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Kilakarai- 623806

Name of the

Subject Code CS8603 Year / Sem III / VI

Acad Year 2022-23 EVEN SEMESTER Batch 2020-24

Course Objective

To understand the foundations of distributed systems.

To learn issues related to clock Synchronization and the need for global state in distributed systems.

To learn distributed mutual exclusion and deadlock detection algorithms.

To understand the significance of agreement, fault tolerance and recovery protocols in Distributed Systems.

To learn the characteristics of peer-to-peer and distributed shared memory systems.

Course Outcome

CO1: Elucidate the foundations and issues of distributed systems

CO2: Understand the various synchronization issues and global state for distributed systems

CO3: Understand the mutual exclusion algorithms and deadlock detection algoirthms in distributed systems
CO4: Understand agreement protocols and fault tolerance mechanisms in distributed systems

CO5: Understand peer to peer and distributed shared memory systems in distributed systems

CO6: Understand new trends in distributed systems

Lesson Plan
T / R* Mode of Teaching
Sl. (BB / PPT / Blooms Level
Topic(s) Require CO PO & PSO
No. Book NPTEL / MOOC / (L1-L6)
etc )
1 Definition, Relation to computer system components T1 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L2 CO1 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
2 Motivation,Relation to parallel systems T1 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L2 CO1 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
Message-passing systems versus shared memory
3 T1 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L3 CO1 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
4 Primitives for distributed communication T1 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L3 CO1 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
5 Synchronous versus asynchronous executions T1 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L3 CO1 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
6 Design issues and challenges T1 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L3 CO1 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
A distributed program ,A model of distributed
7 T1 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L3 CO1 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
Models of communication networks, Global state ,
8 T1 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L3 CO1 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
Cuts, Past and future cones of an event

9 Models of process communications T1 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L3 CO1 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
10 Logical Time T1 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L3 CO1 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
Suggested Activity: Assignment / Case Studies / Tuorials/ Quiz / Mini Projects / Model Developed/others Planned if any.

Evaluation method: Assignment and Tutorial


11 Message ordering paradigms T1 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L2 CO2 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
Asynchronous execution with synchronous
12 T1 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L3 CO2 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
13 Synchronous program order on an asynchronous syste T1 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L3 CO2 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
14 Group communication T1 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L2 CO2 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
15 Causal order (CO) T1 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L2 CO2 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
16 Total order T1 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L2 CO2 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
Global state and snapshot recording algorithms:
17 T1 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L2 CO2 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
18 System model and definitions T1 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L2 CO2 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
19 Snapshot algorithms for FIFO channels T1 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L4 CO2 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,

20 Snapshot algorithms for FIFO channels T1 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L4 CO2 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
Suggested Activity: Assignment / Case Studies / Tuorials/ Quiz / Mini Projects / Model Developed/others Planned if any

Evaluation method: Assignment and Tutorial


21 Distributed mutual exclusion algorithms: Introduction T1 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L2 CO3 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
22 Preliminaries T1 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L2 CO3 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
23 Lamport’s algorithm T1 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L3 CO3 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,

24 Ricart Agrawala algorithm , Maekawa’s algorithm T1 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L3 CO3 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
Suzuki Kasami’s broadcast algorithm PO1,PO2,PO3,PO4,PO5,PO6
25 T1 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L3 CO3 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
Deadlock detection in distributed systems: PO1,PO2,PO3,PO4,PO5,PO6
26 Introduction T1 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L2 CO3 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
System model Preliminaries PO1,PO2,PO3,PO4,PO5,PO6
27 T1 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L2 CO3 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
28 Models of deadlocks T1 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L5 CO3 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
29 Knapp’s classification T1 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L5 CO3 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
Algorithms for the single resource model, the AND
30 T1 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L6 CO3 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
model and the OR model
Suggested Activity: Assignment / Case Studies / Tuorials/ Quiz / Mini Projects / Model Developed/others Planned if any

Evaluation method: Assignment and Tutorial


31 Check pointing and rollback recovery: Introduction T2 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L2 CO4 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
32 Background and definitions T2 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L2 CO4 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
33 Issues in failure recovery T2 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L2 CO4 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
Checkpoint-based recovery , Log-based rollback
34 T2 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L3 CO4 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
35 Coordinated check pointing algorithm T2 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L3 CO4 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
Algorithm for asynchronous check pointing and
36 T2 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L5 CO4 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
Consensus and agreement algorithms: Problem
37 T2 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L2 CO4 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
38 Overview of results Agreement in a failure T2 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L2 CO4 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
39 free system T2 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L5 CO4 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
40 Agreement in synchronous systems with failures T2 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L5 CO4 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
Suggested Activity: Assignment / Case Studies / Tuorials/ Quiz / Mini Projects / Model Developed/others Planned if any

Evaluation method: Assignment and Tutorial


Peer-to-peer computing and overlay graphs:
41 T2 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L2 CO5 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
42 Data indexing and overlays T2 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L2 CO5 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
43 Chord T2 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L2 CO5 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
44 Content addressable networks T2 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L3 CO5 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
45 Tapestry T2 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L3 CO5 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
Distributed shared memory: Abstraction and
46 T2 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L4 CO5 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
Distributed shared memory: Abstraction and
47 T2 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L6 CO5 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
48 Memory consistency models T2 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L6 CO5 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
49 Shared memory Mutual Exclusion T2 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L6 CO5 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
50 Shared memory Mutual Exclusion T2 1 BB/PPT/NPTEL L6 CO5 ,PO9,PO11,PO12, PSO1,
Suggested Activity: Assignment / Case Studies / Tuorials/ Quiz / Mini Projects / Model Developed/others Planned if any

Evaluation method: Assignment and Tutorial

Content Beyond the Syllabus Planned

1 Amoeba distributed systems
2 Face distributed systems
3 Storage area network
4 Java trends in distributed systems
5 Map reduce system architecture
Text Books
1 Kshemkalyani, Ajay D., and Mukesh Singhal. Distributed computing: principles, algorithms, and systems. Cambridge University Press, 2011
2 George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore and Tim Kindberg, “Distributed Systems Concepts and Design”, Fifth Edition, Pearson Education, 2012.

Reference Books

1 Pradeep K Sinha, "Distributed Operating Systems: Concepts and Design", Prentice Hall of India, 2007.

2 Mukesh Singhal and Niranjan G. Shivaratri. Advanced concepts in operating systems. McGraw Hill, Inc., 1994.
3 Tanenbaum A.S., Van Steen M., “Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms”, Pearson Education, 2007.
4 Liu M.L., “Distributed Computing, Principles and Applications”, Pearson Education, 2004.
5 Nancy A Lynch, “Distributed Algorithms”, Morgan Kaufman Publishers, USA, 2003.
Website / URL References
Blooms Level

Level 1 (L1) : Remembering Level 4 (L4) : Analysing

Lower Fixed
Level 2 (L2) : Understanding Order Hour Level 5 (L5) : Evaluating Projects / Mini Projects
Thinking Exams
Level 3 (L3) : Applying Level 6 (L6) : Creating

Mapping syllabus with Bloom’s Taxonomy LOT and HOT

Unit No Unit Name L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 LOT HOT Total

Unit 1 INTRODUCTION 0 2 8 0 0 0 10 0 10

Unit 2 MESSAGE ORDERING & SNAPSHOTS 0 6 2 2 0 0 8 2 10

Unit 3 DISTRIBUTED MUTEX & DEADLOCK 0 4 3 0 2 1 7 3 10

Unit 4 RECOVERY & CONSENSUS 0 5 2 0 3 0 7 3 10

Unit 5 P2P & DISTRIBUTED SHARED MEMOR 0 3 2 1 0 4 5 5 10

Total 0 20 17 3 5 5 37 13 50

Total Percentage 0 40 34 6 10 10 74 26 100

CO PO Mapping


CO1 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 2 1 2 3 3 1 3
CO2 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 2 1 2 3 3 1 3
CO3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 2 1 2 3 3 1 3
CO4 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 2 1 2 3 3 1 3
CO5 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 2 1 2 3 3 1 3
CO6 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 2 1 2 3 3 1 3
Avg 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 2 1 2 3 3 1 3

Justification for CO-PO mapping

PO1:Substantially mapped as Students can apply the knowledge of foundations of distributed systems and give to the solution of complex engineering
problems.,PO2: Substantially mapped as Students develop ability to identify, formulate and analyze real world problems from different applications by
using the foundations of distributed systems.,PO3:Substantially mapped as Student are able to design solutions for complex engineering problems using
foundations of distributed systems,PO4: Substantially mapped as Students are able to analysis and interpretation of automata for investigating complex
problems by the foundations of distributed systems,PO5: SSubstantially mapped as Students are able to create, apply appropriate techniques and modern
tools including prediction and modelling to complex computer engineering activities by the foundations of distributed systems.,PO6:Substantially mapped
as Students should attempt to solve societal, health, safety, legal and cultural problems using foundations of distributed systems,PO7: Slightly mapped as
Students will be able to understand the impact of the foundations of distributed systems in some specific societal and environmental contexts,PO8: Slightly
mapped as Introducing the students to the ethical dilemmas they may have to face in some specific environments foundations of distributed systems.,PO9:
CO1 Moderately mapped as Student may perform mini projects as team work in using the foundations of distributed systems.Slightly mapped as Student
performed mini project as team work in designing Turing machines for particular type of applications, PO10: Slightly mapped as Student are able to
Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community by the foundations of distributed systems.,PO11:Moderately
mapped as Students are able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work,
as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments in the foundations of distributed systems,PO12: Substantially
mapped as Student will not be able to recognize need for and must ability to engage this topic lifelong learning of the foundations of distributed systems.
PSO1: Substantially mapped as Students able to analyze, design and develop computing solutions by applying foundational concepts of Computer Science
and Engineering., PSO2: Slightly mapped as Students able to apply software engineering principles and practices for developing quality software for
scientific and business applications., PSO3: Substantially mapped as Students can apply Information and Communication Technologies to innovate ideas
and solutions to existing problems
PO1:Substantially mapped as Students can apply the knowledge of foundations of distributed systems and give to the solution of complex engineering
problems.,PO2: Substantially mapped as Students develop ability to identify, formulate and analyze real world problems from different applications by
using the foundations of distributed systems.,PO3:Substantially mapped as Student are able to design solutions for complex engineering problems using
foundations of distributed systems,PO4: Substantially mapped as Students are able to analysis and interpretation of automata for investigating complex
problems by the foundations of distributed systems,PO5: SSubstantially mapped as Students are able to create, apply appropriate techniques and modern
tools including prediction and modelling to complex computer engineering activities by the foundations of distributed systems.,PO6:Substantially mapped
as Students should attempt to solve societal, health, safety, legal and cultural problems using foundations of distributed systems,PO7: Slightly mapped as
Students will be able to understand the impact of the foundations of distributed systems in some specific societal and environmental contexts,PO8: Slightly
mapped as Introducing the students to the ethical dilemmas they may have to face in some specific environments foundations of distributed systems.,PO9:
CO2 Moderately mapped as Student may perform mini projects as team work in using the foundations of distributed systems.Slightly mapped as Student
performed mini project as team work in designing Turing machines for particular type of applications, PO10: Slightly mapped as Student are able to
Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community by the foundations of distributed systems.,PO11:Moderately
mapped as Students are able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work,
as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments in the foundations of distributed systems,PO12: Substantially
mapped as Student will not be able to recognize need for and must ability to engage this topic lifelong learning of the foundations of distributed systems.
PSO1: Substantially mapped as Students able to analyze, design and develop computing solutions by applying foundational concepts of Computer Science
and Engineering., PSO2: Slightly mapped as Students able to apply software engineering principles and practices for developing quality software for
scientific and business applications., PSO3: Substantially mapped as Students can apply Information and Communication Technologies to innovate ideas
and solutions to existing problems

PO1:Substantially mapped as Students can apply the knowledge of foundations of distributed systems and give to the solution of complex engineering
problems.,PO2: Substantially mapped as Students develop ability to identify, formulate and analyze real world problems from different applications by
using the foundations of distributed systems.,PO3:Substantially mapped as Student are able to design solutions for complex engineering problems using
foundations of distributed systems,PO4: Substantially mapped as Students are able to analysis and interpretation of automata for investigating complex
problems by the foundations of distributed systems,PO5: SSubstantially mapped as Students are able to create, apply appropriate techniques and modern
tools including prediction and modelling to complex computer engineering activities by the foundations of distributed systems.,PO6:Substantially mapped
as Students should attempt to solve societal, health, safety, legal and cultural problems using foundations of distributed systems,PO7: Slightly mapped as
Students will be able to understand the impact of the foundations of distributed systems in some specific societal and environmental contexts,PO8: Slightly
mapped as Introducing the students to the ethical dilemmas they may have to face in some specific environments foundations of distributed systems.,PO9:
CO3 Moderately mapped as Student may perform mini projects as team work in using the foundations of distributed systems.Slightly mapped as Student
performed mini project as team work in designing Turing machines for particular type of applications, PO10: Slightly mapped as Student are able to
Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community by the foundations of distributed systems.,PO11:Moderately
mapped as Students are able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work,
as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments in the foundations of distributed systems,PO12: Substantially
mapped as Student will not be able to recognize need for and must ability to engage this topic lifelong learning of the foundations of distributed systems.
PSO1: Substantially mapped as Students able to analyze, design and develop computing solutions by applying foundational concepts of Computer Science
and Engineering., PSO2: Slightly mapped as Students able to apply software engineering principles and practices for developing quality software for
scientific and business applications., PSO3: Substantially mapped as Students can apply Information and Communication Technologies to innovate ideas
and solutions to existing problems
PO1:Substantially mapped as Students can apply the knowledge of foundations of distributed systems and give to the solution of complex engineering
problems.,PO2: Substantially mapped as Students develop ability to identify, formulate and analyze real world problems from different applications by
using the foundations of distributed systems.,PO3:Substantially mapped as Student are able to design solutions for complex engineering problems using
foundations of distributed systems,PO4: Substantially mapped as Students are able to analysis and interpretation of automata for investigating complex
problems by the foundations of distributed systems,PO5: SSubstantially mapped as Students are able to create, apply appropriate techniques and modern
tools including prediction and modelling to complex computer engineering activities by the foundations of distributed systems.,PO6:Substantially mapped
as Students should attempt to solve societal, health, safety, legal and cultural problems using foundations of distributed systems,PO7: Slightly mapped as
Students will be able to understand the impact of the foundations of distributed systems in some specific societal and environmental contexts,PO8: Slightly
mapped as Introducing the students to the ethical dilemmas they may have to face in some specific environments foundations of distributed systems.,PO9:
CO4 Moderately mapped as Student may perform mini projects as team work in using the foundations of distributed systems.Slightly mapped as Student
performed mini project as team work in designing Turing machines for particular type of applications, PO10: Slightly mapped as Student are able to
Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community by the foundations of distributed systems.,PO11:Moderately
mapped as Students are able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work,
as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments in the foundations of distributed systems,PO12: Substantially
mapped as Student will not be able to recognize need for and must ability to engage this topic lifelong learning of the foundations of distributed systems.
PSO1: Substantially mapped as Students able to analyze, design and develop computing solutions by applying foundational concepts of Computer Science
and Engineering., PSO2: Slightly mapped as Students able to apply software engineering principles and practices for developing quality software for
scientific and business applications., PSO3: Substantially mapped as Students can apply Information and Communication Technologies to innovate ideas
and solutions to existing problems

PO1:Substantially mapped as Students can apply the knowledge of foundations of distributed systems and give to the solution of complex engineering
problems.,PO2: Substantially mapped as Students develop ability to identify, formulate and analyze real world problems from different applications by
using the foundations of distributed systems.,PO3:Substantially mapped as Student are able to design solutions for complex engineering problems using
foundations of distributed systems,PO4: Substantially mapped as Students are able to analysis and interpretation of automata for investigating complex
problems by the foundations of distributed systems,PO5: SSubstantially mapped as Students are able to create, apply appropriate techniques and modern
tools including prediction and modelling to complex computer engineering activities by the foundations of distributed systems.,PO6:Substantially mapped
as Students should attempt to solve societal, health, safety, legal and cultural problems using foundations of distributed systems,PO7: Slightly mapped as
Students will be able to understand the impact of the foundations of distributed systems in some specific societal and environmental contexts,PO8: Slightly
mapped as Introducing the students to the ethical dilemmas they may have to face in some specific environments foundations of distributed systems.,PO9:
CO5 Moderately mapped as Student may perform mini projects as team work in using the foundations of distributed systems.Slightly mapped as Student
performed mini project as team work in designing Turing machines for particular type of applications, PO10: Slightly mapped as Student are able to
Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community by the foundations of distributed systems.,PO11:Moderately
mapped as Students are able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work,
as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments in the foundations of distributed systems,PO12: Substantially
mapped as Student will not be able to recognize need for and must ability to engage this topic lifelong learning of the foundations of distributed systems.
PSO1: Substantially mapped as Students able to analyze, design and develop computing solutions by applying foundational concepts of Computer Science
and Engineering., PSO2: Slightly mapped as Students able to apply software engineering principles and practices for developing quality software for
scientific and business applications., PSO3: Substantially mapped as Students can apply Information and Communication Technologies to innovate ideas
and solutions to existing problems
PO1:Substantially mapped as Students can apply the knowledge of foundations of distributed systems and give to the solution of complex engineering
problems.,PO2: Substantially mapped as Students develop ability to identify, formulate and analyze real world problems from different applications by
using the foundations of distributed systems.,PO3:Substantially mapped as Student are able to design solutions for complex engineering problems using
foundations of distributed systems,PO4: Substantially mapped as Students are able to analysis and interpretation of automata for investigating complex
problems by the foundations of distributed systems,PO5: SSubstantially mapped as Students are able to create, apply appropriate techniques and modern
tools including prediction and modelling to complex computer engineering activities by the foundations of distributed systems.,PO6:Substantially mapped
as Students should attempt to solve societal, health, safety, legal and cultural problems using foundations of distributed systems,PO7: Slightly mapped as
Students will be able to understand the impact of the foundations of distributed systems in some specific societal and environmental contexts,PO8: Slightly
mapped as Introducing the students to the ethical dilemmas they may have to face in some specific environments foundations of distributed systems.,PO9:
CO6 Moderately mapped as Student may perform mini projects as team work in using the foundations of distributed systems.Slightly mapped as Student
performed mini project as team work in designing Turing machines for particular type of applications, PO10: Slightly mapped as Student are able to
Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community by the foundations of distributed systems.,PO11:Moderately
mapped as Students are able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work,
as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments in the foundations of distributed systems,PO12: Substantially
mapped as Student will not be able to recognize need for and must ability to engage this topic lifelong learning of the foundations of distributed systems.
PSO1: Substantially mapped as Students able to analyze, design and develop computing solutions by applying foundational concepts of Computer Science
and Engineering., PSO2: Slightly mapped as Students able to apply software engineering principles and practices for developing quality software for
scientific and business applications., PSO3: Substantially mapped as Students can apply Information and Communication Technologies to innovate ideas
and solutions to existing problems

3 High level 2 Moderate level 1 Low level

Name & Sign of Faculty Incharge : MOHAMMED UVEISE S A

Name & Sign of Subject Expert : MOHAMMED UVEISE S A
Head of the Department :

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