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SUBJECT CODE/NAME: CS8603/ Distributed Systems DATE : 06.04.2023

BRANCH / SEMESTER : CSE / VI TIME : 9.45 AM to 11.15AM
ACADEMIC YEAR : 2022-23 MARKS : 50
CO4: Understand agreement protocols and fault tolerance mechanisms in distributed systems

CO5: Understand peer to peer and distributed shared memory systems in distributed systems


Remembering Applying Evaluating

Understanding Analyzing Creating


1. Compare various issues in failure recovery.

1. Timing failure:
Timing failure occurs when a node in a system correctly sends a response, but the
response arrives earlier or later than anticipated. Timing failures, also known as
performance failures, occur when a node delivers a response that is either earlier
or later than anticipated.
2. Response failure:
When a server’s response is flawed, a response failure occurs. The response’s value
could be off or transmitted using the inappropriate control flow.
3. Omission failure:
A timing issue known as an “infinite late” or omission failure occurs when the node’s
answer never appears to have been sent.
4. Crash failure:
If a node encounters an omission failure once and then totally stops responding and
goes unresponsive, this is known as a crash failure.
5. Arbitrary failure :
A server may produce arbitrary response at arbitrary times.

2. Construct an algorithm for asynchronous checkpointing

This algorithm helps in recovery in asynchronous checkpointing.

The following are the assumptions made:
Communication channels are reliable
Delivery messages in FIFO order
Infinite buffer
Message transmission delay is arbitrary but finite The underlying
computation or application is event-driven: When process P is at states, receives
message m, it processes the message; moves to state s’ and send messages out.
So the triplet (s, m, msgs_sent) represents the state of P. To facilitate
recovery after a process failure and restore the system to a consistent state, two types
of log storage are maintained: Volatile log: It takes short time to access but lost if
processor crash.
The contents of volatile log are moved to stable log periodically. Stable log:
longer time to access but remained if crashed.

3. Organize the results in agreement in a failure

In distributed systems, to achieve a common goal, it is required that sites reach a

mutual agreement. In an example, data managers at each site must agree on whether to
commit or to abort the transaction. In the agreement problems, non-faulty processors in
a distributed system should be able to reach a common agreement even if certain
components in the system are faulty.
A basic tool for ensuring coordination and consistency in a distributed system is an
agreement protocol. Many nodes in a distributed system must collaborate to achieve a
similar goal, yet due to network delays and faults, separate nodes may have different
perspectives of the system state.
An agreement protocol’s purpose is to ensure that all nodes in the system finally
reach the same decision, even if some nodes fail or act maliciously. There are various
forms of agreement protocols, but the consensus protocol is the most well-known and
commonly utilised.

4. Outline the importance of data indexing.

A database index is a data structure that improves the speed of data retrieval
operations on a database table at the cost of additional writes and storage space to
maintain the index data structure. Indexes are used to quickly locate data without
having to search every row in a database table every time said table is accessed.
Indexes can be created using one or more columns of a database table, providing the
basis for both rapid random lookups and efficient access of ordered records.

An index is a copy of selected columns of data, from a table, that is designed to

enable very efficient search. An index normally includes a "key" or direct link to the
original row of data from which it was copied, to allow the complete row to be
retrieved efficiently.

5. Classify the memory consistency models.

Strong Consistency: In a strongly consistent system, all nodes in the system

agree on the order in which operations occurred. Reads will always return the most
recent version of the data, and writes will be visible to all nodes immediately after they
occur. This model provides the highest level of consistency. There are some
performance and availability issues.
Pipelined Random Access Memory Or FIFO Consistency Model: PRAM is
one of the weak consistency models. Here, all processes view the operations of a single
process in the same order that they were issued by that process, while operations issued
by different processes can be viewed in a different order from different processes.
Sequential Consistency Model: This model was proposed by Lamport. In this
sequential consistency model, the result of any execution is the same as if the read and
write operations by all processes were executed in some sequential order and the
operations of each individual process appear in this sequence in the order specified by
its program. The sequential consistency model is weak as compared to the strict
Causal Consistency Model: The causal consistency model was introduced by
Hutto and Ahamad in 1990. It makes sure that All processes see causally-related shared
accesses in the same order. The causal consistency model is weaker as compared to
strict or sequential consistency because the difference between causal consistency and
sequential consistency is that causal consistency does not require a total order.

6. Identify the role of distributed shared memory in distributed systems

DSM is a mechanism that manages memory across multiple nodes and makes
inter-process communications transparent to end-users. The applications will think that
they are running on shared memory. DSM is a mechanism of allowing user processes to
access shared data without using inter-process communications. In DSM every node
has its own memory and provides memory read and write services and it provides
consistency protocols. The distributed shared memory (DSM) implements the shared
memory model in distributed systems but it doesn’t have physical shared memory. All
the nodes share the virtual address space provided by the shared memory model. The
Data moves between the main memories of different nodes.

Types of Distributed shared memory

On-Chip Memory:
 The data is present in the CPU portion of the chip.
 Memory is directly connected to address lines.
 On-Chip Memory DSM is expensive and complex.

Bus-Based Multiprocessors:
 A set of parallel wires called a bus acts as a connection between CPU and memory.
 accessing of same memory simultaneously by multiple CPUs is prevented by using
some algorithms
 Cache memory is used to reduce network traffic.

Ring-Based Multiprocessors:
 There is no global centralized memory present in Ring-based DSM.
 All nodes are connected via a token passing ring.
 In ring-bases DSM a single address line is divided into the shared area.

Object DSM: in that class of approaches, shared data are objects i.e. variables with
access functions. In his applications, the user has only to define which data (objects) are
shared. The whole management of the shared objects (creation, access, modification) is
handled by the DSM system. In opposite of SVM systems which work at operating
system layer, objects DSM systems actually propose a programming model alternative
to the classical message-passing.
In any case, implementing a DSM system implies to address problems of data location,
data access, sharing and locking of data, data coherence. Such problems are not specific
to parallelism but have connections with distributed or replicated databases
management systems (transactional model), networks (data migrations), uniprocessor
operating systems (concurrent programming), distributed systems.
Advantages of Distributed shared memory
 Simpler abstraction: Programmer need not concern about data movement, As the
address space is the same it is easier to implement than RPC.
 Easier portability: The access protocols used in DSM allow for a natural transition
from sequential to distributed systems. DSM programs are portable as they use a
common programming interface.
 locality of data: Data moved in large blocks i.e. data near to the current memory
location that is being fetched, may be needed future so it will be also fetched.
 on-demand data movement: It provided by DSM will eliminate the data exchange
 larger memory space: It provides large virtual memory space, the total memory size is
the sum of the memory size of all the nodes, paging activities are reduced.
 Better Performance: DSM improve performance and efficiency by speeding up access
to data.
 Flexible communication environment: They can join and leave DSM system without
affecting the others as there is no need for sender and receiver to existing,
 process migration simplified: They all share the address space so one process can
easily be moved to a different machine.
Apart from the above-mentioned advantages, DSM has furthermore advantages like:
 Less expensive when compared to using a multiprocessor system.
 No bottlenecks in data access.
 Scalability i.e. Scales are pretty good with a large number of nodes.

DSM Architecture
· Each node of the system consist of one or more CPUs and memory unit
· Nodes are connected by high speed communication network
· Simple message passing system for nodes to exchange information
· Main memory of individual nodes is used to cache pieces of shared memory space
· Memory mapping manager routine maps local memory to shared virtual memory
· Shared memory space is partitioned into blocks
· Shared memory of DSM exist only virtually
· Data caching is used in DSM system to reduce network latency
· The basic unit of caching is a memory block
· The missing block is migrate from the remote node to the client process’s node and
operating system maps into the application’s address space
· Data block keep migrating from one node to another on demand but no
communication is visible to the user processes
· If data is not available in local memory network block fault is generated.
7. Illustrate how memory consistency models are implemented in Distributed
At the heart of any distributed system, lies the very principle that ensures that they are a
delight to use - consistency. You see, consistency in a distributed system ensures that all
users view the same data at the same time, irrespective of their location or the part of the
system they are accessing.

To understand this better, consider this - You're at an online auction, and you're locked in a
fierce bidding war for a cherished piece of artwork. The stakes are high, the competition is
stiff, and your eyes are glued to the screen, waiting for the next bid. Suddenly, you find that
the auction has ended, and someone else won the item because your screen did not update
in real-time. How would that make you feel? Frustrated, right? That's exactly what can
happen in a distributed system without a proper consistency model.

Consistency ensures that all updates in the system are reflected across all nodes (servers) in
real-time or near-real-time, giving all users a uniform view and experience of the system.
Without consistency, every interaction with a distributed system, like the auction we
discussed, can turn into an unpredictable and frustrating experience.

Consistency: The Invisible Conductor

Now, let's imagine our distributed system as an orchestra. Each computer (or server) is an
instrument, and the data they hold are the musical notes. The audience (users) are here for a
delightful symphony. But, what happens if each instrument starts playing its own tune, with
no coordination with the others? The result would be far from harmonious!

Just as an orchestra requires a conductor to synchronize every instrument's notes, a

distributed system needs consistency to synchronize its data across all servers. It's like an
invisible conductor, ensuring every part of the system plays the same tune at the same time,
thus creating the beautiful symphony that we users experience.

Consistency: The Key to Reliable Distributed Systems

Consistency not only improves the user experience but also ensures the overall reliability
and trustworthiness of the system. Consider an online banking application. You've just paid
your bills and want to check your updated balance. You expect your balance to
immediately reflect the deducted amount. But what if it doesn't? What if the balance
remains unchanged or takes hours to update? Such inconsistencies could result in distrust
and dissatisfaction, impacting the system's reputation.

Consistency, therefore, plays a pivotal role in keeping systems reliable, trustworthy, and
user-friendly. It's one of the fundamental principles ensuring that our interaction with
technology is smooth and intuitive, despite the complex mechanics at work behind the

The Consistency Challenge

Consistency, while highly desirable, is not always easy to achieve in distributed systems. It
requires careful design, thorough testing, and continuous monitoring. The very nature of
distributed systems, with their various independent nodes spread across different
geographical locations, introduces latency. This latency, or delay, can sometimes make
maintaining consistency a challenging task.

Yet, the challenge is worth taking on. The seamless, enjoyable, and reliable experience that
a consistent distributed system provides is invaluable. It is what keeps users coming back,
and what enables distributed systems to support critical applications that we rely on daily,
from online shopping and banking to social media and entertainment.

In our upcoming sections, we will delve into the various models or 'patterns' of consistency
used in distributed systems. Each comes with its unique set of benefits and challenges. Our
goal? To help you understand these patterns and guide you in choosing the most suitable
one for your use case. So, hold tight as we continue our journey into the captivating world
of distributed systems and the crucial role of consistency within them.

Consistency Models in Distributed Systems

To start with, what is a consistency model? Picture this - a consistency model is like the
rulebook for a game. It defines how the players (servers, in our case) should play, how they
interact with each other, and how they present a unified front to the audience (users).

In the realm of distributed systems, a consistency model lays down the rules about reading
and writing data across multiple servers. It determines how updates are propagated,
ensuring all users see the same data at the same time. The type of consistency model
chosen can greatly impact the performance, scalability, and reliability of the system.

The three commonly used consistency models are - Eventual Consistency, Strong
Consistency, and Causal Consistency. Each one provides a different level of consistency
and suits different kinds of applications. Let's explore each of these models in detail.

Eventual Consistency

Think of Eventual Consistency as the cool, laid-back player in the game. This model
follows the principle of 'relaxed consistency', where the system is allowed to be in an
inconsistent state temporarily, with the promise that it will eventually become consistent.

Imagine you're playing a game of 'Telephone' with friends. You whisper a phrase to the
person next to you, who then whispers it to the next person, and so on. By the time it
reaches the last person, the phrase might have changed. However, if everyone repeats the
process enough times, eventually, everyone will hear the same phrase. That's the essence of
eventual consistency!

Strong Consistency

Now, let's meet the strict disciplinarian of the lot - Strong Consistency. In this model, every
read operation must return the most recent write operation. This model insists on 'absolute
consistency', meaning all changes to the system are instantly seen by all servers and,
subsequently, all users.

Visualize a synchronized swimming team, where every move made by a swimmer is

immediately mirrored by all other swimmers. No swimmer is allowed to lag behind or get
ahead. They all perform in perfect sync, presenting a unified front to the audience. That's
what strong consistency looks like in a distributed system!

Causal Consistency
Last but not least, meet the balanced player, Causal Consistency. This model finds a middle
ground between eventual and strong consistency. It ensures that related events are seen by
all servers in the same order, while unrelated events can be seen in any order.

To understand this, picture a multi-threaded conversation on a social media platform.

Replies to a particular comment should appear in the order they were posted. However,
unrelated comments can appear at any time, without affecting the overall conversation.
That's causal consistency for you!

Comparing the Models

While each model has its own strengths and weaknesses, it's important to remember that no
one model is inherently 'better' than the others. The choice depends largely on the specific
requirements of the system. Some applications might prioritize data availability and can
afford to have temporary inconsistencies, making eventual consistency a good fit. Other
applications might require strict consistency at all times, in which case, strong consistency
is the way to go. Yet, some might need a balance of the two, making causal consistency an
attractive option.

As we continue our journey, we will delve deeper into each of these models. We'll explore
their advantages, disadvantages, and real-world applications. We'll also look at some
strategies used to implement these models, helping you gain a robust understanding of
consistency in distributed systems.

Implementing Strong Consistency: Examples in the Real World

Despite these challenges, Strong Consistency has its place in the world of distributed
systems, particularly in applications where data consistency is of paramount importance.
Google's Bigtable and Spanner databases are prime examples of systems that implement
Strong Consistency.

Bigtable provides a consistent view of the data by using a single-master design, where one
server coordinates all write operations. In contrast, Spanner uses a global clock (TrueTime)
to synchronize updates across all servers, providing strong consistency while maintaining
high availability.

As we journey ahead, we'll delve deeper into the workings of such systems, exploring the
strategies they use to implement Strong Consistency, and the various factors to consider
when choosing this model for your system.

Unlocking the Mysteries of Causal Consistency in Distributed Systems

At the heart of Causal Consistency is a focus on preserving the order of related events. In a
causally consistent system, if there's a cause-effect relationship between operations, they
appear in the same order to all nodes. But for unrelated operations? Well, they could appear
in any order, and that's perfectly fine.

Imagine a string of dominoes toppling one after the other. The fall of each domino causes
the next one to fall, creating a causal relationship. Now, if we had multiple such strings
falling in parallel, it wouldn't matter which string fell first as long as the order within each
string was maintained. That's causal consistency for you!

8. Explain in detail about consensus and agreement algorithms.

Agreement among the processes in a distributed system is a fundamental requirement
for a wide range of applications. Many forms of coordination require the processes to
exchange information to negotiate with one another and eventually reach a common
understanding or agreement, before taking application-specific actions. A classical example
is that of the commit decision in database systems, wherein the processes collectively
decide whether to commit or abort a transaction that they participate in. In this chapter, we
study the feasibility of designing algorithms to reach agreement under various system
models and failure models, and, where possible, examine some representative algorithms to
reach agreement. We first state some assumptions underlying our study of agreement
• Failure models Among the n processes in the system, at most f processes can be
faulty. A faulty process can behave in any manner allowed by the failure model assumed.
The various failure models – fail-stop, send omission and receive omission, and Byzantine
failures – were discussed in Chapter 5. Recall that in the fail-stop model, a process may
crash in the middle of a step, which could be the execution of a local operation or
processing of a message for a send or receive event. In particular, it may send a message to
only a subset of the destination set before crashing. In the Byzantine failure model, a
process may behave arbitrarily. The choice of the failure model determines the feasibility
and complexity of solving consensus.
• Synchronous/asynchronous communication If a failure-prone process chooses to
send a message to process Pi but fails, then Pi cannot detect the non-arrival of the message
in an asynchronous system because this scenario is indistinguishable from the scenario in
which the message takes a very long time in transit. We will see this argument again when
we consider the impossibility of reaching agreement in asynchronous systems in any failure
model. In a synchronous system, however, the scenario in which a message has not been
sent can be recognized by the intended recipient, at the end of the round. The intended
recipient can deal with the non-arrival of the expected message by assuming the arrival of a
message containing some default data, and then proceeding with the next round of the
algorithm. • Network connectivity The system has full logical connectivity, i.e., each
process can communicate with any other by direct message passing.
• Sender identification A process that receives a message always knows the identity of
the sender process. This assumption is important – because even with Byzantine behavior,
even though the payload of the message can contain fictitious data sent by a malicious
sender, the underlying network layer protocols can reveal the true identity of the sender
process. When multiple messages are expected from the same sender in a single round, we
implicitly assume a scheduling algorithm that sends these messages in sub-rounds, so that
each message sent within the round can be uniquely identified.
• Channel reliability The channels are reliable, and only the processes may fail (under
one of various failure models). This is a simplifying assumption in our study. As we will
see even with this simplifying assumption, the agreement problem is either unsolvable, or
solvable in a complex manner.
• Authenticated vs. non-authenticated messages In our study, we will be dealing
only with unauthenticated messages. With unauthenticated messages, when a faulty process
relays a message to other processes, (i) it can forge the message and claim that it was
received from another process, and (ii) it can also tamper with the contents of a received
message before relaying it. When a process receives a message, it has no way to verify its
authenticity. An unauthenticated message is also called an oral message or an unsigned
message. Using authentication via techniques such as digital signatures, it is easier to solve
the agreement problem because, if some process forges a message or tampers with the
contents of a received message before relaying it, the recipient can detect the forgery or
tampering. Thus, faulty processes can inflict less damage.
• Agreement variable The agreement variable may be boolean or multivalued, and
need not be an integer. When studying some of the more complex algorithms, we will use a
boolean variable. This simplifying assumption does not affect the results for other data
types, but helps in the abstraction while presenting the algorithms.




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