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7/16/24, 3:02 PM Enterprise Holdings Foundation Grant Application 2024

JUNE 1, 2024 Rosi Melonica

Foundation Grants

Enterprise Holdings Foundation Grant


How To Get Grants from Enterprise Holdings Foundation Grant – If communities want to
grow, create jobs, and prosper, they need to invest in economic and workforce
development programs. Programs that prepare students for college and careers help them
acquire the information and abilities they will need to thrive in those settings. More just,
represented, and inclusive communities are the result of diversity, equity, and inclusion
initiatives. Healthier and more equitable societies are the result of addressing critical
health and human service needs. This in turn increases access to vital services, boosts
overall well-being, and decreases disparities. 1/11
7/16/24, 3:02 PM Enterprise Holdings Foundation Grant Application 2024

Thanks to Enterprise Holdings Foundation Grant. People gain from the Enterprise
Holdings Foundation Grant because it helps with important community needs and
supports programs that promote growth and prosperity in the long run. The Enterprise
Holdings Foundation Grant improves people’s lives, encourages education and wellness,
and offers crucial assistance in times of crisis by concentrating on early childhood
development, youth health, career and college preparedness, and disaster relief. The
Foundation’s grant programs foster personal growth, community development, and the
creation of opportunities for a more just and sustainable future.

There are some foundation grants such as Cannon Foundation Grant, and Captain Planet
Foundation Grants are responsible for giving funds to needy organizations, check them
and open many possibilities for your organization.

Key Takeaways
Supports nonprofits in areas where Enterprise Holdings operates.
Focuses on early childhood development, youth health, career readiness, and
disaster relief.
Requires contacting local Enterprise Holdings representatives for eligibility and
application guidance.
Grants promote community development and long-term prosperity.

What are Enterprise Holdings Foundation Grants?

A charitable effort established by Jack C. Taylor, the Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Grant provides funding to nonprofits serving areas where Enterprise Holdings has a
presence. Its priorities include disaster relief, early childhood education, youth health, and
career and college readiness, and it donates money to initiatives that fall under these

By improving community quality of life in line with the company’s business goals, the
Foundation’s philanthropic and community relations mission ensures the foundation’s
leadership as a valued and responsible corporate citizen. The foundation’s employees and
partners are affected by natural disasters, so Enterprise Holdings Foundation supports
relief projects.

Enterprise Holdings Foundation leaders are dedicated. Chairman and Director Jo Ann
Kindle is joined by President, Secretary, and Director Carolyn Kindle. Assistant Secretary
Theresa Beldner and Vice President, Treasurer, and Director Jonathan Eickmann. Randal
Narike and Erinn Braddock, the foundation’s treasurer and Directors, provide their
expertise. 2/11
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If you want to know more information about the Enterprise Holdings Foundation Grant,
you can visit

Focus Area of Enterprise Holdings Foundation Grant

The Enterprise Holdings Foundation focuses its grants on three main areas:

Early childhood development

All children deserve a good start in life, and the Enterprise Holdings Foundation backs
initiatives that get them ready for school and beyond. Parental education programs,
health screenings, and early childhood education centers all receive this type of

Youth health and wellness

Encouraging healthy and productive lives among young people is the Enterprise Holdings
Foundation’s commitment. Problems with mental health, substance misuse, and obesity
are among those that this funding helps to alleviate. This encompasses financing for
healthcare access, mentoring programs, and after-school programs.

Career and college preparation

In order to help first-generation Black college students overcome important but often
unmet needs that may prevent them from completing their degrees or transferring to a
new job, Enterprise will give around 70 scholarships through the United Nations College
Fund (UNCF). Scholarships will help with not only tuition but also unexpected costs,
professional development opportunities outside of the classroom, and paying off student

Disaster and Recovery Help

As one of its community-giving initiatives, the Enterprise Holdings Foundation Grant
prioritizes disaster and recovery efforts. A $1 million contribution in 2021 went toward
Hurricane Ida relief in Louisiana, for instance, helping to support emergency assistance
for families and businesses hit hard by the storm. A one million dollar contribution
helped COVID-19 relief efforts in 2020, allowing affected people to get the supplies they
needed. Moreover, in 2019, a gift of half a million dollars helped alleviate the effects of the
California wildfires on families and businesses.

Eligibility for Enterprise Holdings Foundation Grant 3/11
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The Enterprise Holdings Foundation has set up eligibility criteria, you can check if you are
interested in the Enterprise Holdings Foundation Grant

First, You shouldn’t be able to pay taxes in the US unless you’re a 501(c)(3) public
charity, a registered charity in the UK, Germany, or France, or Spain, or if you’re a
qualifying nonprofit in any of those countries.
Second, Typically, the Foundation gives more weight to groups where the
Enterprise has workers or partners who are actively participating.
Enterprise Holdings workers and their wives or domestic partners are strong
advocates for charitable causes.
Communities where Enterprise Holdings has a presence will benefit from these
projects since they will raise living standards.
Relief efforts for causes or initiatives that Enterprise Holdings deems significant,
such as disaster relief for partners and workers.
Consistency with the intended charitable work and public relations objectives of
the Foundation.
Enterprise Holdings’ corporate objectives are aligned with all projects.
Applicants need to show that they have a solid strategy for making the most of the
grant money.
Projects that have strong buy-in from staff members may be given more attention.
All applications must adhere to the Foundation’s standards and rules and be
submitted by the due date.
The initiatives that get grants usually have demonstrable effects and have a lasting
influence on the community.

Enterprise Holdings Foundation Grant Application

The Enterprise Holdings Foundation has a rigorous procedure for submitting grant
applications. The procedure includes

First Point of Contact: Get in touch with the Enterprise Holdings Account Representative
in your area. In addition to pointing you in the direction of relevant resources, they may
also tell you whether your organization shares the Foundation’s goals.

Grant Application (if Eligible): Get in touch with your regional Enterprise Holdings
account representative as a first point of contact. If your group shares the Foundation’s
goals, they can tell you how to proceed and put you in touch with the right people.

Review and Decision: The Foundation evaluates each proposal thoroughly and decides
whether or not to grant money depending on how well it fits with their values, the impact
it may have, and their organizational capabilities. 4/11
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If you are searching for foundations that provide grants, check Capital One Foundation
Grant as it helps needy organizations financially.

Deadline of Enterprise Holdings Foundation Grant

August 1, 2024 is the expected Enterprise Holdings Foundation Grant deadline. Save this
grant to receive notifications of predicted deadline changes. January 2, 2025 is the next
deadline predictions.

Contact information about Enterprise Holdings

Here are some ways of getting in touch with the Enterprise Holdings Foundation

Physical Address: 600 Corporate Park Drive, Saint Louis, MO 63105


EIN: 431262762

Phone: 314-512-5000

Grantees of Enterprise Holdings Foundation Grant

Some past grantees of the Enterprise Holdings Foundation Grant

More than $7 million has been distributed to several nonprofits by the ROAD Enterprise
Holdings Foundation through its ROAD Forward project, all with the goal of bolstering
social and racial fairness initiatives. One of the beneficiaries is 100 Black Men DC. This
has been approved for financing for three years running. The group’s mission is to help
kids succeed in life by establishing mentorship programs. Another organization that has
been awarded grants three times is The Bottom Line. They work with low-income first-
generation kids to help them seek higher education. Grants have supported the groups’
continued effective work in closing equity disparities.

RISE 5280
One of the first North American organizations to receive a grant from the Enterprise
Holdings Foundation is RISE 5280. Achieving educational equity and fostering economic
and social mobility are core goals of the group. It is possible for RISE 5280 to reach more 5/11
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people and have a bigger impact in its community thanks to this donation. Although the
given information does not include the actual amount granted to each recipient, their
involvement in the grant program highlights their significance in promoting social and
racial fairness.

100 Black Men

100 Black Men chapters throughout the country have benefited greatly from the
generosity of the 100 Black Men Enterprise Holdings Foundation. The 100 Black Men
chapters in several cities around the country were awarded funds ranging from $3,000 to
$50,000 in 2022 to support their programs. These cities included Chicago, Philadelphia,
Detroit, Knoxville, Washington DC, Memphis, San Antonio, Syracuse, and many more.
Chapters’ goals of empowering Black communities via mentoring, education, and other
means have been greatly advanced by these grants.

100 Black Women

Support for groups like 100 Black Women Inc. and 100 Black Women Inc. Oakland Bay
Area, both based in Oakland, California, has also come from the Enterprise Holdings
Foundation. Funds of $5,000 and $10,000 were distributed to these groups to assist with
various programs. Their efforts center on improving Black women’s access to healthcare,
education, and economic opportunities in their communities.

100 Club Of South Palm Beach County Inc,

Enterprise Holdings Foundation Grants have helped other nonprofits as well; for example,
the 100 Club of South Palm Beach County Inc. was given $1,000 to help with programming.
Similarly, 13 Ugly Men Foundation and 13 Th Man were each given $2,500 to support their
respective programs. These groups have been able to carry on their important work in a
variety of areas, such as youth empowerment, community development, and support
services, thanks to the donations they received.

Support to the 147 Million Orphans Foundation Inc,

Enterprise Holdings Foundation has given to causes that tackle larger social issues, as
well as those that target racial and social justice. The 147 Million Orphans charity Inc. of
Brentwood, Tennessee, for example, received a $1,000 contribution from the charity. The
Davenport, Iowa-based 180 Zone Inc. also received a $2,000 program support award from
the foundation. The generosity of the Enterprise Holdings Foundation is evident in these
gifts, aim to improve communities in many parts of the world.

Environmental Conservation and Clean Energy Grants 6/11
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Enterprise Holdings Foundation promotes animal and wildlife protection. Although it

does not have a particular funding program for this cause, it has granted HALO and the
Feline Rescue Association. It also gave SPCA International $50,000 to shelter and rescue
natural disaster-affected animals. A $35 million grant to establish the Enterprise Rent-A-
Car Institute for Renewable Fuels to improve sustainable bioenergy sources and a $30
million grant for The Nature Conservancy’s “Routes & Roots: Enterprise Healthy Rivers
Project” support related grants. The Enterprise Rent-A-Car Foundation has planted
approximately 2.4 million trees as part of the Enterprise 50 Million Tree Pledge, promoting
global reforestation.

Grants for Diseases

The Enterprise Holdings Foundation is quite interested in health-related projects, even
though it does not have a designated grantmaking program for illness prevention. Both
well-known and less well-known organizations have been recipients of health grants
from this organization. Notable recipients include the American Cancer Society and the
American Heart Association. The foundation’s dedication to tackling health-related
issues is further demonstrated by its support.

Grants for Missouri

The Enterprise Holdings Foundation funds community and worldwide causes but not K-
12 schools, athletic teams, or churches. No continuing running expenditures are included
for its one-year grants. Missouri grants have gone to the Saint Louis Public Schools
Foundation, Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis, and Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater St.
Louis. The Jack Taylor Founding beliefs Award offers $40,000 to NGOs on behalf of
regional Enterprise Holdings companies that share the company’s beliefs and business

Do not miss to navigate Elizabeth George Foundation Grant and open exclusive
opportunities for your organization.


The Enterprise Holdings Foundation Grant is crucial to community development and

long-term prosperity. The Foundation addresses essential needs and promotes positive
change by focusing on early childhood development, youth health, career and college
readiness, and disaster relief. It helps nonprofits make a difference in Enterprise Holdings’
markets through its rigorous grant application process and strategic funding decisions.
Philanthropy, community engagement, and corporate responsibility demonstrate the
Foundation’s commitment to a just, equitable, and sustainable future. The Enterprise
Holdings Foundation Grant drives positive social change and community development by
supporting impactful initiatives and collaborating with diverse stakeholders. 7/11
7/16/24, 3:02 PM Enterprise Holdings Foundation Grant Application 2024

If you are interested in knowing about more foundation grants, then please check our

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Enterprise Holdings Foundation Grants?
Enterprise HoldingsFoundation grants are given to nonprofits in Enterprise Holdings’
areas of operation. Disaster relief, early childhood education, youth health, career and
college readiness, and community development are supported by these grants.

How can my organization apply for an Enterprise Holdings Foundation

To apply for an Enterprise Holdings Foundation Grant, your organization should first
contact your local Account Representative to determine eligibility and receive application
instructions. After confirming eligibility, follow the Foundation’s grant application
procedures and deadlines.

What types of projects are typically funded by the Enterprise Holdings

The Enterprise Holdings Foundation focuses on early childhood development, youth
health and wellness, career and college preparation, disaster and recovery, and
environmental conservation. These projects address community needs and promote long-
term prosperity.


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Indiana Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

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Florida Supplement Supplement Food Assistance Program

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