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JUEC Paper One - Section A: Composition (20%)

Candidates are to choose one out of five topics and write the essay in not less than 120
words. The topics may cover the following modes of writing:

• narrative essays
• facts and opinions
• descriptions of people, things, places and scenes, processes and procedures,
articles and reports, speeches and talks, imaginative, reflective and expository

Narrative Essay

Plot Structure:

Example: Describe a memorable family vacation or trip. What made it special, and what
did you take away from the experience?

Last summer, my family and I embarked on a journey that would become one of the
most unforgettable experiences of our lives. We decided to leave behind the hustle and bustle
of the city and explore the tranquil beauty of the Appalachian Mountains. As we packed our
bags and loaded up the car, little did we know that this trip would not only bring us closer
together but also teach us invaluable lessons about nature, resilience, and the importance of
spending quality time with loved ones. The winding roads, the breathtaking vistas, and the
laughter we shared made this vacation truly special and left an indelible mark on our hearts.

Opening Paragraph (Setting and Characters)

Part Analysis
Last summer, my family and I embarked on a journey that would become
one of the most unforgettable experiences of our lives.
Hook • ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________

We decided to leave behind the hustle and bustle of the city and explore the
tranquil beauty of the Appalachian Mountains.
Setting • ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________
As we packed our bags and loaded up the car, little did we know that this
trip would not only bring us closer together but also teach us invaluable
lessons about nature, resilience, and the importance of spending quality
time with loved ones.
Emotional Purpose:
Appeal • ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________

The winding roads, the breathtaking vistas, and the laughter we shared
made this vacation truly special and left an indelible mark on our hearts.
Descriptive • ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________

Main Parts of an Opening Paragraph:

1. ___________________________________ 2. ___________________________________
3. ___________________________________ 4. ___________________________________

As we drove up the winding roads into the Appalachian Mountains, everything

around us began to change. The air felt cooler and smelled like pine trees and flowers. Tall
trees lined the road, making it feel like we were driving through a green tunnel. Every turn
showed us something new and beautiful—green hills, misty mountain tops, and clear streams
running over rocks. The busy city seemed far away, replaced by the peacefulness and beauty
of nature.

Second Paragraph (Problem)

Part Analysis
As we drove up the winding roads into the Appalachian Mountains,
everything around us began to change.
Transition Purpose:
• ___________________________________________________________

The air felt cooler and smelled like pine trees and flowers.
• ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________

Tall trees lined the road, making it feel like we were driving through a
green tunnel.
Clear Visual Purpose:
Imagery • ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________
Every turn showed us something new and beautiful—green hills, misty
mountain tops, and clear streams running over rocks.
Dynamic Purpose:
Description • ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________

The busy city seemed far away, replaced by the peacefulness and beauty of
• ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________

Main Parts of the Second Paragraph:

1. ___________________________________ 2. ___________________________________
3. ___________________________________ 4. ___________________________________
One of the best parts of our trip was the time we spent together as a family. Without
the distractions of work, school, and technology, we found new ways to connect with each
other. We played board games by the campfire, went on long hikes, and shared stories under
the stars. These simple activities brought us closer and helped us appreciate each other's
company in a way we hadn't before.

Third Paragraph (Rising Action)

Part Analysis
One of the best parts of our trip was the time we spent together as a family.
Focus on Purpose:
Subject • ___________________________________________________________

Without the distractions of work, school, and technology, we found new

ways to connect with each other.
Describing Purpose:
Activities • ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________

We played board games by the campfire, went on long hikes, and shared
stories under the stars.
Examples Purpose:
• ___________________________________________________________

These simple activities brought us closer and helped us appreciate each

other's company in a way we hadn't before.
• ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________

Main Parts of the Third Paragraph:

1. ___________________________________ 2. ___________________________________
Our adventure wasn't without its challenges, though. One afternoon, we decided to
hike to a nearby waterfall. The trail was steeper and more difficult than we expected. We had
to help each other over rocks and through muddy patches. There were moments when we
thought about turning back, but we encouraged each other to keep going. When we finally
reached the waterfall, the view was breathtaking. The effort we put in made the experience
even more rewarding, and we learned that we could overcome obstacles together.

Fourth Paragraph (Climax)

Part Analysis
Our adventure wasn't without its challenges, though.
• ___________________________________________________________

One afternoon, we decided to hike to a nearby waterfall. The trail was

steeper and more difficult than we expected.
• ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________

We had to help each other over rocks and through muddy patches.
Teamwork • ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________

There were moments when we thought about turning back, but we

encouraged each other to keep going.
• ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________

When we finally reached the waterfall, the view was breathtaking. The
effort we put in made the experience even more rewarding, and we learned
that we could overcome obstacles together.
Reward and
• ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________

Main Parts of the Fourth Paragraph:

1. ___________________________________ 2. ___________________________________
Spending time in nature made us appreciate the beauty and tranquillity of the world
around us. We woke up early to watch the sunrise, its golden light spilling over the mountains
and filling the sky with vibrant colours. In the evenings, we sat quietly by the campfire,
listening to the sounds of the forest—the rustling leaves, the distant hoot of an owl, and the
crackling of the fire. These moments of peace made us feel more connected to nature and to
each other.
Fifth Paragraph (Falling Action)

Part Analysis
Spending time in nature made us appreciate the beauty and tranquility of
the world around us.
• ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________

We woke up early to watch the sunrise, its golden light spilling over the
Descriptive mountains and filling the sky with vibrant colours.
• ___________________________________________________________

In the evenings, we sat quietly by the campfire, listening to the sounds of

the forest—the rustling leaves, the distant hoot of an owl, and the
crackling of the fire.
Special Purpose:
Moments • ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________

These moments of peace made us feel more connected to nature and to

each other.
Feeling Purpose:
(Connection) • ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________

Main Parts of the Fifth Paragraph: __________________________________________________

By the end of our trip, we had learned valuable lessons: that simple moments bring
joy, family teamwork overcomes obstacles, and disconnecting reconnects us. As we packed
up, memories of our mountain time stayed with us, influencing our daily interactions. This
vacation wasn't just a break—it reminded us of family, nature's importance, and life's simple
pleasures. It was a memorable trip that left a lasting impact on us all.

Conclusion (Denouement)

Part Analysis
By the end of our trip, we had learned valuable lessons: that simple
moments bring joy, family teamwork overcomes obstacles, and
disconnecting reconnects us.
• ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________
As we packed up, memories of our mountain time stayed with us,
influencing our daily interactions.
• ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________

This vacation wasn't just a break—it reminded us of family, nature's

importance, and life's simple pleasures.
Thoughts • ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________

It was a memorable trip that left a lasting impact on us all.

Conclusion Purpose:
of Impact • ___________________________________________________________

Main Parts of the Conclusion:

1. ___________________________________ 2. ___________________________________
3. ___________________________________ 4. ___________________________________

Extra Practice Questions:

1. Write about a surprise birthday party you organized for your friend.
2. Narrate an exciting event that took place in your home during Chinese New Year.
3. Narrate an unpleasant incident that took place at your school.
4. Narrate an unforgettable camping activity.
5. Narrate an unforgettable memory at school.
6. Narrate a memorable childhood experience and explain how it has affected your life.
7. Write a story based on the saying “better safe than sorry”.
8. Narrate an incident that taught you a valuable lesson.
9. If you were on a magic carpet, where would you go? Write about your adventure.
10. “The best competition I took part in” Describe your experience.
11. You are going to transfer to a different school. Yesterday was your last day with your
friends in the present school. Describe how you spent the day.
12. You recently witnessed a school fire. Describe your experience.
13. While walking home from school, you saw a snatch theft. Narrate the situation.
14. Describe an exciting holiday trip you have taken recently.
15. Write a story ending with the following sentence, “I shall never forget this day for the rest
of my life”.
16. Describe the most memorable activity you’ve had with your classmates.

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