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Abc: có thể bỏ

Abc: ý chính

Ladies and gentlemen, the first words, please allow me to send the warmest
greetings to all of you!
You may have been hearing a lot lately about many many worrying global issues
including human trafficking. We are students from class 11A1, and we are here to
bring you a comprehensive speech about safe immigration and how to protect
yourself and your loved ones against human trafficking.

Let’s start with the basic: What is human trafficking?

Human trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, or receipt of people
through force, fraud, or deception, for the purpose of forced labor or sexual

Human traffickers will exploit anyone they believe can be controlled and
profitable, regardless of race, color, national origin, disability, age, gender,
education level, or citizenship status. However, their favorite target are the most
vulnerable members of our population – especially young children and women.
Immigrants and refugees are also highly susceptible to human trafficking. Human
trafficking can occur within a country or trans-nationally.

Let's dive into how human trafficking is operated.

There are many stages of human trafficking. In most cases, traffickers or their
accomplices may hang out at malls or near schools where young people gather.
Many even “shop” for victims online by pretending to be someone they’re not on
social media. They prey on individuals and promise to better their life, but their
actual goal is to exploit these people in order to make money.
Traffickers gain control over their victims by buying them expensive gifts or
giving them a place to stay, telling them how much they love them or promising to
keep them safe, basically anything that makes the person feel good. Once a person
is lured in, it’s incredibly hard for them to get out. After that, traffickers use threats
and physical force to maintain their hold over victims. They isolate the victims
from friends, family, and society, and they convince the person to do things such as
selling sexual services.

The physical and mental health effects of human trafficking are serious. It can
cause a loss of basic human rights, loss of one’s childhood, disruption in families,
and severe mental health consequences, including anxiety disorders, depression,
and substance abuse. Trafficking can also lead to cognitive impairment, memory
loss, and even suicide.
Moreover, the economy can suffer as legitimate businesses face unfair competition
from those exploiting trafficked individuals who are forced to work in illegal or
exploitative conditions for little or no pay.

As unthinkable as these acts may seem, they’re very real and becoming more and
more common across the world. The current global estimate is that about 50
million people were living in modern slavery in 2021. Of these people, 28 million
were in forced labor and 22 million were trapped in forced marriage. But
unfortunately, human trafficking often goes unreported. As a result, it is likely to
take place much more often than the statistics show.

Now that you know more about human trafficking, here’s what you can do to
bring human trafficking into the spotlight and stop it before it’s too late:

Awareness is the first key. Educate yourself and others about how to spot red flags
to recognize human trafficking. Share information and amplify the message that
human trafficking is wrong and shouldn’t be happening to your family members,
friends, and colleagues.
You also need to always be attentive to what’s happening around you. Be cautious
of who you talk to online, do not trust online ads or people offering attractive jobs.
If u immigrate, do not travel blindly and risk your own life. Remember to inform
your family members or friends of where you will travel to and how you will be
getting there. It is always best to have planned well in advance and do not engage
in undocumented immigration.
If u see something, say something, silence never helps. Report any suspicious
activity or people you believe are engaging in human trafficking.

And that is all we want to say, thank you so much for your attention. We hope that
you guys will gain a deeper insight into human trafficking to put an end to modern

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