drain gutter cleaner

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Cleaning of drains/gutters has always been a problem. Labors cleaning gutters
& drain seems unethical and also leads to a high risk of them catching infections or
poisoning due to large amounts of waste/chemicals in them. Also throwing of
bottles/plastics and other such objects into the gutters lead to narrowing and
eventually blockage in gutter flow. This leads to overflow in many cases. So here
we provide a fully automated drain gutter cleaning mechanism to tackle these
modern day gutter jamming issues. Our system uses an automated gutter/drain
cleaning system that lets fluids flow through it but catches large solid waste like
bottles & plastic and accumulates it. So gutter cleaners need to just clean these
gutter cleaning systems installed at points instead of cleaning entire gutter floors.

Automatic Drainage Water Cleaning overcomes all sorts of drainage

problems and promotes blockage free drains promoting continuous flow of drain

water. In the modern era there have been adequate sewage problems where sewage

water needs to be segregated to clean our surrounding environment. The waste and

gases produced from the industries are very harmful to human beings and to the

environment. Our proposed system is used to clean and control the drainage level

using auto mechanism technique.

In today’s era automation plays a very important role in all industrial

applications for the proper disposal of sewage from industries and household is

still a challenging task. Drain pipes are used for the adequate disposal of waste and

unfortunately sometimes there may be a threat to human life during the cleaning of

blockage in the drain pipes or it can cause serious health issues because of the

pertaining problems like malaria, dengue, etc. In order to overcome this problem as

well as to save human life we implement a design



The components used in this project are:

1. Chain Sprocket
2. Chain drive
3. Bearing
4. Shaft
5. Dc motor
6. Battery



In isolated systems away from the grid, batteries are used for storage of

excess solar energy converted into electrical energy. The only exceptions are

isolated sunshine load such as irrigation pumps or drinking water supplies for

storage. In fact for small units with output less than one kilowatt. Batteries seem

to be the only technically and economically available storage means. Since both

the photo-voltaic system and batteries are high in capital costs. It is necessary that
the overall system be optimized with respect to available energy and local demand

pattern. To be economically attractive the storage of solar electricity requires a

battery with a particular combination of properties:

(1) Low cost

(2) Long life

(3) High reliability

(4) High overall efficiency

(5) Low discharge

(6) Minimum maintenance

(A) Ampere hour efficiency

(B) Watt hour efficiency

We use lead acid battery for storing the electrical energy from the solar

panel for lighting the street and so about the lead acid cells are explained below.


Where high values of load current are necessary, the lead-acid cell is the

type most commonly used. The electrolyte is a dilute solution of sulfuric acid
(H₂SO₄). In the application of battery power to start the engine in an auto mobile,

for example, the load current to the starter motor is typically 200 to 400A. One

cell has a nominal output of 2.1V, but lead-acid cells are often used in a series

combination of three for a 6-V battery and six for a 12-V battery.

The lead acid cell type is a secondary cell or storage cell, which can be

recharged. The charge and discharge cycle can be repeated many times to restore

the output voltage, as long as the cell is in good physical condition. However, heat

with excessive charge and discharge currents shortends the useful life to about 3 to

5 years for an automobile battery. Of the different types of secondary cells, the

lead-acid type has the highest output voltage, which allows fewer cells for a

specified battery voltage.


Inside a lead-acid battery, the positive and negative electrodes consist of a

group of plates welded to a connecting strap. The plates are immersed in the

electrolyte, consisting of 8 parts of water to 3 parts of concentrated sulfuric acid.

Each plate is a grid or framework, made of a lead-antimony alloy. This

construction enables the active material, which is lead oxide, to be pasted into the

grid. In manufacture of the cell, a forming charge produces the positive and

negative electrodes. In the forming process, the active material in the positive

plate is changed to lead peroxide (pbo₂). The negative electrode is spongy lead


Automobile batteries are usually shipped dry from the manufacturer. The

electrolyte is put in at the time of installation, and then the battery is charged to

from the plates. With maintenance-free batteries, little or no water need be added

in normal service. Some types are sealed, except for a pressure vent, without

provision for adding water.

The construction parts of battery are shown in figure.


Sulfuric acid is a combination of hydrogen and sulfate ions. When the cell

discharges, lead peroxide from the positive electrode combines with hydrogen ions

to form water and with sulfate ions to form lead sulfate. Combining lead on the

negative plate with sulfate ions also produces he sulfate. There fore, the net result

of discharge is to produce more water, which dilutes the electrolyte, and to form

lead sulfate on the plates.

As the discharge continues, the sulfate fills the pores of the grids, retarding

circulation of acid in the active material. Lead sulfate is the powder often seen on

the outside terminals of old batteries. When the combination of weak electrolyte

and sulfating on the plate lowers the output of the battery, charging is necessary.

On charge, the external D.C. source reverses the current in the battery. The

reversed direction of ions flows in the electrolyte result in a reversal of the

chemical reactions. Now the lead sulfates on the positive plate reactive with the
water and sulfate ions to produce lead peroxide and sulfuric acid. This action re-

forms the positive plates and makes the electrolyte stronger by adding sulfuric

At the same time, charging enables the lead sulfate on the negative plate to

react with hydrogen ions; this also forms sulfuric acid while reforming lead on the

negative plate to react with hydrogen ions; this also forms currents can restore the

cell to full output, with lead peroxide on the positive plates, spongy lead on the

negative plate, and the required concentration of sulfuric acid in the electrolyte.

The chemical equation for the lead-acid cell is


Pb + pbO₂ + 2H₂SO₄ 2pbSO₄ + 2H₂O


On discharge, the pb and pbo₂ combine with the SO₄ ions at the left side of

the equation to form lead sulfate (pbSO₄) and water (H₂O) at the right side of the


One battery consists of 6 cell, each have an output voltage of 2.1V, which

are connected in series to get an voltage of 12V and the same 12V battery is
connected in series, to get an 24 V battery. They are placed in the water proof iron

casing box.


Always use extreme caution when handling batteries and electrolyte. Wear

gloves, goggles and old clothes. “Battery acid” will burn skin and eyes and

destroy cotton and wool clothing.

The quickest way of ruin lead-acid batteries is to discharge them deeply and

leave them stand “dead” for an extended period of time. When they discharge,

there is a chemical change in the positive plates of the battery. They change from

lead oxide when charge out lead sulfate when discharged. If they remain in the

lead Sulfate State for a few days, some part of the plate dose not returns to lead

oxide when the battery is recharged. If the battery remains discharge longer, a

greater amount of the positive plate will remain lead sulfate. The parts of the

plates that become “sulfate” no longer store energy. Batteries that are deeply

discharged, and then charged partially on a regular basis can fail in less then one

Check your batteries on a regular basis to be sure they are getting charged.

Use a hydrometer to check the specific gravity of your lead acid batteries. If

batteries are cycled very deeply and then recharged quickly, the specific gravity

reading will be lower than it should because the electrolyte at the top of the battery

may not have mixed with the “charged” electrolyte.

Check the electrolyte level in the wet-cell batteries at the least four times a

year and top each cell of with distilled water. Do not add water to discharged

batteries. Electrolyte is absorbed when batteries are very discharged. If you add

water at this time, and then recharge the battery, electrolyte will overflow and

make a mess.

Keep the top of your batteries clean and check that cables are tight. Do not

tighten or remove cables while charging or discharging. Any spark around

batteries can cause a hydrogen explosion inside, and ruin one of the cells, and you.

On charge, with reverse current through the electrolyte, the chemical action

is reversed. Then the pb ions from the lead sulfate on the right side of the equation
re-form the lead and lead peroxide electrodes. Also the SO₄ ions combine with H₂

ions from the water to produce more sulfuric acid at the left side of the equation.


Lead-acid batteries are generally rated in terms of how much discharge

currents they can supply for a specified period of time; the output voltage must be

maintained above a minimum level, which is 1.5 to 1.8V per cell. A common

rating is ampere-hours (A.h.) based on a specific discharge time, which is often 8h.

Typical values for automobile batteries are 100 to 300 A.h.

As an example, a 200 A.h battery can supply a load current of 200/8 or 25A,

used on 8h discharge. The battery can supply less current for a longer time or

more current for a shorter time. Automobile batteries may be rated for “cold

cranking power”, which is related to the job of starting the engine. A typical rating

is 450A for 30s at a temperature of 0 degree F.

Note that the ampere-hour unit specifies coulombs of charge. For instance,

200 A.h. corresponds to 200A*3600s (1h=3600s). the equals 720,000 A.S, or

coulombs. One ampere-second is equal to one coulomb. Then the charge equals
720,000 or 7.2*10^5ºC. To put this much charge back into the battery would

require 20 hours with a charging current of 10A.

The ratings for lead-acid batteries are given for a temperature range of 77 to

80ºF. Higher temperature increase the chemical reaction, but operation above

110ºF shortens the battery life.

Low temperatures reduce the current capacity and voltage output. The

ampere-hour capacity is reduced approximately 0.75% for each decreases of 1º F

below normal temperature rating. At 0ºF the available output is only 60 % of the

ampere-hour battery rating.

In cold weather, therefore, it is very important to have an automobile battery

unto full charge. In addition, the electrolyte freezes more easily when diluted by

water in the discharged condition.


Measuring the specific gravity of the electrolyte generally checks the state of

discharge for a lead-acid cell. Specific gravity is a ratio comparing the weight of a
substance with the weight of a substance with the weight of water. For instance,

concentrated sulfuric acid is 1.835 times as heavy as water for the same volume.

Therefore, its specific gravity equals 1.835. The specific gravity of water is 1,

since it is the reference.

In a fully charged automotive cell, mixture of sulfuric acid and water results

in a specific gravity of 1.280 at room temperatures of 70 to 80ºF. as the cell

discharges, more water is formed, lowering the specific gravity. When it is down

to about 1.150, the cell is completely discharged.

Specific-gravity readings are taken with a battery hydrometer, such as one in

figure (7). Note that the calibrated float with the specific gravity marks will rest

higher in an electrolyte of higher specific gravity.

The decimal point is often omitted for convenience. For example, the value

of 1.220 in figure (7) is simply read “twelve twenty”. A hydrometer reading of

1260 to 1280 indicates full charge, approximately 12.50 are half charge, and 1150

to 1200 indicates complete discharge.

The importance of the specific gravity can be seen from the fact that the

open-circuit voltage of the lead-acid cell is approximately equal to

V = Specific gravity + 0.84

For the specific gravity of 1.280, the voltage is 1.280 = 0.84 = 2.12V, as an

example. These values are for a fully charged battery.


The requirements are illustrated in figure. An external D.C. voltage source

is necessary to produce current in one direction. Also, the charging voltage must

be more than the battery e.m.f. Approximately 2.5 per cell are enough to over the

cell e.m.f. so that the charging voltage can produce current opposite to the

direction of discharge current.

Note that the reversal of current is obtained just by connecting the battery

VB and charging source VG with + to + and –to-, as shown in figure. The

charging current is reversed because the battery effectively becomes a load

resistance for VG when it higher than VB. In this example, the net voltage

available to produce charging currents is 15-12=3V.

A commercial charger for automobile batteries is essentially a D.C. power

supply, rectifying input from the AC power line to provide D.C. output for

charging batteries.

Float charging refers to a method in which the charger and the battery are

always connected to each other for supplying current to the load. In figure the

charger provides current for the load and the current necessary to keep the battery

fully charged. The battery here is an auxiliary source for D.C. power.

It may be of interest to note that an automobile battery is in a floating-charge

circuit. The battery charger is an AC generator or alternator with rectifier diodes,

driver by a belt from the engine. When you start the car, the battery supplies the

cranking power. Once the engine is running, the alternator charges he battery. It is

not necessary for the car to be moving. A voltage regulator is used in this system

to maintain the output at approximately 13 to 15 V.

The constant voltage of 24V comes from the solar panel controlled by the

charge controller so for storing this energy we need a 24V battery so two 12V

battery are connected in series.

It is a good idea to do an equalizing charge when some cells show a

variation of 0.05 specific gravity from each other. This is a long steady

overcharge, bringing the battery to a gassing or bubbling state. Do not equalize

sealed or gel type batteries.

With proper care, lead-acid batteries will have a long service life and work

very well in almost any power system. Unfortunately, with poor treatment lead-

acid battery life will be very short.


The bearings are pressed smoothly to fit into the shafts because if hammered

the bearing may develop cracks. Bearing is made upof steel material and bearing

cap is mild steel.

Ball and roller bearings are used widely in instruments and machines in

order to minimize friction and power loss. While the concept of the ball bearing

dates back at least to Leonardo da Vinci, their design and manufacture has become

remarkably sophisticated. This technology was brought to its p resent state o f

perfection only after a long period of research and development. The benefits

of such specialized research can be obtained when it is possible to use a

standardized bearing of the proper size and type.

However, such bearings cannot be used indiscriminately without a careful

study of the loads and operating conditions. In addition, the bearing must be

provided with adequate mounting, lubrication and sealing. Design engineers have

usually two possible sources for obtaining information which they can use to select

a bearing for their particular application:

a) Textbooks

b) Manufacturers’

Catalogs Textbooks are excellent sources; however, they tend to be overly

detailed and aimed at the student of the subject matter rather than the practicing

designer. They, in most cases, contain information on how to design rather than

how to select a bearing for a particular application. Manufacturers’ catalogs, in

turn, are also excellent and contain a wealth of information which relates to the

products of the particular manufacturer. These catalogs, however, fail to provide

alternatives – which may divert the designer’s interest to products not

manufactured by them. Our Company, however, provides the broadest selection of

many types of bearings made by different manufacturers.

For this reason, we are interested in providing a condensed overview of the

subject matter in an objective manner, using data obtained from different texts,

handbooks and manufacturers’ literature. This information will enable the reader

to select the proper bearing in an expeditious manner. If the designer’s interest

exceeds the scope of the presented material, a list of references is provided at the

end of the Technical Section. At the same time, we are expressing our thanks and

are providing credit to the sources which supplied the material presented here.

Construction and Types of Ball Bearings

A ball bearing usually consists of four parts: an inner ring, an outer ring, the

balls and the cage or separator.

To increase the contact area and permit larger loads to be carried, the balls

run in curvilinear grooves in the rings. The radius of the groove is slightly larger

than the radius of the ball, and a very slight amount of radial play must be
provided. The bearing is thus permitted to adjust itself to small amounts of angular

misalignment between the assembled shaft and mounting. The separator keeps the

balls evenly spaced and prevents them from touching each other on the sides where

their relative velocities are the greatest. Ball bearings are made in a wide variety of

types and sizes. Single-row radial bearings are made in four series, extra light,

light, medium, and heavy, for each bore, as illustrated in Fig. 1-3(a), (b), and (c).

100 Series 200 Series 300 Series Axial Thrust Angular Contact

Self-aligning Bearing Fig. 1-3 Types of Ball Bearings

The heavy series of bearings is designated by 400. Most, but not all,

manufacturers use a numbering system so devised that if the last two digits are

multiplied by 5, the result will be the bore in millimeters. The digit in the third

place from the right indicates the series number. Thus, bearing 307 signifies a

medium-series bearing of 35-mm bore. For additional digits, which may be

present in the catalog number of a bearing, refer to manufacturer’s details.

Some makers list deep groove bearings and bearings with two rows of balls.

For bearing designations of Quality Bearings & Components (QBC), see special

pages devoted to this purpose. The radial bearing is able to carry a considerable

amount of axial thrust.

However, when the load is directed entirely along the axis, the thrust type of

bearing should be used. The angular contact bear- ing will take care of both radial

and axial loads. The self-aligning ball bearing will take care of large amounts

of angular misalignment. An increase in radial capacity may be secured by

using rings with deep grooves, or by employing a double-row radial bearing.

Radial bearings are divided into two general classes, depending on the method of

assembly. These are the Conrad, or nonfilling-notch type, and the maximum, or

filling-notch type. In the Conrad bearing, the balls are placed between the rings as

shown in Fig. 1-4(a). Then they are evenly spaced and the separator is riveted in

place. In the maximum-type bearing, the balls are a (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 100

Series Extra Light 200 Series Light 300 Series Medium Axial Thrust Bearing

Angular Contact Bearing Self-aligning Bearing Fig. 1-3 Types of Ball Bearings

Fig. 1-4 Methods of Assembly for Ball Bearings (a) Conrad or non-filling

notch type (b) Maximum or filling notch type


Bearing No. 6202

Outer Diameter of Bearing (D) = 35 mm

Thickness of Bearing (B) = 12 mm

Inner Diameter of the Bearing (d) = 15 mm

r₁ = Corner radii on shaft and housing

r₁ = 1 (From design data book)

Maximum Speed = 14,000 rpm (From design data book)

Mean Diameter (dm) = (D + d) / 2

= (35 + 15) / 2

dm = 25 mm


Ks = 4C – 1 + 0.65
4C – 4 C

= (4 X 2.3) -1 + 0.65
(4 X 2.3 )-4 2.3

Ks = 1.85

Chain drive

Chain drive is a way of transmitting mechanical power from one place to another.
It is often used to convey power to the wheels of a vehicle,
particularly bicycles and motorcycles. It is also used in a wide variety of machines
besides vehicles.
Most often, the power is conveyed by a roller chain, known as the drive
chain or transmission chain, passing over a sprocket gear, with the teeth of the
gear meshing with the holes in the links of the chain. The gear is turned, and this
pulls the chain putting mechanical force into the system. Another type of drive
chain is the Morse chain, invented by the Morse Chain Company of Ithaca, New
York, United States. This has inverted teeth.

Sometimes the power is output by simply rotating the chain, which can be used to
lift or drag objects. In other situations, a second gear is placed and the power is
recovered by attaching shafts or hubs to this gear. Though drive chains are often
simple oval loops, they can also go around corners by placing more than two gears
along the chain; gears that do not put power into the system or transmit it out are
generally known as idler-wheels. By varying the diameter of the input and output
gears with respect to each other, the gear ratio can be altered. For example, when
the bicycle pedals' gear rotate once, it causes the gear that drives the wheels to
rotate more than one revolution.



An electric motor is a machine which converts electrical energy to

mechanical energy. Its action is based on the principle that when a current-
carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field, it experiences a magnetic force
whose direction is given by Fleming’s left hand rule.
When a motor is in operation, it develops torque. This torque can produce
mechanical rotation. DC motors are also like generators classified into shunt
wound or series wound or compound wound motors.


Keep the force finger, middle finger and thumb of the left hand mutually
perpendicular to one another. If the fore finger indicates the direction of magnetic
field and middle finger indicates direction of current in the conductor, then the
thumb indicates the direction of the motion of conductor. (Ref fig H)


Figure I show a uniform magnetic field in which a straight conductor

carrying no current is placed. The conductor is perpendicular to the direction of
the magnetic field.

In figure II the conductor is shown as carrying a current away from the

viewer, but the field due to the N and S poles has been removed. There is no
movement of the conductor during the above two conditions. In figure III the
current carrying conductor is placed in the magnetic field. The field due to the
current in the conductor supports the main field above the conductor, but opposes
the main field below the conductor.
Movement of


Magnetic flux Current carrying


The result is to increase the flux density in to the region directly above the
conductor and to reduce the flux density in the region directly below the conductor.
It is found that a force acts on the conductor, trying to push the conductor
downwards as shown by the arrow. If the current in the conductor is reversed, the
strengthening of flux lines occurs below the conductor, and the conductor will be
pushed upwards (figure-IV).

Now consider a single turn coil carrying a current as shown in figure V. in

view of the reasons given above, the coil side A will be forced to move
downwards, whereas the coil side B will be forced to move upwards. The forces
acting on the coil sides A and B will be of same magnitude. But their direction is
opposite to one another. As the coil is wound on the armature core which is
supported by the bearings, the armature will now rotate. The commutator
periodically reverses the direction of current flow through the armature. Therefore
the armature will have a continuous rotation.

A simplified model of such a motor is shown in figure VI. The conductors

are wound over a soft iron core. DC supply is given to the field poles for
producing flux. The conductors are connected to the DC supply through brushes

DC Motor Theory Summary

There are two conditions necessary to produce a force on a conductor: - The
conductor must be carrying current. - The conductor must be within a
magnetic field.
The right-hand rule for motors states that when the forefinger is pointed in
the direction of the magnetic field lines, and the center finger is
pointed in the direction of current flow, the thumb will point in the
direction of motion.
The function of torque in a DC motor is to provide the mechanical
output to drive the piece of equipment that the DC motor is attached to.
Torque is developed in a DC motor by the armature (current-carrying
conductor) being present in the motor field (magnetic field). CEMF is
developed in a DC motor by the armature (conductor) rotating (relative
motion) in the field of the motor (magnetic field).
The function of the voltage that is developed in a DC motor (CEMF)
opposes the applied voltage and results in the lowering of armature current.
The speed of a DC motor may be changed by using resistors to vary the field
current and, therefore, the field strength.

Left-Hand Rule for Current-Carrying Conductors Every current-carrying

conductor has a magnetic field around it. The direction of this magnetic field
may be found by using the left-hand rule for current-carrying conductors. When
the thumb points in the direction of current flow, the fingers will point in the
direction of the magnetic field produced, as shown in Figure 1. If a current-
carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field, the combined fields will
be similar to those shown in Figure 2. The direction of current flow through the
conductor is indicated with an “x” or a “·". The “x” indicates the current flow is
away from the reader, or into the page. The "·" indicates the current flow is
towards the reader, or out of the page. Above the conductor on the left, the field
caused by the conductor is in the opposite direction. Current-Carrying Conductor
in a Magnetic Field of the main field, and therefore, opposes the main field.
Below the conductor on the left, the field caused by the conductor is in the same
direction as the main field, and therefore, aids the main field. The net result is that
above the conductor the main field is weakened, or flux density is decreased;
below the conductor the field is strengthened, or flux density is increased. A force
is developed on the conductor that moves the conductor in the direction of the
weakened field (upward).

where Ia = armature current
Et = terminal voltage
ECEMF = counter
EMF Ra = armature resistance

DC Motor Speed The field of a DC motor is varied using external

devices, usually field resistors. For a constant applied voltage to the
field (E), as the resistance of the field (Rf) is lowered, the amount
of current flow through the field (I f) increases as shown by Ohm’s law in
If E Rf

An increase in field current will cause field flux (f) to increase.

Conversely, if the resistance of the field is increased, field flux will decrease.
If the field flux of a DC motor is decreased, the motor speed will increase.
The reduction of field strength reduces the CEMF of the motor, since fewer
lines of flux are being cut by the armature conductors, as shown in Equation

A reduction of counter EMF allows an increase in armature current as

shown in Equation

This increase in armature current causes a larger torque to be

developed; the increase in armature current more than offsets the decrease in
field flux as shown in Equation
This increased torque causes the motor to increase in speed. T N


DC Motors Series-Wound Motor

Torque-vs-Speed for a Series-Wound Motor Since the armature and

field in a series-wound motor are connected in series, the armature and field
currents become identical, and the torque can be expressed as shown in Equation
T KI2a

As the speed decreases, the torque for a series- wound motor increases
sharply. As load is removed from a series motor, the speed will increase sharply.
For these reasons, series-wound motors must have a load connected to prevent
damage from high speed conditions.
Series-Wound Motor Applications:

The advantage of a series-wound motor is that it develops a large torque and

can be operated at low speed. It is a motor that is well-suited for starting heavy
loads; it is often used for industrial cranes and winches where very heavy loads
must be moved slowly and lighter loads moved more rapidly.

Compounded Motor:
The compounded motor is desirable for a variety of applications
because it combines the characteristics of a series-wound motor and a shunt-
wound motor. The compounded motor has a greater torque than a shunt motor
due to the series field; however, it has a fairly constant speed due to the shunt field
winding. Loads such as presses, shears, and reciprocating machines are often
driven by compounded motors.

Externally-excited DC motor:

This type of DC motor is constructed such that the field is not connected to the
armature. This type of DC motor is not normally used. Figure 7b shows a shunt
DC motor. The motor is called a "shunt" motor because the field is in parallel, or
"shunts" the armature. Figure 7c shows a series DC motor. The motor field
windings for a series motor are in series with the armature. Figures 7d and 7e show
a compounded DC motor. A compounded DC motor is constructed so that it
contains both a shunt and a series field. Figure 7d is called a "cumulatively-
compounded" DC motor because the shunt and series fields are aiding one another.
Figure 7e is called a "differentially-compounded" DC motor because the shunt and
series field oppose one another.

S h u n t - W o u n d M o t o r:


The speed-torque relationship for a typical shunt-wound motor is shown in

Figure 8. A shunt-wound DC motor has a decreasing torque when speed
increases. The decreasing torque- vs-speed is caused by the armature resistance
voltage drop and armature reaction. At a value of speed near 2.5 times the
rated speed, armature reaction becomes excessive, causing a rapid decrease in
field flux, and a rapid decline in torque until a stall condition is reached.

Drive shaft, driveshaft, driving shaft, propeller shaft (prop shaft), or Cardan

shaft is a mechanical component for transmitting torque and rotation, usually used

to connect other components of a drive train that cannot be connected directly

because of distance or the need to allow for relative movement between them.

As torque carriers, drive shafts are subject to torsion and shear stress, equivalent to

the difference between the input torque and the load. They must therefore be strong

enough to bear the stress, whilst avoiding too much additional weight as that would

in turn increase their inertia.

To allow for variations in the alignment and distance between the driving and

driven components, drive shafts frequently incorporate one or moreuniversal

joints, jaw couplings, or rag joints, and sometimes a splined joint or prismatic joint


An automobile may use a longitudinal shaft to deliver power from an

engine/transmission to the other end of the vehicle before it goes to the wheels. A
pair of short drive shafts is commonly used to send power from a

central differential, transmission, or transaxle to the wheels.

A truck double propeller shaft

Front-engine, rear-wheel drive

Main article: Front-engine, rear-wheel drive layout

In front-engined, rear-drive vehicles, a longer drive shaft is also required to send

power the length of the vehicle. Two forms dominate: The torque tube with a

single universal joint and the more common Hotchkiss drive with two or more

joints. This system became known as Système Panhard after the automobile

companyPanhard et Levassor patented it.

Most of these vehicles have a clutch and gearbox (or transmission) mounted

directly on the engine with a drive shaft leading to a final drive in the rear axle.

When the vehicle is stationary, the drive shaft does not rotate. A few, mostly

sports, cars seeking improved weight balance between front and rear, and most

commonlyAlfa Romeos or Porsche 924s, have instead used a rear-

mounted transaxle. This places the clutch and transmission at the rear of the car
and the drive shaft between them and the engine. In this case the drive shaft rotates

continuously as long as the engine does, even when the car is stationary and out of


A drive shaft connecting a rear differential to a rear wheel may be called a half-

shaft. The name derives from the fact that two such shafts are required to form

one rear axle.

Early automobiles often used chain drive or belt drive mechanisms rather than a

drive shaft. Some used electrical generators and motors to transmit power to the


Front-wheel drive

In British English, the term "drive shaft" is restricted to a transverse shaft that

transmits power to the wheels, especially the front wheels. A drive shaft

connecting the gearbox to a rear differential is called a propeller shaft, or prop-

shaft. A prop-shaft assembly consists of a propeller shaft, a slip joint and one or

more universal joints. Where the engine and axles are separated from each other, as

on four-wheel drive and rear-wheel drive vehicles, it is the propeller shaft that

serves to transmit the drive force generated by the engine to the axles.

Several different types of drive shaft are used in the automotive industry:

One-piece drive shaft

Two-piece drive shaft

Slip-in-tube drive shaft

The slip-in-tube drive shaft is a new type that improves crash safety. It can be

compressed to absorb energy in the event of a crash, so is also known as a

collapsible drive shaft.

Four wheel and all-wheel drive

These evolved from the front-engine rear-wheel drive layout. A new form of

transmission called the transfer case was placed between transmission and final

drives in both axles. This split the drive to the two axles and may also have

included reduction gears, a dog clutch or differential. At least two drive shafts were

used, one from the transfer case to each axle. In some larger vehicles, the transfer

box was centrally mounted and was itself driven by a short drive shaft. In vehicles

the size of a Land Rover, the drive shaft to the front axle is noticeably shorter and

more steeply articulated than the rear shaft, making it a more difficult engineering

problem to build a reliable drive shaft, and which may involve a more

sophisticated form of universal joint.

Modern light cars with all-wheel drive (notably Audi or the Fiat Panda) may use a

system that more closely resembles a front-wheel drive layout. The transmission

and final drive for the front axle are combined into one housing alongside the

engine, and a single drive shaft runs the length of the car to the rear axle. This is a

favoured design where the torque is biased to the front wheels to give car-like
handling, or where the maker wishes to produce both four-wheel drive and front-

wheel drive cars with many shared components.

Drive shaft for Research and Development (R&D)

The automotive industry also uses drive shafts at testing plants. At an engine test

stand a drive shaft is used to transfer a certain speed / torque from the Internal

combustion engine to a dynamometer. A "shaft guard" is used at a shaft connection

to protect against contact with the drive shaft and for detection of a shaft failure. At

a transmission test stand a drive shaft connects the prime mover with the


Motorcycle drive shafts

The exposed drive shaft on BMW's first motorcycle, the R32

Drive shafts have been used on motorcycles since before WW1, such as the

Belgian FN motorcycle from 1903 and the Stuart Turner Stellar motorcycle of

1912. As an alternative to chain and belt drives, drive shafts offer relatively
maintenance-free operation, long life and cleanliness. A disadvantage of shaft

drive on a motorcycle is that helical gearing, spiral bevel gearing or similar is

needed to turn the power 90° from the shaft to the rear wheel, losing some power

in the process. On the other hand, it is easier to protect the shaft linkages and drive

gears from dust, sand, and mud.

BMW has produced shaft drive motorcycles since 1923; and Moto Guzzi have

built shaft-drive V-twins since the 1960s. The British company, Triumph and the

major Japanese brands, Honda, Suzuki, Kawasaki and Yamaha, have produced

shaft drive motorcycles. All geared models of the Vespa scooter produced to date

have been shaft-driven.[citation needed] Vespa's automatic models, however, use a


Motorcycle engines positioned such that the crankshaft is longitudinal and parallel

to the frame are often used for shaft-driven motorcycles. This requires only one

90° turn in power transmission, rather than two. Bikes from Moto Guzzi and

BMW, plus the Triumph Rocket III and Honda ST series all use this engine layout.

Motorcycles with shaft drive are subject to shaft effect where the chassis climbs

when power is applied. This effect, which is the opposite of that exhibited by

chain-drive motorcycles, is counteracted with systems such as BMW's Paralever,

Moto Guzzi's CARC and Kawasaki's Tetra Lever.

Marine drive shafts

On a power-driven ship, the drive shaft, or propeller shaft, usually connects the

transmission inside the vessel directly to the propeller, passing through a stuffing

box or other seal at the point it exits thehull. There is also a thrust block, a bearing

to resist the axial force of the propeller. As the rotating propeller pushes the vessel

forward, any length of drive shaft between propeller and thrust block is subject

to compression, and when going astern to tension. Except for the very smallest of

boats, this force isn't taken on the gearbox or engine directly.

Cardan shafts are also often used in marine applications between the transmission

and either a propeller gearbox or waterjet.

Locomotive drive shafts

The rear drive shaft, crankshaft and front drive shaft of a Shay locomotive.

The Shay, Climax and Heisler locomotives, all introduced in the late 19th century,

used quill drives to couple power from a centrally mounted multi-cylinder engine

to each of the trucks supporting the engine. On each of these geared steam

locomotives, one end of each drive shaft was coupled to the driven truck through

a universal joint while the other end was powered by

the crankshaft, transmission or another truck through a second universal joint. A

quill drive also has the ability to slide lengthways, effectively varying its length.

This is required to allow the bogies to rotate when passing a curve.

Cardan shafts are used in some diesel locomotives (mainly diesel-hydraulics, such

as British Rail Class 52) and some electric locomotives (e.g. British Rail Class 91).

They are also widely used in diesel multiple units.

Drive shafts in bicycles

A shaft-driven bicycle.

The drive shaft has served as an alternative to a chain-drive in bicycles for the past

century, never becoming very popular. A shaft-driven bicycle (or "Acatane", from

an early maker) has several advantages and disadvantages:


 Drive system is less likely to become jammed, a common problem with

chain-driven bicycles
 The rider cannot become dirtied from chain grease or injured by "Chain

bite" when clothing or a body part catches between an unguarded chain and

a sprocket

 Lower maintenance than a chain system when the drive shaft is enclosed in a


 More consistent performance. Dynamic Bicycles claims that a drive shaft

bicycle can deliver 94% efficiency, whereas a chain-driven bike can deliver

anywhere from 75-97% efficiency based on condition

 Greater ground clearance: lacking a derailleur or other low-hanging

machinery, the bicycle has nearly twice the ground clearance


 A drive shaft system weighs more than a chain system, usually 1-

2 pounds heavier

 Many of the advantages claimed by drive shaft's proponents can be achieved

on a chain-driven bicycle, such as covering the chain and gears

 Use of lightweight derailleur gears with a high number of ratios is

impossible, although hub gears can be used

 Wheel removal can be complicated in some designs (as it is for some chain-

driven bicycles with hub gears).

Line Shafts
A typical line shaft would be suspended from the ceiling of one area and would run

the length of that area. One pulley on the shaft would receive the power from the a

parent line shaft elsewhere in the building. The other pulleys would supply power

to pulleys on each individual machine or to subsequent line shafts. In

manufacturing where there were a large number of machines performing the same

tasks, the design of the system was fairly regular and repeated. In other

applications such as machine and wood shops where there was a variety of

machines with different orientations and power requirements, the system would

appear erratic and inconsistent with many different shafting directions and pulley

sizes. Shafts were usually horizontal and overhead but occasionally were vertical

and could be underground. Shafts were usually rigid steel, made up of several parts

bolted together at flanges. The shafts were suspended by hangers with bearings at

certain intervals of length. The distance depended on the weight of the shaft and

the number of pulleys. The shafts had to be kept aligned or the stress would

overheat the bearings and could break the shaft. The bearings were

usually friction type and had to be kept lubricated. Pulley lubricator employees

were required in order to ensure that the bearings did not freeze or malfunction.

In the earliest applications power was transmitted between pulleys using loops of

rope on grooved pulleys. This method is extremely rare today, dating mostly from

the 18th century. Flat belts on flat pulleys or drums were the most common method
during the 19th and early 20th centuries. The belts were generally tanned leather

or cotton duck impregnated with rubber. Leather belts were fastened in loops with

rawhide or wire lacing, lap joints and glue, or one of several types of steel

fasteners. Cotton duck belts usually used metal fasteners or were melted together

with heat. The leather belts were run with the hair side against the pulleys for best

traction. The belts needed periodic cleaning and conditioning to keep them in good

condition. Belts were often twisted 180 degrees per leg and reversed on the

receiving pulley to cause the second shaft to rotate in the opposite direction.

Pulleys were constructed of wood, iron, steel or a combination thereof. Varying

sizes of pulleys were used in conjunction to change the speed of rotation. For

example a 40" pulley at 100 rpm would turn a 20" pulley at 200 rpm. Pulleys

solidly attached ("fast") to the shaft could be combined with adjacent pulleys that

turned freely ("loose") on the shaft (idlers). In this configuration the belt could be

maneuvered onto the idler to stop power transmission or onto the solid pulley to

convey the power. This arrangement was often used near machines to provide a

means of shutting the machine off when not in use. Usually at the last belt feeding

power to a machine, a pair of stepped pulleys could be used to give a variety of

speed settings for the machine.

Occasionally gears were used between shafts to change speed rather than belts and

different sized pulleys, but this seems to have been relatively uncommon.

Our system consists of metal teeth based jaws that wait at the bottom of the
mechanism. It is mounted in a frame to hold the system upright in the gutter. The
vertical frame bed is used to let liquid flow but catch all solid waste. The
mechanism consists of a filter basket on top of it. After particular time intervals the
jaw lifts up using a motorized shaft which is connected using a chain to the jaws. It
then reaches the top and turns upside down to dump the solid waste. Now after
dumping the waste, the motor rotates again to bring the jaw again to the bottom
position to collect more waste. The system is a very efficient way to cleaning
gutters & drains and also requires very low power since it will only rotate once or
twice a day to dump the solid waste


Sl.No. PARTS Qty. Material

i. DC Motor 1 Electronics

ii. Shaft 2 Mild Steel

iii. Sprocket 2 Steel

iv. Chain 2 Steel

v Bearing 4 Steel

vi Battery 1 Electronics

vii Frame 1 Mild Steel

Viii Dash pad 1 Plastic




Sl.No. PARTS Qty. Material Amount (Rs)

i. DC Motor 1 Electronics

ii. Shaft 2 Mild Steel

iii. Sprocket 2 Steel

iv. Chain 2 Steel

v Bearing 4 Steel

vi Battery 1 Electronics

vii Frame 1 Mild Steel

Total = Rs.



Cost = 1500/-

The overhead charges are arrived by “Manufacturing cost”

Manufacturing Cost = Material Cost + Labour cost

= +1500

Overhead Charges = 20% of the manufacturing cost


Total cost = Material Cost + Labour cost + Overhead Charges

= Rs

Total cost for this project = Rs.



Automated cleaning
Automatic Waste Collection
Low Power Consumption

 Rust
 Flat solar panel
 Jerks in chain

 It can be installed for domestic sewage treatment.
 It can be used for proper treatment of sewage as well as to avoid blockage of
 It is portable and compact in size which initiates easy handling.
 Manual assistance is not required.


In recent past there have been many research carried out waste water
management Our project also stand one of them with ideology & new tech Many
specific empirical studies have been carried out and categories such as drainage
cleaning system and its automation have been studied to a great depth. We focus
more on making the system mobile in the drainage.
1 The cleaner functioned move effectively during the heavier rains which had more
volume of running water withgarbage and high velocity
2. The system can move in the drain to collect the floating waste so as to reduce
human labour.
3. In the treatment system of drainage Waste water control by the motor, roller
chain and sprocket, lifter andthe collecting bin to achieve semiautomatic control of
sewage waste water treatment.

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