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FOR2603/ASSIGNMENT 01/2023

Investigation of Selected Crimes

andTransgressions (Module A)

DUE DATE : 10-08-2023

Department of Police Practice

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FOR2603/ASSIGNMENT 01/2023

QUESTION 1.1 Packing of substance exhibits …………………...……………Page 3
QUESTION 1.2 Specific motives of Arson .....................................................Page3
QUESTION 1.3 Packing of substance exhibits …………………………………Page 3,4
QUESTION 1.4 Housebreaking or Burglary …………………………………….Page4,5
QUESTION 2.1 Packing of substance exhibits………………………………….Page 5
QUESTION 2.2 Different types of Robberies……………………………………Page 5,6
QUESTION 2.3 Public Violence…………………………………………………..Page6
REFERENCES……………………………………………………………………...Page 7
DECLARATION FORM……………………………………………………………..Page 8

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1.1-Priorities when attending a scene of an incident :

•Emergencies, where people’s lives are involved

• First aid to injured person on the scene

•if there is a dead body on the ,double check it ,check if there’s no pulse if there is provide
with First aid

•Suspect on or Near the scene of the crime must be arrested , searched and informed of
their rights

1.2 three specific motives for arson

•insurance fraud

Entrepreneurs facing financial difficulties can make a decision.

The easiest way is to burn the company and file an insurance claim.

Likewise, what is feared is the embezzlement of the company's funds.

Auditors Can Burn Buildings (Financial Data) Doing so destroys the evidence

• Obtain monopoly

In an attempt to gain a monopoly on the furniture trade, the manufacturer may set it on
fire to a rival factory to gain control of the monopoly.

• Concealment or obliteration of evidence of another crime

Suspects may burn down houses or other buildings where they are committing a crime.

Murder with the intent to destroy possible physical evidence and interfere with an
investigation or to prevent detection of dead

1.3 Packing of substance exhibits

When a great quantity of narcotic plant material is seized:

• a small representative sample (2–6 grams) must be taken from each bag and in the

case of tablets, all unknown tablets which are found must be forwarded to the FSL

• an estimated weight/amount must be mentioned in the accompanying memo and

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not the precise amount as this can lead to discrepancies in court

• the samples must be properly packaged to avoid damage

• do not use enormous amounts of packing material as this can lead to mistakes

• powdery samples must be placed in a special packet before they are packed

• the following information must be contained in the memo

– police station name

– reference number

– details of the investigators

– address where forensic findings must be sent

• official seal reference number must be placed on the inside and outside of the package

• exhibits must be forwarded to the FSL without delay

1.4 Housebreaking or burglary is defined as the unlawful and intentional shifting or

displacing of an obstruction by which access to a building or premises, suitable

for human habitation or the storage of goods is obtained and the actual entering

or intruding into that building or premises with the intent to commit a crime.

Housebreaking with the intention to commit an offence consists of unlawfully and

intentionally breaking and entering premises with the intention of committing

an offence inside those premises.


2.1 Packing of substance exhibits

When a great quantity of narcotic plant material is seized:

• a small representative sample (2–6 grams) must be taken from each bag and in the

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case of tablets, all unknown tablets which are found must be forwarded to the FSL

• an estimated weight/amount must be mentioned in the accompanying memo and

not the precise amount as this can lead to discrepancies in court

• the samples must be properly packaged to avoid damage

• do not use enormous amounts of packing material as this can lead to mistakes

• powdery samples must be placed in a special packet before they are packed

• the following information must be contained in the memo

– police station name

– reference number

– details of the investigators

– address where forensic findings must be sent

• official seal reference number must be placed on the inside and outside of the package

• exhibits must be forwarded to the FSL without delay

2.2 Different types of robbery.

• Commercial robberies: stores and banks

These robberies occur at the end of a week during the evening and very early morning

hours. Many are committed by persons with criminal records; their methods of operation

(MO) can sometimes be easily established. The MO can be compared with other
robberies with similar MOs to identify the suspect. Many stores use video cameras to
record business transactions and customers in the store and this footage can be used as
evidence later on.

• Street robberies

The most common type of robbery is the one committed on public streets and in alleys.

These robberies are committed with a weapon, a handgun or a knife and usually take

place at night. The victim and the robber are usually on foot.

• Residential robberies
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This is the most terrifying type of robbery because an armed intruder breaks into a house

and holds residents at gun or knifepoint. These robberies often begin as a housebreaking

•Vehicle robberies

The victim of the vehicle robbery is often the driver and occupants. Such vehicles include

delivery vehicles, taxis, buses, petrol tankers and so on. People involved make easy
targets for the robber because they frequently work alone or in pairs in the populated
areas of town.

2.3 Public violence

•Public violence is the unlawful and intentional serious disturbance of the public

peace and order by a number of unruly persons/group.

• The unlawful and intentional commission, by a number of people together, of an act or

acts which assume serious proportions and which are intended to

forcibly disturb the public peace and tranquillity or to invade the rights of others

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Priorities when attending a scene of an incident (L Motsepa For2603/1/2016/P17)

Specific motives of Arson(L Motsepa For2603/1/2016/P38;39)

Packing of substance exhibits(L Motsepa For2603/1/2016 P29)

Housebreaking or Burglary (L Motsepa For2603/1/2016/P)

Packing of substance exhibits (L Motsepa For2603/1/2016/P29)

Different types of Robberies(L Motsepa For2603/1/2016/P47)

Public violence (L Motsepa For2603/1/2016/P32)

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I Mathembi Gumede declare that this work is my work , I abided by the university rules
and regulations against dishonesty, I have referenced my work with honesty


M Gumede


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