basic five RME

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Choose the correct answer from the lettered A—C

1. Christians pray to____________________

a) God for His protection

b) confess our sins to Peter

c) call on Abraham for help

2.One of the things that makes humankind unique is that__

a) God made animals stronger than humankind

b) God created humankind in His image

c) Humankind has no control on the things God created

3. Being unique means___________

a) having unique features that are different from others

b) being the most beautiful person in the whole world

c) having features common to everyone

4.There are no differences between Africans and

Americans. a) True b) False c) None

5. Which of these is not one of the things that make

humankind from others creatures of God?

a) Humankind can grow

b) Humankind can think and invent

c) Humankind can reason up with others

6. The traditionalists believe that humankind is unique

because he has all the following Except________

a) blood b) spirit c) thick skin

7. When does the sayings, ”dust-dust” come true?

a) when the spirit leaves the body

b) when the blood dries from the body

b) when the body is dead and buried

8. All humankinds are the same when it comes to school

abilities and academic performance. a) True b) False

9. The ability to speak is a ___________ ability.

a) sympathy b) speech c) learning

10. Industry is about the _____ we do.

a) works b) words c) stories

11. If you treat a person in a polite way, it is call______

a) Respect b) love c) patience

12. If you care for others, it is called_____________

a) jealousy b) deceit c) kindness

13. Deceit is a ________ aspect of humankind.

a) negative b) positive c) clean

14. All the following are places we can exhibit good

character Except a) church b) school c) cemetery

15. Every humankind has blood. a) true b) False

16. How do the Akans call the human spirit?

a) Honam b) Mogya c) Honhom

17. Which of these is not an attribute of God?

a) Wickedness b) Omnipresent c) Love

18. Which of the following does not show the qualities

of God? a) Kindness b) Merciful c) Evil

19. The qualities of God can also be called the ______

of God. a) names b) duties c) attributes

20. Facial marks are also called___________

a) tribal marks b) country marks c) school marks



1a).Mention any four(4)qualities that make humankind unique.

i. ………………………………………… ii. ……………………………..…..

iii. …………………………………….. iv. …………………………….……..

b) List any three(3) positive aspects of humankind.

i. ………………………… ii………………………. iii……………………….

2a) Define the term behaviour …………………………………………


b) State any three(3) positive behaviours in the society

i. ………………………… ii………………………. iii……………………….

3a) Mention any four(4) negative aspects of humankind.

i. ………………………………………… ii. ……………………………..…..

iii. …………………………………….. iv. …………………………….……..

b) What four(4) things make humankind unique from the

other creatures according to the traditional worshippers?

i. ………………………………………… ii. ……………………………..…..

iii. …………………………………….. iv. …………………………

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