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by Wendy McDonnell © 2014

Lagniappe, a little bit of something extra, as in the 13th doughnut in a bakers

dozen. Or the cilantro and lime you get from some lovely restaurants. This “little
bit” is a quick knit which designed to be worked with a heavy lace weight yarn for
stunning results.

Yarn: Yarn Fairy Heavy Lace, 660 yards/100g. 1 skein for triangle, 2 for square
Needles: US size 6/4mm circular, 32 inches
Gauge: 16 sts, 20 rows over 4 inches in stockinette blocked
Finished Measurements: 32 nape to edge, 65 wingspan
Fea level: Beginner/Intermediate

Written pattern
The text which follows each chart is computer generated and will only have the
charts stitches. Any repeats, edging and special instructions will not appear in this
text. Please work off of information from the text below and use the chart along
with computer generated text.

Enlarging a Chart
Follow these directions to enlarge and print a chart from a PDF. Click edit button
(Edit is on the top left corner of the page the tabs along the top read: File, Edit,
View, Window, Help) Click the “Edit”, in the box that drops down, click “Take a
Snapshot”. Highlight the chart, right click and choose the print option. In the print
pop up click "fit to page”. This will enlarge the chart to a full page and make the
symbols easier to read. Your printer (under properties) can also change the
layout to landscape for long skinny charts.

Wendy McDonnell © 2014 Page 1

Read all instructions before beginning. Pattern can be worked as a triangle or a
square, with or without beads. Optional, if you decide to add beads, using
placement method put them in the center of each motif.

Shawl is worked from center out, in the round. Charted rounds For how to
shown, knit alternate rounds as they present in stockinette, knit the c/o in the
knits, purl the purls. Not charted are the 4 divider stitches per quarter. round click
Place stitch markers to show the beginning of the round, make the here
first different from the following three which are
placed at each quarter.

Shawl is worked from the top down, flat. Charted row shown, knit alternate row
as they present in stockinette, knit the knits, purl the purls. Not charted are the 2
edge sts at the beginning and end of each row,
always knit these.

CAST ON Square
Using circular method and DPN's, c/o 8 sts (4
divider, 4 shawl), PM-identifies start of row. Join in
the round without twisting. Knit around one row
plain then begin to work from charts.

CAST ON Triangle
Using Long tail method, c/o 5 sts turn
Set up
Rows 1 & 2: knit
Row 3: k2, yo, k1, yo, k2
Row 4: k2, p3, k2
What remains are the 2 edging sts on each side, 1 center st and a st for 2 repeats
of chart.

Begin charts, work all charts in order.

Work all sts, work chart twice, once on
each side of center st. Work chart as
presented, continue 2 edge sts on each
side, always knit. Center divider st not
shown, knit on RS purl WS.

Wendy McDonnell © 2014 Page 2

All WS rows work as instructed under Pattern above.

Continue as prior. Work between blue lines a total of 4 times.

Continue as prior. Work between blue lines a total of 7 times.

Continue as prior. Work between blue lines a total of 10 times.

The last few rows of this chart are designed to be repeated for as long as you still
have yarn. Does your home need a little extra insulation? Want a house cozy? Go
for it, it's your project enjoy it.

FINISHING For how to

After last RS row of chart, bind off
WS k, turn loosely
RS k, turn CTRL click
B/o on WS here

Weave in end, block, pull out natural points (yo, k, yo) and enjoy.

This copyrighted pattern is written and designed by Wendy McDonnell for your own personal, non-commercial use and
pleasure. A lot of work went into the making of this pattern by many people, so we are very serious when we say it
may not be distributed, copied, forwarded or published without prior written confirmation. You may not reproduce
the pattern for distribution, sale, or any other purpose. If you receive this pattern and it has not been paid for, please
write to the Designer immediately at e-mail below. Finished items made from this pattern may not be sold.
Unauthorized reproduction is strictly prohibited. Lebec, February 2014

Wendy McDonnell © 2014 Page 3

Lagniappe Chart 1

Work all even rows in established pattern.

Row 1: Yo, k1, yo.
Row 3: Yo, k3, yo.
Row 5: Yo, k5, yo.
Row 7: Yo, k2, k2tog, yo, k3, yo.
Row 9: Yo, k2, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k2, yo.
Row 11: Yo, k2, k2tog, yo, k3, yo, ssk, k2, yo.
Row 13: Yo, k2, [k2tog, yo, k1] twice, k1, yo, ssk, k2, yo.
Row 15: Yo, k2, [k2tog, yo, k1] twice, [yo, ssk, k1] twice, k1, yo.
Row 17: Yo, k5, yo, ssk, k3, k2tog, yo, k5, yo.
Row 19: Yo, k7, yo, ssk, k1, k2tog, yo, k7, yo.
Row 21: Yo, k9, yo, s2tog-k1-p2sso, yo, k9, yo.
Row 23: Yo, [k4, k2tog, yo] 3 times, k5, yo.
Row 25: Yo, [k4, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k3] twice, k1, yo.
Row 27: Yo, [k4, k2tog, yo, k3, yo, ssk, k1] twice, k3, yo.
Row 29: Yo, k3, [[k1, k2tog, yo] twice, k2, yo, ssk, k2] twice, k2, yo.
Row 31: Yo, k3, [[k1, k2tog, yo] twice, [k1, yo, ssk] twice] twice, k4, yo.
Row 33: Yo, k2, [k5, yo, ssk, k3, k2tog, yo] twice, k7, yo.
Row 35: Yo, k2, [k7, yo, ssk, k1, k2tog, yo] twice, k9, yo.
Row 37: Yo, k2, [k9, yo, s2tog-k1-p2sso, yo] twice, k11, yo.
Row 39: Yo, k6, k2tog, yo, k5, yo, ssk, [k3, k2tog, yo, k1] 3 times, k6, yo.

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Row 41: Yo, [k6, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k1] 3 times, k5, yo.
Row 43: Yo, k1, [k5, k2tog, yo, k3, yo, ssk] 3 times, k6, yo.
Row 45: Yo, k5, [[k1, k2tog, yo] twice, k2, yo, ssk, k2] 3 times, k4, yo.
Row 47: Yo, k5, [[k1, k2tog, yo] twice, [k1, yo, ssk] twice] 3 times, k6, yo.
Row 49: Yo, k4, [k5, yo, ssk, k3, k2tog, yo] 3 times, k9, yo.
Row 51: Yo, k4, [k7, yo, ssk, k1, k2tog, yo] 3 times, k11, yo.
Row 53: Yo, k4, [k9, yo, s2tog-k1-p2sso, yo] 3 times, k13, yo.

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Chart 2

Work all even rows in established pattern.

Row 55: Yo, k8, yo, s2tog-k1-p2sso, yo, k8, yo.
Row 57: Yo, k8, yo, ssk, k1, k2tog, yo, k8, yo.
Row 59: Yo, k1, [k3, yo, s2tog-k1-p2sso, yo] 3 times, k4, yo.
Row 61: Yo, [k4, yo, ssk, k1, k2tog, yo, k3] twice, k1, yo.
Row 63: Yo, [k2tog, yo, k4, yo, s2tog-k1-p2sso, yo, k3] twice, k1, yo, ssk, yo.
Row 65: Yo, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, [k7, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk] twice, yo.
Row 67: Yo, [[k2tog, yo] twice, k1, yo, ssk, k5] twice, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, [ssk, yo] twice.
Row 69: Yo, [[k2tog, yo] twice, k1, [yo, ssk] twice, k3] twice, [k2tog, yo] twice, k1, yo, [ssk, yo] twice.
Row 71: Yo, k1, [[yo, ssk] twice, k1, [k2tog, yo] twice, k3] twice, [yo, ssk] twice, k1, [k2tog, yo] twice,
k1, yo.
Row 73: Yo, [k3, yo, ssk, yo, s2tog-k1-p2sso, yo, k2tog, yo, k2] 3 times, k1, yo.
Row 75: Yo, [k5, yo, ssk, k1, k2tog, yo, k2] 3 times, k3, yo.
Row 77: Yo, [k1, k2tog, yo, k4, yo, s2tog-k1-p2sso, yo, k2] 3 times, k2, yo, ssk, k1, yo.
Row 79: Yo, k1, k2tog, yo, [[k1, yo, ssk, k2] twice, k2tog, yo] twice, k1, yo, ssk, [k2, k2tog, yo, k1]
twice, yo, ssk, k1, yo.
Row 81: Yo, k1, [[k2tog, yo] twice, k1, yo, ssk, k5] 3 times, k2tog, yo, k1, [yo, ssk] twice, k1, yo.
Row 83: Yo, k1, [[k2tog, yo] twice, k1, [yo, ssk] twice, k3] 3 times, [k2tog, yo] twice, k1, [yo, ssk] twice,
k1, yo.
Row 85: Yo, [k2, [yo, ssk] twice, k1, [k2tog, yo] twice, k1] 4 times, k1, yo.
Row 87: Yo, [k4, yo, ssk, yo, s2tog-k1-p2sso, yo, k2tog, yo, k1] 4 times, k3, yo.
Row 89: Yo, [k6, yo, ssk, k1, k2tog, yo, k1] 4 times, k5, yo.
Row 91: Yo, [k8, yo, s2tog-k1-p2sso, yo, k1] 4 times, k7, yo.

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Chart 3

Work all even rows in established pattern.

Row 93: Yo, k3, yo, s2tog-k1-p2sso, yo, k9, yo, s2tog-k1-p2sso, yo, k3, yo.
Row 95: Yo, k3, yo, ssk, k1, k2tog, yo, k7, yo, ssk, k1, k2tog, yo, k3, yo.
Row 97: Yo, k2tog, yo, [k3, yo, s2tog-k1-p2sso, yo] 3 times, k3, yo, ssk, yo.
Row 99: Yo, k1, [k1, k2tog, yo, k7, yo, ssk] twice, k2, yo.
Row 101: Yo, [k1, yo, s2tog-k1-p2sso, yo, k3, k2tog, yo, k3] twice, k1, yo, s2tog-k1-p2sso, yo, k1, yo.
Row 103: Yo, [k7, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk] twice, k7, yo.
Row 105: Yo, k2, [k5, k2tog, yo, k3, yo, ssk] twice, k7, yo.
Row 107: Yo, k2, yo, ssk, k2, [[k1, k2tog, yo] twice, k2, yo, ssk, k2] twice, k1, k2tog, yo, k2, yo.
Row 109: Yo, [[k1, yo, ssk] twice, [k1, k2tog, yo] twice] 3 times, k1, yo.
Row 111: Yo, [k3, yo, ssk, k1, yo, s2tog-k1-p2sso, yo, k1, k2tog, yo] 3 times, k3, yo.
Row 113: Yo, k1, yo, s2tog-k1-p2sso, yo, [[k2tog, yo, k1] twice, k1, yo, ssk, yo, s2tog-k1-p2sso, yo]
twice, k2tog, yo, k1, [k1, yo, ssk] twice, yo, s2tog-k1-p2sso, yo, k1, yo.
Row 115: Yo, k1, yo, ssk, [[k1, k2tog, yo] twice, [k1, yo, ssk] twice] 3 times, k1, k2tog, yo, k1, yo.
Row 117: Yo, k2, [k1, yo, s2tog-k1-p2sso, yo, k1, k2tog, yo, k3, yo, ssk] 3 times, k1, yo, s2tog-k1-
p2sso, yo, k3, yo.
Row 119: Yo, k2, yo, ssk, k2, [[k1, k2tog, yo] twice, k2, yo, ssk, k2] twice, k1, k2tog, yo, k2, [yo, ssk,
k1] twice, k2, k2tog, yo, k2, yo.
Row 121: Yo, [[k1, yo, ssk] twice, [k1, k2tog, yo] twice] 4 times, k1, yo.
Row 123: Yo, [k3, yo, ssk, k1, yo, s2tog-k1-p2sso, yo, k1, k2tog, yo] 4 times, k3, yo.

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Chart 4

Work all even rows in established pattern.

Row 125: Yo, k1, k2tog, yo, k2, yo, ssk, k3, [k2tog, yo, k1] twice, k1, yo.
Row 127: Yo, k1, k2tog, yo, k1, [yo, ssk, k1] twice, [k2tog, yo, k1] twice, yo, ssk, k1, yo.
Row 129: Yo, k1, k2tog, yo, k3, yo, ssk, k1, yo, s2tog-k1-p2sso, yo, k1, k2tog, yo, k3, yo, ssk, k1, yo.
Row 131: Yo, k2, yo, ssk, yo, s2tog-k1-p2sso, yo, [k2tog, yo, k1] twice, k1, yo, ssk, yo, s2tog-k1-
p2sso, yo, k2tog, yo, k2, yo.
Row 133: Yo, [[k1, yo, ssk] twice, [k1, k2tog, yo] twice] twice, k1, yo.
Row 135: Yo, [k3, yo, ssk, k1, yo, s2tog-k1-p2sso, yo, k1, k2tog, yo] twice, k3, yo.
Row 137: Yo, [k5, yo, ssk, k3, k2tog, yo] twice, k5, yo.
Row 139: Yo, [k7, yo, ssk, k1, k2tog, yo] twice, k7, yo.
Row 141: Yo, [k9, yo, s2tog-k1-p2sso, yo] twice, k9, yo.
Row 143: Yo twice, [k4, s2tog-k1-p2sso, k4, yo, k1, yo] twice, k4, s2tog-k1-p2sso, k4, yo twice.
Row 145: Yo, k1, yo, [k4, s2tog-k1-p2sso, k4, yo, k1, yo] 3 times.
Row 147: Yo, k1, [k1, yo, k4, s2tog-k1-p2sso, k4, yo] 3 times, k2, yo.
Row 149: Yo, k2, [k1, yo, k4, s2tog-k1-p2sso, k4, yo] 3 times, k3, yo.
Row 151: Yo, k3, [k1, yo, k4, s2tog-k1-p2sso, k4, yo] 3 times, k4, yo.

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Stitch Glossary

Bind Off.

Cast on the specified number of stitches.


Knit 2 stitches together.


Right side

Slip 2 stitches knitwise, then knit slipped stitches together.


Slip 2 stitches together knitwise, knit 1, then pass slipped stitches over.

Wrong Side

Wrap the working yarn over the right needle, from front to back (counter-clockwise).

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