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Proposal for a UNWTO Training Programme in Morocco

Building Resilience of Tourism

May 2021

In order to support the services provided by EBRD-UNWTO to Morocco, a set of different Training
activities will be delivered for different stakeholders in order to strengthen and complement the existing
offer created by the Ministry.

These training activities will be especially aimed at assisting tourism governments and tourism
businesses to adapt their services to meet the post COVID-19 working conditions in terms of health,
safety, and restoration of consumer confidence; and promote tourism governance, public-private
partnerships and collaborative efforts for tourism recovery, including crisis preparedness and
management systems, protocols and skills.


After the first meetings with the Ministry, we assume that these are the top priority stakeholders to be
addressed: Government officials, Inspectors for hotels/restaurants, Museums/Cultural Sites, Hotel and
other Business Managers, and other stakeholders the Ministry considers necessary.

Regarding the topics, our first approach is to prioritize the post COVID-19 working conditions in terms of
health and safety. Apart from this main focus, courses will also include updates and best practices on the
areas of responsibilities of trainees.

In order to address these needs for these different publics, and in order to deliver a time and cost-effective
training, our approach consists on starting with a general branch for all stakeholders (extensive to the
general public in Morocco), that will be complemented by specialized training for each topic.

A- General Branch (4 Webinars)

a. Format: 4 Webinars (each webinar is 45 minutes content delivery and 30 min Q&A)
b. Topics:
i. Directives mondiales de l'OMT pour relancer le tourisme et Principaux dé fis et
opportunité s lors du redé marrage du tourisme au Maroc.
ii. Fondements et bonnes pratiques de la santé et de la sé curité sur toute la chaine
de valeur touristique
iii. L’innovation et la digitalisation de la chaîne de valeur touristique
iv. Les impacts de la crise de la COVID-19 sur l'expé rience touristique et modes
d’achat et de consommation des touristes (Balancing the ´customer journey´
with new operation guidelines)
c. Language: Arabic / French
d. Addressed to: All stakeholders

Proposal – Morocco Training 2

e. Number of Participants: Up to 500 active participants during the Webinars, and up to
10.000 attendees on social media broadcast. Webinars will also be recorded and may
be available on social media and MOTA web page for unlimited number of participants.

B- Specialized Training (3 courses)

a. Format: 3 8-hours Online Courses, each one split over 2 days (possibility to also include
onsite session)
b. Topics: it will reinforce the general branch on these 3 topics:
i. Les solutions innovantes pour la relance du secteur touristique post COVID-19
ii. Stimuler la compé titivité et renforcer la ré silience des PME touristiques
iii. Renforcement des capacité s de gestion de crise
c. Language: Arabic / French
d. Addressed to: All stakeholders
e. Number of Participants: In order to guarantee good interaction with participants, online
trainings are limited to 40 participants per group/trainer. 2 Parallel groups will be trained
on each topic, totalizing 80 participants per topic, thus totalizing 240 participants.


The tasks that are connected with the organisation of the training that is planned to begin in first half of
2021, are the following ones:

1. Proceed with administrative and financial arrangements (agreement)

2. Set up the dates of the trainings

3. Select the international and local trainers

4. Develop the agenda (modules, timing) for the courses

5. Facilitate/deliver the training and exams (online)

6. Issue the participation certificates from UNWTO

Proposal – Morocco Training 3

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