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Computer Applications
In Pharmacy
Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Basics of Computers - Number System

 The technique to represent and work with numbers

is called number system.
 Decimal number system is the most common
number system. Other popular number systems
include binary number system, octal number system,
hexadecimal number system, etc.

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Decimal Number System

 Decimal number system is a base 10 number

system having 10 digits from 0 to 9. This means
 any numerical quantity can be represented using
these 10 digits. Decimal number system is also a
 positional value system. This means that the value
of digits will depend on its position. Let us take
 an example to understand this.

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Decimal Number System

 Say we have three numbers – 734, 971 and 207. The

value of 7 in all three numbers is different−
 In 734, value of 7 is 7 hundreds or 700 or 7*100 or
 In 971, the value of 7 is 7 tens or 70 or 7*10 or 7*101.
 In 207, the value of 7 is 7 units or 7 or 7*1 or 7*100.
 The weightage of each Position can be represented
as follows.

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Decimal Number System

105 104 103 102 101 100

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Binary Number System

 The easiest way to vary instructions through ele ctric

signals is two-system on and off.
 On is represented as 1 and Off is represented as 0,
though 0 is not actually no signal at a lower voltage.
 The number system having just these two digits 0
and 1 is called Binary Number system.
 Each binary digit is also Called as a BIT. Binary
number system is also positional value system,
where each digit as a value expressed in powers of 2,
as displayed here.

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Binary Number System

 In any binary number, the rightmost digit is called

least significant bit (LSB) and leftmost digit is called
most significant bit (MSB).

25 24 23 22 21 20

1 1 0 1 1 0

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Binary Number System

 And decimal equivalent of this number is sum of

product of each digit with its positional value.

110102 =1*24 + 1*23 + 0*22 + 1*21 + 0*20.

1 1 0 1 0
24 23 22 21 20

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Computer memory is measured in terms of how many bits it
can store. Here is a chart for memory capacity conversion

 capacity conversion.
 1 byte (B) = 8 bits
 1 Kilobytes (KB) = 1024 bytes
 1 Megabyte (MB)= 1024 KB
 1 Gigabyte (GB)= 1024 MB
 1 Terabyte (TB) = 1024 GB
 1 Exabyte (EB) = 1024 PB
 1 Zettabyte (ZB)= 1024 EB
 1 Yottabyte (YB)= 1024 ZB

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences


 Drug information storage and retrieval refers to the
process of compiling the data and available
information on a particular drug that can be
assessed as and when required.
 Computers have made it possible to compile, assess
and display the relevant data on a given drug.

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences

 Types of storage media - Hard drive, Floppy Disk, CD/

DVD, USB flash Drive.
 Hard Drive – It is found inside the computer and is
used to store all programs used by computer.
 Floppy Disk – It is a Portable Storage medium that can
be used as per requirement. It can store a large
amount of data.
 CD/DVD – it is also an external device which can be
used to store the information.
 USB Flash Drive – it is comparatively similar than other
storage devices and can be used to store more
amount of data.
Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Briefly describe hospital and clinical pharmacy. Also discuss
applications of computers in hospital and clinical pharmacy.

 This branch of science deals with study of treatment of
patients with various drugs that can be used in a hospital or
clinical setup.
 Hospital Pharmacy:
 It refers to a place within the hospital where all the drugs
and medications are stored in order to provide in-house
treatment to patients that have been admitted in that
hospital. Such pharmacies usually do not provide medicines
to our patients and hence, they are not considered as retail
pharmacies. The drugs stored in hospital pharmacy are
provided to the patients under medical supervision of trained
and qualified pharmacists.
Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Briefly describe hospital and clinical pharmacy. Also discuss
applications of computers in hospital and clinical pharmacy.

 Complete record is maintained on computer related to a particular patient and his

treatment, drugs administered, course of action, time of delivery, dose given etc.
Not only this, computerized records are also maintained regarding stoke availability,
expiry date of various medicines, adverse drug reactions, ledger account for
payments and annual stock audit. Such records are maintained in all the hospital
pharmacies to keep a track of all inventory received in the hospital and how and
where it has been utilized. A hospital pharmacy is responsible for supplying safe
and accurate medicine to its patients.

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Briefly describe hospital and clinical pharmacy. Also discuss
applications of computers in hospital and clinical pharmacy.


 Ensure purchase and proper storage of drugs.

 Label all drug containers properly.
 Ensure proper storage conditions as cold storage and refrigeration.
 Dispense drugs as per prescription.
 Discard expired medicines and order fresh stock.
 Ensure timely stock audit and its provision.
 Maintain proper records related to drugs, their manufacturing, expiry etc.
 Provide support in research and training programs organized with in the
 Ensure availability of right medication at the right time and at minimal cost
to the patient.
 Act as counsellors between doctors, nurses and attendants of patients.

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Briefly describe hospital and clinical pharmacy. Also discuss
applications of computers in hospital and clinical pharmacy.

 Clinical pharmacy:

 It refers to study of science dealing with best utilization of

pharmacist’s experience and knowledge to provide safest

medication during the course of effective patient care. The
clinical pharmacy came into existence in order to minimize
practice of self medication which can further lead to
various complications.

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Briefly describe hospital and clinical pharmacy. Also discuss
applications of computers in hospital and clinical pharmacy.

Functions of clinical pharmacy

 Ensure maintenance of complete patient record like drug reactions,
medications, allergies, hypersensitivity etc.
 Save physician’s time and efforts to decide best treatment for any
 Train and assist medical supervisor or physician about various drug
complications, interactions, dosages etc.
 Assist physician in selecting best drug therapy for a particular
 Keep a close track of any drug reactions among the patients.
 Handle medical emergency in case of overdose or poisoning by
providing best available antidote.
 Assist in discharge counselling related to OTC drug medications as
per patient’s response to undergoing drug therapy.
 Thus, we can say that clinical pharmacists are experts in handling
and recommending best therapeutic use of medications.

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Briefly describe hospital and clinical pharmacy. Also discuss
applications of computers in hospital and clinical pharmacy.


 Maintain and assess patient records.
 Maintain and assess drug records.
 Evaluate stock and its timely updation.
 Discard expiry and near expiry medications.
 Ensure proper and timely supply of medications.
 Review contraindications, overdose or any other adverse
reactions among the patients.
 Detailed study on various medications available in pharmacy.
 Attend online research and training programs.

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Discuss pharmacokinetics in detail

 It is a study science which determines how a living

organism affects any drug administered to him.

 Pharmacokinetics studies the pathway of drug

administered to a living organism from when it enter the

body till its excretion. It can be studied under four
categories as ADME namely

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Discuss pharmacokinetics in detail

 Absorption: refers to movement of medicine from the site of

administration into the bloodstream. Rate of absorption varies

from one drug to another depending upon the mode of
administration of drug. Some drugs are administered as injections
and some are taken orally. Hence, their rate of absorption is
 Distribution: refers to transport of administered medication from

blood stream to its site of action. It is determined rate of blood

flow to that particular area.

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Discuss pharmacokinetics in detail

 Metabolism: refers to breakdown of administered drug

into its active form to produce the desired action. It is
determined by amount and consistency of administered
 Excretion: refers to elimination of administered drug from
the body. It is usually done by kidneys and liver but it can
also be excreted through sweat, saliva, tears etc.

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Explain pharma information system and its benefits

Pharma information system refers to use of
information technology in the field of pharmaceutical
The science of technology that deals with storage,
retrieval and use of information related to medical
industry and pharmaceutical drugs is known as pharma
information system.

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Explain pharma information system and its benefits

This data is stored effectively for optimal use of drug
information in safe pharmaceutical practice and patient
care. Such information system is necessary to ensure
faster and accurate decision making regarding
pharmaceutical practices.

It helps in utilizing best available medicines under a

particular condition.

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Explain pharma information system and its benefits
The application of technology in medical field has
ensured better medical practices and safer patient care.
Not only this, use of technology in this field has increased
efficacy, reduced costing and enhanced safety of the
patient. Medical personal in today’s world are dual
specialists because they are experts in medical industry as
well as tech savvy in order to keep themselves updated
about latest advancements in technology.

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Explain pharma information system and its benefits
 Faster
 Easier
 Error-free
 High reach to the people
 Expert advice
 Safer practice
 Increased efficacy
 Reduced cost
 Increased knowledge
 Qualitative assessment

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
What do you understand by Electronic prescription?
What are its benefits?
Electronic prescription refers to computer based
medical prescription which is generated online. It has
replaced use of pen and paper. It allows nurse, doctor,
pharmacist and patient’s attendant to clearly look into
the prescription. Pharmacist can dispense the
medications at a faster rate and without any errors. It
ensures accurate and error free dispensing. The major
drawback of hand written prescription is illegible or
bad handwriting which may sometimes lead to major

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
What do you understand by Electronic prescription?
What are its benefits?
Electronic prescription method is more reliable as it is
based on patient’s historical data as well as current use
of medications. Before prescribing, a doctor can
review all the possible side effects or drug interactions
as complete record is available with him on the
computer. A doctor can also select the pharmacy from
where medication should be dispensed and in what
quantity. Hence, it reduces the chances of self
medication and overdose of medications.

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
What do you understand by Electronic prescription?
What are its benefits?


 Error-free dispensing.
 Automated and faster refill of ongoing treatment.
 Track any overdose, drug interactions or allergies.
 Track whether a prescription has been refilled or not.
 Provide better record maintenance services as
detailed information about the patient is available right
from the start of treatment.
 Reduce chances of self medication and overdoses.
 Keep a track of prescription related to controlled
substances narcotic drugs.

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Write the benefits of barcode medicine
identification dispensing.


 The barcode medicine identification dispensing has
been formulated to ensure “Five Rights” of the patient.
 Right Medicine
 Right Patient
 Right Dose
 Right Time
 Right mode of administration

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Write the benefits of barcode medicine
identification dispensing.


This system of dispensing has also reduced time
gap between actual prescription and dispensing.
Further, it is useful for managing inventory as well as
billing. Thus, we can say that barcode dispensing is
faster, easier, more manageable and error-free mode
of dispensing medications.

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Explain the term Barcode Medicine Identification.


 Barcode medication identification and automated
dispensing refers to dispensing medications that
uses barcodes for identification in order to prevent
human errors. This system of dispensing ensures
accurate dispensing to the right patient, at the right
time, in the right amount and through the right
method of administration.

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Explain the term Barcode Medicine Identification.


 This technology ensures patient safety and care in a
healthcare practice. In this system, each and every
drug is labelled with a unique barcode. When an
electronic prescription is sent to the pharmacy, the
bar-coded medicine is dispensed in the right amount
which is then checked by nurse and administered as
per coded mode of administration.

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences

Briefly describe Bioinformatics and its objectives.

 science of collecting and organizing biological data is
known as Bioinformatics. It is a branch of computer
science that develops various methods and software
tools to understand and analyze biological data.
 Bioinformatics combines the use of mathematical,
statistical and computational methods to analyze
various types of biological, molecular and genetic data.
It mainly helps in studying varied forms of DNA
structures and compositions.

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences

Briefly describe Bioinformatics and its objectives.

 Biochemists all over the world are trying to find out
correlation between various DNA and are studying
about every single cell in the body. They are trying to
find answers to following questions
 How DNA is formed and what is the exact
composition of DNA?
 How does a protein bind to another protein?
 How DNA causes genetic disorders and how they
can be prevented?

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences

Bioinformatics is necessary to understand the
proper functioning of genes in human body because
in later stages of pharmacy; a particular drug’s
design, target selection in a disease and its mode of
action is entirely based on these facts. Thus, we can
say that objectives of bioinformatics are as follows

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences

 Study normal biological processes
 Analyze the cause of disease due to malfunctioning of
biological processes
 Design various approaches to improve biological processes
 Aids in improving drug discovery techniques
 Helps in developing new target drugs for fatal diseases
 Enables study and research on development of preventive
medicines for life threatening diseases like cancer
 Hence, bioinformatics helps in analyzing data that is globally
available and highlight the facts which are unique to all of

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Discuss classification of biological databases in
 Bioinformatics database refers to collection and
compilation of data which is structured, presented and
cross referenced across the globe. Some of the
bioinformatics databases are as follows:
 Genbank, Uniprot – Used in biological sequence analysis
 InterPro, Pfam – Used in finding protein families
 Sequence Read Archive – used for next Generation
 GenoCAD – Used in design of synthetic genetic circuits
 PreDDICTA – Calculates drug DNA interaction
 Sanjeevani – Complete drug design software

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Discuss classification of biological databases in
Feature of biological databases
 data heterogeneity
 high volume data
 uncertainty
 Data curation
 large scale data integration
 Data sharing
 Dynamic and subject to change

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Discuss classification of biological databases in
Classification of Bioinformatics Databases
 Data type
 Data source
 Database design
 Special categories
 The different types of bioinformatics databases are
listed below

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Discuss classification of biological databases in
Biological Databases

Types of databases Information

Bibliographic database Literature
Taxonomic database Classification
Nucleic acid database DNA information
Genomic database Gene information
Protein database Protein information
Enzyme/Metabolic pathway Metabolic information

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Briefly explain the impact of bioinformatics in
discovery of vaccines.

 bioinformatics help in discovery of vaccines in a more

effective way and in shorter span of time. This is
because it combines biology with pharmacology.
Bioinformatics reduces the time and cost required to
develop high potency drugs fewer side effects.
 Science of genomics plays a vital role in improving
human health globally. It has been found that if a
genome sequence of pathogen is available, a vaccine
can be easily created to destroy that sequence and hence,
occurrence of disease can be prevented. Genomic data
are processed by a variety of software programs that
help identify individual genes and their outcomes.

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Briefly explain the impact of bioinformatics in
discovery of vaccines.

 Designing an ideal vaccine largely depends on

targeted pathogens and their interactions with
existing drugs. Study of genome sequence of various
pathogens along with rapid advancements in
biotechnology allows us to collect large amount of
useful information about hosts and pathogens that
plays an important role in discovery of vaccines.
 Thus, we can say that bioinformatics has the
potential to improve process of vaccine

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences

 Laboratory Information Management System refers

to software based data management system that
supports all modern laboratory operations.
 LIMS form an important part of data management
systems used in preclinical development. LIMS were
designed to automate major parts of development
like sample tracking, sample distribution, work
assignment, result capturing, data process of
management in preclinical development.

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Discuss Laboratory information Management System(LIMS)in detail

Applications of LIMS
 Sample management: The primary function of LIMS is
management of samples received in the laboratory.
Barcodes are fixed to the sample containers in order to
distinguish them from other samples. A complete
record is maintained about the sample and its location
in the lab i.e. row, column, box, freezer time, report
generation time etc.
 Instrument and Application Integration: An effective
LIMS requires proper integration of instruments and
applications. This ensure accurate and effective result

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Discuss Laboratory information Management System(LIMS)in detail

Applications of LIMS
 Electronic data exchange: great attention is paid to
keep a check on the data entered and output
generated in an instrument. The successful transfer of
data from the lab to the appropriate user (physician,
doctor, lab technician etc.) is an important task to be
undertaken by LIMS. This task should be accomplished
with utmost care and accuracy. LIMS provides real-
time data exchange with electronic Health records
used in hospital and clinical operations.

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Discuss Laboratory information Management System(LIMS)in detail

Applications of LIMS
 Report generation : LIMS is also responsible for
effective report generation. Reports are generated in
the specified formats and scheduled time periods.
 Inventory Management : LIMS ensures management of
all laboratory equipment. It measures and records
inventory of all vital supplies within a laboratory.
 thus, LIMS provides full application functionality
through a web browser. This ensures generation of
reliable and accurate results with heigh speed and low
maintenance costs.

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Discuss Laboratory information Management System(LIMS)in detail

Benefits Of LIMS
 Fast Reports
 Reduction in paper work
 Improved efficiency
 Improved data quality
 Reduced errors
 Avoids duplicacy
 Simple formulas for calculations
 Better integration with other departments

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Explain Text Information Management System (TIMS)and its benefits.

 Text Information Management System refers to

collection and management of text information from one
or more sources that can be shared with different users
at the right time and right place. The information is
entered, processed and stored in any format like images,
video sequences, audio messages, text messages,
numerical information etc.
 For any successful organization, it is mandatory to be
structured in a way that it can manage its information
through various and formats and then deliver the same
through varied channels like cell phones and web
interfaces. Thus, the capability of an organisation to
capture, manage, preserve, store and deliver the right
information to the right people at the right time is known
as text information management system.
Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Explain Text Information Management System (TIMS)and its benefits.

 It is also an organisation’s responsibility to store the data in a

secured way and at the same time ensure proper safety and
security of costumer’ personal information. It is an utmost
responsibility of an organization to keep the information
confidential and secure and release it only to the source.
 TIMS is a type of database management system which supports
an access method based on both select and search queries.
TIMS is mainly used by scientists as a report template to facilitate
report writing. Once the draft is ready, they can send electronic
link of the document for review. Necessary changes and
amendments are done in the report and then final auditing is done
to convert the existing template into final report. These reports
can be further assessed by different users. Thus, TIMS saves a lot
of time and energy.

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Explain Text Information Management System (TIMS)and its benefits.

Benefits of TIMS:
 Saves time and energy
 Faster method of report generation
 Ensures accuracy
 Improves efficiency in managing critical data
 Reduced paper work
 Strict security
 Smooth and easy work flow

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Describe chromatographic Data Analysis and its importance.

 CDS refers to software that simplifies entire workflow

process and saves lot of time and energy. It gives better
and faster results. This software is used to collect and
analyze chromatographic results i.e. technique used to
separate mixtures in a laboratory. Thus, CDS is related to
effective workflow within a laboratory. CDS can also be
referred to as a workstation that controls all the
instruments present in a laboratory. It represents an
integrated system with all the data saved in a central

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Describe chromatographic Data Analysis and its importance.

CDS Products-
 Some well known CDS products are as follows
 Chromeleon 7.2 CDS Software- It is used to simplify lab
workflow a unified control for effective data management.
 Laboratory Information Management Systems- Manages all
workflow within a laboratory. It reduces implementation,
training and validation costs of an organization.
 Scientific Data Management System- Securely shares data
across multiple users in an organization.
 Integrated Solutions- Provides most effective lab data by
integrating instruments and software.

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Describe chromatographic Data Analysis and its importance.

 The importance of CDS can be judged from the

fact that high performance liquid
chromatography(HPLC) and gas
chromatography(GC) play an important role in
pharmaceutical analysis. Research and
development in Pharmaceutical companies is
almost impossible without these two types of

Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of

Pharmaceutical Sciences

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