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$«**f*f/« sRouP oF iNsTiTuTioNs
0efhi-NCR. Ghaziabad

Project Report

Land Use and Land Cover Analysis of Ghaziabad Region using ArcGIS
Submitted as partial fulfillment for the award of

SESSION 2022-23

Civil Engineering Department


Romish Singh Malik (1900290iXD058)

Manoj Kumar Yadav (1 802900044)
Pushpendra Kumar Singh ( l90tl290fD0052)
Vimlesh Kumar Verma ( l900290tOD74)
Shreyansh Singh Patel (l9002900O006d)

Under the supervision of

Mr. Shubham Kumar

KIET Group of Institutions, Ghaziabad

Affiliated to
Dr. A.PM. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow
(Formerly UPTU)

June, 2023

I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my
knowledge and beliet, it contains no material previously published or written by
smother person nor the material, which to a .substantial extent, has been accepted
for the award of any other degree or diploma ot any university or other institute
of higher learning. except where due acknowledgment has been made in the

Signature: Signature:
Manoj Kumar Yadav Vimlesh Kumar Verma
(1 S()290Ut)44) ( 1900290000074)

Signature: Signature:
Shreyansh Singh Patel Romish Singh
(l90029000tX166) Malik

Pushpendra Kumar Singh

This is certified that Mr. Manoj Kumar Yadav, Mr. Pushpendra Singh, Mr. Romish Malik ,
Mr. Vimlesh kumar Verma and Mr. Shreyansh Singh Patel has carried out the project work
presented in this repori entitled “Land Use and Land Cover Analysis of Ghaziabad Region
Using ArcGIS Software “ for the award of Bachelor of Technology from Dr. A. P.J Abdul
Kalam Technical University (AKTU), Lucknow under my supervision . The report
embodies results of original work, and studies are carried out by the students themselves and
content of the report has not been submitted for the award of any other degree.

Signature of Supervisor Signature:

Dr.Shailendra Kumar Tiwaiy

Mr. Shubham Kumar
Head of Department
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering

KIET, Ghaziabad- 201206 KIET Group of Institutions,

Ghaziabad - 201206
Uttar Pradesh INDIA Uttar Pradesh INDIA


We would like to take this opportunity to thank KIET Ghaziabad for

providing a vibrant and learning atmosphere. First and loremost, we want
to convey our most sincere gratitude to our Mr. Shubham Kumar,
Assistant (Professor) Department of Civil Engineering, KIET Ghaziabad,
for taking out time from the hectic schedule and guiding us all s‹i in the
most warm and f’riendly manner We would alsu like to extend our
thankfulness to all the professors of the Department of Civil
Engineering for the collective knowledge imparted to us. makin g us capable
enough lo see through the eniire process.

Signature: Signature:

Manoj Kumar Yadav Shreyansh Singh Patel

Roll No: 1502900044 Roll No: 19002900000G6
Date: Date:

Signature: Signature:

Vimlesh Kumar Verma Romish Singh Malik

Roll No: 1900290000074 Roll No: 1900290000055

Date: Date:

Pushpendra Kumar
SinghRoll No:

Remote sensing and Geographical Information System (GIS) are widely accepted
and more dependable advanced techniques to detect change in land Pradesh a part
of National Capital Region Delhi. LANDSAT Satellite imageries of different time
periods i.e 2003(ETM), 2008(ETM), 2013(OU/TIR), 2018(OU/TIR) and
2022(OU/TIR) were downloaded from USGS Earth Explorer and quantified the
Land Use and Land Cover changes the Ghaziabad city from 2003 to 2022.
Supervised Classification method has been employed using Maximum Likelihood
algorithm in ArcGIS Imagine software The images of the study area were
Classified into six different classes, viz Urban, Water, Barren, Orchard and Trees,
Cropland and fallow land

The results indicate that during the last 20 years the urban area of Ghaziabad has
been increased by Barren and Orchard and Trees Decreased. The main reason for
the rapid growth of Urban area is that Ghaziabad is situated in NCR (National
Capital Region) where migration of population has taken place The study also
highlights the importance of digital change detection using classified images of
the Ghaziabad The study provides the insight understanding of urban growth and
aids in subsequent infrastructure planning management and decision making.

For image classification of Ghaziabad district, first of all the existing map of
Ghaziabad was downloaded from This map was
georeferenced using coordinates collected for important locations throughout the
area by handheld GPS After georeferencing. Shape file of Ghaziabad district was
created by digitizing ArcGIS software with the help of this shape file. Multi-sensor
satellite data was extracted for Ghaziabad district by sub- setting in Imagine

Initially various spectral indices were prepared for images of all the years. The
indices prepared are NDVI, NDWI, NDBI, and NDSI. These indices were
computed by Graphical modelling in ERDAS Imagine. Comparative study of
these indices was carried for different years. Subsequently these indices were used
as additional features for layer stack images prepared. Layer stack images were
prepared using raw band 1,2 and 4 (Landsat 5 and Landsat 7)


Title Page
Declaration 2
Acknowledgement 4
Table of Contents 6
List of Tahles 9
Table of Figures 10
List of Graphs 12
List of Symbols and Abbreviations 13
1 Introduction
1.1 General 15
1.2 Electromagnetic Radiation
1.3 Principles ot Remote Sensing 16
1.4 Resolutions 17
1.5 Remote Sensing Satellite 17
1.6 Image Classification-Supervised 19
I .7 Maximum Likelihood Classification i9
2 Literature review
2.1 General 21
2.2 National Studies on Urban Growth 21
2.3 International Studies on Urban Growth 24
3 Study Area, Data and Software Used
3.1 Study Area 2S
3.2 Data Used 29
3.3 Software 31

3.3.1 Arc-GIS 31
4 Methodology
4.1 Satellite Data Collection 34
4.2 Obtaining Existing Map of Ghaziabad District 34
4.3 Georeferencing and Shape File Creation 35
4.4 Subset Image Preparation 36
4.5 Preparation of Spectral Indices
4.5.I Normalized Ditt‘erence Vegetation Index
4.5.2 Normalized Difference Water Index 37
4.5.3 Normalized Dill’erence Built-up Index 35
4.5.4 Normalized Difference Soil Index 39
4.6 Layer Stacking of Raw Bands and Spectral Indices 40
4.7 Supervised image Classii‘ication 4l
4.S Change Analysis ot’ LULC 41
5 Result and Analysis
5.1 Data Collection 43
5.2 Geo-Referencing 44
5.3 Subset Image Creation 44
5.4 Preparation or Various Spectral Indices Data 46
5.4.1 Normalized Diff’erence Vegetation index 46
5.4.2 Normalized Dil”ference Water Index 45
5.4.3 Normalized Diff‘erence Built-Up index 50
5.4.4 Normalized Difference Soil index 5l
5.5 Analysis of year 2003
5.5.1 Layer Stackino 52
5.5.2 Sub-setting image 53
5.6 Analysis of year 2005
5.6.1 Layer Stacking 55
5.6.2 Sub-setting image 55

5.7 Analysis of year 2t)13
5.7.1 Layer Stackin g 60
5.7.2 Sub-setting image 60
5.s Analysis of year 201S
5.5.1 Layer Stacking 63
5.5.2 Sub-setting image
5.9 Analysis of‘ year 2t)22 66
5.9.1 Layer Stacking 66
5.9.2 Sub-setting image
5.10 Classified image 70

5. i i Result and Analysis 73

6 Conclusion and Future Scope
6.1 General 76
6.2 Conclusion 77
6.3 Future scope 7S

Table No. Table Content Page No.
Ll Spectral Range ot The Tires Band 5
3.1 Landsat Data Acquisition 29
5.1 NDVI Data uf All Years 46
5.2 NDVI Data of All Years 49
5.3 NDVI Data of‘All Years 5()
5.4 NDVI Data of All Years 52
5.5 Statistics of Image 2003 53
5.6 Statistics of Image 2008 55
5.7 Statistics of Image 2013 61
5.S Statistics of Image 2015 G4
5.9 Statistics of Image 2022 67

Figure No. Figure Caption Page No.
1.1 Schematic Illustralion of Remote Sensing Technique 1
1.2 illustration of EM Spectrum z
1.s Stage or’ Remote Sensing 2
1.4 Landsat Timeline 4
3.1 Sampling points on Ghaziabad map 16
5.2 Map of Ghaziabad 18
4.1 Obtained map of Ghaziabad 21
4.2 The map of Ghaziabad 22
5.1 Georef’erenced map of Ghaziabad 29
5.2 Shapefile of Ghaziabad 30
5.3 NDVI of various years
5.4 NDVI of various years
5.5 NDVI ot various years
5.6 NDVI ot various years .34
5.7 Layer Stacking 2003 35
5.s Sub Setting of images 36
5.9 Histog riim of 2003 37
5.10 Layer Stacking 2003 38
5.11 Sub Setting of images 2f10S 35
5.12 Histogram of’ 2()08 40
5.13 Layer stacking 2013 41
5.14 Sub-setting image 2013 41
5.15 Histogram of’ 2013 43
5.1fi Layer stacking 2fl1 h 44
5.17 Sub-setting image 2015 45
5.18 Histogram image 20 18 46
5.19 Layer stacking 2022 47

Craph No. Graph Description Page No.
5.1 Changes in Urban area during 2003 - 2022 73
5.2 Changes in Agriculture area between 2003-2022 75
5.3 Changes in Barren Land during 2(X)3-2022 74
5.4 Changes in Surface Water area during 2003-2022 76

ROI Region of Interest
LULC Land Use Land
GIS Cover
TM Geographic Information System
QGIS Thematic Mapper
UARS Quantum Geographic Information System
us Upper Atmosphere Research Satelliie
RS Radar Saleh it
NDVI Remote Sensing
LWCI Normalized Dif’ference Vegetation Index
SAVI Leaf‘ Water Content Index
NDWI Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index
NIR Nor1Tlil)ized Difference Water index
SWIR Near-Infrared
NDBI Short Wave Infrared
EBBI Normalized Dift’erence Built up Index
TIR Enhanced Built-Up and Bareness Index
DBMS Thermal Infrared
NGGIA Database Management Syslem
IPCC National Centre for Geographic Information
OLI Intergovernmental Panel nn Climate Change
UTM Operational Land Imager
ETM Universal Transverse Mercator
IRS Enhanced Thematic Mapper
MLC Indian Remole Sensing
MSS Moximinn Likelihcicid Classifier
UsGs Multispectral Scanner Systems
WPS United State.s Geological Survey
Water Productivity Score

Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 €'eneral
Reloote sensing may be def’ined as the innovative science by which information
about any object on the surface €if the earth may be obtained without any physical
contact with the same. In t‘act, remote sensing is used by common people in
daily lif’e in the form of vision, hearing and smelling. Remote sensing may be
categorized as optical. inl’rared and microwave remute sensing

Fig.I . l Schematic illustration of remote sensing technique

Sensors used to capture reflected energy from the surface of the earth are placed
in various satellites which function as a program. Sensor may be of two kinds:
i. Active sensors
ii. Passive sensnrs

Active sensor are those which generate their own radiation while passive sensors
utilize radiation or’ a natural source such as sun. The reflected radiation interacts
with atmosphere in diff’erent ways and scattering influences its behaviour.
Therefore some knowledge on EMR is necessary

1.2 Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR)
When electric field and magnetic field interacts during propagation of’ energy it is
known as electromagnetic energy. Speed of’ EMR is equivalent to the speed of the
light. Difi‘erent forms of’ EMR are(X-rays, Gamma rays, UV rays, Visible rays,
Infrared, Microwave, Radio waves).
EM spectrum is illustrated in Fig 2.

Radio Microwave Infrared Visible Ultraviolet X-ray Gamma ray

10 10 10 0.5 • 10 10 ” 10 10

Buildings Humans Honey bee Needle point Protozoans Molecules Aloms Afomic nuclei

Fig 1.2 Illustration of EM spectrum

1.3 Principle Of Remote Sensing

Principle of remote sensing invnlves deflection and Ineasurement of radiatinn of

different wavelength reflected permitted from different objects and materials,
Sensor is used to detect reflected and produced radiation f‘rom a object or materlal
Vehicle used to convey the sensor is called stat e

1.4 Resolutions
Resolition is the min um distance between two objects that can be identified
Objects which are closer thas resolution are considered as a single object in an age
ln remote sensing resolution is used to represent the presence of two objects and
their properties. Or it is the amount of details that can be obtained in an image
Four types of‘
i. Spectral Resolution
ii. Spatial Resulutiun
iii. Temporal Resolution
iv. Radiometric Resolution

Spectral Resolution

Spectral Resolution defined as ability of sensors to define t‘ine wavelength

intervals The spectral resolution and wavelength are related as (finer spectral
resolution results in narrower wavelength r‹inge).

Spatial Resolution
Spatial Resolution is the measure of smallest dimensi‹in of area ‹in earth's surface
lhat can b independently measured by a sensor Expressed on ground surface in

Radiometric Resolution
Radiometric characteristics describes actual information content in an image
Radiometric resolution of an image is the sensitivity to the magnitude of’
electromagnetic energy. It deter very slight dif’ference in energy Finer radiometric
resolution of sensor is more sensitive to detect small diff‘erence

Temporal Resolution
it ref‘ers to the discrete resolution or measurement with ret‘erence to time. It also
refers to H often dala is collected of same area
1.5 Remote Sensing
Satellite Landsat Satellite

Landsat is the longest running system for procuring satellite symbolisms of the
Earth First satellite in the arrangement, Landsat-I was propelled in July 1972 It
was a communitarian exertion o1‘ NASA and the US branch of the Interior. The
program was befnre called Earth Resources Technology Satellites (ERTSS) and
was later on renamed as Landsat in 1975. The mission comprises of 8 satellites
propelled progressively. The ongoing one in the gement Land.sat-S, which is
likewise called Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM) was propelled
in February 2013.

fig 1.4 : Timeline of Landsat satellites

Different types of sensors viz. Return Beam Vidicom (RBV). Multispectral

Scanner (MSS). Thematic Mapper, Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM). and
Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) have been used in various Landsat
missions. Lands‹it missions use sun-synchronous.
near polar orbits at dif‘t‘erent altitudes for each mission.
operational. S-day repeat coverage could be maintained. MSS used in the
Landsat programs employs across line .scanning to generate two-dimensional
image Landsat 8 mission is inclusive of’ two sensors called Operational Land Iman
er (OLI) and Thermal In1‘rared Scanner (TIRS ) The OLI is operatloflilJ in 9 bands
including l panchromaiic band.

1.6 Image Classification-Supervised

In supervised classification technique, the area of land spread sorts uught to be

known from the earlier The zones of each land spread sorts are known as preparing
destinations The phantom qualities of pixel computerized numbers inside every
one of the land spread sons can be utilized to produce multivariate factual
parameters for every one of the preparation destinations. As the managed
arrangement strategies depend on measurable ideas, this order is likewise named
according to point or per-pixel grouping One of the prior strategies embraced to
igma ine the dispersion of ghustly qualities estimated on twu highlights (for
instance water body and horticulture land) was to produce a dissipate plot. Visual
examination will uncover the presence of two separate land use types. This reveals
insight into two major thoughts of arrangement. First is utilizing Euclidean space
to speak to the chose highlights of intrigue. Furthermore. second is the utilization
of separation measure io club or gauge likeness of sets of focuses as a choice
principle so as to arrange the pixels us water body and horticulture land Visual
translation is instinctive and basic in nature Eye and the mind together perceive
the presence of‘ two groups or areas of highlight space having a tight dissemination
of focuses w a moderately vacani locale in the middle of them. We can even
concoct a limit line isolating the twn groups which is known as the choice limit.
This idea can also be stretched out to three
measurements Presents the separation between hillows of focuses can be
determined to touch base at a choice limil which will be a plane inside a l -
dimensional element space Regulated classifiers necessitate that the quantity of‘
classes be indicated ahead of‘ time and that specifie factual attributes of each class
be known earlier

1.7 Maximum Likelihood Classification

Most extreme probability arrangement depends on the suspicion that

geometrically the state of‘ a haze of focuses speaklRg to a specific class can be
very much spoken to utilizing an ellipsoid. The direction of the ellipsoid will rely
tifJVilriance iif highlights can be utilized to characterize the area, shape and size of
lhe circle. We can consider a lot of concentric ovals each speaking to shapes of
likelihood of participation of the class with the likelihood of enrolment
diminishing far frum the centroid more quickly alcing the minor pivut than the
significant hub In this way a pixel is doled out to that class for which it has the

most astounding likelihood of enrolment. This outcomes in arrangement which is
more precise than the yield by parallelepiped or k mean characterization. As the
preparation information are depended upon to deliver state of the circulation of
the participation of each class. This grouping expect that the recurrence
conveyance ot‘ class enrolment can be approximated utilizing a multivariate
ordinary likelihood appropriation in spite ot the fact that the supposition of’
ordinariness holds hold sensible well. this does nol function admirably where there
are little take-offs from typicality upon the level of covariance among the
highlights with an upward inclining real pivot towards left demonstrating negative
covariance an upward slanting real hub toward night showing high positive
covariance and a close roundabout circle (with significant hub minor hub)
characteristic of lower covariances between the highlights The factual descriptors
of mean difference and

1.8 Accuracy Assessment

Evaluation of classification results is a significant procedure in the

characterization method Customarily. the precision is resolved observationally by
contrasting and comparing reference or ground information wherein the outcomes
are organized as a square framework known as perplexity network. Perfect
circumstance is spoken to by a slanting lattice where just central askew
components have non-zero qualities for example all territories of the
picture have been eff‘ectively arranged This is prominently known as the order
blunder grid or disarray lattice or a possibility iable. Mistake lattice outlines how
well the grouping has been performed and how well it has classified pixels
comparing to each land spread sort. Inside this blunder lattice the realized spread
sorts utilized f’or preparing are spoken to along sections and the pixels really
grouped into cach land spread sort are appeared along lines. A 1‘ew qualities can
be gotten from blunder lattice All non comer to corner components of the blunder
f’ramework speak to mistakes of‘ exclusion or commission. Oversight mistakes
relate to nondiagonal sectinn components while commission blunders are spoken
to by nondiagonal push components Generally speaking grouping exactness is
assessed by partitioning the all out number of et‘f’ectively ordered pixels by the all
out number of reference pixels. Along these lines, the individual land use
characteriz‹ition precision can likewise be a.ssessed

Chapter- 2
Literature Review

2.1 General
During scientihc research it is expected f‘rom every researcher during scientlfic
research. Review of literature is to browse and summarize the helpful materials
associated with specific topics. In the present chapter, various studies related tu
lopic of the project have been mentioned after reviewing the same. The studies
have been categorized as national and international studies.

2.2 National Studies on Urban Growth

In the developing nation such as India a rapid and unprecedented growth in
urban areas has been observed. Various studies have been carried out using
remoie sensing and GIS. Some of the studies are mentioned below:

1. Rarngarh town District Nainitnl, Uttarakhand, India

A study was carried out in the Ramnagar town in the district of‘ Nainital,
Uttarakhand by Rawat et al 2013. For this LANDSAT TM satellite imbues were
use from the year 199 to the year 2010. The methodology of obtaining of land
use and land cuver in formation wils Milximutri likelihood supervised
classification. They used ERDAS Imagine 9.3 software. It was fciund that urban
area has increased due to construction activities on the land being utilized for

2. Vijayawada City Andhra Pradesh, India

To monitor urban growth and change detection of LULC Kumar et al 2015
carried out study of Vijayawada city in Andhra Pradesh. LANDSAT data was
used processed using ERDAS imagine software for year 1973, 2001 and 2014.
Results indicated that built up area happened due to housing and infrastructure
3. Hawalbagh block. Almora, Uttarahhand, India
Rawat Kumar, 2015, completed this investigation to recognize the urban
development happening in the Hawalbagh block of Almora region. They
utilized Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) information of 1990 and 2010

Classification procedure ha.s been utilized using the greatest probability system
in ERDAS 9.3. The outcomes demonstrate that during the most recent two
decades, developed land has been expanded by 3.55% (9.45 km). The primary
purpose behind the urban development wus quick advancement occurring and
the principal reason is the relocation which is a direct result or better
expectations for everyday comforts and openings for work.

4. Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India

A study was carried out by Khan & Jhariya et al 2016 to discover urban growth.
The satellite used is a multi-temporal remote sensing data of‘ LANDSAT of‘ 1999
and 201 b for this growth recognition. They did this change recognition with the
assistance of the ArcGIS Software. While discovering the outcomes. they found
that the settlement has expanded by 15.6% in the year 2()16. The fundamental
explanation behind this development and f‘ast improvement of’ the city in 2015 is
infrastructure development.

4. Solapur District Maharashtra, India

This study is done by Packer Patil ei al 2015 to discover the urban improvement
and changes in LULC in the Solapur area of Maharashtra. They utilized the
satellite pictures of 1992. 2000, 2012 to recognize the change. ERDAS Imagine
is being used to complete their study. LULC images depicted that they found thai
Built up territory has expanded by 21.56% during these years.

6. Chennai City. Tamil Nadu, India

A study is carried out by Padmanaban. Bhowmik, Cabral. Zamyatin. and
Almegdudi & Wang in 2fl 17. for finding out the urban growth of Chennai town in
lhe past 25 years (1991 to 2016). They used the Landsat images of 1991. 2003 and
2016 Supervised Classification has been done using
Maximum Likelihood Technique in ERDAS 9.3. From 1991 to 201d, the
development of urban areas for example Developed territories were more three-
fourth, for example an expansion of around 57, 91,951 ha. This investigation
demonstrates that infertile land, agricultural land, crop land all are being
changed over into the developed regions.

7. Dehradun City, Uttarakhand, India

Bhat. Shafiq, Mir and Ahmed, 2017, completed their investigation in Dehradun
city of Uttarakhand to discover the urban development happening in the city
during the previous 10 years (2004-2014).LISS IV pictures of 2004 and 2014 were
used. ERDAS and ArcGIS have been used to create the change identification map.
The Urban and Built up regions have expanded from 27.16 to 34.05 sq km
from 2004 to 2014. The investigation demonstrates thai there was a striking urban
development in and around the city during the study period.

8. Malegaon city, Maharashtra, India

Poyil and Misra et. al 2015, carried out a study in the Malegaon city of
Maharashtra to find out the Urban growth occurring in the city during the past 20
years (1959-2008). They used Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data of 1959 and
20Ofi and 2005. Aremap and ERDAS Imagine 9.1 have been used to generate the
change detection Map. The present study revealed an increase in settlement by
78% from 1989 to 2006 and an increase by 26% f‘rom 2006 to 2008. The main
reason for the urban growth is migration from rural areas owing to ihe economic

9. English Bazar. Malda West Bengal, India

Shaw. Das. Banerjee & Basu 2017, carried out this study for English Bazar in
Malda District of West Bengal to find oul urban growth in the cily from 1987 to
2015. They used Landsat Thematic Mapper(TM) data of 1987. 2003 and 2015.
They did this change detection with the help of the ArcGI5 software. The present
study reveals that within the time span ot 28 years (I 987-2015) the buildup area
has increased 29.64% point i.e. total 6.64 sq km geographical land area.

10. Pune, Maharashtra, India

Sivakumar. 2014, carried out a study in Pune cily of Maharashtra to find the
urban growth of the city in the past two decades (199 I -2010). The Landsat TM
and ETM+ satellite images of‘ 199 l,2()0l and 2(J 10 were used in this study.
Supervised Classification methodology has been employed in QGIS software.
During the study, he f‘ound that the urban area has increased to approximately 7
limes. Industrialization and increased population gr(iwth find out to be the major
driving forces for lhe change in land use during the past 20 years.

11. Hyderabad. Andhra Pradesh, India
Harika Begum, Yamini & Balakrishna, 2012, carrled out this study for Hyderabad
city of Andhra Pradesh State to find out urban growth and detect the changes in
the land use land cover in the city 1959 to 2009. Landsat images o‘1TM (Thematic
Mapper) and Liss 3 satellite images for 1989 and 2009 are being used. ERDAS
Imagine software is being used by them to carry out their studies During their
results, they come to know that Built-up area has been increased by 15.14% This
increase in the built-up area has many reasons. Hyderabad is famous f‘or industrial,
educational institutions. large numbers of institutions are coming into existence
‹ind corresponding infrastructure development leads to the increase of built-up

12. National Capital Region, India

Kianoush. Suzanchi, Kaur & Dutta, 201 l, carried out this study to find nut Urban
development during the past two Decades ( 1989-2006) in the National Capital
Region, India. They used the satellite images ot‘ 1989, 1998 & 2006 to detect the
changes. ERDAS and ArcGIS have been used io generate the change detection m
Result said that there is a growth of 27% in the Urban Area. The main reason for
this urban growth is the conversion of forest. barren land. crop land into the built
up area. Population is also among the main reasons for this increment in urban
2.3 International Studies on Urban Growth
Whole world is developing quite t‘asi and the development is quite rapid and
unorganized. In order to prevent urban sprawl we should study urban growth.
This will help us in monitoring urban growth and detect the changes which are
happening. So. in lhis section we will have a look upon the few different
studies done in the past about the urbang rowth change monitoring and
detection in different parts of the world.
1) Tanta Distaist, Al Gharbia Governorate, Egypt
Belal & Mouham. 2011, carried out a study of urban growth in Tania District of
AL Gharbia Governorate of Egypt in 2011. They used two Landsat images.
Multispectral Scanner (MSS) in 1972 and Enhanced Thematic Mapped (ETM)
in 200.5. Images were manipulated by the software of ERDAS Imagine version
9.1 and ARCGIS version 10. After the results of past four decades, they
found lhat the urban area increased by about 7.17% the main cause of’ which is
rapid population growth

2) Amman Governorate. Jordan
Hamzah, 2016, carried out this study to find the growth of urban areas in Amman
Governorate of Jordan during 1984-2014. They used Landsat 5-TM for the years
1954, 1999 and 1‘rom Landsat S-OLI for the year 2014, and then classification was
being done by using ERDAS imagine software. After prcicessing the imagery.
LULC images were developed and they found that Built up area has
increased by 147% during these years. The urban expansion was mainly attributed
to the high population gruwth rare and large number uf immigrants i’roin
neighboring countries and other socio-economic changes.

3) Tanguar Haor, Sunamganj, Bangladesh

Haque & Basak 2017, did this study to detect the urban growth occurring in the
Tanguar Hair. Sunamganj Bangladesh during the period of 1950-2010.landsat
satellite images of l9S0,l9S9.2001 and 2010 were used for the classification.
Supervised clas.sitication methodology ha.s been employed using Maximum
Likelihood Technique in ERDAS 9.3. The results indicate lhal during the last
two decades, built-up land has increased by 140%.
The main reason fur the urban growth was rapid development taking place there
and the Population pressure and insufficient and are another main cause of
settlement expansion in the adjacent area of Haur Basin.

4) Bauchi City, Nigeria

Kafi Shaft & Sharif 2(J1 b, carried out this study in 2(J14 in Bauchi city of Nigeria
to find out urban growth in the city from 2003 to 2013. Remotely Sensed data
f’rom Landsat 7 ETM+ and Landsat S detection with the help of the ArcGIS
Soi‘tware using Maximum Likelihood Technique. While binding out the results,
lhey t’ind that the built up area h‹w increased 65% in ihe yeilr 2013. The main
reas‹in for this growth is demand for shelter by bolh city inhabitants ‹ind emigrants
f’roin rural areas and some neighboring cities especially those who have been
troubled by either religious crises in the Joe and Tafawa Balewa town or the
Boko Harain insurgency in some ot the north eastern part of‘ the country.

5) Phuentsholing Municipality. Chukha. Bhutan

Chim, Tenzi.. Tshering & Cheki. 20 17, carried out this study to find out the urban
development in the Phuentsholing Municipality during 1996-2016. They used the
satellite images of Landsat 5.7 and 8 were used to assess the changes of built up
form. ERDAS Imagine 14 software is being used by them to carry their studies.
Atter processing the imagery. LULC images were developed and they lound that
Built up area has increased by 17% during these years. The main reason for this
expansion was sudden increase of economic development of ihe country during
last decade. This transition in governance system has brought up the rapid increase
in infrastructure development in the country booininn the construction activities
in the urban center and countrysides.

6) Su-Xi-Chang Region. China

Yirsaw, Wu, Xiaoping, Habtamu & Belew. 2017, carrled out a study to find out
the urban growth ot the Chennai city in the past 2() years(1990-2()10). They used
lhe Landsat imageries of 1990 2000 and 2010. Supervised Classification
methodology has been employed using Maximum Likelihood Technique in
ERDAS 9.3. From 1990 to 2010, the growth of urban ie built-up areas were so
much ie, an increase of about 170% This study shows that These resull may be
because this period was concurrent with the second round of‘ rapid growth of‘
industrialization and urbanization that occurred cyclops areas (construction land
in the region in which large quantities of undeveloped areas (non-c‹instruciion
land) were converted to develiiped areas(c‹instruction land).

7) Colombo Metropolitan Area, Sri Lanka

Subasinghe. Estoque & Murayama, 201 fL carried out a study in Colombo
Metropolitan Area of Sri Lanka in 2016 to find out the urban growth occurring in
the city during the pust years ( 1992-2014).Landsat images of 1992.20U l and 2014
were used by them. ERDAS and ArcGIS have been used to generate the change
detection map. The urban and built up areas has increased f‘rom 1 1.165 ha to
35,576 ha from 1992 to 2014 i.e. there was urban area increased by 221% The
study shows that there was a remarkable urban growth in and around the city
during study period because at that time there was trend of rapid population
increase and economic growth,

8) Daqahlia governorate. Egypt

ibrahim Rizk Hegazy. Mosbeh Rashed Kaluop carried out a study in the Daqahlia
governorate of Egypt in 2015 in find out the urban growth occurring in the city
during the past 25 years ( 1985-2010). They used Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM)
data of 1985 and and 2010. Processinn of the imagery and image interpretation
f‘or the development or‘ land use/land cover maps is in done in ERDAS Imagine
sol’tware. As a result, it was observed that the urbanization had increased about
32.05% from 1955 to 2010. The main reason tor the urban growth is migration
from rural areas owing to the economic growth.

9)Greater Cairo Region. Egypt

Megahed Cabral, Silva & Caetano, 2015, carried out this study for Greater Cairo
Region in Egypt to find out urban growth in the city i’rom 1954 to 2014. They used
Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data of 1984.2003 and 2014. They did this
change detection with the help of’the FRAGSTATS Software. The present study
reveal that within the time span of .50 yeiirs (1984-20 14), the built up area has
increased 63% . The main reason for this growth was the rapid development of the
city which consist infrastructure development and others but now no further
significant urban development is expected to occur within a 5-kin ring around the
Islamic Cairo area, as it is already full of urban. showing no promising vacancies
f‘or turther settlements.

Tulnebo, 2017, carried out this study to find out the urban growth in the Huwussa
town ( 1995-2016) which is situated in the Southern part of Ethiopian. Landsat
satellite images of the study area was aquired tor four years; 1995, 2(J(12, 2()09 and
2()16. Land use changes have been detected by image processing method in
EDRAS imagine 2014. ArcGIS 10.3. Atter the results they tound out that there is
about 46.01% growth in the Urban Area. The main reason t’or this growlh found
out to be the change of agricultural land, barren land etc. to built up area.

With the ever increasing population and urban growth there is a significant change
in the topography of the ared. For present study the rectangular portion is cut i’roin
the map and shape file is generated of Ghaziabad city. For collection of field
data nearly 20 points were selected over the entire study area from the satellite
image. The corresponding coordinates were placed on Google Earth image and
using GPS and compass the points were located on the ground during the i’ield


Landsat satellite images are downloaded from USGS earth explorer website. The
images are of‘ the months between April and May. The selection of LANDSAT
depends on the availability of data of that Landsat in April and May of selected
Year Satellite Sensor Date ot
2003 LANDSAT ETM 05/04/2003
2008 LANDSAT 7 OLI 01/01/2008
2013 LANDSAT S OLI 13/05/2013
2018 LANDSAT 8 OLI 11/05/2018
2022 LANDSAT 9 ETM 01/02/2022

The downloaded map is placed on earth’s en-ordinate system using the

following details—

Projection ot” Images-

Projection UTM, Zone 43 North Spheroid: WGS S4Datum WGS 54

Geo referencing is done in ArcGIS software.

Below map is the map of Ghaziabad District, which is our study area. Ghaziabad
is one of the major districts of Uttar Pradesh. The map is official and verified
through tahsil Map is downloaded through the official website of Ghaziabad
district which is

LULC Mtp of Ghnzisbad Dbtrltl


3.3.1 Arc-GIS

ArcGIS is a geographic system (GIS) for operating with maps and geographic
information . It is utilised for creating and utilizing maps, aggregating geographic
info, breaking down mapped information, sharing and finding geographic
information. utilizing maps and geographic information in a very scope of
utilisations. and overseeing geographic information in a very information

The framework provides a foundation to create maps associate degreed

geographic information accessible at some stage in an association. over a network,
and transparently on the net.

3.3.2 ERDAS Imagine

Erdas Imagine could be an image handling programming bundle that allows

shoppers to method euch peospatial und alternative symbolism yer as veclor info.
Erdas will likewise touch upon hyper spectral symbolism and measuring
instrument from completely dift‘erent sensors. Erdas likewise of”ters a 3D seeing
module (Virtual GIS) and a vector module for displaying. The native artificial
language is EML (ErdasFull scale Language). Erdas is coordinated wiihin
completely dif’ferent GIS and remote detection applications and therefnre the
capability cluster for the symbolism will be perused in varied different
applications ("img documents) Leica Geosysteins to boot nonheritable ER clerk
lo feature to their mapping programming. Envision is firmly woven into the GIS
texture quite alternative image handling programming bundles which is thal the
advantage nf this bundle.


The technique ot remote sensing provide a powerf’ul tool f’or studying urban
issues, like land use and cover, urban growth modelling, urban sprawl etc. Remote
sensing image classification is one of the important application aspects for remote
sensing techniques, through computer processing with specific software like
ArcGIS. ERDAS Imagine. and the results of the classification of land use classes
can be obtained. In this project, we used lhe multi-temporal and multi sensor ETM
and OLI Landsat TM images which covered whole Ghaziabad district to carry out
lhe image classification. The traditional information extraction from remote
sensing image is mainly based on categorization of DN values derived from
spectral reflectance, sometimes the classification accuracy is not obtained because
of the mixed pixels. Besides the spectral reflectance based on DN value feature of
remote image, we considered the other f‘eatures of spectral indices like NDVI,
NDWI, NDBI, NDSL The technique or’ Maximum Likelihood Supervised
Classification was utilized to group the diverse land uses, and afterward post
processing was carried out by removing or adding corrected Land Use Land cover
the classified image.

The methodology adopted tor carrying out present project work has been shown
in Fig. 2.1 The various steps followed to complete ihe work have been listed as

1. Satellite data collection

2. Obtaining existing map ot Ghaziabad district
3. Georeferencing and shape file creation
4. Subset image preparation
5. Preesparation of‘ spectral indie
IL Layer stacking of ruw bands and spectral indices
7. Supervised image classitic ation
S. Accuracy Assessment
9. Change analysis of LULC

4.1 Satellite data collection

Landsat satellite images are downloaded from USGS earth explorer website. The
images are of the months between April and May. The selection of
LANDSAT depends on the availability of data of that Landsat in April and May
of selected year.

4.2 Obtaining existing map of Ghaziabad district

The map of Ghaziabad is obtained from the official website of Ghaziabad The map is signed by three tehsildars which authenticates
it for our project.

LlJt.F Map of fihariubad f¥istrirt

Le+a uea Lara cav•


4.3 Geo referencing and Shape File creation

Geo referencing means lhat any aerial photo, satellite image or scanned map to
the actual gr‹iund. Firstly, the rough coordinates are taken from Google Earth
and thuse coordinates are verified frum their actual locations using hand held
GPS. When georeferencing is done using raster data first you define its location
using map and assign the coordinate system of‘ the map frame. Georet‘erencing
raster data allows it to be viewed, queried, itnd analyzed with your other
geographic data.

In general, there are four steps tier Georeferencing your data:

1. Add the raster dataset that you want to align with your projected data.
2. Use the Georeferenced tab to create control points, to connect your raster to
known positions in the map
3. Review the control points and other errors
4. Save the Georeferencing result.

Shape File Creation:

The shape file is a standard geo.spatial vector data position for Geographical
information system (GIS). The shape file can spatially depict vector features:
points. lines, polygons. addressing for ex: district boundaries. lakes and conduits.
The shape file has tile name expansions shp, shx and dbt’.

Georeferenced map is then used to extract the boundary of Ghaziabad. For this the
process of ”Digitization” is done. The boundary of Ghaziabad traced intis process
helps in forming u shape file which is a vector file formed with the help of

4.4 Subset image preparation

To extract our sludy area from lhe layer stacked image the process ot’ sub-selling
is d(me. After obtaining sub-set image it is used in making various spectral indices.
These indices are used in various purposes like depicting the special feature of
an area like water, vegetation, soil, and built-up area.

Clipping is the process by which a subset o1‘ the raster dataset is created. Clipping
removes data outside the area of interest reducing lhe file size and improving the
processing time for many operations.

4.5Preparation of Spectral indices

4.5.1 Normalized Difference Vegetation Index

Normalized Dift’erence Vegetation Index (NDVI) evaluates vegetilllon by

estimating the distinction between close infrared (which vegetation firmly
reflects) and red light (which vegetation assiInilates).

As shown below, Normalized Dif’ference Vegetation Index (NDVI) uses the NIR
‹ind red channels in its formula.

NIR — Red

Solid vegetation (chlorophylly reflects increasingly close infrared (NIR) and

green light contrasted with different wavelengths.

This is the reason our eyes consider vegetation to be the shading green. On the
off chance that yciu could see close infrared, at that point it would be solid for
vegetation as well. Satellite sensors like Landsat and Sentinel-2 both have the vital
groups with NIR and red.

The NDVI was first figured by Rouse and associated wilh a wide exlent of’
practical remote Sensing applications in a movement of concentrates by Tucker
and accomplices amid lhe l980s. NDVI depend on the recugnition that
chlorophylls in green leaves earnestly hold Light in the Red, with most oug tra eous
maintenance at around 690 nm. while the telephone dividers immovably disperse
(reflect and transmit) lighi in the NIR locale (around 850 nm). NDVI standardizes
values between 1 to +1: thick Veg etation has a high NDVI, while soil esteems are
low however positive. and water is negative because of its solid ingestion of NIR.

45.2 Normalized Difference Water Index

This model is proposed by 'HANQUI XU' in July, 2006. In this model mid inf’ra-
red (MIR) band is used instead of NIR. The equation is given by XU is

Green — NIR
NDW! Green + NIR

It is primarily utllised for removal or‘ built up land noise. So, il‘ the coastline you
are interested in, is near a built up this will be usetul for you.
Calculation of MNDWI will give three outcome s.‘

1. Water will have more noteworthy +ve values than the NDWI as it retains more
MIR lig ht than NIR.

2. Developed land will have- ve values.

3. Soil and vegetation will at present have-ve values as soil reflects MIR light
still more than green light.

0.5 0,8 0.9

Spectral Curve of Clear water and turbid water

4.5.3 Normalized Difference Built-up Tndex

One of the primary issues in mapping urban regions is evaluating the adjustment
in land use f’rom on-private to private. Land use changes more oiten than not
happen as a result of‘ high urbanization and private improvement rates. These
conditions result in high surface overflow, changes in .small scale temperature, ot water contaminations, and decrease in water quality. Sometimes,
advancement may present uncovered land inside an urban region. Mapping the
developed and uncovered land in urban territories is significant on the grounds
that the presence of’ these sorts of’ land can be utilized as a marker of’ urban
improvement and ecological quality.
Indices for mapping the built-up and bare land in urban areas. such as the
Normalised Difference Built-Up Index (NDBI).


NIR and SWIR were used for mapping built-up areas in study conducted by
Zha when developing the NDBI

Wavelength (mlcromaters)

Normalized Difference Built-up Index (NDBI) is used to extract built-up t‘eatures

and have indices range t‘ioivi - I to +1.

4.5.4 Normalized Difference Soil Index

A Normalised difference soil index (NDSI) was proposed utilising the mix of’
groups 7 and 2 of Landsat Thematic Mapper Image. At last. a proportion record

was created to further t’eature soil covers through partitioning the NDS I by the
muin segment of adorned top change (TCI).Soil, in any case, is hard to be
recognized utilizing remote detecting advances significantly because of its
complex physical and concoction organizations, just as the absence of an
immediate connection between soil wealth and its otherworldly marks. This paper
shows an experimental way to deal with improve soil data through building up the
proportion standardized contrast soil record (RNDSI). The initial slep includes the
age of arbitrary examples of three noteworthy land spread sorts, to be specific soil,
impenetrable surface zones (ISAs), and vegetation. With otherworldly marks of
these examples. a standardized distinction soil file (NDSI).

NDSI = B7(SWIR 2) -B2(GREEN) B7(SWIR 2) + (B2(GREEN)

4.6 Layer stacking of raw bands and spectral indices

In the process of layer stacking we use the data in a typical manner in most
geospaiial software packages we will nee‹l to combine the individual bands, the
indiVldual tiles, also known as coinpositing images, in Erdas Imagine. Layers are
u.sed in digital image editing to separate different elements of an image. A layer
can be compared to a transparency on which imaging effects or images are applied
and placed uver or under an image.
There are three main wiiys to display (render) single-band raster datasets:
. Using two colours : In a binary image. each cell has a value of () and I grey and
is otien displayed using black and white. This type of display is oi‘ten used for
displaying scanned maps with simple line work, such as parcel maps.

. Grey scale: In a grey scale image, each cell has a value from 0 to another number,
such as 255 or 65535. These are often used for black and white aeriul photographs.

. Colour Map: One way to represent colours on an image is with a colour map.
A set values is coded to match a defined set of red, green, and blue (RGB)
values. For more information, see key concepts of raster dataset colour maps.

Layer stacking is likewise ordinarily used to join various bands of satellite image
and any other layer such as NDVI. NDWI. NDBI and NDSI.

4.7 Supervised Image classification

Image classification refers to the labelling ‹if images into one of a number ‹if
predefined categories. Classification included image senmirs, image pre-
processing. object detection. object segmentation, feature extraclion and objeci
cldssi flcati‹arl.

Supervised classif‘ication in ERDAS Imagine works in a similar way to

unsupervised classificati(in. H‹iwever, signature tiles consisting of means and
covariance matrices for each class are created first, before running the
classification result. These signatures are used with a classifier (usually maximum
likelihood) to assign each pixel within the image to a discrete class. The primary
dit‘ference between the unsupervised and supervised methods is in the creation of‘
lhe signature files. In a supervlsed classification. the analyst selects and digitized
polygons (training areas) and places these polygons in an AOL (Area of Interest)
layer from which to create the signature files, rather than using an automated
routine to define the most separable classes. This method is a bit more time
consuming than unsupervised classification but ihe benefits include
confidence of signature files from reference data.

4.9 Change Analysis of LULC

Ghaziabad has seen rapid and tremendous growth since past decade. It has been
observed throu g h remote sensing data the major change in land cover in the
Ghaziabad district since 1993 to 201 S. This is further discussed in detail in resuli
and analysis chapter. The built-up area is increased in due course of time from
1993 to 201 S. The agriculture land is decreased due to increase in urban areas.
Barren land is also decreased and in place of barren land new built Up area is
constructed. The surface water is alsu decreased in this whole span but the large
amount of decrease obtained between the year 2013 to 2018.And a major change

As per methodology discussed in chapter 4 various steps have been
followed to complete present project results obtained have been discussed
and analysed in this chapter.

5.1 Data Collection

The satellite data images are downloaded from USGS earth explorer for the
year 1993, 1998, 2013 and 2018. The images are of months between April
and May for each selected year. The selection of images depends on the
availability of good quality data of that Image in April and May of selected
year. The detail of satellite data is mentioned in Chapter 3.

The map of Ghaziabad was downloaded from official website of Ghaziabad

district( The map is signed by three tehsildars which

authentication of this map.

5.2 Geo -Referencing
The downloaded map is placed on earth's co-ordinate system using the
following details-

Projection of Images-

5.2 Geo-Ref‘erencing

29 29

Projection UTM, Zone 43 North Spheroid: WGS 84Datum WGS 84

Geo referencing is dune in ArcGIS software.

5.3 Shape File Creation

Georeferenced map is then used to extract the boundary of

Ghaziabad. For this the process of "Digitization" is done. The
boundary of Ghaziabad traced intis process helps in forming a

5.3 Subset Image Creation

The Shape file created for Ghaziabad district was used for
sub-setting satellite images. The subset and chip module of
ARC GIS software was used and subset images of different
years are obtained. The command for making subset inARC
GIS Imagine is given below-

Raster > Subset and chip > Create subset image


Various Spectral indices were prepared using graphical

modelling. For this model maker module of ERDAS Imagine
was used. The formula and model are mentioned in chapter 4

5.4.1 Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)

The NDVI images for different years have been created and
are shown in fig. below-

2022 2008

2003 2013


It is observed that over a period of time a variable amount of

vegetation is found. This may happen due to different dates of
images in a season and presence of crop accordingly. Pixel

value from 0 to 255 where 0 pixel value is representing
darkest and 255 representing brightest. Bright area shows the
vegetation. Statistics of NDVI images has been
shown in table below-

Table: 5.1
Year Min Max Mean Median Mode Std.Deviation

2003 2 255 106.554 105 137 27.868

2008 2 255 104.23 98 122 25.64

2013 4 255 103.745 92 92 22.374

2018 1 255 100.61 86 86 23.61
2022 1 255 98.32 78 78 22.50

5.4.2 Normalised DiNerence Water Index

The NDWI images for different years have been created and are
shown in fig below

2003 2008



Table : 5.2
Year Min Max Mean Median Mode Std
2003 14 255 159.506 161 169 21.604
2008 11 2S5 159.406 160 16S 20.690
2013 6 255 158.205 162 178 22.042
2018 1 255 155.701 155 169 19.954
2022 1 255 152.602 156 170 17.362

5.4.3 Normalised difference Built -up index
Statistics of NDVI images has been shown in table below





Statistics of NDBI images has been shown in Table below-

Year Min Max Mean Median Mode Std.
2003 6 255 75.51 75 65 16.635
2008 7 255 76.48 74 66 17.355
2013 8 255 78.127 74 67 19.348
2018 1 255 106.8831 03 93 20.595
2022 1 255 108.8831 02 98 22.550


Statistics of NDSI images has been shown in table below-

2003 2008

3 2013

2018 2022

Table: 5.4

Year Min Max Mean Median Mode Std.Deviation

2003 2 255 132.194 133 138 20.542
2008 3 255 125.254 122 128 18.244
2013 1 255 100.467 103 113 14.872
2018 1 255 98.986 101 114 17.542
2022 2 255 92.588 99 116 16.550


5.5.1 Layer stacking
The downloaded remote sensing image is raw image. For viewing
the image in multiple bands and get the clear view of various
feature in the area all bands are to be placed together known as
layer stacking . Thermal band (Band 6) is not tlen.

5.5.2 Sub-setting image
To extract our study area from the layer stacked image the process
of sub setting is done. After obtaining sub set image it is use in
making various spectral indices. These indices are used in various
purposes like depicting the special feature of an area like water ,
vegetation , soil and built up area.

8|.778 7X TJ !
J7 |2FI 87.177 X? "2 _! ' "
r8 '›‹ I ‹›'› •‘› •‹: '‹
yi › i: |'›'› »: —”'—”i"
I78‹7s | 74 ' •° -•"1‹^





5.6.1 Layer Stacking

The downloaded remote sensing image is raw image. For viewing
the image in multiple bands and get the clear view of various
features in the area all bands are to be placed together known
as layer stacking. Thermal band (Band 6) is not taken.

5.6.2 Sub- Setting image

To extract our study area from the layer stacked image the process
of sub-setting is done. After obtaining sub-set image it is used in
making various spectral indices. These indices ce used in various
purposes like depicting the special feature of an area like water,
vegetation, soil, and built-up area.

1 1 1.00 133 48.16 48 52 3.74

2 2 2.00 136 38.57 39 40 4.36

3 3 2.00 186 38.28 39 39 7.36

4 4 1.00 137 44.48 45 45 6.97

5 5 1.00 255 64.53 65 69 14.86

6 6 90.0 225 119.31 120 122 3.07

7 7 1.00 255 49.61 511 52 16.84

Layer 1

Layer 2

Layer 3

Layer 4

Layer 5

Layer 6

5.7.1 Layer Stacking
The downloaded remote sensing image is raw image. For viewing
the image in multiple bands and get the clear view of various
features in the area all bands are to be placed together known as
layer stacking. Thermal band (Band 6) is not taken.

5.7.2 Sub setting image

To extract our study area from the layer stacked image the process
of sub-setting is done. After obtaining sub-set image it is used in
making various spectral indices. These indices are used in various
purposes like depicting the special feature of an area like water,
vegetation, soil, and built-up area.

Table 5.7


5.8.1 Layer stacking

The downloaded remote sensing image is raw image. For viewing
the image in multiple bands and get the clear view of various
features in the area all bands are to be placed together known as
layer stacking. Thermal band (Band 6) is not taken

5.8.2 Sub setting layer

To extract our study area from the layer stacked image the process
of sub-setting is done. After obtaining sub-set image it is used in
making various spectral indices. These indices are used in various
purposes like depicting the special feature of an area like water,
vegetation, soil, and built-up area.

Table 5.8

Šâj9f Åąşğ Ș|g, Șg, Șțąş Șgğjąç

Ń0ğ6 Șlğ,Ôg\İâlİ03
Ï0 Ï0.

1 / i »‹ 6i.›Ji6i /i iï.‹śo
› ) I 2Jł /f.7t2 7! II II II!
ł 4 I 2łf Uł.JJłlt2 IO If.ł7ł
i i i i‹i e7.ii‹as e‹ ie,la
1 7 I !!* !*.›*t/t ì/ lt,aai

5.9.1 Layer stacking
The downloaded remote sensing image is raw image. For viewing
the image in multiple bands and get the clear view of various
features in the area all bands are to be placed together known as
layer stacking. Thermal band (Band 6) is not taken

5.9.2 Sub setting layer

To extract our study area from the layer stacked image the process
of sub-setting is done. After obtaining sub-set image it is used in
making various spectral indices. These indices ve used in various
purposes like depicting the special feature of an area like water,
vegetation, soil, and built-up area.

Table 5.9
Laye Ban Min. Max. Mean Media Mod Std.Deviati
r no d no n e on
1 1 8651. 55015. 10237. 10237 1030 496.10
00 00 10 0
2 2 7771. 54351. 9502.3 1000 1020 583.68
00 00 5
3 4 6059. 61279. 8540.9 8749 8800 1035.77
00 00 7
4 5 5721. 58951. 13901. 13920 1400 1561.69
00 00 02
5 6 5091. 63535. 11369. 11500 1160 1672.41
00 00 72 5
6 7 5012. 65535. 8892.2 8900 8950 1659.89
00 00 5






5.10 Classified Image
The signature file of each year is utilized in obtaining the classified
images are utilised in making the classified images for respective
year. We have used Maximum Likelihood Classification algorithm.
We have generated a classified image with the help of ERDAS
Imagine software. The classified images shown below-



Classified Image of 2022

5.11 Result and Analysis

Following observation have been made from pattern of urban
areas over the period of 20 years in the district of Ghaziabad.

Change in Urban area during 2003-2022

Ser i es 2

l.l The Graph is showing the increase in urban area from year 2003
to 2022.
1.2 The growth between 2013 and 2018 is very fast and sudden.
1.3 The increase in area between 2013 and 2018 is approximately
double the other years.
1.4 There is negliglble increase in the duration between 2018 to
2022 .

2. Change in Barren land during 2003-2022

Se rics 2

2.1 This graph is showing the decrease in barren land

between 2003 to 2022.
2.2 In between year 2003 and 2008 the change occurred is more
among the others.
2.3 In between year 2008 and 2013 the decreased
area is very less.

3. Change in Agriculture area during 2003-2022

Series 1

3.1 This graph is showing°the decrease in agriculture

from the year 2003 to 2022.

3.2 The decrease after 2018 is very high.

3.3 This leads to the scarcity of food as the population is

increasing very rapidly.

3.4 The most of agriculture area is converting

into the urban area.

4. Change in Surface water area during 2003-2022

4.1 The surface water decreased is very high.

4.2 The most loss of water is seen between year 2018 and

4.3 Decrease in water level leads to the destruction of earth.

Chapter 6
Conclusion and Future scope

6.1 General

In this work urban expansion of a rapidly growing city Ghaziabad

has been studied over a period of 20 years in the past (from 2003
to 2022). The study conducted in one of the districts of Uttar
Pradesh advocates that multi-temporal satellite data are very useful
to detect the change in the land use land cover quickly and

accurately. The approach adopted in this study clearly
demonstrated the potential of GIS and remote sensing technique in
measuring the change pattern of land use land cover in the area.
Land use land cover images are developed in Arc GIS software. It
also illustrates the remote sensing and GIS are important
techniques for temporal analysis and quantification of spatial
phenomena which is otherwise not possible to attempt through
conventional mapping techniques. Change detection is made
possible by these techniques in less time at low cost with
better accuracy.

6.2 Conclusion

The study reveals that the major change in land use land cover in
the Ghaziabad district is in urban areas since 2003 till 2022.

Following are the key results which are obtained from the study:

• The area under the urban land is increased by 195.20 km 2 due to

construction of new buildings on Agriculture land and Barren

• The area under agriculture land decreased by 150 km2 due to

deforestation activity.
• The agricultural land has also decreased by 150 km2 this
depicts that land under agriculture is cleared and sold out for
developments of commercial and infrastructure activity.

• The barren land is Decreased by 20 km2 which shows

transformation stage from barren land to urban area.

• The water is decreased by 7.5 km2 the urban area is expanding

towards southern direction near Hindon River. While it
expanding min towards the north eastern direction.

6.3 Future Scope

Land Use Land Cover Mapping using Landsat and multi sensor
Satellite data provides new opportunities for a wide range of
urban application such as mapping and monitoring of the urban
environment(land cover, land use, morphology, urban
structural types), socio economic estimations (population
density, life quality}, characterisation of urban climate, micro
climate, human health conditions, analysis of regional and
global impact (climate modelling, urban heat island) for urban
security and emergency preparedness.

The rapid and massive conversion of agricultural areas into

urban areas may have serious environmental impacts.

Proper environmental management plans were implemented

for the urban areas. This kind of Prediction of Future LULC
image can be helpful for planning proper urban environmental

Urban growth can impact urban climate, traffic, social and

economic considerations, time dependent population,
information can be used for traffic simulation.

Urban growth results help in finding building density, floor

space index. percentage of impervious index and vegetation
fraction. Building sizes and building heights required in any
area can also be predicted in addition, in depth analysis aims at
co-relation of space-oriented information and social scientific
survey data.

o Inter relation between subjective indicators like estimated and
measured distance to the urban centre as well as objective
indicators like measured vegetation fraction and the felt lack of
green space of residence in dependence of location and urban
morphology can be analysed to assess the life quality.

• . The spatial analysis of the structural alignment of the urban

morphology to prioritise the area appropriate investment in
local heating system can also be done using urban growth data,
the correlation of building parameter to punctual stability
analysis of civil engineers for area wide building.

o Vulnerability extrapolation and assessment respectively

o The uses of change detection information and urban

morphology parameter as input data for climate simulation
for urban growth modelling

• The support of epidemiologic or medical portions like

localising areas for malaria infection, typically highly dense
build area close to water areas.

• Urban growth monitoring also helps in monitoring the

government. policies on the basis of population,
establishment of new industry, economic growth higher per
capita income in more populated area.

1. Glenn, E., Huete, A., Nagler, P., & Nelson, S. (2008).
Relationship between remotely-sensed vegetation indices,
canopy attributes and plant physiological processes: What
vegetation indices can and cannot tell us about the
landscape. Sensors, 8(4), 2136-2160.

2.Rawat, J. S., Biswas, V., & Kumar, M. (2013). Changes in

land use/cover using geospatial techniques: a case study of
Ramnagar town area, district Nainital, Uttarakhand, India. The
Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science, 16(1),


3. As-syakur, A., Adnyana, I., Arthana, I. W., & Nuarsa, I. W.

(2012). Enhanced built-up and bareness index (EBBI) for
mapping built-up and bare land in an urban area. Remote
Sensing, 4(10), 2957-2970.

4.Bhat, P. A.. ul Shafiq, M., Mir, A. A., & Ahmed, P.

(2017). Urban sprawl and its impact on land use/land cover
dynamlCS of Dehradun City, India. International Journal of
Sustainable Built Environment, 6(2), 513-521.

5.Halimi, M., Sedighifar, Z., & Mohammadi, C. (2018).

Analyzing spatiotemporal land use/cover dynamic using
remote sensing imagery and GIS techniques case: Kan basin
of Iran. GeoJoumal, 83(5), 1067-1077.

6. Deng, Y., Wu, C., Li, M., & Chen, R. (2015). RNDSI: A
ratio normalized difference soil index for remote sensing of

urban/suburban environments. International Journal of
Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 39, 40-48.

7. Belal, A. A., & Moghanm, F. S. (2011). Detecting urban

growth using remote sensing and GIS techniques in Al
Gharbia governorate, Egypt. The Egyptian Journal of Remote
Sensing and Space Science, 14(2), 73-79

8. Saikia, A. (2013). Over-exploitation of forests: A case study

from North East India. Springer Science & Business Media.

9. Khawaldeh, H. A. (2016). A prediction of future land

use/land cover in Amman area using GIS-based Markov Model
and remote sensing. Journal of Geographic Information
System, 8(03), 412.

10.Kazak, J., & Świąder, M. (2018). SOLIS-A Novel Decision

Support Tool for the Assessment of Solar Radiation in ArcGIS.
Energies, l l(8), 2105.

11. Shaw, R., & Das, A. (2018). Identifying peri-urban growth

in small and medium towns using GIS and remote sensing
technique: A case study of English Bazar Urban
Agglomeration, West Bengal, India. The Egyptian Journal of
Remote Sensing and Space Science, 21(2), 159- 172.

has been PUBLISHED through European Chemical Bulletin on 30th May 2023.
It ii Rei’ 7 i‘c5?›c( )(I 1 theNS S°›el›

The copy of published paper is attached herewith .

Land use and Land ‹over Analysis of Crhaziahad Region ucing GIS Tools

Secnon A-Resear‹°h f›aper

Land use and Land cover Analysis of Ghaziabad Region

using GIS Tools
S1zbhs#oKzm 'SmwPMya'Puehpco@r*KmmsrSngR*\SbreyxmhSAghPmW'\
Vimlesh Kumar Verma °, Romish Singh Mallk , Manoj Kumar Yadav°
' Supervisor, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, KIET Group of
Institutions, Delhi-NCR, Ghaziabad
2 Undergmduate Scholars, Department of Civil Engineering, KIET Group of Institutions,
Delhi-NCR. Ghaziabad
dot: 10.48047/ecW2023.12N6.134

Remote sensing and Geographiral Information 5ystem (GIS) are widely accepted and more
dependable advance techniques to detect change in land area of Ghaziabad region of Uttar
Pradesh a part of National Capital Region Delhi. LANDSAT satellite images from
2003(ETM), 2008(ETM), 2013(OLI/TIR), 2018(OLI/TIR), and 2022(OLI/TIR) were
downloaded from USGS Earth Explorer and used to quantity the changes in Land Use and
Land Cover in the city of Ghaziabad from 2tXi3 to 2022. With the help of the ArcGl5 Imagine
software, the supervised classification method has been used. Urban, water, and barren land
were tluee of the six categories used to classify the research area's photographs.
For image classification of Ghaziabad district, fint of all existing map of Ghaziabad was
downloaded from This map was georeferenced using co-ordinate
collected for important locations throughout area by hand held GPS Afier georeferencing.
Shape file of Ghaziabad district was created by digitization using Arc GIS software with the
help of this shape file. Multi-sensor satellite data was extracted for Ghaziabad district by sub-
setting in Imagine Software.
Keywords : Arc GIS , Image Clarification , Remote sensing , Landsat Satellite ,
Clipping, £«yerStnchlng.
Remote sensing may be defined as the innovative science by which information about any
object on the surface of the earth may be obtained without any physical contact with the
same. In fact, remote sensing is used by common people in daily life in the form of vision,
hearing and smelling.

Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 6), 1464-1471

Land use and Land ‹over Analysis of Crhaziahad Region ucing GIS Tools

Secnon A-Resear‹°h f›aper

Solar Rodl lon

The system for coßecting satelliie imagery of the Earth wilh the longest history is Landrat.
The arrangement's first salellite, Landsat-l, was launched in luly 1972. It was a collaborative
effort between NASA and the US Department of the Inferior. Before being rebranded as
Landsat in 1975, Earth Resources Technology 5atellitcs (ERTSS) was the program’s official
name. Each of the mission's eight satellites is launched sepamtely. In February 2013, Landsat-
8, someö mes referred to as the Landsat Data Conü nuity Mission (LDCM), was sent into

Multiple sensor types, including the Multispectral Scanner (MSS) and Return Beam Vidicom
(RBV). Thematic Mapper, Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM), and Enhanced Thematic
Mapper Plus (ETM+) have all been used to different Landsat missions. Every mission of the
Landsat programme uses a sun-synchronous orbit that is close to a polar region but at a
different altitude.

operational. One cculd sustain 8-day repeat coverage. For the purpose of creating two-
dimensional images, MSS employed in Landsat programmes uses across line scanning. The
Operaional Land Imager (OLI) and Thermal Infrared Scanner (TIRS) are two instruments
that are part of the Landsat 8 project. As of the now, the OLI is in excessive use.
In supervised classification technique, the area of land spread sorts ought to be known from
the earlier The zones of each land spread sorts are known as preparing destinations The
phantom qualities of pixel computerized numbers inside every one of the land spread sorts
can be utilized to produce multivariate factual parameters for every one of the preparation
destinations. As the managed arrangement strategies depend on measumble ideas, this order
is likewise named according to point or per-pixel grouping
Study Area, Data And Software Used

Ghaziabad is a city in Uttar Pradesh, India. It is locaied 28.67 latitude and 77.44 longitude
and it is situated ai an elevation 214 meters above sea level. It is hated approximately 1.5
kilometres away from the river Hindon

Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 6), 1464-1471

And use and Lund ‹‹n'er Analysis ‹if Gha<-iabad Regicin using GIS Tools

Seciiun A-Reseur‹°h f›uf›er

Landsat satellite images are downloaded from USGS earth explorer website. The images are
of the months between Apñ l and May. The selection of LANDSAT depends on the
availability of data of that Landsat in April and May of selected year.
Year Satellite Sensor Date of acquisition
2003 LANDSAT ETM 08/04/2003
2008 LANDSAT 7 OLI 01/01/2008
2013 LANDSAT 8 OLI 13/05/2013
2018 LANDSAT 8 OLI 1 1/05/2018
2022 LANDSAT 9 ETM 01/02/2022

Below map is the map of Ghaziabad District, which is our study area. Ghaziabad is one of the
major districts of Utiar Pradesh. The map is official and verified through tahsil Map is
downloaded through the official website of Ghaziabad district which is ww'
ArcGIS is a geographic system (GIS) for operating with maps and geographic information .
It is utilised for creating and utilizing maps, aggregating geographic info. breaking down
mapped information, sharing and finding geographic information, utilizing maps and
geographic information in a very scope of utilisations, and overseeing geographic

The various steps followed to complete the work have been listed as follows:
1. Satellite data collection
Landsat satellite images are downloaded from USGS earth explorer website. The images are
of the months between April and May. The selection of LANDSAT depends on the
availability of data of that Landsat in April and May of selected year.

Eur. Chem, Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 6), 1464-1471

And use and Lund ‹‹n'er Analysis ‹if Gha<-iabad Regicin using GIS Tools

Seciiun A-Reseur‹°h f›uf›er

.2.Georeferencing and shape Ne creation

The shape file is a standard geospatial vector data position for Geographical information
system (GIS). The shape file can spatially depict vector features: points, lines, polygons,
addresiing for ex: district boundaries, lakes and conduits. The shape file has file name
expansions shp, shx and dbf.

3. Layer stacking of raw bands and spectral indices

To extract our study area from the layer stacked image the process of sub-setting is done.
After obtaining sub-set image it is used in making various spectral indices. These indices are
used in various purposes like depicting the special feature of an area like water, vegetation,
soil, and built-up area.
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) uses the NIR and red channels in its

NIR — Red
NIR + Red
4. Supervised Image classification
Instead of utilising an automated process to establish the most separable classes, the analyst
chooses and digitises polygons (training areas) and sets these polygons in an AOL (Area of
Interest) layer from which to construct the signature files.


Following observation have been made from pattern of urban areas over the period of 20
years in the district of Ghaziabad

Eur. Chem, Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 6), 1464-1471

Land use and fximl c•over Analysis of Ghaziabad Region lieing GIS Tools

Secn”on A-Researc°h paper

1. Change in Urban area during 2tD3-2022

Series 2


Z003 Z008 2013 2018 202

lChange in Barren land during 2003-2022

Series 2



¿ 30


2A}3 2008
2013 2018 2022

Series 2

Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 6), 1464-1471

And use and Lund ‹‹n'er Analysis ‹if Gha<-iabad Regicin using GIS Tools

Seciiun A-Reseur‹°h f›uf›er

3. Change in Agriculture area during 2tD3-2022

Series 1




2003 2008 20M 2018 2022

— Series 1

4.Change in Surface water area during 2003-2022

¿ 6

2003 2008 D0*3 7038 2022


According to the report, urban areas have undergone the greatest shift in land use and land
cover in the Ghaziabad district between 2003 and 2022.

Eur. Chem, Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 6), 1464-1471

Land use and L‹inñ ‹over Analysis uf Gha‹-iabad Region using GIS Tuols

Section A-Resear‹-h f›ayer

The following list summarises the study‘s main findings:

Due to the development of new buildings on agricultural land and barren land, the area
beneath urban land has expanded by 195.20 km2.

• Deforestation activity resulted in a 150 km2 decrease in the area of land used for
• The agricultural land has also shrunk by 150 km2. indicating that agricultural land is
being cleared and sold off to be used for infrastructural and commercial development.
• The barren land is Decreased by 20 km° which shows transfonnation stage from
barren land to urban area.

• The water is decreased by 7.5 km° the urban area is expanding towards southern
direction near Hindon River. While it expanding min towards the north
eastern direction.


1. Glenn, E., Huete, A., Nagler, P., & Nelson, 5. (2008). Relationship between
remotely-sensed vegetation indices, canopy attributes and plant physiological
processes: What vegetation indices can and cannot tell us about the landscape.
Sensors, 8(4), 2136-2160.

2. Rawat. J. S., Biswas, V., & Kumar, M. (20131. Changes in land use/cover using
geospatial techniques: a case study of Ramnagar town area, district Nainital,
Uttarakhand, India. The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science,
lfi(1 ), 111 -117.

3. As-syakur, A., Adnyana, 1., Arthana, 1. W., & Nuarsa, 1. W. (2012). Enhanced built-
up and baroness index (EBBI) for mapping built-up and bare land in an urban area.
Remoie Sensing, 4(10), 2957-2970.

4. Bhat, P. A., ul Shafiq, M., Mir, A. A., & Ahmed, P. (2D17). Urban sprawl and its
impact on landusc/land cover dynamics of Dehradun City, India. International Journal
of Sustainable Built Environment, 6(2), 513-521.

5. Halimi. M.. Sedighifar, Z., & Mohammadi, C. (2018). Analyzing spatiotemporal

land use/cover dynamic using remote sensing imagery and GIS techniques case: Knn
basin of Iran. Geofournal, 83(5). 1067-1077.

6. Deng, Y.. Wu, C., Li, M., & Chen, R. (2015). RNDSI: A ratio normalized difference
soil index for remote sensing of

Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 6), 1464-1471

See ticm A-Reseurch f›‹if›er

urban/suburban environments. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and

Geoinformation. 39. 40-45.

7. Be1al. A. A., & Moghanm, F. S. (2011). Detecting urban growth using remote
sensing and GIS techniques in Al Gharbiya governorate, Egypt. The Egyptian Journal
of Remote Sensing and Space Science, 14(2), 73-79

8. Saikia. A. (2013). Over-exploitalion of forests: A case study from Nonh Easl India.
Springer Science & Business Media.

9. Khawaldah, H. A. (201 d). A prediction of future land use/land cover in Amman area
using GIS-based Markov Model and remote sensing. Journal of Geographic
Information System, 8(03), 412.

10. Kazak, J , & Ś wiąder, M. (20 18) SOLIS-A Novel Decision Support Tool for the
Assessment of Solar Radiation in ArcGIS. Energies, 11(8), 2105.

1 l.Shaw, R., & Das, A. (2018). Identifying pert-tirban growth in small and medium
towns using GIS and remote sensing technique: A case study of English Bazar Urban
Agglomeration. West Bengal, India. The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and
Space Science, 21(2), 159- 172.

Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(SpeciaI Issue 6), 1464-1471


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