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Laboratory Studies on Stabilization of an Expansive

Soil by Lime Precipitation Technique

T. Thyagaraj1; Sudhakar M. Rao2; P. Sai Suresh3; and U. Salini4
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Abstract: Lime stabilization prevails to be the most widely adopted in situ stabilization method for controlling the swell-shrink potentials
of expansive soils despite construction difficulties and its ineffectiveness in certain conditions. In addition to the in situ stabilization
methods presently practiced, it is theoretically possible to facilitate in situ precipitation of lime in soil by successive permeation of calcium
chloride (CaCl2 ) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solutions into the expansive soil. In this laboratory investigation, an attempt is made to study
the precipitation of lime in soil by successive mixing of CaCl2 and NaOH solutions with the expansive soil in two different sequences.
Experimental results indicated that in situ precipitation of lime in soil by sequential mixing of CaCl2 and NaOH solutions with expansive
soil developed strong lime-modification and soil-lime pozzolanic reactions. The lime-modification reactions together with the poorly de-
veloped cementation products controlled the swelling potential, reduced the plasticity index, and increased the unconfined compressive
strength of the expansive clay cured for 24 h. Comparatively, both lime-modification reactions and well-developed crystalline cementation
products (formed by lime-soil pozzolanic reactions) contributed to the marked increase in the unconfined compressive strength of the ex-
pansive soil that was cured for 7–21 days. Results also show that the sequential mixing of expansive soil with CaCl2 solution followed by
NaOH solution is more effective than mixing expansive soil with NaOH solution followed by CaCl2 solution. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT
.1943-5533.0000483. © 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers.
CE Database subject headings: Expansive soils; Soil stabilization; Compressive strength; Swelling (material); Shrinkage; Lime;
Laboratory tests.
Author keywords: Expansive soils; Soil stabilization; Compressive strength; Swelling; Shrinkage; Lime.

Introduction and soil is the most efficient and cost-effective method of stabiliz-
ing expansive soils to shallow depths (Rao and Thyagaraj 2003).
Expansive soils occur in arid and semiarid regions of the world. In situ stabilization methods using lime have been pioneered in
The high swelling and shrinkage potentials of these soils cause se- Sweden, Japan, and the United States, and these methods are
vere damages to pavements, runways, and building foundations, mostly restricted to improve the engineering properties of soft clays
which are founded on these soils (Chen 1988; Nelson and Miller (Tsytovich et al. 1971; Broms and Boman 1975; Holm et al. 1981;
1992). Chemical stabilization is one of the alternative solutions to Bell 1988b; Wang 1989; Chew et al. 1993; Porbaha 1998; Rogers
overcome the undesirable swell-shrink potentials of the expansive et al. 2000).
soils. Among the chemical stabilization methods for expansive In situ stabilization methods using lime can be divided into three
soils, lime stabilization is most widely adopted method for control- primary groups: lime columns, lime piles, and lime slurry injection
ling the swell-shrink potentials by chemically modifying the soil (Glendinning and Rogers 1996). Lime columns refer to deep ver-
characteristics. tical columns of lime-stabilized material formed by in situ mixing
Lime stabilization of expansive soils in the field is achieved of lime and soft clays. Lime column stabilization is mostly re-
stricted to soft clays, because the construction of lime columns
by shallow mixing of lime or by in situ deep stabilization methods
in expansive soil deposits by in situ mixing of lime and expansive
using lime columns, lime piles, and lime slurry injection methods
soils is very difficult owing to the very stiff nature of these soils.
(Bell 1988b; Rao and Thyagaraj 2003). Physical mixing of lime
Lime piles refer to holes in the ground filled with lime. Recently,
1 Rao and Venkataswamy (2002) found that lime pile treatment of
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of
Technology Madras, Chennai 600 036, India (corresponding author).
expansive soils could not promote soil-lime pozzolanic reactions;
E-mail: it only facilitated short-term lime-modification reactions. Lime pile
Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, and Chairman, Center for treatment of expansive soil could not raise the soil pH levels to ≥ 12
Sustainable Technologies, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, owing to the low solubility of lime and the impervious nature of
India. expansive soil, which inhibited the migration of lime.
Former Postgraduate Student, Dept. of Civil Engineering, National Long-term soil-lime pozzolanic reactions occur at pH values
Institute of Technology Warangal, Warangal 506 004, India.
> 12 from the increase in the solubility of siliceous and aluminous
Research Student, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of compounds in the clay minerals. These compounds react with cal-
Technology Madras, Chennai 600 036, India.
cium to form calcium silicate hydrate (CSH) and calcium aluminate
Note. This manuscript was submitted on February 16, 2011; approved
on January 23, 2012; published online on January 25, 2012. Discussion
hydrate (CAH) gels, which coat the soil particles and subsequently
period open until January 1, 2013; separate discussions must be submitted crystallize to bond them (Eades and Grim 1960; Diamond et al.
for individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Materials in Civil 1963; Rogers et al. 1997). Because of the imperviousness and very
Engineering, Vol. 24, No. 8, August 1, 2012. ©ASCE, ISSN 0899-1561/ stiff nature of the expansive soils, the lime column and lime pile
2012/8-1067–1075/$25.00. stabilization methods are either difficult to construct or ineffective


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2012, 24(8): 1067-1075

in stabilizing these soils. Hence, a need exists for new treatment Table 1. Properties of Expansive Soil
methods and for improvement of stabilization methods, which Property Value
can effectively stabilize expansive soils.
In addition to migration of lime into the expansive soil from pH 8.0
a lime pile/column, it is theoretically possible to facilitate in situ Specific gravity (GS ) 2.70
precipitation of lime in the expansive soil by successive permeation Liquid limit (%) 75
of calcium chloride (CaCl2 ) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solu- Plastic limit (%) 25
tions into the expansive soil. Successive permeation of CaCl2 and Plasticity index (%) 50
NaOH solutions is expected to facilitate in situ precipitation of lime Shrinkage limit (%) 13
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according to the reaction Grain size distribution: (%)

CaCl2 þ 2NaOH ⇒ CaðOHÞ2 þ 2NaCl ð1Þ Sand 16
Silt 28
The precipitated lime is expected to modify the properties of Clay 56
expansive soil by lime-modification and soil-lime pozzolanic Unified soil classification symbol CH
reactions. Compaction characteristics:
In this laboratory investigation, an attempt is made to under-
Maximum dry density (Mg∕m3 ) 1.45
stand and develop criteria for in situ stabilization of expansive soil
Optimum moisture content (%) 25
by sequential mixing of CaCl2 and NaOH solutions with expansive
soil in two different sequences. The effect of consecutive mixing Oedometer swell potential at 6.25 kPaa (%) 4.95
of CaCl2 solution and NaOH solution in two different sequences Unconfined compressive strengtha (kPa) 127
on the physicochemical properties, index properties, swell poten- Specimen compacted at optimum moisture content to maximum dry
tial, and unconfined compressive strength (UCS) of compacted density.
expansive soil are evaluated.
NaOH solutions into the expansive soil. According to the reaction
in Eq. (1), 110 g of CaCl2 reacts with 80 g of NaOH to form 74 g of
Materials and Methods
calcium hydroxide [CaðOHÞ2 ]. In Eq. (1), the weights of CaCl2 and
NaOH combining to form CaðOHÞ2 are in the ratio of 1:375∶1
Materials (110∕80 ¼ 1:375). Maintaining the same ratio, 10% CaCl2 solu-
Expansive soil from the National Institute of Technology Warangal, tion and 7.3% NaOH solution were mixed sequentially with the
Andhra Pradesh, India, was used in this investigation. The soil was expansive soil to precipitate 2.5% lime in the soil. A 10% CaCl2
air dried and pulverized to pass through a 2-mm sieve. The soil- solution was prepared by dissolving 10 g of CaCl2 in 100 mL of
passing 2-mm sieve was used for conducting standard Proctor distilled water and 7.3% NaOH solution was prepared by dissolv-
compaction, oedometer swell potential, and UCS tests. Index prop- ing 7.3 g of NaOH in 100 mL of distilled water. To increase the
erties were determined on the soil fraction passing through a amount of lime precipitation, the expansive soil was mixed with
425-μm sieve. Commercial-grade CaCl2 and NaOH were used higher concentrations of CaCl2 and NaOH solutions.
for preparing CaCl2 and NaOH solutions in this investigation. To bring out the significance of sequence of mixing CaCl2 and
NaOH solutions on the expansive soil properties, the expansive
Properties of Representative Expansive Soil soil was mixed with CaCl2 and NaOH in two different sequences.
In the first sequence, expansive soil was mixed with CaCl2 solution
The pH of the representative soil was obtained by standard method. before mixing with NaOH solution. This paper refers to experi-
Soil-water suspension with a solids-to-water ratio of 1∶2:5 was used ments performed with this sequence of mixing CaCl2 and NaOH
in the determinations. Initial consumption of lime (ICL) of the solutions with expansive soil as Series 1 experiments. In the second
expansive soil was determined according to BS 1924 (British sequence, NaOH solution was mixed before CaCl2 solution. This
Standards Institution 1990). The ICL value of expansive soil cor- paper refers to experiments performed with this sequence of mix-
responded to 2.5%. The specific gravity (Gs ) of the expansive soil ing NaOH and CaCl2 solutions with expansive soil as Series 2
specimen was determined according to IS 2720 (Part 3) (Bureau of experiments.
Indian Standards 1980a). The grain size distribution of the expan-
sive soil specimen was determined according to IS 2720 (Part 4) Index Properties
(Bureau of Indian Standards 1985a). Atterberg limits of the expan-
sive soil specimen was determined according to IS 2720 (Part 5; Because the liquid limit of untreated expansive soil was 75%, 120 g
Bureau of Indian Standards 1985b) and IS 2720 (Part 6; Bureau of air-dried expansive soil passing 425 μm was mixed with 45 mL
of Indian Standards 1972). The standard Proctor compaction test of CaCl2 solution of desired concentration (10, 20, 35, 50 or 65%)
was performed according to IS 2720 (Part 7; Bureau of Indian and placed in an air tight polythene bag for moisture equilibration
Standards 1980b). The expansive clay has a maximum dry density for 1 h. After this equilibration time, 45 mL of NaOH solution of
(MDD) of 1:45 Mg∕m3 and optimum moisture content (OMC) of desired concentration (7.3, 14.6, 25.5, 36.4 or 47.3%) was mixed
25%. Table 1 shows the physicochemical properties, index proper- with expansive soil and placed in desiccators for moisture equili-
ties, and engineering properties of the expansive soil used in this bration for 24 h. Index properties were determined on the moisture-
investigation. equilibrated specimens to find the effect of sequential mixing of
CaCl2 and NaOH solutions on expansive soil. Index properties per-
formed with this sequence of mixing CaCl2 and NaOH solutions
Procedure for Precipitation of Lime with expansive soil are referred to as Series 1 experiments.
In Series 2 experiments, 45 mL of NaOH solution of desired
As stated, it is theoretically possible to facilitate in situ precipitation concentration (7.3, 14.6, 25.5, 36.4 or 47.3%) was mixed with ex-
of lime in the soil by sequential permeation/mixing of CaCl2 and pansive soil and placed in desiccators for moisture equilibration


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2012, 24(8): 1067-1075

Table 2. Details of Liquid Limit and Plastic Limit Tests
Calculated percentage
Percentage of solution concentration Calculated amount of of lime precipitation by Liquid
Series designation on weight basis (%)a lime precipitation (g) dry weight of soil (%) limit (%)
Series 1: CaCl2 þ NaOH 10% CaCl2 ; 7.3% NaOH 3.03 2.5 60
20% CaCl2 ; 14.6% NaOH 6.05 5.0 58
35% CaCl2 ; 25.5% NaOH 10.59 8.8 55
50% CaCl2 ; 36.4% NaOH 15.14 12.6 43
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65% CaCl2 ; 47.3% NaOH 19.68 16.4 43

Series 2: CaCl2 þ NaOH 7.3% NaOH; 10% CaCl2 3.03 2.5 55
14.6% NaOH; 20% CaCl2 6.05 5.0 50
25.5% NaOH; 35% CaCl2 10.59 8.8 52
36.4% NaOH; 50% CaCl2 15.14 12.6 48
47.3% NaOH; 65% CaCl2 19.68 16.4 50
Volume of solution mixed = 45 mL.

for 1 h. After 1-h equilibration time, 45 mL of CaCl2 solution of compacted to a dry density of 1:45 Mg∕m3 using a hand-operated
desired concentration (10, 20, 35, 50 or 65%) was mixed with ex- static press. Compacted specimens were placed in desiccators for
pansive soil and placed in desiccators for moisture equilibration moisture equilibration for 24 h. After this equilibration time, the
for 24 h. Index properties were determined on the moisture- compacted soil specimens (w ¼ 25%) were placed between two
equilibrated specimens for finding the effect of sequential mixing oven-dried porous stones with oven-dried filter papers and were
of NaOH and CaCl2 solutions on expansive soil. Table 2 shows set up in the fixed ring oedometer assembly. A nominal seating load
details of the CaCl2 and NaOH solution concentrations used and of 6.25 kPa was applied, and the specimens were inundated with
the sequence of mixing CaCl2 and NaOH solutions with the expan- distilled water for swell potential determination. These oedometer
sive soil. swell tests are designated as Tests 1 and 2, respectively (Table 3).
Table 2 also shows the calculated amount of lime precipitation Similar oedometer swell potential tests were also conducted
in the soil and the percentage of lime precipitation by dry weight of with expansive soil specimens remolded with 7.2 mL of NaOH sol-
soil. The amount of lime precipitation in the soil is calculated on ution (14.6 or 36.4%) and placed in an air tight polythene bag
the basis of Eq. (1). According to the Eq. (1), 110 g of CaCl2 reacts for moisture equilibration for 1 h. After this equilibration time,
with 80 g of NaOH to form 74 g of CaðOHÞ2 . When 45 mL of 10% 7.2 mL of CaCl2 solution of desired concentration (20 or 50%)
CaCl2 solution and 45 mL of 7.3% NaOH solution are mixed se- was mixed with expansive soil and compacted to a dry density of
quentially with the expansive soil, the amount of lime precipitation 1:45 Mg∕m3 using a hand-operated static press. Compacted spec-
in the soil may be calculated as imens (w ¼ 25%) were placed in desiccators for moisture equili-
bration for 24 h. These specimens were inundated with distilled
74 10 water at a seating load of 6.25 kPa for swell potential determina-
× × 45 ¼ 3:03 g ð2Þ
110 100 tion. These oedometer swell tests are designated as Tests 3 and 4,
respectively. Table 3 shows the details of swell potential tests.
By knowing the dry weight of the soil, the percentage of lime
Table 3 also shows the calculated amount of lime precipitation
precipitated in the soil can be calculated.
in the soil and the percentage of lime precipitation by dry weight of
soil. The amount of lime precipitated when 7.2 mL of 20% CaCl2
Oedometer Swell Potential Tests
solution and 7.2 mL of 14.6% NaOH solution are mixed sequen-
All of the specimens for oedometer swell tests were compacted tially with the expansive soil may be calculated as
in oedometer rings of 60-mm diameter and 20-mm height, which
needed 57.4 g of expansive soil by dry weight (dry density ¼ 74
× 7:2 ¼ 0:97 g ð3Þ
1:45 Mg∕m3 ) for 14-mm thick specimens. A total of 57.4 g of ex- 110 100
pansive soil passing 2 mm was thoroughly hand-mixed with 7.2 mL
of desired concentration of CaCl2 solution (20 or 50%) and placed
Unconfined Compressive Strength Tests
in an air tight polythene bag for moisture equilibration for 1 h. After
this equilibration time, 7.2 mL of NaOH solution of desired con- All UCS test specimens were of 38-mm diameter and 76-mm
centration (14.6 or 36.4%) was mixed with expansive soil and length, which needed 125 g of expansive soil by dry weight

Table 3. Details of Oedometer Tests with Test Designation

Calculated percentage Swell
Test Percentage of solution concentration Calculated amount of of lime precipitation by potential
Series designation designation on weight basisa (%) lime precipitation (g) dry weight of soil (%) (%)
Series 1: CaCl2 þ NaOH Test 1 20% CaCl2 , 14.6% NaOH 0.97 1.7 0.0
Test 2 50% CaCl2 , 36.4% NaOH 2.42 4.2 0.0
Series 2: NaOH þ CaCl2 Test 3 14.6% NaOH, 20% CaCl2 0.97 1.7 0.0
Test 4 36.4% NaOH, 50% CaCl2 2.42 4.2 0.0
Volume of solution mixed = 10.25 mL.


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2012, 24(8): 1067-1075

(dry density ¼ 1:45 Mg∕m3 ). A total of 125 g of expansive soil of 7 and 21 days curing period, the UCS was determined to bring
passing 2 mm was mixed with 15.6 mL of CaCl2 solution of desired out the effect of sequential mixing of CaCl2 and NaOH solutions in
concentration (10, 20, 35, 50 or 65%) and placed in an air tight two different sequences (Series 1 and 2).
polythene bag for moisture equilibration for 1 h. After this equili-
bration time, 15.6 mL of NaOH solution of desired concentration
(7.3, 14.6, 25.5, 36.4 or 47.3%) was mixed with expansive soil Results and Discussions
and placed in desiccators for moisture equilibration for 24 h. The
moisture-equilibrated specimens were statically compacted to a Index Properties
dry density of 1:45 Mg∕m3 using a hand-operated static press. The
Fig. 1 shows the variations in liquid limit and soil pH with the cal-
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UCS tests performed with this sequence of mixing CaCl2 and

NaOH solutions with expansive soil are referred to as Series 1 culated percentage of lime precipitation on sequential mixing of
experiments. expansive soil with CaCl2 and NaOH solutions in two different se-
In Series 2 experiments, 15.6 mL of NaOH solution of desired quences. The liquid limit decreased as the calculated percentage of
concentration (7.3, 14.6, 25.5, 36.4 or 47.3%) was mixed with ex- lime precipitation increased up to 12.6 and 5% in Series 1 and 2
pansive soil and placed in a desiccator for moisture equilibration specimens, respectively, and further lime precipitation did not alter
for 1 h. After 1 h equilibration time, 15.6 mL of CaCl2 solution the liquid limit significantly (Fig. 1). At a lime precipitation per-
of desired concentration (10, 20, 35, 50 or 65%) was mixed with centage of 12.6 and 5% in Series 1 and 2 specimens, the liquid limit
expansive soil and placed in a desiccator for moisture equilibration notably reduced from 75% to 43 and 50%, respectively.
for 24 h. The moisture-equilibrated specimens were statically com- The variations in plasticity index and soil pH with the calculated
pacted to a dry density of 1:45 Mg∕m3 using a hand-operated static percentage of lime precipitation on sequential mixing of expansive
press. The UCS tests performed with this sequence of mixing soil with CaCl2 and NaOH solutions in two different sequences
NaOH and CaCl2 solutions with expansive soil are referred to as are shown in Fig. 2. The plasticity index of Series 1 and 2 spec-
Series 2 experiments. Both series of UCS tests were conducted at a imens at a lime precipitation percentage of 12.6 and 5% decreased
strain rate of 0:8%∕ min. Table 4 shows the details of the specimens from 50% to 8 and 17%, respectively (Fig. 2). Figs. 1 and 2 also
prepared by mixing expansive soil with CaCl2 and NaOH solutions show that the pH of expansive soil increased to 12 at an approx-
in two different sequences. Table 4 also shows the calculated imately 5% calculated percentage of lime precipitation for both
amount of lime precipitation in the soil and the percentage of lime Series 1 and 2 specimens, which is conducive for the pozzolanic
precipitation by dry weight of soil. Calculation of the amount of reactions to occur.
lime precipitation in the soil and the percentage of lime precipita- The Atterberg limits of the Series 1 and 2 specimens were de-
tion is discussed in the “Index Properties” section. termined after a 24-h curing period. Although the pH of these soils
Few additional specimens were prepared to study the effect (12) is conducive for pozzolanic reactions to occur, the curing
of curing on the UCS of the expansive soil. The compacted spec- period (24 h) is insufficient; earlier studies indicate that curing
imens were also cured for 7 and 21 days in a dessicator. At the end periods > 7 days (at room temperature) facilitate a substantial

Table 4. Details of Unconfined Compressive Tests

Calculated percentage of Unconfined
Percentage of solution concentration Calculated amount of lime precipitation by dry compressive
Series on weight basisa (%) lime precipitation (g) weight of soil (%) strength (kPa)
Series 1: CaCl2 þ NaOH 10% CaCl2 , 7.3% NaOH 1.05 0.8 241
20% CaCl2 , 14.6% NaOH 2.10 1.7 505
35% CaCl2 , 25.5% NaOH 3.67 2.9 552
50% CaCl2 , 36.4% NaOH 5.25 4.2 841
65% CaCl2 , 47.3% NaOH 6.82 5.5 664
Series 2: NaOH þ CaCl2 7.3% NaOH, 10% CaCl2 1.05 0.8 166
14.6% NaOH, 20% CaCl2 2.10 1.7 169
25.5% NaOH, 35% CaCl2 3.67 2.9 272
36.4% NaOH, 50% CaCl2 5.25 4.2 164
47.3% NaOH, 65% CaCl2 6.82 5.5 494
Volume of solution mixed = 15.6 mL.

Table 5. pH and Pore Salinity Values of Series 1 and 2 Unconfined Compressive Test Specimens
pH Pore salinity (mg∕L)
Percentage of solution concentration
Series on weight basis (%) 1 day 7 days 14 days 21 days 1 day 7 days 14 days 21 days
Series 1: CaCl2 þ NaOH 20% CaCl2 , 14.6% NaOH 10.73 10.76 10.83 10.76 763 821 833 859
35% CaCl2 , 25.5% NaOH 11.47 — 11.46 11.42 1,224 — 1,244 1,686
50% CaCl2 , 36.4% NaOH 11.73 11.76 11.82 11.78 1,558 1,583 1,878 2,173
Series 2: NaOH þ CaCl2 14.6% NaOH, 20% CaCl2 11.00 10.99 11.00 10.74 788 1,051 1,058 1,096
25.5% NaOH, 35% CaCl2 11.57 11.60 11.65 11.37 1,109 1,795 1,865 1,897
36.4% NaOH, 50% CaCl2 11.63 11.62 11.65 11.63 1,301 1,795 1,865 2,071


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2012, 24(8): 1067-1075

80 14 6

13 Untreated
70 Test 1
Series 1:LL 12
Liquid limit (%)
4 Test 2
Series 2: LL

Swell (%)
Series 1: pH 11

60 Series 2: pH 3

9 2
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8 1
40 7
0 5 10 15 20
0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000
Lime precipitation (%)
Time (min)
Fig. 1. Variations of liquid limit and soil pH with calculated percentage
of lime precipitation on sequential mixing of expansive soil with Fig. 3. Time-swell plots of untreated, Test 1, and Test 2 specimens
calcium chloride (CaCl2 ) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solutions
in two different sequences (Series 1 and 2)

60 14 Untreated
5 Test 3
13 Test 4
Plasticity index (%)

Series 1: PI 12

Swell (%)
40 Series 2: PI 3
Series 1: pH 11

Series 2: pH 2
9 1

0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000
0 7
Time (min)
0 5 10 15 20
Lime precipitation (%) Fig. 4. Time-swell plots of untreated, Test 3, and Test 4 specimens
Fig. 2. Variations of plasticity index and soil pH with calculated
percentage of lime precipitation on sequential mixing of expansive
soil with calcium chloride (CaCl2 ) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH)
solutions in two different sequences (Series 1 and 2) and NaOH solutions is again primarily attributed to strong short-
term lime-modification reactions and an increase in pore water
salinity. As subsequently discussed, the reductions in plasticity in-
dex and odeometer swell potentials are also likely to be contributed
degree of pozzolanic reactions (Prakash et al. 1989; Bell 1988a). by poorly formed cementation products that appear during early
The significant reduction in liquid limit and plasticity index of ex- stages of curing.
pansive soil on sequential mixing of CaCl2 and NaOH solutions
with expansive soil is primarily attributed to strong short-term Unconfined Compressive Strength
lime-modification reactions involving replacement of native mono- Fig. 5 shows the variation of UCS with the calculated percentage of
valent exchangeable cations by divalent calcium ions (source of lime precipitation on sequential mixing of expansive soil with
calcium is added CaCl2 solution). The addition of CaCl2 and NaOH CaCl2 and NaOH solutions in two different sequences. The UCS
solutions would also increase the pore water salinity, which in turn increased as the calculated percentage of lime precipitation in-
would act to suppress the diffuse ion layer and liquid limit values creased up to 4.2%, and further lime precipitation slightly reduced
(Yong and Warkentin 1975; Mitchell 1993; Sridharan et al. 1986). the UCS of Series 1 specimen. Interestingly, the compressive
strength of Series 2 specimen is nearly constant up to 4.2% lime
Oedometer Swell Potential
precipitation and thereafter increases to 494 kPa at 5.5% lime pre-
Fig. 3 compares the time-swell plots of Test 1 specimen and Test 2 cipitation. Fig. 5 also shows that the pH of the Series 1 and 2 spec-
specimen with untreated soil specimen. Fig. 4 compares the time- imens increases to 10.73–11.00 at 1.7% lime precipitation and
swell plots of Test 3 specimen and Test 4 specimen with untreated reaches a maximum (11.63–11.73) at 4.2% lime precipitation.
soil specimen. The Test 1, Test 2, Test 3, and Test 4 specimens do At these pH levels, alumina and silica dissolve from clay lattice
not swell (swell potential ¼ 0%); in comparison, the untreated soil and combine with calcium ions to form CSH and CAH, which ce-
exhibits swell potential of 4.95%. The oedometer swell potentials ment the clay particles together, leading to an increase in strength
of the Test 1 to Test 4 specimens were determined after 24 h of (Eades and Grim 1960; Wang et al. 1963; Diamond et al. 1963;
curing period. The significant reduction in the oedometer swell po- Rajasekaran and Narasimha Rao 1998; Boardman et al. 2001).
tential of expansive soil specimens on sequential mixing of CaCl2 The Series 1 and 2 specimens shown in Fig. 5 were cured for


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2012, 24(8): 1067-1075

1000 12.0 600 11.1

Unconfined compressive strength (kPa)

Unconfined compressive strength (kPa)

800 11.0 500
600 Series 1: UCS 10.0 10.7
Series 2: UCS


Series 1: pH 9.5 300
400 Series 2: pH 9.0 10.5
8.5 200 Series 1: UCS
200 8.0 Series 2: UCS
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100 Series 1: pH
Series 2: pH
0 7.0 0 10.1
0 2 4 6
Lime precipitation (%) 0 5 10 15 20 25
Curing period (days)
Fig. 5. Variations of unconfined compressive strength and soil pH with
Fig. 6. Variations of unconfined compressive strength and soil pH with
calculated percentage of lime precipitation on sequential mixing of
curing period for compacted expansive soil mixed with 20% calcium
expansive soil with calcium chloride (CaCl2 ) and sodium hydroxide
chloride (CaCl2 ) solution and 14.6% sodium hydroxide (NaOH)
(NaOH) solutions in two different sequences (Series 1 and 2)
solution in two different sequences (1.7% lime precipitation)

24 h. According to Bell (1988a), the compressive strength devel-

oped at early stages of curing is contributed by poorly formed

Unconfined compressive strength (kPa)

cementation products. 1200
At any given lime precipitation content, Series 1 specimens
are characterized with higher UCS than Series 2 specimens. For 1000 11.6
example, at lime precipitation of 1.7%, the UCS of Series 1 speci-
men is 505 kPa, whereas the UCS of Series 2 specimen is 169 kPa.

The UCS test results also indicate that mixing CaCl2 and NaOH 11.4
solutions sequentially with expansive soils (Series 1 specimens)
Series 1: UCS
is preferred over mixing NaOH and CaCl2 solutions (Series 2 400
Series 2: UCS 11.2
specimens). Series 1: pH
Series 2: pH
Effect of Curing Period on Unconfined Compressive
0 11.0
0 5 10 15 20 25
The effect of curing period on the UCS developed by the com- Curing period (days)
pacted expansive soil specimens subjected to lime precipitation is
discussed in this section. As mentioned previously, theoretically, Fig. 7. Variations of unconfined compressive strength and soil pH with
1.7% of lime is precipitated by mixing expansive soil sequentially curing period for compacted expansive soil mixed with 50% calcium
with 20% CaCl2 and 14.6% NaOH solutions. Similarly, 4.2% of chloride (CaCl2 ) solution and 36.4% sodium hydroxide (NaOH)
lime is precipitated by mixing expansive soil sequentially with solution in two different sequences (4.2% lime precipitation)
50% CaCl2 and 36.4% NaOH solutions. Because the ICL for the
expansive soil is 2.5%, calculated lime precipitation contents of
1.7% (less than ICL) and 4.2% (greater than ICL) are chosen. 20% CaCl2 and 14:6% NaOH solutions and 11.62–11.82 on mix-
Fig. 6 shows the variation in UCS with curing period for com- ing 50% CaCl2 and 36:4%NaOH solutions. It is known that long-
pacted expansive soil specimens subjected to 1.7% lime precipita- term pozzolanic reactions are favored at soil pH ≥ 12 (Eades and
tion. Fig. 7 shows the variation in UCS strength with curing period Grim 1960; Diamond et al. 1963; Rogers et al. 1997). The soil pH
for compacted expansive soil specimens subjected to 4.2% lime values of the sequentially mixed specimens are < 12 (Figs. 6 and 7;
precipitation. The 1.7% lime-precipitated Series 1 specimens Table 5). To examine the possible contribution of pozzolanic reac-
developed compressive strength of 430 and 509 kPa after 1 and tions to soil strength, the compressive strengths of lime pile–treated
21 days of curing period, respectively (Fig. 6). Comparatively, specimens (data from Thyagaraj 2001; Table 7) are compared with
the 1.7% lime-precipitated Series 2 specimens developed com- this study (Figs. 6 and 7). Thyagaraj (2001) had observed that the
pressive strength of 169 and 268 kPa after 1 and 21 days of lime pile technique led to minor increase in pH (from 8 to 8.4) that
curing period, respectively (Fig. 6). The data in Fig. 7 show that was not conducive for promotion of pozzolanic reactions and there-
4.2% lime-precipitated Series 1 specimens developed compressive fore did not alter the compressive strength. Sequential mixing of the
strength of 841 and 1,188 kPa, whereas Series 2 specimens devel- soil, however, led to 239–835 and 29–417% (1–21 days cured) in-
oped compressive strength of 164 and 656 kPa after 1 and 21 days creases in compressive strengths for Series 1 and 2 specimens, re-
of curing period, respectively. The trends of the results in Figs. 6 spectively. The much larger strengths developed by the sequentially
and 7 indicate that lime-precipitated specimens gain anywhere from mixed specimens indicate that in addition to modification reactions,
18–41 and 58–300% increase in compressive strength on increas- pozzolanic reactions have also occurred. However, the inability of
ing the curing period from 1 to 21 days for Series 1 and 2 spec- the technique to mobilize pH values ≥ 12 could have restrained the
imens, respectively. The results bring out the role of crystallization complete realization of the pozzolanic reactions that would have
of cementation products in strength gain. led to even larger strengths. According to Boardman et al. (2001),
Figs. 6 and 7 also show the variation in soil pH with initiation of dissolution of silica and alumina in clay lattice occurs
curing period which increased to 10.73–11.00 on mixing at pH of approximately 9–10, which explains the occurrence


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2012, 24(8): 1067-1075

Table 6. Comparison of Index Properties of Expansive Soil Specimens Directly Mixed with Lime and Subjected to Lime Precipitation
Series 1: CaCl2 þ NaOH Series 2: NaOH þ CaCl2 Directly mixed with lime
Calculated percentage of Percentage of solution
lime precipitation (%) concentrationa (%) wL (%) wP (%) I P (%) wL (%) wP (%) I P (%) Lime (%) wL (%) wP (%) I P (%)
2.5 10% CaCl2 , 7.3% NaOH 60 32 28 55 33 22 2 63 36 27
5.0 20% CaCl2 , 14.6% NaOH 58 36 22 50 33 17 4 57 37 20
8.8 35% CaCl2 , 25.5% NaOH 55 35 20 52 34 18 6 52 37 15
12.6 50% CaCl2 , 36.4% NaOH 43 35 8 48 31 17 8 50 37 13
16.4 65% CaCl2 , 47.3% NaOH 43 32 11 50 32 18 10 48 37 11
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Note: wL = liquid limit; wP = plastic limit; I P = plasticity index.

Volume of solution mixed = 45 mL.

of pozzolanic reactions in the sequentially treated specimens. technique in improving the compressive strength of the expansive
Figs. 6 and 7 also show that UCS of Series 1 specimens is higher soil shows its superiority over the lime pile technique.
in comparison with Series 2 specimens at all the curing periods. Table 7 also shows a comparison of the properties of expan-
sive soil specimens treated with lime slurry technique (Rao and
Comparison of Lime Precipitation Technique with Thyagaraj 2003) and lime precipitation technique. Both techniques
Other Techniques could raise the pH of soil (11.62–11.95, Table 7) to levels that
Table 6 shows a comparison of the index properties of expansive are conducive for the pozzolanic reactions to occur (Boardman
soil specimens directly mixed with lime and subjected to lime et al. 2001). The swell potential of lime slurry–treated specimen
precipitation. Data in Table 6 show that both methods are equally reduced to 0% from an untreated value of 1.4%, whereas the lime
effective in reducing the liquid limit and plasticity index of the precipitation technique reduced the swell potential to 0% from an
expansive soil. untreated value of 4.95%. The UCS of 10 days, cured lime slurry–
Table 7 shows a comparison of the properties of expansive soil treated specimens increased to 113 from 77 kPa. Comparatively,
specimens treated with lime pile technique (Thyagaraj 2001) and the lime precipitation technique increased the UCS of 7 days, cured
lime precipitation technique. Thyagaraj (2001) reported that the specimens to 619–895 from 127 kPa (untreated value). This shows
lime pile treatment increased the soil pH and pore salinity to that both methods could promote the soil-lime pozzolanic reac-
8.40 and 517 mg∕L from untreated values of 8.00 and 244 mg∕L, tions. However, the higher strengths exhibited by the lime precipi-
respectively (Table 7). The swell potential of lime pile–treated tation technique–treated specimens are attributed to flocculation of
specimen reduced to 0.4% from 2.1%, whereas the lime precipita- clay particles owing to lime precipitation in addition to pozzolanic
tion technique reduced the swell potential to 0% from untreated reactions.
value of 4.95%. The pH of lime pile–treated soil (8.4) was not
conducive for the pozzolanic reactions to occur, and as a result,
the compressive strength of lime pile–treated specimens was unaf- Practical Significance
fected (Table 7). Comparatively, the lime precipitation technique
increased the soil pH to 11.62–11.76 (7 days, cured), which is pre- Sequential mixing of CaCl2 and NaOH solutions with expansive
sumably conducive for pozzolanic reactions to occur. Therefore, soil resulted in precipitation of lime. The precipitated lime could
the UCS of lime precipitation technique–treated specimens in- promote strong lime-modification reactions and strong soil-lime
creased to 619–895 kPa (7 days, cured) from an untreated value pozzolanic reactions. The lime-modification reactions together
of 127 kPa (Table 7). The greater efficiency of lime precipitation with the poorly developed cementation products controlled the

Table 7. Comparison of Properties of Expansive Soil Specimens Treated with Lime Pile, Lime Slurry, and Lime Precipitation Techniques
Percentage Radial Curing Swell compressive
of lime distance/ period Pore salinity potentiala strength
Source Treatment (%) series (days) pH (mg∕L) wL (%) wP (%) I P (%) (%) (kPa)a
Thyagaraj Lime pile 5.5 1.5d 10 8.40 (8.00) 517 (244) 93 (95) 26 (24) 67 (71) 0.4 (2.1) 68 (68)
(2001) treated
Rao and Lime slurry 6 1.5d 10 11.95 (8.00) 1,436 (244) 86 (95) 44 (24) 42 (71) 0.0 (1.4) 113 (77)
Thyagaraj treated
This Untreated – – – 8.00 340 75b 25b 50b 4.95c 127
investigation Lime 4.2 Series 1: 1 11.73 1,558 58b 36b 22b 0.0c 841
precipitation CaCl2 þ NaOH 7 11.76 1,583 – – – – 895
treated Series 2: 1 11.63 1,301 50b 33b 17b 0.0c 164
NaOH þ CaCl2 7 11.62 1,795 – – – – 619
Note: Values in the parenthesis are of untreated specimen; d = diameter of hole for lime pile or lime slurry injection.
Swell potential and unconfined compressive strength of untreated specimens were determined at moisture content and dry densities similar to those of treated
Atterberg limits were determined with 5% lime precipitation.
Swell potentials were determined with 3.4% lime precipitation.


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2012, 24(8): 1067-1075

swelling potential, reduced the plasticity index, and increased the the UCS of the expansive soil specimens cured for 24 h.
UCS of the expansive clay as the specimens were cured for 24 h. The marked increase in UCS exhibited by 7–21 days’ cured
Comparatively, both lime-modification and well-developed crystal- expansive soil specimens is apparently a consequence of lime-
line cementation products contributed to the marked increase in modification reactions and well-developed crystalline cemen-
the UCS strength of the expansive soil that was cured for periods tation products formed in the treated specimens.
of 7–21 days. However, further investigation is needed for exam- 4. Atterberg limits and UCS results show that the sequential mix-
ining the efficacy of lime precipitation technique in stabilizing the ing of expansive soil with CaCl2 solution followed by NaOH
in situ expansive soils by sequential permeation of CaCl2 and solution is more effective than mixing expansive soil with
NaOH solutions into the in situ soil, either through ponding or NaOH solution followed by CaCl2 solution.
Downloaded from by Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College Of Engineering on 08/11/18. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

The amount of lime precipitation in the soil should be greater
than the ICL value, because the amount of lime precipitation in
excess of the ICL value is used in the cementation process only. Bell, F. G. (1988a). “Stabilisation and treatment of clay soils with lime.
The ICL values for most of the expansive soils range from 3–8%. Part 1: Basic principles.” Ground Eng., 21(1), 10–15.
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ing the concentration of CaCl2 and NaOH solutions used for per- Part 2: Some applications.” Ground Eng., 21(2), 22–30.
meation or by increasing the volume of CaCl2 and NaOH solutions. Boardman, D. I., Glendinning, S., and Rogers, C. D. F. (2001).
This method of stabilization may prove to be advantageous over “Development of stabilisation and solidification in lime-clay mixes.”
Geotechnique, 50(6), 533–543.
the other techniques in the following conditions:
British Standards Institution (BSI). (1990). “Method of test for stabilized
• Stabilization of expansive soils below the existing structures soils.” BS 1924, Milton Keynes, U.K.
on which lime piles construction is not possible because of Broms, B. B., and Boman, P. (1975). “Lime-stabilized columns.” Proc., 5th
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be made along the periphery of existing structures with required Vol. 1, INSDOC Regional Centre, Bangalore, India, 227–234.
spacing. These boreholes have to be filled with coarse sand, and Bureau of Indian Standards. (1972). “Methods of test for soils: Determi-
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J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2012, 24(8): 1067-1075

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