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CE 314 Midterm Quiz#1

Name: ___________________________________________ Score: ___________

Section: _________________

Rubrics for computational laboratory Submission

Criteria Excellent (4) Satisfactory (3) Fair(2) Needs Score
Accuracy & All of the Most of the Some of the Very few of the
Correctness of information is information is information is information is
work (x5) correct. correct. correct correct.

Organization/ The output is The output is The output is The output is

Neatness/ very organized, less not confusing. No
Creativity organized, creative and organized and effort is shown.
highly creative neat, very few has many
and neat, no erasures. erasures.
Promptness in The output The output The out was The output was
submission was submitted was submitted submitted a submitted very
before the set on time. day after the late.
time. set time.
Consistency in Solution shows Most solution Some solution Inconsistency in
Design consistent shows has consistent design
Parameters design consistent design parameters.
parameters. design parameters.
Total Score (32 points)


Marjorie M. Alvarez

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