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1. State two advantages of apomictic seed to a farmer. (2020)
2. Explain three different modes of pollination that can occur in a chasmogamous
flower. (2020)
3. (a) Describe the process of megasporogenesis, in an angiosperm.
(b) Draw a diagram of mature embryosac of an angiosperm, label its any six parts.
4. (a) Explain the process of syngamy and triple fusion in angiosperms.
(b) Trace the development of the product of syngamy up to its mature stage in a
dicot plant.
(c) Draw and label three important parts of a mature dicot embryo. (2020)
5. (a) Explain the process of double fertilization in angiosperms.
(b) Trace the development of polyploidal cell that is formed after double fertilization
in a non- albuminous seed and albuminous seed. (2020)
6. What is cleistogamy? Write one advantage and one disadvantage of it, to the plant.
7. Emasculation and bagging are the two important steps carried during artificial
hybridization to obtain superior varieties of desired plants. Explain giving reasons, in
which types of flowers and at what stages are the two processes carried out. (2019)
8. State what is apomixis. Write its significance. How can it be commercially used?
9. “Pollen grains of wheat are shed at 3- celled stage while in peas they are shed at 2-
celled stage.” Explain. Where are germ pores present in a pollen grain? (2018)
10. (a) When a seed of an orange is squeezed, many embryos, instead of one are
observed. Explain how it is possible.
(b) Are these embryos genetically similar or different? Comment. (2018)
11. How many cells are present in the pollen grains at the time of their release from
anther? Name the cells. (2017)
12. (a) Trace the development of an endosperm after fertilization with reference to
coconut. Mention the importance of endosperm development.
(b) Write the importance of ‘pollen bank’. (2017)
13. (a) Can a plant flowering in Mumbai be pollinated by pollen grains of the same
species growing in New Delhi? Provide explanations to your answer.
(b) Draw a diagram of a pistil where pollination has successfully occurred. Label the
parts involved in reaching the male gametes to its desired destination. (2017)
14. Differentiate between Parthenocarpy and Parthenogenesis. Give one example of
each. (2016)
15. (a) describe any two devices in a flowering plant which prevent both autogamy and
(b) Explai the events upto double fertilization after the pollen tube enters one of the
synergids in an ovule of an angiosperm. (2015)
16. Why are angiosperm anthers called dithecous? Describe the structure of its
microsporangium. (2014)
17. In angiosperms, zygote is diploid while primary endosperm cell is triploid. Explain.
18. (a) Describe the endosperm development in coconut.
(b) Why is tender coconut considered a healthy source of nutrition?
How are pea seeds different from caster seeds with respect to endosperm? (2013)
19. (a) Draw a L S of a pistil showing pollen tube entering the embryosac in an
angiosperm and label any six parts other than stigma, style and ovary.
(b) Write the changes a fertilized ovule undergoes within the ovary in an angiosperm
plant. (2013)
20. Name all the haplod cells present in an unfertilized mature embryosac of a flowering
plant. Write the total number of cells in it. (2013)
21. Differentiate between the two cells enclosed in a mature male gametophyte of an
angiosperm. (2013)
22. State one advantage and one disadvantage of cleistogamy. (2012)
23. Explain the function of each of the following:
(i) Coleorrhiza (ii) Germ pores (2012)
24. (a) Why is fertilization in an angiosperm referred to as double fertilization? Mention
the ploidy of the cells involved.
(b) Draw a neat labeled sketch of L S of an endospermous monocot seed. (2012)
25. How do the pollen grains of Vallisneria protect themselves? (2012)
26. Differentiate between perisperm and endosperm giving one example of each. (2012)
27. How does the study of different parts of a flower help in identifying wind as its
pollinating agent? (2012)
28. Give reasons why:-
(i) Most zygotes in angiosperms divide only after certain amount of endosperm
is formed.
(ii) Groundnut seeds are exalbuminous and castor seeds are albuminous.
(iii) Micropyle remains as a small pore in the seed coat of a seed.
(iv) Integument of an ovule harden and the water content is highly reduced, as
the seed matures.
(v) Apple and cashew are not called true fruits. (2011)
29. (a) Draw a labeled diagram of L S of an embryo of grass.
(b) Give reason for each of the following:_
(i) Anthers of angiosperms are described as dithecous.
(ii) Hybrid seeds have to be produced year after year. (2011)
30. A bilobed dithecous anther has 100 microspore mother cells per microsporangium.
How many male gametophytes this anther can produce? (2010)
31. A moss plant produces a large number of antherozoids but relatively only a few egg
cells. Why? (2010)
32. Mention the reasons for difference in ploidy of zygote and primary endosperm
nucleus in an angiosperm. (2010)
33. An anther with malfunctioning tapetum often fails to produce viable male
gametophytes. Give one reason. (2010)
34. Pea flowers produce assured seed sets. Give reason. (2010)
35. The microscopic pollen grains of the pasts are obtained as fossils. Mention the
characteristic of the pollen grains that make it happen. (2009)
36. Why dos a pollen grain possess two male gametes. Explain. (2009)
37. Why is bagging of emasculated flowers essential during hybridization experiments?
38. Banana is a true fruit and also a parthenocarpic fruit. Justify. (2008)
39. The flower of Brinjal is referred to as chasmogamous while that of beans is
cleistogamous. How are they differ from each other? (2008)
40. (a) Trace the development of megaspore mother cell upto the formation of a mature
embryo sac in a flowering plant.
(b) Draw a labeled diagram of the structure of mature dicot embryo. (2008)

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