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Humanities &

Social Science
2023, Asia
What’s New?

An exciting new collection of titles recommended for 2023

Child Development: Life-Span Development Experience Human Methods in Behavioral

An Introduction John W. Santrock Development Research
John W. Santrock Edition: 19 Diane E. Papalia, Paul Cozby, Scott Bates
Edition: 16 Gabriela Martorell Edition: 15
Edition: 15
17 21 24 25

Understanding Human Essentials of Understanding Understanding Psychology

Sexuality Psychology Robert S. Feldman
Janet Hyde, John DeLamater Robert S. Feldman Edition: 16
Edition: 15 Edition: 15

27 28 33


Humanities and Social Science


Psychology - Applied
Sports Psychology 12

Psychology - Clinical
Abnormal Psychology 13

Psychology - Developmental
Adolescence 15
Child Development
Child Development - Topical 16
Educational Psychology 18
Human Development/Lifespan - Chronological 19
Human Development/Lifespan -
Chronological & Topical 22
Human Development/Lifespan - Topical 23

Psychology - Experimental
Research Methods 25

Psychology - Human Sexuality

Human Sexuality 27

Psychology - Introductory
Introductory Psychology 28

Psychology - Social And Personality

Health Psychology 34
Personality 34
Social Psychology 35


Part 2: Mental Training for Performance
Sports Psychology Enhancement
9. Psychological Characteristics of Peak
Applied Sport Psychology:

Personal Growth to Peak
Performance 10. Increasing Awareness for Sport Performance
11. Goal Setting for Peak Performance
Jean M. Williams, Vikki Krane
12. Understanding and Managing Stress in Sport
Edition: 8 13. Using Imagery as a Mental Training Tool in
560 Pages
Print: 9781260575569 14. Cognitive Techniques for Building Confidence
Connect: 9781260391015
and Enhancing Performance
15. Concentration and Strategies for Controlling It
16. Mindfulness in Sport
Part 3: Implementing a Training Program
OVERVIEW 17. Integrating and Implementing a Psychological
Applied Sport Psychology, Eighth Edition, presents
Skills Training Program
to the reader sport psychological theories,
18. A Social-Cognitive Approach to Conducting
strategies, and techniques used by coaches and
Evidence Based Coach-Training Programs
sport psychologists to cultivate peak performance
19. Gender, Diversity, and Cultural Competence
and personal growth. Williams and Krane bridge
Part 4: Enhancing Health and Well-Being
the gap between research and practice by using
20. When to Refer Athletes to Other Helping
examples, exercises, case studies, and anecdotes
- helping students to think more critically and to Professionals
apply their knowledge to real-world situations. 21. Doping in Sport: Causes and Cures
This Eighth Edition includes a new chapter on 22. Athlete Burnout: An Individual and
mindfulness in sport and updates that reflect the Organizational Phenomenon
latest statistics and research from the field. 23. Injury Risk and Rehabilitation: Psychological
FEATURES 24. Athletes’ Careers and Transitions
• New Mindfulness in Sport chapter. 25. Exercise and Physical Activity Participation:
• Chapters reflect the latest research, practice, and An Identity-Centered Approach
anecdotal examples in applied sport psychology
to provide up-to-date examples that pique
students’ interests.
• New exercises and case studies help students to
think more critically and to apply content to real-
world situations.

1. Sport Psychology: Past, Present, Future
Part 1: Learning, Motivation, and Social
2. Motor Skill Learning for Effective Coaching
and Performance
3. A Positive Approach to Coaching
Effectiveness and Performance Enhancement
4. The Motivational Climate, Motivation, and
Implications for Empowering Athletes
and the Promotion of the Quality of Sport
5. The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Theory: When
Coaches’ Expectations Become Reality
6. Leadership in Sports: The Critical Importance
of Coach and Athlete Leadership
7. The Sport Team as an Effective Group
8. Communicating Effectively

• Shades of Grey case studies in the text provide
Abnormal Psychology students with an opportunity to respond to an
ambiguous case that illustrates the complexity
Abnormal Psychology

in judging abnormal and normal behavior. These
Clinical Perspectives
case studies help students differentiate and
Psychological Disorders
understand the complexities of psychological
Susan Nolen-Hoeksema disorders.
Edition: 9 • In Connect: Interactive Case Studies—designed
704 Pages to help students understand and differentiate
Print: 9781265237769 psychological disorders. Twelve cases are
Connect: 9781266568039
delivered in a modular format and use a game-
based approach including glowing objects and
rewards points. The cases can be assigned and
graded via Connect.
The ninth edition of Susan Nolen-Hoeksema’s • In Connect: Faces of Abnormal Psychology—a
Abnormal Psychology now authored by Dr. digital learning environment that provides
Heather Jennings, continues her mission to create students with an opportunity to observe and
a program that blends the most contemporary interact with real people living with psychological
research on psychological disorders with disorders. Through its unique, interactive video
compassion for those who live with these disorders. program, Faces presents students with an
Abnormal Psychology personalizes the human opportunity to develop their critical thinking
experience, while helping students think critically skills and gain a deeper understanding of
and apply their knowledge through activities in psychological disorders.
McGraw Hill’s digital learning platform, Connect®.
FEATURES 1. Looking at Abnormality
• New Author: Dr. Heather Jennings is a professor 2. Theories and Treatment of Abnormality
of psychology at Mercer County Community 3. Assessing and Diagnosing Abnormality
College in West Windsor, New Jersey, where 4. The Research Endeavor
her teaching career spans almost 20 years. 5. Trauma, Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive, and
Dr. Jennings completed her Master of Arts Related Disorders
degree in Clinical Psychology from Columbia 6. Somatic Symptom and Dissociative Disorders
University, Teachers College and earned her 7. Mood Disorders and Suicide
PhD in Educational Psychology from Temple 8. Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic
University. The foundation of this title is based on Disorders
the outstanding scholarship of the late Dr. Susan 9. Personality Disorders
Nolen-Hoeksema. Dr. Jennings continues Nolen- 10. Neurodevelopmental and Neurocognitive
Hoeksema’s vision in this new edition. Disorders
• Guide to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: This 11. Disruptive, Impulse-Control, and Conduct
guide, found in the preface, outlines where in the Disorders
text studies and researchers representing diverse 12. Eating Disorders
national and international samples and issues are 13. Sexual Disorders
represented in each chapter. 14. Substance Use and Gambling Disorders
• COVID-19 Information: New areas looking into 15. Health Psychology
topics related to COVID-19. Largely found in the 16. Mental Health and the Law
following chapters: 1,2, 5-8, 15.
• Along the Continuum diagrams in each chapter
that present the continuum model of human
behavior and psychological disorders. These
diagrams show students that there is continuing
evidence that there is no dividing line between
normal variations in thoughts, emotions, and
behaviors that we would label as “abnormal.”

Abnormal Psychology • You Be the Judge: Feature where a specific
Clinical Perspectives aspect of a disorder is highlighted and students
Psychological Disorders are presented with two sides of an issue and a

Susan Krauss Whitbourne question to answer, helping students see the

ethical issues that psychologists grapple with are
Edition: 10
2023© an integral part of research and practice.
464 Pages
Print: 9781265239428 CONTENTS
Connect: 9781266566486
1. Overview to Understanding Abnormal
2. Diagnosis and Treatment
OVERVIEW 3. Assessment
Presenting the human side of Psychological 4. Theoretical Perspectives
Disorders. Susan Krauss Whitbourne’s Abnormal 5. Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Psychology: Clinical Perspectives on Psychological 6. Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic
Disorders, shows students real-life portrayals of Disorders
psychological disorders through an extensive use 7. Depressive and Bipolar Disorders
of clinical and online case studies, biographies, and 8. Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive, and Trauma-
first-person quotations. and Stressor-Related Disorders
9. Dissociative and Somatic Symptom Disorders
The program maintains the biopsychosocial
10. Feeding and Eating Disorders; Elimination
approach, incorporating biological, psychological,
Disorders; Sleep-Wake Disorders; and
and sociocultural contributions to psychological
Disruptive, Impulse-Control, and Conduct
disorders, also acknowledging the evolution
of psychological disorders over the lifespan. Disorders
The tenth edition ties concepts together with 11. Paraphilic Disorders, Sexual Dysfunctions,
an integrated, personalized learning program, and Gender Dysphoria
providing students the insight they need to study 12. Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders
smarter and improve performance. 13. Neurocognitive Disorders
14. Personality Disorders
FEATURES 15. Ethical and Legal Issues
• Guide to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion:
Located in the preface, this guide outlines where
in each chapter content related to diversity,
equity, and inclusion are located.
• COVID-19: The mental health impacts of
the COVID-19 pandemic have been added
• Case-Based Approach: this approach helps
students understand the human side of
psychological disorders. Includes Case Reports
and Mini Cases in each chapter.
• Real Stories: Present biographies and first-
person quotations that give students insight
into the feelings of people who live with the
disorders presented in each chapter. Many
of the Real Stories are about individuals who
are recognizable to undergraduates, giving
their stories relevance, helping them develop
a humanistic view of those with psychological

• Connecting Development to the Real World:
Adolescence In this edition, real-life connections are explicitly
made through the chapter opening vignette,

Connecting with Health and Well-Being,
John W. Santrock
Connecting with Adolescents, Connecting with
Edition: 18 Emerging Adults, and Connecting with Careers.
624 Pages
Print: 9781260571318
Connect: 9781260449198 1. Introduction
Appendix: Careers in Adolescent and Emerging
Adult Development
2. Puberty, Health and Biological Foundations
3. The Brain and Cognitive Development
4. The Self, Identity, Emotion, and Personality
OVERVIEW 5. Gender
As a master teacher, John Santrock connects
6. Sexuality
current research with real-world application,
7. Moral Development, Values, and Religion
helping students see how developmental
8. Families
psychology plays a role in their own lives and
9. Peers, Romantic Relationships, and Lifestyles
future careers. Through an integrated learning
10. Schools
goals system, this comprehensive approach to
adolescent development helps students gain the 11. Achievement, Work and Career
insight they need to study smarter, stay focused, 12. Culture
and improve performance. 13. Problems in Adolescence and Emerging
FEATURES McGraw-Hill Education’s Psychology APA
• Guide to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Documentation Style Guide
Special attention is given to diversity, equity, and
inclusion (DEI) in this new edition, including the Adolescence
updating of preferred pronouns and terminology Laurence Steinberg
and ensuring that the citations of studies and
researchers represent diverse and global Edition: 13
populations and topics. This guide is found in the 560 Pages
preface and outlines a chapter-by-chapter list of Print: 9781265197285
Connect: 9781265735357
related topics involving DEI issues and research.
• Updated with more than 1,400 citations from
2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022.
• New main section: “Schools and the Coronavirus
Pandemic” has been added on how K-12 and
college education had to quickly reconfigure OVERVIEW
to address the challenge and some of the As a well-respected researcher, Laurence Steinberg
immediate outcomes. connects current research with real-world
application, helping students see the similarities
• The Learning Goals System provides extensive and differences in adolescent development
learning connections throughout the chapters. across different social, economic, and cultural
The learning system connects the chapter backgrounds. Through an integrated, personalized
opening outline, learning goals for the chapter, digital earning program, students gain the insight
mini-chapter maps that open each main section they need, to study smarter, stay focused, and
of the chapter, Review, Connect, Reflect improve their performance.
questions at the end of each main section, and
the chapter summary at the end of each chapter. FEATURES
• Developmental Connections, appear multiple • Guide to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion:
times in each chapter and point readers to Found in the preface, this guide outlines where in
where the topic is discussed in a previous or each chapter DEI content can be found. The new
subsequent chapter. edition has been fully revised and updated with
topics related to diversity, equity, and inclusion
in mind.

• Contextual Approach: Showing students how
the experience of adolescence is tied to the Child Development
social context. The text integrates discussions of

ethnicity and culture throughout every chapter,

Gabriela Martorell
showing both similarities and differences in
adolescent development in different cultures. Edition: 3
• Connections: Four sets of questions interspersed 528 Pages
throughout the text ask students to think Print: 9781265240516
Connect: 9781264461257
more deeply about research findings. Making
the Cultural Connection asks students to
contemplate how particular findings might, or
might not, change if the research were carried
out in a different cultural context. Making the
Personal Connection asks students to think about
their own adolescent experience in the context OVERVIEW
of research. Making the Scientific Connection Child, Third Edition, is a brief but thorough account
asks students to consider a finding’s scientific of human development from conception through
implications. Making the Practical Connection adolescence, exposing students to substantial
challenges students to think about how a finding amounts of culture and diversity and immersing
might inform policy or practice. them in practical application. Child combines a
commitment to scholarly content, critical thinking,
CONTENTS and real-life application of theory with a visually
Introduction: The Study of Adolescent engaging and dynamic, interactive format.
The Boundaries of Adolescence
• Guide to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion:
A Framework for Studying Adolescence
Information in this text is informed by
Theoretical Perspectives on Adolescence
research drawn from a wide variety of journals
Stereotypes Versus Scientific Study dedicated to investigating the diversity of
Part 1: The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence human psychology. This guide, found in the
1. Biological Transitions preface outlines where in the text studies and
2. Cognitive Transitions researchers representing diverse national and
3. Social Transitions international samples and issues are represented
Part 2: The Contexts of Adolescence in each chapter.
4. Families
• COVID-19 Information: New sections in the
5. Peer Groups
3rd edition examine topics related to COVID-19.
6. Schools
Largely found in the following chapters:
7. Work, Leisure, and Media
1, 3-5, 11-15.
Part 3: Psychosocial Development During
Adolescence • Expanded and Updated coverage in many key
8. Identity areas including brain development, gender
9. Autonomy differences and gender typing, aggression
10. Intimacy and bullying, and the influences of media on
11. Sexuality development.
12. Achievement • New sections throughout the text focusing on
13. Psychosocial Problems in Adolescence topics that have arisen in public consciousness
in recent years are also included, such as:
COVID-19, cultural influences on motor
development, alcohol and nicotine use in
adolescence, and transgender children.
• Perspectives on Diversity: This feature highlights
cross-cultural issues of interest addressed from a
global perspective.

• Support for Student Engagement: Did You FEATURES
Know? Features introduce relevant, interesting • More than 1,300 updated citations from 2017,
facts about concepts to further engage students. 2018, and 2019

What Do You Do? and What Do You Think?
• Updated and expanded research and content
Features support application of concepts and
especially covering cultural factors (expanded
theories to the real world.
international coverage), biological factors, gender
CONTENTS similarities and differences, digital technology, and
family socioeconomic and demographic factors.
1. Introduction to Child Development
2. Conception, Heredity, and Environment • McGraw Hill’s Connect® is now available with
3. Pregnancy and Prenatal Development the new 16th edition. This will include Power of
4. Birth and the Newborn Process, SmartBook, and more!
5. Physical Development, 0 to 3
6. Cognitive Development, 0 to 3 CONTENTS
7. Psychosocial Development, 0 to 3 Section 1: The Nature of Child Development
8. Physical Development and Health in 1. Introduction
Early Childhood Section 2: Biological Processes, Physical
9. Cognitive Development in Early Childhood Development, and Perceptual Development
10. Psychosocial Development in Early Childhood 2. Biological Beginnings
11. Physical Development and Health in 3. Prenatal Development and Birth
Middle Childhood 4. Physical Development and Health
12. Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood 5. Motor, Sensory, and Perceptual Development
13. Psychosocial Development in Section 3: Cognition and Language
Middle Childhood 6. Cognitive Developmental Approaches
14. Physical Development and Health in 7. Information Processing
Adolescence 8. Intelligence
15. Cognitive Development in Adolescence 9. Language Development
16. Psychosocial Development in Adolescence Section 4: Socioemotional Development
10. Emotional Development
11. The Self and Identity
Child Development:
An Introduction 12. Gender
John W. Santrock
13. Moral Development
Section 5: Social Contexts of Development
Edition: 16
14. Families
640 Pages 15. Peers
Mar 2023
Print: 9781266146701
16. Schools and Achievement
Connect: 9781266793196 17. Culture and Diversity
McGraw Hill Education Psychology APA
Documentation Style Guide

Thorough. Accurate. Reliable. Engaging. These are
just a few words used by adopters and reviewers
of John Santrock’s Child Development. The
topically organized sixteenth edition continues with
Santrock’s highly contemporary tone and focus,
featuring over 1,000 new citations. The popular
Connections theme shows students the different
aspects of children’s development to help them
better understand the concepts. Used by hundreds
of thousands of students over fourteen editions,
Santrock’s proven learning goals system provides a
clear roadmap to course mastery.

Children Section 3: Infancy
John W. Santrock 5. Physical Development in Infancy
Edition: 15 6. Cognitive Development in Infancy

2022© 7. Socioemotional Development in Infancy

656 Pages
Print: 9781265359447 Section 4: Early Childhood
Connect: 9781264003389 8. Physical Development in Early Childhood
9. Cognitive Development in Early Childhood
10. Socioemotional Development in Early
Section 5: Middle and Late Childhood
11. Physical Development in Middle and Late
Children focus on providing a systematic,
12. Cognitive Development in Middle and Late
integrative approach that helps students make
connections in their learning and practice.
The main goals of this text are to connect with 13. Socioemotional Development in Middle and
today’s students, connect research on children’s Late Childhood
development, connect the developmental process, Section 6: Adolescence
and connect development to real life. 14. Physical and Cognitive Development in
FEATURES 15. Cognitive Development in Adolescence
• Quest: Journey Through the Lifespan: An 16. Socioemotional Development in Adolescence
engaging and innovative learning game located Part 7: Middle Adulthood
in Connect at no additional cost, provides 17. Physical and Cognitive Development in
students with opportunities to apply content from Middle Adulthood
their human development curriculum to 18. Psychosocial Development in Middle
real-life scenarios. Adulthood
• Writing Assignment Plus: In McGraw Hill’s
Connect® this tool delivers a learning experience
that improves students’ written communication Educational Psychology
skills and conceptual understanding with every
assignment. Educational Psychology
John W. Santrock
• Connecting with Diversity interludes that appear
Edition: 7
in every chapter focus on a diversity topic related 2021©
to the material at that point in the chapter. 672 Pages
Print: 9781260571301
• More than 1,300 new citations have been Connect: 9781260808643
updated throughout the text.
• Connecting with Research sections in each
chapter describe a study or program to illustrate
how research in child development is conducted
and how it influences understanding of the
discipline. OVERVIEW
Santrock’s Educational Psychology emphasizes
• Developmental Connections boxes throughout the application of theory to real classroom
each chapter point readers to places where practice. With richly evocative classroom vignettes
the topic is discussed in a previous, current, or from practicing teachers and a wealth of case
subsequent chapter. studies, Educational Psychology helps students
think critically about the research basis for best
CONTENTS practices. Santrock’s Hallmark Learning System
Section 1: The Nature of Children’s Development organizes the content into manageable chunks
1. Introduction under learning goals, supporting retention and
Section 2: Beginnings mastery, so that students will have an engaging
2. Biological Beginnings and successful course experience.
3. Prenatal Development
4. Birth

• There is a new section on the social justice Human Development/Lifespan -
imperative as it relates to caring for students who Chronological

have been exposed to traumatic experiences.
Students benefits from this by learning about Life-Span Development
some of the most current situations going on in John Santrock
the classroom.
Edition: 18
• Students learn about the new discussion of 2021©
832 Pages
Ijeoma Oluo’s book, So You Want to Talk about Print: 9781260571455
Race, in which she lays out basic rules for Connect: 9781260471953
determining whether an issue is about race.
• The new discussion of a recent meta-analysis of
research on the bystander effect breaks down the
likelihood of helping based on different factors.
• The updated section on learning disabilities OVERVIEW
includes the new recommendations associated As a master teacher, John Santrock connects
with the reauthorization of IDEA for identifying current research with real-world application,
students with learning disabilities, including the helping students see how developmental
Response to Intervention process. psychology plays a role in their own lives
• There is a new discussion of the different types of and future careers. Through an integrated
cognitive load theory and the strategies teachers learning goals system, this comprehensive and
can use to avoid them. This encourages more chronological approach to lifespan development
classroom engagement. helps students gain the insight they need to study
smarter, stay focused, and improve performance.
1. Educational Psychology: A Tool for Effective FEATURES
Teaching • Quest: Journey Through the Lifespan - a new,
2. Cognitive and Language Development engaging learning game that immerses students
3. Social Contexts and Socioemotional into applying content and theories into real-life
scenarios across the lifespan!
4. Individual Variations • The Learning Goals System - to help students
5. Sociocultural Diversity stay focused on key ideas in a course full of
6. Learners Who Are Exceptional material to cover.
7. Behavioral and Social Cognitive Approaches • Connecting with Careers - profiles careers that
8. The Information-Processing Approach require knowledge about human development.
9. Complex Cognitive Processes
10. Social Constructivist Approaches • Connecting Development to Life - each chapter
begins with a story designed to increase
11. Learning and Cognition in the Content Areas
students’ interest and motivation to read the
12. Planning, Instruction, and Technology
13. Motivation, Teaching, and Learning
14. Managing the Classroom • Connecting Through Research - describes a
15. Standardized Tests and Teaching study or program to illustrate how research in
16. Classroom Assessment and Grading life-span development is conducted and how
it influences students’ understanding of the

Section 1: The Life-Span Perspective
1. Introduction
Section 2: Beginnings
2. Biological Beginnings
3. Prenatal Development and Birth
Section 3: Infancy
4. Physical Development in Infancy
5. Cognitive Development in Infancy
6. Socioemotional Development in Infancy

Section 4: Early Childhood • Writing Assignment Plus: In McGraw Hill’s
7. Physical and Cognitive Development in Early Connect® this tool delivers a learning experience
Childhood that improves students’ written communication

8. Socioemotional Development in Early skills and conceptual understanding with every

Childhood assignment.
Section 5: Middle and Late Childhood • New Sections on COVID-19: Chapter 4: new
9. Physical and Cognitive Development in section on influence of COVID-19 pandemic
Middle and Late Childhood on childbirth; Chapter 9: information added
10. Socioemotional Development in Middle and on COVID-19 and children’s health; Chapter
Late Childhood 10: influence of COVID-19 on children’s mental
Section 6: Adolescence health; Chapter 11: influence of COVID-19 and
11. Physical and Cognitive Development in education; Chapter 13: risk of complications from
Adolescence COVID-19 in young adults and impact on college
12. Socioemotional Development in Adolescence enrollment; Chapter 15: COVID-19 and stress;
Section 7: Early Adulthood Chapter 17: COVID-19 risk and age; Chapter 18:
13. Physical and Cognitive Development in Early COVID-19 influence on jobs for older adults.
Adulthood • Window on the World: A cross-cultural issue of
14. Socioemotional Development in Early interest is addressed from a global perspective.
• Research in Action: Takes a closer look at an
Section 8: Middle Adulthood
issue or area relevant to the chapter.
15. Physical and Cognitive Development in
Middle Adulthood CONTENTS
16. Socioemotional Development in Middle Part 1: About Human Development
Adulthood 1. The Study of Human Development
Section 9: Late Adulthood 2. Theory and Research
17. Physical Development in Late Adulthood Part 2: Beginnings
18. Cognitive Development in Late Adulthood 3. Forming a New Life
19. Socioemotional Development in Late 4. Birth and Physical Development during the
Adulthood First Three Years
Section 10: Endings 5. Cognitive Development during the First
20. Death, Dying, and Grieving Three Years
6. Psychosocial Development during the First
Life: The Essentials of Three Years
Human Development Part 3: Early Childhood
Diane E. Papalia, 7. Physical and Cognitive Development in Early
Gabriela Martorell
Edition: 2 8. Psychosocial Development in Early Childhood
672 Pages Part 4: Middle Childhood
Mar 2023 9. Physical and Cognitive Development in
Print: 9781264479344
Connect: 9781264002795 Middle Childhood
10. Psychosocial Development in Middle
Part 5: Adolescence
OVERVIEW 11. Physical and Cognitive Development in
Life: The Essentials of Human Development is Adolescence
designed to be a brief but thorough account of 12. Psychosocial Development in Adolescence
human development from conception to death, Part 6: Emerging and Young Adulthood
exposing students to culture and diversity, and 13. Physical and Cognitive Development in
immersing them in practical application. Emerging and Young Adulthood
14. Psychosocial Development in Emerging and
Young Adulthood
• Quest: Journey Through the Lifespan: An
engaging and innovative learning game located Part 7: Middle Adulthood
in Connect at no additional cost, provides 15. Physical and Cognitive Development in
students with opportunities to apply content from Middle Adulthood
their human development curriculum to real-life 16. Psychosocial Development in Middle
scenarios. Adulthood

Part 8: Late Adulthood • Coverage of career opportunities in life-span
17. Physical and Cognitive Development in Late development. Connecting with Careers profiles
Adulthood careers relating to the chapter’s content. The

18. Psychosocial Development in Late Adulthood Careers Appendix provides a comprehensive
Part 9: The End of Life overview of careers in life-span development
19. Dealing with Death and Bereavement to show students where knowledge of human
development could lead them.
Life-Span Development • Developmental Connections in the margins
John W. Santrock highlight links across age periods of development
and connections between biological, cognitive,
Edition: 19
2024© and socioemotional processes.
800 Pages
Mar 2023 • At the higher end of Bloom’s taxonomy, the
Print: 9781266138010 McGraw-Hill Education Milestones video series
Connect: 9781266768163
is an observational tool that allows students
to experience life as it unfolds, from infancy
to late adulthood. This ground-breaking,
longitudinal video series tracks the development
of real children as they progress through the
OVERVIEW early stages of physical, social, and emotional
As a master teacher, John Santrock connects development in their first few weeks, months,
current research with real-world application, and years of life. Assignable and accessible
helping students see how developmental within Connect®, Milestones also includes
psychology plays a role in their own lives interviews with adolescents and adults to reflect
and future careers. Through an integrated development throughout the entire lifespan.
learning goals system, this comprehensive and
• At the lower end of Bloom’s taxonomy, students
chronological approach to lifespan development
are introduced to Concept Clips, which help
helps students gain the insight they need to study
students break down key themes and difficult
smarter, stay focused, and improve performance.
concepts in Psychology using easy-to-understand
FEATURES analogies, visual cues, and stimulating
• Expert Consultants: Life-span development animations. Assignable and accessible
has become an enormous, complex field, and in Connect, the sixteenth Edition includes
no single author, or even several authors, can new Concept Clips on topics such as object
possibly keep up with all of the rapidly changing permanence, Bandura’s social cognitive theory,
content in the many periods and different areas and Kuhl’s language development theory.
of life-span development. With each edition,
John Santrock seeks the input of leading CONTENTS
experts about the content in a number of areas Section 1: The Life-Span Perspective
of development, who provide evaluations and 1. Introduction
recommendations in their area(s) of expertise. Section 2: Beginnings
2. Biological Beginnings
• Proven Learning Goals Pedagogy: This hallmark
of John Santrock’s programs connects the 3. Prenatal Development and Birth
chapter opening outline, learning goals, mini- Section 3: Infancy
chapter maps, Review, Connect, and Reflect 4. Physical Development in Infancy
questions, and the chapter summary. By 5. Cognitive Development in Infancy
following this pedagogical road map, students 6. Socioemotional Development in Infancy
will read and retain course material more Section 4: Early Childhood
efficiently and effectively. 7. Physical and Cognitive Development in Early
• Connections between theory and applications:
8. Socioemotional Development in Early
Santrock provides a wealth of applied examples
to show students the personal meaning life-
Section 5: Middle and Late Childhood
span development has for them. In addition to
9. Physical and Cognitive Development in
the narrative’s applications, each chapter also
includes a Connecting Development to Life Middle and Late Childhood
feature, which focuses on health and well-being, 10. Socioemotional Development in Middle and
parenting, and education. Late Childhood

Section 6: Adolescence • Connecting with Diversity interludes that appear
11. Physical and Cognitive Development in in every chapter focus on a diversity topic related
Adolescence to the material at that point in the chapter.

12. Socioemotional Development in Adolescence • More than 1,300 new citations have been
Section 7: Early Adulthood updated throughout the text.
13. Physical and Cognitive Development in Early
Adulthood • Connecting with Research sections in each
14. Socioemotional Development in Early chapter describe a study or program to illustrate
how research in child development is conducted
and how it influences understanding of the
Section 8: Middle Adulthood
15. Physical and Cognitive Development in
Middle Adulthood • Developmental Connections boxes throughout
16. Socioemotional Development in Middle each chapter point readers to places where
Adulthood the topic is discussed in a previous, current, or
Section 9: Late Adulthood subsequent chapter.
17. Physical Development in Late Adulthood
18. Cognitive Development in Late Adulthood
1. Introduction
19. Socioemotional Development in Late
2. Biological Beginnings
3. Physical and Cognitive Development
Section 10: Endings
in Infancy
20. Death, Dying, and Grieving
4. Socioemotional Development in Infancy
5. Physical and Cognitive Development in
Early Childhood
Human Development/Lifespan -
6. Socioemotional Development in
Chronological & Topical
Early Childhood
7. Physical and Cognitive Development in
Essentials of Life-Span
Middle and Late Childhood
8. Socioemotional Development in Middle and
John W. Santrock
Late Childhood
Edition: 7 9. Physical and Cognitive Development in
624 Pages Adolescence
Print: 9781265359843 10. Socioemotional Development in Adolescence
Connect: 9781264058884
11. Physical and Cognitive Development in
Early Adulthood
12. Socioemotional Development in
Early Adulthood
13. Physical and Cognitive Development in
Middle Adulthood
Essentials of Life-Span Development is organized
14. Socioemotional Development in
chronologically and covers all periods of the human
Middle Adulthood
lifespan, from the prenatal period through late
15. Physical and Cognitive Development in
adulthood and death. Providing a broad overview
of life-span development, this text especially Late Adulthood
gives attention to the theories and concepts 16. Socioemotional Development in
that students seem to have difficulty mastering. Late Adulthood
17. Death, Dying, and Grieving
• Quest: Journey Through the Lifespan: An
engaging and innovative learning game located
in McGraw Hill’s Connect® at no additional
cost, provides students with opportunities to
apply content from their human development
curriculum to real-life scenarios.
• Writing Assignment Plus: In Connect, this tool
delivers a learning experience that improves
students’ written communication skills and
conceptual understanding with every assignment.

• Connecting Development to Life: Describes the
Human Development/Lifespan - Topical influence of development in a real-world context
on topics.
A Topical Approach to

Lifespan Development CONTENTS
John W. Santrock Section 1: The Life-Span Perspective
Edition: 11 1. Introduction
2023© Appendix: Careers in Life-Span Development
800 Pages
Print: 9781265179380 Section 2: Biological Processes, Physical
Connect: 9781264058945 Development, and Health
2. Biological Beginnings
3. Physical Development and Biological Aging
4. Health
OVERVIEW 5. Motor, Sensory, and Perceptual Development
As a master teacher, John Santrock connects Section 3: Cognitive Processes and Development
students to current research and real- 6. Cognitive Developmental Approaches
world application, helping students see how 7. Information Processing
developmental psychology plays a role in their own 8. Intelligence
lives and future careers. Through an integrated, 9. Language Development
personalized digital learning program, students Section 4: Socioemotional Processes and
gain the insight they need to study smarter and Development
improve performance. 10. Emotional Development and Attachment
11. The Self, Identity, and Personality
FEATURES 12. Gender and Sexuality
• Guide to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: 13. Moral Development, Values, and Religion
Special attention is given to diversity, equity, Section 5: Social Contexts of Development
and inclusion (DEI) in this new edition, including 14. Families, Lifestyles, and Parenting
updating preferred pronouns and terminology.
15. Peers and the Sociocultural World
This guide, found in the preface, is a chapter-by-
16. Schools, Achievement, and Work
chapter list of the related topics involving DEI
Section 6: Endings
issues and research.
17. Death, Dying, and Grieving
• More than 1,500 citations from 2019, 2020, 2021. MH Connect: McGraw-Hill Education Psychology
And 2022. APA Documentation Style Guide
• COVID-19 content throughout, including a new
main section “Schools and the Coronavirus
Pandemic” has been added on how K-12 and
college education had to be quickly redesigned
to address this challenge and some of the
immediate outcomes.
• The Learning Goals System connects the
chapter opening outline, learning goals for the
chapter, mini-chapter maps that open each main
section of the chapter, Review, Connect, Reflect
questions at the end of each main section, and
the chapter summary at the end of each chapter.
• Connecting with Research: Describes a study
or program to illustrate how research in life-span
development is conducted and how it influences
our understanding of the discipline.
• Developmental Connections: Appear multiple
times in each chapter, pointing readers to
where the topic is discussed in a previous or
subsequent chapter.

Experience Human Part 5: Adolescence
Development 11. Physical and Cognitive Development in
Diane E. Papalia, Adolescence
Gabriela Martorell
12. Psychosocial Development in Adolescence

Edition: 15 Part 6: Emerging and Young Adulthood

2024© 13. Physical and Cognitive Development in
768 Pages
Mar 2023 Emerging and Young Adulthood
Print: 9781266120909 14. Psychosocial Development in Emerging and
Connect: 9781266791512
Young Adulthood
Part 7: Middle Adulthood
15. Physical and Cognitive Development in
Middle Adulthood
16. Psychosocial Development in Middle
Experience the human side of development.
Papalia helps students experience the human side
Part 8: Late Adulthood
of development by exposing them to culture and 17. Physical and Cognitive Development in Late
diversity, immersing them in practical application, Adulthood
and helping them study smarter through 18. Psychosocial Development in Late Adulthood
personalized learning and reporting. Part 9: The End of Life
19. Dealing with Death and Bereavement
• Quest: Journey through the Lifespan is an
engaging and innovative game that provides
students with opportunities to apply content from
their human development curriculum to real-life
scenarios. Quest is available within McGraw Hill
• Power of Process: Assists students in improving
critical thinking skills and allows instructors to
assess these skills efficiently and effectively in an
online environment.
• Milestone Video Series is a longitudinal video
series in Connect that tracks the development
of real children as they progress through the
early stages of physical, social and emotional

Part 1: About Human Development
1. The Study of Human Development
2. Theory and Research
Part 2: Beginnings
3. Forming a New Life
4. Birth and Physical Development during the
First Three Years
5. Cognitive Development during the First
Three Years
6. Psychosocial Development during the First
Three Years
Part 3: Early Childhood
7. Physical and Cognitive Development in Early
8. Psychosocial Development in Early Childhood
Part 4: Middle Childhood
9. Physical and Cognitive Development in
Middle Childhood
10. Psychosocial Development in Middle

Research Design and
Research Methods Methods: A Process
Methods in Behavioral

Kenneth S. Bordens,
Research Bruce Barrington Abbott
Paul Cozby, Scott Bates Edition: 11
Edition: 15 624 Pages
2024© Print: 9781265798192
512 Pages Connect: 9781264169559
Mar 2023
Print: 9781266177682
Connect: 9781260883046

Research Design and Methods: A Process
Approach takes students through the research
OVERVIEW process, from getting and developing a research
Methods in Behavioral Research guides students idea, to designing and conducting a study, through
toward success by helping them study smarter analyzing and reporting data. The eleventh edition
and more efficiently. Supported by McGraw-Hill addresses the change in research practices to
SmartBook® adaptive and personalized reading supplement or replace null hypothesis significance
experience, Cozby and Bates provide helpful testing (NHST) with other analytic approaches,
pedagogy rich examples and clear voice in their including Bayesian analysis.
approach to methodological decision making
Information on the research process is presented
CONTENTS in a lively and engaging way, highlighting
the numerous decisions that must be made
1. Scientific Understanding of Behavior
when designing and conducting research and
2. Where to Start
emphasizing the importance of ethical conduct,
3. Ethics in Behavioral Research
both in the treatment of research subjects and in the
4. Fundamental Research Issues
conduct of research and reporting research results.
5. Measurement Concepts
6. Observational Methods FEATURES
7. Asking People About Themselves: Survey • Reorganize: Moved the ethics chapter -
Research Understanding Ethical Issues in the Research
8. Experimental Design Process - forward from Chapter 7 to Chapter 3, to
9. Conducting Experiments emphasize the importance of ethics in scientific
10. Complex Experimental Designs research and in the treatment of research
11. Single-Case, Quasi-Experimental, And subjects.
Developmental Research • Chapter 1 Explaining Behavior: Updated and
12. Understanding Research Results: Description reorganized to conform to the Next Generation
and Correlation Science Standards (NGSS) view of science as
13. Understanding Research Results: Statistical embodying a set of practices that scientists
Inference engage in, as opposed to a series of steps called
14. Generalization “the scientific method.”
APPENDICES • Chapter 14 Using Inferential Statistics: Updated
A. Reporting Research with a new section on the logic of estimation
B. Ethical Principles of Psychologists and an enhanced section on alternatives to null
C. Statistical Tests hypothesis significance testing, the open science
initiative, and the “new statistics.”
• Chapter 16 Reporting Your Research Results:
Updated to conform to the APA Publication
Manual, 7th edition.
• Emphasis on the Decision-Making Process helps
students develop a full appreciation of the power
and limitations of each step of the research
process along with the role and consequences of
choices in research.

• Comprehensive coverage of Methods and Design
includes in-depth treatments of non-experimental
designs, experimental designs, and quasi-

experimental and developmental designs.

1. Explaining Behaviour
2. Developing and Evaluating Theories of
3. Understanding Ethical Issues in the Research
4. Getting Ideas for Research
5. Choosing a Research Design
6. Making Systematic Observations
7. Choosing and Using Research Subjects
8. Doing Nonexperimental Research
9. Doing Survey Research
10. Using Between-Subjects and Within-Subjects
Experimental Design
11. Using Specialized Research Designs
12. Using Single-Subject Designs
13. Describing Data
14. Using Inferential Statistics
15. Using Multivariate Design and Analysis
16. Reporting your Research Results

Human Sexuality 1. Sexuality in Perspective
2. Theoretical Perspectives on Sexuality
Understanding Human

3. Sex Research
4. Sexual Anatomy
Janet Hyde, John DeLamater
5. Sex Hormones, Sexual Differentiation, and
Edition: 15 the Menstrual Cycle
608 Pages 6. Pregnancy and Childbirth
Apr 2023 7. Contraception and Abortion
Print: 9781266269806
Connect: 9781265790745 8. Sexual Arousal
9. Sexuality and the Life Cycle: Childhood and
10. Sexuality and the Life Cycle: Adulthood
11. Attraction, Love, and Communication
12. Gender and Sexuality
13. Sexual Orientation: Gay, Straight, or Bi?
Since its conception Understanding Human
14. Variations in Sexual Behavior
Sexuality has achieved distinction and success by
15. Sexual Coercion
following the science of human sexuality. The first
16. Sex for Sale
of the modern sexuality textbooks Understanding
17. Sexual Disorders and Sex Therapy
Human Sexuality introduced this topic to students
through the science that has uncovered what we 18. Sexually Transmitted Infections
know about the field. 19. Ethics, Religion, and Sexuality
20. Sex and the Law
Groundbreaking when it first appeared, this
research-based tradition continues to deliver a
contemporary balanced introduction to human
sexuality in an integrated learning system that
engages students in learning the content of the
course about others and about themselves. The
new Guide to Diversity Equity and Inclusion reflects
the author’s longstanding commitment to integrate
issues of diversity with the latest scholarship.

• Decisions in certain recent court cases (for
example, the Dobbs ruling regarding abortion)
and their implications have been addressed in
this new edition.
• As in prior editions, current scholarship and
research has been scrupulously vetted and
updated to provide clear and reliable information
for students.
• A new Guide to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
summarizes the extensive updates in this critical
area and reflects the author’s longstanding
commitment to integrate issues of diversity with
the latest scholarship.
• Updated Concept Clips in McGraw Hill’s
Connect® help students break down key themes
and difficult concepts in psychology. Using easy-
to-understand analogies, visual cues, and colorful
animation, Concept Clips make psychology
meaningful to everyday life. New for the 15th
edition, Concept Clips feature a more modern
visual style, updated scripts and assessment
items, and enhanced accessibility.

13. Treatment of Psychological Disorders
Introductory Psychology 14. Social Psychology
Epilogue Diversity, Culture, Conflict, and
Essentials of

Psychology Diversity and Culture
Robert S. Feldman
Conflict and Cooperation: Striving for a Just and
Peaceful World
Edition: 14
2021© Essentials of
736 Pages
Print: 9781260575453 Understanding
Connect: 9781260408386 Psychology
Robert S. Feldman
Edition: 15
(Image is unavailable)
736 Pages
Students First. Designed for student success, Print: 9781265201494
Connect: 9781264676859
Essentials of Understanding Psychology provides
students with a brief and powerful learning
framework to help them connect, engage, and feel
excited about psychology. Dr. Feldman believes OVERVIEW
that an effective introduction to a discipline must Students First. Designed for student success,
be oriented to students—informing them, engaging Essentials of Understanding Psychology provides
them, and exciting them about the field and helping students with a brief and powerful learning
them connect it to their world. framework to help them connect, engage, and feel
excited about psychology. Dr. Feldman believes
that an effective introduction to a discipline must
• Applying Psychology in the 21st Century-
be oriented to students—informing them, engaging
highlight the relevance of psychology by
them, and exciting them about the field and helping
presenting current and potential applications of
them connect it to their world.
psychological theory and research findings to
real world problems. CONTENTS
• Study Alters: Marginal notes that point out 1. Introduction to Psychology
important and difficult concepts and topics. 2. Neuroscience and Behavior
• Exploring Diversity - highlight the ways in which 3. Sensation and Perception
psychology informs and is informed by issues 4. States of Consciousness
relating to the increasing multiculturalism of our 5. Learning
global society. 6. Memory
7. Thinking, Language, and Intelligence
• From the Perspective of... - Every chapter 8. Motivation and Emotion
includes questions to help students connect 9. Development
psychological concepts with career realities.
10. Personality
CONTENTS 11. Health Psychology: Stress, Coping, and
1. Introduction to Psychology Well-Being
2. Neuroscience and Behavior 12. Psychological Disorders
3. Sensation and Perception 13. Treatment of Psychological Disorders
4. States of Consciousness 14. Social Psychology
5. Learning Epilogue Diversity, Culture, Conflict, and
6. Memory Cooperation
7. Thinking, Language, and Intelligence Diversity and Culture
8. Motivation and Emotion Conflict and Cooperation: Striving for a Just and
9. Development Peaceful World
10. Personality
11. Health Psychology: Stress, Coping, and
12. Psychological Disorders


Experience Psychology Fundamentals of
Laura A. King Psychology: Perspectives
and Connections
Edition: 4

Gregory Feist, Erika Rosenberg
672 Pages
Edition: 1
Print: 9781260085389
Connect: 9781260154962
688 Pages
Print: 9781260547924
Connect: 9781260307344

Some students take psychology...others experience Feist and Rosenberg’s text is a brief introduction
it! Informed by student data, Experience to psychology designed to move students beyond
Psychology helps students understand and what may seem obvious to them and have them
appreciate psychology as an integrated whole. The reevaluate the thoughts and beliefs they bring to
personalized, adaptive learning program, thought- the course. The accessible approach to science
provoking examples, and interactive assessments helps students challenge their assumptions,
help students see psychology in the world around understand research, and recognize that in
them and experience it in everyday life. Psychology, no one perspective tells the whole story.

• Power of Process for Psychology. Now available • Challenge Your Assumptions. Every chapter
in McGraw Hill’s Connect®, guides students begins with Challenge Your Assumptions.
through the process of critical reading, analysis, Assertions such as “Pulling an all-nighter is a
and writing. Faculty select content, such as good way to study for an exam,” or “Eyewitness
journal articles, and strategies for students to memories are usually accurate,” prompt students
use to analyze and comment upon the content, to question their own perspective and begin to
gaining insight into students’ application of the understand the importance of thinking critically.
scientific method. For students, Power of Process Connections annotations appear throughout the
offers a guided visual approach to exercising text, reinforcing the interrelatedness of subfields
critical thinking strategies to apply before, during, of psychology.
and after reading.
• The Research Process feature demystifies
• Psychology at Work videos. Now available in research by providing a step-by-step, visual
Connect, a series of video interviews that helps approach to the scientific method. Students
students see how a Psychology degree is being are presented with the basic structure of a
applied to different careers. contemporary study, walking through the “story”
of how the research was conducted.
• Psychology In the Real-World feature shows
1. The Science of Psychology
how psychological research can directly affect
2. The Brain and Behavior
people’s lives. For instance, how musical training
3. Sensation and Perception
changes the brain (Human Development), and
4. States of Consciousness
whether Internet use can become an addition
5. Learning
(Psychological Disorders)
6. Memory
7. Thinking, Intelligence, and Language • Connection annotations appear throughout
8. Human Development the text, emphasizing the interrelatedness of
9. Motivation and Emotion subfields of psychology, encouraging students to
10. Personality consider the diverse approaches to the study of
11. Social Psychology human thought and behavior.
12. Psychological Disorders
13. Therapies
14. Health Psychology
McGraw-Hill Education Psychology APA
Documentation Style Guide


• Lab Activities with APR Psychology: Designed specifically for the accelerated
McGraw-Hill Education presents an interactive Introductory Psychology course, Psychology
tool that encourages the exploration of biological and Your Life with P.O.W.E.R. Learning takes into
structures related to psychology. Lab Activities

account the diverse population of students who

in Connect® walk students through virtual are enrolled in college today, addressing the needs
nervous system and cell dissection experiences, of those who may work full-or-part-time; who may
include views of CT scans and x-ray imaging be juggling their education, their families, and their
and histology, and link the biology of behavior to jobs; who may be returning to school in search of
anatomy through illustrated animations. an occupational change; or who are in a specific
• Power of Process for Psychology - now available career-oriented program.
in Connect, guides students through the process
of critical reading, analysis, and writing. Faculty
• Psychology and Your Life with P.O.W.E.R. Learning
select content, such as journal articles, and
is designed specifically for the accelerated
strategies for students to use to analyze and
comment upon the content, gaining insight into Introductory Psychology course. It was written
students’ application of the scientific method. to accomplish the following goals: To Provide
broad coverage of the field of psychology,
• Psychology at Work Videos: A series of video introducing the basic concepts, theories, and
interviews that helps students see how a applications that constitute the discipline. To build
Psychology degree is being applied to different an appreciation of the relevance of psychology
careers. to everyday life, including learning to apply
psychology to students’ chosen area of study. To
maximize student learning of the material, helping
1. Introduction to Psychology
2. Conducting Research in Psychology students to think critically about psychological
3. The Biology of Behavior phenomena particularly those that have an
4. Sensing and Perceiving Our World impact on their everyday lives.
5. Human Development • Power of Process for Psychology. Now available
6. Consciousness in McGraw Hill’s Connect®, guides students
7. Memory through the process of critical reading, analysis,
8. Learning and writing. Faculty select content, such as
9. Language, Thought, and Intelligence journal articles, and strategies for students to
10. Motivation and Emotion use to analyze and comment upon the content,
11. Stress and Health gaining insight into students’ application of the
12. Personality: The Uniqueness of the Individual scientific method.
13. Social Behavior
14. Psychological Disorders CONTENTS
15. Treatment of Psychological Disorders Part 1: Introduction to Psychology
Module 1. Psychologists at Work
Psychology and Your Life Module 2. A Science Evolves: The Past, the
with P.O.W.E.R Learning Present, and the Future
Robert S. Feldman Module 3. Research in Psychology
Edition: 5 Module 4. Critical Research Issues
2024© Part 2: Neuroscience and Behavior
672 Pages
Dec 2023 Module 5. Neurons: The Basic Elements of
Print: 9781266224119 Behavior
Connect: 9781265575946
Module 6. The Nervous System and the
Endocrine System: Communicating
within the Body
Module 7. The Brain
OVERVIEW Part 3: Sensation and Perception
Psychology Matters. No matter what brings Module 8. Sensing the World Around Us
students into the Introductory Psychology course Module 9. Vision: Shedding Light on the Eye
and regardless of their initial motivation, Robert Module 10. Hearing and the Other Senses
Feldman’s Psychology and Your Life with P.O.W.E.R. Module 11. Perceptual Organization: Constructing
Learning 4e draws students into the field by Our View of the World
connecting psychology to their professional and
personal lives.


Part 4: States of Consciousness Psychology: Perspectives
Module 12. Sleep and Dreams and Connections
Module 13. Hypnosis and Meditation Gregory J. Feist,
Erika Rosenberg

Module 14. Drug Use: The Highs and Lows of
Consciousness Edition: 5
Part 5: Learning 800 Pages
Module 15. Classical Conditioning Dec 2023
Print: 9781260597677
Module 16. Operant Conditioning Connect: 9781264108077
Module 17. Cognitive Approaches to Learning
Part 6: Thinking: Memory, Cognition, and
Module 18. The Foundations of Memory OVERVIEW
Module 19. Recall and Forgetting Psychology: Perspectives and Connections is
Module 20. Thinking, Reasoning, and Problem a comprehensive introduction to psychology
Solving designed to guide students in moving beyond
Module 21. Language what may seem obvious and motivating them to
Part 7: Motivation and Emotion reevaluate the thoughts and beliefs they bring to
Module 22. Explaining Motivation the course. Students will learn to challenge their
Module 23. Human Needs and Motivation: Eat, assumptions, understand the elements of scientific
Drink, and Be Daring research, and recognize that in psychology, no one
Module 24. Understanding Emotional Experiences perspective tells the whole story.
Part 8: Development FEATURES
Module 25. Nature, Nurture, and Prenatal • SmartBook 2.0 has been updated with improved
Development learning outcomes, personalized learning to
Module 26. Infancy and Childhood individual student needs.
Module 27. Adolescence: Becoming an Adult
Module 28. Adulthood • Writing Assignment Plus delivers a learning
experience that improves students’ written
Part 9: Personality and Individual Differences
communication skills and conceptual
Module 29. Psychodynamic Approaches to
understanding with every assignment.
Module 30. Trait, Learning, Biological and • Application-Based Activities are highly interactive,
Evolutionary, and Humanistic automatically graded, online learn-by-doing
Approaches to Personality exercises that address key concepts and skills.
Module 31. Assessing Personality: Determining • Each chapter opens with “Challenge Your
What Makes Us Distinctive Assumptions”, a list of common assumptions for
Module 32. Intelligence students to consider.
Part 10: Psychological Disorders
• Bringing It All Together: At the end of each
Module 33. Normal versus Abnormal: Making the
chapter integrate the major ideas covered in
the chapter, show their application to a common
Module 34. The Major Psychological Disorders
problem, and highlight connections across
Module 35. Psychological Disorders in Perspective various subfields of psychology.
Part 11: Treatment of Psychological Disorders
Module 36. Psychotherapy: Psychodynamic, • Research Process: Appear in every chapter
Behavioral, and Cognitive (except Introduction to Psychology) to demystify
Approaches to Treatment research by providing a step-by-step visual
Module 37. Psychotherapy: Humanistic, approach to the scientific method.
Interpersonal, and Group Approaches • Psychology in the Real World: These features
to Treatment show how psychological research can directly
Module 38. Biomedical Therapy: Biological affect people’s lives.
Approaches to Treatment
Part 12: Social Psychology CONTENTS
Module 39. Attitudes and Social Cognition 1. Introduction to Psychology
Module 40. Social Influence and Groups 2. Conducting Research in Psychology
Module 41. Prejudice and Discrimination 3. The Biology of Behavior
Module 42. Positive and Negative Social Behavior 4. Sensing and Perceiving Our World
Module 43. Stress and Coping 5. Human Development


6. Consciousness • The impact of COVID-19 is highlighted—from
7. Memory the application of creativity and intelligence
8. Learning in vaccine development to the psychological

9. Language and Thought challenges posed by pandemic lockdowns.

10. Intelligence, Problem Solving, and Creativity • Research, statistics, and examples have been
11. Motivation and Emotion updated throughout the text, including new
12. Stress and Health chapter-opening vignettes in each chapter.
13. Personality: The Uniqueness of the Individual
14. Social Behavior CONTENTS
15. Psychological Disorders 1. What is Psychology?
16. Treatment of Psychological Disorders 2. Psychology’s Scientific Method
3. Biological Foundations of Behavior
The Science of 4. Sensation and Perception
Psychology: 5. States of Consciousness
An Appreciative View 6. Learning
Laura A. King 7. Memory
Edition: 6 8. Thinking, Intelligence, and Language
2023© 9. Human Development
736 Pages
Print: 9781265200220 10. Motivation and Emotion
Connect: 9781264246557 11. Gender, Sex, and Sexuality
12. Personality
13. Social Psychology
14. Industrial and Organizational Psychology
OVERVIEW 15. Psychological Disorders
The Science of Psychology: An Appreciative 16. Therapies
View communicates the nature and breadth 17. Health Psychology
of psychology -and its value as a science –
with an emphasis on why things go right. With Understanding
primary goals of teaching students to think like Psychology
psychological scientists and focusing on the Robert Feldman
understanding of human strengths and capacities, Edition: 15
health and wellness The Science of Psychology: 2021©
An Appreciative View cultivates students’ 784 Pages
Print: 9781260575460
appreciation for how extensively psychology Connect: 9781260408461
applies to their lives.

• For the sixth edition, special attention is given to
diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in terms of OVERVIEW
topics, research, language, and images. The sixth Students First. Designed for student success,
edition revision was completed with an emphasis Understanding Psychology provides students with
on ensuring that all students would recognize a comprehensive and powerful learning framework
themselves in The Science of Psychology. to help them connect, engage, and feel excited
• The new “Guide to Diversity, Equity, and about psychology. Dr. Feldman believes that an
Inclusion,” found in the Preface, provides a effective introduction to a discipline must be
chapter-by-chapter list of topics involving DEI oriented to students—informing them, engaging
issues and research. them, and exciting them about the field and helping
them connect it to their world.
• Other new and updated topics in the sixth edition
include Big Data and its uses in psychological FEATURES
science, impacts of chronic stress, consequences • Applying Psychology in the 21st Century -
of sleep deprivation, and research on highlight the relevance of psychology by
multitasking. presenting current and potential applications of
psychological theory and research findings to
real world problems.
• Study Alters - Marginal notes that point out
important and difficult concepts and topics.


• Exploring Diversity - highlight the ways in which CONTENTS
psychology informs and is informed by issues 1. Introduction to Psychology
relating to the increasing multiculturalism of our 2. Psychological Research

global society. 3. Neuroscience and Behavior
• From the Perspective of... - Every chapter 4. Sensation and Perception
includes questions to help students connect 5. States of Consciousness
psychological concepts with career realities. 6. Learning
7. Memory
CONTENTS 8. Cognition and Language
1. Introduction to Psychology 9. Intelligence
2. Psychological Research 10. Motivation and Emotion
3. Neuroscience and Behavior 11. Sexuality and Gender
4. Sensation and Perception 12. Development
5. States of Consciousness 13. Personality
6. Learning 14. Health Psychology: Stress, Coping, and
7. Memory Well-Being
8. Cognition and Language 15. Psychological Disorders
9. Intelligence 16. Treatment of Psychological Disorders
10. Motivation and Emotion 17. Social Psychology
11. Sexuality and Gender Epilogue: Diversity, Culture, Conflict, and
12. Development Cooperation
13. Personality MHE Connect: McGraw-Hill Education Psychology
14. Health Psychology: Stress, Coping, and APA Documentation Style Guide
15. Psychological Disorders
16. Treatment of Psychological Disorders
17. Social Psychology
Epilogue: Diversity, Culture, Conflict, and
MHE Connect: McGraw-Hill Education Psychology
APA Documentation Style Guide

Robert S. Feldman

Edition: 16
768 Pages
Dec 2023
Print: 9781265200657
Connect: 9781266054259

Students First. Designed for student success,
Understanding Psychology provides students with
a comprehensive and powerful learning framework
to help them connect, engage, and feel excited
about psychology. Dr. Feldman believes that an
effective introduction to a discipline must be
oriented to students—informing them, engaging
them, and exciting them about the field and helping
them connect it to their world.


Health Psychology Personality

Health Psychology Personality Psychology:


Shelley E. Taylor Domains of Knowledge

About Human Nature
Edition: 11
Randy Larsen, David Buss
464 Pages
Edition: 18
Print: 9781260575392
Connect: 9781260834253
768 Pages
May 2023
Print: 9781266280986
Connect: 9781266174681

Since the first edition was published in 1986, Personality psychology is a field devoted to the
Health Psychology has helped thousands of study of all that it means to be human and with
college students learn how to maintain their health Personality Psychology 8e Larsen and Buss capture
and guard against illness. The goal of this book the excitement of the discipline. This text is unique
has always been to make research accessible in two significant ways. First rather than arranging
in a way that integrates theory with practical their text around the traditional grand theories
applications so that people can lead healthier of personality Larsen and Buss instead used a
lives. The importance of social relationships, health framework of six domains of knowledge about
behaviors, and co-management of health and illness personality functioning: the dispositional domain
are themes that are woven throughout the text. the biological domain the intrapsychic domain the
CONTENTS cognitive-experiential domain the societal and
cultural domain and the adjustment domain.
Part 1: Introduction to Health Psychology
1. What Is Health Psychology? Research in the field reinforces the fact that these
2. The Systems of the Body domains effectively organize the key theories
Part 2: Health Behaviour and Primary Prevention within personality psychology. In addition to the six
3. Health Behaviors major organizing themes Personality Psychology
4. Health-Promoting Behaviors 8e also differs from other personality texts in the
5. Health-Compromising Behaviors importance placed on culture, gender and biology
Part 3: Stress and Coping areas of personality scholarship that have shown
6. Stress substantial growth in recent years.
7. Coping, Resilience, and Social Support
Part 4: Seeking and Using Health Care Services
• Research and real-world examples are thoroughly
8. Using Health Services
updated (for example, a new discussion of the
9. Patients, Providers, and Treatments negative effects of solitude under Covid-19, and
10. The Management of Pain and Discomfort an exploration of female underprediction effect).
Part 5: Management of Chronic and
Terminal Illness • New exercises have been added throughout
11. Management of Chronic Illness the text.
12. Psychological Issues in Advancing and • New Applications sidebars reflect topical stories
Terminal Illness (e.g., Happy, the Bronx Zoo elephant, and “The
13. Heart Disease, Hypertension, Stroke, and Metaverse is Coming”).
Type II Diabetes
14. Psychoneuroimmunology and Immune- CONTENTS
Related Disorders 1. Introduction to Personality Psychology
Part 6: Toward the Future 2. Personality Assessment, Measurement, and
15. Health Psychology: Challenges for the Future Research Design
Part 1: The Dispositional Domain
3. Traits and Trait Taxonomies
4. Theoretical and Measurement Issues in Trait
5. Personality Dispositions over Time: Stability,
Coherence, and Change


Part 2: The Biological Domain • Additional content on real-ideal self-discrepancy
6. Genetics and Personality and how it relates to online gaming.
7. Physiological Approaches to Personality • New information on the consistency and changes


8. Evolutionary Perspectives on Personality of personality over a lifetime and measure the big
Part 3: The Intrapsychic Domain five personality traits with someone’s
9. Psychoanalytic Approaches to Personality digital footprint.
10. Psychoanalytic Approaches: Contemporary
11. Motives and Personality Part 1: Introduction
Part 4: The Cognitive/Experiential Domain 1. Introduction to Personality Theory
12. Cognitive Topics in Personality Part 2: Psychodynamic Theories
13. Emotion and Personality 2. Freud: Psychoanalysis
14. Approaches to the Self 3. Adler: Individual Psychology
Part 5: The Social and Cultural Domain 4. Jung: Analytical Psychology
5. Klein: Object Relations Theory
15. Personality and Social Interaction
6. Horney: Psychoanalytic Social Theory
16. Sex, Gender, and Personality
7. Erikson: Post-Freudian Theory
17. Culture and Personality
8. Fromm: Humanistic Psychoanalysis
Part 6: The Adjustment Domain Part 3: Humanistic/Existential Theories
18. Stress, Coping, Adjustment, and Health 9. Maslow: Holistic-Dynamic Theory
19. Disorders of Personality 10. Rogers: Person-Centered Theory
20. Summary and Future Directions 11. May: Existential Psychology Part IV:
Dispositional Theories
Theories of Personality 12. Allport: Psychology of the Individual
Jess Feist, Gregory J. Feist 13. McCrae and Costa’s Five-Factor Trait Theory
Part 5: Biological/Evolutionary Theories
Edition: 10
2021© 14. Eysenck’s Biologically Based Factor Theory
672 Pages 15. Buss: Evolutionary Theory of Personality
Print: 9781260575446
Connect: 9781260839111 Part 6: Learning-Cognitive Theories
16. Skinner: Behavioral Analysis
17. Bandura: Social Cognitive Theory
18. Rotter and Mischel: Cognitive Social
Learning Theory
19. Kelly: Psychology of Personal Constructs
Theories of Personality provides a comprehensive
foundation on the nature of personality theory, as Social Psychology
well as its contributions to science. Coverage of
each theory encompasses a biographical sketch Exploring Social
of each theorist, related research, and applications Psychology
to real life. Written by two preeminent psychology David Myers
professors, Gregory J. Feist, and Tomi-Ann Roberts, Edition: 9
this program is an engaging and student-friendly 2021©
512 Pages
introduction to Personality Psychology. Print: 9781260570724
Connect: 9781260807424
The tenth edition provides new studies and
sections on topics such as the importance of the
internet and social media to various personality
theories, content on real-ideal self-discrepancy as
it relates to online gaming, and new information on
changes in personality over time.
FEATURES Exploring Social Psychology succinctly explores
• New information related to the internet and social social psychological science and applies it to
media and how it relates to various personality contemporary issues and everyday life. Based on
theories. the bestselling text, Social Psychology by David
• Updated references that showcase some of the Myers and Jean Twenge, the book presents 31
newest and most important research and case short modules that introduce students to such
studies related to Personality Psychology.


scientific explorations as love and hate,conformity Part 4: Social Relations
and independence, prejudice and helping, and Module 22. The Reach of Prejudice
persuasion and self-determination. Exploring Social Module 23. The Roots of Prejudice

Psychology represents social psychology’s scope Module 24. The Nature and Nurture of Aggression
and highlights its scientific study of how we think Module 25. Does Media Use Influence Social
about, influence, and relate to one another. Behavior?
Module 26. Who Likes Whom?
Module 27. The Ups and Downs of Love
• Extensive changes in Module 22: The Reach of
Module 28. Causes of Conflict
Prejudice and Module 23: The Roots of Prejudice.
Module 29. Blessed Are the Peacemakers
• Increased coverage on the role of technology in Module 30. When Do People Help?
social interactions, specifically in Module 15: Does Module 31. Social Psychology and the
media use influence social behavior? Sustainable Future
• New material added on gender fluidity and
transgender individuals spanning Module 12: Social Psychology
Biology and Culture and Module 22: The Reach David Myers, Jean Twenge
of Prejudice. Edition: 13
• New material in Module 30: When Do People 656 Pages
Help? on who and when people are more likely Print: 9781260085280
to help. Connect: 9781260139839

• Updated coverage on climate change and the

social psychology of sustainability in Module 31:
Social Psychology and the Sustainable Future.

Part 1: Introducing Social Psychology Connecting Social Psychology to the world around
Module 1. Doing Social Psychology us. Social Psychology introduces students to
Module 2. Did You Know It All Along? the science of us: our thoughts, feelings, and
Part 2: Social Thinking behaviors in a changing world. Students learn to
Module 3. Self-Concept: Who Am I? think critically about everyday behaviors and gain
Module 4. Self-Serving Bias an appreciation for the world around us, regardless
Module 5. Narcissism and the Limits of of background or major. In this edition, esteemed
Self-Esteem author David Myers is again joined by respected
Module 6. The Fundamental Attribution Error psychology professor and generational differences
Module 7. The Powers and Perils of Intuition researcher Jean Twenge, in presenting an
Module 8. Reasons for Unreason integrated learning program designed for today’s
Module 9. Behavior and Belief students.
Module 10. Clinical Intuition
Module 11. Clinical Therapy: The Powers of • The Inside Story features reflect the world of
Social Cognition practicing social psychologists. These first-person
Part 3: Social Influence accounts provide students with insights into what
Module 12. Biology and Culture motivated various social psychologists to study
Module 13. Gender Similarities and Differences certain questions and phenomena.
Module 14. How Nice People Get Corrupted
• Research Close-Ups provide students with
Module 15. Two Routes to Persuasion
a detailed understanding of how social
Module 16. Indoctrination and Inoculation
psychologists use various research methods -
Module 17. Social Facilitation: The Mere Presence
from laboratory studies, internet experiments,
of Others
and creating virtual realities, to naturalistic
Module 18. Social Loafing: Many Hands Make
observation and the harvesting of archival
Diminished Responsibility data - to explore puzzling questions and reveal
Module 19. Deindividuation: Doing Together What important insights.
We Would Not Do Alone
Module 20. Group Polarization: How Do Groups
Intensify Decisions?
Module 21. Power to the Person


• Power of Process for Psychology. Now available
in McGraw Hill’s Connect®, guides students
through the process of critical reading, analysis,


and writing. Faculty select content, such as
journal articles, and strategies for students to
use to analyze and comment upon the content,
gaining insight into students’ application of the
scientific method. For students, Power of Process
offers a guided visual approach to exercising
critical thinking strategies to apply before, during,
and after reading.

1. Introducing Social Psychology
Part 1: Social Thinking
2. The Self in a Social World
3. Social Beliefs and Judgments
4. Behavior and Attitudes
Part 2: Social Influence
5. Genes, Culture, and Gender
6. Conformity and Obedience
7. Persuasion
8. Group Influence
Part 3: Social Relations
9. Prejudice: Disliking Others
10. Aggression: Hurting Others
11. Attraction and Intimacy: Liking and
Loving Others
12. Helping
13. Conflict and Peacemaking
Part 4: Applying Social Psychology
14. Social Psychology in the Clinic
15. Social Psychology in Court
16. Social Psychology and the Sustainable
Future Connect
McGraw-Hill Education Psychology APA
Documentation Style Guide



Book Title Page Book Title Page

B Santrock Children, 15e 18

Research Design and Methods: A Process Santrock Educational Psychology, 7e 18

Bordens 25
Approach, 11e

C Santrock Essentials of Life-Span Development, 7e 22

Cozby Methods in Behavioral Research, 15e 25 Santrock Life-Span Development, 18e 19

F Santrock Life-Span Development, 19e 21

Fundamentals of Psychology: Perspectives Steinberg Adolescence, 13e 15

Feist 29
and Connections, 1e

Psychology: Perspectives and Connections,
31 T
Taylor Health Psychology, 11e 34
Feist Theories of Personality, 10e 35

Feldman Essentials of Understanding Psychology, 14e 28

Abnormal Psychology Clinical Perspectives
Feldman Essentials of Understanding Psychology, 15e Whitbourne 14
28 Psychological Disorders, 10e

Psychology and Your Life with P.O.W.E.R Applied Sport Psychology: Personal Growth
Feldman 30 Williams 12
Learning, 5e to Peak Performance, 8e

Feldman Understanding Psychology, 15e 32

Feldman Understanding Psychology, 16e 33

Hyde Understanding Human Sexuality, 15e 27

King Experience Psychology, 4e 29

The Science of Psychology: An Appreciative

King 32
View, 6e

Personality Psychology: Domains of
Larsen 34
Knowledge About Human Nature, 18e

Martorell Child, 3e 16

Myers Exploring Social Psychology, 9e 35

Myers Social Psychology, 13e 36

Nolen- Abnormal Psychology Clinical Perspectives
Hoeksema Psychological Disorders, 9e

Papalia Experience Human Development, 18e 20

Life: The Essentials of Human

Papalia 24
Development, 15e

A Topical Approach to Lifespan
Santrock 23
Development, 11e

Santrock Adolescence, 18e 15

Santrock Child Development: An Introduction, 16e 17


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