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Administrator Guide
iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

Product Release Information

Product: iServer
Document Release Number: 2.1
Document Release Date: 13 Jan 2022
Copyright © 2021 by Orbus Software

All Rights Reserved

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by
any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods,
without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations
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If you have any queries, you can contact the Orbus Software by email:

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

1 Workflow administration ............................................................................................................................................................................ 5
1.1 Glossary of terms ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5

1.2 Introduction to iServer workflow ....................................................................................................................................................................6

1.2.1 Uses for iServer workflow ............................................................................................................................................................................6

1.3 Overview of the workflow user interface ........................................................................................................................................... 7

2 Configuring workflows and feedback .................................................................................................................................... 9

2.1 Workflow and feedback template permissions ...................................................................................................................... 9

2.2 Creating workflow templates ................................................................................................................................................................... 10

2.2.1 Template types ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10

2.2.2 Workflow template properties ........................................................................................................................................................... 11

2.2.3 Conditions: triggers and criteria ...................................................................................................................................................... 11

2.2.4 Configuring states, decision steps, and flow ............................................................................................................... 13

2.2.5 Workflow notifications ...................................................................................................................................................................................17

2.2.6 Disabling a workflow template ........................................................................................................................................................ 19

2.2.7 Template validation and considerations ......................................................................................................................... 19

2.3 Creating feedback templates............................................................................................................................................................... 20

2.4 Activating content approval ................................................................................................................................................................... 20

2.4.1 Enable item approval ................................................................................................................................................................................... 21

2.4.2 Allow items to be edited after approval .......................................................................................................................... 22

2.4.3 Disable item approval ............................................................................................................................................................................... 22

2.5 Workflow maintenance ................................................................................................................................................................................... 24

3 Using workflows.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
3.1 Submitting content to a workflow ........................................................................................................................................................... 25

3.1.1 Automatic workflow triggers ............................................................................................................................................................ 25

3.1.2 Workflow submission ................................................................................................................................................................................... 25

3.2 Responding to a workflow ........................................................................................................................................................................... 26

3.2.1 Viewing items in the workflow ......................................................................................................................................................... 27

3.2.2 Viewing decisions and selecting an outcome ....................................................................................................... 28

3.2.3 Adding comments and attachments ................................................................................................................................ 30

3.3 Cancelling workflows ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 32

3.4 Viewing completed workflows .............................................................................................................................................................. 32

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

4 Submitting feedback ................................................................................................................................................................................... 33

4.1 Submitting new feedback .................................................................................................................................................................................. 33

4.2 View feedback raised for repository content .................................................................................................................. 34

5 Appendix A: Workflow triggers and actions ............................................................................................................... 35

5.1 Workflow triggers............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 35

5.2 Workflow actions ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 36

6 Appendix B: Workflow view filters ............................................................................................................................................... 38

7 Appendix C: Example workflows .................................................................................................................................................. 39

7.1 Review and approve application records .................................................................................................................................. 39

7.2 Check out notification for processes .......................................................................................................................................... 45

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

1 Workflow administration
This user guide provides an overview of the features and functions of the iServer Workflow
module, as well as a step-by-step guide on how to set up, configure, and use iServer
workflows and feedback.

The guide consists of the following parts:

• Configuring Workflows and Feedback—for Workflow administrators on how to set up

workflow and feedback templates.
• Using Workflows—for iServer users on how to start and how to action workflows.
• Submitting Feedback—on how to add and view the feedback.

1.1 Glossary of terms

Ensure you are aware of the core concepts and terms before working with the iServer

Term Explanation

Initiating user The iServer user that initiates a workflow either by manual
submission or by activating a workflow trigger.

Decision maker The iServer user or group that is required to respond to a

workflow decision state.

Workflow template A template governing the actions and outcomes of a


Feedback template A template used for different types of feedback.

Item criteria The criteria required for content to be submitted to a


Trigger A user or system action that initiates a workflow.

State/step A step in the flow of a workflow.

Approval workflow A workflow that sets the field iServer Approval Status,
available once the Item Approval option is enabled.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

1.2 Introduction to iServer workflow

iServer Workflow is an integrated module that allows administrators and users to better
govern and monitor your repository including Visio or Microsoft Office documents, or
repository objects such as applications, processes, or capabilities.

1.2.1 Uses for iServer workflow

At a high level, use workflows to automate system actions, approve created or changed
repository content, and to support the monitoring of repository activities via email

Some examples of common iServer workflows include:

• Set up an email notification to be sent whenever an object in a repository folder is

checked out.
• Automatically lock an item that is copied into a selected library.
• Configure a hierarchical approval structure for a change to any application record in
the repository.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

1.3 Overview of the workflow user interface

You can access active and completed workflows and feedback in the Workflow menu of
the iServer start page.

Figure 1 – Workflows start page

If you have pending workflow actions, upon login, you can view a blue header with
a shortcut to My Actions. By selecting Open My Actions, a list view appears in the repository
with all the workflows that require your action, or all the workflows where you are
an initiating user.

Figure 2 - Workflow action notification

Figure 3 - List of active workflows

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

The Completed Workflows section provides a similar list view showing all completed
workflows in the system.

Figure 4 – Completed workflows

Note: Expanding the filters of the workflow list views allow you to alter the
results. There are several filters available specifically for Workflows
(See Appendix B: Workflow View filters)

Items in the repository that are in the Approval Workflow and the Pending Approval state
are tagged with a workflow indicator icon.

Figure 5 - Workflow indicator icons

Items that are in any other workflow that is not an Approval Workflow are tagged with a
green cyclical workflow indicator in Visio.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

2 Configuring workflows and feedback

2.1 Workflow and feedback template permissions
To have administrator rights for workflows, you should have the iServer workflow
administrator permission set for your profile. To do this:

1. Go to Administration > Users > Profile Management, select the profile.

2. In the Profile Details dialog box, on the Features tab, select Workflow Administration.

Figure 6 - Workflow profile permissions

With the Workflow Administration permission enabled, you can do the following:

• Edit and create Workflow templates

• Purge completed workflows
• Enable or disable Item Approval in the Workflow options menu. For more information,
see Activating Content Approval.

Note: In Portal, feedback templates are available to all Portal users whereas
Workflow templates are only available to users with iServer or Portal
Contributor license.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

2.2 Creating workflow templates

All workflows and feedback in iServer are based on templates. Only workflow administrators
can create and edit workflow templates or other users that have the feature enabled. You
can access templates in Administration > Workflow Templates on the iServer start page.

Figure 7 - Workflow and feedback templates management

2.2.1 Template types

You can configure three main template types based on workflow actions and activities:

• Notification Workflows
These workflows don’t require decision steps or decision makers.
You can set up feedback workflows to use the out-the-box workflow email notifications
by adding users into the Notifications section of the workflow template.
Alternatively, you can add the Send Email action to one of the workflow states and
configure a custom email notification.
See Appendix C: Check Out Notification for Processes.
• Automation Workflows
You can configure workflow templates to automate system tasks. These types of
workflows are not required to change the approval status of content. System actions
that workflows can automate include:

• Setting an attribute value: administrators can select any custom attribute and
predefine the value the workflow populates this attribute with
• Discard check out of content
• Lock content

• Approval Workflows
These workflows are defined by a template with one or more decisions that change the
approval status of items that are submitted to it.
On the Start step, select the Set Approval Status workflow action and set the item
status to Pending Approval. Repository items in the Pending Approval status have an
indicator icon.

See Appendix C: Review and Approve Application Record.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

2.2.2 Workflow template properties

If you create a new workflow template or edit an existing one, in the Properties section, you
can define Name, Description, and default tags for any workflows based on the template.

Figure 8 - New workflow template: properties

To ensure users provide comments when submitting repository content to this workflow,
you can select the Require comment upon submission check box.

You can use workflow Tags to assign categorization and priority to any workflows based on
the template. These tags are added by default; however, you can edit them when initiating
the workflow.

2.2.3 Conditions: triggers and criteria

Each workflow template requires:

• Trigger—defines what initiates a workflow based on the template.

• Item criteria—defines what repository content can be submitted to the workflow.

Several triggers are available to activate a workflow. For details and use cases for each
trigger, see Workflow Triggers.

You can define whether the workflow templates are available for use in Portal by selecting
the Portal check box. Then Portal Contributors can initiate workflows based on the workflow
template in Portal.

Figure 9 – Workflow submission via Portal

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

You can configure the Item Criteria in a similar way to how you configure the iServer view
filters. The item criteria limit what content the workflow template can be used for.

Figure 10 - Workflow conditions: item criteria

In the preceding example, you can submit only BPMN 2 Model diagrams in the Business
Process Repository folder to this template as a workflow.

Additional Item Criteria

If any state of the workflow changes the approval status of repository content i.e. if it uses
the Set Approval Status action, then the workflow template becomes an approval workflow
and receives an additional item criterium that appears dimmed—iServer Approval Status
must not equal Pending Approval.

Figure 11 - Workflow conditions: approval workflow

Note: The ‘Checked out’ condition is no longer added automatically. However,

non-approval workflows that use the ‘Set Attribute’ action continue to have
the 'Checked out' condition added automatically.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

This additional item criterium ensures that repository items cannot be submitted to more
than one approval workflow at a time.

To validate the workflow criteria, select Send Criteria to View. This generates a list view
using the workflow criteria allowing the administrator to check which repository items can
be submitted to the workflow.

Figure 12 - Send criteria to View

2.2.4 Configuring states, decision steps, and flow

All workflow templates contain the Start, End, and Aborted state. You can configure any
workflow action on these states. For details and use cases of each workflow action, see
Workflow Actions.

Figure 13 - New workflow template: start

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

To add decision states to the workflow template for user validation and input:

1. On the ribbon, in the Overview group, select Add Decision.

Figure 14 - New workflow template: add/remove decisions

Now you can view the decision state under the Overview section and you can change
the Name of the decision state if necessary.

2. To specify who can make a decision in the workflow, under Decision Makers, select one
of the following:

• an individual iServer users (blue user icon)

• any user within an iServer profile (blue and green multiple user icon)
• any user in a user or profile list attribute value (red user icon)
• a system-generated value such as the Modified by or Created by user
• an AD groups

3. If at the time of defining the template you are not sure who should decide, you can
select one of the following:

Figure 15 - New workflow template: decision makers

• To allow a decision maker to assign another decision maker for that decision step
or decide by themselves, select the Current decision can be forwarded check box.
Ensure the decision maker is selected.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

• To allow an initiating user to choose who should be a decision maker for

the workflow, select the Let user choose a decision maker check box. This enables
dynamic routing in the workflow. Then when the workflow is initiated, the initiating
user can choose the decision makers.

Figure 16 – Submission to a workflow: decision makers

• If the workflow template contains more than one decision and you want to allow a
decision maker to choose the decision maker for the next workflow step, then for all
decision steps, select the Let user choose a decision maker check box.

Figure 17 – Responding to a workflow: next step decision makers

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

4. Under Decision, in the green box, enter the question to ask in the decision step.

Figure 18 - New workflow template: decision

5. To add decision outcomes for each decision, select ‘+’ (2) and enter the response. You
can add as many numbers of decision outcomes as needed.
6. To configure actions for each decision outcome, under the outcome, select ‘+’ (1). Each
decision outcome must have the Move to State action populated.

In the example, the first decision outcome moves the workflow to the next decision state,
called ‘Document Approval’, whereas the second decision outcome moves the workflow to
the ‘End’ state.

If you want a decision maker to provide a comment when selecting the decision outcome,
select the Require Comment option next to each decision outcome.

Figure 19 - New workflow template: require a comment

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

2.2.5 Workflow notifications

You can create workflows for the main purpose of sending notifications to users based on
actions and changes to repository items, allowing users to monitor content in iServer.
Notifications are also automatically sent for any workflow that involves decision makers, for
example, workflows that require user input.

When you configure a workflow template for any type of workflow, you can add which users
receive email notifications about the workflow in the Notifications section.

Figure 20 – New workflow template: notifications

You can add individual users, profile groups, AD group, and the user or profile list attributes
to receive notifications.

There are three types of workflow notifications.

Notification Explanation

Workflow notifications Notifications of any changes in the state of

the workflow (for example, moving from the Start
state to a decision state) and notifications of user
comments on the workflow. The initiating user of a
workflow is automatically included in Workflow

Comment notifications Notifications of any comments left on the

workflow, either at a decision state or in the
general comments section.

Decision maker notifications These notifications inform any decision makers in

decision steps of their pending action. This list is
automatically filled with the users added as
decision makers in the decision steps.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

Note: To receive notifications, all users need to have their email addresses
filled in iServer user administration. If there are any users without email
addresses configured, the administrator receives a notification about
the email address missing for the user.

The following example is a notification email for an iServer decision maker.

Figure 21 - Sample workflow email notification

You can configure custom emails to be sent by a workflow as part of a state using
the Send Email action in any workflow state.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

2.2.6 Disabling a workflow template

You can Disable workflow templates to prevent them from being used. This may be useful
in cases where out-the-box templates are used for reference when building custom
workflow templates but are not meant to be used.

Figure 22 – Disable workflow template

2.2.7 Template validation and considerations

Workflow templates must comply with several validation rules to avoid them creating error
states. If a template configuration is in an invalid state, point to the error icon to view an

Figure 23 - New workflow template: error notification

The error with the preceding example template is that there is no decision maker
configured for the decision step ‘Document Review’. You cannot save the template when it
is in an error state.

Note: The flexible nature of the workflow tool makes it possible for
administrators to configure conflicting workflows and workflow states. For
example, a state where one workflow is triggering another, which moves back
to the first one. This could cause a loop that will be aborted by the system
after several cycles to avoid any impact on system performance.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

2.3 Creating feedback templates

You can use feedback templates for capturing specific types of feedback for repository
content. You can configure feedback templates in the same way as workflows templates.
However, you cannot add decision steps or decision makers to feedback templates.
Feedback templates require submission comments as this forms the text feedback by

You can find feedback templates in the Administration menu in the iServer repository.

Figure 24 - Creating a new feedback template

You can configure feedback templates with Criteria potentially making them available for
specific repository items only.

You can configure feedback templates to send feedback to specific users such as the user
who created or last modified the repository items (using the Created by or Modified by
user options in the template). In this case, the user can access this feedback by going to
the My Feedback section on the iServer start page.

2.4 Activating content approval

You can use workflows regardless of whether content approval is enabled in the system.
Activating content approval, however, ensures you have appropriate and approved
content in the repository.

Activating Item Approval also enforces approval-based visibility in iServer and Portal,
allowing to hide unapproved content from users who do not have permission to view it.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

2.4.1 Enable item approval

Any workflow administrator can activate or deactivate repository content approval via
the iServer options on the Workflow tab.

The implications of enabling Item approval in the repository include the following:

• All lists in the repository automatically receive system attributes called iServer Approval
Status and Approved by. When an item is submitted to an approval workflow, the
iServer Approval Status is automatically changed to ‘Pending Approval’ by default.
When a decision maker approves the item, the Approved by field displays the name of
the decision maker.
• All checked in content at the time of enabling this option is set to Approval Status—
• Checked out content is automatically set to Approval Status—Draft.
• If a new version is created for a document or an object, the Approval Status changes
to Draft, unless the Allow items to be edited after approval option is selected.

You can save and check in content regardless of the Item Approval option. You cannot
check in only items that are in the Pending Approval state.

Additionally, the workflow administrator can specify which repository content is subject to
iServer Item Approval. Filters are available for location, object type, document type, and
general type. You can set filters in the same way as to view filters. For more information, see
the Search filters section of the User guide iServer application.

If no criteria are defined, all repository content is subject to approval.

Figure 25 – Define item approval criteria

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

2.4.2 Allow items to be edited after approval

In some instances, you may wish to allow workflow initiators to edit items when they are
approved by a workflow. You might need to implement feedback or required changes
raised during an approval workflow without having to resubmit the item for approval
before checking in. To do this, select the Allow items to be edited after approval check box.

Figure 26 – Allow items to be edited

If Allow items to be edited after approval option is selected, and a new version is created
for a document or an object, the Approval Status remains Approved.

2.4.3 Disable item approval

You can disable Item Approval at any time by clearing the check box. Then a dialog box
appears asking you to choose what to do with items that are subject to approval

• To automatically approve all items and set their state to ‘Approved’, select Yes.
• To leave items in the ‘Draft’ state and later submit them all to an approval workflow,
select No. This might be useful when you don’t want any approval workflows to be in
progress during the upgrade.

Figure 27 - Disable item approval

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

System Administrators can override the value set for the Approval Status system attribute
in the Properties section of any repository item. This allows system administrators to bypass
workflow approval by manually setting the status to ‘Approved’.

Figure 28 - System admin bypass content approval

Note: Due to the impact of enabling and disabling Item Approval in

the repository, this should not be done while there are other users logged into
the system.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

2.5 Workflow maintenance

Workflow administrators also can purge completed workflows and feedback either on
the Purge tab of the iServer options or in the Workflow section of a completed workflow.

Figure 29 - Purge completed workflows

Figure 30 - Purge individual workflow

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

3 Using workflows
3.1 Submitting content to a workflow
After you configure workflow templates, you can submit repository content to a workflow
based on the conditions defined in the template.

3.1.1 Automatic workflow triggers

Workflows can be automatically initiated if the workflow template is configured using
triggers other than Submitted. For more information, see Workflow Triggers.

Automatically triggered workflows are recorded as if a user initiates the workflow by acting
trigger. For example, the user who performed the paste initiates a workflow triggered by a
copy-paste operation. This user becomes the initiating user of the workflow.

3.1.2 Workflow submission

The default workflow trigger is a manual submission by iServer or Portal users. You can view
several relevant workflows that you can submit content to, based on the workflow
templates Item Criteria.

To initiate a workflow, select the content from the repository and on the Items tab, expand
the Workflow option, and select the relevant workflow template. Workflows are also
available from the shortcut menu.

Note: If an object has a Visio hyperlink added, check it in before submitting to

a workflow.

Figure 31 - Submission to a workflow: iServer

Note: When you submit objects and documents to an approval workflow, objects
and documents are automatically checked in, if they are currently checked out.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

Users with the Portal Contributor license can initiate workflows from the Portal in a similar
way: by selecting the repository items and selecting the Workflow option on the toolbar.

Figure 32 - Submission of a workflow: Portal

Note: Workflows that require user approval can only be initiated using
the ‘Submitted’ trigger.

When you initiate a workflow, if there are no decision makers configured in the workflow
template, but an initiating user is enabled to choose a decision maker, you can specify the
Decision makers for the workflow.

3.2 Responding to a workflow

Decision makers are users or profiles configured to action a state in a workflow. Decision
makers should be notified of their required action via email, and they can view all workflows
requiring their action in Workflow > My Actions. Also, a blue notifications bar appears on
login to iServer with a link to open the My Actions list if there any workflows requiring their

Figure 33 - My Actions

In My Actions, you can view the workflows including the name of the workflow, the current
state, and history information such as the created date and user.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

3.2.1 Viewing items in the workflow

The workflow Properties section displays the name and submission comments of
the workflow and who initiated it. To view a list of all the items in the workflow and a
summary of the workflow steps, select the Overview section of the workflow:

• the green step indicates it’s completed

• the blue step indicates it’s currently active
• the grey steps indicate they still to be completed

To view the details of the decision, select the steps.

You can view properties of each of the repository items in the workflow in the Temporary
pane by selecting an item and selecting View Properties on the Home tab.

Figure 34 - Workflow details page

You can also view Workflows and Feedback associated with a repository item in
the Workflow and Feedback sections in the Properties pane.

Figure 35 - Workflow and feedback properties

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

3.2.2 Viewing decisions and selecting an outcome

In the decision steps details, decision makers may view the scenario or question and
the possible responses and actions. These decision steps and outcomes are configured in
the Workflow Template.

In the following example, the decision maker decides if the application records submitted
to this workflow are complete. The decision maker can select the relevant outcome: Yes,
Complete or No, Incomplete.

Figure 36 – Responding to a workflow

The decision maker can view the actions that are performed as a result of each decision
outcome by expanding the possible outcomes (using the expand arrow).

Depending on the workflow template configuration, a decision maker may select decision

• for the current workflow step

A decision might be routed incorrectly and instead of aborting the workflow, you can
add the correct users, profiles, AD groups, or any user in a user or profile list attribute
value to the current decision step. The selected decision makers receive the "Workflow
Requiring Action" notification.

Figure 37 - Responding to a workflow: decision makers

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

• for the next workflow step

At the decision step where you are a decision maker, you can choose the decision
maker for the next decision step to ensure the workflow is directed to the correct users,
profiles, or groups.

Figure 38 - Responding to a workflow: next step decision makers

Depending on the workflow template configuration, decision makers may be required to

populate attribute values for workflow items and provide a decision step comment.

If there are multiple items in the workflow, there is an option to either provide a single
attribute value for all workflow items using Apply value to all or Apply individual values
for each.

Figure 39 - Populating multiple attributes for workflow items

When you select the decision outcome, populate any required values (comments or
attribute values), and select decision makers, to save the decision and progress
the workflow, select Save. The workflow is also no longer available in the My Actions section
for the user if no further input is required.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

3.2.3 Adding comments and attachments

Decision makers can add comments to a workflow while responding to a decision step. You
can also configure workflow templates to force decision makers to add comments
meaning they cannot progress the workflow without adding a comment.

Figure 40 - Workflow comments

You can add general comments not specific to any state or decision to the workflow in
the Comments section. This section displays any previous state comments and a timeline
of information relating to workflow, including the date and time of when each
decision state.

To add general comments, in the Comment box, enter your comment and select Add.

Figure 41 - All comments

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

Workflow comments also support attachments, rich text, hyperlinks, and images. In
the following example, an image of the process flow is added as a comment. This may be
useful if decision makers wish to communicate required updates to content to get
approval for example.

Figure 42 - Rich text and images in comments

Alternatively, decision makers can add Microsoft Office or PDF document attachments to a
workflow by using the paperclip icon in the comment box header.

Note: Workflow comments are protected from deletion or modifications

allowing them to serve as an audit trail of responses, states, and comments.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

3.3 Cancelling workflows

Cancelling a workflow moves it to an aborted state. Any decision maker can cancel a
workflow that is at the decision step they are responding to, while workflow initiating users
can cancel their workflows at any time by selecting Abort on the Workflow tab.

System administrators can also abort approval workflows. Cancelled workflows appear in
the Completed Workflows section with the Aborted state.

You can view a history of cancelled workflow on the Comments tab of the workflow
properties pane.

3.4 Viewing completed workflows

You can view all workflows in the End or Aborted state in the My Completed Workflows list,
accessible from Workflows > Completed Workflows. You can use filters at the top of the list
to narrow down the results. You can open completed workflows to view their contents, their
decision outcomes (where applicable), and the history of the workflow with comments in
the Comments section.

Workflow administrators can also purge individual workflows from this list, or purge all
completed workflows from the system in iServer Options > Purge.

For more information on iServer options and how they influence workflows, see iServer
Administrator guide.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

4 Submitting feedback
4.1 Submitting new feedback
To submit a repository item to new feedback, ensure you configured a feedback template
for the item. To submit feedback for a repository item, select the item, and on the Items tab,
select Feedback. A drop-down list contains available feedback types.

Figure 43 – Select a feedback type

After you select a feedback type, enter a name for the feedback record and description.

Figure 44 - Adding new feedback

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

4.2 View feedback raised for repository content

You can access all your raised feedback by selecting My Initiated Feedback in Workflow >

Figure 45 - Viewing feedback

You can view the feedback associated with a repository item in the Feedback section of
the Properties pane.

Figure 46 - Feedback properties

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

5 Appendix A: Workflow triggers and

5.1 Workflow triggers
In the following list, you can find the workflow triggers, how they work, and an example of
the use case for each trigger. Use cases are categorized in the workflow type: Automate,
Approve, or Monitor.

Trigger Explanation Use Case

Submitted This trigger allows users to Approve: A user updates a

manually submit content to this process diagram to cater for a
Workflow from within the business change and would like
repository from the context menu to get the changes approved via
or the ribbon interface. a Process Approval workflow.

Checked In Items being Checked In, by Automate: A project manager

another workflow or by a user, will would like to ensure project
trigger the workflow. artifacts are locked and checked
in once they are approved to
ensure governance.

Checked Out Items being Checked Out, by Monitor: An enterprise architect

another workflow or by a user, would like to be informed when
trigger this workflow. any business capabilities are
checked out as they may be

Locked Any repository item being Locked, Monitor: An administrator would

either by another workflow or by a like to be notified of any
user, trigger this workflow repository content being locked
by users.

Deleted Any item deleted from the Monitor: An administrator would

repository trigger this workflow. like to be informed by email of
Note that items deleted and any repository content being
purged (using Shift + Delete) do deleted.
not trigger a workflow.

Copied Any item in the repository being Monitor: An application architect

copied triggers the workflow. Note would like to be notified of any
the workflows are triggered based applications being copied out of
on the source copied items, not the central application
the target items of the copy. repository.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

5.2 Workflow actions

In the following list, you can find possible workflow actions that you can configure for a
workflow template, along with a description and use cases.

Action Description Use Case

Set Approval Adding this action to any step in a A process analyst would like
Status workflow template makes it an to submit a completed
Approval workflow. This action also target-state process diagram
adds additional criteria for the for approval to business unit
template ensuring items are not leaders.
already pending approval. The best
practice for approval workflows is
to Set Approval Status = Pending
Approval as part of the start step
and configuring Approved and
Draft states further on in the flow.

Move to State This action moves the workflow to An approval workflow should
the next state. The Move to State progress from the Start state
action is not valid on the End or to a Review decision, and
Aborted states as these represent then to an Approve decision
the end of a workflow. Decisions step.
can move to previous states.

Send Email The send email action allows A workflow administrator

workflow administrators to would like to send a custom
configure custom emails to any notification of the completion
email address (not necessarily an of a workflow decision step to
iServer or Portal user). a non-iServer user.

Lock/ Unlock Item This action locks or unlocks the An administrator would like
items in the workflow. There are any approved repository
scenarios where this action may content locked to prevent
cause error states, for example, if further changes.
items are checked out they cannot
be locked. The workflow provides an
error notification in these cases.

Discard Check Non-approval workflows can be set A process analyst would like
Out to discard a check out of repository to automatically discard any
content. changes made to the
approved baseline processes.

Set Attribute Any repository items custom An application owner would

Value attribute value can be changed by like the workflow to change

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

Action Description Use Case

a workflow. Administrators can the Application Lifecycle

specify the attribute value that the Status attribute to ‘Core’ once
workflow sets or the workflow can the application record is
prompt the user to complete an approved.
attribute value. Only items
A technology owner would like
submitted to the workflow that have
a workflow approver to set
the custom attribute value
the Next Review Date
assigned are updated.
attribute value while
approving the workflow.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

6 Appendix B: Workflow view filters

The following view filters are available to create filtered lists of active and completed
workflows and feedback.

Filter Use Case

Workflow Selects the name of a workflow to return a list of

repository items in the workflow

Workflow Decision Maker (Profile) Returns a list of workflows where the selected profile
is a decision maker

Workflow Decision Maker (User) Returns a list of workflows where the selected user is
a decision maker

Workflow Notification (Profile) Returns a list of workflows where the selected profile
is notified of changes to the workflow

Workflow Notification (User) Returns a list of workflows where the selected user is
notified of changes to the workflow

Workflow Template Returns a list of workflows based on the selected

workflow template

Is Workflow Completed Returns a list of active or completed workflows

Feedback Template Returns a list of feedback based on the selected

feedback template

Tags Returns a list of workflows and feedback items with

specific tags

iServer Approval Status Returns a list of repository items with a specific

iServer Approval Status (Draft, Pending Approval,
Approved, Draft (Rejected))

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

7 Appendix C: Example workflows

7.1 Review and approve application records
A two-step approval workflow for reviewing the completeness of an application record and
having a second user group approve the application record. If the second decision state,
Approval, is rejected, the workflow loops back to the Review step.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow

7.2 Check out notification for processes

Send a notification email to a user or profile each time a process in an area of
the repository is checked out.

iServer 2021 Administrator Guide – Workflow


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