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User Guide

iServer 2021 Application

iServer 2021 User Guide iServer Application

Product Release Information

Product: iServer
Document Release Number: 2.1
Document Release Date: 26 Nov 2021
Copyright © 2021 by Orbus Software

All Rights Reserved

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by
any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods,
without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by
copyright law.

If you have any queries, you can contact the Orbus Software by email:

Contents 2
iServer 2021 User Guide iServer Application

Contents .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

1 Glossary of terms ..................................................................................................................................................................................................8

2 Introducing iServer 2021 ............................................................................................................................................................................. 12

2.1 iServer repository .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12

2.2 Modeling environment ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 12

2.3 Objects and relationships ............................................................................................................................................................................. 12

2.4 Dependency analysis and view generation ....................................................................................................................... 12

2.5 Integration ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12

3 Accessing iServer ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13

3.1 Logging into iServer ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13

3.2 iServer start page ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13

3.3 Launching iServer from Visio and Word .................................................................................................................................... 14

3.4 Orbus Ecosystem ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15

3.5 Logging out of iServer .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 16

4 iServer options ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................17

4.1 General options ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................17

4.2 Visio settings ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18

4.3 Working directory settings ............................................................................................................................................................................ 19

5 Introducing the repository ................................................................................................................................................................... 20

5.1 Accessing the repository ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 20

5.2 Folders tab ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20

5.3 Views tab ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21

5.4 Repository ribbon ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22

5.5 Temporary pane ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23

5.6 Selecting a folder to work in ..................................................................................................................................................................... 25

5.7 Exporting repository content ................................................................................................................................................................... 25

5.7.1 Exporting to Excel .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 26

5.7.2 Exporting to PowerPoint ............................................................................................................................................................................ 27

5.7.3 Exporting visualizations to Visio .................................................................................................................................................... 28

5.7.4 Exporting with BI Connect ..................................................................................................................................................................... 30

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6 Working with objects, relationships, and attributes ......................................................................................... 31

6.1 Creating an object.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 31

6.2 Merging objects ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 32

6.3 Relating repository content....................................................................................................................................................................... 33

6.3.1 Relating objects and documents .............................................................................................................................................. 34

6.3.2 Relating to Word bookmarks ............................................................................................................................................................ 36

6.3.3 Maintaining relationships in the repository explorer ...................................................................................... 36

6.3.4 Maintaining relationships using matrix views .......................................................................................................... 38

6.3.5 Maintaining relationships using hierarchy views ................................................................................................ 38

7 Working with documents and diagrams....................................................................................................................... 39

7.1 Creating a diagram .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 39

7.2 Overview of diagram templates ......................................................................................................................................................... 41

7.3 Changing templates of multiple documents ................................................................................................................. 43

7.4 Creating repository content via a diagram ...................................................................................................................... 44

7.4.1 Create relationships using connectors ............................................................................................................................ 45

7.4.2 Create relationships using object overlaps................................................................................................................ 45

7.4.3 Commit objects and relationships to the repository .................................................................................... 46

7.5 Reusing objects and relationships on a diagram ..................................................................................................... 49

7.6 Creating relationships on a diagram ......................................................................................................................................... 52

7.6.1 Validating relationships on diagrams ................................................................................................................................. 53

7.6.2 Adding hyperlinks ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 54

7.7 Creating a document ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 55

7.8 Importing a document .................................................................................................................................................................................... 56

7.8.1 Importing Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint documents....................................................................... 56

7.8.2 Importing Microsoft Word Document bookmarks ..............................................................................................57

7.8.3 Importing other document or file types ............................................................................................................................57

7.9 Importing a Visio diagram .......................................................................................................................................................................... 58

7.10 Previewing a diagram or document ............................................................................................................................................ 58

7.10.1 Saving previews .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 60

7.10.2 Printing diagrams from the repository ....................................................................................................................... 60

7.11 Converting documents and diagrams ...................................................................................................................................... 61

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8 Navigating and editing repository content ............................................................................................................... 62

8.1 Quick renaming ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 62

8.2 Editing properties and attributes ...................................................................................................................................................... 63

8.2.1 Editing object attributes .......................................................................................................................................................................... 63

8.2.2 Editing diagram attributes .................................................................................................................................................................. 65

8.3 Check in and Check out ................................................................................................................................................................................. 65

8.3.1 Checking out repository content ............................................................................................................................................... 66

8.3.2 Checking in the repository content ........................................................................................................................................ 68

8.3.3 Discarding a check out ............................................................................................................................................................................ 68

8.4 Version history .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 69

8.5 Content tags .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................71

8.5.1 Creating and assigning tags to repository content ..........................................................................................71

8.5.2 Managing tags ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 72

8.5.3 Searching tags ......................................................................................................................................................................................................73

9 Search and views ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 74

9.1 Searching the repository.......................................................................................................................................................................................74

9.1.1 Searching for objects and documents ..............................................................................................................................74

9.1.2 Search filters ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 76

9.1.3 Saved search queries: views ............................................................................................................................................................. 77

9.2 Views dashboard ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 77

9.2.1 View collection...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 78

9.2.2 Creating and saving a view............................................................................................................................................................... 78

9.2.3 Running a view.......................................................................................................................................................................................................79

9.2.4 My Views and My Favorite Views ................................................................................................................................................... 81

9.3 View mode......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 82

9.4 List views ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 86

9.4.1 Creating a list view ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 86

9.4.2 Creating and editing objects from within a list view ..................................................................................... 88

9.5 Hierarchy views........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 89

9.5.1 Creating a hierarchy view .................................................................................................................................................................... 89

9.5.2 Creating and editing objects and relationships within a hierarchy view ........................ 92

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9.6 Matrix views ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 93

9.6.1 Creating a matrix view .............................................................................................................................................................................. 93

9.6.2 Managing relationships from within a matrix view .......................................................................................... 96

10 Workflows and feedback .......................................................................................................................................................................98

10.1 iServer workflow ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 99

10.2 Submitting content to a workflow .................................................................................................................................................... 101

10.2.1 Automatic workflow triggers ............................................................................................................................................................ 101

10.2.2 Initiating a workflow ............................................................................................................................................................................... 101

10.3 Responding to a workflow ......................................................................................................................................................................... 102

10.3.1 Viewing items in the workflow ...................................................................................................................................................... 103

10.3.2 Viewing decisions and selecting an outcome .............................................................................................. 104

10.3.3 Adding comments and attachments ....................................................................................................................... 106

10.4 Cancelling a workflow ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 108

10.5 Viewing completed workflows ............................................................................................................................................................ 108

10.6 iServer feedback ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 109

10.6.1 Submitting a feedback ........................................................................................................................................................................... 109

10.6.2 View feedback raised for repository content .................................................................................................... 110

11 Support contacts ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 111

11.1 Orbus support .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................111

11.2 Online webinars, white papers and training ........................................................................................................................111

12 Appendix A: Repository examples .............................................................................................................................................112

12.1 The TOGAF repository ..........................................................................................................................................................................................112

12.1.1 Strategic, segment, and capability architectures ..............................................................................................112

12.1.2 Repository libraries ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 113

12.1.3 TOGAF Templates ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 114

12.1.4 The TOGAF 9 metamodel ....................................................................................................................................................................... 114

12.1.5 Viewpoints and views ................................................................................................................................................................................. 115

12.1.6 TOGAF resources ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 116

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12.2 The ArchiMate repository ............................................................................................................................................................................... 117

12.2.1 The ArchiMate repository ........................................................................................................................................................................ 117

12.2.2 Strategic, segment, and capability architectures ...................................................................................... 118

12.2.3 ArchiMate templates ............................................................................................................................................................................ 118

12.2.4 ArchiMate generic metamodel ............................................................................................................................................. 119

12.2.5 Viewpoints and views .......................................................................................................................................................................... 119

12.2.6 ArchiMate resources ........................................................................................................................................................................... 120

12.3 The Business process analysis repository .............................................................................................................................121

12.3.1 The BPA repository folder structure ..........................................................................................................................................121

12.3.2 Business Process Analysis Templates ..........................................................................................................................122

13 Appendix B: Keyboard shortcuts............................................................................................................................................... 123

Contents 7
iServer 2021 User Guide iServer Application

1 Glossary of terms
In this section, we introduce the core concepts and terms used in iServer.

Term Explanation

Approval workflow Type of a workflow where changes submitted by users are then
approved by one or more decision makers.

Attribute Meta-data associated with objects, diagrams, documents and

folders in the iServer repository, e.g.: Application Cost, Process

Check In Releasing content back into the iServer Repository, unlocking it for
changes by other users. Check In creates a new system version

Check Out Opening content for editing by a user, locking it for changes by any
other user.

Commit (from Visio Diagram) Creating a reusable object in the iServer

repository from a shape created on a Visio Diagram. Only
committed content has attributes and can be related.

Content (from Repository) Consists of Objects, Diagrams, Documents, and


Data Exchange Additional iServer Module used for Importing XML and Microsoft
Excel data into the iServer Repository. See Module 7: Importing Data.

Decision Maker The iServer user that is required to respond to a workflow decision

Diagram Microsoft Visio Diagram.

Diagram Type Type of Diagram. Predefined structured Microsoft Visio drawing,

including stencils, diagram headers, and guidance (see Template).

Discard Check Out Cancel the last check out, reverting to last checked in the state. All
changes made since last check out are lost.

Only the system administrator or user who checked out content

can discard checkout. Where content has not been checked in, this
action cannot be performed.

Document Saved Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint document in the repository.

Can be created from a template or uploaded.

Glossary of terms 8
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Term Explanation

Document Type Type of Document. For example, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint
document (see Template).

Fast Draw iServer BPA solution feature available only on the BPMN 2.0 diagram
template. Provides options for the next valid object in a business
process flow. Enabled and disabled via the iServer Ribbon in Visio.

Favourite User tagged documents or views available from the iServer Start

Folder (from Repository) iServer repository folders are containers for

iServer repository content. Objects, documents, and diagrams are
stored in folders. Folders can be hierarchical, for example, the folder
tree structure can exist.

Hierarchy View Saved advanced search of objects and relationships. Multiple filters
and criteria can be applied and saved. Objects and relationships
can be edited and managed from within a hierarchy view.

Impact Analysis iServer Impact Analysis Visualizations is a tool that allows you to
analysis relationships and attributes of repository objects using
dynamic, animated views. See Module 9: Impact and Dependency

Initiating User The iServer user that has initiated a workflow either by manual
submission or by activating a workflow trigger.

Item Criteria The criteria required for content to be submitted to a workflow.

Learning Centre (from iServer Start) Integrated resource and training portal
providing access to Orbus Support as well as other guidance and
resources from the Orbus Knowledge Base.

Library (from Repository) Specialized folder. Acts as a container of folders,

objects, documents, and diagrams. Are not hierarchical. Reuse of
content across libraries is not permitted.

List View Saved advanced search of objects. Multiple filters and criteria can
be defined and saved. Objects can be created and edited from a
list view.

Matrix View Created using iServer Relationship Matrix. Provides a two-

dimensional view of objects and their relationships in the form of a
matrix. Object and relationships can be edited from within a matrix.
Matrices can be exported to Microsoft Excel

Glossary of terms 9
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Term Explanation

Meta-model Underlying configuration of Object Types, Document Types,

relationships and attributes of the iServer Repository.

Object Dynamic content captured in the repository. Can exist in any

number of occurrences, can have meta-data or attributes
associated, and can be related to other objects, documents, and
diagrams. Are stored in folders.

Object Type Type of Object. For example, Process, Role, Organization Unit.

Portal iServer Portal is an additionally licensed product. Portal provides a

dynamic up-to-date view of the iServer Repository via a web-based
interface. (See Module 10: Publishing Online)

Publisher iServer HTML Publisher is an additionally licensed product. HTML

Publisher provides a static published view of the iServer Repository
via a web-based interface. The Publisher is optimized for mobile
devices. (See Module 10: Publishing Online).

Purge Clear deleted items from the database. One system administrator
can perform a purge. Recovery of deleted items is not possible
once purge has been performed.

Quick Find Filter tool available in the header of the folder contents pane,
Temporary Pane in the repository, as well as iServer Explorer panel.

Quick Search Search tool available in the upper-right side of the Repository.
Initiating a quick search opens list view tab to display results.

Relationship Connection The connection between two objects, an object and

diagram, an object and a document, and a diagram to a diagram.
Used for navigating content and performing impact analysis.

Relationship Matrix The iServer tool used for the creation of matrix views. Accessed
directly from the iServer Start Page under Analyze.

Repository the iServer primary interface for navigating, creating and

maintaining database content including documents, objects,
meta-data, and diagrams.

Shape Data (from Diagram) Meta-data associated with Visio shapes. iServer
attribute information can be synchronized with Visio shape data to
generate data graphics on diagrams. (See Module 8: Heatmaps).

Glossary of terms 10
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Term Explanation

Start Page The home or welcome page of the iServer where you can access all

State/Step A step in the flow of a workflow.

Stencil (from Template) A Visio panel containing valid shapes and

connectors that may be used on a diagram template.

Tag (for Content) allows the categorization of content in the repository.

Are not hierarchical. Multiple tags can be associated with the
content. Can be user-defined or system generated, in the case of
data import.

Template Microsoft Visio, Word, Excel or PowerPoint document/ diagram with

predefined structure and content. Visio templates contain stencils,
headers, and details of the viewpoint. Templates govern content
creation in iServer.

Trigger A user or system action that initiated a workflow.

Validation (from Diagram) Tool for checking and verifying Visio diagram
content including relationships and objects. Validation takes place
against a best practice standard such as ArchiMate, TOGAF or

View Saved Advanced Search of iServer Repository content.

Views Collection Categorization or container of saved views on the Views


Views Dashboard Home page for all saved views in iServer, which can be arranged in
View Collections on the dashboard. Accessed by opening a new
Views tab.

Visual Indicator The iServer indicator visible on Visio diagrams communicating the
repository status of objects and connectors, for example, content
that is checked out, invalid, issues, not committed.

Workflow A system supported use case carrying out predefined actions and
notifying predefined users.

Workflow Template A template governing the actions and outcomes of a workflow.

Glossary of terms 11
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2 Introducing iServer 2021

iServer is a collaborative Business and IT Transformation suite supporting multiple business
outcomes and disciplines, including Enterprise Architecture, Business Process Management
and Optimization, and governance and compliance. If you are unfamiliar with the tool you
can watch several brief introductory videos from the Orbus website

The iServer tool consists of the following features and capabilities:

2.1 iServer repository

iServer provides a central repository in which Visio and Microsoft Office diagrams are
stored. Data from third party systems such as requirements management tools,
configuration management databases (CMDB’s) or service management tools can be
uploaded and analyzed from the iServer repository. The repository can provide a single
source of truth for architecture, process management, and governance content.

2.2 Modeling environment

Diagrams are edited in Microsoft Visio, turning it into a multi-user collaborative modeling
environment. Shapes on Visio diagrams become reusable objects within the repository. Re-
use means that an object needs to be defined only once, and an instance of that object
will update when changes occur.

2.3 Objects and relationships

Objects are captured from Visio diagrams, they can be imported from third-party systems
(such as CMDB’s or service desks), or they can be created directly in the repository by users.
Relationships can also be defined between objects and documents within the constraints
of the metamodel. iServer also supports the capturing of attributes for objects,
relationships, and documents.

2.4 Dependency analysis and view generation

Repository relationships can be used to generate artifacts such as matrices, catalogs,
hierarchy views, dynamic visualizations, and dashboards to quickly analyze the impact of
change and understand dependencies across the organization.

2.5 Integration
iServer offers several integration tools for synchronizing data between your repository and
other enterprise systems. The Data Exchange module allows Excel and XML data sources to
be mapped and imported, and the iServer repository API allows for system integration with
your repository.

Introducing iServer 2021 12

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3 Accessing iServer
3.1 Logging into iServer
To start using iServer, double-click the iServer desktop shortcut or find
the iServer program group in the start menu.

You are automatically logged in with your domain user account used to
identify you. If you are running a single-machine edition of iServer, you
may be asked to enter a username and password first.

3.2 iServer start page

Functions available on the iServer Start Page depend on the users licensing and privileges.
At a minimum, the following groups are available.

Explore • Repository Explorer for access to the iServer repository

• Favorite Views and Documents
• Recently Opened Views and Documents
• Checked out diagrams, documents, and objects

Workflows • Workflows
• Completed Workflows

Report • Available reports

Orbus Ecosystem



The following are separately licensed features.

Explore • Portal

Report • iServer Reporting Service

Import/ Export • Data Exchange

• BPM Connect
• BI Connect

Accessing iServer 13
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3.3 Launching iServer from Visio and Word

When iServer is installed, the iServer tab appears in the Microsoft Visio application. You can
launch iServer directly from this tab.

Figure 1 – Launching iServer from Visio

When iServer is launched, the full-featured iServer Home tab becomes available in Visio.

The iServer tab contains tools and features that you can use to edit diagrams in iServer.
The available options on this tab are context-aware and depend on information selected
or being edited.

Figure 2 – iServer tab in Visio

If your organization is licensed for iServer Live Documents, the iServer tab is also available in
Microsoft Word from where you can launch iServer too.

Accessing iServer 14
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3.4 Orbus Ecosystem

The Orbus Ecosystem integrates iServer technical support, resources, and documentation
with the iServer start page. You may be required to register to access the information
database, e-Learning, and raise support tickets.

Figure 3 – Orbus Ecosystem

The following are available through the Orbus Ecosystem:

• Knowledge base that contains guides and instructions on how to work and
troubleshoot the application.
• Resources provide access to a wide range of resources including frameworks,
whitepapers, case studies, etc.
• E-learning courses
• Technical Support allows you to log support tickets, view all tickets, and start a chat
with Orbus Support.

Accessing iServer 15
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3.5 Logging out of iServer

You can end an iServer session by logging out via one of the following methods:

• Use the Exit iServer option from Visio.

Figure 4 – Exit iServer from Visio

• Sign out of iServer from the start page.

Figure 5 – iServer start page sign out

• Close the repository explorer or the iServer start page.

Accessing iServer 16
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4 iServer options
4.1 General options
General options allow you to change the interface settings and behaviour. You can access
options from the iServer start page > Options.

Figure 6 – iServer general options

• Startup section—specify the iServer startup behavior, restoring previous sessions, or

opening specific pages on launch.
• Properties and Relationships section—change the settings when managing and
viewing properties and relationships.
• Repository section—change the way objects and diagrams are committed, saved, and
viewed in the repository.

iServer options 17
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4.2 Visio settings

You can change the iServer Visio functions and behavior using the Visio tab in the iServer
Options dialog box.

Figure 7 – iServer Visio settings

You can change the iServer Explorer visual indicators and grouping settings, as well as
visual indicator settings for the Visio interface. Visual indicators are visual notifications on
the diagrams that help you understand the status of the components within the drawing.
For example:

• Items that are not yet saved

• Items that have links to documents
• Items that are locked for editing by another user

You can change the position of the indicator using the drop-down menu. By default, an
indicator is set to appear at the bottom of the objects.

iServer options 18
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4.3 Working directory settings

A working directory is a location on the local computer where diagrams and documents
are saved temporarily whilst they are checked out of iServer and being worked on. You
need to specify this the first time a user signs into iServer.

You can change the working directory location on the Working Directory tab of the Options
dialog box.

Figure 8 – Setting the iServer working folder

By default, iServer removes items from the local directory working folder once the diagram
or document is checked in. To save the items in your working folder, select the Keep items
in working folder after check in check box.

You can decide whether you want a manual working folder clean-up to be carried out for
all libraries in the repository, or selected libraries.

Note: The Working Directory should be a local file directory on your machine.
Network shares or OneDrive synchronized directories may negatively impact iServer

iServer options 19
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5 Introducing the repository

The iServer repository is the central storage point for architecture, process, portfolio, and
governance content created within and imported into iServer.

The repository explorer is the interface used to create and manage work areas, libraries or
folders, objects, documents, and diagrams, as well as relationships between them.

5.1 Accessing the repository

To launch the repository explorer from the iServer start page, select the Explore tab, then
select Repository. There are three options available:

• Restore Previous Session—opens all repository explorer tabs that were open in the last
iServer session.
• New Views Tab—opens a new Views tab.
• New Folders Tab—opens a new repository explorer folders tab.

Figure 9 – iServer start page

During an active session, on the iServer start page, you can view all tabs (Folder and Views
tabs) that are open in the repository explorer.

5.2 Folders tab

The Folders tab of the repository explorer interface is divided into three main panels:

1. The Folders panel—shows a folder structure representing the different workspaces and
content libraries that help you navigate and organize content.
2. The Documents and Objects panel—shows the list of Diagrams, Objects, and Office
documents when you select a folder in the Folders Panel. It is possible to upload and
manage multiple file types in the iServer repository. File type handlers are configured in
the administration area and can include but are not limited to PDFs, images, and
3. The Temporary pane—shows more details of a selected document, diagram, object, or
folder. If you select a folder, the Temporary Pane can show a preview of the folder, the
folder properties, and permissions. If you select a document, the Temporary Pane can
show a preview of the document, the document properties, and contents. It is also
useful for viewing the properties of an object or a diagram. For more information, see
Temporary pane.

Introducing the repository 20

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In the following example, a Training Examples folder is selected (1). Within this folder, a
diagram is selected (2) to reveal a list of components contained within the diagram (3).

1 2
Figure 10 – Repository structure

5.3 Views tab

iServer views are saved filtered searches of the repository content. They can take one of
the forms: lists, hierarchies, or matrices, and can be differentiated by the view icon.

A Views tab in the repository provides access to saved views. You can favorite views using
the star icon, and create and save personal views into My Views,or group views by view
collections that are permission controlled. For more information, see Search and Views.

Figure 11 – The Views tab

Note: You can open a new folder or view tab using the tab buttons on the tabbed

Introducing the repository 21

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5.4 Repository ribbon

The repository explorer functions and commands are structured using tabs on the ribbon,
similar to the Microsoft Office applications. This ribbon is context-aware, meaning
the options and features available to you depend on several preconditions such as user
access, selected object, etc.

• The Home tab contains the most used features in the repository, such as creating new
objects and diagrams, viewing properties of objects and diagrams, and checking in
and checking out content.

Figure 12 – Repository explorer Home tab

• On the Items tab, you can review related items as well as features such as permissions,
BPM Connect (if configured), and various export options to Microsoft Office applications.

Figure 93 – Repository explorer Items tab

• The Folders tab contains functions for creating new libraries and folders in the
repository, as well as other folder structure actions.

Figure 14 – Repository explorer Folders tab

• The Views tab provides Views specific features to allow you to create, update, and
categorize views into collections.

Figure 15 – Repository explorer Views tab

Introducing the repository 22

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5.5 Temporary pane

Diagram, document, object, and folder previews are available in the temporary pane.
To open a temporary pane on the right side of the repository explorer, select a diagram
and on the Home tab, select Preview. You can preview PDF, text, images, and Microsoft
Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents as well. For more information on previewing
documents, see Previewing a Diagram or Document.

Figure 16 – Repository diagram preview

You can also use the temporary pane for viewing properties and attributes of
the repository content in one of the following ways:

• Select an object, diagram, document, or folder and on the Home tab, select View
• Double-click an item and in the shortcut menu, select View Properties.
• Right-click an item and select View Properties.
• Select View Properties in the preview panel.

Figure 17 – Repository folder preview

Introducing the repository 23

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Tabs on the left side of the temporary pane provide different information for the selected
object or document: Attributes, Relationships, Where Used, Contents, Versions, Permissions,
and Provenance.

Figure 18 – Repository object and diagram properties

You can pin a temporary pane into a ‘permanent’ tab by selecting the Make Permanent
option in the upper-right corner of the temporary pane.

Figure 19 – Repository make permanent

The Split Screen option turns on and off the split-screen view of the temporary pane.

Figure 20 – Repository temporary pane split screen switch

Introducing the repository 24

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5.6 Selecting a folder to work in

You can filter the repository folder structure to work in a targeted repository area. To do this,
select a folder in the repository and on the Folders tab, select View as Top Folder.

Figure 21 – View as top folder

The Folders panel displays the selected folder and this top-level folder configuration is
saved and you can view it at the next login.

Any open new Folders tab displays the selected folder as the top level.

Figure 102 – Repository: View as a top-level folder

To revert to the full system repository structure, at the top of the repository folder structure,
select Back to System Repository.

You can expand or collapse the repository tree structure by selecting a target folder and
selecting Collapse All or Expand All on the Folders tab in the Display group.

5.7 Exporting repository content

iServer offers several export functions allowing you to easily extract content out of the
repository for presentation and analysis. iServer offers direct integration with Microsoft Excel
and Microsoft PowerPoint from the repository. Also, you can export visualizations as
an image, a Visio diagram, or a PowerPoint presentation.

Introducing the repository 25

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5.7.1 Exporting to Excel

You can export repository content and views to an Excel spreadsheet.

Note: To view all objects stored within a repository library, in the upper-right side of
the repository window, select the repository settings icon, and then select the Show
library objects check box.

Figure 11 – Repository options

To create a list of all objects, documents, and diagrams in the selected repository folder in
Microsoft Excel, in the iServer repository, on the Items tab, select Export to Excel.

Figure 12 – Repository export options

Τo create a list of the selected objects in Microsoft Excel, multi-select several objects,
diagrams, or documents in the repository and select Export Selected Items To Excel.

You can export the output of the List, Hierarchy, or Matrix View to an Excel spreadsheet.
Consequently, you can use the views tools as a means of exporting data from iServer.

To create a spreadsheet from List or Hierarchy views, open a view, and on the Items tab,
select Export to Excel. You can also multi-select objects from the list view by using the Shift
or Ctrl keys, and select Export Selected Items to Excel.

Introducing the repository 26

iServer 2021 User Guide iServer Application

You can export the Matrix view to an Excel spreadsheet using the export option from
the Items tab > Export Matrix. You can export matrices in one of the following ways:

Figure 13 – MS Excel export options

• As a matrix in Microsoft Excel, select Export Matrix.

• As a list of all objects in Microsoft Excel, select Export as List.
• As a list with attribute information for each object, select Export as List (with Attributes).

5.7.2 Exporting to PowerPoint

You can export a diagram, related items visualization, or hierarchy view visualization from
the repository directly to a PowerPoint presentation.

To export repository items to a PowerPoint presentation:

1. Depending on the repository item you want to export, do one of the following:

• Select a diagram, and on the Items tab, select Generate Presentation.

• Open related items of an object, and on the Relationships tab, select Save As >
• Open a hierarchy view, and on the View tab, select Save As > PowerPoint.

2. In the dialog box, select one of the following:

Figure 14 – Generate presentation options

• New presentation—creates a new PowerPoint presentation with the selected

diagram, related items, or hierarchy view as its slide.
• Append to an active presentation—adds the selected diagram to the end of an
active PowerPoint presentation. Not available for the views and related objects.
• Insert into active presentation—inserts the diagram into the selected section of an
open active PowerPoint presentation. Not available for the views and related

Introducing the repository 27

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3. To change the image position on a PowerPoint slide, select the Image Position options.
4. To include a title in the PowerPoint slide, select one of the check boxes:

• Include document name as title—adds document, object, or view name to the

• Include page name as title—adds diagram page name to the slide. Not available
for the views and related objects.

5. Select Export.

The PowerPoint presentation opens with the selected diagram, hierarchy view, or related
objects as slides and according to the selected options.

You can also export multiple selected diagrams at the same time by selecting all the
diagrams using the Shift or Ctrl keys, and selecting Generate Presentation.

5.7.3 Exporting visualizations to Visio

You can export the related items visualization or hierarchy view visualization from the
repository directly to a Visio document. To do this:

1. Depending on the repository item you want to export, do one of the following:

• Open related items of an object, and on the Relationships tab,

select Save As > Visio.
• Open a hierarchy view, and on the View tab, select Save As > Visio.

2. In the dialog box, provide details for the desired output:

Figure 15 – Save as Visio

a. In the Name field, enter the diagram title. The hierarchy view name or object name
is set by default.

Introducing the repository 28

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b. In the Type box, select the desired template for the diagram.
By default, only compatible templates are listed. A compatible template is one that
contains a matching shape or connector for every object type and relationship
type in the visualization. To view all templates, clear the Only Show Compatible
Templates check box. Also, you can view how many objects or relationships in the
visualization do not have a matching master shape or connector in each template.

Note: If a template does not have a stencil that contains the Object Types or
Relationship Types that were selected in the graphical view, the objects without a
match will be represented by default Visio rectangle shapes, and relationships
without a match will be represented by the standard Visio connector.

Figure 16 – Compatible templates

c. On the right side of the location box, select the browse button to navigate to the
required library or folder, and then select Set Location. Only folders which are
configured to allow document types corresponding to the chosen template will be

3. On the toolbar, select Save & Open Document.

Visio opens with a new diagram, based on the chosen template, and the objects and
relationships laid out on a single page in a similar fashion to the on-screen visualization.

Stacked objects are represented in the diagram by a single shape, stating the Object Type
and how many objects are in the stack.

Note: Repository items from any hidden levels of a hierarchy view are not added to
the Visio diagram. In a tree-style visualization, indirect relationships which are
present due to hidden levels are represented by dashed lines instead of solid lines.

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You can now proceed with the Visio diagram and manage its content using the iServer tab
and its functions. For more information, see Working with documents and diagrams.

Note: A hierarchy view or related items visualization can be configured by you to

show relationships using nesting or containment of shapes, even when the
relationship types involved are meant to be represented as connectors only. The
converse is also true.

Therefore, take care if you commit the relationships from an exported visualization
back to the repository, as doing so can create additional relationships

5.7.4 Exporting with BI Connect

You can also export data using the optional BI Connect module. You can find more
information in the BI Connect User Guide.

Introducing the repository 30

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6 Working with objects, relationships,

and attributes
6.1 Creating an object
You can create new repository objects from the Folders Tab, or from within a View.

To create a new object:

1. On the Home tab, select New Object. Alternatively, you can use the context menu of a
library or folder. You can view a list of the permitted Object Types in the selected
location, as per the configured metamodel.

Figure 17 – Creating a new object

2. In the dialog box, on the Properties tab, enter the details of the object.

Figure 18 – New object properties

Working with objects, relationships, and attributes 31

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3. Select one of the following:

a. Save—to create the new object in the repository that is checked in for other users to
view it.
b. Save and Create New—to create another object of the same type in the same

A new object automatically receives a Portal URL that you can find on the Properties tab.
You can copy the URL by selecting the Copy icon.

Figure 19 – Copy Portal URL

6.2 Merging objects

You can also merge two repository objects of the same or different types into a single
repository object. Merging allows you to select which attributes, relationships, permissions,
and tags to merge into the target object.

To merge two items:

1. Select objects in the repository and on the Items tab, select Merge.
2. In the Merge dialog box, select the master surviving object, and individually select the
attributes that you want to keep.

Figure 20 – Object merge

Working with objects, relationships, and attributes 32

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Attributes and relationships that are not supported by the target object are not merged.
A new version is created for the target object and the source object is left in a deleted
state. You can view deleted items in the repository If the Show deleted items check box in
the iServer Options is selected.

If needed, you can merge permissions, relationships, and tags by selecting Configure on
the toolbar and selecting preferred options.

Figure 21 – Objects merge configure options

To revert a Merge operation, restore the deleted object, and revert to the previous version
of the master object.

6.3 Relating repository content

You can relate an object to other objects or documents in the repository:

1. Select an object in the repository and on the Home tab or in the shortcut menu, select
one of the following:

• Relate To Existing—opens a new object properties dialog. For more information

about object creation, see Creating an Object.
• Relate To New—opens a new relationship dialog allowing you to search for and
select existing objects to relate to.

Figure 22 – ‘Relate To Existing’ and ‘Relate to New’ menus

Working with objects, relationships, and attributes 33

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2. In the Create Relationship dialog box, select from the list of permitted objects or
documents to be related to the object, with a specific relationship type selected.

To create multiple relationships, multi-select the objects to relate.

Figure 23 – Creating multiple relationships

3. Select Save to create new relationships between the objects in the repository.

6.3.1 Relating objects and documents

You can relate diagrams and documents stored in iServer to navigate between
components and hierarchies. These relationships become especially useful when you
navigate the repository content via the iServer Portal and can browse from the object to
the linked supporting documentation.

Document navigation relationships may be useful in the following scenarios:

• Linking from a Server technology component to an associated Service Level Agreement

• Linking from a Navigation shape to a related diagram or document from a landing
• Linking from a Task in a BPMN diagram to a Standard Operating Procedure document.
• Linking from a Sub Process in a BPMN diagram to a BPMN Diagram (drill-down).

To link an object to a document:

1. Select the object on a Visio diagram and on the iServer tab, select Relate To. Also, you
can select the object from within the repository shortcut menu or on the Home tab by
selecting Relate To Existing.

Working with objects, relationships, and attributes 34

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2. Select Document and select the Relationship Type. Depending on your system options,
you might be required to select a Relationship Type first.

Figure 24 – Relating to document

3. In the Create Relationship dialog box, select the document or diagram that you wish to
link, and then select Save.

Figure 25 – Creating relationships with documents

You can also select and relate multiple documents from the list. You can filter the list of
available documents for the selected relationship type using the filter icon above the list.
Also, you can use the Quick Find Item field to search the list.

You can also configure certain Object Types for drill-down relationships to documents
containing more information. To create drill-downs, on the Items tab in the iServer
repository or on the iServer tab in Visio, select Drill-Down. This creates a new diagram and
automatically relate it to the selected object.

Figure 26 – Create new drill-down

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6.3.2 Relating to Word bookmarks

You can relate objects to bookmarks in Microsoft Word documents.

To relate individual iServer objects to bookmarked sections in a Microsoft Word document,

first import the bookmarks into the iServer repository. To do this, check in a Word document
with bookmarks. Further information on Word Bookmarks is available in the Working with
Documents and Diagrams section.

To relate an object to a bookmark:

1. Select the object and on the Home tab, select Relate To Existing > Microsoft Word
Document Bookmark.

Figure 27 – Creating relationships to Word bookmarks

2. In the Create Relationship dialog box, select the bookmark, and then select Save. You
can enter a description of the relationship if required.

Note: iServer provides an option for users to ‘Hide any-to-any relationship types
from relationship creation menus”. If this option is enabled, any-to-any relationships
don’t appear in the new relationship dialog box. To change this setting, go to iServer
Options, select General and clear the check box.

6.3.3 Maintaining relationships in the repository explorer

An object within iServer is likely to exist in many different contexts on different diagrams
across the repository, and each of these may contain different relationships.

You can view a complete list of an object’s relationships, regardless of the way they are
created or the location of related objects. To do this, select an object in the repository and
on the Items tab, select Related Items.

To view all related items with the selected object from a Visio diagram, select an object on
a Visio diagram and on the iServer tab, select View Relationships. The All Related Items
section of the Properties pane appears.

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Alternatively, on the iServer tab, or in the shortcut menu, select View Properties, and in the
temporary pane, select the All Related Items tab.

Figure 28 – Graphic layout of related items

You can expand or collapse an item to view the levels of relationship items by
selecting + or – on the object in the nested, radial, or tree view modes.

Figure 29 – Expanded related items

You can also change the visualization of the related items. For more information, see View

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You can save the graphical view of the related items:

• To download an image of the related items, select Save As > Image.

• To download a presentation slide with related items, select Save As > PowerPoint. For
more information on the presentation, see Export to PowerPoint.
• To create a Visio diagram with related items, select Save As > Visio. For more
information on the Visio, see Exporting visualizations to Visio.

Note: To filter the information shown on the graphical Related Items, select the
Object or Relationship Types sections under the All Related Items tab.

6.3.4 Maintaining relationships using matrix views

You can maintain relationships using the relationship matrix view in the iServer repository.
For more information about matrix views, see the Matrix views section.

You can create, view, and maintain relationship properties directly from the matrix. You can
view the properties of the objects in the matrix using the context menu.

Figure 30 – Example relationship matrix

You can export the relationship matrix directly to Microsoft Excel using the export option on
the Items tab. For more information, see Exporting repository content.

6.3.5 Maintaining relationships using hierarchy views

You can easily view, edit, and update relationships from across the repository in different
libraries and folders using the hierarchy views. For more information about hierarchy views,
see Creating and editing objects and relationships within a hierarchy view.

Working with objects, relationships, and attributes 38

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7 Working with documents and

A key difference of iServer diagrams compared to standard Visio diagrams is that they are
based on templates, reuse repository content and govern diagram creation with validation
rules. You can import Visio diagrams that are not created with iServer into the repository for
storage and relation to other content.

7.1 Creating a diagram

Note: Always create diagrams from the repository explorer to ensure that the most
recent templates are used.

To create a new diagram in iServer:

1. To access the iServer repository explorer, select Explore > Repository, and then select
New Folders Tab.

Figure 31 – iServer start page

2. Right-click a folder in the repository, on the Home tab, select New Document > Microsoft
Visio Drawing, and then select the desired template for the new diagram.

Figure 32 – Repository: create a new document

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Alternatively, in the Folders panel, select the folder where you want to create a new
diagram and use the context menu or the Home tab to select the document type and
the template.

Note: The templates available in the new document selection are defined in
iServer configuration. If a required template is not available in the folder selected,
please contact your system administrator.

3. Enter the diagram details: Name, Description, and Version Name.

Figure 33 – New TOGAF diagram properties

4. To save the diagram, use one of the following options:

• Save & Open Document—saves and opens the diagram in the Visio applications.
• Save—saves and closes the properties pane. A new diagram is created in
the repository and checked out.
• Save & Create New—creates a new checked out diagram in the repository and
opens another properties pane for a second new diagram of the same type.
• Save & Edit Relationships—saves the diagram in the repository and opens the
properties pane of the related items.

The Word or Visio, the Save function updates the file in your local working folder only. You
can save Word and Visio documents to the repository using the Check In button in the
iServer tab. The document is also automatically checked in and therefore saved to the
repository when it is submitted to an approval workflow.

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7.2 Overview of diagram templates

iServer solutions offer a complete set of out-the-box templates for diagrams and views
generated at each stage of a business transformation initiative.

Each diagram template includes guidance on the types of information to be modeled,

the types of relationships that can be used, as well as an example of what the view should
look like.

Figure 34 – iServer TOGAF templates

Working with documents and diagrams 41

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Visio stencils with specific shapes and relationship connectors are included in the
templates to govern the content that can be created in each diagram. The following is an
example of what the Visio diagram templates can contain:

• TOGAF 9.1 Environments and Locations Diagram Template Stencil:

Figure 35 – TOGAF example stencil

• The ArchiMate Application Usage Viewpoint, for example, contains two stencils; one for
the valid objects and one for the relationships.

Figure 36 – ArchiMate application usage viewpoint

The template also contains a brief description of the diagram type, a list of the valid Object
Types, and an example layout of the diagram type.

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A dynamic, reusable diagram header is also included in each template. The header
updates with information from the iServer repository such as the diagram name and
various audit information upon check in.

Note: Example diagrams and guidance information should be removed when

creating and committing new diagrams to avoid the creation of example objects in
the repository.

7.3 Changing templates of multiple documents

You might need to update your document templates due to logo changes or other
information. Instead of updating them one by one, you can update templates of
the existing documents in bulk. To do this:

1. Select as many documents as you need by using the Ctrl or Shift keys and on the Home
tab, select Edit Properties.

Figure 37 – Edit documents

2. In the Editing dialog box, in the Type box, select the desired template for the diagrams.
By default, only compatible templates appear. To view all templates, clear the Only
Show Compatible Templates check box.

Figure 38 – Change template of documents

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3. Select one of the following:

• Save—to save changes to the checked-out documents without publishing them.

• Save and Check In—to save changes to all documents and make them available to
other users.

7.4 Creating repository content via a diagram

The Visio stencils on diagram templates contain shapes that you can map to Object Types
in the iServer repository. You can drag these Visio shapes from the stencil onto the Visio
diagram canvas, name (by double-clicking and typing the name), and resize them as

Once shapes are committed to the iServer repository they become Objects, visible in
the repository explorer as contents of the diagram.

Certain Orbus stencils may contain shape layout options that can be accessed using
the context menu on the shape. Use these options to toggle the display and shape format.

• TOGAF—you can hide the icon and header panel when there is a need to conserve

Figure 39 – TOGAF shape layout

• ArchiMate—you can change the position of the icons on some of the ArchiMate shapes.

Figure 40 – ArchiMate shape layout

• BPA and BPMN—you can change a number of BPMN objects to display specialized states
of versions of the object.

Figure 41 – Task object specialization

Figure 42 – Trigger object specialization

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7.4.1 Create relationships using connectors

You can indicate relationships between objects with Connectors on a Visio diagram. A list
of permitted relationship types appears on the stencil as connectors that you can drag
onto the Visio canvas to connect the related objects.

The connector name on the stencil may be abbreviated, including the types of objects that
it can be used to connect. The following are TOGAF examples:

• App Communicates with App—communication between Application Components

• PAC is realized by PTC—abbreviated form of Physical Application Component (PAC) /
Physical Technology (PTC) Component

Note: If visual indicators are enabled, iServer notifies you of incorrectly

connected or unpermitted relationships between objects. These will be
presented in the form of icons on the connector lines. A grey save icon
indicates invalid relationships and a broken connector line indicates
connectors not properly linked up.

Figure 43 – Relationships with connectors

7.4.2 Create relationships using object overlaps

Relationships may also be represented by overlapping objects on top of one another. This
is typically used to represent hierarchies (for example, an organization, function, or process

Note: For more information on the permitted overlaps in your metamodel, contact
your system administrator.

Working with documents and diagrams 45

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The following is an example of a process decomposition showing three levels of

decomposition using the overlapping of objects to create relationships in the repository.

1.0 Develop Vision and Strategy


1.3 Manage strategic initiatives


1.3.1 Develop strategic initiatives


1.3.2 Evaluate strategic initiatives


1.3.3 Select strategic initiatives


1.3.4 Establish high-level measures

Figure 44 – APQC PCF process decomposition

7.4.3 Commit objects and relationships to the repository

When you add shapes to the Visio modeling canvas, a Save icon appears at the edge of
the object. This icon indicates that the shapes are recognized as objects but are not yet
saved to the iServer repository. When the object is committed, the indicator icon changes
to a checked-out icon.

Figure 45 – iServer indicator icons: checked out (left) and save (right)

Note: You can enable visual indicator settings via the iServer tab in Visio, in the
Diagramming group. You can also edit the location of the indicator icons in
the iServer Options, available from the iServer start page.

Objects committed to the iServer repository are visible to other iServer users. Committing
information is a critical part of modeling in iServer because it is the point at which the Visio
model becomes a dynamic data-driven diagram that can be shared and reused by other
iServer users.

Note: If a diagram is checked in without committing the information to

the repository the shapes on the diagram are not created as objects in the

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To commit objects individually or in bulk:

1. On the iServer tab, select Commit, or from the context menu that appears by right-
clicking a shape, select iServer > Commit.

The Commit screen appears.

2. If an object with the same name is created in the same library and committed, do one
of the following:

• To use the existing repository object, select Reuse.

Figure 46 – Commit decision - reuse

Note: You can view if the matching object is available by selecting the View
Properties, View Relationships, and Where Used options on the iServer tab
in Visio. The Where Used option provides a list of diagrams on which the
existing object is used.

• To create a new repository object, select Create New. As two objects of the same
type cannot have the same name in the repository, you are prompted to change
the name of the object before commit.

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3. If an object selected for commit has no text, in the Repository Name box, enter a name.
To see which item the conflict refers to, select Find on Drawing, and the item is
highlighted on the canvas.

Figure 47 – Commit error: object name

4. When all the commit decisions are made, select Commit.

During the commit, a progress screen appears displaying information on the progress of
committing information.

Figure 48 – Commit progress screen

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When no shape or connector is selected on a diagram, you can use one of the available
Commit options:

• When a new model is created and all the objects and relationships on the canvas are
ready to be committed to the repository, select Commit All.
• When the objects on the canvas are already committed to the repository and their
attributes are updated using the object and diagram iServer properties pane in Visio,
select Commit All Attributes.

Figure 49 – Visio commit options

7.5 Reusing objects and relationships on a diagram

The recommended method for reuse across diagrams is the one using the iServer Explorer.
The iServer Explorer panel in Visio provides access to iServer repository content directly
from the Visio interface. You can search all existing objects in the diagram library and view
related items in the repository from the iServer Explorer. You can access it by selecting
iServer Explorer on the iServer tab in Visio.

Figure 50 – Accessing iServer Explorer

Figure 51 – iServer Explorer panel in Visio

Note: The iServer Explorer panel can be dragged and repositioned in the Visio
interface as needed. To move the panel to the dock left or right, or use it as a
floating panel, select and drag the name of the panel.

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To find the correct metamodel item for reuse, you can use the following iServer Explorer

• Send to Visio is similar to the Windows copy-paste clipboard.

To add the object to the iServer Explorer clipboard, right-click any object in
the repository and select Send to Visio. Alternatively, select the object and on the Items
tab, select Send to Visio. Then the object appears in the iServer Explorer > Send to Visio.

• Related Items shows a list of all items related to a selected object on the Visio diagram.

Figure 52 – iServer explorer: related items

The Related Items screen displays information of the related object, the used
relationship type, whether it is used on the diagram, and where it is an overlap or
connector relationship. To create an occurrence, copy of the object on the diagram,
select the related item, and then select Reuse.

• Unused Relationships displays a list of relationships existing between objects that are
not used on the diagram.
• Used Objects displays a list of objects that are used on the diagram that can be easily
exported to Microsoft Excel using the export to Excel option.
• Used Relationships displays a list of all the relationships that are present on the current

Alternatively, to view all objects of the type or all relationships for the objects on the
diagram that exist in the selected library, double-click the Object Type or relationship type
in the main window of iServer Explorer. Only object and relationship types that are
available within the current template appear in the main window.

Figure 53 – Main window of iServer explorer

Working with documents and diagrams 50

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After selecting the Object Type, you can search for the object to reuse using keywords in
the search box on the top-right of the iServer Explorer panel.

Figure 54 – Search in iServer explorer

Before reusing an object, you may wish to verify its properties, relationships, or
the diagrams it appears in. To do this, right-click the object and select View Properties, or
select Properties in the iServer Explorer toolbar. To view where else an object has been used
in the repository, select the Where used section.

You can reuse the relevant object in the following ways:

• Drag it onto the diagram

• Double-click the item in the list
• Right-click and select Reuse. The shape is dropped onto the center of the open Visio
diagram. You can select multiple items for reuse.
• To replace objects on the diagram with those found in the iServer Explorer, select an
existing object on the diagram, and then select an object of the same type in
the iServer Explorer, and on the toolbar, select Replace.

To reuse the relationship on the diagram, select the relationship to be reused in the iServer
Explorer panel, and on the toolbar or in the context menu, select Connect.

You can also create relationships by dragging the relationship type from the iServer
Explorer panel onto the modeling canvas.

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7.6 Creating relationships on a diagram

Object Types and Relationship Types permitted within the repository are restricted by
the metamodel configured in iServer and depend on the configured solutions.

When working with a Visio diagram there are typically two methods of defining and
representing relationships:

• By using Connectors (lines) to connect objects on a diagram. For example, the following
sequence flow connector.

Task 1 Task 2

Figure 55 – Relationships via connector in Visio

• By Overlapping objects on a diagram. This often implies decomposition. For example,

the following Sub Process is decomposed into two Tasks, which are nested within it.
Sub Process 1

Task 1 Task 2

Figure 56 – Overlap relationship in Visio

Committing these two diagrams to the repository automatically creates relationships in

the repository between the objects. And you can view these from the Related Items
properties. You can also define relationships that are not represented in diagrams. This
may be useful while:

• Relating an object to an object on another diagram – often when creating relationships

across domains, or when there is a very large number of objects and relationships that
are impractical to maintain in Visio.
• Relating an object to another document (for example, relating a Server to a Service
Level Agreement, or a Process to a Standard Operating Procedure document).
• Referencing an external document or content using a hyperlink.

Note: Visio shape hyperlinks do not use iServer relationships, but are a good way
of relating items outside of iServer.

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7.6.1 Validating relationships on diagrams

When a diagram is completed, you can validate it for errors against an applicable
standard. iServer offers diagram validation for the standard BPMN, TOGAF, and ArchiMate
diagrams. If configured, you can access the diagram validation option from the iServer
Visio tab.

Figure 57 – Visio iServer tab: validation

To run analyses of the relationships between objects on the diagram, select Validate Page.
TOGAF and BPMN validation analyze the relationships created using connector lines, as well
as overlap relationships. ArchiMate only analyzes the relationships created using connector
lines as there are multiple variations of overlap relationships in the accelerator.

The relationship validation assists in a number of ways:

• Determine whether an invalid pair of objects are connected

• In the case of directional relationships such as flow, determine whether the connector
is connected in the correct direction
• Determine whether one or both ends of the connector are not connected properly
• Validate overlapping objects to advise whether a relationship will be generated or not,
for example, determine whether the overlap is permitted or valid.

Note: While standard validation rules are included as part of the iServer TOGAF,
ArchiMate, and BPA solutions, any changes to the metamodel for these
solutions also require an update of the validation rules. For example, where new
Object Types or Relationship Types are introduced, validation rules need to be
developed and added. Please contact your system administrator for more

When validation is run, the Validation Panel appears under your diagram listing all
the errors found. These errors are tagged on the diagram using indicator icons.

In this example, three TOGAF validation errors are found on a diagram.

Figure 58 – TOGAF validation output

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You can view the same errors found in the validation panel on the diagram by selecting
the error icons.

Figure 59 – TOGAF validation output on the diagram

By double-clicking the error icon on the validation panel, you can find out more information
about the validation rule. For each rule, there is a link to more information in online support.

7.6.2 Adding hyperlinks

You can add a hyperlink to an iServer object by right-clicking an object on a Visio diagram
and selecting Hyperlink.

To access hyperlinks from Visio diagrams, select Ctrl and select the object with an
assigned hyperlink. You can navigate to hyperlinks from within the iServer Portal.

Figure 60 –Adding hyperlink in Visio

You can create hyperlinks to internal intranet sites, any Microsoft SharePoint sites, or other
document management systems that allow navigation using URLs or web addresses. This
allows you to easily reference other organizational content such as process, architecture,
or governance documentation.

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7.7 Creating a document

You can create a Word, Excel, or PowerPoint document in iServer in the same way as a Visio
diagram. To do this:

1. From the repository explorer, right-click the desired folder location and select New
Document > the desired template. Alternatively, select a folder and on the Home tab,
select New Document.
You can create only templates that are assigned to the selected folder type. More
information on folder types is provided in the iServer Administrator guide.

Figure 61 – New document context menu

Figure 62 – New document from Home tab

2. Enter the document details.

3. To save the document, use one of the following options:

• Save & Open Document—saves and opens the document in the native applications,
for example, Excel, Word, and so on.
• Save—saves and closes the properties pane. A new document is created in
the repository and checked out.
• Save & Create New—creates a new checked out document in the repository and
opens another properties pane for a second new diagram of the same type.
• Save & Edit Relationships—saves the document in the repository and opens the
properties pane of the related items.

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4. To check in the document to the repository, in the iServer repository, right-click

the document, or on the Home tab, select Check in.

When you check in the document, iServer uploads the last saved version of the document
from the iServer working folder, and it is available to be checked out by other users. A
preview of the document is also available once the document is checked in.

7.8 Importing a document

7.8.1 Importing Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint
To import existing diagrams and documents into the repository, do one of the following:

• Right-click a folder in the repository explorer and select Import Documents > Document
Type > document template.
• Select the target folder for imported documents and on the Home tab, select Import
Documents > Document Type > document template.

Document templates are Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint template files (“.dotx”, “.xltx”,
“.potx”), containing a predefined document structure and format. You might preinstall some
of these templates (in the case of the TOGAF solution, for example), but only the iServer
system administrator can upload and assign any customized templates to the correct
folder structure.

Figure 63 – Import document shortcut menu

Note: All documents in the repository must be assigned to a Document Template. If

there is no defined template for the document being uploaded, use the default
templates for Microsoft Word (Document Template), Microsoft Excel (Excel
Template), and Microsoft PowerPoint (PowerPoint Template).

It is also possible to bulk upload documents into the repository by multi-selecting

the documents in the Browse window.

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7.8.2 Importing Microsoft Word Document bookmarks

You can import the Microsoft Word bookmarks into the iServer repository. You can tag
content within documents and relate to other artefacts and objects in the repository.

To create a bookmark within a Word document:

1. Select the title, paragraph, or section of the document to tag and on the Insert tab,
select Bookmark.
2. Enter a name for the bookmark and select Add to save the bookmark.

Note: Microsoft Word does not permit spaces or special characters in the
bookmark name.

Figure 64 – Microsoft Word bookmarking

When all bookmarks are defined, and a Word document is checked in, you can view the
bookmarks on the Contents tab of the Properties pane of the document in the repository.

Figure 65 – Bookmarks in the repository

7.8.3 Importing other document or file types

You can also import other documents or files such as PDFs, images, video files, zip files, and
so on into folders in the iServer repository. To do this, select a folder or library, and on the
iServer Home tab, select Import Documents. Please contact your system administrator for
information on the permitted file types in your repository.

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7.9 Importing a Visio diagram

Before you can import Visio diagrams, ensure that content within a Visio diagram is
committed to the iServer repository as objects and relationships, and the diagram is
mapped to an iServer Visio template that best represents the diagram content.

To import Visio diagram:

1. Right-click the target folder and select Import Documents > Microsoft Visio Drawing,
and then select a Visio diagram template.

Figure 66 – Importing Visio diagram dialog

2. When the Visio diagram is imported into the repository, open the diagram in edit mode
in Visio to commit the shapes and connectors on the diagram as objects and
relationships in the repository. If the diagram is created using a compliant iServer
template, you can achieve a commit using Commit on the iServer tab in Visio.

Note: Visio diagrams that were not created using iServer templates and stencils
need to be converted before committing to the repository. In some cases, use
the Visio Change Shape feature to convert individual shapes to iServer
compliant shapes. Please contact Orbus support for more information.

7.10 Previewing a diagram or document

You can preview entire Microsoft Office documents, including Microsoft Word, Excel,
PowerPoint, Visio, and PDF documents directly from the repository. You can also preview
text and image files in the repository.

To preview a document, do one of the following:

• Select the document and on the Home tab, select Preview, and select one of
the options:

• Preview opens the document in the iServer temporary pane, on the right side of
the repository interface.
• Open Document as Read-Only opens the document in the native Microsoft

Neither Preview nor Open Document as Read-Only check out the document.

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• Double-click the document and select Preview.

Figure 67 – Document preview

Multi-paged documents and presentation can be scrolled through in the temporary pane.

Figure 68 – Document preview temporary pane

There are a number of viewing options available for the temporary pane by pointing to the
icons in the upper-right side of the temporary pane:

• Split Screen—expands the temporary pane across the whole repository explorer
interface or shrinks it back;
• Make Permanent—makes the temporary pane a permanent tab as with the other
repository explorer tabs;
• Show in New Window—opens the preview in a new window;

Figure 69 – Show preview in a new window

• Close—closes the temporary pane.

You can adjust preview zoom and view as a full screen using the Full Screen option and
zoom slider on the lower-left side of the temporary pane in the Preview panel. Fit to Page
option is also available.

Figure 70 – Preview zoom

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7.10.1 Saving previews

You can save document and diagram previews as XPS files, or as images from the Preview
tab, in the Save group.

Figure 71 – Save preview

7.10.2 Printing diagrams from the repository

You can print open, individual documents from their respective
Microsoft applications as normal. However, you can also select
one or more documents for printing from the repository. To print a
document or selection of documents, select all the documents
using the Ctrl or Shift keys, right-click the selection and select Print.

You can print a previewed document by selecting Print on

the Preview tab. Alternatively, select the document, and on
the Items tab, select Print Document.

Figure 72 – Print a previewed document

Figure 73 - Print
document shortcut

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7.11 Converting documents and diagrams

iServer offers you the ability to convert older Microsoft Office document and Visio diagram
formats into the newer XML-based file formats which provide improved performance.

You can convert the following formats:

• .doc to .docx,
• .xls to .xlsx,
• .ppt to .pptx,
• .vsd, to .vsdx.

To do this, select a document in an older file format from the repository and on the Items
tab, select Convert to Office XML format.

Note: Visio VSDX file formats are only compatible with Visio version 2013 and later.
DOCX, XLSX, and PPTX are compatible with Microsoft Office 2010 and later using a
compatibility pack. Consult the iServer Release Notes for more information.

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8 Navigating and editing repository

iServer provides additional operations you can perform to manage, review, and quickly
organize objects, documents, and diagrams in a repository.

8.1 Quick renaming

You can rename your object or document and check them in to repository regardless of
the Item Approval option using the Quick Rename option. However, if the Item Approval is
enabled, your saved object or document stays in the draft state.

Note: You can’t use the quick rename functionality for items with the Pending
Approval state when the Item Approval is enabled.

To quickly rename an object or a document:

1. Select an object or a document in the repository, and on the Home tab, select Quick
2. In the Name field, enter the name you need and do one of the following:

• If the Item Approval is enabled, to save changes and check in an item, select Save
and Check In.
• If the Item Approval is disabled, to save changes, select OK.

Figure 74 – Quick renaming

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8.2 Editing properties and attributes

8.2.1 Editing object attributes
Every object, document, and diagram have system properties and attributes, as configured
by an administrator. You can edit the properties of an object in several places:

• In the repository, right-click the document, diagram, or object and in the shortcut menu,
select View Properties or Edit Properties. Alternatively, select the object and select
the same options on the Home tab.

Figure 75– Repository content properties

Also, you can double-click the object in the repository and select Edit Properties or View

Figure 76– Context menu: object

If the object or document is checked out, the properties pane is open in a new window.

• In Visio, select the object and on the iServer tab, in the Properties & Relationships
group, select View Properties or Edit Properties.

Figure 77– Content properties from Visio

By selecting Edit Properties, you check out the object if it is not already checked out.

The iServer Properties screen contains several tabs with different information.
The Properties tab contains the item name and other system properties.

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As an example, a Physical Application Component Object Type has several pre-defined

TOGAF attributes such as lifecycle status, creation, and retirement dates, as well as other
common examples such as cost, status, and suitability (business fit or technology fit).

Figure 78– Application component object attributes

All Object Types are supplied with a default set of attributes, but these can be extended or
reduced as required by your system administrator. You can also bulk edit common
attributes by multi-selecting several objects and selecting Edit Properties.

You can edit common attributes for all selected objects. In the following example, three
items are selected, and the Application Status attribute is updated to Retire.

Figure 79– Bulk object attribute editing

To save the changes to all selected objects, select Save and Check In.

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8.2.2 Editing diagram attributes

You can edit diagrams in a similar way to objects. To open the properties pane, select a
document or diagram from the repository and on the Home tab, select View Properties, or
Edit Properties.

Alternatively, you can double-click a document or diagram and select View Properties or
Edit Properties. This opens a new properties pane on the right side of the repository.

Figure 80 – Open properties from double-click

When working in the Visio diagramming environment, you can open the Properties pane
from the iServer tab in the Properties & Relationships group.

You can edit diagram and document properties only when they are checked out. After
changes, check in the diagram or document.

Note: To select the diagram from within Visio, click on a blank area on the Visio
canvas with no objects or containers selected.

8.3 Check in and Check out

iServer is a collaborative platform that allows multiple users and large teams to work in
the repository simultaneously. To manage updates and changes to repository content,
iServer uses a system of checking out content that is being edited.

You can edit a diagram, document, or object when they are checked out. No other users
can make edits until you check them back into the repository. Other users can, however,
open a read-only view of the content. This read-only view reflects the last checked in state.
Your changes become available only after the check in.

Note: You can check out a document or object from the iServer
application, regardless of the iServer approval status (excluding "Pending
approval") and the Item Approval option.

Objects and documents that are submitted to an approval workflow remain

checked in, they are not automatically checked out.

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8.3.1 Checking out repository content

To check out repository content for editing, do one of the following:

• Double-click or right-click a diagram or document in the repository and

select Edit Document.

Figure 81 – Context menu of check out: documents and diagrams

• Double-click or right-click an object in the repository and select Edit Properties.

The properties pane appears available for editing.

Figure 82 – Context menu of check out: objects

To open a read-only view, double-click or right-click a diagram or document in

the repository and select Open Document as Read-Only.

To check out the content without editing, do one of the following:

• Right-click any repository content and in the context menu, select Check out.

Figure 83 – Right-click check out function

• Select a diagram, document, or object in the repository and in repository explorer, on

the Home tab, select Check out.

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To check out an object from a Visio diagram, do one of the following:

• Select an object and on the iServer tab, select Check Out.

Figure 84 – Check out object in Visio

• Right-click an object and select iServer > Check Out.

Figure 85 – Right-click check out in Visio

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8.3.2 Checking in the repository content

There are also several ways you can check in repository content:

• From the repository explorer, right-click any checked out items and in the shortcut
menu, select Check In.

• To check in diagrams and documents directly from the repository explorer, on

the Home tab, select Check In.

To specify the reason for check in, on the Home tab, select Check In With Reason, and
add notes on reason, changes, and status of the document or diagram. The reason you
specify is saved as part of the version history.

Figure 86 – Check in options

• If a diagram is checked out and opened in Visio for editing, you can check it back in
directly from the Visio interface using the Check In option on the iServer tab.

Figure 87 – Check in options ribbon

8.3.3 Discarding a check out

Depending on your permissions, you may be able to discard any changes made to the
item, returning it to the last checked in state. To do this, use the Discard Check Out option
on the Home tab, as well as in the context menu.

Figure 88 – Discard check out

Note: You can always perform a Discard Check Out on items checked out to
yourself. Only a System Administrator can perform a Discard Check Out on items
checked out to other users.

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8.4 Version history

Diagrams, documents, and objects each have a version history associated with them.
iServer manages system version numbers automatically, based on the number of times
the content is checked out and checked in. You can provide a Version Name for
the content via the properties panel.

Figure 89 – Diagram properties: version

Multiple changes made during a single check out session of a diagram or document are
managed as one version in iServer.

Note: During an approval workflow, the iServer Approval Status attribute and other
attributes can be changed without checking out (creating a new version), as the
act of approval does not itself constitute the creation of a new version of the item.

Figure 90 – Version history context menu

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You can access the version history of repository items from the properties pane in
the repository explorer, or by using the context menu.

Figure 91 – Version history

The Version History window shows the list of previous versions of a repository item,
including attributes such as Description, dates, Version Name, and Modified By. The
information seen for previous versions can be customized using the Column Options
settings icon in the upper-left side of the version list.

Based on your profile permissions, you can use version tools:

• Purge Version—deletes information from the repository relating to an older version of

a diagram, document, or object.

Figure 92 – Version history ribbon tools

• Rollback—reverts the items to a previous state. To retain changes made in the latest
version of the object or document, iServer creates a new version during rollback. This
new version is identical to the version rolled back to.

For example, Version No. 6 was created by rolling back from Version No. 5 to Version
No. 4. Version No. 6 is identical to Version No. 4.

Figure 93 – Rolling back a version

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• Download—saves a copy of earlier versions to your working folder or any other local
directory. A notification is displayed for successful downloads.

8.5 Content tags

iServer offers you the ability to create tags and add tags to content in the repository.
Tagging provides an alternative method of categorizing repository content, rather than
using folders. Also, content can have several tags assigned to it.

8.5.1 Creating and assigning tags to repository content

You can create tags in the repository to categorize repository content. You can create and
assign tags via the Properties pane of any repository object or document:

Figure 94 – Properties pane: manage tags

1. Select any object or document, and either on the Home tab or from the context menu,
select Edit Properties.
2. On the Properties tab, next to Tags, select the ‘+’ icon.
3. In the Assign Tags dialog box, to create a new tag, provide a tag name, and select

Figure 95 – Create a new tag

4. To assign tags to the selected object or document, select the check box on the left and
select OK. You can assign multiple tags, and any object or document can have as
many tags as you need.

Figure 96 – Assigning a new tag

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You can view assigned tags to the object or document from the Properties window.

Figure 97 – Properties: assigned tags

8.5.2 Managing tags

You can manage tags via the Assign Tags dialog box, which is accessed from the
properties of any object or document in the repository. From this dialog, you can create,
rename, and delete tags in the repository, as well as view system-generated tags, or tags
that are imported using the Data Exchange module.

To view imported tags, in the Assign Tags dialog box, select the Imported Tags check box.

Figure 98 – Viewing imported tags

To unassign a tag from the object or document, in the Assign Tags dialog box, clear the
tag check boxes.

To delete a tag from the repository, select ‘X’ on the right side of the tag. iServer notifies you
if the tags are assigned to any content when deleting tags.

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To update the tag name, select the name of the tag, enter a new name and, on the right
side of the name, select the save icon.

Figure 99 – Renaming a tag

Note: You cannot rename imported or system-generated tags.

8.5.3 Searching tags

Assigning tags allows you to easily categorize and find content in the repository.

You can create a filtered and focused view of any tagged content and then save and
access directly from the iServer start page.

Figure 100 – Creating a tag list view

You can add multiple filter criteria to a view allowing filtering for multiple assigned tags.

Also, you can define what text within the tag name to search by selecting the Tag Name
filter, while the Tag filter searches for exact tags.

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9 Search and views

9.1 Searching the repository
You can use the iServer repository search to locate specific items to view or edit their
details, or to report on all items that match a set of conditions, for example:

• All diagrams or objects created by or checked out to a specific user

• All processes flagged as high criticality
• All processes with the text Manage in the title
• All applications due to be retired within the next six months

9.1.1 Searching for objects and documents

You can search for repository content directly from the iServer repository or iServer explorer
within Visio. To search for repository content from the iServer repository:

1. In the upper-right side of the repository explorer, in the Quick Search box, enter
the name of the object.

Figure 101 – Quick search option

2. To view more options for search matches, in the Quick Search field, select the drop-
down arrow, and do one of the following:

• To enable or disable searching for Documents or Objects, select the check boxes.

If neither Documents nor Objects are selected, iServer searches all content in
the repository, including folders.

• To define where to search for content, point to Search In and select the check
box⎯Name, Description, Type, or Tags, or all of them.

Figure 102 – Quick search option: search in

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• To define where the search is matched, point to Search Exactly, and select the
check boxes. Leaving Search Exactly unselected enables an Open Search matching
the search phrase within other words and sentences.

Figure 103 – Quick search options: search exactly

Using these search filters, you can, for example, search for all Process objects across
the iServer repository. To do this:

a. Select the Objects check box, point to Search In, and then select the Type check
b. In the quick search, type Process.
This returns all Process objects across the entire repository.

The Quick Search feature opens a new views tab in the repository with the search results.

Within a selected folder in the repository, you can filter the folder content by entering a
search string in the Quick Find Item field in the header.

Figure 104 – Repository quick find search

You can also search for targeted content from the iServer Explorer in the Visio interface.
From the iServer Explorer, select any Object Type, then into the search field in the upper-
right side of the iServer Explorer panel, enter a search string.

Figure 105 – iServer explorer search

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9.1.2 Search filters

You can further filter the repository content using the advanced filter tools available within
the repository.

Figure 106 – Repository explorer filter

You can apply any number of filters for any attribute, either user or system generated.

The Filter tab in the iServer repository provides access to a number of filter specific options:

Figure 107 – Repository filter ribbon

• If the filter is changed and needs to be refreshed, select Run.

• To save the filtered results as a new view in iServer, select Save.
• The Advanced Mode let you delete a number of selected filter conditions, as well as
Group and Ungroup the individual filter conditions.

Figure 108 – Advanced mode enabled

• To add another filter condition before or after the selected condition or add a group,
select Add.
• To remove the selected filter condition, select Delete.

Note: The first filter condition, Location, cannot be changed using the Quick Find
search filters and appears dimmed. This is because the quick find function works
within the context of the repository folder selected.

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9.1.3 Saved search queries: views

You can save repository folder filters mentioned previously as views in the repository.
iServer also offers the capability of running advanced searches across the entire repository
(as opposed to filters within a folder) with complex filters. You can save, update, and assign
these searches to user profiles within iServer.

To access these views, from the iServer start page, go to Favorite Views if they are tagged
as favorites. Alternatively, you can access all saved views from Views Dashboard by
opening a New Views Tab from the start page.

Note: For more details on views, see the Views dashboard, List views, Hierarchy views,
Matrix views sections.

9.2 Views dashboard

The Views Dashboard is the central location for all favorited and saved views in
the repository. To access Views Dashboard, from the iServer start page, select Explore >
Repository > New Views Tab.

The Views tab provides you with several options for editing, creating, and running views.

Figure 109 – Views dashboard

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9.2.1 View collection

You can sort views in view collections for easy reference.

You can create and maintain collections using the Collections group on the Views tab:

• To create a view collection, select New Collection, enter a name, and define
permissions for each profile.

Figure 110 – Create a view collection

• To rename a view collection or change permissions, select a view collection and then
select Edit Collection.
• To make a copy of a view collection, select a view collection and then select Duplicate

View collections must have a unique naming. The duplicated collection is named to
ensure uniqueness, for example, [Collection Name] (2).

• To delete a view collection, select a view collection and then select Delete Collection.

9.2.2 Creating and saving a view

You can create New List View, New Hierarchy View, or New Matrix View. A new list view
opens in a new tab where you can define the view filter conditions, as well as the repository
location relevant to the list view.

Figure 111 – New view

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To create a new view, do one of the following:

• On the Views tab in the repository or from Views Dashboard, select ‘+’ next to a view

• Directly from the repository folder structure, select a folder, diagram, or object and on
the Folders tab, select Send To View.

Figure 112 - Send to view

For more information on view creation, see List views, Hierarchy views, Matrix views.

After you create a view, you can save the view by selecting Save or Save As on the Filter
tab. Then in the New View dialog box, you can name the view, tag it as a favorite, and add it
to a predefined collection.

Figure 113 – Saving a new view

9.2.3 Running a view

To run views from the views dashboard, select a view and on the Views tab, select Run.
The view appears in the same tab. To open a view in a new tab, on the Views tab, select
Run in new Tab. Alternatively, you can double-click the view.

You can also edit saved views before running them. To do this, select a view and on
the Views tab, select Edit View.

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You can define a repository location to run any saved views. To do this, on the top of views
dashboard, at the end of the Run views in field, select the browse button and then select a

Figure 114 – Run views in location

If a view should only be run in a specific repository location, you can save the view with
a predefined Location filter. Running a view produces the output of the view, as defined by
its saved conditions, based on the latest version of the content in the repository.

You can customize the information output in views and select what attribute data to be
displayed for the objects. To do this, select Open Column Options on the upper-left side of
the view screen.

Figure 115 – Column options icon

In the Column Options dialog box, on the Columns tab, you can define what attributes
should for the objects in the view.

Figure 116 – Select column options

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Additionally, on the Sorting tab, you can select and save sorting options of the attributes in
the view.

Figure 117 – Sort column options

Note: With the iServer export to Excel feature, you can define what information you
want to export from iServer by customizing the attribute information for views.

9.2.4 My Views and My Favorite Views

My Views is a predefined view collection for all views saved by the current user. You can
tag any saved views as Favorite and find them available from the iServer start page.
My Favorite Views are indicated by a yellow star icon next to the name on the Views

You can run or edit My Favorite Views directly from the iServer start page > Explore >

Figure 118 – Start page: Favorite Views

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9.3 View mode

You can choose the way the hierarchy views or related items of an object are presented in
iServer to more efficiently analyse content. You can generate list, tree-style, nested, or
mixed-mode visualizations of hierarchy views. Nested view mode is particularly useful for
organizational decompositions, capability hierarchies, or process-task relationships.

The related items of an object can appear in the list, nested, radial, or tree view modes. To
see where you are looking at compared to the overall picture of your view, use the map
window in the lower-right corner.

View mode Availability Description

List Hierarchy view, A standard list format where items appear

Related items in alphabetical order. This is the default view mode.

Nested Hierarchy view, Related objects are connected through groupings

Related items containing objects of the dependent level nested
under the main object. The selected object is
highlighted. There is no visible representation for
hidden levels of a hierarchy view.

Tree Hierarchy view, Objects appear on the left side of the panel, by
Related items default. When you select an object, the second level
items appear with relationship connectors to the
right side. The selected object is highlighted. For a
hierarchy view, the presence of hidden levels is
indicated by dashed connector lines.

Advanced Hierarchy view You can select a list, tree, or nested view mode for
each level in the hierarchy view. Also, if desired, you
can hide a level or automatically select all objects
for one or multiple levels to view all related objects in
the subsequent level.

Radial Related items Related objects appear arranged like rays around a
selected object.

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To change the view mode of the hierarchy view:

• Open or create a hierarchy view, and on the View tab, expand View Mode and select
one of the available modes: List, Nested, Tree, or Advanced.

The hierarchy view changes according to the selected layout.

Figure 119 – Hierarchy view – advanced mode

To view parent and descendant objects without the intervening objects, you can hide a
level in the hierarchy view:

• Select the Advanced view mode, and in the View Mode: Advanced dialog box, in
the View column, clear the check box next to the level you want to hide, and then
select Apply.

The level disappears from the hierarchy view visualization.

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To automatically select all objects for one or multiple levels in the hierarchy view and see
all related objects in the subsequent level:

• Select the Advanced view mode, and in the View Mode: Advanced dialog box, in
the Select All column, select the check box next to the level you want to apply selection
• Alternatively, in the hierarchy view header you can use the Select All button to select all
levels and clear or change your selection.

Figure 120 – Hierarchy view – Select All button

Upon applying changes, you can see that all objects on this level will be automatically
selected, with the subsequent level showing all related objects. If you save the view, when it
is opened again, your choice of Select All levels remains applied. This means that any new
objects appearing in the view will be automatically selected too.

Also, you can save a hierarchy view as an image by selecting Save As > Image on
the Views tab. The image is saved to your location in the PNG format. For more information
on how to export a hierarchy view content, go to Exporting repository content.

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To change the layout of the related items:

• Open the Properties pane of an object, and on the Relationship tab, select View Mode
and select one of the available layouts: List, Nested, Radial, Tree.

Note: If an object has more than ten related items, then objects of the same
Object Type are shown as one ‘stacked’ representation in the visualization initially.
Object stacks have the Object Type and the number of objects they represent
displayed on them. To view all the individual objects, expand the stacked objects
by selecting the ‘+’ icon.

Related items graphic changes according to the selected layout.

Figure 121 – Stacked objects

Also, you can save the graphical view of the related items or hierarchy view to image,
PowerPoint, or Visio. For more information, go to Exporting repository content.

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9.4 List views

List views are a simple output useful for generating lists and catalogs of information from
the repository. Objects on diagrams can be listed with no relationships to one another and
you can run list views on the entire repository. In this case, you get a single list of content
regardless of their location in the repository.

Examples of list views may include:

• Application or Process Catalogs: list view filter of all Physical Application Component or
Process Object Types across the repository.
• Unsupported Technology: list view filter of all Physical Technology Component Object
Types. A second Attribute filter for attribute Out of Support From.

9.4.1 Creating a list view

To create a list view:

1. On the Views tab, select New View > New List View. Also, you can select the ‘+’ icon next
to any view collection on Views Dashboard and select New List View.

The New View tab appears with a single filter.

Figure 122 – New List view

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2. Specify the list view filtering conditions and the repository location for the view content.

You can narrow down or focus the view further by setting a number of other filter
conditions. In the following example, only one filter condition is set—Object Type equal
to Physical Application Component.

To remove filter conditions, on the left side of the filter line, select the ‘X’.

Note: The Advanced Mode filter and basic mode filter differ slightly. In Advanced
Mode, you need to select the Add option on the Filter tab.

Figure 123 – New List view: Application Catalog

3. To set the location for the results of the view, on the right side of the location bar, select
the browse button to navigate to the required library or folder, and then select Set

Figure 124 – View location filter: list

Figure 125 – Views location filter: libraries (left) and folders (right)

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4. On the Filter tab, to apply filters, select Run.

To save the list view to a view collection, on the View tab, select Save or Save As.

Figure 126 – Run or save a list view

You can run attribute aggregation reports on list view results with any numerical attributes
(columns) configured by selecting Aggregation Report on the Views tab.

9.4.2 Creating and editing objects from within a list view

iServer views are not read-only outputs of the repository content. You can create and
maintain objects in the repository from within a view.

To create a new object from within a list view:

1. On the Home tab in the repository, select New Object > Object Type.

The New Object list only includes Object Types that are available as part of the view. For
example, a view of a Process Catalog only allows you to create new Process Object
Types from the view.

2. In the new object dialog box, enter the object details: Name, Location. By default,
the location is set to the same location defined for the List View.
3. On the toolbar, select Save or Save & Create New.

To view and maintain object properties from the list view, use the context menu, or select
the object and on the iServer Home tab, select Edit Properties.

To edit related items, on the Home or Items tab, select Related Items.

To create new relationships, on the Home tab, select Relate To Existing or Relate To New.
These functions are also available from the shortcut menus in the View.

You can also export the output of the list view to an Excel spreadsheet. For more
information, see Export to Excel.

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9.5 Hierarchy views

Hierarchy views are useful for viewing and maintaining related objects and tracing through
multiple levels of relationships in the repository. This view type provides a holistic view of
objects and their relationships across the repository, regardless of where they are located
and whether their relationships exist in many different diagrams.

Examples of a hierarchy views include:

• Process Hierarchy: three-level hierarchy view showing the relationships between

Process Category, Process Group, Process Object Types.
• Business Service Support: four-level hierarchy view showing the relationships between
Process, Physical Application Component, Physical Technology Component and
Location Object Types.

9.5.1 Creating a hierarchy view

To create a hierarchy view, do the following:

1. On the Views tab in the repository, select New View > New Hierarchy View.
Also, you can select the ‘+’ icon next to any view collection on Views Dashboard and
select New Hierarchy View.

Figure 127 – Hierarchy view

2. In the Hierarchy Level Configuration dialog box, configure the model items to be
included in the hierarchy view for each level:

a. In the Item Type list, select Object Type or Document Type.

Figure 128 – Hierarchy view configuration – first level

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b. In the Label field, enter the column header.

c. In the Relationship Type list, select Relationship Types between the objects at each
d. To include all objects of the selected Object Type at each level, as opposed to only
those Object Types that are related to objects at the other levels, select the Show All
Objects check box.

3. To add a new level to the hierarchy, on the toolbar, select New Level and configure
the model items to be included in the hierarchy view. To remove a level from
the hierarchy view, select Delete Level.

In the following example, we selected three levels of Process to produce a view of a

process hierarchy and include all Relationship Types.

Figure 129 - Hierarchy view configuration

4. When the configuration of the hierarchy levels is ready, select Apply.

The New View tab appears with an empty hierarchy view structure, with the Object
Types as the headers of the columns.

5. To choose the location for the result of the hierarchy view, on the right side of
the location bar, select the browse button and select a library or a specific folder within
a library, and then select Set Location.

Figure 130 – View location filter: Hierarchy

6. On the View tab, select Run.

Figure 131 – Run or save a hierarchy view

To save the hierarchy view to a view collection, on the View tab, select Save.

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When the hierarchy view is run, the first column is populated with objects defined in the first
level. Selecting an object from the first level displays related objects in the next level, and so
on. You can further filter the content in the hierarchy view by adding additional filters using
the Add Filter bar at the top of the view window.

Note: You can filter a hierarchy view by relationship attributes in the second and
subsequent levels of the hierarchy view. To do this, at the bottom of the filter list,
select one of the available relationship attributes, distinguished by the prefix “REL:”.

Figure 132 – Hierarchy view example: Process

To change the hierarchy view configuration, on the View tab, select Configure Level and in
the dialog box, modify hierarchy details.

To change the hierarchy view, use the View Mode option. For more information, see View

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9.5.2 Creating and editing objects and relationships within a

hierarchy view
You can create and update repository objects and relationships from within a hierarchy
view. To modify object and relationships in the hierarchy view, right-click an object in the
hierarchy view and do one of the following:

Figure 133 – Context menu from the hierarchy view

• To create new relationships between objects within the hierarchy, select Relate to Right
Selection or Relate to Left Selection, and then select a Relationship Type.
• To create a new relationship to an object not in the hierarchy view, select Relate to New
or Relate to Existing. The Relate to New option first prompts you to specify the details of
the new object, then the relationship type. For more information, see Creating an object.
• To delete objects from within the hierarchy view, select Delete.
• To delete relationships from within the hierarchy view, select Delete Relationship(s).

You can also edit object properties and existing relationships using the Home and Items
tabs or the context menu.

You can add relationship attributes to the second and subsequent columns in a hierarchy
view by selecting the hierarchy view column, selecting column options, and selecting the
relationship attribute to be shown. You can also export the output of the hierarchy view to
an Excel spreadsheet or PowerPoint presentation. For more information, see Exporting to
Excel, Exporting to PowerPoint, Exporting visualizations to Visio.

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9.6 Matrix views

Matrix views are an easy way of viewing two-dimensional matrices of objects or
documents and their relationships. Using the relationship matrix view, you can query all
objects and relationships across the whole iServer repository.

Some examples of a few matrix views include:

• Process Ownership Matrix: A matrix view with Process Object Types on one axis, and
Role Object Type on the other.
• Application/ Technology Matrix: A matrix view with the Physical Application Component
Object Type on one axis, and Physical Technology Component Object Type on another.

9.6.1 Creating a matrix view

You can access the relationship matrix views from the iServer desktop on the Views
Dashboard, where they can be configured similarly to list and hierarchy views.

During the matrix setup, you can filter relationships by object, document, or view. The list of
available relationships is filtered to show only available or valid relationship types for
the objects selected.

To create a relationship matrix view:

1. On the Views tab, select New View > New Matrix View. Also, you can select the ‘+’ icon
next to any view collection on Views Dashboard and select New Matrix View.

The New View tab appears with a single filter.

Figure 134 – New matrix view

2. To define filters for the matrix column, row, add an appropriate filter, for example, the
Object Type or Document Type.

In this example, we select the Physical Application Component Object Type as the row
and the Physical Technology Component as the column.

Note: The Show Relationship Descriptions option becomes available on the View
tab, in the Matrix group.

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3. To specify the location of the objects or documents for the matrix, add the Location
filter and select the browse button to navigate to the required library or folder, and then
select Set Location.

Figure 135 – Matrix view filter

You can configure more filters for the rows and columns of a matrix using the drop-
down box to identify the base Object Type, relationship, and related Object Type. For
more information about the filter, see Search filters.

4. When the filters are selected, on the Views tab, select Run.

The list of relationships is filtered to display only those relationships that are valid between
the two Object Types that are selected. In this instance TOGAF: Physical Technology
Component realizes Physical Application Component.

Figure 136 – Matrix view relationships

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The result is a matrix with the Applications in the rows in the left, and Technology
Components in the columns on the top. The relationship description is shown in
the intersections of the rows and columns.

Figure 137 – Matrix view

You can update the matrix column and row options, as well as the matrix layout by
selecting Display Options at the upper-left side of the filter configuration area. On
the Headers tab, you can select what object properties should appear on the matrix.

Figure 138 – Display options

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On the Layout tab, you can change the names of the rows and columns and select the
visualization of the relationships.

Figure 139 – Matrix view layout

The shortcut menu available from any of the cells in the matrix provides access to the
properties of any of the objects in the matrix.

You can update the matrix filters and rerun the view to change the results.

You can save the matrix views in the same way as list and hierarchy views using the Save
button on the Views tab.

9.6.2 Managing relationships from within a matrix view

You can maintain and create relationships from the shortcut menu.

To create a new relationship between the intersecting objects:

1. Double-click any intersection of objects within the matrix or right-click the cell and in
the context menu, select Relate > Relationship Type.
2. In the Create Relationship dialog box, specify details, and select Save.

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Using the shortcut menu, you can do the following in the matrix:

Figure 140 – Matrix view - shortcut menu

• To view existing relationship details, select View Properties.

• To modify existing relationship details, select Edit Properties.
• To modify an existing relationship, select Edit Relationship(s).
• To delete an existing relationship, select Delete Relationship(s).

Note: Deleting a relationship from the matrix does not remove connectors from any
diagrams, it only removes the relationship between the objects in the repository.

You can bulk create, delete, and update relationships from within matrix views by selecting
multiple cells (using Ctrl and selecting the cells) in the matrix and using the shortcut menu,
or the iServer ribbon.

You can share or save the matrix information in an MS Excel format. For more information,
see Exporting repository content.

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10 Workflows and feedback

iServer workflow is an integrated module that allows administrators and users to better
govern and monitor your repository including Visio or Microsoft Office documents, or
repository objects such as applications, processes, or capabilities. For more advanced
workflow guidance, see the Administrator Guide for Workflows.

At a high-level, workflows are designed to allow you to automate system actions, approve
newly created or changed repository content, and to support monitoring of repository
activities via email notifications.

Some examples of common iServer workflows include:

• Set up an email notification to be sent whenever an object in a repository folder is

checked out.
• Automatically lock an item that is copied into a selected library.
• Configure a hierarchical approval structure for a change to any application record in
the repository.

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10.1 iServer workflow

You can access the iServer workflow functionality from the iServer start page in
the Workflow section. The Workflow Templates section is permission controlled and only
Workflow Administrators have access to this option.

Figure 141 – Workflow start page

To find a list with all the workflows that require your action, go to Workflows > My Actions.
The list displays workflows that you initiated or where your user account or an AD group is
added as a decision maker.

Figure 142 – List of active workflows

At the same time, if you are required to initiate any workflows, a notification bar appears on
login and you can go to My Actions by selecting Open My Actions.

Figure 143 – Workflow action notification

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The Completed Workflows section provides a view of all completed workflows in

the system.

Note: By expanding the filters of the workflow list views, you can alter the results.
There are a number of filters available specifically for Workflows such as Initiating
User, and Decision Makers.

Items in the repository that are in the Approval Workflow and the Pending Approval state,
are tagged with the workflow indicator icon.

Figure 144 – Workflow indicator icons

Items that are in any other workflow that is not an Approval Workflow are tagged with a
green workflow indicator icon as in the preceding figure.

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10.2 Submitting content to a workflow

After you configure workflow templates, you can submit repository content to a workflow
based on the conditions defined in the template.

Note: Objects and documents that are submitted to an approval workflow are not
automatically checked out, they remain checked in.

If you submit a checked-out item to an approval workflow, it becomes checked in.

10.2.1 Automatic workflow triggers

You can automatically initiate workflows if the workflow template is configured using
triggers other than Submitted. For more details and use cases for each workflow trigger,
see the Workflow Administrator Guide.

Automatically triggered workflows are recorded as if a user initiates the workflow by acting
trigger. For example, the user who performed the paste initiates a workflow triggered by a
copy-paste operation. This user becomes the initiating user of the workflow.

10.2.2 Initiating a workflow

The default workflow trigger is a manual submission by iServer or Portal users. You can view
several relevant workflows that you can submit content to, based on the workflow
templates Item Criteria.

To initiate a workflow, select the content from the repository and on the Items tab, from the
Workflow option, and select the relevant workflow template. Workflows are also available
from the context menu.

Figure 145 – Submission to a workflow: iServer

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Users with the Portal Contributor license can initiate workflows from the Portal in a similar
way; selecting the repository items and selecting the Workflow option on the toolbar.

Figure 146 – Submission to a workflow: Portal

Note: Workflows that require user approval can only be initiated using the
Submitted trigger.

When you initiate a workflow, if there are no decision makers configured in the workflow
template, but an initiating user is enabled to choose a decision maker, you can specify
the Decision makers for the workflow when you start the workflow.

10.3 Responding to a workflow

Decision makers are users or profiles that are configured to action a state in a workflow.
Decision makers should be notified of their required action via email, and they can view all
workflows requiring their action in Workflow > My Actions. Also, a blue notifications bar
appears on login to iServer with a link to open the My Actions list if there any workflows
requiring their action.

Figure 147 – My Αctions

In My Actions, you can view the workflows including the name of the workflow, the current
state, and history information such as the created date and user.

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10.3.1 Viewing items in the workflow

The workflow Properties section displays the name and submission comments of the
workflow, as well as who initiated it. To view a list of all the items in the workflow as well as a
summary of the workflow steps, select the Overview section of the workflow:

• the green step indicates it’s completed

• the blue step indicates it’s currently active
• the grey steps indicate they still to be completed

To view the details of the decision, select the steps.

You can view properties of each of the repository items in the workflow in the Temporary
Pane by selecting an item and selecting View Properties on the Home tab.

Figure 148 – Workflow details

You can also view workflows and feedback associated with a repository item in
the Workflow and Feedback sections in the Properties pane.

Figure 149 – Workflow and feedback properties

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10.3.2 Viewing decisions and selecting an outcome

In the decision steps details, decision-makers may be presented with the scenario or
question and the possible responses and actions. These decision steps and outcomes are
configured in the workflow template.

In the following example, the decision maker if the application records submitted to this
workflow are complete. The decision maker can select the relevant outcome: Yes,
Complete or No, Incomplete.

Figure 150 – Responding to a workflow

The decision maker can view the actions that are performed as a result of each decision
outcome by expanding the possible outcomes (using the expand arrow).

Depending on the workflow template configuration, a decision maker may select decision

• for the current workflow step

A decision might be routed incorrectly and instead of aborting the workflow, you can
add the correct users, profiles, AD groups, or any user in a user or profile list attribute
value to the current decision step. The selected decision makers receive the "Workflow
Requiring Action" notification.

Figure 151 - Responding to a workflow: decision makers

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• for the next workflow step

At the decision step where you are a decision maker, you can choose the decision
maker for the next decision step to ensure the workflow is directed to the correct users,
profiles, or groups.

Figure 152 - Responding to a workflow: next step decision makers

Depending on the workflow template configuration, decision makers may be required to

populate attribute values for workflow items and provide a decision step comment.

If there are multiple items in the workflow, there is an option to either provide a single
attribute value for all workflow items using Apply value to all or Apply individual values
for each.

Figure 153 – Populating multiple attributes for workflow items

When you select the decision outcome, populate any required values (comments or
attribute values), and select decision makers, to save the decision and progress the
workflow, select Save. The workflow is also no longer available in the My Actions section for
the user if no further input is required.

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10.3.3 Adding comments and attachments

Decision makers can add comments to a workflow while responding to a decision step. You
can also configure workflow templates to force decision makers to add comments
meaning they cannot progress the workflow without adding a comment.

Figure 154 – Workflow comments

You can add general comments not specific to any state or decision outcome to the
workflow in the Comments section. This section displays any previous state comments and
a timeline of information relating to workflow, including the date and time of each decision

To add general comments, in the Comment box, enter your comment and select Add.

Figure 155 – All comments

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Workflow comments also support attachments, rich text, hyperlinks, and images. In the
following example, an image of a process flow has been added as a comment. This may
be useful if decision makers wish to communicate required updates to content to get
approval, for example.

Figure 156 – Rich text and images in comments

Alternatively, decision makers can add Office or PDF document attachments to a workflow
by using the paperclip icon in the comment box header.

Note: Workflow comments are protected from deletion or modifications allowing

them to serve as an audit trail of responses, states, and comments.

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10.4 Cancelling a workflow

Cancelling a workflow moves it to an aborted state. Any decision maker can cancel a
workflow that is at the decision step they are responding to, while workflow initiating users
can cancel their workflows at any time by selecting Abort on the Workflow tab.

System administrators can also abort approval workflows. Cancelled workflows appear in
the Completed Workflows section with the Aborted state.

You can view a history of cancelled workflow on the Comments tab of the workflow
properties pane.

10.5 Viewing completed workflows

You can view all workflows in the End or Aborted state in the My Completed Workflows list,
accessible from the Workflows > Completed Workflows. You can use filters at the top of the
list to narrow down the results. You can open completed workflows to view their contents,
their decision outcomes (where applicable), and the history of the workflow with
comments in the Comments section.

Workflow administrators can also purge individual workflows from this list or purge all
completed workflows from the system in the iServer Options > Purge.

For more information on iServer options and how they influence workflows, see iServer
Administrator guide.

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10.6 iServer feedback

The iServer feedback feature allows you to add comments, provide feedback, and submit
change requests to repository content.

10.6.1 Submitting a feedback

If a feedback template is configured, to submit feedback, select an item in the repository
and on the Items tab, select Feedback. Feedback types available in the drop-down depend
on your configuration. Please contact your system administrator for more information.

Figure 157 – Select a feedback type

When you select a feedback type, enter a name for the feedback record and description.

Also, you can add comments and attachments to the feedback request and, depending
on how the feedback type is configured, it may send an email notification to the owner or
responsible user. This email notification includes Portal links to the items of the feedback.

Figure 158 – Create new feedback request

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10.6.2 View feedback raised for repository content

You can access all your raised feedback by selecting My Initiated Feedback in Workflow >

Figure 159 – Viewing feedback

You can view the feedback associated with a repository item on the Feedback tab of
the Properties pane.

Figure 160 – Feedback properties

The feedback templates may be configured to send feedback to specific users such as
the user who created or last modified the repository items (using the Created by or
Modified by user options in the template). In this case, the user can access this feedback
by going to My Feedback on the iServer start page.

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11 Support contacts
11.1 Orbus support
Orbus support can assist with any technical iServer queries, as well as any queries with
iServer communication and integration modules. You can get in touch by:

• Sending an email to

• Logging into the Support website:
• Using the integrated Orbus Ecosystem under Technical Support

If you do not have a support account, please email to

request one.

If you have a support account but have lost the password, you can reset it here:

Any queries or support issues with the iServer e-Learning, please contact Good e-Learning

For any other queries, please contact your dedicated Orbus account manager.

11.2 Online webinars, white papers and training

A wide range of additional resources is also available on the support website, as well as
from the Orbus Ecosystem for registered users, including:

• Videos—training and guidance on a variety of topics. You can view the instructional
videos here:
• White papers—a large number of useful articles on a variety of topics related to
Enterprise Architecture and Business Process Analysis:

Support contacts 111

iServer 2021 User Guide iServer Application

12 Appendix A: Repository examples

12.1 The TOGAF repository
The iServer Architecture repository is structured according to the TOGAF Architecture
Development Method (ADM). The ADM is an iterative process for developing enterprise
architectures, and a single iteration of this process is represented as a folder in
the repository.

As part of each iteration, there are a number of phases (the yellow circles in the ADM
diagram), represented as folders within the repository. Note that Phases B, C, and D are
performed twice, to model both the Baseline (current state) and Target (future state)

Figure 161 – TOGAF ADM Figure 162 – TOGAF repository

12.1.1 Strategic, segment, and capability architectures

TOGAF allows ADM iterations to be performed at three different levels of granularity.
The Strategic Architecture would typically be the overall Enterprise Architecture for
the organization, whereas Segment and Capability architectures loosely map to Program
and Project level architectures. You may wish to use one or all of these areas of
the repository.

A common use for Enterprise Architecture teams is to model the organization’s Strategic
Architecture—consisting of both baseline and target architectures.

Project teams may have visibility (read access) of the Strategic Architecture, and often
the ability to copy content to reuse and reference it within a project.

Appendix A: Repository examples 112

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12.1.2 Repository libraries

Libraries are discrete work areas within the repository. Each library may contain a set of
associated diagrams, documents, objects, and relationships. You can create libraries at
any level of the folder structure. Libraries may be useful for specific projects, for separating
the current and target architectures, or for creating a training sandpit.

Although it is possible to have a single shared library with a shared model of objects and
relationships across strategic and capability architectures, in practice most customers
prefer to maintain many separate libraries. This is because strategic architecture should
only be updated once solutions have been implemented.

Figure 163 – Repository libraries

Libraries are identified by the grey stacked icon as in the preceding example. Reference
Models, Resource Centre, Case Study, and Training Areas are all libraries within this

Note: Content within a library is segmented from the rest of the repository. Library
contents should be uniquely named within the same library.

Appendix A: Repository examples 113

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12.1.3 TOGAF Templates

As part of each phase of the TOGAF 9 ADM, there are a number of required architecture
deliverables. Templates for these deliverables are available in iServer as part of the TOGAF

By right-clicking on a folder it is possible to see a list of available Word, Excel, Visio (see also
Viewpoints), and PowerPoint templates from the New Document menu.

Figure 164 – New Word document templates

Note: More details of the TOGAF diagram and document templates are available in
the Working with documents and diagrams section.

12.1.4 The TOGAF 9 metamodel

iServer has an underlying metamodel. This
controls the types of Objects such as Process,
Application, Data Entity, and Requirement, that
you can define in the repository, the Attributes
or metadata that are captured against each
Object Type, such as cost, category, status,
etc. and the types of relationship that may
exist between the objects, such as
applications hosted on servers.

Appendix A: Repository examples 114

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12.1.5 Viewpoints and views

TOGAF 9 also introduces the terms viewpoint and view.

A view represents a subset of the overall model, including some combination of objects,
their inter-relationships, and associated metadata, presented in a manner that is
appropriate to a particular stakeholder audience. TOGAF describes three types of views:

Diagrams—drawn as Visio diagrams or generated

from the view mode.

Matrices—show the relationships between two

types of objects (such as an application hosted in
locations) generated using the relationship matrix
view and often saved as an Excel spreadsheet.

Catalogs—show lists of objects and/or

relationships, generated using the relationship
matrix view or generated from the view mode. and
imported from/exported to Excel spreadsheets.

Viewpoints are the definitions of the views—the types of information (Object Types,
Relationship Types, metadata fields) from the model that the intended stakeholder wishes
to see in the view. Diagram viewpoints are represented as Visio templates in iServer.

For more information on how to generate list, hierarchy, and matrix views, see Views
dashboard, List views, Hierarchy views, Matrix views.

Appendix A: Repository examples 115

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12.1.6 TOGAF resources

The iServer Architecture Repository also contains a number of useful resources in working
with the TOGAF 9 architecture method.

All these resources are available within the iServer repository:

Preview Resource Name

TOGAF 9 extended metamodel

The “out of the box” extended the TOGAF 9 metamodel.

This shows the permitted Object Types and the
Relationship Types that may exist between them.

Note that this is intended as a starting point and that

most organizations customize to their needs

TOGAF 9 content metamodel viewpoints

A complete list of TOGAF 9 viewpoints (diagrams,

matrices, catalogs) grouped by ADM phase

TOGAF 9 content matrix

A spreadsheet containing:

• A list of Deliverables and artifacts grouped by ADM

• A list of Object Types permitted on each diagram
• A list of relationship types within the metamodel
• A list of attribute definitions

TOGAF 9 notation poster

A poster showing the Object Types within the TOGAF 9

Metamodel with their TOGAF 9 iServer Notation and
description from the TOGAF specification.

Appendix A: Repository examples 116

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Preview Resource Name

TOGAF 9 ADM guidance

For each phase of the ADM:

• a BPMN Process diagram showing the steps to be

completed, the inputs to- and outputs from each
• an ADM phase checklist

12.2 The ArchiMate repository

12.2.1 The ArchiMate repository
The ArchiMate Accelerator uses the ArchiMate language structure, viewpoints, and
examples, and integrates these with the TOGAF Architecture Development Method (ADM).

The ADM is an iterative step-by-step process for developing and sustaining enterprise
architectures. A single iteration of this process is represented as a folder in the architecture

As part of each iteration, there are a number of phases (the yellow circles in the ADM
diagram), represented as folders within the repository. Note that Phases B, C, and D are
performed twice, to model both the Baseline (current state) and Target (future state)

Figure 165 – TOGAF ADM Figure 166 – ArchiMate repository structure

Appendix A: Repository examples 117

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12.2.2 Strategic, segment, and capability architectures

The ArchiMate repository structure allows TOGAF ADM iterations to be performed at three
different levels. The Strategic Architecture would typically be the overall Enterprise
Architecture for the organization, whereas Segment and Capability architectures loosely
map to Program and Project level architectures respectively. Depending on how you wish
to use iServer you may be using one or all of these areas of the repository.

Common customer use is for the Enterprise Architecture team to model the organization’s
Strategic Architecture—consisting of both baseline and target architectures. Project teams
may have visibility (read access) of the Strategic Architecture, and often the ability to copy
content to adapt it as part of the project work. Solution architects will design specific
solutions as part of a project and Business analysts will often document processes as part
of a project.

12.2.3 ArchiMate templates

As part of each phase of the ArchiMate ADM, there are a number of views predefined.
Right-click a folder to see a list of available Microsoft Word, Excel, Visio, and PowerPoint
templates from the New Document menu.

Figure 167 – ArchiMate example templates

Note: For more details of the ArchiMate diagram and document templates, see
the Working with documents and diagrams section.

Appendix A: Repository examples 118

iServer 2021 User Guide iServer Application

12.2.4 ArchiMate generic metamodel

The ArchiMate Accelerator is based on the ArchiMate metamodel. This controls the types of
Object, such as Process, Application, Data Entity, and Requirement, that can be defined in
the repository, the Attributes that are captured against each Object Type (such as cost,
category, status), and the types of Relationship that may exist between the objects (such
as applications hosted on servers).

Figure 168 – ArchiMate 3 generic metamodel

12.2.5 Viewpoints and views

ArchiMate introduces the concepts of viewpoints and views. A view represents a subset of
the overall model, including some combination of objects, their interrelationships and
associated metadata, presented in a manner that is appropriate to a particular
stakeholder audience.

iServer offers a complete set of templates catering for all the ArchiMate standard

Viewpoints are the definitions of the views—the types of information, such as Object Types,
Relationship Types and metadata fields, from the model that the intended stakeholder
wishes to see in the view. Diagram viewpoints are represented as Visio templates in iServer.
Details on how to create a new view in iServer are provided in later modules.

Appendix A: Repository examples 119

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12.2.6 ArchiMate resources

The ArchiMate Architecture repository contains a number of useful resources to assist you
in working with ArchiMate.

All these resources are present within the iServer repository.

Preview Resource Name

ArchiMate (TOGAF9) content matrix

A spreadsheet containing:

• A list of Deliverables and artifacts by ADM phase

• A list of Object Types permitted on each
diagram type
• A list of relationship types within the meta-
• A list of attribute definitions

ArchiMate Notation Poster

A poster showing the Object Types within the

ArchiMate Metamodel with their ArchiMate Notation
and descriptions from the ArchiMate Specification.

Appendix A: Repository examples 120

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12.3 The Business process analysis repository

12.3.1 The BPA repository folder structure
The folder structure is divided into a number of key areas:

1. Business Architecture Repository. This is the core repository for process models and
other related documentation. There are folder areas for both the Current State and
Future State view of the organization’s business processes and related business

Figure 169 – Business architecture repository structure

2. Projects. This area allows you to model the processes created as part of projects, as
well as those processes that are changing as a result of project work.

Figure 170 – BPA repository projects areas

Appendix A: Repository examples 121

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3. Resource Centre. This area provides training resources including template models that
can be copied and pasted, user guides for how to use various process techniques, and
simple training examples for BPMN.

Figure 171 – BPMN repository resource centre

4. Reference Models. This area houses process classification framework and reference
models, including SCOR, eTOM, and APQC.

Figure 172 – BPA reference models

5. Case Study. The case study provides a set of examples.

Figure 173 – BPA case study

12.3.2 Business Process Analysis Templates

There are a number of business process analysis templates available in iServer.

Figure 174 – New Visio document

These predefined templates provide Visio stencils with valid objects for the model type,
examples of what the diagram should look like, as well as detailed guidance on how to use
the template, in the case of the BPMN 2.0 templates. More information on using BPA
templates and diagrams is presented later in the course.

Appendix A: Repository examples 122

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13 Appendix B: Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcut Description
Ctrl + A Select All
Ctrl + C Copy
Ctrl + D Edit Document
Ctrl + E Edit Properties
Ctrl + F Favorite
Ctrl + H Version History
Ctrl + I Check In
Ctrl + J Discard Check Out
Ctrl + K Edit Permissions
Ctrl + L Remove From Location
Ctrl + M Contents
Ctrl + N Create New
Ctrl + O Check Out
Ctrl + P Print
Ctrl + Q View Properties
Ctrl + R View Related Items
Ctrl + S Save Relationship + Save Properties
Ctrl + Shift + S Apply Permissions
Ctrl + U Where Used
Ctrl + V Paste
Ctrl + W Close Tab
Ctrl + X Cut
Ctrl + Z Undo
Ctrl + F5 Refresh All
Ctrl + Tab Move to Next Tab
Ctrl + Shift + Tab Move to Previous Tab
F1 Help Center
F2 Rename
F5 Refresh Current Tab
F11 Full-Screen Preview
Escape Cancel / Close Temporary Pane if in focus
Enter Double click contents item
Delete Delete Object/Delete Relationship

Appendix B: Keyboard shortcuts 123

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