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Class 5


1.The water cycle has ___stages

A.1 B.3 C.4
2. Evaporation occurs in the __
A.Earth B.Clouds C.Atmosphere
3.The rotation of the earth causes
A.Day and night B.Change In Season C.Climate change
4.The revolution of the earth causes
A.Day and night B.Season change C.change in temperature
5.The sun is in a fixed position
A.True B.false
6.The sun rises from ___
A.West B.East C.North
7.A full day is made up of
A.24 hours B.12 hours C.One day
8.The part of the earth with sunlight is called
A.Day B.Night C.Noon
9.How many hours does it take the earth to make a complete rotation
A.24 B.132 C360
10.The dark portion of the earth is referred to as
A.Noon B.Day C.Night
11.Water droplets formed on leaves on cold mornings is called
A.Dew B.Rain C.Water
12.In the water cycle, condensation occurs in the__
A.clouds B.Earth C.Trees
13.The process whereby plants lose water is called
A.Transpiration B.Evaporation C.Melting
14.The process whereby water turns into water vapour is called
A.Melting B.Transpiration C.Evapouration
15.The process whereby rain fall occurs is also termed as
A.precipatation B.Evapouration C.Condensation
16.Water from the sky is called
A.water B.Rain C.Vapour
17Smoke from vehicles is called
A.Oxygen B.Carbon monoxide C.Carbon dioxide
18.Humans breath in
A.Hydrogen B.Carbon C.Oxygen
19.Water is made up of
A.Hydrogen and oxygen B.Oxygen and carbon dioxide C.Hydrogen and carbon dioxide
20.How many seasons are experienced in Ghana
A.3 B.4 C.2
1.How many stages comprise the water cycle
B.Mention them
2.What is evaporation
B. Define condensation
3.The water cycle is also known as___
B.What causes day and night
4.Give five 5 benefits of the sun

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