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Connecting Business Finance with

Corporate strategy
February 2023 | Adapt. Thrive. Lead.
“Individually we are one drop.
Together we are an ocean.”
- Ryunosuke Satoro

© 2023 Deloitte LLP. All rights reserved. | Connecting Business Finance: Corporate strategy 2
What’s inside


1 6 Insights unlocked for corporate strategy
Spotlight on Finance and
corporate strategy
2 TRADITIONAL COLLABORATION A look at our past cases
The impacts of disconnection
COLLABORATION OF THE FUTURE Key questions to ask first
Key enablers and benefits of being connected
4 MORE THAN A ‘GUEST’ The Connecting Business Finance Lab
The leading role of Finance in
a connected environment 10 BEFORE YOU GO
Closing comments
The power of Finance analytics for
delivery of insights solutions

© 2023 Deloitte LLP. All rights reserved. | Connecting Business Finance: Corporate strategy 3
The big picture – Spotlight on Finance and corporate strategy

Corporate strategy lies at the core of success for any An organisation’s capacity to adapt to the external
Our ability to take actions and adapt based on impulses organisation. It requires well-thought business choices about environment is what enables it to survive, compete and
received from the external environment is one of the future direction but most of the time there is a disconnect win. To do so, it requires a Finance function that holds
fundamental characteristics that enabled humans to between strategic priorities and the monitoring of the capabilities to influence the process of growth,
survive, organise in communities and develop performance throughout the organisation. change and connection across the business—in other
our capabilities. words it requires a Dynamic Finance function.
Common issues remain and can be summarised as follows:
Deep-dive into the microcosm of an organisation, the The evolution of Finance: The responsibilities of Finance
same principle of information based decisions holds true. • Approach to performance management (led by Finance) as a function (Figure 1) have evolved from score-keeper
Like humans, organisations are affected by forces that is insufficiently aligned to strategic priorities leading to a to business partner and connector (among others). This
are beyond their control, a complex environment distorted view of current position means that Finance can now play a more proactive role in
encompasses them and in it they are called to survive shaping strategic decisions and provide the insights on
• Planning for strategic direction, more often than not, is
and grow. how corporate strategy is performing.
not informed by effective long-term scenario planning
To achieve their goals and reach their destination, leading organisations to miss out on opportunities PURPOSE OF THIS POINT OF VIEW
organisations need corporate strategy. And to check • Financial and non-financial plans do not utilise connected
whether they are going the right way, they need Finance. In exploring the interplay between Finance and corporate
information on value drivers leaving decision makers strategy we will turn our attention to the topic of
unable to focus on the choices that matter strategic planning as a key enabler for growth companies
of all sizes need to address.
Figure 1. Top five responsibilities of Finance
Strategic visions often fail prematurely
• What are the common challenges companies face in
when pressures mount. The role of their quest for effective strategic planning and how
Finance is key, in providing the calm can they benefit from collaboration with Finance?
view of performance; the balancing • What are the latest tools and technologies that can be
mechanism bringing the organisation deployed to address those challenges?

back on track to the bigger picture. • What are the key ingredients of a successful corporate
strategy and the role of Enterprise Performance
Management led by Finance?
Source: Insight Driven Performance (Part of the Dynamic Finance series), 2022
© 2023 Deloitte LLP. All rights reserved. | Connecting Business Finance: Corporate strategy 4
Traditional collaboration – The impacts of disconnection

F I N A N C E A N D C O R P O R AT E S T R AT E G Y — A T Y P I C A L C O N V E R S AT I O N Currently, collaboration between Finance and corporate strategy is lacking an

B E T W E E N F I N A N C E A N D C O R P O R AT E S T R AT E G Y T O D AY important foundation; that is one common language. And in the world of business
that means data which is centrally available, of sufficient quality and from which
1 week later…
insights can be drawn that answer the “so-what” questions corporate strategy
needs to direct the business.
Hi John, Finance
Following our February The product directors have B A R R I E R S T O I N T E G R AT I O N I M PA C T F R O M D I S I N T E G R AT I O N
Mary meeting on medium-term shared their actual and
strategy, Rudy shared a file projected performance Lack of end-to-end data/next gen tech Ad-hoc analysis
with our 5-year revenue metrics but we need some John Data from different departments not A lot of time, effort and money spent by
growth targets. time to aggregate at stored centrally and of questionable Finance and corporate strategy to bring
Group level.
quality (data entry errors, lack of data together, cleanse and analyse
Please can you let me know
when we can expect figures Our analytics team is working
common hierarchies). before any decision can be made.
on monthly performance to provide an aggregated
against the revenue targets view but given the tools we Lack of insight solutions Hostage to descriptive analytics
we have set for this year? have in place this will take a At best, the analysis performed by When Finance cannot provide the
couple of weeks to produce. Finance will state the current analyses and insights required to
position against a target after a lot answer why a gap to target is
We won’t have much insight
Finance of effort has been spent gathering documented, corporate strategy can
regarding reasons behind
Hi Mary, gaps to target revenue either the data required to do so. do little to address that gap in
I don’t think that file has collaboration with other departments.
been shared with me or at
John More time spent advocating
least there is not a central Outdated rituals and routines
location or alert I received The ability to focus on the key business
about it—please could you By the time slide packs are prepared
Strategy questions that affect performance is
share the file that Rudy and numbers communicated to
Hi John, severely impacted by the amount of
communicated? I understand the constraints however corporate strategy competition has
time spent advocating about the
Mary 3 weeks is far too long to wait for an already made strides ahead.
Currently performance validity of presented information.
aggregated view of performance for
metrics are made available the previous month. The market is
3 weeks after close of moving fast, and we need to Talent and teaming Working in silos
month. Let me reach out understand whether our growth Lack of data and analytics literacy Meaningful data analysis leads to an
to the product directors targets are anywhere near in across Finance and corporate strategy understanding of the “why”. Even when
and inform of the request. being achieved.
Will get back to you. teams coupled with deep business and Finance has the skills to drive that,
sector knowledge which, if present, limited communication with corporate
would allow the right questions to strategy hinders reaching the
be asked. conclusion of the “how” for growth.
© 2023 Deloitte LLP. All rights reserved. | Connecting Business Finance: Corporate strategy 5
Collaboration of the future – Key enablers and benefits of being connected

F I N A N C E A N D C O R P O R AT E S T R AT E G Y The successful integration of Finance and corporate strategy is the driving force
behind an organisation’s ability to be agile within a competitive environment in order
1 day later… to survive, compete and win. Key enablers of that integration lie across data, people
and technologies working together to create memories of the future.
Hi John, Finance
Following on from our Hi Mary, K E Y E N A B L E R S O F I N T E G R AT I O N B E N E F I T S O F I N T E G R AT I O N
Mary meeting today on medium- You should have received an
term corporate strategy, alert in your inbox that the Connected planning technologies Reduce time between insight and action
Rudy presented the 5 year revenue performance figures John They enable alignment of actions to Enables a clear link of corporate strategy to
plan in our online Connected are now available on our strategic goals, by connecting data,
Planning tool. online tool including insights
everyday activities and buy-in from
into reasons behind gaps to people and information across the employees across functions working
Please can you let me know target and our competitors’ organisation. towards a common goal.
when we can expect the presence in the markets we
revenue performance recently expanded. Finance analytics for insights solutions Raising the dialogue to the issues that matter
figures to be made available? Advanced data analytics methods drive Identifying the value drivers that inform
the delivery of insights solutions that corporate strategy is key to enhancing dialogue
answer the “so-what” and enable between the two functions. It is a testament as
Finance decisions that move the dial to a to why delivery of insights solutions should be
Hi John,
Hi Mary, strategic direction.
This is fantastic turnaround and for the focus for any organisation.
I am looking at the numbers now Mary the first time I can see monthly
and good to see the assumptions
performance so close to month end. Next gen tech
made for those figures when I One step ahead of competition
John They provide a springboard to new
click on the dashboard.
Great use of our technologies by the As a business partner to corporate
insights that can lead to competitive
way to draw automatically generated strategy, Finance has a key role to play in
My team has already run the advantage. They rely on foundational
insights and coupled with your teams
process through which revenue technologies already deployed in the investing in next gen tech and people
experience I can now clearly identify
data from our different product capabilities to derive competitive insight.
the three key reasons to the gap to organisation to drive data quality
lines flow in the system.
revenue target. and consistency.
We need a few hours to analyse
and update the online report
Based on the numbers presented, I Insight driven culture Holistic approach to decision making
with key insights.
believe we need to re-think our A culture that relies on insights to drive
The ability to provide “so-what” insights
corporate strategy of expanding to
The tool is able to automatically that stem from analyses utilising cross- decisions enables an organisation to
the two new markets given the
perform the analysis and this time enterprise and external data enables either prove corporate strategy is
presented data on competition you
we have also included data from working right or if not the case identify
made available in the insights strategic decisions to be made that can
our key competitors and their
dashboard. Let’s discuss in lead to competitive advantage. the actions that need to be taken
recently launched product lines.
tomorrow’s meeting. towards the right direction.

© 2023 Deloitte LLP. All rights reserved. | Connecting Business Finance: Corporate strategy 6
More than a ‘guest’ – The leading role of Finance in a connected environment


Per figure 2, the role of Finance is to be the score-keeper, decision maker, business partner and connector corporate strategy needs to shape and help fulfil
an organisation’s strategic direction.

In turn, corporate strategy makes the decisions or else a set of choices which position an organisation in its external environment in a way that is aimed at
creating advantage over competition and increasing shareholder value.

In an integrated environment, Finance sets the performance expectations and makes the investment and resource allocation decisions that act as levers in
adjusting and ultimately achieving long-term corporate strategy.

Figure 2. The interplay between Finance and corporate strategy in creating sustainable advantage PERFORMANCE INVESTMENT RESOURCE
Finance’s role as a Finance’s role as a business Finance’s role as
score-keeper partner and decision maker a connector
Score keeper -- Decision maker -- Business partner -- Connector
Performance Investment Resource The basic role of Finance is Execution of corporate Allocating resources within
expectations decisions allocation to record and in a timely strategy requires an annual planning cycle
manner report financial investments to cannot be done
performance in comparison be made. independently to the
Other Other to target to the rest of process of strategic
organisational organisational the organisation. Finance’s role in making planning.
layers Strategic direction layers
the decisions as to how
Investing in today’s tools funds will be allocated to It is important that the latter
External forces and technologies the time assets required to informs the former with
Competition Regulatory environment Macroeconomics to record and report these meet strategic goals Finance bringing the
Customers Demographics Technology results could be near is fundamental. business together to create
real-time. a common understanding of
available and required
resources across the
© 2023 Deloitte LLP. All rights reserved. | Connecting Business Finance: Corporate strategy organisation. 7
Key accelerator of integration – The power of Finance analytics for delivery of insights solutions

Figure 3. Illustrative integrated Finance analytics architecture

To fulfil its role as a strategic business partner, Finance holds the capabilities that allows
it to coach and support other functions, including corporate strategy, with data analyses
and insights.
Finance analytics refers to the delivery of insights solutions, using a combination of
Finance, operational and external data and powered by Finance ERP and innovation
technology platforms.
Central data
repository THE CHALLENGE
Data quality issues hide beneath the surface of insights consumed by different parts of the business including
Internal data
Value / Volume of sales
External data
Industry prices
Finance and corporate strategy (Figure 3).
Product / Service costs Macroeconomic factors
Marketing data Investments costs
In cases where there is lack of incentive to address these, Finance and corporate strategy are exposed to the risk of
making decisions based on incomplete information.
Better insights rely on good quality data and use of deep analytics. They are enabled by a combination of Finance
Figure 4: The journey to unlocking analytics capabilities and operational data systems as well as innovation platforms.
Clean core provides the controlled foundation for standard Finance processes and reports that are simplified,
efficient and as automated as possible. (Figure 3).
Innovation platforms enable cleansing and analysis of large amounts of data (including external) through use of
advanced analytics techniques that are necessary to ascertain for example the potential effect of external pressures
to business operations.

The journey to unlocking better insights and driving foresight (Figure 4) goes through various stages. Organisations
that are able to inform strategic direction through analytics, do so by providing insights not just on what might
happen (scenario planning) but on how they can make it happen.
• They systematically link value drivers with improvement levers into analytics tools reinforced by deep learning
and artificial intelligence
• They are able to ask questions such as “how can we improve revenue growth in market x in the most efficient
manner”, with the analytics engine able to model various scenarios based on historical data, non-Finance data
© 2023 Deloitte LLP. All rights reserved. | Connecting Business Finance: Corporate strategy and external market data to propose the best option 8
Outcome of connecting Finance – Insights unlocked for corporate strategy

Creating a culture in which Finance and corporate strategy collaborate to jointly shape
strategic decisions and monitor performance is key to unlocking opportunities for growth.



• Finance can often justify the need for underinvestment • When goals are not met, the performance metrics Finance
when growth goals reach a limit delivers to the business are accompanied by pressures to
adjust the goals
• On the contrary, it is often the case that additional
investment in capacity is required to strengthen demand • Regardless of how effective that corporate strategy might
seem in the short-term, it can lead to lower goals being
locked-in the mindset of both corporate strategy and

Why connecting Finance matters? Why connecting Finance matters?

• Achieving a healthy relationship between corporate strategy • Connecting corporate strategy to Finance is critical to avoid the
and Finance ensures that underachievement of growth goals pitfall: it is a balancing act, with corporate strategy needing to
is seen in its true light with corporate strategy being a continuously pull towards greater goals so that any financially
custodian to holding the vision and encouraging aggressive driven actions taken to improve conditions in the short-term
investments as a strategy for creating the demand Finance do not become business as usual
aims to achieve

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Where we’ve done this before – A look at our past cases

A Global Telecommunications company sought to address a number of A Global pharmaceutical and healthcare company set an ambitious growth
challenges in their planning process which prevented the business from being strategy for their Consumer Healthcare business unit to become the top
able to accurately forecast financial performance and set growth strategies. Consumer Healthcare business globally over a five-year period.

The CEO, set as a top priority for the company, the development of a For this objective to be reached, the client needed to be consistently growing
scalable forecasting solution that would help the business identify drivers of above the market in its key strategic countries globally.
revenue growth in support of strategic planning.
To track performance against the ambitious growth goal and accordingly take
To enable that, the client needed to direct the sales teams to accounts with
corrective action, a performance management solution was required. The
the highest projected future performance.
solution would provide insights on performance gaps against strategy and
inform discussions across Corporate Strategy, Finance and other functions

Our impact— We deployed a team of Finance analytics and planning experts Our impact— We brought an integrated Deloitte team (Strategy and Finance)
to develop a customer level revenue forecasting model covering our client’s that supported our client end to end; from the creation of their growth
1000+ customer base. strategy and defining the vision for Performance Tracking to embedding this
into the overall strategic outcomes that the organisation was looking to
The revenue forecast model developed in a cloud-based technology platform
has brought about the following benefits:​ achieve.

• supports our Telco client in developing accurate forecasts at the By defining and understanding the needs of the key in-market business
customer level; the forecasting output being a key input to developing personas responsible for driving growth, such as General Managers, Category
valid strategic objectives and Brand Leads we were able to deliver the following:

• increased transparency of forecasting, exposing assumptions made and • Defined a vision for an insight-driven performance culture across all
their effect on final forecasting output business functions which senior leadership endorsed for the global
• highlighted drivers of performance allowing corporate strategy experts to
focus on the customers that have the biggest impact on growth • Set the foundations for the above in five of the client’s most strategic
markets by implementing the Growth Performance Tracking solution
• provided accurate performance analysis to operations​ i.e. a coherent suite of dashboards / reports that helped deliver
actionable insights, the “gold standard” for growth performance
• One of the markets was able to identify 5 million+ euros of net new
growth opportunities as a result of using the solution within six months
© 2023 Deloitte LLP. All rights reserved. | Connecting Business Finance: Corporate strategy 10
of launch​
Where to start – Key questions to ask first

Is there a single strategic plan Do corporate strategy and Finance base

version which corporate strategy their decisions on the same data and
and Finance are aligned to? assumptions about future performance?

Are there clear guidelines that govern the

setting of strategic goals driven by consensus
between corporate strategy and Finance?

Is there a clear plan in place to enable an

Is there a clear yearly performance plan
insight-driven cultural shift when it
cascaded to individual departments that
comes to setting and measuring
is aligned to overall corporate strategy?
performance against corporate strategy?

© 2023 Deloitte LLP. All rights reserved. | Connecting Business Finance: Corporate strategy 11
Deloitte’s Connecting Business Finance Lab – how you can engage with us
What is The Connecting Business Finance Lab helps align Business Finance and non-Finance stakeholders on key challenges in becoming more ‘connected’, showcases the
latest thinking in connected planning & reporting and explores how greater connectivity with specific non-Finance functions can drive more effective decision
the lab? making and improved enterprise performance.


• “We want to enable a cultural shift towards an

insight driven approach to strategic planning
utilising Finance’s analytics capabilities as a
1 Explore Where we will explore the latest
concept of ‘Business Finance’ and
key trends we’re seeing

driving force” CFO FP&A

• “Our processes today remain siloed between

Finance and corporate strategy resulting in
2 Align
Alignment on your current state of
Business Finance, in an interactive
environment, with key finance and
Leadership Team
misalignment on current and future (projected) non-finance stakeholders

• “We want to operate in more co-ordinated, 3 Discover Where we dive into the “art of the
possible” for your priority areas,
demonstrating new technologies N O N—F I N A N C E
and agile manner cross-functionally and with
the external environment, to set strategies and use cases
IT & master data
that put us ahead of competition” Strategy

• “We are unclear on how new technologies can

4 Define Together, we identify clear Business
Finance and cross-functional
improvement initiatives for your

help us drive greater automation and cross- Marketing Operations

organisation’s transformation roadmap
functional collaboration“

Delivered via our state-of-the-art Greenhouse

© 2023 Deloitte LLP. All rights reserved. | Connecting Business Finance: Corporate strategy 12
Before you go – Closing comments

The future is neither entirely Authors OUR CONNECTING BUSINESS FINANCE

predictable nor completely random. Anna Chroni SERIES INCLUDES:
Connecting Finance and corporate Senior Manager
Introduction: Connecting
strategy allows informed decision
Business Finance series
making for an organisation’s future Introduction to our series on
direction propelled by Finance’s why effective integration of
empirical approach and the delivery Business Finance is key to
of insight driven performance unlocking improved
Contributors enterprise-wide performance
Paul Albert
Organisations that achieve Andy Gauld Connecting Business
connectivity across these two Tom Pickthorn Finance with Commercial
functions, with CFOs spending time and Supply Chain
Stephen Flavahan
on informing strategic direction, A series discussing how Finance
move one step closer to gaining Jeevi Paramanathan can collaborate effectively with
competitive advantage. Ravi Sonpal the Commercial and Supply
Thomas Downes Chain functions to drive
Where does your organisation stand enterprise performance and
today? deliver integrated operational
and financial plans

Connecting Business
Authors and contributors Finance and HR
Please reach out to start a workforce management
conversation on how to better A series discussing how Business
‘connect’ your Business Finance Finance and HR can connect
organisation with corporate together to deliver effective
workforce planning and
strategy. management in support of the
organisation’s talent strategy

© 2023 Deloitte LLP. All rights reserved. | Connecting Business Finance: Corporate strategy 13
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Deloitte LLP is the United Kingdom affiliate of Deloitte NSE LLP, a member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited,
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