When you cannot understand a certain language you feel that you do not know their culture

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When you cannot understand a certain language you feel that you do not know their culture, if you

are not familiar with the culture

of that people therefore it will be difficult for you to know the language of those peoplestates that the way people think is strongly
affected by their native languages the way we think is very related as to what language we are using,

Edward Sapir and Benjamin Whorf produced arguments that the languages of Native Americans, such as the Hopi, led
them to view the world differently from those who spoke European languages. According to Whorf, the Hopi perceive
the world differently from other tribes (including the Englishspeaking tribe) because their language leads them to do so.
In the grammar of Hopi, there is a distinction between “animate” and “inanimate,” Whorf claimed that the Hopi believe
that clouds and stones are living entities and that it is their language that leads them to believe this. English does not
mark in its grammar that clouds and stones are “animate,” so English speakers do not see the world in the same way as
the Hopi.

There have been a number of arguments presented against this point of view. Following Sampson (1980), let us imagine
a tribe with a language in which differences in sex are marked grammatically, so that the terms used for females, such
as girl and woman, have special markings in the language. On close inspection, we find that these “feminine” markings
are also used with the words for stone and door. Are we forced to conclude that this tribe believes that stones and
doors are female entities in the same way as girls and women? This tribe is not an obscure group. They use the
expressions la femme (“the woman”), la pierre (“the stone”) and la porte (“the door”). It is the tribe that lives in France.
Should we conclude that French speakers believe that stones and doors are “female” in the same way as women? The
problem with the conclusions invited in both the Hopi and French cases is that there is a confusion between linguistic
classification and biological classification .There is frequently a correspondence in languages between these
classifications, but there does not have to be. Moreover, the linguistic forms do not force us to ignore biological
distinctions. Remember the sapir whorf hypothesis talks about the relationship between the culture and the language and how our
culture or how the language affects our way of thinking.


Our cultural differences the way we acquire the beliefs and attitudes are accompanied by the linguistic differences, meaning if we
have this set of languages therefore we have a different set of thinking.

For example look at this story of lia lee has this severe epilepsy, in the culture of lia lee , they do not know epilepsy is they do not
have a term called epilepsy , they only know qaug dab peg , they only discover that it is epilepsy when they consulted in a western
medical course. They do not know epilepsy is. That is their perspective however in reality is not really good having seizurre . for
those who are in wrong culture they think that being epileptic is good however in the western since they have this term they believe
that the epileptic is not good thats how they perceive their culture that they are in because they do not have that term .

There is a conflict as to what they believed

We are looking at how the language shape our behavior

What is something about Filipino language that affected our belief ,our culture as a Filipino .

Linguistic determinism

With our language it determines what can we know , it determines the extent of the knowledge that we can have.

The more knowledge you acquire the more knowledge that you will be able to know about this world The correct answer there is
that every color is different all of this colors are different they do not have the same color Our language affected it why??howver in
soe cultures they are very specific about colors Himba tribe . where each shade of color they have specific name in every shade of
colors , meaning they produce a language or they produce a word from the language that they have in a different colors.Because of
the variety of words that they created from the colors they are very good in terms of determining the colors given to them and that
is the example of linguistic determinim it believes that if our language gives us this set of words it takes us he capability of what we
can know
Our thoughts, our knowledge is mostly based from the language that we have

Linguistic relativity- our language affected our behavior or our attitude however

linguistic determinism – our language affected what we can know about a certain thing

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