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Department Of English

 Name : Khadija Israr

 Reg No : 3792-FLL/BSENG/F23
 Semester : 3rd
 Submitted to : Sahabzadi sidra tul muntaha
 Subject : Study skills
 Topic : what is cultural competence?

 Cultural competence :
Cultural competence refers to the ability to understand, respect, and
effectively interact with people from diverse cultural backgrounds. It
involves recognizing the cultural differences and similarities that exist
among individuals, and using this knowledge to communicate, behave,
and work in ways that are appropriate and effective in cross-cultural
situations. Here are the key components of cultural competence:
1. Awareness :
Being aware of one’s own cultural background, biases, and perspectives,
and understanding how these can influence one’s perceptions and
interactions with others.
2. Knowledge :
Gaining knowledge about different cultural practices, worldviews, and
social norms. This includes understanding the history, values, and
experiences of different cultural groups.
3. Skills :
Developing the skills to communicate and interact effectively across
cultures. This includes active listening, empathy, and the ability to adapt
one’s communication style to suit different cultural contexts.
4. Attitude :
Having an open and respectful attitude towards cultural differences. This
involves being willing to learn from others, valuing diversity, and
challenging one’s own cultural assumptions and prejudices.
 Example of cultural competence in practice :
1. Health :
A culturally competent healthcare provider understands the cultural
beliefs and practices of their patients, which can influence their health
behaviors and decisions. For example, they might consider cultural
dietary restrictions or traditional healing practices when developing a
treatment plan.

2. Education :
Teachers who are culturally competent create inclusive classrooms that
respect and celebrate cultural diversity. They use culturally relevant
teaching materials and methods, and are sensitive to the cultural
backgrounds of their students.
3. Business :
In the business world, cultural competence can improve international
relations, marketing strategies, and team dynamics. For instance, a
culturally competent businessperson understands and respects cultural
differences in negotiation styles, which can lead to more successful
business deals.
 Building Cultural competence :
1. Education and training :
Engage in ongoing education and training programs focused on cultural
competence. This can include workshops, seminars, and courses on
cultural awareness and sensitivity.
2. Self reflection :
Regularly reflect on your own cultural biases and assumptions. Seek
feedback from others and be open to learning and growth.
3. Exposure :
Seek out experiences that expose you to different cultures. This can
include traveling, attending cultural events, and building relationships
with people from diverse backgrounds.
4. Communication :
Practice effective cross-cultural communication. This includes being an
active listener, showing empathy, and being open to different
5. Policy and practice :
advocate for and implement policies and practices that promote cultural
competence within organizations and institutions. This can include
diversity training, inclusive hiring practices, and culturally relevant

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