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♦ Mu ltip le Ch oic e Qu est ion s (h) Asscrtio11 and Reason both are

correct statements but

1. Let A = \1, 2, 3, 4\ . Let R be the Reas o n is not correct explanation
equi vnlc nce rclntion for Assertion.
on A x A defined by (,1, b) R (c, d)if (c) Assertio11 is co rrect· stateme1
n + ,I = b + c. 1t but Reason is wrong
The n the equi vnlc ncc clnss \(1, 3)1 stat eme11t.
(n) \(1 , 3)\ (d) Assertio n is wrong stateme
(h) \(2. 4) \ nt but Reason is correct
(c) \(1 , 8). (2, 4) , (1, -1)\ statement.
en 2. The m.lximum num ber of cqui
(d) \(1 , 3) (2, 4)\
v.llence rcl.ltions on
10. Assertion: If " (A) = p and n (B)
= q then the num ber
C the set A = \2, 3, 4\ .lH' of rel ations from A to B is 2Pq.

Rea son: /\ relation horn A to B is a
Cl (,1) 1 (b) 27 (c) 3 (,I) 5
11. Assertion: If 1·1 (A) = n1, then the
subset of A x B.
3. lf " R on the set \1 , 2, num ber of reflexive
3\ be defined by R = relations on A is m.
\(1 , 2)\, then R is
Reason: A relation R on the set A is
(11) rellc:-..ivc (b) \r;insi\iv e reflexive if
(n, n) E R, \:/aE A.
C (c) sy mm etric
4. lf the set A cont ains 7 elem
(d) none of these
12. Assertion: A relation R = I (1,
1), (l, 2), (2, 2), (2, 3),
::J con tain s 8 elem ents , then num ber
ents nnd the set B (3, 3)\ defined on the set A = \l, 2,
3\ is symmetric.
LL.. onto map pings from A to B is
of one- one and Reason: A relation R on the set A is
(a, b) E R ⇒ (b, a) E R.
sym met ric if
-c (c) 0
(d) none of thes e 13. Assertion: The function f : R ➔
R, f (x) = \ x \ is not
C 5. lf .f : R ➔ R be defi ned by /(x) = ~ , x \:J Reason: The function f (x) = \ x \ is
ca (a) one-one (b) onto
R, then f is ·
14. Assertion: Con side r the function
not onto.
: R ➔ R defi ned by
f (x) = x3 . The n f is one-one.
en (c) bijective (d) f is not defined
6. Which of the follo win g function
Reason: Every poly nom ial func tion
is one- one .
C bije ctio ns?
s form Z into Z
15. Assertion: The rang e of the func
tion ~
is lO, 1).

Cl = x3
(a) f(x) l +x 2
(b) f (x) = x + 2
(c) f (x) = 2x + 1 (d) f (x) = x2 + 1 f(x)
Reason: U f (x) ~ g(x) then the rang
e of gtx) , g(x)

7. If f: R ➔ R be the func tion defi 1; 0
ned by is lO, 1).
f(x) = x3 + 5, the nf 1 (x) is
(a) (x + 5)1 / 3 16. Assertion: Let L be the set of
(b) (x - 5)1/3 all line s in a plan e and
~ (c) (5 - x) 1 / 3
R be the rela tion s in L defi ned as
R = lCLi, ½) : Li is
(d) (5 - x) perp end icul ar to L ). This rela tion
. Cl:: 8. Let A = \3, 5\. The n num ber of
reflexive rela tion s on rela tion .
2 is not equivalence
A is (2023 Ser ies: EFlG H/5 ) Reason: A rela tion is said to be equ
ival ence relation if
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 0 it is reflexive, sym met ric and tran sitiv
(d) 8 e.
9. Let R be a rela tion in the set N 17. Assertion: The func tion f : R ➔
give n by R give n by f (x) •= x3
R = \(a, b) : a = b - 2, b > 6\. (2023 injective.
Seri es : EFlG H/5 )
(a) (8, 7) E R Reason: The func tion f : X ➔ Y is
(b) (6, 8) E R injective, if f (x.) =
(c) (3, 8) E R f (y) ⇒ x = y for all x, y E X.
(d) (2, 4) E R
18. Assertion: A func tion f : A ➔
B, can not be an onto
♦ As ser tio n-R eas on Qu est func tion if n (A) < n (B).
ion s Reason: A func tion f is onto if ever
DIR ECT ION : Read the two stateme y elem ent of co-
nts Assertion (A) and dom ain has at leas t one pre- ima ge
Reason (R) carefully to mark the corr in the dom ain.
ect option out of the 19. Assertion: n (A) = 5, n (B) = 5 and
opti ons given below:
then f is bijection.
f: A ➔ Bis one-one
(a) Ass erti on and Rea.son both are
correct statements and . Reason: H n (A) = n (B) then ever
Reason is correct explanation for Asse y one -one function
rtion. from A to B is onto .
Chapter 1: Relations and Functions
. S bh · a gigantic exercise.
III A general election of Lok a a is d
♦ Case Based Questions . About 911 million people were eligible to vote an
I. A relation R on a set A is said to be an equivalence voter turnout was about 67%, the highest ever.
relation on A if it is
• Refl exive, i.e., (a, a) E R V a e A.
• Symmetric, i.e., (a, b) e R => (b, a) E R V
a, b e A. ONE - ELECTION
• Transitive, i.e., (a, b) E R and (b, c) e R FESTIVAL OF
⇒ (a, c) E R V a, b, c E A. DEMOCRACY
Based on tire above infomration, answer tire following GENERAL ELECTION
questions: -20!9
20. If the relation R = ((1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 2), (2, 3),
(3, 1), (3, 2), (3, 3)1 defined on the set A = 11, 2, 31, Le t I be the se t of all cihzens of Lndia who were eligib~e
then R is to exercise their voting ri ght in general election held m
(11) refl ex ive (IJ) sy mmetric 2019. A rela ti on ' R' is defined on I as follow s:
(c) transitive (d) equi va lence R = l(V1, Vi) l : V1, V2 E I a nd both use their voting
21. If the relation R = 1(1, 2), (2, 1), (1, 3), (3, 1 )I ri ght in gen era l elec tion - 20191
defined on the set A = (1, 2, 31, then R is Based on tfre above i11formation answer the following:
(a) refl exive (IJ) sy mm etric 30. Two neighbours X and Y E I. X exercised his voting
(c) lTan!-itive (d) equivalence right while Y did not cast her vote in general election
22. lf the relation R on the set N of all natural - 2019. Which of the following is true?
numbers defined as R = l(x, y) : y = x + 5 and (a) (X, Y) e R (b) (Y, X) E R
(x < 4), then R is (c) (X, X) t R (d) (X, Y) t R
(a) refl exive (b) sy mmetric
31. Mr. 'X' and his wife 'W' both exercised their voting
(c) transitive (d) equival ence
right in general election - 2019, which of the
23. If the relation R on the set A = 11, 2, 3, ... 13, 14}
following is true?
defined as R = l(x, y) : 3x - y = O}, then R is
(a) Both (X, W) and (W, X) E R
(a) reflexive (b) symmetric
(c) transitive (d) equivalence (b) (X, W) E R but (W, X) r£ R
24. If the relation R on the set A = (1, 2, 3) defined (c) Both (X, W) and (W, X) t R
as R = f(l, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3), (d) (W, X) E R but (X, W) r£ R
(3, 1), (3, 2), (3, 3)1, then R is 32. Three friends F1, F2 and F3 exercised their
(a) reflexive only (b) symmetric only voting right in general election - 2019, then which
(c) transitive only (d) equivalence of the following is true?
II. Consider the mapping f : A ➔ B is defined by f(x) = (a) (F 1, Fi) E R, (F 2, F3) E R and (F1, F3) E R
x- such that f is a bijection. (b) (F 1, .Fi) E R, (F 2, F3) E Rand (F1, F3) r£ R
x- 2
(c) (F1, F2) E R, (F 2, F3) E R but (F 1, F3) r£ R
Based on the above infonnation, answer the following
questions: (d) (F 1, Fi) r£ R, (F 2, F3) r£ R and (F 1, F3) r£ R
25. Domain off is 33. The above defined relation R is ............. .
(a) R - {2} (b) R (a) Symmetric and transitive but not reflexive
(c) R - {l, 2} (d) R - {O} (b) Universal relation
26. Range of/ is (c) Equivalence relation
(a) R (b) R - {l} (d) Reflexive but not symmetric and transitiv e
(c) R :._ {O} (d) R - {l, 2} 34. Mr. Shyam exercised his voting right in General
27. If g: R - (2) ➔ R - (11 is defined by Election - 2019, then Mr. Shyam is related to which
g(x) = 2/(x) - 1, then g(x) in terms of x is of the following?
(a) All those eligible voters who cast their votes
(a) X +2 (b) x + 1
X x-2 (b) Family members of Mr. Shyam
x-2 X (c) All citizens of India
(c) X (d) X- 2 (d) Eligible voters of India
28. The function g defined above, is
IV. Sherlin and Danju are playing Ludo at home during
(a) One-one · (b) Many-one
Covid-19. While rolling the dice, Sherlin's sister Raji
(c) into (d) None of these
· observed and noted the possible outcomes of the
29. A function /(x) is said to be one-one if
throw every time belongs to set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}. Let
(a) f(x 1) =f(xi) ⇒ -x1 = x2 A be the set of players while B be set of all possible
(b) f(-x 1) =f(-xi) ⇒ -x1 = x2 outcomes.
(c) f(x1) ; f(x2) ⇒ X1 = X2 A = {S, D}, B = {l, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
(d) None of these
IIIIV Ill Board Exams Question Bank (Mathe matics XII)

41.let R: B ➔ B be defined by R = f(,x, y): x and Y are

students of same sexJ, then this relation R is ······-·- ·
(a) Equ ivalence
(b) Refl ex ive onl y
(c) Reflexive and symmetric but not transitive
(d) Refl ex ive and trans itive but not symmetric
42. Ravi wants to know among those relatio ns,
many functions can be formed from B to G?
Basc,f 011 ti,, , t1bm •c i11(vr11111tio11 111,swcr the followi1 (a) 2 2 (b) 21 2 (c) 3 2 (d) 23
35. let R: B ➔ B be defined by R = {(x, 11) : 11 is divi 43. let. R : B ➔ G be defined by R
sible = l(b1, g1), (bi, gi),
by xi is · · (b3r g1 )1, then R is _ _ .
(a) Rdlexi ve a nd trnnsiti vc but not sy mm c h·ic
(a) Injec tive
(b) Reflexi ,·e a nd symm e tri c but no t lrnnsi live
(b) Surjec tive
(c) Not reflexiv e b~1t snrnnc tric nnd trnns itive
(d) Eq ui,·alence
(c) Neithe r Surjective nor Injective
, (d) Surjective and Injective
I 36. Raji wants to know the numbe r of functio ns from A 44. Ravi wants to find the numbe r of injecti ve functio ns
to B. How many numbe r of functio ns are possib le?
from B to G. How many numbe rs of injecti ve
(a) 6 2 (b) 26
(c) 6!
functio ns are possib le?
(d) 21 2 (a) 0 · (b) 2! (c) 3! (d) O!
37. let R be a relatio n on B define d by R = 1(1, 2), (2, 2),
VI. Studen ts of Grade 9, planne d to plant sapling s
(1, 3), (3, 4), (3, 1), (4, 3), (5, 5)J. Then R is along
(a) Symm etric straigh t lines, parallel to each other to one side of the
(b) Reflexi ve
(c) Transi tive playgr ound ensuri ng that they had enoug h play area.
(d) None of these three
Let us assum e that they plante d one of the rows of
38. Raji wants to know the numbe r of relatio ns possib
le the sapling s along the line y = x - 4. Let L be the set
from A to B. How many numbe rs of relatio ns are
possib le? of all lines which are paralle l on the ground and R be
(a) 6 2 a relatio n on L.
(b) 26
(c) 6! (d) 212
39. Let R : B ➔ B be define d by R = 1(1, 1), (1,
(2, 2)(3, 3), (4, 4), (5, 5), (6, 6)}, then R is
(a) Symm etric
(b) Reflexive and Transi tive
(c) Transi tive and symme tric
(d) Equiva lence
V. An organi zation condu cted bike race U11der 2 differe
catego ries- boys and girls. Totally there was 250 Based on the above infonn ation answer tl1e following:
partici pants. Amon g all of them finally three from 45. Let relatio n R be . define d by R = I(½_, ~) : Li II ½
Catego ry 1 and two from Catego ry 2 were selecte d for where Li, L2 E L}, then R is __ relation.
the final race. Ravi forms two sets B and G with these (a) Equiva lence ·
partic ipants for this colleg e project . (b) Only reflexi ve
Let B = (b 1, b2, b } and G = {g , g } where B repres ents (c) Not reflexi ve
3 1 2
the set of boys selected and G the set of girls who were (d) Symm etric but not transit ive
selected for the final race. 46. Let R = ((L1, L2) : Li .l L where L , L E L} which of
2 1 2
the follow ing is true?
(a) R is Symm etric but neithe r reflexi ve nor transitive.
(b) R is Reflex ive and transit ive but not symmetric
(c) R is Reflexive but neithe r symme tric nor transitive.
(d) R is an Equiva lence relatio n.
47. The functi on / : R ➔ R defined by /(x) = x - 4 is

(a) Bijective
(b) Surjec tive but not injecti ve
'(a vi decides to explore 'these sets for various types of (c) Injecti ve but not Surjec tive
elatio ns and functions. . (d) Neithe r Surjec tive nor Injective
rased on the above infonn ation answer tlte following: 48. Let / : R ➔ R be defined by /(x) = x - 4. Then the
avi wishe s to form aJJ the relatio ns possib le from B range .of /(x) is _ _ .
G. How many such relatio ns are possib le?
(a) R (b) Z
) 26 (b) 2s (c) 0 (d) 23 (c) W (d) Q
Chapter 1: Relations and Functions

49. let R = l!L1, L2) : Li is parallel to L and Li : , = x - 41

then which of the follow ing can be2 taken a~1L ? (b) Surjective but not injective
(a) 2,· - 2y + 5 = O (b) 2x + y = 2 (c) Injective but Surjective
(c) 2:r + 2y + 7 = 0 (d) X + 1/ = 7 (d) Neither Surjective nor lnfective
VII. Raji _v!s_ited the Exhibit ion along with her family . The 53. Let : N ➔ R be defined by /(x) = x2. Range of the
Ex_hib1hon l~~d a huge swing, which attracte d many function among the folJowing is _ _
childre n. Rap found that the swing traced the path of (a)(l, 4, 9, 16, .. .} (b) {1, 4, 8, 9, 10, ... )
a Parabo la as given by y == x2. (c) {1, 4, 9, 15, 16, ... ) (d) {1, 4, 8, 16, ... )
54. The functio n/: Z ➔ Z defined by /(x) = x2 is _ __
(a) Neither Injective nor Surjective
(b) Injective
(c) Surjective
(d) Bijective
VIII. An organis ation conduc ted bike race under two dif- C
ferent catego ries- Boys and Girls. There were 28 par-
ticipan ts in all. Among all of them, finally three from
categor y 1 and two from categor y 2 were selected for
the final race. Ravi forms two sets B and G with these
Based ott tire above infon1tatio1t answer the following:
50. Let/: R ➔ R be defined by /(x) = x2 is _
(a) Neithe r Surject ive nor Injectiv e
(b) Surject ive
(c) Injectiv e
particip ants for his college project.
Let B = {b1, b2, b3} and G = {g , g }, where B represe nts
1 2
the set of Boys selected and G the set of Girls selected
for the final race. (2023 Series : EFIGH/5)
Based on the above information, answer the following
(d) Bijective questions: r
51. Let/: N ➔ N be defined by /(x) = x 2 is _ _
(a) Surject ive but not Injectiv e
(b) Surject ive
(c) Injectiv e
(d) Bijective
55. How many relation s are possibl e from B to G?
56. Among all the possibl e relation s from B to G, how
many functio ns can~ formed from B to G?
57. Let R: B ➔ B be defined by R = {(x, y) : x and y are
studen ts of the same sex}. Check if R is an equival ence
relation .
52. Let f. {l, 2, 3, ... } ➔ {l, 4, 9, ... } be defined by
58. A functio n f: B ➔ G be defined by f = {(b1, g1), (b2, g,i),
/(x) = x2 is _ __
(b3, gl)}.
(a) Bijective
Check if f is bijective. Justify your answer .

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