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Company Overview

SHE cruise Empowerment Hub is a pioneering organization based in Islamabad

and Rawalpindi, dedicated to empowering women through motorcycle training
and community building. Founded and legally owned by Sheza Aksar, Aleshba
Shabbir, Zunaira Ghani, and Shanza Ashraf, SHE cruise offers comprehensive
training programs tailored specifically for women, led by experienced female
instructors. Our services include beginner to advanced motorcycle training
courses, workshops on bike maintenance and customization, and events that
foster a supportive network of female riders. The SHE cruise team consists of
passionate and skilled professionals committed to promoting safety,
empowerment, and skill development among women. Our purpose is to break
barriers, foster independence, and create a strong community of female
motorcycling enthusiasts, positioning ourselves as the leading platform for
women's empowerment in the traditionally male-dominated motorcycling

Description of SHEcruise Empowerment Hub

SHEcruise Empowerment Hub is dedicated to overcoming the unique
challenges faced by women in Pakistan who aspire to ride motorcycles. Women
often encounter significant barriers such as societal norms that discourage them
from riding, safety concerns due to inadequate training, and limited access to
training programs specifically tailored for women. To address these issues,
SHEcruise provides a comprehensive range of motorcycle training programs
designed exclusively for women and led by experienced female instructors.
These programs cater to all skill levels, from beginners to advanced riders, with
a strong focus on safe riding practices and extensive hands-on experience to
build confidence and competence.
In addition to training programs, SHEcruise offers specialized workshops on
bike maintenance and customization, empowering women with the knowledge
and skills to maintain and personalize their motorcycles. This holistic approach
ensures that women are not only skilled riders but also proficient in the
technical aspects of motorcycle ownership.
Furthermore, SHEcruise places a strong emphasis on community building.
Through regular events, mentorship programs, and online forums, the hub
fosters a supportive network where female riders can connect, share
experiences, and receive ongoing support and encouragement. This community
aspect is vital in creating a sense of belonging and solidarity among female
The benefits of SHE cruise’s services are multi-dimensional. Women gain the
skills and confidence to ride motorcycles safely and independently, which
contributes to their overall empowerment and independence. Enhanced safety
and riding skills reduce the risk of accidents and promote responsible riding.
The supportive community created by SHE cruise offers a platform for women
to network, find mentors, and build lasting friendships, further enhancing their
riding experience. By addressing these needs, SHE cruise aims to empower
women, increase their visibility in the motorcycling community, and advocate
for their rights and safety in a traditionally male-dominated field. The hub's
mission is not only to teach women how to ride but also to break down societal
barriers and promote a culture of inclusivity and empowerment for female riders
in Pakistan.

Business and Industry Analysis

SHEcruise Empowerment Hub operates within the motorcycle training and
empowerment industry, focusing on providing specialized training and support
services for women. This industry encompasses various aspects of
motorcycling, including skill development, safety education, bike maintenance,
and community building. The niche market within this industry addresses the
specific needs and challenges faced by female motorcyclists, promoting
inclusivity and empowerment.
SHEcruise is set to launch and operate primarily in urban centers across
Pakistan, where there is a growing interest among women in motorcycling as a
means of transportation and personal empowerment. The business will initially
focus on major cities such as Rawalpindi, and Islamabad, where the demand for
female-friendly training programs is high, and the infrastructure can support
such initiatives. These urban areas are characterized by a diverse population,
progressive attitudes towards gender roles, and a higher concentration of
potential partnerships with local businesses, motorcycle brands, and women’s
organizations. The choice of these locations is strategic, aiming to maximize
reach and impact, while addressing the unique societal and cultural barriers
present in Pakistan.
Industry Overview, Growth, and Trends for
SHEcruise Empowerment Hub
The motorcycle training and empowerment industry in Pakistan is an evolving
sector that spans transportation, education, and gender empowerment. It
provides a range of services, including riding lessons, safety courses, bike
maintenance workshops, and community-building activities aimed at both new
and experienced motorcyclists. A notable emerging sub-sector within this
industry focuses specifically on female riders, addressing unique challenges and
needs in a traditionally male-dominated field.
Demand in this industry is driven by several key factors. Rapid urban growth
has led to increased traffic congestion in major cities, making motorcycles an
appealing choice due to their maneuverability and cost-effectiveness. Rising
income levels and greater disposable income have enabled more individuals,
including women, to afford motorcycles and related training services.
Additionally, there is a significant cultural shift underway, with changing
societal attitudes increasingly supporting women’s independence and mobility.
The industry is characterized by various providers offering motorcycle training
and empowerment programs. These programs are designed to enhance riding
skills, promote safety, and provide a supportive community for motorcyclists.
For female riders, these programs often include specialized training led by
female instructors, creating a comfortable and empowering learning
environment. Workshops on bike maintenance and customization are also
common, equipping women with the knowledge and skills to maintain and
personalize their motorcycles.
Safety is a central focus of the industry, with many training programs
emphasizing safe riding practices, road awareness, and the proper use of safety
gear. The importance of building a supportive community is also recognized,
with initiatives such as mentorship programs, events, and online forums helping
to create networks where female riders can share experiences and support each
Technological integration is playing an increasingly important role, with online
platforms providing training modules, virtual events, and forums for community
engagement. This digital shift enhances accessibility and convenience, allowing
more women to participate in training and community activities regardless of
their location.
Advocacy and awareness campaigns are also significant in this industry. These
initiatives aim to promote women's rights, influence policy changes, and
improve riding conditions for female motorcyclists. Collaboration with
motorcycle brands, safety gear manufacturers, and women's organizations is
common, helping to expand the reach and impact of training programs.
Overall, the motorcycle training and empowerment industry in Pakistan is
growing and adapting to meet the needs of an expanding market. By addressing
the specific challenges faced by female riders and leveraging technological
advancements, the industry is contributing to the broader movement towards
gender equality and empowerment.
The motorcycle training and empowerment industry in Pakistan is experiencing
significant growth, fueled by factors such as increasing urbanization, rising
income levels, and shifting societal attitudes towards gender equality. Within
this industry, there is a burgeoning niche focused on providing specialized
training and support for female riders. This trend is driven by a growing
movement towards empowerment and independence among women, leading to
a rising interest in motorcycling as a means of transportation and personal
expression. Key trends within this niche include the development of female-
focused training programs led by female instructors, the establishment of
supportive community networks, and a heightened emphasis on safety and skill
development. Additionally, technological integration, advocacy efforts, and
partnerships with industry stakeholders are shaping the landscape of female
motorcycling in Pakistan. SHEcruise Empowerment Hub is poised to capitalize
on these trends, offering tailored programs and services to meet the needs of
female riders and contribute to the ongoing movement towards gender equality
and empowerment in the country.

Customer Profile for SHEcruise Empowerment Hub

Gender: Female
Age Range: 18-45 years
Occupation: Students, professionals, entrepreneurs, and homemakers
Income Level: Middle to upper-middle class
Education Level: High school graduates to university degree holders
Marital Status: Single, married, or divorced
Family Status: Women with or without children

SHEcruise Empowerment Hub primarily targets women living in urban centers,
including major cities such as Rawalpindi, and Islamabad. These women reside
in both city centers and suburban areas where transportation infrastructure is
well-developed, reflecting their need for efficient and cost-effective
transportation solutions. With high mobility within urban areas, they are often
seeking alternatives that offer greater independence and convenience.

Behavioral Lifestyle
Behaviorally, these women are driven by a desire for independence,
empowerment, and a sense of adventure. They are willing to invest in personal
growth and skills development, particularly when it comes to learning new
activities like motorcycling. They tend to remain loyal to brands that promote
women's empowerment and provide strong community support, making
decisions influenced by peer recommendations, social media, and community
In terms of lifestyle, these women are engaged in outdoor activities, fitness, and
social events, and are active on social media platforms. They are enthusiastic
about learning new skills, personal development, and participating in
community initiatives. They value independence, empowerment, safety, and
community support, and regularly consume online content related to women's
empowerment and motorcycling through social media, blogs, and forums.

Competitor analysis
The SHEcruise Empowerment Hub is a unique initiative focused on empowering women by
teaching them how to ride bikes, with all training provided by female instructors. Our mission
is to create a supportive and empowering environment where women can gain the skills and
confidence needed to ride a bike. In this market, we face competition from Pink Riders and
Women on Wheels.
Pink Riders is a well-established organization with a strong brand presence and several years
of experience. They offer comprehensive training programs across multiple locations, which
allows them to serve a larger demographic. Additionally, Pink Riders engage heavily with
their community through events and meet-ups. However, their programs are often more
expensive, which may deter some potential clients, and their standardized approach might
lack the personalized touch that some customers seek. Pink Riders have opportunities to
expand into new markets and form partnerships with women's organizations, but they also
face threats from new entrants in the market and potential economic downturns that could
impact their high-cost services.
Women on Wheels (WoW) focuses on inclusivity and community, offering affordable and
diverse programs, including group rides and bike maintenance workshops. Their strong
community focus fosters a sense of belonging among participants. Despite these strengths,
WoW has fewer training locations and may face resource constraints due to their smaller size.
Opportunities for WoW include the introduction of digital training programs and corporate
partnerships focused on employee wellness. However, they also face threats from larger
competitors and market saturation.
SHEcruise Empowerment Hub differentiates itself with unique selling points such as
employing exclusively female instructors, offering personalized training tailored to individual
needs, and emphasizing empowerment and confidence-building. Our flexible training
schedules accommodate the busy lives of our clients, and competitive pricing strategies make
our services accessible to a broader audience. Additionally, our strong commitment to female
empowerment and safety resonates strongly with our target market.
While Pink Riders and Women on Wheels are established competitors, SHEcruise
Empowerment Hub has distinct strengths that position us well for success. By leveraging our
female-only instructor base, personalized training programs, and strong focus on
empowerment, we can create a unique niche in the market. Strategic initiatives such as
flexible scheduling, affordable pricing, and community-building efforts will further
strengthen our competitive position and help us achieve our mission of empowering women
through bike riding.

Marketing Strategy
Market Segmentation
Geographic Segmentation: SHEcruise Empowerment Hub targets urban and suburban
areas, as well as college towns, where biking is popular and infrastructure supports safe
riding. Metropolitan cities and communities with bike-friendly environments are key
geographic segments.

Demographic Segmentation: Our primary demographic includes women aged 18-45

from middle to upper-middle income groups. This includes students, working professionals,
and stay-at-home mothers, all of whom can afford discretionary spending on personal
development and leisure activities.
Psychographic Segmentation: We focus on women with active lifestyles, who are
health-conscious and eco-friendly. These women value empowerment, independence, and
personal growth, making them ideal candidates for our bike riding lessons.

Behavioral Segmentation: Behaviorally, we cater to women who are non-riders,

beginners, and intermediate riders. Key occasions such as New Year's resolutions, summer
activities, and a post-pandemic focus on health are times when our services are particularly
appealing. Benefits sought by our customers include confidence-building, skill development,
fitness, and social interaction.

Targeting Strategy
SHEcruise Empowerment Hub adopts a differentiated marketing strategy, focusing on three
primary target segments:

Young Professionals: Women aged 25-35 in urban and suburban areas looking to learn
new skills, stay fit, and adopt eco-friendly transportation methods.

College Students: Female students aged 18-24 who seek independence and cost-effective
ways to commute around their college towns.

Stay-at-Home Mothers: Women aged 30-45 interested in personal development, fitness,

and engaging with their community.

SHEcruise Empowerment Hub positions itself as the leading empowerment and skill-building
platform for women who want to learn bike riding in a safe, supportive, and all-female
environment. Our emphasis on personalized training, empowerment, and community sets us
apart from competitors.

Marketing Mix (4Ps)

Product: Our core product is bike riding lessons tailored specifically for women, taught by
female instructors. This is augmented with safety gear, bike maintenance workshops, and
additional services like online resources, community events, and group rides.

Price: We adopt competitive pricing, positioned slightly below Pink Riders but above
Women on Wheels to balance affordability with perceived value. Various package options are
available, including beginner courses, intermediate training, and advanced riding techniques.
We also offer seasonal discounts, referral bonuses, and group booking discounts.

Place: Training locations are strategically placed in urban and suburban areas with high foot
traffic and bike-friendly infrastructure. We maintain a comprehensive online presence for
information, booking, and accessing online resources. Partnerships with local community
centers and gyms further extend our reach.

Promotion: Our promotional strategy includes robust digital marketing efforts on social
media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube, showcasing success stories and
training sessions. Influencer partnerships in fitness, lifestyle, and eco-friendly niches help
promote our services. Local advertising through flyers, posters, and newspapers in targeted
neighborhoods, along with free introductory workshops and community bike rides, build
brand awareness. Public relations efforts include press releases and media coverage in
women-focused publications and local news outlets.

Entrepreneur and manager resume

Our team at SHEcruise Empowerment Hub consists of four dedicated university students who
are passionate about empowering women through bike riding. Each member brings unique
skills and expertise to the team, contributing to the overall success of our initiative.

Shanza Ashraf - Female Trainer

Shanza Ashraf is our lead trainer at SHEcruise Empowerment Hub. As a university student
with a keen interest in fitness and empowerment, Shanza has a natural ability to connect with
our clients and make them feel comfortable and supported. Her patience, enthusiasm, and
expertise in bike riding ensure that our training sessions are both effective and enjoyable.
Shanza's role is crucial in helping women gain confidence and independence through learning
to ride bikes.

Zunaira Ghani - Marketing Manager

Zunaira Ghani is the creative force behind our marketing efforts. Currently studying
marketing at university, Zunaira brings innovative ideas and strategies to promote our
services. She is responsible for managing our social media presence, creating engaging
content, and organizing promotional events. Zunaira's ability to understand our target
audience and her dedication to spreading our message of empowerment play a vital role in
attracting new clients and building our brand.

Sheza Aksar - Operations Manager

Sheza Aksar oversees the daily operations at SHEcruise Empowerment Hub. As a university
student with a strong background in management, Sheza ensures that our training sessions
run smoothly and efficiently. She is responsible for scheduling, coordinating with instructors,
and managing logistics. Her organizational skills and attention to detail help maintain high
standards of service and client satisfaction. Sheza's role is essential in ensuring that our
operations are seamless and professional.

Alishba Shabir - Finance Manager

Alishba Shabir is the financial backbone of our team. Studying finance at university, Alishba
manages our budget, financial planning, and accounting. She is responsible for ensuring that
our resources are allocated efficiently and that our financial goals are met. Alishba's expertise
in finance helps us maintain sustainability and make informed decisions about growth and
investment. Her role is critical in keeping our business financially healthy and viable.
 Our team at SHEcruise Empowerment Hub is composed of passionate and skilled
university students who are dedicated to empowering women through bike riding.
Shanza Ashraf, Zunaira Ghani, Sheza Aksar, and Alishba Shabir each bring unique
strengths to the team, making us a cohesive and effective unit. Together, we are
committed to creating a supportive and empowering environment for women to learn
and grow.

Plane of operation
Office Space:
Secure an actual area for the business tasks. This office will act as the focal centre for
overseeing managerial undertakings, planning occasions, and putting away stock. The size of
the workplace ought to be adequate to oblige staff, office gear, and a little stock stockpiling

Choose whether to rent or purchase the workplace space. Renting may be ideal at first to
decrease forthright expenses.

Foster a Site with a Coordinated People group Stage and Web based business Usefulness:

Site Improvement:
Make an easy to understand and outwardly engaging site that fills in as the business' web-
based presence. The site ought to mirror the brand's character and mission.

Local area Stage:

Coordinate a social stage where individuals can make profiles, post refreshes, share content,
and communicate with one another. This stage can incorporate discussions, gatherings, and
occasion pages.

Enlist Key Faculty Including a Local area Chief, Occasion Organizer, Content Maker, and
Promoting Trained professional:

Local area Administrator:

Answerable for drawing in with the local area, directing the web-based stage, and
guaranteeing individuals feel invited and upheld.

Occasion Facilitator:
Plans, sorts out, and executes occasions, for example, meetups, studios, and riding occasions.
This job includes operations, merchant coordination, and occasion advancement.

Content Designer:
Creates great substance for the site, web-based entertainment, and limited time materials.
This incorporates blog entries, recordings, instructional exercises, and photography.

Showcasing Subject matter expert:

Creates and carries out advertising systems to draw in new individuals, advance occasions,
and increment brand mindfulness. This job includes online entertainment the executives,
email promoting, and publicizing efforts.

Local area Building

Online People group:
Send off and Advance the Web-based Stage, Empowering Client Produced Content and

Stage Sendoff:
Authoritatively send off the local area stage and advance it through online entertainment,
email pamphlets, and organizations with powerhouses.

Client Produced Content:

Urge individuals to contribute content, for example, blog entries, photographs, recordings,
and gathering conversations. Feature part stories and accomplishments to cultivate a feeling
of having a place.

Commitment Techniques:
Carry out methodologies to keep the local area dynamic and drew in, like standard updates,
intuitive substance (surveys, tests), and virtual occasions.

Plan and Execute Neighbourhood Meetups, Riding Occasions, Studios, and Instructional

Neighborhood Meetups:
Coordinate casual social occasions where individuals can meet face to face, organization, and
offer encounters.

Riding Occasions:
Host bunch rides, energizes, and visits custom fitted to various expertise levels and interests.

Offer instructive meetings on points like bicycle support, wellbeing, and high level riding

Instructional meetings:
Collaborate with affirmed teachers to give organized preparing programs, from novice to
cutting edge levels.

Item Plan:
Team up with Originators to Make a Line of Top calibre, Marked Clothing and Stuff:

Configuration Interaction:
Work with proficient creators to foster a line of clothing and stuff that reverberates with the
brand's character and requests to the objective market. This might incorporate Shirts, coats,
protective caps, gloves, and other riding embellishments.

Guarantee all items are marked with the business' logo and variety conspire, keeping a
predictable look and feel.

Creation and Stock

Maker Choice:
Distinguish and cooperate with solid makers who can create great items in a financially
savvy way.

Stock Administration:
Execute a stock administration framework to follow stock levels, oversee requests, and
handle coordinated operations. This can include utilizing programming to smooth out tasks
and guarantee opportune satisfaction of orders.

2) Financial Planning:
1. Startup Expenses
Office Arrangement: PKR 1,200,000
Lease (initial a half year): PKR 600,000
Furniture and apparatuses: PKR 300,000
Office gear (PCs, printers, and so on): PKR 300,000
PKR 2,000,000
Site improvement:
PKR 1,200,000
Internet business stage coordination:
PKR 500,000
Local area stage joining:
PKR 300,000
Promoting and Publicizing:
PKR 1,500,000

Virtual entertainment advancement:

PKR 500,000
Stock Turn of events:
PKR 1,800,000
Item plan:
PKR 300,000
PKR 1,500,000
Occasion Arrangement:
PKR 1,500,000
Occasion arranging and coordinated operations:
PKR a million
Setting rental and grants:
PKR 500,000
Preparing Projects:
PKR 800,000
Course advancement:
PKR 500,000
Teacher charges (beginning meetings):
PKR 300,000
Incidental Costs:
PKR 500,000
Complete Startup Expenses:
PKR 9,300,000
Income Streams:
Enrolment Charges:
Yearly enrollment charge:
PKR 5,000
Target individuals in Year 1:
Income from enrollments:
2,000 * 5,000 = PKR 10,000,000
1) Loan Investment proposal source

Leader Rundown
Business Name:
New Young lady Riders
Business Idea:
A people group driven business supporting and advancing female riders in motorcycling,
cycling, and equestrian games through occasions, stock, preparing programs, and a web-
based local area stage.
Statement of purpose:
To engage and rouse ladies riders by giving assets, local area backing, and open doors for
expertise advancement.
Credit Sum Mentioned:
PKR 9,300,000
Reason for the Credit:
To take care of startup costs including office arrangement, innovation advancement,
showcasing, stock creation, occasion association, and preparing program improvement.
Business Outline:
Business Design:
Confidential Restricted Organization
Rawalpindi, Pakistan (starting tasks with plans to extend from one side of the country to the
Target Market:
Ladies matured 18-45 with a premium in motorcycling, cycling, or equestrian games.
Items and Administrations:
Enrollment plans
Marked stock (clothing and stuff)
Riding occasions and meetups
Preparing projects and studios
Online people group stage:
Market Examination:
Industry Outline:
The experience sports and female strengthening developments are developing around the
world, remembering for Pakistan. There is a rising cooperation of ladies in motorcycling,
cycling, and equestrian exercises. This pattern presents a huge chance for New Young lady
Riders to take advantage of a specialty market.
Target Market:
Ladies matured 18-45
Metropolitan and semi-metropolitan regions
Pay range:
Center to upper-working class
Serious Investigation:
Restricted rivalry in female-driven riding networks.
Existing male-overwhelmed riding clubs need custom fitted administrations for female riders.
Market Needs:
Protected and strong riding local area for ladies
Preparing and ability advancement programs
Admittance to quality riding stuff and clothing
Systems administration and social open doors
The New Young lady Riders business has an unmistakable mission to enable and uphold
female riders in Pakistan. With a thorough arrangement, solid market potential, and a strong
monetary methodology, this credit will empower the business to set up a good foundation for
itself and accomplish feasible development. We are certain about our capacity to reimburse
the credit through our projected incomes and beneficial tasks.

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