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"Bridges of Change: Navigating College Challenges"


(The scene opens with a busy enrollment office filled with parents and students waiting in line to
fill out forms.)

Narrator: In Tagbilaran, where academic dreams come true, a group of friends unwillingly steps
into the world of BIT-IC. They have no idea that this journey will shape their futures in ways they
never thought possible.

(The group of friends, CRISTINE, KESIAH, and TRISHA, look at each other and toward the
enrollment counter; their faces express their hesitation.)

Christine: (whispering) This is so much more than our parents made us do.

Kesiah: (rolls eyes) You know, I had different plans for the summer.

Trisha: Alright, so here we are (sighs). Just let's get this over with.

Narrator: They reluctantly give their documents to the enrollment officer, who efficiently
processes them with practiced skill.

The friends share uneasy looks, realizing that their summer adventures will be swapped for
classes and assignments.

And so, the hesitant journey started. Little did they know, this was just the start of a series of
adventures, challenges, and friendships that would shape their college experience.

(The scene shifts to the friends exploring the campus, capturing the feeling of uncertainty and
the unexpected surprises that lay ahead.)


(The door creaks open as CHRISTINE, KESIAH, and TRISHA step into the classroom, searching for
available seats. The class is already in progress, but there's no teacher in sight.)

NARRATOR: Their first classroom entrance is marked by tardiness, stepping into a lecture already
in motion.

(They find empty seats, trying to blend in with the on-time students. Whispered conversations
fill the air as they catch up on the lesson.)

Christine: (whispering) Perfect way to make an entrance.

Kesiah: (smirking) Well, we did warn each other.

Narrator: As they settle, the Student Government (SSG) representative, CONNEL, enters,
grabbing the class's attention.

Connel: Attention, everyone! Eyes up here, please!

(The class goes silent, focusing on Connel.)

Connel: Starting next week, everyone must wear school uniforms. If you don't have one yet, wear
a plain white or department t-shirt, black pants, and school shoes, then show your receipt.

On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, no rubber shoes, crop tops, ripped jeans, sandals,
sleeveless, or anything against our dress code. Please follow it. Thank you!

(The friends exchange glances, realizing they need to adjust their wardrobe plans.)

Trisha: (whispering) Black pants and white shirts? Seriously?

Christine: (nodding) Our fashion choices just got a makeover.

(Connel continues with announcements, and the friends reluctantly adapt to changes in their
college routine.)

Narrator: From latecomers to unexpected dress code rules, their BIT-IC journey becomes a
lesson in adaptability. Little do they know, more surprises await in the chapters ahead.

(The scene closes with the friends contemplating adjustments, setting the tone for the
challenges ahead.)

SCENE 3: SCHOOL GATE (a week later)

(The school gate serves as the boundary between the outside world and the school, CHIRISTINE,
KESIAH, and TRISHA confidently approach, wearing their regular clothes, unaware of the
impending confrontation.)

Narrator: A week after the dress code announcement, conformity becomes a challenge for our

*The stern-faced Adrian(the guard) steps forward, eyeing the trio as they try to enter the

Adrian: Hold on! What do you think you're doing?

Christine: (innocently) Just going to class. What's the issue?

Adrian: (pointing) The issue is you're not following the dress code! Black pants and white shirts,

Kesiah: (defiantly) We have our reasons. We're not conformists.

Trisha: (nodding) We're here for education, not a fashion show.

(The guard's expression tightens, leading to a tense argument as they defend their choices.)

Adrian: Rules are rules. Everyone follows them.

Kesiah: (sarcastically) We've heard.

(The argument escalates, drawing the attention of the Department Gov (YECPOT) passing by.)

Christine: You're just a guard in this school! You fat assh*le!!

Gov. Yecpot: What's happening here?

Adrian: (pointing at the friends) They're not following the dress code, sir.

(The friends attempt to explain, but the governor interrupts.)

Gov. Yecpot: Rules apply to everyone. No exceptions. Guard, report this to the dean.
(The guard nods, and the friends exchange frustrated glances as their nonconformity leads to
official consequences.)

NARRATOR: The clash at the school gate marks a turning point. Little do they know, this incident
will be a defining moment in their college journey, teaching them about responsibility and the
consequences of challenging the system.

(The scene fades out as the guard walks away to report the violation, leaving our friends to
ponder the repercussions of their choices.)


(CHRISTINE, KESIAH, and TRISHA sit nervously in front of MS. CLAIRE (the dean), facing an
imposing desk, the weight of their actions evident on their faces. The stern dean looks

Ms. Claire: (firmly) Your behavior at the school gate was unacceptable. Disregarding rules and
disrespecting authority will not be tolerated here.

Christine: (attempting to sound remorseful) We understand, Ms. Claire. It won't happen again.

Kesiah: (nodding) Totally our bad. We'll follow the dress code from now on.

Trisha: (apologetic) We didn't mean to cause trouble.

(The dean fixes them with a stern gaze, emphasizing the seriousness of their actions.)

Ms. Claire: College isn't just about academics; it's about learning respect and responsibility. Your
behavior reflects on the entire institution.

(The friends, realizing the gravity of the situation, nod in agreement, offering contrite

NARRATOR: In the dean's office, the clash at the school gate becomes a lesson in humility.
Sometimes, compliance is the price of admission to a greater journey.

(The dean continues to lecture them about the importance of following rules and respecting
authority figures.)

Ms. Claire: (concluding) I hope this serves as a wake-up call. Any further incidents will have more
severe consequences.

(The friends, wanting to put an end to the ordeal, readily agree, promising to adhere to the rules
and regulations of BIT-IC.)

Christine: Absolutely, Ms. Claire. We'll be more careful.

Keisah: Lesson learned.

Trisha: (nodding) We won't let it happen again.

(The dean, satisfied with their response, dismisses them, leaving the friends to contemplate the
consequences of their actions as they exit the office.)


(Christine, Kesiah, and Trisha unwind in their shared apartment, holding bottles of drinks. The
atmosphere is relaxed, and the friends decide to have a "chill session," momentarily forgetting
their looming responsibilities.)
NARRATOR: After the dean's lecture, they sought comfort in the apartment, taking a break from
academic stress.

(The friends clink their bottles, laughter filling the room as they share stories and jokes.)

Christine: (raising her bottle) To surviving the first month of college drama!

Kesiah: (smirking) And to bending the rules a bit.

Trisha: (laughing) Cheers to that!

(As the night goes on, the carefree atmosphere is disrupted by the realization of an upcoming

Kesiah: (suddenly serious) Hey, guys, we have an exam tomorrow.

Christine: (waves it off) We'll wing it. Chill first.

Trisha: (nodding) Agreed. Exams can wait.

(One of them expresses concern about neglecting studies, but the majority dismiss it, choosing
to enjoy the moment.)

NARRATOR: Sometimes, the immediate joy outweighs the weight of impending responsibilities.

(The friends continue their "chill session," putting academics on hold and savoring the
camaraderie that college life has brought them.)


(The classroom is filled with tension as students quietly sift through their exam papers.
CHRISTINE, KESIAH, and TRISHA, however, appear groggy and disoriented, their lack of
preparation evident.)

NARRATOR: The aftermath of a night of "chilling" turning into a "hard night" unfolds as the trio
struggles to face the reality of an upcoming exam.

(CHRISTINE squints at the questions, visibly struggling to focus. KESIAH rubs his temples, and
TRISHA stifles a yawn as the effects of the previous night linger.)

Kesiah: (whispering) I can't believe we didn't study.

Trisha: (mumbling) My head is pounding.

Christine: (grimacing) This was a bad idea.

(As the clock ticks, the friends attempt to muster answers, but their blank stares at the exam
sheets tell a different story.)

NARRATOR: The consequences of their choices are now evident on the exam paper, a stark
reminder that sometimes, enjoyment comes at a cost.

(The students around them diligently answer questions while CHRISTINE, KESIAH, TRISHA
exchange helpless glances.)

Christine: (whispering) I can't even remember what we studied last.

Kesiah: (sighs) I think we're in trouble.

Trisha: (looking defeated) Maybe next time, we'll prioritize exams over "hard nights."
Narrator: As the exam progresses, the friends grapple with the repercussions of their actions,
realizing the importance of balance in the chaotic dance of college life.


(The classroom is tense as students await the announcement of exam grades. CHRISTINE,
KESIAH, and TRISHA exchange nervous glances, aware they didn't take the exam seriously.)

NARRATOR: The consequences of their night of revelry are revealed as the teacher prepares to
announce results that will shape their academic standing.

(The stern teacher(MS. LOVELLA) starts calling names and grades. The room falls silent as the
trio's names are mentioned, followed by disappointing grades.)

Lovella: MONTALBAN- 2.0, RAÑIN- 1.5, CAÑO- 3.3, CRUSPERO-1.2, CENIA-1.4, GUMOP-AS - 3.1,
Oppus- 1.7, MONTON- 3.4

Lovella: Caño, Gumop-as, and Monton, you all scored below the passing mark. Failing grades.

(The weight of their actions sinks in, and regret fills the room. The friends sit somberly, realizing
the gravity of neglecting their academic responsibilities.)

NARRATOR: Reality sets in as their grades become a reflection of their choices.

(Christine, Kesiah, and Trisha exchange remorseful glances, the realization of their mistakes
hitting them hard.)

Christine: (whispering) We should have taken it seriously.

Kesiah: (nodding) This is on us.

Trisha: (sighs) No more "hard nights" before exams.

(As the teacher continues with announcements, the friends reflect on their failures and silently
vow to do better in the upcoming semester.)

NARRATOR: Sometimes, a moment of failure sparks the determination to change.

(The scene fades out, leaving Christine, Kesiah, and Trisha contemplating the lessons learned
from their academic setback.)


(Christine, Kesiah, and Trisha sit humbly before the DEAN, seeking redemption after their
academic misstep. The dean looks stern but open to hearing their plea.)

NARRATOR: Faced with the consequences of their actions, they turn to the dean, hoping for a
second chance.

Ms. Claire: Your grades reflect a lack of commitment to your studies. What do you propose?

Christine: (nervously) Ms. Claire, we acknowledge our mistake. We're willing to do whatever it
takes to make things right.

Kesiah: We understand the importance of our education and want to rectify our shortcomings.

Trisha: (earnestly) Please, give us a chance to improve our grades.

(The dean contemplates their sincerity before offering a solution.)

Ms. Claire: I appreciate your honesty. Considering the circumstances, I suggest you take summer
classes to make up for your failed subjects.

(The friends exchange glances, realizing the gravity of the commitment.)

NARRATOR: Redemption comes with a price, and for our friends, it's the dedication to salvage
their academic standing.

Christine: (resolutely) We'll do it, Ms. Claire. Summer classes it is.

Kesiah: (nodding) We won't let this opportunity go to waste.

Trisha: (determined) Thank you for giving us a chance to make things right.

(The dean nods, acknowledging their commitment to rectify their mistakes.)

Ms. Claire: Make the most of this chance. Learn from your failures and come back stronger.

(The friends leave the dean's office, carrying a renewed sense of purpose and a determination to
make the most of the opportunity presented to them.)


NARRATOR: As summer classes unfold, Christine, Kesiah, and Trisha immerse themselves in
studies, achieving redemption with improved grades. The hard work pays off, and their
commitment to academic excellence shines through.

(The scene transitions to the friends celebrating their success, evident in their smiles.)

NARRATOR: Their journey teaches us that setbacks are opportunities to rise stronger. Sometimes,
it takes a stumble to discover resilience within.

(The friends, now wiser and more focused, share a moment of reflection.)

Christine: (smiling) We did it. Proving that second chances are worth seizing.

Kesiah: (nodding) We won't take education for granted again.

Trisha: (grateful) Thank you, Ms. Claire, for believing in us.

NARRATOR: In the college tapestry, mistakes are threads weaving lessons. As the group of
friends learned, acknowledging faults and determined rectification lead to growth and success.

(The scene fades, leaving the audience with a valuable lesson.)

NARRATOR: Remember, your journey may have stumbles, but how you rise defines your story.
Embrace challenges, learn from mistakes, and let resilience guide you towards success.

(The screen fades to black, leaving the audience with a message of hope and the importance of
perseverance in adversity.)

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