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Serving within the Church. Serving within the Community

Serving in the Local Church:

In the process of growing as a Christian it is very important that you get involved in serving.
Serving in ministry is one of the most rewarding areas to living for God. In this lesson we will
share the importance of serving and challenge you to look within to find your strengths and
passions. Serving in ministry at the local church is something you need to make a priority in
your life. God created you to walk in His purpose for your life. It would be very easy to remain
in your comfort zone and not grow through serving but that’s the goal: TO GET OUT OF YOUR

Let’s get started!

I Corinthians Ch. 9: 19 For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto
all, that I might gain (win) the more.

• Everybody can be great, because anybody can serve.

• There isn’t a certain age that starts you to serving and there isn’t an age that stops you from
• The only thing you need today is a willing heart to get involved!
Some people say that they want to serve God, but they don’t want to serve, work, or wait on
Well Paul felt the same way in I Corinthians but he said,
“I made myself servant unto all”
• This is something we must work at
• Our flesh does not delight in serving others.
• Our flesh doesn’t like the work or the humility involved at times….
• Working, serving, and ministering is not for the weak at heart.

But when you begin to desire to be like Christ and you desire a relationship with our Lord,
serving will be a nature that you take on!

Serving others, serving your community, serving and being a part of your pastor's vision within
the local assembly…is your opportunity to being a servant to God. It is easy to just show up to
church, and even drop a tithes envelope in the plate, what isn’t easy is working and serving.
Working and serving is tough and at times overwhelming but this is where the intimacy and
commitment to Christ comes into action.
Serving is not convenient.

Serving is not glorious.

Serving is not easy work.


People can write down all kinds of tactics, growth models, and organizational charts but if
people aren’t willing to work then it all falls apart. TPLC is a church that understands the
importance of quality and excellence. The ONLY WAY we can walk in quality and excellence is
if people fall in love with serving in ministry. The gifting and passion that God put in you NEEDS
TO BE USED for His glory!

What partly made Nehemiah so great was the bible said that the people helping him had a
mind to work.

People see the suits and the pretty clothes on Sunday and at conferences and can be greatly
deceived. If you desire to have a growing, thriving personal ministry you better check your
toolbox for something called HARD WORK because it is a necessity that is often avoided.

Have you ever visited a luxurious and five star restaurant? When you walk in the ambiance is
amazing. The atmosphere is beautiful, the dining room is spotless, and the workers are first
class. When the waiter comes with your food and you enjoy the delicious meal you are
overwhelmed with the entire experience and the quality of the food. The presentation of the
restaurant is FIRST CLASS however if you were to peak behind the doors of the kitchen you
would find a much more chaotic and stressful environment.

In the kitchen you will find pure craziness at times. There are heads of lettuce slung
everywhere, dishes stacked up, people running around frantically, fire from the stove shooting
high into the air, yelling, and screaming. Each person in the kitchen is working together for a
common purpose however in the kitchen you will find a much different experience than in the
restaurant floor.

Please understand as you transition from being served in the restaurant to serving in the
kitchen there will be significant transformations to your comfort level. Stress, fire, chaos, and
straight talk from one another will take place. Are you willing to SERVE?

Serving and working for the Kingdom is by far the greatest investment we can make and the
greatest honor we could have, however let us understand that it requires grit and toughness.
When Elijah faced off with the Prophets of Baal he called down fire and God demonstrated
before everyone that day His power and authority of being the One True LIVING GOD! Wow!
Imagine for one moment the excitement that came to all those watching. While the onlookers
left that day encouraged and excited Elijah left EXHAUSTED. When you go from being a
receiver to a giver it will require something from you. This is why we must pursue a journey of
consecration so that your vessel is ready to receive from God and give to His people.

Jesus himself served others. In fact, His whole life He was serving!

Jesus said, “The son of man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give my life as
ransom for many”

Galatians Ch. 5:13 For brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; (freedom) only use not your
liberty (freedom) for an occasion to the flesh, but by LOVE SERVE ONE ANOTHER.

God robed himself in flesh and came to this earth and began serving the needs of the people
and helping them because He loves them.

St. John Ch. 12: 25) He that loveth his life shall lose it, and he that hateth his life in this world
shall keep it unto life eternal. 26) If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am,
there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honor.

• It’s not saying we should hate our actual lives, this is an illustration that is trying to get us to
understand the purpose of our life.
• Yes we need jobs to provide for our families and ourselves, yes we should enjoy them, but
let us NEVER let that come before God
• NEVER lose focus of why you are here, why you are alive, and why you were created!
• You were made and created to LOVE GOD and TO LOVE HIS PEOPLE!

Serving the Community:

In Matthew Ch. 25: Jesus tells us that when we serve those that are in need or seem
insignificant, we have done it unto Him.

• When we serve the hungry in our community, we are SERVING and Showing love to Him
• When we give someone in need a glass of water, we are serving Jesus a glass of water
• When we give to the poor, we are giving to Jesus
• When we clothe a stranger that is in need, we are serving Jesus.
• When we visit prisoners in the jail, we are able to serve those that are incarcerated and
preach the gospel to them. We are being a Servant Unto All!

Because the scripture said in Matthew Ch. 25:43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in:
naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.
We can talk all day with our lips how much we love people, but it comes down to our actions.
What are we doing to show the love of God in our community and among God’s people?

I don’t see in the scripture where the bible says that we pick and choose who we serve, who
we help, or who we preach this great gospel to. It says we minister to all, to whosoever will,
and we are a servant unto all!

• Brothers and sisters we cannot discriminate who we serve

• It doesn’t matter your income status, social status, or your ethnicity.

I Corinthians Ch. 9: 19 For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto
all, that I might gain (win) the more.

Where Do I Begin?

The next step is to discover your strengths, your passion, and look at the needs in the church.

1. What are your strengths?

This is a very important question. You need to think about what gifting’s you have and what
things come naturally to you.

Your strengths could be anything:

• Singing
• Musician
• Technology
• Administration
• Organizing
• Talking with people
• to raise money
• to promote events
• to clean
• Have a CDL license endorsement
• Graphic Design
• Teaching
• cooking

Think about all your strengths and make a list of them.

2. What Are You Passionate About?

One thing you cannot teach is passion. You don’t have to be good at something to be
passionate about it. However, when you are doing something you are passionate about hardly
ever will we need to worry about your follow through, because you have passion. Also, when
you are passionate about something “burn out” is rare. Burn out is when someone gets tired
of doing what they are doing.

Your passion can be anything! Please make a list of general areas that you are passionate

3. What Are The Needs?

The final thing we want to evaluate are the needs within the church. If we can find the “sweet
spot” for you of something you have a STRENGTH in…..and have a PASSION for……we will have
the area you need to start serving in.

You can be good at something but not be passionate about it…..ex. musician

You can be passionate about something and not be good at it….ex. singing

If we can find a NEED within the church that you are passionate about and good at….THIS IS

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