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You are on page 1of 5 SECTION A Answer ALL the questions in this section. 1. (@)__ Define the following terms as used in a.c. generation: (@ frequency; (i) root mean square value (RMS), (4 marks) (b) Sketch the following waveforms: (rectangular pulse; (ii) sawtooth wave. (2 marks) (©) The instantaneous values of two voltages are given by V; = 4 sin 345.58 and V2 =3 sin (345.58t +4). Complete table 1 and plot on same axes, graphs of V,, V, and V, + V,, Determine the: gue (peak value of V, + V,; (ii) phase angle between V, and (V, + V,) 0:63 Gil) frequency of (V, + V,) Ve- 3 Sim 60 (arte ere (iv) time taken to complete one cycle. . > (14 marks) Table 1 ‘ oF, Angie of o 30° | 60° 90° | 120° | 150° | 180° | 210° | 240° | 270° 360° displacement v, ial ha Fan To ¥, 1826 | £92 | wae] si¢l eect o [or [1% Ltorgl- ot | Vi+V, 2. (@)_ State three advantages of three phase a.c system over single phase a.c. system. (3 marks) (&) Derive an expression to determine the total power in three phase delta connected load. (5 marks) (c) (i) __Draw the two wattmeter method of measuring 3-phase power. (ii) A three phase load is rated 12 KW. If the power factor is 0.65 lag, determine the readings of the two wattmeters. (12 marks) 1521/204, 1601/204 2 Junel July 2016 3. (@)_ Define the following terms as applied in computer systems: () microprocessor; (ii) software. (2 marks) (b) Draw a block diagram of a digital computer system and state the function of each component part. (7 marks) (© @ _ Describe an assembly language program. (ii) Two hexadecimal numbers 32H and A2H are added after being loaded into registers B and C respectively. The sum is then displayed at the LED output of port (01H). Write the assembly language program to execute the operation. (5 marks) (4) Explain the following memory back-up devic (Hard disk; (ii) Digital versatile disk; (iii) Flash disk. (6 marks) 4. (a) State two: (classification of discharge lamps in relation to how the discharge is initiated; (ii) functions of a capacitor in a discharge lamp. (4 marks) (b) Draw a labelled lead-lag circuit of a fluorescent lamp. (4 marks) (©) Identify two causes of the following symptoms with respect to d.c machines: @ sparking on load; (ii) difficulty in starting accompanied by excessive heating of starter, (4 marks) @ — @ _ State four objectives of preventive maintenance. (ii) Describe the following types of maintenance schedules: @ planned; (1) routine. (8 marks) 1521/204, 1601/204 3 Turn over JunelSuly 2016 com SECTION B Answer any ONE question from this section. 5. @_ Outline two storage procedures of a.c machines (2 marks) (b) Identify two causes for cach of the following symptoms in three phase a.c machines: (@® induction motor fails to start; )) synchronous motor runs nois! ii) all motor phases burnt out. (6 marks) (©) __ State two causes and their remedies for each of the following in fluorescent lap circuits: @ lamp flickers and does not start; (ii) choke overheats, (6 marks) (@)__ With the aid of a labelled diagram, explain how to locate the position of an open circuit on an armature coil of a d.c machine using the voltage drop method. (6 marks) 6 (a) __ Define the following terms as used in a.c R-L-C circuits. (@ Resonance; (i) Quality factor. (4 marks) (©) Aseries a.c circuit resonates at a frequency of 60 Hz. It consists of a resistor of 15, an inductor of 0.6H and a capacitor of unknown value. The supply voltage is 240V, determine the: supply current; value of the capacitor; Qfactor; voltage across the capacitor; bandwidth. (10 marks) 1521/204, 1601/204 4 June! July 2016 (©) @)_—_ Draw circuit diagram of a moving coil instrument that is used to measure alternating current. (i) A moving coil instrument gives a full scale deflection with a current of 50 mA and a resistance of 200. Determine the value of a shunt that will enable it to measure a current of 100A. (3 marks) (@)_—_ Amoving coil instrument gives a full scale deflection of 20 mA when the potential difference across its terminals is 200 mV. Determine the shunt resistance for a full scale deflection corresponding to 100 A. (3 marks) 7. (@)_ Define the following terms with reference to programming: (@ hand assembly; Gi) assembler; (iii) sub-routines. (6 marks) (>) Draw the architecture of an Intel 8085 microprocessor. (7 marks) (©) @_List two addressing modes as used in 8085 microprocessor; (i) Draw a labelled diagram of an 8 bit memory map of a typical microcomputer system and give the range of memory addresses. (7 marks) 8 (@)_List three methods of locating faults in electrical systems. (3 marks) () — @__Explain the need of each of the following tests carried out on a three phase induction motor: @ continuity; (1) Insulation resistance, (4 marks) (ii) State the type of measuring instrument used for each test in b(i) and the expected reading, (4 marks) ©) _State five factors to be considered when planning a preventive maintenance program. Gi) Explain the following effects on the performance of fluorescent lamps: (@ voltage variation; Gi) temperature. (9 marks) 1521/204, 1601/204 5 ‘Turn over JunelJuly 2016 ee rauemat 8080/8085 oP or oF | or op oP ] cove | mwemonic | cove | mnemonic | cove | mnemonic | cove | muEMONIC | CODE | MvEMONIC | CODE | MNEMONIE 00 |wor ze ocx w | s6 |movom | a | avo c | ac {xm | oz [rst 2 | or juxr prs] ac five t | 67 [movoa | e2 | aco o | ad |xna t | oe | nc o2 |srax 8 | 20 Jocn 1 | 58 jmoves | oa | avo & | ac |xna m | 09 [os Jinx p | 2e Jui toa] so |Movec | e« | aon nw | ar |xma a | oa fac aor Jot jina oe | ar toma | sa [woven | ss | aon c | so fora 8 | op jm oe 05 jocn 8 | 30 [sm se |moves | o6 | aoo m | ar jona c | oc [cc aw | os jmvi pos] a1 fuxt seors| sc [woven | a7 | avo a | ez |ona o | oo |- | 07 Jacc a2_|sta as | so |ove | es | aoc a | 63 fora & | oe |sei 08 on |e 3s jmx se | se {movem | eo | acc c | ae fora nu | ne [ast 3 | 09 joao 8 | 3 jw m | se [mover | sa | vc > | as Jona t | co jaro [on juoax es |-3s joca m | 60 |movwe | a | aoc ¢ | a6 jona m | e1 [por H oe jock 8 | 36 juvi wos} 61 }wovuc | ec | aoc w | 87 lore a | 2 | wo aw wa oc | a7 ste 62 }wov np | wo | aoc t | ae jemp a | ea |xrme op [pcr c | aa |-- 63 {movie | se | aoc m | a [ome c | ea foro am | of |mvi coo} 39 |paD sp et |movHn | af | aoc a | Ba jem es | pus H or jane aa [toa ade | o5 |wov ne | ac | sun uy | es jew © | ee | ani o8 wo -- ap focx sp | 66 |movnm | 91 | sus c | sc fom n | er |nst a | a1 jun oor ac fre a | er jwovna | sz | sus o | 0 ome «| ce | ame | 2 jstax > | ap loca a | os | movie j 2 [suo ¢ | of Jew ow |) eo | rem j 13 Jisx 0 | 3 Jui aos | 69 Jmov uc | ee | sus x | or |omp A | EA |uPe Aw 4a fing | ar ome ca jwovio | 96 | sua c | co | an es | xeus 15 Jock 0 | 40 |wov es jwovie | os | sue m | cr jror @ | tc ore aw | 16 |yvr 008} 41 [mov oc | 6c jmoven | 97 | sua a | co juz aw! co [a7 rae 42 |mov ep | 60 [movi | op | sos 6 | ca [aw aor | ce [em 08 foe J 43 |mov we | ce |ovim | oo | sen c | ca jonz adr) EF jast 5 | 1 Joan 0 | 44 |wov om | or |movta | oa | sep o | cs jruse 8 | Fo | RP ta jioax 0 | 45 [mov 8 | 70 |Movme | op | see © | ce | am os | Fi [ror rsw 19 jocx 9 | 46 [mov om | 7 [movmc | oc | sea | cr |asr o | 62 |r om re fina & | a7 |wov ba | 72 | movmo | 90 | sop o | ca | ne Fa Jon wo Jone © | 48 [mov cB | 73 |movme | of | sos m | co | ner am) Fa fcr Aw re Jui eos] 4 [mov cc | 7 [mova | oF | sea a | ca fue Fs | pusH sw | iF [Ran a [mov co | 75 | movm.t | ao} ana a | ce | — Fs lon oa | 20 [rm 40 |wov ce | 76 | mr arfanac | cc fcz ad} e7 [ast 6 21 |uxt nore ac fwov cw | 77 | movma | az | ana o | co |cait ad | Fe | aM x2 |suo aa | 40 |wov ct | 72 |Movas | az| ana e | ce |act a | ro | som 2 |mx 4 | ae Jwov cm | 79 | movac | asl ana w fcr frst + | FA tam aw a jinn | ae IMov ca | 7A | Movao | as) ana t | oo | anc re fer 2% Joce 4 | so [mov o8 | 7 |movae | as| ana w | ot lror o | ec lem am 7 [wr nos! st mov oc | xc lwovaw | az} ana a | oz [ane aw | Fo | | | oo laa s2 |wov op | 70 | movat | ae] xna a | oa lour ve | Fe for os | m= |-- sa |wov oe | 7 | wovam | ao] xna c | os |onc aw] F fast 7 | 29 Jono 4 | sa |wov om | re | wovaa | nal xra 0 | os | eusn 0 | am [pmo aa | 55 jwov ox | 90 | aon | as | xa e | os | sur oe 08 = constant, oF logical/arithmetic expression that evalusier to an BBN dots quantity. DIG = constant, oF logical/arithonetic expression Siat valunes te-4 16 bit Uata quantity, Ad? * 16hbit addves. THIS IS THE LAST PRINTED PAGE. 1521/204, 1601/204 6 Junelduty 2016

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