Alhjrt Alhlalyt w Ashkalyt Anhtat Hdart Almghrb Al

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dae fie pa ijl Alias ARE] y APU 3 adr Syl ae 3 yMe ae PH pall Dylae b ths ASS) 9 AIHA 8 ant FI RD J Bs Flap gh Syjlos Bye 2 AGLI aglalt y Gia AIS Eb yl ae th deal Ug) Ges a BA Cond dade Yh jad bibl 6S of da YT PIS lel U deg Old ais gg pile Gh A Bald Maal 5 SLAW Gg altel ALA Obbal Jyoy 9 dy ell ducal ant Pg Sem bg tN STS Jb aA Sali oF ab ay a aul (La sociologie de Iéchec)’ ia dex gl jew pu cyt oe ts alee Le eA LVAD / > B45 ey og nalts ah cL pany obit 2 pal (1040 2) gto gas 7(1491/896 —) iu) 3,59) tate ot deadly UA aE Wik y B Ge pal dey ge BN OUIS yg gals pila ane +1990 Sob jbo i ala yb phd ne peel tall tall Ce ge fd SD ae cy at ad CU UG ML th a Sg? - 1977 31 cage gl! Dall Syl bas! ENGEL» RPoubt @ hl Byline a yble 20 ctl alah Blabt gy gt ¢ all ae ght Jol ad SG Y 1631 By gedll Ue} Bo degitt y Sree and Cer wath leg Aww Yl Blatt wi Lande! el Sal be Sul a gig gol eS! ot 203 Dae cord gpl SALA YN an, SOLE pe pe YH dbl ble cork MY Sadly dal s (Epoque des Lumigres) gi ja) 2 sidl_aas) J 9 coh pall A pels Cok a gli LS teas bi bey ib 2 Lf ES gl cla bp jg OWS" ght (Colbert) pid Si (Francois Bernier) dase 3 OS (CA dell Le Coat ale eda 3. (Louis XIV) —+> Sherr yd y gale AY) le bye Obl 6 Gu yd all pL SH os jail aah gb sind Jf Glall sat Ue ae DLE ah BU SL Sa Jb gis 3 pall deel ya de byiKe coll all gp Sie pluck cube tile TY Pla Sy ae gall aihety db gia AY! Ce pad ley tesall ot Lad aej¥t St (Montesquieu, 1755) 3S gi Vettres persanes) 4—- j\i\ DIA Wes yo LAW heed Sf geet y pobeyh Pid tye ghey OS" gh E2ghls Sali set "i te al cng Ls 2 og basta Jessa oS ow die test Gj duly 5 SLAY y Call GY oe CR (Voltaire) x55 L9BB yates ge gee phe Ohta jak oo dalla pil 1 Cf Henri-Irénée Marron, De la connaissance historique, Paris, Editions du Seuil, 1954, p, 182-184. * Cf Montesquieu, Lettres persanes, rééd. Paris, Maxi-Poche, 2002. 32 Jae ag pl Blam Jollet AAS E] 9 AIMS pal add] JT Ue pLazayl Of ud BUS Je. Essai sur les Meeurs lS 3p Yl SULT pod Le fee gy all bball ¢ Lay abe Yb ae LYN Ll ay igi? sis S , Johann G. Herder, m. 1803) 99, 8 dy 4 oe | ‘ia. (Gustave Le Bon) Oy 9) Gl. 5 (Christian Volney, m. 1820) d= > (La civilisation des Arabes) — ps uam J go hola Se Vi Soph le Sat ole ly Sm Lge pad ue! ct hey Mall Sy dy ah OU a ote slag beled 6 zal 3 Beh yo ope dad Ley cnt end all Jobe ad tte ell cy Me HE ny ELEY! SE tna SI ede Gales edhe! d ball ge EI aba tlm ye fet ll ane a call of pola 5 XS 2 eh Gt ete eGo phe oot Gall ge LY bad 6 SUI oY yee (El Yh iagl ales” ab Aight O yall QU ple blest Wy) go \ia Jb (Angelo Ghirelli) | 3 p—iti Gb Renacimiento musulmén) BAH Ape) IS AI v6 ade |S he cot O Zh orto 4 doled ‘ Gustave Le Bon, La civilisation des Arabes, rééd. Paris, Le Sycomore, 1980, p 463-495. (Magazine ep {UA 3 1799 w 5 JY Jot (oriemiatisme) Ji pe-Y! alae? apt ote de das Yi ie ote. 1855 a Aidt Let g C8 sel 9 crepelopedique) il ia gla YS AUN AL a aitys OF A iLL, Lica Marcel Boisard, 1 ‘humanisme de !'Islam, Paris, Unesco, 1985; Said Edward. Lorientalisme :V Orient crée par ’Oceident, Paris, Scuil, 1980 ; Maxime Rodinson, La fascination de l'Istam, Paris, La Découveric, 1989, Rabah Saddek. « L'Islain dans l’orientalisme francais » dans al-/fnn“ataf, 14, (1988), p. 1-22. 33 shaw gh cs pA Blam bled ANGE! g AAD 3 pelt ee GLA 5 pail atl cdot ata oda | yl ball bo gb gl WW aS’ 7g SA AST 3 ali DG Le ge gd Ao DUES oe i” GQ (Bertram elas ol ig odes colar y bi me teh Sg oj , 1S ce Thomas) oa peg pled Bg8 ald nod ant 1g wee peal” ol Ayoeall cole ll Le Bie 5 peel pe wal cs cel ally all al g oh Soin) Glag Bh ae pols Qhte dae Jobert Lh foal gle La da Sone! oes JEL WsSla Bl aeadly Hycte gf pled Ladd gd ae * aly Ngcar Sotdl wne (coll O alg ee Meryl dpb) IMeetel 5 SG Balt th Qa be gt pape JEW GL tae ys Cl oft 5 (Bernard Lewis) ~1s! 2k, adsl (The drab in History) gj dee sob Gg ell clef go Mah ce, 1954 ple pe gels 9 BOA pl Gin ony Jalye due SES Saad gies aay poll de oo Joh pubes! 345 pte eer dey ale ade * Angelo Ghirelli, £/ Renacimiento musuimdn, Bercelona, Montaner y Simén S$. A., 1948, p. 24-27, ? Bertram Thomas, Les Arabes, trad. de Vanglais, Roland Huret, Paris, Payot, 1946, 34 tage yh Go AS lee ad RRS! 5p Ib! Sl Byles dame 2 Wa Cans py bee Cie pS a co SUI ott 5 goles al gba LENA 9 dese LLY Colemel spt Alans UGE ye be gh Fy 1 .; : SU ee ey SY oe SS Ce pel! oS gtd EH 8 oo gh Nim igo a all gcd pill GLa J le 1956 sige 29 S125 oy» ani dl (Bordeaux) 52) 9 byte 3 Ld cy” a ag le Uo ASI Hgts Lge dem pil, Col pea RS] po al cle ad aa We Gg cle cll Db pal ce a guard ST sof. (Robert Brunschvig) JLisi yg. hy) Qo eles Se OS 5 ll LY pall gull p pled Ai Gg GS 9 91S as lh gy gh Catal a) Ae 7b gi ll g Stee Le lige ot lao le bgt) LB: al geld La gal ys, 0 (Claude Cahen) ge Fy NGS 2S RIE Hee oa a goles! subd fy aaa y coe OY pL Gla J BYE abet Ls acta! 5 doled) bly ol SIMS SF ll ce wale Goth oe ge SU Ght_U of aL, see BL Gill oo ela. ae 5 Cll I oA 9 Gel GLE cle 3 sual ‘ Bernard Lewis. The rab in History, London, Hutchinson's University Library, 1954, p. 144-164, ? Robert Brunschvig, « Probléme de Ja décadence » dans Classicisme et déclin culturel dans l'histoire de | islam, Actes du symposium international @histoire et de civilisation musulmone, Bordeaux (25-29 juin 1956}, éd. Paris, Maisonneuve et Larose, 1977, p. 29-46. 35 Beh Ab Esl dibs aa) Ava Sant Fle Bye 2 OB a LA Fae ge pt dine OV LY! pL Se, godtll cpl fabge Malet Jal gall S) pay GLY” aglS” isa %dll phe ool BE aD gts Het leh all» LL Sobel plh yg galt eta os J db Lax Jil tee heel onl StS all pt Bt Uae oka Bh ame oh Lie ee Sal” ead ll ge LS” ge Orel opal de yy all CLAY Sh smell cat ll Oa op etal Ste ell "Gall 5 DAN ay all Fel gets chs aN ole ll ew Gall es pte ey gat Sigh de al Aga de 1S SG fb pdb! dalam UT aIay cele all oye elted Lyall DLi oot creel Gaabeall 5 op Sal ga pt SN hE op bet ect cole pget Ge pall gle a4 55d) OYE on Ge he Bake oe gal SL ued LE Cow por cst (1792 2) lr C1897 2) gui op) Sle clea ole Oy Le # oda pLall al Vly gtk Yh EU) Gia Gad J poll 3 all Lani 3 shy alt PIB be Jom SLY 9 LL croed Lt 09 ple Ye yg Jee wing BS Shy ally dey eM OY Flic! ye Le OLS Cle GSS oe * Claude Cahen, « Les facteurs économiques ef sociaux dans l’ankylose culturelle de Vislam » dans Classicisme et déctin culturel dans Uhistotre de l'islam, Ibid, p. 195- 207. 1190 4 954 ceva plall Jo cone Core al Ol ge ab 36 daze we wll 3 item blast EMSS) g MEE at Bie bghte oe poe ale! aS gS ptall ed yh aS UG fas DELS oo otal oe oe Trek bias | Lads Bes diy coy Ld sat Y OLA ela ah su" Ng ate Wa Le Gb bib! g co dl tle Hy 25S y cet ST aaa gph ail ty geal y We 154 Boe qu gd WOOLY EY dle Gg blbéyt y Jat AB gle Leal eal OF gy oe VE Abt Ua de teed My dt y ILS a pela ey aN AS lL y Baked NI cy Jacods SUN | 35 dt Talend 3S gle gf Beg oF pre Sth IIT nb OS oy ee peted OL y Go Lal Lis By poodl ys yl USS bike dhe dye olay yt ¢ bl 1S pyres Bano tarde pine Bnd oye oe if SDM oye aan ble NY ye pally dels lewd Mp ger Fal g QOL tall blest OY aL a ah 2 Blyy elle SYBASE, yg t ope aL Sls ailare $6 2000 cays sll 9 2h oll jlo cb ati call! bilaeh Pull nom Ble ccs gut ad ptt -129 2015 » 139-129 op candi ao AP 37 Jee gle asi tae Bla ACS! 5 A a at Gye Bye os {La périodisation) wt ae oe Sd lt JL ae, (es cae gl GLa gest YU gld ple y gaat ollae| gf iolacet 3 allel de gall flall G had ait > oe MUU g asl pagal pay gad GY Bl pas AB de SSS Gaby, CHU eb Sli Le de abt) ol lights Lbs bthéyy cl le 5 jab Sul 3 ast oda Jantar gp Robad yy thee OY ged) Gale 5 ie Wy BES pee olga yah ls coe] oy ce bh Ll cold Yee res bbe 5S pS Gyo gall ey det ol! OT a be oil ate poe SALI Ogi Ade y ST heel oe oye gl ae GL, LS” es Sp oat lly dle bd) g Cie cll Aiaall OV proc 6235" g20kdl tlle Ge eal) lela Bs Sle ol dud oY lied) bl bl tS chee So all od okt Lad wi -(ankylose, déclin, décadence) Raby dene ALAA PLA learns ye gaat) he gia ened pill AB pies Rar Ald wgPlae 5 gLeall awl uF Race Sh ot pall ar glF ped ll By daw doy pee WY eed all fatto SH Sel 5 eee AMD a pea A ys UN RE ale pened dy lente Sh 9 peal) Awad 18180 oo L982 candela cco gar comers 9 fo tel pyade B Le aes! Cig bl 38 cee he PANS pte las) aay a Ub 3 ll Slat tyre eth ey Coen dolb al Sled! col Beall dk clo beg I age gh Ay aay all pall coiill es pls g fat of fo a a leads le FGM gall Woke i ad tlh se tell 3 gall; dee aa gy wlll Gal oo all zetdll ) nl de "OK all ade ple Cee ot oa a AIA et ened ple eel pg Y cad ule Beall @ glvadt lbd J) Ba gall MUL og geal pi 2 yom ll 2B y gah SH cB ley ge y RIM Sell de Oo ae OLS Sah geal fe Agee bl gp BUR Oye LS ag ll CEmest yt cual ff opal ple at a ail SGV ole pt oli on Lesh nll sl deal to U "1875 ple poled JyMI gkK_S 3 Mercier) PY nal Ue ped ley all cual sll Gy Ue REL Gee" yy [BBB de ade aad tl tS Gat as Lad Magis " Ernest Mercier, Histoire de !'établissement des Arabes dans Afrique septentrionale seien les documents fournis par les auteurs arabes et notamment por Histoire des Berbéres d'lbn Khaidoun, Constantine, L. Marle Librairie édition, 1875, 466 p. 39 eal Heated badd oda | gd a esd) I) Gel Ase Soyo bell La Ay BES Sl dee lh Gall Bl Se ee HI lel al fe G ede BL La BY ayy tacks ole gy ld" al Od oy tall oil 3 yoll J} (Le Général de Beylig) (dol Sith Ghar " ne gat! oil Pigslebl aalall A Lise gil ah ygne tyler EID pale Lge cu bento cab toad oe U8 Lott ob ty cp eprlaas 9 MI God OYE ga cay stl de et gh Gall ete] Bale Bale Le ga y Ligitll y Ade gh 9 4 tlh tall Soil Joe Sgt coral pabah IBS acl gig dase gil Gall aa Ge Linke bp ee Ay pee ipl Jot call OL oe de pet cg ky ole Wl! "Oy Bat bale! if metal 4 (La Berbérie) "ppl! 06" ater? gl Cal! td cage ph a ED SM de ee Fpl “gl Gy a ev al a BSG dacge aw jb alle » SY ooh (Georges Margais} a BG all” ye oly gS dle, pty cde apie Gh Shey por celgl> all eat all ge g be wl Uy te sal oats | Ernest Meteier, Histoire de ‘Afrique septentrionale (Berbérie) depuis les temps les Plus recuiés jusqu'a (a conquéte francaise (1630), Paris, Emest Leroux, 1888, vol. 1, 477 p. * Le genéal de Beylié, Le Kalaa des Beni-Hammad. une capitale berbére de L'Afrique du Nord au XP siécie, Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1909, p. 9. wl 1913 ee ge poe? Georges Margais. Les 4rabes en Berbérie du XF au XH" siécle, Constantine, Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1913, 2 vol. 769 p. 4} dese gh Goya Cle Sella ISLE! a Sis ie we ert ON ava oe oltal all tly ce sel Ggll ADDN ral day oo OTE pile 2 gor OU Herd aT ok gar lh aullell a ge Sb he etd tee all Byles Lal! lg BIL ULSI oe ald LD wl 2a” Ge madl gle 9 SUS + Stall 9 tale Uglel il pL SOY Le gt she ody pV LS beg.” Sega gh peal Gb call g ey! Shee oh y cabal) a ag cae aly in gt BEL] ay AIAN LAN alts Ler! ct we all dG Gal be Ley SL ey gett Lett 5 elg i Syl tt TSALEYL pf te yg ob Sgetal ot € 9 48 (Emile Félix Gautier) oi9¢ Sa Jl a oF Bay gl Gall oylam pubes alt La Je oe etal bE ST Babetl fy pill Gs get) dees ALMA aS LY age g cua ph y Olay Sl 2S se fol) Sol Oy pill Lc lub I abel" at (i bey, 3 jad cer Badal A ob lglg "O all deet ” Ue Opti ol Sheil ye oe 75 Sis SA gH cle ope yo pleated! AAI Lad) bpd tle gh de Nyaeliy Naf oo ell Of” lyse pWSortols tog aad al ob ta ob ly DIS 4g thee ike ph bed mgd ate! y am ge " Georges Marcais, La Berbérie musutmane ed l'Orient au Moyen Age, 1927, rééd. Casablanca, Editions Afrique Orient, 1991, p. 193-228. * Emile Félix Gautier, Z 'islamisation de P Afrique du Nord : les sfécles obscurs du Magéireb, Paris, Payot, 1927, p. 389. 41 cage YN ay Au B jae iedl ae] » aPAal 3 att alae Sas 22 pas 9 pS day ge Al ye ad Ula pdle pane A Aiatle 9g Oh pond Adie Angled Leg delyad Lary aby ast 5 dle Bl pais Lgl dale Sige alas Ser pad al Gla y atoll a. cll o SQ ails gull op i glad yaa gut nad al) pg Le] Wall 5 dais al 9. AML ai pte y ade hg 9 BAL) a J gF lie pale guy SIE gh Igd) Gl» ts Gh A oped oe ee y al Ln tp ey Ola gudl cy Le OWS Ob day Ugh bbe dat cooley ad poll UT UL Agar bee ST cog pel g oly, . . “uae wpa 5 os pill salys y stall [oUF 5 ALM o pS aaa Pall col beat Aebedt Cts dU pS alt bat! Ly 6 pS cab gall oe Ta pcll Gg” OES Ob tee LT lal ah oo {Louis Halphen) .,4la (9) adl gh "ce sot! ol OS SI ol» _ill fac O cnalthal wll dal Gum bea Gall ool OF ei git LQG 125 po cf ey ee) Sle ee fe aa cel edge ol? ? Louis Halphen, Les Barbéres, des grandes invasions aux conquétes turques du XI” siécle, rééd. Paris, Librairie Félik Alcan , 1930, p. 374. yet iphiiacn ©: « Geste imprudent, que le calife du Caire, faute de pouvoir agir, venge ragement en lachant sur 1es provinces de Pouest. en 1052, les bandes sauvages et assoifftes de butin d'une tribu arabe du Nadjd, les Hilal, cantonnés depuis la fin du dixiéme siécie en Haute Egypte, du cété d’ Assouan, et qui vont en quelques années réduire a néant les richesses de |’ Afrique du Nord ». 42 daw gh gall Ulan oI By ae aye ys Lita tyr dol Gall Ud acl y ales! all Gan ad O alt CIB UST Fe ret cbt domed LET A lance) 46 LI) Gobel pall 03 po sll olat at” 3 (Charles-André Julien) Olly og jail J je | a hee gem yal call de all GHA Gg La Le ae” G6 15H Lie tal oh Yes ayabell ae all ope pel "1830 ADU Gall pla De oe I Le bY Lg ba of ares 3 bm gglele cto All phar Jem y Oly alll de Qo ae ah ph 2h YN cea " GIS Gad ab the 7 bgt aL STL me A fatall ADL Go all oe feat Luse( Alfred Bel) Ju >, aif aaa SLD a po at Led Le genet 9 Al ws pbs "owe Hl age G ha gM al” a pp ell aS Sybiam 414 2 pcel SN (Lucien Golvin) bilge Ota cud pill om al oS Se oe Cote (6 Jolt I aly pe AIA sal fang dae ll Gall ot at ad ae og aL La 2 lt LAM Ler pse Igennl shasta Lata Legit ial L'Echo Oran, La Lutte sociale ot Je [br & jasc Yh Legend) 3a glee a slay AI, ce ged Une pensée anti-coloniale, spa: jal tS gw 3s ae! YUL ois. Progrés civique positions 1914-1979. Paris, Sindbad, 1979. ? Charles-André Julien, Histoire de { ‘Afrique du Nord : Tunisie -Alpérie- Maroc depuis ta conquéte arabe a 1830, Paris, Payot, 1931, rééd. revue par R. Le Tourneau, 1975, p. 373. 3 Alfred Bel, La religion musulmane en Berbérig esquisse d'histoire et de sociologie religieuse:,, Paris, Librairie orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1938, vol. 1, p. 209. 43 wap fh GALL am bles! GAS Z 9 AY alias OME o> elas Fibs ae oe gle Fatal sp ib ae y dal ts a wale 3 LUI — all J} (Roger Le Toumneau} sys) - 9) 3 bi 95) OWS nSt 3 pba pet! Le (Princeton University) 0 yo» Sele laut ba i ese, St Pad cot Goa LUA fgg egacel fy plat GLU 3 hia 5 oI ob oe Call 2 bby ct i det ce Ae isles "oo gu shi (Gaston Wiet) culy o sole all gil Beh pat y Bets Dh fool IS peo yall of ce Np ila SI opel y gall Ball pcs ole Le ail Jo ce All 2d deerlawll g dyolnad'yh ekg gD bN fad pte prem fb Gall ab cult Gg ADU ell AT Sym all ola SUE TY pegllh cole gh SAR DN Sa LN & alll gp Ad ll a a pall basi aS Le fee BUY g i yee lS oll gh ae Sy lall SLAY! pate SSA cot 9 robe coe JAS Eel ype Sg> (Nevill Barbour) 39 pial oS Ley Ceiba oa i SL La) AlN 230 a Fg Opal BY yet ge G" AS” 3 (Carl Brockiman) SUIS a2 LIS al * Lucien Golvin, Le Maghreb central a ('époque des Zirides, recherches ad archéologie et histoire, Paris, Arts el métiers graphiques, 1957, p. 307-314. ? Roger Le Tourneau, « North Africa in Historical Perspective » dans Current Problems in North Africa, Princeton University Conference. 1959, p. 4. 3 Gaston Wiet, Grandeur ee Islam, de Mahomet 4 Frangois. Paris, La Table Ronde, 196i, p, 198-203, ‘ Nevill Barbour, A Survey of North West Ajtica (The Maghreb). Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1959. p. 18. dace Me AL ples ola] ANE] y AINA 5 dl bas Syte pee tli tao y ASL de Se ell SLE Cob ad ee cgi 9" clit as “ats” 4 (Bertold Spuler) hee Vybp Ge Gt FASB pelt UT oe li pS Glad SE wpe AD AG ge lA g ASU) ASL tc) La al IS” Hy be ed pill ae Alt Sot IMAL fll gle gam ob "MRI oe & ge BB yo al 2G ca pe all RU UY ptlerl eg y wall Wylie suet ope gy Gsalal & 5 Ht “LEN ie a ASA G pb "IT y azo! orgy pale ele jp eer gl oye pal a oe Ua ee a ws Qa "ppl oe tla gd gall peel ee eS gle sleet ph ea lala Bie cli y po sle gay olf La oo us y Berbérie) 5S Al SUIS ga ok oD call eo GSI kee J a GE LS (La Bell yall ooh gel ot og Apt opty pig co Be si dala ole by tale wy bi ate ol dy. Berbérid orientale) cabei ja ode Jyh yall peel alec Gall Selly ghd At) pall 2G" Obgim: (Vonderheyden) Ota bigs LAL ge CIT at piel she cca ge SARI ate g th cd ae deg aN ell gy ob clade LST 320319 oo FOR4 10 b cout! ? Bertoid Sputer, The Muslim World, | — The Age of the Caliphs, waduit de Vallemand, F. RC. Bagley, Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1960, p. 108. 45 cee gl PAG Lee Lad NSE! y AUDI 3 eal pj be Bhi agit ae POZA ple ots bh ye es dye age @ Sa pth dele Jobe Ge eh GL AEM Ba SN DL yb lt PU So eel go whi fal) doy Gla po) og ne ol a fly aw 3 ake BU pr Byles cy all bist gf jlea Vi quai” amy hl Robert Lhe yn shay oui il LLY dle ge fll a el 1940 Ager WN calysoe N al oye bad cally dala US. WAT & ul 2 Brunschvig) Cnet Age SB all ae" Obges Wey adsl! pearl! dol cab fe Aagalll 5 abl stl y asc patel os tell faced tha os yy ete Sally steel 2 AT ile be cg pa shl AES GS itd Es IV (La “ASA a ASU" alles dy SyY foal alg ay all Ue awe BAL bed ogo jak Lae al, oo ecu catastrophe _hilalienne) Jes SWS Gsm Ute Bae abl Shi tig Wal i005 dof ALT Ay Bath 3 led Fath 33 G pga 3Y ce JU (SOU oe al Ek slorlb Wyo ol ys Whe, tbl G Londi Moa GL AL all 9 (0 ee Ban aul + oni ott (Hady Roger Idtis) p22! x, Mis lB abaLo a er ¢ gan gll ha al Ua alh a Lor cal y el on "M. Vonderheyden, La Berdévie orientale sows la dynastie des Benoa f-Arlab (300- 909), Paris, Librairie orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1924. 344 p. ~ Robert Brunschvig, La Berbérie orientate sous les Hafsides, des origines a ta fin du XV° siécle, 1940, rééd. Paris, Librairie dAmérique et d'Orient Adricn- Maisonneuve, 1982, vol. 1, p. 357. 46 doen gO BMS lee ub ILE] ASAI Spt! Syl age ve TOS8 ple dypy ped deal YSU 4g Wyo ol gS dLay p ary pg Vi Dina ed all ye ee ge BN ll DL" Oh gs doy pal shee] 3 pot shee all loge cay » (19591962 Ae AS LL yaad at Se oe ea gll aga GLa A Jp RG oP Lyd cll JQ! Ove gM al oo GE tay thei gy soto) st shee 9 ol Joli caret! ley Sesh US a giuil ok gph SOG ye “AID BIS" 5S) taped y Sy ge tl a al Aid) fiat ole OY Gall shad ali & po tee pal) GI Spey Kad Corb y GOIN cael 9 Bohs Spook cali y Ol eal) Cy pt coh pach 2 cle ANU bl Ob cy OO heel cube pt Sym yale) Lt St chat culbtgll spbhi oy ode! alt J sition be dade ye Camda ys ne BASS ty felt alowed Agel ye Bb god ih oS pitt yi le Nye 64 cp lll onal it gal + (lean Poncet) pip Op doe eb age ne all ably ie ll BIS, AIA Bed Caney 3, SG ob cleY bul yo at We oa alae gh oe aU be fo ep do colt BUTS 1961 5 1954 ote adhe OS aah 2a, ) Hady Roger Idris, La Berbérie orientale sous les Zirides X-XIF siécles, Paris, Adrien-Maisonneuve, 1962, vol. 2, p. 625. 47 ae fe A lar SUaZi ANSE] y AIMEE S pl Syl ae osteo Lagd Gey gale " Sparll GUS "as de pete FSG le bolas Spa dle py pe oy gh le AL SLE Gg bled! y bens ji ata} J) Mobb LU ely gp ge ke sae gh AM FU py nnith & pleat Yl ab ct ill y ga aged GERAIS ual a, pale ” hg eek callie Speed all ey Bt le oN gdp (lb cat Abh "ES Le Sob pee gf i Ue bode" 31967) "ag hAH a ISN 3 ge cl all Lat peat gle aig lel ail “(19685 "21 ee Bo oj ge Bale LS de abe atl y all oH app SALA gl FALE Belge Bilye sh Spl Chel pS” cee tes aide " oige oF 1968 ple Lie ollie 3 atl] 6 pdb uysh py) pl teat sh TLS ge OM gents 9 APSA By gall "yA IS AS ISH ' Jean Poncet. « L’évolution des genzes de vic en Tunisie : autour d’une phrase d’ibn Khaldun » dans Cahiers de Tunisie, VI (1954}, p. 315-323 ? 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VASA bbl Dla U2 paid ADAM 3 png SIN qeatly cled ts Ge Sad gy all dd ae cel op jal ae La) oe Lal at Boyle ale ye Sutoall op fori ee ogo Lael fash o(aigen) Gated! ple oe patil sf OL ) col ee UB y gly pill 5 o cpl tts ASA banal poll 4s oT Tag page Wied 6 dh oie aadbaas Opler yl py gp AST ge cp dot 1s ols Ob on Sarl et arts OU g aad ge y gals Bypmb UT oes gle lalace! Mie y call cu Uo daghed abe afoul GLI 49 Jaen gh oo All byline ibstl GAS] 9p er 5 pal ay ee agbee ws eS lh Ly JS OL cag hl wg sled oe peal ae SEY BoB gall eg Al ph cab ba Alp pall tage gh ght cats Ol oF ya ys el ae gts ST ely) ot sla St gee Ma elalnes yale ips ald y Oly pli” ull SS gol all (Les Dla gh Jot ace gah gab gill Boley a gall 1S Wy got gg pe Oeil ole ogg all piel Ady al aed Gal! 2a. J Normands) eget) BAU Jey dev g G deed! ale dl Ou Sul oo UY Eye EWES co teed SLI plas g SID! 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Suljg allan pl thal Sgt gM Ag coealetal pos gi ge one SUD c still heer are pe! -B2 (2 1968 Gey 54 dager gg paki Slee Dolled LCS) y 18'S pall Shwe Be wo sage gt tgote ob jail MY pole AM ole | a ue ada CIS Le ew ode thee I pe y SITY oS gk eae By slante OUSIL FE ye IS gh SMe Gg re Le Aull pKa aptall alge aol» LASUAL 3 pug Gl sent | bee come! gol ASS Se pet pO eT ae fp pet BI SLB a pte, oO ell te Ge Boal" hye 2 ay all yygorld om gl al” ple op aed alls te Sill ESN gag da gl Ele gall pan oy inde dprlge all oe Lay Syliam pl gait ye pall SULT AIAG oyrdl ov dole ad bro Sopdlly sla jMI ow Op 3 eee Ball Gall ani" Obs gud al all ge ASH Lis 238 lg oball esti ot 1074 a sili” J bales” SUA AL ge) Ula sg peg balan ya g8N Gd Igtle ull (1970) “oreo lh a Bc oighh ! wts” 5 ferlet] a pet oF Haile LS le Gall Blam Jeaal bolge ce 2T ate 2 Ul cut Be yee UF daw OF al gll Spte ay all "atyr al" ae apkall 4 all pla cA gdh ly Cole bb yall sbad yl eee BAPE fol gall op Jaleo feed yg plo bth Ub ob bie of ets al gl call Kya gS LIN ppt gag 3 lian) gil pant ope Soedae Sprlguall pl ple gy aa! 38-35 (2 1972 fees NS BM ig ell y NSN an Oa toe Baga ll ga ell gall ae? 139-138 ye 11974 ist dees Mo Al blame let ANS] y QIMat Fed Spl ne Bye wo lel Ut cael AT cont Joe Aided) 6 pill ae alee Gall ana (Le grenier yl py Leys Oot cet 4 ghd 2b cthet, 481 225M Y fcbel opt obi ail Gall "532" ee git sil pede Rome) "al Bem pet ee ote Tepe eh peti ge Ia lt de bene all tb gy ge gy pee go all G eabldl apt as SD ce ce Mp all oth Ol ae eB aly pee et ay ofa! 35 eo Ml aslypill Sadi de clash abe yt call yA oy Be get gb olislall al g Glyrnall as ae cobalt ode Job AIM i peg Enel LA ntl de astdt al ple 25 9 1975 ple at one tale CES pines WL oF Ue SSavzoll" itl pee all DG pte Aone ale ce Aye" Ole ——# 1980 Bgl Setenell pelt Aad jd (gle m9 Sy Gil Ankle 9 tee pall Le OF day gid op Oprldt A ad cold SAI de Lat 4 pos aad) 3 A a gl) ee Sal oth Gg aDUAN Jill cle g SAG 9 YL de gall bey all ye dalle ULE 4g doy page Blo 2 1976 ib pte AS GB Slat Baya glo cya Cee Yh FB cll felt aye! 203202 BK i etal cop yal 3D g ype g pete 9 Cell B Meal gal aM ger pala ge hey held seb gd pas Satpal ode Sl SLY! at 254 92 yo 1964 cs pail iagetl 21928 pie oud dane etsy A Ley daily ol So 1 3 TOBO cb yell sto coc ge CSR Gy yl a Ss dead aL oy Dy2 fpr gh AH 56 eve gh cp all Etiam ele aISS] 4 MNS pl Sylar ie conse Ag Aad pall aut LH poland oleh atl ogy Ge Lee oor gly] "Oly CF de yyy dy Bl oo oy low eS UM g plat ge tet on Kgorle Ugeb fale Soll dtu oo "Volar 9 Ye yb astlt aS ll Sy ahh Ste pal Sl iS y AA Fatt FT Spe pla pl ale gy ge A ad peel y la all Ub Ue ge bls Je Joe oe all ge pli ad Jol Gm gall [oley “ule 5 dala sl Peal gga, LON le ania aval bel lS y Ge LIS ow gil OB bee Ohl Gh pel) Ged AR Hy plniee YH Badly 4D Pith Belgie, AME gy fall ppl Le oye ape ddke ce BUI SLL Gall ple ot gh obsldll aby eo BAIA 5 ng DUIS Dhaad el fo nm pata LB coll ill ops Be ya 2h cae AS JLab toes “JST al aU dLoiee” ak Og hey Aided) ual g tjldee oly GLU te CALL 1S all port ena BUS oye ind Cad de ph oe ell Fag dt JR ce Elle shan oo Lvleed aliaall y AIA Zoedl alls Jae gayle a gh be Lb > 54 oe OTT cabs Seg Al Stys St Ub Lae 9 Lg GF BLL Dall ayy det! , wd 153 2 A980 oeSU ee gh eB cole yada SL ole oy Ups ayy wll folet? 160 1S6155 4 11980 e Jesuit gallnn jlo cibmall coli yall uh Blas dpe ee 37 ages gl os sabi Sylver bal ANGLE y about 5 dh BplLinae Fy Me 2 SM aa ge Al otk lee y Ol ae ae 5 cdl gall OY cate el NY cote eg de itl g S92 SL all LG platy whe pSae Saal ota ae ba, Sai by Oghgle dale be glybl eld 2 GoW Gee fer pdt Sie AB GS AIAN oprah J gm Sehr el gato Gye eee gf tudor pen? clades! AA Sym tte eee al 9 OSU ug etl padlal cles A ADM Gall alin 3 we opty 71982)" pd me feat gpl de Sy pe ida (LOB) ball os Alb proses Babe] Ogle eb oe OAM OM Lat) Lal cel y fol ath 9d oN oly gS aL, oo yl Ly AIDA as Quel Tyo cUae! gf alae! ob Aa all lal" Ope ot ae tel Cae yf tle Wadd 9 paul CUAL pale) y ulead salle SF cil "ous Wy cyte ll nae Gall Jal Fool Bt ll folall and ogi cca hy pe AEE kale gt pall 3 gS olde gpl ne ee” 673.671 0 LOB] cay all Gag jlo Pyle at gl AH” pak pe I Jy kn gee cay il cagA” etl pat 267 2 (1982) F170 & ciptani XXX ce SSS thal oy bd pty ge y Gh gL ol cca eae? 90-73 oe «19845 ga NEL cone Ay ate par be Bh Wy AN PL! owe wet cee pe gle al -33B332 yo 1982 cancel ote pail 58 Se gil ge AM 3 lca otdasds ASL 5 SIS) 3 aa aie Eye 0 Banal Macha ott JL gaat tol 5 tet salt tl rt th 8 eet de 5 Baal igegill oUt ipa de) QIU Ceolrl Lika oy al dal oe p tial 3 oly gl peldi ke JLia 6 all oP peels cole HU Ugandy otuijall ole Quefol id us, easel BLY Cae) cari fe Cake Ay pall J yall dame OF LS ah 4 ll LEH sami oot oA gS LS od Laks SR phd LENT ak LS” Lgwele BLS ~All Lou bet) tee alt Baal po pts eels BALAI let pct lt Spe Oath gall aed 2 key beste comol plat OF pled be Gall sly aD gly JS plac ey all OLS ot Lb og pb ll ps aie AU alas ig pial 6S ol pall 252 oll lbh Ob Ad pS” te Up QYDL I A pst Coekdl OF We abla g Kelas Vg Malach! 5 Ryetlenedl GY gout! AME Sled OF MURA gm gl a8 J gf plaajVL ele 6 pays gle et AN pd NN alge” tS 8 ol doce Oo LG CIA a pll Bt pai ole Opie Jo” R35_78B/223_172 crit Ane Be JON LE ad Gam Be AN ODES teal peal CaF ay pee ee Heeb y B55) 3 Sal ale Tadhg eal be gegale glaash Sho} Beton eb gal als” 3 clad pall joel gag Wyle te tet oon Yh antl soit, <835788/2I3_1T2 gah padi all Pa AMA oh pai phe dye! L3BAES7 oe 1OBT cag wh tenga fe 59 eee gli ne pil $ jlae tbl ARSED y aE Sl Syl ae Sse 1 IS Bi lS be 2h an yg pals blll ae ceed” cob te Aamo sh pial GLY Al! 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Laakll de ph ones ety Jobe ol LL Re gab ay all Ota oe oe GB Lal all os de get gk corel at og aU & 5) (Unesco) gladly aitisl) ited does i coals” pldl fest" fy pone oe Mae gl HALL ott sd AAS de 1, YL "Cf Michact Brett, « Arabs, Berbers and Holy Men ii Southern [riqiva 630- 7506/1250-1350 Ad» dans Cahiers de Tunisie, 29. (1981) p. 533-559 : id. « The Flood of the Dam and the Sons of the New Moon » dans Mélanges offerts a Mohamed Talbi 4 occasion de son 7? anniversaire. Manouba, 1993, p. 55-67, tééd. dans dba Khaldoun and the Medieval Maghreb, Sydney-Ashgate, Variorum Reprints, 1999. id. « The Way of the Nomad » dans Bulletin of the School of The Oriental and African Studies, 58, (1995) p. 251-269, rééd. dans bn Khaldoun. Le cas iffigien ct tripolitain étudié par M. Brett dans « Iftiqiva as Market for Saharan Trade from the Tenth to the Twelfth Centry A.D » dans Journal of African Uisiory. 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