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ea KNS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS en QUESTION BANK 3 ACADEMIC YEAR(2023-2024) Dr-Fathima Bi ] Faculty Dr.Gayatr Mal fame RRinishaC A subject uibject fad IBhanupriya RS ublest BMATS201 Kime jathematic ethra.M N Semester 7 LiRemember [2Understand L3Apply _L4 Analyze LSEvaluate — L6Create URS ‘COI: Apply the concept of change of order of integration and variables to evaluate multiple integrals and their usage in computing area and volume CO3: Demonstrate the idea of linear dependence and independence of sets in the vector space, and linear transformation. (QUESTIONS co 7 Module-1 Integral calculus 7 ' B We?) or col valuate ff ste z iF cor 2 Bata foe rApeaa 3 a cor 1B Evaluate J f (xy te” dvds | 3 | 7 ia eae wr Brau ff foto 3 ieee Evaluate [" 5 7 cor am Brant Ff tr by chine nr of inetin 6 on ; Evaluate f'[<¢dyte by changing the order of integration 7 7 ig cor a Evaluate [ [ y"dyede by changing the order of integration 00 8 Ts Evaluate by changing the order of integration | j—-* a B arty 7 ete andy By chante oe megraon ofa a7 10 Fe col val «+P ay by changing into polar coordinates Brat [fay by hang inte pol coords oD KNS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ee a 7 of oo Evaluate ("F(a syahtr by changing into polar coordinates iz a a cor a By changing nto polar coordinates evaluate ("f° « "yd at cor G 13 | Find by double integration area between the parabolas y* = 4ax and lay a 14” | A pyramid is Bounded by tree coordinates planes and he plane x*2y+32=6 Compute the | COL 2 value by double integration, a ‘Using double integration find the area ofthe plane in the form oF a quadrant of the ellipse. | CO 3 15, i ds Tall cosO)by | COR B 16 | Using mathematical tools write the code to find te area ofthe cardiods—a(1¥ co double integration 7 | TO] Show thatthe set B=((F,1 O)(T,0,1)(0,),1)) is a basis ofthe vectorspace Vs(R) COR a i Find the basis and the dimension of the subspace spanned by the vectors {(2.4 2). CO3 L2.L3 1,0),(1,2,1),(0,3,1)} in V;(R) ' 12, [Using the modem mathematical tool, write the code to find dimension of subspace | CO3 S spanned by the vectors (1,2.3)(2,3,1), and (31,2) s 13. | Prove that the transformation T: R°—» R? defined by T(xy,X2.%3)= (O.x2.%s) is linear. coe it CO G Prove that T: R’-> R? be defined by T(xy.2) ~ (2x-3y , x+4 , 52) is not a linear transformation 15, | Prove that T: R'> R' be defined by Tia, b)= (arb, ab f) iva linear transform Co Cea 16. T 0) (2 -3) | C3 13 7 7 Determine whether the matrix ff 4 is a linear combination of ( 4 NG 7) | 01), and{ ) 4} inthe vector space May of 2X 2 Matrices 17. Find the matrix of linear transformation T: V;(R)> VAR) defined by C03 ‘L2,L3 Teey.2)~(uty,y+2) relative tothe basis B1=((11,0),(1,0,1). (att) B2=(2,-3).(1.4)} 18. [Let T: R= R° defined by T(xy.z)= (x+y , xy , 2x42). find the rank nand nullity of T | CO3 ty and verify rank of T +nullity of T =dim( R’). 19. | Verify the Rank nullity theorem forthe linear transformation T: RY R” defined by | CO3 am Toay.2) = (t2y-2, yz, x4y-22) 20.___| Verify the Rank nullity theorem for the Tinear wansformation T= VaR) VAR) defined | CO3 iB by Texy.2) = (yx, yer) I] Using moder mathematical tool Wie the code vo represent the election wasormation | CO3 B T:R?—> Rand to find the image of vector (10,0) when itis reflected about the y-axis 22. Define inner product space .Consider f{t)=4t+3 , g(t , the inner product and li. 23.__| Find and pl Given P(x)=x-x , q(x)mx+l , the inner product space

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