Creon for king

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 Creon for king :

The city of Thebes is cursed with a plague until the murderer of

Laius is discovered and banished from the land. As Creon and
Oedipus work to save Thebes, their different qualities show who
is a better fit to be king. Oedipus saved Thebes once from the
sphinx; however, Oedipus’ qualities of being arrogant, intense,
and stubborn cause him to foil with Creon's character traits of
being selfless, calm, and forgiving. According to Merriam
Webster, a leader is someone who leads or guides. Because
Creon’s character traits portray a desirable leader, Creon is a
better fit to be king of Thebes.As King of Thebes, Oedipus is
looked up to in times of hardship to guide the people, but in this
part of the play, his arrogance is more notable than his heroic
actions. Later, while addressing the citizens of Thebes, Oedipus
shares, “I acted at once. I sent Creon my wife’s own brother to
Delphi - Apollo the Prophet’s oracle - to learn what I might do or
say to save our city” (81-84). In similar words, Oedipus sent
Creon to go to the Oracle instead of going himself. Without
Creon being selfless and journeying to Delphi to consult the
Oracle Thebes would have no guidance from the gods on how to
rid the plague from Thebes. Because Creon was selfless, while
Oedipus was arrogant, Creon is a better suit to be king of Thebes.

 Role of Creon :
In "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles, Creon plays a significant role as
both a character and a catalyst in the unfolding of the tragic
events. Here are the key aspects of his role:

1 Advisor and Brother-in-Law :

Creon is Oedipus's brother-in-law and trusted advisor. He is a
stabilizing figure in the royal family, known for his reason and
loyalty to Thebes. At the play's start, he is sent by Oedipus to the
Oracle of Delphi to seek advice on how to end the plague
afflicting Thebes.

2. Bearer of Important News :

Upon his return from the oracle, Creon brings the crucial news
that the plague will only end when the murderer of the previous
king, Laius, is found and expelled from Thebes. This information
sets the main plot in motion, leading Oedipus to vow to find and
punish the murderer.

3. Accused of Treason :
As the investigation progresses, Oedipus becomes increasingly
paranoid and suspects Creon of conspiring against him. Oedipus
accuses Creon of plotting to overthrow him and seize the throne.
Creon, maintaining his innocence, argues rationally and appeals
to Oedipus’s sense of justice, showing his loyalty and integrity.

4. Voice of Reason :
Creon represents reason and calm judgment in contrast to
Oedipus's emotional and impulsive nature. He advocates for
measured responses and due process, highlighting the dangers of
rash decisions. His interactions with Oedipus emphasize the
theme of blindness and insight, as Oedipus’s figurative blindness
to the truth contrasts with Creon’s clear-sightedness.

5. Restorer of Order :
After the truth of Oedipus's birth and his unwitting crimes is
revealed, and Jocasta commits suicide, Oedipus blinds himself
and relinquishes the throne. Creon steps in to restore order in
Thebes. He shows compassion and responsibility, offering
support to Oedipus even in his downfall and taking charge of the
city’s welfare.

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