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Stretch to the sky. Imagine strings pulling your

ou gh ts ar e
sk y. Yo ur th arms to the sky, while the Earth holds your feet
Yo u ar e th e is th e wi nd .
Yo ur br ea th Pose in a way that makes you feel powerful. to the ground. Feel tall. Feel powerful. Breath.
th e we at he r. d th e mo on . Im ag ine flo at
e th e su n an ing in th e wa
Yo ur ey es ar Hold that position for 30 seconds while you
we igh tle ss on rm oc ea n. Yo
breath in through your nose, and out your mouth. th e su rf ac e, u'r e
cu rr en t, fe eli mo vin g wi th
ng sm all th e
t yo ur wa ve s sp las h ag
in d ag ai ns ain st yo u.
id e an d fe el th e w in g it sh ap e
St an d ou ts ge nt ly, slo
w ly le tt
e w it h it d le gs .
bo dy . M ov ur ar m s an
ho w yo u po se yo
yo u st an d,
ho w

orit e F in d a n
g sitt ing on you r fav in st ru m
Ima gine you 're a fro exp and you r b ox . P la en t, or
in like a fro g and y a so ng ju st m a
lily pad . Bre ath e Rep eat . a nd a ll of th a nk ke a d ru
m fr om
ath . Bre ath e out . th ey d o s fo r yo a
bell y. Ho ld tha t bre fo r yo u
. S ta rt
u r b od y
pa rt s
w it h yo
u r fe et


Licensed to Aline Soares


Meditation can be practiced anywhere, at any time. You

don't need to be an expert. All you need is 60 seconds

(sometimes less), and you can find the peace and joy that is

always inside of you.

You might also be surprised to know that kids of all ages

are natural meditators. That's what makes these Meditation

Mini cards the perfect tool to have on hand. Each one

contains simple instructions that both you and your child

can follow whenever you need a moment of mindfulness.

Keep them digitally on your phone so you can flip through

them anytime, anywhere. Or print them, cut them out, and

place them in a calm down area in your home.

Licensed to Aline Soares
Meditation Mini Meditation Mini

Imagine you're a frog sitting on your favorite Take a music bath. Put on your favorite song
lily pad. Breathe in like a frog and expand your and close your eyes. Imagine the notes traveling
belly. Hold that breath. Breathe out. Repeat. from your ears throughout your whole body.

Licensed to Aline Soares
Meditation Mini Meditation Mini

Pose in a way that makes you feel Go into nature and notice everything. What do
powerful. Hold that pose for 30 seconds you hear? What do you smell? What do you
while you slowly breathe in and out. feel with your fingertips? How do you feel?

Licensed to Aline Soares
Meditation Mini Meditation Mini

Sit down, make your back tall and straight. Stand outside and feel the wind against your
Breathe in through your nose. Exhale through body. Move with it gently, slowly letting it shape
your mouth. Repeat for 60 seconds. how you stand, how you pose your arms and legs.

Licensed to Aline Soares
Meditation Mini Meditation Mini

Lie down; put a small stuffed animal on your Try to count the stars above. Then,
belly. Breathe into your belly until the stuffie imagine traveling at the speed of light
raises up. Breathe out until it falls. Repeat 5x. for hundreds of years to reach just one.

Licensed to Aline Soares
Meditation Mini Meditation Mini

Get into painting flow! Without stopping to think Let your thoughts float by like clouds. Close
too much or judge your work, let your hand move your eyes and imagine them float by. Don't try
and the colors flow. Paint what you feel inside. to change them, just let them pass. You're safe.

Licensed to Aline Soares
Meditation Mini Meditation Mini

Find an instrument, or just make a drum from a Close your eyes. Now picture the room in your
box. Play a song of thanks for your body parts mind. Move from wall to wall, remembering
and all they do for you. Start with your feet. details. Use sounds or smells if they help.

Licensed to Aline Soares
Meditation Mini Meditation Mini

Cuddle a pet or a stuffed animal. Hold it close Sit with your back against a tree or visualize
to your heart, and imagine its heart is beating it in your imagination. Breathe in strength from
in rhythm with yours. Feel the connection. the tree. Breathe out big feelings. Repeat 10x.

Licensed to Aline Soares
Meditation Mini Meditation Mini

Stretch like a flamingo. Imagine one arm is looking Find any body of water. Close your eyes and
up to the sky, while one foot stays solid on the count the sounds. Then, walk around and count
ground. Feel tall. Feel powerful. Breathe. the things you smell. Then things you can feel.

Licensed to Aline Soares
Meditation Mini Meditation Mini

You are the sky. Your thoughts are From anywhere, close your eyes and imagine
the weather. Your breath is the wind. you're in a quiet park. Smell the trees. Hear the
Your eyes are the sun and the moon. sounds of the forest. Feel the air on your skin.

Licensed to Aline Soares
Meditation Mini Meditation Mini

Close your eyes and place your hand on your Imagine floating in the warm ocean. You're
heart. Take a deep breath and notice your weightless on the surface, moving with the
chest rise. Feel the air flow through you. current, feeling small waves splash against you.

Licensed to Aline Soares
Meditation Mini Meditation Mini

Licensed to Aline Soares

Imagine you're a frog sitting on your favorite Take a music bath. Put on your favorite song
lily pad. Breathe in like a frog and expand your and close your eyes. Imagine the notes traveling
belly. Hold that breath. Breathe out. Repeat. from your ears throughout your whole body.

Meditation Mini Meditation Mini


Pose in a way that makes you feel Go into nature and notice everything. What do
powerful. Hold that pose for 30 seconds you hear? What do you smell? What do you
while you slowly breathe in and out. feel with your fingertips? How do you feel?
Meditation Mini Meditation Mini

Licensed to Aline Soares

Sit down, make your back tall and straight. Stand outside and feel the wind against your
Breathe in through your nose. Exhale through body. Move with it gently, slowly letting it shape
your mouth. Repeat for 60 seconds. how you stand, how you pose your arms and legs.

Meditation Mini Meditation Mini


Lie down; put a small stuffed animal on your Try to count the stars above. Then,
belly. Breathe into your belly until the stuffie imagine traveling at the speed of light
raises up. Breathe out until it falls. Repeat 5x. for hundreds of years to reach just one.
Meditation Mini Meditation Mini

Licensed to Aline Soares

Get into painting flow! Without stopping to think Let your thoughts float by like clouds. Close
too much or judge your work, let your hand move your eyes and imagine them float by. Don't try
and the colors flow. Paint what you feel inside. to change them, just let them pass. You're safe.

Meditation Mini Meditation Mini


Find an instrument, or just make a drum from a Close your eyes. Now picture the room in your
box. Play a song of thanks for your body parts mind. Move from wall to wall, remembering
and all they do for you. Start with your feet. details. Use sounds or smells if they help.
Meditation Mini Meditation Mini

Licensed to Aline Soares

Cuddle a pet or a stuffed animal. Hold it close Sit with your back against a tree or visualize
to your heart, and imagine its heart is beating it in your imagination. Breathe in strength from
in rhythm with yours. Feel the connection. the tree. Breathe out big feelings. Repeat 10x.

Meditation Mini Meditation Mini


Stretch like a flamingo. Imagine one arm is looking Find any body of water. Close your eyes and
up to the sky, while one foot stays solid on the count the sounds. Then, walk around and count
ground. Feel tall. Feel powerful. Breathe. the things you smell. Then things you can feel.
Meditation Mini Meditation Mini

Licensed to Aline Soares

You are the sky. Your thoughts are From anywhere, close your eyes and imagine
the weather. Your breath is the wind. you're in a quiet park. Smell the trees. Hear the
Your eyes are the sun and the moon. sounds of the forest. Feel the air on your skin.

Meditation Mini Meditation Mini


Close your eyes and place your hand on your Imagine floating in the warm ocean. You're
heart. Take a deep breath and notice your weightless on the surface, moving with the
chest rise. Feel the air flow through you. current, feeling small waves splash against you.

Frog Breaths Music Bath Power Pose Nature Walk Sit & Breathe With the Wind Belly Breathing

Star Gazing Paint It Out Passing Clouds Gratitude Song Mental Image Close Connection

Be the Tree Flamingo Stretch Sensing Water Being Weather Quiet Place Feel Your Heart Ocean Waves

Licensed to Aline Soares
Our mission at GoZen! is providing parents and practitioners
with the tools they need to arm kids with essential life skills -
not only to manage anxiety, but to live with deeper purpose.
We can't do it without your support!
Have any questions or comments about our printable kits?
Reach out to, we'd love to hear from you.


Click here to learn more about our New

Animated Program on Anger Transformation!
Licensed to Aline Soares
Terms of Use
1) Your kit purchase includes a single license
you can use with your family or in your private
practice in a counseling session!
2) Want to print lots of copies? Please learn
more about extended licenses here.

We put a lot of hard work into creating these
materials and other resources to help kids thrive.
We kindly ask that you do not share, copy,
repurpose, resell, or embed these materials into
your own.
If you have a special need, please email us at We'd love to hear from you. :)

We are working on translations for this kit.
We have it available in Spanish here. We will
have it available in other languages soon!
Licensed to Aline Soares

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