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Original research z Cognitive impairment testing

Six-item Cognitive Impairment Test:

suitable for the visually impaired?
Andrew J Larner MD, MRCP (UK)

Unsurprisingly, visually impaired individuals perform worse than controls on MMSE items
requiring vision. The issue of meaningful cognitive assessment in visually impaired
individuals may become of increasing importance due to an association between
cognitive decline and visual loss. Dr Larner reports on the effectiveness of using the
Six-item Cognitive Impairment Test (6CIT) in visually impaired patients and examines its
potential use in settings such as primary care and old age psychiatry memory clinics.

M any commonly used cogni-

tive screening instruments
contain visually-mediated tasks or

State the year


Score for incorrect answer

items which require visual recogni-
State the month Orientation 3
tion of material, including the
Mini Mental State Examination Recall of 5-component Memory 2 points per error (max 10)
(MMSE), the Clock Drawing Test name and address
(CDT), the Montreal Cognitive
Assessment (MoCA), and the State the time Orientation 3
various iterations of the Count backwards from 20 Calculation 2 points for 1 error, 4 points
Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Exam- for >1 error
ination (ACE, ACE-R, ACE-III,
M-ACE). Their use is therefore Name months in reverse Calculation 2 points for 1 error, 4 points
problematic for cognitive for >1 error
assessment in visually impaired Scoring: 6CIT scores are classified to aid test interpretation eg:
individuals. Unsurprisingly, visually ‘normal cognition’ (0–4)
impaired individuals perform ‘questionable impairment’ (5–9)
worse than controls on MMSE ‘suggesting impairment consistent with dementia and requiring further evalu-
ation’ (10 or more).
items requiring vision and Other sources (
on CDT.1 6cit) consider scores of 0–7 normal and ≥8 significant.
This issue may become increas-
ingly important as there may be an Table 1. Item content and scoring of 6CIT (NB: negative scoring, ie higher score = worse per-
association between cognitive formance; maximum score/worst performance = 28)
decline and visual loss, for exam- disorders clinic based in a regional orientation in time, calculation
ple due to cataract, in older neuroscience centre.4,5 and memory (delayed recall of a
people.2 A short cognitive screen- The aim of this study is to report five-item name and address). 3
ing instrument acceptable for use experience of using the 6CIT in Unlike most other cognitive
in visually impaired persons would patients with visual impairment pre- screening instruments, 6CIT is
therefore be desirable. senting to a neurology-led cognitive negatively scored (ie higher scores
One option to address this disorders clinic. indicate worse performance).
need may be the Six-item 6CIT scores (range 0–28) have a
Cognitive Impairment Test Materials and methods high (negative) correlation with
(6CIT},3 since its component tests Patients with visual impairment MMSE scores.4
are entirely verbally mediated. referred to a dedicated cognitive Reference standard for diagno-
6CIT has been shown to have good disorders clinic were administered sis of cognitive problems in these
metrics for identifying cognitive the 6CIT (see Table 1). This instru- patients was judgment of an expe-
impairment in consecutive refer- ment comprises six vision-inde- rienced clinician based on patient
rals to a dedicated cognitive pendent cognitive tests examining and collateral histor y and

20 Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry November/December 2015

Cognitive impairment testing z Original research

structural brain imaging, but blind exercise, accompanied with bend- the patient denied any memor y
to patient 6CIT score, and apply- ing truncal movements and dys- symptoms. 6CIT was administered,
ing widely accepted diagnostic cri- tonic hand movements lasting for with a score of 0/28 (normal).
teria for dementia (DSM-IV) and hours. By age 30 years these Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) poly-
its subtypes and for mild cognitive episodes had become infrequent, merase chain reaction was negative
impairment (Petersen criteria).4 but she had developed upper limb for a variety of viruses (enterovirus,
intention tremor and head tremor, parechovirus, varicella zoster,
Results which showed some response to Epstein-Barr, herpes simplex, JC
Case 1 treatment with levodopa. From age virus) and CSF cryptococcal anti-
A 59 year-old woman with the syn- five years, bilateral optic atrophy gen was negative. Brain biopsy
drome of neurogenic weakness, and pendular nystagmus had showed non-specific chronic
ataxia, and retinitis pigmentosa, or developed. She was registered inflammation and reactive changes
NARP, a mitochondrial disorder blind at the age of 11 years. 7 with no evidence of tumour.
most commonly resulting from a Genetic testing showed no patho-
point mutation at base pair 8993 genic sequence variant or copy Discussion
of the mitochondrial genome in number change in the SLC2A1 Modifications to commonly used
the ATPase 6 gene, was referred gene, hence there was no evidence cognitive screening instruments to
with episodic confusion reported for GLUT1 deficiency,8 which has make them suitable for use with
by family members and friends. been found in some cases of PEID. visually impaired patients are avail-
The diagnosis of NARP had been Because of her visual impair- able, such as the ‘MMSE-blind’10
made some 20 years earlier. The ment, cognitive screening using or ‘MMblind’ 11 and the MoCA-
patient’s vision had progressively the 6CIT was undertaken, on Blind ( MoCA
deteriorated and she was registered which she scored 0/28 (normal). has been re-analysed without its
blind at age 53 years. She was con- MR brain imaging was normal with five visual items and reported to
firmed to harbour the m.8993T>G no evidence of atrophy or have excellent specificity but
mutation in the mitochondrial cerebrovascular disease.8 reduced sensitivity for identifying
genome, with heteroplasmy (58% cognitive impairment compared to
mutant DNA in blood).6 Case 3 the full MoCA.12
Because of her visual impair- Around the age of 20 years this In the cases reported here,
ment, cognitive assessment with patient developed visual impair- 6CIT proved acceptable to visually
commonly used screening instru- ment as a consequence of bilateral impaired patients and was quick
ments was not possible, and hence viral retinitis and was subsequently and relatively easy to use.
the 6CIT was administered. On this found to have a rare congenital Admittedly, the causes of visual
she scored 4/28, which may be immunodeficiency syndrome, impairment reported here are
interpreted either as normal or at purine nucleoside phosphorylase unusual, and the patients relatively
the upper limit of the normal range (PNP) deficiency.9 Two years later young, as is anticipated in the case
(see Table 1 for scoring and inter- there was further decline in the mix of a dedicated neurological
pretations). Magnetic resonance visual acuity (Right <6/24, Left cognitive disorders clinic, and
(MR) imaging of the brain was nor- counting fingers) which prompted without evidence of cognitive
mal with no evidence of atrophy or MR brain imaging. This showed a impairment. Nevertheless, these
cerebrovascular disease.6 focal right temporal lobe high sig- examples suggest that 6CIT might
nal lesion without mass effect but be of use for cognitive screening in
Case 2 with contrast enhancement. MR patients with visual impairment.
A woman with a syndrome of spectroscopy of the lesion showed The normal results on 6CIT scor-
paroxysmal exercise-induced dys- elevated choline levels with ing do not entirely exclude subtle
tonia (PEID) and optic atrophy decreased N-acetyl aspartate, cognitive impairments, but the test
diagnosed in childhood was changes thought to be compatible is sensitive for cognitive impair-
referred in her mid-thirties with neoplasia, possibly lymphoma. ment (>0.85) at both of the sug-
because of her personal concerns The patient was reported to be gested cut-offs (see Table 1).4,5
about her memory function. From increasingly dependent on other There is currently little infor-
the age of 18 months, she had family members for recall of hos- mation available on the use of
developed episodes of painless pital appointments, prompting 6CIT in the context of visual
flaccid limb weakness after concerns about memory, although impairment. One study used it Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry November/December 2015 21

Original research z Cognitive impairment testing

simply to exclude patients with Walton Centre for Neurology and follow-up. Neurol India 2010;58:135–6.
8. Ziso B, Larner A. Levodopa response in
cognitive impairment.13 Neurosurgery, Liverpool.
paroxysmal exercise-induced dystonia without
In conclusion, 6CIT is quick, GLUT1 deficiency. Eur J Neurol 2015;
easy to use, and acceptable to Declaration of interests 22(Suppl1):394.
patients with visual impairment No conflicts of interest were 9. Kumar A, Ziahosseini K, Saeed MU, et al.
Bilateral viral retinitis in a patient with
who are suspected to have cogni- declared. immune deficiency because of purine nucleo-
tive impairment. Moreover, it is side phosphorylase deficiency. Retin Cases
freely available ( References Brief Rep 2012;6:153–5.
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assessment of cognition in visually impaired
ment-test-6cit). Certainly 6CIT is older adults. Age Ageing 2013;42:98–102. impaired older persons: administration of the
being increasingly used in pri- 2. Jefferis JM, Mosimann UP, Clarke MP. Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). J Clin
Republished review: cataract and cognitive Epidemiol 2002;55:909–15.
mary care settings,14 perhaps as a impairment: a review of the literature. 11. Jefferis J, Collerton J, Taylor JP, et al. The
consequence of national direc- Postgrad Med J 2011;87:636–42. impact of visual impairment on Mini-Mental
tives to improve the identification 3. Brooke P, Bullock R. Validation of a 6 item State Examination scores in the Newcastle 85+
cognitive impairment test with a view to pri- study. Age Ageing 2012;41:565–8.
of patients with dementia. It mary care usage. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry
12. Wittich W, Phillips N, Nasreddine ZS, et al.
would be of interest to assess 1999;14:936–40.
Sensitivity and specificity of the Montreal
4. Abdel-Aziz K, Larner AJ. Six-item cognitive
6CIT’s utility as a cognitive impairment test (6CIT): pragmatic diagnostic
Cognitive Assessment modified for individuals
screener in the context of older accuracy study for dementia and MCI. Int who are visually impaired. J Vis Impair Blind
Psychogeriatr 2015;27:991–7. 2010;104:360–8.
persons with visual impairment, 13. Rees G, Tee HW, Marella M, et al. Vision-
5. Larner AJ. Implications of changing the Six-
for example in old age item Cognitive Impairment Test cutoff. Int J specific distress and depressive symptoms in
psychiatry memory clinics. Geriatr Psychiatry 2015;30:778–9. people with vision impairment. Invest
6. Rawle MJ, Larner AJ. NARP syndrome: a 20- Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2010;51:2891–6.
year follow-up. Case Rep Neurol 2013;5:204–7. 14. Ghadiri-Sani M, Larner AJ. Cognitive
Dr Larner is Consultant Neurologist 7. Larner AJ, Jacob A. Paroxysmal exercise- screening instrument use in primary care: Is it
at the Cognitive Function Clinic, induced dystonia with optic atrophy: a 30-year changing? Clin Pract 2014;11:425–9.

Dextromethorphan-quinidine may reduce agitation in adults with Alzheimer disease
Clinical question weeks 2 and 3; and finally 30/10 mg, morning and
Is the combination of dextromethorphan-quini- evening, for weeks 4 and 5) or matching placebo. In
dine useful in the management of agitation in stage 2, patients who initially received dex-
adults with Alzheimer disease dementia? tromethorphan-quinidine continued to do so while
patients who initially received placebo were re-ran-
Reference domized to receive dextromethorphan-quinidine or
Cummings JL, Lyketsos CG, Peskind ER, et al. matching placebo. Individuals masked to treatment
Effect of dextromethorphan-quinidine on agita- group assignment assessed outcomes using multiple
tion in patients with Alzheimer disease dementia. prevalidated scoring tools for assessing Alzheimer
A randomized clinical trial. JAMA disease agitation/aggression domains, quality of life,
2015;314(12):1242-1254. and caregiver distress and stress. Complete follow-
up occurred for 88.2% of patients at 10 weeks.
Synopsis Using modified intention-to-treat analysis, mean
Investigators identified adults (N = 220), aged 50 scores after stage 1 on the primary agitation/aggres-
to 90 years, meeting standard diagnostic criteria sion assessment tool were significantly reduced in
for probable Alzheimer disease and clinically sig- the dextromethorphan-quinidine group compared
nificant agitation. In the first stage of the trial, with the placebo group (7.1 to 3.8 and 7.0 to 5.3,
patients randomly received oral dextromethor- respectively). A similarly significant mean reduction
phan-quinidine (20/10 mg in the morning [with a of -1.6 favoring the treatment group occurred after
placebo pill in the evening for masking] during stage 2. No significant differences were noted in
week 1; then 20/10 mg, morning and evening, for quality of life or Alzheimer disease scores.

22 Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry November/December 2015

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