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Republi of the Phitippines Department af Eatin, Calle and Sports NATIONAL HISTORICAL INSTITUTE ‘Manila President Republi ofthe Plippines ISIDRO D. CARISO ‘Scertary of Edveation, Clare and Sports SSERAFIN D. QUIASON (Chatman abd Exesitive Director it ONOFRED. coRPUZ ——_MARCELINO 0. FORONDA Member Member EMILIO AGUILAR CRUZ GABRIEL CASAL Member BeOffcio Member EDILUERTODEJESUS —_NARCISSA V. MURASQUE Member Ex Office Member FLORDELIZA K: MILITANTE Deputy Executive Director I ALICIA M. SISON AVELINAM. CASTAREDA Chief, Research and Chie, Historical Pubicition: Divison Education Divison REYNALDOA.INOVERO —EMELITA V. AMOSARA (Chie, Architactr Acting Chet, Monuments (Conservation Divison and Heraldy Division SULIETA M. DIZON AMALIA FOJAS SABLADA Administrative Officer V ‘Avtor Poblctions ofthe NATIONAL HISTORICAL INSTITUTE WRITINGS OF JOSE RIZAL Volume VI ISTORICAL EVENTS OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Psi Neen in 109 ty eof: MANILA NATIONAL HISTORICAL INSTITUTE 1990 PROLOGUE ‘My very dear Friend: I aceept your kind invitation, which so honors me and T'm going to write you_a few lines instead of a prom. Tim not afsid of the Gitfieliae or waRomE ‘ language which I don’t master; I'm not afraid Tecaute follow the inpus of ty heart aad sh tens Heme hoy © resaae pamecned ed oiemeriie bfetaclee Tecnu te prvoat of thee incr eee 2 dish fo those who rah te eh phrasslogy" of te tales unguage of Cervantes, no? ma suttas i ‘Bian you in te name of the lnteralonal pub GUND, fo tie mame of be Ealpping, he Dame of Si forthe beton of fa ft Ine portant itera ct the deat conse, hence trere born and whove adopted son T coder elt tobe. With tie reprinting you have arsed soma mala vag" te the name zal, Moses ee ae eer See et ae edt weed oda ouee on a ee tale, Ne hisora Sf the Puilpyines cae deposed ‘vih inpanliy Gebel sd data peste ire work ofthe renowned juice; bt neler oan sty hs dese, Beaute Marga’ Sucere Isa are oti f rare a bork that the very few Mbraicn ist hare i fuatd it withthe same solitude at ete taneure of the Incas. It must be supposed that the Spaniards rendered the js rbate of pratt tothe noble come patil othe upright representative of the matopais inthe Par Sat, to toe putea detenaar ot le gees Spanish flag, to the great ehenicer of the Ply ples uk to expectation af She tle wld wate tot fulfed inthe eoutry bathed by the Tajo and lent ner ti vii ~ ¢ the Guadalguvir, Not one Spaniard eould be found who, following the inspiration of a noble and prudent Patriot, admired the work of the author who pos: fewed in‘bis character and soul the best virues of his maton and. whose. pen proved to. be the. precious en ofan excellent author of lofty ideas, The Spaniards Ged nothings the Spaniards who always boasted of their Daltiotism ‘ind Hispanism; thus they lose an opportune foment of renewing the glories of the globus Past Jn view of this regrettable inditferene of Spanish Philipinologists, a foreigner (boldness) ! meddled in the afar of the country: Lord Stanley, ts the Work of the greal foreign oriontalists, mention from that nation whose duty it was not to leave the laurels of his undertaking to a foreigner. The scientific world was satisfied; every orientalist, overy Philippiniste, ought to understand English, and the nu- ‘merous notes and appendiees of the translation did not hurt the value of the “resurrection” of the Sucasos de Filipinas, ‘Thanks to that translation, we foreigners did not believe in the necessity or at least in the urgent need for the reprinting of the Spanish original. But you, my dear friend, were not in accord with this resignation and modesty'of the outside world, with this indifference and apathy of Spain. In your heart, ‘which is truly noble and generous, you have felt the extent of national ingratitide, and’ you, the elder son of the Tagalog nation, of a loyal and Betive patvotism, you lot the very nation whose degenerate nie Fi libystero admire this proof of patriotie nobility and generous patriotism. The parasites, the friars, aj ish ods of the Filipino world call you thas Fou have been slandered by those who, ‘mad ness for greatness, for the sake of their pockets, and for the bandage of their passions, are the indefatigable ix (gravecdiggers of the integrity of the mother eountey. You have shown them who knows how to fulfil the duties of 2 patriot: Tho Filipino scholar who renows the laurels of a great author, statesman, and fighter fof Spain and calls the attention of the government to the evils of the mother country or they who sow racial hatred in the breast of the Filipinos by their jeers and invtating expressions of eontempt. You know already that you vill be sttacked cruel ly by the crowed of Spaniards wh a educates i But an. Tato ‘entered the world of scholars, if that Filipino scholar hot only fulfills the duties that Spaniards first of all fought to fulfill, but also consures the conduct of the European colonizers and eivilizers, then the Malayan ‘author ean consider himself lucky if only the anathema ‘and curses of all those who believe themselves supe: ‘or beings infallible and untoushable, should rain over fim on aetbunt of the place of hs bch andthe sickly Bat you have ot wren yur The pow ction ae ie 1 edhe fod pig, ih eos wl ecg o ou be that your notes, so seholrly and well eho, wil i he Baran wor More han 20 years ago the just and. Corasian protes against ihe cree omiied hy the Burpean dacveros {n'the New Word tapped spreading, ie precarsr De ‘noble Spaniard, the Yenersbe plat Las Cases, Ths ‘man, tua sani, spoke in the name of Christian reli ‘Hon’ and’compasion, but be siceeeded only fn stag. fing the rate of Negro slaves. The Frosh des ‘von eae eae of le a 3 vage en Uhe ued tan represent the nee of innocence of humankind. Thus to the school of Rouse Seat ap wel sin various Spaniards the colored man seemed a grown-up child with the difference that the Tatter deduced from their theory the right to oppress in whe Gh French deals were in aver of als ing to the “big children” all the inexhaustible and in ddulgent love that a father professed toward a je obgerve that this affection toward the "at bowom ‘was a manifestation of the madness for greatness of the sitign (erroneous) ‘white race, of the nations and races fet wor ‘ aiming men, or ot Jeu uli te ‘OF the Supreme Being endowed with a childish and Timited intelligence, Following this theory and Une othe: that modern elilization was & poison, the French idea Jats wanted to guarantee a peternal and loving tutor. ship, but withal an otemal tutarahip of the “colored men And fll of ideal they wanted tat tuoi {obo so inlgent hat everthing would be permitted th the white maa vr to olay th atthe child ‘se ad conduct had > ‘A tood example was the in faster Ocean member ts Colored men Wold nt hve to a he eto proctor, because they proposed not only to pote {fem agains the hrtaliles of our rage but aap protect and even nourish thelr vices, nd immoraltis. ‘Rhe'upiy nakedness of reazy ended the beaifal dreamy af the eluded: meno fongot, that ithe breast of Every man shambers the beas, that beast which, ke fhe noxous baelll that are Kiled Chueh disinfection, ie elle only through the spread of clucation. Dut the iaions of hose endhana eid. yot remain sterile "The Hea of the emancipation of slaves orginted in these Maxong,foply rege: atthe nolo and generous fatln, the Spanish nation, had ceded the lures of Ss See ri es oe Be ent ee ONT ibe Bares se taf Ea fst te oma x In the following epoch, the cruelties committed by tus Buropeans were altacked, not for noble motives but {oe national rivalries and vain glory. Then the Spunird te Gersas te Pot ‘Beta the vtec es of we ellen about he cruel connie by thenuelven tier for malice o for bing dd by nana ove ‘The mde ee in short with democrat ie ended bp looking” wit oiler eyes on ther soloed trate ‘rhe sev Baroean geteraon pcams, Be‘that of whole mark, To asthe Sond fi longer't mwa or a'hinan curiosity the caored man ihe Now ‘hoagh the Giteion and advancement of guogrpuicl enor, isa, and ioral knoweder wear dame of Be period when ws denied fue broker the fall as the modem gener tor mota tetded generition but sn active Foners: tion, wwe extend ur arm to our brothers asking them to forgive the faults of our ancestors and. we try to ‘make up for the errors and érimes of eentuties Past So then, your obsorvations. on the condust of the European conquerors and eivilizers are Jn gereral not new to the historian. The Germans specially discussed this theme abmost in the same manner as you do, and Jet no one tell me that the Germans ean talk about the eruelties committed by other nations because they have had no colones, for Emperor Charles V transferred to the bankers of Augsburg, to the Welsrs (the Bal- zaros of the Spaniards) the territory that is now called Republic of Venesnela, and though German rule lasted only a few years, German crucities were no different from those committed by other nations and the German historians rightly condemn with the greatos. harshness the crimes of their fellow nationals, So in general the ‘ceusations in your notes are not a novelty But With: xi ‘oat doubt it interests ws how the peturo of these days ctiscovery and cvestion ls presented the descend fins of the maltreated, tthe viens of European Inc ‘Natural 1 have foORe-metoe-you hes Sainted it from other pointe of view different from oars nd that you have disdoverod things which have escaped the atention of the Burupeans, because even the wos Impartial among. as could not renounce all the invete- rte precesupations of race and nationality. And these new points of wow give. your notes an imperishable alte an indeniable value even for those who dream Tran inacecile superority of race of nationality. The Scholar wil salute with enthusaam Your erudite anno- {Edlong the colonial poltilan with gratitude and res- Fete Throues those es run a flood ofterious observa. Es eaualy interesting and impertant to historians and tuuniders of overseas colonies alike My great esteem for your notes does not hinder me from confessing that mare than once T have observed {atl you suffer fom the error of many modern histo Fis who ensure the oecurrences of centuries past In tecordanee withthe coneepts that eorespond to contem= porary Ideas, This ought not to be so- The historian ugk not to impute to the men of the XVI century fhe broad horizon of ideas that stirs the XIX century. ‘The tecand point ith which T don’t agree ts some Unbosoming against Catholicim believe that the origin ‘of numerowr occurrences tegreitale to religion, to Spain, fed'to the good name of the European race should ease : eee of mal Until this point I have referred only to your hit. torial notes. Thele very perusal inspires great interest in every man devoted to the selentific or politcal study tf the colonial regime of the Spaniards as well as of the otter Europeans. This interest naturally inereases ‘when you speak of pretentiay affsirs, defending. your compatriots and cone the bad eondition of the fcomtry, { recommend the perusal of those annotations fo all Spaniards who love’ the Philippines and desire the preservation Of the Archipelago. ven those Who ll eny thatthe Indio possesces natural human ietelligence ‘ought to read those lines in which an 4 sings" T don't expect that those deml-gods ean be cured of thee p jtudices to them your works like your Tagalog novel non, toe shuren But — thank God — there isa sufficient umber of Spaniards who do not need the operation of the cate, ‘ict or who suffer from gout and ihe wil flo ‘ently sour snggutona very edvennd man loves by now thatthe Brench adage apples to the questions of tho ela seine: Jour de ete sont panne The bata explotst TUNE Tats Sse TT Sufficient pret to appease He Very see poe ‘morality ofthe pretnt generation, Nets teiion nos teiiation nor theory of ngs and nls oe Dermits the conversion of the natives into srvuta wt Sut Heh, without Uberti, Ever those sane Whee Tse thelr regime of the prsige of thelr ace’ he ery grea care otto offend ne elingn ofthe re Beenase they know well that esanes Samol he pet served ifthe mother country doer not tran howe 6 ine her children ovarcas ince wih ftesion, least with te reapect that one contracting fay Soars thu chert ay the rath, who contests the Pecer pat part of the advantage of the contracts et Wt eat a serves i erpcly inal punts ts ipenle noe lo regard colonies asa rich ventures or for the of the mother eoun- ity, The beat mon, the beat talents, erste Soe characters, ought t0 go out to fill the peallions over- 05 to he able to thus serve as leaders and supporters of the integrity of the mother country and to restore, not the prestige, but the good name of the European Bales xr he Pipe form ely ope hae by-milions of men wncee mice a ie ows, whowe civilization i the child of our own, and whose diverse eons amalgarat with the bond’ of the Spanish lan Euage. Those millions now aapre though the woiee Of ther tes erightned oon to the aamlaion of Shir enonry bythe mother coutey and hope forthe ted of hs curry andthe gure of he ittegehy of the mother ety, 8 from the magne nimity and nobility of the Spanish tation bit feom ter sina of josie and pridence. The best Teforms that are intoduced into the Philippines will rma set hefty of errata ct, svch plese in danger the fvedom of evety Fillpine eral ‘and smothers brutally public disussion of the ils of the country, The same pley in Rusia created nit and in the Phipines st wil be inaptably the enter of apna Hash, Tn thereat iy serves only to compromise Spanish rule The mis Ferenc Spina te 2 at the majo of the Solis overess with the gated national inference, ‘To the first group belong the friars and those govern- ment employees who do not govern oF administer the ‘country but exploit its inhabitants, Bvery Hispanization br assimilation ofthe Filipinos or of the Philippines dis- turbs the eireles of those i i reruns Cling god eta our pockets) Sree soar Sof fee soumy see Cay ft uate ee ik sot en Sen oe ete can Ee ee en Se eatin len oe ee mei lo ee eet movement of the lpinos ay flit 1 don be ilove that all th paar of ante ipao league ares bladed by their pasiona hat they cannot see ihe Consequences of their behavior — the Inevitable Separation of the Pillpine or a la a ates of Tovidage tat wil cost Spain uch Blood and much re money; Dut perbape they trast in hat fas We dtu? fr ty kn by the Holy 5 dareonesm ine fuer ae vied upon ta hl ree A rile, wil aly fll with {atthe Wil of Spain and ao they ey by all ‘ean ‘and wih Ue help of pious frauds to posone the end ot the downfall {tise brought about Sane he il of Sonn, tat, bythe separation of ae Sant, Ie woald no mater to ther, becnne te Order of Se. Auguaine, St. Domini, aed. Prancls tre international and hey real Aguas, Dow ne the Pipes oer not erate Sse By and Tn is ee he Ta SET Par Tiras aeveement withthe Fliplacs or emigrate he late indicated by Thee gener] who redder at Rome he fra cont to the axilla of the Pp Pines they wall do\4 patrol act bat very Prat kth tape to the infers of the st Mem The ideas ofthe far are the followings If we tere to ssimillon te emtequence vil be that Fi Piao deputies wil ex for the expulsion ofthe fay rom the Palipynes and thy wil get ao wil fe ulide to ayre to the panamentary representa thn af the Philipines and to ther alten of aa milion; if we take advantage of the sat of ignorance Ot the county that preva the cle of he cen fgoreroment, we ean a eet ecard our doa! fr Eve year to te Deefit of our pocket” Flite Fadlcals cotuted greatly tear Ure development of IEE atc, bce ey provi the open “Out 2, thos placing the {iar ie ens wu iher TF renounce voluntarily and immediately fot only their omnipotent influence Dut also all their Tomporal propery (which does not seem to thet worth- waptor retard thelr ln at the expense of the integrity woe wcother country and the welfare of the Pstip~ Sines, Thus Une Filipino radicals, adoyting the intole- vines of the friars, compelled them to follow the Latin ‘adage "The reasoning of the cx ploiting employee is i ‘with that of the friars. vo tthem assimilation is their ruin, and naturally the eerests of the stomach are greater than the Interests the mother country. Thus the Philippines count om oe ae of enemies, 20 much more fearful as they bave isp te fame of feng the suppor, he ol sp 1 Spanish rule and the only ones who know the coun ty ilecording to my modest opinion, the exploiting US: jopeca form an uncompromising party while, the fra would renounce much if they are guaranteed the rest . 1 have sid the adversaries of the assimlation the Philippines count on a large number of deluded (sora, Among them im the find place ae thoes who eTfer from the taadnese of the greatness of the Buro- een race, Evergthing that does not emell of their eeaey i repugnant to them. The climate and the cule sae or the country seem to them hellih, and the nants and the eolor of the skin of the Filipino Malays tad Mestizoe are horrifying to chem Tt is true that TAL haples representatives of our European race too clang to tke hatte wolee" of the educated clas, met Iu poles! questions the most educated persons do Par in Pe'an imporcant role; so we wil have to count ot rey peciments of the genus humaxum. They belog ie the uncompromising class, because de guatibus nom ‘ee ieputandum,* abd it is a disgrace for Spain that Te Gem Date, ed they tae (BAD TURES Sowing tor tats (EA) Shey form a very large class, Tt is the fault of tne government of the metropolis because it did not lenow how to infuse in the minds of the Spanish youth in school dynamic love for their hrothers overseas; itcul- tivated dangerous national pride which ie provocative ‘and suicidal; but it forgot to imbue the ehildren with Jove and enthusiasm for all counties and all races that form and inhabit the Spantsh kingdom. If Spain did not have millions of colored subjects, it would be well and very good to edueate the Spanish youth in proud ilu- sions that every man who i not a Spaniard is inferior ‘repugnant, but as Spain sill preserves rexinants of her old colonial empire, It seems more than imprudent {for the Spanish youth in the peninsula to forget that at Teast one third of Spanish subjects do not have: the Phenomenal tuck of having been born in the penine ‘la, That national and European pride is very aggres: fave and fivtating and it is the greatest enemy: of Spain because it establishes as indisputable the supe- lority ef the Castlas (Spaniards) and does not allow either the realization of the aspirations of the Filipinos or even the discussion of Philippine questions i & sonse favorable to the desires of the country. And this is the more regrettable as a favorable solation of the Philippine question is certain, time only being insecure ‘and the question of whether the soliton will be for or against Spain. This depends upon the Spaniards in the peninsula. Ifthe features and eustoms of the File plnos seem to them so repugnant that itis not possible {or them to embrace them as brothers, the Filipinos will Separate from them withoat doubt, A sod of Manila, on the occasion of my humble defense of your Nelle tagere fais were le stein heh atoige le found: “Are we not Spanier, Spanarda of good rece and realy for every eacree "Congres tutions, Taree and T hope that thie fe ot jae hollow phrase, The fist duty ofa Spaniard who desires {o preserve the country ought to be? Sacrifice the folly for graines ofthe European ace ant avon Vane vill ini i is gs a i i iy ey ts itor epe inn oes tee pees Da sad eats Ra by Oar paca ina ee oe a pee SE lati gl Be ofooge loging tegen seme ciate es eee e, ees bre Be eee he ge ae alos re aa eae eran bap oes ee xd of ed Spaniards ford by those hear Gppeed to eaimiaton, beni hay Be eve dat fe atl grant forthe flloine reasons: Ist the 2nd, even the Christian and ci rit ee not impede the reallaten of hilprine tonuatons The ames savage tibet donot maar Mtause they have a stall momber of oul, andthe Filipinos do not Cai the extension of eomeditional Heres 10 the savage rides Yor, ie true that in ever the Filipino Ten have Ite edn, but he Exile of ulgara proves ‘het eonaltionl gover stent doesnot depend upon the amor of iterates Si trates Sil ant be added ist ths snot ie ete dey he asin whathet o3t beter to poxspone he line for eomatatonal eansia: ‘ie dnl tt ove te dee of a i daierente Pilppince pevorant™ No oe sha Fone that the reset sate ofthe Philipines noles= Tha Raiser alii att cw ay xix able for any man whe has auftcient dignity in is breast and even to the last peasant, because. wherever he Tooks, he sees oppression, injustice, and offensive and injurious humiliation, and over this the impossibility of defending oneself, beeause the last Spanish erim- inal believes himself and considers himself superior even to the best and most noble son of the entry, ‘while every Filipino who does not keep quiet and says “Amen” to every despotic and corrupt set of the ruling caste receives the appelation of jilustero and runs the danger of being det prove. That peaceful and governable mass hears with freater pleasure what ite edueated sons tell t than what the friars proach, because naturally they have more confidence in the men of their own race than in those of another, who always boast of their superior- ity, Thus the Paiigpines will et hy foros, i they dont set them gratuitously, their parliamentary representa- tion and their righta to live free and respected, But doubt if the Fllpinos would go to Madrid as deputies Jn the fit case. Certainly the deluded ones of this ‘roup trust in the painting of the Indio by the friars and the majority of Spanish writers: The first ones disfigure it out of passion, the second because, blinded hy their pride, they do. not know that this «very unpleasant awakening awaits them, ‘The thind and last group of deluded men hold the idess of the first two groups; but their national and European pride is not exaggerated to the point of dege: nerating into folly for greatness, neither is it aggressive ‘nor injurious. Thus they are better than the first group but worse than the second, beemuse the latter st least promis tothe coming reneraton what the, preset funeration ni whle Ss Sd gan a ‘ler Ee conpored of the rwinana Snd doce who be the purpose of eo] to provide the ‘and thet the children of the country must subordinate the interests of thelr counery no to the interest of Spain but to the Welling of & handful of Spaniards. Av dostinaiesy they are not satisfied with this rather bold and im provider: pretension but they demane in eatin the srttide ofthe Filpinoe Deeae the sperioe ba ier thom to i pase to die a Hispanae guaran" To ‘ej ia y that he dled ono the third pou are again every kindof suse and never ‘wll perm a vlolation of the laa and honor to be Covered up with the presige of the white race. But as their very ideas gre noting more than the cod ation of the abuso of power and of he presige of ‘ur race (according to tose who believe inthe inate superior of the European)” ao they crest finaly regime that demands from ila employees justice and honesty walle tis founded on an unjust aid immortal asi, ‘oy a serie of benevolent EBS ieee Cae ee, terrorism, are like an exeellent velocipede that is pre- view of his speeches in dom, though unwitting agents prowoateure® of fUlbusterismo, while the second func: tions like a good Samaritan who bandage the wounds ‘of a wounded gladiator eo that he ean come out quick ly again to the arena ad majus goudéum'* of the sove- reign people. The Hons and tigers that attack the gla- "Foes eh gee, of enn” ee distor are the friars and other Castlas, and the managor of the performance isthe third group of deluded Spo piards, ‘Though it seems paradoxical, I believe that the in different persons among the Spaniards constitute the hope of the country, for, as they have no anti-Flipino prejudices, itis supposed that some day they may fra- temize with thage from the Philippines, if they are in- formed of their true condition, But for this the help of the government is also needed to see to it that the youth of the kingdom is taught the geography and eth- ography of the Philippines, [tis very sad, and perhaps more than sad, to nolo that the youth of countries Thich have no colonies, ke is in general ber inforwed about the janis youth and Tr part even the Spanish bur racy Te is very sa nd perhaps cen more than ‘ery sad, that Spain who reigns over 6 oF 8 milion Malays, docs not have ether & college or teademy for Malay or oronal studies th seminaries of the friars being the exclave enterprises of private or interationsl corporations. It le imprident, and perhaps even more than impradent, that tho employees in the Philippines vwork Ike apprentices, for they do not know the lan fuges and Ideas of their subject unable to graduate {fom the satus of apprentices beeause even when thele terms of office have not expired yet they retire after staying « few years in thelr post the. governors rere three gears Tt it & monstonty of transcendental onaequenes if every Pelion of Right of Ue Flipinos {is considered a filthutero act that endangers the tn ey fhe other country, ll is nf saves nourish fibual separate the eolny from her metropolis Al the enemies and adversaries of the ausinilation of Filipinos will get the sume thing that the counselors of King’ Charles X of France obtained in 1860. xi ‘These obeervations are the fruit of the porusal of hhotes, and it is the detire of my sou! that your Sook find in Spain circle of readers who will nol burst into imprecations but will know how to deduee from its perusal that the Filipinos in reality are not ke those in the disfigured picture painted by the friars ‘and your enemiea. If then they do not altend to the Filipinos, the Philippines will be lost, but through their {uke Thy pretend to be noble bt they do ot Ow Soe be Hy ay ten tb a soa alr Sa Pada os know MOF Toa Pree ply: they fear ape ence det refige in rovouion, May God will Uist these ropbecles bs not caleeds bt ssn thatthe gover ons of Sein ack tho aptitude for that of port fuod eben! ous ete non tum Ul, sed cian repna™ al Terie my exon of gate or the precdas git with Phar you have Sovored your fpother county, and the whole siviized word. 1 hope Bat gou may onnue pour sadies that bonde Spain Sud dhe Phikppinc and glosly jour nazee and wih Iie name Tagnog T eonelude these lines wishing justie for your work. CFecnand Brame Leiamerita, Austria 9 November 1889 Teenie Me ir orm. caer bot als Henge,

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