Metrology Report

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A Report on Metrology

Britney Kananu E023-01- 1170/2023

Euphamia Kendi E023-01-1166/2023

Maxwell Omondi E023-01-1822/2018

Stephen Kiprono E023-01-1213/2023

Dennis Peter E023-01-1179/2023

Engineer Machira

Judith Chepkorir



Metrology is the science of measurements which encircles both practical and theoretical
aspects and plays a crucial role in engineering ensuring good accuracy, precision and reliability
in designing, manufacturing and quality control. It is important for engineers to have the
knowledge of metrology to provide confident and reliable data and produce accurate and precise
components with tight tolerances. In regard to this Bachelor of Science in Mechanical
Engineering students were tasked with an experiment on measurements with the objective to
understand the working principles of various measuring instruments, gain the skills to work
precisely and accurately with each instrument and determine the uncertainty in using the devices
for measurements. The students successfully carried out the various measurements as required
and obtained the results as intended.
The experiment involved working with a triangular test piece of known hypotenuse and
inclination angles and required to calculate and measure the heights and base lengths of the
triangular piece. The measured and calculated were obtained as 171.3mm, 154 mm and 171.27,
153.98mm respectively with 0.03mm and 0.02mm errors. Different geometries of a stepped shaft
were also obtained including the lengths, diameters, and ovalities at top, middle and bottom of
the shaft cross sections. The shaft was perfectly circular at middle and oval at to and bottom.
Length was 61.6mm. There were some errors in the results due to various experimental errors
such as reading errors, device errors among others. This experiment was therefore important to
the students to understand and gain the needed skills in metrology to apply in manufacturing
processes, aerospace industry, automotive industry, medical equipment and laboratory testing
among others.

Abstract........................................................................................................................................... 2
Aims and Objectives ........................................................................................................................ 4
Experiment Setup ............................................................................................................................ 4
Methodology .................................................................................................................................... 4
List of Figure ................................................................................................................................... 5
List of Tables.................................................................................................................................... 5
Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 6
Apparatus........................................................................................................................................ 6
Gauge Blocks ............................................................................................................................... 6
Vernier Caliper ............................................................................................................................ 7
Stepped Shaft............................................................................................................................... 8
Triangular Work Piece ................................................................................................................. 9
Steel Meter Rule........................................................................................................................... 9
Experimentation and Data Presentation ........................................................................................ 10
Heigh of a Triangular Test Piece................................................................................................. 10
Ovality of Shaft 1 ....................................................................................................................... 10
Length of the Sample ................................................................................................................. 10
Lengths of Shaft 2 and Shaft 1 ................................................................................................... 11
Discussion ...................................................................................................................................... 11
Challenges and Recommendations ................................................................................................. 12
Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 12
References...................................................................................................................................... 13

Aims and Objectives

The aims of the experiment were to:
1. Determine the least possible number of gauge blocks that can give the most precise base
of a triangular test piece.
2. Determine the geometry of s stepped Shaft through the use of a Vernier Caliper.
3. Determine the length of stepped shaft by using a Vernier Caliper, gauge blocks ad digital
meter rule.

Experiment Setup

Figure 1: Gauge Blocks setup Figure 2: Stepped Shaft Setup


1. The gauge blocks were arranged along the base and the height of the provided
triangular workpiece to determine the least number of gauge blocks needed to
complete the lengths and the uncertainties in the measurements and the results
then recorded.
2. The diameter of the shaft provided was then measured using a Vanier Caliper
twice at each position, i.e., at the top, middle and bottom of the shaft, and
recorded the results in tables.
3. The length of the shaft was then measured thrice using a Vanier Caliper, a steel
meter rule and gauge blocks and recorded the measurements in the table.

4. Using a Vanier Caliper only, the length of the step turned shaft was measured, and
subtracted the length of shaft 1 from the total length to find the length of shaft 2.
This was done thrice.

List of Figure

Figure 1: Gauge Blocks setup

Figure 2: Stepped Shaft Setup
Figure 3: Standard Gauge Blocks

Figure 4: Vernier Caliper

Figure 5: Stepped Shaft Demonstration
Figure 6: Stepped Shaft Used

Figure 7: Triangular Test Piece Setup

Figure 8: Steel Meter Rule

List of Tables

Table 1: Gauge Blocks Used for Triangular Test Piece

Table 2: Diameter of Shaft

Table 3: Lengths of Shaft

Table 4: Length of stepped shafts



Metrology is the science of measurements which encircles both practical and theoretical
aspects of the measurement process. It plays a crucial role in engineering ensuring good
accuracy, precision and reliability in designing, manufacturing and quality control. As an
engineer, the knowledge of metrology equips one with skills to provide confident and reliable
data and produce accurate and precise components with tight tolerances. These accurate
measurements also help identify and rectify variations in production which ensures predefined
standards are achieved. In addition, studying and understanding metrology contributes to the
establishment and maintenance of international standards which ensures consistency in
measurements and foster collaboration and facilitation in the global trade. Moreover, metrology
will enable an engineer identify areas that need and can be improved in manufacturing process
leading to enhanced efficiency, reduced wastage and increased overall productivity.
The science of measurements finds its applications in manufacturing processes such as
machining, molding, casting, forging, extrusion among others to ensure specified tolerances are
met. In Automotive, metrology helps in ensuring precision in engine components, chassis and
other important parts. Aerospace industry also relies on the understanding of the science of
measurements to validate dimensions and structural integrity in aircraft components and prevent
catastrophic incidences that would lead to massive loss of lives and property. Medical equipment
and machines need to be accurately designed to ensure successful procedures and operations on
In research laboratories, metrology plays a critical role in conducting experiments,
ratifying hypothesis, and ensuring exactitude of the measured results. These among many other
applications of metrology formalize the importance of understanding the science of
measurements and being able to apply it in different engineering principles. This begins with the
correct choice of measuring instruments, and the ability to use the selected measuring
instruments to produce the required measurements. The instruments chosen for this experiment
were a Vanier Caliper, a steel meter rule and gauge blocks. This report will delve into discussing
these instruments, their working principles and their applications in the scope of the experiment.


Gauge Blocks
Gauge blocks are standard measuring tools used in manufacturing and metrology for the
calibration and verification of measuring equipment. They are made from high quality materials
such as steel, carbide and ceramics with extreme dimensional accuracy. Gauge blocks, also
known as slip gauges or jo blocks exhibit some key characteristics which include high quality

materials, good surface finish, extreme surface flatness and parallelism, temperature stability,
sizes and sets, wringing property and accurate and tight tolerances. These devices are available in
sets ranging from 1.001 mm to 100 mm with uncertainties ranging from 0.005 microns to 1.0
microns, hence they are extremely precise and good standards of measurements.

Figure 3: Standard Gauge Blocks

Slip gauges finds their applications in precision length measurement, calibration of
measuring instruments, machine setup and tool calibration, quality control and inspection optical
comparators and interferometry as well as in wear dimensional stability testing. It is important to
ensure care while handling gauge blocks to ensure their properties and dimensions are
maintained for accuracy and precision. This can be achieved through cleaning after using, proper
storing, avoiding damage such as from falling as well as regular calibration.

Vernier Caliper
Vernier Calipers consist of main scale, sliding vernier scale, inside jaws for measuring
internal dimensions, and outside jaws for external dimensions. They are used for accurate length
measurements and are known for their versatility, ease of use and ability to make both linear and
depth measurements. The key features of vernier calipers include main and vernier sliding scales,
outside and inside jaws, depth gauges, fine adjustment screws and locking mechanisms.

Figure 4: Vernier Caliper

The reading is accurately recorded by first reading the main scale, then the sliding scale
and adding the two to give the final reading. Vernier Calipers are important measuring
instruments in metrology for measuring general lengths, diameters and thicknesses, depths,
quality control and inspections as well as for educational purposes. Therefore, since these
devices exhibit precision and accurate measurements, care must be observed when handling
them which can be achieved through cleaning after use, storing properly and calibrating

Stepped Shaft
A stepped shaft is employed as workpiece for various measurements. It is characterized by
having different diameters along its length. This design allows for the evaluation and verification
of measurement instruments such as vernier calipers, gauge blocks and meter rule among others.

Figure 5: Stepped Shaft Demonstration Figure 6: Stepped Shaft Used


Triangular Work Piece

Figure 7: Triangular Test Piece Setup

Steel Meter Rule

It is also known as meter stick and it is a versatile and graduated straightedge typically made
of steel. To accurately record the measurement, one end of the meter rule is aligned with the
object being measured and the observer reads the reading from the rule that coincides with the
other end of the object. Parallax error should be avoided when measuring using the meter rule
and the eye should be perpendicular to the reading on the meter rule. Meter rule should also be
handled with care to avoid damage such as bending which will result in erroneous

Figure 8: Steel Meter Rule


Experimentation and Data Presentation

A serries of measurements were taken with the various measuring instruments discussed
above to demonstrate their precision and accuracy.

Heigh of a Triangular Test Piece

A triangular test piece of known hypotenuse length and inclination angle is provided with the
objective to determine its height, base and the uncertainties in the measurement using gauge
blocks. The results are recorded as shown below.
Size of Gauge (mm) Number of Blocks
100.0 1
18.5 1
18.0 1
17.5 1

Table 1: Gauge Blocks Used for Triangular Test Piece

Ovality of Shaft 1
Two diameter measurements 90 degrees to each other are taken with external jaws of the
vernier calipers at the top, middle and bottom of the shaft with the objective to determine the
ovality of shaft one and the results recorded as shown below.

Measurement 1 (mm) Measurement 2 (mm)

Top 13.5 13.8
Middle 13.3 13.3
Bottom 20.6 20.4

Table 2: Diameter of Shaft

Length of the Sample

The length of the shaft is taken at three random locations with thrice with a
vernier calipers, steel meter rule and gauge blocks with the objective of determining the
length of the sample shaft provided and the results are recorded in the table below.
Measurement Instrument Length (mm)
Vernier Caliper 61.6
Steel Meter Rule 62.0
Gauge Block 62.0

Table 3: Lengths of Shaft

Lengths of Shaft 2 and Shaft 1

The length of the shaft is measured thrice randomly using the external jaws of the vernier
caliper and the results recorded in the table below. The length of shaft 1 is determined by
subtracting the length of shaft 2 from the total length measured earlier.
Shaft 1 (mm) Shaft 2 (mm)
41.6 20.0
41.3 20.3
41.2 20.4

Table 4: Length of stepped shafts


The dimensional measurements of triangular test piece and of the stepped are recorded
with different measuring instruments which include the gauge blocks, vernier calipers and steel
meter rule to determine the precision of these measuring devices and the uncertainties in each of
the varying measurements.
The first measurements were aimed at demonstrating the use of the slip gauges as means
of measuring and calibrating instruments. A triangular test piece provided had known hypotenuse
and inclination angles known and theoretical height and base lengths were calculated using
trigonometric identities and were found to be 171.27 mm and 153.98 mm respectively while the
measured height and base length were fund to be 171.3mm and 154 mm respectively. These
resulted in an error of 0.03 mm in height and 0.02 mm in base length. From the equation
provided the overall uncertainty in the measurement is 0.141.
This indicates that 4 blocks of the dimensions indicated in the table are the least number
of blocks needed to give the ideal lengths and reduce the uncertainties in the measurements. The
error clearly captures that although Jo blocks are made with extreme accuracy and precision,
they have uncertainty of few microns.
In the following serries of measurements, a stepped shaft was provided and various
geometries of the shaft determined by the use of the vernier caliper, gauge blocks and meter rule.
First the diameters of the shaft were measured at the top, middle and bottom to determine the
ovality of the shaft. Ovality is the extent to which the cross section of the shaft deviates from a
perfect circle. From the data analysis, the ovality of the shaft at the top, middle and bottom were
found to be 0.3 mm, 0.0 mm and 0.2 mm.
These indicates that the cross section of the shaft at the top and bottom were not perfectly
circular. This could be attributed to machining processes used to make the shaft. For example, if

the shaft was made from the lathe, this could have been due to respective deviations of the shaft
axis to the tool and feed axis. The middle of the shaft was perfectly circular.
The measurements taken for the length of the shaft portrayed some variations when using
different measuring instruments. This could have been as a result of errors during measurements,
such as parallax error while reading from the scale or even instrument error from incorrect
calibrations among others. Measuring the same length randomly by different people also shows
some slight variations due to observation errors. It is therefore important to practice and adhere
to measuring guidelines for each type of instruments while measuring to ensure extreme
accuracy and precision.

Challenges and Recommendations

The students encountered some challenges during the lab experiment some of which
included limited time, limited apparatus and large number of students taking the experiment at a
time. Therefore, to improve on the conveniency and effectiveness of the experiment, the students
should attend the lab in small numbers to ensure that they are all engaged in the experiment and
that they understand the essence of the practice. Also, enough time should be given to the
students ensure that get the skills needed for the filed work in their career.


To conclude, the least number of slip gauge blocks needed to give the desired length of
the triangular test piece of 171.27 mm and 153.98 mm were successfully found to be a
combination of 1 100mm, 1 18.5 mm, 1 18.0 mm and 1 17.5 mm. The lengths, diameters and
ovalities of the stepped shaft were successfully determined using vernier caliper, meter rule and
gauge blocks. The uncertainties in the serries of measurements were also determined successfully
tough data analysis and tabulations using the various equations.
From the all the data collected, analyzed and inferred, all the objectives of the experiment
were successfully achieved. Therefore, the methodology used to do the experiment was
sufficiently accurate and precise because by following all the steps outlined in the procedure, all
the parameters required from the experiment were obtained.


Grubbs, F. E. (1973). Errors of measurement, precision, accuracy and the statistical comparison
of measuring instruments. Technometrics, 15(1), 53-66.
Mahto, D. G. (2016). Engineering Metrology and Measurements. Available at SSRN 3015752.

Metrology Lab Manual Bsc Mechanical Engineering.

Raghavendra, N. V., & Krishnamurthy, L. (2013). Engineering metrology and
measurements (Vol. 1, No. 2). Oxford, UK:: Oxford University Press.
Zhang, L., Datta, A., & Walmsley, I. A. (2015). Precision metrology using weak
measurements. Physical review letters, 114(21), 210801.

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