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38, GENERAL HOSPITAL, SABON TASHA KADUNA, KADUNA STATE. REFINARY ROAD, KADUNA, KADUNA NIGERIA. Your Ref: / 2024/ xxx/ 19562 Tel: ‘ogigo1s0504 Our Ref... Date: 1ST July, 2024. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN MEDICAL REPORT RE: HUSSAINI USMAN _AGE: 29 YEARS The above named persons has been treating peptic Asthma since 1 month back and has be en receiving treatment in the above named hospital. He was brought to the hospital with several episodes of pains in the chest and upperab domen, heart breath, cough and catarrah, Dust, long tracking it cause hard breath, passing e xcessive amount of gas and other chest discomfort. Examination and investigations showed Peptic Asthma that resulted into bloody stool. H e has been placed on Antibiotics, Proton-pump inhibitor, Penicillin Anticidiarrhoeal and A ntacid. Patient responded well and was advice to follow up in clinic and to avoidbwimmin g, driving, strenuous activities and always be in company of persons in view of his condit ions. | will therefore want to use this medium to plead with those in authority to kindly relocate him to Kaduna State which will be favorable to him and he will be closer to hisrelatives in c ase of Ashtmathm aattacks and for proper medical treatment. Gene Hep Seber Tashy Mada, Kaine Sie, Ng,

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