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Short dialogues to learn from


Dialogue 1
A: Good evening, Mr. Gray! How are you?
B: Oh, Mrs. Salmon, I’m glad to see you! Everything goes well!
A: You look tired…
B: Yes, I’m just coming home from work. Today I was very busy.
A: What's new in your company?
B: Nothing interesting. Sorry, but I have to go now, I have to get up early tomorrow.
A: Oh, surely! Good night! See you soon!
B: Goodbye.

Dialogue 2
A: Ann! Ann, it’s me, Suzy! Don’t you recognize me?
B: Ah, Suzy, it’s you, certainly! I haven’t seen you for ages! Before you had dark hair!
A: Yes, I’ve just dyed and cut my hair.
B: You look very nice with your new hairstyle!
A: Really? Do you think so?
B: Undoubtedly!

Dialogue 3
A: Good afternoon, Mrs. Parkinson! Fancy meeting you here! This is a small world!
B: O, Mrs. Brown, I’m glad to see you! How are you?
A: Pretty well, thank you. Please meet my eldest daughter Jane.
B: Jane! I can’t recognize her! She has grown up so fast, I remember her as she was two years
old! Are you here for a long time?
A: We arrived to my friend Kate, she’s a dentist. I think, we’ll stay here for a couple of weeks.
B: Then I think we'll meet again! Let’s go to the café tomorrow evening?
A: Great idea! So, see you tomorrow!

Dialogue 4
A: Hi, Sam! What’s new?
B: Hi, Tim, I became an uncle, my sister gave birth, can you imagine?
A: Congratulations! You must be very happy?
B: I even can’t describe my feelings!
A: Give my regards to your sister!
B: With great pleasure!

Consent. Refusal /
Dialogue 2
A: Maggie, let’s go to the cinema on Thursday!
B: Unfortunately, I can’t, Jack. I will be busy with my homework.
A: And what about Friday evening? I’ll take you home after movie.
B: Oh, I’m afraid it’s impossible! My mother asked me to stay at home with my little
brother on Friday.
A: I think, you just don’t want to go to the movies with me!
B: It’s not true! I want, but I can’t. I can go with you on Sunday!
А: Excellent!
Congratulations, wishes. Invitation
Dialogue 3
A: Hi, Kris, what are you going to do tomorrow evening?
B: I have no plans for the evening.
A: I want to invite you to a restaurant! Can you keep me company?
B: Wow, restaurant! With great pleasure. What’s the reason of your invitation?
A: I got a job, and want to celebrate this event!
B: Oh, congratulations!
You are lucky. As an English proverb says: Every dog has his day.

Dialogue 5
A: Good morning, Carmen. How about going for a cup of coffee this afternoon? May I
invite you to the cafe?
B: Good idea! Let’s go!
A: May I offer you an ice cream?
B: No, thanks! I'm afraid to catch a cold.
A: Well, then we'll take a cake for dessert.
B: When shall we meet?
A: I’ll make a break for dinner at 3 o’clock
B: Ok, it suits me. See you later then.
A: Bye!

Dialogue 6
A: Hello, Grace, how are you? Fancy meeting you here! I haven’t seen you for ages!
B: Hello, Hanna. Nice to meet you! Everything goes well, imagine, I’m going to
get married this month! I’m so happy! But I have so many things to do!

A: O, dear Grace, I'm so happy for you! Have you already got acquainted with your
bridegroom’s parents?

B: Yes, sure. They are very nice and kind people. We met together in the restaurant last
Wednesday. My mum liked my future motherin-law.

A: What is your future husband’s parents’occupation?

B: They have their own family business.

Appearance. Character /Внешность. Характер

Language. Nationality. Origin. /
Язык. Национальность. Происхождение.

Dialogue 1
A: Hi, Julia! I’m going to the ice rink with Hanna this evening, let’s go with us! I know
you like skating!
B: Hello, Erica! Great idea! Of course, I will! But I can’t remember, what Hanna are you
speaking about?
A: Well, Hanna, my cousin!
B: Your cousin? As I remember, she hates all kinds of sport! She is plump and eats many
A: O, you've not seen her for ages! She has changed a lot. She decided to lose weight.
Moreover, she walks the talk. Now she eats only healthy food, goes to the gym and to the
swimming pool twice a week!
B: Wow! I'm surprised! And how does she look now?
A: Now she looks like her mother: very slim and trim. Now she is lovely.
B: I think you are proud of her!
A: Sure, she is a girl of character.
B: Exactly! I have a friend, Mary, who’s been struggling with excess weight for many
years, but it does not work! She continues to eat junk food and stays at home all the day
in front of TV!
A: Oh, Julia, as the proverb says: “Never judge by appearances”. I think she needs a
strong motivation!

Dialogue 2
(In the police office)
A: Officer, I remember well the robber’s appearance!
B: Well, I’m listening to you carefully and record all the details.
A: He had a strange unhealthy complexion. He was snub-nosed, and had a birth-mark on
his neck.
B: Well, something else? What about his general physical appearance?
A: Ok, he was a well-built man of medium height.
B: It is good that you remember his appearance so clearly. Would you recognize him, if
you saw him again?
A: Yes, sure!

Dialogue 3
A: Have you ever met Helen?
B: I think so, but I don’t remember what she looks like.
A: Helen is a very beautiful woman, and she has a fascinating smile. But she has a
terrible temper: she is the most egoistic woman that I’ve ever met.
B: Oh, now I remember her! She thinks a lot of herself, exactly! However, her charm is
A: I don’t think so. Inner beauty is more important for me than physical one.

Dialogue 4
A: Well, you have to answer some questions for your profile. How can you describe your
B: So, I’m not very tall, not thin and not fat. I can say, that I’m fit, because I like sport
and active lifestyle. I have an open and friendly face. My friends say that I have a
fascinating smile. I have pretty dimpled cheeks.
A: What is your hairstyle?
B: I have long straight blond hair, and I usually tie my hair in a ponytail. My mother says
that I look like Rapunzel.
A: Very nice. Please give us a touch on your character.
B: I am a careless girl. My disadvantage is that I’m a very trustful person, I can’t
understand when somebody tells me a lie. I always take things lightly. And I’m a real
chatterbox! I can talk on the phone for hours! Moreover, I’m very curious. My mum used
to tell me: “Curiosity killed the cat.”
A: Thanks for your answers! Now you have to add your photo to the profile.
B: Can I take a photo with my web camera?
A: Yes, sure!

Dialogue 5
A: Hi, Sam! Nice to meet you! Please meet my junior sister, Anastasia.
B: I’m glad to see you, Anastasia! How are you?
C: Nice to meet you too! I’m fine, thanks!
B: Ann, there is no likeness at all between you and Anastasia! She has rather dark brown
hair and green eyes, and you have blond hair and grey eyes!
A: Yes, I know. That’s because she looks like our mother. She takes after mum
in appearance and character. On the contrary, I look like our father.
B: So that’s it! Anastasia, how old are you?
С: I’m twenty! Ann is one year older than me.
B: Oh, you look young for your age!

Dialogue 6
A: Sara, have you heard that Tailor has broken up with Bella?
B: Yes, I have. He is the most shameless man in the world! His love comes and goes like
the wind! However, I wouldn’t mention that to Jessica if I were you.
A: Why not? She seems to be able to keep her mouth shut!
B: I don’t think so. She is a double-faced person. I know her like a real gossipmonger!
A: Well, if that’s the case, I’ll take your advice.

Dialogue 7
A: Hi, let me introduce myself, my name is Thomas, Tom for short. It’s my first day in
the language camp. And what about you?
B: Hi, Thomas. I’m Raj, nice to meet you. I've been staying here for a whole week. I’m
from India. And where are you from?
A: I’m from Ireland, Dublin. You speak English very well! Is it your native language?
B: No, my native language is Hindi. English is the second official language in our
country. Moreover, I have studied this language for six years at the university. And now,
I practice English in the camp a lot.
A: That’s great! As for me, English is my native language, and I can speak German a

Dialogue 9
A: You have to go through passport control now.
B: Well. Good morning, officer!
C: Good morning. Do you speak English?
B: Yes, a little bit.
C: Ok, what is your name? Where are you from?
B: My name is Anna Medvedeva, I’m from Belarus.
C: What is the purpose of your trip?
B: Tourism. I have a tourist voucher.

Dialogue 1
A: Hi, Mary! I saw your new photos on Facebook yesterday! You were wearing a very
pretty dress. Where have you been?
B: Hi, Kate! I was at a wedding party! Can you imagine, Nina and George finally got
A: Wow! I’m really surprised! If I'm not mistaken, Nina has been going out with George
for five years!
B: No, you're confused! George broke up with his ex-girlfriend, Clare, only three years
ago. He couldn’t get Clare off his mind for the whole year! And only at the last
Christmas party he met Nina. I think, it was love at first sight.
A: Sure, I remember that now. Yes, he was head over heels in love with Nina! They are
so cute!
B: Exactly! Now, they are a very beautiful just-married couple!

Dialogue 2
A: Sam, do you know Grace? She is Peter’s cousin.
B: Yes, sure. We are old friends. Why do you ask?
A: Can you introduce me to Grace? I’m afraid I have a crush on her. We first met at the
prom last week. That evening she made eyes at me, but I didn’t dare to introduce myself.
Now I regret this.
B: No problem! She is really an attractive girl!
A: Can you tell me something about her? What is her hobby, what does she like?
B: Well, she learns how to play the flute and she likes painting.
A: Oh, there is a romantic dash about it.
Dialogue 4
A: Hi, Bob! Do you know, what’s happened to Ryan? He is a little bit strange recently!
B: I’m not sure, but I suppose, he is lovesick. He is in love with Alice. But they are not
made for each other!
A: Why not?
B: Oh, Alice is engaged to Michael, didn't you know? They have been dating for three
A: Poor Ryan! I mean it is one-side love! I think his heart is broken!
B: I see. But love can’t be forced.
A: I think, he has to get Alice off his mind!

A: Привет, Боб! Ты не знаешь, что случилось с Райаном? Он какой-то странный в

последнее время!
B: Я не уверен, но предполагаю, что он томится от любви. Он влюблен в Элис. Но
они не созданы друг для друга!
A: Почему нет?
B: О, Элис помолвлена с Майклом, ты разве не знал? Они встречаются целых три
A: Бедный Райан! Это безответная любовь! Я думаю, его сердце разбито!
B: Да. Но насильно мил не будешь.
A: Я думаю, он должен выбросить Эллис из головы!
Dialogue 5
A: Hi, Karina! I haven’t seen you for ages! How is everything going?
B: Hi, Mary! Not bad, everything’s Ok!
A: Not bad? Are you serious? I’ve heard that you are a very lucky girl! Clare told me,
that you’re finally dating Tim! We all know, that Tim is the most handsome guy in our
B: Ah, Clare is such a gossipmonger! That was a secret!
A: Oh, come on! Why are you so embarrassed? I really envy you for finding such a nice
fellow! You can tell me what you are feeling about him!
B: You are right. I’m not boasting, but he is really very well-built, handsome and
intelligent. I’m in love over head and ears with him!

Dialogue 6
A: Kate, can you keep a secret?
B: Yes, sure! You know me, I’m the most discreet person in the world!
A: Promise not to tell anyone?
B: I won’t tell a single soul! I’m not a gossipmonger!
A: Well, I’ve just seen Ken, and he told me, that he has finally broken up with Ann.
B: Oh no! It must have broken her heart! What’s happened?
A: I think, he never had any feeling for her!
B: Poor Ann! She loved him tenderly.

Everyday routine / Ежедневные дела

Dialogue 1
A: Gloria, our parents left for two weeks on vacation. So, we need to share our
responsibilities around the house. What will you take?
B: Ann, you are the older sister, therefore do all the duties about the house with yourself!
I go to school every day, have to wake up early, have a lot of homework; I even have no
free time!
A: Gloria, I don't want to quarrel with you. I also have a busy schedule! I wake up at
seven o’clock every weekday, go to work, have no time for break, come home late in the
evening and go to bed at once! We need to compromise!
B: Well, I’m sorry. Please forgive me! I can sweep the flat twice a week; wash up on
Mondays and Wednesdays, and go to the grocery store.
A: Well, that's better! I can cook something for supper; iron our linen, and walk the dog!
I also can dust on Sundays.
B: Thank you! You know, that I’m not feeling much like cooking!

Dialogue 2
A: Good afternoon, Molly! Nice to meet you! How is your husband’s health? You look
B: Oh, glad to see you, my dear Lily! I feel like a squirrel in a wheel! Peter is still sick,
and I have to do all the household chores! I need to take the kids to school, go to the
grocery store, clean all the house and cook for the
whole family!
A: Ah, poor Molly! Do your children help you about the house?
B: Yes, they do. Sam helps me to wash up, and Mary tries to help me with cooking, but it
is a drop in the ocean!
A: If you want, I can help you on Wednesdays and Fridays!
B: Thank you! But it’snot necessary now. Tomorrow my sister Grace
will come to help me around the house!

Dialogue 4
A: Hi, Penny, what are your household chores?
B: Hi, Nastya. Usually I vacuum the carpets, do the washing-up and cook. But sometimes
my mum also asks me to change the linen in all the bedrooms.
A: Oh, I also have much to do about the house! I have to sweep the floor and dust the
B: I really envy Ann, her parents are paying for a housecleaner, so she has nothing to do
around the house!

Leisure / Отдых
Dialogue 7
A: Let's go to the night club at this weekend and watch a show?
B: I think it's better to go camping. The weather is warm today. We can have a good time
in the open air.
A: It's a good idea! I'm fond of camping.
B: Let's discuss our plan.
A: I suggest that we stop by the lake, it’s very beautiful there and there is a convenient
place to pitch a tent.
B: I’ll take my fishing rod. I like fishing, and we can cook fish soup.
A: And I’ll take rackets to play badminton. It will be a nice weekend.

Dialogue 8
A: Do you like to spend your holidays at the seaside?
B: Yes, of course!
A: What kind of rest do you like?
B: I like to feel calm and deeply relaxed. I like walking along the beach and watching
A: And I enjoy more active pastime. I like diving, surfing, water-skiing.
B: It leads to adrenalin rush! Это вызывает выброс адреналина!
A: That's right!

Weather / Погода
Dialogue 1
A: Hi, Marina. It's hot today, how are you feeling?
B: I feel really tired. I can't adapt to this heat. What do I have to do?
A: Yeah, like the whole world is broiling. /Да, будто весь мир плавится от жары./You
have to take shower and drink much water.
B: I can’t stand the heat at all. I’d like to be in the mountains now.
A: Well, as for me, I think hot weather better than cold.

Dialogue 2
A: Hi, Kate! What a beautiful day!
B: Hi! I thought that it would be terrible weather today.
A: It was in the morning.
B: What is the weather forecast for today?
A: The weather is getting warmer. Today it will be clear and hot weather — probably
about 20 °C.
B: The summer is coming. Where will you go on holidays?
A: I think I`ll go to the sea. Would you like to join me?

Dialogue 3
A: Hi, Ben! Nice to hear from you! It’s hard frost today, isn’t it?
B: Yeah, I feel terribly cold. Sorrow and ill weather come unsent for. The weather is
getting colder.
A: Forecasters say the temperature will drop to 20 degrees below zero. I would not like to
be frostbitten.
B: And I’ve heard a sudden snowfall is quite possible. But I enjoy the cold weather.
Winter is my favourite season.

Диалог 3
A: Привет, Бен! Рада слышать тебя. Сегодня сильный мороз, неправда ли?
B: Да, я ужасно замерз. Беду не ждут, она сама приходит. Становится все холоднее.
A:. Синоптики говорят, что температура упадет до 20-ти градусов ниже нуля. Не
хотелось бы обморозиться.
B: А я слышал, есть вероятность сильного снегопада. Но мне нравится холодная
погода. Зима – мое любимое время года.

Dialogue 4
A: While I was walking in the forest, I was chilled to the bone. What a severe winter we
have this year!
B: Yes, it’s bitterly cold. I didn't go skiing with my friends because of such weather.
A: The weather is so changeable this year. I can't get used to it.
B: Would you like to drink coffee to get warm?
A: With pleasure!

Dialogue 7
A: What an awful day, isn’t it? It's been raining very hard all day.
B: And I forgot my umbrella. I'm wet through to the skin.
A: Such a weather makes someone want to stay inside! The sky is gray and gloomy, the
sun hid behind the clouds.
B: How much impact does weather have on people’s health and mood?
A: I think rainy weather leads to gloominess and depression.
B: We have to adapt to weather changes.

Dialogue 3
A: Good afternoon! How can I help you?
B: Good afternoon! Can I exchange money in your bank?
A: Yes, we can do this. What currency are you interested in?
B: I want to exchange US dollars to euros.
A: And how much money do you want to exchange?
B: 1000 dollars. What is the exchange rate today?
A: The exchange rate of one dollar equals one point twenty five euros.
B: Thank you.

Dialogue 5
A: Honey, we have to go shopping today.
B: Have you made a shopping list?
A: Not yet. I'm thinking about it. We haven't got much meat, we've run out of butter and
B: And we have to go to the cake shop and buy French muffins for breakfast.
A: I'm ready, honey. We can go.

Dialogue 9
A: Good afternoon! How can I help you?
B: I'm looking for a blouse and trousers for the party.
A: We have a great choice. Let's have a look.
B: I like this model, I would like the same but of another colour.
A: All colours you can see in this section. I've chosen you the trousers of appropriate
style. Would you like to try them on?
B: Yes, of course. Where are the changing rooms?
A: They are over there.
B: Thank you. All clothes suit me. I take both. Thank you for help.
A: You are welcome.

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