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Copyright X) 1990, American Society for Microbiology

Efficacy of Oxacillin and Ampicillin-Sulbactam Combination in

Experimental Endocarditis Caused by ,B-Lactamase-
Hyperproducing Staphylococcus aureus
Department of Medicine, New England Deaconess Hospital,* and
Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02215
Received 13 July 1989/Accepted 31 January 1990

Optimal therapy of infections caused by borderline oxacillin-susceptible, 3-lactamase-hyperproducing

Staphylococcus aureus has not been established. We used a rat model of aortic valve endocarditis to examine
efficacies of antibiotic regimens against a borderline oxacillin-susceptible strain as compared with a fully
susceptible S. aureus strain. Animals were treated with oxacillin alone or in combination with sulbactam or
with ampicillin-sulbactam combinations at two dose levels. Infections caused by the borderline susceptible and
fully susceptible strains responded equally wel to oxacillin alone, with residual bacterial titers in vegetations
falling to 4.8 ± 1.6 and 4.4 ± 1.7 (mean ± standard deviation) log,0 CFU/g, respectively. Addition of sulbactam
to oxacillin (1:2) did not enhance the efficacy of oxacillin against either strain in the animal model. A high-dose
regimen of ampicillin-sulbactam (2:1) yielding mean (+ standard deviation) levels in serum of 16.8 ± 7.4 and
9.5 ± 1.1 ,ug/ml, respectively, proved equally effective against both strains (bacterial titers, 6.6 log1o CFU/g).
However, at lower doses (8.3 + 2.6 and 5.9 ± 2.4 ,ug/ml), the combination showed greater efficacy against the
fully susceptible strain, with residual titers of 7.1 + 2.0 versus 9.0 + 1.6 log1o CFU/g (P < 0.05). In vitro studies
revealed that the ,B-lactamase inhibitor sulbactam was also a potent inducer of staphylococcal P-lactamase at
clinically relevant concentrations. Based on this short-term in vivo therapy study, oxacillin would be predicted
to be clinically effective in the therapy of infections caused by borderline oxacillin-susceptible strains of S.
aureus, while the combination of ampicillin with sulbactam appears to be inferior to oxacillin alone against such

In 1986, McDougal and Thornsberry (8) described isolates (This work was presented at the 28th Interscience Confer-
of Staphylococcus aureus displaying borderline susceptibil- ence on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy [C. Thau-
ity to antistaphylococcal penicillins. These strains were vin-Eliopoulos, L. B. Rice, G. M. Eliopoulos, and R. C.
inhibited by methicillin and oxacillin at concentrations of 4 Moellering, Jr., Program Abstr. 28th Intersci. Conf. Antimi-
and 2 p,g/ml, respectively, and were characterized by the crob. Agents Chemother., abstr. no. 367, 1988].)
production of large amounts of P-lactamase. Addition of a
f-lactamase inhibitor such as clavulanic acid or sulbactam

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restored activities of the penicillins to levels which inhibit
fully methicillin-susceptible S. aureus strains. Such strains Bacterial strains. The two strains of S. aureus used
appear to be distinct from those demonstrating chromoso- throughout this study were clinical blood culture isolates
mally mediated intrinsic ,-lactamase resistance, which has recovered in Boston, Mass. Susceptibilities were determined
been associated with the presence of a low-affinity penicillin- by microdilution broth titration in cation-supplemented
binding protein, termed PBP 2a or 2' (5). To differentiate Mueller-Hinton broth (CSMHB; BBL Microbiology Sys-
borderline susceptible strains from the latter group of intrin- tems, Cockeysville, Md.) with 2% NaCl (9, 16). Strain 1 was
sically resistant organisms further, they have also been borderline oxacillin susceptible (BOSSA) with methicillin
called acquired-resistant strains (7, 8). Whether infections and oxacillin MICs of 4 and 1 ,ug/ml, respectively. Addition
caused by borderline susceptible staphylococcal isolates of sulbactam, 16 jig/ml (8), reduced MICs of these agents to
would respond to ,B-lactams as well as infections caused by 2 and 0.25 p.g/ml, respectively. Strain 2 was a fully oxacillin-
fully susceptible strains, or whether these isolates should be susceptible S. aureus (OSSA) strain with methicillin and
considered the same as intrinsically resistant strains for oxacillin MICs of 2 and 0.25 ,ug/ml, respectively. Sulbactam
clinical and therapeutic purposes, is unclear and remains to alone inhibited both strains at 250 ,ug/ml. Antimicrobial
be determined. susceptibilities were also determined in CSMHB plus 2%
In this study, we established an aortic valve endocarditis NaCl supplemented with 50% rat serum, using inocula of 5 x
model in rats, using a fully oxacillin-susceptible strain of S. 105 to 1 x 106 CFU/ml. Inhibitory endpoints were read at 24
aureus or a borderline susceptible clinical isolate of S. and 48 h of incubation at 35°C. At 48 h, 0.01-ml samples were
aureus, to evaluate the role of P-lactamase production in the transferred to antibiotic-free plates for determination of
therapeutic efficacies of oxacillin alone, oxacillin combined MBCs (11).
with sulbactam, and ampicillin-sulbactam in combination. Antimicrobial agents. Ampicillin and sulbactam standard
reference powders and the 2:1 combination for in vivo
studies were generously provided by Roerig-Pfizer, Inc.,
* Corresponding author. New York, N.Y. Oxacillin was obtained from Bristol Lab-
VOL. 34, 1990

TABLE 1. Results of therapy of experimental S. aureus endocarditis

Regimen ~~Drug
Du(g/ml levels
SD) MiC)
MC No. of survivors/ Bacterial titer in MIC (MBC) No. of survivors/ Bacterial titer in
(q.g/ml)a no.ofanmas %) (log10vegetations
no. of animals (%)
CFU/g + SD) (pgm)
(ml) no. animals (%) (log10vegetations
o offaias() CFtJ/g ± SD)
Controls 8/29 (28) 10.5 ± 0.5 3/28 (11) 10.4 + 0.1
Oxacillin alone 10.9 ± 5.1 1 (32) 15/16 (94) 4.8 ± 1.6 1 (2) 14/18 (78) 4.4 ± 1.7
+ Sulbactam 6.2 ± 0.5 1 (8) 14/15 (93) 6.1 ± 2.3 1 (4) 13/15 (87) 5.3 ± 1.6
Ampicilin' 8.3 ± 2.6 125 (250) C 8 (16)
+ sulbactam (low dose) 5.9 ± 2.4 4 (32) 8/11 (73) 9.0 ± 1.6 1 (2) 9/10 (90) 7.1 ± 2.0
Ampicillind 16.8 ± 7.4 125 (250) 8 (16)
+ sulbactam (high dose) 9.5 ± 1.1 4 (32) 12/16 (75) 6.6 ± 2.1 1 (2) 17/19 (89) 6.6 ± 1.9
a In CSMHB plus 2% NaCl and 50%o rat serum. MICs were determined at 24 h, and MBCs were determined at 48 h of incubation.
b 450 mg of ampicillin per kg; 225 mg of sulbactam per kg per day.
c -, Ampicillin alone was not used for treatment.
1,000 mg of ampicillin per kg; 500 mg of sulbactam per kg per day.

oratories, Evansville, Ind. Methicillin was obtained from antibiotic levels in serum were measured by using an agar
Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo. well diffusion technique (1), with Bacillus subtilis as the test
Evaluation of 1-lactamase activity. P-Lactamase activity of organism for ampicillin and oxacillin levels and with a
cell lysates was determined by a spectrophotometric method P-lactamase-producing strain of Pasteurella haemolytica as
(10). Bacteria were grown in dextrose phosphate broth the test organism for sulbactam levels. Animals surviving 3.5
(GIBCO Diagnostics, Madison, Wis.) to log phase at 35°C days of treatment were sacrificed 2 h after discontinuation of
and harvested when cell densities reached 109 CFU/ml. Cell therapy. Cardiac vegetations were aseptically removed,
pellets were lysed by incubation with lysostaphin (50 ,ug/ml) weighed, homogenized, and diluted in saline for bacterial
(Sigma) and Triton X-100 (0.05% final concentration) (Bio- titer determination. Colony counts were performed on man-
Rad Laboratories, Richmond, Calif.). For studies of ,B- nitol-salt agar plates with and without penicillinase to control
lactamase induction, cells were grown in the presence of for potential antibiotic carry-over. The lower limit of detec-
ampicillin or sulbactam at concentrations of 0.1 x the MIC of tion by this method was 2.3 log1o CFU/g of vegetation.
each drug. Statistical evaluation. The chi-square test with Yates cor-
Production of bacterial endocarditis. Bacterial endocarditis rection was used for evaluation of nominal data. Differences
was established by the technique of Santoro and Levison in bacterial titers within vegetations among treatment groups
(12), with minor modifications as described previously (14, were assessed by analysis of variance followed by the
15). Nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis was created in Bonferroni method for multiple comparisons (4).
male Sprague-Dawley rats (180 to 250 g) by insertion of a
polyethylene catheter (PE 10 Intramedic tubing) across the RESULTS
aortic valve via the right carotid artery. At 20 min after

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catheterization, 106 CFU of the infecting strain in saline In vitro susceptilillity studies. Activities of antimicrobial
were injected through the catheter, which was ligated and agents against the test strains determined in CSMHB plus
left in place throughout the experiment. Establishment of 2% NaCl supplemented with 50% rat serum are shown in
bacterial endocarditis was ascertained by positive blood Table 1. MICs of oxacillin against the two strains were
cultures drawn just before onset of therapy. Only animals identical in this medium, and these were not affected in the
with both initial blood cultures positive for the infecting presence of sulbactam. The MIC of ampicillin-sulbactam
strain and correct placement of the catheter across the aortic (2:1, expressed in terms of the ampicillin component) against
valve (as established at autopsy) were included in the study. the BOSSA strain was fourfold higher than that against the
With both strains, colony counts in cardiac vegetations OSSA strain. In the absence of rat serum, MICs (micro-
reached 8.0 to 8.5 log1o CFU/g by 12 h after infection. grams per milliliter) against the BOSSA and OSSA strains in
Antimicrobial therapy. Treatment was started 12 h after CSMHB plus 2% NaCl were as follows: ampicillin-sulbac-
bacterial challenge and continued for 3.5 days. All antimi- tam, 4 and 2; oxacillin, 1.0 and 0.25; oxacillin-sulbactam,
crobial agents were delivered by continuous intravenous 0.25 and 0.125. Strain 1 (BOSSA) demonstrated greater
infusion via an indwelling central venous catheter inserted tolerance to the bactericidal effects of oxacillin (MBC/MIC
through the external jugular vein into the superior vena cava, ratio, 32) and ampicillin-sulbactam (MBC/MIC ratio, 8) than
as described previously (14). Antimicrobial agents were did strain 2 (OSSA) (MBC/MIC ratios, 2 for both drugs).
carefully delivered with syringe pumps (Orion Research, P-Lactamase activity. As expected, P-lactamase activity of
inc., Cambridge, Mass.). Animals were randomly assigned cell lysates from strain 1 was substantially greater than that
to one of the following five groups: (i) oxacillin alone (600 of strain 2 (Fig. 1). Both ampicillin and sulbactam induced
mg/kg per day), (ii) oxacillin (600 mg/kg per day) plus production of P-lactamase, but in each case the resulting
sulbactam (300 mg/kg per day), (iii) ampicillin (450 mg/kg per hydrolytic activity was greater with BOSSA lysates. This
day) plus sulbactam (225 mg/kg per day), (iv) ampicillin effect was particularly striking when BOSSA cells were
(1,000 mg/kg per day) plus sulbactam (500 mg/kg per day), induced by incubation with sulbactam. The resulting lysate
and (v) an untreated control group. achieved complete hydrolysis of substrate within 5 min.
Monitoring of therapy and outcome. On day 3 of therapy, Effects of preincubation with sulbactam or clavulanate on


2- 75

>% 50

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

Time (Hour)
FIG. 1. P-Lactamase activity of both infecting strains of S. aureus in uninduced cells, in ampicillin (amp)-induced cells, and in sulbactam
(Sb)-induced cells.

P-lactamase activity were also studied in five additional was comparable to the oxacillin-sulbactam regimen. Statis-
BOSSA isolates. In four of these, exposure to sulbactam tically significant differences in response of animals infected
induced P-lactamase activity, resulting in .90% nitrocefin with BOSSA or OSSA strains were evident only among
hydrolysis within 2 to 4 min, with the fifth strain hydrolyzing those treated with low-dose ampicillin-sulbactam. With this

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this amount of drug by 60 min. In each case, preincubation regimen, significantly greater reductions in vegetation bac-
with clavulanic acid retarded nitrocefin hydrolysis by the terial titers were observed with the OSSA than with the
resulting cell lysate. Sulbactam induced P-lactamase activity BOSSA strain (P < 0.05).
in two strains of OSSA which produced P-lactamase, but, as
expected, did not affect one penicillin-susceptible, non- DISCUSSION
3-lactamase-producing isolate. Since the recognition that strains for which oxacillin MICs
Experimental endocarditis. Results of therapy are shown in are -1 ,ug/ml constitute a small but significant proportion of
Table 1. Antibiotic levels in serum achieved with both recent isolates of S. aureus at some centers (7, 18), there has
oxacillin and ampicillin-sulbactam are clinically attainable in been considerable concern about appropriate therapy of
humans and exceeded MICs against the test organisms. infections due to such strains. Specifically, would a ,-lactam
Survival of animals in each treatment group exceeded that of alone prove successful or would such isolates more closely
control animals (P 0.02), but did not differ among the
resemble methicillin-resistant S. aureus and fail to respond
groups of treated animals. Oxacillin was equally effective predictably? It has become amply clear, however, that
against BOSSA and OSSA infections, with residual titers mechanisms of resistance to penicillinase-resistant penicil-
within vegetations of 4.8 ± 1.6 and 4.4 ± 1.7 log1o CFU/g, lins cannot always be accurately predicted solely from levels
respectively. Addition of sulbactam to oxacillin did not of susceptibility. Strains of S. aureus for which oxacillin
enhance activity of the latter against either strain. Residual MICs are between 1 and 2 ,ug/ml appear to represent a
bacterial titers were higher among animals treated with this heterogeneous group, some of which hyperproduce P-lacta-
combination than among those treated with oxacillin alone, mase, as defined by McDougal and Thormsberry (8), and
but these differences were not statistically significant. Like- others of which may attribute oxacillin resistance to alter-
wise, the high-dose ampicillin-sulbactam regimen was ations in penicillin-binding proteins (3, 13). In the present
equally effective against BOSSA and OSSA infections. This study, we ascertained that the BOSSA strain studied was a
regimen was less effective than oxacillin alone against both hyperproducer of ,-lactamase as compared with a clinical
strains (P = 0.01 for BOSSA and P = 0.002 for OSSA), but isolate demonstrating full susceptibility to oxacillin.

This study showed oxacillin to be equally effective against MBC (in combination) against penicillinase-producing S.
the BOSSA and OSSA strains, with residual bacterial titers aureus (6).
of 4.4 to 4.8 log1o CFU/g. This observation is consistent with In this study, oxacillin was more effective than ampicillin-
results of other animal studies which have compared re- sulbactam (high dose) against both isolates tested. While it
sponse of fully susceptible and intermediately susceptible might be possible to attribute this result to a superior
strains of S. aureus to therapy with antistaphylococcal antibiotic level in serum/MIC ratio (10:1 for oxacillin, 4:1 for
penicillins. Cantoni et al. (2), using a rat endocarditis model, ampicillin-sulbactam) for the BOSSA isolates, alternative
found similar responses to cloxacillin of two strains, with explanations would clearly have to be sought in the case of
oxacillin MICs of 0.25 and 2 ,ug/ml. Chambers et al. (3), the OSSA isolates (10:1 for oxacillin, 16:1 for ampicillin-
using a rabbit model of endocarditis, noted identical re- sulbactam). Examination of attained drug levels in serum in
sponses to nafcillin of a fully susceptible strain (nafcillin relation to bactericidal endpoints yields similar conclusions.
MIC, 0.5 ,ug/ml) and one characterized by a nafcillin MIC of Our results are also in contrast to those of other studies
4 ,ug/ml. Penicillin-binding proteins of the latter strain were which found ampicillin-sulbactam comparable to nafcillin
examined and found to be similar to the pattern of methicil- against methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (17) and amoxicil-
lin-susceptible S. aureus strains. However, in neither of lin-clavulanate comparable to cloxacillin against both a fully
these studies was the level of ,-lactamase production in oxacillin-susceptible strain and one for which the oxacillin
intermediately resistant isolates formally tested. These data MIC was 2 ,ug/ml (2).
are also consistent with results of a retrospective analysis of We believe that these results may be explained by the
clinical infections due to S. aureus strains with different observation that sulbactam displayed a striking ability to
levels of resistance to oxacillin (7). Treatment with a peni- induce production of P-lactamase in each of the two strains
cillinase-resistant penicillin was successful in 88.6% of in- (Fig. 1). This phenomenon was probably reflected in the
fections caused by fully susceptible strains and 7 of 10 (70%) diminished (although not statistically significant) efficacy of
oxacillin against both strains when the drug was combined
infections caused by acquired oxacillin-resistant isolates with sulbactam. This hypothesis provides an explanation for
(oxacillin resistant by disk diffusion; oxacillin MIC of c2 the discordance of our results with those of the aforemen-
,ug/ml by broth dilution). These results are difficult to inter- tioned studies with amoxicillin plus clavulanic acid (2),
pret, however, in view of the fact that four of five (80%) which does not appear to be a potent inducer of the P-
infections caused by oxacillin-resistant isolates (MIC, >8 lactamase (data not shown), and with ampicillin plus sulbac-
jig/ml) also responded to treatment with a penicillinase- tam (17), which was dosed to achieve peak levels in serum
resistant penicillin. substantially higher than the steady-state mean levels in
In attempting to reconcile the above results with the serum achieved in the present study. Attainment of such
fourfold difference in broth dilution oxacillin MICs and the high drug concentrations in serum may be important because
significant difference in ,-lactamase activity generated by the capacity of sulbactam to induce P-lactamase may well
the two strains used in our study (Fig. 1), it is noteworthy reach a maximum level at modest drug concentrations, while
that susceptibility testing performed in the presence of 50% the P-lactamase-inhibitory activity of the agent appears to
rat serum yielded identical oxacillin MICs against the two increase proportionally with drug concentration (6).
strains. Continuous administration of oxacillin (or repetitive We conclude that, against the representative strains stud-
antibiotic dosing in the studies cited), resulting in drug ied here, both oxacillin and ampicillin-sulbactam (high dose)
concentrations in serum 10-fold higher than the MIC, may were as effective against a P-lactamase-hyperproducing
have partially negated any differences in P-lactamase pro- BOSSA as against an OSSA strain. At the doses used,
duction apparent in the static environment of standard ampicillin-sulbactam was less effective than oxacillin.

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susceptibility testing. While it is theoretically possible that Higher drug concentrations of ampicillin-sulbactam in serum
our results might also be explained by lower virulence of the would probably have enhanced the efficacy of this combina-
BOSSA strain, this seems highly unlikely in view of the fact tion. We have shown that sulbactam could induce produc-
that bacterial titers in vegetations of untreated animals tion of ,-lactamase in these strains. Combination of sulbac-
inoculated with either strain were identical both 12 h after tam with oxacillin, while not affecting survival, appeared to
infection (8.0 to 8.5 log1o CFU/g) and at sacrifice on day 4 diminish efficacy in terms of final bacterial titers within
(10.4 to 10.5 log1o CFU/g). Tolerance to the bactericidal vegetations, although this effect did not reach statistical
effects of oxacillin which we observed with strain 1 (MBC/ significance.
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