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Lectures Notes on Optimal Control

Presentation · May 2018

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14238.48961


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1 author:

Toufik Souanef
Cranfield University


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Optimal Control
Lecture Notes


University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene - Algiers


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1 Introduction

2 Unconstrained Optimal Control

3 Optimal Control with Constraints on the Input

4 Minimum Time Optimal Control

5 Optimal Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR)

6 Optimal Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) Control

7 Optimal LQR et LQG Control of Discrete Systems

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Definition of Optimal Control

Given the Dynamic nonlinear Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) system

ẋ(t) = f (x(t), u(t))

In this lecture the system is assumed to be controllable

The objective is to elaborate the admissible control law u ∗ (t) which transfers the
system from the initial state x(t0 ) to the final state x(tf ) under the following
performance criterion
Z tf 
J = Φ(x(tf ), tf ) + L(x, u, t) dt

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Performance Criterion

Minimum time
Z tf
J= dt

Minimum fuel Z tf
J= ku(t)k1 dt

Minimum energy
Z tf
J= u > (t)u(t)dt
2 t0

Minimum tracking error

Z tf
J= e> (t)e(t)dt
2 t0

with e(t) = xr (t) − x(t) where xr (t) is the reference trajectory

The Linear quadratic(LQ) criterion

1 > 1
Z tf  
J= x (tf )Fx(tf ) + x > (t)Qx(t) + u > (t)Ru(t) dt
2 2 t0

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Unconstrained Optimal Control
Given the Dynamic nonlinear Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) system
ẋ(t) = f (x(t), u(t))
with the following performance criterion:
Z tf 
J = Φ(x(tf ), tf ) + L(x, u, t) dt
The Hamiltonian is given as follows
H(x, u, λ, ) = L(x, u, t) + λ> f (x, u)
The necessary conditions of optimality are defined by

∂H(x, u, λ)
Optimal control: u ∗ (t) → =0
∂H(x, u, λ)
Optimal state: x ∗ (t) → = ẋ ∗ (t)
∂H(x, u, λ)
Optimal co-state: λ∗ (t) → = −λ̇∗ (t)
The boundary conditions are given by
h ∂Φ i
Unspecified final time: + H(x ∗ , u ∗ , λ∗ ) = 0
∂t tf
h ∂Φ i
Unspecified final state: −λ =0
∂x tf

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Optimal Control with Constraints on the Input

Given the Dynamic nonlinear Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) system

ẋ(t) = f (x(t), u(t))

with the following performance criterion:

Z tf 
J = Φ(x(tf ), tf ) + L(x, u, t) dt

and the constrained control law u(t) ∈ M − , M +


The Hamiltonian is given as follows

H(x, u, λ, ) = L(x, u, t) + λ> f (x, u)
The necessary conditions of optimality are defined by

Optimal control: u ∗ (t) → H(x ∗ , u ∗ , λ∗ ) ≤ H(x ∗ , u, λ∗ ), ∀u(t) ∈ M − , M +


∂H(x, u, λ)
Optimal state: x ∗ (t) → = ẋ ∗ (t)
∂H(x, u, λ)
Optimal co-state: λ∗ (t) → = −λ̇∗ (t)
The boundary conditions are the same that for the unconstrained case.

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Minimum Time Optimal Control of Linear Systems
Given the linear single-input single-output (SISO) system
ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + bu(t)
with the constraint |u(t)| ≤ M
The objective is to elaborate the optimal control law u ∗ (t) to transfer the system from
the initial state x(t0 ) to the final state x(tf ) = 0 in minimum time.
The system eigenvalues should not be of positive real part
The performance criterion is given by
Z t
J= dt
Applying the Pontryaguine minimum, the optimal control law is given by
u ∗ (t) = −M sign b> λ∗ (t)

λ∗ (t) = e(−A t)
Remark: In the MIMO case:
ẋ = Ax(t) + Bu(t)
The input matrix B can be written as follows
B = [b1 |b2 ...|bm ]
ui∗ (t) = −M sign bi> λ∗ (t) ;

i = 1...m

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Optimal Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR)

Given the linear Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) system

ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t)

with the Linear Quadratic criterion (LQ)

1 > 1
Z tf  
J= x (tf )F x(tf ) + x > (t)Qx(t) + u > (t)Ru(t) dt
2 2 t0

It is assumed that there are no constraints on the control input

Using the necessary conditions of optimality, the open-loop control law is given by

u ∗ (t) = −R −1 B > λ∗ (t)

Assuming that λ∗ (t) = P(t)x ∗ (t), the closed-loop control law is given by

u ∗ (t) = −K (t)x ∗ (t),

with: K (t) = R −1 B > P(t)

P(t) is the solution of the Riccatti equation:

Ṗ(t) = P(t)A + A> P(t) + Q − P(t)BR −1 B > P(t)

with P(tf ) = λ(tf )

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Infinite Horizon Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR)

Given the linear Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) system

ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t)

The Linear Quadratic (LQ) criterion for infinite horizon is defined by

1 ∞ >
J= x (t)Qx(t) + u > (t)Ru(t) dt
2 t0

The closed-loop control law is written as follows

u ∗ (t) = −Kx ∗ (t),

with: K = R −1 B > P

P, constant in this case, if the solution of the Riccatti equation:

PA + A> P + Q − PBR −1 B > P = 0

Stability: The eigenvalues of the closed-loop system are of negative real part
Robustness: Infinite gain margin and a phase margin of 600
[K , P] = lqr (A, B, Q, R)

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Optimal Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) Control with Infinite
Given the linear Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) system assumed to be controllable
and observable
ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t) + Gv (t)
y (t) = Cx(t) + Hw(t)

where v (t) and w(t) are uncorrelated white noises, with a null and variance (intensity)
V and W , respectively.
The objective is to compute the optimal control law u ∗ (t) to satisfy the linear quadratic
1 ∞ >
J= x (t)Qx(t) + u > (t)Ru(t) dt
2 t0
the design of the control law is done in two steps
1- Estimation of the state vector using Kalman filter

x̂(t) = Ax̂(t) + Bu(t) + L(y (t) − C x̂(t))


avec: L = Pe CW −1

P is the solution of the Riccatti equation:

Pe A> + APe + V − Pe C > W −1 CPe = 0

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Optimal Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) Control with Infinite

2- Design of the Optimal Control Law

The closed-loop control law is given by

u ∗ (t) = −K x̂ ∗ (t),
avec: K = R −1 B > P

where P is the solution of theRiccatti equation

PA + A> P + Q − PBR −1 B > P = 0

sys = ss(A, [B G], C, 0)
[kest, L, P] = kalman(sys, V , W )
[K , P] = lqr (A, B, Q, R)
We can also use the commands lqe and lqg

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Optimal LQR Control of Discrete Systems

Given the dynamic discrete Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) system

x(k + 1) = Ax(k ) + Bu(k )

The objective is to design the control law u ∗ (k ) which satisfies the Linear Quadratic
discrete criterion

1 X > 
J= x (k )Qx(k ) + u > (k )Ru(k )
k =0

The optimal closed-loop control law is given by

u ∗ (k ) = −Kx ∗ (k ),
avec: K = R −1 B > (A> ) (P − Q)

P is the solution of the Riccatti equation:

P = A> P −1 + BR −1 P A

Methode 1 Methode 2
Given the continuous system ẋ(t) = Ac x(t) + Bc u(t) Given the continuous
sysD = c2d(sysC, Ts ), Ts is the sample time  system ẋ(t) = Ac x(t) +Bc u(t)
with J = 21 t∞ x > (t)Qx(t) + u > (t)Ru(t) dt
[K , P] = dlqr (A, B, Q, R) pour 0
P∞  > >

[K , P] = lqrd(Ac , Bc , Q, R, Ts )
J = 12 k =0 x (k )Qx(k ) + u (k )Ru(k )

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Optimal LQG Control of Discrete Systems
Given the dynamic discrete Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) system controllable and
ẋ(k + 1) = Ax(k ) + Bu(k ) + Gv (k )
y (k ) = Cx(k ) + Hw(k )
where v (k ) and w(k ) are uncorrelated white noises, with a null and variance (intensity)
V and W , respectively.
The objective is to design the optimal control lawu ∗ (k ) to satisfy the LQ criterion

1 X > 
J= x (k )Qx(k ) + u > (k )Ru(k )
k =0

The design of the control law is made in two steps:

1- Estimation of the state vector using Kalman filter
˙ + 1) = Ax̂(k ) + Bu(k ) + L(y (k ) − C x̂(k ))
2- Design of the optimal control laws
The closed-loop control law is given by
u ∗ (k ) = −K x̂ ∗ (k ),
Methode 1 Methode 2
Given the continuous system Given the continuous system
ẋ(t) = Ac x(t) + Bc u(t) + Gv (t); y (t) = Cx(t) + Hw(t) ẋ(t) = Ac x(t)
 + Bc u(t) + Gv (t); y (t) =Cx(t) + Hw(t) avec
sysD = c2d(sysC, Ts ), Ts is the sampling time J = 1 t∞ x > (t)Qx(t) + u > (t)Ru(t) dt
2 0
[kest, L, P] = kalman(sys, V , W )
[kest, L, P] = kalmd(sys, V , W , Ts )
[K , P] = dlqr (A, B, Q, R) with
P∞  > [K , P] = lqrd(Ac , Bc , Q, R, Ts )
x (k )Qx(k ) + u > (k )Ru(k )

J = 1
2 k =0
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1- Desineni Subbaram Naidu, Optimal Control Systems, CRC PRESS, 2003,

2- Radhakant Padhi, Optimal Control Guidance and Estimation, Lecture Notes,

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