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Target Identification using Radar

Name: Fatima Tahreem Roll no : 21021510-022

Section: BS 6 th A Course :EMT-2 PHYS-322

Contents :
1 1
2 2
2.1 Radar......................................................................................................pg2
2.2 Historical background...........................................................................pg2
3 Radar working.................................................................................................pg2
4 Target Identification........................................................................................pg2
4.1 Doppler effect.........................................................................................pg3
4.2 Types of radar...,.....................................................................................pg3
4.3 FWMC.....................................................................................................pg3
4.4 Pulse radar..............................................................................................pg4
4.5 WSR-88D.................................................................................................pg4
4.6 One dimensional scattering...................................................................pg5
5 Applications.......................................................................................................pg5
6 Conclusion.........................................................................................................pg6
7 Referances.........................................................................................................pg6
1 Abstract:
Radar (Radio Detection and Ranging) is a navigation device that is used mostly fir the protection
purposes in almost all the countries where as there are some special techniques with which we
can operate it and make it useful for ourselves. In this article we are going to see the technique or
method that is used by radar systems to identify their targets and are going to see the detection it
can make is of how much clarity and how much useful it is in our lives. Radar discovered from
radio waves which is a type of electromagnetic wave how it works and using which method it
can be made.
2 Introduction:
2.1 What is radar; RADAR is a navigation device that is used for the protection purposes. It is
derived from a acronym that is Radio Detection and Ranging. As the name implies that this
device uses radio waves which is a type of electromagnetic waves. This is used for the
determination of velocity ( how much fast or slow a object is moving) and distance ( how much a
body moves) of the target they hit. It basically consists of a transmitter and a receiver to catch
2.2 Historical back ground; In 1886 Heinrich hertz while working on electromagnetic waves
and gathering data and information by using experimental results for the demonstration of
existence of electromagnetic waves he found that some waves were reflecting from metallic
objects these waves were radio waves in which he used special reflectors.
Then in 1904, the high frequency technician of Germany performed first detection experiment
using radar waves. He while using hertz reflector found a new thing that was when the waves
were emitted from the transistor and reflected by some metal object is used to find distant
metallic objects, He then made a new device that can measure the transit time of the waves that
were reflected , which he named telemobiloscope then On 30 th April 1904, he took a licence for
the process and became the inventor of radar.
3 Radar Working:
In pulse radar, however, the runtime must be measured directly. In FMCW radar, the differences
in phase or frequency between the actual transmitted and the received signal are measured
instead A radar usually consists of a transmitter and a receiver transmitter emits the electrical

signal from a metal surface and that signal is detected by the receiver. The basic principal of
radar working is extremely short radio signal is bursted which travels with the speed of light are
transmitted which are reflected off any target and which returns back as an echo. So simply radar
uses a phenomenon of Echo principal. Also it was found that Doppler effect has a drastic effect
in more efficiently working of Radar navigation device.
4 Target identification:
Target identification is done by Echo process and Doppler’s effect. Two technical terms are used
for target identification, the older term is used to describe the indication of moving target and the
new term describes a system that should also detect targets that can move but at that moment are
stationary at that point like surrounding helicopters Doppler frequency is that amazing word that
is used for the detection of moving targets.

4.1 Doppler Effect; It was observed by Doppler whose effect is the change in wave frequency
during the relative motion between the source that is producing the wave and the observer. Also
it involves the pitch and frequency factor which tells the distance of an object.

4.2 Types of Radar; There are two basic types of radar

1. FMCW Radar ( Frequency modulated continuous wave )

2. Pulse Radars.

In pulse radar, the running time is compulsory to be measured directly.

In FMCW radar, there is a difference in phase and frequency of the transmitted signal and the
receiver signal i.e, when the signal is transmitted it is of different wavelength but when the
receiver receives the signal it is of different wavelength.

4.3 Working of FMCW Radar; Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave Radar or FMCW
Radar system is a special type of radar system that measures and calculates distance and
velocity of in motion things. This is received by varrying the frequency continuously the signal
that is transmitted by a modulating signal at a rate which is already known over a point time

There are different types of wave modulation among which saw tooth and triangular wave
modulations are the most widely for the purpose of changing patterns of frequency of emitted
radio wave.

FMCW radar systems measure and calculates the difference in frequencies (Δf, due to run time)
between the transmitted and received signal of echo sound for determining the distance, and it
also calculates the Doppler frequency (due to the Doppler effect) for measuring the velocity of
the targeted material.
In an FMCW system, the antenna at transmitter emits frequency of modulated continuous radio
waves, and the receiving antenna receives the signal that was reflected from the target. The
output of the receiving antenna is send to the mixer stage of the receiver through a already
present-amplifier. In the mixer circuit, a small part of the frequency-modulated transmitted signal
is intermingled with the received signal, generating a new signal, which can be further used for
the determination of the distance (R) and velocity of the surrounding object. The frequency of
the new achieved signal is the difference between the frequency of the transmitted and received
(reflected) signal.
Now the signal from the mixer output passes through a low pass filter, where waste signals are
filtered out. Finally, the signal moves through an amplifier, A/D converter, and is then feeded
into a computer for processing to measure the distance and velocity of the object.

4.4 Working of Pulse Radar; The Pulse radar uses a generator that generates tge pulse to
transmit a pattern of pulses with shorter wavelength of radio frequency (RF) energy, and the
distance to the object that is targeted is determined by measuring the pause of the pulses that are
reflected. The clutter (waste) effect on the necessary sign signal is finished by switches with
programmable and manageable delay controls. Here, an important issue is concerned i.e,, in the
process of detecting objects, the receiver recognizes the pulses that are reflected back from the
target, as doing such things usually involves an important considerable effort to filter (clear) out
environmental( surrounding) clutter (waste). In particular, the UWB pulse radar faces quite
difficult challenges that are connected to the system complexity and the cost of integration. One
of an important type of this radar is WSR-88D.

4.5 Identification using WSR-88D

NEXRAD (The Next Generation Weather

Radar) stations opts for the Weather
Surveillance Radar - 1988, Doppler (WSR-
88D) system. This is a 10 cm or 100
mm wavelength (S-Band) radar that functions
at a frequency between 2,700 and 3,000 Mega

The image shown is the image taken by WSR-

88D these images show dual polarization helps detect a tornado that is producing destruction in
that area.

The left images how the Doppler radar detects the rotation, among the two yellow coloured
arrows is a red colour that indicates out bound wind, whereas the presence of green colour
indicates the in bound wind relative to radar`s location before the dual polarization maximum we
can detect was this rotation at some where on the Earth`s surface. Unless we were hit by a storm
and face the consequences. We at that time were unable to say that the rotating point is showing
drastic hazard coming i.e, tornado.

Where as talking about the right image it is showing the debris that is picked by a tornado which
is being detected by the dual polarization information. This picture is the visual representation.

This radar consists of a antenna which is same for both transmitted and received signal i.e, the
antenna used for receiving and transmitting signal is same. As it is a type of pulsed radar so it
means that a very small pulse of radio wave is send out rather than a continuous waves. It can
determine the range of targeted material by calculating the number of pulses transmitted, the
time one pulse takes to be out from the transmitter, strikes the transmitter and return to the
In addition it is a Doppler radar that can also detect the velocity with which the target is moving,
when a wave is transmitted the system keeps the phase and the amplitude as a track or record.
When the pulse of radio wave hits the target it changes its phase and returns back with a different
phase this difference in phase helps us to calculate the velocity with which the target was
moving. The phase shift observed here is exactly similar to The Doppler shift that was seen by
the sound waves that was when the object is moving towards yourself the sound is of higher
pitch where as moving away object has sound with low pitch this was because of compression
and stretching. The sound waves of coming towards object shows compressions and that of
moving away shows stretching.

Now, taking in the dual-pol its up gradation provides us with much more information and a
clearly understandable two dimensional picture because it is able to detect both of the horizontal
and vertical vibrations of the transmitted pulse.

Another important feature about dual-pol is that it provides complete information about the
debris of tornado so that they can easily tell the weather forecasters so that they can timely
inform the communities and societies for their and their personal belongings safety especially at
night when people are unable to see.

The scan shows the predetermined number of elevation angles to complete a volume scan during
active weather VCP-12 or 212 is used. The VCP scans 14 angles in a 4 and half minutes. Notice
that Radar beam gets much higher above the ground with distance At 100 miles away from the
radar the lowest elevation angle of 0.5° is about 12000 feet’s above the ground.

4.6 One-dimensional scattering; Identification that is concerned with different types of targets
of radar can be gain by taking in consideration different types of radar signatures that are 1D
range profiles, 2 D radar images or 1D and 2D centres on the target. To tackle the identification
of target problems the scientists utilize 1-D scattering centres which in turn corresponds to the
bigger or highest peaks in the 1D range profiles. Obtained scales and translational invariant
characteristics that are based on the central moments from the distributions of the 1 D scattering
centres on the target. These 1D scattering can be achieved by various techniques.

5 Applications:

Applications of Radar are as following

1. Aircraft and ships, miniaturization and cost reduction has seen the technology move into
many new applications areas including those in the automotive security , non destructive
inspection, meteorology, archaeology, mining and surveying.
2. The second most important application of radar is in military, For the security purposes,
Radar systems keeps us safe from the harmful sights of enemies and protect and make the
guided path of aeroplanes safe and sound to travel.
3. In Marine navigation it has important application, It protects us from under water
revalorises, and makes the country safe and sound to live.
6 Conclusion:

We concluded that radar is an important navigation device that we are using for the protection
purposes from enemies and natural hazards with which a man kind can come face in face. More
over improving radar identification technique will result in more better results Starting from just
seeing shadows we have came across the that state where we can clearly understand which kind
of hazard we are going to face, it has been a great improvement throughout. Radar is the big
achievement in todays world and it has been useful at even large ranges.

7 References:

D. G. Dudley, "Progress in identification of electromagnetic systems", IEEE Antennas and

Propagation Society Newsletter, vol. 30, August 1988.

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