his parents' hands, because once it
passed through those two people's hands, no one would know to whom the money belonged, so
it would be better to buy a house.
When Shen Yuxiu heard this, she realized it made sense and agreed.
Seeing how obedient she was, Zhao Hui's eyes became softer.
"Okay, but you'll have to hold on for a few more months." Zhao Hui coaxed her softly, his
tone so doting.
"It's not hard." Shen Yuxiu shook her head, opened her sparkling eyes and asked again in
a low voice: "Are you really not going to consider using my money? Although I don't have
much money, but with yours, I should be able to buy a house, right?"
"Really." Zhao Hui smiled and rubbed her head. "The house should have been bought by me,
so I shouldn't have used your money. Just keep your money to buy things you like. If it's
not enough, tell me and I'll give you more."
"Do you think I'm a bottomless pit? How can I spend money?" Shen Yuxiu glared at her
How could she be so ignorant? This man was working so hard to earn money for their
future, how could she spend money recklessly?
"Of course you are not a bottomless pit, you are a treasure box, and the box that will be
used to manage my money in the future. We are still counting on you to manage our
family's money." Zhao Hui looked at her little staring face and thought she was extremely
adorable. If this was not on the street, he really wanted to hold her in his arms and hug
"Tsk, you just know how to coax me." Shen Yuxiu's face flushed, her eyes as gentle as
water, anyone could tell at a glance that she was very happy to be coaxed.
The two of them were being so affectionate with each other here, totally unaware that
there was someone eavesdropping at the corner where they were talking.
Shen Yulin went out for a blind date today, but because the man she was dating looked a
little ugly, she was not very happy about it. However, when she thought that his family
worked as government officials, she reluctantly went out with the man. As they walked,
they arrived at the supply and marketing cooperative.
Shen Yuling thought, now that we are here, if this man just gives her a hint, she should
know what to do. Even if he doesn't buy her some vanishing cream or something, she should
at least buy some snacks as a token of her appreciation, right?
But she didn't expect that the man was so stingy. She finally picked out some peach
cakes, but the man didn't even take the initiative to pay for them. She was so angry that
she left him and walked away.
Can she expect a man who refuses to spend money on her before marriage to be able to help
her in the future?
But it will soon disperse!
The matchmakers, too, should have introduced some reliable people to her. These people
are either good at work but not good-looking, or good-looking but not good at work. It's
hard to find a good match with both, but the man's family conditions are not good, which
makes people speechless.
But who would have thought that she would run into these two people having a date here
just after she ran out of the supply and marketing cooperative.
Shen Yuling curled her lips in disdain as she listened to the two people's sweet words.
So what if she was an official’s wife in her previous life? In the end, she still had to
marry a poor beggar, right?
You actually plan to throw yourself at a man, what are you thinking?

Chapter 127 You should be more down-to-earth!

Shen Yuling thought Shen Yuxiu was simply a fool.
Wouldn't it be better to buy yourself some nice clothes with that money? Wouldn't it be
better to buy some vanishing cream to maintain your skin? Why do you have to pay for a
Shen Yuxiu didn't know what was in Shen Yuling's mind. She had been chatting with Zhao
Hui for quite some time and was about to go home. But after taking a few steps, she
suddenly remembered Grandma Fang's instructions and hurriedly turned around to call Zhao
Hui who was also walking towards the supply and marketing cooperative.
"Zhao Hui." Shen Yuxiu saw that he turned around immediately after hearing her voice, and
smiled and said quickly: "Next time if there are any defective soaps in the supply and
marketing cooperative, remember to save a few more."
Ever since she started using soap, she could no longer tolerate the smell of pig
pancreas. The supply and marketing cooperative was about 20 miles away from the village,
so it was not convenient to buy soap there. She could only buy a few more pieces as a
"Okay, is there anything else you want to buy?" Zhao Hui asked after hearing her words.
"That's all. You go back. I'm leaving too." Shen Yuxiu waved to Zhao Hui and turned
around to walk forward again, leaving Zhao Hui looking at her back with a smile as she
gradually walked away.
Zhao Hui looked at her back for a long time before he lowered his head, smiled slightly,
and turned away.
Shen Yuling, who was hiding in the corner, felt her heart skip a beat when she saw Zhao
Hui lowering his eyes and smiling.
Unexpectedly, this stinky beggar looks quite good when he smiles.
Shen Yuling retracted her eyes that were staring straight ahead, covered her chest which
was beating wildly, turned around and left the corner.
It's a pity that the supply and marketing cooperative will go bankrupt sooner or later,
and this beggar's family conditions are not good, otherwise, based on his looks, if he
had a good job and a good family, he would still be a very good choice.
It's a pity that apart from his outstanding appearance, this man has no other qualities
to offer, so he can only be matched with someone like Shen Yuxiu who has no long-term
The more Shen Yuling thought about it, the more regrettable she felt.
With such good looks, why wasn’t she born into a good family?
And what a ridiculous name Zhao Hui, what does Hui mean? There is no artistic conception
at all.
Just as Shen Yulin was complaining in her heart, an inexplicably familiar feeling
suddenly passed through her.
Zhao Hui?
Why does this name sound familiar?
As she thought about it, Shen Yulin's pace slowed down involuntarily.
She began to recall and tried hard to think of her past life, but after thinking for a
long time, she could not find such a person in her memory.
Unfortunately, ever since the notebook that recorded major events was lost, she didn't
dare to record it anymore. Otherwise, if she went home and flipped through the booklet,
she would have a rough idea whether this person was a famous person or not.
Where on earth had she heard of this man's name?
Shen Yulin returned home slowly, full of doubts.
Fourth Aunt Shen, who was doing needlework in the house, saw her coming back. She raised
her eyelids and looked at her expression, and asked nonchalantly: "It didn't work again?"
"No, that person is too stingy and doesn't even know how to buy me something." Shen
Yuling replied calmly.
Fourth Aunt Shen seemed to have expected what she would say. She sighed softly and
frowned to persuade her, "What kind of person are you looking for? If you are good at
work, you will find someone ugly, and if you are good-looking, you will find someone
disgusting. You are poor, and you finally find someone who is similar, but you still
think they are stingy. Why should they buy you something when you meet them for the first
time? Even if you choose, think about our family's conditions and your own conditions. Is
it your turn to be a good guy like that? You should be more practical. If you continue to
be so ambitious and down-to-earth, I'm afraid even these people will be gone."
"You don't have to worry about it. It's not like you want to get married." Shen Yuling
listened to her persuasion and felt bored.
These are the words that I say after every blind date, and I don’t mind nagging them
over and over again.
Besides, if everything is fine, why can't it be my turn? She is good-looking and well-
educated, so what’s the difference?
"You think I am willing to take care of you. If you weren't born by me, I wouldn't care
if you asked me to take care of you." Fourth Aunt Shen was so angry that she felt that
this girl had no self-awareness at all.
"Then just think that I'm not your daughter. I beg you, just leave it alone, huh?" Shen
Yuling said angrily, turned around and went back to her room.
She came to this room just to tell Aunt Shen about the results of the blind date, not to
listen to instructions.
Fourth Aunt Shen looked at her back as she turned away and felt so angry that her heart
She has given birth to eight daughters so far, none of whom are as irritating as this
But she is a mother, how can she not care about anything? You know, marriage is a woman's
second life, how can she only look at the appearance and not the character? With her
current picky attitude, if she finds someone with a human face but a beastly heart, it is
better not to find one.
But every time she tried to persuade the child, the child would always make her angry to
death with just one word.
After Shen Yulin returned to her room, she lay down on the kang. Thinking about the men
she had met recently, she felt extremely disappointed.
She has already given up on the man who will become a high-ranking official in the
future. Why can't God give her someone with good conditions in all aspects?
It is better to be ignorant. If you are ignorant, you won’t have too high expectations
for the future.
Just like Shen Yuxiu, she actually ended up with a beggar. It was ridiculous.
If Shen Yuxiu were also reborn, if she knew that she had been an official’s wife in her
previous life, would she still be so attracted to a poor beggar as she is now?
I guess Shen Yuxiu will go crazy by then.
As she thought about it, Shen Yuling couldn't help but laugh out loud in gloating.
That’s great. Although I didn’t marry that man, Shen Yuxiu didn’t marry him either. It
makes me happy to think about it.
You stinky beggar, Zhao Hui, are pretty average...
As Shen Yulin was laughing, a piece of information suddenly flashed through her mind. She
was so startled that she sat up suddenly from the kang, scaring the other girls in the
room who were doing needlework or looking after the children.
What's wrong with their third sister? Who is she trying to scare to death by being so
Yes, now none of the children in Shen Laosi's family likes Shen Yulin, not for any other
reason, but because she has too many things to do. Not only does she not work seriously,
but when she comes home, she either orders this one to sweep the floor or that one to
cook, while she herself does nothing like a little princess, which is really annoying.
However, at this time, Shen Yuling had no time to care about what her sisters were
thinking. Her heart was pounding because of the information she had just remembered.
Zhao Hui, could it be that Zhao Hui?
Is he one of the big bosses who started from scratch, later became wealthy over 100
million but remained unmarried throughout his life, and only left a small portion of his
property to his relatives before his death, but donated all the rest of his property to
If this Zhao Hui is that Zhao Hui...
The more Shen Yuling thought about it, the faster her heart beat.
If this Zhao Hui is that Zhao Hui, why would she still be looking for a man with a good
job, good looks, and who will be an official in the future?
Isn’t it more comfortable to marry a rich man than to be an official’s wife?
The more Shen Yuling thought about it, the more excited she became. She got off the bed,
put on her shoes, and ran out.
No, she had to find out about this Zhao Hui's family situation. If this Zhao Hui was
really that Zhao Hui, then she had to seize the opportunity no matter what. She couldn't
let this opportunity slip away again.
At this time, Shen Yuling had completely forgotten that Shen Yuxiu was dating Zhao Hui.
Of course, even if she remembered, she wouldn't care.
They are just dating, they are not married. The man is unmarried and the woman is
unmarried. Why can't she pursue him?

Chapter 128, etc.

Besides, Shen Yuxiu’s husband in her previous life was not Zhao Hui at all. There was no
reason why Shen Yuxiu could date Zhao Hui but she couldn’t.
Just like that, Shen Yulin made up her mind and hurried back to the town.
She had to check first to see if the family situation of this Zhao Hui was the same as
the Zhao Hui rumored in later generations. She must not mistakenly find someone with the
same name for a different person, or she would end up marrying the wrong person.
However, when Shen Yulin arrived at the supply and marketing cooperative, she did not see
any sign of Zhao Hui. She wandered around there for a long time. When she saw that people
were about to leave work, she still did not see Zhao Hui. Shen Yulin stepped forward and
stopped one of the staff members who was about to leave work to ask.
"Comrade, why don't I see Zhao Hui?"
"Zhao Hui is on a business trip to purchase goods. Do you have something to do with him?"
The man who was stopped by Shen Yulin looked her up and down with a very cold tone.
Shen Yuling could see that the man was somewhat disgusted with her, so she did not answer
him, but asked again: "When will he come back?"
When the man saw that she did not answer his question, but continued to ask him as if it
was a matter of course, his attitude immediately became colder.
"How should I know? I'm not in charge of purchasing. Please leave quickly. We are about
to close." The man said impatiently and turned to call another colleague, and they
started to close and lock the door together.
She saw clearly what this girl did to the blind date guy at the supply and marketing
cooperative this morning. After Shen Yuling left in the morning, she had a good chat with
her colleagues in her free time. This girl who asked her blind date to buy things at the
first opportunity came again in the afternoon. She originally thought that this person
had something to do, but it turned out that she came to inquire about Zhao Hui.
You can go to her.
Although Zhao Hui's family environment is not good, he is a good person. After getting
along with him for a long time, they have long treated Zhao Hui as their own brother.
Now that she sees someone coveting the brother she is protecting, and he is such a money-
hungry person with a frivolous look in his eyes, and it is obvious that he is not a good
person, there is no way she can have a good attitude.
No matter how poor Zhao Hui's family conditions are, it is not up to such people to make
plans for him.
It could be said that Shen Yuling was almost kicked out of the supply and marketing
cooperative, which made her very angry.
She wanted to go up and grab this man to argue with him, but then she remembered that
this was not the future, and she could not just argue with the person in charge and then
file a complaint. Nowadays, no one working in the supply and marketing cooperative was
easy to mess with. If she was not careful, this man would remember her, and what if he
said bad things about her in front of Zhao Hui in the future?
What's more, Zhao Hui still works here and has to continue dealing with these people
before the reform and opening up. Even for the sake of a few years of peace and
stability, she can't just come here and conflict with others.
Stay calm, stay calm, don't get angry yet, wait until you get the exact news.
Shen Yulin comforted herself in this way and left the supply and marketing cooperative,
looking back every step of the way. When she returned to the village again, she
immediately went to look for the people who had been in the same class with Zhao Hui.
Since Zhao Hui was not there, she first asked which village he was from, and then went to
his village to find out whether his family population was the same as the rumors.
At this time, Shen Yuling regretted it so much that her intestines turned green. She
regretted that she should not have been tricked by Zhao Hui and fell into the mud. She
dared not meet him again. She regretted even more that during the six months when she was
high school classmate with Zhao Hui, she stayed in the dormitory every day and rarely
went to class.
If she had known Zhao Hui's name and remembered the things in the future at that time,
she would never be like now, with no contact with Zhao Hui at all.
You know, the Zhao Hui she knew in the future, although not the richest man in the city,
was definitely a member of the rich circle.
In other words, she had only heard of Zhao Hui's name but had never seen him. If she had
seen him, she would not have remembered it only now. She should have recognized him the
first time she saw him.
However, what disappointed Shen Yulin was that none of the people in the village who had
gone to school with Zhao Hui knew which village Zhao Hui was from. It was not because
Zhao Hui hardly played when he was in school. He was either studying or nowhere to be
seen every day. In school, Zhao Hui was only familiar with Shen Yuxiu and her siblings,
and he was just nodding acquaintances with the others.
Shen Yuling was speechless. Why were these people so useless?
What if Zhao Hui becomes a billionaire in the future? With this attitude, how will they
have the nerve to curry favor with him?
After asking around for a long time and not getting the information she wanted, Shen
Yulin could only go home in a depressed mood.
She felt that God was deliberately against her, otherwise why didn't anything she wanted
to do go smoothly?
But having already missed the man who was a high-ranking official, Shen Yuling didn't
want to miss Zhao Hui again. Since she couldn't get any information, she would go and
track him personally. She didn't believe that she wouldn't get the information she
In this way, Shen Yuling adjusted her mood at home and went to the supply and marketing
cooperative again the next day.
After what happened yesterday, she probably knew that Zhao Hui’s colleagues didn’t like
her that much. All she could do was wait, quietly wait for Zhao Hui to come back.
Shen Yulin stayed near the supply and marketing cooperative every day. Maybe no one would
notice her once or twice, but after a long time, the people working in the supply and
marketing cooperative coming in and out, how could they not notice her?
In the afternoon, when there were not many customers in the supply and marketing
cooperative, a salesperson began to whisper to his colleague.
"Whose family is that girl? She comes here every day but doesn't buy anything. What does
she want to do?"
"You've fallen for Zhao Hui, as if you're mentally ill." The colleague, who was the one
who chased Shen Yulin away that day, told the whole story of Shen Yulin's blind date with
a look of disdain on his face.
"Wow, how shameless!" Another salesperson who came over to join in the fun was surprised.
“Of course not…”
Three women make a drama, and a few more people make it even more amazing. Soon the whole
supply and marketing cooperative knew that there was a shameless girl who had taken a
fancy to Zhao Hui and stayed outside the supply and marketing cooperative every day like
a Peeping Tom.
So, when Zhao Hui came back from purchasing goods with the head of the supply and
marketing cooperative that day, he heard this news first.
"Zhao Hui, you are so lucky, how come the girl comes to the supply and marketing
cooperative every day?"
"What?" Zhao Hui looked confused.
The only girl he had contact with was Shen Yuxiu, but didn't Shen Yuxiu have to go to
work? How could she have the time to come here every day?
"Tsk tsk, you're still pretending?" The colleague saw Zhao Hui's confused face and pulled
him out of the backyard of the supply and marketing cooperative, pointing at Shen Yuling
who was still in the corner outside the supply and marketing cooperative. "That's her.
You left a lot of money to buy goods this time, and she stayed here for a few days. She's
really infatuated."
Zhao Hui looked in the direction the man was pointing and saw that it was Shen Yuling.
His face immediately became serious.
"Don't talk nonsense, I don't know her and I have never spoken to her." Zhao Hui said and
turned back to the yard of the supply and marketing cooperative.
His impression of Shen Yuling was just that of Shen Yuxiu's disliked cousin. Wasn't it
just looking for trouble to say that he provoked her?

Chapter 129 Back

What would happen if Shen Yuxiu knew that I had a relationship with her cousin?
Zhao Hui thought so, and when he returned to the yard, he asked his colleague with a
serious face: "She said she came to see me?"
"Yes, she asked Sister Lan at first, but Sister Lan thought her motives were not pure, so
she ignored her. Later she asked other people, but what does our colleague do? It was
obvious at first that this girl had ulterior motives, so no one told her about you." The
man said as he puffed out his chest with pride.
You know, things are going badly everywhere right now, and they, who are in this
lucrative department, have attracted the attention of many people. So no matter whether
there are internal conflicts or not, they are still very united towards the outside
"Thank you, brother. Please also thank Sister Lan and the others for me." Zhao Hui patted
the man's shoulder gratefully. The two brothers said in a friendly manner, "I have
brought back all the things you asked me to bring. You can take your food and eat it.
Then go and call Sister Lan and the others and ask them to take their things. The driver
was sleepy on the road last night and asked me to chat with him all night. I am almost
dead sleepy now. I have to go back and take a nap."
"Okay, wait a moment." The man's eyes suddenly lit up, and he followed Zhao Hui to pick
up his things, then turned around happily to call someone.
Every time they purchase goods, these people will ask Zhao Hui to buy some things that
are not available here. This is a common practice, and it is also one of the reasons why
Zhao Hui is so popular here.
After Zhao Hui waited for several salespeople to take away the items in turn, he took the
last remaining thick red scarf, pushed his bicycle and rode out of the yard of the supply
and marketing cooperative.
Shen Yulin suddenly ran here, which made Zhao Hui feel that something might have happened
in the Fang family or the Shen family, and he wanted to go and see quickly.
Shen Yuling, who had been staying outside, kept her eyes on the sales room of the supply
and marketing cooperative and didn't pay any attention to the courtyard gate. In
addition, she was not familiar with Zhao Hui's back, so she didn't even notice that Zhao
Hui walked away in front of her.
Zhao Hui rode his bicycle to the machine repair station where Shen Yulin was. After
hearing from the people there that Shen Yulin had gone out to repair a tractor, he
hurried to Fang's house. However, when he arrived at Fang's house, he heard the laughter
of children in the yard before he even entered the door. He stopped in confusion.
This doesn't look like anything serious?
Zhao Hui frowned, didn't enter the yard, and rode his bicycle to the village middle
When he arrived at the school, Shen Yuxiu had just finished explaining a problem and
picked up the enamel mug to drink water. When she saw Zhao Hui suddenly appear at the
door, she was stunned for a moment and then walked out.
"Have you just come back? Haven't you rested yet?" Shen Yuxiu took him a little further
away from the classroom door, looked at the dark circles under his eyes, and frowned with
some heartache.
The unreserved concern in her eyes made Zhao Hui feel warm in his heart. He felt as if
all the fatigue in his body was gone, and he felt much more relaxed.
"I bought you a scarf. It's very thick and warm. Try it." Zhao Hui smiled and handed the
red scarf to her, his eyes full of soft light.
"Why are you buying things again? Don't you still need to save money to buy a house?"
Shen Yuxiu took the red scarf with a coquettish look, touched the warm fur, and was
reluctant to let it go.
"I know." Zhao Hui evaded her question and urged her, "Try it on quickly. This scarf
sells very well in the district."
The scarf was already bought, so Shen Yuxiu didn't bother to talk too much, which would
only make people feel unhappy. She immediately put the scarf around her neck and asked
him with her chin raised, "Does it look good?"
The red scarf, when illuminated by the sunlight, immediately made her cheeks rosy.
"It looks good." Zhao Hui pursed his lips and smiled and nodded. Just as he was about to
say something else, he saw a group of dark heads sticking out of the classroom door. He
swallowed his words again and asked the question he was concerned about, "How are my
grandma and grandpa and my uncle and aunt doing during the days I was away?"
"Yeah, they are all fine." Shen Yuxiu smiled and nodded, remembering that the cotton-
padded jacket that Grandma Fang made for him was ready, and hurriedly reminded him, "My
grandma has made your cotton-padded jacket, remember to take it when you leave, don't get
cold running outside every day, I can't go home until school is over, if you are not in a
hurry to go back, come home and rest for a while, eat here and then leave."
"Okay, then you go ahead and do your work. I'll go back." Zhao Hui looked at her little
mouth opening and closing, his eyes becoming more and more gentle.
"Well, go ahead." Shen Yuxiu said as she turned around and strode towards the classroom.
The gossipy little heads at the door and windows of the classroom immediately shrank
back, making a burst of noise in the originally quiet classroom.
Shen Yuxiu listened to the chaotic noise in the classroom and chuckled silently, but when
she reached the door, the smile on her face disappeared as if by magic, and her face
became extremely serious.
There was no way. She was only a few years older than these children. If she didn't put
on a stern face, these children would not listen to her at all.
Zhao Hui looked at her changing expression and felt that she was particularly smart. He
lowered his eyes and smiled, then turned around reluctantly and went towards Fang's house
Only here, when he saw Shen Yuxiu and the two elders of the Fang family, could he feel
that someone cared about him.
But it will be soon. Shen Yuxiu's birthday is in March, and she will be of marriageable
age next March. He can find someone to pick a date first, preferably in February next
year, and then he can complete the proposal and marriage within a month. As for the
marriage certificate, he has already made arrangements, and the two of them can go and
get the certificate in advance, so that they can become a family soon.
As for the house, he had actually already found one and had saved enough money. He was
just waiting until next year when he proposed to her so that he could fulfill his promise
to buy a house and then get married and start a family.
Shen Yulin waited in the supply and marketing cooperative for another day. When the
cooperative was closing, she was about to leave disappointed when she heard a salesperson
happily praising Zhao Hui.
"Hey, you know what, the things Zhao Hui brought are of good quality. The smell and feel
of this soap are much better than what we sell here."
"That's right. This kid has a really good eye for buying things. My scarf is much better
looking than ours, and it's especially soft and smooth."
"You are talking nonsense! These things are good, but the price is also high!"
"You are talking nonsense. You get what you pay for. Well, try buying the things Zhao Hui
brought back from somewhere else with the same price. If you can buy them, I'll consider
you awesome..."
As the group closed the door and walked away, Shen Yuling's heart began to beat wildly.
Zhao Hui is back? When did he come back?
Why didn't she see it?
Shen Yuling looked at the backs of those people who had already walked away, then looked
at the closed door of the supply and marketing cooperative, and immediately walked
quickly towards the gate of the supply and marketing cooperative.
She stayed here for a whole day, but didn't see Zhao Hui? Was he in the yard?

Chapter 130 Chase

But when Shen Yulin arrived at the gate and was about to walk out, she was stopped by an
older man.
"Who are you? What are you doing here?" The man looked unfriendly when he saw her appear
When this man saw Shen Yuling before and saw that she had been staying nearby, he thought
that this was Zhao Hui's affair. Even though Zhao Hui said this morning that he was not
familiar with this person, he did not believe it. After all, what girl would be so
shameless as to chase after a man every day?
But when Zhao Hui walked out of here openly and Shen Yuling didn't recognize him, he
realized something was wrong.
Maybe he really was wrong before.
After he believed it, he looked down on Shen Yulin.
If you want to throw yourself at a man, you have to have some sense. If you stick to him
like a thief, no one will like you.
The man's tone was a bit harsh, and Shen Yuling couldn't help but feel uncomfortable, but
she was asking for help, so she suppressed her discomfort and asked, "I'm looking for
Zhao Hui, isn't he back?"
"Yes, I'm back, but I went home in the morning. If you want to find someone, come back
another day." The man was a little impatient.
"Then do you know where his home is?" Shen Yulin seemed not to notice the man's
impatience and continued to ask.
When the man heard this, his eyes immediately became subtle when he looked at Shen
Oh, you can’t find the person, so you want to go directly to his/her home?
What a shameless person.
"I don't know. Go quickly and don't delay our work." The man said as he walked forward
and pushed Shen Yulin in a bad mood.
"Hey, why did you push me?" Shen Yuling was pushed unexpectedly and staggered, feeling a
little annoyed.
But the man seemed not to notice her embarrassment. He pushed her straight out of the
yard of the supply and marketing cooperative and slammed the big iron gate shut.
Damn, he actually dares?
Shen Yuling stared at the closed door in front of her, anger boiling in her heart, and
kicked the iron door.
You are fucking sick. If you don't want to say it, then don't say it. Why are you pushing
However, with a loud bang of the iron gate being kicked, Shen Yuling heard an angry shout
coming from the yard.
"Who kicked the door? Are you looking for death?"
As soon as she finished speaking, Shen Yuling heard footsteps approaching the door
quickly. She was so scared that she ran away. In a short while, she disappeared.
However, even so, Shen Yulin did not give up looking for Zhao Hui.
Fortunately, hard work pays off. Zhao Hui always comes back to work. The next day, Shen
Yuling saw Zhao Hui.
But now that the person has been found, how should she meet him?
I can't just go up to her and say, I'm Shen Yuling, I like you, let's get married.
If she really said that, Zhao Hui would probably think she was a psychopath.
After much deliberation, Shen Yulin finally decided to meet him as a classmate under the
guise of buying things.
However, imagination is beautiful, but reality is cruel.
When Shen Yuling saw Zhao Hui standing in front of a counter, she walked in as if nothing
had happened. When she was finally about to reach the counter he was in charge of, he
suddenly turned around and left.
Shen Yuling looked at Zhao Hui who disappeared behind the counter and could not believe
her eyes. She opened her mouth several times but could not utter a word.
The sales clerks who had been watching Shen Yulin since she walked into the supply and
marketing cooperative couldn't help but lower their heads and hold back their laughter
when they saw her like this.
It was truly a marvelous sight.
Having worked behind the counter for several years, they have become quite knowledgeable
and have seen all kinds of people, but they have never seen anyone as aggressive as this,
and a little girl at that.
Shen Yuling had no idea what these people were thinking. She stood there in a daze for a
while. Seeing that everyone was busy and no one seemed to be paying attention to her, she
pretended to be calm and slowly walked around the counters. However, after walking around
for a long time, she did not see Zhao Hui appear again, so she could only turn around and
walk out of the sales room.
What the hell is going on? Where is Zhao Hui doing again?
What was Zhao Hui doing? He was in the back room, helping the person in charge to chat.
There was nothing he could do about it. There was a man with bad intentions waiting for
him at the sales counter, and he didn't dare show up there.
Since the plan failed once, Shen Yulin could only think of other ways.
So, when Zhao Hui was riding his bicycle home from get off work and was about to leave
the yard of the supply and marketing cooperative, he saw a person suddenly rushing out
from the side. He was so scared that he quickly grabbed the handbrake, and saw a girl
fall to the ground in a panic.
Zhao Hui held the handlebars tightly with both hands and supported himself with one foot,
feeling a little scared. This was only because he was not riding fast. If he had ridden
faster, he would have definitely collided with the man.
After the fear passed, Zhao Hui was about to get out of the car to check on the person
who had fallen to the ground, when he saw the person on the ground looking up at him,
with an innocent look on his face, as if he was about to cry. This made Zhao Hui's scalp
Fog—Shit, it’s Shen Yuling again.
When he saw her face, Zhao Hui didn't say anything. He pedaled hard on his bicycle and
ran away with the bicycle and the person on the ground.
Shen Yuling never expected that he would run away suddenly. Her pitiful look suddenly
became a little embarrassing. She looked at the place where Zhao Hui's back disappeared
in disbelief.
This man is sick. When he sees someone fall down, shouldn’t he come over to show concern
or check on them?
Actually, he just ran away like that?
But no matter how much Shen Yuling couldn't believe it, Zhao Hui ran away. It was a pity
for Shen Yuling that she really fell. Besides, it was winter and the ground had been
frozen solid. Her body was still okay as she was wearing a cotton coat, but her hands
Shen Yuling shivered and raised her hands, only to see that both of her palms were
broken. Although there was no bleeding, it was really painful, as if the pain went
straight to her heart.
This was the first time Shen Yulin couldn't hold back her tears since her rebirth. It
wasn't because she was crying during these years when everything was not going well, but
because it was so painful after falling so hard.
But there was no other way. For a better life in the future, she could only do this.
Although it seemed to have no effect, she had appeared in front of Zhao Hui once. Even if
they were to meet again in the future, she would have something to say.
Shen Yulin encouraged herself in her heart, got up and left, and continued to pretend to
meet Zhao Hui the next day.
Unfortunately, every time Zhao Hui saw her, he would ride away on his bike without saying
a word, not giving Shen Yulin any chance to approach him.
One day, two days, three days, five days passed.
Shen Yuling was becoming a little impatient. Why was Zhao Hui so difficult to approach?
After a few days, Shen Yulin didn't even see the shadow of Zhao Hui. She had no choice
but to give up the plan to get close to Zhao Hui, and instead decided to start from his
So, from that day on, Shen Yuling no longer appeared in front of Zhao Hui, but began to
follow him secretly.
This time she was more careful and no longer went to the supply and marketing cooperative
to block people after eating. Instead, she went there when Zhao Hui was about to get off
work and waited on his way home from work. She only chased him from a distance when she
saw Zhao Hui passing by.
Although Zhao Hui was riding a bicycle and was much faster than her, the crops in the
field were long gone and could be seen from a long distance at a glance. Even if she
disappeared while chasing him, next time she would wait directly near the place where
Zhao Hui last disappeared the day before, and follow him only when he got off work.
In this way, after Shen Yulin had been squatting for a few days, she really followed Zhao
Hui and found his village.

Chapter 131: Each One's Own Calculations

After going through so much trouble to find out where Zhao Jiajia was, Shen Yulin thought
she would be very happy. But when she saw the dilapidated yard, she felt like a bucket of
cold water was poured over her head.
The yard with the corn stalk fence had not been renovated for several years, and it was
almost the same whether it was there or not. The three low rooms had peeling walls like
psoriasis, with patches of earthen bricks exposed here and there, the base of the walls
was half-alkaline, and the thatched roof was uneven, like a miniature undulating mountain
range, but... it didn't make people want to go in.
This is actually Zhao Hui’s home?
Shen Yuling felt that even the poorest family in her village would not have such a
dilapidated house. But in this village, houses like this can be seen everywhere, which
shows that this village is really not that good.
Shen Yuling felt that she had to take it easy. She just didn't have the courage to live
in a house like this.
However, she then thought of what Zhao Hui had said to Shen Yuxiu - save money to buy a
Yes, they seem to be discussing saving money to buy a house.
Zhao Hui seemed to have said that he would be able to save enough money to buy a house
next year, which meant that he wouldn't have to live here at all.
Fortunately, if she were allowed to live here, even if Zhao Hui could have a fortune of
hundreds of millions in the future, she would still have to muster up the courage.
If she didn't have to live here, she wouldn't have to worry.
Shen Yuling tried hard to hold back her legs that wanted to retreat, took one look at the
dilapidated yard, and secretly began to inquire in the village.
Of course, after the experience of asking about the Zheng family on the other side of the
strait last time, she didn't dare to ask directly this time. She just chatted with
people, pretending that there were sisters of marriageable age in her family who were
going to this village to propose marriage, and asked if there were any suitable boys in
the village.
You know, this village is a famous lazy village. It can be said that no girl from any
village within a ten-mile radius is willing to marry here. Now, when they hear someone
asking about the young men in the village, the idle women immediately start bragging
about them.
Regardless of whether this girl has that sister or not, based on her looks, as long as
you praise her well and make her want to marry you, then no matter which boy is lucky
enough to marry her, she will be a great hero.
In this way, Shen Yuling easily found out everything about Zhao Huijia's situation in
this village.
After getting the news she wanted, Shen Yulin's mouth was so happy that it almost reached
her ears.
It was him, it was actually that Zhao Hui.
There are only two brothers in the family. Our parents are still alive, and some of our
aunts and uncles have all separated from their families early on, so there is no burden.
Very good, this couldn't be better.
Shen Yuling was so satisfied that she was overjoyed. After leaving the village, she
immediately began planning how to get to know Zhao Hui's parents.
She first hid quietly around the Zhao family's yard for two days and observed to
determine what Zhao Hui's parents looked like and what his younger brother looked like.
Only then did she slowly begin to put her plan into practice.
Just like that, three days later, when Zhang Dachun went to work in the village's
sideline business group, Shen Yuling hid in a corner that she had to pass by, and
suddenly stretched out her foot when Zhang Dachun passed by.
Zhang Dachun walked this road every day. He knew where there was a piece of dirt with his
eyes closed. He never expected that someone would suddenly stretch out his foot at the
corner. He tripped unexpectedly and fell forward without warning.
"Ah..." Zhang Dachun screamed and fell heavily to the ground with a bang. Because his
mouth was open when he fell, it was immediately filled with blood.
"Oh my, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't expect anyone to come." Shen Yuling pretended to
be surprised and hurried to help her.
Zhang Dachun's heart was trembling with pain at this moment. She could feel blood in her
mouth and her jaw and lips were sore. When she saw the culprit, she was about to curse
him, but she cried out again in pain as soon as she opened her mouth.
"I, I, I'll help you to the clinic. Don't worry, I'll pay for the consultation." Shen
Yuling said as she helped her up. As if she was not familiar with this place at all, she
looked around anxiously and asked, "Auntie, where is the clinic in the village?"
In their lazy village, there is no such high-end place as a clinic. The nearest one is in
the next village.
Zhang Dachun frowned and looked at her unhappily. He wanted to lose his temper, but his
mouth and knees were so painful that he could only point in a direction angrily and let
Shen Yulin support him as he limped to the clinic in the neighboring village.
Zhang Dachun wasn't badly hurt. Apart from his bruised lips and jaw and swollen knees,
the rest of his body was only painful because he was wearing a cotton coat, but he wasn't
seriously injured.
Shen Yuling paid the medical expenses, breathed a sigh of relief, then walked back with
Zhang Dachun, looking apologetic.
Fortunately, it is winter now and people are wearing more clothes. If it were summer, she
doesn't know how much money she would have to spend on medicine.
"Aunt, I'm really sorry. I didn't expect to trip you. Well, since you are inconvenienced
these two days, I will do some work as an apology, okay?" After sending the person home,
Shen Yulin immediately said with a guilty look on her face.
His mouth hurt, and Zhang Dachun became unhappy when he heard that.
So after getting her into this state, you just want to pay for her medicine and let her
do some work?
Zhang Dachun frowned and was about to say that she didn't need to work and just needed to
be paid, but after seeing Shen Yuling's appearance clearly, he quickly shut up.
This girl is good-looking and is about the same age as her husband Baocai. It would be
nice to let her work here for a few days. If she works well, it would not be a bad idea
to pair her with Baocai.
You know, her Baocai has reached the age a long time ago, but there are many people in
the village who come to propose marriage to Zhao Hui, but no one comes to propose
marriage to Baocai. Even if she asks someone in person, when those people hear that it is
for Baocai, they either shake their heads like rattles, or agree but never send any news.
She knew that those people thought Baocai was not as good as Zhao Hui, but who's children
are all the same? What's wrong with her wanting to find a capable and good-looking girl
for her youngest son? Was she going to tell her son that he was ugly and couldn't do
She was looking for a daughter-in-law to serve her son, not looking for ancestors to let
her son serve others. Besides, her son Baocai was not the kind of person who would serve
But there is no way. Although Zhang Dachun's conditions have been lowered again and
again, no one is interested in Zhao Baocai.
She originally wanted Zhao Hui to get her youngest son to work at the supply and
marketing cooperative, even as a handyman, because having a job would make it easier to
find a wife. But Zhao Hui dismissed her with one sentence: the supply and marketing
cooperative only wanted high school students.
It was also at this time that she found out that Zhao Hui was actually a high school
student. Although she didn't know how Zhao Hui became a high school student, he did have
a diploma.
Zhang Dachun was almost angry when he heard this. Since he was able to go to high school,
why didn't he help his younger son? Even if he could let his younger son go to junior
high school, it would be fine.
But when Zhao Hui heard this, he just sneered, turned around and left without paying any
attention to her, which made her so angry that she fell backwards.
Her eldest son is an ungrateful person.
It was also because no one had been interested in her youngest son that Zhang Dachun
started working so hard in the sideline group. She wanted to earn more money and then
give more as a dowry. There would always be someone who would marry a girl to her for
money. She didn't expect that today she would unexpectedly meet someone who came to her
door on his own initiative.

Chapter 132 Barely Satisfied

Zhang Dachun saw Shen Yulin started to clean up the house after she finished speaking. He
looked at her waist critically, then at her hips, and finally at her relatively fair
face, with a hint of satisfaction in his eyes.
Although this girl doesn't seem to be very skilled at work, her face is still pretty.
Although her waist is a bit thin, her hips are very plump. She looks good at giving
birth, so she can be considered barely worthy of her son.
Shen Yulin had no idea what Zhang Dachun was thinking at the moment. Seeing that she was
staring at her with a warm gaze, she immediately worked harder to clean the house and the
People nowadays like wives who are diligent and clean. She didn't believe that even
though she worked so hard, Zhao Hui's mother still looked down on her.
Although free love is practiced now, most people still follow the orders of their parents
and the words of the matchmaker. As long as she can deal with Zhao Hui's parents, she
will be able to deal with Zhao Hui in the future.
In this way, Shen Yuling was busy in the Zhao family for most of the day, cleaning almost
every corner of the Zhao family, and then left under Zhang Dachun's satisfied gaze.
However, after Shen Yulin left here, she collapsed on the kang as soon as she returned
I'm so fucking tired.
Cleaning the house was no easier than working in the fields. In order to look nimble, she
did not slack off while working like she did when working in the fields. After all this
work, she only felt sore back and leg cramps. It was really painful.
Fortunately, when she left, she saw the satisfaction in Zhang Dachun's eyes, otherwise
she would have vomited to death if she hadn't survived a day's work.
At this time, Zhao Hui had once again followed the head of the supply and marketing
cooperative to purchase goods.
The past two years are no longer the same as the previous two years. Although each
household still does not have much money, most people can still buy something for the New
Year at the end of the year. They have to purchase some goods in advance to avoid being
in a hurry when the time comes.
Therefore, Shen Yuling worked at Zhao's house for several days, and even stayed up very
late on purpose once, but still did not see the shadow of Zhao Hui.
"Aunt, didn't you say you had two sons? Why haven't I seen the other one?" Shen Yulin
asked casually while washing the clothes in her hands.
"Oh, he's on a business trip and I don't know when he will be back." Zhang Dachun looked
at her rubbing Zhao Baocai's clothes in her hands, his eyes full of satisfaction.
This girl is good, diligent and capable, and she is easy to talk to. Most importantly,
she didn't show any disgust at all when washing clothes for her son, which is very good.
However, after hearing her words, Shen Yuling didn't know if it was because of the cold
water in the washing basin or what, but she felt that all the heat in her body had
Damn it, why didn’t you tell me earlier that Zhao Hui was on a business trip?
"What's wrong with you?" Zhang Dachun couldn't help but frowned and asked when he saw her
stop washing clothes.
The bruises on her mouth have begun to scab over, and her skin is so tight that she can't
open her mouth to speak.
"It's nothing, the water is just very cold and my hands are a little freezing." Shen
Yulin said as she took her hands out of the cold water and blew a few breaths of hot air.
She was really cold, not pretending. You have to know that it was already winter, and the
water in the basin was all cold, without any hot water. She would feel refreshed
immediately after putting her hands in it.
"Your hands are still freezing?" Zhang Dachun said, "You young people are used to
enjoying life. This water is picked by my family's treasure. No matter how cold it is, it
is warmer than the water just pumped out from the bay. You can't be so vulnerable to
hardship at such a young age."
In a word, she both praised her son's ability and belittled Shen Yuling's meddling.
Upon hearing this, Shen Yulin smiled on the surface, but cursed in her heart.
What kind of man doesn't carry water? Is carrying water the same as washing clothes with
cold water? You are just talking nonsense.
Feeling impatient, Shen Yuxiu began to wash the clothes perfunctorily. After rubbing them
vigorously for a while, she didn't even look to see if there was any area that was not
clean, and just hung them out to dry in the yard.
"Aunt, I've finished washing the clothes. I have something else to do at home. I'll leave
first, okay?"
After Shen Yuling finished speaking, she left in a hurry without even pouring out the
dirty water in the basin.
She decided that she would never come to the Zhao family again until Zhao Hui came back.
This woman is simply poisonous. Not only does she have to wash women's clothes, but she
also has to wash her husband and son's clothes and pants, even their underwear. It's
really disgusting.
“Hey hey…”
Zhang Dachun didn't expect that she would leave as she said. He stood up and chased after
her and called out twice, but she disappeared quickly as if she didn't hear him. He
frowned with some dissatisfaction.
"Really? You didn't even realize you spilled the water before you left."
While muttering, Zhang Dachun picked up the wash basin and poured water into the yard.
Then he checked the clothes washed by Shen Yulin and was somewhat dissatisfied.
No matter how urgent the matter at home is, I can't leave the clothes unwashed. It seems
that I need to discipline her properly when I come home next time.
Shen Yulin didn't know what Zhang Dachun was thinking. If she knew, she would probably be
so angry that she would die.
Just like that, Shen Yulin suddenly stopped coming from that day on, which made Zhang
Dachun, who had been served by her for several days, very uncomfortable.
As the days passed, Zhao Hui came back with the goods, but he left again. Shen Yuling
went to the supply and marketing cooperative several times, but found that Zhao Hui had
not returned, so she stopped going to Zhao's house. It was not until the afternoon of the
23rd day of the lunar year that Zhao Hui finally came back with the goods. Shen Yuling
secretly watched him return home exhausted, and only came to his house the next day.
Of course, this time she made herself look neat and tidy, and even used the soot from the
pot to draw her eyebrows with the water in the basin. If she didn't have lipstick now,
she would have wanted to put on lipstick as well.
When Shen Yulin arrived at the Zhao family, it was just daybreak. She waited outside the
yard for a long time and finally saw Zhang Dachun coming out with a urine pot. She
immediately straightened her clothes and walked into the yard with a smile on her face.
"Auntie, you're up so early?" As soon as she entered the yard, Shen Yulin called Zhang
Dachun sweetly.
When Zhang Dachun saw Shen Yuling, who had disappeared for several days, suddenly
reappear, he immediately grinned with joy.
"Why haven't you come for a while? You must have missed me so much."
There has been a lot of work to do at home these days, and she was worried about it. Shen
Yulin's arrival undoubtedly solved her worries.
"Auntie, I miss you too." Shen Yuling said sweetly, "Did you just get up? Do you want me
to help you cook?"
"Oh, that's not necessary. Just sweep the yard and I'll do it after you do that."
Although Zhang Dachun wanted to make Shen Yulin his daughter-in-law, he had no intention
of letting her touch the food at home.
You know, food is the life of the people. How dare she let an outsider touch the food in
her home?
Shen Yulin was a little angry that Zhang Dachun ordered her to work as a matter of
course, but she came here with a purpose after all, so even if she was reluctant, she
smiled and went to get the broom.
Zhang Dachun happily went to cook when he saw this, and at the same time called the two
brothers Zhao Laowu and Zhao Hui who were still sleeping.
It's not appropriate for these men to sleep in bed when a young girl comes home. Besides,
she wants Shen Yuling to help her sweep the house after dinner, so they have to get up

Chapter 133 Running again?

Zhao Hui had been running around for more than a month. Not only was he responsible for
purchasing and matching goods, he also served as half a driver. He really had a bad
appetite and sleep, and when he finally got home he wanted to sleep soundly. But he
didn't expect that at daybreak, the door was pushed open by Zhang Dachun.
"Everyone, get up quickly, get up."
Zhang Dachun came into the house shouting and left the door wide open. The cold wind
rushed into the house, freezing the two brothers in bed so much that they quickly wrapped
themselves tightly in their quilts.
"Mom, what are you doing? I'm freezing to death." Zhao Bao wrapped himself in the quilt
in annoyance and shrank his head into the quilt.
Zhang Dachun looked at Zhao Baocai happily, then glanced at Zhao Hui beside him, took a
few steps forward and whispered in Zhao Baocai's ear: "Yuling is here, if you don't get
up, you will be blocked in the house."
As soon as Zhao Baocai heard Shen Yulin's name, his originally sleepy eyes suddenly
became bright and his head popped out of the quilt.
After several contacts, Zhao Baocai still likes Shen Yulin very much.
She is good-looking, has a sweet voice, and doesn't mind that he is not doing his job.
She calls him "brother" every time she sees him. Every time he sees her, he feels like he
has endless energy. If he can marry Shen Yulin, he is willing to work harder.
"Of course, I'm sweeping the yard. If you don't believe me, get up and take a look."
Zhang Dachun said while winking outside.
Zhao Baocai didn't care about the cold when he heard it. He lifted the quilt, grabbed his
cotton jacket and trousers and put them on.
But he couldn't let the girl he liked think he was lazy. Although he really didn't like
working, in front of Shen Yulin, he was willing to work no matter how tired he was.
Seeing that Zhao Baocai had already started to put on his clothes quickly, Zhang Dachun
impatiently urged Zhao Hui beside him: "You should also get up quickly and make room. You
are either working or sleeping. If you don't know how, just help me with some work, but
don't hinder others from helping me with my work."
Zhao Hui was not angry when he heard this. He just woke up helplessly, sat up and quickly
put on his clothes.
Others help her with the work? Who in this family can help her with the work?
His father? His brother? Stop it.
But it was okay. Although he didn't sleep until he woke up naturally, a whole night had
eliminated most of his fatigue, and he was in much better spirits than yesterday.
Zhao Hui slowly put on his clothes and folded his bedding. Just as he was about to take
out his toothpaste and toothbrush to brush his teeth, he found that there was a lot less
toothpaste, and the bristles of the toothbrush were different from when he left. There
were even traces of toothpaste foam left on the enamel brush cup.
Zhao Hui knew without asking that this thing had definitely been used by someone. After
all, he always washed these things clean after using them. As for who it was?
Need I ask?
The person who shared the same room and the same kang with him was his good brother Zhao
It’s understandable that Zhao Baocai used his enamel cup and toothpaste, but isn’t it a
bit disgusting that he even used his toothbrush?
Zhao Hui frowned and put these things back in place, then turned around and took out
another set of toiletries from his business trip package. Then he went to the water jar
to scoop water, squatted in a corner of the yard and began to brush his teeth.
When Shen Yulin saw the figure squatting in the yard, her heart began to beat fast.
From her position, she could just see Zhao Hui's profile, his sword-like eyebrows, big
eyes, and angular jawbone. The hand holding the enamel pot had even more distinct joints.
I really didn't expect that the beggar boy back then would turn out to be so handsome. No
wonder even Shen Yuxiu, who used to be an official's wife, was willing to date him.
Zhao Baocai hurriedly put on his clothes and ran over to take over Shen Yuling's job of
sweeping the yard. When he turned around, he saw that she was staring at her elder
brother in a daze, and he immediately felt unhappy.
"What are you looking at?"
Shen Yulin was staring intently when her vision was suddenly blocked. Then Zhao Baocai,
with dishevelled hair and white saliva marks on the corners of his mouth, appeared in
front of her, and he looked like he had caught someone committing adultery.
Shen Yuling felt a little hurt, and quickly put on a smile and pointed at Zhao Hui's
figure and asked: "Is that your eldest brother? He looks very familiar to me."
"Yes, he is my eldest brother." Zhao Baocai was relieved when he heard her say that, and
explained nonchalantly: "He works in the supply and marketing cooperative. If you have
ever bought something in the supply and marketing cooperative, you must have seen him."
Zhao Baocai said this with a hint of sourness.
Who would have thought that his eldest brother had such ability? But unfortunately he was
an ungrateful person, and he didn't know how to give his parents money after earning it.
Otherwise, he wouldn't have said that his wife had such a hard time.
"Really? Is his name Zhao Hui?" Shen Yulin asked with pretended curiosity.
"How do you know?" Zhao Baocai felt something was wrong.
"What a coincidence, he and I are classmates." Shen Yuling said with surprise, walked
around Zhao Baocai and walked towards Zhao Hui. As she walked, she pretended to be
familiar with him and said loudly: Zhao Hui, what a coincidence, is this your home?"
Zhao Hui was brushing his teeth when he suddenly heard someone calling him. He turned
around in confusion and almost choked on the toothpaste foam in his mouth.
Oh my god, why did this person come to my house?
Zhao Hui quickly spit out the foam in his mouth, rinsed his mouth, and asked her with a
vigilant look: "How do you know my family?"
When he heard Zhang Dachun call Zhao Baocai and mentioned the name Yuling, he thought
they had the same name, but he didn't expect they were actually the same person.
"Isn't this a coincidence? I accidentally bumped into your aunt a few days ago, and I had
no money to compensate her, so I worked for her family for a few days as a token of my
appreciation. I never expected that this was your family." Shen Yulin said with an
embarrassed look on her face. She was so excited that she could finally talk to Zhao Hui.
If Shen Yulin had not tried to meet him at the supply and marketing cooperative several
times, Zhao Hui might have believed what she said, but now he doesn't believe a word of
When Zhao Baocai saw Shen Yuling actually left him to talk to Zhao Hui, he immediately
followed over with an unhappy look, saying in a sour tone: "Hey, you two are actually
classmates, brother, why didn't you tell me?"
"You didn't brush your teeth this morning, look how bad your breath smells." Zhao Hui was
not one to fall for his tricks. He quickly brushed the enamel pot, turned around and went
back to the house to wash his face.
Being told by Zhao Hui that he had a foul mouth in front of his beloved girl, Zhao Baocai
immediately felt embarrassed and yelled in anger, "You have a foul mouth. Your whole
family has the foulest mouth."
Zhao Hui, who had already returned to the house, sneered when he heard this.
This brainless thing actually fell in love with such a person with ulterior motives, and
he is not afraid of being killed.
Zhao Hui has been working in the supply and marketing cooperative for several years. He
can't say that he knows a lot of people, but he can definitely guess what they are
thinking by looking at their expressions.
Just from the look in Zhao Baocai's eyes just now, Zhao Hui could tell at a glance what
this kid was thinking.
But this kid has always been stupid. Even if I say that Shen Yuling is not a good person,
Zhao Baocai will probably think that I just can't stand him getting better, so I won't
get involved.
After Zhao Hui washed up, he didn't even eat. He went straight back to the house to get
his things, got on his bike and left.
Just when the man in the yard was worrying about how to talk to Zhao Hui again, he saw
him leave without even saying hello, and he was so angry that his face turned blue.
Running again? Are you sick?
Chapter 134 Who Do You Think You Are?
Zhao Baocai was just happy for a while because Zhao Hui had wisely left, but then he
noticed that she didn't look well, so he hurriedly walked forward with a concerned look
on his face.
"What's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"
Shen Yuling was called back to her senses. She quickly suppressed her anger, smiled and
shook her head, then pretended to be curious and asked, "Is your eldest brother like this
at home? Ignoring people?"
"Yes, he is a taciturn person who can't say a word. He has a gloomy face all day long, as
if he has a grudge against someone." Zhao Baocai was afraid that the girl he liked would
fall in love with Zhao Hui like those other guys, so he immediately slandered him without
However, this was not the first time Shen Yuling met Zhao Hui.
Over the years, among those who had come into contact with Zhao Hui, she had never heard
of anyone saying anything bad about Zhao Hui. He was completely different from Zhao
Shen Yuling immediately lost interest in talking to Zhao Baocai and turned to find Zhang
Zhang Dachun was already unhappy because Zhao Baocai helped Shen Yulin sweep the yard,
and now he was even more unhappy when he saw her leaving Zhao Baocai in the yard.
"Oh, you're not needed here. Go out and talk to Baocai!" Zhang Dachun said a little
"Aunt, you are such a joker. What can I say to Baocai?" Shen Yuling had no intention of
leaving. Instead, she said to Zhang Dachun in a shy manner, "Aunt, I just found out that
Brother Zhao Hui is your son. You don't know that I have liked Brother Zhao Hui since I
was in school. Unfortunately, he has always been very cold to me, so I have never been
able to say it out loud. Now in front of you, I am not afraid of you laughing at me and I
will say it directly. I want to be Brother Zhao Hui's wife. What do you think?"
Shen Yulin spoke very quickly, without even giving Zhang Dachun a chance to react. So
when she finished speaking, Zhang Dachun was stunned with shock.
She actually fell in love with Zhao Hui? What should Baocai do?
And this is exactly the result Shen Yulin wanted.
She was not stupid, so she could see that Zhang Dachun had been trying to match her with
Zhao Baocai, and that Zhao Baocai had already fallen in love with her, but this was too
Who the hell is Zhao Baocai? Not only is he not good-looking, but he is also sloppy. She
doesn't know how this mother and son dare to covet her.
Therefore, she had to quickly put an end to the thoughts of the mother and son.
Otherwise, considering the way Zhao Hui was avoiding her as if he were avoiding the
plague, it would be difficult for her to get close to him, let alone marry him.
It took Zhang Dachun a while to digest Shen Yulin's words. When he came to his senses,
his face looked pale.
But there was no way out. This was the daughter-in-law she had chosen for her youngest
son, and her youngest son also liked this girl, so she wanted to try again.
"Oh, let me tell you, you can't judge a person by his appearance. My Zhao Hui is not a
good-tempered person. He is always rude to people and is difficult to get along with. I
dare not interfere in his marriage. Look at my Baocai, she is good-looking..." Zhang
Dachun belittled Zhao Hui while speaking well of Zhao Baocai, hoping that she would
change her mind.
But who is Shen Yuling? She would not listen to her parents, not to mention Zhang Dachun,
who is an outsider. She interrupted Zhang Dachun's sales pitch without any hesitation,
"Aunt, please stop talking. There is a saying that there is no cloud except the Wushan
Mountain. I just like your Zhao Hui. I don't like anyone else."
Her words were too firm, and it was obvious that she didn't like Zhao Baocai.
Zhang Dachun was choked and his face darkened. He spoke again, and his words were
particularly sharp, "I'm sorry, but my boss doesn't like you either. Go away."
Shen Yuling didn't expect Zhang Dachun to change his expression so quickly. After a
moment of hesitation, she quickly tried to save the situation, "Auntie, don't be so
"I'm so sure, get out of here now and don't come to my house again." Zhang Dachun said
and immediately started pushing her.
She has a lot of problems and she even looks down on her youngest son. What a piece of
Shen Yuling was a little slow to react, and quickly turned around and explained: "Aunt, I
really like Zhao Hui, please help me, I don't need the betrothal gift."
"There are many who don't want a dowry. Who do you think you are? Get out of my house
right now." Zhang Dachun became even angrier after hearing this. He thought she was
pushing him too slowly, so he grabbed her arm and dragged her out.
"Auntie, auntie..."
Shen Yuling didn't want to give up just like that, and she tried to back away, not
wanting to leave. Zhao Baocai, who had just finished sweeping the yard, didn't know what
had happened, but when he saw the girl he liked being dragged so awkwardly by her mother,
he even forgot to drop the broom and hurried over here.
"What's wrong? What's wrong? Why are you angry, Mom?" Zhao Baocai shouted as he ran.
"Why are you angry? She said she likes your elder brother and doesn't like you, and wants
to be your sister-in-law." Zhang Dachun pushed Shen Yulin away in annoyance, his face
full of anger.
Zhao Baocai, who had just run over, was stunned when he heard the words, and stared at
Shen Yulin in disbelief.
Ever since they met, she has been calling him brother, and every time she spoke, there
seemed to be a hook in her eyes. He thought she liked him, but it turned out that she
"Brother Baocai, please listen to my explanation..." Seeing that she couldn't explain to
Zhang Dachun, Shen Yulin wanted to win over Zhao Baocai.
However, Zhao Baocai's self-esteem could not stand the repeated setbacks in his marriage,
and without waiting for Shen Yulin to say anything, he swung the broom in his hand and
hit Shen Yulin in the face.
"Get lost, you shameless thing, get out of here right now."
"Ah..." Shen Yuling didn't expect that he would hit her as soon as he said so. She was
caught off guard and was hit on the shoulder by the broom. She was so scared that she ran
out with her head in her hands.
Zhao Bao chased her for a few steps, but saw that she ran away soon. He dropped the broom
in grief, squatted at the gate and started crying.
Why do all the girls look down on him? Why?
Shen Yuling ran a long way from the Zhao family. When she looked back and saw that no one
was chasing her, she angrily shouted in the direction of the Zhao family: "What a
This was not only an insult to Zhang Dachun and his mother, but also to Zhao Hui.
She put in so much effort and spent so much time, working and smiling, but the woman not
only didn't want her to marry Zhao Hui, but she even pushed her to Zhao Baocai. Didn't
she even look at what kind of person Zhao Baocai is? Is he worthy of him?
But Zhang Dachun is totally unreasonable. He chases people away if they say something
wrong. And Zhao Baocai is even more crazy. He smiles when trying to please her, but
swings a broom at her when he hears that she doesn't want to marry him. Doesn't she owe
them something?
But there was nothing to be done. When Zhao Hui saw her, he acted as if he had seen a
ghost and would turn around and run away without saying a word. Zhang Dachun and his
mother also turned their backs on them. They were all like lunatics and it was hard to
tell how to deal with them.
Shen Yuling was almost vomiting.
She never expected that after working so hard for so long, this would be the result.
Let go? She was unwilling.
But if she didn't let go, how could she get close to Zhao Hui? Close to the Zhao family?

Chapter 135 Watch

Shen Yuling walked out of the village angrily and into the wilderness.
It is winter now and the wind blows without any warning. No matter how strong your
determination is, you will still find it difficult to move.
Shen Yuling walked home step by step with difficulty against the wind. She felt as if her
face was cut by a knife. After a while, her hands and feet were almost numb from the
Oh my god, fuck you!
Shen Yuling was so angry that she kept cursing in her heart.
Of course, she could only curse in her heart. With this wind, as long as she dared to
open her mouth, she would be guaranteed to be filled to the brim and given a mouthful of
sand for free.
In this place, in this weather, the word "drinking northwest wind" is definitely not an
adjective, but a real situation. Of course, the wind today is northeasterly, not
northwesterly, but it is still enough to make people choke.
On the other side, Shen Yulin and Shen Yuxiu only felt a little breeze when they rode
their tricycles out. However, when they were halfway there, the wind suddenly picked up,
howling and blowing up the yellow dust all over the sky. Soon, they and their tricycles
were blown to the supply and marketing cooperative.
"Ah, ah, ah..." Shen Yulin squeezed the brake hard, almost causing sparks, before he
managed to stop in front of the door of the supply and marketing cooperative.
This was only possible because of the supply and marketing cooperative's building
blocking the way, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to stop the car even if he had
squeezed the brakes until smoke came out.
After finally stopping the car, Shen Yulin quickly shook his sore arms from holding the
handlebars. Seeing that some people were already walking on the street, he asked Shen
Yuxiu, "Are you going to wait at my place or here?"
"I'll wait here. I think it's almost time for work. I'll have to come back after I go to
your place. It's so windy here. It'll be easy for me to go, but it'll be hard to come
back." Shen Yuxiu's whole face was wrapped tightly with a scarf, and her voice sounded a
little muffled.
"Okay, then you find a place sheltered from the wind. I'll leave first." Shen Yulin said
as he adjusted the felt hat on his head and pedaled the tricycle away again.
After Shen Yulin left, Shen Yuxiu immediately found a place sheltered from the wind and
hid there, waiting for the supply and marketing cooperative to open or Zhao Hui to go to
As soon as Zhao Hui came back yesterday, he went to find Shen Yulin at the machine repair
station and told him that the supply and marketing cooperative had received a lot of new
goods this time, and asked him to buy them quickly if he needed anything at home,
otherwise he was afraid he would not be able to keep the goods.
Shen Yulin didn't care much about what the new goods were. He just wanted to take the
news home. But Shen Yuxiu was so excited that she couldn't sleep all night. After dinner,
she urged Shen Yulin to come quickly.
She knew that Zhao Hui had bought the watch back.
Since she started working, she envied the watch on the wrist of a teacher. After all,
with this thing, she could go to school on time and know the time anytime and anywhere.
But she had saved the money to buy a watch a long time ago, but it was difficult to get
the industrial coupons to buy a watch. Until the last time Zhao Hui said that he had
enough industrial coupons before leaving, she gave the money to Zhao Hui and asked him to
buy her a watch.
However, the wind was too strong and too cold. Even though Shen Yuxiu had hidden in a
sheltered place, her feet soon became numb from the cold. She had no choice but to stamp
her feet on the spot, glancing towards the door of the supply and marketing cooperative
every once in a while.
This is the disadvantage of not having a watch. If you don’t know the time, time will
seem infinitely long when you are waiting.
Zhao Hui, who was also blown over by the wind, saw Shen Yuxiu who just happened to stick
her head out before he reached the supply and marketing cooperative, and immediately rode
his bicycle up to her.
"Why are you here so early? How long have you been waiting?"
"My second brother was at work, so I asked him to bring me here. I didn't have to wait
long." Shen Yuxiu stamped her feet and said coquettishly, "My feet are almost numb from
the cold."
"Come on, follow me into the yard first." Upon hearing this, Zhao Hui hurriedly called
her and walked towards the gate of the supply and marketing cooperative together.
There was a small house at the gate of the courtyard, and there was an old man guarding
the house inside. Zhao Hui called out, and there was an immediate response from inside,
and the gate opened soon after.
Zhao Hui parked his bicycle against the wall, took out a key from his pocket, opened the
door of a house, and asked Shen Yuxiu to hurry in.
This is the place where employees usually change shifts or rest after working late. Most
of the people who work in the supply and marketing cooperative have settled down in the
county, so usually only Zhao Hui rests here, and most of the things placed inside are
Zhao Hui's things.
The first thing Shen Yuxiu did when she entered the room was to let out a long sigh of
relief, and sighed, "It's really windy today."
"Yes." Zhao Hui said as he took out a small metal box from a hidden corner and handed it
to her, "See if you like it."
When Shen Yuxiu saw the small box, her eyes suddenly lit up. She happily took the box and
opened it. Immediately, a silver-white mechanical watch appeared in front of her. The
dial was not big, but delicate and small. It was obviously a women's watch.
Shen Yuxiu put the watch on her wrist with a smile on her face. The cold metal touching
her skin made her shiver, but this did not hinder her joy at all. After putting it on,
she immediately raised her wrist in front of Zhao Hui's eyes and shook it, "Does it look
"It looks good." Zhao Hui glanced at her white wrist and saw that her eyes were curved
with joy. He immediately smiled and nodded.
To him, a watch is just an external thing. No matter how beautiful it looks, it is not as
important as making her happy.
"The wind is so strong, how are you going to get back?" After looking at his watch, Zhao
Hui asked another question.
"I was originally planning to walk back, but now it seems that it's not possible." Shen
Yuxiu listened to the howling wind outside getting louder and louder, frowned and asked
him, "Can I stay here? If not, I'll go to my second brother's place after I finish
shopping. Maybe the wind will stop in the afternoon."
Zhao Hui hesitated a little after hearing this. It was rare that Shen Yuxiu was not in a
hurry to go home. He didn't want her to go to Shen Yulin's place. He wanted to stay with
her for a while longer.
But this is a workplace after all, and there are so many goods in the warehouse that he
was afraid that someone would think too much if they saw them.
Zhao Hui hesitated for a moment, then said, "It's so windy today, I don't think anyone
will come to buy anything. Why don't I take a day off today, and you and I can go look at
houses. When I came back last time, Sister Lan said that someone in her family wanted to
sell a house not far from here. I've saved up almost all my money now, so if the price is
right, I'd like to buy it right away."
Shen Yuxiu was stunned when she heard this, and then her eyes were filled with surprise.
"Yeah." Zhao Hui nodded.
"Okay, I'm free too, let's go take a look." Shen Yuxiu happily hugged his arm.
Zhao Hui looked at her happy expression, and the soft light in his eyes almost
That’s great, she likes him too and wants to become a family with him.
In fact, he had started looking for houses a long time ago, but because he had a plan in
mind, he had never taken action. But this morning, Shen Yulin suddenly appeared at home,
and he had the idea of buying a house as soon as possible. This way, he wouldn't have to
go home to rest, and he wouldn't have to face the lingering Shen Yulin.

Chapter 136 Let’s break up!

Sure enough, just as Zhao Hui said, today, apart from the sales clerks who came to work,
there were few people coming to buy things.
Zhao Hui easily took leave and went to look at houses happily with Shen Yuxiu.
It was just that the wind was too strong today. When walking on the road, a gust of wind
would occasionally blow, and Shen Yuxiu would be blown away in a panic if she wasn't
careful. If Zhao Hui hadn't been quick to grab her every time, she probably wouldn't have
known where she would have been blown to.
In this way, the two of them braved the cold wind and visited several houses. Shen Yuxiu
was already exhausted and out of breath.
After visiting four or five households, the two finally chose a small courtyard with two
brick houses.
Although the yard is not big, it has running water, and there is a kitchen and a washroom
at the entrance of the yard. The two rooms in the main house have two bedrooms and a
living room. Although the space is not large, it is completely spacious enough even for
Fang Youshun and his wife to live in.
After deciding on a house, they started bargaining. Shen Yuxiu lacked experience in this
area, so she left it entirely to Zhao Hui.
Because Zhao Hui worked in the supply and marketing cooperative, almost everyone in the
county knew him. When the owner saw that he was buying a house, in order to leave a good
impression and make it easier to buy things in the future, he did not ask for too high a
price. When Zhao Hui bargained down the price to within his expected range, the owner
immediately agreed.
After agreeing on the price, the two men and the owner of the house immediately went to
the relevant department, paid the money and got the property certificate. After
completing the formalities, the two men took the keys given by the owner and went to
clean up the house.
Zhao Hui wanted to clean up the place as soon as possible. Firstly, he would have a place
to put his things. Secondly, he would have a place to rest in peace without having to
worry about his personal belongings being used by Zhao Baocai at will.
In this way, Shen Yuxiu came to the county, and went to look at and buy houses with Zhao
Hui, and also did cleaning. She was really busy.
It was not until the wind gradually died down in the afternoon and the two of them
finished cleaning, sweating all over, that Shen Yuxiu remembered that she had not bought
the things she had planned to buy.
Looking at the time on her wrist, Shen Yuxiu urged Zhao Hui to go shopping with her and
then rush to Shen Yulin's workplace. Otherwise, Shen Yulin might think that she had
bought something and left directly, and she would have to walk twenty miles back.
Upon hearing this, Zhao Hui immediately hurried back to the supply and marketing
cooperative with her, then went straight to the counter to get everything she needed.
After she paid, he quickly rode his bicycle to take her to the machine repair station.
But in the end they still arrived late. There was nothing to do at the machine repair
station today, and Shen Yulin was very idle. As soon as the wind died down, he left work
early and went home.
Shen Yuxiu turned her head helplessly and looked at Zhao Hui, but Zhao Hui smiled
indifferently, "I'll take you there. Anyway, I've taken a day off today and the house has
been cleaned, so there's nothing to do."
"Okay." Upon hearing this, Shen Yuxiu immediately ran back, jumped onto the back seat of
Zhao Hui's bicycle, and patted him on the back.
"Let's go."
Feeling the gentle pat on his back, the corners of Zhao Hui's lips curled up slightly in
pleasure. He stepped hard and quickly took her away from the supply and marketing
However, Shen Yulin did not go home at all. He was not far from Zhou Qingyuan's house,
watching Zhou Qingyuan talking to a young man in a cashmere coat with a smile on her
face, and there was a car next to the man.
No idea what the man said, but Shen Yulin saw Zhou Qingyuan’s face flushed with smile,
and her expression even had a hint of a little woman’s concentration and tenderness.
Shen Yulin's face gradually turned grim as he watched this scene.
He is a man and has liked Zhou Qingyuan for more than a year. He has seen her being
spoiled and unreasonable, he has seen her laughing heartily, and he has also seen her
looking at someone so tenderly.
He knew exactly what this meant.
Over there, Zhou Qingyuan watched the young man get into the car and leave. Just as she
was about to go home, she saw Shen Yulin standing on the street.
He was still riding the old tricycle, and his body was still covered in dust and oil,
which made her not want to get close to him.
But Zhou Qingyuan still took a deep breath, looked around and saw that there was no one
around, then strode towards this side.
When Shen Yulin saw her coming, he quickly composed himself, and when he looked up again,
he looked cheerful again.
"When did you come back?" Shen Yulin asked her with a smile, as if he was not the one who
was panicking just now.
"Just got back." Zhou Qingyuan pointed to where the car disappeared and said, "You saw
it, too. That was my classmate. He sent me back."
"Oh." Shen Yulin nodded. Subconsciously, he didn't want to ask about the man. Just when
he was about to change the subject, he was stunned by Zhou Qingyuan's next words.
"Don't come to see me anymore." Zhou Qingyuan said quietly, "Shen Yulin, let's break up."
When Shen Yulin heard this, he felt as if he was struck by lightning. He stood there in a
daze for a moment, and then a surge of anger suddenly rose in his chest.
He tried hard to restrain himself from being impulsive, and for a moment his whole face
looked extremely tense.
Seeing him like this, Zhou Qingyuan lowered her head slightly with a guilty conscience
and said in a gentle voice: "Just think of it as something I owe you, Shen Yulin, I don't
want to be with you anymore."
"Why?" Shen Yulin had already controlled his emotions by this time. He sneered coldly,
pointed at the place where the car disappeared, and asked, "Is it because of that man?"
"Shen Yulin, this is a matter between the two of us, don't involve others." Zhou
Qingyuan's face suddenly turned bad when she heard it. Shen Yulin said this as if she was
very fickle.
"What's the reason?" Shen Yulin saw how she spoke to the man just now, so he didn't
believe her words. "We've been together for a few years, after all. You can't just break
up like that. You have to give me a reason."
"Reason? We are not equal in status, okay?" After a few years of getting along, Zhou
Qingyuan knew how hard it was to fool him. She took a deep breath and began to tell him
the facts. "People always grow up and develop. It was only after I went to college that I
realized how big and wonderful the world is. Shen Yulin, I want a better life and a
better future, but your family background means that you will never have a good future.
You can't give me the life I want, and I don't want to go home every day to face my
husband covered in grease or mud. Is that okay?"
Sure, why not?
Shen Yulin smiled sadly, and the anger in his heart suddenly disappeared.
Is it wrong for Zhou Qingyuan to want a good future? Yes!
With my family background, I can't give Zhou Qingyuan the life she wants. Should I blame
them? No!
But he has tried very hard!
He knew that Zhou Qingyuan came from a good family and had never suffered any hardship.
He couldn't stand the life in the village, so he racked his brains to find connections to
buy a job as soon as he graduated, and then tried his best to break off the engagement,
just because he didn't want her to suffer with him.
But he didn't expect that after working so hard for so long, he would get such a result.

Chapter 137 Never See You Again

Shen Yulin felt bitter after hearing this.
What she said was indeed true, but...
"Qingyuan, can you wait for me for a moment? I will work very hard. Although I can't get
into the unit or go to the state-owned factory, I have done my best at the machine repair
station. Believe me, I can make you live a good life." Shen Yulin was unwilling.
He has liked her for so many years, given so much, and worked so hard for so long, he
doesn't want to give up just like that.
"Shen Yulin, can you be more realistic? Just because you touch those machines every day
in the machine repair station, how good can you make my life?" Zhou Qingyuan was annoyed,
but she was afraid that he would pester her, so she turned around and started to flatter
him. "In fact, apart from your background, you look good and are a good person. You have
a high school diploma and are considered an educated person. Even if we break up, I
believe you can find a good girl with your conditions. Let's break up decently, okay?"
A decent separation?
"What about our years of relationship?" Shen Yulin looked at her, feeling an
indescribable grief and anger in his heart. "You said you want to break up, so what do
you think of me? Have you ever loved me?"
"Is it that important whether you like me or not?" Seeing that he was still entangled in
this issue, Zhou Qingyuan was also a little annoyed, and shouted angrily: "Do you know
what the situation is like outside now? Do you know what hidden dangers your family
background will bring to me? I want to avoid risks. I don't want our family to be dragged
down by your family, okay?"
Shen Yulin's heart suddenly sank as he listened to her almost hysterical cry.
If it were something else, he might still be able to fight for it, but when it comes to
family, class background, and social environment, these are simply not things he can
"Can I just consider it as something I owe you?" Zhou Qingyuan felt a little
uncomfortable when she saw him like this. "I can't accept the hidden dangers behind this,
nor can I accept the fact that you are covered in grease every day, and I can't accept
that one day I might have to go home with you to farm. I can't live that kind of life. If
you really loved me, please let me go."
If you ask her if she had ever liked Shen Yulin, of course she had. If it weren't for the
fact that Shen Yulin's aunt was a landlord, maybe the two of them would have really been
able to get together.
But the reality is that what she sees outside is not only beauty but also cruelty. She
cannot accept the possibility that one day she will be reduced to dust. What's more, she
now has a better choice.
After a long time, Shen Yulin took a deep breath, raised his eyes and looked quietly into
Zhou Qingyuan's eyes, and finally asked again.
"Do you want to break up with me no matter what I say?"
Shen Yulin's eyes were so deep that Zhou Qingyuan felt guilty.
But when she thought of the classmate who sent her back and that person's father was the
county magistrate, she suddenly regained her courage and nodded vigorously: "Yes, I want
to break up with you. As long as you don't make things difficult for me, we can still be
ordinary friends."
"That's not necessary. We're separated, and there's no need to be friends." Shen Yulin
shook his head. When he looked up again, he had returned to his original nonchalant look,
as if he didn't care that much and said, "I wish you a bright future in advance. After
today, we'll be strangers when we meet again. There's no need to say hello. We'll never
see each other again."
After saying that, Shen Yulin smiled and waved to Zhou Qingyuan, turned around, got on
his tricycle and left without looking back.
However, the moment I turned around, two lines of tears quietly slid down my face.
But he couldn't look back, for he was afraid that if he did, his pretended strength would
be seen through.
Zhou Qingyuan looked at Shen Yulin's gradually receding back and stood there quietly for
a long time without moving.
Somehow, when Shen Yulin refused to break up, she was very upset. Now Shen Yulin suddenly
agreed and left without any reluctance. She felt an indescribable loss in her heart.
Did he accept it so calmly?
Doesn't he feel sad at all?
Then... does it mean that he doesn't love me that much?
This is fine. If he doesn't love me that much, then my decision to break up was not
Zhou Qingyuan comforted herself in this way in her heart. Only in this way could she feel
at ease and not feel that she owed Shen Yulin anything.
Of course, she didn't actually owe him anything. In this relationship, Shen Yulin had
given a lot, but she had also given sincerely. To be honest, it was just that the two of
them were not destined to be together, and no one could be blamed.
When Shen Yulin pretended to be strong and walked home, Shen Yuxiu and Zhao Hui had also
returned to the village.
When Fang Youshun saw Zhao Hui and her enter the house together, he couldn't help but ask
in confusion: "Why did you send Xiaoxiu back? Aren't you busy?"
"It's windy today, so few people are going to the supply and marketing cooperative." Zhao
Hui said with a smile, "Xiaoxiu waited at my place until the wind died down and then went
to look for Yulin. Yulin had already left, so I sent Xiaoxiu back as I had nothing else
to do."
"Ah? Is Yulin back? I didn't see him when I went to your uncle's house just now!" Fang
Youshun looked confused.
"Didn't you see him? Then where did he go?" Shen Yuxiu asked in surprise, and suddenly
she remembered that Zhou Qingyuan should be back soon. She immediately understood
something and quickly covered up, "Then he might have gone somewhere else."
"It's possible." Fang Youshun didn't take it too seriously. After all, Shen Yulin had
been wild for more than a day or two, so he wasn't worried at all. He turned around and
took out a small basket of cooked peanuts and handed it to Zhao Hui: "This is what your
grandma just fried this morning. Eat some first, and ask your grandma to cook early
later. Eat here before leaving."
"Hey." Zhao Hui was not polite. He followed him to the edge of the kang and started
chatting with Fang Youshun.
He was either at work or on his way to work every day, and it had been a long time since
he had a chat with Fang Youshun like this.
Seeing them chatting, Shen Yuxiu ignored him and went back to the room to pack up the
things she brought back.
Put what should be put away, and put what should be put outside.
The days are short and the nights are long in winter, and it always gets dark very
quickly. Even though Grandma Fang had cooked in advance, it was almost dark when Zhao Hui
finished his meal and left Fang's house.
It was already noon when Shen Yuling returned home against the wind. She didn't know if
it was because of the wind or the cold, but she felt dizzy and cold all over after she
came back.
But even though she was in this state, her mother acted as if she didn't see it and asked
her to carry grass to cook in the yard at the entrance of the village.
At this moment, Shen Yulin felt that life was really boring.
Other parents love their children, and when they see their children are sick, they would
like to serve them with everything they need. But she was different. She was ordered to
cook when she was not feeling well.
Just as Shen Yuling was dazed and carrying the burnt grass out of the yard, she saw a
figure riding a bicycle walking away. When she saw who it was, she was stunned.
Zhao Hui?
When did he come to the village?
Why don’t you know it yourself?

Chapter 138 You are a disaster

Shen Yulin felt a fire burning in her chest, which even hurt her eyes.
How could Zhao Hui treat her like this?
She chased after him every day and tried every way to get close to him, but in the end,
he not only ignored her, but also always took the initiative to run to Shen Yuxiu's
What am I in his eyes?
Am I really unworthy of his kindness and equal treatment?
If he cannot treat himself fairly, if he cannot belong to himself, then he definitely
cannot belong to Shen Yuxiu.
Shen Yuling looked at Zhao Hui's back as he disappeared into the field, her eyes filled
with madness.
Zhao Hui here had no idea that Shen Yulin saw him when he was leaving. Even if he knew,
he just thought that this person was very weird.
After all, the two had never had any contact before, and they had never even spoken a
word to each other before. It was really annoying that he suddenly stuck to her like a
dog-skin plaster.
When Zhao returned home, it was completely dark.
The people in the house were eating by the light of a kerosene lamp. Zhang Dachun heard
the noise and glanced at Zhao Hui who was parking his bicycle in the yard. He didn't even
pay attention to him, let alone invite him to eat.
She is still very angry. Who would have thought that the daughter-in-law she had chosen
with great difficulty would fall in love with Zhao Hui? It makes her so angry that her
heart aches.
Zhao Baocai, who was standing next to him, also looked unhappy when he saw him come back.
He even glanced at the only steamed bread left on the table and took it directly in his
hand, wanting to occupy it even if he didn't want to eat it. Anyway, he didn't want to
give it to Zhao Hui.
Who made this guy have nothing better to do than flirt with girls, and he even flirted
directly with her on his head.
In the past, he had never really liked any girl, let alone had any contact with any girl,
so even if no one liked him, he felt a little jealous, but not that strong. But what
happened today directly hit him in the lungs.
You know, people are always emotional. Even though he didn't have any thoughts when he
first met Shen Yulin, after getting to know her day by day, he had already lost himself
in Shen Yulin's call of "brother".
But in the end, he finally fell in love with a girl, but the girl actually said she liked
his elder brother. This was really hurtful to his self-esteem.
However, when Zhao Hui came back today, he did not come to this room as usual, but went
straight back to his and Zhao Baocai's room.
He was very tired from buying a house and cleaning it today. Besides, he had already
eaten, so he had no intention of eating the steamed bread that Zhang Dachun reluctantly
left for him.
Zhao Baocai tightly grasped the steamed bread in his hand, waiting for Zhao Hui to come
over to eat and find fault, but he didn't expect that Zhao Hui didn't come to the room at
all. At that time, he felt a breath of anger stuck in his chest, and he choked and
couldn't eat.
It’s infuriating. It’s so infuriating.
Zhao Baocai was so angry that he threw the steamed bread to the ground, rushed out of the
house, ran to the next room and yelled at Zhao Hui.
"Get out, you scoundrel, get out of this house right now."
Zhao Hui returned to the room and was just about to spread out the bedding to rest, but
he didn't expect that as soon as he got the bedding in his hand, Zhao Baocai suddenly
rushed in and yelled at him like a madman.
"Are you sick? Did I provoke you?" Zhao Hui said as he continued with his actions, not
wanting to pay any attention to him at all.
However, Zhao Baocai was already furious. Seeing that he didn't take him seriously at
all, he angrily stepped forward, grabbed the quilt in his hand and threw it to the
ground, yelling at Zhao Hui like crazy, "I told you to get out and don't sleep in my
Zhao Hui looked at the quilt under his feet and his face suddenly turned cold.
Over the years, Zhao Hui was not often at home, and there were almost no conflicts
between him and Zhao Baocai, but that did not mean that Zhao Baocai could throw things at
him or lose his temper at him at will.
However, as soon as he stood up from the kang, he saw Zhang Dachun running towards him in
a hurry.
Zhang Dachun walked into the room and saw Zhao Hui standing on the kang, looking down at
him, while Zhao Baocai was looking up at him with an angry look on his face. He thought
Zhao Hui was going to hit Zhao Baocai, so he quickly rushed to Zhao Baocai and blocked
him behind him, saying to Zhao Hui: "What are you going to do? You stole your brother's
girlfriend and you want to hit someone?"
"Can you please be reasonable? When did I hit him? When did I just steal the treasure?"
Zhao Hui frowned and looked at Zhang Dachun, feeling confused.
When did he steal Zhao Baocai's girlfriend? When did Zhao Baocai have a girlfriend?
"Don't pretend in front of me. Yuling said she likes you. Originally, I liked her, but as
soon as she saw you, she said she liked you and wanted to marry you. Aren't you trying to
steal my partner?" Zhao Baocai shouted angrily behind Zhang Dachun.
Zhao Hui looked strange when he heard this and looked at Zhao Baocai as if he was a fool.
Who would like Shen Yuling, a psychopath? Besides, if Shen Yuling likes him, does that
mean he has snatched her away? He didn't even tell Shen Yuling, okay?
Zhao Hui took a deep breath and was about to explain when he heard Zhang Dachun say,
"Hui, why don't you move out first? If you stay at home all the time, Baocai won't be
able to find a wife. Wait until he gets a wife before you come back and live here."
Zhao Hui totally disagreed with her words and retorted with a frown: "What does it have
to do with me if he can't have a wife? I wouldn't even look at the woman he likes. Why
can't he talk about having a wife when I'm at home?"
"But as long as you are here, no one will be interested in Baocai!" Zhang Dachun was also
very angry, and said pleadingly: "Go back, your brother said that it is not easy to find
a wife. If you were at home, he would choose you first if he was a girl. I beg you, can
you move out first? Can I give you a way to live?"
Zhao Hui found it unbelievable. Was it his fault that those girls liked him and not Zhao
But he also knew that it was impossible to explain the matter to the mother and daughter,
and he was going to propose to Shen Yuxiu after the fifteenth day of the first lunar
month next year, which might require the intervention of Zhang Dachun and Zhao Laowu, the
parents. He didn't want to anger Zhang Dachun, so he could only suppress his temper and
turn around to pack his things.
At this time, he was very glad that he bought a house today, otherwise he didn't know
where to move to tonight.
"Well, go back. Don't blame me. I have no choice." Zhang Dachun felt a little uneasy when
he saw that he compromised so easily.
It was late at night and she didn't want to chase anyone out, but her Baocai had been
cooped up at home all day, and she was afraid that Zhao Baocai would continue to make
trouble and annoy Zhao Hui.
You know, Zhao Hui is taller and stronger than Zhao Baocai in both physique and height.
If the two of them get angry and fight, Zhao Baocai will definitely suffer.
Moreover, she did feel that Zhao Hui was hindering Zhao Baocai from finding a wife. She
thought that as long as Zhao Hui was not at home, there would be no comparison and there
would always be a girl who would fall in love with her Baocai.
Zhao Hui packed up all his things and tied them to the back of his bicycle. Before
leaving, he looked coldly at Zhao Baocai, who was standing at the door with an angry look
on his face, and said, "The reason you can't get a wife is not because of me, but because
you are lazy and good-for-nothing. You are such a loser."
After saying that, Zhao Hui didn't even look at Zhao Baocai's instantly distorted face,
and pushed his bicycle out of the yard.

Chapter 139 Don’t Be So Crow-mouthed

In the dark night, Zhao Hui pushed his bicycle step by step towards the county town.
It’s not that he didn’t want to ride a bike, but the weather today was not very good.
There was not even a star in the foggy sky, and it was pitch black everywhere. He
couldn’t see the road at all. If he rode a bike, he might fall on his face in the mud in
the next second.
Zhao Hui didn't care at all about Zhang Dachun kicking him out.
For someone who has long lost hope, no matter what you say, it will not be able to bring
him down.
Zhao Hui was just glad that he bought a house today, otherwise, he would not know where
to live.
Two hours later, Zhao Hui finally arrived at the newly bought house in the dark. He
opened the door and looked at the empty house. Thinking of the scene of Shen Yuxiu
cleaning the house with him during the day, a smile slowly appeared at the corner of Zhao
Hui's lips.
This is the benefit of having a home of your own! Even if he is kicked out, he will not
be left with nowhere to go.
Although there is nothing here and he still has to sleep on the cold ground, this is his
place, his future home with Shen Yuxiu!
After barely sleeping on the cold ground all night, Zhao Hui got up early in the morning
and went to buy a bed.
At this time of year, the soil in the fields has long been frozen hard. It is simply
unrealistic to dig out the soil for a bed. It is more practical to buy a bed and a stove.
What's more, it is the busiest time in the supply and marketing cooperative, and he also
No time to make a clay pot.
As for what happened to Zhao Hui, Shen Yuxiu had no idea at all.
The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and she and Grandma Fang Yan are steaming steamed
buns, steamed buns, steamed rice cakes, and frying New Year's goods. Whenever they have
free time, she and Shen Yuwen cut red paper and write couplets. They are very busy.
But there's nothing that can be done about it. Shen Yulin won't have a holiday until the
New Year's Eve, so he can't help Shen Yuwen at all. Apart from Shen Yulin, she and Shen
Yuwen were the only ones in the family who could read and write well. Shen Jinggui had
many brothers, so even if she wasn't good at calligraphy, she had to bite the bullet.
Fortunately, this busy time didn't last long. After posting the couplets on New Year's
Eve and making dumplings for the New Year's Day with Grandma Fang, it was all done.
On the first day of the new year, firecrackers began to pop outside the house early in
the morning, but Shen Yuxiu slept until the old couple of the Fang family cooked the
dumplings and called her, then she got up lazily.
She had to get up. Nowadays, people come out to pay New Year's greetings early in the
morning when it is still dark. If she didn't get up, she would easily be blocked in bed
by others.
Fortunately, unmarried girls don’t have to go out to pay New Year’s greetings. After
eating, she went to her grandparents’ house, paid New Year’s greetings to Mr. and Mrs.
Fang, and then went home, lay on the kang, and read a book out of boredom.
It's not that she doesn't want to go out and play with others, but she went to school
earlier, and the group of girls and boys she grew up with were basically married, and at
this time they were busy with New Year's greetings. And those girls of her age or
younger, because they didn't grow up in the same circle, naturally had no intersection,
let alone playing together.
Therefore, every New Year's Day is almost the most boring day for Shen Yuxiu. But the
older generation has a rule for this day, that is, on the first day of the new year,
sleeping during the day is not allowed, sleeping means poor health for the whole year.
Therefore, no matter how bored Shen Yuxiu was on the first day of the new year, Grandma
Fang would not allow her to sleep and let her do whatever she wanted.
The only difference between this year and previous years was that after paying New Year's
greetings, Shen Yulin actually came to lie down beside her.
In the outer room, a group of old men and women were chatting with Fang Youshun and his
wife. The chattering made Shen Yuxiu, who was reading a book, feel a little drowsy. She
put the book down helplessly and rubbed her eyes. Just as she was about to continue
reading, she unexpectedly saw Shen Yulin lying next to her, staring at the roof in a
"What are you doing? Why are you still so distraught? Are you heartbroken?" Shen Yuxiu
raised her foot and kicked him in confusion.
Why is he so weird today? Not only does he not go out to play with his gang, but he
actually comes here and stares blankly?
Shen Yulin snorted in annoyance when he heard this, "Can you be less of a bad-mouthed
"Ah?" Shen Yuxiu was stunned when she heard that. When she understood what he meant, she
widened her eyes in surprise. "Oh my god, really? Why?"
"Because of my family background and because I have no ability." Shen Yulin said with a
nonchalant smile.
Anyway, Shen Yuxiu knew about his relationship with Zhou Qingyuan, and there was nothing
to hide, so he simply told her the whole story of his breakup with Zhou Qingyuan.
Thinking back to when I was unwilling to give up after the breakup, I secretly went to
see Zhou Qingyuan, but unexpectedly I saw her going out shopping with the man that day.
She was wearing a simple and neat tweed coat, and the man was wearing a neat and tidy
Zhongshan suit. They looked so well matched together.
Now when he thinks about his reluctance at that time and the good-looking couple, Shen
Yulin feels ridiculous.
What is there for him to be unwilling about?
That man, apart from his looks, was obviously more than one level better than me in terms
of his clothing and speech. Why should I be unwilling to be defeated by such a man?
He is inferior to others, that is a fact, and no one is to blame.
Moreover, judging from the fact that Zhou Qingyuan did not tell him when she went to
college, and that she rarely replied to his letters later, there were actually signs of
their breakup, but he was still clinging to illusions at the time and refused to accept
Shen Yuxiu never expected that something like this would happen. Listening to Shen
Yulin's lost and self-loathing look, a surge of anger suddenly surged in her heart.
"Where is her home?" Shen Yuxiu said as she threw the book onto the kang, then stood up
and started looking for her coat and scarf.
When Zhou Qingyuan was about to fall in love with Shen Yulin, she told him the situation
at home clearly. What did Zhou Qingyuan say at that time? I don't care. I don't care
about anything. Love is a matter between two people and has nothing to do with family.
So the relationship had nothing to do with family background back then, but it does now?
If she wanted to break up, couldn't she have done it earlier? Why did she break up only
after Shen Yulin risked his life to break up with her? Wasn't this just a joke?
"What are you doing?" Shen Yulin was shocked when he saw that she looked like she was
looking for a fight. "What are you going to do?"
"I'm going to find Zhou Qingyuan. You can't play tricks on people like this. It's too
bullying." Shen Yuxiu was so angry that her voice began to tremble.
She had never seen anyone like this since she was a child.
"Let's do it. Don't be angry." Shen Yulin never thought that she would be so angry with
him. He quickly held her back and said in panic, "What she said is true. It is true that
I am not worthy of her."
"Why are you not worthy?" Shen Yuxiu glared at him angrily, "You had better grades than
her when you were in school, and you were more popular among your classmates. She's not
bad looking, but you're not bad either. The only thing is that she's not from our family,
so we're also implicated, okay?"
"Okay, okay, I'm good in every way. She doesn't deserve me. It's her who doesn't deserve
me!" Shen Yulin used his hands and feet to pull her away, fearing that she would really
run to find Zhou Qingyuan.
He never thought that breaking up with her would make her so angry. But at the same time,
his heart, which had been hurt and cold by Zhou Qingyuan, was suddenly warmed up by Shen
Yuxiu's action.

Chapter 140 The Last Time

Shen Yuxiu was suddenly pulled by Shen Yulin, causing her to stagger and fall onto the
kang with a thump.
"Ah." Shen Yuxiu screamed after being thrown down, and felt a sharp pain in her coccyx.
Shen Yulin didn't expect that he would pull the person down. He was so scared that he
immediately knelt down beside her to check.
"Let me see where it fell."
Shen Yuxiu glared at him viciously.
He broke his coccyx, but is that something he can see?
Grandma Fang, who was chatting with someone in the outer room, heard something strange in
the room and hurried over to push the door open. What she saw was Shen Yuxiu lying on the
kang with red eyes, and Shen Yulin kneeling beside her as if he was about to reach out to
"Shen Yulin, what are you doing on New Year's Day? You are bullying Xiaoxiu again."
Grandma Fang was so angry that she stepped forward and grabbed Shen Yulin's clothes. Shen
Yulin was so scared that he jumped up and hid at the foot of the kang.
"Grandma, grandma, I didn't bully Xiaoxiu, we were just joking." Shen Yulin hid while
looking at Shen Yuxiu, "Right, Xiaoxiu."
Shen Yuxiu also knew that this was a misunderstanding, and said perfunctorily: "Yes, yes,
yes, whatever you say is yes."
No one in the family knew about the affair between Shen Yulin and Zhou Qingyuan, and it
was hard for her to explain it to her.
Grandma Fang was skeptical, but seeing that they didn't look like they were fighting, she
looked at Shen Yulin and then Shen Yuxiu suspiciously and said, "Then you two should
behave yourself and stop making such a fuss."
"Hey, hey, hey, okay, okay." Shen Yulin agreed repeatedly.
You have to agree, or you'll get beaten again.
Seeing him make assurances repeatedly, Grandma Fang let him go and turned back to the
outer room with some concern.
After Grandma Fang left, Shen Yulin slowly walked back from the foot of the kang. Shen
Yuxiu didn't get up either, just lying on her back, looking at him and muttering in a bad
mood: "You are really amazing. You still protect her even after breaking up with her."
Shen Yulin's face darkened when she heard what she said. He slowly sat down on the kang,
frowned and whispered, "It's not all about protecting her. I just think that since we've
already broken up, there's no need to make any more trouble. Besides, one of her
relatives works at the police station. If you go up and make a scene, it's not reasonable
and you won't get any good results."
"Why didn't I realize you were so magnanimous before?" Shen Yuxiu pouted in annoyance.
In the past, if someone had offended him, it would have been strange for Shen Yulin to
let that person go. But even after Zhou Qingyuan had played such a trick on him, he could
still be so magnanimous.
"Then you underestimate me. I have always been very generous." Shen Yulin lowered his
head and smiled slightly, feeling a little bitter in his heart.
How could he be so magnanimous?
At that time, he also wanted to make a big fuss and was unwilling to give up, but after
slowly calming down, he gave up.
After all, this was the first time he liked a girl so much, and he had given a lot to
her. Although the result was not good, he still had many good memories. He didn't want to
turn some good memories into a disgusting and evil fate.
Since it's impossible for us to be together anymore, it's better to part ways amicably.
At least when we think about this experience in the future, we won't be so upset every
time we think about it.
Somehow, although he was smiling, Shen Yuxiu felt inexplicably sad. She didn't know how
to comfort Shen Yulin, so she just wanted to hand him the book.
"No, look, I borrowed it from our old head teacher."
Shen Yulin glanced at the three big words "History of Entrepreneurship" on the cover of
the book, and took it and opened it without much interest.
Ever since he started working, he has been thinking about how to improve his skills and
how to make himself indispensable to the machine repair station. He hasn't read a book
for a long time. Now he doesn't have much mood to go out and hang out with his peers, so
it's nice to read a book to kill time.
Who would have thought that I just casually opened the book, but after a while I was
slowly attracted by the words on the pages.
Shen Yuxiu breathed a sigh of relief when she saw him absorbed in reading the book.
At last, I no longer look like I've lost my soul. Although this is only a temporary
solution and not a permanent cure, it keeps my mind busy, which is better than dwelling
on random thoughts.
However, Shen Yuxiu no longer had the same favorable impression of Zhou Qingyuan as
Of course people can have better choices, and there is nothing wrong with that, but isn't
it a bit too heartless to go back on one's word like this?
While the Shen brothers and sisters were bored at home, Shen Yuling went to the Zhao
family early in the morning.
She told herself in her heart that this was the last time, and if it still didn't work
this time, don't blame her for being rude.
The first day of the Lunar New Year was a rare free day for Zhang Dachun. After paying
New Year’s greetings, he went straight home and lay down on the kang to rest.
Ever since the Little New Year, she has been busy preparing for the New Year. Zhao Laowu
is not good at anything, and she is reluctant to let Zhao Baocai do the work. The only
son she is willing to leave behind was driven out to live. Even during the New Year, Lian
was not able to bring any New Year's goods home, so she couldn't use meat to make
dumplings this year.
After working for so long, she was already exhausted. Now that she finally didn't have to
work on New Year's Day, of course she just wanted to lie on the kang and have a good
When Shen Yulin arrived at Zhao's house, she found that the gate was wide open and there
was no sound of anyone in the yard.
Hasn’t he returned from New Year’s greetings yet?
"Aunt, are you home?"
Shen Yuling walked into the yard puzzled, shouting as she walked towards the main house.
Zhang Dachun was lying on the kang with his eyes closed to rest. When he heard the
familiar voice, he almost lost his temper.
Zhang Dachun also discovered that this girl was shameless.
She thought that after she had chased Shen Yulin away last year, the girl would never
come to her house again. But in the end, Shen Yulin was like a dog-skin plaster. She came
again after only one day and said that as long as she could marry Zhao Hui, she would
hand over half of her salary after they got married.
Zhang Dachun spit all over her face right away.
Zhao Hui is not a obedient boy. Even as a mother, she doesn't dare to ask Zhao Hui to
hand over half of his salary. Yet, this little girl has such a big tone.
Shen Yuling called out several times but heard no one at home. She thought no one was at
home, so she pushed the door open and went in, intending to wait for the Zhao family to
come back. However, as soon as she opened the door, she made eye contact with Zhang
Dachun who was leaning on the kang.
Oh shit.
Shen Yuling was startled, then quickly put on a smile, "Auntie, you are at home."
"How can you be so shameless, little girl? I've already told you that I can't make the
decision for my boss. If you have the guts, go find him." Zhang Dachun looked at Shen
Yulin with a squint, without even moving.
It’s not that she hadn’t chased Shen Yulin away before, and she even used a stick when
she was angry, but Shen Yulin was like a dog-skin plaster. She was chased away the day
before, but she kept coming the next day, as if she was not the one being chased away.
Shen Yuling was not tired of being chased away, but she who was chasing others was tired.
"Aunt, what are you talking about? I believe you still have a lot of say in front of
Brother Zhao." Shen Yulin praised Zhang Dachun in various ways.
Unfortunately, no matter how well she spoke, Zhang Dachun didn't believe it.
If she had the final say in front of Zhao Hui, Zhao Hui would have married the captain's
daughter long ago. How could he not have married her until now?

Chapter 141 No one has a heart

Seeing that she didn't say a word, Shen Yulin hurriedly repeated what she had said
countless times before.
"Aunt, I really like Brother Zhao, and I really want to become mother-in-law and
daughter-in-law with you. Can you give me a chance..."
As Shen Yulin spoke, tears welled up in her eyes, trying to express her infatuation with
Zhao Hui.
Unfortunately, Zhang Dachun was tired of hearing her words and didn't care whether she
was infatuated with Zhao Hui or not. She even felt drowsy while listening to her words.
Shen Yulin was talking until her mouth was dry, but she saw that she dozed off while
listening. She was so angry that she had no choice but to offer the conditions that she
had been thinking about all night yesterday.
"Aunt, how about this? I have a sister who is only one year younger than me. Although she
has never been to school, she is not worse than me in appearance. As long as I can marry
Brother Zhao, how about I marry my sister to Brother Baocai?"
Zhang Dachun, who was originally a little drowsy, suddenly opened his eyes and looked
straight at Shen Yulin when he heard this.
Seeing that she finally responded, Shen Yuling knew that she had made the right move, and
immediately continued to persuade her: "Really, my sister is also a good girl in the
village. Except for being illiterate, she has good looks and can do the work. She is very
popular in the village."
"You speak so highly of her, would she be willing to marry Baocai?" Zhang Dachun sat up
slowly and finally showed interest in talking to Shen Yulin.
"Of course, as long as I can marry Brother Zhao, I can convince my fourth sister and make
sure she is willing." Shen Yuling said with certainty, "But the premise is that I have to
marry Brother Zhao."
"But I can't be the boss of my family?" Zhang Dachun said with a frown.
After all, the source of everything is still Zhao Hui.
"Then you don't have to worry about it. You just need to cooperate with me." Shen Yulin
said as she walked to the kang and whispered in her ear.
As Zhang Dachun listened to her plan, his eyes opened wider and wider involuntarily.
After hearing everything she said, he could hardly believe his ears.
This girl, no, I should say this cheap girl is really heartless.
"Aunt, don't think I'm shameless. I do this because I like Brother Zhao so much. If you
want my sister to marry Brother Baocai, just do as I say. If you don't think it's
possible, just pretend I didn't say anything." Shen Yulin pretended to be calm while
speaking, but her palms were actually sweating from nervousness.
After hearing this, Zhang Dachun thought about it seriously for a long time, and finally
slapped his thigh.
"Okay, but I have to go see your sister first."
"Okay, if you're free, I'll take you to see it now, but we have to make it clear first
that you only need to watch from a distance and must not let my sister notice." Shen
Yuling quickly agreed, fearing that Zhang Dachun would go back on his word.
"Okay, then let's go now." Zhang Dachun said as he got off the kang, put on his shoes,
and went with Shen Yulin to meet Shen Yulin's fourth sister.
Shen Yuling walked with Zhang Dachun for a long time. When they were about to reach the
door of the house, she asked Zhang Dachun to hide. Then she went into the yard and called
Shen Simei out with a loud voice. She made up an excuse at random and asked her to feed
the chickens. , turned around and gestured to where Zhang Dachun was hiding.
You see, it definitely looks good.
Zhang Dachun took a critical look at Shen Simei, who was feeding chickens in the yard.
She had a delicate appearance, a well-proportioned body, and two big pigtails tied behind
her head. She was barely satisfied.
This is a very ordinary farm girl, barely worthy of her son.
Seeing that she was quite satisfied, Shen Yuling finally breathed a sigh of relief and
immediately urged Zhang Dachun to start implementing the plan.
So, Zhang Dachun rushed to the supply and marketing cooperative that day, but
unfortunately, the supply and marketing cooperative also had a holiday during the Chinese
New Year, and she had no idea where Zhao Hui lived now, so she could only go home
Shen Yulin didn't expect that she didn't see Zhao Hui when she went to Zhao's house a few
days ago. It turned out that Zhao Hui was not busy, but was kicked out of the house. She
was speechless.
How can there be such a mother in this world? She is not worthy of being a human being.
But no matter how she thought about it, she couldn't find the person. Shen Yuling could
only put the matter aside for the time being and wait until Zhao Hui came to work before
making plans.
At this time, Zhao Hui had no idea what the two were planning. He had asked someone to
buy lime paste a few years ago and was busy painting the walls of the newly bought house.
His plan was to propose to Zhang Dachun after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month,
and get married on the sixteenth day of the second lunar month. Before getting married,
he had to arrange everything in the house in advance. While doing all this, he still had
to go to work, so he had to hurry up to clean up the house.
Five busy days passed, and it was time to go to work on the sixth day of the first lunar
month. He made some food in the morning, got ready, and quickly rode his bicycle to the
supply and marketing cooperative.
"Hui, why are you here just now?" Zhao Hui was stopped by Zhang Dachun who came out from
nowhere as soon as he arrived at the supply and marketing cooperative.
"Why are you here? Is there something wrong?" Zhao Hui stopped the car and asked
His mother never comes here without a reason, not to mention that he was kicked out years
ago. He doesn't believe that Zhang Dachun came here to stop him so early in the morning
because she missed him.
"Your father, your father broke his leg on the third day of the New Year. You should go
home to see him soon. I've been here for several days and couldn't find you." Zhang
Dachun held Zhao Hui's arm tightly, his face full of anxiety.
Seeing that she was so anxious, Zhao Hui didn't think much about it. He just thought that
Zhao Laowu had fallen. Zhang Dachun wanted him to get the money, so he immediately went
to the supply and marketing cooperative to ask for leave and took Zhang Dachun home.
After more than an hour, they finally arrived at the door of their home. Zhang Dachun's
heart was pounding with nervousness. He jumped off the back seat of his bicycle and went
to open the gate that was tied with an iron chain.
However, Zhao Hui looked at her back as she opened the door and frowned suspiciously.
Since Zhao Laowu broke his leg and was at home, why did he lock the gate? It wasn't like
no one was at home.
Zhang Dachun didn't know that Zhao Hui had already begun to suspect, so he immediately
called him in after opening the gate.
"Go back, go to your room and wash your face before going to see your father. You haven't
come back since you were beaten. Don't be too sloppy or your father will worry." Zhang
Dachun said while pointing to the room where Zhao Baocai lived.
What kind of person is Zhao Hui? He has been walking alone outside since he was a child,
so how could he not see the guilt in her eyes when she said this? What's more, although
he has been busy these days, he still has to pay attention to his image at work.
Therefore, he boiled water and took a bath in advance last night, and changed into new
clothes. No matter what, it is impossible for him to be sloppy.
Almost immediately, Zhao Hui became alert and glanced at Zhao Baocai's room
inconspicuously, only to see that the door of that room was closed tightly, as was the
door of the main house.
Something was wrong. There didn't look like anyone was in either room.
If Zhao Laowu really broke his leg, shouldn't Zhao Baocai be at home now? Even if he
couldn't take care of Zhao Laowu, he could still pour a bowl of water! But looking at the
closed door, Zhao Baocai didn't seem to be at home at all, and the silent house didn't
look like anyone was there.

Chapter 142 Sell Him

"Hurry up and go back to the house to wash your face."
When Zhang Dachun saw Zhao Hui standing at the gate of the yard without moving, he was
startled and hurried forward to pull him, as if he was afraid that he would run away.
Zhao Hui looked at Zhang Dachun's hand that was tightly grasping his arm and felt
something was even more wrong.
But he didn't show it. He just kept pushing his bike forward as Zhang Dachun pulled him.
Zhang Dachun breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this. Fearing that urging him further
would arouse his suspicion, he let go of him just when he was about to stop riding the
bicycle, and then pretended nothing had happened and went back to the main house.
Zhao Hui took advantage of this opportunity, picked up the bicycle, turned around, raised
his long legs and straddled it, and whooshed out of the yard with both the bicycle and
"Come back, where are you going?" Zhang Dachun never expected that Zhao Hui would run
away just because she was careless, and he was so fast that she couldn't catch up with
him in time.
Zhao Hui listened to the call behind him and rode all the way to the Zhao family's old
courtyard without even turning his head.
No matter what Zhang Dachun wanted to do, he had to make sure whether Zhao Laowu really
fell. For something like this, even if other people didn't know, the Zhao family would
definitely know.
But in the end, before Zhao Hui reached the Zhao family's old courtyard on his bicycle,
he saw his father when passing by a house.
This family was Zhao Laowu's drinking buddy. At this moment, he was standing in the yard
chatting with them and didn't notice him at all.
Zhao Hui looked at Zhao Laowu's straight legs, which could change postures from time to
time, and he couldn't tell where he fell at all.
Zhao Hui's eyes deepened slightly. He immediately turned his bicycle around and quietly
walked back to his home.
It was obvious that Zhao Laowu and the other five were all fine here, but Zhang Dachun
said that he had fallen and insisted that he go back to the house to wash his face first.
He wanted to see what Zhang Dachun was trying to do.
At this moment in the Zhao family's yard, Shen Yuling looked at Zhang Dachun, who was
chattering on and on explaining, with a dark face.
"I don't know why he ran away just like that? I didn't say anything!" Zhang Dachun was so
anxious that he was sweating profusely.
Really, she has been very careful. Who knows how Zhao Hui would realize something was
wrong and turn around and run away?
Shen Yuling didn't want to listen and just walked away.
Originally, she and Zhang Dachun planned to trick Zhao Hui into the house, and then she
would pretend to change clothes and be seen. In this way, Zhao Hui would see her body and
would have to take responsibility.
But in the end, Zhao Hui didn't play by the rules at all. He ran away even though he had
already reached home.
"Hey, don't go. Next time, I will be careful and will definitely not let myself be caught
again." Zhang Dachun held Shen Yulin tightly.
If she leaves, what will happen to her future daughter-in-law?
"Next time? You failed the first time, what about next time? Do you think your son is
stupid?" Shen Yuling angrily pushed Zhang Dachun away and turned away.
She discovered that the bastard Zhao Hui was not only wary of her, but also of his
family. She didn't know how Zhang Dachun treated Zhao Hui over the years, and he actually
didn't even trust his family.
It’s already like this, what’s the point of next time?
Zhang Dachun was thrown off balance, but he still kept asking, "What about your sister?
Can you still tell my Jiabaocai about her?"
Shen Yuling sneered repeatedly when she heard this, ignored her and walked away even
She can't even accomplish her own thing, yet she's still dreaming about her sister. She's
When Zhang Dachun saw that she ignored him, his eyes were filled with disappointment.
She knew that this plan would probably not work, but it was not her fault. How could she
have known that Zhao Hui was so alert?
Zhao Hui stood in a hidden corner and watched this scene, and finally understood what was
going on.
It turned out that he was sold in order to find a wife for Zhao Baocai.
That's really great.
However, Shen Yulin was indeed shameless and lingering. He didn't understand why she
suddenly pestered him when they had never had any contact before.
He had to think about how to deal with this matter. It was not a good thing to be spied
on in secret all the time.
Seeing Shen Yuling walking away in a hurry, Zhao Hui also rode away on his bicycle.
But after returning, he thought about it for many days but couldn't come up with any
solution. However, Zhang Dachun seemed to have calmed down because his plan failed, and
he hasn't caused any trouble since then.
He thought, maybe Shen Yuling really gave up this time?
However, he didn't know that Shen Yulin returned to the Zhao family again not long after
he left.
"I don't ask for anything else. When Zhao Hui asks you to propose to a woman named Shen
Yuxiu, you just ruin the marriage for me. It would be best if Shen Yuxiu becomes
disgraced. As long as you can accomplish this, I will marry my sister to Zhao Baocai."
Shen Yulin said to Zhang Dachun in a sinister tone.
If she is destined not to get Zhao Hui, then Shen Yuxiu can forget about getting him
Zhang Dachun felt his scalp tighten when he saw her fierce expression.
She has lived for so many years and has seen a lot of ups and downs, but she has never
seen a girl with such a vicious mind.
And who was that Shen Yuxiu? How could someone she had never heard of cause trouble?
But Shen Yulin left after saying this, as if she didn't care that much about the matter,
leaving Zhang Dachun completely confused.
However, she soon found out who Shen Yuxiu was, because on the 18th day of the first
lunar month, Zhao Hui actually came back and asked her to propose to a woman named Shen
Zhang Dachun felt unwell.
In other words, her good son might have been in love with Shen Yuxiu for a long time, but
she just didn't know it.
Zhao Hui looked at her changing face, his heart sinking slightly, and said, "As long as
you get this done, I will give Baocai a betrothal gift of fifty yuan when he gets married
in the future."
It took him many days to come up with this idea. If possible, he really didn't want Zhang
Dachun to come forward, but his family had already split up, and with Zhang Dachun
around, it would be difficult for other uncles and aunts to come forward to help him with
this matter. The only thing he could do was to promise a large sum of money.
You know, nowadays when families get married or engaged, they only buy a set of clothes
and two quilts, but now fifty yuan can buy more than just a set of clothes and two
quilts. He believed that with this fifty yuan, there would always be someone who would
marry their daughter to Zhao Baocai for the sake of money.
He also believed that as long as Zhao Baocai had no problem finding a wife, Zhang Dachun
would never make things difficult for him.
Sure enough, when Zhang Dachun heard him say fifty yuan, his eyes lit up and he nodded
"Okay, I can help you, but you have to find the matchmaker yourself, I won't help!"
"Okay, I'll find the matchmaker myself, and you just need to ask my father to show up
when the time comes to propose." Seeing her agree, Zhao Hui was immediately relieved, and
turned around to inform Shen Yuxiu about this matter.
Shen Yuxiu, who was found by Zhao Hui at school, became so nervous when she heard that
Zhao Hui had found a matchmaker to come to the house.
Are they getting engaged? Why does it sound so unreal?
"What's wrong? You don't want to?" Zhao Hui looked at her nervous expression and teased
her with a smile.
"Who said that?" Shen Yuxiu subconsciously refuted quickly, but when she saw the teasing
in his eyes, her face suddenly flushed, and she punched him in anger, "Don't tease me,
I'm nervous."
"Okay, okay, I won't tease you." Seeing that she was a little angry, Zhao Hui begged for
mercy quickly. While the two were talking, they heard a scream from a distance, and then
they saw a child running towards them, shouting at her loudly as he ran.
"Help, Teacher Shen, help!"

Chapter 143 Rescue

Shen Yuxiu didn't know what was going on, but she had been a teacher for two years after
all, and was used to seeing children panic over the slightest things. She stood there
motionless as a mountain and asked the child loudly.
"What's wrong? What happened?"
"Erquan, he, he fell into the ice hole in the bay." The child pointed to the south and
shouted until his throat split.
Shen Yuxiu's eyes widened in shock. Just as she was about to run over there, she was
stopped by Zhao Hui.
"You go and call a few more people, I'll go take a look first." Zhao Hui said and let the
child lead the way and quickly ran towards the bay.
Shen Yuxiu did not hesitate and turned around and ran into the school to call people.
When the teachers heard this, they no longer cared about teaching the children. They left
one person to look after the children, and the others all ran to the water bay. The
knowledgeable teachers even took the hammers that were usually used to smash coal in
The bay was not far from the school, only about a hundred meters. When a group of people
arrived there, Shen Yuxiu saw Zhao Hui stomping hard on the ice, and the water under the
ice was turbid.
"Where is the person?" Shen Yuxiu asked hurriedly when she saw him like this.
"It's right down here. When I came here, someone went down, but he couldn't find the exit
after rescuing the people." Zhao Hui said quickly, and he stomped on the ice hard, hoping
that this person would follow him to the exit according to the sound.
"I'll do it." Upon hearing this, the teacher with the hammer immediately squatted on the
ice and started hitting the ice. Even if this person couldn't hear the sound and couldn't
tell the direction, it would be fine as long as he could make a hole in it.
But the fact that this ice layer can withstand people walking on it means it is quite
thick, and it is simply unrealistic to want to break a hole in the ice immediately.
"This is not a solution." Zhao Hui immediately took off his clothes and said to the
people around him: "Take off your coats quickly and tie them together. I will go down to
pull them out. When I find them, I will pull them out twice. You pull me out
Upon hearing this, Shen Yuxiu immediately took off her coat without saying a word, and
even took off the layer of trousers she was wearing over her cotton pants. Seeing this,
the other teachers also quickly began to take off their clothes, and then took off their
clothes together.
While several people were connecting their clothes, Zhao Hui had already tied one end
around his waist. He looked up and saw that the length of the clothes was almost the
same. He glanced at the general position of the man, took a deep breath, and jumped into
the ice hole.
When Shen Yuxiu saw him go into the water, she trembled with nervousness, staring at the
water under the ice that had become turbid because of Zhao Hui's diving, not daring to
miss it at all.
In fact, the person below was not far from the ice hole, but he was under the ice, and
when he moved, the water became turbid and it was difficult to tell the direction, which
resulted in him being unable to get out.
Everyone's eyes were fixed on the ice surface, watching the two turbidities converge into
one place. The teacher on the ice felt the clothes in his hands being pulled twice, and
immediately pulled them towards him at a constant speed. After a while, Zhao Hui was
pulled to the exit. At the same time, he was holding a man who was holding a child
tightly in his hand.
As soon as Zhao Hui popped his head out, he quickly pulled the person in his hands up
with all his strength. The people on the ice also quickly pulled the people up, but the
people were pulled up, but the adult and the child had already fainted. At the same time,
because there were too many people gathered near the ice hole, the ice began to make
creaking and cracking sounds.
"Hurry, drag the person to the shore first. Xiaoxiu, let's go." Zhao Hui shouted
immediately. Everyone knew that they could not stay here. One person picked up the child,
and the others lifted the strange man and ran to the shore.
Although Shen Yuxiu was a little scared, because Zhao Hui was still in the water, she not
only did not leave, but reached out her hand to him.
"Come on, I'll pull you up."
Seeing her kneeling on the ice with her hands stretched out towards him, Zhao Hui did not
dare to delay. He quickly supported himself on the ice and jumped into the water with the
help of Shen Yushou, then picked up his cotton coat and ran to the shore.
When he reached the shore, Zhao Hui felt a chill all over his body. He did not care about
the water on his body and hurriedly put on his clothes shivering. Shen Yushou also used
the sleeves of her cotton coat to wipe his wet head and face.
After Zhao Hui put on his clothes, he saw a teacher carrying a child upside down on his
back and helping him control the water. The other teachers were getting very anxious
because the man was too tall to carry him upside down. He immediately remembered that
once when he was purchasing goods, he saw an old man fainted on the street and a doctor
pressed his heart to revive the man.
He remembered that person also said that this action, combined with artificial
respiration, could save a drowning person.
Zhao Hui carefully recalled what the doctor said at that time, walked a few steps to the
man and said to the teachers: "Put him down first, I will try."
Upon hearing this, several teachers immediately put the man on the ground. Zhao Hui took
a deep breath, tilted the man's head to the side, and immediately began to perform
cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
In fact, he couldn't figure out where the heart was, but he could only try his best.
"one two three four……"
After every thirty compressions, Zhao Hui would pry open the man's mouth and blow several
breaths of air forcefully. After a short while, the cold body began to sweat again.
After a while, Shen Yuxiu saw that he was tired and began to breathe heavily, so she
immediately knelt in front of the man, imitating him and taking over Zhao Hui's pressing
movements. She couldn't blow air into the man's mouth, but pressing should be able to do
Zhao Hui didn't say anything when he saw this. He quickly made way and pointed out the
specific location to her. He asked Shen Yuxiu to press hard and then just waited to blow
air into her.
To be honest, it was the first time for Shen Yuxiu to do such a thing. She had no idea at
all. She didn't know how much strength to use. She just covered her head and pressed
hard. Maybe it was just a coincidence. She had only pressed it a few times. When Zhao Hui
was about to blow again, she saw that person suddenly coughing. As he started to cough
water out of his mouth, the person slowly opened his eyes.
"Ah, he's alive, he's alive." When a teacher saw the man woke up, he jumped up with joy.
At the same time, the shivering child who was being carried upside down on someone's back
also vomited water with a "wow".
"Ah, Erquan is alive too." As several people shouted happily, Erquan's parents, who had
received the notice, also hurried over. Seeing this scene, the woman was so scared that
her legs went limp and she fell to her knees, while the man ran over, grabbed the child
and slapped him in the face.
"Who told you to come here? Are you trying to save your life?"
The child had just woken up when his father slapped him hard. He was so scared that he
rolled his eyes and fainted again, which frightened the woman so much that she screamed.
"Erquan, Erquan..."
Seeing this, Zhao Hui hurried over to feel his breath and immediately breathed a sigh of
relief: "It's okay, he's breathing."
The woman laughed and cried when she heard this, and she held the child tightly in her
arms and refused to let the man touch him.
At this time, Erquan's father didn't dare to do anything anymore. He hurriedly asked who
saved his son. Seeing several teachers pointing at the man on the ground and Zhao Hui,
Erquan's father immediately went to call the two of them.
"Go, go, go, hurry home, don't catch a cold."
The man was soaked all over and his face had turned purple from the cold. Hearing this,
he said nothing and slowly stood up with the help of Erquan's father.
But when Zhao Hui came here, Shen Yuxiu stopped him.
"Uncle, please take this elder brother home first. Zhao Hui, I will take him to my
grandfather's house first and find him some dry clothes to change into."
"Okay, okay, then you go back first." Erquan's father nodded repeatedly in gratitude.
Everyone in his family only had one cotton coat in winter. Even the person he was
supporting had to borrow clothes from someone else first, not to mention Zhao Hui. Shen
Yuxiu had undoubtedly solved a big problem for him.

Chapter 144: What a Brave Man

After Shen Yuxiu finished talking to Erquan's father, she turned back and said to Liu
Zixin, "Uncle, this morning, please help me look after the children. I'm going back home
"Hey, go ahead." Liu Zixin waved his hand cheerfully and told them to leave quickly.
You know, if the cold gets serious at this time, it can be fatal. Zhao Hui must not get
into trouble again because of saving people.
When Shen Yuxiu and Zhao Hui returned home, Grandma Fang was shocked. Seeing that Zhao
Hui's face was pale from the cold, she hurried to find Fang You's clothes for him to
Although Zhao Hui is taller than Gang Youshun and the clothes may not fit him well, it is
better than wearing wet clothes.
While Grandma Fang was busy with all this, Shen Yuxiu had already found the cold medicine
tablets that were usually kept at home, poured some hot water, and waited for Zhao Hui to
come out of the inner room after changing his clothes. She immediately handed the
medicine and water to him.
Zhao Hui took the medicine, tilted his head back and drank it, then looked at her and
Shen Yuxiu's face turned red and her neck became thick when he looked at her. She was
afraid that Grandma Fang would notice something, so she glared at him unhappily and
turned away to put down the water bowl.
At this time, Grandma Fang had already found some ginger, cut a few slices and put them
into a bowl, then found some brown sugar and put it in, and made him a large bowl of
brown sugar water. She asked him to go to the head of the kang, cover himself with a
quilt, and drink the ginger and sugar water while it was hot.
"Don't be in a hurry to leave. Wait until you sweat a little, then leave later.
Otherwise, you'll easily catch a cold."
Zhao Hui obediently got on the kang and wrapped himself tightly with a quilt. Then he
just stayed there quietly, holding the bowl in both hands and sipping the brown sugar
ginger water slowly.
When Grandma Fang saw that he got on the kang obediently, she picked up his wet clothes
and started washing them together with Shen Yuxiu's wet coat.
Shen Yuxiu went into the house and changed her coat. When she came out, she saw Zhao Hui
wrapped up like a dumpling and couldn't help but burst out laughing.
He looks really funny like this, with his messy hair, a bit like an old hen sitting on
Zhao Hui didn't know what she was laughing at, but he couldn't help but grin along with
her, and felt extremely warm in his heart.
He really liked the atmosphere of having people around him, and he also liked the way she
smiled at him. What made him even happier was that he would soon be able to become a
family with such a good group of people.
But Shen Yuxiu could no longer stay at home. Now all the teachers in the school were
assigned their own responsibilities. Even though Liu Zixin agreed to help her look after
the child, she also had her own classes to take care of, so she had to go back to work
After Shen Yuxiu left, Zhao Hui curled up in the warm bed, drinking hot brown sugar
ginger water. He soon broke out in sweat. After a while, Grandma Fang let him get off the
kang and go to the stove to dry his cotton-padded clothes that were wet by the
"Grandma, what kind of daughter-in-law do you think I should find?" Zhao Hui asked
Grandma Fang casually while roasting his cotton-padded clothes by the stove.
Originally, he and Shen Yuxiu had agreed to wait for Shen Yuxiu to reveal her intention
to propose marriage to the old couple of the Fang family in the evening. But now that he
had nothing to do, he wanted to test it out in advance to avoid being disappointed when
Shen Yuxiu came back and told him about it in the evening.
"Well, first of all, the person has to have good character." Grandma Fang rubbed the
clothes in her hands and analyzed with Zhao Hui with a smile: "Then you have to be
likable, and the other things are secondary. But it's best that the parents of the family
are also reasonable, otherwise it will be troublesome."
She had almost watched the child grow up, so of course she hoped that the child could
have a good home.
When talking about parents, Zhao Hui's heart skipped a beat. Shen's parents were of
course good, but his parents were...
"Then... do you think I am worthy of such a good girl?" Zhao Hui asked a little
"Why wouldn't you be a good match?" Grandma Fang turned to look at him disapprovingly.
"Look, you're good-looking, well-educated, and have a good job. Even though your parents
are a little unreliable, as long as you have the right ideas, there won't be any
"Grandma, I..." Zhao Hui wanted to say that he wanted to marry Shen Yuxiu, but when the
words came to his lips, he felt a little lacking in confidence.
"What's wrong? Just say what you want to say!" Seeing him hesitating, Grandma Fang
frowned and said, "Young man, don't drag your words out. Be straightforward."
"I..." Zhao Hui hesitated again, and finally summoned up the courage to speak loudly: "I
like Xiaoxiu, and I want to marry her."
After she finished speaking, Grandma Fang was stunned and stood there for a long time
without reacting.
What the hell, what did this kid say?
"Grandma, I'm serious." Zhao Hui no longer had any concerns after saying this, and he
spoke out his heart almost immediately: "I like Xiaoxiu very much, I really like her, I
want to marry her, is that okay?"
By this time Grandma Fang had also come back to her senses and felt a throbbing pain in
her temples. She looked at Zhao Hui with a somewhat unfriendly look.
"When did you start liking Kosode?"
"A long time ago." Zhao Hui said with a stiff face: "If you think about it carefully, I
have liked her since the day I met her."
Grandma Fang's eyelids twitched when she heard this. "What about Xiaoxiu? Does she like
"I like it." Zhao Hui said with a guilty conscience.
"What?" Grandma Fang asked in shock, "When did it happen?"
"Four, four years ago." Zhao Hui explained carefully: "I took the initiative to ask her."
Grandma Fang yelled "Fuck!" and suddenly got angry. She stood up and slapped him on the
back with her hand.
"How dare you, you damned bastard?"
Zhao Hui did not dare to resist. He sat obediently on the small stool and let her beat
him. She did not stop until she had had enough and her hands were sore. Only then did
Zhao Hui dare to look up.
"Who is your grandma?" Grandma Fang was very angry.
She really didn't expect that the child she took good care of would be targeted by this
boy since childhood.
It turned out that she had unknowingly raised a wolf cub, and the wolf cub took her child
away when she had no idea.
What a courage. Really courageous.
Since he met this old man, Zhao Hui had never seen him so angry, and he was a little at a
loss for a moment.
But he didn't know that this was just him. After all, he grew up under the care of
Grandma Fang, and she understood his temper. Even if he was angry and had beaten and
scolded her, his anger would slowly subside. If it were someone else, Grandma Fang would
have beaten the person to death.
After she calmed down, Grandma Fang suddenly remembered something and asked with a
serious face, "You two didn't do anything you shouldn't have done, did you?"
"Ah?" Zhao Hui was stunned by the question, then suddenly realized what she was talking
about, and immediately blushed and shook his head repeatedly, "No, no."
He wants to spend his whole life with Xiaoxiu, and he will never do anything that
shouldn't be done before marriage.
If you do it, it would be irresponsible to Kosode and to your own life.

Chapter 145 Can it be broken?

so far so good.
Grandma Fang patted her chest in fear.
Fortunately, this damn boy was not so cruel as to make the matter a fait accompli,
otherwise she would have vomited to death.
"Grandma, can I find someone to propose marriage?" Seeing that she didn't seem so angry
anymore, Zhao Hui asked carefully again.
"Wait until I ask Xiaoxiu first." Grandma Fang said angrily and went back to continue
washing clothes, not wanting to pay any more attention to him.
She couldn't just listen to Zhao Hui's one-sided story on this matter. She still had to
understand the situation with Shen Yuxiu clearly.
In fact, if we ignore other things and only consider personal conditions, Zhao Hui has
almost nothing to complain about. If he likes someone else's child instead of her own,
she will definitely agree with it and may even help him get married.
But the bad thing is that he likes a child he raised, and his parents are unreliable.
You know, marriage is not about love, as long as two people like each other, it will be
fine. Marriage is a matter of two families. If it is not handled well, the two children
will be angry because of the quarrel between their parents. The most worrying thing is
that the couple will become enemies in the future, and they will not be able to live well
and cannot separate. That is really frustrating.
Zhao Hui didn't know what Grandma Fang was thinking, but when he heard her say that she
would ask Shen Yuxiu first, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief and continued to
warm his cotton-padded jacket quietly.
It’s good that he didn’t object directly. If he had, he wouldn’t know what to do.
Ever since Zhao Hui said this, Grandma Fang was unwilling to pay attention to him. Zhao
Hui had baked his cotton-padded clothes and didn't know what to do here, so he simply
said goodbye and went back to work. But halfway there, he felt that he should tell Shen
Yuxiu about this, so he turned around and went back to school.
Shen Yuxiu was stunned after hearing his words.
"Didn't you say wait for me to tell you? What did you say?" Shen Yuxiu was a little
She told Grandma Fang herself that she would do it step by step and that she could also
act like a spoiled child so as not to make the old lady angry. But he said it directly.
Wasn't that like a bolt from the blue, shocking people?
"I, I didn't think so much at the time. I just thought it didn't matter who said it."
Zhao Hui said hesitantly.
"You've killed me." Shen Yuxiu rubbed his forehead with a headache, and waved his hand
irritably to let him go quickly, "You should go to work quickly, I'll think about how to
explain to grandma when I get back."
"Are you angry?" Zhao Hui looked at her cautiously.
"Shouldn't I be angry? You didn't even discuss this with me." Shen Yuxiu couldn't help
but raise her voice.
"Well, why don't you hit me too, to vent your anger." Zhao Hui said as he pulled her hand
and gently slapped it on his face, which made Shen Yuxiu laugh out of anger.
"Okay, okay, stop making trouble and go to work." Shen Yuxiu quickly pushed him away.
This is right in front of the school. It would be embarrassing if someone saw us.
Seeing that Shen Yuxiu was no longer so angry, Zhao Hui stopped teasing her. He followed
the force she pushed him and left the school gate, looking back every step of the way.
After Zhao Hui left, Shen Yuxiu felt a little uneasy. She was always fidgeting at school
throughout the day. Until she got off work in the evening and had a full meal, she was
about to speak when she was startled by Grandma Fang's slamming the table.
"You little bitch, you are so brave!" Now that she had finished her meal, Grandma Fang
also began her condemnation.
She stayed at home all day today, and the more she thought about it, the angrier she
How dare these two kids be so bold and get married secretly?
Shen Yuxiu's heart was pounding because of the yelling. She subconsciously looked at Fang
Youshun for help, but she saw Fang Youshun looking at her expressionlessly. The words for
help were immediately choked in her throat.
"Tell me, what's going on between you and Zhao Hui? When did you start dating? Don't tell
me anything." Seeing that she had been silent, Grandma Fang raised her voice much louder
than usual.
"Grandma..." Shen Yuxiu knew that Grandma Fang was very angry when she saw her
expression, so she quickly tried to hold her arm and act coquettishly. However, as soon
as she stretched out her hand, Grandma Fang slapped it away.
"Don't give me that. Tell the truth."
Shen Yuxiu knew that she had to explain what happened today, so she could only honestly
explain everything that happened between her and Zhao Hui over the years.
Grandma Fang was stunned when she heard this.
Zhao Hui was just trying to deceive her little girl! But this little girl didn't have any
brains and was actually deceived.
Ouch, she was so angry.
Grandma Fang covered her chest and slowly retreated to the edge of the kang and sat down,
she was so angry. Seeing this, Fang Youshun sighed helplessly and quickly patted her back
to calm her down.
"You are so careless that you didn't even discuss such a big matter with us." Fang
Youshun calmed down Grandma Fang while looking at Shen Yuxiu seriously.
How could this child be deceived so easily? He and his wife are not unreasonable. How
could she dare to make the decision on her own?
But it was also his fault for not guarding against Zhao Hui. Who could have thought that
the kid had such thoughts since he was young?
How can a person who has been caring about his own children since childhood prevent this?
After a long while, Grandma Fang recovered her breath and asked her again, "Can it be
Shen Yuxiu was startled and shook her head almost without hesitation, "No, I like him."
"Don't be impatient, listen to me first." Grandma Fang raised her hand to interrupt her
and began to talk about the result she had thought about for the whole afternoon. "Let's
not talk about whether you like it or not, let's talk about his parents first..."
"I don't care, as long as he treats me well." Shen Yuxiu said hurriedly: "Grandma, Zhao
Hui treats me very well, really."
She knew that Zhao Hui was not loved by his father and mother at home, but she didn't
care. She felt that marriage was about two people forming a small family. Even if Zhao
Hui's parents were partial to them, it was enough for her not to ask for a dowry and not
to care.
"Please listen to me first." Grandma Fang waved her hands helplessly and expressed her
From the conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in the village to the dirty
tricks between parents, brothers, and sisters-in-law due to favoritism in each family,
this is still the case for families with easy-going parents. As for those families whose
parents are not easy-going, there will be even more bizarre conflicts.
"I'm not saying this to scare you." Grandma Fang used the ready-made examples in the
village and advised earnestly: "Marriage is a woman's second reincarnation. Once you make
a wrong choice, it's a lifelong thing. Marriage and life are not just about you liking
Zhao Hui and Zhao Hui liking you. Whether the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law get along
well also plays a big role. You can't just say you don't care."
Shen Yuxiu listened carefully to Grandma Fang's words, thought for a long time, and still
determined her own ideas, "I believe in Zhao Hui. Even if there is a conflict, he will
protect me."
Grandma Fang felt even more headache after hearing this, and angrily picked up the
sweeping broom and threw it at her.
"Your brain is filled with shit..."
Seeing the broom flying towards her, Shen Yuxiu was so scared that she quickly dodged it,
but she didn't dare to say anything else. She just stood there obediently and continued
to listen to the lecture.
At this critical moment, she didn't dare to do anything. Anything she did would be wrong.
If she said something to annoy Grandma Fang, it would be a bad ending.
Grandma Fang had already thrown the broom over, but when she saw Shen Yuxiu quickly dodge
it, she quickly stood there seemingly obediently waiting to be scolded, and she felt even
more pain in her heart.
This is a stubborn guy, just like Shen Yulin, that stubborn kid. Once he makes up his
mind to do something, he will go all the way to the end and will not even turn back even
if he gets a bloody head.

Chapter 146 Marriage Proposal

In fact, Grandma Fang didn't look down on Zhao Hui. She had watched the child grow up and
he was a very capable person. However, the situation in his family was really not a good
A child like Zhao Hui, who is not loved by his father and mother, is destined to be
ignored in the family and can even be sacrificed at will. She doesn't want her good child
to marry into such a family and suffer such bullying, not to mention that the
relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law cannot be solved by just ignoring
Grandma Fang took several deep breaths and reasoned with Shen Yuxiu again.
"Okay, you like Zhao Hui, but can life be lived just by liking someone? People's hearts
are fickle, can you guarantee that he will treat you well all his life?" Granny Fang
suppressed her anger and continued to analyze the pros and cons with Shen Yuxiu with
gritted teeth.
However, Shen Yuxiu still believed in Zhao Hui. No matter how reasonable Grandma Fang's
analysis was or how many examples she cited, she just said one thing.
I like Zhao Hui, I don’t care, this is my life, I want to give it a try, even if I get a
bloody head, I won’t regret it.
The more Granny Fang spoke, the angrier she became, and the more powerless she felt.
She knew that she had fallen deeply in love with the child she had raised and no longer
cared about anything else.
But she feels heartbroken!
She felt so distressed that she wanted to pull Zhao Hui, who had secretly deceived her
child's true love, over and give him a beating.
But what happens after the fight?
After talking for a long time, Grandma Fang realized that she couldn't win the argument,
so she sat on the kang and sighed angrily.
But she was so worried. She had never been so upset in all these years.
Seeing her like this, Fang Youshun didn't know how to comfort his wife, so he just looked
up and asked Shen Yuxiu.
"Have you really thought it through? Marriage is not a joke. There is no regret
"I've thought about it, Grandpa..." Shen Yuxiu nodded affirmatively.
"Don't be so sure." Fang Youshun said earnestly, "You should think about it carefully.
Consider the pros and cons carefully, and then tell us your decision. Okay, it's getting
late. Go back to your room and rest."
Shen Yuxiu didn't say anything after hearing this. She looked guiltily at the two old men
who were worried about her, then turned around and went back into the house.
Shen Yuxiu tossed and turned all night, thinking a lot, but no matter how she thought,
she felt heartbroken when she thought about being separated from Zhao Hui in the future.
What grandma and grandpa said made sense, but Zhao Hui was really good to her.
If this was when the two of them had just started dating, perhaps she could have given up
this relationship, but they had been together for three or four years, and her feelings
for Zhao Hui had already penetrated deep into her bones, so how could she let it go?
Shen Yuxiu knew that her decision was very willful and somewhat reckless, and it would
disappoint her grandparents, but she really didn't want to give up.
After Fang Youshun drove her back to the house, he analyzed the pros and cons of this
matter with Grandma Fang.
Yes, Zhao Hui has unreliable parents, but Zhao Hui grew up under their care, so at least
his character is guaranteed. If they force the two children to separate, they may find a
family with more reliable parents, but who can guarantee the character of that child?
What if they meet a person who looks decent but is actually a ruthless person? Then he is
worse than Zhao Hui!
As Grandma Fang listened to Fang Youshun's analysis, she began to feel conflicted.
Yes, no one is perfect.
She has lived for most of her life and has seen people who appear glamorous on the
surface but are actually dirty behind the scenes. If she were to encounter such a person,
it would be better to be with Zhao Hui. At least Zhao Hui is a good child.
So, when Shen Yuxiu insisted on her decision the next day with a pair of panda eyes,
although Granny Fang was still not so happy, she did not blindly oppose it.
"Let Zhao Hui propose marriage. I will talk to your parents and your grandfather."
Grandma Fang said in a unenthusiastic manner.
This was the decision she and Fang Youshun had discussed for an entire night. As for her
daughter and son-in-law, she and Fang Youshun had to take care of them, otherwise she was
afraid that the hot-tempered couple would beat them like they did Shen Yulin. The child
was a girl after all, and she couldn't stand that.
In the middle of the morning, when Zhao Hui saw Shen Yuxiu who came to inform him that
she could propose marriage, he was so nervous that he didn't know what to say.
Finally, can I propose marriage?
Shen Yuxiu saw Zhao Hui suddenly become at a loss after hearing the news, and couldn't
help but ask with a smile: "What? Don't want to propose marriage again?"
"No, no." Zhao Hui rubbed his face quickly, embarrassed to say that he was nervous, and
asked happily, "Then when should I propose marriage?"
"You decide. I can do anything." Shen Yuxiu was not so picky about time and did not have
so many things to do.
"How about the day after tomorrow? I'll buy everything today and go back to find a
matchmaker." Zhao Hui asked tentatively.
He wanted to finish the battle quickly so that there would be fewer mistakes.
"Okay, I'll go back and tell my grandparents." Shen Yuxiu started to walk back. After
notifying them of the matter, she had to go back to work.
After Shen Yuxiu left, Zhao Hui immediately felt like his butt was on fire. He went back
to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy things for the marriage proposal, and then
went to look for a matchmaker.
He had already inquired about the matchmaker, and it was none other than the mother of
Sister Lan from their supply and marketing cooperative. Coincidentally, Sister Lan's
mother's maiden home was in Shen Yuxiu Village.
In this matter, the matchmaker has to go through the procedures with the Fang family in
advance before proposing marriage, otherwise it would be a bit rude.
After everything was ready, Zhao Hui went home the next night to inform Zhang Dachun and
Zhao Laowu that he had prepared everything and they just needed to show up.
Zhang Dachun didn't expect him to be so fast, and nodded with some displeasure.
Why is her eldest son so capable and able to handle everything on his own? Wouldn’t it
be great if her younger son was also like this and didn’t need anyone to worry about
Although Zhao Laowu was a little surprised about this matter, he didn't care that much.
Anyway, it's just a matter of showing up, and he doesn't have to put in any effort, so he
can just go.
As for Shen Jinggui and his wife here, they just found out at noon that their daughter
and Zhao Hui were getting along, and immediately received the news that Zhao Hui was
coming to propose marriage. They simply didn't know how to describe their feelings at
that time.
It felt like it was a bit redundant for them to be parents, but fortunately, they had
watched Zhao Hui grow up. Although it was unexpected, it was not so difficult to accept.
On the nineteenth day of the first lunar month, in the middle of the morning, Zhao Hui,
the matchmaker, and Zhao Laowu and his wife appeared at the gate of Fang's courtyard.
"Mom and Dad, if you don't want to talk, you don't have to say anything. I will take care
of it myself." Zhao Hui tactfully reminded the two of them not to talk nonsense.
Zhao Laowu hummed indifferently, and Zhang Dachun nodded indifferently, feeling a little
jealous as he looked at the yard in front of him.
I have to say that this guy has really good taste. There are three blue brick houses with
tile roofs and a spacious and clean yard. It seems that the conditions of this house are
good at first glance.
Seeing that both of them nodded, Zhao Hui breathed a sigh of relief and politely said to
the matchmaker beside him: "Then auntie, thank you for your help."
Upon hearing this, the matchmaker readily agreed and immediately took Zhao Hui and Zhang
Laowu and his wife, who were carrying gifts, to the yard.
"Aunt Fang, are you home? It's a great occasion." Before entering the yard, the
matchmaker's festive laughter rang out.
This is to notify the people in the room that they have arrived and also to let them
prepare for the next process.
Grandma Fang and Fang Yan, who had been waiting in the house, came out immediately after
hearing the sound. Shen Yuxiu followed behind them, looking outside nervously.
"Oh, Xiaoxiu is getting more and more handsome..." The matchmaker exchanged pleasantries
with Grandma Fang and went straight to the point, going over and holding Shen Yuxiu's
Upon hearing this, Zhang Dachun immediately looked at Shen Yuxiu and rushed over without
even taking a good look at her.
"You vixen..."

Chapter 147 Unreasonable

Zhao Hui thought that since Zhang Dachun didn't refute what he said before entering the
yard, it meant that she knew what to do and what not to do. He didn't expect that she
would suddenly rush towards Shen Yushou like a madman.
But faced with this sudden situation, Zhao Hui was only slightly stunned, and then he
quickly grabbed Zhang Dachun who was about to rush to Shen Yushou.
"Mom, what are you going to do?" Zhao Hui gritted his teeth in anger and warned in a low
voice, "Don't you want the fifty anymore?"
"What do you want me to do? My good son was seduced away by someone for no apparent
reason, how can I not be angry?" How could Zhang Dachun not understand what he meant? But
yesterday, when she knew that Zhao Hui was proposing marriage today, she immediately went
to find Shen Yulin secretly. Shen Yulin had already confirmed that as long as she could
ruin Zhao Hui's marriage, she would immediately let her fourth sister marry Zhao Baocai.
The fifty yuan had no appeal to her.
The fifty yuan may not necessarily help Zhao Baocai find a wife, but as long as it can
disrupt this marriage, Zhao Baocai will definitely have a wife. Is there any need to ask
how to choose?
Zhao Hui never expected that she would say that. She grabbed Zhang Dachun's hand tightly,
growling as if she wanted to break her arm, "Mother..."
This sound sounded like a prayer, but more like despair.
How dare she? How could she?
Why must he be destroyed?
Zhang Dachun didn't care about it at all. Even though Zhao Hui seemed to want to break
her arm, she kept talking nonsense.
"What do you mean by mother? You didn't bring home any of the money you earned these
years. Where did it all go? Did you give it all to that vixen? Huh?"
At this point, Zhao Hui had finally realized that Zhang Dachun had no intention of
proposing marriage to him today and was simply here to cause trouble.
"Grandma, grandpa, uncle, aunt, Xiaoxiu, I'm sorry, I was not good today, I'm sorry, I'll
take my parents back first. Aunt, I'm sorry for causing you trouble." Zhao Hui said this
to everyone in the yard with red eyes, then he turned around and walked out, holding
Zhang Dachun tightly with one hand and Zhao Laowu with the other.
Zhao Laowu didn't seem to have expected this to happen. He was looking at Zhang Dachun in
shock. When he saw Zhao Hui pulling him, he turned around and followed him without any
Zhang Dachun was different. Even though he was dragged by Zhao Hui and staggered, he
still jumped back and cursed: "You shameless little slut, you want to enter my house?
Dream on..."
She didn't want to leave yet. She had just said one sentence and hadn't confronted this
family yet. She wanted to make a thorough fuss so that Zhao Hui's marriage would be
completely ruined.
However, when Zhao Hui heard her curse so harshly, he let go of Zhao Laowu's hand and
covered her mouth directly, trying to stop Zhang Dachun from saying even more unpleasant
words. Otherwise, how would he have the face to see people from the Fang and Shen
families in the future?
But Zhang Dachun was not someone who would compromise so easily. When he saw him covering
his mouth, he opened his mouth and bit his hand hard.
Zhao Hui shuddered in pain, but she endured the pain and did not relax at all. Instead,
she covered her mouth even tighter.
In this way, he almost half-carried and half-dragged Zhang Dachun away from the Fang
family and left the village.
Grandma Fang and Fang Yan next to them also had unhappy expressions. Although they knew
that Zhao Hui was not welcome at home, they did not expect him to be so unwelcome and
even cause such trouble when proposing marriage.
Since you are so against this marriage, why don't you just oppose it directly and not
come to the house? Who are you insulting by coming over to the house and cursing?
All this happened too quickly. Fang Youshun and Shen Jinggui, who were waiting in the
room to welcome people in, also looked unhappy. At the same time, they felt that Zhao
Hui, who seemed to be very steady in doing things, did not seem to be so steady in doing
The only outsider who remained on the scene, the matchmaker who was responsible for
proposing the marriage, was so embarrassed that he didn't know what to say, and his eyes
involuntarily turned to Shen Yushou.
She also heard from her daughter that this young man named Zhao Hui was a good guy, and
the two families had also discussed it and asked her to just play the role of a
matchmaker and not worry about anything. Who could have thought that a good thing would
turn out like this.
At this moment, Shen Yuxiu was already dumbfounded.
She never thought that such a good life would suddenly turn out like this, and she never
expected that Zhao Hui's mother would be more unreasonable than she thought.
Now, seeing that the matchmaker was looking at her, and her parents and grandparents were
also looking at her, she felt even more aggrieved. She turned around and ran into the
inner room, covering her face and crying.
In all these years, has she ever suffered such injustice?
Shameless, little slut, when have such terms ever been used on her?
But today, that woman cursed like that, and she cursed so loudly.
On this side, Zhao Hui didn't let go of Zhang Dachun until he dragged her out of the
village and into the wilderness.
"Why did you do this?" Zhao Hui's eyes were red, and he almost shouted, "If you don't
want to come, you don't have to come. Why did you do this when you came? What on earth do
you want to do? Why can't you see me doing well?"
"So do you think I'm good?" Zhang Dachun yelled angrily, "I gave birth to you and raised
you, how have you repaid me over the years? I used to wonder where you spent your salary
without bringing any home, but now I think you probably spent it all on that damn girl,
right? Huh? You're so shameless at such a young age, what do you like about her?"
"Shameless?" Zhao Hui's eyes were red as he sneered, "If we talk about shamelessness, is
there anyone in the world more shameless than you?"
"What did you say?" Zhang Dachun stared at Zhao Hui in shock.
How dare he say that to me? I am his mother!!!
"What are you talking about? Don't you understand?" Zhao Hui said with almost gnashing
teeth: "You said you gave birth to me and raised me. Yes, I admit that you gave birth to
me, but raising me? That's a joke. Ever since I was old enough to understand, have you
ever cared about me for a single day? What I eat and drink, which one I didn't find by
myself? Whose five or six-year-old child starts to find food by himself? Whose parents
would hide the wild vegetables that their child finally dug back and let him almost
starve to death and not give him any to eat? You, you."
Speaking of this, Zhao Hui couldn't help but get angry.
Zhang Dachun was speechless, but Zhao Hui had not finished speaking.
"You still have the nerve to say you support me like this? How many years have you
supported me? To be honest, the Fang family has supported me longer than you have." Zhao
Hui's voice was trembling with anger. "Do you know that they have supported me since I
was nine years old? I ate and drank from them, and went to school using the skills I
learned from them. But still not satisfied, I had evil thoughts about their daughter and
wanted her to be my wife. If you want to talk about shamelessness, I am the shameless
When Zhao Laowu heard his words, he was surprised.
Is this really the case? His son is not capable on his own, but is raised by others?
For some reason, Zhao Laowu felt guilty.
He is a father and may never care how his son grows up, but it would be embarrassing to
hear that he was raised by someone else.
Although Zhang Dachun felt a little embarrassed after hearing this, he still refuted it
nonchalantly, "That was their own will. I didn't ask them to support you, did I?"

Chapter 148 Are you crazy?

Seeing that Zhang Dachun was still able to fight back unreasonably after saying this,
Zhao Hui couldn't help but laugh sadly, with tears in his eyes.
"Do you know how inferior I feel to have parents like you? As your son, how much courage
did it take for me to want that girl?
Let alone others, I myself know how unworthy I am, but I just want her, and I can't get
rid of that thought no matter what. At that time, I began to try my best to please her,
and shamelessly deceived the girl's heart. As a result, you, my dear mother, destroyed
all my efforts with just one sentence.
You have to understand one thing, the girl didn't approach me, it was me, your son, who
provoked her. She has a good family, looks good, and is a good person. If your son hadn't
been so persistent, she could have married anyone she wanted. How dare you call her
What do they want from me? Because my family is poor, because I don’t have parents who
love me? Or because my parents and brothers are lazy and greedy?
I just want someone to love me, I want someone to care about me, to care if I am thirsty
or hungry, cold or hot, why can't I do that? "
Zhao Hui almost shouted the last sentence.
He is already so humble, he doesn't even ask for his parents' love and care, so why can't
he do that?
However, Zhang Dachun was not moved at all by this and said nonchalantly: "Anyway, I
don't care. You can marry anyone you want, but not that girl."
"Why? What's wrong with her? You must have a reason, right?" Zhao Hui couldn't figure it
Today should be the first time that Zhang Dachun met Shen Yuxiu. Why does he have such a
strong opinion of her?
"What reason? There is no reason. I just don't like her and I just can't stand her."
Zhang Dachun stared at Zhao Hui and warned him sternly, "I'm not afraid to tell you that
I didn't know there was such a person hooking up with you before. Now I know, don't even
think about getting along with her. If I find out that you go to her again, I will ruin
her reputation and sue her for being a slut. If you don't believe me, just try it."
After saying that, Zhang Dachun turned around and left, not caring whether Zhao Hui
behind him would accept it or not.
She just didn't believe that Zhao Hui would dare to do anything to her for such a dead
Zhao Hui looked at her back as she left resolutely, feeling endless despair in his heart.
Why does he have such a family and such a mother?
In such a special situation, how could she say such words so casually?
Doesn't she know that given the current situation, the word "slut" can be enough to kill
How could she be so cruel?
Zhao Hui didn't dare to gamble, after all, Zhang Dachun looked really crazy.
He knew that Zhang Dachun was really capable of doing such a thing, but the girl he had
liked for many years was so innocent. Why should she be implicated by him?
She should have a good life!
She should be better off without him, right?
As Zhao Hui thought about this, tears unconsciously filled his face. He slowly squatted
down in pain, sobbing softly.
It hurts so much. My heart hurts so much.
I can't bear to let go, but what else can I do?
Zhao Laowu looked at Zhao Hui like this, turned his head silently to look at the endless
fields, and no one knew what he was thinking.
Things came to a standstill here. Shen Yuxiu cried for a long time at home, waiting for
Zhao Hui to come back and give her an explanation.
But he waited and waited. The morning passed and Zhao Hui didn't come. The afternoon
passed and Zhao Hui still didn't come. One day and two days passed and Zhao Hui still
didn't come.
Shen Yuxiu was a little angry.
How could he do this?
Regardless of whether the matter succeeds or not, Zhao Hui should at least give himself
an explanation. How could he suddenly disappear without a trace?
So, on Sunday, Shen Yuxiu went directly to the county supply and marketing cooperative
without even saying hello.
When Zhao Hui saw Shen Yuxiu suddenly coming to find him, his heart suddenly sank, and
then his chest suddenly ached.
"Why are you here?" Zhao Hui tried his best to speak to her in a normal tone, enduring
the soreness in his throat.
"I came to see why you suddenly disappeared." Shen Yuxiu said angrily.
Zhao Hui smiled bitterly when he heard this. Seeing his colleagues around him secretly
looking over because of Shen Yuxiu's appearance, he took a deep breath and turned to
leave the counter, "Come with me."
Shen Yuxiu didn't know what he was going to do. Seeing that he had already left, she
could only hurry to catch up with him until they reached an empty corner. When she saw
Zhao Hui stop, she stopped too.
Shen Yuxiu was about to ask Zhao Hui angrily why he disappeared after that day, but as
soon as she opened her mouth, she was stunned by what Zhao Hui said first.
"Let's break up." Zhao Hui said in a low voice, not daring to even look at Shen Yuxiu.
This was the result of his thinking for several days.
Recently, whenever he went out, Zhang Dachun would follow him and would not leave until
he was sure that he was at work. Sometimes, Zhang Dachun would suddenly appear when he
was halfway through his work.
He knew that Zhang Dachun was monitoring him to see if he would go to see Shen Yuxiu
again. Given the situation, how could he dare to go to see Shen Yuxiu?
Shen Yuxiu was stunned, and looked at Zhao Hui stupidly, unable to recover. When she
recovered, her first words were, "Are you crazy?"
His mother scolded her like that, and she hadn't said anything yet, but he actually
wanted to break up?
"I'm not crazy, Xiaoxiu, I... am going to break my promise." Where Shen Yuxiu couldn't
see, Zhao Hui clenched his fists tightly, trying not to show any emotion, "If you are
angry, hit me, I am sorry for you."
Originally, he was full of passion and wanted to be with her regardless of everything,
but if it meant hurting her, he didn't dare, not at all!!!
Shen Yuxiu, who originally wanted to question Zhao Hui, panicked and subconsciously tried
to pull Zhao Hui's hand. However, Zhao Hui quickly took a step back, as if he didn't want
her to touch him.
"Why?" Shen Yuxiu couldn't accept this result, her eyes turned red with grievance, "Your
mother scolded me for no reason, I didn't blame you, how could you do this to me?"
"I'm sorry." Zhao Hui lowered his head and just kept saying, "I'm sorry."
"I don't want your apology." Shen Yuxiu couldn't help crying as she spoke, "I want to
know why? If you say it's because of your mother, I don't care. As long as you can treat
me wholeheartedly, I'm not afraid..."
"But I'm afraid." Zhao Hui growled and suddenly raised his head. Seeing Shen Yuxiu
startled by his sudden growl, he quickly looked away and didn't look at her. "Xiaoxiu, my
mother is totally unreasonable. She is a complete lunatic. If we were together, she would
not only destroy me, but also you. Xiaoxiu, I'm afraid."
He was afraid that her originally beautiful life would become bleak because of his
selfishness. He was even more afraid that even if she didn't care today, sooner or later
she would leave him because she couldn't stand it anymore.
If he had never had her, he might have felt heartbroken but would not have regretted it.
However, if he had her and then lost her, he would not be able to bear it.
She was so good and his family was so filthy, it was something he shouldn't have
expected, let alone dared to ask for.

Chapter 149 He Doesn’t Want Me Anymore

Shen Yuxiu didn't expect such a thing to happen. Looking at Zhao Hui's head lowered in
front of her, she felt both aggrieved and angry.
How could he back down because of these? She said she was not afraid!
After a long while, Shen Yuxiu took a deep breath, and said, "Why don't we leave, leave
here, and go to a place where your mother can't find us, okay?"
This was the only solution she could think of.
However, Zhao Hui still shook his head firmly.
"No, Xiaoxiu, you have never been out and you don't know how strict the inspection is.
Now without a valid reason, the team will not issue a letter of introduction. Without a
letter of introduction, we can't go anywhere, and I don't want to leave." Zhao Hui tried
hard to think about Liang Bo's words, "Besides, I don't want to leave. I have worked so
hard over the years just to live a better life. I don't want to give up my current life
and live a life of displacement."
"You don't want to give up your current life, so you give up on me?" Shen Yuxiu looked at
him in disbelief.
Then what is she?
Zhao Hui did not answer, but just lowered his head in silence, which seemed to be what he
"Zhao Hui, how could you do this..." Shen Yuxiu cried in grievance, "You were the one who
provoked me first, how can you just abandon me?"
Zhao Hui had never seen her cry before, and he felt panic and pain in his heart, but he
could only beg her with words that sounded heartless to him: "If I don't give up on you,
I will have to give up the job and life that I worked so hard to get. Xiaoxiu, I need to
make a living. I have seen too many people's faces and know how hard it is to live under
someone else's roof. I never want to live that kind of life again in my life. Let's break
up. I beg you, let's part ways amicably."
His eyes were so humble and his words were so heartless, leaving no room for maneuver.
Shen Yuxiu stared at her blankly, tears filling her eyes.
How to make peace and part ways?
She has invested so many years of love, and it can be taken back just by saying "let's
part ways amicably"?
Shen Yuxiu choked up, put aside all her self-esteem, took a step forward and tried to
save the situation, but in the end, he took several steps back, then bowed deeply to her:
"I'm sorry, please let me go, you can beat me or scold me, just give me a way to live."
Listening to his pleading words and looking at his humble posture, Shen Yuxiu was unable
to utter the thousands of words in her heart asking him not to back down.
He acted as if she was a monster and he couldn't wait to escape from her.
But is there really no solution for their problem? Can't they just try harder?
However, Zhao Hui seemed to not want to try anymore. Seeing that she didn't respond for a
long time, he slowly straightened up, as if relieved, and said, "If you don't say
anything, I will take it as you agree to break up. From now on, you and I will have
nothing to do with each other. Take care."
After saying that, Zhao Hui turned around and left. Before leaving, he didn't even dare
to look at Shen Yuxiu. He ran away like a desperate escape.
Being suddenly thrown here, Shen Yuxiu could no longer hold back her tears and burst into
She couldn't accept that he just left her like that and ran away.
Even though this place is secluded, there are always people passing by. When Shen Yuxiu
saw people passing by looking at her with surprise, she felt extremely embarrassed. She
could only hold back the tears in her eyes, lower her head as if avoiding the place and
quickly leave. It was not until she walked out of the county town and came to the
deserted wilderness that she could no longer hold back her tears.
She cried very loudly, as if venting the grievances and sadness in her heart.
How could he be so cruel?
He just broke up without caring whether she could bear it or not.
Shen Yuxiu walked while crying, her tears blurring her way home. She stumbled countless
times and almost fell, but she just walked home instinctively, taking one deep step and
one shallow step.
However, she didn't know that Zhao Hui didn't go far after he left. Seeing her leaving
this corner with tears in her eyes, he immediately followed her out of concern.
But he didn't dare get too close to her, so he just followed her from a distance, fearing
that he would be discovered.
But even though he tried to stay as far away as possible, Zhao Hui could still hear Shen
Yuxiu's heart-wrenching cry.
She cried so sadly, as if she was a child abandoned by everyone in the world.
Zhao Hui followed behind with tears streaming down his face unconsciously. He had an urge
to compromise and wanted to tell her, "Let's elope." But in the end, the string of reason
in his brain pulled back all his irrationality.
He can't be so selfish, he can't.
In fact, he had thought about whether to take Shen Yuxiu away from here, but no matter
how he thought about it, he felt that doing so was too selfish.
Not to mention that the Fang and Shen families were so good to him, he couldn't just
kidnap the girl for his own selfish reasons. Just looking at the situation outside, he
couldn't guarantee that he could take Shen Yuxiu away and not let her suffer.
She has been brought up under care since she was a child, how could she endure the
hardships outside?
He couldn't bear to do it either.
He is useless, he is so useless.
So, cry. After crying this time, he will no longer be in her world, and there will be no
chance for her to cry for him again.
It was not yet the end of the first lunar month, and there were few people in the fields
and on the paths. Shen Yuxiu sobbed all the way home. When she got home, her eyelids were
swollen and her head was dizzy and aching.
Grandma was shocked to see her like this, and hurried forward to ask: "What's wrong, who
bullied you?"
"Wuuuu..., Zhao Hui, Zhao Hui doesn't want me anymore, hiccup, wuuuu..." When Shen Yuxiu
saw Grandma Fang, she felt like she had seen a savior and burst into tears while hugging
Grandma Fang.
Grandma Fang, who was being held tightly, was stunned. She couldn't believe her ears.
"What? He doesn't want you anymore? Why?"
"He said, wuwuwu... He said his mother is a lunatic and will ruin me, hiccup... and ruin
him too. He has worked hard to get to where he is now, and he doesn't want to be ruined,
so he, he doesn't want me anymore." Shen Yuxiu hiccuped and cried loudly.
Grandma Fang wanted to curse after hearing this.
Well, she hasn’t even started to dislike Zhao Hui’s mother for making a fuss, but he
just doesn’t want his own child anymore?
But now her own child is sad, she can't say anything, she can only comfort her child, "He
is blind, he dares not want you, we don't want him either, grandma will find you a better
It just so happened that she didn't want her child to marry into such a family.
"But I like him, grandma, I really like him, woooo..." Shen Yuxiu was not comforted at
all, and cried even more sadly.
From the day she accepted Zhao Hui's confession, she had already planned everything about
Zhao Hui in her life. She really liked Zhao Hui, very much. No matter how good others
were, they were not him!
Grandma Fang felt a lump in her throat as she listened to her crying.
Her child, what has happened to her? How could Zhao Hui be so cruel?
Zhao Hui hid beside the courtyard gate, listening to Shen Yuxiu's crying in the house,
tears unconsciously flowed down his face. He dared not stay any longer and left here
quickly as if escaping.
It's his fault, everything is his fault.
He is so cruel and cruel, he is worse than pigs and dogs.
Just as he walked to the village entrance in a panic, he suddenly saw Zhang Dachun's
figure flash by and disappear among the many haystacks in the yard at the village
Zhao Hui thought she was following him, and his eyes suddenly emitted a murderous light.
Why, why force him like this?

Chapter 150: The Benchmark in the Fight

Zhao Hui gritted his teeth in anger, raised his feet and strode after him.
People's patience is limited, and so is his. If Zhang Dachun dares to touch Shen Yuxiu,
don't blame him for being ruthless.
However, when he chased into the yard and before he found anyone, he heard Zhang Dachun's
angry roar.
"Then how long do we have to wait? I've been following my eldest brother for several
days, and he hasn't looked for that Shen Yuxiu anymore, and that Shen Yuxiu hasn't looked
for him either. It's obvious that it's no longer possible." Zhang Dachun seemed very
angry, but he also forbearing.
"Just because it doesn't work out now doesn't mean it won't work out in the future. It's
only been a few days. I have to make sure they are each married, or one of them gets
married, then it will be considered a success." Another unhurried voice followed.
When Zhao Hui heard this familiar voice, his nerves fluttered and he subconsciously moved
towards the direction where the voice came from. After a while, he saw a piece of gray-
blue clothes behind a big haystack.
Zhao Hui didn't move forward. He glanced at another haystack, turned around and hid on
the other side, listening carefully.
"Are you kidding me?" At this time, Zhang Dachun, who was behind the big haystack, was a
little annoyed. He stared angrily at Shen Yulin opposite him, his heart full of
humiliation of being tricked.
"Then you can find a wife for Zhao Hui right away. As soon as he gets married, I will
immediately find a way to marry my fourth sister to your Baocai." Shen Yulin said
To be honest, she didn't expect that Zhang Dachun was so bold. In order to find a wife
for Zhao Baocai, he actually ruined the marriage between Shen Yuxiu and Zhao Hui. But as
long as the two of them didn't get married, there would be countless possibilities, and
it would not be foolproof.
Since Zhang Dachun is so willing to take risks, there must be a way to make Zhao Hui
continue to do what she wants, right? As long as Zhao Hui gets married first, Shen Yuxiu
and Zhao Hui will really have nothing to do with each other.
"It's easy for you to say that. It's not easy for me to not want him to marry someone,
but it's not that easy to make him marry someone according to my ideas." Zhang Dachun was
very angry.
"Then you figure out a way." Shen Yulin said nonchalantly, turned around and left.
Of course, she also knew that Zhao Hui was not so easy to manipulate. If she was, she
would not be able to marry him. But what did it have to do with her? This was Zhang
Dachun's concern, not hers.
At this point, no matter how stupid Zhang Dachun was, he knew that he was being fooled.
He stared at Shen Yulin's back for a while, then suddenly rushed behind her like a
cannonball and grabbed the braid on the back of her head.
"You stupid liar, you dare to play tricks on me? I'll let you fucking play tricks on me."
Zhang Dachun cursed while scratching her face with one hand.
Shen Yulin never expected that Zhang Dachun would hit her, and she accidentally got
several scratches on her face.
Shen Yuling screamed in pain, quickly covered her face, and tried to resist.
However, Zhang Dachun was not like Shen Yuling who did not do any work every day and just
knew how to cheat. She was busy in the fields every day and had a lot of strength in her
hands. She just pulled Shen Yuling's braid down hard, and Shen Yuling fell backwards.
Seeing this, Zhang Dachun did not say a word, and sat on Shen Yuling's stomach with his
fat body and started beating her.
Zhang Laowu is lazy and doesn't care about anything. If Zhang Dachun doesn't know how to
fight, she will be bullied in the village. Therefore, she can be regarded as a benchmark
among women's fights. She can scratch heads and faces, tear and bite, and there is
nothing she can't do.
In a short while, Zhang Dachun scratched Shen Yuling's face until it was covered with
bruises, and pinched her soft flesh all over her body. Shen Yuling, who was lying on the
ground, screamed in pain and had no power to fight back.
Zhang Dachun didn't know how long he beat her, until the beating was a bit weak, and then
he finally slapped Shen Yuling on the face.
"Damn girl, you'd better find someone to take your sister to my house to propose marriage
within half a month. If you're one day late, I'll tell you all about what you did. My
family's treasure won't be able to marry your sister, so you can't Don’t even think
about getting married.”
After Zhang Dachun finished speaking, he stood up panting. Without looking at Shen
Yuling, who was lying there unable to get up after being beaten, he angrily stroked his
hair that was messed up by the beating and turned away.
As for whether Shen Yuling would not tell Sister Shen to Zhao Baocai because she was
beaten, she said that as long as Shen Yuling dared not to do this, she would dare to ruin
Shen Yuling's reputation.
Shen Yuling lay on the ground, touched her cheek lightly, and suddenly felt a burning
Face, her face!
Shen Yuling hissed and stared at Zhang Dachun's departing back, her eyes full of
Is this damn woman crazy? She said she would beat her up if she wanted to. Isn't she
afraid that she would call the police?
But she really wouldn't call the police. First, there were no witnesses here, and no one
could do anything if Zhang Dachun said he had never seen her. Second, once the matter was
really investigated, everything she had done would be exposed.
Shen Yuling was so angry at this moment that she really wanted to kill Zhang Dachun. But
when she thought about her future bright future, she was unwilling to risk her life for
such a shrew. She could only take a deep breath and suppress all the anger in her chest.
Forget it, it's not worth it for such a person. Didn't Zhang Dachun just want her fourth
sister to be his daughter-in-law? Then she would fulfill Zhang Dachun's wish. After all,
she would have to get married in the future, and she couldn't ruin her future life
because of this.
It was an advantage to the girl Fourth Sister. You know, Fourth Sister Shen was married
to a local old man in her previous life. Even when she was old, she could not leave the
village. She faced the loess and turned her back to the sky every day to guard the two
acres of land. She was very old. Now it's good that she can marry into the Zhao family
and become Zhao Hui's sister-in-law.
After a long time, Shen Yuling got up from the ground and limped home. It wasn't until
she was far away that Zhao Huicai walked out from behind a haystack, looking at Shen
Yuling's back with cold eyes.
He thought that his marriage failed because Zhang Dachun was just fooling around, but he
didn't expect that Shen Yuling was behind it.
Well done, indeed well done.
According to what she and Zhang Dachun said just now, Shen Yuling's fourth sister was
also involved, so don't blame him for not letting these two people get their wish.
After all, his life had been ruined by these two people, but he no longer had the
kindness of an adult.
What is the most unacceptable thing? Nothing more than watching the things that are about
to be obtained turn into bubbles, and the bamboo basket is filled with water... It's all
in vain.
Shen Yuxiu knew nothing about all of this.
She was so sad that no matter how Grandma Fang comforted her, she couldn't stop crying.
She just couldn't understand why Zhao Hui, a good man, suddenly became so strange, so
timid, and so cowardly.
Maybe it was because she cried for too long, and gradually she felt dizzy, her heart
ached, and her nose was blocked so she couldn't breathe.
Grandma Fang was so heartbroken that tears welled up in her eyes. She cursed Zhao Hui in
her heart while coaxing her to sit down on the kang. Then she held her in her arms and
let her cry.
Cry, it is better to be able to cry than not to cry, and it is better to be able to vent
than to hold it in your heart.

Chapter 151 Acting

Shen Yuxiu just lay in Grandma Fang's arms and cried. She didn't know how long it had
been before she fell into a deep sleep.
Grandma Fang carefully placed her body on the kang, and felt so distressed when she saw
her sobbing from time to time while she slept.
That kid Zhao Hui is really a sinner.
But it’s better to break up. She didn’t think highly of Zhao Hui and his parents in the
first place, and she’s happy for them to break up now.
I just feel sorry for my child. He has never been hurt like this in his life. I'm afraid
it will take a long time for him to recover, right?
On the other hand, after Zhao Hui left here, he went directly to the black market and
found Wu Laohei.
"I want to borrow you to perform a play." Zhao Hui said as he took out ten yuan from his
pocket and put it into Wu Laohei's hand.
Wu Laohei looked at the money in his hand and did not take it directly. Instead, he asked
in confusion: "What kind of play? Who is it for?"
"Let's put on a play about a toad wanting to eat swan flesh..." Zhao Hui slowly spoke of
his plan.
The plan was very simple and crude. He just asked someone to reveal what Shen Yulin was
going to do to Shen Simei when she was alone, and the protagonist had to act as obscene
as possible.
He thought, there probably is no girl in this world who would like to be tricked into
marrying a dirty-minded, despicable and shameless man, right?
Wu Laohei was confused, but seeing that Zhao Hui didn't look like he was going to cause
trouble, and the money Zhao Hui gave was not small, he immediately nodded in agreement.
It's just finding two people to perform a play for a little girl. It's not against the
law, so just do it.
So when Shen Simei returned home after seeing the scratches on Shen Yuling's face, the
shock hadn't dissipated. The next day when she went home to visit her good sister's
house, she saw two sneaky men walking towards the yard at the door of her house. The
figure looking inside.
"Hey, which one is Sister Shen?" One of the figures whispered while looking into the
yard. Although he seemed to speak very quietly, it was enough for Sister Shen who was a
few meters away from them to hear clearly. .
Shen Simei's heart skipped a beat and she hid it subconsciously. Then she heard another
person teasing in a funny voice.
"Why are you so anxious? Aren't they all yours sooner or later? Didn't Shen Yuling
promise to take care of Fourth Sister Shen within half a month?"
"I can't trust her. It turns out that she said that as long as my mother interferes with
the marriage between my brother and that Shen Yuxiu, she will immediately send Sister
Shen to me as my wife. Why don't you turn around and deny her?"
"Then hasn't your mother already scratched her face and blossomed? Don't worry, I saw it.
With your mother's fighting ability, Shen Yuling doesn't dare to keep her word."
"But I'm still worried. What do you think about me giving Shen Simei a chance? As long as
it happens, she won't be able to marry anyone else even if she wants to..."
The two of them continued talking, and Shen Simei was so frightened that her heart beat
wildly, and she quickly left the door of the house quietly, for fear that the two people
would see her.
As for the two sneaky figures, they immediately stopped talking when they noticed that
Sister Shen was leaving. They looked at each other and left.
Shen Simei was so frightened by these two people that she hid at her little sister's
house and didn't dare to go back as it was getting late. It wasn't until everyone started
eating that she couldn't stay any longer, so she walked home in fear.
When she was approaching the door of her home, she stood in the distance and observed for
a while. When she was sure that no one was there, she swished into the yard as if she was
being chased by a ghost.
"What are you doing?" Seeing her running back in panic, Fourth Aunt Shen frowned and
walked to the cooking table while muttering to her angrily, "I've been out all afternoon,
and I don't even know when I'll be back after dinner. Why are you so wild?"
Fourth Sister Shen looked at Fourth Aunt Shen. She was about to say what happened this
afternoon, but she saw Shen Yuling slowly walking into the room, and she immediately
stopped talking.
"Hey, the great hero is back, and the whole family is waiting for you to eat." Shen
Yuling said sarcastically.
I don’t know since when, if anyone in this family comes back late, the family will wait
for that person to eat. Only for her, if she doesn’t come back on time, no one will
leave even a mouthful of rice.
If this were normal, Sister Shen would definitely feel embarrassed when she heard this.
At the very least, she would have to explain why she came back late. But today, when she
heard Shen Yuling's complaint, she didn't say anything and even bowed her head and left
her. Far away.
This third sister is so cruel. She has made her eldest sister unable to hold her head
high in her husband's family. She almost used various excuses to get the second sister's
wedding gift away, and now she has come to harm her again.
Because she was scratched on her face, Shen Yuling was already in a bad mood. Now seeing
that Fourth Sister Shen came back late and avoided her, she was a little angry. But
before she could get angry, Fourth Aunt Shen spoke. : "Okay, let's turn off the pot and
eat. Siya, go wash your hands quickly."
After hearing this, Simei Shen immediately walked to the basin and washed her hands
without saying a word, while Shen Yuling felt the sarcasm in her throat and choked on it.
Really, the sisters in this family are paying less and less attention to her.
Fourth Sister Shen ate quietly and stayed away from Shen Yuling. It was not until
everyone had eaten and Shen Yuling and several sisters returned to the house that Fourth
Sister Shen walked to Fourth Aunt Shen. , told her what she had discovered this
Fourth Aunt Shen was dumbfounded. She stared blankly at Fourth Sister Shen in front of
her, unable to regain her senses for a long time.
"Mom, please help me, I don't want to be married to a man like that by my third sister."
Fourth sister Shen pulled on fourth aunt Shen's arm in fear.
The first time Aunt Shen was brought back to her senses, she rubbed her face in distress
and asked her solemnly, "Really? Did you really see two men? Did you really hear those
"Really, they also said that my eldest sister was the one who instigated the marriage of
my uncle's sister, Xiao Xiu, on the condition that I marry that man." Shen Simei's
frightened eyes were filled with tears.
She really didn't expect that this third sister would give her whole life to anyone at
will in order to achieve her goal. Why?
After receiving the exact answer, Fourth Aunt Shen felt her heart was severely blocked.
Because of Shen Yuling's constant flirting over the years, she had long been cold-blooded
and too lazy to care about her daughter. Unexpectedly, now she was tricking her fourth
child again.
"Mom, please find me an in-law. Marry me far away. As long as the person is not lame or
stupid, it will be fine. I won't choose. If I stay in this house any longer, I'm afraid I
will be raped at some point. What a waste." Shen Simei started to cry as she spoke.
Fourth Aunt Shen was so saddened by her crying that she gently held her in her arms and
comforted her, "Okay, Mom will go to your grandma's house tomorrow and ask her to help
you find a good family. We can marry her as soon as possible so we don't have to worry. "
Originally, she wanted to wait until Shen Yuling's marriage was settled before looking
for Shen Simei's in-laws, but now it was obvious that this was not possible.
It's not like she hasn't experienced how much Shen Yuling's naughty girl can do for her
own gain. It's obvious that she is hopeless and has no conscience at all. She can't stand
to see other girls being harmed again.

Chapter 152 She is anxious, she is anxious

After receiving the promise, Shen Simei finally felt relieved.
She is only eleven and a half months younger than Shen Yuling. Shen Yuling was born on
the fifth day of the lunar month, while she was born on the twenty-ninth day of the
twelfth lunar month. One is at the beginning of the year and the other is at the end of
the year. They are the same age in terms of age, so when she was a child, she was still
Shen Yuling is extremely close, and I always feel that since they were born in the same
year, they should be better off than the other sisters.
Although some of Shen Yuling's actions later made her realize that this third sister did
not like her, she never thought that Shen Yuling would harm her so much.
She resented and hated why she had such a crazy sister.
While she decided to find her in-laws for Fourth Sister Shen right away, Fourth Aunt Shen
also told her not to say anything for the time being, otherwise she would be prone to
accidents if Shen Yuling found out.
Originally, she wanted to settle Shen Yuling's marriage first, and then think about the
children below. After all, there was a sister above who was not married. The sister below
said that it would not be good for her to get married in person, but now she can no
longer care about it.
Over the years, even though she has been disappointed with Shen Yuling as her daughter,
she has always tried her best to think about this daughter. However, this daughter seems
not to regard her sisters as relatives at all. She doesn't want to care about such a
child. No more.
After receiving her promise, Shen Simei gradually calmed down the panic and hatred in her
heart. When I went back to the house to sleep, nothing could be seen on my face.
Shen Yuling's face was scratched, and he had been lying in the room all day without going
out. Seeing that she came back to the room so late, he raised his eyes angrily, turned
over and ignored her.
Seeing this, Simei Shen also ignored her. She walked to her seat on the other side,
tucked Lao Qi into bed, and went to sleep on the kang.
After having a full meal the next day, Fourth Aunt Shen left home with Fourth Aunt Shen
after telling Wuya to take care of several younger sisters.
Now that the temperature has risen slightly, Shen Laosi has started to work on the dam
project every day again. Other strong laborers in the brigade have also begun to dig
reservoirs and build canals. Shen Yuling does not do this job, so it basically falls on
Aunt Shen and Shen Simei. Therefore, even if the two of them were not at home, they did
not attract Shen Yuling's attention.
It wasn't until a few days later, when Shen Yuling was sent away by Fourth Aunt Shen for
a long time and then came back, that she suddenly got the news that Fourth Sister Shen
was engaged and would be getting married immediately on the sixth day of February.
The news was like a thunderbolt from the blue, which stunned Shen Yuling. She jumped up
when she looked at the betrothal gift spread by Fourth Aunt Shen on the kang.
"No, I don't agree." Shen Yuling screamed in opposition.
"You don't agree? Why do you disagree? Who are you? Do you have the right to speak?"
Fourth Aunt Shen looked at her frantic look with a cold look in her eyes.
If Shen Yuling didn't object so much, she could comfort herself. This daughter might just
have a temporary misunderstanding. In fact, her heart is not that bad, but now it seems
that she still thinks of this girl too well.
Shen Yuling was speechless. She couldn't say what she wanted to do, so she could only
turn around and pull Shen Si Mei.
"Fourth sister, you have to think clearly. You are only eighteen years old now. You are
not yet old enough. Besides, this kind of marriage ordered by your parents is not legal
at all. You can refuse it at all."
"I don't want to refuse, and this is not my parents' order. This is what I want, and I am
willing to marry." Shen Simei avoided her to hold her hand, and the corners of her lips
were slightly raised in pleasure.
She was anxious, she was anxious, Shen Yuling was anxious.
But what does this have to do with you?
Shen Simei felt secretly happy.
Although the man her grandma found for her had an average family, he was good-looking and
capable, and his parents were reasonable. The most important thing was that the man lived
on the other side of the river, a full fifty or sixty miles away from here. With one
condition, she would be extremely satisfied.
She was really disgusted with Shen Yuling. She was so disgusted that she didn't want to
see this third sister who wanted to find a man to harm her again.
"What do you know?" Shen Yuling didn't hear the deep meaning of Shen Simei's words at
all, and kept urging her anxiously, "You can't just look at the surface in life, but also
look at the character of the family. I know a person who has a good family. , whether
it’s a person or not, do you want to meet and reconsider?”
"No need." Shen Simei refused directly, and said to her with some gritted teeth: "I am
very satisfied with my partner. You can marry the man you think is very good. Really, I
bless you."
After saying that, Fourth Sister Shen walked directly to Fourth Aunt Shen, and together
with her, she measured the coarse cloth sent by the man and prepared to cut and sew the
This was specially sent by the man. Although the wedding was in a hurry, she could see
the man's sincerity and was really satisfied.
Shen Yuling almost died of anger from Fourth Sister Shen.
What does it mean to marry her if she thinks it's good? Isn't this disgusting?
But after speaking to her, Fourth Aunt Shen stopped talking to her. No matter how hard
she racked her brains to persuade, Fourth Sister Shen just ignored her until Fourth Aunt
Shen couldn't stand listening anymore and spoke coolly.
"If you really have nothing to do, go dig ditches in the brigade. At least you can earn a
few centimeters a day." Fourth Aunt Shen looked at Shen Yuling expressionlessly, without
a smile on her face.
This was Mingming's drive to drive people away. Shen Yuling felt the veins in her
forehead twitching when she heard it, but she didn't realize that Fourth Aunt Shen was a
little angry and could only go back to her room angrily.
She was careless. She shouldn't have thought about taking care of her face first. She
should have taken action earlier. Now she can only act by ear.
So what if we're engaged? We're not married yet. When the time comes, we'll just have to
cook the rice.
Otherwise, if Zhang Dachun, that crazy woman who even cheated her own son, knew that she
had screwed up, she wouldn't know how to tease her, not to mention that the deadline
Zhang Dachun gave her was the day after Shen Simei got married.
However, Fourth Sister Shen, who had seen both sisters being cheated, did not dare to be
careless at all. She was like a follower, never leaving Fourth Sister Shen during the day
and night, and did not even return to their sisters' house.
In this way, until the wedding day, no matter how hard Shen Yuling tried, she couldn't
let Fourth Sister Shen leave Aunt Shen even half a step.
It's not like Fourth Aunt Shen didn't notice her jumping up and down. Just in case, the
day before Shen Fourth Sister's wedding, she spent a lot of money to buy two sleeping
pills and turned them into powder. After eating, she poured them into Shen Yuling's
porridge. In the bowl, and early the next morning before the pick-up party came, Shen
Yuling's ears were plugged with cotton balls, and then he quietly called the other
children up, locked the sisters' room, It wasn't until the groom picked up Shen Simei
that he reopened the locked room and took away the cotton balls stuffed in Shen Yuling's
Therefore, it was already afternoon when Shen Yuling woke up, and Shen Simei had already
been picked up by her new brother-in-law.
Shen Yuling found that she had overslept, and when Shen Simei was gone, her legs felt a
little weak.
Why did she fall asleep? Why did she sleep so deeply?
By this point, she would be stupid if she didn't realize something was wrong.
But she never thought about Fourth Aunt Shen and Fourth Sister Shen from the beginning to
the end. After all, although she had been teasing Fourth Sister Shen not to get married
so soon these days, she never showed her other thoughts in front of the two of them. She
did not think that Fourth Sister Shen He and Fourth Aunt Shen could find out something,
and then they took action against themselves.
Who is it?
Who could attack her without anyone noticing?
What on earth does that person want to do?

Chapter 153 Compensate my daughter-in-law

Shen Yuling tried hard but couldn't think of a reason.
What's more important is that Shen Simei has been married for a long time now. Even if
she chases her now, it will be midnight until she finds Shen Simei's husband's family. By
then, Shen Simei will have been eaten and wiped clean and become a human. woman.
What the hell.
Fourth sister Shen is already married, and the fifth sister below, the eldest, is only
fourteen now and cannot fill the vacancy at all.
Shen Yuling secretly cursed Shen Simei for being disobedient and kept circling around
No, she had to think of a way quickly.
That Zhang Dachun was so crazy that it would be okay if Shen Fourth Sister was gone. If
he didn't quickly find a replacement, then Zhang Dachun would probably really tear her
But, who should I look for as a substitute?
After thinking for a long time, Shen Yuling decided on Shen Laowu's second daughter. It
wasn't that there were no suitable girls from other uncles' families, but that none of
those girls were willing to talk to her. Only the second daughter of Shen Laowu's family
was a bit interested. Silly, easy to fool.
Shen Yuling was thinking about the replacement here, but Zhang Dachun over there was
already waiting impatiently.
Tomorrow is her deadline for Shen Yuling, but Shen Yuling hasn't brought Shen Fourth
Sister to the door yet. Isn't she afraid that she will actually come to the door?
Shen Yuling was wrong. She, Zhang Dachun, was never someone to be trifled with.
Zhang Dachun snorted coldly, waited patiently at home for another afternoon, and went
directly to Shen Laosi's house early the next morning.
"Shen Yuling, I'm here to propose marriage. Come out quickly."
The roar was so loud that Fourth Aunt Shen got up late for the first time after a busy
day yesterday, and was woken up immediately.
"Who is it?" Fourth Shen was also awakened and looked at Fourth Aunt Shen in confusion.
"Then who knows? Since we are looking for the third child, just let the third child deal
with it and leave it alone." Fourth Aunt Shen said and hurriedly got dressed and went out
to smash the door of Sister Shen Yuling's house.
"Third brother, get up quickly. There is someone looking for you outside. Fifth sister,
get up and open the door." Fourth Aunt Shen banged the door impatiently and glanced
outside the fence.
It was a middle-aged woman, pinching her waist, staring, with a fierce look on her face,
and she was definitely not a good person at first glance.
Without thinking, she roughly knew who that person was, and she only felt a chill in her
What the hell, how dare you plot against your own daughter? I just don’t know what to
In the room, Shen Yuling of course heard Zhang Dachun's roar. Originally, she wanted to
hide away, but she didn't expect that Fourth Aunt Shen actually came over and her sisters
banged on the door. Her fifth sister also obediently started to get dressed quickly and
prepared to open the door.
It's really unlucky that she has such a family.
When her mother heard that someone was looking for her, she didn't know how to help her
send the person away, but she actually came to call her. The fifth sister also opened the
door when her mother let him go, without asking who was looking for her.
As Shen Yuling put on her clothes, she kept cursing in her heart.
However, it was of no use. As soon as she put on her clothes, the door of the house was
opened by Fifth Sister.
"Hurry, they are waiting for you outside." As soon as the door opened, Aunt Shen's eyes
immediately locked on Shen Yuling.
Shen Yuling was so nervous that she could only walk out resignedly.
After she left, Fourth Aunt Shen quickly dressed her youngest daughter while urging the
other three girls: "Hurry up and get dressed before someone takes off the bed."
When she said she was kicked out of bed, she was not referring to herself, but to the
woman outside.
If that person knew that the scheming daughter-in-law was married, he would probably go
crazy, right?
Sure enough, as soon as she thought of this, she heard a broken voice yelling from the
door of the courtyard: "What? Married? Who are you bluffing? Marrying just as you say? I
don't believe it."
As soon as she finished speaking, Fourth Aunt Shen heard footsteps approaching. As soon
as she turned around, she saw Zhang Dachun rushing in like a storm.
Zhang Dachun looked around and saw no sign of Fourth Sister Shen. He angrily shouted at
Fourth Sister Shen and asked, "Where is Fourth Sister Shen? Where did you hide Fourth
Sister Shen?"
"I'm married. I got married yesterday. The red word "Happy" is still posted on the wall."
Fourth Aunt Shen said and motioned for her to look towards the wall.
Zhang Dachun followed her gaze to the wall, his face darkened, and he turned around and
roared at Fourth Aunt Shen.
"No, Simei Shen wants to marry my son. How can she marry whoever she says she wants to
marry? You pay for me and my daughter-in-law."
"Are you sick?" Fourth Aunt Shen was not someone to be trifled with. How could she let
her get angry at him like this? She immediately started scolding her, "If you are sick,
just treat it. Don't go crazy in my house. Give me back the rest of my family." My sister
is your daughter-in-law. Who are you? Do I know you? When did I agree to marry my fourth
sister to your son?"
"It was your Shen Yuling who said it." Zhang Dachun shouted, unwilling to be outdone,
"She promised to marry your fourth sister to my son."
"What a joke. Whose child has the final say when it comes to marriage? She said that if
the fourth sister marries your son, then she will marry your son? Her father and I are
not dead yet. It is not her turn to make the decision in this family. Who agreed to it?
You Who are you looking for? Go, go, go..." As Aunt Shen said, she stretched out her hand
and pushed Zhang Dachun out.
Zhang Dachun didn't expect that she would take action as soon as she said so. He was
pushed back and staggered back. He accidentally tripped over the threshold and fell out
of the house on his butt in an instant.
"My mother is so pissed, you hit me, how dare you hit me?" Zhang Dachun quit after being
thrown so hard that he got up and rushed towards Fourth Aunt Shen.
Fourth Aunt Shen was not a vegetarian, so she stepped out of the house and fought with
When the Shen sisters saw that their own mother was being bullied, they looked at me and
I looked at you. Then they all rushed towards Zhang Dachun, tearing his hair, pinching
his waist, and biting his thighs. After a while, Zhang Dachun was pushed to the ground.
Under siege, she had no power to fight back and could only scream.
When Shen Laosi heard something was wrong, he ran out and saw this scene. He didn't know
what to do. He anxiously stepped forward, stepped back, stepped back, and stepped forward
He wants to help his wife and children, but she has no use for him at all. If he doesn't
help his wife and children, he is afraid that the woman on the ground will beat his wife
and children again.
Shen Yuling on the other side was also a little dumbfounded when he saw the scene in
front of him.
She let Zhang Dachun into the yard because she wanted to divert trouble, but she didn't
expect her own mother and sisters to be so violent.
After a long time, Fourth Aunt Shen finally hit her hard enough. She withdrew her heart-
piercing fist and breathlessly ordered Fourth Shen.
"Drag her out, damn her. She bullies people and even comes to her door. She thinks I'm
easy to bully."
When Shen Laosi heard this, he immediately stepped forward and grabbed Zhang Dachun's
foot and dragged him out of the yard.
Zhang Dachun was beaten until he was dizzy. Before he could recover, he was dragged out
of the yard. He lay on the ground at the entrance of Shen Lao's Fourth Courtyard and
began to cry in mourning.
"Oh my god, please open your eyes and see. This family named Shen has no conscience. Her
family, Shen Yuling..."
While Zhang Dachun was crying, he went through everything Shen Yuling had done, from when
the two met to when they turned against Zhao Hui, from when Shen Yuling encouraged her to
sabotage the marriage between Zhao Hui and Shen Yuxiu, to when she agreed to marry Shen
Simei. I gave my son one piece after another, chanting and beating him until he burst
into tears.
She was crying like a dead mother. She was so miserable. When the neighbors heard the
commotion here, some people came over. Now her crying immediately attracted all the
neighbors around Shen Laosi's house.
Listening to the content of Zhang Dachun's cry, they all felt like shit, shit, and looked
at Shen Yuling in shock.
This girl usually looked at Wen Wen quietly, but she didn't expect to be so vicious.
Even if he harmed his cousin, he actually harmed his own sister.

Chapter 154 Bullying the weak and fearing the strong?

Shen Yuling was stared at by everyone around her and she wished she could find a hole to
crawl into. But there was no way. She had nowhere to hide and could only pretend to be
innocent and hint to Zhang Dachun.
"Aunt, can you please come to the side and calm down with me? We can talk it out. You
really misunderstood this matter."
She wanted to get Zhang Dachun to shut up first, find a secluded place, and tell her that
she was looking for a replacement.
However, even if Zhang Dachun understood what Shen Yulin meant, he no longer believed her
because he had been deceived time and time again, and he was unwilling to be fooled
"No, I have nothing to say to you. You have a heart like a sieve. I have been deceived by
you twice. I dare not say anything to you again." Zhang Dachun looked like he was afraid
of being deceived.
She is also good at acting.
"Aunt, you can eat whatever you want, but you can't say whatever you want. I haven't lied
to you. You can't slander me." Shen Yuling poked at the vague concept secretly, and at
the same time warned her: "I know what you want. At worst, I can give it to you."
As for what Zhang Dachun wanted and what she was going to give, they both knew it very
However, Zhang Dachun didn't believe her at all. He spat viciously on the ground, pointed
at her and started to curse, "What do I need from you? I don't want your things, and you
still have the nerve to accuse me of slander? You came to my house every day before the
New Year, and everyone in the village saw it. Do you dare to say that you didn't do these
things? Do you dare to swear? I swear that if you do these things, you will choke to
death when eating, choke to death when drinking water, fall to death when walking, and go
to the eighteenth level of hell after death, and you will never be reincarnated again."
Hearing Zhang Dachun keep saying the word "die", Shen Yuling almost couldn't hold it in.
In her previous life, she might not have had any taboos about swearing, but after her
rebirth, she was very taboo about these supernatural things.
After hesitating for a moment, Shen Yuling looked like she had been severely bullied. She
covered her face with tears in her eyes, "You are too bullying. You even cursed me to
death, wuwuwu..."
Having said that, Shen Yuling turned around and ran into the house.
Zhang Dachun was so good at touching people's hearts that she didn't dare to stay here
any longer.
When Zhang Dachun saw her running away, he seemed to have caught something, and pointed
at her back and shouted to the people around who were watching the fun.
"Everyone saw it, right? She didn't dare to swear. She felt guilty. Otherwise, why would
she run away, right?"
The people around were not stupid. As soon as they saw Shen Yulin's expression, they knew
there must be something fishy going on, and they started whispering to each other.
They had all heard about the fact that Zhao went to Shen Yuxiu's house to propose
marriage a few days ago, but they didn't expect that Shen Yuling's handwriting was
This girl is quite vicious. Even if she cheats on her own sisters, she even cheats on her
cousin. Did someone provoke her?
With such a temper, who dares to ask for it?
Fourth Aunt Shen looked at the people whispering around her and did not stop her. She
called her daughters and returned to the main house.
Who doesn’t want face?
But there is a daughter like this. She is exhausted just trying not to be cheated, so how
can she have the time to care about anything else? Besides, Shen Yuling was not someone
she could control if she wanted to.
Zhang Dachun was still crying outside, repeating those words over and over again. People
were still very interested in her at first, but after a while, she no longer had anything
new to say. The fourth Shen family did not come out to take care of it, so they went back
to their respective homes.
Now there are ditches to be dug, canals to be built, and dam projects to be built. Every
household is very busy. Who has so much time to sit here and watch the fun?
Zhang Dachun was crying until he saw that everyone had left. He immediately blew his
nose, stood up, brushed the dirt off his butt, and left.
After howling for a long time, she was already exhausted. There were quite a few people
watching the fun, and it would probably take less than half a day for the news of Shen
Yulin's vicious intentions to spread throughout the village.
She just didn't believe that after people knew how vicious Shen Yulin was, no good family
would want her.
Humph, her son can’t even find a wife, so this vicious girl can forget about marrying
into a good family.
The farce ended just like that. Zhang Dachun just patted her butt and left, but she
didn't notice that after she left, Zhao Hui's figure appeared silently not far away.
He was not so satisfied with this result.
He thought Zhang Dachun was so crazy that he would definitely fight to the death with
Shen Yulin, but in the end he just howled and that was it.
It was really strange. When she was facing her son, she wanted to hurt both of them. But
when she was facing the person who really betrayed her, she was so loud but did nothing?
Was she bullying the weak and afraid of the strong? Picking on the weak?
Fortunately, neither of them got what they wanted, but it's still okay.
Zhao Hui took a deep look at the room of Shen Yulin and her sister, then turned around
and left silently. From beginning to end, no one knew he had been there.
Zhao Hui thought that the matter should end there, but the next day, when he rode his
bicycle to the supply and marketing cooperative, he was suddenly blocked by a man who
suddenly appeared from the side.
Zhao Hui was so scared that he braked quickly. After stopping, he looked up unhappily and
saw Zhang Dachun's hypocritical smile.
"Hui, have you been busy lately? Why don't you come home these days?" Zhang Dachun said
as he walked forward and was about to hold Zhao Hui's hand, as enthusiastically as if
what happened a few days ago had never happened.
"Didn't you forbid me to go home? You said that my staying at home would interfere with
Baocai's marriage. What? You are not afraid now." Zhao Hui said as he raised his hand
slightly to avoid her trying to pull his hand.
"Oh, kid, I was just talking nonsense, why did you take it seriously?" Zhang Dachun
smiled and waved his hands, as if nothing had happened.
Zhao Hui didn't say anything either, just watched her performance quietly.
He treated him like that a few days ago, and now he says these things to him again. Are
you treating him as a fool, or are you treating him as a fool?
Zhang Dachun looked at him and felt a little embarrassed for a moment, so he simply
stopped pretending and stated his purpose directly.
"It was my fault a few days ago that I ruined your marriage. Now I've thought it through,
and I agree to your marriage with that Yuxiu. You can pick a day, and I'll go propose to
you again. This time I will definitely help you do it well." Zhang Dachun said as a
matter of course, as if as long as she was willing to propose, the other party would
agree immediately.
Zhao Hui sneered.
Well, it turns out that Shen Yuling is trying to plot against him again.
"No, I dare not marry someone with a mother like you. I'm afraid you might suddenly go
crazy and beat me up, and I won't be able to explain myself then." Zhao Hui said as he
started to walk away.
"I won't hit anyone. Is that not enough?" Zhang Dachun quickly stepped forward and
stopped him from leaving.
"No, really. To be honest, I don't want to get married anymore. Even if you want me to, I
won't. I suddenly feel that it's not bad to be alone for the rest of my life." Zhao Hui
looked like he had seen through the world and was about to become a monk.
"Well, then it's okay if you don't marry me, but you have to give me the fifty yuan you
promised me. Here you go." Zhang Dachun said, extending his hand to him as a matter of

Chapter 155: Make trouble?

Zhao Hui looked at the palm she stretched out to him and finally understood what she was
here for today.
It turns out that when Shen Yuling was with her, she looked down on the fifty yuan and
treated him like a fool. Now that Shen Yuling's attitude doesn't work, she thinks about
the fifty yuan again.
Unfortunately, he doesn't have such a good heart and can't let go of the past even after
being hurt like this.
"Mom, it's broad daylight now. Stop dreaming and go home to have some rest, okay?" Zhao
Hui mocked her wild imagination.
Zhang Dachun was stunned by what he said, and it took him a long time to react. He asked
in disbelief, "What do you mean, you don't want to pay?"
"That's right. Who told you not to take it when I wanted to give it to you? It's too late
to want the money now." Zhao Hui looked at her coldly, without any room for maneuver.
Zhang Dachun never expected that he would be so resolute. She was speechless for a while.
After a long while, she suddenly pointed at the door of the supply and marketing
cooperative and said viciously: "Are you going to pay me or not? If you don't, do you
believe that I will make you lose your job?"
However, Zhao Hui was not afraid at all. He even laughed when he heard this and made a
gesture of invitation to her nonchalantly.
"Go ahead and make a scene, hurry up, if you lose your job, it's gone, I don't care, at
most I can go home and eat your food and drink your drinks, what's the big deal."
Zhang Dachun was a little dumbfounded. Why didn't this kid play by the rules?
Work, this is a job that can earn money without sweating, and he doesn't care at all?
Seeing that she was standing there motionless, Zhao Hui became a little impatient and
stretched out his hand to push her towards the door of the supply and marketing
cooperative. "Hurry up, if you are more efficient, you can finish the work today, and I
can save myself from going to work. It's just right for us to go home together directly,
and I don't have to come here anymore."
Zhang Dachun was pushed and staggered, and was completely defeated by Zhao Hui.
This, this, this, she doesn’t really want to make trouble, she just wants money, what
does this damn kid want to do?
"Why don't you go and make a scene?" Zhao Hui saw that she was a little bit stupid, so he
put the bicycle's rear stand on the spot, stretched out his hand to pull her up and
walked towards the supply and marketing cooperative, while walking he suggested, "Just
make a scene like you did on the day of the marriage proposal, scold everyone you see,
and even better, smash all the goods on the shelves. Believe me, if you do this, I will
definitely lose this job. Come on, hurry up."
Zhang Dachun never expected that he would actually do it for real. He hurriedly pulled
his hand free from Zhao Hui's grasp and turned around to run away.
Damn, is this guy crazy?
If this happens, not only will the boy lose his job, but she will also be taken to the
police station.
Besides, what good would it do if she lost Zhao Hui's job?
As long as Zhao Hui has a job, she not only doesn't have to support Zhao Hui, but the
family can also have some extra food and drink. If she loses her job, Zhao Hui might
really come home and let her support him. How stupid is she to do such a thankless job?
Zhao Hui looked coldly at her back as she ran away, his eyes icy.
Make trouble?
Let’s make some noise!!
Since I can’t be with the people I care about anyway, what does it matter if I have a
job or not? What’s the point of working hard to make money?
Shen Yuxiu always felt that people looked at her strangely these past two days. When she
was at home, her grandparents would glance at her secretly from time to time, and sigh
from time to time when she was not paying attention. But at school, no matter whether it
was a male or female colleague, they all spoke to her in a soft voice, as if a loud voice
could scare her.
Shen Yuxiu just felt extremely embarrassed.
She guessed that these people might know that she was dumped, but she was really
embarrassed by their behavior and didn't know how to talk to them.
What surprised her even more was that when she was about to leave school after the last
class at noon, a boy in her class suddenly ran up to her and said to her with a red face:
"Teacher, if you are looking for a partner, would you consider my brother? My mother and
I are very reasonable and will not hit or scold anyone."
"Ah?" Shen Yuxiu looked confused.
What does this mean?
"My brother doesn't care if you have a girlfriend. He, he, he likes you very much. My
mother likes you too." It was probably the first time for the boy to do such a thing. He
stuttered as he spoke, his face red all the way to his neck with embarrassment. The
weather was still very cold, but he was so nervous that he was sweating all over his
"Uh..., this..., no need." Shen Yuxiu finally understood what he meant and waved her
hands quickly, "Teacher doesn't want to find a partner yet."
"Teacher, don't be afraid of ropes for ten years after being bitten by a snake once. It's
a new society now. It's not shameful to fall in love. There are many good men and good
mothers-in-law now. The Zhao family is not a good family. It will be a blessing for you
to break up with him." A girl sitting in the front seat saw her refuse and immediately
advised her righteously.
"Yes, you are so educated and good-looking, there are many people who like you. My mother
likes you very much. If my brother hadn't been married, she would have gone to your house
to propose marriage to you." Another boy continued.
"And my mother, and my mother. My mother likes you very much as well. If you don't mind
that I'm too young, I will marry you when I grow up. My mother promises that she won't
hit or scold you." Another boy came up.
"My, my, my mother said that a woman three years older than her husband will bring wealth
and fortune. You are exactly three years older than me, so I can marry you when I grow
All of a sudden, the boys and girls in the class seemed to open up the topic, chattering
non-stop, each of them praising her to the skies, and the more they talked, the more
outrageous it became, making Shen Yuxiu's ears buzz.
"Okay, okay, thank you all for thinking so highly of the teacher, but the teacher really
doesn't need it. Thank you, thank you, school is over, school is over." After saying
this, Shen Yuxiu picked up the textbook and ran away. Her awkward steps were as if she
was being chased by a ghost.
She didn't let out a long sigh until she ran out of the school gate.
No wonder everyone around her has been acting so weird lately; it turns out they all know
that she’s been dumped, but it’s fine if the adults just sympathize with her, but why
are these kids also joining in the fun?
Although what these children said was a bit outrageous, it was still quite touching.
To be honest, she has been in low spirits ever since she broke up with Zhao Hui.
Sometimes she is even dazed in class. Now it seems that she feels a little sorry for the
children who care about her.
She should cheer up. It's just a broken heart. She should move on from it and stop making
those who care about her worry so much.
Shen Yuxiu took a deep breath and realized that she had unknowingly walked to the bay
south of the school.
Looking at the bay where the ice has now melted, her mind suddenly flashed back to what
happened in the bay a month ago.
At that time, Zhao Hui's eyes always sparkled when he looked at her, and they were both
in love with each other. Unfortunately, everything changed in the blink of an eye.
Thinking about the past, Shen Yuxiu felt bitter. Just as she turned around to leave, a
figure suddenly rushed in front of her.

Chapter 156: Not Knowing What's Good For You

Shen Yuxiu didn't even have time to scream before she was hugged tightly, and then a
woman's anxious voice sounded in her ears.
"Don't do anything stupid, kid."
Shen Yuxiu groaned when she fell, and when she looked up she saw the aunt from her
parents' neighbor's house.
She knew this person. She was beaten and scolded by her husband every day at home, and
there was almost no day when she was not injured. It was not until her husband died of
tuberculosis two years ago that her life began to get better.
"Auntie, I didn't do anything stupid. I'm going home." Shen Yuxiu said embarrassedly,
motioning her to let go of the hand that was pressing on her.
"Oh, good, I'm glad you didn't do anything stupid." The woman nodded repeatedly and
slowly released her hand, but she didn't believe her words too much. She said to herself,
"You are still young and have a long life ahead of you. Listen to me. There is nothing in
this world that you can't overcome. When you get through it, ten years later, when you
look back on now, you will feel that none of this is a big deal."
Shen Yuxiu listened to her words and didn't know how to explain that she really wasn't
upset, but she knew she was being kind, so she just nodded obediently.
"Okay, ma'am. I'll make a note of that."
"Hey, what a good boy. Come on, don't you want to go home? Let's go back together." The
woman said and turned and hurried towards a pile of firewood not far away.
In fact, she hadn't collected enough firewood yet, but she was still a little worried
about Shen Yuxiu.
This girl has been standing by the bay for quite some time, which makes people feel
uneasy. She has to send the girl back quickly, otherwise it will be bad if something
happens to her.
Only then did Shen Yuxiu see some firewood scattered on the wasteland over there, and she
began to understand why this neighbor lady had suddenly appeared here. She hurried over
to help her bundle up the firewood and put it on her shoulders, then walked towards the
village with her.
Until they finally reached the door of the house, the woman watched Shen Yuxiu walk into
the Fang family, and then she turned around and went back to her own home with peace of
When Shen Yuxiu walked into the yard, she saw Shen Yuzhen coming in at some point.
At this moment, she was watching a little girl over one year old playing in the yard.
When she saw her come back, she immediately waved to her.
"Come here, let's talk."
Shen Yuxiu looked at her waving and couldn't help but frowning.
To be honest, her relationship with Shen Yuzhen was not very good, and she didn't really
want to talk to Shen Yuzhen.
"What? Can I eat you or what?" Seeing that she was standing there motionless, Shen Yuzhen
had no choice but to walk over to her.
The person had already come over, Shen Yuxiu couldn't pretend not to hear, so she could
only ask helplessly: "What do you want to tell me?"
When Shen Yuzhen heard her ask this, she subconsciously looked inside the house and saw
Grandma Fang still cooking. She immediately approached her mysteriously and whispered,
"Are you really done with Zhao Hui? Are you not looking for him anymore?"
When Shen Yuxiu heard her say this, she turned around and left in annoyance.
"Hey, don't go." Shen Yuzhen held her back and said in a compromising manner, "I don't
want to ask Zhao Hui."
Shen Yuxiu tried to pull her hand away but failed. She could only stand there speechless
and wait to see what she was going to do.
"Your brother-in-law has a cousin who is exactly twenty years old this year. Although he
can't compare with Zhao Hui, he is good-looking and a nice person. Do you want to meet
him?" Shen Yuzhen said as she glanced into the room again, feeling very nervous.
In fact, she told Grandma Fang about this as soon as she arrived, but Grandma Fang didn't
let her mention it to Shen Yuxiu, saying that Shen Yuxiu's marriage had just fallen
through and she was afraid of making her sad again.
But Shen Yuzhen didn't think so. Wasn't it just a failed relationship? What was the big
deal? Was she a failure in love and a failure in success? Was there nothing she could
When Shen Yuxiu heard her say this, she refused directly: "I'm not interested in talking
about marriage now, don't mention it."
"What do you mean you're not interested in getting married?" Shen Yuzhen was a little
annoyed by what she said, and said anxiously, "You're already eighteen, and girls only
have these few years to be happy. If you don't want to get married now, what do you want
to talk about? Are you going to stay at home as an old maid?"
"Even if I become an old maid, you don't have to worry about me. Let me go. I want to go
back to the house." Shen Yuxiu said as she once again tried to pull her hand away.
"Why don't you know what's good for you?" Shen Yuzhen not only didn't let her go, but
held her tighter: "Really, your brother-in-law's cousin is really good-looking, just go
meet him. If you don't like him, we can't refuse."
She came here today just for this matter, and she had already made a big promise in front
of her husband's family. If Shen Yuxiu refused to even show her respect, she would be so
"No, I don't want to see you, do you hear me?" Shen Yuxiu was a little impatient and
shook her hand: "Will you let go? If you don't let go, I will do it."
"Then you have to give me a reason. Why don't you meet? You don't have a partner now, so
what's the harm in meeting each other?" Shen Yuzhen was also a little angry.
Being pestered again and again, Shen Yuxiu didn't want to save her face anymore, and said
directly: "Because I'm tired of you, I don't want to be a family with you. Whoever you
are talking about, even if he is a god in heaven, I will not see him. Get out of here."
As Shen Yuxiu spoke, he turned his arm, and Shen Yuzhen's wrist was immediately twisted
uncontrollably. She hissed in pain and quickly retracted her hand.
As soon as she was free, Shen Yuxiu ran into the house as if she was avoiding the plague,
leaving Shen Yuzhen standing in the yard in disbelief.
Annoy her?
This girl actually said she was annoyed?
What did she do to annoy her?
However, no one answered her. Only a little kid came over and hugged her legs, calling
her in a soft voice, "Mom, mom, huahua."
Shen Yuzhen was brought back to her senses. She looked down at her daughter and could
only pick up the little one to help her solve the "splashing" problem.
Over there, Shen Yuxiu breathed a sigh of relief as soon as she entered the house. Seeing
that Grandma Fang had just taken the cabbage vermicelli out of the pot, she immediately
went forward to take a sniff.
"Hmm, it smells so good." As she said this, she picked up a piece of vermicelli and
sucked it into her mouth.
Shen Yuxiu had been mostly silent these days. It was rare for Grandma Fang to see her in
a good mood today, so she didn't want to say anything bad about her behavior. Instead,
she handed the plate to her directly.
"Then eat quickly, and then go take food to your grandpa."
"Okay." Shen Yuxiu agreed and went to the cupboard to get chopsticks and steamed buns,
then sat down at the table and started eating.
Grandma Fang didn't call Shen Yuzhen and her daughter until she had served all the food
in the pot.
Shen Yuzhen originally wanted to go back to Shen Jinggui's place, but when she thought
about the fact that her eldest sister-in-law Song Huilai was the one who cooked at the
Shen family's place, and Song Huilai's cooking skills were really not that good, she
decided to stay.
But when eating, she would always look at Shen Yuxiu from time to time, with an
expression as if she wanted to say something but stopped.
Shen Yuxiu pretended not to see her and just buried her head in her food. After she was
full, she picked up the food box that Grandma Fang had prepared for Fang Youshun and
left. She never spoke a word to Shen Yuzhen from beginning to end.

Chapter 157 Is She Wrong?

Shen Yuzhen was very angry.
She didn't understand why she had proposed marriage to Shen Yuxiu with such good
intentions, but this girl not only didn't show any gratitude, but she even put on a bad
It's really a case of good intentions being wasted.
After Shen Yuxiu delivered the food to Fang Youshun, she went straight to school.
She thought that as long as she didn't agree to this matter, no one would mention it
again over time. However, within a few days, her sister-in-law Song Huilai came to her
"Xiaoxiu, there is a cousin from my mother's family who is nineteen years old this year.
Although he is not tall, he is hardworking and capable. Do you want to meet him?"
Shen Yuxiu was stunned when she heard this, and couldn't help but look Song Huilai up and
down with suspicion.
Her sister-in-law was always timid and usually kept silent when she saw her. But she
suddenly came up and said this...
"Have you told my brother about this? Does my brother know that you came to see me?" Shen
Yuxiu asked calmly.
Song Huilai's scalp tightened when she stared at him, but he nodded quickly, "I know, my
father and mother know too."
If her husband and mother-in-law hadn't agreed, she wouldn't have had the courage to go
to her sister-in-law and tell her about this.
Shen Yuxiu was stunned when she heard this, and then asked: "Then what did they say?"
"They said that you are not young anymore and you have to find a husband. They asked me
to ask around to see if there is a suitable one. If there is one, they will tell you..."
As Song Hui was talking, he saw that Shen Yuxiu's face was getting colder and colder. He
was so scared that he stammered and dared not say anything.
You are not young anymore? You need to find a husband? Ask around?
Perhaps Shen Yuxiu was too sensitive. Hearing these words, she felt uncomfortable, as if
she was being disliked.
After a long while, Shen Yuxiu suppressed the uncomfortable feeling and asked Song Huilai
again, "When did they tell you this?"
"My parents told me that the night Yuzhen came." Song Huilai answered honestly.
Shen Yuxiu was not surprised to hear that Shen Yuzhen was not too surprised. She took a
deep breath and said to Song Huilai, "Go back. The person you mentioned doesn't want to
see him. If our parents ask, just say it was me who said that I don't want to get married
in this life."
"How can that be?" Song Huilai raised his head in shock, and for the first time spoke
directly and neatly, "How can a girl not get married? If you can't marry a good man, you
have to marry a cripple or a fool. If you don't get married, what will happen to the
other girls in our family? People will talk about our family in the future."
Song Huilai's words were nothing short of shocking to Shen Yuxiu.
It was the first time she heard that girls had to get married, even if they had to marry
a fool or a cripple. So what? Was it illegal for girls not to get married?
Besides, if she doesn’t get married, what does it have to do with the other girls in the
But seeing Song Huilai's look that said "how could you be so rebellious", Shen Yuxiu
instantly lost interest in continuing the conversation with her.
It was obvious that Song Huilai believed this from the bottom of his heart. This was a
woman who had been brainwashed by old ideas. She did not want to change the status quo,
nor did she agree with his ideas about marriage. He and she were obviously at two
extremes, and neither of them could convince the other.
If that's the case, then why waste your breath?
"Go back and tell my parents that they don't need to worry about my marriage." Shen Yuxiu
said and turned away.
Song Huilai didn't expect her to leave as she said. He wanted to call Shen Yuxiu but
didn't have the courage. He just looked at her back and muttered softly, "Whose child's
marriage is not decided by the parents? How can we not care?"
Just like that, Shen Yuxiu's mood, which had finally improved, was brought back to where
it was.
She thought her parents treated her differently, and were not like other parents of her
age who always wanted their children to live according to their lifestyle. But now it
seems that they just didn't find it in their faces, and they may not necessarily agree
with her practices and lifestyle in their hearts.
And my grandparents, recently when they talk to me, they seem to be hesitant to talk more
and more. Is it that they also feel that they should get married soon, but they just
don't say anything because they feel sorry for her?
Could it be that she was really wrong?
Shen Yuxiu thought about it for several days but couldn't come up with a conclusion, so
she finally decided to be an ostrich.
As long as her grandparents don't mention it, she will pretend not to know and live one
day at a time.
She really couldn't imagine marrying a strange man and having children. Maybe sooner or
later she would marry a stranger, but at least at this moment, she didn't want to and was
unwilling to do so.
But unfortunately, she couldn't be an ostrich for long. Just one month later, after
dinner, when Grandma Fang was cleaning up the dishes, she spoke casually.
"Xiaoxiu, your grandmother told me about a young man from the other side of the strait.
He's about your age, has a high school diploma, his father works in the district, and his
mother is a worker. Do you want to go and see him?"
Has what is supposed to come finally come?
Shen Yuxiu paused while cleaning the dishes, lowered her head and remained silent for a
while, then asked tentatively: "Grandma, can't I just not get married?"
Grandma Fang didn't expect her to say that. After a moment's pause, she said with some
amusement, "What nonsense are you talking about? How can a grown-up girl not get
"Grandma, I..." Shen Yuxiu was about to say something, but was interrupted by Grandma
"I know what you want to say." Grandma Fang looked at her earnestly and advised, "But
Xiaoxiu, life is very long. How old are you now? You can't cut off all your paths for a
man, right? Listen to grandma and go meet that boy, okay? Try to get to know him, maybe
he's better than Zhao Hui."
This was the first time she mentioned Zhao Hui since the incident. She didn't want the
child she raised to be unable to get over it for the sake of such an unreliable and
useless kid. That would be too unfair to her child.
What's more, that damn girl Shen Yulin is involved in this.
This was told to her by a few old ladies in the village who were on good terms with her,
otherwise she would not have known that Shen Yulin actually fell in love with Zhao Hui
and did such a thing.
Of course, she didn't tell Shen Yuxiu about this, and asked her family to be careful not
to tell Shen Yuxiu about this. After all, they were cousins, and it was hard to say.
Besides, Shen Yuxiu was already upset enough, and she didn't want to make things worse
for her. When other people talked behind her back, they always did it behind her back.
Therefore, Shen Yuxiu still doesn't know about her relationship with Zhao Hui, nor about
Shen Yulin's involvement.
But Shen Yuxiu really didn't want to go on a blind date right now. She just wanted to be
alone in peace and quiet. But looking at the pleading look in Grandma Fang's eyes, she
suddenly couldn't say no and finally could only nod.
"All right."
Just meet her. At worst, you can just come back and say you don’t like her or that
she’s not suitable for you.
When Grandma Fang saw her nod, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief and hugged her
in her arms.
Of course, she also knew that the child had not yet gotten over the hurdle in his heart,
but people cannot always stay in the same place. When it is time to move forward, they
still have to take a step forward. Fortunately, the child can still listen to her,
otherwise she doesn't know what to do.
Just like that, early in the morning of this Sunday, Shen Yuxiu was dug out of bed by
Grandma Fang, who urged her to eat a full meal and asked her to dress neatly. Then she
asked Grandpa Shen, who had arrived early in the morning, to take her to the ferry by the
At the same time that Mr. Shen took Shen Yuxiu out of the village, Shen Yuling followed
quietly behind.

Chapter 158 Shameless

Shen Yuling hasn't had a good time these days.
Men, women, young and old in the village turned their heads away when they saw her, and
her family members ignored her one by one. What's worse, those people who used to come to
her house to act as matchmakers are now nowhere to be seen.
She knew that all this was caused by Zhang Dachun's disturbance, but she had no other
choice but to sulk in her heart.
On the contrary, these people not only ignored her, but also deliberately complained
loudly for Shen Yuxiu every time she passed by, saying that poor Shen Yuxiu was plotted
against by a vicious person. Some people looked good but had evil hearts, while Shen
Yuxiu was beautiful and kind. Some people were worth marrying even if they were given
away for free, while Shen Yuxiu was worth marrying even if she had to sell everything she
Although these people did not mention any names, Shen Yuling was not stupid. She knew as
soon as she heard them say that the person they were talking about was herself.
How ridiculous! I can’t even marry her?
They don't even look at what kind of family they are from. Even if they want to get
married, they have to want to get married themselves. They are just sour grapes because
they can't eat them.
But even though she thought so, Shen Yulin still felt a little indignant.
What's so good about Shen Yuxiu that she deserves their protection?
But on the other hand, Shen Yuxiu does seem to have one advantage, and that is her luck
in finding men.
If Shen Yuxiu was lucky in her previous life to marry a high-ranking official, then how
come she could have a romantic relationship in this life and become one of the richest
people in the city in the future? This must be more than just luck, but what some people
later called koi luck, right?
So if she missed Zhao Hui, would Shen Yuxiu's next partner still be good?
As Shen Yulin was thinking about this, she once again secretly cast her eyes towards Shen
Yuxiu, and she even exchanged a few candies for daily reports from Shen Yuhong, who still
seemed to understand these things. As a result, she knew the result as soon as Mr. Shen
proposed to Shen Yuxiu.
In fact, Shen Yuxiu was somewhat reluctant to go out for a blind date, but Mr. Shen said
that the other party was far away from here. If they came directly to his house, it would
probably take the afternoon to arrive. After the blind date, they would have to stay here
for a night, which was not good. If both of them went to the second grandfather's house
on the other side of the river, both sides could save this trouble.
As the sun rose, Shen Yuling already had some experience in tracking people. She did not
get too close to Old Man Shen and Shen Yuxiu, but followed them from a distance. She even
followed them all the way to the dock without them noticing.
Although the weather is warm now, the temperature by the river is still quite cool in the
morning. At this time, a green Jiefang truck is parked on the embankment of the dock, and
a cargo ship is docked next to the dock. Some people are busy unloading cargo from the
Zhao Hui sat on the cargo box in the back of the Jiefang truck, his elbows resting on his
knees, staring at the Yellow River flowing eastward in a daze.
I don’t know if it was because of rain upstream, but the river water level has risen a
lot compared to previous years, and the flow rate is also very fast.
When Zhao Hui was staring at the river in a daze, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in
his sight. His brain was unable to react for a moment. After a moment of stunned silence,
he retracted his gaze and rubbed his eyes.
I must have seen it wrong. Shen Yuxiu is not the only one in the world who has clothes
like that. Besides, why would Shen Yuxiu come here so early in the morning?
However, when he rubbed his eyes and looked again, Shen Yuxiu happened to turn her face
to the side, and her beautiful face entered Zhao Hui's eyes without warning.
It's really her...
Zhao Hui's heart was pounding. He stood up suddenly and walked a few steps to the side of
the carriage. He stared greedily at Shen Yushou's back at the dock. He moved his lips as
if wanting to call her, but he held back.
He hadn't seen Shen Yuxiu for a long time. He missed her very much, but he couldn't find
No one knew how difficult his life was these days. Whenever he had free time during the
day, he would see Shen Yuxiu's shadow in front of him. When he fell asleep at night, he
would dream of Shen Yuxiu's smiling face. Shen Yuxiu was like magic, taking root deeply
in his heart. No matter how hard he tried to control himself from thinking about it, he
just couldn't do it.
Originally, Zhao Hui thought that as time went by, he would slowly get used to the days
without Shen Yuxiu, and even slowly stop missing her. But now, just seeing her back, his
originally calm heart was suddenly filled with huge waves.
He wanted to jump down, to run to her side, to hold her in his arms, and then press her
into his body, so that she could never be separated from him again, and no one could hurt
her again.
But he knew that this was impossible. He was not qualified to do so, nor did he have the
ability to protect her.
Shen Yuxiu on this side was looking at the huge ferry with curiosity in her eyes.
Although she lives by the Yellow River, she has never taken a ferry, and except for that
one time when she was a child, she has never been to the Yellow River. Now, looking at
the river flowing eastward, she feels that her depressed mood, which has lasted for a
long time, has suddenly improved a lot.
How great would it be if people could be like the Yellow River, not having to think about
anything and just rushing forward?
Just as Shen Yuxiu was staring at the river in a daze, she suddenly heard a familiar
voice. Following the direction of the voice, she saw Shen Yulin walking towards her with
a bright smile on her face.
Why is she here?
Shen Yuxiu frowned slightly, and then immediately walked to the side of the dock, away
from Old Man Shen, without even the slightest thought of saying hello to Shen Yulin.
Although she and Shen Yulin had almost no contact, she inexplicably disliked Shen Yulin.
She always felt that there seemed to be something wrong with Shen Yulin. Every time she
looked at her, her eyes were sharp and her words were always thorny, as if she owed Shen
Yulin something.
But in fact, the two of them had almost no intersection, so it was impossible for him to
owe Shen Yulin anything.
Mr. Shen over there frowned as soon as he saw Shen Yuling.
"Why are you here? What are you doing?"
"I'm not doing anything. I just saw you and Xiaoxiu coming to the river, so I followed to
see what you and Xiaoxiu were going to do. Take me with you." Facing Old Man Shen, Shen
Yulin did not hide her purpose at all.
What's the point of covering it up? She would just make up a lie to follow him. She
didn't think that just a casual word from her would make Mr. Shen fulfill her wish. It
would be better for her to be frank and say that she - was going to follow him.
Mr. Shen was almost amused by her shameless words and refused directly, "No, Xiaoxiu and
I are going on a blind date. What will happen if you go? Will the other person choose you
or Xiaoxiu?"
"Then let's look for someone together. I don't have a partner anyway. Whoever I like will
be the one. Whoever I like will be the one. Maybe he or she will like someone like me!"
Shen Yuling said shamelessly, looking like she was determined to follow him or her.
Upon hearing this, Mr. Shen burst into laughter out of anger.
He knew that the child was a troublemaker when he was young, but he didn't expect that he
would become even worse when he grew up.
Who knows, maybe other people like someone like her? How shameless of her to say that.

Chapter 159 Crashing into the River

"Nizi, it's not a good habit for a person to always think about other people's things. Go
back and don't follow me. It's useless."
Old Master Shen spoke in a light tone, and his eyes, which seemed to see through
everything, made Shen Yulin narrow her eyes.
"What if I must follow?" Shen Yuling asked quietly.
"Then don't blame me for telling everyone everything you did. With what you did, I guess
anyone with a normal mind would look down on you." Mr. Shen said without any reservation.
Shen Yuling choked, and the corners of her lips twitched in anger, but then she smiled
and said in a kind voice: "What are you doing? After all, I am your granddaughter. You
can't be like this even if you are partial, right?"
"This has nothing to do with favoritism. I just simply look down on you." Old Master Shen
seemed to have no idea what euphemism was and did not give Shen Yulin the slightest bit
of face.
Shen Yuling's face turned black with anger.
She thought that as long as she could force herself to catch up, Mr. Shen would have no
choice but to accept it even if he was unwilling.
But it seems that this is not the case now. This old man seems to be unmoved by any
persuasion, and he doesn't even know what it means that family disgrace should not be
made public.
"Do you really have to do this? If you ruin my reputation and make me unable to get
married, what good will it do you?" Shen Yulin didn't understand.
"The advantage is that you will bear the consequences of your own actions, and I will not
clean up the mess for you. Even if someone else chooses you, they won't be able to blame
me if you destroy their family." Mr. Shen said very frankly.
Yes, that's what he thought and did.
He has a lot of grandchildren, and he is so busy worrying about those healthy kids every
day that he has no time to take care of this granddaughter who has already lost her
What's more, this granddaughter has no morals. Even if he helps her, she will probably be
blamed for it. How free must he be to meddle in such trivial matters?
Shen Yuling saw his expression and knew that Mr. Shen would not be persuaded by anything.
She immediately turned cold and asked, "Do you really have to do this? Can't you give me
a hand?"
"It's not that you can't, but you're not worthy and you're not willing to do it." Mr.
Shen raised his eyebrows slightly.
He has seen a lot of ups and downs in his life. If he always cared about other people's
moods and thoughts, he would be exhausted to death and would not have lived to this age.
"Okay, you're really awesome." Shen Yulin's eyes turned red with anger.
Mr. Shen smiled slightly, thinking it was a compliment, and turned his head to look at
the other side without any concern.
The current is quite strong today. The ferry on the other side is rowing slowly towards
this side. If the water level rises further, I'm afraid the ferry will have to stop.
Shen Yulin was so angry that her head was buzzing when she saw Shen Yuxiu standing at the
ferry. The string of reason in her head suddenly broke.
It's all her, it's all because of her.
Why do all the good things belong to her?
The high-ranking official in the previous life, Zhao Hui in this life, and now the
second-generation official that old man Shen had worked so hard to find, why do all the
good things go to Shen Yuxiu?
Jealousy and anger made Shen Yulin's eyes burn red, and unknowingly, she slowly walked
towards Shen Yuxiu.
All this is because of Shen Yuxiu. Is it only if Shen Yuxiu dies that good things can
happen to me?
Although Shen Yuxiu ignored Shen Yulin, she kept listening to their conversation. She
didn't go over until they finished the topic.
But after a short while of silence, she felt something was wrong with her body. Her scalp
inexplicably felt tight and her back felt cold. She turned around suspiciously and saw
Shen Yulin rushing towards her with a fierce look on her face.
Shen Yuxiu screamed, but it was too late to hide. She only let out a brief scream before
Shen Yulin knocked her into the turbulent river.
"Fuck..." Someone heard the exclamation and turned around to see this scene, and shouted:
"Someone was knocked into the river."
Zhao Hui, who was still loading goods in the back of the car, couldn't take his eyes off
Shen Yuxiu ever since he saw her. Even though someone carried the goods to him, he looked
towards the ferry the next second after getting on the car. That's why he happened to see
Shen Yuxiu being knocked into the river by Shen Yulin. He was so scared that his heart
sank, and he didn't care about anything else. He jumped out of the back of the car with
his long legs and crawled towards the ferry.
There was fear in his voice.
No, she can’t swim!
Zhao Hui's colleagues had never seen him so frightened before, and they immediately
followed him.
When Mr. Shen, who was at the ferry, heard the scream and turned around, he saw Shen
Yuxiu falling into the river. He was so scared that he immediately wanted to jump in.
Someone saw him like this and quickly grabbed him. "Old man, don't jump."
"Let me go." Old Master Shen's eyes turned red with anxiety, and he used his hands and
feet to push the person who was holding him.
If this doesn't go on, there's no one to look for.
"Old man, the water is flowing so fast, it's useless for you to go down." The man grabbed
his arm tightly and refused to let go no matter what.
When the river is not rushing, not everyone can go into the river casually, let alone now
that the water is rushing. Besides, the water is so muddy. The girl who was knocked into
the river has not shown her head yet, and you won’t be able to find anyone even if you
jump in!
"Help, help." Mr. Shen finally did not lose his mind. He turned around and ran towards
the cargo ship. "My granddaughter fell into the river."
The person in charge of the cargo ship had also heard the noise a long time ago. They had
some experience in sailing on the river, so they immediately asked people to untie the
ropes, row the boats, and go into the river to look for people.
The river is very big now and the flow is fast. If the person who falls into the river
can swim and float to the surface, it is easy to rescue him. If he cannot swim and cannot
float to the surface, it will be difficult to find this person, let alone rescue him.
Zhao Hui had already run to the ferry by then. The first thing he did was to rush to Shen
Yuling, who was still being held tightly by someone, and yelled, "Where, where did you
knock her off?"
Just now he only saw Shen Yulin bumping into someone from a distance, but he didn't know
the exact location.
After Shen Yulin knocked the person down, she came to her senses and panicked, wanting to
run away immediately. However, she didn't expect that the person who discovered that she
had bumped into someone would hold her tightly and not let her go. What she didn't expect
was that Zhao Hui was actually here.
When did he come? Did he also see the scene where she bumped into Shen Yuxiu?
Shen Yuling was so frightened that she couldn't move. But when she saw Zhao Hui's panic-
stricken look, she suddenly gave up hope.
"You want to know? I won't tell you. Hahaha..." Shen Yulin said and started laughing.
She laughed so crazily, as if she was crazy.
So what if you are one of the richest people in the future? Aren’t you still destined to
be lonely for the rest of your life?
"I know where it is. It's right here." Someone nearby who saw Shen Yulin bump into
someone immediately pointed out the specific location to Zhao Hui.
Zhao Hui looked at the place the man was pointing, then looked at the direction the river
was flowing, took off his coat and dived into the river.

Chapter 160 Can't Find

Shen Yuxiu, who was knocked into the river, subconsciously held her breath. The water was
icy cold and she shivered from the cold. Just as she was about to struggle, she
remembered the common sense Zhao Hui taught her after he rescued someone from the ice
He said that people who can't swim should not move around after falling into the water.
The more they move, the faster they will sink. At this time, they just need to spread
their limbs facing upwards as much as possible and keep steady, and the water will
naturally bring them to the surface.
So, although Shen Yuxiu was extremely panicked, she still tried to stay calm and spread
her limbs in the water. But she didn't know if her method was wrong. After a long while,
her body was still in the water. Although she didn't sink to the bottom, she couldn't
float up.
Time passed second by second, and just when Shen Yuxiu's heart and lungs were aching and
she felt like her chest would explode in the next second, her head suddenly emerged from
the water.
Finally seeing the daylight, Shen Yuxiu took a deep breath. However, just as she took a
breath, her head sank again under the water. She was so scared that she flapped her hands
and feet subconsciously, and then she sank uncontrollably again.
Fortunately, Shen Yuxiu did not lose her composure. When she felt her body was out of
control again, she dared not move anymore. She tried hard to recall how she floated to
the surface of the water just now, and returned to her original state. Maybe her posture
was right this time. After a while, her body floated to the surface of the water again.
This time, she didn't dare to take a deep breath like she did the first time. Instead,
she took a tentative, gentle breath.
Maybe it was because she didn't make any big movements this time. After floating to the
surface, her head would occasionally sink below the water, but it would float up almost
immediately in the next second.
Shen Yuxiu wanted to shout, but almost every time she tried to call for help, her head
immediately sank below the water surface, and she even almost choked on the water. After
a few times, she had to give up calling for help and just prayed that God would be more
observant and someone would happen to see her and find a way to rescue her.
Just when Shen Yuxiu placed her hopes on God, the people on the cargo ship were rowing
the boat and looking around for any movement on the surface of the river which was
several hundred meters wide.
Unfortunately, they looked for a long time but didn't see anyone.
In fact, they knew that this person was probably washed to the bottom of the river.
You know, the Yellow River water contains a lot of sediment, and the river bottom is also
full of sediment. If a person sinks to the bottom of the river and steps into the mud, it
is very difficult to float up. If he chokes on the water a few more times, he will
definitely die, and by then we won't know where his body is.
At the same time, Zhao Hui had already dived into the water countless times, but no
matter how hard he looked, he couldn't find anyone.
When he surfaced again, Zhao Hui's eyes were filled with tears and his throat was sobbing
like a trapped beast.
He suddenly realized that he was such a waste. Not only could he not protect her, but he
couldn't even save or find anyone.
Just as Zhao Hui was facing the rolling yellow water and feeling helpless, he did not
notice that on the river surface one kilometer away, there was a dark figure appearing
and disappearing on the water, being washed farther and farther away from here by the
An hour later, neither the people on the boat nor Zhao Hui found anyone.
Having lived on the banks of the Yellow River for many years, Mr. Shen knew what this
meant and kept beating his chest in regret.
He never thought that he just wanted to find a good family for his child, but ended up
losing the child. How could he explain to the Fang family's elders and son when he
"Grandpa, I'm afraid we can't find this man anymore. Let's go back. If that young man
doesn't come up, I'm afraid we won't be able to hold on." The people on the cargo ship
looked at Zhao Hui in the river and said to Grandpa Shen.
Upon hearing this, Mr. Shen looked at Zhao Hui who had once again emerged from the river
and could only nod.
Yes, it’s been such a long time and we still haven’t found the person. I guess even the
body may be hard to find. We can’t let that guy get into any trouble again.
In fact, he had already recognized Zhao Huilai and saw him diving into the river
frantically, but he was busy looking for someone at first and didn't pay much attention.
But now he couldn't bear to watch him continue like this.
Upon hearing this, the people on the cargo ship immediately rowed hard towards Zhao Hui.
"Young man, come up. It's been so long. If you can't find us, you probably can't find us
anymore." The people on the cargo ship rowed and shouted to Zhao Hui who had surfaced
However, Zhao Hui seemed not to hear the shouts of these people. He popped his head out
of the water, took a few breaths, and then dived into the water again.
No, how can I not find it? I can’t find it!
Seeing that he ignored him, Mr. Shen couldn't help but choke up with sobs, and turned
back to ask the people on the ferry, "Excuse me, who among you can swim, please go in and
pull him up. This child is stubborn and I'm afraid he won't listen to you."
If he wasn't an old man and hadn't been in the water for many years, he would have felt
embarrassed to trouble the people on the cargo ship.
After all, it's a huge favor that they've helped me spend so much time looking for
someone, so how can I have the nerve to let them get involved again?
The people on the cargo ship knew how crazy people can get when facing an unknown number
of relatives whose lives or deaths they don't know. One of them sighed helplessly, turned
around to find a rope, tied one end to the boat and the other end around his waist,
jumped into the water, and swam towards the direction where Zhao Hui dived into the
Zhao Hui ran out of breath and just as he reappeared, someone grabbed his waist. At the
same time, when the people on the cargo ship saw that the man was hugging Zhao Hui, they
immediately started pulling the rope.
Suddenly someone hugged his waist. Zhao Hui was stunned for a moment, then began to
struggle frantically.
"Let me go, let me go."
However, the person who was hugging Zhao Hui did not say a word, but just held Zhao Hui's
waist tightly, allowing Zhao Hui to struggle and carry him into the water several times
and then surface again.
After a lot of effort, the two were dragged to the side of the boat. The people on the
boat immediately tried to drag Zhao Hui, who was still struggling. When Mr. Shen saw that
Zhao Hui was dragged onto the boat and was still struggling to get into the water, he
slapped him on the back of the neck without saying a word.
Seeing that he was finally quiet, the people on the boat breathed a sigh of relief.
You know, for this person, the thing he is not afraid of is that he cannot be rescued.
What he is afraid of is that after being rescued he will still jump down. That is the
worst thing.
The boat had already drifted several miles away, and it was very difficult to go upstream
back to the shore. When the few people finally got back to the shore, several of Zhao
Hui's colleagues saw him being carried off the boat unconscious, and hurried over to meet
"What's wrong? What happened to him?"
"It's okay, I knocked him out. You take him back." After handing Zhao Hui to his
colleagues, Mr. Shen turned around and strode towards Shen Yulin who was still being

Chapter 161 You Come Back

Shen Yulin looked at Old Man Shen who was walking towards her with a gloomy face, and her
heart couldn't help but shrink, but then she didn't care anymore.
Anyway, things have come to this, Shen Yuxiu is probably dead, what's the point of her
being afraid?
Now we live in a society ruled by law, and she doesn't believe that the old man can kill
her like he did when he fought bandits in the past.
Old Master Shen was already furious, and now seeing that she was so arrogant even though
she had done something wrong, he suddenly felt angry and took a few steps forward and
kicked her in the chest.
Shen Yulin knew that after what happened, she would definitely be beaten. Seeing Old Man
Shen kicking towards her, she didn't even think of dodging. She gritted her teeth and
tried to take the kick.
He's just an old man, how much strength can he have?
As a result, she underestimated Mr. Shen's strength.
Mr. Shen used all his strength and skill in this kick. Before Shen Yulin felt any pain,
her body suddenly fell backwards, and the back of her head hit the ground with a bang.
She rolled her eyes and fainted.
Everyone who was watching Shen Yulin didn't expect this old man to be so cruel. They
gasped and were dumbfounded.
Is he so cruel? He kicked the man unconscious without even asking a question?
After kicking the person, Mr. Shen looked up and clasped his fists to the people watching
this scene, "If anyone has time, please help me carry her to the police station and serve
as a witness. Also, if anyone goes to the other side, please send a message to Shen
Dayou's family in Minhe Village, saying that my child was washed away by the water, and
ask him to explain to the family of the blind date."
"I, I will help you carry her to the police station." As soon as Mr. Shen finished
speaking, a burly man stood up, and at the same time several other people stood up.
"I'm going to the other side. I'm going to Minhe Village to bring a message."
"I can testify for you."
"And I……"
"Thank you very much for your kindness, fellow villagers." After saying this, Mr. Shen
bent down and bowed deeply to several people. Then the burly man stepped forward without
saying a word and carried the unconscious Shen Yulin up.
What a joke! With his strength, carrying a little girl is a piece of cake for him. Why
would he need to lift someone with an old man?
As the two men left, the people who were watching the fun on the dock dispersed soon.
Shen Yuling, who was being carried, did wake up once halfway through the journey, but
when Mr. Shen saw her wake up, he hit her on the back of the neck without saying a word,
and she immediately rolled her eyes and passed out.
At noon, the people from the police station were startled to see them carrying a little
girl in. After listening to Mr. Shen’s statement and the testimonies of several others,
they could hardly believe their ears.
How could there be such a vicious girl in the world? She pushed her cousin into the river
just because her father didn't take her to a blind date. This is too cruel.
But no matter how shocked I was, as a staff member, I still had to follow the necessary
After recording the testimonies of Mr. Shen and several witnesses, Shen Yuling was sent
to the hospital.
There is no way. Shen Yuling is still unconscious. Even if she deliberately killed
someone, she has to be woken up before being convicted.
After leaving the police station, Mr. Shen walked back to the village with heavy steps.
When he arrived not far from the car dealership run by Fang Youshun, he could no longer
move his feet.
The little girl was so lively when he brought her out, but she was gone in the blink of
an eye. How could he explain this to his in-laws and his son and daughter-in-law? How
could anyone accept it?
But even if I can't explain it, what should have happened has still happened, and what
should have been done still needs to be done!
Fang Youshun came out pushing a bicycle with a newly repaired tire, and saw Mr. Shen
standing not far away with a serious look on his face. He walked over puzzledly.
"Why are you here? Didn't you go on a blind date with Xiaoxiu?"
Old Master Shen opened his mouth but no sound came out. He could only bite the bullet and
cough hard. When he was able to speak again, he took a deep breath and quickly told Fang
Youshun what happened by the river.
"I told you, don't be impatient..."
After listening to what Grandpa Shen said about what happened by the river, Fang Youshun
was so stunned that he didn't even have time to blame Grandpa Shen. He turned around and
pushed the newly repaired bicycle.
"Where are you going?" Old Master Shen hurriedly caught up and asked.
"Tell your son to find someone. If you don't see anyone alive, you will have to see his
body after death." Fang Youshun roared and got on the bicycle. With a kick, the bicycle
swooped towards the fields to the south.
Mr. Shen slapped his head in frustration and hurried to the fields to find his other
He was confused. Of course he had to look for it. Even if he knew he might not find it,
he still had to look for it. Maybe he could still find the body.
"Shen Jinggui, where are you, Shen Jinggui? Give me a shout."
In the field, Shen Jinggui was plowing the land with his plow when he suddenly heard his
father-in-law's anxious voice. He quickly stopped with his partner who was pulling the
plow and turned to agree.
"I'm here."
When Fang Youshun heard the sound, he stopped his bicycle and shouted, "Come back here.
Xiaoxiu fell into the river. Find someone."
Shen Jinggui was startled when he heard this. When he realized what was going on, he
dropped the plow and ran towards the field.
When Fang Yan heard Fang Youshun's shouting, her legs felt weak and she quickly called
Shen Yuwen to run to the ground.
And here, Zhao Hui, who was knocked unconscious by Mr. Shen, had already woken up from
the car.
The first thing he did when he woke up was run to the Yellow River. No matter how hard
his colleagues tried to stop him, he had some sense. Instead of jumping into the river,
he walked downstream along the river. .
He didn't want her to be at the bottom of the river. It would be too hard to find her. He
wanted her to be swept away by the water, even if it was farther away.
In this way, Zhao Hui left for two days. When he was thirsty, he drank directly from the
turbid river water. When he was hungry, he dug up a few wild vegetables. Except at night
when he couldn't see his fingers, he didn't dare to stop for a moment.
But until they reached the beach, the Yellow River had already rushed into the sea, but
Zhao Hui still hadn't seen any trace of Shen Yuxiu, not even a corpse or a piece of
Zhao Hui looked back at the endless coastline and let out a shrill roar.
"Kosode..., come back..."
From afar, the men of the Shen family who had also come here to look for Zhao couldn't
help but shed tears when they saw Zhao Hui looking at the endless sea and calling out.
They all understood that it had been two days and they hadn't seen a single person, so
how could they possibly come back?
At this moment, Shen Yuxiu seemed to have heard something and slowly opened her eyes.
This was a low house with dark walls. She was covered with a quilt of unknown color.
Light was slanting in from the door.
Shen Yuxiu stared at the golden light, somewhat dazed.
Is she not dead?

Chapter 162
Shen Yuxiu didn't know how long she had been floating on the water. She only remembered
that at the end, the water around her gradually became clear from turbid. The sun in the
sky was very dazzling, and she was so cold all over that her teeth began to chatter until
she lost consciousness.
Just when Shen Yuxiu was lost in thought, the door was suddenly pushed open, and then a
middle-aged woman holding a bowl appeared at the door.
When the middle-aged woman saw that she had woken up, she immediately walked over happily
in three or two steps.
"You finally woke up. If you hadn't woken up, we wouldn't know what to do."
"Did you... save me?" Shen Yuxiu asked her hesitantly.
"It's not just me, it's also my men." The woman explained to her.
It turned out that the place where Shen Yuxiu was now was a fishing village by the sea,
and the people in this village mainly made a living by going out to sea to fish.
The tide rose late on the day Shen Yuxiu fell into the water, and the fishermen who went
out to sea to fish came back late as well. It was just a coincidence that someone rowed a
boat to where Shen Yuxiu was, saw her who had just lost consciousness, and rescued her.
But when those people rescued her, she had already fallen into a coma and had a high
fever that night. People had no way of knowing where she was from, so they kept her there
until now.
After the middle-aged woman finished describing how she rescued Shen Yuxiu, she asked in
confusion, "But how did you get into the sea?"
"I was knocked into the river." Shen Yuxiu described in a very general way how she was
knocked into the river and then flowed into the sea, which made the woman look surprised.
You know, even if they were fishermen, once they fell into the sea and no one rescued
them, they might not be able to hold on for that long. But it took Shen Yuxiu more than
half a day from falling into the water to floating into the sea. She was still alive for
such a long time, and she couldn't swim before. This is nothing short of a miracle.
At least he is much better than her.
Shen Yuxiu looked at her shocked expression, but she didn't feel that she was amazing at
The feeling of helplessness at that time, as if she would sink into the water if she
moved, with no one to help her, made her feel fearful from the bottom of her heart
whenever she thought about it.
"Well, I have been in a coma for a few days?" Shen Yuxiu didn't want to discuss this
topic with others, so she asked about other things.
"Two days." The middle-aged woman replied immediately.
"Two days? No, I want to go home." Shen Yuxiu didn't expect that so much time had passed.
She hurriedly tried to get up, but as soon as she moved, she felt dizzy and fell back.
"You still have a fever and you haven't eaten for two days. You should take some medicine
first, eat something, and then rest." The middle-aged woman supported her and comforted
her. "It's late now. It's hard to walk at night. You can't afford to wait any longer even
if you are in a hurry."
Shen Yuxiu closed her eyes and endured the dizziness in her head. She knew that what she
said was true, so she nodded helplessly, "Thank you, auntie. I understand."
In her current state, it was just like what the woman said, she couldn't leave at all.
In this way, Shen Yuxiu took medicine and ate here, and rested here for a night. The next
day, she felt able to move, so the middle-aged woman and her husband took her and started
to walk home.
There was no other way. Transportation was inconvenient now. Most people rarely went to
nearby towns in a year, let alone the county town which was a hundred miles away.
Moreover, her husband was better. He knew the directions when he went out. But she was
doomed. She couldn't tell the direction when she went out. If she was asked to send Shen
Yuxiu off alone, she might even lose herself.
Even though Shen Yuxiu managed to get up the next day, she was not fully recovered after
all. Her waist and legs ached after walking all day, and she had only walked half the
way. Seeing that it was getting late, the couple found a village to stay the night and
continued their journey the next day.
Just as Shen Yuxiu was rushing home, Shen Yulin was making a scene in the police station.
"Hand Shen Yuling over to me. Life for life. Why is she still alive?"
Ever since he learned that Shen Yuxiu was pushed into the river, Shen Yulin had not even
gone to work. He and his family searched for her for two days but couldn't find her. So
he rushed into the police station when he came back.
The police station staff were really troubled by this situation.
Yes, Shen Yulin had committed a crime, but the person had already been arrested, and they
couldn’t hand him over to be beaten to death by the victim’s family!
Someone knew that Shen Yulin worked at a machine repair station. Seeing that this was not
a solution, he had to go find the stationmaster.
After all, he is a leader, Shen Yulin should restrain himself.
However, the stationmaster was not there, so the man could only call Shen Yulin's master
over. But Shen Yulin's master tried to persuade Shen Yulin, but he could not persuade him
at all. In the end, he had no choice but to warn Shen Yulin with a stern face, "You are
obstructing public service. As a staff member of the machine repair station, is this all
you know?"
"What a bullshit of enlightenment, you bastard. I already have a sister and you're still
talking to me about bullshit enlightenment." Shen Yulin was also crazy.
Ever since he broke up with Zhou Qingyuan, he had been in a daze, so even when he knew
that Zhao Hui and Shen Yuxiu had broken up, he just felt that they were in the same boat
and said a few words of comfort. Besides, he also had work to do, so he didn't pay much
attention to Shen Yuxiu.
But who could have thought that just because of his carelessness, his lively and
energetic sister would be gone. How could he accept this?
Shen Yulin's master had never been confronted like this before. His face turned red and
he was so angry that he started to speak without thinking, "Shen Yulin, do you know who
you are talking to? Do you still want to work?"
"No, I've had enough. I get up earlier than the chickens and go to bed later than the
dogs every day. I fucking quit." Shen Yulin was so angry that he didn't care about
What a shitty job. His girlfriend ran away, his sister is gone, and he does shitty work
every day. And this master always takes chicken feathers as orders and orders him around
like a dog every day. He still doesn't serve him enough.
"Okay, okay, remember your words, you don't have to come to work tomorrow." Shen Yulin's
master was so angry that he trembled and said, then turned and left.
The reinforcements who were brought in were driven away in anger, and the people in the
police station were suddenly put in an awkward situation.
You said Shen Yulin was making trouble, and he was indeed making trouble, but if you
wanted to arrest him, Shen Yulin just slammed the table and asked people to release Shen
Yulin, but he didn't do anything to them at all. This made it difficult to deal with.
In the end, they really had no choice but to send someone to guard Shen Yulin. Wherever
Shen Yulin went, the person would follow him to prevent him from causing any trouble.
While Shen Yulin was making a fuss in the police station, Zhao Hui stood where Shen Yulin
was being guarded, looking at the high wall that was dark in the night, his eyes deep and
The person who was knocked into the river was nowhere to be found, neither dead nor dead,
so why is the person who knocked him out still alive and well?

Chapter 163 Crazy

At this time, Shen Yuling was sitting in the corner of a small dark room with a bruised
face and nose, cross-legged with his head bowed, not daring to even raise his head.
After she woke up in the hospital, even though she insisted that she did not
intentionally push Shen Yuxiu into the river, she was locked up in this room after her
statement was recorded because there were too many people who saw her hitting people and
several of them testified.
Her excuses were completely useless after the investigators went to the scene to collect
She was already regretful enough for being locked up here, but who would have thought
that starting from this afternoon, the prisoners locked up in the same room suddenly
started to dislike her.
If she spoke, she was wrong and would be beaten. If she didn't speak, she was wrong and
would be beaten. If she accidentally bumped into someone while walking, she would be
beaten. If she walked slowly to avoid people, she would still be beaten. When eating, if
she ate too fast, she would be beaten. If she didn't eat and went hungry, she would still
be beaten.
She was not someone who would not fight back when being beaten, and she had fought back
hard. But as soon as she fought back, she was beaten by a group of people instead of just
one person.
Shen Yuling didn't understand how she had offended these people, and could only yell at
the guards. However, those people insisted that she was the first to start the fight, and
they took action only after they could no longer tolerate it. After hearing this, the
guard just frowned, gave them a symbolic warning, and then ignored them.
But after the guards left, they beat her even harder, and someone even kicked her little
sister in the chaos. As a result, she has been unable to move until now. The excruciating
pain is something she has never felt in her two lifetimes.
What happened? Who did she offend?
After Zhao Hui left here, he did not return to the house he bought in the county, but
returned to Zhao's home.
At this moment, it is already night.
The Zhao family's yard was pitch black, and there was no sound except for the occasional
chirping of a cricket or two.
Zhao Hui entered the yard and closed the gate, then walked to the main house and pushed
the door open. Then he found a match and lit the kerosene lamp as if he was familiar with
the place. Three people who were tied up appeared in front of him.
Zhang Dachun was tied to an upside-down dining table, Zhao Baocai was tied to a chair
weighed down by two bags of grain, and Zhao Laowu was tied directly to a grain sack.
The three of them had been tied up for the entire afternoon. When they were having lunch
at noon, several masked men suddenly rushed into the house and knocked them unconscious
without saying a word. When they woke up again, they looked like this.
The three were slightly stunned when they saw Zhao Hui suddenly appear, and then they
whimpered to signal Zhao Hui to quickly untie them.
Zhao Laowu was relatively calm. He just whimpered twice and then stopped moving, just
waiting for Zhao Hui to untie him. However, Zhang Dachun and Zhao Baocai started twisting
their bodies wildly almost the moment they saw him, signaling Zhao Hui to untie them
Zhao Hui seemed to be blind to their anxiety and closed the door casually. He watched the
helpless struggles of several people for a while, then walked slowly to Zhao Baocai and
squatted down. Seeing that his eyes were shining because of his arrival, he suddenly
raised his hand and slapped him in the face.
Zhao Baocai's head was shaken by the slap. When he came to his senses and realized what
happened, he immediately turned around and glared at Zhao Hui fiercely.
However, just as he glared at Zhao Hui, Zhao Hui slapped him in the face again.
"Why are you glaring at me? If you glare at me again, I'll kill you." Zhao Hui said
For some reason, Zhao Hui's voice was very soft, but Zhao Baocai's hair stood on end when
he heard it. He slowly raised his eyes in fear to meet Zhao Hui's, and was immediately
shivered with fear.
What kind of eyes are these?
His eyes were bloodshot and as cold as a knife, as if he wanted to cut him into pieces.
This person doesn't look like a human being at all, he looks like a devil.
He could see that Zhao Hui was not joking but was serious.
If he moved again, Zhao Hui would really kill him.
But why?
Zhang Dachun, who was standing by, saw that Zhao Baocai had been beaten, and his eyes
turned red with rage. He immediately started to whine angrily at Zhao Hui, as if he was
cursing him.
Zhao Hui frowned when he heard this, and looked back at Zhang Dachun. Seeing that she was
glaring at him angrily, he slapped Zhao Baocai again, then stood up and asked Zhang
Dachun, "Can you be quiet?"
Zhang Dachun was going crazy when he saw that Zhao Baocai had slapped him again, and he
struggled even harder. Zhao Hui didn't tolerate it and kicked Zhao Baocai.
Zhao Baocai never expected that just because of Zhang Dachun's resistance, Zhao Hui
kicked him in the face. Under normal circumstances, he could still dodge, but now he was
tied up and could only take the kicks. At the moment, he had no way to resist except
groaning in pain.
Zhang Dachun was shocked to see him suddenly kicking Zhao Baocai like crazy, and then he
started to struggle frantically.
Bastard, how dare he?
However, her struggle was futile. The harder she struggled, the harder Zhao Hui kicked
Zhao Baocai, and she was so scared that she dared not move.
It was unknown how long it had been, but Zhao Hui was so breathless from kicking that he
slowly stopped and looked at Zhang Dachun again.
"Can you be quiet now?"
Zhang Dachun had already cried so much that his nose and eyes were full of snot, so how
could he dare to disagree? He could only nod continuously. Zhao Laowu next to him was
already dumbfounded.
Is this son crazy? When he came back and saw his family members being tied up, why
didn’t he release them first? Why did he beat them up?
However, no one gave him an answer.
Seeing that Zhang Dachun had finally quieted down, Zhao Hui looked down at Zhao Baocai,
who was terrified, and asked gently, "Do you feel wronged?"
Of course it’s unfair!
Tears welled up in Zhao Baocai's eyes.
He didn't know what he had done wrong to deserve such a beating from Zhao Hui.
Seeing his innocent look, Zhao Hui smiled softly, "In fact, you are the least wronged
Zhao Baocai hurriedly whimpered and shook his head, trying to explain himself.
How can he not be wronged? He didn't do anything!
"Do you know? My Xiaoxiu is gone. No one can find her alive or dead." Zhao Hui said with
hot tears in his eyes, "All this is because of you."
Upon hearing this, Zhang Dachun looked at Zhao Hui in shock.
He suddenly went crazy, was it because of that Kosode?
But what does this have to do with Zhao Baocai?
Zhao Baocai had the same thought and was so scared that he kept shaking his head.
No, no!
This has nothing to do with him. He doesn’t even know that Xiaoxiu. It has nothing to do
with him whether Xiaoxiu is missing or alive!
However, Zhao Hui seemed not to notice how scared he was and just continued talking to
"If it weren't for you being useless, my mother wouldn't have always wanted to destroy me
to fulfill your wish. If it weren't for you, she wouldn't have allowed Shen Yuling to
scheme against me, and even ruined my marriage. Originally born in this family, I never
thought about what you could give me. If it weren't for your dissatisfaction, my little
sleeve wouldn't have been pushed into the Yellow River by Shen Yuling, and my life or
death is still unknown."
Zhang Dachun and Zhao Baocai listened to every word Zhao Hui said and thought he was
Yes, they are a little greedy and selfish, but what does Shen Yulin pushing people into
the river have to do with them?
Zhao Hui didn’t know what they were thinking. If he knew, he would only say: Yes, he is
From the moment Shen Yuxiu was knocked into the river and could not be found, he went
Chapter 164: Meet the King of Hell Together
Zhao Hui saw that they were full of confusion, but he didn't care at all. There was
murderous madness in his eyes.
The only person he wants, the only warmth in his heart.
It’s gone because of these people’s selfishness.
It would be strange if he wasn't crazy given what has happened.
In the confused and frightened eyes of Zhang Dachun and Zhao Baocai, Zhao Hui spoke again
in a seductive tone.
"I've thought about it. There's no point in living for people like me and you. Why don't
we die together?"
Without Shen Yuxiu, Zhao Hui was like a demon that had been imprisoned for many years and
was suddenly free from his restraints. All the evil thoughts that had been buried deep in
his heart for many years poured out.
At this moment, this world has become meaningless in Zhao Hui's eyes.
He wanted to destroy the world, destroy all those who had ruined his life, and wipe out
all the people who brought warmth to his heart.
This world is so boring, why don't we go to see the King of Hell together!!!
Seeing Zhao Hui like this, not only Zhang Dachun and Zhao Baocai, but even Zhao Laowu
became frightened.
Crazy, crazy, this kid is really crazy.
He finally realized that this kid was serious. The person named Xiaoxiu was missing, and
his son had gone crazy.
I'm afraid the person who tied them up here today wasn't trying to rob or seek revenge,
but was done by this kid, right?
Does he want to take his whole family to die?
"Woo woo woo..." Zhang Laowu was so anxious that he kept shaking his head at Zhao Hui.
This has nothing to do with him. He just eats and drinks every day and doesn't
participate in anything!
However, Zhao Hui looked at Zhao Laowu who suddenly became excited, and smiled gently, as
if to comfort him: "Don't worry, I won't leave you out. You gave birth to me so that I
can take care of you in your old age. I remember that I will definitely take you with me
when I die. After all, if I die and you live, who will take care of you in your old age,
Zhao Laowu shook his head like a rattle.
No, no, no, that's totally unnecessary.
To take care of your old age is to take care of him while he is still alive. What's the
point of taking him to hell?
However, Zhao Hui seemed not to notice his objection and began to talk to himself again.
"You and mother gave birth to me after all, so I can't let you die in pain. Hanging,
poisoning, stabbing, or being shot are all very uncomfortable. It's better to starve to
death. It is said that a person can die if he doesn't eat or drink for three days. That's
not too long. You can die soon if you hold on."
It would have been better if Zhao Hui hadn't said this. As soon as he said this, Zhao
Laowu's eyes almost popped out of his head in shock, Zhang Dachun was so scared that his
eyelids kept blinking, and Zhang Baocai was so scared that he wet his pants.
He, he, he, why do you have to be so serious? This is not the way to joke.
"Wuwuwu..." Zhang Dachun struggled with fire in his eyes, as if he wanted to scold him or
even hit him.
When Zhao Baocai heard this, he shook his head in fear.
He couldn't bear the beating he just received. If he received another beating, he would
be beaten to death before he could starve to death.
Almost immediately, Zhang Dachun dared not make any sound and stared at Zhao Hui silently
and fiercely.
She was really afraid that Zhao Hui would go crazy and beat Zhao Baocai again.
However, Zhao Hui didn't care whether she glared at him or not. What he cared about was
that these people didn't disturb him.
The next moment Zhang Dachun calmed down, he blew out the kerosene lamp, then lay down on
the kang, closed his eyes and fell asleep.
He hasn't slept for a long time and now he has no energy at all. He needs to have a good
sleep first.
When the room fell into darkness, the three tied-up Zhao family members were shocked and
It's not that they didn't think about saving themselves, but they tried it during the day
and found no solution. Now, Zhao Hui's words that he would take them to die scared them
so much that they didn't dare to close their eyes all night, for fear that they would be
killed by Zhao Hui in their sleep before they starved to death.
After a good sleep, Zhao Hui regained a lot of energy. When he woke up, he casually took
a steamed bread and went to the team leader's house to ask for leave for the three of
He had to ensure that no one would suspect anything when the Zhao family didn't show up.
And the reason why he ate was not because he didn't want to die, but because he had to
ensure that he died after the Zhao family. Otherwise, if he died first, the Zhao family
would be accidentally rescued, which would be a big loss.
Besides, Shen Yuling is still alive, so he has to find a way to take that evildoer away
with him.
In fact, he could have used a simpler method to take these people directly to see the
King of Hell, but thinking of Shen Yuxiu being pushed into the water, he had experienced
the despair and pain of being drowned even though he couldn't swim, so he didn't want
these people to die so easily.
He had to let them endure it and experience the despair of knowing they were going to die
soon but having no way to save themselves. This was only fair.
While Zhao Hui was doing these things, Shen Yulin was still making a fuss in the police
station, and Shen Yuxiu was asking for directions from the couple who rescued her and
slowly heading home.
At this moment, the Fang family was filled with gloom. Grandma Fang had no idea how many
slaps she had given herself. Her face was so swollen that Fang Yan was so scared that she
didn't dare to cry. She just stood by and kept persuading them.
"Mom, please don't be like this. If Xiaoxiu knew you were like this, she would be
She was afraid that her daughter was gone and something bad might happen to her mother.
Grandma Fang was sobbing.
She regretted it. She regretted that she had nothing to do and rushed things.
If she hadn't urged and persuaded her again and again, how could her little girl agree to
go and see the old man? If her little girl didn't go, how could what happened now happen?
If you don’t want to get married, then don’t get married. If you want to be an old maid
for the rest of your life, then be an old maid for the rest of your life. What’s the big
Even if her little girl never gets married, it is better than not knowing whether she
lives or dies now!
Fang Youshun sat on a small stool beside the stove, his eyes full of bloodshot.
He also regretted that he did not persuade the girl when his wife urged her to go on a
blind date. If he had persuaded her, things wouldn't have turned out like this now.
Ever since the Shen brothers returned empty-handed, Old Man Shen has aged a lot.
He was really planning for the child and really took the trouble to help the child find a
marriage. Who could have thought that they would be separated from each other in an
He wanted to suggest whether to build a cenotaph for Shen Yuxiu. After all, she was their
own child. Even if her body was not found, she should have a place to rest, right?
But he was also afraid that the old couple in the Fang family would not be able to bear
it after he said this.
After all, that was their child who was raised. He suddenly passed away and they haven’t
recovered yet. How can they bear this?
During this hesitation, Mr. Shen stayed here for another day and still couldn't say what
he wanted to say. Just as he saw that it was getting late and stood up silently to go
home, he suddenly saw a few people walking in at the gate of the courtyard.
Oh shit, is he dazzled?
Otherwise, how would he have seen his granddaughter who was knocked into the river?

Chapter 165 What's the matter?

Shen Yuxiu walked into the yard and saw Old Man Shen staring at her in a daze, not moving
at all, and she couldn't help but smile tiredly.
"Grandpa, I'm back."
Back, back?
Mr. Shen raised his hand and touched his ear in disbelief.
Did he hear it right?
"Grandpa?" Seeing that he didn't move, Shen Yuxiu called out again in confusion, then
slowly walked towards him.
Old Master Shen looked at Shen Yuxiu who was getting closer and closer to him, and
subconsciously looked at her feet.
Her feet were firmly on the ground, not floating, and as she walked, her shadow beside
her moved in the setting sun as well.
Mr. Shen's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he suddenly turned around and shouted
towards the house.
"Fang, Fang, Brother Fang, please come out quickly. Xiaoxiu is back."
In the room, several people who were feeling sad were stunned for a moment after hearing
what was said. Then they suddenly stood up and ran outside. When they saw Shen Yuxiu in
the yard, they rushed over as if they had seen something new.
"Alive, alive."
"Where have you been? How did you get up here?"
"How are you? Are you okay? Are you not hurt?"
Everyone was chattering, and Shen Yuxiu didn't know who to answer first for a moment, but
when she saw Grandma Fang standing behind everyone with a swollen face, she didn't care
about anything else.
"Grandma, what's wrong with your face?" Shen Yuxiu hurried forward in shock.
Grandma Fang didn't bother to answer her. When she saw Shen Yuxiu coming to her, she
immediately touched her face with trembling hands.
It is warm and alive.
Her little girl is still alive.
Knowing this was true, Grandma Fang couldn't help sobbing, and she hugged her in her arms
and burst into tears.
"You scared me to death. Grandma was wrong. I will never say anything bad to you
As long as her little girl is alive, she can do whatever she wants in the future. She
doesn't care, she doesn't care about anything.
Shen Yuxiu's nose was sore from her crying. She also hugged Grandma Fang and patted her
back gently. She suppressed the urge to cry and comforted her in a gentle voice, "Don't
be afraid, Grandma. I'm back. I'm back, Grandma."
After being comforted by her, Grandma Fang not only did not stop crying, but cried even
She was really scared. When her two sons were washed away, she almost died with them. Now
that Shen Yuxiu was washed away, she simply didn't want to live anymore.
Why is her fate like this? The children she raises are incompatible with water.
Grandma Fang cried more and more sadly and couldn't stop at all. Shen Yuxiu's tears also
flowed down her face. She looked up and saw Fang Youshun standing in front of her with
red eyes. She immediately asked him for help with tears in her eyes.
Fang Youshun was already feeling extremely distressed when he saw her sallow little face,
and now he felt even more distressed when he saw this. He quickly followed her wishes and
went to pull Grandma Fang.
"Xiaoxiu doesn't look well. She must be sick. Let's go upstairs and rest and talk."
When Grandma Fang heard this, she wiped away her tears immediately. When she looked up,
she saw that Shen Yuxiu looked unhappy. She quickly took her hand and walked into the
"Hurry, hurry, hurry, go inside and rest. My child is suffering."
"And Uncle Yang and Aunt Yang, they saved me." Shen Yuxiu sniffed and looked back at the
two people who sent her back.
Everyone then noticed the two strangers and immediately and enthusiastically pulled them
into the house.
This person is their child's savior, and they cannot treat him badly.
After entering the house, Shen Yuxiu was pressed down on the kang by Grandma Fang, who
held her hands tightly with both hands, fearing that she would disappear again if he let
After the others welcomed the Yang couple into the house, they began to ask where they
had rescued Shen Yuxiu. Listening to the couple's description of the situation, the old
couple Fang Youshun and everyone in the Shen family almost dared not breathe.
According to them, Shen Yuxiu was already unconscious at that time. Even if they had
found Shen Yuxiu a minute later, she would have sunk to the bottom of the water.
God bless, God bless!!!
Grandma Fang kept chanting Buddha's name in her heart. It was a pity that feudal
superstition was being eradicated now, otherwise she would definitely go to the temple to
The life-saving grace was hard to repay, so Fang Youshun warmly invited the couple to
stay overnight, and asked Shen Yuxiu to become the couple's godparents. When the couple
left, he gave them the highest standard of recognition gift, and that was the end of it.
Shen Yulin spent another day at the police station. When he returned home, Shen Jinggui
and his wife, who had been exhausted physically and mentally for several days, had
already fallen asleep peacefully because they had found the person. Shen Yuwen also went
to bed early, so he returned home He casually ate some food left for him at home and then
went back to the house to sleep. He had no idea about Shen Yuxiu's return from the
beginning to the end.
It wasn't until he woke up the next day, washed his face and prepared to continue
fighting, that he saw that his family had returned to their usual state, talking and
doing things lively, talking and laughing, and he suddenly felt uncomfortable.
"Why are you laughing? What's so funny?" Shen Yulin didn't dare to get angry at his
father, mother, brother and sister-in-law, so he pointed the finger at Shen Yujun, who
was playing with his little nephew.
Shen Yujun was dumbfounded by the yelling, and he didn't understand what he had done
wrong. He didn't dare to tease his nephew anymore.
"It's so early in the morning, why are you so angry?" Shen Jinggui looked a little
unhappy when he saw that his youngest son was stunned by the yelling.
"Where did I have a seizure? Xiaoxiu still doesn't know whether he is alive or dead, but
they are still in the mood to laugh." Shen Yulin was so angry that he even brought Shen
Yusui and Shen Yuhong with him this time, "It's a shame that Xiaoxiu is usually so good
to them, giving them extra lessons every day Buying delicious food turns out not to have
any conscience at all.”
When Shen Jinggui heard what he said, his mouth twitched. He was about to say that Xiao
Xiu was fine and had come back, but Shen Yusui overtook him.
"Second brother, are you stupid? My second sister came back yesterday."
"Ah?" Shen Yulin was caught off guard by these words, and the anger in his heart suddenly
disappeared. After being stunned, he looked up and down at Shen Yusui suspiciously, "Are
you okay? How can your second sister come back?"
"But she is back. She drifted into the sea and was rescued." Shen Yusui pointed in the
direction of Fang's house solemnly and said, "If you don't believe me, go to grandpa's
house and see. The second sister is really back."
Seeing the certainty of what he said, Shen Yulin looked at Shen Jinggui with some
disbelief, and Shen Jinggui nodded immediately.
"Xiaoxiu is indeed back. You came back too late yesterday and didn't have time to tell
Shen Yulin couldn't help but turn up the corners of his mouth when he heard this. He
didn't care about eating anymore, turned around and ran towards Fang's house.
Shen Yuxiu's fever didn't go down much when she came back, and she was in a hurry to go
home and didn't care too much. The fever started again after she came back yesterday. She
was so hot that she didn't even sweat at all, which almost scared Grandma Fang to death.
Fortunately, the doctor in the brigade was very reliable. After giving her antipyretic
medicine, he asked her to apply warm water on her forehead and rub the soles of her hands
and feet with alcohol. After struggling for half a night, the fever was finally gone.
Now Shen Yuxiu just felt sweaty all over and wanted to take a shower, but Grandma Fang
was afraid that she would catch a cold after taking a shower, so she just let her change
into clean clothes and let her lie down to rest. Even when her new godfather and
godmother left, she didn't let her get up to see them off.
What Shen Yulin saw when he came in was her sickly appearance. His heart finally settled
down, but at the same time, he also felt a little bit of pain.
This girl, when has she ever suffered such a crime?

Chapter 166: Finishing the Shot

Shen Yuxiu was sleeping soundly when she suddenly felt something was wrong around her.
She opened her eyes and saw Shen Yulin looking at her. She couldn't help but smile.
"Why are you here?" Shen Yuxiu spoke lazily, her throat a little hoarse because of the
fever she had all night yesterday.
"I came to see you." Shen Yulin looked her up and down carefully and found that except
for her bad complexion, she seemed no different from before. He immediately felt relieved
and returned to his usual indifference. He reached out and poked her forehead, "You are
so lucky that you didn't drown even when floating in the sea."
Shen Yuxiu's head tilted when he poked her, and she became a little angry, "What are you
doing? I have a headache."
Hearing this, Grandma Fang next to her hurried forward to touch Shen Yuxiu's forehead.
Seeing that the temperature was still normal, she immediately glared at Shen Yulin
unhappily, "Xiaoxiu has a fever, don't poke her."
Shen Yulin immediately withdrew his hand out of guilt upon hearing this, but he still
pretended to be indifferent and sneered, "It's terrible. You fell into the water once,
and you're still acting like a spoiled child."
Shen Yuxiu was impatient to listen to his sarcastic remarks, and she frowned and chased
him away, "Go to work quickly, don't bother me here."
"How can I go to class now? I've lost my job." Shen Yulin said as he sat down on the
kang, feeling a little uneasy.
It felt good to say those harsh words at the time, but when he actually faced the loss of
his job, he felt very upset. More importantly, it was difficult to explain this to his
"Ah? Why don't you have a job? What have you been doing?" Grandma Fang asked in surprise.
"Hey, don't mention it." Shen Yulin got angry when he mentioned that job.
He bought the job because he didn't want Zhou Qingyuan to go back to the village with him
to farm, and he was sincere in studying the technology. But after he bought the job, Zhou
Qingyuan found another job. After his skills were comparable to his master, the old man
began to dislike him, especially after he recently repaired a machine that even the
master couldn't fix. The old man was even more rude to him every day, and he would make
things difficult for him from time to time.
Shen Yulin just wanted to work hard and didn't want to play tricks with others, so he
just acted hard. As a result, the relationship between the two became more and more
tense, until that day at the police station he was so provoked that he let go of his bold
After talking about his experiences in the past two years, Shen Yulin lowered his head
and muttered, "I won't go anyway, and my job has been sold."
He has done enough work at this job. Even if it weren't for the incident at the police
station, he would have stopped doing it.
Not interesting.
After dinner, Shen Jinggui came over to see Shen Yuxiu worriedly. When he heard this
sentence, he couldn't help but curiously asked: "Whose job was sold?"
Shen Yulin's heart skipped a beat when he was asked, and he didn't know how to answer.
He hasn't figured out how to tell Shen Jinggui about this. After all, any job these days
can be robbed to death. If Shen Jinggui knew that he sold his job, he would have to beat
him again. ?
But he is so old now, and almost all his peers are fathers of children. It would be
embarrassing if he was beaten again.
However, before he was ready, Shen Yuxiu had already betrayed him.
"My brother sold his job. He said he wouldn't go to work." Shen Yuxiu finished speaking
quickly and took a small breath because he spoke too fast.
Who can blame her? She finally managed to survive, but this second brother didn't even
say a word of concern and even made fun of herself.
Deserve it.
Shen Yulin didn't expect Shen Yuxiu's mouth to be so fast. His head turned to Shen Yuxiu
so fast that he almost twisted his neck.
This girl is really good. Even after she died, her skills with last-ditch attacks are
still undiminished!
When Shen Jinggui heard this, he glanced at Shen Yulin with a fierce look in his eyes.
"Explain, explain." Shen Jinggui said, clenching his fists loudly.
As soon as Shen Yulin heard the clenching sound of fists, the skin all over his body
tensed up.
"Um, Dad, listen to me..." Shen Yulin slowly stood up and walked to Shen Jinggui
It was rare for Shen Jinggui to see him look straight, so he loosened his clenched fists
slightly, wanting to hear what he had to say. As a result, as soon as he relaxed, Shen
Yulin suddenly jumped out from in front of him like a rabbit and ran away in a flash.
Damn it...
Shen Jinggui never expected that he would come up with this move, and he couldn't react
for a moment. When he came to his senses, he blinked in disbelief, and then chased after
This damn boy is getting more and more courageous, and he actually dares to play tricks
on me.
After Shen Jinggui also left, Grandma Fang slapped her lightly in annoyance.
"You have nothing to talk about when you have nothing to do. Can you be spared when your
second brother comes back?"
Hearing this, Shen Yuxiu chuckled and rubbed her body against Grandma Fang, resting her
head on her lap, looking up at the wrinkles on her face, and said with a smile: "I'm
helping him. Anyway, things have already happened." , he will be beaten sooner or later,
so it is better to do it sooner rather than later, otherwise he will be so worried that
he will not be able to sleep well at night. "
"You're the only one who can talk nonsense." Grandma Fang pouted angrily as she said
this, and then, just like she was coaxing her to sleep when she was a child, she gently
rocked her body and patted her back, coaxing her, "Go to sleep, sleep a little longer,
It's just right for you, the doctor wants you to have a good rest."
When Shen Yuxiu heard this, she hummed softly, closed her eyes and continued to rest.
She had been rushing home in a hurry since she woke up. She had been busy all night last
night, and she just wanted to sleep a little longer.
After closing her eyes, Shen Yuxiu fell asleep again after a while.
Grandma Fang looked down at her and snored lightly, her eyes filled with unbreakable
It's great that her little girl is still so dependent on her and doesn't blame her for
pushing her into a blind date and almost dying.
Shen Yulin turned around and saw Shen Jinggui chasing after him. He bit his cheek and ran
Although he knew that he would not be able to escape sooner or later after being beaten,
he still didn't want to be beaten, so he could only hide as far away as possible.
After Shen Jinggui chased after him for a while, he couldn't breathe anymore. He could
only stop and shouted loudly at Shen Yulin, who was running away without a trace.
"Don't come back if you have the guts."
This is the time when every household has eaten and is preparing to go to work. Over the
years, we have often seen Shen Jinggui beating his children. Some people couldn't help
but tease him when they saw how angry he was.
"Hey, why did Yulin offend you?"
"Let's not talk about this little monkey. I'm so angry. Are you going to go to work?"
Shen Jinggui didn't want to tell anyone about his family affairs, so he immediately
changed the subject.
"Yes, can we go together?" the man asked with a smile.
"No, I still have to check on Xiaoxiu. The child had a fever at night, and I'm not
worried." Shen Jinggui said, waving to the man, turning around and walking away.
The man looked at his leaving figure, his eyes full of emotion.
Who has seen anyone fall into the Yellow River and come back alive in these years? But it
happened that the little girl from his family came back alive. This man's life really
deserved to live, but he couldn't die.

Chapter 167 Lin Zhiwei

Shen Yulin ran all the way south, until he ran into the deserted wheat field. When he
turned around and saw no one chasing him, he slowly stopped panting.
He didn't dare to stay in the village, otherwise if Shen Jinggui or his brother, sister-
in-law saw him, he would definitely receive a beating today.
The sun was rising and the mist was hazy. Shen Yulin looked at the endless fields and his
heart suddenly became enlightened.
He is not a person who likes to be restrained. He likes to be free and have no one to
care about him. He likes to see different scenery and meet different people every day.
The past two years of working between two o'clock and one line at work can be said to
have been very stressful for him. Now that he saw this wilderness that he had seen enough
before, he actually found it particularly beautiful.
"Help, help..."
Just as Shen Yulin was looking at the scenery of the field with a relaxed mind and body,
he suddenly heard a scream from afar, and then there was no sound.
Shen Yulin turned his head suspiciously to face the sun, squinting at a place several
dozen meters away.
It was a canal that people guessed had been newly dug in the past two years, mainly used
to bring water from the Yellow River to irrigate the fields. On the other side of the
ditch there was a flat ditch edge that was higher than the ground. It had already been
trampled into a road, winding its way into the distance, and the sound seemed to come
from the direction of the ditch.
Shen Yulin walked quickly towards that direction with confusion, listening carefully as
he walked.
But the sound just now seemed to be his hallucination, and there was no sound after that.
Did I hear it wrong?
Shen Yulin hesitated and slowed down his pace for a moment, but then he quickened his
pace again.
Whether you heard it wrong or not, go over and take a look first.
Not long after he quickened his pace, he heard a woman's struggling cry. The sound
sounded like something was covering her mouth and nose, dull and sad. Along with the
sound, there was a man's rapid threat in a low voice.
"Be sensible. I won't hurt you. Lin Zhiwei, be obedient."
Lin Zhiwei?
Is this the Lin Zhiwei he knows?
Shen Yulin's scalp tightened when he heard this and he quickened his pace.
When he broke off the engagement, he realized that the girl's family did not want to
cancel the engagement, and there were even other hidden secrets. Although he was only
concerned about the girl who could run to him at the time and did not investigate
further, he still felt a little guilty in his heart, so he still remembered the girl's
name clearly.
In the canal, Lin Zhiwei was pinned to the ground by a short and fat man. Although she
struggled hard to escape from his clutches, the physical strength between men and women
was naturally too different. No matter how hard she struggled, she could not break free,
and her clothes were torn open by the man.
The man looked at her fair skin under her torn clothes, his eyes widened and a drop of
saliva unconsciously flowed from the corner of his mouth.
"Be good, I won't hurt you. Be obedient, okay?" The man's voice was trembling with
excitement. He covered Lin Zhiwei's mouth tightly with one hand and reached out to untie
his belt.
Lin Zhiwei, who was pinned to the ground, sobbed and cried, with despair in his eyes.
Why? I have been very careful to avoid this person, why do I still run into him?
Just when she was in despair, she suddenly saw a figure leaping down from the edge of the
This was what Shen Yulin saw when he jumped into the ditch. A fire suddenly surged in his
chest, and he ran forward with two steps and one kick towards the butt of the wretched
man pressing against Lin Zhiwei Shenyang.
Because the wretched man was about to succeed, he didn't notice Shen Yulin's arrival at
all. He was kicked to the ground immediately, and his body that was pressing Lin Zhiwei
tilted to the side.
As soon as Lin Zhiwei got free, she immediately rolled and crawled to hide behind Shen
Yulin. Shen Yulin was also dazzled by the exposed skin on her chest, and quickly stepped
forward to block her behind.
The wretched man who was kicked out over there also got up from the ground at this time,
spat out two mouthfuls of mud, pointed at Shen Yulin viciously and said harsh words.
"Boy, do you care about my own business? If you are wise, get out of here right now."
"Hey, you're so arrogant." Shen Yulin's eyes widened when he heard it, and he walked
towards him step by step with his hands clenched and cracking. "You came to my village to
do such a wicked thing, and you dare to speak harshly to me. Which village are you from?
What's your name? Tell me your name, and I'll kill you."
When the wretched man saw him like this, he knew that he had run into a tough guy, but he
really didn't want to give up the meat in his mouth, so he bluffed and put on a posture,
"You dare, I have practiced it before."
"Oh, what a coincidence, I've practiced that too." Shen Yulin smiled as he looked at his
unstable posture, then he slowly squatted forward on one leg and then made a sound of
breaking through the air with his strong and thin hands, hooking his finger at him, "Come
on, show me how to do it."
When the wretched man saw that he obviously had something, he was so scared that his
heart started pounding, his mouth felt dry, and his legs trembled. Finally, he screamed
"Ah" and rushed a few steps towards Shen Yulin, then suddenly turned around and ran away.
Shen Yulin looked at his back as if he was being chased by a ghost, sneered with disdain,
and slowly put away his stance.
With such courage, he dares to do evil.
When Lin Zhiwei saw him turning around, she hurriedly put on her clothes, but the front
of her coat had been torn off, and her autumn clothes were also torn into a big hole. No
matter how she tried to cover it up, she couldn't hide the large area of white skin under
her neck.
When Shen Yulin turned around, he was dazzled. He quickly looked away, took off his coat
and threw it at her.
"Go home quickly and find someone to keep you company next time you go out."
After saying that, Shen Yulin walked on the mud towards the ditch.
The girls in front of them were disheveled and it was not appropriate for them to be
When Lin Zhiwei first saw him taking off his coat, she was a little panicked. She didn't
expect that he would give her the coat and leave. Her eyes involuntarily followed his
back. It was not until Shen Yulin walked to the edge of the ditch that she finally
plucked up the courage to call out.
"Shen Yulin."
Shen Yulin paused when he was called, and turned around to meet her eyes filled with
Somehow, when Lin Zhiwei met his eyes, her heart suddenly started beating wildly, and she
quickly lowered her head, not daring to look him in the eye.
Shen Yulin saw that she was frightened like a frightened rabbit, and he was helpless, so
he could only ask gently, "Anything else?"
"I, I..." Lin Zhiwei stammered, not knowing how to start.
What she wanted to say was actually a bit selfish. This man had also broken off the
engagement with her. She didn't know how Shen Yulin would look at her once she said what
she was about to say.
Shen Yulin always spoke and acted in a hurry, and he was most impatient with people who
dilly-dally. Seeing her like this, he was immediately annoyed, but after all, her father
had saved him, so he tried to be patient and said, "If you have something to say, just
tell me. If not, I'll leave."
After saying that, Shen Yulin waited quietly for her to speak.
However, Lin Zhiwei was even more confused by his words and didn't know how to start
Shen Yulin waited patiently for a while, but seeing that she kept her head down and
didn't say a word, he didn't want to waste any more time with her, so he turned around
and left.
Lin Zhiwei was considering how to start the conversation, but when he suddenly turned
around, she was so anxious that she didn't care about anything else. She suddenly raised
her head and asked him loudly: "Are you engaged now? Do you have a girl you like?"
Chapter 168 As Soon As Possible
Shen Yulin suddenly turned around and looked at Lin Zhiwei, his eyes full of vigilance.
"What do you want to do?"
"Don't get me wrong." Lin Zhiwei knew that this matter would be difficult to explain, but
since she had already spoken, she could only bite the bullet and continue, "I was
wondering, if you are not engaged now and don't have a girl you like, can you do me a
"What help?" Shen Yulin asked in confusion.
What kind of help could actually affect whether he is engaged or has someone he likes?
"Well..." Lin Zhiwei felt a little guilty, but she couldn't back down at this point, so
she took a deep breath and said quickly: "If you are still single and have no emotional
problems, I would like to ask you to marry me."
As soon as the voice fell, Lin Zhiwei saw Shen Yulin's eyes widened, and quickly added:
"Of course, we are just pretending to be a couple. My current situation is really bad.
You also saw that man just now. He relied on his family background and no one in the
village dared to provoke him. If he stays in the village, I am afraid I will..."
At this point, Lin Zhiwei choked up and could hardly continue, with tears filling her
"Then you don't have to get married." Shen Yulin saw that she was crying pitifully, and
unconsciously slowed down his tone and suggested, "How about this? Just report to the
police station, you can sue him."
Shen Yulin fell silent when he heard this.
Shen Yulin's face burned hot when he thought of his childish behavior in the past two
"How about this? I still have some money, I'll give it all to you as wedding money."
Seeing him silent, Lin Zhiwei pleaded cautiously: "If it's not enough, I'll work hard to
make money and pay you back in the future. Don't worry, I'm just a temporary transition.
We can not get married. When you find someone you like, I will withdraw immediately,
Shen Yulin had never been asked like this before, and for a moment he didn't know how to
To him, marriage is marriage, there is no such thing as fake marriage, but the girl’s
situation does not seem to be very good now. What’s more, her father did save him in the
past. He felt uneasy just watching the daughter of his savior having no way out.
Seeing that he still didn't speak, Lin Zhiwei felt deeply disappointed. He lowered his
head and tightly clutched the coat that was covering his chest.
No way? Then how can she live?
Originally, she thought that even if she broke off the engagement, she would be able to
deal with that wretched man and his family. However, she completely underestimated human
nature. In just a few months, she had been forced to this point. If she continued like
this, she didn't know how many days she could hold on, or whether she could still keep
her virginity.
It's not that she hasn't thought about marrying a man from a powerful family who can
protect her.
Is she destined to be entangled and insulted by that scoundrel?
Thinking about the hopeless future, Lin Zhiwei couldn't help but sob in despair, and
tears kept falling like beads from a broken string.
Shen Yulin stood above the ditch, looking down at the girl crying at the bottom of the
ditch. He felt sad for some reason. After hesitating for a while, he finally made up his
mind and asked, "When do you want to get married?"
Anyway, he is alone now, and it won't be unfair to anyone even if he has a fake marriage,
so he should help her if he can, which can be regarded as repaying her father for saving
his life.
Lin Zhiwei, who was crying with her head down, didn't expect him to ask this suddenly.
She looked up suddenly in surprise, and a crystal teardrop flew out by her sudden
"You, you agreed?" Lin Zhiwei was a little bit incredulous.
"Yeah." Shen Yulin nodded, looked at the tears still hanging on her face, and touched the
back of her neck uncomfortably.
Although he had agreed, he still felt awkward for some reason.
"Then, can it be done as soon as possible? I'm afraid something might happen if it takes
too long." Lin Zhiwei tested cautiously.
"Okay, I'll go back and tell my dad." There was nothing that Shen Yulin couldn't agree
to. After all, it was a fake marriage and they were fake husband and wife. He didn't care
whether the time was tight or not.
"Thank you, thank you." Seeing him nod, Lin Zhiwei was so moved that she bowed to him
Shen Yulin was a little confused by this action, and quickly waved his hand at her and
said, "Don't be like this, go home quickly, I want to go back too."
After saying that, Shen Yulin turned around and hurried away as if someone was chasing
Lin Zhiwei felt a little silly staying at the bottom of the ditch, but, going back...
She looked down at her torn clothes, then at the coat that Shen Yulin threw to her. She
could only grit her teeth and spread out the clothes and put them on. Just as she put on
the coat, she was suddenly startled by a figure cast by the sunlight on the ditch. She
hurriedly wrapped Shen Yulin's coat tightly around herself and looked up. Unexpectedly,
she saw Shen Yulin who had returned.
Shen Yulin took a few steps and looked back, but still didn't see Lin Zhiwei coming up.
He thought something had happened to her, so he ran back in a hurry. Unexpectedly, he saw
her putting on her clothes. When she was putting on her clothes, he could even vaguely
see the shoulder straps of her white jacket under her messy clothes.
Shen Yulin's handsome face turned red, and he coughed awkwardly, looking for an excuse to
ask, "Um, do you want me to take you home?"
"Thank you." Lin Zhiwei nodded quickly after hearing that.
To be honest, after what happened just now, she was a little scared. She was afraid that
the gangster might be watching her in that corner, waiting for her to be alone.
"Then hurry up and come up." Shen Yulin pretended to be calm and called her
Lin Zhiwei immediately walked out of the ditch after hearing this. After taking a few
steps forward, she suddenly remembered something and asked Shen Yulin with a guilty
conscience, "Can you come with me to your brigade clinic to get some medicine? My parents
are sick on the farm, and I came here to get medicine, but our brigade clinic just ran
out of medicine."
"Okay." Shen Yulin agreed readily, turned around and took her towards his village.
Their team is the only one that has the most complete supplies among the surrounding
villages. Often, many people from other villages come here to get medicine and buy
After Lu took Lin Zhiwei to the clinic to get the medicine, Shen Yulin noticed that the
people in the clinic looked at him and Lin Zhiwei in a subtle way. He couldn't help but
frowned slightly. When he saw his coat on her when they came out, he suddenly understood
something. He turned around and took her directly back to Fang's house to borrow clothes
from Shen Yushou.
In the room, Grandma Fang saw Shen Yulin coming back with a girl and going straight to
Shen Yuxiu's room, so she hurried forward to stop him.
"What are you doing?" Grandma Fang asked in a low voice, afraid to wake up Shen Yuxiu who
was still sleeping in the inner room.
Shen Yulin looked at Grandma Fang's cautious look and couldn't help but feel that she was
a little too cautious, but he still lowered his voice and told her about his encounter
with Lin Zhiwei, and also mentioned his intention to borrow Shen Yuxiu's clothes.

Chapter 169: All Die

Grandma Fang was surprised when she heard this, and she felt complicated when she looked
at Lin Zhiwei who was following Shen Yulin.
These two people are really destined to be together. They have already called off their
engagement, but they still meet each other like this. It's a good thing they met,
otherwise if something really happened, it would be hard to say.
But marriage is a big deal and should not be treated lightly. She was not so in favor of
fake marriage, but if it was not a fake marriage, it would be difficult for the girl to
hide. However, the most urgent thing now was to let Lin Zhiwei change her clothes. As for
marriage, it still depended on the attitude of her daughter and son-in-law.
"Good boy, follow me."
When Granny Fang thought of this, she took Lin Zhiwei's hand with some sympathy and
walked towards Shen Yuxiu's inner room. Seeing this, Shen Yulin subconsciously wanted to
follow, but was glared at by Granny Fang.
"Why are you following a girl while she's changing clothes? Wait outside."
Shen Yulin's face turned red when he heard that, and he quickly moved away from the door
of the inner room as if his butt was on fire.
Really, he was only thinking about finding a piece of Shen Yuxiu's clothes for Lin
Zhiwei, and forgot to avoid suspicion.
Grandma Fang pulled Lin Zhiwei into the house and closed the door. She hushed softly,
pointed at Shen Yuxiu who was still sleeping, and whispered to her, "This child had a
fever all night last night and just fell asleep. Let's be quiet so as not to wake her
Lin Zhiwei nodded immediately after hearing this. Grandma Fang smiled and patted her hand
soothingly, as if praising her for being obedient, and then she climbed up onto the kang
quietly to find clothes for her.
While Grandma Fang was looking for clothes, Lin Zhiwei's eyes quietly fell on Shen
Yuxiu's sleeping face.
I saw that she was breathing steadily, her small face was delicate and exquisite, her
long and slightly curled eyelashes, her curved eyebrows and beautiful nose, and her full
lips. Her facial features seemed very ordinary when separated, but when put together on
her face, they suddenly became extremely beautiful.
The only drawback is that such a pretty face is a little pale, and the plump lips are a
little peeling, and it is obvious that she is sick.
"Here, try this one."
Lin Zhiwei was watching intently when she was suddenly brought back to her senses by the
coat and autumn shirt handed to her by Grandma Fang. She quickly took them and thanked
her in a low voice.
Grandma Fang smiled and motioned for her to change quickly to avoid embarrassment, and
she even turned around and pretended to look at Shen Yuxiu who was sleeping soundly.
Lin Zhiwei lived in the same room with her cousin in the Lin family, so she was not too
embarrassed to change clothes in front of the same sex, especially since Grandma Fang was
so considerate and turned her back, so she was even less shy.
Lin Zhiwei quickly changed her clothes and packed up the ones she had taken off. Then she
turned around and thanked Grandma Fang softly.
"You're welcome, you're welcome." Grandma Fang waved her hands repeatedly, looked up and
down at her clothes, smiled and gave her a thumbs up, "It looks good."
This dress is what Shen Yuxiu wears as a winter coat. It is larger than her usual
clothes. She saw that Lin Zhiwei was taller than Shen Yuxiu and was afraid that Shen
Yuxiu's usual clothes would be too small for her, so she picked this one. Unexpectedly,
the size was just right for Lin Zhiwei and it even seemed a bit slimming.
Lin Zhiwei blushed at the praise and felt that this old lady was really good at praising
After changing her clothes, Grandma Fang took her out of the inner room.
After all, Shen Yuxiu was still asleep, and she was afraid that the noise would wake her
In the outer room, Shen Yulin was slightly stunned when he saw Lin Zhiwei coming out
wearing Shen Yuxiu's clothes.
Normally, he didn't think Shen Yuxiu looked good wearing this dress with a jacket, but
now that Lin Zhiwei was wearing it, he actually thought it looked pretty good.
But no matter how good-looking Lin Zhiwei was, Shen Yuxiu would not be blinded by the
usually good-looking Shen Yuxiu hanging in front of his eyes every day. He was just
slightly surprised before returning to his original state, getting up and walking towards
"Let's go, I'll take you back."
"Okay, goodbye grandma." After hearing this, Lin Zhiwei quickly said goodbye to Grandma
Fang and followed Shen Yulin.
Grandma Fang looked at the two people leaving and felt that they were a good match for
some reason.
If it hadn't been for this kid's trouble two years ago, these two people would probably
have children by now, right? What kind of fake marriage is there?
And when Shen Yulin stopped going to the police station to make trouble, Shen Laosi and
Aunt Shen went there to make trouble.
"Shen Yuxiu is back, and she's not dead. Why don't you let my daughter go?" Fourth Aunt
Shen moaned and rolled around in the police station.
She had said this more than once, but the people at the police station refused to release
her, and even said that even though Shen Yuxiu was not dead, it did not mean that Shen
Yulin was not guilty.
She didn't understand. Shen Yuling did push Shen Yuxiu into the river, but Shen Yuxiu was
back now alive and well, with no missing limbs. Why couldn't she be let go?
Originally, when she knew that Shen Yulin had pushed Shen Yuxiu into the river, she felt
a chill down her spine, and even wished that her daughter would go to jail for life to
prevent this life-threatening thing from harming her family again after it got out. But
who would have thought that by such a coincidence, she would be pregnant again.
In the past, because there were only girls in her family, even though she had some
complaints about being implicated by Aunt Shen's background, she didn't care that much.
But now that she found out she was pregnant, she had to care.
If there is a son in her belly, Aunt Shen's family will only implicate her son but not
her grandson. But if Shen Yuling is found guilty, it will not only be her son who will be
implicated, but her grandson will also be implicated! !
This won't work, this definitely won't work.
But she also knew Shen Jinggui's temper. She didn't dare to go to Shen Jinggui to plead
for mercy, nor did she dare to plead with the Shang family, so she had no choice but to
run to the police station with Shen Laosi.
The people at the police station were also helpless. They told Fourth Shen and Fourth
Aunt Shen more than once that this case was a deliberate murder, and there was no way
that the victim could not be held accountable until he was dead. But these two people
seemed to be deaf. They only believed in their own principles and did not care about any
legal regulations. They were simply more difficult to deal with than the young man who
came two days ago to kill Shen Yuling.
In the end, there was no other way. The people at the police station could only deal with
the couple in the same way as they dealt with Shen Yulin. You can make trouble as you
please, and do whatever you want.
A dark-skinned young man outside the police station saw this scene, heard what the two
were doing, and immediately ran away to Zhao Hui's village.
This is the surveillance person hired by Zhao Hui. He needs to pay attention to the news
from the police station and the detention center at all times so that he can know Shen
Yulin's latest movements at all times.
At this time, the three members of the Zhao family were so hungry that they felt dizzy,
their stomachs were cramping, and they had no strength left in their bodies.
From beginning to end, Zhao Hui seemed blind to their condition, and even laughed evilly
when they groaned in pain.
Only then did the three members of the Zhao family truly understand that Zhao Hui really
wanted them to die and really wanted to starve them to death.
They no longer had the energy to struggle or the desire to curse or even beat anyone. All
they had left was the fear of death and the desire to live. They estimated that as long
as Zhao Hui was willing to let them go, even if they had to work and risk their lives,
they would not say a word.
Unfortunately, Zhao Hui said nothing and asked for nothing. He only had one goal.
All of you should die, no one can live.

Chapter 170 Is This Really Crazy?

The room was silent. The three members of the Zhou family were so hungry that they could
only breathe lightly, as if they would die in the next second.
Zhao Hui just lay quietly on the kang, staring straight at the ceiling, like a dead body
with its eyes open, without a trace of emotion in his eyes.
At this moment, a voice calling someone suddenly came from outside the house.
"Brother Hui, is Brother Hui here?"
The sound was like a stone falling into calm water, instantly bringing movement to the
silent house.
The three dying members of the Zhao family opened their eyes slightly. Zhao Hui, who had
been motionless, suddenly blinked his eyelids, as if he was resurrected from the dead,
and slowly sat up.
When the three members of the Zhao family saw Zhao Hui sitting up, they closed their eyes
again as usual without making any sound.
This sound has happened more than once in the past two days. At first, when the three of
them heard the sound, they struggled hard, trying to make some noise to attract the
attention of someone outside so that he could help them. But in the end, the person
seemed to be deaf and didn't care about the movement in the room at all. He said a few
words to Zhao Hui and left.
When Zhao Hui came back, he looked at him, tired and out of breath, and smiled
sarcastically, as if he was laughing at their wishful thinking.
After a few times, the three members of the Zhao family realized that no one could come
to rescue them here, and gradually gave up the idea of calling for help. When someone
came again, they learned to be quiet and not waste their energy, trying to hold on for
every second they could.
At this time, Zhao Hui had already walked to the door slowly like a wandering soul,
opened the door, and walked to the wall next to him to talk to the dark-faced and short
and thin boy outside.
"How is that person? Is he dead?"
Zhao Hui leaned against the wall at the door, asking about a person's life or death as if
he was asking about a daily routine.
"Not yet. The man is still very strong. It will take a few days. I came to tell you
another piece of news." The young man looked around and saw that there was no one around.
He immediately walked to Zhao Hui and whispered a few words in his ear.
Hearing this man's words, Zhao Hui's eyes, like dead water, suddenly shook, and then it
was as if a soul was injected into his body. The decadent and dead aura all over his body
suddenly disappeared, and he seemed to have become a different person in an instant.
"Really? Not dead?" Zhao Hui stared at the young man in front of him, his eyes as sharp
as a knife.
The young man nodded vigorously and whispered, "I heard it with my own ears. The couple
seemed to be the parents of the man in the detention center. They said that... whoever
came back alive demanded that Shen Yuling be released without charge."
When Zhao Hui heard the young man's words, his dead heart suddenly began to beat
violently again.
He didn't care about anything else and ran out. After running a few steps, he remembered
something and rushed back, slammed the door and locked it, then pushed his bicycle and
quickly left the yard.
Seeing this, the thin and dark boy did not dare to go far. He looked around, found a
place next to the haystack in the yard and hid there, continuing to monitor the situation
in the house.
The three Zhao family members in the room didn't know what had happened to cause Zhao Hui
to leave suddenly. They wanted to take this opportunity to save themselves, but because
they had been hungry for too long, they had no strength to move. They wanted to call for
help, but the sound was so weak that only the few of them in the room could hear it,
which was of no use.
Along the way, Zhao Hui rode his bicycle as if he was flying. The whistling wind blew his
coat as if it had grown a pair of wings behind it.
But Zhao Hui still felt that this was too slow, too slow.
He never knew that the road leading to Fang's house was so long and the speed of the
bicycle was so slow.
This is a kind of torment, a torment of wanting to go somewhere urgently but never being
able to get there.
Fortunately, no matter how long the road is, it will eventually have an end. Twenty
minutes later, Zhao Hui finally arrived outside the Fang family courtyard. But when he
got here, he was too nervous to go inside.
He was a little scared. He was afraid that he wouldn't be able to see the person he
wanted to see when he got in, and that the messenger had given the wrong information.
Just as he was hesitating, he suddenly heard Grandma Fang's unpleasant voice coming from
the room.
"Put on a coat. Don't keep flashing when your fever just subsides."
As Grandma Fang's voice fell, another familiar voice followed.
"I'll put it on again when I get back. I can't hold it anymore."
After the voice was heard, Zhao Hui saw a slender figure of a girl running hurriedly
towards the toilet, while her grandmother followed closely behind with her coat in her
hand, looking anxious.
Zhao Hui just watched quietly as Grandma Fang chased into the toilet and kept scolding
the disobedient girl.
"You naughty kid, it's just a moment away!"
"Okay, okay, I'm wearing it. Grandma, please get out of here. It stinks!"
"You have these bear problems."
As the old woman continued to complain, Zhao Hui immediately saw Grandma Fang walk out of
the toilet, but she didn't go far and waited outside for the people inside.
Zhao Hui watched the scene quietly and listened to the two people bickering. His eyes
suddenly turned red and filled with tears.
Alive, she was actually still alive.
Zhao Hui knew that he should leave. This was not the place for him to stay, but he still
wanted to take one more look at the figure he had been thinking about day and night. Even
just one look would make him satisfied.
Shen Yuxiu slept soundly this time. Apart from being woken up by the suffocation, she did
not feel any discomfort. It was completely different from the drowsy state she had been
in over the past two days.
After taking care of her physiological needs, Shen Yuxiu walked out of the toilet slowly.
Seeing Grandma Fang still waiting there, she immediately walked up to her with a smile
and took her arm.
"Why are you waiting here? I'm not a child anymore. I can't fall into the toilet."
"Shut your stinky mouth now. Can you please say something?" Grandma Fang poked Shen
Yuxiu's forehead unhappily.
She now couldn't bear to hear anything about where she fell, even in a small toilet or
puddle, which made her feel uneasy.
Like a thief, Zhao Hui peeped through the gap in the courtyard gate at the harmonious
scene of the two people getting along in the yard. Until they went into the house and he
could no longer see their figures or hear their voices, he choked with tears of joy.
This time, he seemed to have become a human being again, a human being with joys,
sorrows, anger and happiness.
Zhao Hui looked at the familiar yard reluctantly, slowly pushed his bicycle and left
He knew he had no right to ask her if she was okay, but as long as he knew that she was
still healthy and happy, still living in the same world as him, and still breathing the
air under the same sky, he would be satisfied.
When Zhao Hui returned to the Zhao family again, he seemed like a different person. He
was no longer lifeless and would not move at all. Instead, he stared at the three people
tied up in the room. Sometimes his eyes were fierce as if he wanted to eat someone,
sometimes he laughed and cried sadly, and sometimes he chuckled gently as if he had eaten
honey. The three members of the Zhao family, who were already dying, were frightened and
felt a chill on their backs.
Is this crazy? Is this really crazy?
Would he be able to kill them with a knife in the next second?

Chapter 171 Survival

At this moment, the three members of the Zhao family really wished they could faint. At
least if they were unconscious, they wouldn't have to face Zhao Hui's neurotic look.
This is so fucking scary.
Instead of suffering like this, it would be better to just kill them with a knife. At
least they would die quickly without having to worry so much.
As time passed, the sunlight gradually set from noon to the west.
As the daylight grew dim, Zhao Hui's figure gradually disappeared into the darkness, and
the three members of the Zhao family became increasingly uneasy.
When the day was bright, although Zhao Hui was a little scary, at least they could still
see Zhao Hui's figure and knew what he was doing, so they were mentally prepared. But
once it got dark, they couldn't see anything, and the unknown danger was even more
Just as the three members of the Zhao family began to feel dizzy with fear, Zhao Hui's
hoarse voice suddenly rang out in the darkness.
"Do you want to live?"
In the darkness, the dizzy Zhao family members were stunned for a moment, then suddenly
they became alert and hummed one after another.
Who the hell doesn’t want to live?
"Xiaoxiu is still alive. I suddenly don't want to die anymore." Zhao Hui's voice sounded
faintly in the darkness again, as if he was talking to them, or talking to himself. "But
I also feel that even if she is alive, if I can't marry her and live with her, there is
no point in living. It's better to die."
No, it's better to live a miserable life than to die. If you want to marry her, just
marry her quickly. Don't be so scary.
The three members of the Zhao family kept whining.
As if he didn't hear the whimpers of the others, Zhao Hui continued to talk to himself,
"What a pity, I want to marry her, but you guys keep making trouble. I want to kill you
and then marry her, but I'm afraid that if people find out, I won't be able to stay with
Xiaoxiu for long. This is really a problem. Forget it, let's just die together, and once
we die, everything will be fine. I don't have to dream anymore, and you guys can't harm
me, which is good."
No, no, no, don't make a blind decision. You can marry whoever you want. Can't we just
not make trouble? Don't generalize. Give them a chance!
The three members of the Zhao family kept struggling, and the whimpering sounds continued
to rise one after another.
Among them, Zhao Laowu struggled the most.
This was really an unexpected disaster for him. He had no say in Zhao Hui's proposal of
marriage, and Zhang Dachun did not do those things for him. He was really wronged, almost
to death.
However, Zhao Hui seemed to have decided the life and death of several people just like
that, and no matter how much they grumbled, he never said another word.
Zhao Laowu was getting anxious. Things had finally shown a sign of improvement, and he
didn't want to give up. He simply kept whining for his life, trying to attract Zhao Hui's
You bastard, why don’t you give me a chance? How do you know it won’t work if you
don’t try?
Zhao Hui had made up his mind and didn't want to change it. He didn't want to bring any
trouble to Shen Yuxiu because of his wishful thinking, and he didn't want to watch Shen
Yuxiu marry someone else in the future. It would be better for him to die.
Therefore, this problem can only be solved by death.
But he had already made up his mind, and Zhao Laowu was unwilling to give up. The sound
of his desperate struggle was even louder than when he was tied up on the first day.
Finally, Zhao Hui was so annoyed that he stood up, turned on the light, and walked
towards him aggressively.
"What do you want to do? Are you so impatient to see the King of Hell?"
Zhao Hui's eyes were filled with murderous intent, as if he would immediately chop anyone
with a knife if they dared to speak again. Zhao Laowu was so scared that he hiccuped, and
Zhang Dachun and Zhao Baocai shrank their necks.
This death-like appearance is simply too scary.
But Zhao Laowu, who had a strong desire to survive, finally mustered up some courage.
Even though he was so scared that his heart was about to jump out of his throat, he still
insisted on giving Zhao Hui an ugly smile, whimpering and raising his chin, signaling
Zhao Hui to take out the rag stuffed in his mouth, because he had something to say.
As soon as Zhao Hui saw his expression, he understood what he meant and frowned and
asked, "Do you have anything to say?"
"Yeah, yeah." Zhao Laowu nodded quickly.
He just has something to say!
However, Zhao Hui sneered and rejected his request, "No need, I don't want to hear it."
He knew what Zhao Laowu wanted to say without listening. It was just that he didn't want
to die, which was meaningless.
However, Zhao Laowu did not want to give up. He stared and whimpered.
Don’t worry, don’t be so arbitrary. You don’t even know what I’m going to say, so how
do you know it’s unnecessary?
Zhao Hui originally didn't want to pay attention to him, but letting Zhao Laowu scream
like this was really annoying, and he happened to have nothing to do, so he simply pulled
out the rag stuffed in Zhao Laowu's mouth.
"Go ahead."
It would be best if he could say something meaningful, otherwise don't blame him for
being rude.
After having his mouth stuffed with rags for more than two days, Zhao Laowu was still a
little uncomfortable with his freedom. But in order to save his life, he hurriedly said,
"Marry whoever you want. I promise not to make trouble. Whatever you say is what it is.
Just don't let me die."
After saying this, Zhao Laowu was a little out of breath. There was nothing he could do.
He hadn't eaten for more than two days and he really had no strength.
Zhang Dachun and Zhao Baocai, who were standing beside him, listened to his words and
nodded repeatedly. If they didn't have rags stuffed in their mouths, they would have said
the same thing.
Really, as long as Zhao Hui is willing to let them go, Zhao Hui can marry whoever he
wants, and they won't care and won't make trouble.
"It's meaningless." Zhao Hui said, glancing coldly at Zhang Dachun and Zhao Baocai, "Even
if you don't make trouble, I won't let you die. If they die, I will still be responsible,
and I still can't stay with Xiaoxiu for long."
"Well, well, well, can I keep an eye on them? Don't let them mess with you, and don't let
them cause trouble for you." Zhao Laowu said quickly.
He tried his best to survive.
Unexpectedly, when Zhao Hui heard his words, he chuckled as if he had heard a joke.
"You?" Zhao Hui looked at Zhao Laowu with disdain, then at Zhang Dachun, and said, "I'm
not looking down on you, but do you have that ability?"
If Zhao Laowu could really control Zhang Dachun, would Zhang Dachun become such a person
who doesn't care about anyone?
"How do you know if you don't try?" Zhao Laowu stared at Zhao Hui and tried to persuade
him, "Look, if you let me give it a try, maybe we can all be fine, you can marry the girl
you like, and even live happily forever. If you don't try and kill us all, you will get
nothing, and the girl will have to marry another man. Are you willing to accept that?"
"I'm unwilling, but I don't want to try." Zhao Hui seemed to have seen through life and
death. "People like you have no credibility at all. It's better for me to watch her marry
someone else than for me to let you go and finally marry her, only to have you mess up
again and ruin all my efforts. Really, I don't want to try, and there's no need to try."
Zhao Laowu was completely dumbfounded.
Damn it, how can anyone persuade me like this?

Chapter 172: Shocking News

Zhang Dachun and Zhao Baocai were also filled with despair, especially Zhang Dachun.
She never imagined that what she had done in the past would actually cut off the only way
of survival for herself and her son.
But she really doesn't dare to do it anymore? Why can't I trust her again?
Zhang Dachun was so anxious that her tears and snot were streaming down her face.
However, Zhao Hui didn't even look at her. He rolled up the rag in his hand and tried to
cover Zhao Laowu's mouth again.
He didn't trust Zhang Dachun. Zhang Dachun was always going back on his word and had no
credibility in his eyes.
Zhao Laowu watched Zhao Hui pick up the rag again and anxiously shook his head to try to
avoid it. However, Zhao Hui pinched his jaw with one hand and he could no longer hide.
"Dad, don't blame me. Really, I don't want this to happen, but you are my dad after all.
I will take you with me when I die." Zhao Hui said as he rolled up the rag and put it
into his mouth.
Seeing that he couldn't escape this, Zhao Laowu suddenly yelled, "I have a way to make
your mother obey. Really, your brother is a bastard. He was born from your mother's
affair with Wang Laoer. If your mother dares to destroy you again, I will sue her and
both of them will be in trouble."
Fog grass...
Zhao Hui's face was filled with shock. He stared at Zhang Laowu, trying to tell whether
it was true or not.
"Really? Take a closer look. How does Baocai look like a member of our Zhao family?" In
order to survive, Zhao Laowu no longer cared about his face.
Since his son is not his own, can he be proud? But if he still wants to save face, he
will be killed by his own son! Compared with face and life, life is of course more
Seeing that what he said did not seem false, Zhao Hui subconsciously went to look at Zhao
He has a flat nose, protruding ears, and a short but strong build. In the eyes of the
people in the village, he has a rare blessed appearance. But to be honest, there is a
vague shadow of Zhang Dachun in him, but he really doesn't look like a member of the Zhao
family at all.
Zhao Baocai was dumbfounded at this moment.
How is it possible? How could he not be Zhao Laowu’s son?
But when he thought about it, every time he met the second son of the Wang family, he
would always look at him with loving eyes and secretly give him some good things from
time to time, Zhao Baocai suddenly felt his hair stand on end.
No wonder, no wonder that person is always so nice to him.
It turned out that he was a bastard, that man's bastard.
At this time, Zhang Dachun had stopped talking. Her pupils were dilated and her eyes were
full of fear and disbelief.
He knew, he actually knew?
"I didn't expect you to know that?" Zhao Laowu laughed sarcastically when he saw Zhang
Dachun's look, "Didn't you notice when I stopped touching you? Do you really think I'm
incapable? Hahaha... Zhang Dachun, it's not that I'm incapable, I just think you're
disgusting, and touching you will dirty my hands."
This happened so suddenly that Zhang Dachun's face turned red due to Zhao Laowu's
sarcasm. He felt as embarrassed as if he had been stripped naked.
Zhao Laowu no longer looked at Zhang Dachun at this time, but looked up at Zhao Hui
standing in front of him with bright eyes, "With this handle, not only me, but also her
can be controlled. If she dares to destroy you, you don't need to do anything, I will
destroy her directly, and destroy her beloved bastard together, okay? Please let Dad go."
Zhao Hui looked quietly at Zhao Laowu in front of him, as if he was meeting his father
for the first time.
He thought Zhao Laowu was just a lazy guy who loved to eat and do nothing, but he didn't
expect that he had such a shocking secret buried in his heart for so many years.
But at the same time, he couldn't understand it. Since he was his son and Zhao Baocai was
not, how could he feel when he saw that he was treated harshly by Zhang Dachun for so
many years? How could he feel when he saw that he was a child struggling and growing up
Thinking of this, Zhao Hui asked.
"Since I'm your only son, how could you be so cruel as to watch me grow up stumbling by
myself without giving me a hand?"
Even when Zhang Dachun treated him harshly, he could have just said something!
Zhao Laowu smiled in disdain when he heard this, "What help? You have your mother's blood
on you, it's disgusting."
When Zhao Hui heard this, he immediately understood his thoughts.
I understand.
"Okay." Zhao Hui nodded. He didn't want to discuss this topic with him, let alone listen
to the quarrels between his parents. He just said lightly: "Since you promised to make my
mother obedient, then I will leave this matter to you. If you can't do it..."
Zhao Laowu's heart skipped a beat when he heard this. Without waiting for Zhao Hui to
finish, he quickly promised: "If I can't do it, you can tie us all up and kill us like
you are doing now. Anyway, you are very powerful."
During the days he was tied up, he also figured it out. His son is not only capable, but
he probably also has some connections in the underworld. Given the situation, how could
he dare not go back on his word?
Zhao Hui didn't expect him to be so sensible. He raised his eyebrows, pondered for a
while and said, "I still want to be a son-in-law. From now on, your affairs have nothing
to do with me. After my marriage is completed, you are you and I am me. I won't bother
you, and you don't bother me either."
"That won't work." Zhao Laowu shook his head like a rattle when he heard this. "I don't
care whether you take care of your mother or not, but you must take care of me. You can
have nothing to do with me, but you must have enough food and drink."
He is not stupid. It is obvious that this bastard Zhao Baocai is a useless guy. If Zhao
Hui no longer cares about him, what will he do when he gets old?
When Zhao Hui heard this, he sneered and used the rag to cover Zhao Laowu's mouth again.
Forget it, just die, there will be no trouble this way.
When Zhao Laowu saw his action, he was so scared that he shook his head repeatedly to
stop him from succeeding. At the same time, he kept talking, "I just want to have someone
to take care of me when I get old. I'm not looking for trouble with you. I will also keep
an eye on your mother and make sure she doesn't cause any trouble. Just trust me this
Zhao Hui seemed somewhat moved when he saw this, but he still frowned, as if he didn't
believe it. "Can I trust you?"
"If I cause trouble for you and fail to keep an eye on your mother and your brother, I
will be struck by lightning and go to hell after I die." Zhao Laowu swore hastily.
"But I... still don't trust my mother." Zhao Hui said and looked at Zhang Dachun again.
Zhao Laowu was about to cry.
He doesn't trust Zhang Dachun. It's none of his business. Can't he just talk about it on
his own?
Zhang Dachun had already been hit hard by Zhao Laowu's words, but with the hope of
living, who would want to die? So when he saw Zhao Hui looking at him, he immediately
nodded with pleading eyes.
Just trust her for once.
She has all the leverage over these two guys, so how dare she make trouble?
What's more, this dead kid always wants to kill people like a madman. Even if she is
given more courage, she won't dare to cause trouble again!

Chapter 173 Absurd

The three members of the Zhao family were extremely anxious, but those who couldn't speak
couldn't speak. The only one who could speak, Zhao Laowu, was also trying hard to think
of how to make up a story that could convince Zhao Hui to give them a chance.
Zhao Hui just frowned and looked at Zhao Laowu, Zhang Dachun, and then at Zhao Baocai, as
if he was struggling with whether he could trust them again and whether these people were
worth trusting.
Zhao Hui remained silent. The three members of the Zhao family were so frightened that
they dared not breathe. They stared at him intently, fearing that he would kill them in
the next second.
I don’t know how long it took, but Zhao Hui finally seemed to have figured something out
and looked around at the three of them hesitantly.
"Then I will trust you one last time?"
This was a question, but the three members of the Zhao family nodded quickly, trying to
turn the question into an affirmative sentence.
"Will you really not make trouble in the future?" Zhao Hui looked at Zhang Dachun.
Zhang Dachun nodded quickly.
She will never make trouble. She is not risking her life.
"Can you control them both?" Zhao Hui turned his gaze to Zhao Laowu again.
Zhao Laowu also nodded vigorously, "Don't leave me alone, and keep me under control even
at the risk of your death."
Seeing that the two nodded so happily, Zhao Hui thought silently for a while, and then
said to Zhao Laowu: "After I release you, you go find a few witnesses to separate me out.
From now on, I will give you five yuan of pension money every month. If my salary
increases in the future, I will also give you a raise at any time. In addition, you and
my mother are not allowed to interfere with my affairs for any reason. We will live our
own lives. Can you do it?"
Zhao Laowu was stunned when he heard this, and then he nodded his head without even
thinking, "Okay, it's too late today, I'll find someone to do it tomorrow."
It's only five dollars a month. Even if he does nothing in the future, he will definitely
have enough to eat and drink. It's such a good thing, why should he make his son
Of course, in order to get the money every month in the future, Zhao Hui didn't need to
tell him that he would keep a close eye on Zhang Dachun.
Looking at his impatient look, Zhao Hui finally felt relieved and reached out to start
untying the rope for Zhao Laowu. As for Zhao Baocai, he completely ignored him.
At this point, Zhao Hui no longer believes in empty promises. He only believes that only
real interests can move people's hearts.
Originally, he was only worried about Zhao Laowu and his wife. With the attraction of
five dollars a month, he believed that Zhao Laowu would take the initiative to look
favorably upon Zhang Dachun without his advice. As for Zhao Baocai, he was a bully at
home. Although he was very powerful at home, he was doomed once he left the house.
What's more, Zhao Baocai is now labeled as a bastard. Even without him saying anything,
Zhao Baocai probably wouldn't dare to act arrogantly in front of him. As for making
trouble, Zhao Baocai probably wouldn't dare to do it even if he had the courage.
After Zhao Hui untied Zhao Laowu, he went straight to the kitchen to cook. He didn't want
to touch Zhang Dachun and Zhao Baocai. As for whether Zhao Laowu would untie them, that
was up to him.
Since we are not going to die, we have to live well, and the first step to living well is
to eat.
Zhang Dachun was a little angry when she saw Zhao Hui untying Zhao Laowu and leaving, but
she really didn't dare to provoke Zhao Hui again. She could only turn her eyes to Zhao
Laowu who had already gained his freedom.
Zhao Laowu stretched his limbs that were numb from being tied up. Seeing her looking at
him, he curled his lips in disdain, walked straight up to Zhao Baocai, untied him, and
said, "Go untie your mother."
In the past, he had selfishly wanted to use this woman to support himself, and he could
hide his inner contempt to some extent. But now with the five dollars a month promised by
Zhao Hui, he no longer needs to rely on this woman, and naturally he no longer bothers to
hide his disgust for her.
Zhao Baocai looked at Zhao Laowu like this, afraid that he even disliked him, so he
quietly let him untie him without saying a word. When he heard Zhang Laowu's
instructions, he obediently moved his hands and feet and quickly crawled towards Zhang
In fact, he was not willing to contact Zhang Dachun. After all, this so-called biological
mother had given him such an ignominious life experience, making him unable to raise his
head in front of Zhao Hui in this family anymore.
But he also knew that in this family, the only person he could count on in the future was
Zhang Dachun. Even if he was unwilling to face it, he could only take one step at a time.
After Zhao Laowu untied Zhao Baocai, he came to the kitchen with weak steps. Seeing Zhao
Hui making noodles with a fire, he licked his face and asked cautiously: "Hui, can you
make an extra bowl of noodles for Dad?"
Zhao Hui glanced at Zhao Laowu's cautious look, scooped some flour from the flour bag
into the basin with an expressionless face, and started stirring again.
When Zhao Laowu saw his actions, he immediately sat down on the threshold of the kitchen,
looked at the dark yard in the night and breathed a sigh of relief.
He finally realized that his son was a wolf with a rope tied to his head.
As long as you don't touch the rope and don't untie it, he will be restrained and won't
show his fangs to you easily. If you accidentally touch the rope that ties him and untie
it, he will immediately show his ferocious face and bite you to death. And that girl
named Xiaoxiu is the rope that ties this evil wolf, who can't be touched or untied.
The Zhao family's side was peaceful, and the same was true for the Shen family's side.
Shen Jinggui stared at Shen Yulin opposite, his eyes so complicated that he didn't know
what to say.
Just now, after finishing his meal, he sent everyone back to the house to sleep. He was
about to get angry at Shen Yulin when he was interrupted by Shen Yulin's words.
"Dad, I want to marry Lin Zhiwei, the girl who was once engaged to me."
These words were so sudden that Shen Jinggui was so shocked that he still hasn't
recovered yet.
Is there something wrong with this kid's brain? He was almost beaten to death for
breaking off the engagement, and now he wants to marry another girl?
Shen Yulin looked at Shen Jinggui anxiously and swallowed involuntarily.
This...can't you still get beaten?
"When did you two get together?" Next to her, Fang Yan came to her senses first and asked
"No, we are not getting along." Shen Yulin was afraid that the lie would turn out to be
true. He quickly waved his hands and explained what happened to Lin Zhiwei and Lin
Zhiwei's current difficult situation, which made Fang Yan dumbfounded. ?
What? fake marriage?
How can this work? Absolutely ridiculous.
When Shen Jinggui listened to Shen Yulin's words, his eyes became more complicated.
Does this kid have any serious intentions?
So a girl who is as beautiful as a flower can't get married for real?
But listening to the girl's current situation, it seems that it is indeed not good. In
addition, this kid doesn't really get married if he wants to.
However, once the marriage is really fake, it may not be so easy to find a wife or
husband's family when they separate in the future.
You know, no yellow-flowered girl from any family is willing to marry a second-married
man, and no young man from any family is willing to marry a second-married girl. Those
who know the real situation understand that the two of them have a fake marriage. Those
who don’t understand the situation, still You don’t have to say anything!

Chapter 174 Blind Confidence

Of course it's okay to repay a favor, and it's okay to get married to repay a favor, but
Shen Jinggui can't accept it by pretending to get married to repay a favor.
In his mind, marriage is marriage. It is a lifelong matter and should not be treated as a
child's play, let alone a fake one.
But listening to what Shen Yulin said, the situation on Lin Zhiwei's end seemed to be
really difficult.
Shen Jinggui felt a little dizzy, and after thinking for a long time with a grin on his
face, he still asked Shen Yulin unwillingly.
"You don't like her at all? Isn't it possible for both of you?"
"This is not just a question of whether I like her or not, it's also a question of
whether she likes me or not. Dad, I've broken off the engagement with her. Even if
there's nothing wrong with me, she may still have some doubts in her heart. Let's stop
imagining things, okay?" Shen Yulin was speechless.
Why do you always want me to really marry Lin Zhiwei? It's okay to pretend to repay her,
but if it really comes to that, the two of us have to like each other, right?
Besides, ever since Zhou Qingyuan said that the pros and cons of marriage must be
considered, he has become particularly averse to marriages that are not based on love.
Therefore, he cannot accept this real marriage.
Shen Jinggui was choked up when he saw the repulsive look on his face. He lowered his
head and knitted his eyebrows and thought for a while, then said: "Well, let me find a
partner for her. There are many good young men in our village. If that doesn't work, your
second uncle and third uncle's family also have several cousins of the same age. If the
two of them fall in love, they may become a couple, so you don't have to fake a marriage,
and no one has to delay the other. "
"You can do it soon." Shen Yulin curled his lips after hearing this, "With Lin Zhiwei's
current situation, who is willing to take over? What if Lin Zhiwei doesn't like the
person you introduced, but is forced to marry him due to circumstances? Will you be
responsible if there is a conflict? Aren't you cheating?"
Shen Jinggui was choked again, but Shen Yulin was telling the truth.
He really couldn't guarantee whether Lin Zhiwei, who was in trouble, would be able to
smooth things over. By then, he, the matchmaker, might still be complaining on both
"Dad, it's settled." Seeing that Shen Jinggui was so entangled, Shen Yulin stood up,
slapped his butt, and made a decision directly: "She and I will have a fake marriage. If
we get along well in the future, we can If we look at each other, maybe we will become a
real couple. If neither of us likes the other, I will repay the favor and she will get
through the difficulties. It just so happens that no one will owe her anything in the
future. "
Shen Jinggui looked at Shen Yulin who left after patting his butt. He opened his mouth
several times but did not refute. Finally, he pointed at Shen Yulin's back and asked Fang
Yan in disbelief: "Did you hear what he said? ? Is this human talk? Is it decided that I
am his father or he is my father? "
Fang Yan was also speechless, but other than this method, it was really difficult to
solve the problem.
"Maybe that girl really likes your son by then?" Fang Yan muttered to Shen Jinggui in a
low voice, "By then they will become a real couple. This won't be considered a fake
marriage, right?"
She still had high hopes for Lin Zhiwei. The girl was well-educated and good-looking. If
not for her parents' involvement, she would never have married into a family with such
questionable background as her own.
Another thing is that Fang Yan didn't want her son, who was considered an intellectual,
to marry a village girl who had only received a few years of education. In her mind, only
a girl with the same level of education could be worthy of her equally educated son.
As for whether Lin Zhiwei would like Shen Yulin, she was still very confident.
You know, when this guy broke off the engagement, many beautiful girls from the
surrounding villages came to inquire about it secretly, but it was a pity that this guy
was too arrogant and kept saying that they would not come, otherwise he would not be
alone until now.
She thought that no matter whether Lin Zhiwei would like Shen Yulin at that time, as long
as Shen Yulin liked Lin Zhiwei, it would be a sure thing for her to get this daughter-in-
Shen Jinggui was also moved after listening to Fang Yan's analysis.
If there is such fate, maybe this fake marriage will turn into a real marriage.
Shen Yulin didn't know about his parents' blind self-confidence. If he knew, he would
definitely hit them mercilessly.
He is a son who is very popular with girls in the eyes of his parents, but he has been
kicked by others a long time ago, and he is still the kind of person who is disliked. He
is still confident at this. What is confidence?
The marriage between Shen Yulin and Lin Zhiwei was decided in such a hurry.
It seems like a bit of child's play, but it is also a helpless move.
Fortunately, Shen Jinggui asked for a homestead when Shen Yulin was about to reach his
age, and also built three wedding rooms in advance. Otherwise, with the sudden speed of
getting married, there would be no way to get married.
Of course, a fake marriage is still a marriage, and the two must sleep in the same room.
After all, even if they are trying to fool people, they have to hide it from others,
otherwise they will have no way to explain it if they find out. As for how the two can
sleep in the same room, they can just draw a curtain in the middle of the kang. They
believe that their son is not so mean as to do anything when they know that they are a
fake couple.
However, even if the two of them really had something going on, they would still be happy
to see it happen.
Just like that, Shen Yulin, who originally thought that he could have some free time
after not going to work, became busy again because of the sudden wedding. He was engaged,
looking for a date, and preparing all the items for the wedding. He was so busy that he
almost broke his legs.
While Shen Yulin was busy with these things, Zhao Hui had already obtained the documents
for the separation of the family.
The three members of the Zhao family felt inexplicably uncomfortable as they watched him
carefully put the document on division of the family into his arms.
Their son, who was so easy to control before, now escaped from their home in this way.
But now they dared not play any tricks on Zhao Hui, let alone destroy anything, for fear
that if they angered Zhao Hui again, they would never see the sun tomorrow again.
Zhao Hui took the documents for the separation of the family property and went straight
to the Fang family with a nervous mood.
He is now qualified to like the girl he likes and can marry her, but he doesn't know if
his beloved girl can give him another chance.
Shen Yuxiu discovered that since she woke up, Grandma Fang had become her follower.
It would be fine if Grandma Fang was always watching over her when she was in the house,
but now, whether she goes to the toilet, goes to the street, or even goes to work at
school, Grandma Fang follows her closely.
Arriving at the school gate, Shen Yuxiu turned around helplessly and said to Grandma Fang
who was following behind her: "Grandma, please go back. I will stay in school and not go
anywhere. Don't worry."
"Okay, okay, I know, you go in quickly." Grandma Fang waved her hand to tell her to go in
quickly. She watched her enter the office before turning around and walking home.
Ever since Shen Yuxiu came back, she has been worried about this little girl wherever she
She also knew that this would easily annoy people and the children would not like it, but
she just couldn't help it.
Now, whenever the little girl is not around and she is not sure of her location, she
becomes very nervous.
Only when she sees her little girl safely somewhere will she feel at ease.
Just as she was walking home with a helpless sigh, she suddenly saw a figure that
shouldn't be here.

Chapter 175 Perfunctory

Zhao Hui suddenly made eye contact with Grandma Fang, and felt so awkward that he didn't
know where to put his hands and feet.
This was the first time he met Grandma Fang face to face again after he broke up with
Shen Yuxiu. He felt a little guilty and was afraid that this protective old lady would
chase him away.
Grandma Fang looked at his obviously thinner figure, sighed slightly, walked up to him
and pulled him in the opposite direction of the school without giving him a chance to
"Good boy, listen to me and don't come here again. It's good for you and Xiaoxiu."
Grandma Fang pulled him away while advising him earnestly.
If she hadn't heard from Old Master Shen how this kid desperately jumped into the river
to rescue Shen Yuxiu after she was knocked into the river, and if Fang Youshun hadn't
told her about the child crying loudly on the beach after he came back from looking for
Xiaoxiu, she wouldn't have wanted to bother with this kid today.
Yes, this child is loyal to his own girl, but that doesn't stop him from having
unreliable parents. Besides, he was the one who let go first, so he can't blame himself
for not giving him a chance.
Really, she just wanted her little girl to live well now. She couldn't bear to see her
little girl in any danger, let alone see her little girl being so heartbroken that she
almost cried to death.
Zhao Hui might be a very nice person, but she honestly felt that there was no need for
these two children to have any further contact.
When Zhao Hui heard what Grandma Fang said, he suddenly became anxious. He quickly took
out the freshly prepared separation document from his arms and handed it to Grandma Fang.
"Grandma, please take a look. This is my document for the division of the family
property. My parents can no longer control me. I am now a person and I can make my own
decisions. I can be a live-in son-in-law."
Grandma Fang was stunned when she heard this. She looked at the paper in front of her
with a lot of words written on it, but she didn't take it. Instead, she pushed it back.
"I can't read either. I can't understand it even if you ask me to read it." Grandma Fang
said with a smile, as if she didn't understand the meaning of the paper Zhao Hui gave
her, and seemed very happy that he could make his own decision. "But it's good too. This
way you can do what you want, and it will be easier to find a wife in the future. Grandma
wishes you a bright future in advance, and that you and your future wife can have a son
soon and grow old together."
Zhao Hui had been with Grandma Fang for more than a year and had worked in the supply and
marketing cooperative for several years. He was very good at reading people's
expressions. Now, as soon as he saw Grandma Fang's attitude, he understood what she
Grandma Fang wanted to stay away from Shen Yuxiu and did not agree with Shen Yuxiu being
with him anymore.
"Grandma..." Zhao Hui wanted to explain anxiously, but was interrupted by Grandma Fang
with a wave of her hand.
"I know you're a good kid." Grandma Fang held his hand and advised him earnestly. "But
you have to think about Xiaoxiu, right? You know, Xiaoxiu has been spoiled by us since
she was a child. She has never suffered much and can't stand being bullied. A family like
yours is really not suitable for Xiaoxiu."
"But I've already split up the family." Zhao Hui explained hurriedly, "Really, grandma,
can you please trust me again, for the last time?"
“Zhao Hui, there are many good girls in the world, many better than Xiaoxiu, you don’t
have to…” Grandma Fang wanted to persuade her again, but saw Zhao Hui shaking his head
like a rattle.
"That's not Xiaoxiu. No matter how good others are, they are not Xiaoxiu. Grandma, I only
want her, Grandma..." Zhao Hui couldn't help sobbing and held Grandma Fang's hand with
pleading eyes, "Can you give me another chance? My parents really don't care about me
now, and they won't make trouble. Please believe me one last time, I will never let them
disturb Xiaoxiu and me, and they will not live with me in the future. I will treat
Xiaoxiu very well, and I will not let Xiaoxiu suffer with me, and I will not let Xiaoxiu
suffer or be bullied. I swear, okay?"
Looking at Zhao Hui, whose eyes were full of pleading, as if he was about to kneel down
to her in the next second, Granny Fang didn't know what to say and could only discuss
with him perfunctorily.
"Why don't you go back first, and I'll discuss this with my family later, okay?"
Zhao Hui looked at the determination in Grandma Fang's eyes and knew that she would not
compromise so easily this time, so he could only nod reluctantly.
"Then, grandma, I'll come back tomorrow."
Grandma Fang choked, but could only nod perfunctorily, "Okay, I'll tell you when I have
Let's do it tomorrow. At worst, she can find other excuses to avoid it.
Tomorrow and tomorrow, maybe if she keeps putting it off, the child will gradually stop
Zhao Hui was delighted to see her finally nod. He waved to Grandma Fang, looked in the
direction of the school with some reluctance before turning around and leaving.
Grandma Fang looked at his leaving back quietly for a long time before she sighed softly
and turned back.
In fact, she knew in her heart that her little girl had never forgotten this child, and
she also knew that this child would definitely sacrifice his life for her little girl,
but his parents really couldn't do that! !
What's more, he proposed to break up before his own girl was even strong enough, which
made her feel a little uncomfortable.
Of course, Zhao Hui knew that Granny Fang was just trying to fool him, but for now, apart
from accepting it, he really had no other way to make Granny Fang accept him all at once.
He could only take things one step at a time.
As for asking him to go directly to Shen Yuxiu first, he dared to say that if he dared to
play tricks this time and go to Shen Yuxiu first, even if Granny Fang didn't say it
openly, she would definitely have opinions about him in her heart.
So this time, he can only impress the other party with sincerity. Everything must be done
openly and honestly. Maybe this is a little difficult, but it is better than no chance at
But what to do first?
In this way, Zhao Hui returned to the Zhao family in deep thought.
The three members of the Zhao family looked at the man who was full of joy when he left,
but became lifeless when he came back. They were so frightened that they hid far away
from him, not daring to say a word.
In fact, they can probably guess where he went today, but it seems that the situation is
not going so smoothly.
Is this guy going to take his anger out on them again?
The same goes for the little girl named Shen. They didn't agree before, but this time
they all agreed. Why not let this kid get his wish? What if this kid is in a bad mood and
goes crazy and kills them in the middle of the night?
At this moment, the three members of the Zhao family all complained about Shen Yuxiu.
However, they didn't know that Shen Yuxiu hadn't even seen Zhao Hui yet.
And while the three members of the Zhao family were trembling with fear and Zhao Hui was
thinking hard about how to get the consent of the two elders of the Fang family, Grandma
Fang quietly told Fang Youshun about Zhao Hui coming over again before going to bed.
As Fang Youshun listened to Grandma Fang's words, his mind unconsciously recalled the day
when Zhao Hui was so heartbroken that he almost ran into the sea when he couldn't find
Shen Yuxiu.
It's really hard for him to say about this matter.
Chapter 176 Opportunity
Fang Youshun could also see that the boy was truly in love with his little girl,
otherwise he wouldn't have been so sad at that time.
But like Grandma Fang, although he was moved by Zhao Hui's infatuation with Shen Yuxiu,
he was also worried that Zhao's parents would become an obstacle to the two children in
the future.
However, he immediately thought of another thing.
"He said the family has been divided? And he said I can be a live-in son-in-law?"
"Yes, that's what he said." Grandma Fang replied quietly.
"If that's the case, then it's not impossible." Fang Youshun thought thoughtfully.
"What can I do?" Grandma Fang didn't agree with Fang Youshun's idea at all. "So what if
the family is divided? So what if there is a live-in son-in-law? Zhao Hui's mother is a
scoundrel. If a scoundrel goes crazy, will she care about whether the family is divided
or not? Is it a live-in son-in-law?"
"So you want Xiaoxiu to never get married?" Fang Youshun raised his chin towards Shen
Yuxiu's inner room.
"What nonsense are you talking about?" Grandma Fang got anxious when she heard this. Her
voice involuntarily rose a little, but she suddenly realized that something was wrong and
quickly lowered her voice, "We won't find her a better one in the future!"
"Better? Like what Old Man Shen said?" Fang Youshun raised his eyebrows. "Let's not talk
about whether that person can do it or not. Didn't you see at the time that the girl was
just anxious to deal with the matter? Do you think our girl is someone who can change her
temper so easily?"
When Granny Fang heard him talking about the man introduced by Grandpa Shen, she
remembered that Shen Yuxiu was thrown into the river before she even had the chance to go
on a blind date. Her heart immediately started pounding, and she was so angry that she
reached out and slapped Fang Youshun on the shoulder, "Don't talk about that. Our Xiaoxiu
won't marry someone on the other side of the river."
She even suspected that her children were incompatible with the Yellow River. If they
married there, she would be worried to death just going back and forth to her parents'
home across the river.
"Okay, okay, I won't say anything." Fang Youshun compromised immediately when he saw her
like this.
Recently, this old woman can't stand hearing about the Yellow River anymore.
Seeing that he didn't say anything, Grandma Fang was silent for a long time, and then she
couldn't help but ask again.
"So what you mean is that you don't object to Zhao Hui's relationship with Xiaoxiu?"
"Why are you in such a hurry? Let's wait and see if that kid can really convince his
parents. If he does, and Xiaoxiu still insists on marrying him, then it's not impossible
to help them. If Zhao Hui is just bragging and can't convince his parents, then forget
it. It's not like our Xiaoxiu can't get married, so why bother her with that?" Fang
Youshun said slowly.
To be honest, he still can't forget the look on Zhao Hui's face when he saw him at the
beach. He looked really crazy and had no desire to live.
At that moment, he was moved. No matter what had happened before, Zhao Hui's love for his
little girl could not be more true.
But people are close to each other, and no matter how moved he is, he has a bottom line.
He can give Zhao Hui a chance, but it must be that Zhao Hui can really deal with his
parents. If Zhao Hui doesn't have that ability, he would rather his girl not get married
for her whole life than allow her to marry into the Zhao family and face such in-laws.
When Grandma Fang heard what Fang Youshun said, although she still had some objections,
she didn't say anything else.
Anyway, there is no sign of this matter yet, so we might as well do as Fang Youshun said
and wait and see.
It would be great if that guy really has that ability, but if he doesn't, it's no one's
The two old men were whispering like thieves, while Shen Yushou in the inner room had no
idea that Zhao Hui had even been there.
She actually didn't want to go to work today. After all, she had suffered a great
disaster and a serious illness, so her spirit was not that good. But she had no choice.
The school had a job for each person. She hadn't been to work for a few days, so someone
else took over the course she was responsible for. She had no choice before she came
back, but now that she came back, she was forced to do the job.
In the eyes of outsiders, being a teacher may be an easy job, but standing and teaching
for a whole day is actually not easy, so I went home and rested directly after dinner.
While the old couple of the Fang family were struggling with Shen Yuxiu's marriage, Zhao
Hui was also struggling with what to do next.
Because he thought Shen Yuxiu was gone a few days ago, he spent a lot of money when
hiring people to gather information and do things. Although he has withdrawn those things
now, the money he spent cannot be withdrawn.
If he wants to get married as soon as possible, the betrothal gifts may not be enough.
Moreover, once married, he does not want to be on business trips all the time. But if he
does not want to be on business trips, his position in the supply and marketing
cooperative will have to be transferred. If this is done, his salary will inevitably be
reduced. Once his salary is reduced, his quality of life will inevitably decline, and
this is unacceptable to him.
Just like what Grandma Fang said, Shen Yuxiu had never suffered any hardship or fatigue
since childhood, so it was impossible for her to marry herself and have her quality of
life decline.
The only way to meet all these conditions is to change jobs.
Thanks to the efforts of the workers who explored the oil fields in this wasteland in
recent years, it has now become the base of the second largest oil field in the country.
The county keeps pace with the times and finally established an oil refinery after
several meetings. Because it needs to refine various oils, the recruitment of employees
is very strict. I heard that at least junior high school education or above is required.
The salary and benefits are said to be very good. The only downside is that this job is
dirty and tiring.
As for Zhao Hui, what he is least afraid of is dirt and tiredness; he is only afraid of
being treated badly.
With the idea in mind, Zhao Hui immediately started asking people for information, and a
day later, he found out the exact news.
The equipment of the county refinery is basically in place, and the salary and benefits
are much better than those of the supply and marketing cooperative. Unfortunately, the
workers have basically been recruited, and it is a bit late for him to go.
When Zhao Hui heard the news, he felt a little regretful, but only a little.
Zhao Hui has been used to struggling and has never been fed by God himself. Everything he
has obtained is basically the result of his hard work. Therefore, he does not believe in
the saying of whether the recruitment is full or not. He only believes that everything
depends on human efforts.
Therefore, after finding out the details, he immediately went to find the dark and thin
young man who had tipped him off, and asked him to spread a message among the workers in
the refinery, that is, someone working in the supply and marketing cooperative wanted to
exchange his job in the refinery with someone else.
Of course, most people nowadays would not consider exchanging their jobs at an oil
refinery for those at a supply and marketing cooperative for the sake of salary and
benefits, but Zhao Hui always believed that there would always be people who were not
willing to endure hardships and wanted to find a relatively easier job.
Working in a supply and marketing cooperative just meets the requirements. Yes, the
salary and benefits at a supply and marketing cooperative cannot be compared with those
at an oil refinery, but the work is cleaner and easier than that at an oil refinery. In
addition, if there are any defective goods in the supply and marketing cooperative, the
staff will generally pick them out first before putting them on the shelves for sale,
which is enough to tempt some bargain-hunting people.

Chapter 177 Toothache

In this way, Zhao Hui was busy at work while asking around for specific information.
Fortunately, hard work pays off. Three days later, one afternoon, a middle-aged woman
finally came with a girl of about seventeen or eighteen years old.
This middle-aged woman remarried after her husband's death. The girl is the child of her
previous husband and has never been treated well in her current family. It was not easy
for her ex-husband's brother-in-law to find a job for the girl out of consideration for
the mother and daughter's difficulties. However, she did not expect that the job she was
assigned was to process asphalt produced through differentiation and smelting.
That thing has a strong smell and a high temperature. If you are not quick and alert, you
will shed a layer of skin immediately if you touch it accidentally. The girl was a little
scared after being scalded by it twice. When her stepfather heard about it, he wanted to
let the girl go home to farm and let her stepbrother take over.
But the girl didn't want to go home to farm, and the woman didn't want to let her
stepson, who never treated her and her mother as human beings, take advantage of her. In
addition, the job was obtained through the relationship of her ex-husband's family, so
the girl gritted her teeth and persisted, hoping that she would be able to do it easily
in the future.
But after all, it was not a job she wanted to do, and it would be torture to persist.
Now, she heard the news that Zhao Hui wanted to change jobs, and she was tempted.
You know, working in a supply and marketing cooperative is more decent and clean than
working in an oil refinery. Although the salary and benefits are not comparable, it is a
formal job after all and it is presentable. She has no dissatisfaction with it, but she
is afraid that Zhao Hui is not satisfied with her position.
Zhao Hui was also a little hesitant. He had never been to an oil refinery and didn't know
how many specific processes there were. So he followed the girl to take a look and got a
general understanding of what her job required.
In fact, this so-called refinery equipment is nothing more than two atmospheric pressure
kettle type refining tanks. Whether it is smelting crude oil inside or refining finished
products outside, most of the processes need to be completed manually. Not to mention how
dirty and tiring it is, the most important thing is that it is also dangerous.
The girl looked at Zhao Hui's slowly furrowed brows, and her heart couldn't help but feel
uneasy, but fortunately, Zhao Hui didn't hesitate for too long, and made a decision after
a while.
"You can switch, but we can only exchange positions for free. After we switch, your
position in the supply and marketing cooperative will just be an ordinary sales position,
not my original position. My original position requires frequent business trips and
driving skills. I don't think you are qualified for it. If you mind this, forget it."
"No, no, no, I don't have any conditions." The girl waved her hands quickly, "As long as
you agree to change, I don't have any conditions."
She can't drive, so she is satisfied with being an ordinary salesperson. She may not be
able to take on a higher position.
"Okay, then I'll take you to the job first." Seeing this, Zhao Hui offered to help her
with the job procedures in order to show his sincerity.
"Let's take you to work first." The girl's mother said anxiously, "After we finish here,
you can take my daughter to the supply and marketing cooperative to start working. Then
you two can go to work directly, saving you the trouble of having to come here again."
It was a rare opportunity, and the girl's mother was afraid that Zhao Hui would change
his mind halfway, so she wanted to make it happen as soon as possible.
"Okay." Zhao Hui nodded, took out his ID, and went to the refinery's personnel department
with the girl.
Because the girl had been hired through connections, the people in the Human Resources
Department did not make things difficult for her when she came to handle the handover,
and they quickly completed the handover for the two of them. Then Zhao Hui took the girl
back to the supply and marketing cooperative to complete the handover.
Because Zhao Hui had informed the head of the supply and marketing cooperative of the
news in advance these two days, the work handover of the supply and marketing cooperative
was also very smooth. However, when Zhao Hui left, the head of the supply and marketing
cooperative was still a little reluctant.
"Come often in the future." The head of the supply and marketing cooperative patted Zhao
Hui's shoulder with emotion.
You know, Zhao Hui has always been very thorough in his work. In the past two years, he
didn't know how much peace of mind he had because Zhao Hui was around. Once Zhao Hui
left, the person who came next might not have Zhao Hui's work ability.
"Of course. Don't be disgusted by the grease on my body when the time comes." Zhao Hui
laughed and joked with him, but he didn't have any regrets in his heart.
You have to know that no matter how well he does in the supply and marketing cooperative,
at best he can be the head of the cooperative. What's more, this person is over his head,
so it's not easy for him to get ahead.
The same cannot be said for an oil refinery, which is a state-owned factory after all.
Even though it is newly built and has only a few dozen employees and there may be many
twists and turns inside, it has more possibilities for the future than working in a
supply and marketing cooperative.
In this way, Zhao Hui went from being an employee of the supply and marketing cooperative
to a new employee of the refinery.
As soon as he changed his job, he went to Fang's house to tell Grandma Fang and Fang
Youshun the good news.
Grandma Fang looked at Zhao Hui, who was so happy, and felt a little sad.
It’s so difficult to find a job nowadays, but this kid changes jobs as if it’s a piece
of cake.
After talking about work, Zhao Hui once again carefully asked about his marriage with
Shen Yuxiu.
"Grandma, have you thought about it? When can I come and propose marriage?"
"Let's talk about it later." Grandma Fang waved her hand absentmindedly, "I can't make
the decision on something that Xiaoxiu doesn't even know about."
During these two days, Fang Youshun also specially asked someone to go to Zhaohui Village
to inquire about the Zhao family.
Things were just as Zhao Hui said. He had been separated out. Except for giving five yuan
to Zhao Laowu every month, all of Zhao Hui's affairs had nothing to do with the Zhao
family. Moreover, the couple in the Zhao family had been very honest recently, as if they
were frightened by something. They never mentioned anything about Zhao Hui. No matter who
asked them, they would say that Zhao Hui was the one who made the decisions on his own
and they would not get involved at all.
Although no one understood why the Zhao couple, who had always looked down on Zhao Hui,
had changed so much, they could all see that the couple was avoiding Zhao Hui.
When Grandma Fang heard the news that Fang Youshun had inquired about, she found it
unbelievable. How could such a shrew be controlled by Zhao Hui?
But no matter how Zhao Hui did it, at least this guy didn't lie. In this case, she felt
relieved and no longer opposed the relationship between Zhao Hui and Shen Yuxiu as much
as she did at the beginning.
Zhao Hui understood what Grandma Fang said almost immediately, and his mouth suddenly
smiled with joy.
Doesn’t this mean that as long as Shen Yuxiu agrees, they will no longer object?
"Thank you, thank you grandma." Zhao Hui suppressed his excitement and quickly bowed to
Grandma Fang, then jumped up and went to find Shen Yuxiu.
Grandma Fang couldn't help laughing when she saw him suddenly running away like a rabbit.
Since she had known the boy, she had never seen him so happy.
Thinking that this was all because of her own little girl, the remaining unhappiness in
Grandma Fang's heart faded a little.
I just hope that this child can keep this original intention and be so good to her little
girl forever.

Chapter 178 What do you think of me?

It is said that one becomes timid when close to love. After rushing to the school, Zhao
Hui hesitated and was afraid to step forward.
It was he who proposed the breakup in the first place, and he didn't even give Shen Yuxiu
a chance to redeem the relationship. Now that things have come to this, he doesn't even
dare to think about whether Shen Yuxiu still likes him or has feelings for him.
What should he do if Shen Yuxiu is disappointed in him and no longer likes him?
Just like that, Zhao Hui didn't dare to go directly into the school yard to find Shen
Yuxiu, but walked back and forth outside, trying to think of a solution.
Tell Shen Yuxiu directly: I'm back, let's start over?
He estimated that if he dared to say that, Shen Yuxiu would definitely think he was
mentally ill.
What's more, Shen Yuxiu has been stubborn since she was young and always responds to soft
tactics rather than hard ones. If he dares to be so direct, being beaten would be the
least he could get.
But if he doesn't say it directly, how can he be roundabout?
Zhao Hui felt a little overwhelmed.
It’s really easy to say hurtful words, but trying to undo the relationship can be very
But no matter how difficult it is, he has to do it, otherwise if he misses this
opportunity, he may never have another chance.
But Zhao Hui didn't know how many times he walked around outside the school, but he still
couldn't think of a suitable solution. He always felt that neither this way nor that way
would work.
Time passed minute by minute, and before Zhao Hui could figure out what was going on, the
school bell rang. Then the students swarmed out of the school, laughing and joking as
they headed home.
Zhao Hui realized that he was blocking their way, so he quickly moved aside. Looking at
this group of energetic children walking past him one by one, his tense mood inexplicably
eased a lot.
Since childhood, he envy these parents with pain. At a specific age, they only need to do
what parents arranged for them. Even if they can't be done well, they are also envious.
Unfortunately, they are not what he had.
When Shen Yuxiu came out, she didn't even look around, so naturally she didn't notice
Zhao Hui waiting at the gate.
Zhao Hui just watched her walk past him and leave. He opened his mouth several times but
no sound came out.
Really, I feel so guilty!
Although he didn't shout out loud, his feet had their own thoughts and followed
Shen Yuxiu walked a long distance and felt something strange behind her. She turned back
suspiciously and almost bumped into Zhao Hui who was following closely behind her.
Zhao Hui didn't expect her to turn around suddenly. He was so scared that he stopped
immediately and finally stopped only one step away from her.
Shen Yuxiu looked at the man who suddenly appeared in front of her in surprise, and was
unable to react for a moment.
Zhao Hui was so nervous facing Shen Yuxiu, with whom he had not had such close contact
for several months, that he was speechless for a moment. He didn't know whether he was
scared or nervous, but he felt like his heart was beating like a rabbit.
After a long while, Shen Yuxiu came back to her senses first. She took a deep breath,
calmed down her chaotic emotions, and asked him, "Why are you here?"
"Uh..., I..." Zhao Hui wanted to say that he came here specifically to find her, but for
some reason, his mouth was out of control and he couldn't say anything.
"If you don't want to talk about it, forget it." Shen Yuxiu saw that he was hesitating,
and did not explore his thoughts. She just looked at him distantly and said, "But after
all, we have talked before. It is easy for people to misunderstand if you suddenly appear
in front of me like this. I hope you... It's better to avoid suspicion. When we meet each
other in the future, we can take a detour."
Shen Yuxiu turned around and left after she finished speaking, but at the moment she
turned around, she quietly clenched her hands tightly.
In fact, she wanted to ask, why did he appear here? What was he doing here?
But when she thought of his resolute look when they broke up, she couldn't help wanting
to cry.
In order not to embarrass herself in front of Zhao Hui, she could only make a quick
decision and leave quickly.
Although Zhao Hui had anticipated that she would not be friendly to him, she was
surprisingly calm and told him not to appear in front of her again. He suddenly shouted
out what he wanted to say on impulse.
"Xiaoxiu, I have convinced my parents. We can be together now. Can you give me another
Shen Yuxiu paused when she heard this. She stood there with her eyes suddenly warmed up
and her vision began to blur. However, she blinked hard, forcibly blinking away the
uncontrollable mist in her eyes, then turned to look at him.
"What do you think of me?" Shen Yuxiu asked indignantly, and even a wave of anger rose to
her head, "If you want to break up, then break up. If you want to come back, then come
back? A chance? As if I said we should try again, did you give me a chance?"
"I..." Zhao Hui couldn't explain the situation at that time and didn't know how to
"I'm very curious, what kind of mood did you have to come to us and say these things."
Shen Yuxiu couldn't help but tears up as she spoke, "When you said we were breaking up,
you said you wanted me to give you another chance. Now, what do you think of me? A
person? Or something that can come and go at your call?"
"I, I don't. I don't want to call you over and dismiss you at will. I like you, I really
like you." Zhao Hui hurriedly denied what Shen Yuxiu said.
The hat was too heavy for him to bear.
"Like? What a joke." Shen Yuxiu got even angrier after hearing that. "Does your so-called
like mean you can do whatever you want? If that's what you like, I'm sorry, I can't
afford it."
"You don't have to explain. I don't want to hear it."
Shen Yuxiu didn't want to listen to Zhao Hui's explanation at all, and continued to say
what she wanted to say with a cold face.
"You deceived me long ago when I didn't even know what marriage and love were. Before, I
thought my future significant other just needed to like me and I liked him, but now I
have different ideas."
When Zhao Hui listened to Shen Yuxiu's words, his heart rose to his throat.
What does she mean?
Does she not like me anymore and doesn't want to be with him anymore? Doesn't she even
give me a chance?
Shen Yuxiu saw that after she finished speaking, his face turned pale, and she paused
unconsciously, feeling a little uncomfortable. But she still had to say what she had to
"My requirements for my partner now are not just that he has to like me, he also has to
respect me. He can't do things the way he wants and he can't listen to me completely, but
at least he has to discuss things with me. Do you understand what I mean?" As she spoke,
Shen Yuxiu looked quietly into Zhao Hui's eyes.
Ever since she could remember, she had been scolded by her grandparents, beaten by her
parents, and bullied by her brothers and sisters, but she had never been abandoned.
And Zhao Hui was the first person to abandon her. She didn't want to experience that kind
of helplessness and heart-wrenching pain of being abandoned again, not in her entire
life, even if she missed out on something because of it.

Chapter 179 Shameless

I understand. How could I not understand?
She didn't want to give him another chance, nor did she want to be with him anymore.
But he didn't want to understand at all.
Zhao Hui shook his head, pretending to understand nothing, and looked at her with
pleading eyes.
"Xiaoxiu, I promise I won't do that this time. I will listen to you and will never make
decisions on my own again. Let's discuss this together, okay?"
"Don't pretend, Zhao Hui." Seeing him like this, Shen Yuxiu lowered her head and smiled
bitterly, saying, "I know you understand what I mean. I really don't believe you. Just
think of me as a coward. I don't dare to be with you. Go away and don't come again."
After saying that, Shen Yuxiu turned around and walked back without caring whether Zhao
Hui accepted it or not.
Before she fell into the water, she was so heartbroken by Zhao Hui's sudden change of
heart that she wanted to kill herself. At that time, she felt that if Zhao Hui was not in
her future life, it would be better to die than to live.
After coming back from nearly drowning, she saw her grandmother's swollen face, her
grandfather's extra silver hair, and her parents' haggard appearance, and she suddenly
What is love, what is marriage, and what is parental love?
In the end, she came to a conclusion: love is important, but her grandparents, parents
and relatives are equally important. She cannot forget the people who raised her just for
the sake of a man.
What's more, Zhao Hui had abandoned her before?
If Zhao Hui could really do what he said, it would be fine. But if he went back on his
word again, how could she bear it? How worried would her family be?
So, since the consequences are unbearable, it is better not to start again.
Zhao Hui looked at Shen Yuxiu's gradually receding back, feeling aggrieved like an
abandoned child, with tears in his eyes.
Does she really not want him anymore?
Just say no and you don’t want it?
Shen Yulin was riding his tricycle to the county to buy things for his wedding and
happened to see this scene. He didn't dare to say anything at the time. Only after Shen
Yuxiu walked away did he whistle softly at Zhao Hui.
"Hey, why are you here, busy man?"
Hearing Shen Yulin's voice, Zhao Hui quickly wiped the wet corners of his eyes and
greeted Shen Yulin as if nothing had happened.
"Where have you been?"
"I'm getting married soon, so I went to buy some things." Shen Yulin said as he gestured
for him to look into the back of the tricycle. Seeing this, Zhao Hui immediately looked
I saw that the back of the tricycle was indeed full of things, including thermos,
candies, towels, floral fabrics, and so on.
"Congratulations, where is the bride from?" Zhao Hui asked with some envy.
He had been so busy these days that he didn't even know that Shen Yulin was actually
getting married.
"That's the one I was engaged to before." Shen Yulin didn't want to talk about this
topic, so he asked about Zhao Hui and Shen Yuxiu instead, "Are you here to look for
"Yeah." Zhao Hui nodded, not knowing how to explain it specifically.
"What do you want to do with Xiaoxiu? Do you want to reconcile, or what else?" Shen Yulin
asked again.
"I want to reconcile, but Xiaoxiu doesn't want to be with me." Zhao Hui lowered his head
in disappointment.
Shen Yulin looked at his drooping head, and couldn't help curling his lips slightly.
Finally, he said meaningfully: "Girls are the best at saying one thing and thinking
another. A virtuous woman is afraid of a clinging man, and a man has to be shameless to
marry a wife."
Upon hearing this, Zhao Hui suddenly looked up and looked at Shen Yulin with surprise.
Although what Shen Yulin said was for his own good, he felt uncomfortable for some reason
and even a little angry.
Kosode is this man’s sister, and he actually teaches others to harass his own sister?
Shen Yulin felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by him. He snorted in annoyance
and wanted to turn his head away and ignore him. But when he thought about Shen Yuxiu,
who hadn't smiled much since breaking up with Zhao Hui, he forced himself to hold back.
"But I am also warning you. If you really want to pursue my sister again, I have no
objection. But if you have other ideas, I advise you to give up. Although my sister has a
good temper and doesn't make a fuss when she is bullied, I will never give up. If you
dare to play tricks on her again, I will kill you."
After saying that, Shen Yulin rode away on his tricycle, leaving Zhao Hui staring at him
so hard that he didn't know how to react.
He always felt that Shen Yulin's words and deeds were a little out of tune. But he had to
admit that Shen Yulin's words still gave him some inspiration.
Yes, a man who wants to marry a wife must be shameless. Didn't he do that before? He
shouldn't have backed down just because of Shen Yuxiu's words.
Besides, if you think about it carefully, although Shen Yuxiu kept saying that she didn't
want him to come again and that she didn't trust him, she never said that she didn't love
him or like him anymore.
Does this mean that Shen Yuxiu still has him in her heart?
As he thought about it, Zhao Hui's cold heart quickly warmed up again, and there was a
gleam of determination in his eyes.
Anyway, he has decided to be with Shen Yuxiu for the rest of his life, so what if he is
After Shen Yulin rode a long distance, he looked back and saw that Zhao Hui had turned
around and left. He then let out a long sigh.
If he hadn't known that Zhao Hui was not that unreliable, and if he hadn't known that
Shen Yuxiu actually still had Zhao Hui in his heart, he would have been too lazy to get
involved in the affairs of these two people.
He thought that when he first found out that Zhao Hui had actually broken up with Shen
Yuxiu, he was also very angry. At that time, he went to the supply and marketing
cooperative with a wrench to repair the car to find someone. But when he saw the same
haggard face, he saw the same haggard face. When Zhang Dachun was secretly watching Zhao
Hui outside, he immediately understood something.
Later, he quietly went to inquire about the situation, and heard that Shen Yuling was
responsible for the incident. He suddenly felt an indescribable sympathy for Zhao Hui. I
also felt that Zhao Hui was too unlucky this time. When he met Shen Yuling, who was so
crazy, and had such a pair of parents, he instantly felt that his own parents were so
Although Fang Yan and Shen Jinggui are sometimes unreasonable, people are afraid of a
comparison. Compared with Zhao Hui's parents, Shen Jinggui and Fang Yan are definitely
the best parents in the world.
In addition, when he later heard about Zhao Hui's desperate attempt to jump into the
river to save Shen Yushou after she fell into the water, and saw with his own eyes how
miserably Zhao Hui cried because he couldn't find anyone, his opinion of Zhao Hui
Zhao Hui is such an infatuated man. He dares to say that there is no third person like
him in the world except Shen Yulin.
Since Zhao Hui is not so unreliable, and he has dealt with those unreliable parents, and
Shen Yuling, who kept making trouble, has also been arrested, and Shen Yuxiu is not
completely without any thoughts about Zhao Hui, then why not help him?
And subconsciously, he always felt regretful about breaking up with Zhou Qingyuan, so he
wanted these two lovers to finally be together.
After all, these two people ended up in this mess because of interference from outsiders,
unlike him and Zhou Qingyuan, who parted ways because of their conflicting ideas.

Chapter 180 No Temper

In this way, Zhao Hui, who was enlightened by Shen Yulin, would go back to his house in
the county, change into clean clothes and go to Fang's house as the first thing he did
after get off work every day.
He didn't do anything intentionally. Just like before, he would either bring some things
to the two old people and Shen Yuxiu, or help Grandma Fang with some work, or go to help
Shen Yulin decorate the new house for his wedding. Anyway, as long as he was there, he
would not be idle.
It was okay if Shen Yuxiu encountered this once or twice, but after a long time, she
became speechless.
She asked Zhao Hui not to come to look for her, and he really didn't come to look for
her. He went to look for the two old people in the family, or even Shen Yulin, and it was
just a coincidence that they met. If Zhao Hui really didn't look for her, he would grin
as soon as he saw her, and even tried to get closer to her cautiously.
If she didn't say anything, Zhao Hui would pretend not to see it. He followed her around,
pouring water for her to wash her hands, helping her grandmother lift the pot and serve
rice, and delivering rice to Fang Youshun. He took care of everything so well that she
felt redundant in this family.
When she was annoyed, she asked him to stay away from her. Zhao Hui really did obey and
quickly moved aside. Then he just stood at the door obediently, blinking at her like a
little puppy, as if as long as she said something, he would do it immediately.
This makes people very impatient.
There was no other way, Shen Yuxiu could only hide from him, and go home as late as
possible from school, and never leave the inner room unless she had nothing to do.
Zhao Hui noticed that there was something wrong with the way Grandma Fang looked at him,
so he quickly changed his strategy.
He would come to the Fang family as usual and work as usual, but every time he met Shen
Yuxiu, he would quickly avoid her, but not completely, he would always let her see him
more or less.
Sure enough, once he stopped getting too close, Shen Yuxiu's avoidance of him was not so
obvious, and Granny Fang's attitude immediately softened a lot.
But Shen Yuxiu was also speechless.
She didn't understand why Zhao Hui was still so persistent despite her attitude.
She wanted to ask Grandma Fang not to let Zhao Hui come again, but thinking that Zhao Hui
grew up in this family after all, she hesitated and never said it out loud.
In the end, she decided to just leave it alone.
Let Zhao Hui come if he wants to. At worst, she can just ignore him. She doesn't believe
that Zhao Hui can persist like this for the rest of his life even if she ignores him.
But Shen Yuxiu obviously underestimated Zhao Hui's determination.
Of course he knew that he could not change Shen Yuxiu's mind overnight, so what he did
was a long-term plan.
Maybe others would shrink from working here for a long time, but Zhao Hui has long
regarded the two elders of the Fang family as his own family. Ever since he drank Shen
Yuxiu's bowl of porridge to survive, this place has almost become his second home. He was
very happy working for his own family, so how could he get bored?
Time passed day by day, although the relationship between Zhao Hui and Shen Yuxiu still
made little progress, both the Fang family, Shen Jinggui and Shen Yuxiu's brothers and
sisters gradually got used to Zhao Hui's appearance, and gradually became accustomed to
Zhao Hui's appearance again. I became warm with Zhao Hui.
Shen Yuxiu couldn't help but admire Zhao Hui's shamelessness and perseverance.
Just like that, Shen Yulin's wedding date soon arrived. Shen Yuxiu ran to Shen's house to
help after school in the evening of the first day. Needless to say, she also took a leave
of absence the next day. Zhao Hui was even more active than her. He took a leave of
absence from the day before to come and help.
On this day, the groom Shen Yulin had not gotten up yet, but Shen Yuxiu was woken up in
the middle of the night. What was she doing? Making dumplings.
There was no way. According to the custom in the village, dumplings were the morning meal
on the wedding day. All the aunties and sisters in the village came over in the middle of
the night, kneaded the dough for making dumplings in pots and covered the dumplings in
curtains. At four or five in the morning, they started cooking the dumplings, one pot
after another, just so that the people who helped could come and eat at any time. The
sounds of talking and laughter were heard one after another, and it was even more lively
than the Chinese New Year.
After finally wrapping, cooking and eating the dumplings, Shen Yuxiu watched Shen Yulin
being called up and bidding farewell to his parents to go to meet his bride. She also
hurried home to wash her face and comb her hair, put on the new clothes that had been
prepared a few days ago, and then came back to listen to the instructions of an old lady
with a girl of sixteen or seventeen years old.
This was another important task for her today, to welcome the bride out of the sedan
chair when she was picked up.
Because there are people from all over the world in this land, the customs of each
village are also different. For example, in the villages nearby, most of the unmarried
girls are required to welcome the bride out of the sedan chair, while some villages
require married sisters-in-law to welcome the bride out of the sedan chair.
But no matter whether the ones welcoming the bride are sisters-in-law or little girls,
after welcoming the bride, they have to take full care of the bride's needs for the day.
After hearing the old lady's instructions, Shen Yuxiu and the little girl immediately
took the tea trays they had prepared in advance and found a place to put them, and then
waited for the bride to arrive.
Meanwhile, Shen Yulin, led by the captain of Team 8, and a group of good friends, arrived
at the Lin family.
As soon as the Lin family saw Shen Yulin's wedding procession arrive, a supervisor
immediately took people to place Shen Yulin in the main house. Then two mature and steady
brothers from the Lin family came to the table to accompany the wine. They kept saying
nice things to him, handed him wine and served him food, fearing that mistreating him
would cause any unpleasantness.
They knew very well how this marriage came about, but they dared not do anything rash to
provoke the groom. If the marriage fell through, his cousin would be finished.
As for Shen Yujun, the boy who held the cart, he started eating as soon as he sat at the
table. As for how Shen Yulin talked to others, it seemed to be none of his business.
After a satisfying meal and a good drink, the team leader saw that the time was almost up
and immediately started to prepare for the bride’s reception.
In order to ensure a smooth wedding, the Lin family specifically told their relatives not
to go too far today. So after Shen Yulin passed by a few children blocking the door, he
easily entered the house where Lin Zhiwei was waiting to get married.
At this time, Lin Zhiwei was wearing a bright red wedding dress, with a few small red
flowers on her hair and a big red flower on her chest. She had no red veil and no makeup
on. Her pretty face looked at Shen Yulin timidly.
Shen Yulin came in surrounded by several young men. When he saw Lin Zhiwei in red, he
paused in surprise.
Somehow, he felt that Lin Zhiwei today was much more beautiful than when he saw her
"Oh, are you stunned? Why don't you take him back quickly?"
"Oh, take it back, take it back..."
A young man who followed Shen Yulin in next to him saw him like this and immediately made
a fuss. At the same time, the adults and children inside and outside the house also
started making noises.
Lin Zhiwei was made red-faced, and so was Shen Yulin.
But getting married is a celebration. No matter who makes a fuss on this day, or how
excessive the fuss is, in order for the wedding to go smoothly, the newlyweds have to
suppress their tempers and not fall out.

Chapter 181 Let Yuling go

Shen Yulin felt helpless when he saw that everyone was really making noises.
It was not that he had not expected this scene, but Shen Jinggui had already given
instructions in advance. Others did not know the inside story, so they would inevitably
make noises. Since he decided to help Lin Zhiwei, he must do everything well and treat it
as Just get married and work hard.
Thinking of the serious look on Shen Jinggui's instructions at that time, Shen Yulin took
a deep breath, then grinned and asked Lin Zhiwei with a smile: "Then shall I carry you
Lin Zhiwei didn't expect this, so he shook his head nervously, "I, I'd better go by
The two of them had never been in contact before, so it was awkward to be hugged by him
all of a sudden.
However, as soon as Lin Zhiwei finished speaking, he stopped watching the excitement.
Hula rushed up, pushing Shen Yulin and grabbing shoes. The scene suddenly became chaotic.
"No, no, I have to hug..."
"Grab her shoes. You can't leave without shoes..."
Shen Yulin didn't expect these people to be so fierce. He didn't know who pushed him in
the chaos and fell directly in front of Lin Zhiwei.
In fact, Lin Zhiwei was wearing shoes, but people here have a custom that a bride should
not step on her parents' land on her wedding day, so the shoes those people snatched were
actually Uncle Lin's new shoes that had never been worn. They were specially prepared for
Lin Zhiwei to leave here.
"Let me carry her out." Seeing that something was not right, the brothers of the Lin
family outside the door looked into the crowd and found that the leaders were actually
the cousins of the rogue family. They immediately shouted and tried to squeeze in, but
before they had taken a few steps, they were pushed out by those who had caused the
"No, the groom must hold you."
"That's right, why are you so anxious as a brother-in-law..."
"Isn't this groom so weak that he can't be hugged? Hahaha..."
As everyone burst into laughter, Shen Yulin watched as the eldest brother of the Lin
family was kicked out before he even entered the house.
He immediately sensed something was wrong and glanced at the crowd. He saw that a few of
them seemed to be a little too excited and were smiling with ill intent. He immediately
knew that something was not right.
Zhao Hui, who was extremely sensitive to the surrounding environment, naturally noticed
something was wrong. Seeing Shen Yulin's serious look, he immediately stepped forward and
asked him in a low voice: "Do you want to rush out?"
"Okay, go call the brothers we brought with us, and clear a path for them later. We'll
make a quick decision and carry the person out first." Shen Yulin whispered to Zhao Hui.
After Zhao Hui went out to find someone, Shen Yulin leaned over to Lin Zhiwei's ear and
whispered, "I'll carry you out later, and you hold me tight."
Lin Zhiwei also saw those troublemakers. Seeing that things were not going well, she no
longer cared about being shy and immediately nodded and said, "Okay."
Zhao Hui quickly came over with a dozen young men, told them who to pay special attention
to, and then made a gesture to Shen Yulin in the room.
Seeing this, Shen Yulin smiled and bent down to hold Lin Zhiwei in his arms, pretending
to be happy and shouting to the young men brought by Zhao Hui: "Brothers, make way, go
home and enjoy the good wine and meat."
"Yes, command."
As Shen Yulin shouted, the young men immediately responded in unison. Before people could
react, they rushed into the crowd like a tiger descending from a mountain and made a way
for Shen Yulin.
The few people who were causing trouble were not prepared for such ferocity and were
pushed around and almost fell. Shen Yulin took advantage of this opportunity and rushed
out with Lin Zhiwei in his arms, moving so fast that it was like he was kidnapping a
As Shen Yulin ran out, the group of young men pushed the people who wanted to chase him
into the house, and blocked the door with laughter to prevent them from coming out. It
was not until Zhao Hui shouted and left that they dispersed, leaving the relatives of the
Lin family and those who wanted to cause trouble stunned.
This is a bandit, right? This is a bandit, right?
Shen Yuxiu, who was waiting in Shen Yulin's new courtyard, had already prepared all the
supplies for welcoming the bride. Seeing that the bridegroom had not arrived yet, she
walked to the gate of the courtyard with the girl who was waiting to pick up the bride,
and talked and laughed while looking at the Shen family courtyard which was only three
households away.
Over there, at the gate of the Shen family's courtyard, there was laughter and joy.
People came in and out to help, and people stood outside the courtyard wall waiting to
watch the fun. There was an endless stream of people.
Shen Jinggui had experienced living with a large group of brothers and sisters-in-law,
and he didn't want his children to do the same. So when Shen Yulin reached age and was
ready to build a house, he directly chose this homestead.
His idea is that no matter which son he is, the family will be separated directly from
the day of marriage. After that, the young couple will become the masters of their own
small family. As a father, he can control the general direction, but he cannot live as a
young couple. participate.
When Shen Yuwen got married before, he didn't think so much about it. After thinking
about it later, he immediately separated the family. Therefore, even though Shen Yuwen
and Shen Jinggui are now in the same yard, in fact, whether it is food or money, the two
families have been together for a long time. Separated.
The sun gradually rose into the sky, and Shen Yuxiu and the little girl didn't know how
long they stood and waited before bursts of joy finally came from the distance.
Shen Yuxiu and the little girl immediately ran to the street with the same intention.
After a while, they saw Shen Yujun, who was carrying two food boxes, leading the
newlyweds and the people who were going to pick up the bride, walking towards this side.
As soon as they saw the shadows of the newlyweds, Shen Yuxiu and the little girl
immediately walked over, ready to take the bride off the sedan chair (tricycle) at any
time. As the two walked towards the newlyweds, Aunt Quanfu also immediately became busy.
She and another lady first placed a saddle with double happiness characters on it at the
gate, and then took a sieve with the same happiness character on it, waiting for the
bride to arrive.
Shen Yuxiu and the little girl on this side, after meeting the tricycle, kept following
it until Shen Yulin parked the tricycle in front of the courtyard gate. Then Shen Yuxiu
and the little girl reached out to help Lin Zhiwei at the same time.
At this moment, a figure suddenly rushed to Shen Yuxiu, knelt on the ground with a plop,
hugged Shen Yuxiu's legs and started crying.
"Xiaoxiu, please let your sister Yuling go."
This scene happened so suddenly that Shen Yuxiu was knocked over before she could help
Lin Zhiwei. If it weren't for the tricycle in front of her, she would have been thrown
directly to the ground.
Shen Yuxiu quickly held on to the tricycle to steady her body. She looked down and saw
that the person holding her crying was Fourth Aunt Shen. She immediately wanted to pull
away her legs that were hugged by her, but in the end, Fourth Aunt Shen hugged her to
death. It was so tight that even though she pumped twice hard, she couldn't move at all.
The people watching around couldn't help but look weird when they saw this scene. They
saw Shen Yuxiu and Fourth Aunt Shen starting to whisper to each other. Some people ran to
Shen's yard to report the news when the situation was bad.

Chapter 182 Pull away

When Shen Yulin was approaching the entrance of the courtyard, Zhao Hui and a group of
young men ran into the courtyard, took the firecrackers that had been prepared, and set
off firecrackers while waiting for the newlyweds to enter at the entrance of the
courtyard, but the bride had not yet entered. When I saw this scene first, my heart
suddenly shivered and I quickly strode towards Shen Yuxiu.
His eyes were filled with anger, and if it weren't for the fact that he was still some
distance away from Fourth Aunt Shen, he would have wanted to kick Fourth Aunt Shen to
This dead old woman must be impatient with life.
Shen Yulin, who was still at the door, reacted very quickly because he was close to Shen
Yuxiu, so he stepped forward to grab Fourth Aunt Shen.
"Fourth Aunt, what are you doing? If something happens, let's talk about it later. Don't
delay my happy event."
However, when Fourth Aunt Shen heard the words, she seemed unable to understand what he
meant. When she saw her pulling her, she turned around and cried to him again, "Yulin,
Fourth Aunt, please, please persuade Xiaoxiu to let her go." Yu Ling, that child Yu Ling
really didn’t hit Xiaoxiu into the river on purpose. She has been punished after staying
in the detention center for these days, so let her go."
Fourth Aunt Shen was helpless.
She went to the detention center every day these days, but the trouble was too much, the
love was gone, and the people she needed to find were found. Those people refused to let
her go, and even pretended to be blind and deaf when they saw her, and ignored her at
all. people.
Originally she wanted to continue to waste it, but when she went to the latrine
yesterday, she heard someone saying that Shen Yuling would soon be taken to a farm a
hundred miles away to do a labor camp, and she suddenly became anxious.
If this really happened, wouldn't Shen Yuling's case fall behind?
But no matter how anxious she was, it was useless. People said the rules were whatever
they said, and she had no choice but to come back and beg Shen Jinggui.
But the grudges from many years ago were there, and she really couldn't let go of that
face, so she thought of this move today.
She thought that the little girl was thin-faced, and it was at Shen Yulin's wedding in
front of a large crowd. If she risked her face to kneel down and kowtow to the little
girl, even if the little girl did not delay the auspicious time for the bride to enter,
she would not be able to do it. You have to agree.
However, Fourth Aunt Shen thought wrong.
She knelt down and howled, which not only annoyed Shen Yulin, but also made Shen Yuxiu
After she came back, because she heard that Shen Yuling had been arrested and locked up,
and because Shen Jinggui said that since she came back, she had to be merciful and
merciful in order to gain good fortune in the future, she didn't No matter how much she
did, Fourth Aunt Shen would treat her like a weakling.
"Fourth Aunt, what do you mean? I don't understand. What's wrong with Yuling?" Shen Yuxiu
said unhurriedly. When Fourth Aunt Shen wanted to say something, she suddenly seemed to
remember something. , with a look of realization on his face, he said: "Ah, I remembered
it, and I said I seemed to have forgotten something."
As soon as Shen Yuxiu said these words, not only the people around her were confused, but
also Shen Yulin and Zhao Hui didn't understand what she meant, let alone Fourth Aunt Shen
who was still sitting on the ground.
"What have you forgotten?" Fourth Aunt Shen asked unconsciously, feeling that there was
something wrong with what she said.
"I forgot to report the crime." Shen Yuxiu suppressed the anger in her heart and said
seriously, "Sister Yuling hit me hard at that time. Everyone knew that I couldn't swim,
so she just knocked me down. He should be regarded as intentional murder, right? This
crime should be sentenced to life if not the death penalty. Look at such a big thing, I
actually forgot to report the crime. Oh my brain. Thank you Fourth Aunt for reminding me
today. Wait for me. I will report the crime after my brother’s wedding is over.”
Fourth Aunt Shen was dumbfounded.
No, that's not what she meant.
Shen Yulin and Zhao Hui took advantage of Fourth Aunt Shen's daze, stepped forward and
pulled Fourth Aunt Shen away, and pulled Shen Yuxiu behind them to protect her.
Zhao Hui held Shen Yuxiu's hand tightly with one hand behind his back, and glared at
Fourth Aunt Shen who was pulled away by Shen Yulin, with a cold look in his eyes.
So sick.
He had already let Shen Yuling off because of Shen Yuxiu's return, but this woman still
kept pushing further.
While a few people were in a stalemate, Mr. Shen and the brothers Shen Jinggui, who had
received the news, ran over quickly.
"Boss, take her away from me."
Before they even arrived, Mr. Shen gave Fang Yan an order first.
Fang Yan was also furious, so she pulled Song Huilai forward and dragged Fourth Aunt Shen
He dared to cause trouble at her son's wedding, so shameless.
Just when Fang Yan and Song Hui came to drag Aunt Shen up, a figure suddenly jumped out
of the crowd and ran toward Fang Yan in panic.
This person is none other than Shen Laosi.
Originally, he wanted to go forward with Aunt Shen to force Shen Yuxiu, but Fourth Aunt
Shen said that he was a man, and it would be easy for others to force him, so she asked
him to hide in the crowd first. If he saw her without Come out again after being forced.
But in the end, instead of forcing Fourth Aunt Shen to become Shen Yuxiu, she was dragged
away mercilessly by Fang Yan's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Because he was worried
about Fourth Aunt Shen's stomach, he suddenly couldn't care about anything else and
hurried out to give Shen Yuxiu a favor. The fourth aunt begged for mercy.
"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, please let her go, she is pregnant with a child." Shen
Laosi shouted anxiously as he ran.
When Mr. Shen heard this, he stepped forward and slapped Mr. Shen on the face. At the
same time, he ordered the other two sons who ran over together, "Drag him away too."
When Shen Lao San and Shen Lao Wu saw it, they immediately stepped forward and covered
Shen Lao Si's mouth, and skillfully pushed Shen Lao Si away.
When Shen Laosi saw that the couple had been taken away, he immediately clasped his fists
to the people who were either helping or watching the fun, and said, "I'm sorry to have
made a fool of myself, folks. The wedding should continue, and don't miss the auspicious
Upon hearing this, Shen Yuxiu quickly pried open Zhao Hui's hand that was holding hers
and ran to the bride. After Aunt Quanfu shone the sieve on the bride's head, she and the
young girl who was waiting to pick up the bride helped Lin Zhiwei get off the sedan chair
(tricycle), each on one side. Then they straddled the saddle, set off firecrackers, went
into the house to fold the wedding quilt, and then asked for wedding candies to entertain
the bride.
Nowadays, people are very fierce when they tease the bride. Shen Yuxiu has even heard of
a bride being made to cry by being teased. At this stage, Shen Yuxiu immediately stood
next to Lin Zhiwei, folded her arms around her chest and looked at the people who came.
Come on, come on, she wants to see who dares to be out of line.
It just so happens that she is in a bad mood right now. If anyone bumps into her without
any eyes, don't blame her for taking her anger out on him.
She stood next to Lin Zhiwei with a stern face. The children who came to ask for wedding
candies were fine. They just asked the bride for candies in a chattering manner and then
left laughing after getting them. However, those boys who had been in the same class with
Shen Yuxiu and were good friends with Shen Yulin immediately stopped making trouble. They
came forward one by one, symbolically asked for candies, and then turned around and went
out to do what they were supposed to do.
There was no other way. Shen Yulin had been protecting Shen Yuxiu since she was young,
and none of them dared to mess with Shen Yuxiu. Besides, Shen Yuxiu was good at fighting,
and most of them had already become fathers. Even if they didn't want to avoid being
beaten, they had to think about their children's future schooling.
If they make trouble today and irritate others, and the children don't study well in the
future, they will be the ones who are embarrassed.

Chapter 183 You Can't Risk It, But I Can

After the guys who wanted wedding candy gradually left, the girl who went with Shen Yuxiu
to pick up the bride also breathed a sigh of relief, but was also a little surprised,
"Why are these people so honest today?"
Shen Yuxiu smiled slightly when she heard this, hiding her achievements and fame. Lin
Zhiwei looked at Shen Yuxiu beside her, his eyes full of gratitude.
It's not like she had never picked up a bride for her cousin before, so how could she not
know how difficult it was for the bride on that day? However, she also realized that
those people didn't want to make trouble, but they became a little depressed after seeing
her, the sister-in-law. Although she didn't know why those people were so afraid of her,
the sister-in-law, she was the one who benefited after all, and she knew this.
When fewer people came to ask for wedding candy, the person in charge brought the two
sisters-in-law who had sent Lin Zhiwei off to get married and the two sisters-in-law from
the Shen family who were accompanying the guests to arrange the table, and also prepared
to start the meal and toast.
And Shen Yuxiu also started her mission as a little maid, serving tea and water to the
people at the table. After the food was almost served, she brought the wine tray and went
with the newlyweds to have wedding banquets at various houses. Friends and relatives
Although the Lin family is not big, the Shen family is big. There are grandparents,
aunts, uncles and aunts from all walks of life. After going around, she wonders what
happened to the newlyweds Shen Yulin and Lin Zhiwei. Well, her legs were straightened
While she was busy with the newlyweds, Fourth Aunt Shen and Fourth Shen had also been
taken to the Shen Family Nursing Home.
"My daughter can't handle it well, but she still has the nerve to organize a junior's
wedding. Why are you so shameless?"
Mr. Shen stared at Fourth Shen and Aunt Shen, so angry that he almost burst into smoke.
Why did he give birth to such a son?
Yes, the world was in chaos when the children were growing up, and he didn’t have much
time to teach them well, but his other sons didn’t grow up to have such a disgusting
Shen Laosi's neck shrank when he was yelled at, but he was also very dissatisfied and
retorted angrily: "What's shameless about this? It's shameful to have someone in the
family go to jail. Dad, you can't just watch someone in the family go to jail, it will
implicate the whole family."
"Ugh." Old Master Shen spat directly on Old Fourth Shen's face and gnashed his teeth and
said, "That troublemaker in your family deserves to be in jail. If you get her out,
you'll implicate the whole family. Is your brain full of shit? What do you think about
every day?"
"But if Yuling goes to jail, my son will have no future." Shen Laosi was also anxious.
This is a major matter that concerns his son's future.
"You deserve to have no future. Who can you blame for your inaction as a father?" Old
Master Shen got even angrier. "Didn't I remind you to take good care of that damn girl?
Huh? What have you done all these years? When something goes wrong, you let others suffer
for you. Why?"
Damn it, he doesn’t care about a living person, but actually cares about his son who is
nowhere to be found. What a stupid person.
Shen Lao Si was speechless after being scolded by Mr. Shen, but he still refused to
accept it, "How could I not care? I cared, but I couldn't control it, right?"
"Can't control him?" This is what Mr. Shen doesn't believe the most. "You beat him three
times a day, and if he doesn't obey, just cripple him and lock him up in the room. How
can you not control him?"
Shen Laosi was shocked. "Dad, she is a human being, not an animal. How can you just say
she is useless? Besides, who will take care of her if she is useless?"
"You raise your own child, who else do you want to raise?" Old Master Shen's neck was
full of blue veins with anger. "You gave birth to such a thing, and you didn't care about
her and let her grow up to be such a disaster. Do you expect others to wipe your ass for
you? Do others owe you?"
Old Fourth Shen still refused to accept and felt that Old Master Shen was being
He made him ruin a good child and then kept him at home. Is he sick? Why did he create
such a burden for himself?
Just by looking at the dissatisfied look of Shen Lao Si, Mr. Shen knew what he was
thinking, and he just felt powerless.
He was telling Shen Laosi to control his child, no matter what method, beating or
scolding, he had to find a way to control him, but in the end his son just heard the word
"you've ruined the child".
It’s really awesome.
"I don't care what you think, I just want to say, don't make any more trouble." Mr. Shen
was really helpless. He stared at Mr. Shen dimly and said, "You can't go out and raise a
useless person, but I can. If you two continue to fight, If you dare to make trouble, I
will destroy you. From now on, your mother and I will raise you. Whenever your mother and
I are no longer able to move, we will definitely take you away before we die, and we will
never harm anyone. "
Shen Laosi suddenly raised his head in disbelief. He suddenly met Mr. Shen's cold eyes
and was suddenly frightened.
This old man is not joking, he is serious.
Seeing his cowardice, Mr. Shen smiled coldly, turned around and said to Shen Laowu: "Go
back and tell your brother and the others that no matter who sees your fourth brother and
sister-in-law causing trouble again, drag him to me immediately. , If we don’t abolish
him, my surname will not be Shen.”
After saying that, Mr. Shen strode towards Shen Jinggui's house.
His group of old brothers are still waiting there, so they can't delay anything.
As for Shen Lao Si, although his son's body was not disabled, he was really disabled.
There was no need to reason with such a person, just use force to solve the problem.
When the Shen brothers saw their grandfather leave, they hurriedly followed him. No one
cared about the fourth brother Shen who was still in the old courtyard of the Shen
Old Fourth Master Shen and Aunt Shen stood alone in the yard, looking at each other, and
no one spoke for a long time.
They all knew that the old man never threatened anyone and always did what he was told.
If the two of them continued to make trouble, the old man would probably really kill him.
But if he did nothing, would he just let Shen Yuxiu get a criminal record and then
implicate their unborn son?
Thinking of this, the two of them hated Mr. Shen to death.
Shen Yulin going to jail is not a big deal for the other children of the Shen brothers,
but their family is really implicated.
And if the old man hadn't been idle and reported the case, how could Shen Yuling be
arrested? In the end, it was all the old man's fault.
But they still had no way to fight against this old man. It was really infuriating.
On the other side, Shen Yuxiu finally accompanied the bride to toast and eat, and after
seeing off all the relatives and filling the pillows, she said goodbye to Grandma Fang
and went home.
This is simply not a job for a human being. Fortunately, she is a teacher. The villagers
know that she has to teach the children, so they usually don't ask her to pick up the
bride for weddings. Otherwise, she would be exhausted to death.
Zhao Hui's task today was to serve food and plates to those who came to the wedding
banquet with the dozen or so young men. Although it involved going back and forth quite a
lot, it was still much easier than for Shen Yuxiu.
So after all the relatives and friends had left, he and the young men helped to return
the borrowed items from each family. When he saw that there were only a group of women
washing dishes in the Shen family's yard, and no sign of Shen Yuxiu, he immediately
turned around and went to the Fang family.
Chapter 184: Careful
As soon as Shen Yuxiu returned home, she lay down on the kang in the outer room and did
not move.
She was busy until very late last night, and not long after she fell asleep, she was
called up to make dumplings. She has been busy until now. Now her legs are swollen and
numb, her mind is foggy, and her whole body feels like it is falling apart and she has no
strength at all.
She is just picking up the bride. How tiring would it be to be the bride?
You know, the bride is just taking a break now, because she will have to go to the bridal
chamber to make noises at night, which is really tiring.
This was the scene Zhao Hui saw when he walked into the house.
The girl placed one hand casually at her side and the other hand lightly covering her
lower abdomen. Her eyes were slightly closed and her breathing was soft. She fell asleep
as if she was extremely tired. She did not open her mouth to chase him away, nor did she
look at him with annoyance.
Zhao Hui stopped immediately upon seeing this and was about to leave, but when he saw
that Shen Yuxiu was not covered with anything, he slowly moved forward again.
He didn't dare make any noise. Like a thief, he quietly took off his shoes, climbed onto
the kang, picked up the quilt, and gently covered her with it.
Although the weather is getting warmer now, the temperature in the house is still quite
Shen Yuxiu felt a quilt covering her body in her sleepiness. The slightly warm
temperature made her think that it was Grandma Fang who had returned. She was so tired
that she didn't even open her eyes. She turned over to face Zhao Hui, rubbed her face
into the soft quilt and continued to fall into a deep sleep.
Zhao Hui was startled when she turned over, but then he breathed a sigh of relief when he
saw that she fell asleep again without even opening her eyes. Then he sat quietly beside
her, staring at her sleeping face in a daze.
When he tried to coax this girl to be with him before, he didn't think she was hard to
coax. He even thought that this little girl was too easy to be coaxed by boys, and he
felt a little guilty at the time. But only now did he realize that this little girl was
really hard to coax. No matter what he did, this little girl was indifferent and was
determined not to give him any chance.
But if she was so hard to please, how could she have been so easily deceived by me in the
first place?
Zhao Hui slowly frowned.
Does this mean that this girl has never been easy to please, and the reason she agreed to
him in the first place was because she had him in her heart?
Thinking of this, the corners of Zhao Hui's lips curled up unconsciously, and his heart
felt slightly sweet and painful.
If that was the case, how sad must she have felt when I broke up with her?
But fortunately, he is back with her. In the future, he will protect her well and will
never let her feel sad for him or be upset again.
Thinking of this, Zhao Hui couldn't help but raise his hand gently, wanting to touch Shen
Yuxiu's face, but he was afraid of waking her up so he retracted his hand.
She was really not vigilant enough. Not only did she not know to close the door when
entering the yard, she also didn't even look up when there were people around her. What
if the person who came in today was not her but a bad guy? What should she do?
As Zhao Hui thought about it, he became a little worried.
How can anyone feel at ease with her like this?
If they get married in the future, he must warn the girl well and not let her be so
careless or without any sense of vigilance. Also, his current house must have a sturdy
gate and some broken glass on the wall, so that he can rest assured that the girl is at
home when he is at work.
Unconsciously, Zhao Hui thought more and more, even thinking about getting married and
having children in the future. He suddenly felt that he still had a lot of things to do,
and his previous plans were not comprehensive enough. He completely forgot that Shen
Yuxiu had no intention of reconciling with him at all.
Time passed minute by minute, until the light in the room gradually dimmed. Zhao Hui
suddenly realized that he had stayed here for so long. He wanted to call her to get up
and eat, but he couldn't bear to do so when he saw the fatigue on her face.
Forget it, let’s not call her. It just so happened that Shen Yulin was going to
entertain the young men who were helping out tonight, and Shen Jinggui was going to
entertain the people who were helping out today. When the food was served later, he would
just leave a plate of food for Grandma Fang to bring back.
Just like that, Zhao Hui left quietly as when he came, but he closed the courtyard door
before leaving and left with peace of mind.
When it was time to eat, as soon as the food was served, Zhao Hui picked up a bowl of
fried lotus root and handed it to Grandma Fang without saying anything, leaving all the
young men dumbfounded.
You know, now people can't eat much meat all year round. Although fried lotus root is not
entirely meat, they also like the crispy and refreshing taste. But considering that Zhao
Hui didn't bring the fish and boiled meat slices on the table, they Instantly satisfied
There is no wall that is impenetrable. They also know that Zhao Hui has been trying to
win back Shen Yuxiu recently but has not been able to do so. Now it is just a bowl of
lotus root, so let Zhao Hui take it away. If Shen Yuxiu can really change her mind for a
bowl of lotus root, they will have done a great job.
On the other side, Grandma Fang was startled when she saw the lotus root that Zhao Hui
had specially brought over, then she took the bowl and smiled and told him to go back.
"Go drink with them, don't worry about Xiaoxiu, I saved some food for her."
"Well, I'll be back then." Zhao Hui grinned happily when he heard that, and went back to
Shen Yulin's yard.
The reason he came here was to remind Grandma Fang that Shen Yuxiu was still at home, and
not to forget to get some food for Shen Yuxiu. Now that Grandma Fang said this, she felt
Granny Fang couldn't help but smile as she watched him succeed in his little trick.
This child is good-looking, capable, and caring. Except for not having a pair of reliable
parents, he is really good in every way.
When Shen Yulin and a group of young men were drinking, Lin Zhiwei was a little restless
in the room. She was afraid that these people would suddenly make a noise while drinking.
Maybe she had been knocked down by that scoundrel once, so she was afraid of strange men
approaching her from the bottom of her heart.
But what was strange was that although these young men drank and made noises, they were
only teasing Shen Yulin, asking her to sing, dance, and make a fool of herself, and even
taking turns to get her drunk, but none of them was targeting her.
It was not until late at night that Fang Yan came to urge the young men to leave, and
only she and the drunk Shen Yulin were left in the room.
After sending the people away and closing the gate, Lin Zhiwei came back and saw Shen
Yulin almost falling to the ground on the chair, so she hurried forward to hold him.
Shen Yulin was supported by someone. He looked up dazedly and saw that it was Lin Zhiwei.
He asked her with a thick tongue, "No, no one is bothering you, right?"
"No." Lin Zhiwei shook his head quickly.
"Oh, that's good. At least, I didn't make a fool of myself in vain." Shen Yulin said
drunkenly. He felt his stomach churning. He quickly stood up with the help of the table
and staggered towards the door.
No, I can’t bear it anymore.
Lin Zhiwei didn't expect him to say that. She was slightly stunned, and then she saw him
staggering from side to side, almost tripping over his left foot and right foot. She was
so scared that she hurried to help him, but as soon as she helped him, Shen Yulin

Chapter 185 You are bad

Lin Zhiwei was not prepared for him to vomit suddenly, and was immediately retched by the
stench of the alcohol he vomited.
Shen Yulin felt much better after vomiting, but at the same time he felt a little
embarrassed, and stumbled to find a shovel.
"Where are you going?" Seeing that he almost fell down again in his hurry, Lin Zhiwei
didn't care that she was feeling nauseous and hurried to help him up.
"Find a shovel and get the vomit out." Shen Yulin said as he held onto the door and
stepped out. Drunk as he tried to identify the direction outside the house in the dark.
Since this house was built, he moved here for the sake of peace and quiet, so he has
purchased all the daily necessities in this yard.
"Let me do it, don't move, or you'll fall again." Lin Zhiwei held him back and went back
to the house to get the kerosene lamp and went to the shed next to the house to find a
When Shen Yuxiu accompanied her to the toilet in the morning, she introduced to her what
was in the yard and showed her around. She knew where the shovel was.
Shen Yulin was feeling really uncomfortable right now, so he didn't fight with Lin Zhiwei
for it. He slowly squatted down to calm his churning stomach.
He has never drunk so hard in all these years. It's really fucking uncomfortable.
Just as he was squatting on the ground to rest, he heard bursts of vomiting sounds coming
from the side. Turning around, he saw Lin Zhiwei vomiting in the dim light, frowning and
cleaning up what he vomited in the room.
Shen Yulin looked at her like that and couldn't help but chuckle.
I drank so much for her and she dealt with my vomit, so we don't owe each other anything,
The night wind blew by, and Shen Yulin exhaled a breath of foul air. When Lin Zhiwei
dealt with the vomit and asked him to go back to the house to rest, he became more
Watching Shen Yulin staggering back to the house, Lin Zhiwei was extremely nervous.
Among these three rooms, there was only a big kang in the inner room, while the outer
rooms were filled with tables, chairs, cabinets and other things. She didn't know where
she would sleep.
Shen Yulin returned to the room and saw that there was nothing on the kang. He leaned
against the wall weakly and said to her, "Please spread the kang with the quilt first. We
will sleep on each side tonight. Tomorrow I will pull a rope and hang a curtain in the
It’s not that he didn’t want to help, but he felt nauseous when he moved, so he could
only let Lin Zhiwei do these things.
Upon hearing this, Lin Zhiwei immediately agreed and went to the cupboard in the outer
room to get bedding. While she was busy making the kang, Shen Yulin took off his shoes,
socks, and coat, grabbed a quilt and covered his head with it to go to sleep.
Lin Zhiwei froze when she saw Shen Yulin sleeping like that. Then she carefully put his
shoes and socks aside, and gently folded his clothes and put them aside. Then she took
off her shoes and socks, climbed to the other side of the kang against the wall, and
began to spread her own bedding.
After everything was tidied up, I put on my clothes, got into bed, blew out the light and
went to sleep.
In the dark night, in this strange house, with the sound of a strange man's breathing in
her ears, Lin Zhiwei thought it would be difficult for her to fall asleep in this
unfamiliar environment, but strangely, she fell into a deep sleep after closing her eyes
for just a moment.
When she woke up again, Lin Zhiwei was awakened by the faint sound of voices outside. She
opened her eyes in a daze and saw this unfamiliar environment. It took her a while to
realize that she was married. On the other side of the kang, there was no trace of Shen
Yulin, and the bedding had been neatly folded.
Lin Zhiwei's face turned red, and she quickly got up to fold the bedding, hurriedly
tidied her clothes and walked out.
Shen Yulin had just seen off Fang Yan who had come over to call him for dinner. When he
saw her coming out, he smiled and said, "Our mother is here to call us for dinner. Wash
your face first. After dinner, follow Xiaoxiu to find out the door of our uncle and
aunt's house. I'm going to visit Xi's grave. When I come back, we'll get some food home.
We'll cook for ourselves from now on."
"Ah? You start the fire yourself? Aren't we living together?" Lin Zhiwei was confused.
"We're not together. My father said that when boys in our family get married, they have
to separate and not share the same pot." Shen Yulin suddenly realized a problem and asked
her hesitantly, "Can you cook?"
"I can do it." Lin Zhiwei didn't know why he asked that, but nodded affirmatively.
"That's fine." Shen Yulin was immediately relieved. "I don't know how to cook yet. You
can teach me later."
"Okay." Lin Zhiwei agreed almost immediately.
In fact, it would be fine to leave all the cooking to her. After all, the two got married
due to circumstances. Shen Yulin was the one who suffered the loss, so she was quite
happy that Shen Yulin could use her.
"Okay, then go ahead and wash your face." Shen Yulin said, picking up a broom and
sweeping up the yard.
Fortunately, Lin Zhiwei knew how to cook, otherwise it would be a problem for them both
to eat in the future.
You know, he has been going to school all these years. After school, he either goes to
the field or goes to work. He is not needed at home, and no one has ever asked him to
cook. He himself has never thought about cooking. Only then did he realize that he seemed
to be missing a life skill.
But fortunately, there will be a long time to come, so he can just learn slowly.
And Shen Yuxiu here had already arrived at Shen Jinggui's house early. After dinner, she
took Lin Zhiwei to each uncle's and aunt's house to check in. After checking in, she had
to go to school quickly.
In fact, the bride's sister-in-law, Song Huilai, should be the one to take care of her
the next day. But yesterday, when Fang Yan asked Song Huilai to drag Fourth Aunt Shen
away, Song Huilai was so helpless that she didn't even dare to do anything or use any
force. Fang Yan was so angry that she temporarily took over the matter.
When Shen Yuxiu and the timid Song Hui were serving food at the table, they saw Shen
Yuhong holding a handful of candies and eating them loudly. He couldn't help but
deliberately scare her with a straight face: "Don't eat too much sugar, you've eaten too
much." The bugs will bite you."
"No way, Sister Yuling said, no matter how much sugar I eat, bugs won't bite me. You're
lying." Shen Yuhong glared at her angrily.
She felt that she was at a huge disadvantage. If the second sister hadn't always lied to
her that there were bugs in the candy, how much more candy could she have eaten?
However, Shen Yuxiu didn't notice the candy at all, but noticed that Shen Yuling's name
appeared in her mouth.
"What are you talking about? When did Sister Yuling tell you this?" Shen Yuxiu asked in
"It was when Brother Zhao Hui wanted to propose to you. Sister Yuling asked me to watch
over you two and tell her when Brother Zhao Hui came. She also asked me to tell her
everything you said. Every time Brother Zhao Hui came, I would tell Sister Yuling, and
she would give me lots of candy and say that you were lying to me and that you didn't
want me to eat candy at all. You are a bad person."
Shen Yuhong spoke with an angry look on her face, and she didn't notice that everyone in
the yard was looking at her with strange eyes because of her words.

Chapter 186 It turns out

Shen Yuxiu stared at Shen Yuhong in front of her in a daze, her mind in a mess.
Shen Yuling, actually let the little Shen Yuhong monitor her and Zhao Hui, and let Shen
Yuhong tell Shen Yuling everything she and Zhao Hui did?
She and Shen Yulin have had no contact at all over the years, and Zhao Hui probably
hasn't had any contact either. Why is Shen Yulin staring at them?
Could it be that... Shen Yuling has fallen in love with Zhao Hui?
Shen Yuxiu blinked in disbelief, and suddenly her mind flashed through the vicious look
in Shen Yulin's eyes when she pushed her into the river.
How can this be?
In fact, she had never understood why Shen Yuling had so much malice towards her. After
all, she and Shen Yuling had had no contact at all over the years. But if Shen Yuling
fell in love with Zhao Hui and Zhao Hui proposed to her, it seemed to make sense.
But when did Zhao Hui become involved with Shen Yulin?
Just as Shen Yuxiu was daydreaming, Grandma Fang had already walked up to Shen Yuhong,
squatted down and asked gently, "Yuhong, tell me, what did you say to your sister Yuling?
What did your sister Yuling say to you?"
"Well, every time my brother Zhao Hui comes..." Shen Yuhong didn't know how important
this matter was, so she told her exactly what Shen Yuling asked her to do.
Although these things only happened a few months ago, children's memories are limited
after all. Sometimes they forget some things and then add them later, and the words they
say are inconsistent and irregular.
But even so, after everyone listened, they could still get a rough idea by themselves.
"He's so naughty. I thought that damn girl was just teasing Zhao Hui to cause trouble. I
didn't expect to target you and Zhao Hui so early." Shen Jinggui couldn't help but burst
out after hearing this. Bad language.
"What? Zhao Hui's mother made trouble, was it Yu Ling who caused it?" Shen Yuxiu looked
"Ah? Your grandma didn't tell you?" Shen Jinggui was stunned.
"No?" Shen Yuxiu looked at Grandma Fang again in confusion.
"Well, you and Zhao Hui had already broken up at that time, so I didn't tell you."
Grandma Fang was a little embarrassed, and then asked curiously, "Yulin and Zhao Hui
didn't tell you either?"
Shen Yuxiu shook her head blankly.
At this moment, she felt as if she was rejected by her entire family. No one told her
what everyone knew, and everyone was hiding it from her.
"It's like this..." Grandma Fang sighed, and quickly recounted everything that happened
before Shen Yuling pushed Shen Yuxiu into the river, in detail, while constantly
complaining in her heart.
She did forget, but Zhao Hui was not a reliable guy. If she wanted to continue being with
Xiaoxiu, why didn’t she tell the kid about such an important matter?
After hearing the whole story, Shen Yuxiu was completely dumbfounded.
Is this really the case? So many things happened during this period?
No wonder the kids in the school were acting strange during that period. It turned out
that everyone in the village knew about it except her!
Then isn't it very unfair for Zhao Hui?
Shen Yuxiu felt a little uncomfortable, and always felt that she had been too harsh on
Zhao Hui these days.
Granny Fang noticed her discomfort and walked over to hug her gently, "Don't blame you,
don't blame you, it's just that we didn't expect these things, and you didn't know about
Shen Yuxiu didn't feel much better after hearing that. She moved her eyes to the side
uncomfortably. Seeing Shen Yuhong frowning at her, she immediately bent down to cover up
and said to Shen Yuhong, "Yuhong, it's not like Second Sister didn't give you candy
before. How can you betray Second Sister and Brother Zhao Hui for someone else's candy?
Don't do this anymore in the future, do you understand?"
"Okay, okay." Shen Yuhong pouted and frowned as she began to negotiate with her, "But you
have to buy me lots and lots of candy in the future. You have to buy me as much as I
want. I also want hand-washing perfume, facial cream, flowery clothes, and a red
Shen Yuxiu frowned as she listened. This kid may be small, but he has big ambitions!
However, the child was only four years old after all, so Shen Yuxiu did not care too much
about her greed, but tried to reason with her, "But my second sister gave you all these
things before."
"That's different." Shen Yuhong pinched her fingernail a little bit and said angrily,
"What you gave me is so tiny, but you use a lot more. I want the same amount as you, no,
I want more than you."
Shen Yuxiu was so angry at her ignorance that she laughed, "If I gave you the same amount
as me, but someone else gave you more, would you still tell others about me? Would you
never tell anyone about my second sister, even if you were beaten to death?"
Shen Yuhong was stunned, and then asked her carefully, "How much more did others give? If
I don't tell them, will they really beat me to death?"
Children can't hide their thoughts. When Shen Yuxiu saw her like this, she knew what she
was thinking. Her heart suddenly sank. She said in a light tone: "There are so many that
our house can't hold them all. If you don't tell them, that person will really beat you
to death. In this case, will you tell others about the second sister?"
Fang Yan heard something wrong and warned him, "Xiaoxiu, you're over the top!"
But Shen Yuxiu ignored Fang Yan and asked Shen Yuhong seriously, "Come on, tell Second
Sister, if that's the case, can you shut your little mouth and not tell anyone else about
Second Sister?"
"But there are so many things I want." Shen Yuhong seemed to think that this answer was
not very good, so she said: "Well, I don't want to be beaten to death!"
Shen Yuxiu was not too disappointed when she heard that. She stood up slowly and said
gently, "Since you want more things and don't want to be beaten to death, then Second
Sister won't force you. Second Sister won't buy things for you in the future. Go and ask
for other people's things."
It is said that a person's character can be seen at the age of three. She has figured it
out. This little Shen Yuhong is a fence-sitter who will lean towards whichever side
offers benefits. If you expect her to keep her mouth shut, you probably won't be able to
do that in this lifetime.
Perhaps it was a little premature to make such a conclusion for a child, but she was
really unwilling to get too close to a sister who might betray her at any time, no matter
how old the sister was now.
However, Shen Yuxiu no longer wanted to argue with Shen Yuhong, but Shen Yuhong quit.
"That's not okay. The eldest sister said, you are my sister, you have to buy it for me. I
haven't taken other people's things yet." Shen Yuhong said matter-of-factly, but at the
same time she was very unconvinced.
As for the issue of 'eldest sister said', Shen Yuxiu had talked with Shen Yuhong before,
but it had no results at all. Now she didn't want to waste any more words to say anything
to this little girl. She just looked at Shen Jinggui and Shen Jinggui next to her. Fang
"Mom and dad, you should teach Yuhong a lesson. Don't let your eldest sister teach her
bad things."

Chapter 187
When Fang Yan heard Shen Yuxiu actually say that Shen Yuzhen had corrupted Shen Yuhong,
she felt an inexplicable surge of anger in her heart. Without even thinking, she yelled
at her, "What are you talking about? What do you mean your elder sister corrupted Yuhong?
Do you know how to speak?"
She found that the second daughter was getting more and more excessive. Shen Yuzhen was
Shen Yuxiu's sister no matter what. How could this child say that about her sister? And
Shen Yuhong was only a four-year-old child. Sometimes she didn't know what she was doing
when she spoke or did things. Was it so serious?
Shen Yuxiu just wanted to remind her parents that Shen Yuhong couldn't go on like this,
and she didn't think she had said anything excessive. She was suddenly scolded by Fang
Yan and became unhappy. Just as she was about to say something, she heard Shen Yulin's
puzzled voice.
"What happened to Xiaoxiu again?" Shen Yulin saw this scene as soon as he entered the
yard, and his face was full of confusion.
"Nothing." Shen Yuxiu saw him and Lin Zhiwei coming in one after the other. It was not
easy to contradict Fang Yan in front of the new daughter-in-law, so she quickly
suppressed her words to refute Fang Yan, and walked over to pull Lin Zhiwei to the dining
table as if nothing had happened, "Come, sister-in-law, come and eat."
Lin Zhiwei also noticed that the atmosphere in the yard was not very good, so he
hurriedly smiled and said to the people in the yard carefully: "Dad, Mom, Grandma,
Grandpa, we are late."
"Not too late, not too late, you've come just in time." Fang Yan also knew that this was
not a good time to scold Shen Yuxiu, so she smiled and responded to Lin Zhiwei, and at
the same time turned around and asked everyone to sit down together: "Come on, let's eat
quickly, we have something else to do later."
"Hey." Upon hearing this, everyone found stools and mats and sat down at the table
After eating, the children who were due to go to school immediately picked up their
schoolbags and went to school. Shen Yuwen and Song Huilai also hurriedly went to work.
The remaining Shen Yulin carried a silk basket full of sacrifices and went to the wedding
ceremony with Shen Jinggui. Shen Yuxiu also carried a bamboo basket filled with a lot of
wedding candies and peanuts, and took Lin Zhiwei to the homes of her grandparents and
various uncles and aunts.
Of course, the various uncles and aunts' families among them did not include the fourth
Shen family. This was something Shen Jinggui had warned in advance, otherwise she would
not have been able to take on the job today.
Everyone was busy with their own affairs, and there were only a few ignorant children
left in the yard, and Grandma Fang and Fang Yan who stayed to clean up the table and
Grandma Fang saw that all the children at home were running away to play, so she put away
the dishes and asked Fang Yan, "What's wrong with you today? Xiaoxiu kindly reminded you
and Jinggui to take care of Yuhong, why are you still so anxious?" Are your faces up?"
"How could I be so angry?" Fang Yan felt guilty and didn't want to admit it, "Xiaoxiu was
too fussy. Yuhong is still so young, what does she know? Can't she be more accommodating?
She just scolded me right away."
"Give in? When will you give in? When a child does something wrong, you shouldn't teach
her a lesson, but you still give in to her? What's your logic?" Grandma Fang frowned and
looked at her. "When the child was young, you didn't teach her a lesson, you didn't teach
her the principles of being a human being, you just wanted others to give in to her, what
do you want her to become when she grows up?"
Fang Yan lowered her head after being scolded and dared not say a word.
Seeing that she didn't say anything, Grandma Fang asked again in confusion, "I see that
you have been getting more and more dissatisfied with Xiaoxiu in the past two years. Tell
me, what did Xiaoxiu do to irritate you?"
How do you answer this?
Fang Yan felt even more uneasy when she was asked this question.
Could she say that after she gave almost all the things Shen Yuxiu bought for her to Shen
Yuzhen, Shen Yuxiu was so petty that she really stopped buying things for her? If she
said that, wouldn't she be scolded even more harshly by Granny Fang?
Seeing that she didn't answer, Grandma Fang was helpless and said earnestly: "You are a
mother, at least you should teach your children the principles of dealing with people.
Don't just protect one child or dislike another based on your own preferences. They are
all your flesh and blood, so you should be more like that."
"I didn't." Fang Yan retorted softly.
"What were you doing just now without you?" Grandma Fang was a little angry.
It's infuriating that he did it and he doesn't admit it.
"I, I just think Xiaoxiu is exaggerating. Sisters should help each other. Look at her,
she ignores Yuzhen every day. Whenever Yuzhen takes something from her, she turns her
face away. Now she says that Yuzhen has corrupted Yuhong. She doesn't act like a younger
sister at all." Fang Yan said with a guilty conscience.
Really, she always felt that she treated all the children the same, and didn't favor any
one in particular, or like any one. She just felt that Shen Yuxiu was a little selfish.
She obviously had a good salary, so what was wrong with buying some things for her
sisters? As for not wanting to give away anything?
Grandma Fang was speechless. She suppressed her anger and said, "Can you please have some
conscience? Since Xiaoxiu started working, she has been at odds with Yuzhen and never
gives her anything. But who among all the brothers and sisters in the family hasn't
received something from her throughout the year?"
Fang Yan was once again speechless after being scolded and lowered her head even more.
"When you were thinking about asking Xiaoxiu to help your brothers and sisters, have you
ever thought about how you can ask them to help Xiaoxiu?" Grandma Fang asked again.
"Xiaoxiu has a job and isn't married yet, so why would she need help?" Fang Yan replied
in a low voice.
"Then every time you gave Yuzhen something that Xiaoxiu gave you, did you ask Yuzhen to
give Xiaoxiu something as well?" Grandma Fang asked again.
"Yuzhen's family isn't well off either..."
"Are you so poor that you can't even afford a grain of rice or a noodle? Isn't Yuzhen's
husband a tractor driver? Is his life so miserable? You said that brothers and sisters
should help each other, but all I see is you asking Xiaoxiu to give to you all the time.
I've never seen you asking other children to give to Xiaoxiu. Where is the mutual support
you mentioned?"
Granny Fang revealed Fang Yan's usual behaviors bit by bit, which made her look more and
more embarrassed, but she couldn't refute anything.
"Yan'er, parents shouldn't be too partial. If you continue like this, Xiaoxiu will be
disappointed in you. Think about it carefully." After saying this, Grandma Fang turned
around and left.
In fact, she had long noticed that Fang Yan liked Shen Yuzhen more. Of course, this was
also due to Shen Yuzhen's good character. However, parents can like one child more, but
there cannot be too much difference in the way they do things and treat their children.
Otherwise, the child who has been neglected will be heartbroken sooner or later.
A few ignorant children were playing with clods of dirt in the yard. Fang Yan looked at
Grandma Fang's back as she left, wanting to say something but hesitant. She wanted to
call her, but she didn't want to because she felt indignant.
It was obviously her mother who doted on the girl too much, which caused her to become
more and more selfish. How could it be her fault?
Shen Yuxiu here had no idea that after she left, Grandma Fang and Fang Yan had another
unpleasant conversation. She took Lin Zhiwei to visit her grandparents' house and the
homes of her uncles and aunts, then dropped Lin Zhiwei off and quickly ran to school.
Shen Yuxiu was busy at school all day. When she returned home with her backpack after
school in the afternoon and saw Zhao Hui again, her expression became a little

Chapter 188: Doesn’t he have a mouth?

Should I accept him again?
Shen Yuxiu was a little confused.
She had died once, and although Zhao Hui had not died, his experiences were not much
better than hers. But when Zhao Hui saw her again, he never complained about anything,
and even when she ignored him, he never showed any impatience or disappointment, and
continued to do what he was supposed to do.
To be honest, this kind of Zhao Hui made Shen Yuxiu feel indescribable.
Of course I am angry, I feel sad, and I feel wronged...
It seems like it’s more of a grievance?
I felt wronged that Zhao Hui treated me like that at that time. I felt wronged that he
could break up whenever he wanted and come back whenever he wanted. He seemed to like me
very much, but also seemed not to like me that much.
It seemed that he had the final say on whether she stayed or left.
Zhao Hui was sorting sweet potatoes for seedling cultivation in front of the warehouse
when he suddenly felt something was wrong. He turned around and saw Shen Yuxiu, who had
returned at some point, looking at him quietly with a small frown between her brows. His
heart suddenly began to beat uneasily.
Is she disliking him again?
Are you going to chase him away again?
Zhao Hui's movements of sorting sweet potatoes suddenly became chaotic. He didn't know
whether he should walk away now and not appear under her nose for the time being.
Shen Yuxiu felt upset when she saw Zhao Hui avoiding her gaze guiltily.
She knew that he might be afraid of her, but as a man, what was there to be afraid of
since he had already done it?
He acted as if he were a tigress. Was she that scary?
If you are so afraid of her, why do you come here every day?
As she thought about it, Shen Yuxiu became angry again and strode into the house.
Grandma Fang was cooking in the room. When she saw her come in with a stern face, she was
slightly stunned. Then she thought of Zhao Hui outside, and suddenly she understood
something and was speechless.
It would have been fine if this girl didn’t know about the trouble caused by Zhao Hui’s
mother and Shen Yuling before, but why is she so unhappy now that she knows about it?
Shen Yuxiu returned to the inner room, put down the backpack slung over her shoulder, and
sat on a chair sulking.
It's really infuriating, doesn't he have a mouth?
Apart from coming over every day to show his presence, he doesn't say a single word that
should be said.
However, when she recalled the time when Zhao Huixiang was talking to her before and she
chased him away without waiting for him to finish speaking, Shen Yuxiu's anger subsided a
It seems that I can’t blame him. It seems that I didn’t give him a chance to speak at
After figuring it out, Shen Yuxiu glanced out the window, then took out the student
homework she had brought back from her schoolbag and began to correct it carefully.
She had missed a lot of classes in the past few days and was working hard to make up for
the lessons for the children, so the amount of homework had increased a lot.
When people are doing things seriously, time always passes quickly. It seemed like just a
moment, the sky gradually darkened, and Fang Youshun came back slowly.
As soon as Grandma Fang saw him come back, she immediately called Shen Yuxiu out for
dinner, and at the same time she also went to the door to call Zhao Hui.
"Zhao Hui, come over here and wash your hands and have dinner."
On the other side, Zhao Hui heard Grandma Fang calling him, and his hands paused
slightly. Then he quickly responded, took a deep breath and stood up.
Shen Yuxiu's face didn't look very good just now, and I don't know what her mood is now.
You know, every time Grandma Fang called him to eat, Shen Yuxiu would sit at the same
table with him without saying a word when she was in a good mood, but would go directly
to the inner room with her bowl to eat when she was in a bad mood, as if she didn't even
want to look at him.
However, after entering the house, Zhao Hui found that he seemed to have overthought.
Not only did Shen Yuxiu's face not look bad, but she was in a good mood and was chatting
and laughing with Grandma Fang as she served food to the table.
Zhao Hui was a little dazed for a moment, as if he had suddenly returned to the past.
Before so many things happened, Shen Yuxiu was always so happy every day. Because the two
old people didn't have any rules at the dinner table, Shen Yuxiu always liked to talk
about what happened that day while eating.
Shen Yuxiu brought a bowl of soup to the table, and saw him rubbing his dirt-covered
hands, standing there looking at her stupidly. She couldn't help but glare at him in
"What are you looking at? Wash your hands and eat."
Zhao Hui was called by her and quickly turned around to wash his hands at the basin, but
while washing, he suddenly realized something.
Did Shen Yuxiu talk to him just now?
Zhao Hui blinked hesitantly, turned back suspiciously and glanced at Shen Yuxiu secretly,
and seeing that she had turned back to serve the food again, he quickly turned around and
continued to wash his hands.
Just as he was washing his hands, Zhao Hui couldn't help but let the corners of his lips
begin to rise. Gradually, his face and eyes were filled with smiles that he couldn't hide
even if he wanted to.
Yes, she did talk to him just now. Although her tone was still not so good, it was the
first time she took the initiative to speak to him in these days.
However, what happened next made Zhao Hui even more surprised.
After the few of them sat down at the dinner table, Shen Yuxiu did not keep a stern face
and remain silent as she did before whenever he was around. Instead, she started talking
to Grandma Fang and Grandpa Fang about what happened at school today, looking relaxed and
at ease, as if she had returned to her previous carefree self.
Shen Yuxiu was eating when she accidentally saw him staring at her in a daze, not even
knowing how to eat. She said unhappily, "Why are you looking at me? Is there rice on my
Zhao Hui came back to his senses after being told this, and then quickly lowered his head
to start eating. However, as he was eating, the corners of his lips could not help but
rise again, and he actually felt that today's steamed buns and meals were a little sweet.
Shen Yuxiu looked at his silly look and couldn't help laughing, then continued eating.
Fang Youshun watched the interaction between the two and couldn't help but look at
Grandma Fang with some suspicion.
What's going on?
Are the two kids starting to talk again?
Grandma Fang smiled knowingly at Fang Youshun, picked up a piece of meat with chopsticks
and put it into his bowl, "Eat it quickly, this is what Zhao Hui bought specially after
get off work."
What I mean is, don't worry, the two kids should be fine.
When Fang Youshun heard this, he immediately laughed, picked up the piece of meat and
started eating.
To be honest, recently these two children, one is silent and just works, while the other
turns away when she sees people, as if others owe her a lot of money, which makes him
very worried.
Now that things have finally turned around, he feels a lot more relieved.
After they had finished their meal, it was already late and it was time for Zhao Hui to
go back.
He pushed his bicycle to the gate of the yard, and saw that Shen Yuxiu didn't look at him
again, and felt a little disappointed.
He thought that Shen Yuxiu started talking to him, which meant she had forgiven him. But
after dinner, she seemed to be unable to see him. She did whatever she was supposed to do
and didn't even bother to see him off.
Zhao Hui also knew that things could not be achieved overnight. Shen Yuxiu had finally
changed her attitude towards him, which was a step in the right direction, and he should
be content. However, he could not help wanting Shen Yuxiu to return to her former self
all at once.

Chapter 189 Please Help Me

After Zhao Hui left, Shen Yuxiu went back to her room to continue marking homework as if
nothing had happened. However, as she was marking the homework, Zhao Hui's silly look
unconsciously appeared in her mind.
She knew that she had not completely let go of Zhao Hui, and the same was true for Zhao
Since what he did back then was not from Zhao Hui's true heart, can I trust him again?
Shen Yuxiu struggled for a whole night and finally decided to give Zhao Hui another
She couldn't just deny all of Zhao Hui's efforts just because of other people's trouble,
and completely ignore the reluctance deep in her heart.
So, from that day on, Zhao Hui discovered that Shen Yuxiu seemed to have changed all of a
sudden. Not for the worse, but she became the same as before.
She would not avoid him or treat him coldly. She would greet him when they met and would
take the initiative to approach him instead of avoiding him. It was just like when they
were together normally, as if there had never been any conflict between them and they had
never broken up.
Shen Yuxiu changed too quickly, and Zhao Hui always felt confused and unreal. When he was
in a trance, he pinched the soft flesh on his body. He felt more at ease when he felt the
pain, but soon he felt uneasy again.
I hope this isn't some trick of Shen Yuxiu's. She'll be nice to him for a while and then
ignore him. He won't be able to stand that.
After work, Shen Yulin came to Fang's house to get a basket. He saw Zhao Hui standing
beside the sweet potato seedlings in a daze, and could not help but walk up to him and
wave his hand in front of him.
Zhao Hui was distracted by him. Seeing that it was Shen Yulin, he smiled at him
subconsciously, "Why did you have time to come here?"
Shen Yulin curled his lips when he heard this. It sounded as if Zhao Hui was the owner of
the house, but he knew that he didn't mean it. He pointed to the place where the Fang
family usually kept their sundries and said, "I'll get a new basket to hold the things."
Zhao Hui said "oh" and asked absentmindedly, "Do you want me to pick one for you?"
"No need, everything our grandpa made is pretty good, I'll just pick one." Shen Yulin
waved his hand casually, then moved closer to him with some curiosity and asked him.
"What were you doing just now? You looked so lost."
Zhao Hui was a little embarrassed to say it, but he thought that he was not someone he
could analyze Shen Yuxiu's recent changes with, so he finally whispered to Shen Yulin
about Shen Yuxiu's changes. Before he finished, he asked Shen Yulin, "Why did she
suddenly change? Is she really not angry with me anymore, or is she trying to vent her
anger on me?"
Shen Yulin sighed when he heard this, and looked Zhao Hui up and down with a strange
look, "Is there something wrong with your brain? What are you thinking about?"
"Ah?" Zhao Hui was confused and didn't understand what he meant.
"Is Xiaoxiu the cunning one?" Shen Yulin almost rolled his eyes. "When has that girl ever
taken revenge on someone when they provoked her? Even if she couldn't take revenge on the
spot, she would suddenly do something to seduce you. When has she ever been so cunning?"
Zhao Hui's mind suddenly became clear after hearing what he said.
Yes, Shen Yuxiu has been a straightforward person since she was a child. If provoked by
someone, she can temporarily refrain from taking revenge, but she will never play tricks
on people.
Zhao Hui suddenly became happy, grabbed Shen Yulin's arm and asked, "Does that mean she's
really not angry with me anymore?"
"How would I know? I haven't seen her these past two days because I've been at work. Let
go. I've got to pick up the basket and go back to clean up the yard." Shen Yulin said as
he broke away his hand and walked towards the place where the sundries were kept.
There are too many places in his house that need to be cleaned now, and Lin Zhiwei is
very fond of cleanliness. She is busy cleaning as soon as she gets off work every day. He
feels embarrassed to let a woman do the work while he has nothing to do, so he can only
help with the cleaning.
Zhao Hui's doubts were gone, and he suddenly felt more cheerful. He was in the mood to
joke as he watched Shen Yulin go to get the basket. "It's different after getting
married. You even know to clean up the yard after work."
"What are you talking about?" Shen Yulin picked up the basket and swung it at him
unhappily. Zhao Hui quickly dodged with a smile.
"Oh, right." After laughing and joking, Shen Yulin suddenly remembered something and
approached Zhao Hui and asked, "You've been out a lot in the past few years. Do you know
any high-yield grain seeds?"
"Grain seeds?" Zhao Hui thought about it carefully and said, "If you want high yield...
rice, I heard that the south can grow two or three crops a year, but our climate only
allows one. The Daoxiang Village in the oil field is growing rice now. If you don't
believe me, you can go and ask around. I heard that the harvest is pretty good, at least
higher than our wheat and beans. I haven't heard of other crops with very high yields."
"Rice? I've heard about it as well." Shen Yulin nodded slightly.
"Why, why are you asking this?" Zhao Hui asked puzzledly.
"Our team can now draw water for irrigation. Some people say that we can take advantage
of this convenience to grow rice, but some people disagree and want to look for higher-
yielding crops." Shen Yulin said truthfully.
These two days he has been working to plow the spring fields. In his spare time he has
heard the farmers, young and old, talking about this. Some want to change the traditional
crops they grow, while others don't. They can't reach a consensus and sometimes they get
anxious and start arguing. Since he saw Zhao Hui today, he wanted to ask about this.
"Why, you really want to farm?" Zhao Hui looked at Shen Yulin with some surprise, "Don't
you want to find another job? If you think it's hard to find a job, there are a few
people in our factory who are tired of their jobs recently. I can go and ask them. If it
works, you can spend some money to join our factory."
"No, no." Shen Yulin waved his hands quickly. "I don't want to work in the factory
anymore. There are too many things to do. Besides, I'm different from you. You have a
good family background, so no one dares to pick on you when you encounter problems, and
you dare to confront them. I can't do that. Because of my aunt's family background,
anyone can order me to do this or that. If I don't want to do something, they will label
me. I can't stand that. Although farming is more tiring, I don't have to endure the
bullying, and I'm free. It's good."
It was also because of this that he decided not to do the job at the machine repair
station. He was really tired of that kind of work that required him to be humble and
please other people.
When Zhao Hui heard him say this, he sighed and stopped trying to persuade him.
All I can say is that everyone has their own shortcomings. He envied Shen Yulin for
having a harmonious family, and Shen Yulin lamented that he had a good character, but
these were not things they could change through their own efforts.
While Zhao Hui was sighing, Shen Yulin touched his shoulder again and asked, "Do you have
any way to find rice seeds? In fact, most people in our team now agree to grow rice, but
they are worried about not having a way to get rice seeds. If you have a way, please help
"Okay, I'll go to the supply and marketing cooperative and talk to the director." Zhao
Hui didn't refuse this. "The supply and marketing cooperative sells seeds. We haven't
been able to get rice seeds because the planting conditions here are not met. If you want
to plant, I'll find out where the seeds are good, and then use the supply and marketing
cooperative's channels to purchase them, but you have to discuss the quantity you want in
The bad thing now is that no matter what you buy or sell, especially large quantities,
you can only do it through formal channels. Otherwise, just buying some rice seeds is
really easy to solve.
"Okay, good brother." Shen Yulin said happily, picked up Zhao Hui and started shaking
If this could be accomplished, not only would Zhao Hui become the benefactor of their
entire team, he would also be an indispensable contributor!
Shen Yuxiu happened to see this scene when she came home from school, and her eyes
widened in shock.
What the hell are these two grown men doing?

Chapter 190 I Want to Get Married

Zhao Hui was startled by Shen Yulin's sudden action. Before he could let him put him
down, he saw Shen Yuxiu looking at them in shock.
Zhao Hui felt his scalp tingling and quickly patted Shen Yulin's arm.
"Put me down, put me down."
Shen Yulin just picked him up for the moment because he was happy, it wasn't like he had
any quirks. He put him down immediately after hearing that. Before his smile faded, he
saw Shen Yuxiu coming back. His smile deepened and he happily walked over to touch Shen
Yuxiu's face.
"Brother is leaving. I won't bother you two anymore."
Shen Yuxiu's hair stood on end when he touched her, and she took a deep breath as she
watched Shen Yulin hum a song and walk away in a frivolous manner.
What's wrong with him? Why does he look so wrong?
When Zhao Hui saw Shen Yulin touching Shen Yuxiu's face, he felt uncomfortable and
hurried forward. However, before he could say anything, Shen Yulin had already slipped
Shen Yuxiu saw him coming over, looked him up and down, and asked suspiciously, "What
were you two doing just now?"
It's not that she's mentally ill and thinking about things she shouldn't be thinking
about, but it's really weird to see two grown men hugging each other.
"It's like this..." Zhao Hui saw that his eyes were not right, and quickly told him the
conversation with Shen Yulin just now, and added, "He was so happy when he heard that he
could get rice seeds that he hugged me all of a sudden and scared me."
"Shocked? Why didn't I notice that?" Shen Yuxiu expressed her doubt.
It’s not that she doubted Zhao Hui’s sexual orientation, but it was really painful to
watch the two men like that.
"I was really scared. Why don't you touch my heart? It's still beating!" Zhao Hui said
with rare boldness as he grabbed her hand and pressed it against his chest.
Shen Yuxiu didn't expect him to act like this suddenly. Her hand suddenly pressed on his
thick chest, and her cheeks suddenly turned red.
But she didn't want Zhao Hui to see that she was a little panicked, so she gritted her
teeth and said unhappily: "Aren't you talking nonsense? If your heart doesn't beat, it's
After saying that, she pulled her hand out in annoyance and walked into the house, but
when Zhao Hui didn't notice, she subconsciously shook the hand that had just touched Zhao
Hui's chest.
It seems... quite strong and elastic.
Seeing that Shen Yuxiu was not angry despite his behavior, Zhao Hui immediately felt
relieved and hurriedly followed her.
"Why did you come back ten minutes late today? Is there something wrong at school?" Zhao
Hui asked in a nagging manner, and Shen Yuxiu responded to his every word slowly. For a
moment, the atmosphere between the two was better than ever before.
Just when their relationship was progressing rapidly, Shen Yulin was escorted to a labor
Looking at the endless fields, the low dark houses, and the people who had just been sent
here with her, Shen Yuling felt cold all over.
"Shen Yuling."
Just when she was filled with despair, someone suddenly called her. Shen Yuling
reflexively shouted "Here." and then she had time to see who was calling her.
It was a man in military green clothes. When he saw her come back to her senses, he
pointed to a set of numbered black clothes on the table, then pointed to a few women
nearby and said, "Take your clothes, go back to the room with them, change, and come out
to gather."
"Yes." Shen Yulin agreed immediately, trotted forward to pick up her clothes, and walked
towards the room assigned to them with the women.
At this moment, she had no thoughts of resistance in her mind.
It’s not that she has become obedient, but she has become scared after being beaten
during these days of detention.
She had to be afraid. Those people were just like crazy. They would hit her wherever her
body was weak. Even when she was being beaten, they would not allow her to make any
sound, not even a little bit. If she accidentally made a sound, they would immediately
beat her even harder.
It’s not that she didn’t think about fighting back, but unfortunately, those people
didn’t give her any chance at all and didn’t allow her to resist at all, not even a
single word.
In fact, she is now very grateful that those people were not sent here, otherwise, she
doesn't know whether she can survive.
Of course, she did not dare to resist the orders of the people here, for fear of
offending a group of lunatics. What's more, she was only sentenced to seven years of hard
labor. If she behaved well, she might be able to get out faster.
After going back to the house with a few women and changing into black clothes, Shen
Yuxiu looked around the low house with dissatisfaction and suddenly remembered something.
This was the time when some scholars or important figures were being demoted. Did that
mean that there were also such figures here? If she made friends with those people, would
she still be angry that Zhao Hui looked down on her? Would she still have to keep an eye
on Shen Yuxiu? Wouldn't she be able to reach the pinnacle of another life seven years
later just by making friends with these people?
Thinking of this, Shen Yulin's eyes were full of brilliance and her mind became active
On the other hand, after Zhao Hui was sure that Shen Yuxiu no longer had any barriers
between him and him, he could no longer suppress the idea of getting married. After
leaving the Fang family, he immediately returned to the Zhao family.
Zhao Hui didn't come back very often these days. Just when they had a few days of peace
and quiet, they suddenly saw him coming back again. They were so scared that they
immediately became silent.
Zhao Hui looked at the three of them with frightened expressions on their faces, his eyes
were somewhat complicated.
His family really doesn't feel like family at all.
Seeing that he didn't say anything, the three members of the Zhao family felt even more
uneasy. Only Zhao Laowu thought that he had not done anything out of line recently, and
he had also seen Zhang Dachun and his mother and son not do anything recently, so he
bravely took two steps forward.
"Come back, is there something that brings you back?" Zhao Laowu asked tentatively.
"I want to get married." Zhao Hui said, looking at the three people with a gloomy gaze.
The three people were startled when they were looked at by him, and they didn't know what
he meant.
"That's great." Zhao Laowu seemed to understand what he meant and said quickly, "What do
you need me to do? I promise I will do it."
Zhang Dachun and Zhao Baocai nodded subconsciously upon hearing this.
Damn it, just get married, don’t look at people like that, it’s creepy.
"I need you to behave yourself and help me get this done. If you make another mistake, I
won't have another chance, and neither will you." Zhao Hui said meaningfully.
Everyone knows what his chances are and what the chances of the Zhao family's three
members are.
"Okay, don't worry. We'll do whatever you say. I guarantee there won't be any mistakes."
Zhao Laowu agreed with a frightened face. After saying that, he quickly turned around and
asked Huang Dachun, "Right, mother?"
"Yes." Although Zhang Dachun still had a lot of dissatisfaction in his heart, he could
only nod in compromise.
There was no other way. She found out that adultery could result in death by shooting.
She had even given birth to a child. If Zhao Laowu or Zhao Hui went to sue her, she would
be finished. She had no choice but to compromise.
However, she also regretted it. She regretted how she had been bewitched and fooled by
Shen Yulin. Otherwise, Zhao Hui would have been married long ago, and she would have
gotten fifty yuan, and her Baocai would have been able to get married by then. But now
that Zhao Hui was getting married, she got nothing and was even threatened.

Chapter 191 Haste

But there is no regret in this world, and it is useless for Zhang Dachun to feel
As for Zhao Baocai, he kept his head down and said nothing since he saw Zhao Hui.
These days, he lived in fear every day, afraid that others would know his background.
Even if others just looked at him normally, he would suspect that others knew his
He now felt like a rat that was afraid of the light. He couldn't raise his head in front
of people, let alone in front of Zhao Hui. His life experience was a bomb and a shame.
He was extremely hateful now. He hated Zhao Hui for being so cruel, hated Zhao Laowu for
exposing his background, hated Zhang Dachun for being shameless and having an affair, and
even more hated the man who gave Zhang Dachun his seed.
Why did they give birth to him? Was it for the sake of a happy life, or to make him
unable to hold his head up high for the rest of his life?
Zhao Hui didn't know what Zhao Baocai was thinking, nor was he interested in knowing what
he was thinking. He only cared about making sure that what he wanted to do was foolproof.
After getting definite answers from Zhao Laowu and Zhang Dachun, he did not go directly
to Fang's house during his next break. Instead, he went to the school to wait for Shen
Yuxiu. As soon as he saw her coming out, he greeted her and took the backpack from her
and put it on his own back. After walking with her for a while, he nervously put forward
his ideas.
"Kosode, let's get married."
He wanted to marry her as soon as possible. If there was any delay, he was afraid that
something unexpected would happen again. He could not afford the possibility of losing
Shen Yuxiu again.
Shen Yuxiu was startled by the question and asked him hesitantly: "Don't you think it's a
bit hasty?"
Their relationship has only been restored for a few days. Isn't it a bit too hasty to
propose marriage right away?
"It's not hasty." Zhao Hui couldn't say that he was afraid of any trouble, so he said
quickly: "I have prepared the house in the county, and my parents have already agreed. As
for the betrothal gifts, as long as you agree, I can send them to you immediately.
Really, I have prepared everything, it's not hasty at all."
Shen Yuxiu blinked in surprise. She never expected that he would move so quickly.
Are you afraid that she will run away?
Seeing that Shen Yuxiu remained silent, Zhao Hui became even more nervous. He stepped
forward and carefully held her hand, and whispered again: "Let's get married, okay? I
promise that I will never make any mistakes this time."
Perhaps Zhao Hui himself did not realize that his voice trembled slightly when he said
Shen Yuxiu felt that the hand he was holding was obviously cold, but a little sweaty. She
looked up into his eyes, which were filled with desire and panic.
She knew he was nervous, very nervous.
Shen Yuxiu suddenly smiled, squinted her eyes and said, "You have to ask my grandparents
first. If they agree, I will agree."
When Zhao Hui heard her ambiguous answer, he was stunned at first, and then he was
"Thank you, I will treat you well, all my life." Zhao Hui was so excited that he was
about to hug her in his arms, but he stopped abruptly when he saw a student passing by,
his heart filled with only joy and excitement.
It's great that she didn't give up on him and still chose him.
"You must remember what you said now and don't lie to me again." Shen Yuxiu looked into
his excited black eyes and said coquettishly.
"Well, I'm not lying." Zhao Hui nodded and shook his head vigorously.
How could he lie to her again? He could lie to anyone but not her.
Shen Yuxiu was amused by his behavior, then she took his hand and walked towards home:
"Come on, tell my grandparents. If you back out, I won't forgive you."
"No, I won't back down." Zhao Hui said with great pride.
He has been looking forward to this day for such a long time, how could he possibly back
In this way, he worked at Fang's house until the evening again. After Fang Youshun got
off work and went home to have dinner, Zhao Hui directly proposed marriage to Fang
Youshun and Grandma Fang again.
"Grandma, Grandpa, I want to marry Xiaoxiu. Do you think I need to prepare something?"
Even though Fang Youshun and Grandma Fang had been mentally prepared for this day to
come, they were still caught off guard by Zhao Hui.
Fortunately, the two of them were only stunned for a moment and soon came back to their
"Have all the troubles been cleared up?" Fang Youshun looked at him quietly.
"Well, it's done." Zhao Hui nodded solemnly and said, "I can be a live-in son-in-law.
I've already bought a house in the county and I've prepared the money for the betrothal
gift. Xiaoxiu can live here when she's at work and can live here or in the county when
she's resting. There's no problem with my parents either. Don't worry, there won't be any
mistakes this time."
Fang Youshun didn't expect that Zhao Hui would say such a long string of questions just
because he asked a question, and almost all of them were the questions he needed to ask.
This...there is nothing to ask!
Fang Youshun turned his gaze to Grandma Fang. Grandma Fang thought for a moment and said,
"You have to think clearly whether all the problems that need to be solved have been
solved. If there is a problem again this time, you won't have a third chance."
"Everything has really been resolved, don't worry." Zhao Hui understood what Grandma Fang
meant. She just was still worried about his mother.
But he had already made preparations for both situations. No matter whether Zhang Dachun
really did not cause trouble this time as he promised, he would not give Zhang Dachun any
chance to cause trouble again.
Upon hearing this, Grandma Fang looked at Fang Youshun and finally nodded.
"Okay, let's follow the normal process."
Zhao Hui had already prepared for a marriage proposal, and he had memorized the process
by heart. He went back and found the matchmaker from last time, and then asked someone to
re-select the date, trying to get it done in one go.
Sure enough, this time the process went exceptionally smoothly. Even Zhang Dachun was
exceptionally well-behaved. When she arrived at the Fang family, she didn't say a word of
wrongdoing. She and Zhao Laowu just nodded to whatever the matchmaker said.
After the proposal process was completed, the wedding day came next. This time the date
was also set very close, with only a few days of preparation time, which was really
But despite the haste, the wedding went smoothly.
The only difference is that the last time Zhao Hui proposed marriage, he went to the Zhao
family to marry Shen Yuxiu, but this time it was Shen Yuxiu who went to the Zhao family
to "marry" Zhao Hui.
Shen Yuxiu had never done this before. She was called up early in the morning. After
dressing up, she went to the Zhao family accompanied by Shen Yulin and a group of
relatives who came to pick up the bride.
Amidst the sounds of joy, after the banquet in the Zhao family's main hall, it was time
to pick up Zhao Hui to go out of the house and say goodbye to his parents.
Zhang Dachun and Zhao Laowu had already been arranged to sit on a pair of chairs in the
yard, waiting for Zhao Hui and Shen Yuxiu to come and say goodbye.
Originally, Zhang Dachun thought he could accept this fact calmly, but when he saw Zhao
Hui, who was dressed particularly smartly today, coming to him holding the hand of the
lovely Shen Yuxiu, his heart suddenly became confused.
She didn't understand why her son, who was so obedient and filial when he was little, had
become like this today, and even turned against her for this girl.
She is Zhao Hui's biological mother. Even if she did something wrong, Zhao Hui should
bear the responsibility unconditionally, right? How could she suddenly become someone
else's son-in-law and have nothing to do with her anymore?
For some reason, Zhang Dachun suddenly felt unwilling.

Chapter 192
Zhao Laowu sat next to Zhang Dachun with a smile on his face, waiting for Zhao Hui and
Shen Yuxiu to come over and say goodbye. He noticed that Zhang Dachun was in a bad mood,
turned around and saw that Zhang Dachun's face was dark, so he immediately reached out
and pinched her hard on the lower back.
"Don't be so stupid. Look next to your precious son." Zhao Laowu gritted his teeth and
warned softly in Zhang Dachun's ear with a smile on his face.
Upon hearing this, Zhang Dachun subconsciously looked up and searched for Zhao Baocai in
the yard. Zhao Laowu immediately smiled and pointed her in a direction. By the west wall
of the yard, Zhao Baocai was surrounded by several burly men, and their faces seemed
Wasn’t that the person who broke into their house that day and tied up the three of
Zhang Dachun felt as if a basin of ice water was poured over his head. His head, which
had just started to feel a little hot, suddenly calmed down, and his heart was beating
out of rhythm.
It was such an obvious thing that she could not fail to understand.
Zhao Hui, this must have been arranged by this kid Zhao Hui, just to warn her, right?
Zhang Dachun subconsciously looked towards Zhao Hui, and sure enough, he saw that Zhao
Hui was looking at him with some unfriendly eyes. He was immediately frightened and his
heart shrank, and he dared not move for a moment.
As soon as Zhao Hui saw Zhang Dachun's face, he knew that she was up to something again,
and his eyes suddenly turned cold when he looked at her.
Fortunately, he did not expect Zhang Dachun to behave himself, so he found the people who
had kidnapped the three members of the Zhao family to calm the situation in advance. Now
it seems to be working well.
Zhao Hui held Shen Yuxiu's hand tightly and walked up to Zhao Laowu and Zhang Dachun.
After saying goodbye, he handed Zhao Lao fifty yuan.
"Thank you, Dad. Please take care of yourself in the future."
He just saw Zhang Dachun's expression changing in an instant, and naturally he also saw
Zhao Laowu's action of warning Zhang Dachun. He knew Zhao Laowu's feelings, so he
regarded this money as his extra reward to Zhao Laowu.
After saying goodbye to Zhao Laowu, Zhao Hui took Shen Yuxiu's hand and walked out of the
Zhao family yard without looking back.
Not long after Zhao Hui and Shen Yuxiu left, the burly men immediately let go of Zhao
Baocai and left the Zhao family with laughter.
Zhao Baocai, who was suddenly released, felt his legs and feet go weak and he almost fell
When Zhang Dachun's face changed instantly just now, those people immediately surrounded
him and twisted his arms tightly. With the force at that moment, he suspected that those
people were going to break his arms.
When Zhang Dachun saw his look, he hurried forward to help him, but Zhao Baocai waved his
arm away.
"Can't you just be honest? Do you want to kill me?" Zhao Baocai yelled angrily, turned
around and went back to the house.
Zhang Dachun staggered when he was waved away by him. He stared blankly at Zhao Baocai's
back as he returned to the house. His mind was still filled with disgust and hatred when
he was waved away by him.
He...disliked her? And hated her?
Why? She treats this son so well, everything is for him?
How could he dislike her? And hate her?
Seeing that the mother and son had a rare quarrel, Zhao Laowu sneered, clenched the ten
yuan in his hand, and turned back to the house.
He didn't expect that Zhao Hui would give him ten yuan before leaving. He didn't know
whether it was because he held down Zhang Dachun to protect himself or because he was his
But no matter what the reason is, it seems that his son is not as heartless as his
In fact, Zhao Laowu was not like this before. Although he did not have much ability, he
was definitely a husband who loved his wife and a responsible father. But in the twelfth
month of the year when Zhao Hui just turned two years old, the river upstream suddenly
broke and flowed, while the river here was still frozen. The pouring river water was
mixed with icicles and rushed down. However, the river here was still frozen and could
not let the river water pour into the sea normally.
In a short while, the ice in the river piled up higher and higher, and the water level
rose to the vicinity of the dam, until the dam collapsed and countless villages were
Zhao Laowu was still young at that time. He desperately pulled Zhang Dachun and carried
Zhao Hui to a higher place and saved his life. However, it was too cold in the dead of
winter. Even though he barely escaped with his life, even though government troops
immediately delivered relief food, there was still no way to stop the biting cold wind.
In the middle of winter, his teeth were chattering from the cold, but he still tried his
best to use his body to block the cold wind for his wife and children, for fear of
freezing them.
Naturally, he must have been caught sick from the cold. Just when he was feeling dizzy,
had a stuffy nose and couldn't breathe or sleep, he saw his wife, whom he had been
protecting, carrying the child to the dam watcher's shack.
He followed curiously, but before he entered, he heard the man's voice: "If you had
followed me in the early years, you wouldn't have to suffer the cold outside."
"You can't blame me for that. It's your fault that your family is so poor that you still
live in a shack. Even if Zhao Laowu is not as good as he is, at least he has a house to
live in." Then he heard Zhang Dachun's complaining voice.
Zhao Laowu's head was buzzing at the time. He lifted the door curtain with trembling
hands and looked inside. He saw Zhang Dachun undressing and quickly hugging the man who
was guarding the dam, while his son Zhao Hui was sleeping soundly on the other side of
the kang.
That moment, that scene, deeply hurt his eyes.
At that time, Zhao Laowu was so angry that he wanted to catch the two people inside and
beat them up, but in the end, when he saw Zhao Hui's sleeping face, he forced himself to
endure it.
He knew that the child was already freezing and had a runny nose, and couldn't stand
outside in the cold any longer. Even for the sake of the child's survival, he had to
endure it temporarily.
So he just swallowed his anger that year, but afterwards, he could no longer get close to
his son.
It was only since then that he lost motivation to do anything and felt that life had no
meaning. Gradually, he became lazy and didn't care about anything except eating and
From that day on, he never touched Zhang Dachun again. Otherwise, who knows how many
bastards Zhang Dachun would have given birth to on him over the years.
In fact, now that I think about it, it was all because I was useless and Zhang Dachun
couldn't bear the hardship. It couldn't be blamed on Zhao Hui.
But at that time, he didn't think about anything, because when he saw the child, he
remembered the scene in the shack. From then on, he hated this son and ignored him. He
allowed Zhang Dachun to torture the child for so many years just because he saw that he
didn't care about his son.
However, wrong is wrong, and he would not admit that he was wrong, so he shamelessly
tried to use the word "I'm sorry" to make Zhao Hui forgive him, a father who is not
worthy of being a father.
In that case, let it be. It’s Zhao Hui’s ability that he can walk out of this muddy
home by himself.
After all, he had never thought about being a loving father to his son. As long as Zhao
Hui didn't ignore him as a father, he wouldn't have too many demands. As for Zhang Dachun
and that bastard, he didn't care whether they died or not.

Chapter 193 Reincarnation

The procedures for a son-in-law and a man marrying are the same, except that Shen Yuxiu
has to follow the man's procedures on this day of marriage.
But in fact, Zhao Hui, the son-in-law, is different from other sons-in-law. The old
couple of the Fang family just want the young couple to get away from the big trouble of
the Zhao family, and they do not require Zhao Hui to meet the requirements of other sons-
For example, after they get married, they don’t necessarily have to live in Fang’s
house, and their children don’t need to have the surname Fang. As long as the couple is
happy, that’s all that matters.
When they got back to the Fang family, there was a lot of excitement. When other people
get married, they tease the bride, but when it was Shen Yuxiu's wedding, no one dared to
attack Shen Yuxiu, so they all rushed back to Zhao.
Of course, Zhao Hui has not been working in vain over the years, especially after working
in the supply and marketing cooperative for a few years. It cannot be said that he says
one thing to one person and another thing to another, but he is quite capable of fooling
people. Those who wanted to make trouble for Zhao Hui were instead made to blush and get
angry by the people he fooled.
After a lively party for most of the day, as soon as the guests left, Shen Yuxiu
collapsed on the kang again.
Really, she was exhausted on the day of Shen Yulin’s wedding, and today she was even
more tired than that day. Not only did her legs hurt from walking, but even her face hurt
from smiling.
As today's new son-in-law, Zhao Hui didn't have to do anything. Seeing how tired she was,
he sat beside her and asked softly, "Are you tired?"
"Yeah." Shen Yuxiu nodded and patted the seat beside her. "Are you tired too? Lie down
and rest for a while."
Zhao Hui looked up at the people still coming in and out of the yard. He felt that this
was not a good idea, so he shook his head and said, "I'm fine. I'm not too tired. I
didn't do much today."
He was telling the truth. These days he had either been busy supporting himself or
running around. Today he just walked a little and laughed and joked with others, which
was really nothing to him.
"Oh, then you are really awesome." Shen Yuxiu smiled and turned sideways, supporting her
head with one hand and looking at him with sparkling eyes.
Who wouldn't be happy to be praised? Zhao Hui was also happy. When he curled his lips and
smiled, his eyes unconsciously fell on the curve of her waist that was revealed when she
turned sideways.
Her legs were long, her hips were round, her waist was concave, and her upper body was
curvy. In addition, there was a soft light in her eyes when she looked at him, which
inexplicably made his heart hot.
Zhao Hui felt his heart pounding and his mouth was dry, but it was still broad daylight
and people were still coming in and out, so he couldn't do anything.
Shen Yuxiu also couldn't find a place to sleep peacefully like she did on Shen Yulin's
wedding day. She had a lot of things to do today and was called out soon.
By the time the two of them were done with their affairs, the people who had been making
trouble in the bridal chamber had left, and they had finished cleaning up the house, it
was almost midnight.
Grandma Fang and Fang Youshun were still sleeping in the outer room, while Zhao Hui slept
in the inner room with Shen Yuxiu, which was a rare occasion.
It was just because there were two elderly people in the outer room, and Zhao Hui was
already exhausted after a tiring day, and he was reluctant to ask Shen Yuxiu to accompany
him to do something, so the two of them simply covered themselves with quilts and slept
that night.
But even so, Zhao Hui was already satisfied. After all, he could legitimately share a bed
with his beloved girl and sleep with her in his arms without any scruples.
After waking up the next day, the old couple Shen Yuxiu and Fang Youshun went to the
wasteland at the entrance of the village and burned some paper money in the direction of
their hometown, which was considered a wedding ceremony. After Zhao Hui and Shen Yulin
came back from visiting their uncles' homes, they went to work respectively, and the
wedding was considered complete.
A few days after their wedding, the rice seeds that Zhao Hui asked for Team 8 arrived,
and Shen Yulin and everyone in Team 8 became busy.
They used the newly built pumping station to irrigate the paddy fields, and then went to
the fields to sow seeds. The commune also specially sent technicians to instruct them on
how to farm. The team members were busy every day, and Shen Yulin, who was originally
quite fair, became darker day by day.
However, hard work pays off. By the time Shen Yuxiu started to suffer from morning
sickness, the rice seedlings in the field had already grown lush and green.
When Zhao Hui first saw Shen Yuxiu retching in the morning, he thought she was sick. He
was so frightened that he lost his composure and didn't know what to do.
Fortunately, Grandma Fang had experience. After asking Shen Yuxiu about her menstrual
period, she was basically sure that she was pregnant. She asked an old doctor in the
village to feel her pulse and found that it was true.
From that day on, Grandma Fang wouldn't let Shen Yuxiu get close to her when she was
cooking, and she even tried to keep the food light.
I don’t know if it was because the food was light or what, but Shen Yuxiu only had dry
heaves for a few days in the beginning, and then she didn’t feel anything after that.
It was as if her pregnancy was just a little thing in her belly and nothing else happened
except her poor appetite.
But even so, Zhao Hui was still very worried. Every day after work, he would wash himself
and his clothes first, for fear that the smell on his body would irritate Shen Yuxiu's
sense of smell. He also asked her what she wanted to eat every day. As long as she could
name a name, Zhao Hui would try his best to get it for her.
Fang Youshun and Grandma Fang sighed at his energy.
Having lived for so many years, they have seen men who cherish their wives, but they have
never seen one as cherished as this!
But Zhao Hui didn't care what they thought. He seriously asked the doctor what was good
for pregnant women. He was really willing to spend a lot of money. He bought whatever was
good for Shen Yuxiu. At the end of the month, almost all of his salary was spent on Shen
Even so, he was still worried that Shen Yuxiu would not get enough nutrition, and he
thought about what to eat every day. When he got home, he did not forget to face Shen
Yuxiu's belly and tell the little guy inside, "You have to be good, don't bother your
mother, otherwise your father will spank you when you come out."
Shen Yuxiu looked at Zhao Hui who was seriously scolding her stomach and couldn't help
but chuckle with joy.
This father is really interesting. He even threatens the baby in the belly.
Just as Shen Yuxiu's belly was getting bigger day by day, the rice in Team 8 also grew
taller and taller, until the autumn when the rice flowers were ripe and the plump rice
ears were harvested.
After all the rice was harvested and stored, the whole brigade was in an uproar.
No one expected that the average yield of rice planted by Team 8 this year would be as
high as 400 to 500 kilograms per mu. For farmers like them who have been farming for a
lifetime, this is a huge yield.
If everyone in the team planted rice, eating to their heart's content would definitely
not be an empty talk. This year, Team 8 became the first team that can eat to their
heart's content. Who wouldn't be envious?
In the midst of the joyous atmosphere, Zhao Hui and Shen Yulin became the great heroes in
people's hearts. If Shen Yulin had not suddenly returned to the village to farm this
year, and if Zhao Hui had not helped to get these seeds, how could there have been such a
And the baby in Shen Yuxiu's belly is really here to enjoy life. He can have enough food
to eat since he was born into the team. He is really a baby who knows how to reincarnate.

Chapter 194 Wasted Effort

While the whole team was in high spirits, Shen Yulin had spent half a year working on her
project but still had not made any progress.
It’s not that she didn’t find those scholars or people who were once famous but were
demoted, but that those people simply ignored her.
This time, Shen Yulin really tried her best to get close to these people, but after such
a long time, the results were still not ideal.
Shen Yulin has been a little impatient recently, and coupled with the recent autumn
harvest, she was so exhausted that she had the idea of giving up. She didn't want to
continue to curry favor with those people, but when she thought about her possible
future, she was unwilling to do so.
After work and dinner, Shen Yulin walked out of the cafeteria, looked at the backs of the
women she wanted to get close to, gritted her teeth and walked over quickly.
There were no people around the cafeteria at this time, and those people were not walking
very fast. Shen Yuling came behind them soon. Just as she was about to say hello, she
heard one of them say, "Do you think Shen Yuling has something wrong with her? Why is she
always chasing after us?"
"Then who knows? Could it be sent by one of our former enemies?" A woman looked at the
others in confusion.
"Impossible. This is forced labor, not a life of luxury. They can't be so reckless as to
send someone there, right?" The other woman hesitated.
"As long as there are benefits, of course someone would be willing to give it up,"
someone whispered.
"That's a possibility. After all, she came in for attempted murder, which makes her a
murderer. What can't she do?"
"Yes, yes, yes. People like this are usually very cruel and ruthless. We have to be
careful, or we might lose our lives if we are not careful..."
As they talked, they walked further and further away, and Shen Yulin was almost irritated
by what she heard. She stopped walking and didn't want to go forward.
Originally, she thought that hard work pays off, and as long as she persisted long
enough, these people would be moved by her sooner or later. But in the end, they actually
thought of her like this?
Murderer? Will he kill them?
Shen Yuling couldn't believe it. After trying to please them for so long, this was the
evaluation she got.
But she just pushed Shen Yuxiu into the river, she didn't really kill anyone, and she was
not a spy nor someone who came to monitor them. She just wanted to please these people so
that they would take her with them when they become successful in the future. How could
they think of her like that?
Suddenly, Shen Yuling, who had already considered quitting, didn't want to waste her
energy trying to please these people anymore.
It has been more than half a year. Even if a person with a heart of stone is flattered
for half a year, he should be a little moved. But these people are obviously still
indifferent and even think the worst of her. She doesn't think that if she continues to
flatter them, there will be a different result.
Not long after Shen Yulin stopped, the people who had been talking just now turned around
and saw what was happening, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.
"Is she going to come closer to us again this time?" someone quietly asked the person
next to him.
"I don't think so. We all said that about her."
"Not necessarily. I think she's pretty thick-skinned, so it's better to be on guard."
"Yes, I don't know who she belongs to. It's so annoying to be stared at every day..."
Several people walked away whispering.
These days, they have been harassed by Shen Yuling and are already fed up with it, but
they don't know where Shen Yuling came from, so they came up with this idea and spoke to
Shen Yuling.
In this way, no matter whether Shen Yuling really came to monitor them or had other
purposes, those who asked Shen Yuling to come would not allow Shen Yuling to appear in
front of them so frequently.
In fact, these people did not really make any mistakes. Some of them were demoted because
of the wrong collection of books at home, some were betrayed by colleagues or family
members, and some were implicated in the struggles between their superiors.
After experiencing all this, these people are extra wary of anyone who wants to get close
to them. They are afraid of being accused of something without reason, and even more
afraid of being caught doing something. They don't want to have contact with anyone they
are not familiar with, and just want to get through the current stage in peace. Shen
Yulin's constant contact just violates their taboo, not to mention that Shen Yulin was in
prison for attempted murder.
Whether it was true or false, they didn't know the name of an attempted murderer before,
and they didn't want to come into contact with it later, so as not to cause unnecessary
Shen Yuling was disliked by others here, and Shen Yulin was no better at home.
Although Shen Jinggui and his wife looked particularly happy when they saw the rice ears,
but after harvesting the autumn grain, the weather became colder and colder, and as the
new year approached, Shen Jinggui and his wife started to work again. Seeing that he
didn't like it, he kept saying roundaboutly every day that Shen Yuxiu was pregnant even
though she was younger than him. As a result, he, the elder brother, was not as good as
his younger sister.
Shen Yulin was speechless.
Shen Yuxiu is younger than me, but she is really married, but he is fake!
Where do children come from fake marriages?
Lin Zhiwei, who was kneading dough at home to prepare steamed buns, saw Shen Yulin coming
back with a gloomy face and asked curiously, "What's wrong with you? Who pissed you off
Over the past six months, Lin Zhiwei has long been accustomed to the life in the Shen
family, and has a general understanding of the temperament of everyone in the Shen
family. This family is basically easy-going, but her nominal husband is very strong in
his words and deeds. When he is happy, he will listen to others carefully, but when he is
unhappy, he will be very mean, which always makes the elders take the broom.
In fact, sometimes, she also felt that Shen Yulin had earned it. After all, he was really
vicious when he spoke and didn't give anyone any face at all.
But overall, she quite liked Shen Yulin's character. After all, even if he was scolded
every time, he would never suffer any loss in words. He always protected her well and
would never let anyone say a bad word about her.
Even when her nominal eldest aunt insinuated that she wanted to repay her kindness, Shen
Yulin pushed her back.
Shen Yulin looked at Lin Zhiwei with stars in his curious eyes. The unpleasantness of
being scolded by Shen Jinggui and his wife immediately dissipated a lot, and he couldn't
help laughing at the same time.
"Why are you laughing?" Lin Zhiwei was puzzled by his smile, but she also raised the
corners of her lips as he did.
"My parents scolded me again. They said..." Shen Yulin coughed and imitated Shen
Jinggui's disgusted look and said, "Xiaoxiu is your sister. Everyone is pregnant and has
a baby. She will give birth next year. You Why is it so useless?"
After learning what Shen Jinggui said, Shen Yulin spread his hands helplessly and said to
Lin Zhiwei: "Do you think they are unreasonable? I am a grown man, and they actually want
me to get pregnant. Isn't this a joke?"
Lin Zhiwei was amused by his eagerness to learn and talk, and felt a little guilty for no
She understood what Shen Jinggui and his wife meant, but the problem was that she and
Shen Yulin had a fake marriage.
Although he and Shen Yulin got along well, and even gradually fell in love with this
person, Shen Yulin still didn't have that interest in him.
She thought, if it weren't for herself, Shen Yulin would really be a father by now,

Chapter 195 Touched

Shen Yulin was a big-hearted person and did not notice Lin Zhiwei's discomfort. Seeing
that her steamed buns were almost ready, he immediately added water to the pot, found the
grate and cage for steaming the steamed buns and put them in place, and then went to the
yard to collect firewood.
Ever since he started living with Lin Zhiwei, he had already become accustomed to taking
the initiative to do other things while Lin Zhiwei was doing something.
He always felt that they were only a nominal couple after all, and it was not right for
him to do nothing and just wait for the girl to cook for him, so he would take the
initiative to do some housework within his ability.
While Lin Zhiwei was doing these things with Shen Yulin, the steamed buns had already
been kneaded. When she put the kneaded raw buns into the pot, Shen Yulin came back with
firewood, and took the initiative to sit on the small stool beside the stove and started
to make a fire.
"Shen Yulin, the New Year is coming soon. I want to... take some of our rice to visit my
parents, is that okay?" Lin Zhiwei asked cautiously, looking at the man who took the
initiative to start lighting the fire.
Although she also earns a share of the food for the two of them, to be honest, she can
only earn six or seven centimeters at most after working hard all day. In addition, she
has stomachaches on the days of her period every month and has to rest at home. Shen
Yulin, on the other hand, earns full work points and almost never skips work. In other
words, based on the labor and centimeters contributed by the two of them, Shen Yulin gets
the lion's share.
Moreover, after the autumn grain was distributed, the two did not separate. In the six
months since she got married, before the autumn grain was distributed, she had been
eating the Shen family's grain. In fact, she probably still owed the Shen family grain,
so she wanted to take some grain to send to her parents, but she could never bring
herself to do so.
However, to Lin Zhiwei's surprise, Shen Yulin didn't seem to care about it and nodded
without hesitation.
"Sure. Just take a look at how much you want to take. I'll go to the mill and process it.
I have some flour left. Do you want me to process some for your uncle and aunt?"
"I plan to bring them 30 kilograms of rice, and 10 kilograms of flour will be enough."
Lin Zhiwei said happily when he heard it. "They eat in the cafeteria there. These grains
are for them to cook soup and porridge when they are not full. They can eat for a long
"Okay, what about the other things, such as some daily medicines and so on, is there
anything they need? Let's take them over?" Shen Yulin remembered that on the day they met
before they got married, Lin Zhiwei bought medicine for those two people. It must be
inconvenient to buy these things in that place.
Speaking of this, Lin Zhiwei suddenly felt embarrassed, lowered his head and started
picking his fingers unconsciously.
How could she have any money?
Before she got married, she worked in her uncle's village for a year and the food she got
was not enough for her to eat, let alone money. As for the little money she had saved,
Shen Yulin didn't ask for it when she got married. She thought she couldn't rely on Shen
Yulin for daily necessities, so she bought some daily necessities and brought them with
her when she got married. Now she has no money at all.
As for her parents, there is no need to mention it. Her mother has bronchitis. When it
was not too serious before, they could still take care of her and give her some money
every month. But now her mother's condition is getting worse and worse, and she needs to
take medicine all the time. Therefore, the meager salary of the two may not be enough for
emergency use, so naturally they can't take care of her.
Seeing that she remained silent for a long time, Shen Yulin raised his eyebrows in
confusion, "What's wrong? If you have any difficulties, just tell me. I will do what I
can do, and find someone else if I can't do it. Don't be silent."
Lin Zhiwei was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and an indescribable emotion
surged in his heart.
It has been so long. Ever since her parents were sent to the farm, her uncle has been
working hard to support the whole family. Although her cousins also protect her, they
also have some complaints about the troubles she brings. It has been a long time since
anyone has said such things to her.
"Tell me, how do I know what you need if you don't tell me?" Seeing that she still didn't
speak, Shen Yulin asked again with rare patience.
This person usually speaks very openly, why is he being so shy now?
"Can you lend me some money first? I have no money now." Lin Zhiwei no longer hesitated
and directly told her difficulties. "My mother has tracheitis and needs some anti-
inflammatory drugs. I have to buy some medicine for them here in advance. Don't worry,
I'm just borrowing it temporarily. They will pay me back after I send the medicine over."
"Uh..." Shen Yulin was also embarrassed when he heard this.
This is not a question of whether or not to pay back the money, but that he doesn’t have
much money left?
Yes, he had worked for a few years, but he would buy things for his family as soon as he
got his salary. He did not save much money, and he had almost spent all the money on
buying things for his wedding.
But..., he didn't have it, but Shen Yuxiu did!
Now Shen Yuxiu and Zhao Hui are both working, and with Fang Youshun, it is estimated that
she will not be short of money even if anyone of them is short of money.
Seeing that Zhao Hui hadn't said anything for a long time, Lin Zhiwei thought that he was
unwilling. Just as she was about to say forget it, she saw Shen Yulin said a little
embarrassedly: "I'll ask Xiaoxiu to borrow some money. I don't have any money. How much
does it cost to buy those medicines? Tell me a number."
Lin Zhiwei never expected him to say that. After a moment of hesitation, he said, "Then,
then is that okay? Will Xiaoxiu lend it to you?"
Although she gets along well with Shen Yuxiu, they both know her relationship with Shen
Yulin. She is at most a refugee. Would Shen Yuxiu be willing to lend her money?
"Why wouldn't we be unwilling? At most we can exchange rice and wheat with her. It's not
like we're taking it for free." Shen Yulin said as a matter of course.
Of course, he thought so too. Not to mention that Lin Zhiwei's parents would give money,
even if they didn't, he and Lin Zhiwei had enough food now. Wouldn't it be enough to use
the food to compensate when the time came?
Lin Zhiwei didn't expect him to say that. After being stunned for a moment, she was
immediately filled with emotion.
"Seven or eight dollars is enough." Lin Zhiwei said, and then thanked Shen Yulin
gratefully, "Thank you, I will definitely pay you back."
"There's no rush. We can return it whenever we have the money." Shen Yulin waved his hand
He felt that the other person had saved his life, and it was nothing for him to just buy
some medicine for him. Even if Lin Zhiwei was unable to pay him back, he could still pay
it back himself.
Lin Zhiwei smiled gratefully upon hearing this, then turned around and happily began to
clean up the chopping board where he was kneading the dough.
It was rare for Shen Yulin to see Lin Zhiwei so happy, and he unconsciously looked at her
a few more times. He saw that the corners of her lips and eyebrows were curved like a
crescent moon, and her happiness was obvious. Most importantly, she looked very beautiful
when she was in a good mood and smiling slightly.
He was so absorbed in watching that he didn't even notice the fire in the stove had
caught fire.
Lin Zhiwei put the chopping board back to its original place, turned around and saw him
staring at her in a daze, while the fire in the stove had already started. She screamed
in fright, hurriedly stepped forward, took the fire stick from Shen Yulin's hand, bent
down and added fire to the stove.
"What are you daydreaming about? You're so angry."
Shen Yulin didn't expect the fire to catch fire, and Lin Zhiwei was so anxious to add to
the fire that she forgot to avoid suspicion, and she didn't even notice that her waist
had brushed against Shen Yulin's cheek.
Shen Yulin, who was originally in a daze, was brought back to his senses by the waist
that suddenly appeared in front of him, but as soon as he came to his senses, he felt the
touch of Lin Zhiwei's waist brushing against his cheek, followed by a unique fragrance
belonging to Lin Zhiwei rushing into his nostrils.
Shen Yulin was stunned for a moment, and then his whole face seemed to be filled with
blood, and it turned red from his face to the back of his neck.

Chapter 196: Let's Save Some Mind

Lin Zhiwei was unaware of Shen Yulin's change. After filling the stove with fire, he
didn't even look at Shen Yulin. He just reached out and pushed him.
"Let me light the fire, so you don't burn the house down again."
Shen Yulin, who was already feeling a little embarrassed, quickly stood up from the small
stool and stepped aside. Seeing Lin Zhiwei sitting on the small stool he had just sat on,
his heart inexplicably began beating even faster.
Shen Yulin felt that something was not right with his current state, so he hurriedly
said, "Then I'll go to my grandma's house," and walked away quickly with his head down.
Lin Zhiwei looked at his fleeing back, feeling a little bewildered. Then she thought he
was in a hurry to borrow money, and she felt even more guilty towards this man.
This person is really good. He not only protected her, but also generously supported her
In this side of the yard, Shen Yulin stood at the door and fanned his cheeks with his
What the hell, why was his heart beating so fast just now?
After standing on the street for a long time, Shen Yulin walked towards the Fang family's
The chimney of the Fang family's outer stove had been acting up recently for some unknown
reason, so Zhao Hui simply moved a ladder to the roof and tied a weight with a rope to
clear the chimney.
Shen Yuxiu, who was already on winter vacation, stood below, craning her neck to look at
him, and waited for him to come down so that she could help hold the ladder.
Zhao Hui used the weight to clear the water for a while, and just as he was about to put
it down, Shen Yuxiu couldn't help but remind him: "What are you doing? Don't you have to
flush it with water?"
"Yes, I'm going down to get some water." Zhao Hui said as he walked carefully on the
tiles towards the wall where the ladder was.
"Goodbye, you wait upstairs, I'll fetch the water." Shen Yuxiu said, turning around and
walking towards the house with her big belly.
Zhao Hui was frightened by her words, and he walked faster towards the ladder, shouting
as he walked: "Don't move, I'll do it myself."
Shen Yuxiu didn't listen to him and started scooping water into the bucket in the house.
"Don't come down. It's just a few scoops of water. It's not like I can't lift it."
Zhao Hui became even more anxious when she heard this. Was this a question of whether she
could lift the baby or not? This was a question of whether she was already nine months
pregnant and was about to give birth.
Just as Zhao Hui stepped onto the ladder, he suddenly saw Shen Yulin walking into the
yard and shouted, "Second brother, hurry up, don't let Xiaoxiu carry the water."
Shen Yulin was confused by the shouting and didn't know what was going on. Just as he was
about to come to his senses, he saw Shen Yuxiu coming out of the house carrying a bucket.
He was so scared that he ran over and took the bucket with only a few scoops of water in
it from her hand and started scolding her in a bad mood.
"How can you be so arrogant? Your belly is so big and you still do these things?"
Shen Yuxiu shrank her neck when she was scolded, but she felt a little embarrassed, and
urged him unhappily, "Hurry up and pass it to Zhao Hui, Zhao Hui is still waiting for it
up there."
Shen Yulin's face turned black after being pushed. He could only climb up the ladder to
pass the water to Zhao Hui, and when he came down he did not forget to scold her.
"You should be more aware of yourself. You still think you are a little girl who has
nothing to worry about. So let Zhao Hui worry less..."
Shen Yuxiu was scolded so much that she just nodded and said "hmmmm" and she really had
no temper at all.
Really, although her belly is already very big and her due date is just a few days before
and after the New Year, except for the occasional thigh cramps and stomach getting in the
way when she sleeps at night, she really doesn't feel that her body is that heavy.
And everyone also said that since she was about to give birth, her walking posture and
body shape made it impossible to tell that she was pregnant from behind. And she didn't
seem to have anything wrong with her normal walking, and she still walked as usual.
Because of this, she was scolded a lot during her pregnancy. Everyone was afraid that she
would walk too fast and fall again. Whenever this happened, she had no other choice but
to act pitiful. In this way, no one would have the heart to scold her anymore.
Zhao Hui was just like that. After fixing the chimney, he came down the ladder and was
about to scold her, but when he saw her pitiful look of begging for mercy, he swallowed
his words and instead told her helplessly, "Don't touch these things again in the future.
You are about to give birth, and it's no joke if something happens."
"Okay, I'll listen to you." Shen Yuxiu nodded obediently, looking like she was saying,
"I'll do whatever you say."
Zhao Hui's heart suddenly lost its temper when he saw this. He was about to kiss her
lovingly, but then he gave up when he remembered that Shen Yulin was still beside him.
"Come back to the house. You've walked a lot today. Go and take a rest."
"Yes, sir." Shen Yuxiu said as she turned and walked towards the house. Her speed was so
fast that Zhao Hui's heart shrank and he quickly grabbed her.
"Slow down."
"Oh oh oh." Shen Yuxiu slowed down her pace guiltily.
She forgot, forgot. She was used to walking like this and she always forgot.
Shen Yulin felt a toothache when he saw the two of them being so sticky. He turned
around, picked up the ladder and walked towards where it was usually placed.
This guy, just because she got pregnant, she became a protected animal. Did Zhao Hui
forget that her sister can climb walls and houses without any problem?
Zhao Hui watched Shen Yuxiu walk into the house, then began to untie the weight tied with
a rope. After putting everything back in its place, he went back to the house to wash his
Shen Yulin put down the ladder and came back without any hesitation, and directly
explained his purpose. Shen Yuxiu did not express any opinion on this matter, and went
back to the house to get the money for Shen Yulin.
As for whether Shen Yulin would pay back the money in the future, she was not worried at
Although Shen Yulin's mouth becomes more and more vicious as he grows older, he is still
trustworthy in this aspect.
Besides, after spending half a year together, Lin Zhiwei seemed very reliable and didn't
seem like someone who would default on his debts. Moreover, her father had saved her
second brother in the past. If she could pay off the debt with a little money, her second
brother would still be the one taking advantage.
Just after Shen Yulin took the money and left, Grandma Fang, who had gone out to buy
things, also came back. These were New Year gifts prepared for Shen Yushou's godfather
and godmother. Shen Yushou was now approaching her due date, and Grandma Fang was afraid
that she might give birth at any time, so she wanted Zhao Hui to deliver the gift to Shen
Yushou in advance.
That family really saved Shen Yuxiu's life. No matter how far the journey was, they
really wanted to travel with them.
Zhao Hui had the same idea. To him, that family not only saved Shen Yuxiu's life, but
also saved his life, the lives of the three members of the Zhao family, and Shen Yulin.
Otherwise, they would not exist in this world.
The next day, Zhao Hui rode his bicycle away before dawn and did not return home until
dark. When he left, he took a bag of rice and various New Year gifts, and when he came
back, he took half a bag of seafood, including various fish and shrimps.
"I said no, my godfather and godmother had to give it to me, so I couldn't refuse, so I
took these." Zhao Hui said a little helplessly.
Even though these fish and shrimps were only half a bag, in terms of value, they were
really no less valuable than the things he brought.

Chapter 197 Transfer of posts

The seafood now is all fresh, and Grandma Fang is not stingy. She immediately divided
these things into several portions and asked Zhao Hui to send them to Mr. Shen, Shen
Jinggui and his wife, and the Zhao family respectively.
Zhao Hui actually didn't want to give it to the Zhao family, but since Grandma Fang had
arranged it, he knew about it, so he went to the Zhao family's village in advance before
going to work the next day.
But he did not give this thing to everyone in the Zhao family, but directly to Zhao
Laowu. As for Zhang Dachun and his son, he pretended not to have seen it.
At the moment, he is more or less reliable as a father. He will be happy if he is given
some food and drink. At least he can help him with something, which is much better than
giving something to Zhang Dachun and his mother. He will not be reluctant to give some
Zhao Laowu was so happy when he received these seafood and the new money that he left two
hairtails for Zhang Dachun and took the rest to his friend's house for a drink.
Zhang Dachun was so angry that his nose was crooked when he saw the two small hairtail
fish that Zhao Laowu left for him.
She suspected that if Zhao Laowu didn't need her to cook every day, he probably wouldn't
even leave the two fish for her.
At this moment, she regretted it so much. If she had not done such a thing in the past,
would she be able to live a life as prosperous as Zhao Laowu?
Zhao Hui had just returned to the company, put down his bicycle and was about to go to
his workstation when he was stopped by their production director.
"Xiao Zhao, come here..."
Zhao Hui didn't know what he wanted him to do, but he walked over anyway, "Director, is
there something I can help you with?"
"I heard that you were in charge of purchasing and shipping in the supply and marketing
cooperative before, and you can drive? I guess you should have a lot of experience in
sales and purchasing, right?" The production director said with a smile.
"Well..., I can drive, but the import and export of goods are handled by my leader, and I
don't have much experience." Zhao Hui said modestly.
To be honest, the supply and marketing cooperatives are quite popular in buying and
selling goods. Going to their territory to buy goods is like giving them money. You don't
have to spend any extra effort at all. What they do most is to negotiate the price with
the other party. They will buy when the price is right. Experience is the experience of
dealing with people. You will naturally learn these things after seeing them more.
But he didn't know why the director asked him this, so he could only give a conservative
"Hey, you're being modest." The director didn't quite believe it, and laughed and said,
"It's like this, the county approved money to buy us two cars, one car is used for
business, and the other is for delivery. The two cars will arrive in a few days, but the
drivers have not been found. Do you want to go to business with our sales director, or
drive to deliver goods? Don't worry, the salary of either of these two jobs is higher
than your current position."
He found Zhao Hui, and naturally he had inquired about Zhao Hui's abilities. He had
first-rate driving skills, and never made mistakes when he was selling goods to others.
Although he had never seen it with his own eyes, he thought that he must have some
ability to be evaluated like this. Moreover, Zhao Hui's ability to drive alone was enough
to meet the county's requirements. Zhao Hui could do either of the two positions.
"This..." Zhao Hui frowned when he heard this.
Does this mean that he will be transferred to another position? Although both positions
are easier than his current one, the problem is that both of them require running around.
What's more, Shen Yushou is about to give birth, and he doesn't want to be away from Shen
Yushou every day and miss out on taking care of the family.
"Are you having any difficulties?" Seeing him like this, the director couldn't help but
raise his eyebrows and asked.
To be honest, anyone who hears about these two jobs would be ecstatic. Why does this guy
still look so embarrassed?
"Aren't there people who come to pick up these goods? Do we still have to deliver them?"
Zhao Hui asked suspiciously.
Before, when they were in the supply and marketing cooperative, they drove themselves to
buy goods everywhere. How many of them actually had goods delivered to their doors?
"Isn't this a difficult business?" The director sighed and said, "You also know that
there are not many vehicles in our area now, and the amount of oil we need is limited. In
addition, other oil fields also have their own heavy oil plants. If we don't have more
advantages, who will buy oil from us?"
"Is that so?" Zhao Hui understood what he was talking about. He thought for a moment and
said, "Director, to be honest, my wife is about to give birth. If I'm not home every day,
I'm afraid she will run into problems and won't be able to handle them. So I'm afraid I
can't handle the sales job, but I can try the delivery job. But if I can't handle it by
then, don't blame me for being useless."
Over the years, Zhao Hui has learned a lot about the art of speaking. The other party
directly mentioned two work positions, which made it clear that he must be transferred.
However, compared to running around selling business to people, he temporarily prefers
the job of driving and delivering goods.
When it comes to delivering goods, he just has to deliver them at the time and place, but
this job of selling products requires him to travel frequently, say different things to
different people, and drink and smile every day to be careful not to be tricked. Not only
is it stressful on his mind and body, but the salary is still the same. Now Shen Yuxiu is
about to give birth, and he doesn't want to spend that effort for that little money and
leave Shen Yuxiu alone at home.
Although his idea may not be right at this time when everyone is talking about
dedication, it is his true thought.
Although he wants to move up a level, he also doesn't want to sacrifice his own family
for the sake of everyone else. He just wants his own family to be well and the people he
loves and cares about to live a stable life. As for any lofty ambitions and dreams of
making a big career, he certainly has them, but when he can only choose one of the two,
he will choose family.
The director was immediately delighted when he heard this and patted him on the shoulder,
"Okay, that's it, when the car arrives, you can go and drive the car to deliver the goods
"Okay." Zhao Hui agreed with a smile, and after the director left, he quickly returned to
his workstation.
To be honest, Zhao Hui was a little surprised by this sudden transfer.
Generally, work positions like this are directly assigned internally, and there are
almost no leaders who come to transfer positions like this. I don’t know what happened.
However, the child is about to be born, and he will need money more in the future.
Changing jobs and increasing his salary are also good things. The only bad thing is that
he may not be able to go home every day to accompany Shen Yuxiu in the future.
Zhao Hui had no idea that it was not that the factory leaders did not want to appoint an
internal personnel, but that the higher-ups had issued a direct order that vehicles were
large objects, so they had to find experienced drivers. If they found someone who knew
nothing, once the vehicle was damaged, not to mention making a profit and achieving
political achievements, the county’s finances would probably have to spend money on it.
This was absolutely unacceptable.
That's why he asked someone to find out about Zhao Hui.
After work, Zhao returned home and told Shen Yuxiu and the two elders of the Fang family
about this matter.
Shen Yuxiu had no concerns when she heard that he could work more easily. She immediately
smiled and said, "That's great. You won't have to be so tired in the future. But you have
to pay attention to safety when driving and don't be careless."
In fact, Shen Yuxiu had long felt that Zhao Hui's job was too tiring, and she also hoped
that Zhao Hui could take it easier.

Chapter 198 Scared?

Zhao Hui looked at her happy expression and felt a little unwilling.
Why does it seem like his young wife is very happy for him to run around?
Shen Yuxiu felt a little uneasy when he stared at her, and asked in confusion, "What's
wrong with you? Why are you looking at me like that?"
"If I change my job, I won't be able to go home often. What will happen to you and the
child?" Zhao Hui looked at her belly with some grievance, feeling that she didn't seem to
care about him that much.
"What's the big deal? I'm here for you. Just go to work and don't worry." Grandma Fang
took over the conversation directly, not caring about Zhao Hui's worries at all.
She has spent her whole life taking care of and coaxing children, but it's just a child,
it's a piece of cake for her.
Zhao Hui was choked when he heard this, but he didn't know what to say.
He was not afraid that no one would take care of the child. He was reluctant to leave
home for a long time and to be separated from Shen Yuxiu, even for just a few days.
Fang Youshun seemed to understand what he was thinking when he saw this. He felt relieved
and comforted him at the same time.
"Don't worry. A man should take risks when he needs to. Family is important, but so is
the future. Your grandma and I will take good care of the child and Xiaoxiu. Just do what
you should do. You will soon be a father, so you have to consider the future of your
child. Even if we can't make the child live a life of luxury, at least we can help him
avoid taking detours, right?"
Zhao Hui felt a little disappointed after hearing what Fang Youshun said.
Yes, he is going to be a father, and he cannot let his child go through the hardships he
has gone through again. So he should work hard to prevent his child from going through
the hardships he has gone through, and to prevent his wife from struggling for life and
worrying about it.
But he still felt reluctant to leave home. You could say he was ambitious and had no
ambition, or anything else. He really didn't want to leave Shen Yuxiu and didn't want to
be too far away from home.
After dinner in the evening, lying on the kang, Zhao Hui looked at Shen Yuxiu who was
pregnant beside him, and couldn't help but quietly approach her and gently put his face
against hers.
I can’t bear to let it go. I just can’t bear to let it go.
Shen Yuxiu was also not asleep. When she noticed his movements, she immediately smiled
and rubbed against his arms, then fell asleep peacefully.
Zhao Hui looked at Shen Yuxiu sleeping quietly in his arms, and his heart was filled with
He felt that he had no ambition and just wanted to stay safely by her side.
But as a man, he couldn't just be satisfied with this, he should give her a better life
and let her live a worry-free life, just like now, without having to think about anything
except eating and drinking and waiting for him to come home.
Just a few days after Zhao Hui accepted this fact, New Year's Eve arrived.
Amid the sound of firecrackers, Zhao Hui felt for the first time what a home should be
It was lively and full of laughter. We worshiped our ancestors together, had New Year’s
Eve dinner as a family, and stayed up together until midnight.
Not long after Shen Yuxiu and Zhao Hui happily returned home on New Year's Day, she felt
a dull pain in her lower back.
It was her first pregnancy and she had no experience in childbirth, so she thought it was
because she slept too late the previous night and got up too early today and was tired,
so she didn't take it seriously.
It was not until mid-morning that she felt her lower back aching more and more, and could
no longer lie down. She realized something was wrong, and shouted to the outer room,
"Grandma, come here, my lower back is aching all the time."
Zhao Hui, who was lying nearby reading a book, put down his book and came to Shen Yuxiu,
"Where does your lower back hurt?"
Shen Yuxiu sat up and gestured from her lower back to her hips, frowning and saying, "It
hurts all over."
Grandma Fang also came over following the sound. Seeing this, she immediately climbed
onto the kang and touched her belly, and asked, "Does your stomach hurt?"
"It doesn't hurt, but my belly feels tight sometimes." Shen Yuxiu felt her current state
and asked doubtfully, "Is the birth imminent?"
My stomach feels tight and my lower back hurts. Is this due to the bone gap opening?
Grandma Fang had given birth to several children with her own daughter, and combined with
her own experience, she was basically certain that this should be a reaction to the birth
of a child, so she immediately instructed Zhao Hui.
"Go call your grandpa, and then call your parents, let's go to the health center now."
In fact, Grandma Fang originally wanted Shen Yuxiu to give birth at home. If she could
find an experienced midwife at that time, there would generally not be any problems.
After all, this is how women have given birth for generations.
But Zhao Hui insisted on going to the county health center from the beginning, saying
that no matter how good the midwife in the village was, the medical conditions were not
as good as those in the current health center. He was afraid that Shen Yuxiu would give
birth at home and something unexpected would happen, and she would not have time to go to
the hospital.
It's not that he hopes something bad will happen to Shen Yuxiu, but he is afraid of the
After all, there are women who die during childbirth, and he is really worried.
While Zhao Hui went out to look for someone, Grandma Fang started packing the small quilt
and other things that Shen Yuxiu would need for giving birth. She had prepared these in
advance and had boiled them in boiling water, so all the necessary items were there.
Zhao went back to call for help and came back soon. When he helped Shen Yuxiu onto the
tricycle and headed to the county, his hands and feet were shaking.
To be honest, he didn't know what his mood was. He was obviously happy in his heart, but
his heart was beating so hard and his hands and feet were a little weak.
When they arrived at the hospital, the doctor examined them and said that Shen Yuxiu's
bone gap was only one finger wide and it would take more than ten hours for her to give
birth. So he put them in the ward and asked them to pay attention to the duration of the
contractions at any time so that they could judge when Shen Yuxiu would give birth.
Shen Yuxiu had never known that giving birth would be like this. It was okay when her
stomach didn't hurt but her lower back hurt, and she could hold on. But when her stomach
hurt, she felt as if her bones were about to fall apart, and she cried in pain.
But there was no other way. Having a child was not like anything else. You could have it
if you wanted to, and not have it if you didn't want to. She could only grit her teeth
and endure it.
Zhao Hui was even more at a loss when he saw her like this, and his stomach even started
to churn and feel uncomfortable. When Shen Yuxiu grimaced in pain again, he couldn't hold
it back and threw up to the side.
Shen Yuxiu was shocked when she saw him like this. She almost forgot about the pain in
her stomach until the pain passed. She immediately stepped forward to ask him
"What's wrong with you? Are you hungry?"
That's not right. He should have been eating the same as me since yesterday. If he is
fine, he should be fine too, right?
"Jinggui, please take Zhao back for a look first, don't get upset." Upon seeing this,
Grandma Fang quickly ordered Shen Jinggui to wait aside.
After hearing this, Shen Jinggui immediately took Zhao back to see the doctor. Zhao Hui
didn't want to leave yet, but his stomach was cramping so much that he was afraid of
causing trouble if he stayed here. He could only follow Shen Jinggui to find the doctor
first to see what was going on. But the strange thing is that when he got to the doctor,
although he felt uncomfortable, he stopped vomiting.
The doctor asked around, but he didn't look like he was sick. After careful questioning,
he found out that his wife was about to give birth, and that his wife was in pain. He
felt uncomfortable and wanted to vomit, and he immediately laughed.
"You must be scared. A big young man only has so much courage." The doctor said with a
funny look on his face: "Go back, nothing will happen. If you are scared, don't watch
your wife give birth."
Zhao Hui was stunned.
No? Isn't he afraid? He was really not afraid, he just felt uncomfortable when he saw
Shen Yuxiu in pain.
Shen Jinggui was also speechless.
This was the first time he heard that a woman was so scared that a man would vomit after
giving birth.
Shen Jinggui took Zhao Hui back to the ward and told everyone about this. Everyone was
stunned, especially Shen Yuxiu.
Scared? She had not even given birth to a baby yet, so she actually frightened him like

Chapter 199 Giving birth

And just when Shen Yuxiu was shocked by Zhao Hui's reaction, another burst of pain
suddenly hit her stomach, causing her to gasp in pain. At the same time, Zhao Hui also
retched again.
Seeing this almost simultaneous reaction, Grandma Fang immediately ordered Shen Jinggui,
"Take him out quickly, don't let him cause trouble here."
This is simply true. When a woman gives birth to a child, he will cause trouble, and he
is still taking care of her little girl. How can a little girl take care of him while she
is giving birth to a child, right?
Zhao Hui felt a little useless when he was taken out of the ward by Shen Jinggui.
He didn't want to be like this, but when he saw Shen Yuxiu feeling uncomfortable, his
stomach reacted uncontrollably. This was really not intentional.
Seeing Zhao Hui like that, Shen Yuxiu didn't dare to scream too loudly. When the labor
pain came, she took a slow and deep breath according to the breathing frequency of
Grandma Fang. When the pain passed, she immediately took a rest.
But the child in her belly may be a chronic one. It caused Shen Yuxiu to drag and ache
from the morning until around three o'clock in the morning.
When Zhao Hui heard the baby's cry, he was frightened. Seeing Grandma Fang and the others
hurriedly ran to the door of the delivery room and looked inside, and he followed them
with weak legs and feet.
After a while, the doctor finally brought out a child. Grandma Fang immediately
approached her and asked, "Is it a boy or a girl?"
"It's a big fat boy. Congratulations." The doctor smiled and put the little boy into
Grandma Fang's arms, saying, "This boy has a hard head. The shape of his head hasn't
changed since he was born. His mother has suffered a lot."
Zhao Hui's heart skipped a beat when he heard this. He didn't even bother to look at the
ugly child, and asked in a trembling voice, "Then, then, then, how is the adult? Is he
"It's okay. It's her first time and she has no experience. She suffered a little pain,
but it will be out soon. Don't worry, it's okay." It's rare to see a man accompanying a
baby in labor and not caring about the child first, so the female doctor's attitude
towards Zhao Hui was particularly nice.
I suffered a minor crime. What kind of crime is a minor crime?
Zhao Hui was a little confused, but the doctor had already gone back and he had no one to
ask, so he stood at the door with a heavy heart waiting for Shen Yuxiu to come out.
Xiaoxiu is so delicate and has suffered so much, how can she bear this?
As he was thinking about it, Zhao Hui felt his stomach starting to ache again. He ran to
the trash can and started retching again.
Grandma Fang was speechless when she saw his expression. She handed the child to Fang Yan
and told her, "Take the child back to the ward first. It's cold here. Don't let the child
get cold."
"Okay." Fang Yan agreed, carefully took the child, and walked towards the ward.
She took a closer look just now, and found that the child's head was not deformed at all.
Unlike other children, their heads were not long and pointed when they were born.
After giving birth, Shen Yuxiu felt dizzy and exhausted from the pain. When the doctor
finally helped her deal with it, the first thing Zhao Hui said when he took her back to
the ward was, "I won't give birth again. I will never give birth again."
"Okay, no more children, no more children. I won't have any more children." Zhao Hui
looked at her like this, his eyes turned red and he almost cried.
He was almost scared to death. It had been an hour since the child came out and she still
hadn't come out. He thought something had happened to her.
Grandma Fang looked at the pretentious young couple and couldn't help shaking her head.
I have never seen such a pampered person, who feels wronged after giving birth to a
child. I have also never seen a man who dotes on his wife so much, he does whatever his
wife says, but as long as it is good for his own girl, she is happy to see it happen.
Zhao Hui's vomiting problem was cured without any medicine after Shen Yushou gave birth
to the baby. He immediately went to the doctor to ask for advice on how to take care of
the mother. The doctor had a lot of things to do every day and was overwhelmed, so he
gave Zhao Hui a book on physiological hygiene and nursing and asked him to read it
himself. Of course, he had to return it after reading it.
Shen Yuxiu stayed in the hospital for three days. After the doctor checked that
everything was fine, they discharged them. It was only at Zhao Hui's request that they
stayed in the hospital for three days. Otherwise, the doctor would have wanted to send
them home the day after the baby was born.
Nowadays, women are not so careful when giving birth, let alone giving birth in the
hospital. Some women give birth at home the day before and have to go to work in the
fields the next day. This is not uncommon. However, Shen Yuxiu stayed in the hospital for
three days because of giving birth. This was unprecedented in the surrounding villages.
During these three days, Zhao Hui carefully read through the book given to him by the
doctor. At the same time, he also wrote down the things that needed attention, and
planned to take care of Shen Yuxiu according to these when he returned.
But unfortunately, he had only been at home taking care of Shen Yuxiu for a few days when
he had to go back to work. Fortunately, the door-to-door delivery business had not yet
been handled, so he had nothing to do for the time being. He would report to the company
every day, check the condition of the car as usual, and rush back home as soon as it was
time to get off work.
Shen Yuxiu has been well taken care of. Because the weather is very cold now, Grandma
Fang was afraid that she and the child would catch a cold, so she waited until she was
out of confinement before notifying all the relatives to send rice to the child.
Of course, not many people can truly enjoy a full confinement period nowadays. Shen
Yuxiu's treatment made all the women in the village envious, including Shen Yuzhen who
came with her two children.
"People are just different. Adults are precious, so are children. Look at this round
little head. There's not even a bit of uncle's shit on it." Shen Yuzhen looked at the
sleeping baby with sourness. His head was so clean that you could see the white scalp.
His little face was so tender and moist except for the chapped parts.
It's nothing like her. She didn't even complete the two months of confinement. When her
two children came out of the confinement period, their heads were covered with their
uncle's shit. Compared with Shen Yuxiu's children, the difference was like heaven and
Shen Yuxiu listened to her words, curled her lips slightly, and didn't want to talk to
If you don't want your child to have uncle's shit on his head, then just clean it more
frequently. This will also give her something to say, which is also a problem.
Seeing that she didn't say anything, Shen Yuzhen held her son in her arms, looked at Shen
Yuxiu who had become whiter and fatter, and sniffed the milky fragrance that filled the
room. She became even more envious, "You must have eaten a lot of good food in the past
month, right? Look at your face. After the confinement period, it's even more tender than
when you were a girl."
Before she entered the yard, she saw the egg shells on the street outside. Just by
looking at the thick layer of crushed eggs, she knew that Shen Yuxiu had eaten a lot of
eggs during this period of confinement.
"We are just ordinary people. What good things can we eat? I eat whatever my grandma and
the others eat. At most, I just drink more soup to have milk." Shen Yuxiu said
In fact, it was not like that. During the confinement period, Zhao Hui did everything
according to what was written in the book. He bought whatever was needed to restore the
body, including red dates, longans, brown sugar, millet, lotus roots, and fresh meat. He
really bought whatever he saw for fear of mistreating her and the child.
Of course, she didn't need to tell Shen Yuzhen all this. Didn't she see that Shen Yuzhen
was already jealous before she even said anything?
If she said this again, it would make people too jealous and Shen Yuzhen unhappy. She
would get angry too. There was no need to do that.

Chapter 200: Moved

However, Shen Yuxiu didn't intend to pay attention to Shen Yuzhen, but Shen Yuzhen kept
"Oh, the diapers you use for the baby are all new, right? Why don't you get some from
your sister-in-law? Her child is grown up now and doesn't need them. It's such a waste to
use such good new cotton cloth as diapers." Shen Yuzhen kept clicking her tongue as she
turned over the diapers that Shen Yuxiu had folded and put aside.
Nowadays, children's diapers are made by washing old clothes of adults or children. Who
would buy new cotton cloth as diapers for their children?
"All the diapers at my sister-in-law's house have been washed to pieces and there are
only a few left." Shen Yuxiu looked at her folding diapers indifferently.
Song Huilai had diapers, but she was always very frivolous. She would wash and scrub the
diapers after use and keep them, not wanting to give them away. Moreover, Song Huilai was
not particular about her children's clothes. She would let the child wet the diaper and
then dry it in the sun, and then continue to use it. She couldn't stand the smell.
Besides, Zhao Hui didn't need her to worry about these things. Before Grandma Fang could
make arrangements, he had already asked someone to buy them in advance. The soft and
delicate cotton cloth was comfortable to touch, much better than the diapers at home that
had been used by countless children.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Shen Yuzhen said with disapproval on her face: "My child's
diapers are still there, you can just wash them and use them directly. And this quilt,
such good fabric is used to make a quilt, what a pity, how about I go home and bring you
my son's diapers and quilt, and give me the extra quilt you have, and I will tear it
apart and make some clothes for your nephew."
Shen Yuzhen became excited as she spoke, and took the small quilt in her hands, her eyes
full of curiosity.
The fabric is so good that it should be enough to make some small clothes for her son.
Shen Yuxiu was speechless when she saw her like this. She wanted to refuse directly but
was afraid that she would say something morally blackmailing, so she simply said, "Okay,
a small blanket is three yuan. Just give me the amount of blankets you buy. You don't
have to give me the diapers and blankets from your house. Zhao Hui bought more because he
was afraid that the child would not have enough. There are enough for him."
"Are you crazy? You want me to pay three dollars for a small bag?" Shen Yuzhen's eyes
widened when she heard this.
"What else? You want to take it for free?" Shen Yuxiu looked at her in the same shocked
It's like saying, no way, no way, you actually want to take my things for free.
Shen Yuzhen choked and looked a little embarrassed.
Yes, she really wanted to get it for free.
She thought that she would use her own child's used diapers and swaddles to exchange for
these new ones, and then take them back when Shen Yuxiu's child grew up and no longer
needed these things. At that time, the diapers and swaddles would still be hers, and the
fabrics used on Shen Yuxiu's new swaddles would also be hers. How wonderful it would be.
But unfortunately, Shen Yuxiu exposed it in one go.
"Forget it. Your things are precious. I can't afford them." Shen Yuzhen threw the quilt
on the kang, got up with the child in her arms, and walked out with her eldest daughter
who had been standing obediently by the kang. "Let's go, don't disturb your second aunt
The little girl stumbled as she was dragged. Shen Yuzhen impatiently helped her steady
herself and then scolded her loudly, "What's wrong with you? You can't even walk?"
The little girl was at a loss what to do after being scolded. She looked at Shen Yuzhen
timidly with her big eyes.
Shen Yuzhen got angry when she saw her like this, and stopped pulling her. She turned
around and walked towards the outer room, and the little girl saw this and hurriedly
chased after her.
Shen Yuxiu looked at the little girl's back and couldn't help but frowning.
She suspected that Shen Yuzhen was mad at her, but wasn't it a bit too much to treat a
child like this just because she was rejected?
After all, she is her daughter. Why is she taking her anger out on the child?
However, this was Shen Yuzhen's business, and she and Shen Yuzhen didn't get along well.
Even if she told Shen Yuzhen that this was not right, Shen Yuzhen would probably sneer at
her and say that she was meddling in other people's business.
In fact, Shen Yuzhen was just angry for a moment. How could she not feel pain for her own
child? After a while, she realized that she had gone too far and immediately picked out
some delicious candies and stuffed them into her little pocket.
"Eat quickly, then go play."
When the little girl saw the candies, she immediately took them happily and went to play
with other children.
In this way, at the end of the day, except for Shen Yuzhen who was bored and scolded by
Shen Yuxiu, everyone else was happy.
Late in the evening, when Shen Yulin and Lin Zhiwei finished their work at Fang's house
and were walking home side by side, they suddenly noticed two shadows on the ground.
Sometimes they separate, sometimes they merge together, it's so harmonious.
Recently, he always felt that his heart was out of control sometimes, and his eyes
unconsciously wanted to look at the people around him. He was moved and knew what it
meant. But he and Lin Zhiwei were married for a transition after all, and he was the one
who took the initiative to cancel the marriage, so he had been avoiding it until now.
But he found that the more he avoided her, the more he couldn't control his desire to see
Lin Zhiwei, and even wanted to get close to her.
Just like now, he looked at Lin Zhiwei who was wearing a plaid jacket today, and saw her
cheeks glowing faintly under the setting sun, and he felt the urge to kiss her.
Shen Yulin shook his head, took a deep breath of alcohol, tried hard to suppress the
impulse in his heart, and slowly walked home with the people around him. When he entered
the house, he saw Lin Zhiwei going to pour him some water, and suddenly he impulsively
grabbed Lin Zhiwei's hand.
"Lin Zhiwei, can we be a real couple?" Shen Yulin looked quietly at the person in front
of him, his eyes were particularly sincere.
He felt that if he continued to hold it in, he would be in trouble. Either one day he
would become a peeping Tom, or one day he would be possessed by a demon and kill the
person in front of him.
It would be better to ask directly for the result. If Lin Zhiwei likes him, then they can
be a real couple. If not, he would not dare to live with her alone like this anymore. At
least they have to sleep in separate rooms.
Lin Zhiwei was caught off guard by these words and didn't know how to react for a moment.
"Perhaps, I should change my words." Seeing that she did not withdraw her hand, Shen
Yulin took another step forward and lowered his head to ask her: "Do you like me? Do you
want to consider becoming a real couple with me and living with me for the rest of your
Lin Zhiwei's cheeks flushed when he asked her this. She subconsciously wanted to avoid
him, but she raised her eyes and looked at Shen Yulin. "Are you serious? Marriage is not
a joke. Shen Yulin, if you become my wife, you can no longer like other girls. Think it
Shen Yulin looked at her serious expression and smiled softly, "I like you now. As long
as you and I are husband and wife, I will never like other girls. I can guarantee this
with my personality."
Lin Zhiwei didn't expect him to speak so bluntly. She felt her ears buzzing from his
words and her heart was beating like a rabbit. More importantly, Shen Yulin's eyes seemed
to be filled with flames, and the look he gave her was so hot.

Chapter 201 Seven Years

Lin Zhiwei's face began to burn as she was being stared at. She subconsciously tried to
avoid his gaze, but Shen Yulin suddenly bent down and looked straight into her eyes.
"Lin Zhiwei, give me an answer, good or bad." Shen Yulin looked into her eyes and
promised without allowing her to escape, "Don't worry, even if you don't want to, I will
never force you. I will still protect you until you feel that you no longer need me and
leave me. If you are willing..." Then I won't be polite.
Although Shen Yulin didn't say the rest of the words, Lin Zhiwei roughly understood what
he meant. Her heart couldn't help but beat like a drum, and finally, under his focused
gaze, she slowly nodded her head.
"Okay, but you can't be indecisive."
"Okay, I won't hesitate."
Seeing that she agreed, Shen Yulin's eyes were suddenly filled with smiles. He stared at
her pink red lips and suddenly pecked her lightly, and then deepened the kiss.
Lin Zhiwei's head was buzzing. Was it so fast?
She just accepted him!
But then her brain was no longer sufficient, and Shen Yulin didn't give her any time to
think about anything.
On this side, Shen Yuxiu let out a long breath after the guests gradually left, then lay
on her side and rubbed her lower back.
The child was too small and too soft, so she didn't dare to hold him. When feeding the
child, she could only lie sideways to hold the child. After a long time, her waist could
not bear it.
"What's wrong? Is your waist hurting again?" Zhao Hui said as he walked forward, put his
big hand on her lower back, and began to massage her evenly.
Zhao Hui's hands were very hot, and when he rubbed her lower back, Shen Yuxiu immediately
moaned in comfort.
“Tell me, when will this waist pain stop?” Shen Yuxiu buried her head in Zhao Hui’s
legs with some complaint.
Clearly, she had done nothing but eating and feeding the baby in the past month, yet she
was still so tired that her waist ached.
"Wait until the baby is older and you can hold him and feed him, then you'll be
relieved." Zhao Hui coaxed her softly, "If not, I'll go get some milk powder for him."
To be honest, he didn't know what it was like for a woman to give birth before, but this
month, he saw Shen Yuxiu giving birth to the baby in so much pain, then grimacing in pain
from the subsequent contractions, and then crying in pain when she started breastfeeding
the baby. He felt that she had suffered too much.
"Let's forget it." Shen Yuxiu said with some resentment, "I still have enough food for
the child now, and it doesn't hurt anymore. There's no need to spend that money. Let's
wait until the little guy doesn't have enough food in the future."
What's more, milk powder is very expensive now, and her son has a big appetite. If he
drinks milk powder, Zhao Hui's monthly salary will be spent on it. It's unnecessary.
"That will be hard work for you." Zhao Hui bent down and kissed her forehead with
"It's not hard. As long as you are here, it's not hard for me." Shen Yuxiu looked up at
him, her eyes full of a happy smile.
As long as he and his grandparents are around, she really doesn't feel any hardship at
Really, as long as Zhao Hui is at home, he is responsible for changing the baby's diapers
and washing the baby. When Zhao Hui is not at home, grandma does these things. Basically,
she never has to get involved. She is only responsible for feeding the baby.
Grandma Fang collected the diapers that were drying outside and was about to bring them
to this room when she heard Shen Yuxiu's low voice. She immediately turned around and
walked straight to the kang in the outer room.
This girl is coaxing people again.
It was strange, not only himself and Fang Youshun, but also Zhao Hui was the same. They
knew that she was just being spoiled, but they just fell for her tricks.
As expected, Zhao Hui in the room was very happy to hear what he heard. He could see
nothing else except her and the baby beside her.
She said, it’s great to have him around, so her life isn’t so stressful.
She loves herself and depends on herself very much, which is why she says such things.
It's great.
Zhao Hui felt very happy and suddenly felt full of strength.
He has to work hard and try his best to give the mother and daughter the best life with
his best ability. At least they won't have to be reluctant to spend money on a bag of
milk powder in the future.
After Shen Yuxiu finished her confinement, she went back to work, and Zhao Hui's work
also gradually got on track. Sometimes he would not come back for a whole day when he
went out to deliver goods, and sometimes he would not come back for three to five days,
but most of the time he could still go home every day.
Since the two of them started working, the baby was left entirely to Grandma Fang, who
also looked after the two older children of Shen Yuwen and Shen Yuhong, who was not yet
of school age. Shen Yujun and Shen Yusuei went to and from school with Shen Yuxiu every
When the weather got warmer, Grandma Fang would hold one in her arms and take three
radish heads of different sizes with her, and get together with a group of aunts and
sisters who were looking after the children. She didn't feel bored at all.
With the start of the new year, and because of the bumper harvest of rice planted by Team
8 last year, the commune began to vigorously encourage people to plant rice this year.
Propaganda slogans such as "Seize the opportunity of spring farming and develop rice is
good" and "Grow a good season of rice and the country will be peaceful and the people
will be well" were everywhere.
The teams, which had already been stimulated by the great harvest of Team 8 last year,
were all excited by the boasting of the officers sent down to promote the harvest.
Planting, if others dare to plant rice, why can't we? Anyway, we don't have to worry
about water for irrigation now. If there are high-yield crops, why not plant high-yield
crops? Then they can also have a full stomach.
Therefore, at the beginning of spring, people began to plow the paddy fields in a hurry.
Shouts of praise could be heard in the fields every day. People seemed to have endless
energy. They were sweating profusely but full of energy every day.
Hard work will pay off. In the autumn, the land was filled with the fragrance of rice
flowers. When people waved their sickles and harvested all the grain into warehouses,
they realized their wish of having enough food every day for the first time.
With this change, people's mentality and mental outlook are getting better and better.
Year after year, skinny people are almost no longer seen on the streets. Boys are as
strong as calves, and girls are gradually putting on new clothes and red hairpins.
In 1977, the village even established a breeding farm, raising 50 cattle and more than
200 sheep, with an estimated profit of more than 10,000 yuan.
During this period, Shen Yuxiu, who had said she would never have another child, gave
birth to another son three years later. Shen Yulin and Lin Zhiwei also had a son and were
pregnant. Shen Yujun got married last year. His wife was Liu Caixia, a very eloquent
girl. Shen Yusui dropped out of school because she failed to get into high school and is
now farming at home. Among her brothers and sisters, only Shen Yuhong is still in
elementary school.
After Shen Yuxiu distributed the children's results that day and announced the names of
those in the class who had been admitted to high school, she ended the teaching courses
for this semester and began the next two months of summer vacation.
Shen Yuxiu had just packed her things and walked out of the school with her backpack on
her back when two figures, one big and one small, suddenly rushed over. If Shen Yuxiu
hadn't been prepared immediately as usual, she would have been hit. Behind the two
children, Grandma Fang was smiling at the three of them.
"Mom, mom, are you on vacation now?" The older child, Shen Yuxiu's eldest son Zhao
Mingli, hugged her legs and looked up at her, his eyes full of joy.
The holiday means that Shen Yuxiu can accompany him and his brother every day, and he has
been looking forward to this day for a long time.

Chapter 202 Returning Home

Shen Yuxiu looked at her eldest son with eyes full of expectation, smiled and reached out
to touch his little head.
"Yeah, it's vacation time."
"Oh, oh, it's holiday."
When Zhao Mingli heard this, he cheered with joy, and the little guy beside him, Shen
Yuxiu's youngest son Zhao Mingchen, also clapped his hands happily, then pointed at his
soft and tender cheeks and said to Shen Yuxiu, "Smells good, smells good."
That meant letting Shen Yuxiu kiss him.
Shen Yuxiu was so touched by her cute little son that she immediately followed his wishes
and gave him a loud smack on the face.
Zhao Mingchen felt satisfied immediately after being kissed. He held her face with his
little hands and kissed her as a return gesture.
Zhao Mingli, who was standing beside them, was so envious when he saw this that his eyes
almost burst into tears. But when he remembered that his father had said that he was old
enough and couldn't always think about being kissed by his mother, he tightened his
little face proudly.
What? This little brother will grow up to be as big as him sooner or later, and there
will be a day when he can no longer kiss his mother, so he won't be envious.
Although Shen Yuxiu didn't notice his thoughts, she didn't favor one over the other.
After being kissed by the younger one, she immediately turned around and kissed Zhao
Mingli on the face. Seeing her son's eyes widened in surprise, she laughed and picked up
the younger one, greeting him and Grandma Fang.
"Let's go home..."
"Go home, go home."
As she finished speaking, Zhao Mingchen repeated it in a baby voice, and Zhao Mingli
behind her was suddenly kissed. He was so happy that he almost laughed, but he wiped his
face pretending to be helpless, and then walked forward with Grandma Fang.
His mother doesn't act like an adult at all. It's ok that she kisses her younger brother
when she's happy, but she even kisses him when he's this old. She really doesn't act like
a mother at all.
But his father also said that his mother's childish nature is her business, but when he
grows up he has to act like a grown-up child. If his mother kisses him actively it means
she is happy and likes him, but he cannot always be close to her just because he likes
her. Moreover, he is the eldest child and he has to set a good example and not teach his
younger brothers bad things.
Zhao Mingli sighed again and felt a huge pressure on himself.
He wanted to take care of his younger brother, but his younger brother was still young
and it was impossible to convince him!
Shen Yuxiu had no idea about the entanglements and troubles in the little child's heart.
She just felt that her eldest son, who usually always clung to her, had suddenly become
like a little adult recently. Not only did he not let her hug him or kiss him on the
cheek, but he also had to put on a stern face from time to time like a little old man. Is
this okay?
She didn't know what the child was thinking, but she felt that a child should act like a
child. So whenever she had free time, she would tease and make trouble for him until he
acted like a child.
Zhao Hui came back early today. After washing his clothes in the yard, he was about to
hang them up to dry when he saw Shen Yuxiu coming back with Zhao Mingchen in her arms. He
immediately wiped his hands on himself and came forward to take her.
"I'm back," Zhao Hui took Zhao Mingchen and put him on the ground, letting his eldest son
play with him. He then turned around and pulled Shen Yuxiu to the clothes basin, while
hanging the clothes, he asked her, "Is it a holiday today?"
"Well, it's vacation time. Guess how many of these graduates have been admitted to high
schools?" Shen Yuxiu said as she started hanging up clothes with him.
When she first started teaching, the teachers only let her teach the first grade and did
not dare to let her follow the class. It was not until one time when the teacher who
taught the graduating class was discussing a difficult problem encountered when preparing
for class and saw that she had solved the answer, that they began to try to let her
follow the class. This year is the first batch of graduating students she taught.
"I can't guess." Zhao Hui smiled and shook his head, and asked her directly, "How many?
He remembered that there were only five people in their class who were admitted to high
school, and he also remembered that Shen Yuxiu once said that there were about twenty
children in the class she taught, so half should be about the same?
"A little more than half." Shen Yuxiu pointed her fingers proudly, "You know what? If we
go by the results of previous years, at most ten of them would pass the exam. This time,
thanks to the extra points for Chinese that I taught, basically no one of them got less
than 60 points."
"Oh, you've done a great job." Zhao Hui hung up the clothes and asked jokingly, "Then
I'll make you something delicious tonight to reward you?"
"Okay." Shen Yuxiu said and laughed.
Really, she was extremely happy today, almost as happy as when she was admitted to high
"Okay, I bought some meat and potatoes today, so we'll stew the potatoes with meat
tonight." Zhao Hui said as he picked up the dirty water in the washtub, shook it, poured
it onto the open space in the yard, and walked into the house with Shen Yuxiu.
Shen Yuxiu and Zhao Hui chatted and laughed as they entered the house. As soon as she put
her backpack in the inner room, she suddenly remembered something else and asked Zhao
Hui, "Have you asked for leave?"
"It's basically approved. I'll find time to go to the base tomorrow to buy a train
ticket. After confirming the date, I'll just hand in my leave application." Zhao Hui said
with a smile.
A few years ago, due to the need to transport crude oil from the oil field, a railway
station was built on the oil field, but it did not carry passengers at that time. It was
not until last year that it began to operate normally and carry passengers. The old
couple of the Fang family, who had not returned to their hometown in all these years,
began to talk about wanting to go back to their hometown when they heard the news.
But the two elderly people were old and illiterate after all. Shen Yuxiu was afraid that
they would take the wrong seat when reversing in the middle of the journey, so she
thought of taking the two elderly people and the children back to visit during the summer
Zhao Hui felt uneasy when he heard this. First, he was worried that Shen Yuxiu wouldn't
be able to take care of two adults and two children. Second, Shen Yuxiu had never taken a
train or traveled far before. He was afraid of losing someone again, so he decided to
take a leave of absence and accompany them on the trip.
So, what was originally just two old people wanting to go back to their hometown to visit
turned into a family of six preparing to travel together.
The two children followed their parents around and listened to their conversation.
Although they didn't know what they were talking about, they were full of curiosity. It
was not until two days later when Zhao Hui drove them to the train station that they knew
what the base their parents were talking about and what the train tickets were.
Little Zhao Mingli was overwhelmed by the things he had never seen before, and Zhao
Mingchen followed his example, exclaiming “Wow, wow, wow” over and over.
After Zhao Hui and others sent away the colleague who drove them here, they saw the two
little guys startled. After smiling slightly, he bent down, picked up the two little
brothers in each hand, and began to warn them with a serious face.
"You two should hold on to your parents tightly. No one is allowed to leave them. Anyone
who asks you to leave your parents and your grandparents is a bad person. Ignore them. If
you have anything to say, you can tell your parents and your grandparents, but don't make
a big fuss. Do you understand?"
"Okay, I got it." Zhao Mingli nodded immediately.
"Yeah, yeah." Although Zhao Mingchen didn't quite understand what he said, he nodded
along when he saw his brother nodding.
Their father can drive a car and is the most capable man in the village, so what his
father said must be right.
Chapter 203: Earnest Guidance
Shen Yuxiu and her friends arrived early. She originally thought that there wouldn't be
many people taking the train from their poor place, but as time went by, the area around
their family was gradually filled with people.
Most of these people were women with children of varying sizes, carrying large and small
bags on their shoulders and in their hands. Almost everyone had something busy. People
like Shen Yuxiu who carried a backpack, and Fang Youshun who carried a large bag, were
considered to be traveling light.
These people spoke with all kinds of strange accents. Shen Yuxiu could understand some of
them but not others. However, from the words she understood, she also got a piece of
That is, the reason why there are so many people at the train station today is that some
family members of the oil field want to go home during their children's holidays. They
have been in this land for so many years, and because of the inconvenience of
transportation, they have not seen their parents and families for a long time. Now that
there is the convenience of trains, they naturally want to go back and see them.
Just as Shen Yuxiu was curiously listening to those people chatting, with the sound of a
long whistle, the green train clanged into the station. The people who were originally
scattered and chatting immediately picked up their luggage, held their children tightly,
and were ready to get on the train at any time.
Fortunately, there were quite a few people on the train, but it was not too crowded. Shen
Yuxiu and Zhao Hui quickly took the two elderly people and two children on the train.
When they found seats and sat down, the two little ones immediately widened their eyes in
shock when the train started.
"Wow, the ground is shaking, the ground is shaking." Zhao Mingli sat in Zhao Hui's arms,
watching the station outside the window slowly slip away. He screamed in shock and rushed
to the window. Zhao Hui almost couldn't hold him because of the sudden movement.
"Behave yourself." Zhao Hui slapped him on the butt unhappily.
Fortunately, he was very strong, otherwise he would have definitely fallen in Shen
Yuxiu's arms.
"It's not the ground that's moving, it's the train we're on that's moving. If you don't
sit properly, don't cry if you bump into something." Shen Yuxiu held Zhao Mingchen in her
arms and explained to Zhao Mingli while warning him.
"Wow, really? Is the train that fast?" Zhao Mingli was even more shocked as he watched
the scenery outside the window slip away faster and faster. He turned around and asked
Shen Yuxiu another question: "Is it like the car my dad drives, also powered by diesel?"
"No, the train moves by burning coal, but I haven't learned how. You have to learn it
yourself after you go to school. When you know it, tell me about it, okay?" Shen Yuxiu
saw that he was still honest, so she began to persuade him patiently.
School will start again this year. The boy is of school age, and she doesn't know what
his schooling state will be like. She can only guide him in this direction and tell him
that he will have to go to school in the future, so that he can be mentally prepared in
advance, and not cry and ask her to go home when he arrives at school, because he can't
adapt to the school situation.
"Then do you know, Dad?" Zhao Mingli looked up and asked Zhao Hui.
"I don't know either. If you find out when you go to school, just tell dad." Zhao Hui
also advised with a serious look on his face.
"Ah? Do I need to study a lot before I can know that?" Zhao Mingli asked doubtfully.
"Of course. At least you have to study more than your parents did." Shen Yuxiu nodded
Of course, this is true. If you want to have a thorough understanding of mechanics, a
high school education is not enough.
Fortunately, her aunt's role at most hindered her, but not the child, and his future had
more possibilities than his brothers and sisters.
"Wow, then I must be so awesome!" Zhao Mingli said as he slowly opened his mouth.
In his heart, no, it was the aunties and grannies in the village who all said that his
parents were the most amazing people. One could drive a truck and the other could teach.
He could understand everything, unlike them who were blind. So if he went to school more
than his parents, wouldn't he be more amazing than them?
Shen Yuxiu had no idea what was going on in this kid's little head. Seeing his eyes
rolling around, she didn't ask any more questions and just looked down at Zhao Mingchen
in her arms.
Little Zhao Mingchen was so busy that his eyes were not enough to see. He held Shen
Yuxiu's hands tightly with his two little hands and looked at the fields and villages
approaching and moving away outside the glass window. He was completely stunned.
Seeing that he was more honest than Zhao Mingli, Shen Yuxiu also turned her gaze to the
passing scenery outside.
In the past, the farthest place she had been to was her grandparents’ hometown. She was
still young at that time, and she felt that she was just walking in the fields. She
didn’t feel how beautiful the scenery was even though she was in it. Now, looking at it
from this perspective, she has a different feeling.
The so-called beautiful rivers and mountains, the so-called picturesque scenery, the so-
called overlapping mountains, the so-called high sky and long road, all of a sudden had a
real feeling for her.
Shen Yuxiu looked at her younger son in her arms, then looked at her older son who was
still discovering the new scenery outside, and then she smiled at Zhao Hui.
This is why reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles!
Along the way, Zhao Mingli was as excited as if he had been injected with chicken blood,
and everything he saw was new and interesting. However, little Zhao Mingchen found it
boring after looking for a long time, and gradually became drowsy. After a while, he
closed his eyes and fell asleep.
In this way, the group, with the little one being relatively obedient, finally arrived at
the train station in their hometown in the afternoon, and then took a bus to a small
county town, where they met up with the people from their hometown who had come to pick
them up early.
"Brother, brother, I'm here." Shen Yuxiu and Zhao Hui had just gotten off the car with
two adults and two children when they saw an old man running over happily. A young man
followed behind him, muttering, "Grandpa, slow down, slow down."
Fang Youshun recognized Fang Youcheng almost immediately, and immediately walked over
happily to pat his fleshy body, and said with a smile. "Brother, you are still so strong,
and your appearance has not changed much."
"You just know how to talk nonsense. My hair is all white, okay?" Fang Youcheng laughed
and wiped his white hair, then looked at Shen Yuxiu, "This is Xiaoxiu, right? The girl is
getting more and more beautiful, she has grown so big."
"Call someone, this is your third uncle." Fang Youshun said as he pulled Shen Yuxiu over
and began to introduce her to others. "When we were little, we went to your third uncle's
house. Do you remember?"
"I remember, Third Grandpa." Shen Yuxiu immediately called out sweetly to the other
In fact, she only remembered a person named Fang Youcheng, and had long forgotten what he
looked like, but this did not stop her from calling him.
After introducing Shen Yuxiu, Fang Youshun pointed at Zhao Hui behind Shen Yuxiu and
said, "This is Xiaoxiu's family, his name is Zhao Hui."
When Zhao Hui saw Fang Youshun introducing himself, he stepped forward and called out
like Shen Yuxiu, "Third Grandpa."
"Hey, hey." Fang Youcheng patted Zhao Hui's shoulder with a smile, turned around and said
to Fang Youshun: "This young man is good-looking and strong. He looks strong."
"That's..." Fang Youshun looked proud.
He also watched his grandson-in-law grow up. If he didn't look good, he couldn't become
his grandson-in-law, right?
Today Fang Youcheng specially borrowed the team's ox cart. After the group exchanged
greetings, Fang Youcheng asked them to get on the cart and go home. It was already late
and it would be dark if they didn't go back.
The group of people were talking and laughing, and slowly walked into a small village in
the afterglow of the setting sun. No one noticed a tall figure fetching water at the
entrance of the village. He was slightly distracted as he watched the group of people
slowly entering the village.

Chapter 204 Yang Jianjun

In Shen Yuxiu's hazy memory, there were almost no people in this village, and it was
desolate everywhere. But now there are many more houses and many more people. The streets
and alleys are filled with the sounds of children playing, chickens crowing and dogs
barking, creating a lively scene.
Shen Yuxiu compared these scenes with her memory and found that everything was better
than before, and her mood became inexplicably happy.
It's good, everything is getting better, everyone is better than before.
They ate dumplings when they got on the sedan chair and noodles when they got off. As it
was late when they returned, they ate noodles made of pure white flour.
Don’t underestimate this bowl of noodles, it is something the Fang family can only eat
when they want to improve their meals. Therefore, this meal of noodles can be said to be
a great enjoyment for both the host and the guests.
After dinner, it was already dark. Shen Yuxiu, Grandma Fang, and Zhao Mingchen
temporarily squeezed on the same kang with Aunt Fang and Grandma Fang San, while Zhao Hui
and Fang Youshun went to squeeze into Uncle Fang's room with Fang Youcheng. There was no
other way, as the Fang family had few rooms and could only squeeze like this temporarily.
The next morning, Shen Yuxiu was awakened by a slap from her youngest son. When she
opened her eyes, she saw her youngest son mumbling with his eyes closed: "Mom, pee."
Shen Yuxiu became alert upon hearing this, and immediately got up from the kang, carrying
the little one outside to relieve herself.
"Oh, the little one is awake?" A cousin's wife who was washing up saw her coming out with
the child in her arms and greeted her with a smile.
"I was woken up by the urge to pee. My sister-in-law got up so early." Shen Yuxiu replied
as she carried Zhao Mingli towards the toilet.
"Oh, I'll get up and make breakfast." My cousin's wife said with a smile, wiped her
washed face, and went to the kitchen to help.
After the little guy finished peeing, he was fully awake. Looking at the unfamiliar
environment, he refused to go back to the house to squeeze in again. Shen Yuxiu could
only go back to the house to put shoes on the little guy, and then let him stroll in the
At the same time, Grandma Fang and the others also got up, so Shen Yuxiu did not go to
the kitchen to help, but concentrated on watching Zhao Mingli wandering around the yard.
Just as she watched the little guy pick up a stick and start to pick up the soil beside
the fence, she felt a figure outside the wall running slowly outside the yard, and then
retreated back.
"Shen Yuxiu?" the man called hesitantly.
"Hey." Shen Yuxiu subconsciously agreed and stood up, but she only saw a strange tall man
standing outside the fence.
Shen Yuxiu was stunned when she saw the man, and subconsciously looked towards the yard
behind her. She saw several women who had gotten up, some were busy in the kitchen, some
were talking in the house, and there were noises in other houses as well. No one called
her at all. She turned her gaze back to the man outside the fence in confusion.
"You... called me?" Shen Yuxiu looked at the man in front of her in confusion.
"If your name is Shen Yuxiu, then I'm calling you." When the man heard her admit that her
name was Shen Yuxiu, he immediately smiled and revealed two rows of white teeth.
"Uh..., do we know each other?" Shen Yuxiu was even more confused.
She had only been here when she was a child, and this person was obviously not a member
of the Fang family, so she shouldn't know him, right?
"Have you forgotten? You once gave me a small bag of wild vegetables. My mother and I
came here to thank you and the two old people. Do you remember?" The man spoke of the
past with tender eyes.
"It's you, eh? What's your name? I almost forgot it." Shen Yuxiu was suddenly enlightened
by what he said, and suddenly remembered the only time when she kindly gave wild
vegetables to someone and the vegetables were almost sent back.
"Yang Jianjun, my name is Yang Jianjun. I didn't tell you my name at that time." Yang
Jianjun smiled heartily and asked, "How are you? Have you been doing well these years?"
"It's fine. How about you? Are you doing well? And is your aunt okay too?" Shen Yuxiu
still remembered his mother. Over the years, whenever Grandma Fang thought of the past,
she couldn't help but mention how pitiful the mother and daughter were. This was why she
could still remember this incident immediately after so many years.
"Very good, we are all fine." Yang Jianjun was very happy that this girl actually
remembered him and his mother.
It was also because of that small bag of wild vegetables that his mother and sister were
able to hold on. Otherwise, he would have become an orphan and would not be who he is
"That's good." Shen Yuxiu nodded, and suddenly she didn't know what to say to him
anymore, so she asked another question in confusion, "We haven't seen each other for so
many years, how did you recognize me? I didn't even notice you."
"I heard from my mother yesterday that Grandpa Fang borrowed a bullock cart to pick you
up. When I saw you today, I thought that based on your age, you should be the one, so I
called you." Yang Jianjun said without hiding anything.
In fact, he saw their returning ox cart yesterday evening and wanted to come and have a
look, but he felt that it would be a bit abrupt so he did not come.
"Then your feeling is quite right." Shen Yuxiu praised him generously.
Anyway, she didn't have the ability to identify the child she had only seen once based on
a piece of information.
"Hahaha..." Yang Jianjun laughed heartily at what she said, which attracted the attention
of Zhao Hui who had just brought Zhao Mingli out.
Zhao Hui saw Shen Yuxiu chatting with a strange man, and seemed so comfortable, so he
walked over out of curiosity.
"Xiaoxiu, which cousin is this?" Zhao Hui had been accustomed to dealing with strangers
during those years at the supply and marketing cooperative, and he was not afraid of
coming up to her.
"He's not my cousin..." Shen Yuxiu told Zhao Hui what happened that year and just now,
then took Zhao Hui's arm and introduced him to Yang Jianjun: "He is my husband, Zhao
When Zhao Hui heard that this was not his cousin at all, he felt uncomfortable for a
moment, but when Shen Yuxiu took his arm so intimately, the discomfort in his heart
immediately disappeared.
"Hello, my name is Zhao Hui." Zhao Hui said as he extended his hand to the other party.
"Hello, my name is Yang Jianjun." Yang Jianjun also quickly stretched out his hand and
shook hands with Zhao Hui.
"Are you a soldier?" As soon as the two hands clasped, Zhao Hui couldn't help but raise
his eyebrows slightly.
"I just got out of the army not long ago. How did you know that?" Yang Jianjun asked him
in surprise. "Ever since I put on ordinary clothes and walked out, no one who didn't
recognize me knew that I was a soldier the moment they saw me."
"I used to work in a supply and marketing cooperative for a few years and met a lot of
people. The calluses on your hands are different from those of ordinary people like us."
Zhao Hui pointed to the calluses on his palms with a smile.
There is a world of difference between the hand holding the gun and the hand holding the
Yang Jianjun stared at his own knuckles in surprise, then nodded and smiled, and then
asked Zhao Hui again with a look of inquiry, "Besides this contact, can you tell that I
am different from ordinary people? Are there any other subtle things you can detect?"
"Uh..., this is a lot."
Zhao Hui believed that he had some ability to judge people. This man had clear eyes and a
righteous air, so naturally there was nothing to hide. He immediately told Yang Jianjun
about the slight differences in behaviors in various industries, as well as the meanings
of people's subtle movements in daily life.
The two men chatted animatedly across the fence, leaving Shen Yuxiu dumbfounded. However,
she also felt very curious about some of the things Zhao Hui said.
Although she and Zhao Hui have always had a good relationship and have two sons, they
have never talked about topics like this.

Chapter 205 Do you sympathize with him?

Zhao Hui and Yang Jianjun didn't stop chatting until breakfast was ready and grandma
started calling people to eat. Only then did they end the topic with reluctance.
"When you have time, bring Xiaoxiu and the children to my house to play. My house is just
around the corner." Before leaving, Yang Jianjun warmly invited Zhao Hui.
"Okay, I'll definitely go when I have time." Zhao Hui waved goodbye to him.
After dinner, when the Fang family's laborers had gone to work, Grandma Fang asked about
Shen Yushou.
"Who were you and Zhao Hui talking to this morning?"
"Yang Jianjun is the kid to whom I gave a bag of wild vegetables that year." Shen Yuxiu
said with a smile.
"Jianjun? He's a good kid." Grandma Fang San beside him nodded with a smile, then sighed,
"It's a pity that he has such an unreliable father.
"Ah? What's wrong?" Grandma Fang turned around and looked at Grandma Fang San in
surprise. Shen Yuxiu also looked over with curiosity.
"You don't know..." Grandma Fang San then went on to talk about Yang Jianjun's family.
It turned out that Yang Jianjun's mother was the one his father married after his
original wife died. When Yang Jianjun's mother got married, she brought a little girl
with her, who is Yang Jianjun's half sister. Yang Jianjun's father also had a child from
his ex-wife, who is his half brother.
This family may sound a bit messy, but in fact the family conflicts are even more messy.
Yang Jianjun's father was a good father, but not a good stepfather. Yang Jianjun's mother
was also very good to her stepson at the beginning, until she became pregnant with Yang
Jianjun. Then, some gossipy person instigated Yang Jianjun's half-brother, saying that
his stepmother would beat and scold him after giving birth to a son. The child got hot-
headed and went back and bumped into Yang Jianjun's mother's belly.
Fortunately, Yang Jianjun's mother was about to give birth at that time, so even if Yang
Jianjun was born prematurely, it would not have any consequences. However, he could no
longer have children after that.
After giving birth to Yang Jianjun, his mother wanted an explanation, but the man was
very protective of the child and was reluctant to say a word to the child, so the matter
was left unresolved. Later, when Yang Jianjun's mother saw that her stepson looked at
Yang Jianjun unkindly, she became more cautious and avoided him. As a result, the boy
really believed that his stepmother was not a good person. Every day, he either
complained to his biological father or went to the village to say that his stepmother
bullied her, causing the woman to have a bad reputation in the village.
At that time, every family had a hard time. It was not easy for a woman without relatives
to live. In addition, Yang Jianjun's mother was reluctant to give up her child, so she
endured it for many years. It was not until the great famine, when Fang Youshun brought
Grandma Fang and Shen Yuxiu here, that Yang Jianjun's father wanted to marry the girl
brought by his mother to a man who beat his wife to death. His mother suddenly exploded,
and the villagers knew the real reason.
Later, Yang Jianjun's father no longer cared about the life and death of the mother and
daughter. However, the mother and daughter were lucky enough to escape the famine with
their two children after hearing from Fang Youshun that there was no way out.
And that’s not all. After the famine ended, life gradually got better. Yang Jianjun’s
mother sent Yang Jianjun to school, and Yang Jianjun was a hardworking student with
excellent grades. He joined the army after graduating from high school. Later, life got
even better, and Yang Jianjun’s mother used the money he earned to build a house. She
also found a suitable partner for Yang Jianjun and waited for him to come back and get
However, the good times did not last long. Before the New Year, news suddenly came that
Yang Jianjun was injured and became disabled. That family wanted to cancel the engagement
in order to not let their daughter marry a disabled man. At that time, Yang Jianjun's
mother went to the military hospital to take care of Yang Jianjun and was not at home.
Seeing that the family was making a big fuss, his father refused to cancel the
engagement. At most, he agreed to a marriage exchange, letting the family's daughter
marry his eldest son directly, and the new house built for Yang Jianjun would belong to
both of them in the future.
When the family heard this, they thought that marrying Yang Jianjun's brother was better
than marrying a cripple, and there was a newly built house, so they agreed on the spot
and held the wedding while Yang Jianjun's mother was away. When Yang Jianjun's mother
came back and found out about this, she had another fierce fight with Yang Jianjun's
father. From then on, the couple no longer lived like a couple, living in their own
rooms, cooking their own meals, and no one cared about each other.
Surprisingly, Yang Jianjun was indeed injured, but only in one hand. He recovered well
after the operation. Although he could no longer stay in the army, he was arranged to be
transferred to a civilian job. I heard that he was arranged to be the chief of a police
station in G City, and he will take office soon.
When Grandma Fang San talked about this, her expression was vivid and the content was ups
and downs, as if she had seen it with her own eyes. Shen Yuxiu was stunned and felt that
Yang Jianjun's life over the past twenty years was even more exciting than a novel.
"Does the woman who married this child's eldest brother regret it?" Grandma Fang asked
with some gossip, which was rare. Shen Yuxiu also looked at Grandma Fang San seriously.
"How can I not regret it? Ever since Yang Jianjun came back safe and sound, the woman has
cried countless times, but what's the use of crying again? She's already a sister-in-law,
do you think she'd marry her brother-in-law again?" Grandma Fang San couldn't help but
click her tongue when she said this, "You see, this person's fate is really destined by
heaven. She's not destined to be an official's wife, and you can't catch it even if you
meet her."
Shen Yuxiu nodded repeatedly as she listened.
That's right, just like that woman, she was just one step away from following Yang
Jianjun to eat the state-grained food, but she took a wrong step and the state-grained
food passed her by.
She originally thought that Zhao Hui's parents were unreliable enough, but it turned out
that Yang Jianjun was no worse. Is this the case that every family has its own problems?
Afterwards, when no one was around, Shen Yuxiu quietly told Zhao Hui about Yang Jianjun,
her eyes and heart filled with sadness.
As a person, the older you get, the more things you experience and see, the more you
realize that life in this world is not easy for everyone.
"What's wrong? Do you sympathize with him?" Zhao Hui felt a little depressed.
Why did she care so much about a strange man and say this in such a sad tone?
"Not entirely." Shen Yuxiu didn't hear the sourness in his words, she looked at him with
a smile and said, "Haven't you heard of a saying? Suffering when you are young and
enjoying happiness when you grow up, just like you. How great it is to be with me now,
"That's right." Zhao Hui was amused by her words and asked, "What about you? What will
you be like in the future? You didn't suffer when you were a child."
"Me?" Shen Yuxiu thought for a moment and said, "Those who survive a great disaster will
surely have good fortune in the future?"
"Pooh, pooh, pooh." Zhao Hui poohed immediately upon hearing this, his face suddenly
becoming serious: "Don't talk about death so often in the future, it's unlucky."
Shen Yuxiu didn't expect him to react so strongly. After a moment of hesitation, she
leaned close to him with a smile and asked him, "Are you remembering the time when I fell
into the river? Are you feeling sorry for me?"
Facing her smiling eyes, Zhao Hui felt a little angry. He lowered his head and pecked her
tender lips, coaxing her in a low voice, "Anyway, I can't bear to hear you say that word.
Don't say it again in the future, okay?"
Ever since he experienced the panic of not being able to find her and not knowing whether
she was alive or dead, he was particularly repulsed by this word, especially when it came
from her mouth.
"Okay." Shen Yuxiu agreed softly and pecked his lips lightly, looking like I was very
She also just realized that Zhao Hui actually cared so much about this word, and she
would not have said it if she had known earlier. But she also just realized that Zhao Hui
actually cared about her to such an extent that she could not even say a word.
Her voice was light and soft, as if her eyes were filled with light and he was the only
one in her. Zhao Hui's heart was moved. He leaned over and was about to kiss her when he
heard a childish voice suddenly ring out from the door, "Mom and Dad, what are you

Chapter 206 Back

Zhao Hui's lips, which were about to kiss, stopped suddenly. He looked up and saw Zhao
Mingli standing at the door, looking at them curiously. Shen Yuxiu reacted faster than
him. She immediately closed her eyes and began to rub her eyes with her hands.
"Oh, is that my Mingli? Come and help mom. It seems like something has gotten into my
eye, and your dad is so stupid that he can't even see it." Shen Yuxiu said as she waved
at Zhao Mingli, as if seeking his help.
When Zhao Mingli heard this, he ran over quickly, grabbed the corner of her clothes with
his little hands and pulled them down, "Mom, squat down. I can't see your eyes."
"Oh." Shen Yuxiu squatted down as he meant, then pointed to her right eye, "This eye,
take a look."
Upon hearing this, Zhao Mingli immediately looked at it carefully, but he didn't see
anything except that Shen Yuxiu's eyes were a little red.
"No, I didn't see it either." Zhao Mingli frowned and stared hard into her eyes, but the
more he looked, the more confused he became. There was nothing in them.
"Really?" Shen Yuxiu pretended to be puzzled and closed her eyes and rubbed them hard,
then pretended to exclaim, "It's out."
After saying that, Shen Yuxiu put down her hand and pretended to look at her finger and
flicked something off, saying, "It turned out to be an eyelash."
Zhao Mingli didn't see clearly whether there were really eyelashes on her fingers, but
when he saw Shen Yuxiu opened her eyes and seemed to be really fine, he believed it.
Zhao Hui couldn't help but laugh softly as he watched her fool the child in such a
serious manner.
When it comes to fooling the two children at home, he is no match for Shen Yuxiu. Of
course, this may also be because she is a teacher and comes into contact with children
every day.
After fooling the children, Shen Yuxiu no longer stayed in the house with Zhao Hui, but
took the two children out for a walk.
It was not easy for her to come out for this trip, so she couldn't let the two children
stay at Fang's house every day. They had to see the different villages and culture here.
When the two were strolling around the village with their children, they also passed by
Yang Jianjun's house. When Yang Jianjun heard that the two were going to stroll around
the village, he immediately put down his work and took the initiative to take them around
the village.
In fact, this village is not big, at least not as big as the village where Shen Yuxiu
lives. They finished the tour in a short while. There was nothing to do after the tour,
so Yang Jianjun took them home and sat for a while. Here, Shen Yuxiu did not see Yang
Jianjun's so-called sister-in-law, but saw the wedding room that was supposed to be used
for Yang Jianjun's wedding.
There were three red brick and tile houses, which were unique in the village. You know,
apart from having enough food and clothing, people's biggest requirement nowadays is to
have a good house that does not need to be cleaned every year. This house has completely
exceeded people's most desired needs. It is no wonder that the woman chose to marry Yang
Jianjun's brother after he was injured.
This is totally looking at the house instead of the people!
Fang Youshun only had Fang Youcheng's family as a relative in the village, and he had no
other relatives to visit. After living here for five days, he asked Zhao Hui to stay at
home to look after the children. The old couple took Shen Yushou to visit the grave in
advance, and then left some gifts they brought for the Fang family and returned home.
There is no other way. Zhao Hui can only take seven days off at most, which is the
maximum length of time he can stay here.
When he got on the train again, although Zhao Mingli still looked at the scenery outside
with relish, he was not as excited as the first time he saw the train.
The group rode the train back to the oil field base, and then took a bus to the county
town. Seeing that it was getting late, Shen Yuxiu did not let Grandma Fang and Fang
Youshun go back to the village, but went directly back to the small courtyard where she
and Zhao Hui lived in the county.
There was no other way. She was already very tired from riding and reversing all the way.
In addition, the weather was very hot. There were many people crowded on one kang in her
hometown. There were so many cousins, brothers and sisters-in-law coming in and out of
the house. It was not suitable for her to take a bath. Now she felt that her body was
about to become smelly. But it was very troublesome to fetch water for washing and
cooking when she returned to the village. But in the small courtyard in the county, there
was running water and gas, which could save her a lot of trouble.
After returning to the courtyard, Grandma Fang started washing her hands and cooking,
while Shen Yuxiu was busy boiling water for a bath and washing clothes. Zhao Hui and Fang
Youshun cleaned the house while looking after the two children.
After washing up and eating, it was already completely dark. Shen Yuxiu returned to the
room and lay down on the kang without moving. She felt it was more comfortable to lie
After washing up, Zhao Hui returned to the room and saw that she had closed her eyes as
if she had fallen asleep. He immediately closed the door gently and walked over quietly.
Shen Yuxiu hadn't fallen asleep yet. She opened her eyes lazily when she heard the noise.
Seeing that he was about to lie down, she asked, "Where's Mingli Mingchen?"
"She went to sleep with grandma and grandpa." Zhao Hui said as he lay down beside her,
and suddenly he felt his bones relaxed a lot.
The two little brothers were weaned at the age of one and a half. In order to prevent the
children from being addicted to milk, Grandma Fang took over the weaning on the day Shen
Yuxiu decided to wean them. As a result, the two children have long been accustomed to
going to Fang Youshun and his wife when it is time to go to bed.
Upon hearing this, Shen Yuxiu nodded without any surprise, then pulled his arm under her
neck, closed her eyes and prepared to sleep.
However, Zhao Hui didn't want to sleep yet. Looking at her face resting in his arms, he
wanted to do something.
Thinking so, he did just that. With his other hand, he pulled the light cord. As the room
fell into darkness, he leaned over to Shen Yushou's nose and lips.
"Well, I'm tired." Sensing his actions in the dark, Shen Yuxiu covered his mouth with her
hands and rejected him softly and delicately.
However, her soft and tender voice not only did not dissuade Zhao Hui from the idea, but
made the fire in Zhao Hui's heart burn even more fiercely. He only muttered unsteadily,
"Then don't move, I'll do it myself", and never let the people around him make any sound
of refusal again.
After waking up, Shen Yuxiu felt extremely comfortable all over. When she opened her
eyes, she found that the sunlight behind the curtains was already very bright. When she
got up and opened the door to go out, she found that there was no one in the room, and
there was a note left on the table with Zhao Hui's handwriting on it.
"I'm going to work. The meal is in the pot. Grandma and grandpa will take Mingli back to
the village tomorrow morning. When you get up, take a good rest. I'll take you back to
the village after get off work."
Shen Yuxiu looked at the words on the note and smiled slightly. She washed up leisurely
and went to the kitchen to find something to eat.
After dinner, Shen Yuxiu didn't know what to do. She remembered that her bedding felt a
little damp when she slept last night, so she took a rope from the place where sundries
were kept, and prepared to pull the rope under the tree outside the yard to dry the
In the past summer vacations, in order to save Zhao Hui the trouble of running back and
forth every day, she would bring her children to stay here for a few days. Therefore, the
neighbors around were also very familiar with her. Several aunties who were sitting in
the shade of the trees watching the children immediately greeted her with a smile when
they saw her coming out with a rope.
"Kosode is on holiday now."
"Well, it's holiday. You aunties and sisters are looking after the children." Shen Yuxiu
tied a rope to the tree while responding to the aunties and sisters.
Since there was nothing else to do, and she was going to have the children over to stay
with her in a few days, after hanging the bedding on the rope to dry, she simply washed
the sheets as well.
While Shen Yuxiu was busy with all these, a ferry slowly approached the shore of the
Yellow River. As the crowd slowly boarded the ferry and gradually dispersed, a slender
figure was still standing at the ferry, looking at the wilderness around it that he had
not seen for many years.
Seven years have passed, and this ferry has not changed at all. The embankment is still
as low, and there is still weeds all around. Only a few trees on the dam in the distance
seem to have grown much taller.

Chapter 207 I'm Back

Shen Yuling took a deep breath, slowly walked up to the ferry, and walked towards the
embankment not far away. Only then did she realize that only the ferry on the embankment
side had not changed, but the environment on the south side of the embankment had changed
a lot.
Closer, there were many more houses in the village not far from the embankment. Farther,
many of the wastelands had turned into neatly planted fields, and farther away, the
backward county town in her memory seemed to have many more houses.
Shen Yulin walked and looked step by step until she entered the county town, where she
discovered that not only were the houses much denser, but there were also many more
people. Even their clothes were much better than before, and they had more smiles on
their faces.
Looking at these changes, Shen Yuling subconsciously looked at the clothes she was
wearing seven years ago, and then at her hands that had already become rough and cracked,
and she felt unconsciously humbled.
Over the years, she worked with her eyes open and slept with her eyes closed every day in
the labor camp. Those who were really capable didn't want to pay attention to her, and
some really good people didn't want to talk to her. Those who wanted to talk to her were
either really ruthless people who wanted to find a vent, or wanted to take advantage of
Shen Yulin had been beaten in the detention center for a long time and was scared, so she
listened to those people very much. After a long time, she was able to avoid being beaten
and became a common follower of those people. Gradually, she learned to read people's
expressions and became more diligent.
These seven years were a real torment for Shen Yulin.
She regretted that she had pushed Shen Yuxiu into the river on impulse. She also hated
Shen Yuxiu for not wanting to settle the case even though she was not dead. She hated
Shen Laosi and Shen Si's aunt for their cold-bloodedness.
Over the years, those who made mistakes would always have family members to visit them,
but she was the only one who had no one to visit her from beginning to end. Her parents
were as if they were dead, and they hadn't even given her a message in the past seven
When Shen Yulin saw people on the street starting to look at her, her heart suddenly
skipped a beat. She subconsciously lowered her head and quickly left the county town,
walking quickly towards her village.
She always felt that those people's eyes were like thorns, looking down on the clothes
she was wearing, the calluses on her hands, and even the fact that she had just returned
from labor reform, which made her feel uncomfortable all over.
However, in reality, people just thought it was a bit strange that she stayed there for
too long, and all the feelings were just Shen Yulin's own thoughts.
Shen Yulin hurried out of the county, but found that the way home had also changed.
There are now many ditches in the original wasteland, and many farmlands on both sides of
the ditches. If some of the paths had not changed, she would have suspected that she had
gone in the wrong direction.
It was not until she gradually saw familiar people in the fields, walked into the strange
yet familiar village, and returned to her familiar doorstep that Shen Yulin realized that
everything had changed, except her home.
Her house is still those three mud houses, the yard is still that fenced yard, and there
are still some clothes and diapers drying on the clothesline in the yard.
At this time, there was no one in the courtyard. Shen Yuling looked at the chain-linked
fence door and directly opened the fence to create a gap for her to enter, got in, and
then used force to open the room where she and her sisters were originally. wooden door.
The walls in the room were much darker than when she left, and there were fewer clothes
and bedding on the kang than before. However, she didn't pay too much attention to this.
She went directly to the pile of clothes in the corner to find something she could wear
and put it on. , and started washing and scrubbing.
Fourth Aunt Shen was currently drying the wheat in the yard with others. The child she
was pregnant with seven years ago was still a daughter. It was not until she became
pregnant again last year that she finally gave birth to a long-awaited son. At this time,
the daughter she gave birth to seven years ago was looking at the son she had longed for
in the shadow of a haystack not far away.
It wasn't that she didn't want Grandma Shen to help her look after the child, but after
Grandma Shen watched it a few times, she always found it too dissatisfying, and the old
lady was so angry that she wouldn't let her watch it.
After finally drying the wheat again, the whistle for the end of work just sounded.
Fourth Aunt Shen returned the wooden shovel to the spectators, picked up her son, and
called her daughter to walk home together.
Fourth Aunt Shen had just returned home tiredly when she saw that the door to her
daughter's room was missing. She was so shocked that she just ran a few steps and saw a
strange and familiar figure walking out of the house.
Shen Yuling, her daughter who is doing labor camp on the farm?
She actually came back?
"Mom, I'm back." Shen Yuling saw Fourth Aunt Shen standing in a daze outside the fenced
yard, and immediately called out with a smile on her face.
Fourth Aunt Shen was called back to her senses. She looked at her with a complicated
look, only hummed slightly, then lowered her head to take the key to unlock the door and
entered the hospital.
After entering the hospital, she didn't say anything to Shen Yuling. She took her son
back to the house and fed him breast milk, then started cooking, completely ignoring Shen
Yuling from beginning to end.
Over the years, the anger that she had back then, which had made her want to strangle her
daughter to death, had long since disappeared without a trace with the passage of time.
Now facing Shen Yuling, she can no longer feel angry. What's more, she already has a son
and she has to plan for his future. She can't let Shen Yuling cause unrest in the family.
She just hopes that her daughter will take care of herself from now on. She will not care
about her anymore.
Seeing that she ignored her, Shen Yuling couldn't help but smile sarcastically. She no
longer wanted to keep trying to please someone and turned around and went back to the
Her mother was like this until the end of her previous life, ignoring her and paying no
attention to her. But now, it has happened a few decades earlier. However, it is still
better than in her previous life, as she didn't just chase her out with a stick.
So let it be, no one should bother with each other. Anyway, it will be a few years before
she is allowed to do business. By that time, when she is successful, she will not come
back even if this family wants her to.
At this time, Zhao Hui had just finished checking a pile of documents at the refinery and
was about to go home after get off work.
In recent years, with the increase in agricultural machinery everywhere, the amount of
diesel needed everywhere has also begun to increase. When the factory bought a few oil
tankers three years ago, he took out a few apprentices at the request of the leaders and
was directly promoted to the team leader. He began to manage the work of dispatching the
fleet to buy and sell oil. Now, unless there are special circumstances, he basically does
not drive the car, and he can go to work and get off work on time almost every day.
When Zhao Hui returned home after riding his bicycle for more than ten years, he saw the
bedding and sheets hanging outside the yard and couldn't help laughing.
In order to prevent Shen Yuxiu from being too tired last night, he actually didn't have a
great time. He originally wanted to take advantage of the lunch break to have a deeper
conversation with her, but what happened was that all the bedding was taken out to dry.
Shen Yuxiu had already prepared the meal and was sitting on a bench in the outer room,
reading a book and waiting for people to get off work. When she heard some noise outside,
she looked up through the glass window and saw Zhao Hui coming back. She immediately put
down the book, opened the door, walked to Zhao Hui who was parking his bicycle, smiled,
and kissed him on the face while tiptoeing.
"Wash your hands, we'll eat right away." After kissing him, Shen Yuxiu didn't wait for
Zhao Hui's reaction and immediately walked towards the kitchen with relaxed steps.
Zhao Hui looked at Shen Yuxiu who left after kissing him, his eyes slightly deep. What he
wanted to eat now was not food.

Chapter 208 Practice

When they just got married and had no child, Shen Yuxiu didn't have the habit of kissing
Zhao Hui when there was no one around. After she gave birth to the child, the child loved
to hug her and kiss her for a while, leaving her face covered with saliva. Gradually, she
developed the habit of kissing the child whenever she saw him after work.
Although that was also his son, Zhao Hui felt uncomfortable, as he always felt that she
loved the child more than herself.
Maybe it was because she felt a little empty inside, so Zhao Hui tortured her a little
too hard during that period, until she could no longer bear it and begged for mercy, Zhao
Hui told her the reason in a sour tone. From then on, Shen Yuxiu, who was frightened by
the torture, was afraid that he would torture her again, so she gradually developed this
habit towards him.
To be honest, Zhao Hui really liked Shen Yuxiu's occasional intimacy with him, but he
also felt that she should change this habit. She could kiss him, but the two children
were older now, and there was no need for her to be so intimate with them.
It’s not that he doesn’t like his son, but he hopes she will just treat him like that.
Shen Yuxiu had no idea what was going on in Zhao Hui's mind. She picked up the steamed
buns and chopsticks with a comb and went back to the house.
After dinner, because the days were long and the nights were short, Zhao Hui had a longer
rest at noon, but he still couldn't rest his mind. He took the kang mat that Shen Yuxiu
had washed and dried in the sun for the whole morning back into the house and spread it
out, then closed the door and had a hearty quarrel with her again.
Shen Yuxiu was also convinced. After Zhao Hui went to work, she took a nap before re-
laying the bedding that was drying outside.
However, she also understood Zhao Hui's little thoughts.
Since they got married, she had been living in Fang's house when she was at work. Even
the matters between husband and wife were kept secret. Only on Sundays could they feel
free in this small courtyard. But since they had a child, they had few opportunities to
feel free.
Shen Yuling, who had just returned in the morning, was called to work in the fields in
the afternoon.
However, Shen Yuling had gotten used to working on the farm over the years, and now doing
these tasks was no longer effortful. It was just that she didn't dare to be lazy on the
farm, but here she could be a little lazy. So after working for an afternoon, she
actually felt more relaxed than ever before.
As the sun was setting and the call to leave work was sounded, Shen Yuling immediately
stopped working with her hoe and followed the crowd to record her work points and walked
back together. When she was almost at the entrance of the village, she heard the sound of
a bicycle bell and a crisp female voice greeting someone.
"Uncle and aunt, are you off work?"
"Ah, time to get off work."
"Zhao Hui just got back from get off work."
"Well, then uncle and aunt, we'll leave first..."
“Hey hey…”
Zhao Hui?
Hearing this familiar name, Shen Yuling subconsciously turned her head to look over, and
a handsome face that was much more mature than seven years ago immediately came into her
Zhao Huizheng nodded to the people with a smile, and rode his bicycle towards this side
with a slender figure.
Zhao Hui had good eyesight and he spotted Shen Yuling, who shouldn't be in the crowd, at
a glance. The smile in his eyes gradually disappeared, and when he passed her on his
bicycle, his eyes had become cold.
This murderer actually came back. When did it happen?
As soon as Shen Yuling met his gaze, her hair stood on end and she lowered her head
subconsciously. When Zhao Hui passed by her, she had turned her face away.
After being around those ruthless people for a long time, she became extremely sensitive
to danger.
The look in Zhao Hui's eyes that glanced at her was very dangerous, perhaps even more
dangerous than those of the people she was following.
It was not until Zhao Hui rode away on his bike that Shen Yuling dared to look up at the
woman Zhao Hui was bringing. As soon as she saw her, her pupils shrank.
Shen Yuxiu, the two of them... are together again?
Shen Yulin was only sentenced to seven years, so she naturally knew that Shen Yuxiu was
not dead. But she thought that after all the things that had happened, and with Zhao
Hui's mother, it was impossible for these two people to be together again. But in the
end, they were together again.
For a moment, Shen Yuling's face became extremely ugly.
Then what was the point of her painstaking efforts to cause trouble back then, and what
was the point of the suffering she had endured over the years?
The villagers who were walking beside Shen Yulin, when they saw her like this,
immediately curled their lips and walked away.
What a psycho. She shamelessly stole someone else's man back then, and now seeing that
they are still together, she still has such an expression on her face. It's really
Shen Yuxiu, who had been sitting sideways with her back to Shen Yuling from beginning to
end, had no idea what was happening here. She didn't even see Shen Yuling, let alone know
that this person had returned.
It was not until Zhao Hui brought her to Fang's house and stopped the car that Shen Yuxiu
heard Zhao Hui say solemnly, "Shen Yuling is back."
"Ah?" Shen Yuxiu looked at him in surprise, "When? Did you see it?"
"Yes, I saw her among the group of people leaving work when we entered the village. I saw
her, for real." Zhao Hui parked his bicycle and turned back to warn her seriously, "Be
careful next time. Stay away from her if you see her. Don't walk alone to work next time.
Got it?"
"Oh." Shen Yuxiu nodded subconsciously, and asked uncertainly: "Did you really see her?"
"It's absolutely true." Zhao Hui nodded with certainty, "Anyway, we must be careful in
the future."
Grandma Fang came out from inside the house when she heard the noise. She happened to
hear this and asked suspiciously, "What are you being careful about?"
"Be careful of Shen Yuling." Shen Yuxiu told Grandma Fang what Zhao Hui had just said
without hiding anything.
"Yes, your grandmother Liu came to tell me this afternoon that she is indeed back."
Grandma Fang nodded immediately after hearing this, "I have discussed with your
grandfather, and from now on, he will take you to and from get off work."
"Not really. I was just unprepared that time, and I can't swim. If we were to face each
other, she might not be able to beat me." Shen Yuxiu tried to comfort Grandma Fang, who
was a little nervous. "You forgot that I learned it from Grandpa."
"What have you learned? It's been a long time since you last practiced." Grandma Fang
glared at her anxiously, "Oh, you still have to practice with Grandpa. Yuling has been in
the labor camp for so many years. Who knows who she's been in contact with? What if she's
looking for trouble with you?"
Shen Yuxiu opened her mouth when she heard this, but she was at a loss as to what to
refute Grandma Fang's words.
Yes, ever since she became pregnant, Grandma Fang stopped her from practicing for fear of
causing miscarriage. After she gave birth, she felt lazy and simply gave up everything
she had learned from Fang Youshun. Now, she hasn't practiced for more than six years.
"Grandma is right. You have to pick it up again. Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be
prepared for the worst." Zhao Hui agreed with Grandma Fang's suggestion, but he also knew
that she had been a little lazy in recent years, so he said, "I'll practice with you.
That person seems to be mentally ill. We all have to be careful."
"Okay." Shen Yuxiu nodded helplessly.
What can we do now?
Just practice!
Just as Zhao Hui worried, Shen Yuling was indeed a little mentally ill and kept finding
fault for no reason. What could he do if he wasn't on guard?

Chapter 209: Defense

But even though Shen Yuxiu had agreed to practice, Zhao Hui still felt uneasy. After
thinking for a while, he made another suggestion.
"How about you come with me to the county? We won't be teachers anymore, and we won't be
in this village anymore?"
"Not really, not really." Shen Yuxiu shook her head when she heard it. "I just need to
learn more about self-protection skills from grandpa. I won't even quit my job to avoid
Shen Yuling. That's not the case."
"Yes, hiding is not a good idea." Grandma Fang also disagreed with Zhao Hui's suggestion,
"Besides, the county is not far from our village. Even if we go to the county, Shen
Yuling can go there if she wants to do something."
Besides, Grandma Fang didn’t think Shen Yulin was really that capable. Even if she was a
little crazy, could she beat her old man who had just come back from the battlefield?
Zhao Hui felt upset when he saw that both the grandfather and grandson disagreed.
He might be a little too nervous. He really didn't want Shen Yuxiu to face any danger,
not even a little bit.
Forget it, let's think of other ways. Let's observe Shen Yuling for a while and see if
she has become more honest after seven years of forced labor. If not, find someone to
destroy her.
As soon as this thought came to his mind, Zhao Hui immediately lowered his head slightly,
fearing that the murderous intent in his heart would be noticed by the grandfather and
Really, he didn't want to do anything illegal, let alone hurt anyone. If there was any
possibility, he didn't want to do it so drastically.
There is no impenetrable wall in the world. Once something is done, the truth will come
out one day. He still wants to live a good life with Shen Yuxiu and doesn't want to take
the risk.
So after that night, Shen Yuxiu and Zhao Hui practiced self-defense skills with Fang
Youshun again. The two little guys were curious and laughed along with them, making
Grandma Fang very happy.
The next day, Zhao Hui thought it over again and again, and then went to look for the
thin and dark boy. His name was Li Tiezhu, and he had grown into a grown man now. Because
he had never been to school, he was not liked by his family and could not find a job. He
had been hanging out with Wu Laohei.
At the same time, he went back to the Zhao family again, gave Zhao Laowu a two-dollar
increase, and asked him to pay more attention to Zhang Dachun.
It was the first time in seven years that his salary had increased, and Zhao Laowu was
very happy. Apart from eating and drinking at home, he would wander around the fields
with Zhang Dachun and his mother every day, which made Zhang Dachun very angry.
You say that this man could work in the fields, but he doesn't. Every day he either sits
on the ground or lies down, or chats nonsense with others, and he doesn't do any real
work at all.
Zhao Baocai seems like a different person now. Except for Zhang Dachun, he is very silent
when facing Zhang Laowu or outside. He has also started to work in the fields seriously.
He knew that his background was a bombshell. If he was not honest, he would be ashamed to
live even if people pointed fingers at him in the future. It would be better for him to
do some serious work so that people would look up to him at least.
Just like now, because he has settled down over the years, his reputation and popularity
are much better than before. He finally got married last year. Although his wife is not
good-looking, she is down-to-earth and capable. Now she is pregnant with his child. He
thinks this is good enough and doesn't want any more trouble.
Meanwhile, Shen Yulin's seven years of reform through labor have smoothed out many of her
edges and helped her see many things more clearly.
Therefore, even though she still had a lot of hatred and grievances in her heart, she did
not dare to cause trouble easily, and did not want to go to police again.
She has now deeply realized that it is better to rely on oneself than on others, and just
wants to wait peacefully for the reform and opening up so that she can carry out her own
She just didn't believe that with so many years of experience from her previous life, she
couldn't deal with these people who knew nothing. Maybe when the time came, she wouldn't
have to rely on anyone and could live a superior life on her own.
Li Tiezhu monitored Shen Yulin for a month. Seeing that she went to the fields to earn
work points honestly every day, did not run around, and did not contact anyone, he told
Zhao Hui about the situation.
Zhao Hui was slightly relieved and asked him to withdraw temporarily. After all, there is
no such thing as a thief who can steal for a thousand days. Now his mother has become
very obedient.
"By the way, there is a job at the county chicken farm. Do you want to do it?" Zhao Hui
suddenly asked Li Tiezhu when he was about to leave.
Upon hearing this, Li Tiezhu nodded in surprise and said, "I'll do it, even if the salary
is lower."
"Are you free now? I'll go with you to start work." Zhao Hui asked again with a smile.
"When I'm free, I'm free." Li Tiezhu nodded repeatedly.
How could he not be free? Even if the sky fell, he would still be free for such a good
"Okay, then wait for me for a while." Zhao Hui said, turned around and went to the office
to say something, then took Li Tiezhu to the county chicken farm.
This was a job he found specifically for Li Tiezhu. Before, he had paid this person to do
things, but since Shen Yuling came back, he would need to use this person in many places
in the future, so he needed to make long-term plans, and this job was a reassurance to
buy off this person.
Time passed quickly, Shen Yuxiu spent a peaceful summer vacation, and Shen Yuling never
appeared in front of her. Gradually, everyone began to feel relieved. It was not until
more than a month after the start of school that Zhao Hui brought back a newspaper after
get off work and happily told her: "The college entrance examination has been resumed."
"Ah?" Shen Yuxiu was stunned for a moment, then took the newspaper from his hand and
started reading. Sure enough, it said that the college entrance examination had been
resumed and would be held in more than a month. Moreover, this time there would be no
restrictions on background or class. No matter if you were a graduate of the current or
previous year, as long as you wanted to take the exam, you could take it.
"You can do it, Xiaoxiu, why don't you take the test?" Zhao Hui looked at Shen Yuxiu with
"Me?" Shen Yuxiu wrinkled her nose. "I'm already this old, and I've graduated for so many
"But you have been teaching all the time." Zhao Hui pulled her to sit down on the kang
and analyzed the situation with her in detail. "You see, the graduating class you taught
is also very good. You were also among the top students in your class when you were in
high school. Although the time left for the exam is a little short, I believe it is easy
to catch up if you want to. If you are admitted to a university, you will be a college
student. You can be assigned a job at that time. Maybe you can be assigned to the county
or even the district. The salary is high, right?"
The most important thing is to be able to leave the village and stay away from Shen
Yulin, the time bomb.
This is what Zhao Hui wants most.
Shen Yulin was somewhat moved by what he said, as she had also dreamed of going to
college in the past. However, when she looked at the two elderly people and children at
home, she became hesitant.
Grandma Fang and Fang Youshun, who had been listening nearby, immediately understood her
thoughts when they saw her looking over, and said quickly, "Don't worry about your
family. I and your grandpa are here, and if things don't work out, you still have your
parents. With such a big family, what are you worried about?"
Since the child is ambitious, they should of course support him. Why should they hold him
"Yes, and me too." Zhao Hui also assured.
"Aren't you going to take the exam?" Shen Yuxiu frowned. If there was a chance, she hoped
that Zhao Hui could also take the exam. After all, he was a very good student back then.
"I've only been in high school for half a year. Even if I want to take the exam, it's not
now. I have to finish the remaining courses first." Zhao Hui was of course tempted, but
he couldn't take the exam right away.
It would be better to learn slowly first, and then use this time to find a way to make
some money. In this way, if Shen Yuxiu can be admitted to university, he can let Shen
Yuxiu go to school without any worries, and he can also slowly wait for the next

Chapter 210 What Went Wrong?

Shen Yuxiu frowned somewhat unwillingly when she heard Zhao Hui say this.
"Then I'll wait for you. We'll take the exam together next time. In the meantime, I can
teach you if you don't understand something."
She didn't really want to go to school alone and wanted to go with Zhao Hui.
"What's going on with your smart head?" Zhao Hui said with a smile, "Even if we take the
exam together, we may not be in the same school. And how can you be sure there will be
another chance? Of course, we have to seize every opportunity. Listen to me, you take the
exam first, don't wait for me."
Shen Yuxiu felt a little disappointed when she heard this.
Yes, even if they both get into college, they may choose different schools, and there may
not be another chance like this. What if it’s gone?
"What? Aren't you happy to be admitted to university?" Zhao Hui saw that she still wanted
to be with him at this time. He felt warm in his heart and turned around to show a
backpack on his back: "I have bought the information for you. You don't have to take the
"How can you be so sure that I will pass the exam?" Shen Yuxiu was speechless.
"Of course I am sure. How could my wife, who is so outstanding and ambitious, not take
the college entrance examination?" Zhao Hui said as he put down his backpack and began to
take out the review materials. "Hurry up and see if you need anything so that I can find
it for you when I go back. If you are late, you may not be able to buy it."
As soon as he saw the news in the newspaper today, he went to buy the information
immediately, otherwise he would not have waited until after get off work to come back.
Shen Yuxiu knew that this was the only way for now, so she carefully read the materials
he bought.
I have to say that Zhao Hui bought very complete materials, including all the information
on various subjects.
After Shen Yuxiu finished reading the information and confirmed that nothing was missing,
Zhao Hui said, "As for my second brother, I'm not sure if he's going to take the exam, so
I asked someone to leave an extra set of information for him. They said they'll keep it
until tonight at most. If he's going to take the exam, I have to buy it back quickly, or
they'll sell it."
"Okay, then you go quickly." Grandma Fang agreed and hurriedly urged him to go quickly.
At Shen Yulin's home, Shen Yulin was a little hesitant when he heard the purpose of Zhao
Hui's visit.
To be honest, this opportunity was very attractive. In addition, Zhou Qingyuan found a
new love when she went to college, which was a big blow to him. Although his life was
getting better and better now, he still wanted to go out and see the outside world.
But if he had to take the exam, he had just muddled through the first half year of high
school and didn't know if he could pass.
"I also want to go to college, is that okay?" Just when Shen Yulin was hesitating, Lin
Zhiwei, who was watching the child on the side, suddenly spoke.
Zhao Hui looked at her when he heard that, but didn't say anything.
Whether Lin Zhiwei can go to college is a decision that can only be decided by the
couple, and his word does not count.
Seeing that Zhao Hui didn't say anything, Lin Zhiwei fixed his eyes on Shen Yulin, and
his heart was beating quietly.
She was not a native of the village. She grew up in a town when she was a child. Although
she eventually settled down here for various reasons and liked Shen Yulin very much, it
did not mean that she liked this kind of village life.
Shen Yulin's heart softened when he saw her look. He was originally hesitant, but now he
immediately made the decision.
"Okay, we'll both take the exam." Shen Yulin said, then turned to Zhao Hui and said,
"Then please take care of yourself and buy that set of materials."
After saying that, he went back to the house to get the money.
"Okay, then I'm leaving." Zhao Hui took the money, turned around and walked into the
night, quickly heading towards the county.
After Zhao Hui left, Lin Zhiwei asked Shen Yulin with some concern, "Tell me, if we both
go to college, will our parents agree?"
"Don't worry." Shen Yulin smiled and said when he heard her worry about this: "If our
parents knew that we could get into college, they would probably be so happy that they
would set off firecrackers. How could they not agree?"
His father has always wanted a cultured person to come out of his family. If he knew that
he could take the college entrance examination now, he would probably have beaten him
with a stick even if he didn't want to. It would be impossible to stop him.
When Lin Zhiwei heard him say this, she felt relieved and her eyes and heart were filled
with happy smiles.
She was very glad to marry Shen Yulin and marry into the Shen family.
The Shen family would not torture their daughter-in-law, and Shen Yulin would not hinder
her from doing this or that. She felt that all her luck was spent on meeting this family.
Zhao Hui rushed back to the county town overnight and brought the materials back to Shen
Yulin. From that day on, Shen's brothers and sisters, aunts and sisters-in-law also began
to review day and night.
Just like Shen Yulin said, as soon as Shen Jinggui heard that Shen Yulin and his wife
were going to college, he immediately asked Fang Yan to take the child back to his home
and watch it carefully, for fear of disturbing their review. If it weren't for Shen
Yujun's high school student Even though he barely passed the exam, he wanted Shen Yujun
to take the exam as well.
As for Shen Yuxiu, even if Grandma Fang told her not to worry about anything, because she
still had to go to school to work, she could only study when she had time, which was much
more tiring than Shen Yulin and his wife.
Grandma Fang felt very distressed when she saw that she could only sleep three or four
hours a day, but she asked Shen Yuxiu to quit school and concentrate on studying. She was
also afraid that if she failed to pass the exam, her work and university would be in
vain. I can only make delicious food for her every day, for fear of damaging her body
Looking at her efforts, Zhao Hui was very sensible and did not dare to make trouble with
her. While starting to learn knowledge by himself step by step, he also worked hard to
buy various nutritional supplements for her and make some money at the same time.
But while several people were working hard like this, Shen Yuling knew nothing about it.
Since returning to the village, her parents haven't paid much attention to her, and her
sisters have been warned by their parents to stay away from her. The men, women, and
children in the village have avoided her and never interacted with her. So now she wants
to get some information, so she just It can be listening to people quietly.
Shen Yuling could still hear some other news when she went to work in the fields the day
before yesterday. But as the weather got colder and she stopped working, she knew nothing
about the news outside.
Shen Yuling did go to the county town when she had nothing to do, but she had no money
and no one, and she didn't know what to do when she went there. In the end, she just lay
at home every day.
It wasn't until one day in the twelfth lunar month of winter that she suddenly heard the
sound of firecrackers in the village, and overheard Fourth Aunt Shen complaining bitterly
to Old Si Shen that there were three college students in the Shen family. Only then did
she know that Shen Yuxiu and Shen Yuxiu were Both Shen Yulin and his wife were admitted
to college.
Did they all get into college?
Shen Yulin was a little dazed. Yes, in her previous life, the college entrance
examination was suddenly resumed one year. However, she had already married an honest man
by then, and she complained about everything every day, so she never paid attention to
these things.
It turns out that the college entrance examination was resumed this year?
But even if she knew in advance, what would happen? She bought her way into high school,
so could she still get into college after knowing this news?
However, she didn’t know whether Shen Yuxiu was admitted to university in her previous
life, but Shen Yulin definitely didn’t pass. She didn’t expect that her luck was so
good this time. Was it because of the butterfly effect of her rebirth, or because of Shen
Yuxiu’s connections in the village?
Shen Yuling was a little confused.
Why is it that after her rebirth, everyone else's life becomes better, but only she is
living a worse life than before?
What went wrong?

Chapter 211 Practice

The Fang family was filled with laughter. Shen Yuxiu was admitted to a famous normal
university in the province, which was something Shen Yuxiu had planned for a long time.
She has been a teacher for nearly ten years since she graduated from high school.
Although she works in the village, she still likes this profession very much. She doesn't
know much about other majors and is not very interested in them. So after she finished
the exam and estimated her scores, she applied for the teacher training program.
Unexpectedly, she was actually admitted.
Although Lin Zhiwei's score was not as good as hers, she was admitted to an undergraduate
university in Province D after all. Shen Yulin was admitted to a university in Province
X, which is thousands of miles away from here. There was nothing he could do. After the
exam, he compared his answers with Shen Yuxiu and Lin Zhiwei, and he knew that his score
could not compare to theirs. Therefore, when he applied for admission, he chose the
university with the lowest admission score and the most remote one, hoping that he would
get lucky. Unexpectedly, he really succeeded.
Shen Jinggui suddenly became famous in the village this time. A total of five students in
the Manchu brigade passed the college entrance examination, but his family only took
three. Who is as capable as him?
After the joy, the first thing Shen Yuxiu did was to have a good sleep.
Ever since she started preparing for the college entrance examination, she had been
tensing up every day to study day and night. Really, she had never worked so hard.
After the exam, Shen Yuxiu was anxiously looking forward to it every day, not knowing
whether she would pass the exam. After finally getting the notice, the tense string in
her heart relaxed, and she fell asleep all day and night, almost Not even scared Zhao Hui
to death.
If she hadn't been breathing every time he tried to snort, Zhao Hui would have suspected
that Shen Yuxiu had slept to death.
When she woke up again, Shen Yuxiu became energetic again and continued to go to her
The semester was not over yet, and she had to finish her last shift. As for the things to
prepare for the start of school, since school would not start until the end of the year
after the Chinese New Year, it would not be too late to prepare after the winter
Shen Yuxiu was not in a hurry, but Zhao Hui was extremely nervous.
Shen Yuxiu has been well taken care of by Grandma Fang over the years. She has never
traveled far by herself, let alone stayed outside for half a year. He was a little
worried that Shen Yuxiu would not be able to adapt to the outside world.
Zhao Hui felt a little regretful. When he heard Shen Yuxiu talk about those questions, he
felt that if he had taken the exam, it would be almost the same. Even if he couldn't get
into a very good school, as long as he could be admitted to the same city as Shen Yuxiu,
he could go in and out with Shen Yuxiu and save himself from worrying.
However, once missed, it was missed. He could only try his best to pack Shen Yuxiu's
things for school.
So, when Shen Yuxiu was on winter vacation, Zhao Hui asked her to go to the courtyard in
the county town to see if anything was missing. She found that Zhao Hui and Grandma Fang
had prepared all her food, clothing, housing and transportation.
After looking at the two large bundles, Shen Yuxiu turned around, hugged Zhao Hui and
kissed him hard.
"I don't need anything. Thank you." At this moment, Shen Yuxiu was so moved that she
couldn't help it.
How could this man be so thoughtful that he even prepared new underwear?
"That's not the way to thank someone." Zhao Hui gently touched her lips, his voice a
little hoarse, "You have to put it into practice."
"Hmm?" Shen Yuxiu was a little suspicious. She looked up and saw his deep eyes. She
immediately understood what he meant. She glanced at the gate outside to make sure it was
closed, then she immediately covered his lips with enthusiasm.
Just put it into practice, what are you afraid of?
Then Zhao Hui deeply experienced what it meant to practice what he preached, and the
passion he felt was something he had never experienced before.
So for the rest of the month, he was like an addict, and would hold on to her every day
when he got home, wishing he could make up all the benefits he would lose in the
remaining half of the year at once, and he made Shen Yuxiu so tired that she was drowsy
every day.
Maybe it was because they were about to part, Shen Yuxiu felt that time passed very
quickly, as if in just a blink of an eye, the New Year had passed and it was time to
start school.
Zhao Hui was worried about her going to school alone, so he took a leave of absence to
see her off.
Before leaving, Shen Yuxiu had a worried talk with the two children, Zhao Mingli and Zhao
"When mom goes to school, you two have to be good and obedient at home. Don't be naughty,
"Yeah. I know."
"Mingli, even though mom is not at home, you still have to study hard, okay? When the
holidays come, mom will come back to test you." Shen Yuxiu admonished Zhao Mingchen, who
had just been in elementary school for half a year.
"Got it." Zhao Mingli nodded obediently.
"Mingchen, you can't run so fast anymore. Your grandma is old and can't catch up with
you. You have to take care of her, okay?"
"I know." Zhao Mingchen nodded perfunctorily. Recently, Shen Yuxiu had been telling him
not to run around or run too fast. He was tired of hearing that. He waved his little hand
and said goodbye to her. "Mom, please leave. My brother and I know everything."
Shen Yuxiu's reluctance was crushed by the child's expression as if he was eager for her
to leave.
"You little heartless boy." Shen Yuxiu ruffled his hair in annoyance, then turned around
and walked out of the house with Zhao Hui.
They will stay in the county tonight, and then go directly to the train station from the
county tomorrow. Shen Yulin and his wife left a few days ago because their universities
are not in the province.
The next day, one of Zhao Hui's apprentices came early and drove the two of them to the
train station, and then they drove to the provincial capital.
After getting off the train, Zhao Hui carried a bag on his shoulder and held another bag
in one hand, while his other hand tightly held Shen Yuxiu's hand, for fear of losing her.
The two found the bus stop and took the bus all the way to the Normal University to
report. Zhao Hui helped her move her luggage to the dormitory and made the bed before
they left reluctantly.
Before leaving, he still asked Shen Yuxiu worriedly, "Do you remember the bus we took
when we came here? Do you remember the route home?"
"Remember." Seeing that he was so worried, Shen Yuxiu couldn't help but said with a
smile: "Don't worry, I can still not go home?"
"Then tell me the route." Zhao Hui was still worried.
"Alas!" Shen Yuxiu was also convinced and could only repeat the route to school, "Walk
south from the gate of our school, take the bus to the train station, buy a ticket, then
take the train to our oil field base, and then take the bus home."
After Shen Yuxiu finished speaking, she looked at Zhao Hui proudly, waiting for her to
praise her.
As a result, Zhao Hui looked at her with a complicated, even a little unbelievable look.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Shen Yuxiu became a little uncertain when he
looked at her, "Did I say anything wrong?"
Zhao Hui sighed and asked her speechlessly, "Which direction do you think we should face
when we enter the school?"
"Chaodong." Shen Yuxiu said with certainty, but she saw Zhao Hui's eyes looking at her
more complicated, so she asked uncertainly, "Isn't that right?"
Zhao Hui felt a headache and asked again, "Then which direction do you think you are
facing now?"
"Dong?" Shen Yuxiu was a little uncertain this time.
But she does feel that it is facing east?

Chapter 212: Years

Zhao Hui only felt a throbbing pain in his temples, and he didn't know what to say when
he looked at Shen Yuxiu.
"If you have something to say, just tell me." Shen Yuxiu felt frightened by his gaze.
"Did I really say something wrong?"
It's not just wrong, it's absolutely wrong.
Zhao Hui took a deep breath, put his hands on her shoulders, and solemnly told her a
"You fell."
Shen Yuxiu was completely confused by what was said.
Where did it fall?
How can it be?
"The school gate we entered faces north, and you are also facing north now." Zhao Hui
stated this fact, and then said, "Don't leave the school gate, Xiaoxiu, don't go out
while you are in school, okay? If you need anything, call our refinery and I will deliver
it to you. When you have a holiday, call me and I will pick you up. Really, don't go out
by yourself, and don't go home by yourself."
He was afraid that she would never come back after leaving. If she died in school, he
would cry to death.

Shen Yuxiu was a little confused.
She actually fell, when did it happen? How come she didn't even know about it?
"Did you hear me? Just stay in the school, don't go out." Seeing that she still looked
confused, Zhao Hui repeated it again.
"Okay, okay." Shen Yuxiu could only nod. Seeing his worried face, she smiled and hugged
him, saying, "I won't go out, don't worry."
Rest assured? How can I rest assured?
With her sense of direction, how could he feel at ease?
But what can I do if I'm worried? I can't stop her from going to school because of this,
In the end, Zhao Hui left at Shen Yuxiu's urging.
If he doesn't leave now, he will miss the train back today, and he will have to stay here
for one night. The problem is that the school does not allow outsiders to stay, so he
needs to find a place.
After Zhao Hui left, Shen Yuxiu returned to the dormitory with a head full of doubts.
After asking people around her, she was sure that she had indeed fallen.
This is very frustrating, because even if she knows that the direction she is thinking is
wrong, she still can't turn it around.
In the end, Shen Yuxiu no longer felt conflicted.
Whatever she wants, if she doesn't know the correct directions, can't she just rely on
the directions of front, back, left, and right? Besides, she is not illiterate, nor does
she have a mouth. If she doesn't know where to go, she can just look at the road signs
and ask people.
Therefore, when the weekend came, Shen Yuxiu went out as usual. However, at the
beginning, she was afraid that she would not be able to come back, so she went out with a
few classmates. After a while, she became familiar with the surrounding environment and
became able to come and go freely.
But Zhao Hui here had no idea that Shen Yuxiu didn't listen to him at all. Until the
summer vacation, she went home without saying a word, which scared Zhao Hui so much that
he almost jumped up.
But no matter how shocked we were, the person had already returned and the matter was
When school started again, Zhao Hui had already been admitted to the local petroleum
This was decided after the two men discussed it. Their relatives were all here, and Shen
Yuxiu wanted to return home after graduation, so Zhao Hui had to think more about their
future. The prospects of the oil field were better than any other unit, so they might as
well take the entrance exam for the Oil Field University directly. He would then try his
best to find a way to stay in the oil field. If that didn't work, they would be well
resettled if they returned to the county.
Zhao Hui had always performed very well while working at the refinery. As soon as the
factory leaders heard that he had been admitted to the Oilfield University, they reserved
him in advance by the county, without waiting for him to decide what to do. He would
return to the factory as a supervisor as soon as he graduated.
Seeing that the situation could not be changed, Zhao Hui arranged benefits for Shen
Yuxiu, allowing her to become a high school teacher when she graduated. In this way, the
two of them no longer had to worry about work before they even graduated.
Time flies, and four years have passed in the blink of an eye.
After graduation, Shen Yuxiu went straight to teach at the county high school, and Zhao
Hui returned to his original unit after graduation. During this period, Lin Zhiwei's
father had been reinstated. Shen Yulin took advantage of his father-in-law and, together
with Lin Zhiwei, the family of four were kept in the district to work.
At the same time, the village also changed. First, the village had electricity, and then
reform and opening up no longer strictly prohibited individuals from doing business. In
the year when Shen Yuxiu graduated, the government also used machines to build a long
winding dam in the north, so people no longer had to go to the dam project every winter.
And Shen Yuling also started her road to wealth from then on.
She first used the little money she had saved over the years to buy some small department
stores and started setting up a stall. Of course, she didn't dare to be too bold and was
just testing the waters. After all, although speculation and profiteering are no longer
punished, no one would come so openly.
Two years later, due to the rapid development of the oil field, the state approved the
establishment of a city on this land, so they had their own city on this land. Then they
began to implement the household contract responsibility system for land, allowing some
people to become rich. Only then did Shen Yulin start to work hard.
During this period, she met a large wholesaler in the future. His wife died of illness
two years ago and he was single. He had a son who was the same age as Zhao Mingli. Shen
Yuling found ways to get together with him and became the boss's wife, thus ending her
life of selling things on the street.
In the blink of an eye, it was 1988. Fang Youshun died before Grandma Fang due to an old
injury from his early years. After Shen Yuxiu and Zhao Hui buried the old man's ashes
back in their hometown, they always felt empty in their hearts.
In Shen Yuxiu's heart, the old woman's existence was more important than her parents. She
couldn't accept her sudden death. And Grandma Fang's loss was obviously even greater than
hers. Every time she returned to her home in the village, she saw Grandma Fang in a daze
in the house, touching Fang Youshun's clothes. Shen Yuxiu was so scared that she
persuaded the old woman to live with her in the county.
"Grandma, please help me. Zhao Hui has been promoted to deputy section chief and is too
busy to go home every day. Mingli will take the college entrance examination next year. I
teach the graduating class and get off work very late every night. Mingchen is in junior
high school and finishes classes very early. I can't take care of him. After class, when
he sees no one is at home, he hangs out with others. Can you help me keep an eye on him,
okay?" Shen Yuxiu hugged Grandma Fang's arm and begged. This was an excuse, but it was
also the truth.
Ever since Zhao Hui was promoted to deputy section chief, he has been so busy that he
can't go home every day. It's not because of anything else, but because of the endless
social engagements.
There's nothing that can be done about it. The factory's performance is not good now, and
the leaders are anxious. Since the sales department cannot complete the task, they ask
him from the production department to join in the fun. He can't refuse even if he wants
Grandma Fang couldn't bear to see the child she raised like this, so she had to nod her
head. Anyway, she was an old lady living alone at home with nothing to do, so she decided
to help take care of her own child.
As soon as Shen Yuxiu saw Grandma Fang agreed, she immediately smiled and started packing
her things.
The county town is no longer what it used to be. There are commercial streets and buses.
She has a three-bedroom family compound in the school. The house is much more spacious
than before and is completely livable.
When Shen Yuxiu persuaded Grandma Fang to go to the courtyard in the county town, Zhao
Hui was still drinking and chatting with some people from the society.
Next to him, a young girl watched him talking to others, her eyes filled with admiration
and love.

Chapter 213: Clever

After the drinking party, even though Zhao Hui had a good alcohol tolerance, he still
felt a little heavy in the head. When he turned around to push his bicycle after seeing
the person off, he almost bumped into the girl who was following him.
"Sorry." Zhao Hui apologized quickly.
The girl's name is Jiang Rumei. She is a new clerk in the sales department of the
factory. In the current environment, people like to have a lady accompany them to the
dinner table. The people in the sales department like to bring her along every time, and
she herself is also willing to come to such occasions.
"It's okay." Jiang Rumei smiled shyly and asked, "Zhao Ke, it's getting late now, and I
didn't ride a bicycle here. Do you think you can give me a ride?"
"I'm sorry, we're not going the same way. Your section chief is going the same way as
you, so let him take you there." Zhao Hui said to Yang Jiansong, the sales section chief
who was already on his bicycle, "Senior Yang, your section chief Xiao Jiang said she
didn't ride a bike, so why don't you take her with you?"
"Ah? Sure." Yang Jiansong turned around and said to Jiang Rumei, "Hurry up, Xiao Jiang,
we're leaving now."
"Oh." Jiang Rumei looked at Zhao Hui sadly, agreed and walked towards Yang Jiansong.
How could this person be so tactless? If she wanted Yang Jiansong to send her off, why
would she come and ask him?
It was a little dark at night, and Zhao Hui did not see Jiang Rumei's look before she
left. When he saw her turn and walk towards Yang Jiansong, he also stepped on his bicycle
and turned around to ride home.
Here, after Jiang Rumei sat on the back seat, Yang Jiansong also got on his bicycle and
walked into the night with Jiang Rumei, but there was a hint of sarcasm on the corner of
his mouth.
It's hard to tell whether the guy surnamed Zhao is really stupid or just pretending to be
stupid. Everyone in the factory knows that Jiang Rumei has set her eyes on Zhao Hui, but
this guy is like a piece of wood. He always has a cold face when facing such a young and
beautiful girl. If someone else had come in the morning, they would have just treated her
as a kitten or a puppy to play with.
Zhao Hui didn't know what Yang Jiansong was thinking, let alone what Jiang Rumei was
thinking. As a person in charge of production, it was beyond the scope of his job for him
to come out for social events. Why would he care about these twists and turns?
Returning to the family compound, Zhao Hui looked at the living room with a light on, and
felt warm in his heart.
Ever since he started going out for social events, his homecoming time had become
irregular. At first, Shen Yuxiu would always wait for him to come home before going to
bed together. However, Shen Yuxiu had to get up at five or six every morning to attend
morning classes with the students. After a while, she could not stand it anymore, so she
had to leave a light on for him every day, and she and the child went to bed first.
Zhao Hui came back and drank the radish juice that she prepared for him every day to help
him sober up. After washing up, he went back to his room to sleep.
In her sleepy state, Shen Yuxiu felt that there was someone beside her. She sniffed and
felt a little disgusted by the faint smell of alcohol around her. She subconsciously
turned over and faced away from him, then backed up to him, put his arm under her neck,
and fell into a deep sleep.
Zhao Hui smiled slightly as he watched her actions, turned off the bedside lamp, and not
daring to get too close to her, he just closed his eyes and rested.
In fact, he also knew that Shen Yuxiu was a little disgusted by the smell of alcohol, but
this was how the job was done and he had no choice but to put up with each other.
When he woke up the next day, he heard Shen Yuxiu talking to the old man before he opened
his eyes.
"Grandma, you cooked porridge, that's great. You have no idea how bad the porridge in our
school cafeteria tastes." In the outer living room, in order to make Grandma Fang feel
needed, Shen Yuxiu praised her with all her might.
Sure enough, when Grandma Fang heard her words, she immediately smiled and scooped the
porridge from the bowl while saying, "If you like it, I will make it for you every day in
the future. Go and see if Zhao Hui has gotten up. Isn't he going to work today? Tell him
to get up and eat quickly so as not to delay him."
"Okay." Shen Yuxiu agreed and walked towards her bedroom. However, before she reached the
door, it was opened from the inside.
"Are you awake? Come and wash your hands and have dinner." Shen Yuxiu said as she turned
around and went back to her original place, sat at the dining table and started slurping
the millet porridge.
Zhao Hui yawned with a smile and greeted Grandma Fang, "Grandma."
"Hey, come and eat." Grandma Fang agreed and continued to scoop porridge for them.
"Okay." Zhao replied and went to wash his face. After a while, he came back with his
brother Zhao Mingli, who had also finished washing, and sat at the dining table. They
each slurped a bowl of millet porridge.
"Yeah, it tastes good." Zhao Mingchen sighed as he drank, "My grandma's porridge tastes
better. Those people in the school cafeteria just mess around."
Grandma Fang smiled at his praise and said, "Then I will make some for you every day from
now on."
"Thank you, grandma." Zhao Mingchen said as he kissed Grandma Fang on the face, then
started slurping the drink.
As Grandma Fang watched the family of four enjoying their delicious meal, the emptiness
in her heart caused by losing her husband was suddenly filled.
Ever since the family of four moved to the county, she had very little time to watch them
eat like this, which made her feel like she was back in the past.
She also just found out that Shen Yuxiu and her two children had to go to school to
attend a class before going home for dinner. They would come back at around ten o'clock
every night, and they didn't even have time to cook, so they could only get meals from
the school cafeteria.
Although Zhao Hui could get up later every morning, he came back later than Shen Yuxiu at
If she had known that their family was so busy, she should have come to help them
earlier. In the past, seeing that the four members of this family had not gained weight,
she thought it was because they were obsessed with beauty. Now it seems that they are
simply too busy to cook and eat whatever they can get and end up hungry.
In this way, Shen Yuxiu took the two children and Zhao Hui, and in just one morning,
Grandma Fang found her next goal, which was to feed the family of four well and try to
make them fatter.
After dinner, Shen Yuxiu and Zhao Hui took the burping brother Zhao Mingli out of the
yard and went out to work and class together.
When they said goodbye, the family of four looked at each other, touched their bellies,
and burst out laughing at the same time.
In order to make Grandma Fang feel needed by them, they ate as much as they could.
After the family of four parted ways, Shen Yuxiu just arrived at the office and heard
from her colleagues that the director called her. When she arrived at the director's
office, she saw a strange man and a chubby boy.
When the director saw her coming, he immediately stood up and introduced the two people
to her, "Teacher Shen, this is Comrade Wang Jiancheng, and that is Comrade Wang
Jiancheng's son, Student Wang Shengan."
Before Shen Yuxiu could react, the man stepped forward and extended his hand to her,
"Hello, Mr. Shen, my name is Wang Jiancheng, I'll trouble you to take care of my child in
the future."
"Hello, I'm Shen Yuxiu." Shen Yuxiu politely extended her hand and shook hands with him,
then looked at the director suspiciously, not quite understanding what he meant.
"It's like this." Seeing this, the director hurriedly explained, "This student Wang
Shengan originally went to school in town, and now he has just transferred to our school
and is temporarily assigned to your class."
Shen Yuxiu understood something after hearing this. In recent years, parents have paid
more and more attention to their children's studies, and many children have transferred
from the town to the county middle school. This is not the first time she has accepted a
student halfway through.
"Okay." Shen Yuxiu nodded to Wang Jiancheng and said to the director, "Then I'll take
Wang back to the class to familiarize him with the class."
"Okay." The director nodded immediately after hearing this. Wang Jiancheng also greeted
him gratefully, "This child is a little introverted. Thank you for your concern, Mr.
Shen Yuxiu smiled at him and nodded, then walked out of the director's office with Wang
After she left, Wang Jiancheng immediately asked the director out of curiosity, "Cousin,
which village is this Teacher Shen from?"
"XX Village." The director named a village, and then asked him curiously, "What's wrong?
Do you know her?"
"I don't know her." Wang Jiancheng waved his hand and said, "But isn't my wife's name
Shen Yuling? When she said her name was Shen Yuxiu just now, I felt it was quite a
coincidence. I didn't expect them to be from the same village. You said they were from
the same village. Aren't they related? Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence?
Both are named Shen and both are Paiyu."

Chapter 214 Regret

"Oh, that's quite a coincidence." The director raised his eyebrows in surprise and said,
"Then go back and ask around. If there really is a relative, it would be good for you to
get closer to Teacher Shen. You know, she is the best teacher in our school right now.
The admission rate of her class is the highest in the city. If she is willing to pay
attention to your child, it will definitely be good for you."
"Really?" Wang Jiancheng's eyes lit up when he heard it.
"How could it be false?" The director sighed and said, "I am your uncle after all, how
can I lie to you?"
"Okay, I'll go back and ask." Wang Jiancheng said as he strode out. When he reached the
door, he seemed to remember something and took out a watch from his pocket and hurriedly
put it in his hand. "This is the one I just bought. Uncle, try it on and feel it. If it's
good, give me some feedback then."
After saying that, without waiting for the director to say anything, he turned around and
rushed out of the office, as if he was in a hurry to do something.
There was no one in the office now. The director looked at the watch placed on his palm,
put it on his hand slowly, and smiled.
It has to be said that his nephew, who has gone through so many twists and turns, is not
only good at speaking, but also good at doing things.
After Wang Jiancheng left here, he went straight to his wholesale store. When he got
there, he saw Shen Yuling lying on a rocking chair watching TV leisurely, while a young
man hired by the store next door was greeting several customers who came to choose goods.
Wang Jiancheng frowned upon seeing this. It was obvious that the young man could not
serve several customers at the same time. Those customers could only choose the goods by
themselves. As soon as they saw that the young man was free, they immediately rushed over
to ask. Some of them even began to frown, obviously getting impatient with the wait.
Seeing this scene, Wang Jiancheng didn't bother to ask Shen Yulin. He went to greet the
guests with a smile. After he and the young man finally sent all the guests away, he had
time to drink a sip of water.
After drinking the water, he came and sat down next to Shen Yulin, then kicked Shen
Yulin's foot.
"Hey, there were so many people in the store just now, couldn't you help out? You just
watched TV."
"Don't we have Xiao Zhu?" Shen Yulin said indifferently.
And she didn't watch TV for nothing, it was all current news, and she was trying to find
some information on how to get rich quickly from the news, but this was not for her own
To be honest, at first she thought that working in wholesale was a good thing. After all,
this man would be the wholesale king in the future. He might not be worth tens of
millions, but he would at least have millions. But she didn't expect that working in
wholesale would be so tiring. Not only did she have to get up early and go to bed late
every day to purchase and ship goods, but after working so hard all day, she only earned
a hundred or so yuan. This did not meet her initial expectations of this man at all.
However, Shen Yuling forgot that the hundred yuan today is not the hundred yuan in future
generations. The one hundred yuan now may be worth thousands more in future generations.
It is thousands more yuan a day. What else do you want?
Wang Jiancheng was speechless and didn't want to talk to her about this, so he asked what
he wanted to ask.
"How many families named Shen are there in your village?"
"It's just our family, one grandpa takes me, my uncle, four uncles, and a bunch of
cousins." Shen Yuling finished lazily and asked him suspiciously, "Why do you ask this?"
When Wang Jiancheng heard this, he immediately became interested. He walked up to her and
asked, "So there is a woman named Shen Yuxiu in one of your villages. Is she your
When Shen Yuling heard this name, her heart skipped a beat and she asked him warily: "Why
do you ask this?"
As soon as she asked the question, she suddenly remembered that Wang Jiancheng had
transferred his son to the county middle school today. She suddenly understood something
and felt a little annoyed.
It can’t be such a coincidence, could it be that he transferred to Shen Yuxiu’s class?
"Today my cousin transferred Sheng'an to her class. I heard that she is from your
village, so I want to ask, is she really your cousin?" Wang Jiancheng was eager to try.
He has a daughter who is studying in the town. If we can establish a good relationship
with him, his daughter may be able to benefit from it in the future. What's more, every
family has a child who is in school. If the partner's family happens to have this need in
the future, this will also be a connection.
"Don't think about it." Shen Yuling could see through his little thoughts, and said with
some annoyance: "I don't have a good relationship with her. She can still treat your son
well if she doesn't know about your relationship with me. If she knew, she would probably
turn hostile immediately."
Wang Jiancheng frowned slightly when he heard this, and looked at Shen Yuling
suspiciously. After a long while, he asked, "Why is your relationship so bad?"
"Heh." Seeing that he didn't seem to give up, Shen Yuling sneered and said calmly:
"Didn't I once knock a cousin into the river and almost drowned her? It was her."
Wang Jiancheng was stunned for a moment, rubbing his forehead with a headache for a
while, and asked her, "Can't you reconcile?"
Shen Yuling sneered when she heard this, and said with certainty: "We can't reconcile,
forget it, we can't benefit from her."
She has stolen someone else's man and is trying to take his life. How can we still
Isn't this just a joke?
Wang Jiancheng felt even more troubled when he saw her mocking expression on her face, so
he turned away and went to smoke.
When he was with Shen Yuling, he didn't know about these things. At that time, his wife
had just died and he was too busy with the housework. He suddenly met an unmarried woman
and pursued her enthusiastically. He married her without asking any details. As a result,
after getting married, he found that Shen Yuling didn't interact much with her sisters.
After asking suspiciously, he found out that those people looked down on Shen Yuling
because she had been reformed through labor. The reason she was reformed through labor
was that she accidentally knocked a cousin into the river and almost drowned her.
He was stunned when he heard the news, and felt humiliated as if he had been deceived
into marriage, because Shen Yulin had never told him about this before marriage. But it
was too late to know it then. Later, after Shen Yulin tried to please him in every way,
he accepted it after a fit of anger.
There was no way to deny it. He was married to Shen Yuling at the time. Could it be that
they had to divorce? As time went by, and those people were farming in the countryside,
it didn't matter whether they were friends or not, so he didn't care.
Since then, Wang Jiancheng never asked much about the Shen family, and Shen Yuling never
mentioned the Shen family either. He always thought that the Shen family were all
peasants and there was no one worth dealing with. But he didn't expect that there were
still some capable people in the family, but they just didn't have a good relationship
with Shen Yuling.
Wang Jiancheng puffed on his cigarette and looked at the commercial street with regret in
his heart.
He regretted marrying Shen Yulin, really.
It turned out that when he knew Shen Yuling, Shen Yuling was good at talking and dealing
with people. She would call everyone "big brother or big sister" and make everyone who
came to the store happy and always leave with satisfaction. But since she got married,
she has become lazier day by day. She doesn't care about her children with her deceased
ex-wife, doesn't pay attention to the affairs of the store, and complains about him being
useless every day.
This is simply a joke. He doesn't dare to say that he is the richest man in the county
now, but who can compare with him in this commercial street?
But even after all this, Shen Yulin still looked down on him all the time, as if she was
so incompetent. She didn't even think about what qualifications she had to look down on
him when she did nothing all day.
When he met Shen Yulin, he should have observed her for a while. He shouldn't have jumped
into this pit just because of momentary emptiness and couldn't resist Shen Yulin's fiery
enthusiasm. It's too late to regret now.

Chapter 215
Contrary to Wang Jiancheng's idea, Shen Yulin is quite satisfied with her current life.
One potential stock is her husband. He can make money from a small shop without her
having to worry about it. Although it is not much, at least she does not have to work so
hard. Although it is far from the wealthy life she has always dreamed of, she is not
short of money.
She doesn't have to worry about anything now. She just needs to eat and drink and wait
quietly for opportunities. She knows a little about what industry will make money in the
future. At that time, she only needs to reveal a little to Wang Jiancheng, or she can
make a lot of money without telling Wang Jiancheng.
Shen Yulin had good ideas and dreamed every day of becoming rich one day, but she didn't
know that opportunities always come to those who are prepared. For someone like her who
only thinks but never takes a step, how can she seize the opportunity even if she has it,
and why should others believe in her?
Shen Yuxiu didn't know that the child she had just taken over was Shen Yuling's stepson.
She brought the child to the class as she treated ordinary students. She asked him to
introduce himself to his classmates and take a seat. She only started the class after
seeing that all the students, including Zhao Mingli, were present.
The fall semester has just begun, and it is the most important year for high school
seniors. Whether they can soar to success depends on the results of their hard work in
this last year.
Because the staff quarters were right inside the school, Shen Yuxiu went back to see
Grandma Fang when she had no classes. Seeing that she had become familiar with the old
lady from the neighboring house, she immediately returned to the office with relief.
I have to say that this old lady's social skills are much better than hers. When she
moved to this housing estate, it took her several days to get familiar with the
As time passed, as Wang Shengan's grades began to steadily improve, Wang Jiancheng was
filled with admiration.
If it weren't for Shen Yuling's incident, he would have to work hard to build this
relationship. Even if the two of them had no relationship at all, he could use the excuse
of having a child to get to know her better, and even use his connections to get in touch
with Zhao Hui.
Of course, he found out that Shen Yuxiu's man was Zhao Hui only after he specifically
asked someone about it. It was also after he found out that he realized what he had
The Shen family is not entirely made up of ordinary people. Shen Yuxiu is a high school
teacher, and her boyfriend is actually the deputy production section chief of an oil
refinery. Shen Yuxiu's second brother's father-in-law is now the district head, and her
second brother is the director of the Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, and
her second sister-in-law is the deputy director of the district finance office. Even Shen
Yulin's eldest brother-in-law's family has an outstanding person who now works in the
county and is the second in command.
These are all connections, but unfortunately Shen Yuling has offended them all.
After hearing all this, Wang Jiancheng felt the veins on his forehead throbbing.
What a sin, what a sin.
He suddenly understood why his brothers-in-law and sister-in-law were so cold to him
during every New Year and festival since he married Shen Yulin, and why the relationships
in the county that he had built up were getting worse day by day. It turned out that this
was the reason!
Is this what they call one wrong step, all wrong?
Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world. If there was, he would buy a few
bottles and swallow them no matter what.
Perhaps it was because he had too many regrets. Every time his son came home on Sundays,
he would unconsciously ask his son about Shen Yuxiu more often. And every time he heard
his son talk about how good and detailed Shen Yuxiu's teaching was, he became more
As Shen Yuxiu's name began to appear frequently in the mouths of the father and son, Shen
Yulin became more and more impatient, and even began to dislike Wang Jiancheng and her
What’s the matter? No matter how good Shen Yuxiu is, she can still become Wang
Jiancheng’s wife, Wang Shengan’s biological mother. What’s wrong with that? Isn’t
this simply disgusting?
Shen Yuling felt so frustrated that she even stopped looking after the store. She stayed
away from home every day and started looking for business opportunities everywhere.
While strolling around, she actually discovered a business opportunity that no one else
had discovered, that is, a beauty salon.
She discovered that this county town, which was obviously developing well, did not have a
single beauty salon. You know, as people's lives are getting better and better, their
pursuit of beauty is also getting higher and higher. This is definitely a good business
Shen Yuling did it as soon as she thought of it. She immediately started looking for
famous beauty products in later generations. Unfortunately, although her idea was good,
there were not many beauty products in her memory. There were only some old-fashioned and
well-known vanishing creams.
Shen Yulin's entrepreneurial passion was shattered like this. She regretted very much
that she didn't learn more about this industry in her previous life. If she had known
more, maybe she would have known what to do.
But she was still unwilling to give up, so she simply bought the largest storefront on
the street, planning to build a large supermarket like in the future, which was a type of
department store. Of course, hers could only be considered a small one, and Wang
Jiancheng had only made that little money over the years, so it would be difficult for
her to expand it.
Just like that, by the time Wang Jiancheng knew what she was going to do, Shen Yuling had
already started decorating and buying shelves in a hurry.
Wang Jiancheng was very angry at her self-willed behavior, but there was nothing he could
do. After all, this money was earned by him with great difficulty over the years, and he
couldn't just watch it go to waste. He could only bite the bullet and start decorating
the storefront with Shen Yulin and purchasing various goods and shelves.
Fortunately, he was in the wholesale business, so he could get some goods directly from
wholesale stores, and for some other daily necessities, he also knew where to get them.
Just like that, Shen Yulin's new store opened with great fanfare a month later. Because
she no longer purchased goods at the counter, her new business method became popular in
this small county from the beginning.
Of course Shen Yuxiu had also heard that a new store had opened here, so she took
advantage of the Sunday to come and take a look with a few colleagues. However, not long
after they entered the store, they were blocked by a figure in front of them.
"Oh, isn't this my cousin who is a teacher? How come she has time to visit our shop?"
Shen Yulin looked at Shen Yuxiu in front of her, her eyes full of pride.
So what if you get into college? You'll just be a crappy teacher. You still have to spend
money in her store.
When Shen Yuxiu suddenly saw Shen Yuling, she was stunned for a moment, and it took her a
long time to react.
"Is this your shop?" Shen Yuxiu asked her suspiciously.
Although the two had not had much contact in recent years, she had heard that Shen Yuling
had married a wholesaler, but she did not expect to see her here.
However, the Shen Yuling in front of him was like a completely different person compared
to before. She was wearing a slim-fitting floral dress, had big wavy hair, powdered her
face, and had her eyebrows and lips painted, just like the big star on TV.
Of course, Shen Yulin's image is very different from that of a big star, but she is still
outstanding in this small county.
Sensing the way Shen Yuxiu was looking at her, Shen Yuling elegantly lifted her big waves
and said arrogantly, "Yes, this is my store. If you want to buy something and you don't
have enough money, I'll give it to you."
She is no longer as penniless as she was back then. Even the clothes Shen Yuxiu is
wearing now are probably not as valuable as one of her lipsticks, right?

Chapter 216: Guarding against thieves

Shen Yuxiu could tell that she was playing tricks on him, so she smiled faintly and said,
"That's not necessary. I have some self-knowledge. I will never do anything beyond my
ability, and I will never force things that don't belong to me. I can't do things that
are pretentious."
Shen Yuxiu said politely to the colleagues next to her, "You guys go shopping, I'm going
to go buy some things, you can leave after you finish shopping, you don't have to wait
for me."
After saying that, Shen Yuxiu gave those people a soothing smile, and without saying
hello to Shen Yulin, she turned around and walked out of the store.
Just now she took a general look at Shen Yulin's store. It was just more fashionable in
decoration and had more goods. The prices were not much cheaper than the department store
that opened in the city two years ago. Instead of feeling uncomfortable here, she might
as well take the bus to the department store in the city. Although it was farther away,
she would feel more comfortable.
Although Shen Yulin never bothered her again after so many years, what happened had
happened. She was not so careless as to give money to someone who had once hurt her and
was now plotting against her as if nothing had happened.
It's not that Shen Yuling didn't understand what Shen Yuxiu meant, but she just thought
that Shen Yuxiu was just being sour.
If you don’t have money to buy it, then you don’t have money to buy it. Why do you say
it so righteously? Isn’t it just that you are jealous because you see that I am living a
better life than her?
Shen Yuling sneered disdainfully, turned around and swayed back to sit on her recliner.
Just like before, she was watching out for people not to steal things and also monitoring
the store clerks not to embezzle.
There is no way. People's quality is not that high now. There are always people who like
to steal things. Besides, there is no surveillance now, so she can only rely on herself.
The teachers walked around the store for a while and saw Shen Yuling glancing at them
from time to time as if she were looking at a thief. They looked at each other, and then
turned around and left Shen Yuling's store in unison.
The proprietress looked at them as if they were thieves. They came here to buy things,
not to be treated like thieves. They couldn't stay in such an environment.
Soon after leaving the store, they saw Shen Yuxiu standing in front of a bus stop not far
away, and immediately walked towards her together.
The bus stop was not far from Shen Yuling's store. Shen Yuling had already seen Shen
Yuxiu there. Seeing her standing there alone, she felt indescribably proud.
She might not have been as good as Shen Yuxiu before, but now...
Oh, so what if she's a teacher? She's just a teacher with a fixed salary. When it comes
to freedom and making money, it's better to be an individual like her.
You know, what she earns in a day is almost equal to Shen Yuxiu's monthly salary. After a
year, Shen Yuxiu probably can't make up for it even with ten years' salary.
If things continue at the current pace, she estimates that Shen Yuxiu will never be able
to catch up with her in this lifetime. After all, Zhao Hui is just a worker now. Although
he is a deputy section chief, he only gets a fixed salary. In these two industries where
the end of the career can be foreseen at a glance, what great fortune can they have in
the future?
Shen Yuling felt that Shen Yuxiu was a bit unlucky. Otherwise, why would she, one of the
richest people in her previous life, stay in the factory to work in this life? If she
continued like this, she would have to work for the rest of her life, and then live on
her pension after retirement, just like some old men and women many years later, right?
Zhao Hui was short-sighted as he had set his sights on Shen Yuxiu. If he had been willing
to marry him back then, he might have become a boss now and started on the path to
becoming the richest man.
Shen Yuxiu was already standing in front of the bus stop. She didn't know who had come up
with the idea of making quilt covers for quilts recently. With this, when the quilt gets
dirty, she can just take it off, wash it, dry it, and then put it back on. She doesn't
have to go through the trouble of taking apart and washing the quilt. She thinks this is
quite convenient. She happened to hear that a new store had opened here, so she came to
take a look. Unexpectedly, she was disgusted.
But it's okay. She originally wanted to go to the city department store if she couldn't
find anything she liked here. Now she doesn't have to waste time and can go directly to
the city.
As a result, she had not been standing in front of the bus stop for a while when she saw
several of her colleagues coming out and walking towards her. She couldn't help but ask
suspiciously, "Why are you here?"
"What are you shopping for? You're looking at us like we're thieves." One of them glanced
at the shop behind him, looking a little angry.
They are all teachers. In recent years, as parents have paid more and more attention to
their children's studies, they have always been praised and their ambitions are higher
than those of ordinary people. Who can bear being looked at like that by Shen Yulin?
"That's right, I've never seen anything like this." Another person was also indignant,
and turned to ask Shen Yuxiu, "Where are you going?"
"Let's go to the city department store. We only have a few fabrics in different patterns
and colors. I want to go there and take a look." Shen Yuxiu said with a smile.
"Then let's go together..." Upon hearing this, the two of them immediately smiled and
stood in front of the bus stop with her, chattering about the things they were going to
buy in the city.
Shen Yuxiu immediately smiled and joined their conversation, feeling very happy.
To be honest, she didn't call these two people just now because she didn't want to
interfere with the decisions of people around her just because she hated someone.
Unexpectedly, although she didn't participate, Shen Yulin offended someone herself.
No one should accuse her of being narrow-minded and unable to stand others doing well,
but she just likes people around her to hate someone as much as she does, no matter what
the reason.
Shen Yuling was originally very happy when she saw Shen Yuxiu standing alone in front of
the license plate, but after a while she saw that everyone who came with Shen Yuxiu had
walked away, and her face suddenly looked a little ugly.
To be honest, the main force of buyers nowadays are still those working people, but
recently those who come to her store are ordinary people who like to take advantage of
others, and those working people don't know why, but they don't like to come to her store
anymore after coming a few times.
Shen Yuling hummed as she watched Shen Yuxiu and the others get on the bus and leave. Not
long after, she saw a familiar figure appear not far away across the street.
It was a newly opened restaurant. Zhao Hui and several people who looked like social
elites were walking inside. A pretty girl was following him.
Shen Yuling had seen a lot of girls who were in love in the past and present life. He
immediately saw that the girl who was following Zhao Hui was acting wrong. He suddenly
became interested and gave a few instructions to the salesperson in the store. Went to
the restaurant across the road.
It's not dinner time yet, and there aren't many people coming to eat yet. Shen Yuling's
shop is right across the street, and the waiter knows her, so he immediately greeted her
when she came in.
"Sister Shen, why are you here? What do you want to eat?"
"Where are the people from the refinery who came in just now? I'm with them." Shen Yuling
just made nonsense.
The waiter didn't tell whether it was true or not. He pointed to a room at the end and
said, "It's in Jixiang Pavilion. Do you want me to take you there?"

Chapter 217 There is no right or wrong in love

"No, just go about your business. I can go by myself."
Shen Yuling rejected the waiter's kindness and walked straight to the room with the sign
of Jixiang Pavilion.
The waiter was happy that she didn't have to use him. When he saw Shen Yulin walking
towards the room, he thought she was really with these people, so he turned around and
went back to work.
Shen Yulin came to the outside of the room, looked around to see that no one was paying
attention, and then quietly opened the door a crack. The sounds of talking and laughing
from inside immediately came out.
She looked through the gap and saw that the men had already taken their seats, and the
girl who followed Zhao Hui had just finished making tea and sat down next to Zhao Hui.
Her veiled gaze of admiration passed over Zhao Hui silently, then looked at the others.
But Zhao Hui seemed unaware of this and continued chatting and laughing with others.
Shen Yuling looked at Zhao Hui seriously and had to admit that this man now had a calm
temperament that he did not have when he was young. His every move was full of the charm
of a mature man. No wonder the girl looked at him differently.
If this were my previous life, I would definitely be confused too.
Shen Yulin quietly closed the door and left as quietly as she had come.
Thinking about Zhao Hui's current appearance, and thinking about Shen Yuxiu's indifferent
attitude towards her today, Shen Yulin's lips curled up into an inexplicable malicious
In this world, it's always easy for a woman to pursue a man. As long as a woman is
shameless, there is almost nothing she can't succeed. I just used the wrong method
without knowing Zhao Hui well. If I had known Zhao Hui in advance and planned more
carefully, Zhao Hui might not have been able to withstand it.
In fact, Shen Yulin could not understand why Zhao Hui chose Shen Yuxiu back then. She
believed that except for not being as good as Shen Yuxiu in study, her figure and
appearance were no worse than Shen Yuxiu. Why was Zhao Hui so stubborn at that time?
But men always like new things. Zhao Hui is now at the prime age of 31, while Shen Yuxiu
has already become a scumbag. She doesn't believe that Zhao Hui will still love Shen
Yuxiu the same as before. She doesn't believe that a man full of vigor and vitality can
resist the passionate pursuit of a young girl.
As for whether the girl should pursue him, ha, didn't she see that little look that
almost wanted to eat Zhao Hui? If there was a chance, she didn't believe that the girl
wouldn't pursue him. She knew that girls nowadays were different from before. In order to
pursue so-called love, they dared to think and do anything.
Shen Yuxiu didn't know what was happening here. She and a few colleagues took the bus and
quickly arrived in the city. It was already afternoon when they came back after buying
After she came back, she was not idle. She measured the size with Grandma Fang, cut the
purchased cloth into the appropriate size, and started operating the sewing machine.
Nowadays, a sewing machine is a must-have in almost every household if they can afford
it. Even if people don't know how to make clothes, it saves a lot of effort to sew and
mend clothes in their daily lives.
I made five quilt covers in one afternoon. After washing, scrubbing and hanging them up,
it was almost evening, so I started to make dumplings with Grandma Fang.
This was what Grandma Fang had promised in advance to Zhao Mingli and his brother.
Normally, Shen Yuxiu had to work every day and had no time to make dumplings for them.
But when Grandma Fang arrived and heard the two children say that they had not eaten
dumplings for a long time, she immediately took action.
After dinner, Shen Yuxiu began to prepare things for tomorrow's class, and the two
children who had been playing all day also hurriedly started to do their homework.
There is no other way. Now the school only has one day off per week. When the two
children wake up, they only think about playing and don’t do their homework. I have to
hurry and do it.
By the time the two children finished their homework and went to bed, Shen Yuxiu had also
finished her own things. Seeing that Zhao Hui still hadn't come back, she could only
leave a light on for him to go to bed first.
Sometimes she didn't understand what the factory leader Zhao Hui was thinking. Asking a
person from the production department to run business was simply exploiting the labor
But nowadays, there is a popular saying like "the factory is my home, survival depends on
everyone". She thinks it is a joke. The factory is his home, so can he take things from
this home? No way? If not, what is the worker's home?
Besides, is there any extra reward for letting Zhao Hui take on the work of another
department? No, if there is no extra reward, why should we always let one person do the
Shen Yuxiu was so angry that she felt that Zhao Hui's contribution to the factory was
totally disproportionate to what he gained. However, the factory leaders were such
selfless people that she couldn't say anything to refute him.
Zhao Hui returned home drunk, and when he saw the quiet room again, he felt empty inside.
Maybe the passion has faded after being married for a long time. Shen Yuxiu now shows
less and less intimate gestures towards him. He also knows that this may be because he
always goes out early and comes back late, and always comes back drunk, which Shen Yuxiu
doesn't like. But it's not something he can change if he wants to. He can only watch Shen
Yuxiu become more and more indifferent to him, and he can't do anything about it.
He felt like he was just a machine that went to work and came home all the time. All the
good things were being smoothed out by life, becoming monotonous and turning into dull
After washing up tiringly, he returned to the room. Shen Yuxiu was already asleep, and
Zhao Hui did not dare to disturb her. He went back to his bed obediently, and fell into a
tired sleep after a long while.
The days passed slowly. Jiang Rumei, who had not received any response from Zhao Hui,
once again accompanied others for a good meal and drinks. When she went to Shen Yulin's
newly opened supermarket to buy soda, she felt a little disheartened.
"Women, if you have someone you like, you have to chase him. How many times can you meet
someone you like in your life? If you miss this time, who knows if there will be a next
time, right?"
Jiang Rumei was picking things out when she suddenly heard these words. She quietly
leaned out and saw the store owner chatting with the salesperson.
The salesperson standing opposite Shen Yuling was a little confused. She didn't know what
was wrong with the boss lady who was always so unsociable today and what she meant by
suddenly saying this to her.
She is engaged, so if there is any man she likes, he has to be her fiancé. So what the
boss lady means is that she can pursue any man she likes. Isn't that inappropriate?
Shen Yuling didn't care what the salesperson opposite her thought. Seeing that her words
had attracted Jiang Rumei's attention, she smiled calmly and continued to talk to the
salesperson opposite her like a gentle elder sister: "Love requires you to be reckless
and have the courage to fly into a flame. Love is sacred. There is no right or wrong. If
you have made up your mind, you should pursue it. Don't be afraid, understand?"
"No..." The salesperson was even more confused and retorted subconsciously that she was
not pursuing anyone and that she and her boyfriend were doing well.
However, Shen Yuling didn't let the salesperson speak. She glanced at Jiang Rumei who was
still listening over there, and patted the salesperson's shoulder meaningfully.
"Go after her with confidence. For your love, a woman chasing a man is easy. Believe me,
as long as you work hard, there is nothing you can't pry open. Men are all about looks.
You are so young and beautiful. As long as you can hold on, I don't believe there is any
man who won't be tempted."
After saying that, she went back to the cashier counter without waiting for the
salesperson to say anything else and continued watching TV.
The salesperson was a little dumbfounded when he saw Shen Yuling walking away without
making any sense.
No, what does the boss lady mean?

Chapter 218: Prying

The salesperson didn't understand what Shen Yuling meant, but Jiang Rumei did. Not only
did she understand it, she also felt that it made sense.
Yes, what's wrong with love?
How could she back down just because of a little setback when she fell in love with
someone? What was she afraid of when she was so young? She had seen Zhao Hui's wife.
Although she looked good and had a slim figure, she was getting old after all. There were
fine lines around her eyes. She was not as young and beautiful as she was. She didn't
believe that as long as she persisted long enough, Zhao Hui would not be tempted at all.
That day, Zhao Hui ate his meal as usual and went to the factory. However, as soon as he
put down his bicycle, he was blocked by Jiang Rumei who suddenly appeared from nowhere.
"Zhao Ke, you just got here." Jiang Rumei looked at Zhao Hui with a smile, her big eyes
full of water.
She was wearing a blue dress with small floral patterns today, and with her little girl-
like movements, she looked particularly playful and pretty in this season when the autumn
heat is still rampant.
"Yeah, I just got here." As you can't hit a smiling person, Zhao Hui immediately
responded with a smile.
At the beginning, he thought that this girl was interested in him, so he always tried to
avoid her. But in recent times, he found that this girl was so enthusiastic towards
everyone, so his guard was gradually reduced, and he was able to maintain normal
interpersonal communication with her.
"Oh, why are there some blue spots under your eyes? You didn't sleep well last night."
Jiang Rumei said with concern and walked forward to touch Zhao Hui's eyes.
Zhao Hui didn't expect her to suddenly attack him, so he subconsciously took a step back
to avoid her.
Jiang Rumei seemed to realize at this moment that her actions were a bit over the line.
She stuck out her tongue playfully and said, "I'm sorry, I just care about you."
"It's okay, I understand." Zhao Hui nodded to show that he knew.
He knew that Jiang Rumei always liked to fight with people close to her, but he didn't
think too much about it.
Jiang Rumei bit her lip and smiled when she heard that. Suddenly she remembered something
and handed him a glass bottle filled with dark brown liquid. "Drink some of this when you
have nothing to do. The new supermarket in our county just got some Coke. It's said to be
refreshing. Try it."
"No, you drink it yourself. I'll make some tea later." Zhao Hui is not a person who loves
pleasure. He is used to drinking boiled water or brewing tea. He almost never drinks the
various beverages sold on the street.
"Hey, just take it. This stuff works better than drinking tea, and it tastes better than
water. I've tried it, so you can try it too." Jiang Rumei said as she stuffed the Coke
bottle into his hand, turned around and ran away.
Zhao Hui couldn't help laughing as he looked at her skirt fluttering in the air as she
It’s better to be young. You don’t know worries or worldly affairs, and you exude
youthful vigor.
"Hey, when did Zhao Ke start drinking?"
As soon as Zhao Hui entered the office, the young man inside saw the bottle of drink in
his hand and couldn't help but ask in surprise.
"This is from Xiao Jiang. I haven't drunk it yet." Zhao Hui said as he returned to his
desk and sat down. While checking the documents on the desk, he asked the young man, "How
was it? Did you have anything to do at the factory yesterday?"
"No, no." The young man said, looking at the Coke in his hand with some jealousy, and
stopped talking.
To be honest, he liked Jiang Rumei very much, but unfortunately the girl's eyes were
always on Zhao Hui.
Of course, he also admitted that Zhao Hui did have some charm that attracted women, but
no matter how charming he was, Zhao Hui was already in his thirties and approaching
forties. He didn't understand what the girl was thinking. Wasn't it okay to like a young
guy? Why did she have to like such an old man, not to mention that this old man had a
family and children.
Zhao Hui didn't know what was in this man's mind. After looking at some information, he
took a document and walked towards the production department.
He only took care of sales as a side job; managing production was his unshirkable job.
After Zhao Hui left, the young man looked at the Coke left alone on the desk and couldn't
help shaking his head and sighing.
It's really true that love is unrequited. Jiang Rumei probably doesn't know that her love
has been wasted again.
Jiang Rumei certainly didn't know all this. She was now feeling very proud of the Coke
she had given away, and at the same time she was also cheering herself up for her pursuit
of love.
The proprietress of the newly opened store is right. To pursue love, one must be
desperate and have the courage to throw oneself into the flame. Otherwise, how can a man
see how deeply she loves, how sincere her feelings are, and how can he be moved by her
Although it is harder to win over this man, this can prove that Zhao Hui is worthy of
love. If this man is too easy to be won over by herself, doesn't it mean that this man is
not firm enough and will be easily stolen away by other women in the future?
Jiang Rumei was full of energy and was completely brainwashed by Shen Yulin's ambiguous
There is no such thing as first come first served in love, right?
In love, the one who is not loved should not exist, right?
Shen Yuxiu had no idea that someone was deliberately trying to steal her girl, and she
was very busy now.
Grandma Fang is a person who cannot sit still. When she sees dirty clothes at home, she
wants to wash them immediately. She is afraid of tiring Shen Yuxiu, who is busy every
day, and she doesn't want her to worry about anything.
But Shen Yuxiu didn't invite Grandma Fang to come over to enjoy herself or to work for
her. Besides, Grandma Fang was old after all, over 80 years old, and she didn't want her
to be so tired every day. Seeing that Grandma Fang didn't listen to her at all and left
the clothes to be washed herself when she was free on Sunday, she finally had to find
time with Zhao Hui to buy a washing machine.
In this way, after get off work every time, no matter how busy she is, she can wash
clothes during the lunch break, and Grandma Fang, who is so old, no longer has to wash
clothes for her family of four.
Grandma Fang felt so distressed when she saw the washing machine being moved back home.
Really, she felt that it was just for washing clothes and there was no need to spend so
much money to buy a washing machine. But now that she had bought the thing, she could
only give up.
As a result, Grandma Fang was not so busy anymore. Apart from cooking, she would sit on a
small stool and chat with the elderly neighbors. When she had nothing to do, she would
take the bus with others to go shopping in the commercial street.
Of course, she also knew that Shen Yulin had opened a store here, but because Shen Yulin
had harmed her own child before, she had never been in there. What's more, after Shen
Yulin opened this store, some people followed suit and opened a similar store.
That store was bigger than Shen Yulin's, and had more and more complete merchandise than
hers, and it was also more affordable. For a time, this store became people's first
Shen Yuling almost got angry as she watched the number of people visiting her supermarket
decrease while the supermarket across the street became more and more popular.
How could these people be so shameless? Not only did they steal her business methods,
they even stole her customers.

Chapter 219 You Are Dreaming

But even if Shen Yuling was angry, it would be useless. The business model is not a
brand. If you do it, you cannot allow others to do it. What's more, as this supermarket
has grown, many other businesses are also following suit. It would be useless even if she
As the flow of people decreased, Shen Yuxiu became more and more energetic. That night,
when Wang Jiancheng was asking Zhou Tian about his son's studies as usual, she suddenly
exploded when she heard her stepson praising Shen Yuxiu for her good teaching.
"Okay, okay, no matter how good Shen Yuxiu is, she can never be your mother. Your mother
died eight hundred years ago. It's useless for you to be jealous."
Shen Yuling's outburst was so sudden that both the father and son were stunned by her
shouting. After a while, Wang Shengan reacted and turned away angrily. Seeing this, Wang
Jiancheng hurriedly chased after him.
His son has been living in the village all these years. After he married Shen Yuling, he
had thought about bringing the two children over, but Shen Yuling always disagreed, so he
didn't. It was not until Wang Jiancheng saw that Wang Shengan, a senior high school
student, had good academic performance and wanted his son to do better that he asked
someone to bring Wang Shengan to the county.
But even so, Wang Shengan usually lived on campus and would not come back until the
weekend. But he did not expect that he would be scolded by Shen Yulin after coming back
only a few times on the weekend.
"Son, son, son, don't be angry. Your mother just said it without meaning it. Don't take
it to heart." Wang Jiancheng finally caught up with Wang Shengan and explained anxiously.
"I don't have a mother. My mother died a long time ago." Wang Shengan angrily pushed Wang
Jiancheng away. "That woman, what has she done for me over the years? How dare she let me
call her mother? Does she deserve it?"
"Yes, yes, but she is the elder after all..."
"What the hell is an elder? How can she act like an elder?" Wang Shengan was so angry
that his face turned blue. His voice was trembling when he spoke: "Comrade Wang
Jiancheng, think about it carefully. Since you married that woman, what have you done for
me and my sister except for a little living expenses? You don't care about everyone and
everything. Of course, you are my father, I can't control how you want to live or what
kind of woman you want to marry, but if you want my sister and I to swallow our anger
towards that woman, I will take my sister and I and refuse to recognize you as my
After saying that, Wang Shengan turned around and left angrily. Even though Wang
Jiancheng tried to catch him several times, he was still thrown away by Wang Shengan.
Wang Shengan saw that his son was furious and tried to pull him several times but was
always pushed away. He did not dare to pull him hard anymore and could only watch Wang
Shengan get on the bus and go to school.
At this moment, he was extremely ashamed.
Just as Wang Shengan said, he saw that Shen Yulin was somewhat averse to the two children
over the years, and he had never been able to bring the two children to her side. Apart
from providing the two siblings with some living expenses, he really did not fulfill his
responsibilities as a father.
But he didn't want this to happen. He married Shen Yuling in the first place to give the
two children a home. Who could have thought it would turn out like this?
When Shen Yulin saw Wang Jiancheng coming back with a depressed face, her eyes flickered.
To be honest, she knew that she had gone too far. After all, the child didn't cause any
trouble. She was the one who was being unreasonable. But she couldn't admit her mistake.
In this era, every child is beaten or scolded. I just said a few words without thinking,
and I didn't hit anyone. What could be a big deal?
When Wang Jiancheng came back and saw that she didn't even say a word to him when she saw
him come back, he was so angry.
However, over the years, he has already understood Shen Yuling's personality. She is the
kind of person who will never admit her mistakes. Even if you try to reason with her, she
will still confuse right and wrong. Reasoning is simply useless with Shen Yuling.
Wang Jiancheng took a few deep breaths, looked gloomily at Shen Yuling, who looked
indifferent, then suppressed his anger and went straight to the bedroom.
He had to think carefully about how he was going to live in the future and whether it was
necessary to continue living with this woman.
To be honest, he has had enough of Shen Yuling over the years.
But divorce... Although divorce still happens nowadays, it is not a glorious thing after
all. For a moment, he was unable to take this step.
Wang Jiancheng was just thinking about divorce, but in a city dozens of miles away, a man
had already filed for divorce.
"Zhou Qingyuan, please help me. Can we get a divorce? My son will be yours, and I'll give
you this house we live in and 10,000 yuan. Can you divorce me?" Zhou Qingyuan's husband
Zhu Zhiguo was looking at Zhou Qingyuan opposite him with an irritated look on his face.
Zhou Qingyuan at this moment had long lost her youthful beauty, and her face was full of
fatigue and vicissitudes. But after listening to the man's words, she just smiled coldly
and said, "Divorce is fine, and I have no objection to the house and money, but I don't
want a son. He has your surname, and he will be your son for life, and he must be with
When Zhu Zhiguo heard this, he immediately became depressed and looked at Zhou Qingyuan
with pleading eyes, "As a couple, please think about me. I really can't take care of my
son. You just go to work and take care of him after work. I'm a businessman and I'm out
and about every day. How can I have time to take care of my son?"
"What does that have to do with me?" Zhou Qingyuan sneered, "You want to throw the burden
to me so that you can live a leisurely life with your lover. Why?"
They are about to get divorced, but she is still asked to think about this man for the
sake of their marriage. Why?
"Then let's do this." Seeing her firm attitude, Zhu Zhiguo thought for a moment and
suggested, "How about this? As long as you bring your son, in addition to this house and
10,000 yuan, I will give you 100 yuan a month as child support for your son. Is that
"You're dreaming." Zhou Qingyuan just said, "Impossible."
Seeing that no matter how he tried to persuade her, it was no use, Zhu Zhiguo suddenly
became angry and slammed the table and stood up, "Zhou Qingyuan, don't go too far. This
is my maximum limit."
"You should stop going too far." Zhou Qingyuan also shouted loudly, "My son is not mine
alone, why do you want to throw him to me? You want to live a leisurely life, don't I?
You are about to divorce me, why should I sacrifice my whole life for you and your son?
Zhu Zhiguo, you can't say this to me if you have any conscience."
"You..." Zhu Zhiguo's face turned red and his neck was thick. Just as he was about to say
something, he heard the door of the second bedroom click. As the door opened, a tall
young man with bare chest and only wearing shorts walked out with an angry face.
When Zhu Zhiguo saw the young man's appearance, his heart suddenly sank and he
subconsciously walked quickly towards the door.
When the young man saw him, he acted as if he saw an enemy. He picked up a stool from the
ground and rushed towards him, shouting as he rushed, just like an angry madman whose
territory was invaded.
When Zhu Zhiguo saw this, he opened the door and ran away, and the boy followed him,

Chapter 220 Public Resentment

Zhou Qingyuan looked at the backs of the father and son running away one after the other,
closed her eyes weakly, and finally took a deep breath and followed them out.
At the beginning, she got together with Zhu Zhiguo because of her bright future and good
life. They lived in harmony for several years after their marriage. But who could have
thought that they would give birth to a stupid son?
When the child was young, the symptoms were not so obvious. At most, he didn't like to
talk to people or communicate with others. Later, the child's temper became worse and
worse. He would yell at every turn and even start attacking people. The two felt that the
child was a little abnormal.
But she and Zhu Zhiguo took their child to various hospitals and saw many doctors, but
the final result was that they had given birth to a fool.
The doctor said that it was because their blood was incompatible. If they separated, they
could both form a good family, but if they were together, they would definitely not be
able to give birth to a good child.
This was like a bolt from the blue for the two who were in a pretty good relationship at
the time, but reality is reality and they could only accept it. They did not expect the
child to have any future, they just wanted to raise the child well and then stay together
until they grow old.
But man proposes, God disposes. The older the child gets, the more irritable his temper
becomes. It may be because Zhou Qingyuan takes care of him more. The child is nicer to
Zhou Qingyuan and even has a bit of possessiveness towards her. He does not allow Zhu
Zhiguo to be too affectionate with Zhou Qingyuan. If he is not satisfied, he will punch
and kick Zhu Zhiguo. When he grows older, he will even use a knife to attack him.
Zhu Zhiguo was exhausted, and after the reform and opening up, he quit his job and
started a business. The more people he came into contact with, the less willing he was to
return home. He wanted a normal family.
Later, he met a girl as he wished, and his heart naturally drifted away from this family.
Now, that girl has given birth to twins, both of whom are normal children. He wants to
divorce Zhou Qingyuan and run a normal family.
However, who doesn’t want to have a normal family and normal children? Zhou Qingyuan
also wants it.
Over the years, she has almost single-handedly raised this child. Even if it was hard, it
was not a big deal. But the child only had problems with his brain, not his body. As he
grew older, he quickly grew tall and had some normal physiological reactions. He even
started to have impulses when watching intimate scenes of men and women on TV.
But this child is a fool. He doesn't understand moral ethics and doesn't know that there
are some things you can't do to your mother. He only knows what he wants to do. Once, he
almost pushed Zhou Qingyuan down.
Zhou Qingyuan was shocked and horrified. This was her child, her own. How could she
accept this?
But the child has grown up, and she is no longer his opponent in terms of strength or
size. Facing this child, her nerves are tense every day. In order to take care of this
child, she even ignores Zhu Zhiguo's cheating. But after enduring so much, Zhu Zhiguo
still wants to throw the burden to her alone, and then divorce him to live a leisurely
life. Why?
As soon as Zhou Qingyuan walked out of the corridor, she saw her son hitting Zhu Zhiguo
on the back with a stool. In the past, she would help Zhu Zhiguo to separate them, but at
this moment, looking at Zhu Zhiguo's embarrassed appearance after being beaten, she felt
inexplicably happy in her heart.
It was not her wish to give birth to such a son. If she couldn't escape, Zhu Zhiguo
couldn't either.
Zhu Zhiguo was born into a cadre family and had never done any work since childhood. It
was no exaggeration to say that he was a weak scholar. How could he be a match for the
crazy boy? He was beaten and ran away in a short while.
The boy stayed at home all year round and had plenty of strength to beat people, but he
was not good at chasing people. After a while, he could not catch up with Zhu Zhiguo and
could only walk back angrily.
There was quite a commotion here, and many neighbors were attracted to come out,
especially those living in the same building as Zhou Qingyuan. They looked at the child
with wariness and fear. After the child returned home, they immediately surrounded Zhou
"Xiao Zhou, why don't you send your son to the X-field? I have a daughter at home. Who
will be responsible if your son gets into trouble every day?"
"Yeah, if you really can't find a quiet place to live, we have old and young here, who
can stand your child's tossing and turning?"
It’s not that they are aggressive, but Zhou Qingyuan’s son is really difficult to deal
It's not enough that he makes a scene in the daytime, sometimes he even screams and yells
in the middle of the night, and the old people in the family are frightened to death. In
addition, the child has grown up, but he has no sense of shame and runs out naked at any
time. If there are only men in the corridor, it doesn't matter, but there are women and
daughters in every family. Once a girl was stopped by this idiot, and she was almost
scared to death.
They had looked for Zhou Qingyuan and his wife more than once, and had called the police
more than once, but Zhou Qingyuan's house was here, and they had no reason not to let her
stay there. The child was a fool, and the police couldn't do anything. People gradually
began to have opinions about Zhou Qingyuan, and this also aroused resentment among people
in several surrounding units.
They also sympathized with Zhou Qingyuan for having a stupid son, but who would want to
live in fear every day for years?
Zhou Qingyuan felt ashamed when seeing the people around him accusing and disgusting her
without any concealment.
But what can she do?
Her work is here, her home is here, where else can she go?
She also wanted to send him to X Division and had been there before, but the crazy people
there were even more violent than her son and could beat people to death. Although her
son was a little stupid, she couldn't bear to let her son stay with such a group of crazy
Seeing that she was silent again, didn't offer any solutions, and finally just walked
away, the people in the same building were also very angry. Finally, after Zhou Qingyuan
left, they gathered together to discuss it. Someone went directly to turn off the water
pipe and gas switch in Zhou Qingyuan's house, then found iron sheets to weld them, and
broke off her home's power switch and locked it.
Zhou Qingyuan could allow that idiot to do whatever he wanted, but there was no reason
for their whole family to suffer for years. If they allowed that idiot to stay here, what
if one day that idiot raped their women and daughters? Who would they turn to for
When Zhou Qingyuan was cooking at noon, she found that there was no water or gas in the
house. She thought that some pipes were being repaired, so she went downstairs to buy
some food. But as soon as she went downstairs, she smelled the fragrance of rice coming
from the corridor. She even walked downstairs and saw people on the first floor cooking
through the glass window. She was a little confused at the time.
As a result, when she went to the basement and saw the condition of her water pipes,
natural gas and electricity, she was immediately overwhelmed with grief and squatted on
the ground and cried.
It’s too bullying. These people are too bullying.

Chapter 221: Bad Intentions

After crying, Zhou Qingyuan called the police, but just like when others called the
police, she looked innocent and said she could do nothing. When the police arrived, the
neighbors also said they knew nothing about it.
No one admitted to welding the valve in Zhou Qingyuan's house, so the matter was
difficult to handle. Zhou Qingyuan could only find a way to reopen the welded iron box
However, the story did not end there. After the police left, Zhou Qingyuan turned on the
switch in front, but it was turned off and welded shut again that night.
This happened countless times, and Zhou Qingyuan was so miserable that she finally had to
compromise, quit her job, and returned to the small county town she left with her stupid
Her father had not made any progress in his career over the years, and he had already
retired. After returning to the county, all he could give her was a job at a grain
station and the purchase of a small courtyard in a remote area.
Returning to the job he had done many years ago, Zhou Qingyuan no longer had the
arrogance he had back then. He even became silent because of the pointing and criticizing
of people around him.
As the supermarket was where news was disseminated, Shen Yulin had of course heard about
this, and somehow she felt particularly happy.
I never thought that the pampered girl, the child of a cadre whom everyone else was vying
to curry favor with, would have such a day.
This is probably what is called a changing fortune. She quite likes it. If one day it
turns to Shen Yuxiu, she will be even happier.
But, surely that day isn't far away?
Shen Yuling smiled meaningfully.
Now Jiang Rumei is very familiar with her, and she even tried to ask her for advice on
how to pursue men a few times. Naturally, she generously told Jiang Rumei the methods she
used to pursue men in her previous life. Now, when she saw Zhao Hui and Jiang Rumei
appear in the restaurant opposite, they got along much better than before. I guess Jiang
Rumei should be able to succeed soon, right?
Just as she was thinking this, Shen Yuling saw Jiang Rumei walking in wearing high heels.
"Hey? Aren't you going to work today? How come you have time to come over?" As soon as
she saw Jiang Rumei coming over, Shen Yuling immediately put down her usual airs, acted
like a caring elder sister, took a stool and put it beside the counter, motioning Jiang
Rumei to sit down.
"I have a social event at the hotel across the street today. The people haven't arrived
yet. I'll wait here." Jiang Rumei said as she took a stool and found a place where she
could see the hotel across the street and sat down. Seeing that there were not many
people in the store, she quietly asked Shen Yuling, "Sister, besides what you said, are
there any other ways to make a man's heart beat faster?"
"What? You did what I said, but he's still not interested?" Shen Yuling was a little
She thought that as long as Jiang Rumei did what she said, Zhao Hui would always have
some concerns. Isn't that the case?
"I don't know." Jiang Rumei was full of confusion.
Really, she felt that the relationship between her and Zhao Hui had improved recently.
After all, every time she got close to Zhao Hui, Zhao Hui was no longer as defensive as
before. But that was all. Although Zhao Hui was not so defensive against her, he still
seemed to have no feelings for her and never responded to her enthusiasm.
Such slow progress made her anxious and began to get impatient again, but after working
hard for so long, she was reluctant to give up, so she had to come here to learn from the
proprietress who she met halfway but got along particularly well with.
After listening to her story, Shen Yuling cursed her inwardly, calling her a waste, but
she never showed it on her face. She pretended to be in deep thought for a while and
asked, "If you want to make a man's heart move, you have to make your feelings clear.
It's best to let her family see it, but you can't be too strong. You have to stand on the
side of the weak. Only in this way will he feel sorry for you. As long as he can feel
sorry for you, how far is it from being moved?"
When Jiang Rumei heard her words, she felt that this was a very difficult matter.
How can I make my feelings clear, let his family see it, and still stand on the weaker
side and make people feel sorry for me?
Seeing that she was worried, Shen Yuling curled her lips in disdain, then put her mouth
close to her ear and muttered, "Don't you have an event today? It just so happens that I
also want to do an event recently, why don't we take this opportunity to do this..."
Jiang Rumei was stunned after hearing this, and after hearing it, her face was full of
hesitation, "Is it possible?"
"Why not?" Shen Yuling sighed, somewhat disliking her indecision. Finally, she slapped
her thigh and said, "If you think this is hard to do, just take care of it in public for
people to see. I'll do the rest. It can be considered as our acquaintance and I'm helping
you once."
"Uh..." Jiang Rumei was still a little hesitant.
She always felt that this was not a good thing, and she was a little too embarrassed to
do it.
"Uh what? If you want to do it, leave it to me today. If you don't want to do it, I may
not have the time or opportunity to help you with it in the future. Think about it
carefully." Shen Yulin said, and gradually let go of Jiang Rumei's hand as if she didn't
care, as if she would let go immediately if Jiang Rumei didn't agree.
"Do it." Jiang Rumei felt panicked when she saw her like this, and quickly nodded in
agreement, "Sister, help me."
"That's right. You have to act decisively when pursuing love. You can't be clingy." Shen
Yuling smiled at her gently, "Then I'll do it now. You should seize the opportunity and
strive for success at once."
"Okay." Jiang Rumei nodded vigorously, looking at Shen Yuling who was confident, and a
sense of courage rose in her heart.
Yes, when pursuing love you have to be decisive and give it a try. Otherwise, how will it
ever succeed if you keep being so clingy?
Seeing her nod, Shen Yulin smiled with satisfaction, turned around and told people to
start arranging the activities. At the same time, she also went to the county middle
school on purpose, entered the school under the pretext of delivering something to her
stepson, pretended to pass by the staff quarters, and promoted the activity requirements
to an old man who always liked to take advantage.
"Auntie, our supermarket is having an event. If you bring six people with you, you can
get one pound of eggs and two pounds of millet for free. People over 70 can get double
the amount. The earlier you come, the earlier you get it. It's just in time for you to go
"Oh, really?" The old lady's eyes lit up when she heard it.
"Of course. I run such a big supermarket, I dare not cheat people." Shen Yulin nodded
When the old lady heard this, she happily ran off to look for someone.
When Shen Yuling saw her start to call people from every household, she immediately hid
in an empty corner. After a while, she saw her call out Grandma Fang as well. She
immediately smiled with satisfaction and left quietly.
In fact, Grandma Fang didn't really want to go, but her neighbors were too enthusiastic
and insisted that she go to make up the number for everyone. She really didn't want to
lose face, so she had to go.
She thought that at worst, instead of taking the gifts home, she could give them to the
neighbors. After all, it was a favor and would help Shen Yuxiu gain better popularity
among the teachers.

Chapter 222 Shameless

In this way, Grandma Fang was pulled onto a bus by a group of old ladies. After a few
stops, they arrived at the destination. Only then did they find that the supermarket
clerk was still setting up things at the door and the event had not yet started.
Seeing this, a group of old ladies sat down on the steps outside the supermarket,
chatting while waiting. They had nothing to do anyway and had plenty of time to wait.
When Shen Yuling saw that several people had arrived, she immediately went to the
restaurant opposite quietly. After finding Jiang Rumei, she gestured to her and went back
to the supermarket entrance.
After Shen Yuling left, Jiang Rumei, who had never done anything bad, took a deep breath,
then walked into the private room, walked to Zhao Hui and whispered in his ear: "Zhao Ke,
come out with me, okay? I have something to tell you."
When Zhao Hui heard this, he saw that no one was in the private room yet, so he thought
that something happened to Jiang Rumei, so he stood up and followed her out of the room.
Jiang Rumei walked out with Zhao Hui. Thinking of what she was about to do, she felt her
hands and feet go weak and her heart was pounding as if it was about to jump out of her
Seeing her walking forward, Zhao Hui couldn't help but frown slightly.
If you have something to say, you can just talk about it outside the private room. Why
are you going outside?
Is there someone important coming?
But it was almost time for dinner and there were quite a few people in the hall, so he
couldn't ask this question and could only follow her out of the hotel.
As soon as Zhao Hui went out, he subconsciously looked around and didn't notice that
Jiang Rumei was getting closer and closer to him. Just when Zhao Hui looked around and
didn't see anyone, and was about to turn around and ask Jiang Rumei, he saw a pretty face
suddenly come up to him and kiss his lips.
Zhao Hui was stunned and was about to push Jiang Rumei away, but unexpectedly Jiang Rumei
seemed to have anticipated his next move and hugged his neck with both hands.
"Zhao Hui, I like you..."
On the other side of the street, Shen Yuling had been quietly observing the situation
here. Almost at the moment when Jiang Rumei kissed Zhao Hui, she immediately screamed in
a shrill voice, "Look, there are people kissing at the door of the hotel..."
As her piercing voice rang out, a group of chatting old ladies immediately looked towards
the entrance of the restaurant opposite, including Grandma Fang of course.
It was just across the street, and Grandma Fang was not deaf or blind, so she saw what
was happening on the other side almost at a glance, and recognized that the man who was
so-called kissing was Zhao Hui.
Oh shit.
Grandma Fang stood up quickly and without caring about anything else, she tiptoed across
the street.
This damn boy is going to rebel!!!
Several old ladies who came with Grandma Fang also noticed something was wrong at this
time, and hurriedly followed with a look of surprise on their faces.
There were many pedestrians on the road at that time. A few old ladies did not follow the
rules, which immediately caused a group of people waiting for the traffic lights to
swear. For a while, the road became a mess.
Shen Yuling watched all this, leaned leisurely against the supermarket door, and watched
the excitement.
She wanted to see how much fighting power this old lady had and how Zhao Hui would clear
himself of the matter.
Zhao Hui's hair stood on end the moment Jiang Rumei's arm was on his neck. He pulled
Jiang Rumei away without thinking, "Jiang Rumei, are you crazy?"
"I'm not crazy, Zhao Hui, I like you..." Jiang Rumei touched her wrist which was pulled
so hard by him and was about to explain aggrievedly, but was interrupted by Zhao Hui
"No need, I have a family and children..." Zhao Huigang scolded coldly, and then he heard
an old man's roar coming from afar.
"Zhao Hui, what are you doing, you damn boy?"
Zhao Hui was startled by the shouting. He turned around and saw Grandma Fang running
towards him with a sullen face. Behind her were four or five old ladies from the school's
staff housing estate. The road was filled with curses as the old ladies ran around.
To be in trouble.
Zhao Hui watched as Grandma Fang was nearly hit several times, and was so frightened that
the hairs on his body stood up. He hurried over there, but as soon as he moved his feet,
he was grabbed by Jiang Rumei, "Don't go, it's dangerous."
I go.
Zhao Hui turned around and saw that it was Jiang Rumei. His eyes suddenly became sharp
and he pulled away her hand that was pulling his clothes. Before he could say anything
else, he saw Grandma Fang rushing over like the wind and slapping Jiang Rumei in the
"Shame on you, you're crazy about men, how dare you think about my grandson-in-law."
Jiang Rumei was stunned by the slap. Although she got the job in the factory through
connections, her family was good and she was spoiled at home. She couldn't stand this and
was about to lose her temper. But when she saw Zhao Hui's figure, she regained her senses
and remembered Shen Yulin's words.
Put yourself in a vulnerable position.
Jiang Rumei immediately covered her face and stepped back, hiding behind Zhao Hui with
fear in her eyes, and argued aggrievedly, "No, I'm not. I just like Zhao Hui and can't
help myself. I don't want any status. I just want to watch him quietly and love him well.
I'm satisfied. Really, I don't want to destroy his family."
Zhao Hui turned back suddenly in shock.
What is she saying?
Isn't this just making things worse?
Granny Fang has lived for so many years and thinks she has seen a lot of people, but she
has never seen anyone who cares about another man like this and speaks so righteously, as
if she has suffered a lot of grievances. She was very angry and rushed over to tear her
Zhao Hui was also very angry about Jiang Rumei's inappropriate words, but this was a
public place after all, and he had guests to receive in the hotel later. He couldn't let
the matter get out of hand, so he could only step forward to stop Grandma Fang.
"Grandma, don't be angry. This is a misunderstanding. I'll go back and explain it to you,
"Misunderstanding?" However, Grandma Fang was angered by Zhao Hui's blocking action, "She
kissed you, and you still say it's a misunderstanding? Will you let me go? If you don't
let me, I'll beat you."
If it were any other matter, Granny Fang might be able to remain calm, but when it came
to Shen Yuxiu, Zhao Hui, and an issue of kissing in public, how could she remain calm?
"Grandma..." Zhao Huitou tried to persuade her, but Grandma Fang was already furious and
slapped him in the face.
"Why are you stopping me? Do you have something the fuck up your mind? Are you really
having an affair with her?" Granny Fang got angry when she saw Zhao Hui hugging someone.
She originally thought that Zhao Hui was still one of her family members and she had to
give him some face, but now she was annoyed by Zhao Hui's repeated obstructions.
Zhao Hui felt a burning pain on his face after being slapped unexpectedly, but he
couldn't get angry. He could only hold on to Grandma Fang and let her vent her anger on
Jiang Rumei behind him was touched by Zhao Hui's protection of her. When she saw that
Zhao Hui was also slapped in the face, she suddenly became angry. She no longer cared
about pretending to be weak and rushed forward to push Grandma Fang.
Why did this damn old woman hit Zhao Hui?
Grandma Fang was arguing with Zhao Hui and didn't notice Jiang Rumei at all. She was
pushed and fell backwards.

Chapter 223 I Won’t Let You Go

As the best restaurant in the county, the floor at the entrance was specially
prefabricated with cement. Grandma Fang fell on her back, and the back of her head hit
the ground hard. She didn't even have a chance to struggle, and she became motionless in
an instant.
The scene suddenly came to a standstill. All the onlookers had not expected Jiang Rumei
to do such a thing. They all cried out in surprise but no one had time to help the old
woman. Zhao Hui, the only one who reacted, wanted to pull her back, but he only had time
to pull her sleeve. As the cloth in her hand slipped out of her palm, Grandma Fang fell
to the ground. Zhao Hui, who had been anxious to pull her back, also fell to the ground
in embarrassment.
"Grandma..." Seeing the old woman suddenly become motionless, Zhao Hui was so scared that
his heart rose to his throat. He wanted to help her up but was afraid that if he moved
too much, something might go wrong.
At this time, the commotion outside also attracted the attention of the people eating in
the restaurant. The people that Zhao Hui was going to entertain also came out one by one.
When Zhao Hui saw these people, he regained his senses and hurriedly called out, "Boss
Zheng, please help me take my grandma to the hospital."
When Boss Zheng heard this, he quickly agreed and walked quickly towards his car. Zhao
Hui then hurried to pick up Grandma Fang, who was already unconscious.
Jiang Rumei didn't expect that just by pushing, things would turn out like this. She was
about to help, but Zhao Hui slapped her hard and pushed her away, followed by a loud
shout, "Get out..."
Zhao Hui was extremely angry. It was because of this unknown thing that things turned out
like this.
Jiang Rumei trembled when she was yelled at, and was so scared that she dared not move.
She could only watch Zhao Hui carefully pick up the old lady who hit her, quickly get
into the car and leave.
At that moment, she actually saw Zhao Hui's ferocious look for the first time. She had no
doubt that Zhao Hui wanted to kill her at that moment.
But she didn't mean it.
Shen Yuling didn't expect Jiang Rumei to be so supportive. Looking at the car whizzing
away, she couldn't help but let out a sigh of admiration.
The old lady's fighting ability is not very good. She is so fragile that I don't know if
she can die from this blow.
The county hospital was only a few blocks away from the hotel, but when the doctor saw
Grandma Fang's condition, he immediately suggested transferring her to another hospital.
"Our hospital doesn't have a machine to examine the brain. You should go to the Oilfield
Hospital. I know they just got a machine to examine the brain. If you're still worried,
you can go to the district's Qingyi Hospital."
Qingyi Hospital, Qingyi Hospital is too far from here. Grandma Fang injured her head, and
the road conditions to Qingyi Hospital are not good. Who knows what the situation will be
like when they arrive at Qingyi Hospital.
Zhao Hui was so anxious that he was sweating profusely. He immediately made a decision to
go to the Oilfield Hospital first, and then to Qingyi Hospital if that didn't work.
Before getting on the ambulance, Zhao Hui turned around and said to Boss Zheng who had
followed him, "Boss Zheng, could you please go to the south gate of the middle school to
pick up my wife and take her to the Oilfield Hospital?"
"Of course. Just let me know if there's anything else you need me to do." Boss Zheng
agreed without hesitation.
He and Zhao Hui are old acquaintances, so he would not refuse to help with even this
little thing.
"Then I'll lend you my cell phone." Seeing that he was so happy, Zhao Hui didn't
"Okay, okay." Boss Zheng immediately took out a big brick he carried with him and handed
it to Zhao Hui.
Zhao Hui took the mobile phone, took a deep breath, and immediately dialed Shen Yuxiu's
school number.
Shen Yuxiu was teaching a class. When she heard the teacher asking her to answer a call
from Zhao Hui, she asked the students to look at their textbooks first and went to answer
the phone.
"Hello..." Shen Yuxiu picked up the microphone. As soon as she said "Hello", she heard
Zhao Hui's trembling voice.
"Xiaoxiu, our grandma fell down. I'm taking her to the Oilfield Hospital. You should go
home and get the money. I'll ask Boss Zheng to pick you up. He'll be driving a black
Santana. You must stay calm and don't panic. OK?"
"I know, I know, I know." Shen Yuxiu's heart was beating wildly, and she didn't bother to
ask why Grandma Fang fell. She could only try to keep herself calm and do the most
important thing to do at the moment. "Besides what you said, what else do I need to do?"
"You don't need to do anything. Just take the money, deposits, household registration
book and passbook and wait at the south gate of the school." Zhao Hui tried to keep his
tone calm, for fear of scaring Shen Yuxiu.
"Okay." Shen Yuxiu agreed and hung up the phone. She told the teacher in the office and
asked him to ask for leave for her, then she ran out.
When she got home, she hurriedly took the household registration book, money and passbook
that Zhao Hui had mentioned, and immediately ran to the school gate. After a while, a
black Santana pulled up in front of her.
Shen Yuxiu got in the car, her mind was in a mess and she had no time to chat with
anyone. Her heart was beating fast and she couldn't calm down.
Boss Zheng was a pretty good driver. He stepped on the accelerator all the way and
actually caught up with the ambulance just before it arrived at the oilfield hospital.
He followed the ambulance all the way to the emergency room, and the moment the ambulance
stopped, he stopped too.
Shen Yuxiu didn't care about much else. She jumped out as soon as the car stopped, and
ran into the hospital with Zhao Hui following Grandma Fang's emergency bed.
After a busy day, the moment Grandma Fang was pushed into the intensive care unit, Shen
Yuxiu felt her legs go weak and she slid down the wall.
When Zhao Hui saw that something was wrong, he quickly hugged the person and placed her
on a chair to the side while waiting.
It took Shen Yuxiu a long time to recover, and only then did she have time to ask Zhao
Hui what was going on.
"How did grandma fall?"
Zhao Hui hesitated for a moment after hearing this, but still gritted his teeth and told
the story that happened at the hotel entrance. Many people witnessed it at the time, and
even if he didn't tell the truth, Shen Yuxiu would be able to find out the truth by
asking around. What's more, he didn't want to hide it.
After hearing this, Shen Yuxiu couldn't help but glare at Zhao Hui, feeling both annoyed
and angry.
How could he get involved with a woman like that?
How come it was such a coincidence that grandma ran into him?
But do you want to say it was Zhao Hui's fault? It really wasn't his fault.
Shen Yuxiu felt so angry that she wanted to vent, but her reason told her that it was not
Zhao Hui's fault and she had no reason to lose her temper with Zhao Hui.
"I won't let her go." Shen Yuxiu stared at Zhao Hui and said hatefully with gritted
This is simply too arrogant. Not only does she covet other people's men, but she even
pushes the elderly.
Zhao Hui's scalp tingled when she stared at him. He knew who she was talking about, but
he didn't know how to respond. He wanted to reach out and hug her to comfort her, but
Shen Yuxiu slapped him away in annoyance.
"Don't bother me." Shen Yuxiu was so angry.
Zhao Hui didn't dare to provoke her again. After being slapped away, he stayed beside her
carefully, watching her and glancing at the emergency room anxiously from time to time.
As a couple for so many years, he knew Shen Yuxiu too well. She was very sentimental.
When Fang Youshun passed away, she almost cried herself to death. If Grandma Fang
couldn't wake up because of this, she would probably go crazy.
Zhao Hui now only prayed that nothing would happen to Grandma Fang. If something went
wrong, it wouldn't matter if Shen Yuxiu got angry and beat him, but he was afraid that
this matter would not end well.

Chapter 224 Heartless Cruelty

Shen Yuxiu didn't know how worried Zhao Hui was at the moment. Her mind was now filled
with thoughts about what to do with Jiang Rumei.
Just a beating? No, it's not that cheap.
She wanted to sue Jiang Rumei and put her in jail for life, so that she would never be
able to be so arrogant again and her descendants would suffer as well.
What a person! It’s bad enough that you’re thinking about other people’s men, but you
even dare to push people.
The two of them waited in silence outside the ICU. They didn't know how long it was
before a doctor came out.
Shen Yuxiu hurried over and asked anxiously, "Doctor, how is my grandma?"
"The patient has woken up now. She has a concussion and slight bleeding in the brain. She
needs to be hospitalized for observation. It is best if she can keep the bleeding as it
is. It is estimated that the bleeding will be absorbed on its own in about a week. If
there is still bleeding, she will have to undergo surgery. However, according to the
examination, the old woman has a little high blood pressure and her heart is not in good
condition. The risk of surgery will be very high, so you must pay attention to the old
woman's mood and don't let her have any stimulation. It is best if she can keep the
bleeding as it is."
"Yes, yes, yes." Shen Yuxiu listened carefully to the doctor's words, nodded quickly, and
then asked: "When can we see the patient?"
"Observe for 24 hours first. If the condition remains good, you can be transferred to the
general ward tomorrow." The doctor answered every detail.
"Thank you, thank you, doctor." Shen Yuxiu thanked him repeatedly. Zhao Hui also stepped
forward and asked some other questions. Knowing that the result was not bad, his tense
heart relaxed a little.
But even so, he was still worried, so he went out and called Shen Yulin, asking him to
see if he could find an expert at Qingyi Hospital to come for a consultation. He would
pay for the expenses. At the same time, he also called the school and asked the two
brothers Zhao Mingli to stay at home and take care of themselves for the time being.
After receiving the call, Shen Yulin immediately went to look for someone. He now had
some connections in the district. After using various connections to find an expert who
happened to be teaching at Qingdao Medical College, he immediately brought people here.
By the time he brought the Qingyi experts to the Oilfield Hospital, it was already
afternoon. After the consultation, the advice was that it would be best not to move the
patient for the time being, to keep the patient's emotions stable, and to wait for the
brain's blood to be absorbed autonomously, which was the best treatment option.
"It's all my fault. If I hadn't taken grandma to the county town, nothing would have
happened to her." Shen Yuxiu was so upset that she hugged Shen Yulin and started crying.
She didn't dare cry too loudly, for fear that Grandma Fang in the intensive care unit
would hear it.
"No, it's my fault. I didn't take good care of grandma at that time." Zhao Hui said
quickly, not wanting Shen Yuxiu to take the responsibility.
Otherwise, what would he become?
Besides, this matter was caused by him in the first place.
Seeing Shen Yuxiu like this, Shen Yulin felt very uncomfortable. He hugged Shen Yuxiu and
comforted her softly: "This is none of your business. This is an accident. No one wants
this to happen."
As for Zhao Hui, he really felt a little bit of blame in his heart.
He was treated like this by a woman of no sense, and I don’t know what he does for a
After crying, the first thing Shen Yuxiu said when she looked up from Shen Yulin's arms
was: "Brother, I want to call the police. I want to sue Jiang Rumei for intentional
"Okay, I'll go with you." Shen Yulin agreed without hesitation, and then said to Zhao
Hui, "You take good care of grandma. Xiaoxiu and I will be back soon."
Not only did he hurt someone, he didn't even offer an apology, he didn't even do the bare
minimum of accompanying the person to the hospital. How arrogant!
"Okay." Zhao Hui nodded quickly.
What can I do if he doesn't nod?
Shen Yuxiu ignored him completely, and Shen Yulin looked at him with a look full of
blame. In addition, the culprit had not shown up in the hospital yet, so he was extremely
angry and annoyed.
He was too careless. He had clearly noticed Jiang Rumei's deliberate approach before, but
he was careless recently. If it weren't for his carelessness, none of this would have
happened today.
But it had already happened, and there was no point in him regretting it.
Over there, the Shen Yuxiu siblings hurried to the police station, while over there,
Jiang Rumei had just finished entertaining clients with her immediate superior.
There was no way. Some things could not be cancelled just because Zhao Hui had to leave
for something. She was actually very nervous during this period of time.
After the customer left, the head of the sales department looked coldly at Jiang Rumei,
who was doing the accounts at the hotel front desk, and walked away without even saying
This little girl is not only shameless, but also heartless and cruel.
Not only did she arrogantly snatch a man in public, she even pushed an old lady into the
hospital. However, after doing such a thing, she could still entertain clients with him
as if nothing had happened. This shows how dark and cruel this man is.
You have to stay away from her in the future, otherwise, you never know when God will
strike her down and implicate you as well.
Jiang Rumei was preoccupied with something and didn't notice that her boss had left. When
she finished recording the accounts and came out, she found that everyone had left.
Jiang Rumei stood at the door of the empty restaurant, feeling a little angry for a
What's wrong with these people? Why didn't they tell her before leaving?
But now everyone had left, and there was no point in her being angry. She could only take
the bus to the refinery.
This is what she usually does. If there is still early time after a social event, she
will go back and take the invoices for the expenses of the guests to the finance
department so that the finance department can settle the accounts later.
When she returned to the factory and finished what she was supposed to do, she sat in her
seat and started to think about random things.
She always felt that she was a little impulsive today, and she didn't know whether Zhao
Hui would have any opinion about her after this incident.
But then he thought again, it was the old lady who started the fight first, and she
accidentally pushed the person away just to help Zhao Hui, so he felt a little more at
She did all this for Zhao Hui. Even if Zhao Hui was not grateful, he shouldn't blame her,
What's more, his cousin is the top leader of the county. Even if Zhao Hui is
dissatisfied, it shouldn't matter, right?
However, Jiang Rumei was thinking too well.
Just when everyone was about to get off work, two policemen suddenly came to the factory
and asked for her.
"Why are you looking for me?" Jiang Rumei panicked when she saw the police coming to her
"Someone called the police and said you intended to hurt someone. Please come with us."
The two policemen showed her their ID cards and handcuffed her directly.
"No, it's impossible. I didn't mean it." Jiang Rumei struggled and didn't want to leave.
One person carried her on each side and put her into the police car.
As to whether Jiang Rumei did it on purpose, the victim's family has already called the
police and they have collected evidence. It is a fact that she hurt people, so they have
to arrest her.
Jiang Rumei never thought that Zhao Hui, that shrew, would actually call the police. She
was so angry.
She just pushed the old lady and didn't do it on purpose. How could she call the police?

Chapter 225 Nostalgia

But no matter how much Jiang Rumei couldn't believe it, she was still taken away. By the
time her family found out, it was already the next day.
When Jiang Rumei's family found out about this, they were completely confused. After
going to the police station and finding no one there, they immediately went to look for
their relatives' relatives, the county's top official. When the county's top official
personally learned the whole story, not only did he not believe it, but even Jiang
Rumei's parents couldn't believe it either.
"Impossible, how could my daughter like a married man? Even if there is, my daughter must
have been deceived." After hearing the whole story, the dusty father Jiang's first
reaction was to disbelieve it and push the responsibility away.
“It doesn’t matter now whether it was your daughter who seduced the man or the man who
deceived your daughter. What’s important is that your daughter pushed the old man in
public, and many people saw it. The old man is in the hospital now and we don’t know how
he is. If the person is alive, your daughter would at most have injured him and it would
be good enough to pay some medical expenses. But if the person is dead, it would be
manslaughter and the person would go to jail.” The county chief looked at the honest-
looking couple in front of him and patiently explained the current situation to him.
To be honest, he really dislikes these distant relatives. Not only are there too many
things to worry about, but he also has to clean up after others when they make mistakes.
If they clean up well, it's fine, but if they don't do things well, they will be blamed.
The Jiang family couple were dumbfounded when they heard this. Jiang's mother fell to her
knees and said, "Uncle, please save the child. The child definitely didn't do it on
"What are you doing? Get up quickly." The county magistrate hurriedly pulled the man up
and said, "The best thing to do now is to hope that the old man is okay. You can get the
family's forgiveness and drop this case."
"Where is that old lady now? I will go and beg her. I will kneel down to her and
apologize to her." The woman asked crying.
"How would I know? I don't even know him." The top leader was also having a headache.
Seeing the two people looking at a loss, he rubbed his temple and said, "Wait a minute,
I'll go ask around for you."
After that, he went out to make a phone call. After a round of calls, he actually found
out what happened. He came back and said to the couple, "The person is in the ICU of the
Oilfield Hospital now. Go check it out."
The couple immediately stood up and were about to follow him out. The leader had just
taken two steps when he suddenly remembered something and turned around to ask them, "Did
you bring money?"
"Ah?" The two were stunned by the question, and then took out more than 20 yuan from
their pockets and handed it to him, "Is this enough?"
"It's definitely not enough." The top leader was speechless. "He's in the hospital, you
have to pay for the medical expenses. How can this little money be enough?"
"Then, how much will it cost?" The couple's heart suddenly tightened.
They are all ordinary people. When they are sick, they just stay at home and endure the
pain. Only when they can't bear it anymore do they go to the barefoot doctor to get some
medicine. How could they know how much it would cost to be hospitalized?
"Take two hundred first, and we'll deal with it later if it's not enough." The top leader
estimated a number.
But even this number made the couple gasp.
Do you have to get that much?
This amount is almost as much as the bride price in their village.
The boss knew from the two's expressions that they were distressed, but he was willing to
do the job for them and would get a lot of money just to send them off. It was impossible
for him to give them more money. So he stood at the door and asked them, "Do you still
want to get your daughter out?"
“Yes, yes, yes.” The woman nodded hastily and looked at the leader pleadingly: “But we
don’t have that much money right now.”
What I mean is, can we lend them some first?
"It's okay. It doesn't take that much time. I'll go home with you to get it." The leader
said and took the two of them to find the driver.
Just to do things for these aunts and uncles, his wife has to spend money every day to
get things done for him, and they are almost becoming his enemy. The financial power of
the family has long been out of his hands, so how can he have money to lend to them?
In this way, the leader took the two of them and hurried to the village, and then hurried
to the hospital.
Meanwhile, Shen Yuxiu stayed outside the ICU for a whole night and waited for a whole
morning before finally getting Grandma Fang out and sending her to the ward.
The moment the doctor left, Shen Yuxiu held Grandma Fang's hand tightly and asked
carefully, "Grandma, how are you now?"
"Except for feeling a little dizzy, everything else is fine." Granny Fang was afraid that
she would worry, so she smiled and said soothingly, then looked at Zhao Hui who was
standing next to Shen Yuxiu, "What's going on between you and that girl?"
"Misunderstanding, all misunderstanding." Without waiting for Zhao Hui to answer, Shen
Yuxiu said first: "That woman likes Zhao Hui, Zhao Hui doesn't like that woman, she is
just being sentimental."
After listening to Shen Yuxiu's words, Grandma Fang frowned and asked Zhao Hui, "Is that
It's not that she didn't believe Shen Yuxiu, but she was afraid that the child would only
report good news and not bad news.
"That's true." Zhao Hui answered confidently, "I didn't know she liked me before, let
alone thought she would do that, otherwise I would have avoided her as far as possible."
"Oh, then stay away from that girl in the future. She is too shameless." When Grandma
Fang heard him say this, she was relieved.
She had watched the child grow up, so she could still tell whether he was lying or not.
"Okay, I will definitely stay away from her." Zhao Hui nodded quickly.
To be honest, before yesterday, he thought Jiang Rumei was a pretty good girl. After all,
she was good at dealing with people and enthusiastic, adding a lot of color to his life
which was gradually becoming dull and uneventful.
But his feelings towards Jiang Rumei only stopped there. At most, he would sometimes miss
Shen Yuxiu's youthful appearance in the past and would look at her twice. Shen Yuxiu had
become steady now, with less youthfulness and enthusiasm. Sometimes when he looked at the
energetic Jiang Rumei, he seemed to see the Shen Yuxiu of the past. But he never expected
that this girl who looked pretty good would actually have feelings for him and do such a
And after Shen Yuxiu went to call the police yesterday afternoon, his feelings towards
Jiang Rumei plummeted.
If we say that when Jiang Rumei just pushed Grandma Fang over, he treated the girl a
little badly in a hurry, it is understandable that Jiang Rumei might be a little afraid
and didn't come with him, but she didn't come to the hospital until the afternoon, and
didn't even come to ask about Grandma Fang. This is a character problem.
He used to think that this girl looked a little bit like Shen Yuxiu when she was young,
but now it seems that there is no resemblance at all.
Zhao Hui now feels extremely regretful.
Originally, he felt that his life was becoming increasingly dull and boring, and he even
felt lost because Shen Yuxiu's focus was no longer entirely on him. But now, he just
wanted to maintain this dull life and not have any disturbances in it.
Based on Shen Yuxiu's attitude towards him yesterday because of Grandma Fang's injury,
and the look in her eyes at that time, he had no doubt that if anything happened to
Grandma Fang, Shen Yuxiu would fight him to the death, and not only would she be less
enthusiastic than before, she would also kick him directly.

Chapter 226: Intercession

After all, Grandma Fang fell on her head, and she felt dizzy after saying only a few
words. Shen Yuxiu didn't dare to let her waste her energy, so she quickly asked her to
Maybe she felt relieved after seeing Grandma Fang. After staying up all night, Shen Yuxiu
could not hold on any longer as she sat beside the bed and began to yawn.
"Go to a hotel outside and get a room to sleep for a while. I'll take care of grandma."
Zhao Hui looked at Shen Yushou's bloodshot eyes and felt a little distressed.
"No need, I can just sleep here." Shen Yuxiu was indeed very sleepy, but she didn't want
to leave Grandma Fang.
Just then, Fang Yan and Shen Jinggui came over with some daily necessities accompanied by
Shen Yulin. Seeing this, Shen Yulin immediately frowned.
"Go find a place to sleep. My parents and I are here." He did not allow her to refuse and
pulled her and Zhao Hui out together, "Go, go, both of you go."
Shen Yuxiu frowned as she was pushed, but Shen Yulin was very strong, so she had no
choice but to walk out with Zhao Hui.
Not long after the two men left, Shen Yulin met the county leader who came with Jiang's
parents. Neither of them knew each other, but after hearing the other party's request,
Shen Yulin refused without hesitation.
"We can't withdraw the lawsuit. There is no possibility of reconciliation when she hurts
someone and then doesn't care. She robbed someone else's man and pushed an old man. I've
never seen anyone so arrogant in all my years." Shen Yulin refused very bluntly.
He heard from Shen Yuxiu about what happened yesterday. If he let such a person go, he
would be harming others.
"How do you know that it was my daughter who stole the man? Maybe your man seduced my
daughter?" Mother Jiang was so anxious that she spoke without thinking.
"Well, your daughter can't be like that. She can be seduced by anyone. If it were during
the war, she would be a traitor for sure." Shen Yulin was also blunt. He had been playing
tricks on people at work every day over the years. When it came to arguing with people,
he had never been defeated by anyone.
Jiang's mother was so embarrassed that her face turned red and her neck was thick.
Jiang's father was also tongue-tied and didn't know how to talk to Shen Yulin, who looked
like someone who was not someone to be trifled with. He subconsciously looked at the top
As soon as the top leader saw the uniform on Shen Yulin, he knew that this man was the
same as him and must be from the same unit. He was unsure of Shen Yulin's character for a
moment, but he couldn't just ignore the matter of Jiang's parents, so he spoke to Shen
Yulin in an official tone.
"Comrade, you work in a unit, right? Which unit?"
"What? Do you want to use your power to overwhelm others? Then tell me which unit you are
from? What is your relationship with the person who pushed others?" Shen Yulin asked
"No, no, no, you misunderstood." Seeing how strong he was, the top leader quickly smiled
and waved his hands, "I just work in our county government. The one who pushed the person
was my relative's child. I just wanted to beg for mercy. I didn't mean to use my power to
bully people. Don't misunderstand me."
"Oh, no wonder you are so arrogant, it turns out you have connections in the county."
Shen Yulin said bluntly, "It's a pity that I'm in the district, not in our city. It would
be best if you don't want to use your power to pressure others, otherwise I will have to
offend you."
"Ahem..." The leader was choked and looked unhappy. "Is there no room for negotiation?"
"Did your relative discuss this with us before he pushed someone?" Shen Yulin asked back,
"And look at them, have they apologized to us so far?"
"No, no, I just forgot about it in a hurry," the leader was embarrassed and quickly
turned around to tell Jiang's father, "Why don't you apologize quickly? And don't you
bring money? Why don't you pay for the medical expenses?"
Over the years, except for when facing his immediate superior in the city, he had not
been treated like this for a long time. But he also understood that since some people
were not afraid of him, they naturally had the ability to not be afraid of him, so he
could only lower his posture.
However, Jiang's father was a stubborn person. Seeing that Shen Yulin was unwilling to
withdraw the case, he was unwilling and said, "If he is unwilling to withdraw the case,
why should I pay for the medical expenses?"
The top leader never expected Jiang's father to say that and was almost angry to death.
However, it was not appropriate to argue with him in front of Shen Yulin. He said sorry
to Shen Yulin awkwardly, turned around and pulled Jiang's father away, and did not let go
until they were far away.
"What's wrong with you? In front of others, you don't take the initiative to apologize or
pay the medical bills. What do you want to do?" The boss was very angry.
"But he won't withdraw the case. Why should I pay for his medical expenses if he doesn't
withdraw the case?" Father Jiang stared, looking as if it was a matter of course.
"Oh my god." The top leader rubbed his aching temple speechlessly and asked, "So if they
don't drop the case, you won't pay for the medical expenses? If you don't even pay for
the medical expenses, why should they forgive you and drop the case?"
"What if I pay the medical bills and they don't drop the case? Wouldn't my money be
The top leader felt like he was talking to a cow. He was so angry that he tapped Jiang's
father's forehead for a long time without saying anything. Finally, he left with his men.
According to the way these two people think, he can't do it, so whoever wants to do it
can do it.
Originally, he had inquired about the work situation of Shen Yuxiu and Zhao Hui, and
thought about coming over to plead for them to see if they could make the matter less
serious. However, he never expected that they also had people at home and were not afraid
of him at all. Moreover, the couple were not reasonable people, and if he continued to
deal with this matter, it would be difficult for both parties to get along. So why should
he worry about it?
Jiang's parents originally thought that the leader took them back to find other
solutions, but after they returned, he simply ignored them and even refused to see them.
The two were dumbfounded and had to go to various relatives to plead for mercy. The top
leader was harassed by all the relatives so much that he had to go to the leaders of the
refinery and the principal of Shen Yuxiu's school, hoping that they could act as a
Facing the principal who came to plead for mercy, Shen Yuxiu was still angry and just
said "Impossible, no forgiveness". However, Zhao Hui thought more about it, and faced
with the old leader's painstaking analysis of the pros and cons, he was a little moved.
Really, maybe what Jiang Rumei did was a bit excessive, but to say that she had the
intention to kill was impossible, and Grandma Fang thought the situation was okay, but if
they insisted on not dropping the case, not only would Shen Yuxiu be in trouble at
school, but the two children would also be targeted.
Don't say that he is worrying too much. After living for so many years, he has seen many
people who change their attitudes according to the situation. No one can guarantee that
some people in the school will not do bad things to please the top leader after seeing
that Shen Yuxiu has offended that person.
When Shen Yuxiu heard his concerns, she exploded.
"If they want to do something bad, let them do it. At worst, I won't be a teacher anymore
and I can transfer my two children to another school. If they want me to drop the case,
they are dreaming."
"Xiaoxiu, can you be more realistic? Is it worth making such a big fuss over such a small
thing?" Zhao Hui advised earnestly.
Really, it hasn't been easy for Shen Yuxiu to have been in school for so many years. It
would be fine for Grandma Fang to just rest now. Why make such a big fuss?
"My grandma almost died, and you say it's not worth it?" Shen Yuxiu was so angry that she
started to speak without thinking, "Did your boss say anything? Are you afraid of being
targeted in the factory? If you are afraid of losing your job or being targeted, let's
get a divorce. I won't implicate you. If you want me to withdraw the case and forgive
you, you're dreaming."

Chapter 227
Divorce, she actually said divorce?
These two words immediately pierced Zhao Hui's lungs, and he was so angry that his face
changed and he shouted angrily: "Shen Yuxiu, if you have something to say, just say it.
Don't threaten me with divorce."
Shen Yuxiu shivered when she was yelled at. She felt a little guilty for a moment, but
then she became even angrier.
"Why are you yelling at me? Did I cause this? I just don't agree to drop the case. I
don't agree."
After Shen Yuxiu yelled angrily, she turned around and went back to the ward without
waiting for Zhao Hui to say anything.
You could say she ignored the overall situation or didn't know when to advance or
retreat, but she just couldn't get over it.
That woman came to steal her man and pushed her grandmother down, but she still asked her
to forgive her. Why?
Zhao Hui was so overwhelmed by Shen Yuxiu's words that he couldn't help rubbing his hair
in annoyance as he watched her leave.
Shen Yuxiu is so tough, and so is Shen Yulin. What should he do?
And he also heard that Shen Yuxiu was blaming himself, blaming himself for getting
involved with such an unknown woman and causing so much trouble.
But does he want this? He doesn't want this either!
Zhao Hui took a deep breath and could only go back and tell the old leader the truth.
It's not something he can decide, that's all he can do.
The old leader also knew that this was mainly due to Shen Yuxiu. After all, Grandma Fang
belonged to the Shen family, and Zhao Hui was just a son-in-law, and could not be the
head of the Shen family.
The principal and the old leaders of the refinery returned without success and told the
county truthfully about the situation. The county was very upset after hearing this, so
they had to go back and tell the Jiang family's parents and relatives exactly what
It's not that he doesn't want to do it, it's that people simply don't accept his
The Jiang family's parents were dumbfounded and extremely angry at the same time.
This person surnamed Shen is too bullying. The old lady is not dead, so why should she
ignore him?
But the top leader had done what he was supposed to do, and when the two men saw that the
top leader had expressed that he was powerless, they had no choice but to go home.
But when they got home, they felt more and more unwilling to give up. Finally, they
decided to take a bus to the hospital again.
Damn it, since the Shen family won’t let his daughter go, the Shen family can forget
about it.
The two had never been out much before, and by the time they asked for directions and
took a bus to the Oilfield Hospital and stumbled their way to the ward, it was already
At this time, Fang Yan and her husband had already gone to the hotel outside the hospital
to rest. During the day, Shen Yulin saw that Grandma Fang had recovered well, so he went
back to the district to work and would only come back to take over tomorrow. After Shen
Yushou served Grandma Fang a meal, she went to wash the dishes. So at this time, there
were only Zhao Hui and Grandma Fang in the ward.
Through the glass window, Jiang's mother saw Grandma Fang resting with her eyes closed,
and Zhao Hui sitting next to her. Without saying a word, she opened the door of the ward
and rushed in.
"You damn old woman, why don't you let my daughter go while you're still alive?"
Facing the two people who suddenly rushed in, Zhao Hui immediately stopped Grandma Fang
behind him and pushed the two people away from the bed: "What are you doing? If you make
trouble again, I will call the police."
Grandma Fang was also not asleep. She opened her eyes immediately when the man started to
quarrel. Seeing Zhao Hui protecting her, she sat up immediately. But she was not well yet
after all, and she felt dizzy when she suddenly stood up.
While she was feeling dizzy, Jiang's mother, who rushed in, was angered by Zhao Hui's
"Call the police? Are you the only one who would call the police? We would do the same."
Jiang's mother jumped up and down and started to scold Zhao Hui, "If you hadn't seduced
my daughter, would she have pushed someone? You still have the nerve to sue me? I will
also sue you for raping a woman."
Jiang's mother ruffled her hair while cursing, then tore off her clothes and rushed into
Zhao Hui's arms, screaming as she rushed, "Help, help, someone is raping me."
Zhao Hui had never been treated like this by a woman, so he pushed her away angrily. It
was not known whether it was a coincidence or intentional, but Mother Jiang stepped back
a few steps and bumped her head against the door, then slowly slid down. When Father
Jiang saw her like this, his eyes suddenly turned red, and he rushed towards Zhao Hui.
When Zhao Hui saw Jiang's mother like that, his heart skipped a beat. Before he could
react, he immediately raised his hand to block Jiang's father who was rushing towards
him. However, Jiang's father was a farmer who had been working all year round and was in
a rage, so he was particularly strong. Zhao Hui had not worked for many years and his
strength was not as good as before. He was actually knocked back a step.
Seeing this farce, the extremely anxious Grandma Fang also wanted to protect Zhao Hui,
but when Zhao Hui stepped back, he bumped into Grandma Fang who wanted to help.
Grandma Fang was already weak, so she couldn't withstand the impact and was knocked
Coincidentally, the place where she fell was a small iron cabinet, and the back of her
head hit the corner of the cabinet, and she fainted again.
When Zhao Hui heard the noise around him, he turned around to see Grandma Fang's
appearance. He was so frightened that his eyes were bloodshot. Without holding back, he
kicked Father Jiang to the ground and ran over to check on Grandma Fang. As a result, as
soon as he got there, he saw blood flowing from the back of Grandma Fang's head. He was
so scared that he quickly pressed the call bell.
"Nurse, doctor, help."
The nurses at the over there had already started running towards this side after hearing
the noise. Now they ran even faster after hearing Zhao Hui's roar. At the same time, the
patients and their families in the nearby wards had already crowded the door after
hearing the noise.
When Shen Yushou came back from washing the dishes, she heard Zhao Hui's roar. She was so
scared that she ran away. When she ran to the ward, she saw Grandma Fang unconscious. She
was so scared that she ran over quickly.
"Grandma, grandma, what's wrong with you?" A nurse saw that Grandma Fang was not in good
condition and immediately ran out to find a doctor.
Jiang's mother, who was lying on the ground, heard the chaos around her and quietly
opened her eyes. She saw that the ward was suddenly in chaos. The dead old woman closed
her eyes and looked pale. Her husband was standing aside, so scared that he didn't know
what to do. She immediately quietly pulled Jiang's father and slipped out of the ward.
All this seemed to happen slowly, but in fact it only took a moment. The people who came
to watch the fun were all focused on the unconscious Grandma Fang, so they naturally did
not notice the two people slipping away quietly.
After a panic, Grandma Fang was pushed into the emergency room again. Shen Yushou, who
was waiting outside the emergency room anxiously, asked Zhao Hui what happened. She
couldn't help but raised her hand and hit him hard on the chest.
"What happened to you? Why did you bump into grandma?"
Zhao Hui let her hit him without saying a word, his heart full of regret.
It was his fault. He should have kicked those two people out when they rushed into the
Shen Yuxiu punched him hard a few times, then pushed him away fiercely, shouting angrily:
"Go call my parents."
Zhao Hui looked at her worriedly when he heard that, but he could only rush to the hotel
to inform Fang Yan, Shen Jinggui, and Shen Yulin who had just returned to the district
After Zhao Hui left, Shen Yuxiu stood alone outside the emergency room, staring at the
closed door, tears streaming down her face.
It's her fault, it's all her fault. Why was she washing the dishes? If she wasn't there,
how could this have happened?

Chapter 228 Death

But there is no regret medicine in the world, she was not there at that time and she is
not there.
After Fang Yan arrived, Shen Yuxiu finally couldn't help crying.
"It's all my fault, it's all my fault..."
Shen Yuxiu kept blaming herself. Fang Yan looked at Shen Yuxiu like this but couldn't say
a word of blame. She could only hold her and comfort her.
Who could have expected that Jiang's parents would suddenly come and cause trouble? This
was something that was impossible to guard against.
However, Shen Yuxiu blamed all the responsibility on herself.
She shouldn't have gone out to wash the dishes, shouldn't have brought her grandmother to
her side, and she shouldn't have insisted on not dropping the case. If she had dropped
the case, maybe Jiang Rumei's parents wouldn't have gone so crazy, and her grandmother
wouldn't have been hurt again. It's all her fault, all her fault.
Looking at Shen Yuxiu like this, Zhao Hui felt ashamed to stand here.
He is a grown man, but he failed to protect an old man. He deserves to die.
However, no matter how much the two blamed themselves, Grandma Fang could not be saved
because the old woman not only suffered brain damage, but her already bad heart also had
problems. The best cardiologist in the hospital was away on a business trip at the time,
so she could not be saved.
More than half an hour later, Shen Yuxiu, whose brain was deprived of oxygen from crying,
saw Grandma Fang being pushed out silently on the hospital bed. She staggered forward two
steps, but before she reached the bed, her eyes went dark and she fell headfirst to the
Fortunately, Zhao Hui had been paying attention to her and immediately hugged her,
otherwise she would have fallen and been badly injured.
The doctor was accustomed to this kind of thing, so he quickly asked Zhao Hui to lay the
person flat on the ground and began to pinch her Ren Zhong acupoint and give her first
aid. After a while, Shen Yuxiu finally recovered. When she saw Grandma Fang's bed, she
used her hands and feet to crawl towards there, crying.
"Grandma, grandma..."
As a result, she fainted again after climbing for only a few steps.
"She can't be like this, give her a sedative," the doctor suggested.
"Okay." Zhao Hui agreed immediately, and Fang Yan and Shen Jinggui also nodded.
What can they do if they disagree? They still have to deal with the old man's affairs
after his death. If Shen Yuxiu keeps doing this, it will only cause more trouble.
Just like that, before Grandma Fang's matter was dealt with, Shen Yuxiu was taken back to
the ward. When Shen Yuxiu woke up, all she saw was the snow-white walls and Zhao Hui with
bloodshot eyes.
When Zhao Hui saw her wake up, he immediately went forward to help her, but was avoided
by Shen Yuxiu.
"Where's grandma?" Shen Yuxiu asked, her voice trembling.
"My second brother, my parents and my grandma have gone home. You have been given a
sedative and it has been two hours now." Seeing her like this, Zhao Hui didn't dare to
say anything more. He could only withdraw his hand and reply carefully.
After hearing this, Shen Yuxiu burst into tears again, got out of bed and walked out.
Why did he go home? Why did he leave her alone and go home?
Seeing her like this, Zhao Hui didn't dare to say anything. He just followed her silently
out of the hospital. When Shen Yuxiu went in the wrong direction, he carefully reminded
her, although Shen Yuxiu ignored her.
It was already late at night, it was pitch black outside and the streets were silent.
Shen Yuxiu looked at the unfamiliar streets and sobbed helplessly.
How should she respond? Where should she go?
Seeing her like this, Zhao Hui touched her gently and pointed in a direction.
"There are taxis there. Let's take a taxi home."
Shen Yuxiu wiped away the tears that were blocking her vision, looked in the direction he
pointed, and saw that there were indeed a few taxis there. She immediately staggered
towards that place. Zhao Hui followed closely after her, opened the door for her, closed
it, and then told the taxi driver where they wanted to go.
The night was dark and the wind was chilly. As the car entered the village, dogs in every
household started barking.
When Shen Yuxiu got off the car at her home, she looked at the dim yellow light in the
house and couldn't help crying. But when she stumbled into the house and saw the old
man's body lying on the cattail mat on the ground, before she could cry out loud, she
heard Fang Yan, who was adding burning paper to the brazier, tiredly reminding her.
"Don't let your tears fall on your grandma, or she won't be at peace when she passes
Upon hearing this, Shen Yuxiu stopped in her tracks, held back her tears and quickly
wiped them off her face before she dared to approach Grandma Fang.
Grandma Fang's face was already covered with yellow paper. She had just lifted a corner
of it and saw the old woman's face, which looked somewhat warm under the dim yellow
light. Tears welled up in her eyes again and she was so scared that she hurriedly wiped
her tears. However, the more she wiped, the more tears came. In the end, she couldn't
hold it back any longer and she collapsed to the ground and burst into tears.
"Grandma, what should I do? What should I do when you leave? Huh? Woo woo..."
Fang Yan looked at Shen Yuxiu who was crying breathlessly, and did not stop her, just let
her cry.
Just cry, it’s better to cry than to faint at any time.
But Fang Yan herself had already accepted this fact.
After Fang Youshun passed away two years ago, Fang Yan was mentally prepared that Grandma
Fang might also pass away one day. After all, Grandma Fang was over 80 years old and her
heart was not in good condition. There were not many people in the village who could live
to such an old age. Although the accident came too suddenly, she accepted Grandma Fang's
death better than Shen Yuxiu.
Zhao Hui looked at her like this, worriedly knelt down beside her, and then shed two
lines of tears.
This is the old man who watched him grow up and is his closest relative. How could he not
feel distressed and sad?
Shen Yuxiu cried uncontrollably until her brain began to lack oxygen and her vision was
going black. Zhao Hui was so scared that he quickly pressed her philtrum and did not let
go until she gradually recovered her breath.
Fang Yan saw that this was not a good idea, so she stuffed a handful of paper money into
her hand and made way.
"Don't just cry, you still have to keep vigil for your grandma. You keep fainting, how
can I keep vigil all night?"
Shen Yuxiu sobbed as she looked at the paper money stuffed into her hand, then slowly
moved to where Fang Yan had just been, and took over what Fang Yan had just done.
When Fang Youshun passed away, she and Fang Yan were the ones guarding his spirit, so she
knew what to do.
The two brothers Zhao Mingli were picked up by Zhao Hui the next morning. They knew that
the old man was injured, but they also knew that he should be fine and would be
discharged from the hospital soon. No one expected that the old man would die all of a
sudden. As soon as they were brought back and saw the old man, the two brothers
immediately burst into tears and no one could stop them.
The two brothers were raised by Grandma Fang since they were young. Who could accept that
an old lady who was fine yesterday was gone all of a sudden?
After a night of transition, Shen Yuxiu, who had already accepted the death of Grandma
Fang, couldn't help crying when she heard the two brothers crying. However, because she
still remembered that she had a mission, she didn't dare to cry too hard.
Businessmen are always well-informed, and the Shen family incident made a big fuss. As
soon as Zhao Hui took the two Zhao Mingli brothers away, he heard the news and ran back
to find Shen Yulin.
"Did you know that your cousin's grandmother passed away?"
"Ah?" Shen Yulin was leisurely eating melon seeds at the cashier counter. After being
stunned for a moment after hearing the words, the corners of her lips curled up in joy.
Dead? What a mess!
Chapter 229 Funeral
When Wang Jiancheng saw that she actually laughed, he couldn't help feeling cold in his
Is she gloating?
Someone else's loved one died, and she is gloating?
If Shen Yuxiu was not a good person and had offended Shen Yulin before, then he might be
able to understand Shen Yulin's behavior at this time. However, according to the
information he found out later, she had not provoked her. Instead, she almost killed
someone many years ago because she wanted to steal his man.
Although she was later sentenced to forced labor, to be honest, he felt that Shen Yuling
had no reason to blame Shen Yuxiu, and that people at the time did not pursue her for
intentional homicide, which was a show of mercy. He could not say that Shen Yuling should
just go through the motions now that the old lady had passed away, but at least she
should not gloat over her misfortune.
Shen Yuling was feeling very happy, but suddenly she noticed that Wang Jiancheng looked
at her with a strange look in his eyes. She slightly restrained her smile, raised her
eyebrows and asked him, "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Nothing, I just want to ask you, should we go for a visit? After all, we are all members
of the Shen family." Wang Jiancheng said casually.
He felt that he should go over and take a look, after all, his son was someone else's
student, but seeing Shen Yulin like this, he became a little uncertain.
"The damn Shen family is none of my business." Shen Yuling sneered, but as soon as she
said the words, she changed her mind, "You can go and have a look, let's go tomorrow,
when the funeral is held."
Anyway, the business in the store is like this now, so it’s not impossible to go and see
the excitement.
She now likes to see Shen Yuxiu sad and miserable. As long as Shen Yuxiu is not doing
well, she feels happy.
So, on the day of Grandma Fang's funeral, Shen Yuling deliberately wore festive underwear
underneath, then put on a plain dress outside, and returned to the village with Wang
After giving birth to her son, Aunt Shen gradually lost the energy to get angry with Fang
Yan when she saw that Shen Yulin, his wife and Shen Yuxiu and Shen Yuxiu had entered
college and had a bright future. She also began to let Shen Laosi relax her relationship
with Shen Jinggui. Relationship.
She thought that even if the relationship between the two families could not be restored,
at least she should not offend him, so that if something happened to her old man in the
future, Shen Laosi would be able to lick his face and ask for help.
Therefore, on the day of Grandma Fang's funeral today, Fourth Aunt Shen notified Shen
Yuling, but she also notified all the other daughters. Even her old son has been
following the filial sons of the Shen family outside since yesterday. Crying Ling, and
she and Shen Laosi are busy here with their sisters-in-law and brothers.
When Shen Yuling came to the Fang family yard, she almost lost her composure when she saw
many of her brothers and sisters following the mourners in the mourning shed.
Okay, all the cousins of the Shen family are here, but they didn't call her, so they just
excluded her, right?
Shen Yuling thought Fourth Aunt Shen was also funny. The two families had been in such
trouble before and she refused to bow her head no matter how much she tried to persuade
her. Now that she has a son, she wants to have a good relationship. She doesn't even
think about it just because she has hurt Shen Yuxiu before. It would be nice if the two
siblings didn't cause trouble. Repairing their relationship would be a dream.
When they were crying, the men were outside and the women were inside. Wang Jiancheng was
about to go to the men after paying homage to Grandma Fang when he saw Shen Yuling
standing with a bad look on her face among the women kneeling on the ground crying. She
immediately stepped forward and pulled her away. Give her a handful.
If you are sick, don't come if you don't want to come. Now that you are here, can't you
carry out the funeral peacefully?
Shen Yuling was pulled back to her senses. At least she still knew what she was here for
today. She walked to the back of the group of women without paying much attention and sat
down on the ground.
She couldn't cry. The most she could do was sit here and do nothing.
When several cousins saw her sitting down next to them, they moved away from her one by
one. Then when someone came to pay their respects, they started crying too. When no one
came, they either talked in low voices or kept their heads down and remained silent. In
short, no one paid any attention to Shen Yulin.
Shen Yulin sneered when she saw them like this, and looked at Shen Yuxiu who was sitting
at the head of the coffin. The dissatisfaction of being excluded disappeared instantly.
Shen Yuxiu's face is now pale, her eyes are swollen like a pair of blisters, and her
voice is hoarse. It seems that she has cried a lot in the past two days, which is quite
Shen Yuxiu was putting burning paper into the brazier while whispering to Grandma Fang in
the coffin with her hoarse voice.
"Grandma, you are fine. I don't know what you need over there. Just tell me if you are
short of anything. If you don't have enough money, tell me. If you don't like the
clothes, just tell me in a dream and I will burn them for you. If you miss me, come to
see me from time to time. I'm not afraid. I miss you, too..."
She just kept on muttering like she usually did, just like chatting with Grandma Fang, as
if Grandma Fang was alive, which made Lin Zhiwei, who was standing beside her, feel her
nose sore and her eyes filled with tears.
It was not until the middle of the morning, when Grandma Fang was about to be sent to the
crematorium for cremation, that Shen Yuxiu and a group of funeral attendants knelt down
to send Grandma Fang to the funeral car. When she saw the rear compartment of the funeral
car was about to close, she suddenly could not bear it anymore and rushed towards the
funeral car, crying loudly.
"Grandma, grandma..."
Her movement was so sudden that it frightened Shen Yusui, who had been holding her. She
almost broke free and quickly hugged her tightly, refusing to let her pass.
The hearse will take Grandma Fang to be cremated. Zhao Hui, Shen Yulin and a few people
who will help carry the coffin will follow, but the female relatives and close family
members cannot go.
"Let me go, let me go, that's grandma, let me go with her..."
Shen Yuxiu struggled towards the funeral car like a madman, crying so miserably that Shen
Yushui also started crying loudly.
"Sister, we are not going, we can't go..."
But Shen Yuxiu couldn't hear her voice at all. She could control herself before because
even though Grandma Fang was dead, she was still by her side. But once she was on the
hearse and cremated, she would never see her grandma again.
This won’t work. This won’t work!
Shen Yushui had a slender figure, so there was no way she could control the mad Shen
Yuxiu. She was dragged by Shen Yuxiu and staggered for a while. The women who were
helping nearby immediately rushed forward to stop Shen Yuxiu, and refused to let her go
over there no matter what.
Shen Yuxiu, who was surrounded by a group of people, struggled even more violently, but
how could she outlast these women who had been working all year round? She could only
watch the crematorium car drive away.
“Ah, ah, ah…”
Shen Yuxiu watched the funeral car going further and further away. She could not even cry
anymore and could only scream in despair. She was about to suffocate.
The experienced woman nearby knew immediately that she was going into shock when she saw
her like this, so she rushed forward and pressed her philtrum and patted her back,
managing to prevent her from fainting.
After Shen Yuxiu finally recovered her breath and calmed down, Shen Yushui helped her
walk back.
Shen Yuling, who had come to watch the fun from the beginning to the end, couldn't hide
the smile on her face when she saw her like that.
Sure enough, the greatest happiness in life is built on the suffering of others, just
like she is now, she is very happy.
Wang Jiancheng, who was standing by the courtyard wall and watching Shen Yuxiu being
helped back with great difficulty, turned around and saw Shen Yulin's undisguised smile.
His scalp suddenly tightened and he pulled her to an empty corner outside the wall and
scolded her in a low voice.
"What's wrong with you? You're smiling at a funeral. Aren't you afraid that they'll see
you and beat you up?"

Chapter 230 Kill Her

Seeing Wang Jiancheng's dark face, Shen Yuling shook off his hand that was holding her,
tossed her wavy hair, and said nonchalantly, "Beat me? Who dares? I'll sue whoever beats
"How did you become like this?" Wang Jiancheng was choked by her, his eyes full of
On the other side, Shen Yuxiu was supported by Shen Yusui and just walked into the yard,
she heard her carefully ask: "Sister, come with me to the toilet and help me watch over
the people."
Now there are both men and women helping in the yard, and she is afraid that a man will
come to her in the toilet.
"Yeah." Shen Yuxiu nodded slightly, and she and Shen Yushui turned around and walked
towards the toilet.
As a result, as soon as the two of them arrived at the toilet, they heard a sarcastic and
harsh voice coming from outside the wall.
"What have you become? Do you think I'm not considerate enough and shouldn't be in a good
mood to laugh when seeing Shen Yuxiu crying? What a joke. The more she cries, the happier
I am. I'll be even happier if she cries to death."
Shen Yushui never expected to hear such words when she came here. She was so angry that
she was about to curse, but was held back by Shen Yuxiu, who signaled her not to make a
Although she had not had much contact with Shen Yulin in recent years, she could still
recognize Shen Yulin's voice.
As Shen Yusui calmed down, Shen Yuxiu heard a shocked voice from a man outside, "Since
you can't stand others doing well, what are you doing here?"
"Watching the fun?" Shen Yuling's voice full of gloating came again, "I just wanted to
see how painful it was for Shen Yuxiu after that old woman died. But it's a pity that
Jiang Rumei is so useless. I tried my best to get people to help her, but she only killed
an old woman and was arrested before she even got the man."
Shen Yuxiu's eyes widened when she heard this, and Shen Yushui also took a step towards
the courtyard wall. At the same time, the man outside's shocked voice became louder.
"What do you mean? Did you get involved in Jiang Rumei's matter?"
"What else? If it wasn't a deliberate plan, do you think it would just happen by chance?
Hehehe..." Shen Yuling's giggles came, followed by a warning through gritted teeth: "I'm
telling you, I'm not a good person. Don't think I don't know that you've been getting
close to a woman recently. If you know what's good for you, break up with her right away,
or I'll kill you like I killed that old woman, and then no one will know it was me who
did it."
I don’t know if the man outside the wall was frightened or angry at this moment, he
couldn’t speak. He just said the word “you” and then fell silent.
Shen Yuxiu's eyes turned red with anger, and she turned around and rushed out. When Shen
Yusui saw her like this, she hurriedly chased after her. Seeing her husband standing in
front of the door and talking to someone, she hurriedly shouted to him, "Come here, come
here quickly."
Others may not know, but she knows that her elder sister's temper is not so easy to deal
with. She couldn't accept the death of her grandmother in the first place. Now that she
knows that it was Shen Yulin who killed Grandma Fang, she will definitely go crazy. Her
small body can't stop her at all.
The man didn't know what was going on, but when he heard his wife calling him, he
hurriedly followed her out. At the same time, people in the yard who didn't know what was
going on saw the two sisters running out and followed them suspiciously.
Shen Yuxiu ran very fast, with only hatred in her mind. When she ran to the empty corner
outside and saw Shen Yulin's figure, she kicked her out without saying a word.
Wang Jiancheng heard Shen Yuling's warning and had not yet recovered from his shock when
he suddenly saw Shen Yuling being kicked to the ground. Then Shen Yuxiu flew over and
rode on her, pressing her throat tightly with both hands.
Oh shit, is this going to kill someone?
It all happened so fast that not only Shen Yuling didn't react, but even Wang Jiancheng
didn't react. By the time he reacted, Shen Yuling had already been pinned down by Shen
The valve was pressed and Shen Yuling immediately couldn't breathe. When she saw clearly
who was in front of her, she immediately struggled hard and even wanted to shout for
help. Unfortunately, the valve was tightly controlled and she couldn't make any sound.
Shen Yushui, who was chasing after her, was so frightened when she saw this scene that
she quickly tried to pry Shen Yuxiu's hands apart. She didn't want to save Shen Yulin,
but she was afraid that Shen Yuxiu would kill Shen Yulin and she would also lose her
It’s not worth exchanging two lives for Shen Yuling’s life.
However, Shen Yuxiu had gone crazy at this moment, his hands were extremely strong, and
there was only one thought in his mind.
Kill her, kill this damn thing, she wants Shen Yuling to be buried with Grandma Fang.
Shen Yusui pulled a few times but failed to move it. She turned around anxiously and
yelled at the people who were following her, "Hurry up, help me."
When everyone saw this, they rushed forward to help. However, Shen Yuxiu had already
given up. She would bite anyone who pulled her arm. She would kick anyone who pulled her.
She would not let go of Shen Yulin's hand no matter what.
After all the trouble, not only did they fail to separate Shen Yuxiu and Shen Yuling, but
Shen Yuling started to roll her eyes.
Shen Yuling, who was seeing black in front of her eyes, subconsciously looked towards
Wang Jiancheng, wanting to ask him for help, but instead, she saw a pair of cold eyes.
Wang Jiancheng was initially stunned by Shen Yulin's warning, then he was frightened by
the sudden scene and failed to react. But now, he just felt that Shen Yulin deserved it.
Such a person, such a crazy woman, should have died long ago, she should not have lived.
Shen Yuling looked at the indifferent Wang Jiancheng, with anger in his eyes.
She is his wife, how could he just ignore her?
At this moment, when someone saw that Shen Yuxiu could not be pulled away, he immediately
went back and called Shen Jinggui. Shen Jinggui hurriedly ran over and saw that Shen
Yuling was almost out of breath under Shen Yuxiu's hands. Without saying a word, he
chopped off Shen Yuxiu with a hand knife. the back of the head.
Shen Yuxiu, who had long lost her senses, could not be prepared for this. She lost
consciousness as soon as her vision went dark.
Shen Jinggui quickly caught the person. Seeing that Shen Yuling was free, Shen Yuling
began to breathe heavily and immediately asked the people around him, "What's going on?"
"It's Shen Yuling. It was she and Jiang Rumei who killed grandma." Shen Yusui pointed
angrily at Shen Yuling, who was still panting on the ground, and recounted the
conversation she heard between Shen Yuling and Wang Jiancheng, her eyes filled with
When Shen Jinggui heard this, his eyes sharpened instantly. He looked at Shen Yuling
coldly, then looked at Wang Jiancheng, "Is that so?"
"Yes, that's what she said just now." Wang Jiancheng admitted without any hesitation.
What's there to hide? Why should he help hide a woman like this, a woman who didn't take
his life seriously and kept threatening his life?
Shen Yuling gasped and couldn't believe that Wang Jiancheng admitted it like this, but
then she became indifferent.
"It doesn't matter if I did it. I just created an opportunity. I didn't do it to snatch
the man and kill him. What can you do to me?" Shen Yuling's face was full of fear.
In the past, she was sentenced to forced labor because she did it herself. Now she just
provided an opportunity and didn't do anything. Who can do anything to her?

Chapter 231 Realizing the problem

What can you do to her?
After hearing this, even the most calm person would get angry.
Shen Yuxiu, who was originally more rational than Shen Yuxiu, became furious after
hearing this. She yelled and pounced on her and started fighting with her. At the same
time, Fang Yan, Shen Yuzhen and Shen Yuhong, who heard the noise and ran over, also
pounced on her.
Fuck you, you hurt people and yet you are still so arrogant.
Shen Yulin never thought that these people would dare to hit her after she said this, and
she screamed as she was beaten.
"Ah, ah, someone is killing someone, help, ..."
But the mother and daughter of the Fang family were already furious. When they heard her
screams, they became even more violent. They grabbed her face, kicked her crotch, pulled
her hair, and beat her chest, hitting Shen Yuling non-stop.
The people who followed were also very angry at Shen Yuling's shameless remarks. When
they saw Fang Yan and her daughter beating someone up, not only did no one try to start a
fight, but they also felt relieved.
It’s been a long time since I’ve seen them. There are all kinds of people in their
village, including ruffians and unreasonable people, but I’ve never seen anyone like
Fang Yan and her daughter were driven crazy by anger, but Shen Jinggui still had sense.
When they were about to watch, he asked his sons-in-law and Shen Yuwen to pull the mother
and daughter apart, and then pulled them back to the yard, and he also picked them up.
Shen Yuxiu, who was knocked unconscious by himself, left.
When the spectators saw that the Shen family had all left, they did not stay much longer
and returned to the Fang family yard one by one. Fourth Aunt Shen, who was walking at the
end, looked at Shen Yuling, who had been beaten with a bruised nose and face, as if she
were a stranger. He ignored it and followed the crowd back to Fang's courtyard.
She has finally managed to ease her relationship with Shen Jinggui's family, but she
can't cause trouble again because of this scourge.
The crowd dispersed, and for a moment the only ones left were Shen Yuling, whose eyes
were beaten black, and Wang Jianjun, who had been watching everything.
Shen Yuling, with her messy hair, looked at him angrily, "Are you blind? Didn't you see
me getting beaten? You just watched me like that?"
It would be fine if those people didn't stop him, but why didn't Wang Jiancheng stop him?
Wasn't it also a slap in Wang Jianjun's face when she was beaten?
Seeing that she had the nerve to blame him, Wang Jianjun snorted coldly, turned around to
find his bicycle, rode away.
Blind? Yes, he is blind.
Otherwise, why would he fall for such a vicious woman?
It was good enough that he didn't go up and beat up such a person, but he still helped
You’re dreaming!
Shen Yuling never expected that Wang Jianjun would just throw her away without even
saying hello. She was alone on the ground for a while, unable to react.
Is this man crazy?
She is his wife, but he doesn't care about her anymore?
There were still onlookers on the street. Watching this scene, they all whispered with
Although Shen Yuling was willing to take the initiative, she still felt shameful. Being
looked at by this person would make her feel uncomfortable. In the end, she could only
get up on her own and limped towards Fourth Aunt Shen's house.
She was in a lot of pain all over now, and she had to find a place to rest first.
However, when she arrived at Fourth Aunt Shen's house, she discovered that General Tie
was guarding the door.
Over the years, as people's lives have become better and better, Fourth Aunt Shen's
family has added two more houses, the courtyard wall has been erected, and even the
courtyard gate has long been replaced by a tall iron gate. Now Shen Yuling still imagines
the past It's impossible to get in so easily.
Shen Yuling was so angry that she kicked the big iron door twice, and then left the place
When Shen Yuxiu woke up, she was already on the kang in the room, with several sisters
surrounding her. When they saw her waking up, they all breathed a sigh of relief and
comforted her softly.
To be honest, in the many years that the sisters have been together, they have never seen
Shen Yuxiu being so cruel. He was really trying to kill Shen Yuling.
After Shen Yuxiu knew that Shen Yuling had left, she just looked at the familiar roof
quietly without saying a word.
It wasn't until Zhao Hui and Shen Yulin came back with the urn that she slowly got up,
hugged Grandma Fang's urn, and took the car with them and Shen Jinggui and his wife to
the train station and rushed to her hometown.
People from their hometown had already laid the grave and were waiting. After arriving at
their hometown, they went directly to the cemetery and buried Grandma Fang's urn into
Fang Youshun's grave.
After several people came back by train again the next day, Shen Jinggui and his wife
went back to the village directly. However, Shen Yulin saw that the atmosphere between
Shen Yuxiu and Zhao Hui was not good, so he followed them back temporarily with some
uneasiness. The family home of the school plans to stay here for one night, and by the
way, Shen Yuxiu is advised to go back to work in the district tomorrow.
After Shen Yuxiu returned home, she was like a soulless puppet, lying in the room where
her grandma had slept, silent and motionless.
On the way back to his hometown, Shen Yulin had already heard Shen Jinggui talk about
what happened at home when he and Zhao returned to the crematorium. Now seeing Shen Yuxiu
not moving and saying nothing, he couldn't help but step forward and touch her. .
"What are you thinking about? Are you so lost in thought?"
Shen Yuxiu was brought back to her senses, and when she saw Shen Yulin looking at her
with worry, she slowly sat up and said, "I just can't figure out why I offended Shen
Yuling to make her so crazy. Harm us, harm grandma. I have not had any contact with her
since I was a child, and there is no interest involved. Even when she wanted to snatch
Zhao Hui, there was no reason. "
After she reconciled with Zhao Hui, she asked Zhao Hui how he got involved with Shen
Yuling. Zhao Hui himself was confused and said that the two had never been in contact.
"What other reasons do you need? She is just born bad." Shen Yulin snorted and talked
about his childhood: "You forgot that she has been targeting you since she was young. If
I hadn't stopped her several times, you would not know what she did to you when you were
a child..."
As Shen Yulin talked about his childhood, Shen Yuxiu's memory seemed to slowly return to
the past. Little things from her childhood that she had long forgotten became clear in
her mind again, as well as some of the things she had experienced personally.
Shen Yuxiu carefully recalled every incident that had happened between her and Shen Yulin
since childhood, and suddenly noticed a problem.
"Brother, do you think that the things Shen Yulin did when she was a child were a bit
unchildish?" Shen Yuxiu asked hesitantly.
Shen Yulin was stunned by the question, then he began to seriously recall what he had
just said, and suddenly realized the problem.
"It seems that he is not like a child." Shen Yulin nodded thoughtfully, but then waved
his hand, "There are always some people in this world who are mature from a young age.
It's not surprising."
"Why isn't it strange? She's very strange, isn't she?" Shen Yuxiu had a different
opinion. "Her hostility towards me came out of nowhere. If she was hostile to everyone, I
could understand it, but if you think about it carefully, it seems that she is only
targeting me and Zhao Hui, or rather, only me, but I have almost no contact with her,
Shen Yulin's expression gradually became serious after hearing what she said.
Some things cannot withstand careful thinking, but after Shen Yuxiu's analysis, it seems
to be true.
When he was a child, he remembered that Shen Yuxiu and Shen Yulin played well together.
Then one day, Shen Yuxiu was suddenly bullied and went home crying. Since then, the two
had never reconciled and had no contact at all. At such a young age, with such hostility,
it lasted for decades. It was really puzzling.

Chapter 232: Last life? This life?

Seeing that he had finally become cautious, Shen Yuxiu took a deep breath and expressed
her thoughts.
"I thought about it carefully. I always felt like she was always watching me. I was
worried about her. Many years ago, it was me. This time it was grandma and Zhao Hui. What
about next time? Who knows who else she will attack next time? Or will she attack our
whole family? I want to understand why she did this, and then think about how to prevent
her from attacking us again."
Shen Yuxiu did not think that she was mobilizing a large number of troops, but rather
felt that it was necessary.
She was lucky that Shen Yulin didn't kill her many years ago. This time, she was caught
off guard and Grandma Fang is gone. What about next time?
Who knows if Shen Yulin will do it again? If something happens to her parents or
relatives, or the Zhao Mingli brothers, she will go crazy, absolutely crazy.
So, she had to be prepared for any eventuality.
Zhao Hui, who had been sitting alone in the living room listening attentively to the
conversation between the two siblings, finally started to move when he heard his name
come out of Shen Yuxiu's mouth, and then his heart, which had been silent all the time,
started to beat as if it had come back to life.
Shen Yuxiu hasn't spoken to him since Grandma Fang passed away. He thought Shen Yuxiu
would ignore him from now on, or even end her life with him. He was so scared that he
didn't even dare to say a word to Shen Yuxiu, for fear that Shen Yuxiu would say
something that he couldn't bear. But now that Shen Yuxiu can mention him so calmly, does
it mean that she is not that angry anymore?
But Zhao Hui didn't dare to ask and could only continue listening to their conversation.
Shen Yulin listened to Shen Yuxiu's words, frowned and thought for a while, then said:
"I'm afraid this matter is not easy to handle. Only Shen Yuling knows why she did this.
If we want to pry into Shen Yuling's thoughts, even if we find someone to test it, I'm
afraid we may not get the real answer."
As soon as Shen Yulin finished speaking, he heard Zhao Hui's voice suddenly sounded at
the door.
"Then use unusual methods."
Upon hearing this, Shen Yulin and Shen Yuxiu looked towards the door at the same time,
and saw that Zhao Hui had been standing at the door without them knowing when.
Zhao Hui's heart skipped a beat when he was looked at by the two siblings with burning
eyes, but he did not show it on his face. He walked into the house and said to the two of
them, "It may not be easy to do this properly according to the conventional methods, but
it doesn't have to be so troublesome on the road."
He just wanted to live a peaceful and stable life. He was really fed up with Shen Yuling
constantly stirring up trouble in his life. If he didn't deal with this person, he
wouldn't be able to live a peaceful life.
However, Shen Yulin's eyes suddenly became sharp when he looked at Zhao Hui after hearing
The underworld? The mafia? This guy is actually involved with those people?
Zhao Hui's scalp tightened when he was looked at by him, and then he explained:
"Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures. For something like this, can you
get the information out of him using the conventional methods you know?"
Shen Yulin choked when asked, but he had to admit that the current authorities have too
many restrictions on arresting people, so this matter is really difficult to handle.
Finally, Shen Yulin sighed helplessly and agreed with his approach. "Then come on, but I
also remind you that those people are not easy to approach. You'd better not get too
involved with them."
He is now in a public institution and cannot touch these things. Only Zhao Hui can do
this, but he also doesn't want Zhao Hui to get too close to those people.
"Okay, then I'll find someone to do it. Xiaoxiu, give me some money." Zhao Hui said and
looked at Shen Yuxiu.
Although life is getting better and better now, the people who used to hang around in the
black market have long since disbanded, but there are always those who are not doing
their jobs properly. If he wants to find someone to do something for him, he can still
get in touch with them, but he still has to spend money to get things done.
Shen Yuxiu didn't say anything when she heard this. She directly handed him all the money
in the family and told her, "Go now and spend as much money as you want. If it's not
enough, I'll borrow more."
"Okay." Zhao Hui took the money and told her with some concern, "Then you stay at home
and wait for my news. Don't run around."
He also knew that Shen Yuxiu almost killed Shen Yuling yesterday. He was afraid that if
he was not around, Shen Yuxiu would go look for Shen Yuling again and something bad might
"I know, I know. You should go quickly." Shen Yuxiu thought he was nagging and pushed
Zhao Hui out.
She was so mad at that time that she wanted to strangle Shen Yuling to death. Now that
she has calmed down, why would she do something that could give someone a handle on her?
Even Shen Yuling knows how to use others to get things done so as not to be caught in any
evidence. Is she worse than Shen Yuling?
"Okay, then second brother, you and Xiaoxiu wait for me at home." Zhao Hui was pushed to
the door, and still worriedly instructed Shen Yulin.
Shen Yulin could see Zhao Hui's worry, so he waved his hand and promised, "Go ahead, I
won't go anywhere else."
When Zhao Hui saw that he agreed, he immediately felt relieved and turned around and rode
his bicycle to look for someone.
He was gone for several hours, and only when it was completely dark did he hurried home
to call the two of them.
"Let's go. Someone has already contacted Shen Yuling. Let's go and wait for news."
So fast?
Shen Yulin was shocked by Zhao Hui's efficiency, but he still quickly got up. Not to
mention Shen Yuxiu, she almost jumped up and left.
There was already a taxi waiting at the school gate. Zhao Hui took the two people into
the car and went directly to a very ordinary restaurant. Someone there saw Zhao Hui and
the two people coming and immediately took them to a room. After about half an hour, the
person came again and took them to another room.
A slightly plump man with gold-rimmed glasses saw them coming in, pointed at Shen Yuling
who was sitting on a chair, and said, "You guys go ahead and ask, it's best to finish
within half an hour. I'll be out first, call me if you need anything."
After the man left, the three of them looked at Shen Yuling opposite them, and saw that
she was staring blankly ahead, as if she had become a puppet without a soul.
Shen Yuxiu walked up to Shen Yuling and waved in front of her. When she found that she
had no reaction, she slowly sat down in front of her.
"Why are you so hostile to Shen Yuxiu? Why do you always want to harm her?" Shen Yuxiu
asked quietly.
"Jealous." Shen Yuling uttered two words with a dull look in her eyes.
Shen Yuxiu frowned slightly and asked again: "Why are you jealous of Shen Yuxiu?"
"I'm jealous that she was able to marry a high-ranking official in Jiang Province as his
wife in her previous life, and in this life she married the future rich man Zhao Hui as
his wife."
Last life? This life? The wife of an official, the wife of a rich man? The wealthy Zhao
Hui? What are these?
Shen Yuxiu's mind was full of question marks after hearing this, and she looked at Zhao
Hui and Shen Yulin beside her suspiciously.
What does Shen Yuling mean by this? Are you sure this isn't nonsense?
Shen Yulin and Zhao Hui were also confused. They looked at each other and thought for a
while. Zhao Hui stepped forward and asked, "How do you know about your previous life, and
how do you know about this life?"

Chapter 233: Falsehood or Reality

Shen Yulin and Shen Yuxiu couldn't help but frown when they heard Zhao Hui's question.
Who can know what happened in the previous life? Who can predict what will happen in this
Besides, Zhao Hui is just an ordinary factory worker, not a wealthy man, so why should we
ask this question? Shen Yuling is obviously talking nonsense.
They both strongly suspected that the people Zhao Hui found were simply trying to cheat
them, and were working together with Shen Yulin to cheat them.
However, surprisingly, Shen Yulin actually answered.
"I was reborn. I have experienced all this, so I naturally know this." Shen Yulin spoke
like a puppet, as if this was a matter of course.
Rebirth? What is this?
But this time, not only Shen Yuxiu and Shen Yulin felt it was unreliable, even Zhao Hui
felt it was unreliable.
After several people looked at each other for a while, Shen Yuxiu just found it funny and
simply stopped worrying about it. She leaned back in her chair casually and continued to
ask, "Oh, then what is rebirth?"
"I'm almost 70 years old, but somehow I've returned to my childhood decades ago."
This is even more unreliable, but the word she said is quite fresh.
Although Shen Yuxiu felt that Shen Yuling's words were completely unrealistic, at this
point, even if she didn't believe Shen Yuling's words, she still asked casually, "What's
the name of the official Shen Yuxiu married? Where is his family from? What does his
family do?"
"His surname is Zheng, and his name is Zheng Baohua. His family is from the other side of
the strait. His mother is an ordinary village woman, and his father is a high-ranking
official in J Province. Although Zheng Baohua is not as good as his father, he became
quite powerful later on."
Originally, Shen Yuxiu just asked casually, wanting to see what answer Shen Yulin could
give, but she didn't expect that she would actually say it.
Shen Yuxiu found it even more ridiculous and couldn't help but chuckle.
The Zheng family on the other side of the strait? The Zheng family that produced a high-
ranking official a few years ago? Shen Yuling actually said that she married into the
Zheng family in her previous life?
But as she laughed, she suddenly couldn't laugh anymore.
She seemed to vaguely remember that one year during the Chinese New Year when the old men
of the Shen family gathered together, her father seemed to have really mentioned a man
from the Zheng family on the other side of the strait to her, but she was already in a
relationship with Zhao Hui at that time, so she did not agree.
The reason why she remembered it so clearly was that her father later lamented to her
after hearing how powerful that man's father was, saying that she had missed a great
Thinking of this, Shen Yuxiu felt her hair stand on end.
Could it be that what Shen Yulin said about her previous life was true?
Seeing that Shen Yuxiu remained silent for a long time, Shen Yulin was somewhat curious
about what Shen Yuling could come up with, so he asked, "What about Shen Yulin? What was
Shen Yulin like in his previous life?"
"Shen Yulin failed to get into university, so he opened a tower crane factory and became
an entrepreneur in the county." Shen Yulin answered every question.
Wow, he is indeed quite good at making up stories.
Shen Yulin was surprised for a moment, then asked, "Why didn't Shen Yulin get into
"I don't know. Maybe it's because Shen Yuxiu rarely comes back after she got married and
left here."
"What about Zhao Hui? What was Zhao Hui like in his previous life?"
"I don't know him. I only know that he is one of the richest people in the city. He never
married and donated all his inheritance."
Shen Yulin looked at Zhao Hui meaningfully after hearing this. He didn't expect that Shen
Yuling's previous life was like this. Then he asked with great interest, "What about you?
What was your previous life like? Who did you marry?"
"At first I liked Chen Guangzhi, who was married. Later, his wife found out and married
an honest man. After being allowed to do business, she divorced him and married Chen
Guangzhi again. Chen Guangzhi was not good to me, so I divorced him again and married a
man who sold fried goods. I couldn't stand that life, so I remarried a businessman. After
raising his child, his family kicked me out. Later, I rented a house in a dilapidated
community, and then I don't know how I was reborn back to the age of six." Shen Yulin
talked about her life in her previous life word by word.
Shen Yulin listened to her words as if he was listening to a story. He just felt that
this person really had a good brain. She actually made up a different life for each of
them, especially her own, who had rich experience!
However, when Shen Yuxiu heard her last words, her expression became even more solemn.
These past two days, when she was thinking about when she had conflicts with Shen Yulin,
she recalled everything from her childhood to the present. She remembered that Shen Yulin
suddenly changed one day when she was a child.
Could it be that Shen Yuling was really reborn?
"Why do you target Shen Yuxiu after you were reborn? Has she ever offended you?" Shen
Yuxiu stared at Shen Yulin's lifeless eyes, trying to find some flaws in them.
"No offense, I just want to ruin her reputation so that I can marry the man from the
Zheng family."
Shen Yuxiu listened to her bland answer, and felt chilled for a moment, then asked: "Then
why didn't you marry a man from the Zheng family?"
"I want to get married, and I also warned Shen Yuxiu that the man was mine, but Shen
Yuxiu didn't marry him, and he married someone else. When I went to find that man, he had
already married and moved to Jiang Province." Shen Yulin replied with lifeless eyes.
Warning yourself?
Shen Yuxiu thought about it seriously, and suddenly remembered that one year Shen Yuling
did stop her on the road to warn her not to agree to the matchmaking of her aunt on the
other side of the river, and also said that the man was her, Shen Yuling's.
Could it be that the man Shen Yulin was talking about back then was from the Zheng
And from what Shen Yuling said, she had gone to look for the Zheng family on the other
side of the strait that year, but they had already married and left?
When asked this, Shen Yuxiu had already begun to believe that Shen Yuling was reborn.
Although this sounds incredible, if Shen Yuling was not reborn, why would she say she was
reborn at the age of six? How can we explain that Shen Yuling knew that the father of the
Zheng family man would be so powerful? What's more, she started planning from such a
young age?
Shen Yuxiu closed her eyes and asked again: "Since you have been reborn, you should know
a lot of things that will happen later. Why don't you plan your life well and live your
life well, but you want to harm Shen Yuxiu?"
"I planned my life, but God always messed with me. When I was reborn, I recorded the
major events that would happen in the future, but I don't know who stole the notebook. I
wanted to marry a man from the Zheng family and become an official wife, but the man
married someone else. I wanted to marry Zhao Hui and become a rich wife, but Zhao Hui
just looked down on me. I think all this is because of Shen Yuxiu. She lives a good life,
so I can't live a good life, so I can only deal with her."
Shen Yuxiu listened to every word Shen Yulin said and felt that this person was simply
mentally ill.
What does it have to do with me whether she is living a good life or not?
Shen Yulin and I are not in the same field, and there is no conflict between us. How
could this be an obstacle to Shen Yulin?
When Shen Yulin and Zhao Hui heard this, their brains almost stopped working.
Is this something Shen Yulin made up, or did it really happen?
Why do they sound more and more real?

Chapter 234 Book

Just as the two began to doubt their years of common sense, the door suddenly creaked
open. The three of them turned around at the same time and saw the man with glasses who
had just left walk in.
"Have you finished asking questions? Time's up."
The three of them realized that they had been here for more than half an hour. Zhao Hui
immediately pulled Shen Yuxiu and Shen Yulin and said politely to the man, "Sorry to
trouble you."
"You're welcome." The man nodded to them and made a gesture of invitation.
Seeing this, Zhao Hui also nodded to the man, then took Shen Yulin and Shen Yuxiu away.
Walking out of the restaurant together, Shen Yulin looked at the dark night outside and
was silent for a long time. He turned around and looked at the two people beside him and
asked, "Tell me, how much of what Shen Yuling said is true?"
"I don't know. This is the first time I've heard of something like this. I can't tell."
Zhao Hui couldn't tell whether he should believe it or not.
"We should have asked her about what was going to happen in the last few years, so that
we would only have to wait and see whether it would happen and we would know whether it
was true or not." Shen Yulin said with some regret.
When he first heard Shen Yulin's words, his first reaction was that they were absurd. By
the time he began to doubt, the time had come.
"How about we spend some more money and ask Shen Yuling again?" Zhao Hui looked at Shen
Yulin quietly, his eyes extremely serious.
Although what Shen Yulin said seemed a bit far-fetched, it was very logical. Even he
didn't hear anything wrong with it, so it was necessary to verify it.
Shen Yuxiu, who had not spoken since she came out, suddenly spoke softly, "Maybe without
that person, we can know whether what she said is true or false."
Upon hearing this, Shen Yulin and Zhao Hui looked at Shen Yuxiu at the same time, and
Shen Yuxiu turned around to look at the restaurant behind her where people were walking,
and suddenly pulled the two of them and walked towards home.
"Let's go home and ride back to the village now, and maybe we'll know then."
It's a pity that the taxi only dropped them off here and left, otherwise it would have
been faster to return to the village.
Seeing how cautious she was, the two men didn't know what she was going to do in the
village, but this was not a good place to talk, so they could only follow her and leave
In the dark night, a flashlight shone on the winding road, and two bicycles headed
straight for the village in the distance.
When the three of them arrived at the village, every household had already locked their
doors and gone to sleep. Shen Yuxiu took the key to open the gate, took a shovel and went
straight into the house to turn on the light, then went to the corner of the inner room
and started digging.
When Shen Yuling mentioned that she had lost the notebook that recorded events, Shen
Yuxiu suddenly thought of the notebook she had taken back when she was a child because
she had a quarrel with Shen Yuling. If the notebook that Shen Yuling lost was the one she
had taken back, then shouldn't she have discovered that something was wrong with Shen
Yuling many years ago?
Since Shen Yuxiu grew up, she had gradually forgotten the treasures she had hidden when
she was a child, and she hadn't dug them out for many years. Therefore, the ground in the
corner was still solid, and she couldn't dig it up even a little with a shovel.
Seeing how hard she was working, Zhao Hui immediately reached out and took the shovel,
"Let me do it."
Shen Yuxiu didn't hesitate and handed the Pakistani army over to Zhao Hui.
Zhao Hui was stronger than her, and after a few strokes with the shovel he dug up a large
stone. He immediately moved the shovel back and started digging again. After a while, a
emerald green stone as big as a cabbage appeared in front of them.
"What is this?" Shen Yulin looked at the stone that Zhao Hui had moved out, and squatted
on the ground to look at it with surprise.
Seeing this, Zhao Hui squatted down curiously and looked at it carefully. Could this...
be jade?
"When I was a kid and my grandfather and I went out to beg for food, my grandfather
bought me a stone to play with when we passed a mountain village. I was afraid that my
elder sister would snatch it from me, so I just hid it." Shen Yuxiu said indifferently,
without even looking at the stone. She took a shovel and dug in the pit again. When she
saw a glass bottle in front of her, she immediately picked it up with trepidation and
walked to the light.
After so many years, the lid of the glass bottle had already rusted beyond recognition,
but fortunately the notebook and some candy wrappers, stones and fruits inside were all
still intact.
Shen Yuxiu glanced at the notebook in the glass bottle, her heart began to beat wildly,
she took a deep breath and twisted the lid tightly.
But perhaps because it was too old, the lid had already rusted tightly on the mouth of
the bottle. She tried hard to unscrew it but failed. Finally, she walked to the corner
and smashed the glass bottle against the brick.
As the crisp sound of the glass bottle shattering was heard, Shen Yulin and Zhao Hui were
both startled. Turning their heads, they saw Shen Yuxiu picking up a yellowed notebook
from the glass shards on the ground, and walked back to the light to read it carefully.
In a certain month of a certain year, there was a heavy rain and the fields in the
village were flooded.
One year, some people caused trouble at the market and the market was cancelled.
Shen Yuxiu was shocked, especially when she saw something Shen Yuxiu had said tonight.
She could not believe her eyes. It said: In the spring of a certain year, Shen Yuxiu
married into the Zheng family, but now that I am back, this man should be mine, and the
official wife should also be mine.
It’s actually true. What Shen Yulin said is actually true?
You have to know that when Shen Yulin wrote these things, the Zheng family on the other
side of the strait had not yet become prosperous. If Shen Yulin had not been reborn, how
could she have known those things more than ten years in advance?
Shen Yuxiu's heart was beating like a drum and her ears were buzzing so much that she
could hardly hear any sound from the outside world.
Shen Yulin and Zhao Hui stood beside her, and as she read the book page by page, they
couldn't help but frown at the same time.
"Did you write this? When did you write it? How come it's already in the 20s?" Shen Yulin
asked suspiciously.
"This was written by Shen Yuling." Shen Yuxiu looked at him quietly, her expression
solemn. "Do you remember when you were a kid and you were beaten because Shen Yuling lost
a notebook? This notebook was taken from Shen Yuling at that time."
"You said this notebook is the one that Shen Yulin lost that year?" Shen Yulin's eyes
widened when he heard it.
That was the greatest humiliation in his life, how could he not remember it?
"Yes." Shen Yuxiu nodded confidently and said, "At that time, I had a falling out with
her. When I saw her taking our pens and notebooks to write, I stole them back out of
anger. Later, you got beaten for this and were very angry. I was afraid that you would
know that I stole the notebooks and beat me again, so I hid them and didn't dare to show
"Oh my god..." Shen Yulin was shocked and took the notebook from her hand again and
started to read it carefully.
There are many events recorded here, some of which have already happened and some of
which have not yet happened.
The most important thing is that this was written by Shen Yulin before some things
Doesn’t this mean that everything Shen Yulin said tonight is true?
Did she...really live to be seventy or eighty years old and come back again?

Chapter 235: Withdrawal of the Case

But sometimes, for some things, the things you think are the most impossible may actually
be the answers.
Shen Yulin flipped through the book again and felt like thunder was rumbling.
How could there be such bizarre things in this world?
Seeing him like that, Zhao Hui took the notebook from him and read it again carefully,
his heart also in turmoil.
If all this is true, doesn't that mean that I was really alone in my previous life?
There is no Shen Yuxiu in his life, but Shen Yuxiu has another family, another man, and
another more exciting and beautiful life?
Unconsciously, Zhao Hui had squeezed the notebook in his hand out of shape.
No, that's not possible.
How could Shen Yuxiu's life be without him?
But what he saw before him made it impossible for him to deceive himself, it was all
It’s like the notebook in his hand records many things that have happened and have not
happened. You have to believe it whether you like it or not.
"This is a psychopath." After a long while, Shen Yulin suddenly cursed, "This damn old
woman, she didn't live a good life in her previous life, and she didn't live a good life
in this life. It's all her own problem. Why is she taking her anger out on others?"
Zhao Hui, who was in a state of doubt about the world, was brought back to his senses by
Shen Yulin's sudden curse, and his rationality gradually began to return.
But inexplicably, he was not as angry as Shen Yulin.
According to Shen Yulin, although he was rich in his previous life, he was alone all his
life. On the contrary, after Shen Yulin was reborn, he had a family and Shen Yuxiu.
He didn't know how he lived that kind of life in his previous life, but for now, he
couldn't accept a life with such wealth but no family. What he wanted in this life was a
life with a wife, children and a family.
Although he doesn't have that much money now, and he and Shen Yuxiu are at most better
off than others but better off than others, he is not alone.
Shen Yuxiu didn't know what Zhao Hui was thinking, but she felt that what Shen Yulin said
made a lot of sense.
Yes, Shen Yuling's bad life in her previous life was her own fault. Why should she vent
it on herself? She couldn't let go of herself.
If Shen Yuxiu were to say, Shen Yuling deserved it because she was not flexible enough
and had a bad life.
Who has nothing better to do than think about other people's men and other people's
Shen Yuxiu exhaled a breath of depression and asked the two people around her, "What
should we do next?"
Now that things have been figured out, the next thing to do is to figure out how to deal
with Shen Yulin.
What's more, from what Shen Yuling said, it seems that as long as I live better than her,
she will deal with me. This is really speechless.
"Then let her life be even worse." Shen Yulin smiled coldly, "Doesn't she hate to see
others living better than her? Doesn't she like to treat people like fools and use them
to mess things up? Should we learn from her?"
Shen Yuxiu was confused and frowned at Shen Yulin. Shen Yulin took a deep breath and said
to Shen Yuxiu, "She thinks that what she did is flawless and we can't do anything to her.
Then we will fight poison with poison. A bad person needs another bad person to deal with
Shen Yulin then talked about his plan, which made Shen Yuxiu frown and nod, while Zhao
Hui added to it from time to time.
Just like that, Shen Yulin returned to his home in the county overnight. Early the next
morning, the first thing Shen Yulin did after getting up was not to take a bus back to
the district to work, but to go to the county police station with Shen Yuxiu.
Because Grandma Fang passed away suddenly, Shen Yulin went to pursue the matter that same
day, so Jiang Rumei's case is still waiting for the two to close it.
"What? You want to withdraw the case?" When the people from the police station heard what
Shen Yulin and Shen Yuxiu said, their eyes almost popped out of their heads in surprise.
"Yes, drop the case." Shen Yulin sighed, and said with some sadness and anger: "We just
found out that this incident was planned by the boss of XX Supermarket, and Jiang Rumei
was just used by her. Although our grandma was pushed down by Jiang Rumei, it is really
not her fault. So we want to drop the case. I can't let an innocent scapegoat take the
blame, right?"
The clerk at the police station was stunned.
Oh my god, this actually happened? If this is true, then Jiang Rumei is really unlucky,
and the supermarket owner is really insidious.
Oh, by the way, it seems that the supermarket owner had attempted murder many years ago.
She has never changed her bad habits, but this time she chose a method that is less
likely to be caught.
Shen Yulin and Shen Yuxiu withdrew the case here, and then left with a helpless and sad
look on their faces, which made the clerk sigh continuously.
It's really unlucky for Shen Yuxiu to have such a cousin.
Jiang Rumei, who had been in the detention center for several days, fell into deep
remorse after Shen Yulin accused her of further responsibility for Grandma Fang's death.
She really regretted it. She shouldn't have been so impulsive, so radical, and even more
so, she shouldn't have listened to Shen Yulin and done such a thing.
But it was no use regretting now, the old woman was already dead, and she was afraid she
would never be able to get out again.
Just when Jiang Rumei was despairingly accepting her fate, the door of the room where she
was imprisoned was suddenly opened.
"Jiang Rumei, the other party's family has withdrawn the case. You are fine and can
leave." A man in police uniform stood at the door and quietly informed her.
Jiang Rumei was a little overwhelmed when she heard this. It was not until she was led by
this person to sign some documents and the person let her go that she felt a little
hopeful. She asked cautiously, "Why did they withdraw the case? Did Zhao Hui ask them to
Did Zhao Hui plead with the siblings and they let her go? Does this mean that Zhao Hui
still has her in his heart?
"No, it's because they know you were just taking the blame for others that they dropped
the case." The man said, and told her the latest news he had heard from his colleagues,
without missing a word.
They all knew that the county leader had been running around for Jiang Rumei at the time.
Now that Jiang Rumei is fine, they don't mind selling her a good deal.
Jiang Rumei was stunned after hearing what this man said.
Used? She was actually used by Shen Yuling?
Ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous.
Jiang Rumei came out of the police station and ran towards Shen Yulin's supermarket in a
What the hell, a small supermarket owner dares to use and play tricks on her?
But halfway through the run, Jiang Rumei slowly stopped.
She had just been released from the detention center. If she continued to fight with Shen
Yuling, would she be arrested again?
Thinking of this, Jiang Rumei's scalp tightened, and then she turned around and strode
away in another direction.
Since beating someone is against the law, she will find a way to repay Shen Yuling
without breaking the law. Isn't Shen Yuling doing business? Then she will make Shen
Yuling unable to do business.
She walked so fast that she didn't notice that a man was following her like a shadow the
moment she walked out of the detention center.

Chapter 236: Bad Luck

The man followed Jiang Rumei into the county government and to the tax department. He
then watched her report Shen Yulin's supermarket for tax evasion under her real name. He
also watched her run to the market supervision office to report Shen Yulin for selling
expired food. Then he left quietly and ran to the refinery.
After receiving the message from this person, Zhao Hui took out a few big unity notes and
handed them to him: "Since someone reported that his family sold expired food, it must be
true, right?"
When the man heard this, he immediately understood what Zhao Hui meant. He happily took
the Great Unity and left.
Zhao Hui quietly watched the man walk away. When he turned around and went back to the
office, his eyes were as deep as a cold pond.
He may not care about harmless little things, but if his bottom line is touched again and
again, don't blame him for being rude.
Shen Yuling was sitting behind the cashier counter at this time, rubbing her aching
temple listlessly. She didn't notice that a few people came in to buy things and put a
few things on the shelf.
Last night, the supplier said he wanted to discuss a big business deal with her, but she
got so drunk that she even forgot how she was sent home.
She was somewhat suspicious whether the wine she drank last night was mixed with water.
After all, she could drink quite well, so this wouldn't normally happen, especially when
she woke up this morning with a severe headache.
Besides, she didn't know what the deal was last night. It would be fine if the deal was
successful, but if she said something incoherent and ruined the deal, then it would be a
waste of time.
Just as she was rubbing her aching temple and recalling what happened last night, two
groups of people in different uniforms suddenly walked in.
Seeing these people, Shen Yuling stood up subconsciously, "Excuse me, is there anything I
can help you with?"
"Someone reported that your store is selling expired food. Let's come to check it out."
One of the men in uniform showed her his work ID and led a group of people straight to
the shelves in the store.
As the group walked into the store, the other people showed Shen Yuling their IDs and
said, "Someone has reported you for tax evasion. Please provide us with the store's
account books, accounting vouchers, reports, and related information. We need to check
the accounts."
Shen Yuling's face turned pale after these two sudden blows. She quickly took a few boxes
of the store's best cigarettes from the shelf and handed them to the people. "Did you
misunderstand something? I'm doing business honestly. How could I evade taxes?"
However, those people didn't even look at the cigarettes she handed over. They said
seriously, "Please cooperate with us. We will find out if there is any tax evasion after
we check."
These people were very determined. No matter what Shen Yuling said, they just wanted to
check the accounts. Seeing that Shen Yuling was dragging her feet and didn't want to take
the account book, they directly began to warn her, "Please cooperate with us in checking
the accounts, otherwise we will call the police for refusing to cooperate."
When Shen Yuling heard the word "call the police", her heart skipped a beat and she could
only resign herself to her fate and take out the account book.
If she committed tax evasion, the most she would have to do is suspend business and
rectify the situation, but if she refused to cooperate and called the police, she didn't
know what would happen to her.
After Shen Yulin gave the account book to several people, she went to the public
telephone booth outside and called Wang Jiancheng while they were checking the accounts.
"The tax authorities are here to check the supermarket's accounts. You should quickly
find someone to come up with a solution."
"Check the accounts?" Wang Jiancheng was stunned. He stood up and asked nervously, "Why
do you want to check the accounts all of a sudden?"
"They said someone reported it. Don't ask anymore. Think of a solution quickly." Shen
Yuling yelled at Wang Jiancheng on the other end of the phone in frustration. Seeing
someone walking towards the phone booth, she was afraid that the man might hear
something, so she ordered Wang Jiancheng to hurry up and hung up the phone.
Here, Wang Jiancheng was very angry at Shen Yulin's commanding tone, but now was not the
time to worry about these things, so he could only quickly start calling people to
inquire about the news.
He had been doing business in this county town for more than a year or two and still had
some connections. When he found out through various channels that it was Jiang Rumei who
made the real-name report, he suddenly felt his scalp tingling.
How did Jiang Rumei come out so quickly? She even reported Shen Yuling directly. Did she
know what Shen Yuling had done and was seeking revenge?
What bad luck.
Wang Jiancheng started to curse in his heart as he heard the news, and then he turned
around and started looking through the account books of the wholesale store.
Why was he so blind to marry this disaster? Couldn't he just live a good life? Why did he
have to make trouble for no reason? Now he has hit a wall, right?
In this situation, Shen Yuling actually had the nerve to yell at him and ask him to find
a solution. What solution could he come up with? In this small piece of land in the
county, who can twist the thigh of the county magistrate? He should take care of himself
first, and don't let Shen Yuling drag down this wholesale store.
In addition, he deeply felt that his store should be transferred to his son's name. With
Shen Yuling's current approach, he was afraid that the family business he and his ex-wife
had worked so hard to build would be destroyed by Shen Yuling.
As for Shen Yuling, he can do whatever he wants. Anyway, the supermarket is no longer
under his name, so he can't be blamed if anything happens.
Shen Yulin and Wang Jiancheng were in chaos, while Shen Yuxiu and Shen Yulin came out of
the police station and went back to their respective districts or to work.
However, the first thing Shen Yulin did when she returned to school to work was to take
Zhao Mingli to another shift.
"I have no choice. Wang Shengan's stepmother killed my old man. I really can't teach him
calmly." Shen Yuxiu told the dean of studies very frankly about what Shen Yulin had done.
The dean of studies sighed continuously after hearing this, and immediately transferred
her and Zhao Mingli's classes.
There was nothing that could be done about it. The two families were now no different
from enemies. Even if Shen Yuxiu herself did not request to be transferred, he would have
to transfer the people away quickly after hearing about it to prevent anything from
Although Shen Yuxiu did not show anything to Wang Shengan, after she transferred Zhao
Mingli to another class, the news that Wang Shengan's stepmother had killed Shen Yuxiu's
grandmother spread throughout the class in no time.
The students both resented and sympathized with Wang Shengan.
The reason for the complaints was that they would graduate in half a year, but Shen Yuxiu
stopped teaching them because of Wang Shengan. The reason for the sympathy was that Wang
Shengan must have suffered a lot for having such a stepmother.
It was the first time in Wang Shengan's life that he received so much attention, and it
was all because of Shen Yuling. The young boy couldn't bear it psychologically. At noon
after school that day, he rushed into Wang Jiancheng's store and started smashing things.
"Can't you control your good wife? Do you want her to kill me?" Wang Shengan yelled at
Wang Jiancheng angrily.
Wang Jiancheng looked at his son's red eyes and for the first time in his life he lost
his dignity as a father. He was speechless and filled with shame.
Really, even though he had neglected to care for his son over the years, his son had
never complained to him, and sometimes even cared about his father. But now, he was so
angry, it was obvious how much he had been wronged at school.

Chapter 237: Unkind Visitors

After venting his anger, Wang Shengan returned to school angrily.
There is no way. No matter how angry he is, he still has to go to school. He is not that
stupid to stop going to school just for that woman.
Moreover, since his father married Shen Yuling, he has clearly realized one thing, that
is, no one has as much as he has. He is tired of the days of being humble and looking at
Shen Yuling's face every day for a little tuition. If he is admitted to university and
graduates, he will be able to support his sister, and he will no longer have to rely on
Wang Jiancheng to pay for his and his sister's living expenses, let alone look at Shen
Yuling's face.
However, he didn't know that Wang Jiancheng, who was already troubled by Shen Yulin's
repeated troubles, was even more troubled by Wang Shengan's disturbance. He squatted on
the ground with his hands covering his head, not knowing what to do.
His son was badly implicated by Shen Yuling, who also looked crazy. What should he do?
Just when he felt his head was about to explode, he suddenly saw a pair of leather shoes
on the ground in front of him. Looking up along the shoes, he saw a man with a crew cut
and a big gold chain.
The guy with a crew cut didn't say anything when he saw him. Instead, he started walking
around the store. His careless and wanton eyes showed that he was not a good person.
Wang Jiancheng didn't know what this man did, so he slowly stood up, but didn't know how
to greet him.
"Mr. Wang, right?" The man with the crew cut walked around for a long time, then suddenly
stopped, stared at him with a half-smile and said, "Someone asked me to ask you, do you
still want to live a good life with your current wife, or do you not want to live a good
life with your current wife?"
"What, what does that mean?" Wang Jiancheng's heart began to beat in confusion.
"It's nothing special. Someone just kindly asked me to remind you." The crew cut said
nonchalantly, "The people your wife offended are going to settle accounts. If you can't
bear to leave your wife and want to live with her through thick and thin, they will grant
you that. If you don't plan to live with her, I suggest you stay out of her business.
They don't want to implicate innocent people."
Wang Jiancheng's heart started beating fast. He was silent for a while and then asked
carefully, "Who is it?"
"You know how many people your wife has offended." The man with the crew cut patted his
shoulder sympathetically and said, "Take care of yourself."
After saying that, the man walked out of the wholesale store. Before leaving, he glanced
at the store's door meaningfully and clicked his tongue twice with a look of regret on
his face.
Wang Jiancheng felt a little nervous when he saw the man's actions before he left.
What does this guy mean? Is he planning to take over his store?
In public, there is Jiang Rumei, and now there is another person like this. How many
people has Shen Yulin offended?
Wang Jiancheng thought about it for a long time in fear, then turned around, picked up
the phone and started looking for someone to sell the store.
It's enough to have a county behind Jiang Rumei, which is a headache for him. If there
are people behind her who want to make trouble, his small shop can't stand it.
He was very glad that when he bought the shop, his ex-wife thought that these things
would belong to their son sooner or later, so she directly wrote his son's name on them.
He was even more fortunate that when Shen Yulin wanted him to transfer the shop to her
own name, he thought it was too troublesome and did not transfer it. Otherwise, with Shen
Yulin's unreasonable character, it would be difficult to sell the shop now.
As for Shen Yuling, because some people nowadays like to buy expired products at a
bargain price, her store already has a lot of expired products on special promotion. So
when the market supervision staff found those expired foods, she was not surprised at
all, and she didn't even realize that someone had tampered with them.
But even though she was mentally prepared, she still couldn't help but feel panicky when
she heard the staff decide to suspend business on the spot and impose a fine of ten times
the selling price of the goods.
You know, there are a lot of expired products in the store, and this penalty has wiped
out several months' profit.
What made her even more frightened was that although the tax staff who checked the
accounts were slow, they had already found many problems, and she didn't know what kind
of punishment she would face.
Shen Yuling felt weak and went to call Wang Jiancheng again, wanting to ask him how his
search for the person was going, but she called again and again but no one answered.
While Wang Jiancheng began to spread the news that the store was going to be sold, he
went home and took all his savings books from all those years to the bank and transferred
them directly to Wang Shengan's name.
After everything was completed, he thought about the fact that he no longer had any
property or money in his name, so he went back to the wholesale store to continue
inquiring about who was interested in taking over the wholesale store.
It's no wonder that he was on guard against Shen Yuling to this extent, but he could not
bear Shen Yuling's behavior of wanting to kill people at every turn and her impending
Shen Yulin's supermarket had only been open for a few months, so the amount of tax
evasion found by the tax authorities was not too large. The staff only imposed a penalty
of full tax payment and then imposed an additional fine before leaving.
Shen Yuling almost collapsed when she saw the two fines which added up to a considerable
Once she pays these fines, not only will she have worked for several months in vain, but
she will also have to pay compensation.
Fortunately, fortunately she still has Wang Jiancheng. Even if she cannot afford the
fines, Wang Jiancheng can support her.
However, when she returned home in the evening and told Wang Jiancheng about this, Wang
Jiancheng shook his head like a rattle and started talking nonsense.
"I don't have any money. My wholesale store was also inspected this afternoon, and I
can't even pay the fine myself."
"Ah?" Shen Yuling was shocked. "How could it be?"
"How could that be?" Wang Jiancheng was also very angry. He glared at her with gritted
teeth and said, "When Jiang Rumei came out, could it be that she would only report you
and not me? Don't you know how many people you have offended besides her?"
"What?" Shen Yuling seemed to have only heard the first half of the sentence. She asked
Wang Jiancheng in shock and anger, "Jiang Rumei is out? Is she crazy? Why is she
bothering me instead of going to settle accounts with Shen Yuxiu?"
Seeing that she still didn't think she was wrong, Wang Jiancheng snorted angrily and
didn't want to say a word to her.
Jiang Rumei is crazy? In his opinion, the woman in front of him is crazy.
How could someone be so crazy as to do such things that harm others and benefit himself?
Seeing him like this, Shen Yuling knew that she was in the wrong. She suppressed her
anger and asked him kindly, "Can't you think of a solution? How are we going to pay all
these fines?"
"Jiang Rumei has the county's support behind her. Who would dare to work for us with such
pressure? If you have the ability, go find someone. I can't do anything about it." Wang
Jiancheng stood up and went straight back to the house. He slammed the door loudly, and
it seemed that he was very angry.
Ever since she married Wang Jiancheng, Shen Yulin had never been treated so coldly
before, and her face turned unhappy at that time.
But there was no way. Her condition was not good now, and she might have to rely on Wang
Jiancheng in the future. Even if she was resentful, she had to swallow her anger.

Chapter 238 Divorce

When Wang Jiancheng returned to the room, he felt a chill in his heart when he thought
about how Shen Yuling didn't think there was anything wrong with using Jiang Rumei, and
even blamed her for reporting it. He became more and more eager to sell the store.
The people that Shen Yulin offended were coming at him aggressively, and Shen Yulin was
not someone who could be easily messed with. If several gangs started fighting, his store
would be implicated and no one would dare to take it over even if he wanted to sell it.
He had to sell the store quickly before anyone could react.
Fortunately, hard work pays off. Just when Shen Yuling was anxiously trying to raise
money to pay the fine, Wang Jiancheng transferred the shop at a very low price the next
Shen Yuling borrowed money from her usual business partners. As a result, the people who
used to praise her every day said that they had no money, were away on business, or were
not at home or did not answer the phone.
Not a penny could be borrowed, and the supermarket was still closed for rectification.
Shen Yuling had no choice but to sell the goods in the supermarket to various markets, in
order to collect some money to pay the tax so that she could open the business. But after
pulling goods from the supermarket for a few days, she felt distressed when she saw that
many of the shelves were empty, so she turned to pull goods from the wholesale store.
She thought, since some of the goods that were out of stock in the supermarket were
directly pulled from the wholesale store, it would be easier to get them directly from
the wholesale store. As a result, she didn't go back to the wholesale store for a few
days, and when she came back, she found that the store had changed hands, and it was said
that Wang Jiancheng had also returned to the village.
Shen Yuling was a little dumbfounded. She turned around and ran back to the village and
found Wang Jiancheng's house.
Wang Jiancheng looked at Shen Yuling who came over to him angrily and asked him why he
sold the store. He sneered and said, "What if I don't sell the store? Will you pay all
those fines?"
Shen Yuling didn't expect him to say that. After a pause, she asked, "What about the
remaining money after the store is sold and the taxes and fines are paid?"
"If I can still save money, do you think I will go back to the village?" Wang Jiancheng
asked bluntly.
"Impossible." Shen Yuling retorted subconsciously, "It's such a big store, how can there
be no money left after selling it? You must have some money. It's our common property,
you can't just take it all."
Shen Yulin didn't believe what Wang Jiancheng said at all.
He is the future wholesale king, how could he be without money?
Upon hearing this, Wang Jiancheng became more disappointed with Shen Yulin, but in order
to prevent Shen Yulin from discovering the flaw, he pretended to be angry and suddenly
took a step forward, forcing himself in front of Shen Yulin.
"How much money is left? Use your brain to calculate it. My store usually buys goods
first and then pays in bulk. I paid for all the money you spent on running your
supermarket. You never paid for the goods you bought from my store. I will pay for the
goods and fines after I sell the store. How much do you think will be left?"
Shen Yulin had never seen Wang Jiancheng so aggressive before. For a moment, she was
forced to retreat again and again, not knowing how to refute.
"It's all your fault. You're the one who caused all this trouble. Why do you have to do
those things when you have a good life? Why can't you live a peaceful life? If you hadn't
offended Jiang Rumei, I would still be the boss now, instead of running back to the
village in shame. I haven't even settled the score with you yet, and you have the nerve
to ask me?" Wang Jiancheng took a step forward with each sentence he spoke, until he
forced Shen Yulin out of the gate of the courtyard, turned around and slammed the gate
shut, and then Wang Jiancheng's angry roar was heard from inside.
"Go away and don't come to my house again."
Shen Yuling was so angry when she heard Wang Jiancheng's roar in the yard. Just when she
was about to knock on the door, she saw the neighbors coming out to watch the fun. She
could only leave with a gloomy face and shut up.
Although she could do whatever she wanted, she still had to save her dignity. She was
afraid that if she continued to dwell here, Wang Jiancheng would reveal everything she
had done in the county town, and she would never be able to see anyone in this village
After getting nothing from Wang Jiancheng, Shen Yuling had to go back and continue moving
goods from the supermarket to sell. After more than ten days, she managed to collect
enough money to pay the fine, but the goods in the supermarket were almost gone.
She wanted to purchase goods and continue the business, but she had no money and the
store was out of stock, so it would be difficult for the supermarket to reopen.
With no other options, Shen Yuling could only negotiate with her previous suppliers to
see if she could get the goods first and pay later. However, the suppliers who had been
easy to negotiate with before all shook their heads like rattles and none of them agreed.
It was only at this time that Shen Yulin realized that after all these years in the
county, she didn't have a single reliable friend or partner. In addition, she had only
paid half a year's rent for her shop, and the landlord began to urge her to pay the rent.
She really couldn't hold on any longer, so she had to sell the shop like Wang Jiancheng.
After the supermarket changed hands, Shen Yuling suddenly found that without Wang
Jiancheng, she didn't even have a place to live.
With no other options, she went to find Wang Jiancheng again, but Wang Jiancheng said
that the house in the village was his and his ex-wife's pre-marital property and would
not let her move in no matter what, which made Shen Yuling so angry that she started
"Wang Jiancheng, I want to divorce you."
"Let's get a divorce. You've hurt me like this, and I really want to get a divorce from
you." Wang Jiancheng was eager to do so.
He had had enough of her. If he wasn't afraid that Shen Yulin would suddenly go crazy and
attack him again, he would have wanted to divorce Shen Yulin long ago.
However, after Wang Jiancheng said this, Shen Yuling felt a little unwilling.
You know, Wang Jiancheng became the wholesale king in the future, and she was reluctant
to let go of this man.
But on second thought, it was true that Wang Jiancheng was a wholesale king in his
previous life, but now he didn't even have a wholesale store. Even if he still had some
money, it was probably not much, otherwise Wang Jiancheng would not have returned to the
village. And with Wang Jiancheng's ability, it was not that she looked down on him, but
how could it be so easy for him to make a comeback? It would be better to divorce him
directly and look for potential stocks again.
Thinking of this, Shen Yuling immediately took Wang Jiancheng to the Civil Affairs Bureau
with his household registration booklet and got the divorce certificate on the same day.
Walking out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Wang Jiancheng looked at the divorce certificate
in his hand with some disbelief.
Is it that simple?
Shen Yuling, who had threatened him before, actually divorced him so easily?
Shen Yuling looked at Wang Jiancheng's stupid look and sneered, "Oh, you thought I cared
about you. If I hadn't seen that you were rich and looked like a wretch, would I have
cared about living with you?"
After saying that, Shen Yuling still couldn't get enough of the spit at him, then walked
away with her wavy hair tossed.
She still had a few hundred dollars in her hand. At worst, she could rent an ordinary
house and at least she could hold on for some time. She didn't believe that she couldn't
find a new business opportunity during this time.
Wang Jiancheng looked at her back as she walked away, understood what she meant, and
couldn't help but laugh at himself.
So she was with him just for money. If he had known this, he would have pretended to be
bankrupt and dumped this woman. Why would he have stayed with her for so long? Why was he
dragged into this situation?

Chapter 239: Distinguishing Public and Private Affairs

Because she felt that Wang Jiancheng would never have a chance to make a comeback, Shen
Yulin gave up the potential stock she had finally caught and prepared to start over.
However, it was not so easy for her to start over again.
Because on the second day after renting the house, the landlord directly returned the
money to her and took the house back.
"I'm sorry, a relative of mine came to my house yesterday and is looking for a job here.
I want him to live in this house, so I can't rent it to you."
The landlord was very polite and returned her the money in full. Shen Yuling was very
angry, but she had no choice but to move out.
She originally thought it was just a coincidence, but no matter where she rented, the
landlord would definitely return the rent to her the next day. The reasons for the return
were all kinds of strange, but the whole thing was that the house could not be rented to
Shen Yulin was not stupid. After a few times, she realized that someone was targeting
her, but when she asked, these people insisted that something really happened at home.
Shen Yu was very angry, but there was nothing he could do, so he turned around and headed
for the refinery.
After Jiang Rumei was released, she went back to the refinery to continue working.
However, because of what happened with Grandma Fang, whenever there was an occasion with
her, Zhao Hui would either ask for leave or simply not attend the event.
To be honest, although Zhao Hui was not in charge of sales, he had some social skills and
was good at negotiating business. Often, as long as he was present, some orders could be
easily negotiated. When the factory leaders saw his attitude, they had no choice but to
transfer Jiang Rumei to the accounting department.
But Jiang Rumei has never been sensitive to numbers, and she couldn't understand those
statements. For a while, she seemed out of place in the accounting department. In
addition, although one more person was added to the office, the workload did not
decrease. Her colleagues began to look at her with more and more strange eyes. She
estimated that if she didn't have a powerful backing, these people would have pointed at
her nose and scolded her.
Jiang Rumei was unhappy at work and was in a bad mood. Now she heard someone was looking
for her, and when she came out and saw it was Shen Yuling, she felt even worse.
"Jiang Rumei, killing people is not enough. Aren't you afraid of retribution for killing
so many people?" Shen Yulin questioned loudly as soon as she saw her.
Jiang Rumei was startled by her sudden yell. Seeing the people in the guard room looking
at her curiously, her face immediately turned bad.
But if you don't do anything wrong, you don't have to worry about ghosts knocking on your
door. After a while, Jiang Rumei calmed down and asked with a smile, "What do you mean?
How did I deal with you?"
Her report was legitimate and legal, there was nothing shameful about it, she was not
afraid of Shen Yulin.
"What else did you do? You closed my supermarket, and that's fine, but why didn't you
allow others to rent a house to me? I just used you for a little while, do you have to
kill me like this?"
"Hey? You can eat whatever you want, but you can't say whatever you want." Jiang Rumei
interrupted her and said, "Your supermarket closed because you evaded taxes and sold
expired food, and I didn't stop others from renting a house to you, so don't make false
"Who else could it be if not you?" Shen Yulin didn't believe her at all.
"How should I know? Who knows who you have offended?" Jiang Rumei looked at her with
contempt, turned around and walked back.
"Stop." Shen Yuling saw her leaving and started to chase after her. Seeing her move,
Jiang Rumei turned around and rushed to the guard room: "Why don't you stop her? Can
anyone enter the factory restricted area casually?"
When the guard saw this, he had no choice but to run out to stop Shen Yulin, and Jiang
Rumei took the opportunity to leave in a swagger.
What if she is just one of those common people who knows nothing and can be taken
advantage of whenever anyone wants?
However, she did not expect that Shen Yuling would be so fragile. The supermarket closed
when it said it would. Also, what about those people who refused to rent a house to Shen
Yuling? She did not stop anyone from renting a house to Shen Yuling.
But Jiang Rumei thought about it again, and felt that someone might be afraid of the
county behind her, and was afraid that renting the house to Shen Yulin would cause
trouble, so she didn't rent it to Shen Yulin.
But no matter what the truth is, she still felt happy seeing Shen Yuling suffering so
Soon, Shen Yuling was dragged out of the refinery by the security guard and was guarded
at the door to prevent her from entering. She was so angry that she jumped up and down
and started cursing.
"Jiang Rumei, you deserve a horrible death. You deserve Zhao Hui's disdain for you, you
shameless bitch..."
The guard listened to Shen Yulin's dirty talk and couldn't help but frowning in disgust.
Yes, they also felt that it was not right for Jiang Rumei to steal someone else's man,
and they were even shocked that Jiang Rumei had ruined someone else's supermarket so
openly, but Shen Yulin's actions were equally disgusting.
Jiang Rumei, who had not walked far, heard the scolding and turned back suddenly to look
at Shen Yulin, who was stopped outside the door and jumping up and down, with a cold
light flashing in her eyes.
Originally, if she had taken her time, she would always have had the opportunity to get
close to Zhao Hui. It was because of Shen Yuling that Zhao Hui was now being rude to her.
For some reason, Jiang Rumei felt a sense of unwillingness to admit defeat.
Who said Zhao Hui didn't like her? She was in her prime, but Zhao Hui's wife was already
an old woman. As long as she was persistent and had a long time to live, who could
guarantee that Zhao Hui would not be tempted by her for ten years?
It was also because of this anger that Jiang Rumei went back and directly applied to her
leader to return to her original position.
Anyway, she has someone behind her, so she doesn't believe anyone would dare not give her
When the factory leader received her application, he was in a dilemma, but the refinery
was directly under the county government, and he had to save face for the county, so he
had to agree reluctantly.
Therefore, when Zhao Hui saw Jiang Rumei wanted to go out for a social event with him
again and turned away, he was called in for a talk by his leader.
"Zhao Hui, work is work and feelings are feelings. You are also a veteran employee of our
factory. You must distinguish between public and private affairs and don't bring personal
feelings into work."
That means Jiang Rumei will definitely return to her original position, and Zhao Hui has
to accept it whether he likes it or not.
Zhao Hui looked at the factory leader quietly for a long time, and asked very seriously:
"Are you sure?"
Somehow, when Zhao Hui said this, the factory leader felt a sudden shock in his heart,
but thinking that he could not defeat the powerful, and Zhao Hui could not give up his
job just because of this, he nodded affirmatively.
"Yes, it was unreasonable for us to transfer Jiang Rumei to another position. Now she is
just returning to her original position. I have no reason to disagree."
"Okay." Zhao Hui nodded happily, slowly stood up and said to the factory leader, "Since
Jiang Rumei can return to her original position and take responsibility for what she
should do, then there should be no problem for me to return to my original position and
perform my original duties, right?"
The factory leader was stunned when he heard this, but saw that Zhao Hui had already
strode out of the office without waiting for him to say anything.
Since everyone has his own position, he will not do things that are not part of his
The factory leaders just watched Zhao Hui leave, dumbfounded.
What does he mean by this? Does he no longer socialize with the sales department? What
about the orders from the factory?

Chapter 240 Resignation

After Zhao Hui left the office, he went straight to the production department without
even looking at the sales staff who were waiting for him to attend a social event.
He didn't like socializing in the first place, and Shen Yuxiu didn't like the smell of
alcohol on him. In addition, when he socialized, he had to leave early and come back
late, which made it a luxury for him and Shen Yuxiu to spend some time together. Now it
just happened that he had unloaded the job that didn't belong to him, and he could go to
work and get off work on time in the future.
The sales staff who were still waiting were also dumbfounded when they saw him leave like
You know, although they are in charge of sales and signing orders, to be honest, as long
as they bring Zhao Hui with them, they are basically only responsible for ordering drinks
and meals. Zhao Hui takes care of everything else, and they hardly have to do anything.
It's very worry-free every time. Now that Zhao Hui has dropped the ball, they are really
at a loss.
Of course, it wasn't just these people who were confused, but also a group of factory
leaders. Especially after ten days or so, when they saw that the sales orders were
getting fewer and fewer, they became even more anxious.
The factory's performance is already poor, and if we can't get any more orders, the
workers' wages will become a problem.
But they couldn't afford to offend Jiang Rumei, and Zhao Hui was very stubborn, so they
had to go and persuade Zhao Hui in person.
So from that day on, Zhao Hui received care from all the leaders. They told him
explicitly or implicitly about dedication and selflessness, which meant that he should
not give up his job for his own selfish interests.
Zhao Hui became furious when he heard this.
But forget about his dedication, and yet you want him to work and yet make him suffer.
Are you treating him as a fool or a madman?
But he refused to do it. The lobbyists kept buzzing in his ears like flies, which made
him so irritable that he wanted to leave the refinery.
Things are different now than before. With the reform and opening up, the surrounding
environment has changed more and more. In addition, after reading Shen Yulin's notebook
that recorded major events, he knew that there would be many possibilities in the future.
He no longer wanted to be bound by the factory and just get such a low salary.
When this thought came to his mind, he couldn't help himself, but he didn't know whether
Shen Yuxiu would agree with his idea.
Ever since Grandma Fang passed away, Shen Yuxiu hasn't taken the initiative to talk to
him. Because he was in the wrong, he didn't dare to offend Shen Yuxiu, for fear that he
might say something wrong and make her angry.
But Shen Yuxiu was not such an unreasonable person. Although she blamed Zhao Hui for
provoking Jiang Rumei, she also understood rationally that Zhao Hui was an innocent
victim. In addition, Zhao Hui had not deliberately concealed the truth from her about his
treatment of Shen Yulin these days. Seeing that Shen Yulin had suffered the consequences
of her own actions, the anger in her heart gradually dissipated, and her mentality
gradually recovered.
So when she saw Zhao Hui looking at her from time to time that day, as if he wanted to
say something but hesitated, she asked directly.
"What's wrong with you? If you have something to say, just tell me. Why are you always
looking at me?"
Zhao Hui, who was originally hesitant, felt relieved when he heard her speak, and
immediately told her what he had been thinking about these days.
"What do you think about me quitting my job and going into business?"
"Ah?" Shen Yuxiu was stunned when she heard that, and then asked in surprise: "Why do you
suddenly think of doing business?"
"It's like this..." Zhao Hui told Shen Yuxiu everything that happened in the factory
recently without hiding anything, and then said, "I can't stand it. It's obviously not my
job, but I have to do it. After I did it, no one thought it was my extra effort, and they
even thought it was their due. They also made me endure Jiang Rumei, a relative, hanging
around me every day. I feel a little sick."
Of course, if he really didn't want to face Jiang Rumei, he would naturally have many
ways to prevent Jiang Rumei from appearing in front of him. But what he cares about most
now is not this, but that he really doesn't like the atmosphere in the factory now, and
he is even more unwilling to work hard but still get such a low salary.
This made him feel unbalanced. Besides, he believed that with his abilities, even if he
could not become the richest man in the city as Shen Yulin said, he would definitely be
able to earn much more money than his current salary by doing business.
The most important thing is that even if he works very hard in socializing, all the
fruits of his hard work will belong to him and their small family, rather than being
taken for granted as belonging to all the owners of the factory.
When Shen Yuxiu heard Zhao Hui say that he wanted to start a business, she was a little
shocked and even reluctant. After all, she was used to a routine life and suddenly faced
with such an unknown future, she couldn't accept it. But when she heard Zhao Hui mention
Jiang Rumei, her panic about the unknown was immediately squeezed out by her rejection of
Jiang Rumei.
"Okay." Shen Yuxiu's objection disappeared immediately, and she readily agreed to his
proposal, "Since you are so unhappy in the factory, then if you want to do business, then
do business. I don't really understand these things."
As for whether Zhao Hui can make money by quitting his job and doing business, she still
has some confidence.
When doing business was not allowed before, Zhao Hui was able to earn his tuition fees
and buy a house. There is no reason why he should be worse off than before now that doing
business is allowed. At most, Zhao Hui may not make a lot of money, but it is still
possible for him to earn enough for living expenses.
Zhao Hui didn't expect that she would agree so easily. He looked at her in surprise,
moved closer to her carefully, and then tentatively reached out to embrace her.
Shen Yuxiu looked at his cautious look and did not resist. She let him hold her in his
arms with her soft body and snuggled up to him quietly.
After all, the two of them had to go on with their lives, and it wasn't right to keep
holding a grudge and ignoring others.
The person stayed safely in his arms. Zhao Hui couldn't help but breathe a sigh of
relief. He rested his chin on the top of her head and said softly, "Thank you."
Thank you for not taking it to heart, thank you for forgiving me, thank you for
continuing to live with me and not ignoring me.
No one knows how tormented Zhao Hui has been going through these days.
He was really worried all the time, fearing that Shen Yuxiu would get tired of him and
leave him, but now Shen Yuxiu's slight gesture of forgiveness made him feel as if he
owned the whole world again.
After consulting Shen Yuxiu, Zhao Hui turned around and started looking for people who
needed jobs. A few days later, he transferred his job to other people, left the refinery
and never went to work again.
All the leaders became anxious at this point and started coming to persuade them, saying
that they didn't mind Zhao Hui transferring his job. As long as Zhao Hui was willing to
go back, the position would still be his, and the job of the person to whom it was
transferred would remain the same.
His persistence and constant visits every day had a direct and serious impact on Shen
Yuxiu's daily life.
When Zhao Hui was looking for business opportunities recently, he contacted Yang Jianjun
who was far away in G City. Now he is no longer the police station chief who just changed
jobs, but has been promoted to director. Yang Jianjun told him that G City has developed
very rapidly since the establishment of the special zone. It cannot be said that there
are business opportunities everywhere, but as long as people are not lazy and diligent
enough, they will never go hungry.
Zhao Huiben was already eager to give it a try, but he had not been able to make up his
mind because of Shen Yuxiu and the two children. Now when he saw the leaders harassing
him, he immediately became annoyed and turned around to discuss with Shen Yuxiu.
"Why don't we go to G City? Jianjun said it's developing very rapidly. I'll go take a
look first. If it's feasible, you and the two kids can come with me, okay?"

Chapter 241 Zhao Hui leaves

But this time Shen Yuxiu hesitated.
She felt that even if Zhao Hui resigned, she would still be working. Regardless of
whether Zhao Hui could make money or not, her salary would be enough to maintain a normal
life so that she would not be at a loss when it came to spending money.
But if she also resigns, she will lose her stable source of income and their ability to
withstand risks will be affected.
Zhao Hui seemed to know what she was thinking. Seeing her hesitation, he tried to
persuade her in a gentle voice.
"I'll go over there and take a look. If I can find a suitable job for you, we can go over
there during the winter break. If you think you can find a job, we can stay here, okay?"
"But Mingli is going to graduate next year. It might not be a good idea to change his
environment suddenly." Shen Yuxiu was still a little hesitant.
"Don't worry about that. Mingli will finish this semester, and the next semester will
basically be all about review. I'll ask someone to mail us a copy of the review materials
here, and it will be the same for Mingli to review over there. Also, I heard that there
is an elite school in G City that teaches English better than our major. We'll find an
authoritative school for Mingli, and his grades will definitely not be affected." Zhao
Hui said what he was considering.
Shen Yuxiu was silent for a moment after hearing this. In this respect, what Zhao Hui
said made sense. There was a shortage of English teachers here. Although they taught very
seriously, some people had an accent when speaking English. In this respect, there were
indeed disadvantages.
Seeing that her attitude was beginning to soften, Zhao Hui continued, "Besides, Shen
Yuling is still hanging around in the county every day. Who knows when she will go crazy
again? If I leave by myself and leave you three here, I will be worried."
It has to be said that Zhao Hui is very good at prescribing the right medicine. He knows
what Shen Yuxiu cares about and what she is taboo about. So when the three words "Shen
Yulin" came out, he saw Shen Yuxiu's face change.
There is also a dangerous person like Shen Yuling here. Although Zhao Hui has made Shen
Yuling a lonely person with nothing left, who knows when she will suddenly go crazy
Even if not for herself, she has to avoid this risk for the sake of her two children.
Thinking about it this way, Zhao Hui’s proposal is very good.
If their family leaves here, not only can Zhao Hui do what he wants, but he can also
avoid Shen Yuling, the time bomb. Both she and her family will be much safer.
"Okay, then you go and take a look first. If you think it's okay, the kids and I will go
with you during the winter break."
Seeing Shen Yuxiu finally give in, Zhao Hui immediately smiled happily.
However, before leaving, he asked the people who were originally keeping an eye on Shen
Yuling to temporarily relax their suppression of Shen Yuling, for fear that during the
days when he was away, Shen Yuling would suddenly rebound from the suppression and attack
Shen Yuxiu again.
Just like that, after Zhao Hui boarded the southbound train and left, the refinery
leaders also lost their temper and rarely came. At the same time, Shen Yuling also had a
rare chance to breathe.
Nowadays, she has been forced to rent a house in the surrounding villages and do some
small business to make a living. But even with the small business, there are always
people coming to make trouble from time to time. Now that those people suddenly stop
coming, she can really breathe a sigh of relief.
She really didn't expect that Jiang Rumei's power was so great that she almost couldn't
However, since no one was causing trouble, she felt uneasy again and took some time to go
to the refinery to inquire about the news. Only then did she learn that Jiang Rumei had
been busy with social events with the sales department every day.
She also heard that because Zhao Hui was unwilling to work with Jiang Rumei and wanted to
manipulate the factory leaders, he was dismissed by the factory leaders.
Upon hearing the news, Shen Yuling felt as if she had drunk a glass of ice water in the
middle of summer, and her whole body felt refreshed from the inside out.
Jiang Rumei deserves to be busy like a dog every day, and Zhao Hui deserves to be fired.
He still looks down on Jiang Rumei and wants to control the factory leaders. He doesn't
even look at who is behind Jiang Rumei, who the factory leaders are, and what his
identity is. He still wants to control others by relying on his ability. He has hit a
wall, right?
At this moment, Jiang Rumei's life was indeed as Shen Yulin had thought, and she was
having a hard time.
Because of Zhao Hui's departure, it became increasingly difficult to negotiate orders.
Without orders, the factory's efficiency plummeted, and the workers' monthly wages and
benefits also decreased. Gradually, the workers in the factory blamed all the
responsibility on her. They all felt that if she had not insisted on returning to her
original position, Zhao Hui would not have left without hesitation, and the factory would
not have been so sad.
Jiang Rumei couldn't stand being blamed by everyone anymore, so she wanted to persuade
Zhao Hui. However, when she went to the school staff quarters to ask around, she found
out that Zhao Hui had gone to City G and was not at home.
Jiang Rumei couldn't believe her ears.
Went to G City?
She socializes with people outside every day, so she naturally knows that many people are
taking a leave of absence from their jobs to work hard in City G. But it is not easy for
a person to work hard in a strange city. Those who take a leave of absence from their
jobs at least have a job as a fallback, so what does Zhao Hui have?
The same goes for the yellow-faced woman who came home with Zhao. She didn't even bother
to persuade Zhao to go back and let her husband go out and work hard, but she was eating
and drinking well at home. Does she have a heart at all?
Not finding the person, Jiang Rumei turned around and left in anger.
But when she went back to the factory for social events, she drank a lot and was always
drunk. After a while, the people she attended looked at her in a frivolous way, and
sometimes even took the opportunity to touch her and take advantage of her
Jiang Rumei couldn't get angry with the client on the spot and was extremely miserable
for a while. However, there was no way to solve the problem and she could only continue
to work.
As for Zhao Hui, when he arrived in City G, he went to find Yang Jianjun first. After
listening to his general introduction to the general environment here, he went directly
to the train station the next day. He first observed the movement of people who came to
work, and then took a bus to the city, the streets, various factories, enterprises, and
small shops. He visited all the places he should and shouldn't visit.
In the end, he found that the city had a large flow of people and fierce competition in
all walks of life. He remembered that Yang Jianjun once said that because of these
reasons, some illegal gangs emerged in the city, and various illegal incidents of fraud
and deception occurred from time to time, causing great trouble to their management work.
After observing for many days, Zhao Hui found that introducing workers to companies that
were short of workers and introducing jobs to people who came to work was a very good
career. As long as he could contact some companies that were short of workers and run
errands and talk, he could make the most profit with the least cost.
Zhao Hui did it as soon as he thought of it. He immediately went to Yang Jianjun to
inquire about what documents were needed to set up a job agency. If it was easy to
obtain, he wanted to try this.

Chapter 242 Sisters

When Yang Jianjun heard that Zhao Hui was going to open an employment agency, his eyes
suddenly lit up. Zhao Hui didn't have to worry about anything. He just found someone to
help him find a house near the train station and someone to help him get a business
license. Then he took him to deal with various companies. He even took the initiative to
find someone to arrange a job for Shen Yushou in the best high school in the city, and he
was just waiting for Shen Yushou to come and teach.
You know, this city now lacks a formal place for workers to move around. If Zhao Hui can
run this introduction agency well, it will undoubtedly reduce their workload in managing
the floating population.
For such a good thing, he had to let Zhao Hui do it even if he had to force himself to do
Just like that, Zhao Hui, who originally wanted to take it slow, was forced to work hard
by Yang Jianjun, as if he was stuffing rice into his mouth.
However, once the agency was established, Zhao Hui could no longer leave. He was busy
until the end of the year when workers from all over the country began to return home for
the New Year. Then he wrote a big-character poster indicating the opening time for the
next year and posted it on the door, then he closed the door, locked it, and hurried
Zhao Hui called Shen Yuxiu in advance before going home, so Shen Yuxiu waited for him
until midnight. Only when Zhao Hui returned home in the dark did she let him eat
something, wash up and go to bed.
Because Zhao Hui said that Yang Jianjun had already taken care of everything for her
there, so she had already issued Zhao Mingchen's student status certificate in advance.
As for Zhao Mingli's student status, because it was the last half year, school
regulations did not allow transfers, so he could only come back during the college
entrance examination.
In fact, she originally wanted Zhao Hui to stay in G City alone for a while, while she
and the two children would go there after Zhao Mingli finished the college entrance
examination. After all, there was only the last half year before the college entrance
examination, and she was afraid that Zhao Mingli would not be able to adapt there and it
would affect his grades.
But Zhao Hui said that the school Yang Jianjun found for her was excellent in both
teaching resources and quality, at least better than the school in their county, so she
changed her mind.
This was the first time the family of four celebrated the New Year after the death of
their two elders. During the New Year’s Eve dinner, Shen Yuxiu felt so sad when she saw
that there were two missing elders at the table. She couldn’t eat after just a few
dumplings and went back to the house.
Zhao Hui felt upset when he saw her like this. He finished eating with the two children
and cleared the table before returning to the house.
Because Grandma Fang passed away, her family did not put up spring couplets, set off
firecrackers, or pay New Year's greetings this year. As a result, the two children had a
rather boring New Year. It was not until they returned to her parents' home on the second
day of the New Year that the two children got together with their cousins.
When Shen Yuxiu's family of four arrived at her parents' home, Shen Yuhui, who was
married in the same village, had already come early to help pick vegetables with her
sisters-in-law and brothers-in-law. Shen Yuxiu didn't act pretentiously and just followed
suit. Not long after, Shen Yuzhen also came with her family. Only after they had prepared
all the food and put it on the table did Shen Yuhong finally arrive on a motorcycle with
her husband, holding her child.
The food was directly divided into two large tables. The men drank and chatted at one
table, while the women and children who did not drink sat at the other table. The room
was suddenly bustling with the sound of talking and laughter.
The women and children finished their meal quickly because they did not drink alcohol.
The older children ran out to play after eating, and after the women cleared the table,
they took the younger children to sit on the warm kang and chat.
"Hey? Second brother-in-law, how is it in G City? Is it better there than here?" Just as
everyone was chatting, Shen Yuxiu heard Shen Yuhong suddenly ask about Zhao Hui who was
still drinking at the table.
"The good places are better than here, and the bad places are worse than here." Zhao Hui
answered very officially when he heard it, and of course what he said was the truth.
In fact, because of the oil fields, their place has developed very rapidly in recent
years. Although it is not as fast as that of City G, it is still much better than some
ordinary places.
However, Shen Yuhong was not so satisfied with his answer. She said in a disbelieving
voice, "Brother-in-law, you only know how to fool people. You say that it's better out
there, so why would we compete with you? What you said is ridiculous. That's a special
zone, how can it be worse than here?"
"Then just think your brother-in-law is a big liar, don't believe anything he says." Shen
Yuxiu couldn't stand her weird look, and said with a smile: "Just think that it's a
paradise on earth, a rich place, and we are a slum, where no one can afford to eat."
"Second sister, how can you talk like that? That's not what I meant." Shen Yuhong became
unhappy when she heard her tone.
"I speak the way you speak. What? Am I the only one who can speak and I can't?" Shen
Yuxiu said in a light tone, leaning casually on the quilt at the foot of the kang,
without even looking at her.
Ever since Shen Yuhong betrayed her elder sister for a few pieces of candy, she no longer
liked this younger sister. Later, she even refused to let Shen Yuhong touch her when
buying things.
It may also be because she couldn't get her things. From that time on, Shen Yuhong became
sarcastic whenever she saw her. She not only sarcastic to her, but also to Zhao Hui.
Especially two years ago, after Shen Yuhong graduated from college and found a boyfriend
in the city, it became even more outrageous. Except for Shen Yulin, there was no one in
this family whom she took seriously. She said whatever she wanted, regardless of whether
others could bear it or not.
It was as if no one in the world was as noble as Shen Yuhong, everyone was inferior to
her, and everyone owed her something.
Shen Yuhong was choked by Shen Yuxiu's words. Just as she was about to retort, she was
stopped by Shen Yuzhen next to her.
"Don't bother with your second sister, she just doesn't let you off with her words."
After talking about Shen Yuhong, Shen Yuzhen started to criticize Shen Yuxiu again, "You
too, a sister should act like a sister, you are already a mother, why do you always argue
with your younger sister?"
"What's it like to be a sister? Like your eldest daughter? After working so hard to get a
job, her mother has to persuade her to give it up to her brother's wife, and then she has
to go home to be supported by a man and endure the bullying of a man?" Shen Yuxiu did not
spare Shen Yuzhen and started to scold her again.
After these words were spoken, Shen Yuzhen, who wanted to be a good person, was
speechless, and her face looked visibly unhappy.
Yes, just two years ago, her daughter finally graduated from junior college and got a
job, but because her daughter-in-law who had not yet married wanted this job, she forced
her daughter to give up the job to her daughter-in-law. Because of this, her daughter
turned around and found a partner, got married, and rarely went back to her parents'
home, and didn't pay much attention to her as a mother.
But what can she do? Her daughter-in-law refuses to marry her son because she doesn't
have a job, and she won't let her daughter give up her job. What can she do?
Besides, isn't it natural for a sister to help her brother? And wasn't the man she
married later quite good? Wasn't it necessary for him to ignore her as a mother for two
Fang Yan, who was standing by, saw that Shen Yuxiu had poked Shen Yuzhen's lungs again,
and was afraid that the two sisters would quarrel again, so she patted Shen Yuxiu's arm
lightly, "Okay, it's New Year's Day, everyone should be quiet and stop making trouble."
Maybe it was because she knew Shen Yuxiu was leaving soon, Fang Yan always felt a little
uncomfortable in her heart. It was rare that she didn't say that Shen Yuxiu was too

Chapter 243
Shen Yuxiu had no intention of causing trouble. She was leaving tomorrow and didn't want
to cause any trouble before leaving, so she was obedient and didn't say anything that
would hurt people's feelings. Instead, she took out a bundle she had brought with her
from the foot of the kang and called Shen Yushui and several of her sisters-in-law and
brothers-in-law to come over.
"Zhao Hui brought back some things from City G. You can take a look and see if there is
anything you like." As she said that, Shen Yuxiu opened the bundle and displayed it
directly in front of everyone.
Lin Zhiwei was very knowledgeable. She picked up a brightly colored scarf and touched it.
Her eyes lit up immediately. "Oh, this scarf is better than the ones we sell here."
"I think the quality is good too. If you like it, pick a few more pieces. There are also
brooches and other things. See if you like anything." At the same time, Shen Yuxiu pulled
Shen Yusui, who was full of envy but never moved, and urged Song Huilai and Shen Yujun's
wife next to them, "Sister-in-law and sister-in-law, you can choose for yourselves."
After that, he picked out a dark-colored silk scarf and handed it to Fang Yan, "Mom, this
is for you."
Fang Yan took the scarf and subconsciously looked at Shen Yuzhen and Shen Yuhong,
motioning Shen Yuxiu to call them as well.
But Shen Yuxiu acted as if she didn't notice Fang Yan's gesture. She turned around and
helped Shen Yushui pick up the scarf.
Upon seeing this, Shen Yushui immediately followed suit and started choosing happily.
Shen Yushui has known since she was a child that her second sister is soft-hearted and
will not tolerate tough treatment. If you are nice to her, she will fight for you. If you
have nothing to do but annoy her, she will make you doubt your life. If you want to annoy
her and take advantage of her to get things, you are dreaming.
Song Huilai and Shen Yujun's family, who had also seen through it, also happily came
over. Suddenly the kang became lively, and Fang Yan sighed silently. Shen Yuzhen and Shen
Yuhong's faces turned black.
Shen Yuxiu did this on purpose, didn't she?
She didn't take these things earlier or later, but just took them out after she started
talking to the two of them. She must be trying to make fun of them on purpose.
Shen Yuxiu didn't know what they were thinking, and even if she knew, she wouldn't care.
How idle must she be to think about these things every day? She has been helping to wash
vegetables and cook since she came home. It's hard to finish the meal and it's time to
eat it now. How can she have time to take care of these things?
Fortunately, although there were some unpleasantness between the sisters, they knew to
restrain themselves in front of their parents, and they never got into a fight.
Knowing that Shen Yuxiu's family of four would leave tomorrow, Shen Yulin drove back
specially this time just to take them to the train station tomorrow.
Therefore, when the brothers and sisters of the Shen family went home that afternoon,
Shen Yuxiu left the bicycle she had ridden to Shen Yujun, and then the family of four
took Shen Yulin's car back to the county town.
When Zhou Qingyuan was riding his bike home after finishing his shift at the grain
station, he inadvertently glanced at the cars passing by and suddenly saw Shen Yulin's
strange yet familiar face. He unconsciously slowed down his bike speed and finally
stopped, staring blankly at the speeding car.
Her mind kept replaying the image of Shen Yulin driving and chatting and laughing with
the man in the passenger seat. His face looked much more mature than before, and there
was not a trace of the embarrassment of an ordinary person on him. Instead, he was full
of high spirits.
Most importantly, he actually drove a car.
You have to know that today's cars are not affordable for ordinary people. They are
either officials or big businessmen.
Since returning to the county, Zhou Qingyuan felt ashamed and never contacted her
classmates. Of course, she didn't know that Shen Yulin had actually been admitted to
university and was now working in a public institution, holding a relatively high
position. She only thought that Shen Yulin had gone out to do business after the reform
and opening up and was now a big boss.
At this moment, Zhou Qingyuan felt a little regretful.
If she had followed Shen Yulin at the beginning, would she not have given birth to such a
stupid son? Would she be able to sit in that car now without having to endure other
people's strange looks?
But there is no medicine for regret in the world. Because she refused to divorce and take
the child, her husband gradually gave up the idea of divorce and never mentioned it
again. But the man no longer gave her money or child support and focused on living with
his mistress.
Now, she has to work to earn money to support herself and her son, and also has to face
the criticism from people around her. She feels that this life is terrible and
After returning home, Zhou Qingyuan did not cook immediately for the first time. Instead,
she lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling.
She lay there like that, not knowing how long it had been, until her son was so hungry
that he started smashing things around in a tantrum, and then she slowly got up tiredly
to cook.
Shen Yulin didn't know that a seemingly ordinary woman on the road was actually his first
love many years ago. After he drove into the school staff quarters, he was busy packing
luggage with Shen Yuxiu and her family of four and moving it into the car.
This place is thousands of miles away from G City, and the car has to be reversed all the
way. Zhao Hui was afraid that it would be inconvenient to carry too much luggage, so he
asked Shen Yuxiu to only pack the materials that Zhao Mingli would use for review and the
clothes that the family of four would wear on a daily basis. The rest can be bought when
they get there.
As for the staff quarters here, although the two of them paid for it in the first place,
the school stipulates that they can live in this yard. If they want to sell it, the
school will take it back at the original price and is not allowed to sell it to
Shen Yuxiu thought that she and Zhao Mingli would come back to take the college entrance
examination in half a year, so she didn't sell it for the time being. This way, it would
be more convenient for them to rest when they came back to take the exam.
As for the small courtyard that Zhao Hui had bought, it had been rented out over the
years. Now that the lease period has not yet expired, he might as well continue to rent
it out to others and just wait for Shen Yushui to come and collect the rent on time.
After packing their luggage and having dinner, they went to bed early, and then rushed to
the train station in the morning mist before dawn the next day.
Shen Yulin watched them get on the train, and as the train went farther and farther away,
he turned around and drove slowly back home.
It was really unexpected. He who always wanted to see the world and run away, now stayed
quietly in this land. But his sister, who had been particularly stable since childhood
and didn't like to run around, left this land instead.
Perhaps, this is why things in the world are unpredictable and life is hard to predict?
On the other hand, Zhao Mingli and his brother, who had grown up, had long lost interest
in taking the train, because going to City G required many changes of trains, so Zhao Hui
bought sleeper berths for fear of causing problems for those who had never traveled far.
Along the way, Shen Yuxiu didn't feel anything else, except that the temperature got
higher the further south she went. When they arrived in City G four days later, the
family of four had already taken off their heavy cotton coats and trousers and were only
wearing single autumn shirts and jackets.

Chapter 244 Unsuitable

As soon as Shen Yuxiu got off the train, she felt the moist moisture in the air, and the
ground was also wet, as if it had just rained.
Shen Yuxiu touched her damp face and couldn't help but frowning slightly.
Although the temperature here is much higher than at home, she is a person who is used to
dry and cold weather. Now she suddenly faces this humid weather and feels very
uncomfortable all over.
To be honest, what she hated the most since she was a child was the rainy season. The wet
weather made her feel sticky wherever she went, which made her very irritated, just like
"Mingli, take your brother and follow me and your mother closely." Zhao Hui carried a
large woven bag, and with his other hand tightly held Shen Yuxiu, who was also carrying a
woven bag, and turned around to instruct Zhao Mingli.
There are too many people here, and Shen Yuxiu is not sensitive to directions. If he
doesn't hold Shen Yuxiu tightly, he is afraid that they will be squeezed away by accident
and Shen Yuxiu will not be able to find them.
"Okay." After hearing his words, Zhao Mingli hurriedly held hands with Zhao Mingchen,
each carrying a large woven bag, and followed closely behind Zhao Hui and Shen Yuxiu.
One of them was eighteen years old, and the other fifteen years old. Like Zhao Hui, they
were both about 1.78 meters tall. As people in the south are generally shorter, they
could easily find each other in the crowd even if they were squeezed apart by the crowd.
What's more, they were both very strong and agile, so it was not easy for these people to
separate them.
Zhao Hui and his two children finally squeezed out of the train station. After getting on
the taxi, they couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and then went straight to the
family building that the school had arranged for Shen Yuxiu.
In fact, the school would not have arranged family housing for teachers like Shen Yuxiu
who had not yet joined the school. But as this place became a famous special zone,
various aristocratic schools and private schools emerged, resulting in many good teachers
being poached with high salaries, so that this school also began to lack teachers.
The arrival of Shen Yuxiu was exactly what they needed, and with Yang Jianjun's guarantee
behind Shen Yuxiu, the school leaders immediately approved the use of this family
But this family building was just an empty three-bedroom, two-living-room apartment with
nothing inside. They had to buy all the daily necessities themselves. So after the family
of four moved the gifts to the family building, they went out to the street to have a
casual meal. The two brothers Zhao Mingli went home to clean the house, while Zhao Hui
and Shen Yuxiu went to buy beds, tables, chairs, benches, pots, pans and other daily
After a busy day, the family of four almost always occupy the bed to sleep. When they
wake up naturally, they open their eyes and are busy again.
After almost all the big items were purchased, Shen Yuxiu thought that she could slowly
buy the other small things herself, so she asked Zhao Hui to take Zhao Mingchen to the
agency to open it.
This period of time is exactly the time when migrant workers from all over the country
return home. Zhao Hui must be busy there. Zhao Mingli has to review his courses quickly
because he is going to take the college entrance examination, but Zhao Mingchen does not
need to do that.
Although Zhao Mingchen is still young and may not be able to do much if he goes with
them, it is still okay to let him watch the door and register some information.
So after just a few days here, the family of four split into two groups and started to do
their own things.
Time passed quickly, and it seemed like just a blink of an eye, and it was time to go to
school. Shen Yuxiu took the two brothers to register at school, and began the days of
going to and from get off work on time again.
After a period of time, Zhao Mingchen adapted to the life here. Within a few days, he got
along well with the kids in his class and even began to learn Mandarin and the local
dialect with great interest. As Zhao Mingli was in the graduating class, he usually spent
most of his time reviewing homework and doing papers, and also taking English lessons.
Therefore, his life was not as easy as Zhao Mingli's, but overall it was okay.
Only Shen Yuxiu was not at all adapted to this place.
One reason was that she used dialect to teach before, but Mandarin is used here, so she
could only start learning Mandarin haltingly.
Secondly, the teachers here all used dialects when communicating privately, and these
dialects sounded like bird language to her and she couldn't understand them at all. If
Zhao Mingli hadn't communicated with her and taught her every day after school, she
didn't know when she would have learned them.
Then there's the weather here.
It rains frequently here and the air is extremely humid, especially in March when the
south wind blows back. Water oozes out of the ground and walls, which is extremely
tormenting for her, who has lived in a region with distinct four seasons since childhood
and is used to dry weather.
Especially one night when she was sleeping, she felt the cold and damp touch of the
quilt, which made her collapse directly. When Zhao Hui came home at night, she couldn't
help crying out of grievance.
"What's wrong?" Zhao Hui thought something had happened when he saw her like this, and he
was so scared that he quickly stepped forward to ask, "What happened?"
"I hate the weather here, and I don't like this kind of bed." Shen Yuxiu sobbed in
grievance and kicked the damp quilt aside viciously, as if she was making a fuss.
But even so, she did not cry loudly, for fear that the two children would hear her and
laugh at her.
When Zhao Hui heard that this was the reason, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but
there was nothing he could do. He could only hold her in his arms and coax her softly,
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's my fault. It's all my fault."
In fact, he is not used to the weather here, especially the recent return of the south
wind, which he cannot enjoy. But they are all here and have settled down. The current
employment agency is doing very well, so it is not realistic to leave here.
Shen Yuxiu was a little upset recently because of Hui Nantian, but she got over it after
venting. Seeing that he actually took all the responsibility, she couldn't help but burst
into tears and laughed, "What did you do wrong? It's because of the weather, how can it
be your fault? Do you have the final say on the weather? I have been with you for so many
years, how come I didn't know you have this ability?"
"Although the weather is not my responsibility, didn't you come here because of me? Isn't
it still my fault?" Zhao Hui breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that she finally
smiled, and he chuckled as well.
"Then you have to treat me better in the future, or I will eat you." Shen Yuxiu said
threateningly while gritting her teeth and poking his chest.
What he said was quite right. If it weren't for him, why would I come here to suffer?
"Okay, you can eat me however you want, but it's best like this..." Zhao Hui said as he
kissed her lips, then continued to deepen his kiss, and the room was suddenly filled with
Fortunately, the return of the south wind did not last long and ended after more than
half a month. As soon as the weather got better, Shen Yuxiu immediately started to hang
out the bedding, wash clothes, and mop the floor.
Fortunately, the return of the southern weather did not last long, otherwise she would
have wanted to go home.
After slowly adapting to the weather here, time began to pass quickly. Zhao Hui's
employment agency began to prosper, and the monthly income was several times her salary.
Also because of the money in her hands, Zhao Hui began to be more ambitious. One day, she
suddenly went home to discuss something with Shen Yushou.
"What do you think? How about we go to Province H and buy a piece of land? It's being
developed vigorously there, and the land business is booming."

Chapter 245 Business Opportunities

Shen Yuxiu was stunned when she heard this.
Recently, whether in life or on TV news, there has been a lot of development fever
everywhere. Naturally, she had inevitably heard about the development of H Province.
However, H Province was nearly a thousand miles away from here. Wouldn't it be a big deal
to buy land in such a faraway place?
"Listen to me first." Seeing that she was frowning, Zhao Hui told her the news he had
recently heard from some factory owners or management.
It turned out that the development boom that had started in H Province the year before
last had attracted many people to go there in search of business opportunities, and many
real estate projects had begun to be built one after another. He often came into contact
with the bosses of those factories, and many of them seemed to be jealous and even wanted
to get a piece of the pie. He was not stupid, and naturally he heard a lot of business
opportunities from them.
He doesn't have the capital to build a property and become a real estate developer, but
he thinks he can still do it by buying a few acres of land and waiting for an
Although Shen Yuxiu was a teacher, she was not completely ignorant of finance. She
naturally heard the business opportunities, but there were also risks.
For example, they may not be able to sell the land they buy, or even reduce the price. It
is even more possible that there will be no profit for several years, more than ten
years, or even decades. But at least buying land is better than something invisible.
Moreover, Zhao Hui has always had a good ability and vision to make money. Now that he is
so enthusiastic about this aspect, he must think there is great potential for it. After
thinking about it, Shen Yuxiu nodded.
"Just do it if you want to. I don't know much about this either."
Zhao Hui didn't expect her to be so straightforward. After being stunned for a while, he
couldn't help laughing, "Do you trust me so much? Aren't you afraid that my investment
will fail? That the money will be wasted?"
"At most, you won't make any money. How can it be a waste of money?" Shen Yuxiu said with
a smile, "You bought land, not something else that you can't see or touch. At most, you
won't be able to sell it at a high price or sell it at all. At that time, we can just
grow some food. If one or two years doesn't work, won't we be able to make back our
investment in ten or even dozens of years?"
Zhao Hui was amused by her self-righteous attitude and couldn't help asking jokingly, "Do
you want to farm? Can you do such tiring work?"
"You look down on me, don't you?" Shen Yuxiu raised her chin proudly and said, "Farming
now is not like the old days when people carried crops on their shoulders and hands. It's
all mechanized. What's there to be afraid of? Besides, one of our school teachers has a
family member from the Academy of Agricultural Sciences. If we really farm, maybe I can
get some advanced seeds and grow some new crops."
"Wow, so awesome." Zhao Hui raised his eyebrows in pretended surprise.
"That's right." Shen Yuxiu nodded affirmatively, and then couldn't help laughing.
Neither of them had much farming experience, but they actually talked about farming
seriously, which was simply hilarious.
Zhao Hui couldn't help laughing when he heard her giggle. After a long while, he said,
"But if we really want to buy land, the money we have won't be enough. I thought since we
have settled here, we can see if we can sell the small courtyard and family compound in
our hometown county to add some money."
To be honest, he didn't feel sorry to sell the family compound, but he had some feelings
for the small compound he bought as his wedding house. After all, he had worked hard to
save money to buy it, and it was his and Shen Yuxiu's first home. Although it was now
rented to someone else, he was really reluctant to sell it.
But if they don't sell the house, they can only buy a very small piece of land with the
money they have now, and they don't know whether people will sell such a small piece of
After Shen Yuxiu thought for a while, her eyes suddenly lit up and she asked, "Didn't you
say that the stone that grandpa bought for me when I was a child might be jade? That
should be very valuable, right?"
"I think... I'm not sure." Zhao Hui said hesitantly. He had a vague idea of what she
wanted to do, but he couldn't help asking, "Do you want to sell the stone? Are you
willing to do so?"
"Why would I be reluctant to part with it? I have buried the stone in the ground for so
many years that I almost forgot about it. It is useless to keep it there, so I might as
well sell it for some money." Shen Yuxiu said this and became excited again. "If it is
really jade, I want to make a set of jewelry for myself, and also leave a set for each of
our two future daughters-in-law. It is such a big stone. After making these, the rest
should be able to sell for a lot of money, right?"
"Well, the stone is so big, there must be a lot left." Zhao Hui nodded affirmatively.
The stone was as big as a cabbage, and there were only three sets of jewelry left. I
guess I couldn't even use half of it.
"Okay, then you ask someone to take a look and see if it is jade. If it is jade, we will
sell it. In this way, together with selling the family compound and that small courtyard,
we should be able to buy a lot of land." Shen Yuxiu said excitedly.
She was different from Zhao Hui. She had only lived in the wedding house for a few years,
which was not as long as the time she had lived in the family compound. Besides, the
compound had been rented out over the years, so she was not reluctant to leave.
Besides, even if she goes back occasionally, her family are all in the village. There is
also a yard left to her by her grandparents in the village, so they are not without a
place to live. There is really no need to keep the house in the county town. On the
contrary, selling it can add some funds to Zhao Hui, so why not?
Zhao Hui looked at her bright eyes, which were filled with warmth.
How can she be so good?
I always support him, and no matter how unhappy I am, I will just throw a tantrum, and I
will never say bad words or hurtful things, and I will never stop him from doing
Shen Yuxiu finished speaking excitedly, but didn't hear his response for a long time.
Then she saw him staring at her blankly, his eyes focused as if she was the only one in
his eyes. She couldn't help but hold his face with both hands and rubbed it, "Why are you
looking at me like that?"
"You are so beautiful." Zhao Hui uttered these four words softly.
Really, he really felt that Shen Yuxiu was getting more and more beautiful. She was
beautiful when she talked to him, and she was also beautiful when she had a little
temper. Her every move made him want to get close to her, and he wished he could hold her
in his arms and keep her by his side all the time.
This impulse is not much different from when the two of them first got married, and it is
even stronger than that time.
If it wasn't illegal to put someone under house arrest, it would also make Shen Yuxiu
unhappy. He would want to hide her and not let anyone see her.
Zhao Hui was not a man who could say sweet words. He usually did more than he said. Now
Shen Yuxiu was suddenly praised by him for being pretty. She felt uncomfortable and her
face got hot for a moment. Then she reached out and touched her face and smiled
Yes, although the weather here is often humid, the water and soil are really nourishing.
Not only Zhao Hui thinks that she looks better, she herself feels that her skin has
improved a lot.
Zhao Hui looked at her confident look and couldn't help but laugh. He held her face with
both hands and smacked her, "You're getting prettier and prettier."
As soon as he finished speaking, the door creaked open, and Zhao Mingchen, holding a
chemistry textbook, appeared at the door.
Zhao Mingchen didn't expect that his father, who always had a stern face, could actually
say such words. He couldn't help shivering as he stood at the door.
Damn, that’s so corny.

Chapter 246 Decision

Shen Yuxiu and Zhao Hui did not expect that Zhao Mingchen would suddenly push the door
open. While being startled, Shen Yuxiu calmly pulled away Zhao Hui's hands that were
holding her face and asked Zhao Mingchen.
"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"
"Oh, there is a chemistry problem I don't know how to solve." Zhao Mingchen raised the
chemistry textbook in his hand helplessly.
Why did he feel that after coming here, his parents became even closer than before?
When Shen Yuxiu heard this, she immediately smiled and patted Zhao Hui, "Hurry, it's
Zhao Hui looked at her happy expression and smiled silently, then he stood up and walked
out with Zhao Mingchen.
Shen Yuxiu studied liberal arts and had never been interested in science. Therefore,
whenever he was at home, the division of labor between the two of them was very clear:
Shen Yuxiu taught liberal arts and he taught science, without any bias or hesitation, and
neither of them was idle.
After the father and son left, Shen Yuxiu couldn't help but lie on the bed and laugh
The man finally said something nice, but was caught by his son. It was so hilarious.
The farce passed in such a muddle. Zhao Hui got up the next day and went to inquire about
jade. After a few days of inquiring from all sides, he finally found a reliable boss in
the jade market. However, the boss also said that it was difficult to estimate without
seeing the actual jade.
With no other options, Zhao Hui directly found a jade stone of similar color in the
store, pointed at the stone and said to the boss: "It's about the same size as this one,
about the size of a cabbage.
The jade boss couldn't help laughing when he saw the material, "Are you kidding? This
material is the treasure of my store. Do you have a cabbage-sized thing at home?"
"Yes, it is indeed as big as a cabbage." Zhao Hui nodded seriously, and then said: "The
color is basically the same as this, but I don't know much about it, so I don't know if
the quality can compare to this."
In fact, what he said was quite tactful. He felt that Shen Yuxiu was better than this.
The jade shop owner couldn't laugh after hearing this. He opened and closed his lips for
a long time, then swallowed in disbelief. His eyes became eager: "Where is the jade
material? I'll go with you to have a look. If the quality is really comparable to this,
I'll buy it. The price is negotiable."
Zhao Hui knew it would cost a lot of money, and he immediately figured it out. He said
half-truthfully, "I don't have the material right now. Wait a little longer, and I'll
bring it to you to have a look."
"Okay, okay, it's a deal. You must come when the time comes." The boss enthusiastically
held Zhao Hui and didn't let him go until Zhao Hui nodded in agreement repeatedly.
When Zhao Hui got back, he told Shen Yuxiu about this, and then said, "If the stone is
really jade, I think it should be worth a lot of money. A piece the size of a fist in his
shop is worth tens of thousands."
"Really?" Shen Yuxiu sat up in shock.
If a piece the size of a fist is worth tens of thousands, then how much would my piece be
"Don't be too happy yet." Seeing her so happy, Zhao Hui quickly said, "We don't know
whether the stone is jade or not. The boss said that the same color of jade can have
different prices depending on the quality. It's still uncertain whether it's worth the
Shen Yuxiu heard that, and the surprise in her heart disappeared immediately. She slowly
sat back on the bed and asked, "When are you going to bring the stone? The stone is not
light, I can't carry it. Oh, and bring the black stone too, so that people can see it. If
it's valuable, sell it. If it's not valuable, it's also good to keep it at home to ward
off evil."
"Let's wait until Mingli goes back to fill out the application." Zhao Hui discussed with
her, "It's only a few days away anyway. Mingli and I will go back together, so you don't
have to ask for leave. We can take this opportunity to deal with the small courtyard in
the county and the family compound in the school. We can deal with it when you go back
with Mingli for the college entrance examination."
"That's fine." Shen Yuxiu had no objection to this.
Now Zhao Hui's agency has hired a few young men to look after the shop, and Zhao Hui is
basically in contact with those factories, so there is no need for Zhao Hui to be there
every day.
Zhao Mingli will have to stay in his hometown for a while after filling out his
application form. After all, the college entrance examination is in July, but he fills
out his application form a month in advance. If he comes back after filling out his
application form, all his time will be wasted on the road. .
However, she had already asked Shen Jinggui about this matter in advance. When Zhao
Mingli was alone in the county, Shen Jinggui and Fang Yan would take care of her. After
the college entrance examination, it was almost time for her to take a vacation. At that
time, she went back to wait for the admission notice with Zhao Mingli and visit her
At this moment, Shen Yuxiu felt very guilty for Zhao Mingli. After all, this was a major
event in the child's life, but she couldn't accompany him because of work.
After feeling guilty, Shen Yuxiu immediately thought of another question, raised her eyes
and said to Zhao Hui: "Don't let our parents see you when you go back to get the stone,
otherwise you will easily cause trouble."
It's not that she doesn't trust her parents, but when she got married, Shen Yuzhen was
upset for a long time when she saw that her grandparents had prepared a lot of dowry for
her. If her grandfather hadn't gotten angry, her mother would probably have really wanted
her grandfather to give Shen Yuzhen some more dowry.
At that time, grandpa made it clear that since Zhao Hui was a live-in son-in-law who
would take care of them in their old age, then no matter how much stuff they had, it
would all belong to her and Zhao Hui, and no one else could get their hands on it, not
even their biological daughter Fang Yan.
Shen Yuzhen was so angry just for such a small dowry. If she knew that I had secretly
hidden a piece of valuable jade, wouldn't she go crazy?
In fact, if it weren't for Shen Yuzhen, she wouldn't mind giving some of the money to her
brothers and sisters after selling the jade. But she was afraid that people would be
greedy and some would not be satisfied with that little money and want more.
But why? The stone was originally her favorite and her grandfather bought it for her. Why
should she give it all away?
Zhao Hui immediately understood what Shen Yuxiu was thinking when he heard this, and
nodded immediately, then asked: "What about second brother, do you want to tell him?"
Shen Yuxiu thought for a while and said, "I'll talk to my second brother. He has helped
us the most over the years, so it's okay to give him some."
"Okay then. I'll leave Second Brother's place to you." Zhao Hui had no objection to this.
Among Shen Yuxiu's brothers and sisters, they are the closest to Shen Yulin and have
received the most help from Shen Yulin over the years. He has no objection to giving some
to Shen Yulin. Besides, this thing originally belonged to Shen Yuxiu, and Shen Yuxiu has
the right to decide who to give it to and who not to give it to.
But in fact, Shen Yulin never thought about taking Shen Yuxiu's things. He remembered
clearly what Fang Youshun said that all the things of the old couple of the Fang family
belonged to Shen Yuxiu and Zhao Hui. It was one thing that the old couple of the Fang
family were willing to give them to their brothers and sisters, otherwise, no one had the
right to covet their things. What's more, the stone was originally bought by the old man
for Shen Yuxiu, so he had no right to say anything.
Therefore, even if he saw Shen Yuxiu's stone at that time, even if he vaguely guessed
something, he just looked at it twice more and never thought about asking for a copy. He
didn't even think about telling Lin Zhiwei about this.
The closest relatives are husband and wife. He didn't want to use this to test the
relationship between himself and Lin Zhiwei, nor did he want to use this to test Zhao
Hui's feelings for Shen Yuxiu, and he didn't want to test the relationship between their
brothers and sisters.
Everyone has his or her own destiny in life. Some things belong to whoever they belong
to. Getting something from someone else for no reason is not necessarily a good thing, so
it is better to do less than more.
This is what Shen Yulin thought, and this is how he warned Shen Yuxiu, "Just keep this in
mind, and don't tell anyone else, especially our parents."
His father is better. He has principles and makes sure his children don't cross the line.
But his mother is a hard one to say.
"Oh, I see." Shen Yuxiu didn't expect Shen Yulin to answer like this. After hanging up
the phone, she was so moved that she didn't know what to say.
Among so many brothers and sisters, it is the second brother who is the most supportive
and considerate of her.

Chapter 247 Are You So Annoyed With Me?

Since Shen Yulin said so, Shen Yuxiu didn't worry about it anymore.
In a blink of an eye, it was time for Zhao Mingli to fill out his application form. To be
on the safe side, Zhao Hui packed up his things a few days in advance and prepared to go
back with Zhao Mingli. Filling out the application form was a big deal, and it would be
bad if they were delayed on the way.
"Before you come back, remember to give the living expenses to our parents, tell them not
to save money, buy fresh vegetables, and don't let the children eat anything else when
the college entrance examination is approaching. Be sensible, remember, don't eat
anything carelessly during those few days, or you'll get an upset stomach and it will
delay things."
Before leaving, Shen Yuxiu kept instructing the father and son with concern. The father
and son could only nod their heads continuously, until they got in a taxi and headed for
the train station. Then they looked at each other and laughed.
They both found that Shen Yuxiu was becoming more and more nagging. They were all adults,
so how could she not understand such a small thing?
Shen Yuxiu stood by the road until the taxi that the father and son were riding in
disappeared, then she walked towards the school behind her, looking back every step of
the way.
To be honest, if she hadn't been able to take a month's leave, if there weren't enough
teachers in the school, she would have to invigilate the college entrance examination,
and Zhao Mingchen would still have to go to school, she would have really wanted to go
back with the two men.
Zhao Mingli followed her grandma since she was a child, and then followed herself when
she grew up. Although she grew up under the eyes of Shen Jinggui and Fang Yan, they did
not take care of Zhao Mingli for a few days. She was really afraid of Shen Jinggui and
Fang Yan He couldn't take good care of Zhao Mingli.
Although Zhao Hui understood Shen Yuxiu's worries, he was speechless.
Zhao Mingli is already eighteen years old and has always been very stable. How could he
be so unreliable and in need of care?
In this way, Zhao Hui took Zhao Mingli on the train for several days and nights, and soon
returned to his hometown. The first time he got out of the car, he reported to Shen Yuxiu
that he was safe.
After reporting that they were safe, Zhao Hui and Zhao Mingli returned to the school's
staff quarters. Zhao Mingli immediately reported to the class, while he began to clean
the house that had not been occupied for a long time. After that, he took some time to go
to the village, looked at Fang Yan and Shen Jinggui, then returned to Fang's yard,
quietly dug out the stone, and brought it back to the county town.
Then he started to deal with the courtyard house he bought when he got married. Because
his time here was limited, it was not easy to find a buyer in a hurry, so he went to look
for those former hooligans. Although most of those people did not have jobs, they were
very efficient once someone paid them to do something. Within two days, those people
found a buyer for him.
After the buyer paid the money and Zhao Hui completed the transfer of ownership, he had
just walked out of the Housing Authority with the buyer and separated when he suddenly
heard someone calling him from behind.
"Zhao Hui..."
When Zhao Hui heard his name, he turned around subconsciously and saw a woman with big
wavy hair walking towards him in high heels.
At first Zhao Hui didn't recognize who this person was, until this person walked up to
him and he saw the familiar features, then he barely recognized that it was Jiang Rumei.
How did she become like this?
Her face was covered with so much white powder that you couldn't tell her original skin.
Her mouth was covered in lipstick as if she had eaten a dead child. She no longer looked
like a young girl.
"What? Don't you recognize me?" Jiang Rumei saw him looking at her with strange eyes. She
pretended to be elegant and lifted her big waves. She said proudly, "I am Jiang Rumei."
The way she is dressed now is unique, not in the whole city, but at least in the whole
county. Every time she goes to a social event, none of the men can take their eyes off
"Oh, it's you." Zhao Hui pretended to be surprised and said, "You've changed a lot. I
almost didn't recognize you. I have something else to do. I'll leave first."
Zhao Hui turned around and left, leaving Jiang Rumei almost unable to react. She
hurriedly chased after him.
"Hey, don't go. I still have something to say." Jiang Rumei quickly chased after him in
her high heels and pulled Zhao Hui's arm.
Zhao Huiyi felt his arm being touched, and goosebumps appeared all of a sudden. He
quickly dodged her touch and stared at Jiang Rumei with a vigilant look, "What's the
matter with you?"
Being avoided by Zhao Hui like the plague, Jiang Rumei couldn't help but frowning,
feeling very uncomfortable.
In the past six months, she has been almost always successful in the bar, and few men
have been so disrespectful to her.
Seeing that she didn't speak, Zhao Hui said coldly: "Since there is nothing wrong, don't
drag others into it."
After saying that, Zhao Hui took a step forward and was about to walk around her and
"No, no, no." Jiang Rumei hurriedly stopped him and said hastily: "How have you been in
the past six months? Are you okay?"
"Whether it's good or not has nothing to do with you. That's all you want to say. I'm
sorry, I'm very busy now and don't have time to chat with you." Zhao Hui frowned and
moved away from her.
"Hey?" Seeing that he was so disrespectful to her, Jiang Rumei took a deep breath and
said, "I want to ask you if you want to come back. Our factory really needs you now."
Zhao Hui sneered when he heard this.
Need him really?
Does he need to be a workhorse?
"I'm fine now and don't want to come back." Zhao Hui said and was about to leave again.
Jiang Rumei quickly moved aside to stop him, "Why are you in such a hurry to leave? I
haven't finished what I'm saying yet."
Being stopped again and again, Zhao Hui was speechless and could only stop with annoyance
on his face, "Okay, go ahead and talk, and I can leave after you're done."
After not seeing each other for half a year, Zhao Hui found that Jiang Rumei was becoming
more and more difficult to deal with. In the past, Jiang Rumei at least knew how to read
people's expressions, but now she is just clinging to them and doesn't care whether
others are willing to pay attention to her or not.
Jiang Rumei was choked by what he said and asked, "Do you hate me so much?"
"Yes, it's hard not to be annoying to be like you." Zhao Hui answered straightforwardly.
Jiang Rumei choked again, fearing that if she asked about this topic again, Zhao Hui
would say something even more disrespectful to her, so she could only tell him her true
purpose, "Are you really not going to work in the factory? Is there no possibility at
"Yes, there is not even a slight possibility. With people like you around, I would be
crazy to go back to the factory." Zhao Hui answered straightforwardly.
Being stabbed in the heart once again, Jiang Rumei couldn't hold back even with her
strong self-control. She asked him angrily, "Do I annoy you so much?"
"Really?" Zhao Hui said, looking her up and down, not hiding his disgust for her. "How
can I dare to work with someone like you who pushed an old man down without even a word
of apology, and whose family members killed the old man without knowing it? Do I think I
am too lucky to work with someone like you in the same factory? If I don't stay away, do
I have to wait for you to kill my whole family?"
Jiang Rumei's face turned pale and blue at what he said, and she didn't know how to
What Zhao Hui said was right. So far, she really didn’t think she had done anything
If she was wrong, she was wrong in that she shouldn't have pushed the old woman. How
could she know that the old woman was so weak? Besides, the old woman's death couldn't be
blamed on her family. Her family just had a conflict with Zhao Hui. The old woman died by
accident, which was her fate. Why did she blame it all on her?
Chapter 248 Awesome
When Zhao Hui saw her reaction, he knew that Jiang Rumei still didn't realize where she
was wrong. He felt more and more disgusted and raised his foot to walk around her and
leave again.
Seeing this, Jiang Rumei wanted to stop him, but Zhao Hui was already angry. He raised
his leg and kicked her on the knee, causing Jiang Rumei to stagger several times and
almost fall down.
"Although I never hit women, if you try to stop me again, don't blame me for being rude."
Zhao Hui said as he slowly retracted his kick, then gritted his teeth with disdain and
said, "How disgusting."
Jiang Rumei was shocked by the two words Zhao Hui left before leaving.
He is actually disgusting himself?
I just like him and I couldn't help doing it. How can it be disgusting?
What's wrong with her pursuing the person she likes and pursuing love?
But even though she felt very unwilling, Jiang Rumei did not dare to stop Zhao Hui
Judging from the look of deep disgust in Zhao Hui's eyes just now, she had no doubt that
he would really hit her if she tried to stop him again.
Thinking about the unsuppressed surprise and the wildly pounding heart in her heart when
she suddenly saw Zhao Hui just now, Jiang Rumei felt sorry for herself.
Yes, she persuaded Zhao Hui and wanted Zhao Hui to return to the factory. Of course, she
had a little selfish motive, but she was also sincerely thinking about Zhao Hui.
It is so difficult to get a promotion nowadays. Zhao Hui originally held the highest
position in the production department of the factory. Basically, he had the final say on
what to produce and how to produce it in the factory. But he actually said he would quit
his job.
How could it be so easy to find a new job now? Besides, this is a state-owned unit
directly under the county government, a golden rice bowl, whether it is salary or
benefits, how can it be compared with those other small factories? Besides, even if Zhao
Hui can find a golden rice bowl, won’t he have to start all over again? How can it be
better than coming back to be a leader?
This was the man she loved with all her heart. Everything she did was for this man and
for his good. But in the end, not only did he not appreciate it, he even called her
Jiang Rumei stood at the gate of the county government, looking at Zhao Hui's leaving
back. As she thought about it, tears of grievance rolled down her eyes.
Does Zhao Hui know how difficult she has been going through in the past six months?
Everyone in the factory blames her for driving Zhao Hui away. No one is friendly to her.
Even her cousin who lives in the same county is blamed behind her back. She has no choice
but to drink hard to get orders. But Zhao Hui finally came back, and not only did he not
care about her, but he even said this to her?
It’s not worth it. It’s really not worth it.
Jiang Rumei was crying bitterly here, while Zhao Hui, who was striding away on the other
side, was very glad that he had decided to sell the wedding courtyard.
In this way, even if he and Shen Yuxiu go home to visit relatives in the future, there is
no need to come to the county town again, and they will not run into Jiang Rumei for no
reason, which is really bad luck.
A few days after the house was sold, Zhao Mingli started filling out his college
application. Zhao Mingli's grades were usually among the top in the class. He had made
great progress in English in the past six months in G City and had developed a strong
interest in diplomacy, so he was more inclined towards this aspect when applying for
Zhao Hui has no objection to this. As long as the child has a goal, it is up to the child
to decide what to learn.
He just followed his own experience and instructed Zhao Mingli to fill in the
applications of the schools he most wanted to go to, the more stable ones, and the backup
ones according to his current grades, so that there would be no mistakes.
After filling out the application form, Zhao Hui originally wanted to go back, but when
he thought about what happened to Jiang Rumei and the fact that Shen Yuling was still in
this county, he became worried. Finally, he gritted his teeth and called Shen Yuxiu.
"Or I should stay here and accompany Mingli to finish the exam. It's the last month, and
if he has any questions while doing the test paper, I can teach him. It will be safer."
On the phone, Zhao Hui did not say what he was really worried about.
"Then what about your employment agency? Is it okay not to come back for a month?" Shen
Yuxiu asked worriedly.
"You can just go and check it out on weekdays or tomorrow morning. Those newspapers are
all available in the morning. I also have a pager. Xiao Zhang from the office will send
me a message if there is something. I can call them and it shouldn't be a problem." Zhao
Hui talked about his arrangements.
"That's fine." Listening to his arrangement, Shen Yuxiu took a deep breath and nodded in
agreement, "Then you can rest assured to accompany Mingli over there. Mingchen and I will
go to the agency when we are free."
After hanging up the phone, Shen Yuxiu felt a headache.
Different professions have different worlds. She is good at dealing with students, but
she has no idea what to do when dealing with all kinds of job seekers in the employment
But at this point, she had no choice but to go ahead with it. Otherwise, when Zhao Hui
was not around, she couldn't really just ignore the agency, right?
So from that day on, Shen Yuxiu would urge Zhao Mingchen to finish his homework every
Sunday, and then take Zhao Mingchen to the employment agency.
At the beginning, Shen Yuxiu was unfamiliar with these things and was a little confused,
but every time Zhao Mingchen would tell her what to do and how to fill in the
registration forms. Only then did she realize that Zhao Mingchen knew everything here.
"When did you learn all this?" Shen Yuxiu looked at him in surprise.
"When we first came here, my dad taught me all these. It's not difficult." Zhao Mingchen
said proudly.
Since arriving here, the city people have gotten used to calling their parents "dad and
mom", so the brothers also followed the local customs and called them that.
Shen Yuxiu then remembered that when they first came here, Zhao Mingchen had helped Zhao
Hui here for a period of time. For a moment, she looked at Zhao Mingchen with new
"You're amazing! I can hardly compare to you." Shen Yuxiu praised Zhao Mingli generously,
making the young boy raise his chin with pride.
"Of course, I'm the boss here, how can I not know this?"
Shen Yuxiu was amused by his proud look. Like a good student, she pointed at the report
and said with a smile: "Then please teach me, the boss's wife, how to read the report. As
a reward, I will treat you to a meal."
"Okay, leave it to me." Zhao Mingchen patted his chest generously and said, "What does
the boss lady not know? I will teach you until you can do it."
"Look what you can do." Shen Yuxiu was so amused by him that she and her mother sat aside
and began to study the report. In their free time, they carefully observed how the young
men in the store entertained customers, and gradually became familiar with the business
The young men hired by Zhao Hui couldn't help but look envious when they saw how the
mother and son got along.
Really, whether it is the people around them or their own parents, they almost always
speak to children in an imperative manner. You have to do it, and if you don't do it or
dare to resist, you will be beaten. Even if it is their own business, it is really rare
to see Shen Yuxiu and the children get along so harmoniously with each other as they do
with each other.

Chapter 249 Buy and Sell

During this month, Zhao Hui called home almost every day. He felt relieved when he
learned that his son and Shen Yuxiu were gradually becoming familiar with the business
and that the young men in the store were also very dedicated.
As for him, no one knew whether Jiang Rumei went back and said something to the leader,
or someone saw him on the street and went to inform the leader, but a few days later,
leaders began to come to his house non-stop to persuade him to return to the factory, and
even the county magistrate came several times.
But Zhao Hui had nothing to say: he had already settled down in City G and was living a
good life, and he didn't want to come back.
Seeing how determined he was, the people who came to persuade him to reconcile felt
extremely regretful for a moment.
If I had known that he was so stubborn, I would have fulfilled Zhao Hui's wish and
directly transferred Jiang Rumei from her position or let Zhao Hui be responsible only
for production.
Now, Zhao Hui is still living a good life after leaving the factory, but their factory's
orders and the quality of oil products are not as good as before. If this continues,
their factory performance and salary benefits will not be able to recover for a while.
A month passed quickly, and the annual college entrance examination was approaching.
After Shen Yuxiu finished her invigilation work, sweating profusely, she immediately
boarded the train back with Zhao Mingchen.
After returning to the staff quarters, Shen Yuxiu immediately went to the school to
handle the transfer procedures for the property rights of the house, then went back to
the village to visit her parents and reunite with her brothers and sisters.
Zhao Mingli has finished the college entrance examination. Fang Yan knows that after she
leaves this time, she doesn't know how many years it will take for her to come back, so
she notified all of Shen Yuxiu's brothers and sisters and asked them to come and get
However, Fang Yan thought so, but Shen Yuzhen and Shen Yuhong did not give Shen Yuxiu
face this time because Shen Yuxiu did not give them face during the Chinese New Year.
They both found excuses and did not even show their heads.
Shen Yuxiu didn't care about this and happily gathered with her other brothers and
"Sister, I heard that a lot of things here are imported from your place. Does my brother-
in-law have any channels to purchase goods?" After dinner, Shen Yushui suddenly asked
hesitantly while chatting.
"I don't know. Your brother-in-law often deals with some factories. When it comes to
purchasing goods, I don't know how the factories do it." Shen Yuxiu said very frankly,
and then asked her: "Why? Do you want to do business?"
"Yeah." Shen Yusui nodded and said, "There are more and more people doing business now.
My child's father and I work hard on the farm all year but don't make much. I have only
one child, and he is okay in school. I want to do some business during the slack season
to save some tuition for him, but we have never done this before and don't know where to
buy goods."
"Then what do you want to sell?" Shen Yuxiu didn't dare to make a guarantee. After all,
it was Zhao Hui who had been dealing with various factories, and she didn't know him very
"I want to sell clothes and scarves. The scarves my brother-in-law brought back during
the Chinese New Year are much better than ours. At that time, many people in the village
asked me where I bought them from." Shen Yushui's eyes were shining as she talked about
how she was envied by the young girls and wives in the village.
"Okay, we'll go ask your brother-in-law later." Shen Yuxiu agreed readily, and then asked
her, "If there is a way, should I pick it for you and mail it to you, or do you go and
pick it yourself?"
"I'll choose it myself." Shen Yusui smiled and took her arm, saying, "You have too high
standards. The ones you like are not suitable for us to wear on a daily basis."
"Tsk, you still dislike me?" Shen Yuxiu glared at her unhappily.
"I don't dislike it, I just feel guilty about wearing it, okay?" Shen Yusui retorted in
the same annoyance, "What you wear is suitable for people who sit in offices. We ordinary
people have to work in the fields. The clothes you like are nice, but they are not
suitable for us at all. Besides, how many ordinary people are willing to buy the things
you like?"
Shen Yuxiu was choked by what she said, and poked her forehead speechlessly, "Yes, yes,
you are right, my vision does not conform to the public aesthetic."
It was just like what Shen Yushui said. Whether it was her grandparents or Zhao Hui, they
had always bought her the best clothes over the years, so that her standards had become
higher and higher. She would not even look at clothes made of ordinary fabrics or in
bright red or green, and she couldn't see what was good about those clothes.
"It's not incompatible, actually." Shen Yusui laughed, afraid that she would be angry,
and said flatteringly: "It's just that I want to do business with ordinary people. If I
want to sell goods in the market, the price must not be too high. If I want to open a
store in the city and specialize in selling clothes for working people, I will definitely
look for you."
"Oh, it seems like you really want to do business? You even know how to target the crowd
market." Shen Yuxiu looked at Shen Yushui with a look of surprise.
You know, her sister has never liked studying since she was young. She finally graduated
from high school, and it was she who dragged her to finish it. She didn't expect that
Shen Yushui had some talent in this area.
"That's..." Shen Yusui felt a little proud when she heard her praise herself, "Didn't you
say that you should act like a good person when doing things? If I don't think about
these things in advance, what if you ask me and I don't know the answer to any of your
questions, won't you scold me again?"
"Tsk, you remember this clearly, but why don't you remember to study? Otherwise, why
would you be farming at home now?" Thinking of how she worried about her sister back
then, Shen Yuxiu was speechless.
When Shen Yushui was a child, she always had a bad memory for her studies. Because of
this, she often pulled Shen Yushui's ears, but no matter how she pulled Shen Yushui's
ears, it had no effect.
"Oh, it's not that I was born stupid." Shen Yushui said with a chuckle.
In fact, it’s not that she doesn’t study hard, but she is just not interested in those
books. What can be done?
Shen Yuxiu couldn't help laughing at her funny look, and pulled her to find Zhao Hui.
When Zhao Hui heard this, he immediately gave an answer.
"I do have contact with some clothing factories, but those factories only sell goods in
large quantities and generally do not do small wholesale. If you want to buy clothes in
bulk, I know a few large clothing wholesale markets and I can take you there to have a
"Okay, then thank you, brother-in-law." Shen Yusui smiled happily after hearing this.
This matter can be done as long as there is a way. Now she just wants to do business but
has no way.
Just like that, when Shen Yuxiu returned to G City again, she brought Shen Yushui and his
wife with her. Along the way, Shen Yuxiu was afraid that the two of them had no
experience going out for the first time, so she reminded them of things to pay attention
to on the road.
There are many pickpockets on trains nowadays. If you are not careful and don’t hide
your money well, it may be stolen.
After taking the train to City G, Shen Yuxiu first took Shen Yushui and his wife home to
rest for a night, and then she and Zhao Hui took them to the wholesale market the next
It was the first time for Shen Yushui and his wife to see the outside world. They were so
busy walking into the market that they couldn’t even see enough. It took them some time
to calm down their excitement and start to choose clothes seriously.
The two of them selected almost everything, including men's clothing, women's clothing,
scarves, and small general merchandise. Three days later, Zhao Hui and Shen Yuxiu helped
them carry the large and small packages of goods and sent them on the return train.
As soon as the two left, Zhao Hui and Shen Yuxiu went to the employment agency
immediately. After being busy at the agency for a few days, they remembered that they had
not yet taken the stone to see the jade shop owner.

Chapter 250 Don’t Say

It was holiday now, so Zhao Hui asked Zhao Mingchen and Zhao Mingli to look after the
store, and took Shen Yuxiu to the jade market.
The jade boss had been waiting for Zhao Hui for a long time. When he saw him coming, he
immediately told the customers he was greeting to look around freely and greeted him
"Boss Zhao, you've kept me waiting for a long time." Zhao Hui hadn't come for more than a
month, and the jade boss thought he had found another seller.
"My child is taking the college entrance exam, so I went back to my hometown to accompany
him for a month." Zhao Hui laughed and turned his back to let him see the backpack behind
him, and asked, "Where should we watch it?"
"Come, come, come this way." The jade boss took one look at his bulging backpack and
pulled him towards a jade cutting machine in the shop. Next to the machine were some raw
stones for sale.
Zhao Hui did not hesitate. He followed him to the machine, put down his backpack, then
unzipped it and took out the jade inside.
"Is the skin of this peeled off?" When the jade boss saw the emerald green stone, his
eyes widened in surprise. He quickly went to the side to get a flashlight and started to
check it.
He thought it was a stone with a window, but he didn't expect it to be a peeled stone.
This, this is really...
He didn't know what to say to Zhao Hui and Shen Yuxiu. How could they be so bold as to
carry the stone here like that, not even afraid that the jade might be stolen by someone?
"Wow, my goodness..."
When Zhao Hui was asking about the price in the market, he brushed up on some knowledge
about jade. After returning and carefully examining the stone, he felt that it was about
50% to 60% likely to be authentic. Now, seeing the jade owner looking at it with a look
of surprise in his eyes, he was about 80% to 90% sure.
"It should be true..." Zhao Hui tilted his head and whispered in Shen Yuxiu's ear.
Shen Yuxiu looked at him in surprise, her heart began to beat wildly. Before she could
say anything else, the jade master suddenly slapped his thigh and made an offer directly,
"Six million, I want this piece of material."
Six, six, six million… ten thousand?
Shen Yuxiu widened her eyes in shock and looked fiercely at Zhao Hui.
Zhao Hui was also shocked by the price offered by the jade boss, but he had been in
frequent contact with those big bosses over the past six months and gradually developed
the ability to keep his emotions hidden. So even though his heart was about to jump out,
he still remained calm and negotiated the price with the boss.
"Boss, you may not know..."
Shen Yuxiu watched Zhao Hui and the boss haggle over the price, and finally the deal was
completed by raising the price by another 500,000 yuan while leaving behind three sets of
After agreeing on the price of this stone, Zhao Hui took out the black stone again, but
this time the jade owner was not very interested. Even after a careful inspection, he
only offered 50,000 yuan for it.
"To be honest, people have only had a good life for a few years now, and the demand for
this kind of thing is not that eager. Even for this piece of jasper, I paid such a high
price because I like it. If you go to other houses, I guess they would give you a high
price of five million. As for this piece of black jade, although the material is good, it
will lose if the color is not outstanding."
"Then... let's not sell it." Shen Yuxiu felt reluctant to part with it and said to Zhao
Hui, "Keep this black one at home to protect the house."
This stone is also very big. She is reluctant to sell it at such a low price just because
its color is not popular. Anyway, the green one has been sold for so much money, enough
for Zhao Hui to use for work, so she can keep this one as a souvenir.
"Okay, then I won't sell it." Zhao Hui agreed immediately after hearing this, and then
said to the boss: "Then I'd like you to make us a Jiangshan ornament with this stone. You
can deduct the labor fee from the 6.5 million yuan. When it's done, we'll come and get
it. Is that okay with you?"
"Of course." The boss agreed happily, turned around and found someone to look after the
store, and went to the bank with Zhao Hui and Shen Yuxiu to transfer money.
When Shen Yuxiu and Zhao Hui came out, they had a bank card with several million in it in
their hands, and they were in a trance.
She thought the stone could only be sold for tens or hundreds of thousands of yuan at
most, but she didn't expect it to be sold for so much.
They had worked hard for 10 to 20 years and had only saved up tens of thousands of yuan.
As a result, a piece of stone that she bought to play with as a child was sold for so
much that she could hardly earn in her entire life.
Seeing her standing at the door in a daze, Zhao Hui couldn't help but wave his hand in
front of her eyes with amusement.
"I'm back to my senses."
Shen Yuxiu was shaken back to her senses, but she still couldn't believe what happened
today. She grabbed his big hand and said in a vague voice: "Pinch me quickly, why do I
feel like I'm dreaming?"
Zhao Hui couldn't bear to pinch her, so he just reached out and squeezed her hand, then
asked, "How is it? Is it more real?"
Feeling the force of her hand being clenched and then loosened, Shen Yuxiu finally felt a
sense of reality. She then covered the pocket where the bank card was and quickly left
the bank with Zhao Hui.
Damn it, she has millions on her now, she must not let anyone rob her.
Zhao Hui found it a little funny to be pulled by her, but seeing that there were people
coming and going at the bank entrance, he wisely left quickly.
To be honest, not only Shen Yuxiu felt it was unreal, but even he himself felt it was
Who would have thought that when he first came here he was still worrying about what to
do, but now he has such a fortune.
But even though they couldn't believe it, they had calmed down by the time the two of
them took a taxi to the agency.
After entering the agency, Shen Yuxiu saw her two sons busy at work, and suddenly thought
of a question. She pulled him to the rest room and asked in a low voice, "Do you think we
should tell the children about this?"
When Zhao Hui saw her like this, he knew what she was worried about. After thinking for a
while, he said, "Let's not talk about it. The two children are still not settled. You
know, we have a family background. What if we tell others? Besides, there are all kinds
of people in society now. It would not be good if someone with ulterior motives targeted
"Yes, I think so too." Shen Yuxiu nodded in agreement and said, "Also, you don't know
that some children from suddenly rich families are so arrogant, as if the world belongs
to them as long as they have money. What if our children know that our family has money
and don't study hard? Wouldn't that ruin the children?"
Zhao Hui listened to her words and agreed with them. He walked to the door and quietly
glanced at his two sons who were diligently filling out forms for others. He asked her
softly, "Then don't say anything?"
"No more talking." Shen Yuxiu nodded confidently, "When they both grow up and have
settled down, we'll talk about it when we need it."
Anyway, she felt that it was not a good idea to tell her children these things now. In
school, some well-off children were very competitive, and she didn't want her own
children to become like that.

Chapter 251 Is it infuriating?

In this way, the two Zhao Mingli brothers, who were still diligently helping their
parents run the store, had no idea that their family now not only had an introduction
agency, but also had wealth that some people in this era could not even imagine.
Money makes people brave. After having the money, Zhao Hui and Shen Yuxiu began to
discuss the next plan.
Zhao Hui did not want to invest all his money in H Province. He wanted to divide the
money into three parts. One part would be invested in H Province to buy land, one part
would be kept as working capital and family reserves, and the other part he wanted to
invest in a wholesale market.
"Just like the wholesale market where my third sister and her friends buy goods, I think
it has a good future. Now this city is one of the distribution centers for commercial
goods from all over the country. People from all over the country come to this city to
buy goods, but there is no real large-scale wholesale city yet. So I think we should buy
a piece of land ourselves and then find someone to build a wholesale city. What do you
think?" Zhao Hui discussed with Shen Yuxiu.
This was also the idea that suddenly came to him after he went to personally transfer
money to Shen Yushui a few days ago and got the funds.
In fact, it was not in vain that he had been dealing with those big bosses every day for
the past six months. Those people opened his eyes and allowed him to see many fields that
he had never touched before. Before, he didn't dare to think about it because he didn't
have the funds. Now that he has the confidence, he wants to give it a try. Of course,
this can only be done while ensuring family life and not affecting the small family.
"Okay, just do it if you want to. I don't understand these." Shen Yuxiu had no objection
to this.
"Do you trust me so much? Aren't you afraid that I will run away with the money?" Zhao
Hui couldn't help teasing her when he saw that she agreed without saying a word.
"Hmm?" Shen Yuxiu looked at him suspiciously, frowned and said, "Then write my name when
you buy the land, and I'll see how you can run away with the money?"
"Okay, then I'll write your name. If you lose money, don't come crying to me." Zhao Hui
said with a smile, his heart and eyes full of deep love for her.
Anyway, the money originally belonged to Shen Yuxiu, and Shen Yuxiu was his, so it was
still his in the final analysis. It didn't matter whose name it was written in, he had no
objection at all.
"No, that won't work. What if you deliberately make a loss? And you have to write both
our names on it. If we lose, we lose together. If we cry, we cry together. Humph." Shen
Yuxiu said this and snorted as if she was very unhappy. Zhao Hui laughed softly at the
sight. He stretched out his hand and moved closer to her, wanting to kiss her, but as
soon as he got close to her, Shen Yuxiu raised her hand and pushed her away rudely.
"Hey don't get so close to me, it's hot."
When Zhao Hui heard this, he saw that her cheeks were flushed from the heat, and her face
and forehead were covered with fine beads of sweat. Even her clothes were a little wet.
This was the result of her using the fan. If she wasn't using the fan, she would be
extremely hot.
"Why don't we buy an air conditioner for our home? It's cooler and more comfortable than
a fan." Zhao Hui suggested.
When he was interacting with some bosses or factory managers, he had stayed in an air-
conditioned room. The temperature there was much cooler than with a fan, and the humidity
in the room was not that high after turning on the air conditioner, making the body feel
much more comfortable.
"Okay, shall we go now?" Shen Yuxiu's eyes lit up when she heard this, "Let's install one
for the agency, too."
She didn’t dare to think about it before when she had no money, but now that she has
money, there is no need to be so frugal.
To be honest, the weather here is not as friendly as that in my hometown. In my hometown,
although it can get as hot as 40 degrees Celsius when it is not the rainy season, the
temperature difference between morning and night is greater than here. As long as you
avoid the middle of the day, you can still bear it. But in the summer here, it rains a
little bit whenever it wants. Although the temperature is not that high, it is hot and
humid. She feels like she can hardly breathe every day.
"Okay, let's buy it now." Zhao Hui made the decision and pulled her out.
Zhao Mingli and Zhao Mingchen looked at their parents who had just returned and walked
away as if no one was around, and they couldn't help but twitch their lips.
Is it infuriating? Is it infuriating? Is it infuriating?
Who is this agency for?
These two bosses and their wife are just running around all day long, leaving the two
students to work themselves to death. This is exploitation, exploitation...
However, no matter how helpless they felt, they could only accept their fate and work
hard, otherwise his father would be very harsh, especially when it came to matters
concerning his mother, he would kill them with that.
It was not until half a day later that Zhao Hui and Shen Yuxiu brought two people to
bring a large air conditioner. They quickly installed it. When they felt the cool
temperature, they immediately forgot everything.
It's such a hot day, it's more comfortable to work in the employment agency. Why go out?
It's so hot.
Because of an air conditioner, the two brothers Zhao Mingli were willing to stay in the
employment agency and not go anywhere else, but Zhao Hui and Shen Yuxiu were not as lucky
as them and still had to work hard outside.
What are you doing? Choosing a place, preparing to buy land and meet the wholesale city!
Shen Yuxiu followed Zhao Hui around for more than half a month, and after finding Yang
Jianjun to inquire about the city's next development plan, the two finally set their eyes
on a piece of land in the Shinan District, which is adjacent to the main urban area and
is exactly where the city government plans to develop next, and it has great development
A few days after acquiring the land, Zhao Mingli received his admission letter, and he
was admitted to the famous foreign language major at Peking University.
This was the school that Zhao Mingli wanted to go to the most when he filled in his
"Ah, ah, ah, I passed, Mom, I passed." After receiving the admission letter, the usually
steady Zhao Mingli happily picked up Shen Yuxiu and started spinning around, making Shen
Yuxiu dizzy.
"Alright, alright, put your mother down quickly. She's about to get dizzy." Zhao Hui
walked forward and pulled him away in annoyance.
A child of this age still hugs his mother like that, isn't he afraid of being laughed at?
Even though Zhao Mingli was pushed away by Zhao Hui, the excitement in his heart did not
diminish in the slightest. He hugged Zhao Hui's neck regardless and kissed him hard on
both sides of his face. "Thank you, Dad. Thank you for letting me get into the school I
want to go to the most."
Zhao Mingli happily called his parents back again. In fact, he felt that he would not be
able to get into Peking University based on his grades. It was Zhao Hui who encouraged
him to take a risk when it was time to take the risk. Only then did he fill in the
application form. Otherwise, he would have missed this opportunity.
After Zhao Mingli kissed Zhao Hui, he turned around and wanted to hug Zhao Mingchen,
which scared Zhao Mingchen so much that he turned around and ran away.
What does it look like for two grown men to hug each other? He likes girls, he really
likes girls.
However, Zhao Mingli didn't care. He was in a good mood today and didn't care about
anything else. He had to hug everyone he deserved.
Zhao Hui watched the two brothers chasing each other in the house, and couldn't help but
touch the two cheeks that had just been kissed, feeling both disgusted and proud.
This kid is really capable, even more capable than his father. He actually got admitted
to Peking University. It's really a relief for his ancestors.
As soon as the admission letter arrived, Shen Yuxiu and Zhao Hui immediately took the two
children to a restaurant for a big meal, and then started buying the three major items
for Zhao Mingli to go to school.
One of the items was a tape recorder for learning English, which Zhao Mingli already had,
and the rest were a pen and a watch.
Zhao Hui originally wanted to buy Zhao Mingli a good brand, after all, they were not
short of money now. But Shen Yuxiu felt that it was not suitable for a student to wear
such a good one, and it would be a pity if he lost it, so she bought him a mid-range one,
but even so, it cost more than 200 yuan, which made Zhao Mingli very happy and Zhao
Mingchen very envious.
"Mom, mom, what about me?" Zhao Mingchen pulled her hand and shook it like a child asking
for candy.

Chapter 252: Reluctant

However, Shen Yuxiu was not at all interested in Zhao Mingchen's coquettish behavior. She
smiled gently and amiably, but her words left no room for negotiation.
"Go away, wait until you get into college before you think about these things. By then,
you will have as much as your brother has."
"Tsk, boring." Zhao Mingchen turned around and looked at other things after hearing that.
Shen Yuxiu didn't tolerate his temper, and she just didn't want to buy it.
Zhao Mingchen would only be in high school when school started again, and it was a time
when he was busy with his studies. How could he need these things when he went in and out
with him every day? When he needed them in college, I would buy them for him, of course.
After buying the three major items for school, the next thing to buy was clothes and some
miscellaneous daily necessities. Anyway, she and Zhao Hui planned to take Mingchen with
them to see Zhao Mingli off before school started, so there was no need to worry about
not being able to carry too much luggage.
It’s not that she was worried about Zhao Mingli going to Beijing alone, but she wanted
Zhao Mingchen to broaden his horizons and let him see what the capital university is
like, so that he would have a goal in the future.
Time passed quickly and it was time to report. The family of four took a clanging train
to Beijing. When they arrived in Beijing six days later, Shen Yuxiu got off the train and
the clanging sound was still ringing in her ears.
She felt that she was only helping Zhao Mingli this time, and if he happened a few more
times he would kill her.
When they transferred to Beijing University, Zhao Mingchen saw that Zhao Hui didn't dare
to let go of Shen Yuxiu's hand all the way, and then he looked at the luggage in his and
Zhao Mingli's hands, and couldn't help but mutter, "This is incredible, it turns out that
you two are just here to see the scenery, and I am just here to work as a laborer for my
"What else? Let you take your mother with you, and then abandon her?" Zhao Hui retorted
Zhao Mingchen grimaced at the retort, then resigned himself to his fate and walked
towards the new student registration office with Zhao Mingli, carrying their luggage.
He didn't know Shen Yuxiu was so bad before. It was not until they went to G City that
Shen Yuxiu asked the two brothers to lead her for half a month before she was able to
return home from the campus on her own.
During this period, there was one time when he thought everything was fine, so when it
was his turn to take Shen Yuxiu home, he returned home early. As a result, Shen Yuxiu
took many detours to get home, which almost made Zhao Hui angry to death. He scolded him
on the spot. If there was a hole on the ground at that time, he would have wanted to
crawl into it and never come out.
After the family of three accompanied Zhao Mingli to register and received the dormitory
building number, when they arrived at the dormitory, there were already two made beds in
the dormitory. It was obvious that someone had already arrived, but no one knew where the
two people had gone.
The family of four worked together and quickly made Zhao Mingli's bed and arranged his
daily necessities. Then they walked out of the campus to find a place to eat. After
eating, they found a hotel to stay and rest.
Zhao Hui bought a return ticket for tomorrow night. They planned to watch the flag-
raising ceremony the next day, and then visit the city where Zhao Mingli would stay for
four years or even more. After all, the journey was long and they would not be able to
come here whenever they had nothing to do. Of course, they would take advantage of the
time to visit the city.
After a day of sightseeing, the family of four only visited a few famous attractions in
the city before it was time to send Zhao Mingli back to university. When Shen Yushou was
leaving in the taxi, she looked at her son standing alone at the school gate waving
goodbye to them. Her nose felt sore and she suddenly couldn't help but burst into tears.
She was afraid that Zhao Mingli would feel bad seeing her like this, so she waved to him
hurriedly, then quickly retracted her head and cried out.
"What's wrong? It's a good thing that the child was admitted to university. Why are you
crying?" Seeing her like this, Zhao Hui quickly hugged her in his arms to comfort her.
"I just can't bear to let him go. He has been with us since he was a child and has never
left us. I don't know if he can do well at school alone? Can he take care of himself?"
Shen Yuxiu sobbed as she expressed her worries.
"Of course he can do that." Zhao Hui patted her shoulder gently and said, "Look, he can
clean his room and wash his clothes. The school also has a cafeteria, and he is also good
at dealing with people. Whether he was in our place or in G City, he has always
maintained a good relationship with people. How could he not be able to take care of
"I know, but I just feel uncomfortable. He has never left us." Shen Yuxiu certainly knew
what Zhao Hui said, but she couldn't help but worry.
"The child will have to leave us when he grows up. Even if not today, he will get married
and start a family in the future. Not only will he leave us, but he will also have his
own small family. If he is like a baby all his life, and still asks us for food and drink
every day when he is old, won't you be worried to death?" Zhao Hui said half seriously
and half jokingly, which made Shen Yuxiu so angry that she left Zhao Hui's arms and
turned around to glare at him.
"What are you talking about? How can our son be so useless?" Shen Yuxiu's face was full
of displeasure, as if she was going to fight with Zhao Hui if he said anything else.
In order to prevent her sons from being unable to take care of themselves when they grow
up, she started training her two sons in life skills several years in advance. Although
she was worried, her two sons all learned the basic life skills they should have.
"Okay, our son is the best and the most capable. If he is not capable, how could he be
admitted to such a good university?" Zhao Hui quickly surrendered, with helplessness in
his eyes and heart.
Shen Yuxiu is good in every way except that she can't tolerate others talking about the
person in her heart, no matter what anyone says.
Zhao Mingchen, who was happily waving goodbye to Zhao Mingli in the front seat, turned
around in surprise and looked at the back seat when he suddenly heard Shen Yushou crying.
Now, after hearing the conversation between the two, he felt a little uncomfortable.
It turns out that even though my eldest brother is so outstanding and was admitted to
such a good university, my parents still couldn't bear to let him go and were so worried?
What if one day in the future I get admitted to such a distant place, how sad will my
parents be?
Otherwise, I might as well apply to a university in the same city as my parents, so that
my parents won't be so disappointed.
Shen Yuxiu didn't know that Zhao Mingchen, at such a young age, had already made up his
mind not to leave them. After returning to City G a few days later, she and Zhao Mingchen
started their high school life, and Zhao Hui also went about his business in a hurry.
After he bought the land, he hired a reliable architect to draw the blueprints of the
wholesale city. At the same time, he also started looking for reliable construction
companies and some places to purchase materials early on, trying to reduce all middlemen
as much as possible. He tried to save money as much as possible while ensuring quality,
even if he had to spend a lot more time and sweat than ordinary people to do so.
Now that the construction drawings came out, the builders were immediately in place.
After finding someone to choose a good day to start the groundbreaking ceremony, the
transport fleet that had been found earlier immediately began to transport various
construction materials to the construction site from the place he had previously booked.

Chapter 253: Have a girlfriend?

Not long after the wholesale city started operating, several bosses who had previously
intended to go to H Province to buy land and make money took the initiative to invite
Zhao Hui to dinner for the first time.
At the dinner table, a boss asked Zhao Hui casually, "Boss Zhao is quite wealthy. I
didn't expect that he could do such a big project without making any noise."
"Luck, luck, it still depends on the support of all the bosses." Zhao Hui said, holding
up a glass of wine and toasting to the bosses present, "I toast to you all, if you have
the opportunity to make a fortune in the future, don't forget me."
As he spoke, Zhao Hui happily drank first as a sign of respect, and then started chatting
with these bosses in a measured manner.
Seeing how humble he was, the slight discomfort in the hearts of the bosses gradually
faded away. After a while, they became friends with Zhao Hui and talked about going to H
Province to buy land in a few days.
In fact, they didn't want to bring Zhao Hui with them at first. They were willing to give
Zhao Hui face, partly because Zhao Hui was a good person and a good talker, but the main
reason was because of Yang Jianjun behind Zhao Hui. In addition, after Zhao Hui opened an
agency, other types of agencies also emerged. It's not that they couldn't find workers
without Zhao Hui, and they could contact Zhao Hui or not.
But now it is different. They thought that Zhao Hui, who was just the boss of a small
agency and could settle down here safely because of the support of Yang Jianjun, actually
acquired a good piece of land with a very good location at a single move, and even said
that construction would start immediately. This is something that even with their current
wealth, they may not be able to do whenever they want.
They also secretly visited the construction site of the wholesale city. It was quite
large, and it was expected to be the largest in their city after completion. So it was
necessary for them to make friends with Zhao Hui. After all, no one knew whether they
would need Zhao Hui one day.
Zhao Hui has been very busy recently and almost forgot about the matter in H Province.
Now that these people mentioned it, he remembered it again.
A person's energy is limited, and he often forgets about one thing when he takes care of
another. It seems that he should find some capable people to help him.
So from that day on, he began to ask the young men in the agency to start looking for
people who met the requirements. Of course, the premise was that they didn't want women,
only men.
It’s not that he discriminates against women, but the incident between Shen Yulin and
Jiang Rumei makes him nervous whenever he sees a woman around him.
So, just do whatever makes you comfortable.
A few days later, several young men from the employment agency found Zhao Hui with a list
of people who met the requirements. Zhao Hui picked out a few people who had some
knowledge of construction and assigned them jobs. He asked them to temporarily replace
him as supervisors on the construction site, while he himself went to H Province with the
bosses to investigate the market.
A month later, Zhao Hui and those bosses each bought several pieces of land. Seeing the
booming development there, those bosses finally decided to cooperate in developing real
estate and also wanted to bring Zhao Hui in.
Zhao Hui was used to having the final say on things, and he felt that one of them was a
little unreliable in what he said and did, so he used the excuse that he had just set up
his stall in G City and bought land, and he really didn't have that much money to invest.
He politely declined the kindness of several people and returned to G City.
As for how to develop those pieces of land in the future, he has not figured it out yet,
but for now, he still feels that the development trend of G City has more potential. He
wants to take care of one end first, otherwise if both ends are not done well, all the
money will be wasted.
Shen Yuxiu didn't understand much about this. She just heard that Zhao Hui had bought
land there and couldn't take care of it now, so she didn't care too much.
When it comes to business matters, Zhao Hui is better than her. The most she can do is
listen to what Zhao Hui has done and what he is busy with recently when he is free. She
can also comfort him when he complains about some troubles he has encountered recently,
so that he won't be so nervous all day and has a haven where he can rest in peace.
Because of sufficient funds and Zhao Hui's daily monitoring of the construction site, the
wholesale city with six floors above ground and two floors underground was finally
completed a year later. At the same time, Zhao Hui also started to attract investment
early. After all the necessary facilities in the wholesale city were installed, some
factory counters and wholesale merchants also began to decorate and move in to prepare
for opening.
Finally, he didn't have to monitor the construction site every day. The first thing Zhao
Hui did was to go home and have a good sleep for a day. When he woke up the next day, he
felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted off his shoulders.
Zhao Mingli came back from winter vacation again. He heard that a new wholesale city was
built in G City, so he happily took Zhao Mingchen to go shopping. Seeing this, Shen
Yushou also went for a walk with Zhao Hui.
It has to be said that although there are not many businesses in this wholesale city,
there is a complete range of high, medium and low-end goods from the second underground
floor to the sixth floor.
Shen Yuxiu watched Zhao Mingli happily running towards the women's clothing area, and
couldn't help but pull Zhao Hui beside her with suspicion.
"Why does our son always go to women's clothing stores? Does he have a girlfriend?"
Upon hearing this, Zhao Hui subconsciously looked towards Zhao Mingli, and sure enough,
he saw him looking up and down at a women's coat with a very critical look.
Zhao Hui looked at the skirt in his hand and couldn't help but click his tongue twice, "I
guess so?"
It was obvious that the skirt was not suitable for Shen Yuxiu and was definitely not
meant for Shen Yuxiu.
"Should we ask?" Shen Yuxiu's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she asked Zhao Hui
excitedly in a low voice.
"Forget it. If it works, he will naturally bring the girl back. Let nature take its
course." Zhao Hui said as he pulled up Shen Yuxiu and walked upstairs.
This floor basically sells mid-range goods, and the really high-end goods are upstairs.
Yes, Zhao Mingli is in love, the girl is a junior who just went there this year, and it
was the girl who took the initiative to pursue him. He has never been in love before, the
girl is very enthusiastic, has high emotional intelligence, and knows how to act
coquettishly. When she sees him, she calls him "senior" in a coquettish way. Slowly, he
is lost in the girl's pursuit and finally agrees to the girl's confession.
He just didn't dare tell Shen Yuxiu and Zhao Hui that he was in a relationship. After
all, he was still a student. Before going to university, Shen Yuxiu told him that the
most important thing at this stage was his studies and he shouldn't think about other
things for now. It was okay for him to ask his parents for living expenses every month,
but he couldn't open his mouth to ask his parents for money for a relationship.
But girls also want romance, and occasionally some small gifts, so during this period, he
spent almost all the money he saved by living frugally on that girl. But even so, in the
last month before the holiday, the girl became cold towards him, and even left without
even saying hello to him when the winter vacation was about to start.
Zhao Mingli was a little confused. He didn't know what he had done wrong to make the girl
dissatisfied with him, but he didn't want to lose this girl. He wanted to buy the girl a
woolen coat she liked, and when he went back, he would coax the girl and tell her not to
be angry anymore.

Chapter 254 Regret

The Chinese New Year is almost here. Shen Yuxiu and Zhao Hui felt that their children had
grown up and had their own aesthetic tastes. So they gave the two brothers some money and
asked them to buy their favorite clothes, and then went shopping separately from their
two sons.
This is already their second New Year here. As they cannot go back to their hometown,
Shen Yuxiu has already bought clothes and some local specialties for her parents and
mailed them back in advance. As for Zhao Laowu, she also bought clothes and specialties
according to the same specifications, plus this month's pension money and mailed them
back together.
As time goes by, the amount of money Zhao Hui gives to Zhao Laowu every month has
increased from five yuan to fifty.
Don't underestimate these fifty yuan. It is already a quarter of the monthly salary of an
ordinary worker in that era, and it is enough for Zhao Laowu to eat and drink well in the
And Zhao Laowu has long become an old man envied by everyone in the village because of
the money Zhao Hui gives him every month. Especially this year, he received a set of
decent clothes and local specialties. He is even more proud and happy every day.
He, who has not worked for many years, and Zhang Dachun, who has been working hard for
years, are now like two generations apart. The wife that Zhao Baocai married was not
liked by Zhang Dachun after she gave birth to two daughters. After she finally gave birth
to a son as her third pregnancy, she also began to dislike Zhang Dachun. Instead, she was
very filial to Zhao Laowu.
After all, after she gave birth to two daughters, Zhang Dachun either cursed her, the
daughter-in-law, in a sarcastic way, or said that her two daughters were money-losing
goods. On the contrary, Zhao Laowu, who did nothing, not only did not say a word to her,
but when the children were young, Gao Lexing even helped her look after them so that she
could focus on her own work. So she was naturally very grateful to Zhao Laowu.
Zhang Dachun saw Zhao Laowu putting on his new clothes and showing them off, and saw his
two granddaughters washing Zhao Laowu's clothes. He couldn't help but walk up to Zhao
Baocai and said indignantly, "Look at you two good girls. You don't know how to be filial
to me, your own grandmother. Instead, you are fawning on your grandfather who has no
blood relationship with you. You simply can't tell the difference between close and
distant relatives."
However, when Zhao Baocai heard her words, instead of standing by her side, he said
indifferently, "You deserve it."
"What did you say?" Zhang Dachun looked at Zhao Baocai in disbelief. She didn't expect
Zhao Baocai to say that to her.
"You deserve it. Even though my father has no blood relationship with me, he at least
helped us look after our two daughters. He also helped pay the tuition for our daughters
when they had no money to go to school. What else do you do besides scolding them for
being cheap every day?" Zhao Baocai stared at her coldly, gritting his teeth and warning
in a low voice, "I think my daughters are the best. They didn't dislike you because you
scolded them. What qualifications do you have to dislike them for being disobedient to
you? Say they are bad?"
"You, you..." Zhang Dachun was so angry that he reached out to hit him, but when he met
the cold light in Zhao Baocai's eyes, he didn't dare to do it.
She is old now and will have to rely on her son for support in the future, so she dare
not act too much.
"Oh, there's one more thing." Seeing her like this, Zhao Baocai said, "Don't let my
children know that their grandfather is not their biological grandfather and that their
grandmother is a piece of rag. Otherwise, don't blame me for not recognizing you as their
mother. I want to have the surname Zhao until I die. I don't want to change it."
After Zhao Baocai finished speaking, he stopped paying attention to Zhang Dachun and
turned to go to the kitchen to help his wife light the fire and cook.
He is not stupid. Zhang Dachun is the only one who is not doing well in his family. Zhao
Laowu is still very worry-free. Not only that, he can even help him sometimes. But his
biological father is like a big drama every day. The old man is disrespectful and teases
cats and dogs every day. His half-brothers and their wives are also fighting with each
other. It is simply a big joke in the village.
So even though Zhao Laowu was very cold and indifferent to him, he was very grateful to
this non-blood-related "father". At least Zhao Laowu did not tell anyone about his
background, allowing him to have a normal family and not letting him live with the
reputation of a bastard.
After Zhao Baocai left, Zhang Dachun in the room was stunned for a while and then
suddenly burst into tears.
"Damn it, I was struck by lightning, I might as well die..."
Zhao Baocai's wife heard the sudden crying sound from the room and couldn't help but ask
Zhao Baocai in a low voice, "What happened to our mother?"
"Don't bother with her, let her cry if she wants to." Zhao Baocai said sullenly as he
squatted in front of the stove and started a fire.
When Zhao Baocai's wife heard his tone, she knew that Zhang Dachun must have annoyed Zhao
Baocai again. She glanced sarcastically at the room where the crying came from, then
poured some oil into the pot in a good mood and started cooking.
When she first got married, she also wanted to have a good relationship with Zhang
Dachun, but who would have thought that Zhang Dachun would treat her like a maid without
any courtesy, especially after she gave birth to a daughter, he scolded her all kinds of
things. At that time, she felt guilty but couldn't resist. It was not until the second
daughter was born and Zhang Dachun wanted to give her away secretly that she finally
couldn't help but explode.
It was then that she realized that her husband and father-in-law didn't like Zhang Dachun
either. So after she gave birth to a son and gained confidence, whenever Zhang Dachun
made trouble again, she would simply ignore him. Gradually, Zhang Dachun didn't even dare
to raise his voice to her.
In fact, she felt that it was quite good that she married Zhao Baocai. Although her
husband was not capable, he was very competent. Her mother-in-law did not dare to speak
loudly to her now. She also had a capable uncle and sister-in-law who would send money to
her father-in-law every month. Her father-in-law would occasionally help her take care of
the children, and when he was happy, he would buy some delicious food and give some to
the children, so that the children could also benefit from it. Therefore, she was quite
content with her current life.
Things are relatively peaceful at the Zhao family, and Shen Yuling is doing better than
when she first started her business. At least she has expanded from selling small
sundries to selling clothes.
It's not that she hasn't found any potential partners in the past two years, but due to
her age, the young guys just don't like her. Those of similar age or older either have
families and don't have such an idea, or they just want to have fun with her. When they
hear that they want to abandon their original wives and live with her, they run away
If Shen Yuling was still young and beautiful, she would be a little arrogant and would
look for another one if this one didn't work. But now she really doesn't have the energy
to look for one, so she has to set up a stall and sell things in a down-to-earth manner.
Shen Yuling wrapped herself in a cotton coat and shivered in the cold wind.
The weather was fine at first, but when we arrived at the county market, a strong wind
started to blow after a while. The howling cold wind made it so that only a few people
came to the market, and we didn't even sell many pieces of clothing in the whole day.
As it was getting dark, Shen Yuling saw that there were not many people at the market, so
she had to pack up her stall and go back. Before leaving, she subconsciously glanced at a
particularly eye-catching clothing store, her eyes full of envy.
It was opened by Shen Yushui. Last summer, Shen Yushui was selling clothes at the market
just like her. But this year, she just rented a storefront and became one of the
countless proprietresses on this commercial street. She no longer has to work in the wind
and sun, and only has to wait for customers to come to the store.
I really didn't expect that the person who had worked hard in the loess all his life in
his previous life was now living a better life than her.
Oh, that's not right. In fact, in the previous life, almost everyone in their village
lived better than her, because in a dozen years, their village will be demolished due to
the county government's planning. By then, every household in their village will live in
a building, and those people will no longer have to farm, and they can live well even if
they only rely on the village welfare.
At this moment, Shen Yuling felt a little regretful.
Why did she insist on finding a promising man? If she had not been so picky, even if she
married a poor man in the village, she would have had a guarantee in the future and would
not have to worry about starving the next day if she did not work.

Chapter 255: Wrong Timing

But it's too late to regret now.
Today, their village has become a well-known good village, with nearly a thousand acres
of orchards, five or six dealers, all kinds of service shops, and even more breeders.
Students go to school for free for nine years, and the government subsidizes pick-up and
drop-off services. Rice, flour, grain and oil are distributed during the New Year and
other festivals, and there are also various welfare subsidies.
Really, in fact, it won’t take more than a decade. Even if you are a poor household who
can’t do any work, you will definitely not starve to death.
Unfortunately, Shen Yulin moved her household registration out when she got married. Now
the village will not accept her if she wants to move back, unless she marries back.
But everyone in the village knew her reputation. Even a fool would not want to marry her
for fear of being killed.
Shen Yuling rode the tricycle loaded with goods slowly towards the rental house, but she
felt that the road ahead was confusing and she could not see the end.
How about going to City G?
She had heard that Shen Yusui's goods were all from G City, and that they were cheap and
good quality, which was why her business was so good. Why not go to G City to buy some
goods? Or maybe she could try her luck there, and maybe she could make a career. After
all, it was a first-tier international metropolis, and the opportunities there would be
much better than in their small county, right?
Imagining the bright future, Shen Yulin felt a burning passion in her heart.
It should be possible. Her business here has been tepid because of her bad reputation and
enemies. Many people know her and are unwilling to contact her. If she goes to a place
where she is unfamiliar with, who knows who she is and what she has done? At that time,
she should be able to do things easily, right?
Shen Yuling did it as soon as she thought of it. She took inventory of the goods that
night and started a clearance sale the next day, selling them at almost cost price.
Her goods sold well after she lowered the price. Some bargain-hunters, seeing that the
price was much cheaper than usual, immediately rushed in and almost snatched up all the
goods, leaving the other stall owners stunned.
Is this guy crazy? He probably won’t make a penny by selling goods like this, right?
However, Shen Yulin no longer cared about anything at the moment and was just frantically
clearing out her goods. After several markets, her goods were basically sold out, with
only a few items left. She felt it was not worth selling them again, so she sold them to
the stall next door at a low price, then went back to the rental house to pack her
luggage, buy a train ticket, and head to City G.
But she left on the 26th day of the lunar year, which was the time when workers and
migrant workers from all over the country were on holiday and returning home. When
reversing, they often had to fight hard to squeeze in. This was her first experience of
what the Spring Festival travel rush was like.
Fortunately, not all places were so crowded. As we got closer to City G, there were fewer
and fewer people. By the time we arrived in City G on the morning of New Year's Day,
there were only a few people left on the bus.
Is this what they call a metropolis? The train station is so deserted.
However, she forgot that it is the first day of the new year. Chinese people value family
reunions, and most people spend the first day of the new year at home paying New Year's
greetings. Who would have the time to go to a strange city on this day?
Fortunately, even if there are no taxis, there are still buses.
Shen Yulin didn't know where to go, so she casually got on a bus that was coming by, and
then after entering the city, she got off at a busy street.
At this time, Shen Yuxiu's family of four were burning incense in the temple.
All their relatives were not here, and there was no good time to pay New Year's
greetings, so they came to burn incense on the first day of the New Year according to the
local custom.
After burning incense, the family of four followed some people to climb to the top of the
mountain, appreciated the beauty of the city, and then walked back slowly.
After returning home, Zhao Mingli and Zhao Mingchen were very bored at home, so they both
went to play with their classmates. For a while, Zhao Hui and Shen Yuxiu were the only
ones left at home.
The two of them sat on the sofa, leaning against each other, watching TV and chatting
about random things.
Throughout the year, this is the only time when Zhao Hui has nothing to do and can stay
at home peacefully, so he cherishes this rare time together.
While the two of them were living comfortably in their own world, Shen Yuling was running
for her life in a narrow alley, her hair was disheveled, the buttons of her clothes were
torn off, and no one knew where her backpack was.
Several tattooed men were chasing after her. Shen Yuling ran even faster and faster until
she turned a small alley and saw a pile of debris on the roadside. She immediately hid
inside, holding her breath and watching the men pass by defenselessly while she continued
to run away. Then she quietly showed her head, quickly changed direction and left.
After walking around for an unknown amount of time, Shen Yulin finally arrived at a main
road and let out a long sigh. Not long after she walked, she accidentally looked through
the glass window on the street and saw that she looked like a madman. She was immediately
overwhelmed with grief and could not help but squat on the ground and started crying.
She never thought that she would encounter such a thing. When she got off the bus, she
saw many shops here and thought there would be a hotel for her to stay. However, she did
not expect that most of the shops on the street were closed and there was not a single
Later, someone saw her carrying a backpack and came over to talk to her. When he learned
that she had just arrived and was looking for a place to live, he enthusiastically
pointed her to a narrow road.
She followed the direction the man pointed and actually found an old hotel, but the dirty
conditions were really daunting.
But she had nowhere to go now, so she thought of staying here temporarily and moving out
when she found another place to live. But when she walked into the guest room, she saw
the walls were covered with pictures of beautiful women in scantily clad clothes, and
there were condoms in the trash can that had not been disposed of.
Although Shen Yulin had never traveled far, she sensed that something was wrong with this
hotel. But when she turned around to leave, the front desk clerk stopped her and tried to
say nice things to her. In the end, even a few burly men came over.
When Shen Yuling saw this, she knew there was something fishy going on, so she turned
around and ran. As a result, her hair was torn, her clothes were torn, her shoes were
lost, and she didn't know where her backpack was lost in her haste.
Fortunately, she kept the money and important documents with her, otherwise, she would
have been in more trouble than just crying.
Passersby on the street seemed accustomed to seeing her like this. They glanced at her
curiously and then hurried away.
Shen Yuling cried for a while, then stood up, combed her hair with her fingers and tied
it up again while facing the glass window. Then she took off her jacket without buttons
and threw it away, then continued to look for a hotel.
This time she learned her lesson and no longer looked for the hotel in the alleys.
Instead, she looked for hotels on wide streets that looked clean, fresh and classy.
However, the cost of such a hotel is not low. But she doesn’t feel safe now, so safety
is her priority.
But in this case, she would have to find a source of supply as soon as possible, or find
a suitable deal and settle it quickly, otherwise the money she had would not be enough to
sustain her for too long.
Unfortunately, after wandering around for a day, she once again regretted coming at the
wrong time, because even though several wholesale markets in City G were open, most of
the businesses were not open, and she would have to spend at least another day in the
hotel, which cost a lot of money.

Chapter 256 Follow Her

Shen Yuling felt sad when she thought about the money that would be wasted.
This money was the result of her hard work over two years in the wind and sun. Every
penny she wasted would feel like a dig at her heart.
Finally, Shen Yulin felt that staying in the hotel like this was not a good idea, so she
started to wander around when she had nothing to do during the day, trying to find some
business opportunities in the various existing shops in the city.
But after a day, Shen Yulin found that there were many business opportunities, but none
of them was something she could do.
Because she has no money and no one now, and all those business opportunities require
Therefore, with her current ability, all she can do is still set up a stall, and she
can't guarantee that the things she sells can make money. Because there are too many
types of goods here, and the replacement is too fast, if she is not careful, she is
afraid that she will lose all her money. Instead, it would be better to buy goods here
and sell them back home.
But do you really want to go back?
Shen Yulin looked at the tall buildings here, her eyes filled with reluctance.
Before she came out and saw the outside world, she might have been able to stay
peacefully in that small county town. But now that she has seen the outside world and
those tall buildings, she feels somewhat unwilling.
She wanted to stay here, very much.
But if she wants to stay, food and accommodation will be a big problem. If she rents a
house, she probably won't have much left. Then how will she eat, buy goods, buy
transportation and tools for setting up a stall? Does she have to work to save money
But working means being at the mercy of others and accepting what they say, and she has
been accustomed to freedom over the years, used to doing whatever she wants and talking
however she wants, so how can she stand that kind of bullying?
After thinking about it over and over again for two days, Shen Yulin still couldn't
figure it out.
She suddenly realized that she could neither bear the hardship of staying, nor was she
willing to go back and continue her previous life.
Before she could come to a conclusion, wholesalers in various wholesale cities had
gradually opened for business. Regardless of whether to go or stay, she still started
looking for goods everywhere.
It was only after she went to see the goods that she realized how much money those
wholesalers made from her every time she purchased goods locally. She felt both envious
and resentful.
As time went by, she finally chose a wholesale city that was said to have just opened
last year. It's not that the goods here are particularly cheap, but that there is a
complete range of high, medium and low-end clothing and department stores here, and the
prices are reasonable. The most important thing is that there is an open elevator on the
upper floor, which makes it very convenient to go up and down the stairs, and she doesn't
have to run around in the wind and sun and get sweaty.
After she fell in love with this place, Shen Yuling started to walk around it. At the end
of the day, she didn't reach the high-end clothing area on the sixth floor until the
evening. Looking at the dazzling array of various brand-name clothing, her eyes were full
of envy.
Not to mention a wholesale city like this, even if she could own one floor of it, she
would be so happy that she would wake up laughing in her dreams.
Just as Shen Yuling finished sighing, he felt like going to the bathroom and went up to
the top floor.
What you see on the top floor is an open space. There is a row of houses on the south
side of the open space with offices and other words written on them. The bathroom is in
the west area.
When Shen Yulin came out of the bathroom and was about to leave, she seemed to see a
familiar figure outside the office directing people to install something.
He had a neat and tidy short haircut and wore dark-colored casual clothes with his
sleeves rolled up to his elbows, revealing a pair of strong and powerful forearms. He was
full of masculine tension.
Zhao Hui? He is here?
Shen Yuling's heart suddenly started beating. Just then, a young man was directed by Zhao
Hui to go to a room to get something. She immediately went up to him and asked quietly,
"What are you doing?"
The young man turned around and saw a strange woman standing at the door asking him. He
thought she was the owner or employee of a store in the wholesale city. She smiled and
said, "I'm installing the air conditioner."
Install air conditioning?
Shen Yuling seemed to realize something and glanced at Zhao Hui, who had his back to her,
and asked, "Who is directing the installation of the air conditioner?"
"My boss." After the young man answered, he suddenly realized something was wrong and
immediately looked at Shen Yuling with scrutiny, "Who are you? Why are you asking these
From top to bottom in this wholesale city, almost everyone knows Zhao Hui, so the
question this person asked is very suspicious.
"Nothing, I'm just asking casually." Shen Yuling's heart skipped a beat when he looked at
her. She just laughed and left quickly.
When the young man saw her fleeing figure, he became even more suspicious. He picked up
his tools and told Zhao Hui about it.
Zhao Hui frowned and asked, "Where is the person?"
Upon hearing this, the young man immediately pointed at Shen Yuling's back as she was
about to reach the stairs and said, "What about that one, the one with braids and a
camel-colored sweater?"
Zhao Hui had good eyesight and immediately saw Shen Yulin's back, but before he could see
it clearly, the figure had already turned into the stairs and disappeared.
Why does she look a bit like Shen Yuling?
Zhao Hui frowned slightly.
In the past two years, in order to cut off Shen Yuling's disgusting escape route, he
secretly observed Shen Yuling for quite a while, so he was very familiar with Shen
Yuling's back.
Zhao Hui's eyes darkened, and then he instructed the young man beside him, "Find someone
to follow her, see where she lives and what she is doing, and be careful not to reveal
your tracks when following her."
"Okay." The young man immediately responded and left after hearing this.
The young man had been following Zhao Hui since he opened the agency. He had seen a lot
of vicious people, especially since the construction of the wholesale city began,
countless people had wanted to take advantage of Zhao Hui. He had dealt with this kind of
thing many times and had a lot of experience.
After Zhao Hui gave his instructions, he turned around and continued to watch people
install the air conditioner.
Now the wholesale city is on track, but his office is not ready yet. It is not easy to do
business in this city. There are too many outsiders, so there are all kinds of people.
Once a person has money, it is easy for some people to target him, both in the white and
gray areas. Therefore, before the wholesale city opened, he found security guards.
Among these people, he gave priority to veterans, and secondly to the young and strong.
His purpose was to ensure the safety of the merchants here and not let anyone cause
trouble here. Therefore, even petty thieves dared not come to their wholesale city.
And for these people, tracking some illegal persons is a piece of cake.
After Shen Yulin hurriedly walked down from the top floor, she slowed down her pace. Her
heart was pounding and she was full of doubts.
Zhao Hui is actually the boss?
Is he the boss who installed the air conditioner, or the owner of one of the shops in
this wholesale city?
If he was a shop owner, why would he go to the top floor to install an air conditioner?
It is possible that he was the owner of the shop.
Shen Yuling had a lot of random thoughts, but she didn't think of Zhao Hui as the owner
of this wholesale city. After all, Zhao Hui had only been here for two years, and no one
would have thought that he could own a wholesale city in just two years.
But no matter what, Shen Yulin suddenly had the confidence to stay in G City.
Although she had a deep hatred for Shen Yuxiu, she did not have it with Zhao Hui.
Moreover, once the old woman died, Zhao Hui would have one less elderly person to
support. What's a good thing, right?
What's more, Zhao Hui is just a son-in-law, and she is at least Shen Yuxiu's cousin. If
she has nowhere to go here, and Zhao Hui just sits back and does nothing, isn't he afraid
of being attacked by the Shen family when he returns?

Chapter 257 Where is this?

The more Shen Yuling thought about it, the more she felt that this was true. However, it
seemed a bit deliberate to go back now. It would be better to see where Zhao Hui lived.
Once she knew where Zhao Hui's store was, it would not be too late to make other plans.
Thinking of this, Shen Yuling turned around and walked back immediately, catching the
person following her off guard. If he hadn't reacted quickly and steadied his steps and
continued to move forward, passing Shen Yuling, he would have been discovered.
Shen Yuling did not go up to the roof either. She just hid behind the stairwell door and
quietly observed Zhao Hui.
The person staring at Shen Yuling didn't know what she was going to do, but he could see
that her purpose was not pure. He turned around and called a security guard on the
intercom, asking him to tell Zhao Hui about this matter.
When Zhao Hui heard the report, he glanced at the corridor exit out of the corner of his
eye, asked someone to go back and keep an eye on it, and then he did what he had to do.
It was not until night fell and the entire wholesale city began broadcasting the
countdown to closing that Shen Yuling had to hurry down the stairs.
The person in charge of following Shen Yulin hurriedly caught up when he saw this, and
found that after Shen Yulin walked out of the gate of the wholesale city, she turned
around and hid in a secluded place, and continued to look at the gate of the wholesale
city stealthily.
Zhao Hui, who was looking down at all this from the top of the building, had increasingly
darker eyes.
He didn't believe that everything Shen Yulin was doing now was a coincidence. Maybe she
wanted to do something to him or Shen Yuxiu again?
It's so fucking disgusting, don't blame him for being rude.
Thinking of this, Zhao did not waste any more time. He asked someone to go downstairs and
tell the people who were following him to stop caring about him. Then he walked
downstairs slowly, walked to the parking lot as if no one was around, got into a Santana,
and drove away slowly.
Shen Yuling watched this scene and quickly hailed a taxi waiting outside the wholesale
city to catch up, feeling both jealous and excited.
I was jealous because Zhao Hui could actually drive a car. I was also excited because
Zhao Hui was indeed a wealthy man in his previous life. He could achieve such success in
such a short time. If a few more years passed, he would probably be even richer than in
his previous life, right?
Zhao Hui glanced indifferently at the taxi following closely behind him, and continued
driving slowly until he reached an old no-man's land, then he parked the car on the side
of the road and walked into a narrow alley.
Seeing this, Shen Yuling quickly stopped the taxi, got out and followed quietly.
The alley was pitch black. Shen Yulin was a little afraid to go forward because of her
experience a few days ago, and she was also a little confused.
Didn't Zhao Hui already drive the car? Why was he still living in such a place? Was it
just for the sake of appearance?
But Zhao Hui was the only straw she could grasp. Shen Yuling didn't want to give up just
like that, so she finally went in with gritted teeth.
Whether it was true or not, she should at least find out the truth. Maybe he just came
here to find someone and didn't live here?
However, Shen Yulin had just stepped into the alley when she was hit on the head by
something. Her vision went black and she lost consciousness.
Zhao Hui looked coldly at Shen Yuling who had collapsed to the ground. He bent over and
searched through all her pockets. He threw the money into the air and threw her ID card
casually. He didn't do that until all her pockets were empty. Then he picked her up and
walked deeper into the dark alley.
Zhao Hui wandered around in circles for who knows how many times he had walked before he
finally came to a street full of colorful billboards. He threw the person casually in
front of a store, kicked the door twice, and disappeared into the dark alley.
It was not until the door was opened that someone glanced at Shen Yuling at the door,
looked around carefully, then bent down and pulled Shen Yuling in, and then strode away.
This street is dedicated to pimping business. He knew about it because he overheard Yang
Jianjun mention it. It's not that they don't care, but it keeps happening. They've gotten
used to catching and punishing those people and don't care at all.
Doesn’t Shen Yuling like to chase after men?
There is no shortage of men here, so I guess she can be satisfied, right?
When Zhao returned home, Shen Yuxiu had already fallen asleep. He took a shower quietly,
returned to the bed, and gently held her in his arms. Only then did he feel at peace.
Don't blame him for being cruel to Shen Yulin. It was Shen Yulin's appearance that made
him feel an unprecedented crisis.
Every time Shen Yulin appears, he and Shen Yuxiu will suffer a hardship. As the saying
goes, once, twice, but never a third time. He and Shen Yuxiu have experienced two crises.
Although their relationship is still good now, he promises that if it happens again, he
will lose Shen Yuxiu completely, which is something he cannot accept or bear.
But even though he had brought Shen Yuling to that kind of place, Zhao Hui still felt
This Shen Yuling is like an indestructible cockroach. She follows you wherever you go.
She appears from time to time to disgust you. It is really hard to guard against her. We
have to find a way to get rid of her once and for all.
Unconsciously, he hugged Shen Yuxiu with greater strength. The sleeping Shen Yuxiu felt
as if she was tied up by something. She opened her eyes and saw that he was hugging her.
She thought he was upset about something, so she mumbled sleepily and stretched out a
hand to pat his back gently to soothe him, but she fell asleep again before she could pat
him twice.
Seeing how sleepy she was, Zhao Hui quickly and carefully changed the position to make
her comfortable, then he turned off the lights, closed his eyes and went to sleep.
On the other side, Shen Yuling woke up in a dark room and could not see anything.
Shen Yuling sat up suddenly in shock and looked around.
Oh my god, where is this?
Wasn't she following Zhao Hui? How did she end up in this place?
Shen Yuling was a little nervous. The room was pitch black and she could not see
anything. She could only get off the bed and grope forward. After a while, she finally
felt something like a door handle. She immediately turned it with force, but no matter
how hard she twisted or pulled, the door made only a banging noise and did not move at
Shen Yuling was not stupid. Of course she understood that the door must have been locked,
and she became even more panicked.
Where on earth was this and why was she locked up?
Maybe the noise here was a little too loud, Shen Yuling heard a sound next door, followed
by the vague sound of people talking. After a while, she heard the sound of a door
opening next door, and then a series of footsteps approaching her, and then the door
handle she was holding moved.
Shen Yuling was so scared that she took a step back and tried frantically to find
something in the room to defend herself, but suddenly realized that the room was pitch
black and she couldn't see anything. At this moment, the door creaked open, and then a
man and a woman appeared at the door of the room.
"Hey, the pretty girl is awake?" The woman saw Shen Yuling standing in the middle of the
room with a frightened face. She walked to the door seductively, turned on the light, and
asked, "What happened? Why did you faint at the door of my store?"
"Fainted... in front of your store?" Shen Yuling didn't believe her at all. She thought
this woman must be lying to her.
She was clearly knocked unconscious, so how could she faint in front of her store? Even
if that was true, why was the door locked just now?

Chapter 258 What a coincidence

As soon as the woman saw Shen Yulin's eyes, she knew that she didn't believe her at all,
and asked her in a bad mood.
"Then how did you get here?"
Shen Yulin frowned when asked and looked at the two people in front of her suspiciously.
How did she get here?
She woke up here and had no idea how she got here.
She also wanted to ask these two people why she was here?
Seeing her like this, the woman clicked her tongue and said, "No matter how you got here,
since you are here and sleeping here, you have to pay. After you pay, you can go wherever
you want."
Shen Yuling looked at the woman blocking the door, and then at the unfriendly man behind
the woman. She knew it was difficult to get rid of him, so she could only resign herself
to asking, "How much?"
"Two hundred." The woman said casually.
"Are you robbing money?" Shen Yulin's action of taking out money suddenly stopped, she
was shocked.
This price is almost equal to half a month's salary for an ordinary person, and the
decent hotel she stayed in only cost twenty yuan a day.
"You can eat whatever you want but you can't talk nonsense. My price is fifty yuan per
hour and I never bargain." The woman was not a pushover. Seeing that she didn't seem to
want to pay, she immediately stood up straight and looked at her fiercely: "You slept
here for four hours, no more, no less, exactly two hundred yuan, how can it be considered
As the woman finished speaking, people in several rooms nearby were awakened by the
noise. One after another, they opened their doors and looked over here. There were both
men and women among these people, but the women were all dressed coolly.
Shen Yulin was so frightened by this that her heart started pounding. She lost all her
arrogance and could only resign herself to her fate and start searching her pockets, but
she found nothing.
Fog grass...
Shen Yuling couldn't believe it and quickly turned her body over again, but still found
"Where's my money?" Shen Yulin asked the woman sharply. That was her two years' worth of
"How would I know where your money is?" the woman said angrily, "It was like this when we
found you. We just carried you in, but no one touched your money."
"That's right. Although our business is not honorable, we have always been open and
aboveboard. We never do anything sneaky." A woman on the other side chimed in.
"If it's not you, then who else could it be?" All the money on her body was gone, and her
ID was gone. Shen Yuling ran away from home and grabbed the woman like crazy, "Where's my
money? Where's my ID? Give it back to me."
When the woman saw her like this, she slapped her hand away without any hesitation,
sneered and took a step back; "Looking for trouble, huh? Hall, beat her up."
As the woman made way, the man behind her rushed up without saying a word, kicked Shen
Yulin to the ground, and then rained fists on Shen Yulin.
"Ah, help, I don't dare anymore, I don't dare anymore." Such violent beating reminded
Shen Yulin of the days when she was imprisoned and sent to the farm. She was so scared
that she immediately screamed for mercy.
Seeing how weak she was, the woman also thought it was boring, so she waved her hand to
stop the man, looked down at Shen Yuling who was curled up on the ground, and said,
"Although I am a pimp, I have always had principles. If you eat my food and sleep in my
room, you have to pay. If you can't pay, you have to work to pay off the debt. You can't
eat and live for free."
"Okay, I'll work to pay off my debt. I'll work to pay off my debt." Shen Yulin held her
head and agreed repeatedly.
She had no choice but to agree. She had no money on her and these people looked like they
were not easy to deal with. What else could she do if she didn't agree?
Seeing her cowardly appearance, the woman sneered disdainfully and said to the man,
"Okay, let's go back to sleep. She can't run away anyway."
Upon hearing this, the man immediately left the room, closed the door, locked it with a
click, and then hugged the woman back to their original room.
As for Shen Yuling, if she couldn't pay the money when she got here, she had to leave
immediately. Don't even think about leaving in the future. It would be a joke if she
wanted to work to pay off her debts and leave. She would be destined to serve men from
morning till night.
Shen Yuling curled up on the ground with her head covered. It took her a long time to
accept the fact that she was threatened and locked up in a small dark room. She couldn't
help but cry out loud.
It’s all Zhao Hui’s fault. If I hadn’t been following him, how would I have ended up
in this damn place? How would I have been knocked unconscious and thrown here? How would
I have lost my money and ID for no apparent reason, and ended up in debt of two hundred
From the beginning to the end, she never thought that she was thrown here by Zhao Hui.
She just thought that she was robbed and that someone took all her money and ran away.
Shen Yuling cried all night, and her eyelids were swollen when she woke up the next day.
The woman from last night saw her like this, made a disgusted sound, and told her to
clean up quickly.
Originally, when she saw Shen Yuling's age, she disliked her because she was a little too
old and men would not like her. Now that she saw how ugly she was, she disliked her even
Seeing her like this, Shen Yulin didn't dare to say a word. She obediently followed the
woman's instructions to clean the house, and began her days of being forced to work to
pay off her debts.
As time passed, Shen Yuxiu and her two daughters had to go back to school again. Zhao
Mingli was the first one among them to go to school because he still had to take a train
for five or six days.
Shen Yuxiu helped Zhao Mingli pack his luggage, sent him on the train and went back to
school to prepare for the start of school. Zhao Hui continued to busy himself with his
own things. Because he was worried about Zhao Mingchen being alone at home, he took him
to the wholesale city to work as a laborer.
After Zhao Mingli arrived at school after taking a train for six days, the first thing he
did was to take out the clothes he bought for his girlfriend and put them neatly in the
closet, waiting to give them to his girlfriend after she arrived at school.
But in the end, when he heard his roommate say that his girlfriend had arrived at school,
he rushed over with clothes in hand, only to see his girlfriend affectionately holding a
man's arm with a sweet smile on her face.
That was the smile she would only show him during those few months when he had just
agreed to her confession.
The girl obviously didn't expect him to appear suddenly, and she was completely frozen.
The boy whose arm the girl was holding looked at the girl, then looked at Zhao Mingli who
was blocking their way, and asked the girl suspiciously: "Do you know each other? Who is
The girl felt a little guilty when asked, and didn't know how to answer. She could only
bite the bullet and said to Zhao Mingli: "Senior, we can talk about it later. You go back
Zhao Mingli was a little slow in realizing things, but that doesn't mean he was
completely ignorant.
Ever since they confirmed their relationship, the girl either called him dear or called
him by his name, but never called him senior again.
Thinking about the girl's cold attitude towards him during the holiday before the New
Year, and then looking at the boy whose arm the girl was holding, Zhao Mingli immediately
understood something.
But he didn't leave as the girl said. Instead, he extended his hand to the boy opposite
him in a friendly manner and said, "Hello, my name is Zhao Mingli, I'm her boyfriend.
What's your relationship with her?"
The boy obviously didn't expect Zhao Mingli to say that. After a moment of stunned
silence, he immediately pulled his arm away from the girl as if he had been electrocuted.
He looked at the girl in shock, then at Zhao Mingli, and his words were a little vague.
"What a coincidence, I'm her boyfriend too."

Chapter 259 Being Tricked

Zhao Mingli, who had been mentally prepared, was not too surprised when he heard this.
Seeing that no one took his outstretched hand, he slowly withdrew his hand. Just as he
was about to say something to the boy who was obviously not yet recovered from the shock,
he saw the girl suddenly step forward.
"Zhao Mingli, I haven't liked you for a long time, but I didn't break up with you because
I was afraid of hurting you. Now that you have seen it today, I don't have to worry about
anything. Let's break up, and we will have nothing to do with each other in the future."
At the beginning, the girl's voice was a little lacking in confidence, but as she spoke,
she became more determined, as if things were just as she said.
Now people began to notice the situation here and stopped to watch. She had to take the
responsibility off herself.
Zhao Mingli, who had his back to the crowd, did not notice that someone started to stop
behind him, but he knew the girl well enough. As soon as he heard her voice, he knew how
weak her confidence was. Therefore, he did not believe the girl's words that she did not
want to hurt him.
If you really don't want to hurt him, you wouldn't have found another partner before
breaking up with me. Is this no different from playing with two women at the same time?
If we talk about hurting someone, this kind of behavior of playing with two women at the
same time is the real hurt.
Moreover, since she had long since stopped wanting to be with him, how could she have
accepted it so calmly and without refusing at all when I had run around to buy her train
tickets and send her things during the winter vacation last year?
The fear of hurting him was just an excuse that was exposed on the spot.
Seeing that Zhao Mingli remained silent, the girl's courage, which she had finally
mustered, was no longer so strong. She was about to say something when she heard Zhao
Mingli suddenly speak.
"Okay, let's break up, we have nothing to do with each other anymore." Zhao Mingli
readily agreed to the girl's request to break up, then looked at the boy and said
meaningfully, "I wish you good luck. I hope you will have better luck than me and don't
end up like me, being double-crossed."
After saying that, Zhao Mingli turned around and left without even looking at the boy and
girl's faces which turned pale in an instant.
When he turned around, Zhao Mingli found that there was a group of students watching the
fun around him. He casually stuffed the coat in his hand into the arms of a girl in the
"This is a gift for you. If you don't like it, throw it away." As soon as he finished
speaking, Zhao Mingli walked out of the crowd and strode away.
The girl who had her coat stuffed into her face looked confused. She then looked at the
man and woman who were thrown on the spot by Zhao Mingli and had unhappy expressions on
their faces. Then she ran after Zhao Mingli holding her coat.
"Hey, you really don't want this coat? The material looks expensive..."
As the girl gradually ran away, the people who were watching the fun also gradually
dispersed and left, leaving only the two sweet couple standing there.
After a long time, the girl came back to her senses first. She took a deep breath, tried
to force a smile, and just as she was about to take the boy's hand as she did before, she
saw the boy step back suddenly as if he was frightened.
"I..." The girl was about to explain something when she saw the boy waving his hand.
"You don't have to say anything. Let's break up and pretend that we've never been
together." The boy said quickly and turned away. As he walked, he even started to run.
His speed was so fast that it seemed as if there was a ghost chasing him.
Oh my god, this is too scary. These girls are so sinister. He wants to go home.
The girl who was left alone turned pale and blue in the face.
Originally, she pursued Zhao Mingli because she saw that Zhao Mingli dressed well and
wanted to marry a rich man. However, Zhao Mingli said that his family ran an matchmaking
agency and that their living expenses were limited, and he couldn't buy her anything good
even if he saved money. So she hooked up with a boy who was better off.
Now, everything has gone to waste if you aren’t careful.
Zhao Mingli returned to the dormitory and covered his head without going out for the
whole day. He was very sad. The feeling of being cheated on and betrayed was really
unpleasant. For the first time in his life, he understood the insidiousness of society.
Shen Yulin also suffered the biggest scam in her life. When she cleaned diligently for
half a month and felt that it was almost enough to pay off her debts, the woman told her
that she owed more than a thousand yuan.
"You are blackmailing me. I work hard here every day and have never asked you for money.
How come I still owe you money?" Shen Yuling couldn't believe her ears.
"How is that impossible?" The woman said with a smile, "Although you are working to pay
off your debts, I never said I would provide you with food and lodging, right?"
Shen Yuling was a little speechless. This woman really didn't say that she would provide
food and accommodation. "But I don't owe you more than a thousand, do I?"
"Why not?" The woman sighed and began to explain to her in detail, "Look, if our room
rate is based on the day, it would be one hundred yuan a day, and your daily cleaning is
only ten yuan, which means that on average you still owe me more than eighty yuan a day.
I didn't even calculate it based on the normal room rate, which is already very
considerate of you."
After Shen Yuling heard her words, she felt as if she was struck by lightning. She saw
black waves in front of her eyes. She pointed at the woman in front of her and said
tremblingly, "You, you are running a shady shop. I'm going to sue you."
"Go ahead and sue me. I'll consider you awesome if you can walk out of this store." The
woman said nonchalantly, "Besides, this store is mine. I say the room price is what it
is. Who cares? If you can't afford it, just pay up and leave. If not, you can tell your
family to come and bring the money. I'm very reasonable."
Shen Yuling's heart continued to sink.
She finally understood that this was a trap, a trap designed to trap people.
Unfortunately, she is now alone, without children or husband. She has many parents and
family members, but none of them is willing to pay attention to her. It is a dream to
expect someone to bring money to redeem her.
She also saw that the yard was guarded tightly. The women here were all sold and slept
with countless men every day. And this woman was obviously not someone to be trifled
with. She could not afford to provoke her at all, and it was unrealistic for her to
Oh, and there is also Zhao Hui.
Zhao Hui is still here and can afford to drive a car, so he can definitely come up with a
thousand yuan.
Shen Yuling's eyes suddenly lit up, and she quickly grabbed the woman's hand and said, "I
have a cousin's husband named Zhao Hui. He is the boss of a company that renovates air
conditioners for others. Let's go out and find him. He will definitely have money for
"Really?" The woman's eyes lit up when she heard that, and she asked with great interest,
"Which store is it? Where is it located exactly?"
"I, I don't remember. I came here to seek refuge with him." Shen Yuling lied with a
twinkling look in her eyes. "But you also saw that I was robbed as soon as I arrived. All
my belongings were gone, including the note with the address. I don't know anything else
except that he was an air conditioner installer."
"You're not lying to me, are you?" the woman expressed her doubt.
"No, I won't lie to you." Shen Yuling assured quickly, "I know he installed air
conditioners for the largest wholesale city in our city, XX. It should be easy to find
out there."

Chapter 260 Finding Another Way

The woman's eyelids twitched, and her eyes suddenly became sharp as she looked at Shen
This wholesale city is now famous not only among wholesalers, but also among people in
the gray area.
It's not because of anything else, it's just because the boss of the wholesale city is
very tough, and there are people in the police station. Let alone gangsters, even petty
thieves don't dare to go over and do it, for fear of being caught.
Shen Yuling's scalp tightened when the woman looked at her, and she quickly raised her
hand to swear, "What I said is true. If I say even a single word of nonsense, I will be
struck by lightning. If you don't believe me, just go and ask. It won't take much
The woman agreed and thought that she was just going to ask. She was not going to cause
trouble. As long as Shen Yuling had no relationship with the boss of the wholesale city,
what was there to be afraid of?
Thinking of this, the woman immediately came up with an idea. She looked at Shen Yuling
meaningfully and said, "Then you wait here. You'd better not lie to me, or I will make
you pay for it."
The woman called a man and walked out. Shen Yuling was a little dazed and wanted to chase
him but was stopped.
"Won't you take me with you?" Shen Yulin shouted at the woman's back.
The woman's lips curled slightly when she heard this, and she didn't show any intention
of stopping.
Take Shen Yuling with you? Do you think she's stupid?
That wholesale city is not a good place for people like them. If they bring Shen Yuling
along and something goes wrong, they will be the ones in trouble. Of course, it is better
for her to do it herself.
Shen Yuling looked at the woman's disappearing back, feeling disappointed.
She also wanted to take this opportunity to go out and find Zhao Hui in person. When Zhao
Hui saw her miserable appearance, maybe he would not only help her get money to escape
from this place, but also help her settle down in this city. Unfortunately, all this has
failed now.
But it’s the same if this woman goes to look for him. As long as he can find Zhao Hui,
he should be able to leave here soon.
However, although Shen Yulin had good intentions, the woman's inquiries were not smooth.
"No, there is no air conditioner installer here who is not named Zhao Hui." On the top of
the wholesale city building, the employees who had been instructed long ago were shaking
their heads like rattles.
Anyway, if you lose something, they will help you find it by broadcasting; if you want to
buy something, they will recommend a floor for you. But if you ask Zhao Hui, he knows
nothing about anything.
I don’t know, I’m not sure, there is no such person.
After all, the person he was looking for was Zhao Hui, the boss of An Air Conditioner,
not Zhao Hui, the boss of their wholesale city.
The woman went to the wholesale city, didn't ask anything, and returned to the store and
slapped Shen Yulin.
"Well, I've been tricked by someone."
"No, I didn't lie. Everything I said was true." Shen Yulin covered her face which was
hurt by the beating and denied it repeatedly.
"I don't care whether you cheated me or not. Either you find someone to give you money
and leave, or you go out and earn money by accompanying guests. I don't want to keep an
idle person." The woman said angrily and turned back to the house.
She was so angry that she had made a wasted trip in fear. If the trick was discovered by
those cunning security guards in the wholesale city, she might have to starve at home
again. She was so unlucky.
Shen Yuling, who was left behind, couldn't believe the result.
how can that be possible?
How come there is no such person as Zhao Hui?
When she asked the person who installed the air conditioner, he clearly said that Zhao
Hui was their boss!
Could it be that the woman found Zhao Hui, got the money, but didn't want to let her go,
so she cheated her?
Countless thoughts flashed through Shen Yuling's mind, but she didn't dare to ask the
woman for fear of being slapped again.
But besides Zhao Hui, who else could she ask to get money to redeem her?
Shen Yuling only felt a pain in her head.
Ever since what happened to Grandma Fang, Fourth Aunt Shen has not allowed her to come
in. Her brothers and sisters have been avoiding her like the plague. Now, the only person
she can find is her ex-husband Wang Jiancheng.
But she still remembered Wang Jiancheng's paging number, but she didn't know if Wang
Jiancheng would care about her. After all, they had no contact with each other after the
Shen Yuling was just worried and thinking wildly until the woman came to urge her, and
then she reluctantly used the store phone to send a message to Wang Jiancheng.
After Wang Jiancheng divorced Shen Yulin, he remained silent in the village for half a
year. Seeing that no one was targeting him anymore, he quietly went to the city and
reopened a wholesale store. Because he already had experience in opening a store, his
business quickly picked up again.
It was the busy noon time when I heard the pager on my waist ringing. I thought it was a
customer calling me, but when I picked it up, I saw a line of small words written on it:
If you have anything to ask, call me back as soon as possible, Shen Yuling.
Then there is a string of telephone numbers.
When Wang Jiancheng saw these words, his eyes narrowed involuntarily. Then he hung the
pager back on his waist as if nothing had happened and continued to greet guests.
It was obvious that the phone number was not from their local area, and he had no idea
where Shen Yulin was sending the message from.
But no matter where Shen Yuling is now or what she wants from him, he doesn't want to
have anything to do with this woman anymore.
This woman is poisonous. Nothing good will happen if you get involved with her.
He didn't want his business, which had just started to pick up, to go bankrupt because of
this woman.
At noon that day, Shen Yulin had been standing here in fear since she was dragged to the
phone by the woman and sent a message to Wang Jiancheng.
But she waited and waited, the phone didn't ring. When it finally rang, it was not Wang
The woman looked at Shen Yuling so anxiously that beads of sweat appeared on her
forehead, and her eyes were full of mockery.
She finally realized that there was really no money to be made from this person. She
didn't know what kind of person this woman was in her daily life. She couldn't even find
someone who was willing to pay to redeem her.
Shen Yuling's hair stood on end when she looked at her, and she didn't know where to put
her hands and feet.
"Okay, go to work." The woman felt pain in her eyes seeing her like this, and waved her
hand unhappily to let her go away.
Upon hearing this, Shen Yuling immediately went to clean the room, fearing that the woman
would force her to sleep with the man.
In fact, the woman said that just to scare Shen Yuling. She was a small business, and the
crackdown on pornography and illegal publications was quite severe. The women who sold to
her were all willing. Even if they were caught, they would be detained for a few days at
most. But if they found out that she was still forcing people to buy and sell, it would
not be a small problem.
It would be better to sell Shen Yuling directly. Although Shen Yuling's age and
appearance will not allow her to find a good place to live, she can still earn some hard-
earned money by selling her to human traffickers.
Shen Yulin didn't know that the woman couldn't get any benefits from her, so she had
already found another way for her. She was now worried that the woman would let someone
rape her. She was trembling with fear and couldn't even sleep well at night.
One day, two days, after a few days passed, Shen Yulin saw that the woman still didn't
move, and her heart slowly settled down.
Could it be that the woman still has some conscience and doesn't want to force her to
serve the man?
However, she hadn't been at ease for two days, because when she woke up, she had moved to
another place.
This was a van, and inside it there were several women like her, with their hands and
feet tied and their mouths gagged. The van was still swaying, and no one knew where it
was going.

Chapter 261 Don't Give Up

When Zhao Hui heard that someone was looking for him, he knew that Shen Yuling was still
restless, so he immediately found someone to monitor the store.
Therefore, as soon as Shen Yuling was carried onto the van in the middle of the night,
someone followed her. It was not until the man followed the van to a yard in the suburbs
and saw those people carrying several women from the yard into the van that he realized
something was wrong and immediately called Zhao Hui.
Zhao Hui was not a man who had never seen the world, and he sensed something fishy as
soon as he heard it.
If those people only took Shen Yuling away, he would definitely be happy to see it
happen, but if there were others, he could not take it for granted.
Zhao Hui hesitated for a moment and told his men to continue following without revealing
their tracks. After he hung up the phone, he immediately called Yang Jianjun and told him
the truth. He also gave him the phone number of the man who was currently following the
van so that Yang Jianjun could keep abreast of the situation. Finally, he instructed Yang
Jianjun, "If the woman named Shen Yuling asked you to find me, just say there is no such
person here and you can handle her stay or departure according to the regulations."
"Okay, I got it." Yang Jianjun agreed and after ending the call with Zhao Hui, he
immediately called the person he was following. After confirming the location, he
immediately went there and took the police.
Because someone had been following the taxi, the police response went smoothly. When the
human traffickers in the van were stopped and taken back to the police station, they were
all confused.
They don't even know where they were exposed or when they were targeted.
Thinking of Zhao Hui's instructions when he called, Yang Jianjun personally took part in
recording the statements of the rescued women.
Sure enough, when he asked one of the women named Shen Yuling, after she answered all the
questions, she asked, "Could you please check if there is a person named Zhao Hui in our
city? He is from D City, S Province, just like me. He is my cousin's husband. I have
nowhere to go now, so I can only look for him temporarily."
Hearing this, Yang Jianjun glanced at Shen Yuling in front of him calmly and said, "Okay,
wait a moment."
After saying that, Yang Jianjun called a staff member over to continue recording the
information of several other people, and then he went into the data room and pretended to
look for information.
After wandering around the archives room for about ten minutes, Yang Jianjun came back
and said to Shen Yuling with a look of regret: "Unfortunately, I didn't find any
information that matches the person you mentioned. So do you want to stay here, or do we
notify your local police and your family?"
"Impossible, he is in this city. I have seen him. You can go look for him again. Maybe
you missed him just now." Shen Yulin retorted subconsciously, as if she did not hear what
he said next.
"I'm sorry, I've checked carefully, and there's really no such person. Just because you
saw him in the city doesn't mean he's temporarily living in the city. Maybe he's in
another county and just came to the city to do business." Yang Jianjun said tactfully.
Shen Yulin was speechless for a moment.
She had never thought of this possibility. She had met Zhao Hui in the city and thought
he must be in the city. She actually forgot that there were many counties, townships, and
even villages in G City.
"Can you help me check other places? I really have no other relatives here except this
cousin's husband." Shen Yulin pleaded pitifully.
She still didn't give up and didn't want to go back to that county town. There was no one
or anything there that made her want to stay. She wanted to stay here and continue
looking for Zhao Hui, and then settle down in this city.
"I'm sorry, we only have information on temporary residents in our city. We can't find
information on people from other places. If you want to continue staying in the city,
please apply for an ID card within half a month to register for temporary residence. If
you want to return to your hometown, please do so as soon as possible. If you do not have
proof of identity within half a month, we will notify your local police to take you back
as required." Yang Jianjun threatened people half-truthfully, and his expression became
extremely serious.
Shen Yuling met Yang Jianjun's suddenly serious face and shuddered subconsciously.
After having been detained in a detention center once, she developed a deep fear of
people in police uniforms and immediately stopped acting recklessly.
"I, let me think about it first." Shen Yulin walked over to the women who had already
finished recording their statements and were waiting obediently for the staff to arrange
their affairs and sat down next to them.
After all the women had completed routine questioning, Shen Yulin watched the staff begin
to call the local police stations of these women according to the registration
information to verify the situation and ask them to notify their families to pick them
When Shen Yulin saw the staff calling the local police one by one and getting positive
responses, she felt inexplicably envious of the women around her.
They all have families and places to return to, but she has only a family but is like an
Moreover, even if the police station notified her family, I guess no one would go through
the trouble to come all the way to pick her up, right?
Thinking of this, Shen Yuling made a decision all of a sudden. She walked up to the staff
member who had just finished a phone call and said, "Comrade, you don't need to notify my
family. I will find someone to get a new ID card as soon as possible. I want to stay."
The staff member who had already received Yang Jianjun's instructions didn't say anything
after hearing this. He scribbled a few words on a piece of paper and handed it to her:
"Sign your name and you can leave."
Shen Yuling did not hesitate. She signed her name on the paper and turned away.
After watching Shen Yulin leave, Yang Jianjun turned around and went back to the office.
At the same time, I also really understood how difficult this person was when Zhao Hui
said he was difficult to deal with.
After he caught the human trafficker, he received another call from Zhao Hui. During the
call, Zhao Hui told him everything the woman had done to Zhao Hui and Shen Yuxiu without
reservation. At first he thought Zhao Hui was worrying unnecessarily, but now he doesn't
think so anymore.
He even thought that this woman might have a problem with her brain. After all, any
normal person, let alone almost killing someone, or even indirectly killing someone's
relatives, would never have the nerve to ask the victim's family for help. But this woman
could do it, and it seemed as if it was a matter of course.
Thinking of this, Yang Jianjun called Zhao Hui again and told him about Shen Yuling's
decision, then said, "She decided to stay and has left us now. I guess she might come to
find you again, so you should pay attention."
"Okay, I got it. Thanks for the reminder, brother." Zhao Hui sat in the black Santana,
quietly watching Shen Yuling walk out of the Public Security Bureau gate with cold eyes.
Since you want to stay and look for him, don't blame him for being rude.
Shen Yulin came out and wanted to hail a taxi to the Wholesale City to wait for people,
but suddenly realized that she had no money left. She could only go to the bus stop to
look at the bus routes. After finding a bus stop with a route to the Wholesale City, she
stood there waiting for the bus.

Chapter 262 God's Will

Shen Yuling had a good idea.
Although she had no money on her now, she was sure that if she begged, the driver would
not be so disrespectful as to kick her out, or there would always be kind-hearted people
who would take pity on her and help her pay the fare.
But the reality was not what she thought. When the bus arrived, people rushed on. The
ticket inspector saw that she had neither a ticket nor money, and before he could say
anything, the people behind her pulled her off the bus and squeezed on.
Then she was never able to get on the bus again. When the bus was full, it sped away,
leaving her and some other people who didn't get on the bus stranded.
Shen Yuling was a little dumbfounded. In order to be able to squeeze into the car next
time, she had to act pitiful and borrow money from others. She was lucky that there was
actually a kind person who lent her money.
Zhao Hui watched the bus she got on slowly driving towards the wholesale city, and
immediately stepped on the accelerator to catch up, while at the same time using her cell
phone to call a person who was in the gray area.
"Brother Hao, please give me a hand..."
After Zhao Hui politely finished talking to the person on the other end of the phone, he
continued to follow the bus until it stopped at the wholesale city. He saw Shen Yulin
just got off the bus and was rushed up by several men and women, who dragged her towards
a car.
"Sister, I found you. How could you leave your children at home and run away by yourself?
What's the use of making a lot of money if no one takes care of the children? Listen to
me, let's go home." A woman pulled her towards the car and persuaded her earnestly.
Several other people also surrounded Shen Yulin, fearing that she would run away.
Shen Yuling was stunned by the pull, and then she realized something and struggled
hurriedly: "Who are you? I don't know you."
"Hey, don't be angry." A man next to him saw this and immediately said loudly: "There is
no overnight grudge between husband and wife. I will not beat you again in the future.
Let's go home and talk it over. Can you stop making trouble?"
"You're talking nonsense, I don't even know you." Shen Yuling was anxious when she heard
it, but she was surrounded by people from all sides, and she couldn't struggle free at
all. She could only shout for help from the people around her, "Help, help me, I really
don't know them."
However, with the reform and opening up, some smart women went out to work despite their
family’s opposition. Some families understood, but some families refused to agree and
some even went to factories or shops to make trouble.
Therefore, when the people around heard what the man and the woman said, they
preconceived that they were a family. In addition, the man looked honest, so they
believed it even more and did not believe Shen Yulin. For a moment, no one really went to
help Shen Yulin.
Just like that, Shen Yulin was arrested again just after being rescued, and was arrested
in broad daylight.
Shen Yuling was about to cry to death.
Of course, she really cried, but as soon as she was put into the car, the woman stuffed a
towel into her mouth, and then the honest man slapped her in the face.
"Be honest, or I'll kill you."
Shen Yuling was frightened by the beating. She looked at the ferocious man with fear in
her eyes and dared not resist anymore.
Seeing that she was finally quiet, the man winked at the woman, who immediately
understood and covered Shen Yulin's eyes with a silk scarf, then sat quietly aside
without saying another word.
The car lurched out of the city, passing through one village and town after another,
leaving a trail of dust, heading north, and finally stopped in a place where there was no
village or shop around when it got dark.
"You keep a close eye on her and don't let her run away. Let's go to the bathroom." The
honest man said, and he went to the bushes with several other men to relieve himself.
They didn't even close the car door when they got out.
After the few people left, the woman seemed not to be afraid that Shen Yuling would run
away. She lazily lay down on the chair and closed her eyes to rest.
There was no movement around her. Shen Yuling, who was blindfolded, quietly lifted a
corner of her silk scarf and saw that the car door was wide open and the woman was
resting with her eyes closed. Her heart immediately started beating fast.
She can run away, right? She should be able to run away, right?
Thinking of this, Shen Yulin moved quietly. Seeing that the woman seemed unaware of her
intention, she immediately tiptoed towards the wide-open car door, got out of the car
silently, and ran towards a hillside without looking back.
What she didn't know was that the moment she got off the car, the woman in it opened her
But the woman did not chase her. Instead, she watched her run up the hillside. Then the
honest man who said he was going to the bathroom came out from the bushes nearby, while
the other two men strode after Shen Yulin.
From then on, if Shen Yuling went north, she would have no problem. Even if she was
penniless and had to beg for food from strangers, there would be kind people to help her.
But whenever she wanted to go south, she would be kidnapped or chased away, or someone
would stare at her with unfriendly eyes, as if they wanted to chop her into pieces and
eat her up. She would always be so scared that she would turn around and run away.
Shen Yuling didn't notice anything the first or second time, but after it happened many
times, she began to become suspicious.
She always felt that there was a force preventing her from going south and urging her to
return to her hometown.
But..., how could this happen?
If she had not experienced rebirth, Shen Yuling might not have thought too much about it,
but after experiencing so much, she had to wonder if God did not allow her to go to the
But..., why did God want her to return to her hometown?
But no matter the reason, Shen Yuling did not dare to go further south, so she turned
around and started on the road back home.
She was afraid that if she kept going south, sooner or later someone would expose her
body in the wilderness on the road.
After she decided not to go south, the journey back home became smoother, and some kind-
hearted people even offered to give her a ride on the way.
And just as she was walking back, a mental hospital in a small county in her hometown
injected a sum of external funds, saying that it could treat some patients with mental
illnesses for free for a period of one month, and after that it would no longer be free.
People nowadays don't pay much attention to this aspect. Even if there are families with
patients with this disease, they are not willing to send them to the hospital. Some
people feel embarrassed, and some people are reluctant to give up. They always feel that
although their children have bad brains, they are not willing to send them to the
hospital. But it was still a big thing after pooping and peeing, so I was afraid that I
would suffer a lot if I sent her to the hospital.
Just when the hospital's free treatment for mental illness was about to expire, Shen
Yulin finally returned after going through untold hardships.
After thanking the kind man who sent her to the county town, she got off the car with a
bottle of drink that the man gave her.
After getting off the car, Shen Yuling gulped down the bottle of drink and strode towards
the Shen family's village.
There was nothing she could do about it. She had already given up the lease on the house
in the courtyard. Now she was penniless and had nowhere to go. Even if she returned to
the village, her parents still wouldn't like her, but at least she had a place to eat.
But just as she was about to step into the village entrance, Shen Yulin began to feel
dizzy and her vision blurred. The resentment and anger towards God that had accumulated
in her heart over the years began to grow.

Chapter 263 Going Crazy

Shen Yulin wanted to curse, cry, and go crazy. She wanted to pour out all the grievances
that had been in her heart for years, and all the people and things that she couldn't
But there was another voice in her head telling her that she couldn't say these words,
but that voice that told her not to say them gradually became weaker and weaker, and the
urge to talk became stronger and stronger, until she was about to reach the door of her
house, when she suddenly exploded and started swearing.
"Shen Yuxiu, fuck your uncle, why can you marry a high-ranking official, marry Zhao Hui,
while I have to stay in this broken place for the rest of my life, Zhao Hui, who the hell
are you, why do you look down on me, Shen Laosi, you're a loser, you can't give your
children a good life, why did you give birth to so many children? Ah? You gave birth to
me, why don't you care about me, why don't you support me and don't give me money, you
old bastard..."
It was still chilly in spring and it was not time to plant the crops, so most of the
villagers were at home. They were immediately drawn out by Shen Yulin's curses to watch
the fun.
Of course Fourth Aunt Shen and Fourth Shen, who were at home, also heard it. They ran out
and saw Shen Yuling standing on the street, cursing like crazy, her face suddenly as
black as the bottom of a pot.
At this time, Shen Yuling had finished scolding the Shen family and the young ones, and
had already begun to scold the villagers.
"Zhang Sanlong, you're such a bastard, you're a piece of shit, you still look down on me,
hehe tui, you don't even look at that bearish look of yours..."
The villagers were all dumbfounded when they heard Shen Yuling curse this and that.
Oh my god, is Shen Yuling crazy? Is this really crazy?
You know, some of the people she scolded are now officials in the village. Are they
seeking death?
Fourth Aunt Shen's face turned dark when she heard this. Her son was getting older now
and would start a family and start a business in the future. If Shen Yuling continued to
scold him like this, his son would no longer be a good person in the village.
"Why are you so crazy? Come home..." Fourth Aunt Shen rushed forward anxiously and wanted
to drag Shen Yuling home.
Although she has long lost this daughter in her heart over the years, and has long
refused to let her in, the current situation cannot allow her to continue to go crazy on
the street, otherwise their family will be embarrassed to live.
As soon as Shen Yuling saw Fourth Aunt Shen, her eyes became more and more crazy. She
stretched out her hand and pulled her hair and scratched her. While scratching, she
screamed, "You damn old woman, you know how to give birth to life, give birth to your
mother, give birth to life, give birth to life." Can your son be an emperor, or can he
sleep with you? ..."
Fourth Aunt Shen is old now, and even her youngest son has grown up. Shen Yuling is no
match for Shen Yuling, who is in his prime. He accidentally got scratched all over his
Shen Laosi did not expect that Shen Yuling would even beat his own mother. He happened to
see his son come out after hearing the sound. While shouting for his son to help, he
rushed over to pull Shen Yuling who was beating Aunt Shen.
However, Shen Yuling was like crazy at this moment. Even if the two men came together,
they could not catch Shen Yuling. Shen Laosi could only ask the neighbors for help.
"Eldest nephew, nephew-in-law, please help me."
When the neighbors who were watching the excitement saw this, they stopped watching the
excitement and immediately rushed forward to hold Shen Yuling down. Some even brought
ropes and tied up Shen Yuling directly.
However, even so, Shen Yuling was not honest. She would catch anyone who came close to
her and spit on them, and she would curse everyone around her like crazy.
"You will not die well. I will be an official wife or a rich wife in the future. I will
arrest you and put you in jail. I am the daughter of destiny. If you dare to disrespect
me and tie me up, I will let God strike you to death with a thunderbolt." you……"
The people who were originally helping felt a little unhappy when they heard Shen Yuling
scolding her just now, but now that they saw her looking crazy, they immediately stopped
Just like that, a group of people helped the Shen family and his son carry Shen Yuling
into the Shen family, and then they all shook their heads and left.
In the past, they just thought that Shen Yuling had a bad mind, but now he was so good
that he went crazy without knowing what stimulation he received outside.
It was unlucky for Mr. and Mrs. Shen to have such a daughter. They worked so hard to
raise the child, not only did they not get involved in it, but they also wiped their
butts with her every day.
After the villagers left, Fourth Aunt Shen looked in the mirror at the bloody marks on
her face and gasped in pain.
Shen Laosi's only son, Shen Yuliang, looked at Shen Yuling who was still cursing even
though he was tied back and lying there unable to move, so he turned to ask Aunt Shen.
"Mom, is she crazy?"
When Fourth Aunt Shen heard this, her body froze, and she looked at Shen Yuling who was
crying, laughing, scolding and making trouble with complicated eyes, feeling a little
uncomfortable in her heart.
Isn't this crazy? Aren't you crazy to do this?
"Mom, let's send her to a mental hospital. Isn't treatment there free now?" Shen Yuliang
said again, looking at Shen Yuling with eyes full of disgust.
He didn't even want to call Shen Yuling sister. After the abolition of social divisions,
boys of the same age as him in the Shen family either went to school or became soldiers.
Anyway, few of them farmed at home.
He was the only one, because Shen Yuling had a criminal record, was useless in his
studies and wanted to be a soldier, so he could only accept his fate and farm at home.
But now it's hard for Shen Yuling to just throw him away, and he's already quite old, and
he's about to get married. With a crazy woman like Shen Yuling at home, it's hard for him
to get married.
Shen Yuling has already made him unable to be a soldier, so she can't make him unable to
be a wife, right?
Shen Yuliang thought of this, and Aunt Shen naturally thought of this too. After being
silent for a long time, she finally nodded.
"Okay, then send her there."
If Shen Yuling was just crazy and didn't hurt anyone, she might still leave the person at
home, or at worst, watch her. But when Shen Yuling went crazy, it was obvious that she
didn't recognize her relatives, and she and Shen Laosi were already old bones and
couldn't stand her troubles. Anyway, the mental hospital was free now, so sending Shen
Yuling there was a good place to go.
As for whether her reputation is good or not, she doesn't care about that at all.
Her daughter doesn't care about human life. If she stays here, she and Shen Laosi will be
killed at their old ages, but what if her only son is killed too?
Just like that, Shen Yulin had just arrived in the village and didn't know what she had
done, when Shen Yuliang drove a tractor and Shen Laosi and his wife took her to a mental
When the doctor who admitted her saw her condition, he immediately gave her an injection
of sedative, then arranged for her to be admitted to the ward, and then asked Shen
Yuliang to help fill in Shen Yulin's information.
In fact, the facilities here are not so complete, and most of the equipment and medicines
invested by foreign businessmen have not arrived yet. All they can do now is to calm the
patients down.
When Shen Yulin woke up, she was in a snow-white ward, and her whole body was tied to the
"Someone, someone, come..."
Shen Yuling screamed in horror.
She clearly remembered returning to the village yesterday, so how come she appeared in
this place?
where is this?

Chapter 264 I'm Panic

As Shen Yuling screamed, a doctor immediately rushed over. Seeing that she was obviously
agitated, he turned around and went back to get a tube of sedative and injected it into
Shen Yuling.
Before Shen Yuling fell into a coma, she heard the man turn around and say to a man in a
white coat who came hurriedly: "The patient's mood is still unstable. I think we need to
increase the dosage of the medicine."
Patient? Increase the dosage?
Before Shen Yulin could figure out what was going on, she lost consciousness again.
When she woke up again, she was given another injection as soon as she became excited. No
one gave her another injection until she became quiet when she woke up.
It was also at this time that she found out that her parents had sent her to a mental
hospital as a psychopath.
"I'm not mentally ill." Shen Yuling explained to the doctor very seriously: "Let me go, I
don't want to be here."
"We'll do a test to find out if you're sick or not." The kind-looking doctor handed her a
few blank papers filled with questions and said, "Just take your time and write."
Write slowly? She just wanted to get out as soon as possible, so how could she write
Shen Yulin took the paper and started writing quickly. It didn't take long for her to
finish answering all the questions.
The doctor took the paper and asked her to go back first. After looking down at the
answer written by Shen Yulin, he immediately got up and went to another office to find
another doctor.
After reading Shen Yuling's test paper, the doctor frowned and said, "This is a serious
illness. She has hallucinations, split personality, and some signs of antisocial
"Yes." The doctor shook his head and pointed to the question about past and present lives
on the paper, saying, "She actually answered with certainty that there must be past and
present lives in the world, and even rebirth. With such unrealistic cognition, she
actually said that she is not sick. Isn't this a joke?"
Judging from Shen Yulin's condition on the day she first arrived, and looking at this
test paper, no doctor would believe that Shen Yulin was not sick.
Shen Yulin never imagined that a set of tests she took would actually confirm the fact
that she was mentally ill.
From that day on, she lived with a bunch of psychopaths every day. If she was quiet, the
doctors and nurses would talk to her nicely. If she was in a bad mood and insisted that
these people let her out, or even wanted to run away, she would immediately receive a
shot of sedative.
After a long time, Shen Yulin gave up the idea of escaping. After eating, she would stare
at the sky in a daze. No matter what the weather was like, it was all dull in her eyes.
Shen Yulin couldn't understand how she had ended up like this and how she had become a
What's wrong with her?
When Zhao Hui received the news that Shen Yulin had been admitted to the hospital, he
immediately added a sum of money to ensure that the security facilities of the mental
hospital were in place. In addition, some drugs for treating mental illnesses also began
to be delivered.
Once Shen Yulin enters there, she will never be able to come out again in her life.
Zhao Hui heaved a sigh of relief after doing all this, and then continued to work on his
own affairs wholeheartedly. Now that the wholesale city is booming, he has to formulate
some management plans.
This was the first time he had come into contact with these things, and he was still in
the process of figuring out everything. There were many people watching him everywhere,
and if there was any mistake, it would not only affect the operation of the wholesale
city, but various other problems would also follow.
Everything returned to normal, and Zhao Hui and Shen Yuxiu's life became peaceful again.
People who are used to passionate life may find such ordinary days boring and even
meaningless. But people who are used to a dull life think that this is the best life and
even look forward to a peaceful and stable life.
Time flies. More than two years later, Zhao Mingchen was admitted to the best university
in G City as he wished. Meanwhile, the land that Zhao Hui bought in H Province also
skyrocketed in value.
Land is not so easy to buy now. Seeing that Zhao Hui still had no intention of touching
the land, the bosses who had bought land with Zhao Hui before immediately came to him one
after another, saying that they wanted to buy the land that Zhao Hui had bought. Even an
unreliable one among them hinted to Zhao Hui that if Zhao Hui did not sell the land to
him, he would join forces with others to shut down Zhao Hui's wholesale city.
Hearing this, Zhao Hui looked at the man deeply. A few days later, he signed a contract
with those people and sold the land to them. Of course, the land was sold at the current
market price instead of the price of that year. In an instant, the two million yuan he
used to buy the land two years ago became 20 million yuan.
Of course, he didn't sell the land entirely because of the pressure from these people,
but because he already had the idea of selling the land.
He had not wasted the past two years. In his spare time, he read some books on marketing
and finance, and went to H Province to learn about the market situation. He always felt
that the current level of construction in H Province was completely disproportionate to
the rising land prices. The prices were so high that they made people panic. Now it was a
good opportunity for him to take this opportunity to sell the land.
Moreover, he always felt that the current development prospects of G City were thousands
of times better than those of H Province. At least there were many factories and
businesses gathered here, so it was not that empty.
After selling the land, Zhao Hui turned around and told Shen Yuxiu about it. Shen Yuxiu
almost thought she was daydreaming.
Twenty million, this is even more unbelievable than when the jade was sold.
Shen Yuxiu pinched the soft flesh on her body in disbelief and immediately gasped in
pain. She uttered two less well-known words in shock: "Fuck."
Then she covered her heart which was beating suddenly, and slumped down on the sofa to
calm her breathing, "No, no, I'm panicking."
Seeing her like this, Zhao Hui couldn't help but laugh and quickly tried to calm her
In recent years, he has come into contact with many factory owners and has become
accustomed to seeing them talk about turnover of hundreds of millions or even tens of
millions every day. Although the daily turnover of wholesale cities and employment
agencies is not that much, it is not small either. Therefore, the 20 million is just a
number to him and it no longer makes him nervous.
"I plan to build a department store with this money, and also want to invest in some
electronic products, such as the popular MP3s and mobile phones. What do you think?" Zhao
Hui asked while calming her down.
"Okay, invest in whatever you want. From now on I will rely on Boss Zhao for support, and
I won't get tired of the old and love the new." Shen Yuxiu said as she pretended to be
pitiful and leaned into Zhao Hui's arms.
She clearly didn't make any flirtatious moves, but Zhao Hui's heart was still beating
fast just by seeing her.
"As you say, whatever you say is fine." Zhao Hui picked the man up and ran straight to
the bedroom.
Now that both sons have gone to college, they are the only two left at home, and they can
do whatever they want.
The destination of the money was decided, and Zhao Hui immediately started to inquire
about where there was reliable land for sale, preparing to buy the land and build a
shopping mall. At the same time, he also began to investigate the market of various
electronic products. If possible, he would find a reliable electronics factory to invest
and become a small shareholder.
He would not personally build an electronic product factory. After all, this is not his
expertise. For something he is not good at, he can just take the dividends. Why would he
have to take the risk?

Chapter 265 Marriage

In the second half of the year after Zhao Hui sold the land, the housing and land prices
in H Province suddenly dropped sharply, until they dropped to a price lower than the
price Zhao Hui paid for the land.
At one time, a large number of gold diggers who specialized in buying low and selling
high lost all their money, and the same happened to those who pressured Zhao Hui to buy
land. Even the unreliable person saw that things were not going well and directly took
the remaining funds and ran away, which almost made the remaining bosses jump off the
After they came back, they saw Zhao Hui's rapid development and they couldn't tell
whether they should resent him or envy him.
Why didn't Zhao Hui and the people they forced together resist their pressure? If Zhao
Hui and those people resisted the pressure and refused to sell the land, they wouldn't
have to pay so much now.
But it was too late for them to regret. All their energy in recent years had been
concentrated on H Province. They did not pay much attention to the factory and its
efficiency was not as good as before. However, Zhao Hui’s newly built shopping mall had
already opened and adopted a novel sales method. For a time, this shopping mall became a
weather vane for G City.
In addition, they also heard that Zhao Hui had invested in several electronics factories
and home appliance factories. Today's Zhao Hui is no longer the person they could
pressure at will in the past.
Maybe when people have the ability, it becomes easy to do what they want to do.
Ever since he invested in several electronics and home appliance manufacturers, it seemed
as if the whole world had opened its doors to him. No matter what he wanted to do, it
seemed as if everyone and everything began to make way for him. In fact, he no longer had
to go to various places in person to negotiate business. Instead, various manufacturers
began to contact him proactively.
So, after becoming familiar with the operation of shopping malls and having extra funds,
Zhao Hui immediately continued to build shopping malls in other well-developed cities.
He now has a goal. As people's living standards continue to improve, their demands for
daily necessities are also increasing. His goal is to sell goods to these people whose
lives are getting better and better.
Nowadays, City G has outstanding talents such as the department store king, leather king,
home appliance king, etc., and he wants to be the shopping mall king. He wants all
ordinary people to enter his shopping mall and buy everything they want.
Zhao Hui worked hard towards his goal, and Shen Yuxiu was also improving her teaching
ability step by step, from an ordinary teacher to an excellent teacher. Now she has
become the main teaching force in the school, specializing in teaching the graduating
The family is not short of money now, and Zhao Hui wants Shen Yuxiu to resign and go home
to have a good rest, but Shen Yuxiu has different ideas and does not agree.
Now Zhao Hui has his own career, Zhao Mingli has been admitted to graduate school, and
Zhao Mingchen always gets scholarships at school. If she quits her job, she will be alone
in that huge house. The thought of such a lonely life is daunting. She still likes her
current busy and fulfilling life.
Days without worries always pass especially quickly. In the blink of an eye, several
years had passed. The year Zhao Mingli graduated from graduate school, he took the
national examination in Beijing. As he wished, he became a new clerk in the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and stayed in Beijing ever since.
After her son had a career, Shen Yuxiu began to worry about finding a wife for Zhao
Mingli. However, before she could do anything, Zhao Mingli called her directly to inform
her of a big news.
"Mom, I have a girlfriend. I'm going to visit her parents in a few days. What do you
think I need to prepare?" Zhao Mingli's words were like a bombshell, and Shen Yuxiu, who
received the call, was so shocked that she couldn't recover for a long time.
Zhao Mingli was shocked after not hearing his mother's voice for a long time. He
carefully asked into the phone, "Mom, can you hear me?"
He was a little afraid that Shen Yuxiu would not agree. If Shen Yuxiu disagreed, Zhao Hui
probably would not agree. You know, on some matters, his father blindly followed his
mother's opinions and did not distinguish right from wrong at all.
Shen Yuxiu was brought back to her senses by the voice on the phone, and quickly said, "I
can hear you. Um, when did you start dating a girlfriend? What's her name? What do her
parents do?"
"Her name is Liu Haihui. Her father is the deputy director of our unit, and her mother is
an ordinary employee of the Health Bureau." Zhao Mingli told Shen Yuxiu about the girl's
family situation word for word, and his words were full of protection for the girl.
This girl was the one he casually stuffed a coat into when he was cheated on.
The girl was in the same class as him, but in a different major. When she found out about
his story, she laughed so hard that she almost died. She looked at Zhao Mingli so hard
that his face turned pale and he turned away.
It was from then on that the two got to know each other.
Zhao Mingli suffered a Waterloo in his first love affair in his life, so he focused on
his studies and ignored what was happening outside the window. Even when female
classmates tried to get close to him, he was not interested. Instead, he gradually became
familiar with Liu Haihui, whom he met by chance.
But it might be that their acquaintance was too natural, and he had been concentrating on
his studies since then and never thought about love between men and women again. So when
Liu Haihui suddenly confessed to him after graduating from graduate school, he was
But the two had known each other for more than a day, and he knew very well what kind of
person Liu Haihui was. It would be a lie to say that he was not attracted to her at all,
so the two of them started dating naturally.
It was not until his work became stable and the two of them were discussing getting
married that Liu Haihui told him about her family situation, which almost scared Zhao
Mingli to death.
You know, their deputy director is always serious and glares at these new clerks with his
eyes like laser scanners. He always makes these rookies feel helpless and their hair
stand on end, for fear that they will be criticized if they don't do something well.
Therefore, when he heard that his future father-in-law was that evil spirit, his scalp
If Zhao Mingli hadn't had feelings for Liu Haihui, he would have wanted to turn around
and run away, but now he had no choice but to go on.
Shen Yuxiu listened to her son's endless complaints and gasped for breath.
Even though she had just been awarded the title of an excellent teacher, it was not good
enough to match a family like that of the other party. What's more, Zhao Hui was a
businessman. Although he had a lot of assets, it was probably still a little bit not up
to standard in the eyes of those people in public institutions.
They are from completely different families, how could the father-in-law look down upon
his own son?
Hearing that there was no sound on the phone again, Zhao Mingli asked again with
trepidation, "Mom? Are you still there?"
Shen Yuxiu, who was called back to her senses again, quickly responded, "I'm here, I'm
here. I don't understand the gift-giving issue either. Why don't you call your dad and
ask him? He has a lot of contacts outside, so he should know more about this."
"Okay, thank you, Mom." When Zhao Mingli heard that Shen Yuxiu did not disagree, he
immediately breathed a sigh of relief and said happily, "Then I'll call my dad and ask.
I'll hang up first."
"Hey, let's hang up." Shen Yuxiu said as she hung up the phone, and couldn't help rubbing
her temples.
Should she say that her son was a fool with good fortune? He actually ended up dating the
daughter of his department boss. This was incredible luck.

Chapter 266 Shock

Zhao Hui was also surprised when he received a call from Zhao Mingli.
But as early as when his son graduated and said he wanted to take the national exam in
Beijing, he had already prepared that Zhao Mingli would settle down in Beijing in the
future. So when he heard Zhao Mingli say that he had found a girlfriend and that his
father-in-law would obviously help his career in the future, he was not as nervous as
Shen Yuxiu, but was quite happy instead.
It's not easy for my son to make a living there alone, so it would be great if he had a
reliable Yue family.
As for the requirements for the girl, he felt that if she could be admitted to a
university and graduate from graduate school, it would prove that the girl had no problem
with her IQ. She had been with his son for many years before confessing her love, which
proved that the girl was calm and had a clear mind. The girl's parents both worked in
public institutions, and her father was in such an important position, which proved that
there should be no problem with the family tradition. As for the rest, what the girl
looked like and what kind of personality she had, that was not a problem for him to worry
He felt that as long as his son liked the girl, it wasn't unreasonable. What's more, the
two of them had been together for several years. Although they were not boyfriend and
girlfriend before, the fact that they could develop into a boyfriend and girlfriend
relationship proved that there should be no problem for them to get along.
After asking Zhao Hui, Zhao Mingli followed Zhao Hui's advice, asked his girlfriend's
parents about their hobbies, and bought a gift that was not too cheap but definitely not
out of the ordinary and delivered it to their home.
After a day of trepidation, Zhao Mingli suddenly discovered that although his father-in-
law was serious at work, he was quite kind at home. At least he was not as scary as he
was at work.
Although the old man looked at him unkindly behind his girlfriend's back, it was within
his tolerance range, so the visit went smoothly and ended very amicably.
After Zhao Mingli met the other party's parents, he immediately took a few days off and
brought Liu Haihui to meet Shen Yuxiu and Zhao Hui. Shen Yuxiu and Zhao Hui saw that the
girl was well-spoken and well-mannered, and that their son was very caring in every move,
so they readily agreed to the marriage.
After the two children met each other's parents, it was the turn for their parents to
meet and start discussing the marriage.
On this day, Shen Yuxiu and Zhao Hui dressed up carefully and then took a plane to
Beijing to meet each other's parents.
It was the first time that Shen Yuxiu was arranging a wedding for her son. She had no
idea what to do. She was afraid that she might not do something well or miss something.
She even thought about the problems that would arise and how to solve them the day
before. She was extremely nervous.
However, Zhao Hui has seen a lot in the outside world over the years, so he is not so
nervous about this.
There are some things, and at some times, although anticipation is useful, one still has
to improvise. He has long been accustomed to this, and although he cannot say one thing
to one person and another thing to another, he can still improvise.
Fortunately, the girl's family was very easy-going, and the meeting between the two
parties was very pleasant, until there were some minor disagreements when discussing the
gift and wedding house.
"The bride price should be about the average level in your area. As for the house, the
two children can live at home after they get married. It won't be too late to buy a house
after they have worked for a long time. The housing prices in Beijing are not low now. I
heard that Mingli has a younger brother who is still in school. You don't have to buy a
house for them. It's more important to send the children to school first." Father Liu
kindly reminded Zhao Hui and did not agree with Zhao Hui's suggestion to buy a house for
the couple in Beijing.
Really, the current housing prices in Beijing are not a small amount. Even the house he
lives in is allocated by his unit, and his two sons still live in the same house with
them. It is not impossible for ordinary people to buy a house in this city, but it will
definitely cost a lot of money.
Moreover, he had heard from his daughter that his father-in-law ran an employment agency.
If he spent all his money to buy a house in Beijing for Zhao Mingli and his daughter, he
was afraid that they would have to endure famine for who knows how long.
Their daughter really likes Zhao Mingli, and they are not unreasonable people. There is
no need to make someone's life miserable just because their son marries their daughter.
"No, no, no, we are the man, and it is our duty to buy a house for our child." At this
point, Zhao recalled the last sentence Liu's father said, and suddenly realized a
problem. He glanced at Zhao Mingli, coughed dryly, and said, "There is something I think
you have misunderstood, including Mingli."
Zhao Mingli was stunned when he heard this and looked at Zhao Hui with a confused
Misunderstanding? What did he misunderstand?
"It's like this." Zhao Hui and Shen Yuxiu exchanged a glance, then said solemnly to the
Liu family members present, including Zhao Mingli, "In addition to the employment agency,
our family now also has a large wholesale city and three large shopping malls in G City
and other cities. In addition, I also have shares and dividends in several electronics
and home appliance factories. In the past, my husband and I thought that our children
were too young to know about this, so we never mentioned it to them. Now that our
children are getting married, there is no need to hide it. Don't worry, our family can
really afford the house, and Mingli's brother will not be without money to go to school."
After Zhao Hui finished speaking, the entire living room of the Liu family was so quiet
that you could almost hear a pin drop. Just as Zhao Mingli was swallowing his saliva in
disbelief, he was suddenly choked and started to cough violently.
"Cough, cough, cough, cough..." Zhao Mingli kept coughing until his face turned red and
his neck became thick, and he couldn't breathe.
Everyone in the living room was suddenly awakened by the violent coughing. Liu Haihui
hurriedly patted Zhao Mingli on the back to help him breathe. After a long while, Zhao
Mingli finally caught his breath and looked at Zhao Hui and Shen Yuxiu in shock.
Oh my God, after all this fuss, it turns out his family is actually invisible rich, and
he didn't even know it.
But think about it, whenever he went home during the winter and summer vacations, Zhao
Hui would either take him and Zhao Mingchen to the employment agency to help, or let them
work in wholesale cities or shopping malls to earn money. After all this fuss, has he
been working for his family during these winter and summer vacations?
Zhao Mingli was so shocked that he couldn't recover, and the Liu family was also shocked.
They saw that although the quality of Zhao Mingli's clothes was good, they were
definitely not much better than those of ordinary people. So they thought that the man
their daughter found had a good business family at most and would not be a burden to
their child. They never expected that the man had such a big family business.
This..., their family is so well-off and their children are so promising, but my family
is just an ordinary working family and my daughter just works in an ordinary unit. It
seems that I am not worthy of their child?
Zhao Hui didn't know what the Liu family was thinking, and said a little embarrassedly:
"This is also my negligence. I just wanted the child not to learn bad things, so I didn't
tell him about the family situation, which led to misunderstandings. I'm sorry."
"No, no, no." Father Liu quickly waved his hands and calmed himself down, saying, "I
fully agree with your way of education. In recent years, some children from wealthy
families have indeed been spoiled and become a little arrogant and ignorant. Your way of
education couldn't be better."
As Father Liu spoke, he began to look at Zhao Hui and Shen Yuxiu with new eyes, and he
found Zhao Mingli even more pleasing to the eye.
It is rare to find parents who have so much wealth but are still so low-key. It is not
surprising now that Zhao Mingli was admitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with such
excellent grades.
His daughter has really good taste. She immediately fell in love with a family with good
financial situation and good family tradition. This way, he won't worry about his
daughter's life.

Chapter 267 End

In this way, with both parties being very sincere, the marriage was discussed very
But because Beijing City is too far away from G City, it is closer to his hometown. In
addition, Zhao Hui and Shen Yuxiu's relatives are all in their hometown, and Zhao Mingli
and Liu Haihuineng have limited days of leave. In order to save time, the main venue of
the wedding was arranged in their hometown.
As for Zhao Hui's business friends and Shen Yuxiu's current colleagues, they could only
return to City G to invite them after the wedding in their hometown.
After everything was discussed and Shen Yuxiu and Zhao Hui left, Liu Haihui grabbed Zhao
Mingli's collar in a deserted place.
"I'm warning you, if you marry me, don't even think about getting divorced. If you dare
to flirt with other women, I'll kill you." Liu Haihui said as she glanced under Zhao
Mingli's suit pants, gritting her teeth.
She thought of Zhao Mingli's ex-girlfriend.
She originally thought that Zhao Mingli came from an ordinary family, but she didn't
expect that her future in-laws would give her such a surprise. When she thought about the
fact that Zhao Mingli's ex-girlfriend broke up with him because he was not rich enough,
her nerves became tense.
It is said that men are particularly tolerant of ex-girlfriends. What if that woman knew
Zhao Mingli's current family situation and wanted to change her mind and pursue Zhao
Mingli again? What if Zhao Mingli still had feelings for his ex-girlfriend, she would be
driven crazy.
Zhao Mingli's scalp tightened when he saw her looking down, but he did not refute.
Instead, he asked Liu Haihui suspiciously, "We haven't even gotten married yet, and
you're thinking of divorce..., hiss..., do you have someone else outside?"
Liu Haihui was stunned by the question, and then said: "I'm talking about you, Zhao
Mingli, if you dare to be ambiguous with others..."
"Why would I have an affair with another woman?" Before Liu Haihui could finish, Zhao
Mingli frowned and interrupted her, asking, "Why do you think I would do such a thing? Am
I such an unreliable person in your mind? Then why did you marry me? Are you... hiding
something from me?"
Liu Haihui was speechless after being asked several questions by Zhao Mingli. For a
moment, she was speechless and didn't know how to answer him.
The little thoughts in her mind were just her secret guesses. How could she tell Zhao
Mingli about her worries and fabrications?
Before she could figure out what was going on, Liu Haihui saw Zhao Mingli's serious face
and said, "Also, let me make it clear to you that our family adheres to the principle of
faithfulness in marriage. If you can't do that, you'd better think clearly about whether
you want to get married or not. Don't get married to me and then think about it. That is
absolutely not allowed."
Since they met, although Zhao Mingli sometimes ignored people, Liu Haihui had never seen
Zhao Mingli so serious. For a moment, she felt guilty when he stared at her. Adding to
Zhao Mingli's words, she couldn't say the groundless speculation in her heart. She could
only half-truthfully show weakness, "How could I have such thoughts? I just found out
that your family is so rich. Am I afraid that you don't want me?"
"Why are you afraid? Have we only known each other for one day? No matter how rich my
family is, it belongs to my parents, not me." Zhao Mingli looked at her quietly and
stated his position. "Besides, whether my family is rich or not has nothing to do with
me. My father will not allow me to do anything immoral. Besides, my ambition is to become
a qualified diplomat. I have no interest in money. You are worrying unnecessarily."
Really, based on his understanding of his parents, if his mother just wanted the stars in
the sky, his father would find a way to do it. And if he and Zhao Mingli dared to do
anything, his father would beat them to death and then clean up the family.
So, no matter how rich the family is, the parents will give the son money if he needs it.
But if he dares to treat the money as his own and do whatever he wants, he is just
dreaming. It would be good enough if his parents don't give him a big pocket.
"Well, I'm sorry..." Liu Haihui felt relieved after hearing this, and at the same time
she also had some understanding of the characters of her future in-laws.
In fact, she doesn't ask for much. As long as the man has her in his heart and doesn't do
unreliable things, and his future parents-in-law are reasonable, she has nothing to worry
Shen Yuxiu and Zhao Hui went back and asked someone to calculate a good date. They called
Zhao Mingli and asked him to inform his future parents-in-law. Then they started calling
their hometown.
Today, Shen Yulin has been transferred to the Municipal Land and Resources Bureau and
serves as the director. When he received a call from Shen Yuxiu and Zhao Hui and learned
that Zhao Mingli was going back to his hometown to get married, he was immediately
overjoyed. After asking the two about the specifications they needed, he directly took
over all matters such as booking a hotel for the wedding banquet. At that time, the two
only need to bring the children back to hold the wedding and pay for it.
So, on the day before the wedding, Shen Yuxiu and Zhao Hui brought Zhao Mingchen, and
Zhao Mingli brought Liu Haihui, and they rushed to their hometown from Beijing City and G
City respectively.
Shen Yulin has always been reliable in his work. Although Zhao Hui has a lot of property
now, because Zhao Mingli is now in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it is not appropriate
for him to be too ostentatious. Therefore, the wedding banquet was not too luxurious. It
was held in the newly built hotel in the county according to the highest local standards.
Almost all of Shen Yuxiu's uncles' cousins came with their children, plus Shen Yuxiu's
brothers, sisters, nephews, and nieces, a total of more than a hundred people. From Zhao
Hui's side, only Zhao Laowu came with Zhao Baocai and his wife and several children, and
the rest were the bride's family members who came to see her off.
As for Zhang Dachun, it may be because she was suppressed too much and could not make
others live according to her ideas, so she got angry and got sick. Now she can't get up
from the kang. As for the other relatives of the Zhao family, no one was willing to help
Zhao Hui when he was about to starve to death, so Zhao Hui naturally did not invite
others to a banquet.
The wedding went extremely smoothly. When she went home after the banquet, Shen Yuxiu
still heard Shen Yuzhen's grumbling to her and Shen Yuhong's sour words, but because she
was old now and this was her son's wedding banquet, Shen Yuxiu gave them enough face and
just smiled without refutation.
After the wedding banquet, Zhao Mingli, Liu Haihui and the Liu family immediately
returned to Beijing to host the wedding banquet, while Zhao Hui and Shen Yuxiu stayed
behind for a rare occasion.
Shen Yuxiu rarely comes back for several years, so she took the opportunity of the
wedding to take a few more days off, wanting to stay at home and spend some time with her
The village has changed a lot. In the past, the three blue-brick houses of the Fang
family were the only ones in the village, but now various red-brick and tiled houses with
several rooms in a row can be seen everywhere. The village has also been paved with
straight roads, making it much more convenient for people to come in and out.
"Hey? Do you want to renovate your yard? Won't it be demolished for urban renewal in a
few years? You don't need the money now, so why not rebuild the yard and demolish the
house later? That way you'll have a place to live when you get old, right?"
In the Fang family courtyard, Shen Yulin suddenly brought up this question when he was
chatting with Zhao Hui and Shen Yuxiu.
"Okay, but we don't have that much time to come back and build a house." Shen Yuxiu
looked at the house where she and her grandparents had lived for decades, with reluctance
in her eyes.
If the house is not demolished in the future, she may continue to keep it, at least it is
a thought. But since it will be demolished sooner or later and she can't keep it for many
years, it is better to rebuild it. When she retires and her parents are old, she will
have her own place to live even if she comes back to take care of her parents.
"Hey, what's the big deal?" Shen Yulin smiled and pointed in the direction of his
parents' yard and said, "Now our father is idle every day and his muscles ache. He either
feels uncomfortable here or there. The doctor said he lacks exercise and is idle. You
just pay the money and leave this to our father. He will definitely keep an eye on it
every day. If he has something to do, he won't feel any pain here or there. I'll come
back on Sunday to help check it and I'll make sure it's built well for you."
"Okay, I'll talk to our father about this tomorrow." Shen Yuxiu agreed immediately after
hearing it.
She and Zhao Hui really didn't have that much time, otherwise she would have liked to
supervise the construction herself and build the house she wanted, but when she thought
about the fact that it would be demolished after it was built, she felt that there was no
need for that.
After being busy for a few days, Shen Yuxiu was a little tired, so she took a pillow and
lay down on the kang to rest. Seeing this, Shen Yulin also lay down. Zhao Hui looked at
the two siblings like this, and suddenly remembered a scene many years ago.
"Do you remember when we first met?" Zhao Hui asked them with a smile, his eyes full of
"At our doorstep." Shen Yuxiu answered without hesitation.
She still remembers that scene clearly. She was scared when she saw Zhao Hui sucking
blood from his mouth.
Shen Yulin laughed when he heard this and retorted, "You are wrong. That was the first
time you saw him, not the first time he saw you."
"Ah?" Shen Yuxiu's mind was full of question marks. She asked Shen Yulin suspiciously,
"What nonsense are you talking about? The first time I saw him was the first time he saw
me, wasn't it?"
"Really not." Zhao Hui smiled softly and said, "The first time I saw you was by the
Yellow River. At that time, my brother saw me, and I also saw you and my brother. You
were still sleeping at the time and probably didn't see me."
Shen Yuxiu was confused when she heard this, and Shen Yulin quickly reminded her.
"It was the time after school when we went to see the oil prospector and got lost and
didn't come home all night. We even rode in his car. Have you forgotten?"
I haven't forgotten that.
Shen Yuxiu still remembered how Shen Yulin had boasted about his glorious experiences for
many years, but she really didn't remember meeting Zhao Hui.
When Zhao Hui saw her like this, he knew that Shen Yuxiu had no idea that he had seen her
long before she met him.
But it doesn’t matter, as long as you still remember it.
As he was thinking about it, Zhao Hui's memory went back to many years ago.
On that day of that year, he was so hungry that he ran to the cornfield by the Yellow
River, intending to steal some corn and hide it quietly to take home. However, not long
after he entered the cornfield, he saw two children lying on the ground and sleeping.
At that time, the riverside was covered with mist like gauze, and the morning sunlight
quietly fell on the faces of the two people through the corn stalks. Although their faces
were covered with mosquito bites, at that moment they seemed to be shining, especially
the girl's tender face. When he saw it again, it fell into his heart and could never be
erased from his mind until now.
The full text is over.

Chapter 268: Not Very Scientific Extra

Summer 2019.
The small county town, which had only a few buildings back then, is now full of high-rise
buildings. Countless wide roads crisscross the county town and are unobstructed. The
villagers from the small villages surrounding the county town have been relocated one by
one to live in the high-rise buildings and have become city dwellers.
In the municipal mental hospital located in the southeast corner of the county town, a
woman sat quietly under the shade of a tree in a corner of the yard, watching a few
psychopaths talking incoherently, her lips curled up slightly in an odd way.
Shen Yuling had no intention of joining in their conversation, nor did she want to speak
at all.
She didn't know how many years she had been here. Doctors and nurses came and went, and
patients came and went. Everyone had the possibility of leaving here, but she had stayed
here for decades. No one came to visit her, and no one took the initiative to communicate
with her.
She was like an invisible person here, but she was watched very closely every day, not
giving her any chance to run away.
Such a life without freedom and boring made Shen Yulin think of death more than once, but
reason pulled her back.
She was waiting, waiting for the day when she died in her previous life. She still wanted
to live and be reborn. If she could do it again, she would make sure that all those who
bullied her in this life died a miserable death. Shen Yuxiu, Shen Yulin, Zhao Hui, and
that man from the Zheng family, none of them would be able to survive.
But she couldn't die casually. What if she died at other times and couldn't be reborn? So
she had been waiting patiently for so many years.
Shen Yuling felt happy thinking about this, and slowly couldn't help laughing out loud.
Tonight, this very night, that time would soon come, and she would be reborn again.
A doctor who was walking by saw that she was smiling so strangely, but he was already
used to it. He quickly put a silver bracelet on her wrist and turned away.
Shen Yuling glanced at the bracelet on her wrist, then looked away without paying much
With the development of technology in recent years, the facilities in hospitals have
become more and more advanced, just like the bracelet on her hand, which is said to be
able to monitor human blood pressure, blood sugar, sleep conditions and so on. Every once
in a while, she will wear this bracelet for a few days.
Sometimes she found it ridiculous. These were just a bunch of psychopaths. The country
had so much money to spend on other things, but had to spend it on these psychopaths. If
she were in their shoes, she would never provide these people with such good medical
In a room unknown to Shen Yuling, there was a man who was about the same age as her but
looked much younger than Shen Yuling. He was quietly looking down at her as she sat under
the shade of a tree.
Zhao Hui looked at his watch. Five hours, five hours left. He didn’t know whether Shen
Yuling would die at this time or live beyond this time.
As time passed, the joy in Shen Yuling's eyes became more and more obvious. Near evening,
she ate dinner quietly, took a good bath, and then returned to her ward and lay on the
bed waiting for the time to come.
She probably fell badly when she died in her last life, but this time, she wanted to die
Maybe it was because she was looking forward to it too much, Shen Yuling felt her heart
beating wildly as she thought about it. But this time, when she felt the pain, she was
not panicked, but laughed happily.
As her smile grew bigger, she felt her vision begin to blur and eventually fall into
I don’t know how long it took, but when Shen Yulin woke up, she still saw her original
How is that possible? Shouldn't she be dead?
Shen Yuling stood up suddenly, but suddenly felt light all over. She was stunned for a
moment, looked at her hands suspiciously, then looked around, and finally looked back at
the bed under her. She was so scared that she screamed and fell to the ground.
When she got up terrified and looked at the bed again, she saw that she was still smiling
with her eyes closed, as if she was asleep.
However, Shen Yuling was very clear that she was not asleep. Not only was she not asleep,
but she was standing in front of her bed, looking at her.
Shen Yulin looked at her hands, then looked at herself lying on the bed. She wanted to
leave, but she couldn't move away from the bed at all. For a moment, she was so
frightened that she didn't know what to do.
Is she dead? Is she dead?
But why didn't she be reborn after her death this time, but is still here and can't
Before Shen Yuling could come up with an answer, the door creaked open, and many doctors
hurried in. After checking her breathing, they immediately pushed her into the emergency
room and started first aid.
Shen Yulin just watched quietly as these people tried desperately to rescue her, but in
the end they failed to save her and sent her to the morgue. From beginning to end, she
was never able to leave her own body for even a step.
It was a bit cold in the morgue. Shen Yulin sat quietly on the ground, unable to
understand why things had turned out like this.
She didn't know how much time had passed, but when the door of the morgue opened again,
she saw a face that existed only in her distant memory.
This is her younger brother - Shen Yuliang. Shen Yuliang still seems to have no future in
this life. He is wearing dirty work clothes, but the man in his forties is covered with
weather, his face is full of deep wrinkles, and his head is even There are also a lot of
white hairs.
Shen Yuling hadn't seen her relatives for a long time. When she saw Shen Yuliang, she
wanted to say something, but suddenly realized that she couldn't communicate with him in
her current state.
Shen Yuliang was taken to see Shen Yuling's body. After signing the document with an
expressionless face, he asked several people to carry his body into a hearse and take it
to the crematorium, while Shen Yuling could only follow without control.
It may not be a big deal if you know that you will be cremated after death, but when you
actually die and watch your body being pushed into the cremation furnace, it is not that
big of a deal.
For some reason, the closer Shen Yulin's body was pushed to the crematorium, the more
creepy she felt, and she always felt that something bad was going to happen.
"No, stop, I don't want to be cremated, stop it now."
Shen Yuling panicked and tried to pull the people who were carrying her, but she couldn't
catch them. Finally, she had no choice but to run away. However, no matter how hard she
tried to retreat, she couldn't move away from her own body. Finally, when her body was
sent to the crematorium, she was sucked in involuntarily.
Shen Yuling stayed inside and wanted to leave in fear, but before she could do anything,
a small black hole suddenly appeared in front of her.
The dark hole had a suction force that sucked her in almost as soon as it appeared. Then
she felt a sharp pain coming from deep in her soul. She let out a scream, and her entire
soul was torn apart and disappeared.
After Shen Yulin's soul disappeared, the black hole gradually disappeared, and then a
fire suddenly broke out in the crematorium and began to burn.
Two hours later, Shen Yuliang left with Shen Yulin's urn. He did not take Shen Yulin's
ashes to the village ancestral hall, but drove directly to the seawall and let the wind
blow the ashes into the sea.
Before her death, his mother said that even if Shen Yuling died, her ashes could not be
buried in the village ancestral hall, even if they were scattered into the river, the
sea, or thrown away. She didn't want this daughter anymore, not in life or death.
After Shen Yuliang left, another figure slowly walked to where Shen Yuliang was just now,
watching the turbid sea water spreading into the distance, without a trace of sadness or
joy in his eyes.
Those high-tech gadgets that he invested countless fortunes in should have shattered Shen
Yulin's soul, making it impossible for her to be reborn, right?
Although he didn't know why God wanted someone like Shen Yulin to be reborn, he very much
liked the changes brought about by Shen Yulin's rebirth and the wife and family that he
didn't have in his previous life, but he still didn't want to give such a person another
chance to be reborn.
Let everyone's life stay in this life, so that he can always have a wife who loves him
and a happy family. Even if life may be difficult at the beginning, he will enjoy it and
never regret it.

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