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3 marks questions
1. What is process plan?
2. Define Process Planning.
3. What is the concept of process planning?
4. What are the informations required to do process planning?[Oct 2017]
5. What are the objectives of process planning?
6. What are the factors that affect the make or buy decision?
7. What is / Write a note on manual process planning. [Oct 2017]
8. Define automated process planning?
9. What are the two approaches of CAPP?
10. What is retrieval type CAPP?
11. What are the advantages of generative process planning? [Oct 2017]
12. State the advantages of CAPP?
13. Define a line balancing.
14. What is the objective of line balancing?[Apr 2018]
15. Define cost control.
16. What is Cost Reduction? 18. Define Value Engineering.[Oct 2017]
17. What do you mean by Value analysis?
18. What are the objectives of value analysis?
19. What are the informations needed for the value analysis?
20. What are the advantages of value analysis?
21. What are the applications of value analysis?
22. What is Process Selection?[Oct 2017]
23. State the choices involved in process selection.
24. What are the factors that affect process selection?[Oct 2017]
25. What is machine capacity?
26. Write a note on analysis of machine capacity.[Apr 2018]
27. Write the formula for machine availability.
28. What is the formula for machine efficiency?
29. Explain the use of jigs and fixtures.
30. What is Bill of material?[Apr 2018]
31. What are the factors influencing the choice of machinery?[Apr 2018]
Descriptive questions (14 marks)

1. Explain automated process planning with the help of neat sketches. State itsadvantages.[Oct 2017]
2. Briefly explain the process planning procedure. Write in brief about the make or buy decision.
3. Describe the make or buy decision using break-even analysis.
4. Explain about the generative process planning and state its advantages.[Apr 2018]
5. Write in brief about the need of line balancing with an example.
6. Distinguish between cost control and cost reduction.
7. Briefly explain the value analysis technique.
8. Explain the step by step procedure of value analysis.
9. 1000 parts are required for an assembly line. The part is available at the rate of Rs.8 per piece in the
market. If the same part is to be manufactured in the factory itself, the fixed cost will be Rs.2000 and
variable cost will be Rs.3 per piece. Decide whether to make or buy.
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10. A cell phone manufacturer buys component for his cell phone at Rs.11 per unit. If he decides to make it
himself, his fixed cost and variable cost will be Rs.12,000 and Rs.5/- per component respectively. Decide
whether to make or buy the component.
11. An air cooler manufacturer buys component at Rs.10 each. If he decides to make it himself, his fixed
and variable cost will be Rs. 10,000 and Rs.5 component respectively. Decide whether to make or buy the
component by finding B.E.P
12. Write in brief about the following
a. Technological choice .b. Specific component choice. C. Process flow choice.
13. Explain about the machine capacity.
14. Explain about the analysis of machine capacity.
15. Explain in detail the process and equipment selection procedure.[Oct 2017]
16. Write in brief about the method determination of man power requirement.
17. Explain the method of determination of machine requirement with and example.
18. Explain the method of determination of material requirements with an example
19. The following particulars are obtained in producing a part.
Existing load-5000 machine hours / year
New load-5000 machine hours / year
Available machines -5
Nature of work- Single shift/8 hours per day/6 days a week/52 weeks a year
Assuming the required details, calculate the man power
requirement.[10,000 hrs, 5 men]

3 marks questions

1. Define quality.
2. State the various dimensions of quality.
2. What is brain storming?
4. List out the objectives of brain storming?
5. Define TQM.
6. List the elements of TQM
7. List out any two barriers to TQM implementation.
8. Name two basic concept of TQM.
9. What are the pillars of TQM?
10. Write any two characteristics of TQM.
11. State any three benefits of TQM.
12. What is quality council?
13. What is vision statement?
14. What are the mission statements?
15. What is meant by strategic planning?
16. State the seven step procedure of strategic planning cycle.
17. What is customer delight?
18. What are the three elements of Juran triology?
19. What are the four phases of deming wheel or PDCA cycle?

Descriptive questions (14 marks)

12. Explain briefly the ten principles of quality management.

13. What is brain storming? When brain storming can be used?
14. Draw the flow diagram of activities in brain storming.
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15. Explain briefly the various elements of TQM.

16. List the various stumbling blocks while implementing programme.
17. Explain briefly about pillars of TQM.
18. 7. Explain briefly the ten principles of quality management.
19. What is meant by strategic planning? Write the seven stps procedure of strategic planning cycle.
20. Describe the Deming Philosophy of fourteen points on route quality.Explain customer delight in detail.
21. Give Juran's ten steps to quality improvement.
22. Explain Jurans trilogy diagram.
23. Explain various steps in PDCA cycle.

1. What is check sheet?
2. What do you use the check sheets?
3. What are the types of check sheets commonly used?
4. What is histogram?
5. What are cause and effect diagrams?
6. Draw a basic cause and effect diagram.
7. What are the purposes of pareto diagram?
8. What is a scatter diagram?
9. List the various techniques to sustain continuous improvement.
10. What is a quality circle?
11. Name the seven tools of quality control.
12. What do you mean by stratification analysis
13. What are run charts?
14. What are the benefits of Quality Circle?
15. List the new management planning tools.
16. What is affinity diagram?
17. What is a radar diagram?
18. When do you use the affinity diagram?
19. What is relationship diagram?
20. What are the purposes of tree diagram?
21. Under what situations, one can use matrix diagram.
22. List the symbols used for arrow diagram.
23. Why arrow diagrams are called PERT diagrams?

Descriptive questions (14 marks)

1. Discuss in detail about quality circles.

2. 2. What are the steps to be followed to constructing a pareto diagram? Explain with an example
3. Briefly describe the methodology of constructing and using Pareto diagrams.
4. What is a scatter diagram? Write the procedure to construct scatter diagram for a given problem.
5. Explain the continuous process improvement.
6. Write the different objectives of quality circles and how these objectives are utilized for TQM practice.
7. Explain briefly the seven tools of quality control.
8. Write in detail about the histogram with an example.
9. Briefly explain the organization of Quality Circle.
10. What are the management planning tools used for problem solving? and explain any three tools.
11. Briefly describe the methodology of constructing an affinity diagram by using an illustration.
12. Explain briefly the method of drawing matrix diagram.
13. Explain the method of drawing matrix data analysis diagram.
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14. Explain the construction of decision tree.

15. Briefly explain how a tree diagram is constructed.
16. Explain the construction of arrow diagram.
3 marks questions
1. What is control charts
2. What are type of control charts
3. What is the use of control chart
4. What are the x and r charts
5. What are types of data
6. Define data
7. Define information
8. Define mean
9. Defin medium
10. Define mode
11. What is sigma
12. What is six sigma
13. What is normal curve
14. What are need of six sigma
15. When U chart used
16. What is desperation
14 mark
1. Explain the various methods that are used for graphical representation of a frequency distribution.
2. Discuss why standard deviation is considered to best measures of dispersion.
3. Explain briefly the concept of six sigma and state the principles.
4. Determine the mean and standard deviation from the following:
Size of 5 7 10 12 15 18 20
frequency 5 10 15 20 14 11 6

5.The following are scores of two bats man Clarke and Sankakara in a series
Clarke 12 115 6 73 7 19 119 36 84 29
Sankakara 47 12 16 42 4 51 37 48 13 0
Who is the better score getter and who is more consistent?
6. Describe the steps to be followed for construction of X char and R chart with an example.
7. Compare X and R chart. Discuss the circumstances in which either of two or a combination of these will
be used for the purpose of control.
8. What control charts are used for attributes?
9. How do you draw control charts and interpret for controlling the variability? Explain.
10. Briefly describe the process of constructing a p chart.variable charts and attribute charts.
11. compare varibile charts and attribute charts
12. Tyre is made in lots of 200 each. The number of defectives foundin the inspection of 10 lots are
recorded and given in the table below:
Lot no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number 1 3 0 6 3 9 0 2 4 2
(i) Draw the np chart and state whether the process is in control.
(ii) (ii) If the process is not in control, find the new value of mean fraction defective after
eliminating the points outside control limits.

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(iii) Examine whether the process is still in control or not. [Oct 2015]
13. Find the average, median, mode, range and standard deviation for the following data set:
30, 27, 25, 25, 27, 27, 28, 30, 30, 24
Find the average, median, mode, range and standard deviationfor the following data set:
49, 39, 35, 44, 35, 34
14.Cell phones were observed and the table gives the number of defects
No. of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
No. of 2 5 5 6 1 5 1 7
a)Find the control limits for c- chart.
b) Draw the c chart.
c) State whether the process is in control.

3 marks questions

1. What is 5S practice?
2. What is SEITON?
3. What is SEIRI?
4. What is KAIZEN?
5. What is KAIRYO?
6. Define bench marking.
7. List the pit falls of benchmarking.
8. Define JIT
9. What is TPM?
10. Write the objectives of implementing TPM.
11. List the benefits of implementing TPM.
12. Define lean six sigma.
13. Define DMADV.
14. What do you mean by value stream mapping?

Descriptive questions (14 marks)

1. What is 5S? Explain all the elements of 5s in detail.

2. Write in detail about the effective implementation of 5S in an Production and Quality Management
3. Explain the various aspects of KAIZEN.
4. Explain KAIZEN methodology.
5. What are the concepts of JIT?
6. What are the objectives of JIT?
7. What are the benefits of JIT?
8. What are the objectives of bench marking?
9. Explain the steps in bench marking process.
10. Explain the various steps in implementing TPM.
11. Briefly explain lean six sigma.
12. Explain briefly about DMADV.
13. Describe value stream mapping.

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