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End of topic test B5 – Ecosystems MARK SCHEME

Q Answer Marks Guidance


(10 MARKS)

1 C – in the mitochondria 1

2 A – in the red blood cells 1

3 B – leaf cells 1

4 B – Christmas cake 1

5 C 1

6 A – acacia tree 1

7 B - giraffe 1

8 D - magnesium 1

9 B 1

10 A 1


(34 MARKS)

11 quadrat – Estimating the number of 3 3 marks – all correct

dandelions on a field, by taking a sample in 2 marks – three
small squares. correct
transect – Counting the number of different 1 mark – one or two
plants across a path. correct
observation – Counting the number of
sparrows seen at a bird table.
pit fall trap – Trapping insects on the ground
to count them and identify them.
12 ecosystem 1
habitat 1
community 1

niche 1

13a The number of bubbles will increase. 1

13b Brighter light means more photosynthesis 1

End of topic test B5 – Ecosystems MARK SCHEME

and more oxygen.

13c Collect the oxygen to measure it in a gas 1
tube / measuring cylinder
13d Temperature of water 1

14a oxygen 1
carbon dioxide 1 Products can be in any
1 order
14b Mitochondria / mitochondrion 1

14c Any two from: 2

Anaerobic does not use oxygen.
Anaerobic produces lactic acid.
Less energy from anaerobic.
15a the further up the food chain, the more 1
concentrated magnesium becomes
15 b pike 0.35 μg/g
otters 3.72 μg/g
3.72 – 0.35 = 3.37 2

(3.37/0.35) × 100 = 962.9% 2

15c They are the top carnivore. 1 Accept any plausible

They get all the mercury absorbed through 1 answer
the food chain.
16a 54+52+ 47 1 Working
3 1 Answer
16b Label (shade, sun and shade, sun) on x-axis 1
Label and units on y-axis 1
Suitable scale on y-axis 1
3 bars correct within ½ square 1
16c The more light on the leaves the more stomata. 1 Or words to that effect

16d More light causes faster rate of photosynthesis. 1 Accept any plausible
More photosynthesis requires more carbon 1 answer
More stomata are needed for carbon dioxide to 1
enter the leaves.
17 QWC question (6 marks). 6 Students should be
Example answers: marked on the use
of good English,
 Sensible equipment including
End of topic test B5 – Ecosystems MARK SCHEME

stopwatch. organisation of
 A plan that involves increasing time of information, spelling
exercise to see the effect on and grammar, and
respiration (either breathing rate or correct use of
accept pulse rate). scientific terms.
 Predict stated with reason. Credit any other
 Expect increased exercise leads to plausible answers.
increased respiration.

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