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Administrator Guide
iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

Product Release Information

Product: iServer
Document Release Number: 2.0
Document Release Date: 6 Aug 2021
Copyright © 2021 by Orbus Software

All Rights Reserved

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by
any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods,
without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright

If you have any queries, you can contact the Orbus Software by email:

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

1 Overview............................................................................................................................................................................................. 6

2 Meta-model configuration......................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Attributes ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................7

2.1.1 Attribute assignment .............................................................................................................................................................................7

2.1.2 Attribute management ........................................................................................................................................................................ 8

2.1.3 Creating an attribute ............................................................................................................................................................................. 9

2.1.4 Attribute permissions ........................................................................................................................................................................... 11

2.2 Object Types .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12

2.2.1 Creating and editing an Object Type .......................................................................................................................................... 13

2.2.2 Mapping Visio master shape ...........................................................................................................................................................14

2.2.3 Deleting Visio master shape ............................................................................................................................................................15

2.2.4 Object Type permissions ................................................................................................................................................................... 16

2.2.5 Deleting Object Types......................................................................................................................................................................... 16

2.3 Relationship Types ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 17

2.3.1 Creating a Relationship Type ........................................................................................................................................................... 17

2.3.2 Relationship Type options ............................................................................................................................................................... 20

2.3.3 Creating a drill-down ............................................................................................................................................................................ 21

2.4 Document Types ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 22

2.4.1 Uploading a new Document Type .............................................................................................................................................. 23

2.4.2 Document Type options ................................................................................................................................................................... 24

2.4.3 Synchronizing attributes with Visio ........................................................................................................................................... 24

2.4.4 Visio Masters........................................................................................................................................................................................... 25

2.4.5 Automatically creating Object Types from Visio masters ............................................................................................ 26

2.4.6 Editing a Document Type template ........................................................................................................................................... 28

2.4.7 Adding a stencil to Visio templates ........................................................................................................................................... 29

2.4.8 Removing a stencil from Visio templates .............................................................................................................................. 30

2.4.9 Adding an existing Object Type to a stencil .......................................................................................................................... 30

2.4.10 Editing Visio master shapes ....................................................................................................................................................... 31

2.4.11 Importing and exporting a Document Type ......................................................................................................................... 33

2.4.12 Deleting a Document Type ....................................................................................................................................................... 34

2.5 Other file types ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 35

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

2.5.1 Configuring support for other file types ................................................................................................................................. 35

2.6 Repository folder structure overview ............................................................................................................................................ 37

2.6.1 Folder type configuration ................................................................................................................................................................ 37

2.6.2 Creating a folder type ........................................................................................................................................................................ 38

2.6.3 Assigning Document Types, Object Types, and views to a folder type ................................................................ 39

2.6.4 Merging, duplicating, and deleting folder types .................................................................................................................41

2.6.5 Creating a folder type structure .................................................................................................................................................. 42

2.6.6 Setting up the folder structure in iServer .............................................................................................................................. 43

3 User management ...................................................................................................................................................................... 44

3.1 Users and groups management ............................................................................................................................................................... 44

3.1.1 Viewing users and groups ............................................................................................................................................................... 44

3.1.2 Creating a user ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 45

3.1.3 Importing users from Active Directory ....................................................................................................................................46

3.1.4 Importing groups from Active Directory ................................................................................................................................ 47

3.1.5 Importing users from Excel ............................................................................................................................................................ 49

3.1.6 Other user management functions ........................................................................................................................................... 49

3.2 Profiles management ............................................................................................................................................................................... 50

3.2.1 Creating and editing a profile ....................................................................................................................................................... 50

3.2.2 Profile feature permissions ..............................................................................................................................................................51

3.3 Repository profile permissions .......................................................................................................................................................... 55

3.3.1 Repository folder permissions ...................................................................................................................................................... 55

3.3.2 Views collection permissions ........................................................................................................................................................56

4 Reporting service configuration ........................................................................................................................................... 57

4.1 Importing a report ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 57

4.2 Exporting a report ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 57

4.3 Deleting a report ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 58

4.4 Deploying reports ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 58

4.5 Retracting reports ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 58

4.6 Report properties .......................................................................................................................................................................................59

4.7 Reporting options.......................................................................................................................................................................................60

4.8 Report folders ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 61

5 Application options .................................................................................................................................................................... 62

5.1 Portal........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 62

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

5.2 System ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 62

5.2.1 System settings ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 62

5.2.2 Network settings................................................................................................................................................................................... 63

5.2.3 Allow email notifications ................................................................................................................................................................. 63

5.3 Workflow .........................................................................................................................................................................................................64

5.3.1 Allow items to be edited after approval.................................................................................................................................65

5.3.2 Disabling Item Approval ...................................................................................................................................................................66

5.4 Purge ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................66

6 Support and contacts.................................................................................................................................................................67

6.1 Technical support ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 67

6.2 Online webinars and resources ......................................................................................................................................................... 67

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

1 Overview
This administrator guide contains the following sections for meta-model configuration, user
management, and general application settings:
1. Meta-model Configuration

iServer governs which folders, documents, objects, and relationships you can create in
the repository through the meta-model.
2. User Management

You can create iServer and Portal users and assign profiles to them using user
management and profile functionality.
3. Reporting Configuration

Application Configuration groups together several functions to import and deploy

iServer reports.
4. Application Options

Various network, email, Portal, Visio, and authentication options are available in
the iServer options.

Figure 1 - iServer Administration menu

Note: You need to sign in to iServer as a System Administrator user to access

the administration features.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

2 Meta-model configuration
2.1 Attributes
Attributes are used to capture metadata of entities and relationships in the repository.

You can assign attributes to the following types of data:

• Object Types
• Document Types (Visio, Excel, Word, PowerPoint)
• Relationship Types
• Folder Types (including Libraries)

The following data types are available for custom attributes:

• True/False
• Date
• Decimal Integer
• Text and Rich Text
• List
• Automatic ID

You can access attribute configuration in Administration > Meta-model Configuration >

2.1.1 Attribute assignment

You can assign attributes to object, relationship, and Folder Types in groups or tabs that can
be used to provide context for the users.

To add a tab, on the Attribute Assignment tab, select New Tab. To remove a tab, on the
Attribute Assignment tab, select Delete Tab.

Figure 2 - Attribute assignment: tabs

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

To assign an attribute, select the tab and select Assign Attribute. You can use the arrow
buttons to assign or remove attributes and the Up or Down buttons to set the order.

Figure 3 - Attribute assignment

Note: When removing assigned attributes, any data populated for these attributes in
the repository is lost.

2.1.2 Attribute management

This section contains a single list of all custom attributes, along with their description, type,
and Visio Sync status.

Figure 4 - Attribute management

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

On the Attribute Management tab, on the right side, you can find the following options:

• New—to create a new attribute and add it to the list.

• Edit—to edit the currently selected attribute.
• Copy—to create a new uniquely named attribute based on the currently selected
• Delete—to delete the selected attribute.
• Regenerate IDs—If the attribute type is set to Automatic ID (meaning that iServer
automatically generates a unique ID every time an object containing this attribute is
created), to regenerate IDs and create unique IDs for those objects that were created
before the attribute is assigned to the type.

Figure 5 - Regenerate automatic IDs

• Visio Sync On/Off—to synchronize the iServer attribute with the Visio Shape Data and
create Data Graphics or a custom header in Visio. You can select one or multiple
attributes and select Visio Sync On to synchronize them with Visio.

Note: Custom Attribute synchronization also needs to be enabled on the Document

Type you wish to use attribute data with. For more information, see the Document Types

2.1.3 Creating an attribute

To create a new attribute, you need to provide the following information:

• Attribute Name—the unique name of the attribute.

• Description—information about the purpose of the attribute.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

• Tooltip Text—concise information about the attribute that is displayed when a user
points to the attribute text.
• Visio Sync Options—when enabling Visio Sync, you can optionally provide a name for the
attribute in Visio. This sync name is a default name that matches the attribute name with
underscores replacing spaces.
• Data Type—data types for custom attributes contain different configuration options. You
can set attributes as mandatory for the users and set default values for new items.

Note: You cannot change the data type of an existing attribute.

• List Data Type

Use this data type to create a list of values that the user can choose from. In the Edit
Attribute dialog box, the List Values tab appears, where you can create a drop-down
list or generate a list of users or profiles.

Figure 6 - List attribute configuration

You can apply a default list value for the attribute by selecting the Default check box.

Figure 7 - List attribute values

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

• Automatic ID
This attribute type generates automatically a unique ID every time an
object/document/folder containing this attribute is created. For the Automatic ID
data type, you can set:

• Start Value
• Format: You can set prefix or suffix (or both) and padding (number of digits after
the prefix/before the suffix).

Figure 8 - Automatic ID attribute

2.1.4 Attribute permissions

On the Permissions tab, you can configure permissions to read or modify the values of this
attribute. Permissions are configured on the Profile level:

• Users with the Read permission can view or query attribute values in the iServer
repository and Portal.
• Users with the Modify permission can edit these attributes in the iServer repository
and Portal.

Figure 9 - Attribute modify permissions

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

2.2 Object Types

Object Types are used to represent entities in the repository. You can create, edit, search,
and delete Object Types, as well as configure their appearance in the repository and Portal.

You can access the Object Type configuration in Administration > Meta-model
Configuration > Object Types.

Figure 10 - Object Type list

Note: You can update Object Types with the default color (Lochmara) and default
icon to randomize object type colors and auto-assign icons by matching the object
type name with the icon name. To do this, select the Appearance option.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

2.2.1 Creating and editing an Object Type

To create an Object Type:
1. In the Object Types dialog box, select New.

Object Types can be created automatically when you upload a new Visio Document
Type with new master shapes. For more information, see the Automatically creating Object
Types from Visio masters section.
2. On the Details tab, for a new Object Type, you can configure Name and Description, as
well as the Icon and Color to allow other users to identify them in the repository
and Portal.

Figure 11 - Object Type details

3. On the Options tab, you can enable the unique naming for items of this type.

Note: You need to ensure all repository content is uniquely named within a library to
enable unique naming for an existing Object Type.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

2.2.2 Mapping Visio master shape

The Visio tab displays all stencils and master shapes the Object Type is associated with.
If the Object Type is not associated with any master shape (based on their Visio Base ID),
you can map it to any available, unmapped masters.

Note: You can map as many different masters to the same Object Type as you want.
Visio no longer requires iServer to only have one master Base ID per Object Type. In
this case, you can use any custom shapes in Visio to represent the same object type.

To map Object Type with a master shape:

1. In the Object Types dialog box, on the Visio tab, select Add Master.
2. In the Add Master dialog box, select a template, stencil, and master shape, and then
select OK.

Figure 12 - Mapping Visio master Base ID

When an Object Type is mapped to a master shape Base ID, you can create repository
objects from within Visio by using the master shapes from the stencil.

Conversely, Object Types not mapped to a master shape are unavailable in the iServer
Explorer in Visio.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

To view a list of Document Type templates where a Visio master exists, select a master,
and then select Templates.

Figure 13

Note: You can assign Object Types to master shapes with different Visio Base IDs.

2.2.3 Deleting Visio master shape

To prevent users from creating an Object Type in Visio, you can delete a mapped master:
1. In the Object Types dialog box, select an Object Type.
2. On the Visio tab, select a master and select Remove Master.

Figure 14 – Deleting masters

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

The master becomes 'orphaned' in iServer, not assigned to any shape, and cannot be used
to create objects from Visio. However, you can assign an orphaned stencil to any Object
Type later.

2.2.4 Object Type permissions

On the Permissions tab, you can define which users can create objects of a certain type in
the repository. Users without permission cannot view the Object Type in the New Object
menu, and cannot commit Visio shapes.

Figure 15 - Object Type permissions

Note: By default, the Create permissions for Object Types are enabled for new profiles.

2.2.5 Deleting Object Types

To remove the Object Type from the metamodel, in the Object Types dialog box,
select Delete.

Any repository content associated with the Object Type is permanently removed, and active
workflows associated with these objects are aborted. This action is not reversible.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

2.3 Relationship Types

Relationship Types define how entities may be related within the repository. You can create
relationships in the iServer repository in one of the following ways:

• Visio Connector: You can link one object to another using a mapped Visio connector on
the stencil of Visio templates.
• Visio Overlap: You can put one object on top of another on a Visio diagram.
• Repository: You can create relationships between objects and documents in
the repository using the Relate to New and Relate to Existing options.

You can access Relationship Type configuration in Administration > Meta-model

Configuration > Relationship Types.

Figure 16 - Relationship Types

2.3.1 Creating a Relationship Type

To create a new Relationship Type:
1. In the Relationship Types dialog box, select New.
2. On the Details tab, enter a unique name and description.
3. On the Pairs tab, configure the Object or Document Types the relationship type can be
used with:
a. To add multiple pairs for the relationship type, select Add Pair.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

b. In the Relationship Types Pairs dialog box, specify objects in the From and To fields,
and then specify the Overlap rules for the pair in Visio. If overlap rules are configured,
overlapping objects in Visio creates a new relationship of this type.

Figure 17 - Relationship Type pairs

Note: Overlap relationships need to be enabled on each Document Type. For more
details, see the Document Types section.

3. On the Visio tab, you can map Visio connector shapes to the relationship type by
selecting Add Connector. This allows creating relationships of this type using
the mapped connector in Visio.

Figure 18 - Relationship Visio representation

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

4. In the Relationship Type dialog box, in the Visio Connector list, select an unassigned
connector. The list contains available connectors from the Document Type stencils.
5. To specify the relationship direction, the following options are available:

• By default, the Infer Directionality check box is selected. It indicates that the direction
of the connector is inferred from the types of the objects that are connected
according to the Object Types configured on the Pairs tab. The relationships will be
created between connected shapes even if the connector is in the wrong direction in

Note: If the Infer Directionality option is disabled, users who add connectors in
the wrong direction in Visio will not be able to commit a relationship.

• Under Connector Directionality, you can specify how the direction of the relationship
should be established based on the physical features of the connector:

Figure 19 - Relationship Visio representation

• Connector “begin to end”—the relationship direction is based on the beginning

and end of the connector, regardless of where the arrowhead is.
• Connector “end to begin”—the relationship direction is based on the end and
beginning of the connector, regardless of where the arrowhead is.
• Detect connector arrow head—the relationship direction is based on where
the connector arrowhead is. The arrowhead can be added to the 'end' or 'begin'
of the connector using Visio connector Shape Format options.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

You can view what Document Types use the connector for Relationship Type by selecting
a connector and selecting Templates.

Figure 20 – Document Types of the connector

2.3.2 Relationship Type options

Figure 21 - Relationship Type options

On the Options tab, you can select relevant options:

• Visio Only—relationships of this type can only be created via Visio diagrams, not using
the desktop client.
• Cross-Library—relationships can be created between items in different libraries.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

• Multiple Instances—multiple relationships of the same type can be created between the
same two items. If this option is disabled, existing relationships are reused when a user
tries to create a new relationship.
• Hierarchical—only ‘top-level’ objects are displayed in hierarchical relationships. As an
example, when creating an organizational decomposition view (Org Unit > Org Unit > Org
Unit > Org Unit), users only want to view org units that are at the ‘top of the tree’; those
that both have no parent-related org units. Otherwise, a list of all org units in the first level
is displayed.
• Drill-Down—relationships can be used to create diagram drill-downs. A pair from an
Object Type to a Document Type is also required to enable the drill-down functionality.

Note: The Drill-Down option was referred to as Explode in previous versions of iServer.

2.3.3 Creating a drill-down

Shape drill-down is the process of selecting an object and creating a new Visio diagram
that represents an expanded view of that object, for example, drilling down a process object
into a BPMN 2 diagram.

To configure the drill-down relationships:

1. On the Options tab, select the Drill-Down check box for the relationship type.
2. On the Pairs tab, add a pair where an Object Type is configured in the From column and
a Document Type is configured in the To column.

Figure 22 - Preconfigured BPMN drill-down Relationship Type

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

2.4 Document Types

You can access Document Types configuration in Administration > Meta-model
Configuration > Document Types. The list of preconfigured templates available depends on
the iServer Solutions you have purchased.

Figure 23 - List of configured Document Types

Document Type management includes the following

• View a list of Visio, Excel, Word, and PowerPoint templates

• View how many times a template is used in the repository
• View, search, edit, rename, and delete a template
• Download and upload new templates
• Import and export templates

In the Document Types dialog box, you can view the following properties of the existing
Document Types.

Name A unique name of the Document Type visible in iServer.

General Type Categories of Document Types based on the file type of the template.
These include the Microsoft Office template types and Visio.

Instances A count of documents in the repository based on a Document Type.

Description A brief explanation of the Document Type which is displayed to users

when pointing to the Document Type in the repository.

File Name A name of the attached template file.

Created by and Name of the person or group that created the Document Type and
Date Created date and time of the Document Type creation.

Modified by and Name of the person or group that last modified the Document Type
Date Modified and date and time of the Document Type modification.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

2.4.1 Uploading a new Document Type

To upload an Office or Visio template file:
1. In the Document Types dialog box, select New.
2. On the Details tab, enter a unique Name and Description about the new Document Type.
3. In the Template field, select the browse button to select and upload a template file from
your local machine or cloud.

Depending on the file extension of the template file, different options are available:

• Visio templates

When you upload a Visio template file (VST and VSTX file extensions), any Stencils found
docked on the template are also displayed below the template name. You can remove
stencils found on the template by selecting the ‘X’ icon.

If any of the stencils are already uploaded to iServer (matched by stencil name), you are
asked to reuse the existing stencil with all its masters or overwrite existing stencils.

• Office templates

You can also upload Office template files (DOT, DOTX, XLT, XLTX, POT, POTX).

Figure 24 - Uploading a Visio document template

Note: The Document Type Name field is prepopulated with the template name if it is
blank when you upload the template. Names are required to be unique in the system.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

2.4.2 Document Type options

You can allow overlap relationships to be created in Visio for the Document Type by
selecting the overlap check box on the Options tab. To create a relationship using
overlapping shapes in Visio, the Relationship Type in question should also be configured to
allow overlaps.

2.4.3 Synchronizing attributes with Visio

You can synchronize iServer attribute data for documents and objects with Visio shape data
by enabling these options on the Attributes tab:

• Export Custom Attributes (these are the attributes listed in Attribute Management) and
Export System Properties (these are attributes which are not customizable, such as
Description) to Visio documents (for example, to display them on the header) or Visio
shapes (for example, to create data graphics).
• Import Custom Attributes & Description. This setting can be useful when importing
legacy Visio diagrams, containing shapes with attributes in the Shape Data.
• Delete Visio Shape Data not synchronized with iServer. This setting can be useful to
clean imported diagrams from unnecessary attribute information.

Figure 25 - Visio attribute synchronization

Note: By default, Attribute synchronization is disabled for new Visio Document Types
for performance reasons.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

2.4.4 Visio Masters

The Visio Masters tab displays a list of all the master shapes found on Visio stencils docked
to the template, as well as the stencil names.

You can enable a Visio Alias for the shape if it is mapped to an Object Type. This option
allows objects of a selected type to have a shape text in Visio that is different from
the object name in the repository. To do this:
1. Select a master shape in the list and select Properties.
2. Select the Visio Alias check box and select OK.

Figure 26 - Visio masters properties

For Object Types where unique naming is off, and this setting is enabled, if the object is
committed without shape text, the name is set to the Object Type name, but the shape text
remains blank.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

You can decide to not receive the connector validation errors (broken connection warning)
in Visio for a shape. To do this:
1. Select a master shape for a connector in the list and select Properties.
2. Select the Disable Connector Validation check box and select OK.

Figure 27 – Disable connector validation

2.4.5 Automatically creating Object Types from Visio masters

When you create a new Visio Document Type and upload a Visio template with new stencils
and master shapes, you have the option to automatically create Object Types based on
new, unique master Base IDs that are found on the stencils.

If a new master shape has the same Base ID as an existing master, iServer matches them
automatically. If a new master shape has the same name as an existing Object Type, iServer
matches them automatically but with different Base ID. Also, iServer asks you to assign new
shapes to the existing Object Types, otherwise, new shapes remain orphaned.

If there is no matching master names and Base IDs, iServer asks to create a new Object Type

Figure 28 - Prompts to create Object Types

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

To view a list of the created, updated, and skipped Object Types, select View the change log.
The log file is saved in a local folder and opens in the .txt format.

Figure 29 – View the change log file

Orphaned Masters may be uploaded if you have selected not to automatically create
Object Types. These are ’uncommittable’ in Visio as they are not mapped to Object Types.
You can manually map these Orphaned Masters to new Object Types from the Object Type
Properties dialog box.

Note: When uploading new master shapes with the same Base IDs as others already
mapped to Object Types, the new master shapes are automatically mapped to
the same Object Type.

The following is a summary flow of the master mapping behavior for Visio Document Types.

Figure 30 - A summary flow of creating a Visio Document Type

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

2.4.6 Editing a Document Type template

You can edit the Document Type templates by selecting Edit on the Details tab. Visio
template opens in Visio allowing you to modify the template. To save your changes, save
the template in Visio, and in the Document Type dialog box, on the Details tab, select OK.

Figure 31 - Manage a Document Type template

You can save a copy of the Document Type templates by selecting Download on the Details
tab. Visio template files are downloaded as .zip files containing both the template file and
stencils (VSTX and VSSX files). To create a new diagram or document based on the template,
simply open a template file.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

2.4.7 Adding a stencil to Visio templates

Note: The following sections describe features of Microsoft Visio that are not part of
iServer itself and may vary in appearance or behavior between versions.

Visio templates can contain multiple stencils. In the following example, there is currently one
stencil, called Process Flow Diagram. To add a new stencil to a template, select More
Shapes > New Stencil. A new stencil is open and assigned to the template.

Figure 32 - Adding a stencil to a Visio template

To select an existing stencil and assign it to the template, select More Shapes > Open Stencil.

To rename the stencil, right-click the name of the stencil and select Save As. The stencil is
automatically named after the filename unless you go to the properties of the stencil and
give it a different name. It is recommended to save the stencil (VSS/VSSX file) to the same
folder location as the template (VST/VSTX file). To save changes to the template, select Save
on the template.

Figure 33 - Saving a docked stencil

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

2.4.8 Removing a stencil from Visio templates

To remove a stencil from a template, right-click the stencil name, and select Close. To save
changes to the template, select Save.

Figure 34 - Removing a docked stencil

2.4.9 Adding an existing Object Type to a stencil

You may wish to add an existing iServer Object Type (a master shape mapped to an iServer
Object Type) to a new stencil. To do this, copy the master shape from a template that is
already used in iServer, and paste it on the new stencil. Master shapes with the same Base ID
is automatically mapped to the same Object Type.

If the stencil is in Edit Mode, you can paste the reused master shape onto the new stencil.

Figure 35 - Reusing a mapped master shape onto a new stencil

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

To upload the template with an edited stencil, save the stencil by selecting the Save icon
next to the name of the stencil, then save the template. Then you can upload the template
as part of a new Document Type or replace the template of an existing Visio Document

Figure 36 - Saving an edited stencil and template

Note: If you edit a template or stencils that already exists in iServer, remember to
Overwrite the existing stencils when uploading the new template.

2.4.10 Editing Visio master shapes

Default Object Types are generally boxes with headers and icons, showing the type name.
You may wish to change the layout of these shapes for different uses or diagram types,
creating icons or tiles.

Figure 37 - Different shape representations

In iServer, multiple master shapes can represent the same Object Type, even if their Visio
Base ID is different.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

If you want the Object Type to be represented by a box and an icon, for example,
do the following:
1. Right-click a stencil and select Edit Stencil.
2. Duplicate the shape by copying it from the stencil and pasting it. This ensures the new
master shape has the same Visio Base ID.

There are now two master shapes with the same Visio Base ID, which are mapped to the
same iServer Object Type upon upload. Since a stencil cannot contain Object Types with
the same name, Visio adds a number to the duplicated Object Type.
3. To rename an Object Type, right-click the duplicated shape and select Rename Master
and enter the name you want.

Figure 38 - Renaming a master shape

4. To change the design of the duplicated Object Type, right-click the shape, select Edit
Master > Edit Master Shape.

Figure 39 - Editing master shape design

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

If you wish to replace this shape, delete it and create a new one using the Visio drawing
tools, or paste an existing shape inside this shape window. You can then save this shape
by closing the window and selecting Yes when Visio asks whether you want to update
the shape. You now have two representations of the same Master on the stencil.

Figure 40 - Close and save the edited master shape

5. To upload the template with the updated stencil, save the stencil by selecting the Save
icon next to the name of the stencil, then save the template.

Note: If you have edited a Template that already exists in iServer, remember to
Overwrite the existing stencils when uploading the new template.

2.4.11 Importing and exporting a Document Type

You can bulk export Document Type templates from the list of the Document Types. Visio
templates are exported as .zip files containing both the template and stencils.

You can bulk import Office and Visio template files to create or update existing Document
Types. You need to store template files in a single folder location and in the new Office XML
format (vstx and vssx, dotx, potx, xltx) for a successful import.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

2.4.12 Deleting a Document Type

To remove the Document Type from the system and all folders it is assigned to, select a
Document Type in the list and select Delete.

You cannot delete Document Types that have instances associated with them. iServer
automatically generates a list of these documents when attempting to delete a type with
instances, allowing you to reassign them to another template or delete them.

Figure 41 - Generated document list

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

2.5 Other file types

iServer supports the configuration of any other file types in the repository. This may include
PDFs, videos, images or zip files, and so on.

2.5.1 Configuring support for other file types

To open the Document Types configuration window, on the iServer start page, select
Administration > Other File Types.

The Configure Other File Types dialog box contains two tabs:

Figure 42 - Configuring other file types

• Document Types—lists all other file types that are configured for use in iServer. You can
view their file extensions and the default program handlers that are used for opening
these file types.

To configure support for a new file type, select Add, enter a name, file extension (for
example, PDF or PNG), and then select a program handler from the list. The list of
available handlers is limited to those that are configured on the Handlers tab.

Figure 43 - Creating a new file type

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

• Handlers—displays all configured document handlers that can be assigned to file types.

As with the Document Types tab, you can add, remove, or modify a handler.

Figure 44 - Adding a file type handler

You can configure the required fields of file handler—Name, Type, and Toolpath.

The toolpath should be set to the executable file for the target application (for example, a
handler for .pbix PowerBI report files may be set to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Power BI
Desktop\bin\PBIDesktop.exe). Then you can assign new file types to Repository Folder Type,
as with other Document Types in the meta-model.

Note: You can configure handlers for any file extensions if the file size is less than
100MB so as not to affect system performance.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

2.6 Repository folder structure overview

The iServer repository folder structure provides a governed structure within which you can
manage the creation and use of repository content, including objects, diagrams,
documents, and other files.

You can access the repository folders configuration in Administration > Meta-model
Configuration > Repository Folders.

2.6.1 Folder type configuration

The folder type configuration is available in the following modes:

• Folder Type Structure—displays which folder types and where in the iServer repository
you can create.

Figure 45 - Folder structure configuration

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

• Available Folder Types—displays an alphabetical list of all existing folder types, including
how many times the folder type is assigned to the folder type structure, and how many
instances of this type exist in the repository.

Figure 46 - Folder type configuration

2.6.2 Creating a folder type

You can create folder types in both modes by selecting New on the toolbar.

If you want to assign the new folder type directly to the folder structure, select a parent
folder (for example, System Repository if you want to be able to create folders of this type on
the highest level in the folder structure) and select New. Creating a new folder type in
the Available Folder Types mode creates a new folder type without assigning it directly to
the structure.

When creating a new folder type in the Available Folders Types mode, a folder called New
Folder Type is added to the list. On the right side of the panel, you can change the name and
icon of the folder type.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

2.6.3 Assigning Document Types, Object Types, and views to a

folder type
Once you create a folder type, you can choose which templates, Object Types, and views
can be used in folders of this type.

To assign templates to a folder type:

1. On the Document Types tab, select Add.
2. In the Folder Type Configuration dialog box, select the required templates from a list of
all available templates in iServer, and select OK.

Figure 47 - Assigning Document Types to a folder type

To specify which Object Types can be created directly (for example, manually) in folders of
this type, on the Object Types tab, select Add and select the required Object Types from a
list of all available in iServer.

Figure 48 – Assigning Object Types to a folder type

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

By selecting the Automatically include Object Types with Visio templates check box, all
Object Types permitted in the assigned templates can be created in the folder type. This can
be changed by adding or removing Object Types. Removing Object Types only prevents
users from creating objects of this type directly in folders of this type. You can still create
them on diagrams.

To assign views to a folder type, on the Views tab, select Add, and select the required views
from the collection of saved views.

Figure 49 - Assigning views to a folder type

These views are now available from the Send To View option in the context menu when
selecting a folder in the repository.

Figure 50 - Folder type views from the repository

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

2.6.4 Merging, duplicating, and deleting folder types

To merge folder types and the contained Document Types and Object Types into one folder
type, select two folder types or more and on the toolbar, select Merge.

Figure 51 - Merging folder types

One new folder type appears containing the assigned templates and Object Types of all
selected folder types. You can name a newly created folder type. If the selected folder type
is used in the folder type structure, changes are automatically applied.

To duplicate a folder type, select a folder type, and on the toolbar, select Duplicate. A new
folder type appears with the same name and suffix “(2)”. Duplicating a folder type includes
duplication of assigned Document Types, Object Types, and views.

Figure 52 - Duplicating folder types

To delete a folder type, select the folder type, and on the toolbar, select Delete.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

2.6.5 Creating a folder type structure

When folder types are created, and templates and Object Types assigned, you can create a
folder type structure.

The Folder Type Structure mode displays the current folder type structure. You can collapse
or expand the structure using options in the View group on the toolbar.

Figure 53 - Expand and collapse all

To add a folder type to the structure, select the parent node and on the toolbar, select Add
and select a folder type from the list of available folder types.

Figure 54 - Adding a folder type to the folder structure

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

• To create a new folder type directly in the folder type structure, on the toolbar,
select New.

• To delete the folder type from the structure, select a folder type and on the toolbar,
select Remove.
• To duplicate a folder type hierarchy, select Copy and then to insert it into the structure,
select Paste.

2.6.6 Setting up the folder structure in iServer

You can define the structure of folder types in the folder type configuration. Actual folders,
however, need to be set up directly in the repository explorer.
1. Right-click the parent folder and select New Folder/New Library. Alternatively, select New
Folder or New Library on the Folders tab.

• New Folder creates a new folder of the selected folder type within the parent folder or
• New Library creates a new library of the selected folder type within the parent folder.

Note: You cannot create new libraries within a library.

Figure 55 - Creating a new folder based on configured types

2. In the Properties section, add a name and description (optional), and select Save.
To create another folder of this type, select Save & Create New.

The folder appears in the folder structure in the repository. Now you can create documents
and objects of the templates assigned to the folder type inside the folder. To create new
documents, right-click the folder and select New Document, or on the Home tab, select New

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

3 User management
This section describes how to set up and manage users and profiles, and how to manage
permissions for items in the repository.

User management consists of two sections:

• Users and groups—to create or import iServer and Portal users and groups.
• Profiles—to set up and manage user profiles, both for iServer and Portal.

You can access user management in Administration > Users.

Note: If your iServer deployment is hosted by Orbus, you might not have access to
the Active Directory functions described in this section.

3.1 Users and groups management

3.1.1 Viewing users and groups

To view a list of all users and groups in the system, go to Administration > Users > Users and
Groups. In the lower-right corner, you can view the number of iServer and Portal users set up
versus the number of available licenses.

Figure 56 – User and group management

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

3.1.2 Creating a user

When iServer is installed, only the System Administrator is in the list of users. This user does
not use an iServer license and you cannot delete this user.

To create a user:
1. In the Users and Group Management dialog box, select New.
2. On the Personal tab, provide data for:

• Login Name—the name a user must enter in the Name field when logging into iServer.
• Display Name—the name that is visible within iServer.

Also, on this tab, you can view two options:

• Import from AD—allows you to import the new users’ details from Active Directory
and to create a new Windows Domain User. For more information, see Importing Users
from Active Directory.
• Set Password—allows you to set the iServer password for the user. Also, you can
configure that a user must change their password when they sign in for the next time.

Figure 57 - New user details

Note: Later you can convert your forms users (those who log in with a user name and
password) into an AD user account. To do this, edit the user and on the Personal tab,
select Merge AD to assign it to an existing AD record.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

3. On the Profiles tab, select profiles to assign to a user. You can also select a default profile
for the user once at least one profile is assigned.

Figure 58 - Users details: profiles

3.1.3 Importing users from Active Directory

To import users from Active Directory:
1. In the Users and Group Management dialog box, select New and select Import from AD.

Figure 59 - Import users from AD

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

2. In the Active Directory Users dialog box, enter the domain and name of the user you
would like to add to iServer.
3. To start a search, select Search. Find a user and select Import.

Figure 60 - Importing users: search

3.1.4 Importing groups from Active Directory

To import a group with Active Directory:
1. In the Users and Group Management dialog box, select Import AD group.

Figure 61 – Import groups from AD

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

2. In the Active Directory Groups dialog box, enter the domain and name of the group you
would like to add to iServer. Additionally, you can specify an AD container parameter in
the Scope RDN field during group search.
3. To start a search, select Search. Find a group and select Import. For a group import, you
can select profiles and licenses to apply to new users.

Figure 62 – Importing groups: search

You can synchronize an existing group with AD to update the iServer group with changes
made in AD by selecting Sync AD in the Group Details dialog box.

Figure 63 – Synchronize a group with AD

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

3.1.5 Importing users from Excel

You can import users in bulk from an Excel data source by selecting Import from Excel in
the Users and Group Management dialog box. An Excel import template is available from
the iServer installation bin folder, for example, C:\Program Files
(x86)\Orbus\iServer\Bin\Excel User Import Template.xltx.

Figure 64 – Importing users from Excel

3.1.6 Other user management functions

You can export the users in the system by using Export to Excel in the Users and Group
Management dialog box.

Users with email addresses specified in iServer are also automatically enrolled in the Orbus
Learning Ecosystem to enable Single Sign-on from within the iServer application.
The enrolment is a background process that you may need to trigger manually if user details
changed offline. To do this, in the Users and Group Management dialog box,
select Ecosystem Sync.

Also, you can enable the diagnostics tool for a specific user in User Details > Diagnostic
Logging. By default, it is disabled and should be turned on only under the supervision of an
Orbus Software Support team member.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

3.2 Profiles management

A user profile consists of a set of permissions that control which features and modules are
available to users of a profile. You can access the Profile Management in Administration >
Users >Profile Management.

Figure 65 - Profile management

3.2.1 Creating and editing a profile

To create a profile:
1. In the Profile Management dialog box, select New and enter the profile details.
2. On the Users tab, add existing users to the profile.
3. On the Features tab, configure the iServer and Portal features that are available for users
of the profile. For more information, see Profile feature permissions.
4. On the Summary tab, review a summary of the profile configuration that can be
exported for backup purposes, and select OK.

Figure 56 - Configuring a profile

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

You can edit the same information for an existing profile, or copy the existing profiles from
the Profile Management list.

3.2.2 Profile feature permissions

The following table describes each feature permission in iServer.

Group Feature Permission Description

Application These feature permissions relate to

separately licensed modules of iServer. They
are not available in the features list if your
system is not licensed for them.

Data Exchange Provides access to the iServer Data Exchange

Module. Please see the Importing Data user
guide for more details.

Reporting Services Provides access to view and run iServer SQL


Live Documents Provides access to the Microsoft Word ribbon

and Live Documents. Please see the Live
Documents user guide for more details.

BPM Connect Provides access to the BPM Connect tool

used for exporting iServer BPMN Diagrams
into the BPMN2XML format. Please see the BPM
Connect guide for details.

BI Connect Provides access to the BI Connect module

used for querying iServer repository via
Business Intelligence tools such as Microsoft
PowerBI. Please see the BI Connect guide for
more details.

Repository API Allows users to authenticate and use the API.

Version Control These features govern actions relating to

version management of repository items. You
can view versions in the Properties panel
under the Versions tab.

Check In and Check Allows users to check in and check out the
Out repository content. Without this, users have
‘read-only’ permissions to all content.

Version History Allows users to view the Version History tab of

an item in the Properties panel.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

Group Feature Permission Description

Delete Historical Allows users to purge previous versions of a

Versions repository item.

Purge Deleted Items Allows users to permanently delete (for

example, purge) items from the database.
This also enables the ‘Shift + Delete’
functionality for permanently deleting items.

Repository These features enable several general

repository actions.

View and Edit Allows users to view and edit permissions of

Permissions libraries and folders in the repository,
including cascading permissions.

Locking Allows users to permanently lock items.

System Administrators are still able to
override locked items.

Tagging Allows users to tag items in the repository.

Manage Tags Allows users to add or remove existing tags in

the repository. Tags created by Data
Exchange are not editable by users even with
this permission.

Column Options Allows users to define default list columns in

Administration the repository for other Profiles. The ‘Profile
Defaults’ and ‘Apply to more Profiles’ options
are available in the Column Options dialog
box with this permission. This does not affect

Manage Libraries Allows users to create and edit libraries in the


Manage Allows users to perform a ‘Copy with

Provenance Provenance’ across multiple libraries.
Provenance keeps a record of the source
item in any copied items for traceability.

Merge Objects Allows users to merge multiple objects in the

repository, either of the same or different

Manage View Allows users to create and edit View

Collections Collections, including permissions of these

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

Group Feature Permission Description

Visio These features relate to the Visio

Diagramming Diagramming environment.

Fast Draw Enables fast draw functionality on the iServer

Visio tab for compatible Fast Draw templates
(for example, BPMN 2.0 and ArchiMate).

Validation Enables diagram validation on the iServer

Visio tab for compatible templates.

Live Documents These features relate to the Live Document

module which offers integration with
Microsoft Word.

Update Live Allows users to refresh the Live Components

Document in a Live Document.

Manage Allows users to edit and add Live

Components Components to a Live Document.

Portal These features relate to the Administration

section of Portal.

Portal Allows users to access the administration

Administration section in Portal to customize the system,
change profile settings, and enable Portal

Administration These features relate to the Administration

section of iServer, including user and meta-
model management.

Attribute Allow users to access and manage attributes

Management in the system.

Document Type Allow users to upload and edit document

Management types (templates). Repository Folder
Configuration permission is also needed to
make new document types available in the

Relationship Allows users to manage relationship types in

Configuration the meta-model.

Repository Folder Allows users to manage the repository folder

Configuration configuration including document and Object
Type assignment.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

Group Feature Permission Description

User Management Enables the User Management dialog box to

add, import, and edit users from the system.
This includes all user types (for example,
Portal, iServer, BI Connect, etc.).

Profile Management Enables the Profile Management dialog box to

add, remove, or edit Profiles, and add users to
different profiles.

Reporting Services Enables users to configure and deploy iServer

Configuration SQL reports, as well as manage report folders
and permissions.

Workflow Allows users to view and edit Workflow and

Administration Feedback Templates available in the system.

System Options Enables the global System options tab in the

iServer Options dialog box.

Purge Database Enables the Purge option in the iServer

Options dialog box.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

3.3 Repository profile permissions

3.3.1 Repository folder permissions

You can set user profile permissions for a folder in the repository explorer.
1. In the Folders panel, right-click an item, and on the Items tab, select Edit Permissions.

Figure 66 - Edit folder/library permissions

2. In the permissions dialog box, select what users of each profile can do:

• Read—to view the items and their properties.

• Modify—to modify the properties and attributes of an item.
• Modify Contents—to add and remove items to and from the folder. This permission
does not apply to documents. If a profile does not have to modify the contents'
permission on a library, it cannot create any objects anywhere within that library.
• Modify Relationships—to create and remove relationships to objects and documents.
This is only available for folders.
• Delete—to delete the item.

Figure 67 - Folder permissions

3. To save the settings, select Apply and Save.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

Other options available on the toolbar include:

• Apply and Cascade—to cascade selected settings to all sub-folders of the selected
folder. In the Cascading dialog box, decide whether you want to cascade the settings to
folders, documents, objects, or libraries and select which profiles you would like the
cascade to apply to.

Figure 68 - Cascading permissions

• Lock this Item—locks the folder for editing.

You can set permissions on the folder level and on the document and object level by right-
clicking the item and selecting Edit Permissions.

3.3.2 Views collection permissions

You can also set permission to a view collection:

• Select a collection and on the Views tab, select Edit Collection, and set the permissions
for each profile.

Figure 69 - View collection permissions

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

4 Reporting service configuration

Reporting Services Configuration allows the management of reports, the configuration of
iServer Reporting Services options, and the handling of report folders.

Note: iServer Reporting Services is a separately licensed iServer module.

You can access the Reporting Services Configuration in Administration > Application
Configuration > Reporting Services. The iServer Reporting Services Configuration dialog box
contains three tabs:

• Reports—to view and manage a list of imported reports and their properties.
• Options—to set and edit the report options, like the web service URL, the deployment
folder, and the reporting database connection.
• Folders—to view reports in separate groups and manage folders where deployed reports
can be stored.

4.1 Importing a report

Figure 70 - Reporting services configuration

Orbus Software supplies a set of reports that you can import to iServer Reporting Services.
In addition to these reports, you may import your reports.

To import reports, on the Reports tab, select Import, select the reports you want to import
(RDL files), and select OK.

4.2 Exporting a report

To export existing reports for review or amendment, select the report(s) you want to export,
select Export, and select the destination location for the exported reports.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

4.3 Deleting a report

To delete one or more reports, select the reports and on the Reports tab, select Delete.
If the report is deployed it is retracted at the same time as deletion.

4.4 Deploying reports

You need to deploy a report that was imported into the iServer database to the report server
before it can be run. To do this, in the Reporting Services dialog box, select the desired
report, and select Deploy.

You can view the deployed reports in the Report menu.

Figure 71 - Deployed reports on the iServer backstage

4.5 Retracting reports

After a report is deployed, it exists on the report server. If you select a report that was
deployed, you can retract the report. This removes the report from the report server so other
users cannot run the report.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

4.6 Report properties

To view the properties of a report, select a report, and on the Reports tab, select Properties.

Figure 72 - Report properties

In the Properties dialog box, you can adjust where the report is located, who has permission
to run it, and how it runs in the report wizard. The Properties dialog box contains three tabs:

• General—shows the report name, but also allows you to edit the report’s parent reports,
report folder, and description.

• Parent Reports
Setting a report to anything other than None causes the report to become a sub-
report. Certain reports need sub-reports to run successfully, so associating reports
with their parent reports is essential. You cannot run sub-reports directly and you
may leave their parameters incomplete before deployment, as they should receive
what they need from their parent report.
• Report Folder
Setting a report folder displays the report in the iServer Reporting Services dialog box
in the selected folder when the report is deployed. This allows you to categorize or
group your reports. To place a report in a folder, select the folder from the list.

• Permissions—you can give access to users based on their profiles. System Administrators
can always access the reports.
• Parameters—you must ensure that each parameter is mapped to an iServer parameter
type for the report to deploy correctly. If the report is defined correctly, the tool does this
automatically, otherwise, the Report Parameter Type is set to Unknown and has to be set

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

4.7 Reporting options

Before you can edit any other options, you need to connect to the web service URL. To do
1. In the Web service URL field, enter your URL in the following format:

To find the ‘Servername/ReportServer_Instance’, see your Virtual directory field in Web

Service URL.

Figure 73 - Reporting Services Options

2. To test the connection, under Web service URL, select Test.

3. To continue editing the remaining fields on the Options tab, select Apply after entering
the URL.

Note: You can edit and save Deployment Folder, Reporting Database Connection or
Database Name only when you are connected to the URL

To specify where the reports are saved in the reports browser, in Deployment Folder, select
the appropriate folder. By default, it is set to Home, but not all users have access to this in the
reports browser. If users only have access to sub-folders they cannot view the report site
tree view and instead need to define the deployment folder in the text.

When you are connected to the web service URL, you can configure your reporting database
1. Select a server that contains your iServer Reporting database.
2. Select the way to sign in to the server:

• Windows Authentication
• SQL Server Authentication—provide the credentials required to access the database.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

3. In the database list, select the iServer Reporting database.

The list is populated when you have selected the server and login details. You may need
to select Refresh to get the latest list of databases on the server.
4. To test the connection to the database, under the database list, select Test.
5. To save the changes, select Apply and then Close.

4.8 Report folders

On the Folders tab, you can add, delete, and rename folders that deployed reports can be
stored in. These folders do not represent actual folders on the Reporting Services report site
but are visible in the iServer Reporting Services dialog box.

To add a folder, on the Folders tab, select Add, enter a unique folder name, and select OK.

Figure 74 - Reports folders

To rename a folder, select a single folder, on the Folders tab, select Rename, and enter a
unique folder name.

To delete folders, on the Folders tab, select the folders and select Delete. Any reports that
exist in the deleted folders appear in the main iServer Reporting Services dialog box.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

5 Application options
You can access application options by selecting Options from the iServer start page.

The Options dialog box contains system and workflow administrator settings: Portal, System,
Workflow, and Purge.

5.1 Portal
• Portal URL—to provide the Portal URL, allowing iServer users to access Portal directly from
the iServer start page. Please see the Portal Administration guide for more information.
• Diagram Quality—to increase or decrease the diagram quality generated for Portal.
Increasing the quality to ‘high’ may increase the size of the iServer database. You need to
check out and check in again diagrams for the changes to take effect.
• Allow user to login to Portal using a Single Sign On identity provider—to enable users to
sign in to Portal using their corporate credentials, authenticating with the SAML identity
provider. Portal configuration is required to support this feature—please contact Orbus
support for more information.
• Automatically provision iServer Portal users—to allow users to be automatically created
on Portal based on the selected profile. For more information, see the Portal
Administration guide.

5.2 System

5.2.1 System settings

• Enable “Keep me Signed In” login option—allow the users to select the Keep me signed
in check box when they sign in to iServer.
• Give a reason to check in—when checking in a document or object a check in reason
can be given. Options include Optional, Optional with Prompt, Required, and Disabled.
• Visual Indicators position—to choose the position of the visual indicators on diagrams.
Options are Bottom, Right, Top, and Left.
• Group Relationships—by default, iServer groups relationships in the Related Items tab of
the Properties dialog box by Object Type. You can change this setting to a grouping by
relationship type.
• Use rich text formatting for descriptions—to enable descriptions to be captured using
the Rich Text formatting.
• Hide empty relationship sections in properties screen—on the Related Items tab of the
Properties dialog box display only the relationship type sections that contain
• Commit overlaps across intermediate shapes—by default, iServer only commits direct
overlaps. This setting enables indirect overlaps.
• Export hyperlinks—relates to objects containing hyperlinks added to them in Visio. If an
object has been reused with this option selected, it retains the hyperlink(s) given to the
• Warn users of checked-out content on exit—to prompt users of content they have
checked out when closing or logging out of iServer.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

5.2.2 Network settings

• Support e-mail address—to manage the Support contact email address allowing users
to contact the Support Team and raise support tickets directly from iServer.
• Allow users to log in with Azure AD—to allow users to sign in with Azure Active Directory
instead of providing username and password. If you enable this option, ensure the email
address is populated in the user details page as it is required to login with Azure AD.

5.2.3 Allow email notifications

This setting enables emails to be automatically sent for iServer Workflows and Feedback
items if configured. Complete the SMTP server information, enter test e-mail, and select Send
to confirm the settings are correct.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

5.3 Workflow
The Workflow section allows you to enable approval for all or specific repository content,
enforcing approval-based visibility. If you enable Item approval by selecting the check box,
you need to submit all or specified content in the repository to an approval workflow before
it can become labelled as approved.

Figure 75 - Enable Item Approval

Implications of enabling Item Approval to repository content include the following:

• All lists in the repository automatically receive system attributes called iServer Approval
Status and Approved by. When the decision maker approves the item, the Approved by
field displays the name of the decision maker.
• All checked in content at the time of enabling this option is set to Approval Status—
• Checked out content, as well as any new content created, is automatically set to
Approval Status—Draft.
• Portal users are not shown non-approved versions of objects or documents. If the item in
question has never had an approved version, they do not see that item at all.

You can save and check in content regardless of the Item Approval option. However, you
cannot check out or edit items which are in the Pending Approval state.

Additionally, you can specify which repository content is subject to iServer Item Approval.
Filters are available for location, object type, document type, and general type. You can use
the advanced filtering facilities to group conditions with ‘all of’ or ‘any of’ logic. If no criteria
are defined, all repository content is subject to approval.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

If you edit a repository item that is specified in the Item Approval criteria, then in addition to
saving it or checking it in, you can submit it for approval (which will automatically check it in

Figure 76 – Edit item for approval

If no criteria are defined, all repository content is subject to approval.

5.3.1 Allow items to be edited after approval

Administrators may allow workflow initiators to edit items after they are approved by a
workflow. Users can implement feedback or required changes raised during an approval
process without the item resubmission for approval. To allow users to implement changes
after approval is granted select the Allow items to be edited after approval check box.

Figure 77 – Allow items to be edited

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

5.3.2 Disabling Item Approval

Administrators can disable Item Approval at any time by clearing the check box. In this case,
items that are in a draft state can be left in this state, or they can be automatically
approved. Items which are left in the Pending Approval state because they are part of in-
flight approval workflows will not be editable until a system administrator manually changes
the state. Hence the recommendation to cancel all in-flight approval workflows.

Figure 78 - Disable Item Approval

5.4 Purge
Objects and documents deleted from the repository are not permanently removed from the
database until the administrator performs a purge. You can do this at any time and remove
the backlog of deleted items. You cannot restore purged content. To purge completed
Workflows and Feedback from the system, select the Purge all completed workflows and
feedback check box.

Figure 79 – Purge

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide

6 Support and contacts

6.1 Technical support
If you have questions relating to this course or any problems installing or using iServer, you
can contact our technical support team who will be happy to assist. You can do this by

• Sending an Email to

• Logging into the Support Website,
• Via the integrated iServer Learning Center under Technical Support

If you do not have a support account set up, please email to
request one.

If you have a support account but have lost the password, you can reset it here:

6.2 Online webinars and resources

A wide range of additional resources is also available on the support website:

• Recorded webinars—training and guidance on a Variety of Topics. You can view the
webinar schedule here: Webinars are recorded, so if
you have missed one you can watch it online.
• Resources—a large number of useful articles on a variety of topics related to Enterprise
Architecture and Business Process Analysis, as well as Posters, Case Studies, templates,
and other downloads:


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