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You are on page 1of 4 1521/7202 161/202 1522/202 1602/202 ‘WORKSHOP ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT ‘Oct/Nov. 2016 ‘Time: 3 hours ‘THE KENYA NATIONAL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CRAFT CERTIFICATE IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING (POWER OPTION) (TELECOMMUNICATION OPTION) MODULE I ‘WORKSHOP ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT 3 hours INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES You should have the following for his examination Non-progranmable scientific calculator; Answer booklet, This paper consists of EIGHT questions Answer any FIVE questions in the answer booklet provided, Maximum marks for each part of a question are ax indicated. Candidates should answer the questions in English. ‘This paper consists of 4 printed pages. Candidates should cheek the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing, © 2016 The Kenya Notional Hxaminations Council ‘Turn over 1. @)__ State four styies of management as distinguished by Rensis Likert, Gimarks) (6) (i) Explain the importance of having management skills at the plact of work. (ii) State two types of skills needed in management. (5 marks) (©) Explain four functions of management. (8 marks} (4) Quiline three motivational factors as contributed by Hezberg, to management. G marks) 2, (a) State four ways in which production planning and control can benefit an entrepreneur, (4:marks) (} Explain the following stages in production planning and control: () —-schedulings *" * (i) aiding = 7 (iii) dispatching. (6-marks) (©) Distinguish between production and productivity in manufucturing industries. (marks) (a) Explain the following types of production: (i) process; (ii) mass; 9 Gi) job. (6 marks) 3 (a) Define the term “plant layout”, (i) State four fundamental objectives for an ideal plant layout. (6 marks) {b) Explain the term: 4) work-study" in reference to an enterprise; (ii) “time-study’ as a technique of work measurement, (7 marks) {c) Outline the steps involved in method study. (7 marks) 4, {2)__ Define the following terms with reference to a product or service: (i) design quality: (ii) manufactured quality. (2 marks) 1521/202 1601/02 1522202 1602/202 zi Oet/Ne, 2016 tb) © (b) () (b) fe) 1521/202 152/202 Get Now. 2086 Explain the following advantages of a good quality control system: @) reduction in costs; ‘increase in sales, improvement in morale of employees. Explain; a ‘the term “inspection’ in relation to. smanufacturing industries; (i) the following abjectives of inspection: 1. maintenante of quality; x Tl, improvement of the product quality Outline four advantages and two disadvantages of floor inspection, a Define the term “purchasing”. * G7) Oatline four objectives of purchasing in un organization, (i) Explain the-term *stores layout’ Gi) Ligt four activities generally undertaken by the stores department. (7) State to advantages und two disadvantages of open tendering. ‘Outline the contents of bill of quantities:. State three features of limited liability companies. Explain the following terms as used in the formation of s company: (@)_simation clause; declaration clause; Gili) “name clause. Explain the following elements ofa valid contract: (i) lawful consideration; Gi) capacity; (iii) free consent. 1601/202 1602/202 (6. marks) (6 marks) (G marks) (G marks) (© marks) (Kimarks) sere 2 Gamarks) (Gmarks) (6 marks) Turn over (d) (by, tc} & @ (b) iG} (@) 1521/202, 1522/202. OctNew. 2006 With respect to the law of tort, outline: (three wrongs in interference with personal rights; (i) two wrongs in interference with property rights. State five functions of marketing. (S marks) (5 marks) Explain how the following buying motives influence the purchase of goods and services: @ culture; socio-economic backgrounds; Gil) social groups; (Gv) personality. ‘Ouiline: (@ four channels of distribution of finished products; (ii) three functions ofa sales office. Explain the: (teem “workman”; (ii) importance of workers compensation act. ‘Outline the function of a trade union, Explain the fallowing sources of conilict in industry: @ money: Gi) job; Gi) goals; Civ) authority and power. State five wayis in which industrial disputes ean be settled. ‘THIS IS THE LAST PRINTED PAGE. 1601/202 1602/202 4 (8 marks) (7 marks) (S-marks) (2 marks) aye ga Vea (8 marks) (5 marks)

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