Simple Future Tense

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Simple Future Tense

Formula for verbs in the simple future tense : will/shall + base verb
(a) The simple future tense is used for actions or events that will happen in the future.
Example: We will go to church tomorrow.
The sky looks dark. I have a feeling that it will rain today.
(b) The simple future tense is used to refer to something we decide to do at the time of
speaking. We usually use the word ‘will’ with it.
Example: Do you want to buy this dress? Yes, I will be getting this dress.
Those books look heavy. I will help you carry some.
(c) The simple future tense can be used to show actions which we have already planned
to do in the future or for events that are likely to happen in the future. We usually use
the present tense of the verb ‘to be’ + going to + base form of verb to express this.
Example: are + going to + eat
We have made plans for lunch tomorrow. We are going to eat ramen.
Is + going to + give
Jame’s birthday falls next Friday. Sarah is going to give him a new watch.
Practice 1: Put in the Simple Future form of the verbs in the brackets.
1. The servant ___________ (polish) the silver in the morning.
2. There ___________ (not be) a holiday on Tuesday.
3. I ___________ (refuse) his offer to deliver the goods next week.
4. You ___________ (not disappoint) us, ___________ you?
5. She ___________ (be) fifty years old on Wednesday.
6. They ___________ (celebrate) their wedding anniversary next month.
7. ___________ you ___________ (go) with me to that shop tomorrow? It ___________
(be) open by eight.
8. He ___________ (not clear) away the rubbish from the road unless he is paid to do
9. The food in the refrigerator ___________ (last) us for a week.
10. We ___________ (play) tennis this afternoon if it does not rain.
11. ___________ I ___________ (buy) tickets for the show tonight?
12. Your parents ___________ (not be) pleased if you stay out until three o’clock the
next morning.
13. The confiscated goods ___________ (be returned) to you if you pay the fine.
14. When ___________ we ___________ (meet) you again?
15.The machine ___________ (be ruined) if you leave it outside all night. ___________
you ___________ (not listen) to our advice and put the machine in the garage?

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