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Nova Lima, 08 de dezembro de 2017

Association Catharsis,

Through this letter we have the honor to invite you to participate in the
II Encontro Latinoamericano de Teatro de Grupo / Nova Lima / Brasil, to be
held from April 12 to 16, 2018, with the work Un Marocain.

Our organization can not commit to the cost of international air transportation;
however, we will take care of your accommodation, food and domestic
transportation during the days of the event.

It will be very gratifying to have the presence of Morocco in this meeting of

Latin American cultures in Brazil and we would like to confirm your
participation as soon as possible.

-Ismail Elfallahi (Metteur en scène et comédien) : UM0376349

-Olkama Adil (Technicien d'éclairage) :WO8523653

-Belkhdar Tawfik (Technicien de son):


-Aabbour Abdelhakim (Régisseur général): EJ1601860


Equipo Encontro Latinoamericano de Teatro de Grupo


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