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Setting goals for this course

Goals to success
● Achieving Grade A on every subject.
● To communicate con dently and correctly in our english skills.
● To have entrepreneur mindset.

Ways to accomplish this goals

● Study hard in the intensive course
● practice speaking english with friends in every day life.
● Study more on the books or research about business, nance, mindset etc.

Discuss how intrinsic and extrinsic motivation will play a role in accomplishing these goals.
>> Extrinsic
● Inspiration to pass the exam and get scholarships to study abroad.
● To make my parents proud of me.
>> Intrinsic
● proud of myself that correctly understand what natives are saying.
● spirit, moods, mindset.

>> Group members

1. Chakrit Wateerak (AC) studentID; 6710514009
2. Aitsara Anontree (Smile) studentID; 6710514046
3. Sainum Duangjan (TK) studentID; 6710514037
4. Mgal Khant Thu (Site Site) studentID; 6710514001
5. Ruttapun Buied (Orkar) studentID; 6710514033

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