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Jun 08, 2024

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Butterflies are extremely vulnerable to environmental changes, including pollution,

habitat loss, and global warming. Keeping an eye on butterfly populations can reveal

important information about the condition of ecosystems. Researchers can evaluate the

effects of human activity on the environment and take action to lessen these effects by

examining butterflies 3. Grasshopper The third number insects whose Iwas seeing is

Grasshopper. Which was the Chinese grasshopper. * Scientific Classification *

Kingdom: Animalia * Phylum: Arthropoda * Class Insecta Order: Orthoptera * Sub order:

Caelifera * Family: Arcididae * Genus: Acrida * Species: cinerea Grasshopper has

distinct species using various species name based upon where you are. But normally

They're known as Caelifera. Character: Grasshoppers possess compound eyes, which

enable them to see in all directions. They have two touch-and smell-sensitive antennae.

They have a hard cuticle composed of overlapping plates (made of chitin), as well as a

segmented abdomen and thorax. They are equipped with three sets of legs and two

pairs of wings. Habitat: Acrida cinerea is generally referred to as the Chinese

Grasshopper, Longheaded Grasshopper, or Oriental Longheaded Locust. It is a plant

that grows ni China, Japan, Southeast Asia, and Indonesia. However, this name is also

used for Oxya chinensis, which might confuse. Benefits of Grasshopper for

Ecosystems: The majority of grasshopper species are important members of food webs,

acting as both predators and consumers. Grasshoppers' herbivorous diet accelerates

the movement of nutrients from plants and is a vital ecological function. Fig:3 Acrid

cinerea 4. Spider The fourth number Iwas seeing the spider in my house. * Scientific

Classification * Kingdom: Animalia * Phylum: Arthropoda * Class: Insecta * Order:

Araneae * Family: Saparassidae * Genus: Eusparassus * Species: walckenaeri

Character: Large and flat-bodied, these huntsman spiders have an orange- brown to

dark brown coloration speckled with chevrons and dots. The females have larger

bodies, with a length range of 1 to 2.5 cm. The legs of huntsman spiders are not

perpendicular to their bodies, despite the fact that most spiders have dark colored

bands along their legs. They move like sideways crabs because of the way their legs

are bent and slanted. (Huntsman spiders are also known as huge crab spiders

occasionally.) Habitat: They can be found in very high elevations from 3,000 to 4,000m

above sea level. Fig;4 Eusparassus walckenaeri Benefits of Spider for ecosystems:

Even though they are regarded as pests, spiders manage other pests. By eating

insects, spiders contribute to controlling the number of dangerous insects. Gardens and

farms benefit greatly from their presence. Many individuals, therefore, value having

spiders on their property. Natural capital, which provides goods and services to

ecosystems, is lost when biodiversity is lost. Today, the rate of extinction is rising and

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species are disappearing at a rate 100-1,000 times faster than in the past. Earthly life's

potential to adapt and bounce back is destroyed by this process. Conclusion Because

uncommon plant species are valuable resources in many economic areas, including

human health and pollination, they may be threatened by insects' biodiversity. Insects

are also dependable indicators of environmental changes. Natural capital, which

provides goods and services to ecosystems, is lost when biodiversity is lost. Today, the

rate of extinction is rising and species are disappearing at a rate 100-1,000 times faster

than in the past. Earthly life's potential to adapt and bounce back is destroyed by this

process. Result The biodiversity of insects is the diversity of the natural groups of given

useful results were most consistently observed for plants. Biodiversity is great potential

for arranging the insect pests. Insect play role in pollination and control the crop pests.

They can identify and classified. How can insects playing role in economics growth.

Also identify the beneficial and harmful insects for human. This study helps to know

about the helpful insects for ecosystems. The study of biodiversity is helpful to

understanding the importance of insects for the humans.


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Habitat. They are commonly found in arid and semiarid deserts of Africa and most parts
of Eurasia where they inhabit stony habitats and build retreats in crevices. They are one
of the most visible arachnid predators in their habitats. They can be found in very high
elevations from 3,000 to 4,000m above sea level.

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