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1521/2058 1601/205 ELECTRICAL INSTALL ATION Il, ESTIMATING AND TENDERING, INDUSTRIAL MACHINES: AND CONTROLS June/July 2020 Time: 3 hours THE KENYA NATIONAL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CRAFT CERTIFICATE IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY (POWER OPTION) MODULE 1 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION Il, ESTIMATING AND TENDERING, INDUSTRIAL MACHINES AND CONTROLS 3 hours INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES: Ss You should have a non-pregrammable cle calet sors tables for this examination. This paper consists TWO sections: A and Answer any THO questions from |, ONE quesiion from section B and TWO questions. fom Section C in the answer booklet. All. questions carry equatl marks. Maximum marks for each part of « question are as indicated Candidates should answer the questions in English, This paper consists of 5 printed pages. ‘Candidates should cherk the question paper to ascertain that all the Pages are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing. (©2020 The Kenya Natimsal Examinations Council Turn over (by SECTION A: ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION Il Answer TWO questions from this section. Define ‘wiring systems" (2 marks) Explain cach of the following factors considered when selecting a particular wiring system of a howser @ cost; (i) —_accessibility: (ii) durability (6 marks) ic) With aid of labelled diagram, describe the overhead inmking wiring system fora workshop. (6 marks) id) EE sO epee ee a ge (6: marks) 2. 2) Se ee ‘by the IBE regulations. (3 marks) (h) Illustrate a three-phase four-wire industrial 1 ‘for single and three phase loads. (5 marks) © eee 4) off-peak tariff; «i colnet (4 marks) i) ‘Afactory has a-maximum demand of 2400 KVA at power factor of 0.8 hugging: ‘The tariff is Ksh 200 per KVA of maximumdemund. Determine the annual saving in electricity charge if the power factor is improved to 0.9 lagging. (8 marks} 3. (a) State three types of hazards that may be encountered in electrical installations, Gmarks} (b) Describe flamne-proof equipment. (3 marks) (c) Explain two TEE regulation requirements regarding temporary installations. (4 marks) (@) Gi) (Differentiate between manual and autgmatic call pots. (Gi) Drawa labelled diagram of a single stroke bell. (10 marks) 1521/205 1601/205 Fuss fily 2020 SECTION B; ESTIMATING AND TENDERING Answer ONE question from this section. eg 4. fa) Explain each of the following as used in illumination: Gj luminous tue, joa oe Bieter) Nee (Gi) uniform point source of Hight. {2 marks) uns ot ae a Spe Ne eri sen ode eicieles ta a a Ahall measuring 36 m x 12m is to be illuminated by 150 watts lamps. En _Mluminstion requized is 60 lux. The lamp efficiency is 15.15 lumen/watt, “depreciation factors 13 and utilization factor is 0-3: ete Gok bee @ Determine the number of lamps required: Serre Ban aIOS Gi) Sketeh the layout ofthe lamps. jl (eezeg agit mri) fa > 5 (a) Explain: Ty weg “i a) gtnaee i G) estimation am relation to constmetion projects; =. = (ii) measurement as used in (a) (i). (4 marks} (b} A product is produced by an industr The direct material cost ts Kesh 164400 and labour cost is K: 000. Factory oncost is 2 of the total material cost and labour cost_O charges are 12% of the factory cost. Determine the: eS @)—primecost: Gi) total cost of production. (10 marks) (©) (i) Explain the term ‘tender’. (ii) List four types of tender documents im an clectrical installation project, (6 marks) 1521/205 1601/2053 Juuneiiely 2020 3 ‘Turn over 6 (a) ) i) T a b) te) 8. fay () 1521/205, Aunestuty 2020 SECTION C: INDUSTRIAL MACHINES AND CONTROLS: Angier TWO questions from this section. With aid of a circuit dispram, cxplain the operation of a dic series motor. (6 marks) () State three merits of three phase induction moter. Gi) A-pole three phase induction motor operatcd from a 60 Hz supply runs ata speed of 1750 rpm. Determine its slip. (O marks) ‘Tilustrate the direct om line starter for a three phase induction moter. harks} ‘Explain the function of cach of the following motor control devices: (i) thermal relays: Gi} electramagnetic contactor. marks) (i) Draw aTabelled circuit diagram of the ward Leonard speed control methxl, (ii). ‘State four disadvantages of the ward Leonard speed control method over electronic speed control method. (10 marks) Explain how each of the following should satisfy the requirements of installation and mounting of motors: & (foundation, & ii) aligament, ~ (iii) coupling. sy a & cas List throe: pre seo pitt ask Gee eeiclonornie eames (i) components found in industsial control panels; 4, (6 marks) Se Gris wh = Fick wins ‘Dray a labelled block diagram of a programmable lozic ie ‘onteol system. (5 marks) _ pees] Hes [esteets nani (c) Figure | shows a ladder diagram for moving pneumatic piston. Write the ladder logic instruction listing. 49 marks: THIS IS THE LAST PRINTED PAGE. 1521205 — 1601/205 Fuse Jechs 2020, &

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