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rag DO7US /06/i| 2004 Syort pele Pep une Vicario 12, Varunishor RMIRONMESDEATET Csosewany. CB /1p-C, (nau BIOLOGICAL INDICATORS OF MONSOON : ~ au spl M.G.Chauhant APG Pii7STOZOL Prashant Rema Init OF Ayurvede Meinl Pant Secs Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar ABSTRACT “The advanced sciemitieteliniques and lastof pope to aeeommodate with has Left our cultura heritase interme of some hidden knowledge only mentioned with few of ancient valuable written texts ana lying with folblores on hack scp. But some of them are extremely interesting and philanthropic for huranbind a the wecuracy of the know edge hayimum extents, The indications given bythe plants ‘and animals to predict the expectation of rainfall especially by monsoon, is one of therm. Many of them ol comb in peree are four cent in pereemd OF ASSURE INTRODUCTION |Watoe is one among the important in principle of Pane hbiucutie composition mentioned in Ayurveda cither for living or non-living materials It makes earth wnigne among all known eclestial textos by its presence. tis the source of life an cath as two thirds ofthe earth’ surface is covered by water and the Fuca body also consists of 75 pereent oF it, The most important factor of civilized world. agricultur epenulent upon the water for irrigation of plants. lis adequate availablity according to need makes any {couniry sufficient or nsufliefent agriculturally, India is never far from this. India is an agr'cukurally Finportat country withthe share of 30% GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of nation and engazing about 67% man power rom the agricuiture. Even on the path of development, we still depend upwn tne merey ‘oF mature forthe source of water through igation and monsoon automatically heconnes momentous being the prime source ot in Indian context itis come to pare through ‘wind popularly known as “Monsoon” ‘A moosoonis originate thom Arabic word Masi implied fora wind from the southweston out that Ivings heavy rainfall to southern Asia in the surnmer, This seasonally shifting wind inthe Indian Ocean axl surrounding regions, including the Arabian Sea, blowing from the southwest during one half of the Year and fron ihe notheast curing the ollce There are seasonal changes which are particuarly noticed ds nethast wines prevaiting inthe winter i the Southeast Asia and southwest winds in the summer. ‘Monsoons also occur in ether party af the world like Australia and in the Southwest portions of the cr understood, the definition now indicates climatic United States. Now as monsoons have hecome be systems anywhere in which the moisture inrcascs dramatically in the warm season. The Asian mnsenn, whieh alfects the Hutian subcontinent and southeast part of the Asia, is probably the most ute! ef the Inventions of satellites, sophistigated computer technologies and many other mechanical ans of seienee predict the arrival and quantity of rainfall, The experiences of last several years compel uso hook forthe tives the exaet Forecast is still the muster of question, In other words we need a balanced seiem appmoste in betweem Fore-castings hy with biological indicators, vovological department an such predictions with obser ations Biolosicalineicatrs.are signsor signals wf diverse community of flora and fauna determining the number, presece and conditions of thei with effects to the change in habitual conditions needed for their Survival. Iereflects the comple messages owing with biological, physical aud chemical attributes ecole conditions. Any alterations with the natural Tife-style of these flora and fauna are taken in ‘considerfons to prolct the Fors conving changes in the environmental conditions in close association swith climatic eamges, plavia indica vol. x0. 4,Ocrober 2009 a Finsfaonmaeté! scientists have reveated From mucl careful study’ about the presence, condition, and phunersof the types oF fib, insets, algae al plants provi ihspovifie river steam, bike. woland, ar estuary. These types of plants an animals are salle hologleal Such oheceva-om is not the new but rors Puck to antiguuty i India coment, he ethnic Theta nent such knowledge from generation 60 ines prophesy of the rural and ethnic people rl acy ofthe loreteing dirscts he ditferet subject to kek fo .e.nothing bat servation ofthe nature, Traditional meteorol seis, pets fstine-elher et have predicted the things sometimes ei Varshiniir 00.8081 4D 3, iid (3006400, D.) ane impuiant names arnong them, Extensive stdies are matte to iMlentits the movement of WEF MINES Guin the petind of monsoon, Teryperature aud saint, ate use ay indicators of mente of wae tutors hie ny in made tect fat the haw ede ofthe pepe a the loss fo the earth he infewmation From their ‘which are very nich relevant to Bliiagical {curate infration bw the Health of indica mnciatin, ‘Tey ate very gona speetatons ‘sith minute observations. Sem secs -ursersta but the ace ruses ese his ergs hy sts also ngeds ws be explored as they i ancestors Even th Indian valuable fitratares nut the thi ts COMMON OBSERVNTIONS Ancient peuple obsersed the eypectation orally Cllsang abervationr Spoad & Diccctionof wind (Chetnical ctiages ot perceptible tm evvmpouunds fun surroundings tn Locations, movemieats et, of stars zd planets Sky features as thunder, lightening, ha 6 Rastand Nekshatns 7 Chay sical changes av atmosphere arouad sua sind ioe sale ete occurring with ‘in annals, bins, reptiles, amphibians fishes ad insects 8. Behavioral ty mats anal plants toils any chinzes i mature make tht 0 heave some val nications, These ica bay The mre suscemubilties ofa dnalcotoe sith usual savin, Sery well ken ah ‘a tao if we resto Wo plat anal aa as tics PLANT AS INDICATORS mitts are oto cc ag beings aed te p ih the change setieramd imate inst ne hilly seasdve tereypase. They ty lnalopc ie conditions suitable with ttcoming sian Com ut manscoi some of such alterations ott going wscather hich compels plants to make them ifitsuibte, Any of sic ahastinen! appears as inicatists sory Well Anema dadiarary Same of em cat be cist ts Name of Plant Indicator Prediction Plate No. Matiate Matinee fttoliay Go Fol Gowal Meansoot 1 si Sariew avout purple) Gad Bali Aaset of Monon 2 Danis Desmotucha hipimutad — God eiliage Gaal Meansoon 3 4. Noeasharedfewae fermen apuepley Good Bal Onset nf Mo 4 5. Rusum ele fiers eva Gov Bo Onset of Mo 5 6. Bil clele marrciest Bua Bal Sunoninal Momsoon 0 7. Khicjn Prosopis einevariay Heavy Folia Preaaght 7 So Goals Basal Presopit juliflora) —Hewvs Palla 7 8 Bos Ene rllsiowt Good Fo Adeunate rain » Bh, Nenu Aer ia andes Good Bust Drought w plosts ivdica cal. Lose 1, Ociebee 200% 1. An 14, Ch 15. Jai Dehise 16, Sh 17, Pu IS, Ar Winger 1. Sh 20, th Disper aM 22. Sa o Aragy ANIM Aw ing. simpli aadopte: tei it Nam: Wirds: 31 PB 2 M: Io. ers ete \.D)are of water ale atthe ‘om their gical stants are ake them Some of Mate No. Name of Plant Fruits ML, Ber (/ 12. Phanas (Artarwanpues heterophyllas) 13. Ama (Mangéfera indica) ha Famurinds indicus) 1. chi 15, Jamu (Sys Dehiseent Fruits 16, Shyonaka (Onoastemn ine 17, Pata (Sterersperamn suareutens) pls mauritiana) Indicator Heavy lush of fruit Plenty Heavy Flush Heavy Flush: Heavy Flush Heavy Flush Heavy Flush 18. Agjunabheds (Lagerstraemie speciosa) Heavy Flush Winged Fruits 19, Skala (Shorea roustay 20, Hapew exdorsta Dispersal of seeds 2 Arka (Calonenpn 2B. Clematis sp. Flowering ala (Casstu fst) al Mamas ced Heavy Slush Howey ash ni Dispersal af seeds Dispersal of sous Dispersal of sees Heavy Flush ANIMAL AS INDICATORS, ‘An indiewor isa 8 axlopted with el or signal th sionplifcdl and useful manner ane whe {heir indications to predict the monsoon : Name of Animal Birds 1 Spaurow 2, Peacock 3. Lapwing 4 Ratair 5. Chow 6. Seabird 7. Seuabita 8. Chicken Reptiles 9, Chameteam {assuning baw hosite 10, Snake Amphiti Insects 12, Bees Mammals 13. Fox 14. Camel 18. Gi 16. Ants Indicator Frequenterying Laying of egg in night Singing in pairs Scratching own nest Staying out from f More swallowing Staying out in rains Climbing on vce ral) Climbing om ree Crackling Swarming and returning to hives, Keeping to face in nonh-cast dieetion Not brows Foot! srage plysta inden vol aed Prediction ‘Average Monsoon Heavy rains ‘Adequate Monsoon Flood ‘Adequate Monsoon Good Mensoon, Good Monsoon {Good Monsoon Good Monsoon ‘Gow! Monsoon Onset of Monsoon Onsetat Monsoon Onset af Monsoon Onset of Monsoon lex message, potentially from numerous source. seh a sign or signal is given by animal beings to make them i. itis hetter we asenimal indicators. Few of them can be as with Prediction Good Monsoon Plate No. u 12 B u 6 ” 18 w Plate No. Rain within 2 days 26 Heavy Rais 2 Certaimy ofrains 28 Immediste rains 29 Less rains 30 Drought 31 Whole day raining 32 Immediate rains 33 Drowpht M arly ins 3 Stormy 36 Severe drought, 37 Tmmediaterains 38) Immediaterains 39 Good Monsoon) ve vole 2005 ll CONCLUSION hence infcetrs ae the grou ving mes cS animals reteting th Bi reece phosical atrihutes of sotogical condition TH 120 hharacterive the current satus and seat isnot change in thie emironment WN 2 08 eect understood wo uz or the musi ruceds abetter coanination wih sq for comparatively mare accurate Foresentine weather mx inte observation such REFERENCES slvargu (1974) Prachi Varta Vigna Carat Laks Acaalemy, Nebo 2. Anwvnsmous 1 Brill Samhita 5 sr. 192) "Provets for Preing the Maso Meomsnan’ sd bios sit, Sint SA, Makusana DK, and Savin V0 10850 "Ul 8 Bhs Satan, Spec suc 00 Uhrsberd ach (NY PEEPS acetal 1 sna PE sorting is Weim the Sky" ion Kaa cian aad Intermec Biosties Sed, Pet, 1103) Plant that Predicts Manson.” Howey Boe 14 12 sa Te Ml Banaras Puts ot, Lad Neve Dali eg. stb Pasha Bat ni Chena Aare july. 109 PPS i, anvan BV. (1960) Prakash Marg, P th Suoalipa WL, Rlhor 4.0. Raman PR and Sh ee as.” Sereda Stun Parivar Patra 11. teicedh J 8-108) Ba Nay, Sate Says, Shes eee ver 4 wo 4, Octobre 2005 1 plavts indica vol

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